Mandatory signs of early pregnancy. Tubal ectopic pregnancy - symptomatology. The tenth sign of early pregnancy is skin changes

Physiological changes in a woman's body in the first week of pregnancy, feelings of a future mother, which are found in most women.

The surest signs of a successful conception are, of course, a test with such a long-awaited two strips and the absence of menstruation. But not everyone is ready to wait a whole month in order to find out the news about the cherished pregnancy. After all, from the very first days one wants to be sure that the beginning of a new life has been successfully laid.

Having found one or even several signs in yourself, do not rush to conclusions about early pregnancy. All of these symptoms can be caused by completely different reasons, not related to pregnancy. For example, some of the symptoms are characteristic of PMS.

Some of these signs appear in the first weeks of pregnancy, but do not come all at once, but alternate, or do not come at all. Therefore, many women do not even know about the pleasant reason for mild ailment.

  1. Nausea... As a rule, it occurs in the first month of pregnancy and usually occurs in the morning, and it can develop into vomiting. But each organism reacts to early pregnancy in its own way: some happy pregnant women do not even know what it is, while others, on the contrary, suffer throughout the entire period.
  2. Change in mood... The familiar environment is annoying, does it seem that your family and colleagues deliberately piss you off with their usual behavior? The mood changes once a minute: an advertisement with a cat causes tears of affection, and thirty seconds later you are furious because of not enough sweet coffee? Are those around you subtly hinting that something is wrong with you? Or are they already talking about it directly? It is worth considering! Maybe you are really in a "very interesting position"?
  3. Drowsiness, weakness throughout the body... You get enough sleep, do not overwork, in a good mood, but your strength becomes less and less, you can even faint. Fatigue and malaise can be signs of pregnancy - the body throws all its strength on hormonal changes, and this requires a lot of energy.
  4. Swelling of the mammary glands... Among the indirect signs of pregnancy, this one is the most revealing. Has your breasts started to increase in size, have you become more sensitive to even the lightest touches? Such a change is observed already from the second week of pregnancy, and a little later, the nipples darken.
  5. Frequent urge to use the toilet. If you begin to notice frequent urge to use the toilet, this may also indicate early pregnancy. Everything is understandable: the enlarged uterus presses on the bladder, hence the desire to go "in a small way"
  6. Changing eating habits. We are talking about the well-known cravings of pregnant women for salty or spicy. This often indicates an increased need for certain vitamins in the body. If you salivate at the sight of pickled cucumbers, then you need vitamin C; if you crave beer unbearably, then there is a shortage of B vitamins. By the way, beer will have to be replaced with black bread, liver, legumes - these products are just rich in essential B vitamins.
  7. Change in appetite. Because of nausea and weakness, you don't feel like eating at all, or, on the contrary, are you emptying the refrigerator, eating everything that comes into your field of vision? This could be a sign of pregnancy.
  8. Reaction to odors. Many women at a very early date acquire well, just an inhuman scent! Familiar smells become so disgusting to them that they throw away their perfumes, shower gels and creams. Often, pregnant women simply choke on cigarette smoke, even if they smoke themselves.
  9. Elevated basal temperature. This sign is indirect. A high temperature can be after sex, during a period of stress, or it can signal a developing disease in a woman's body. If the basal temperature rises, you need to make sure that this is a sign of pregnancy, and not an illness.
  10. Feeling chills or fever. The feeling of being hot or cold several times a day is one of the clearest early signs of pregnancy. Especially if this happens regardless of the air temperature and how warm or lightly you are dressed.
  11. Change in libido. Many women notice noticeable changes in sexual activity both in the first month after conception and throughout the entire period of gestation. Moreover, both an increase in libido and a complete decrease in libido are characteristic.
  12. Discomfort while sitting. Literally in the first days after conception, a woman does not leave a strange sensation: it becomes more and more difficult to find a comfortable position, even in the softest chair.
  13. Profuse salivation. Profuse salivation is rare, not every pregnancy accompanies, but in some women it can be very pronounced.
  14. Tingling sensation in the uterus. Sometimes slight tingling or throbbing in the lower abdomen is noticeable. These sensations shouldn't be painful.
  15. Back pain. There is a sharp "shooting" pain in the lower back, which can sometimes radiate to the legs.
  16. Headaches and migraines. Severe headaches in the first weeks after conception can begin even in those who have experienced them in very rare cases before.

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External changes

Some changes in the body of a pregnant woman affect her appearance. Of course, the expectant mother herself, accustomed to seeing herself in the mirror every day, does not always notice such changes. But to those around them, most likely, they seem very obvious.

Physiological changes

Failures and disturbances in the activity of systems and organs always cause anxiety in a woman. In fact, this may be the first reaction of the body to the conception that has occurred.

Some of these changes can be recorded by the results of laboratory tests.

1 Bloody vaginal discharge... Approximately 7-12 days after conception, minor impurities of a pinkish or yellowish color may appear in normal secretions. This happens when the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity.

2 Growth of the hCG hormone. An increased level of this hormone indicates that the pregnancy has indeed occurred. You can determine the level of hCG by donating blood at any antenatal clinic or clinic.

Tests can give a positive result even before the first delay in menstruation:

3 Increased vaginal discharge The increased blood flow in the pelvic organs leads to an increase in vaginal secretion.

4 Thrush... The increased secretion provides excellent conditions for the propagation of candida fungi - the causative agents of thrush. There is a characteristic itching and cheesy discharge. Thrush must be treated according to your doctor's instructions.

5 Reduced immunity. Your body now has a double load, so the immune forces can fail. A runny nose, pharyngitis and other manifestations of a mild cold are possible.

All of the above signs and symptoms are relevant for women of all ages. It is worth noting that phlegmatic and balanced women, as a rule, rarely notice the first "bells" of the body about the onset of pregnancy. And in hot-tempered women with a high emotional background, the signs of successful conception are much more pronounced.

Explicit symptoms are usually noted in cases when the expectant mother's pregnancy is the first. Also, women with chronic gynecological diseases may feel more pain in the lower back and tingling in the uterus.

Interesting! Toxicosis during pregnancy - what to do?

Boy or girl? Determine the gender of the child

It is interesting that your condition at the very beginning of pregnancy may indicate the gender of the child:

Extremity temperature

There is a sensation of heat in the legs. In this case, a reduced temperature of the skin is observed.

Feeling of chills with increased skin temperature.


Appetite increases from the first days of conception. There is a desire to eat foods rich in protein (meat, fish).

Decreased appetite or even a complete lack of it. Light snacks and fruit salads are becoming more preferred.


Well-being, normal performance. Some women may have a noticeable increase in physical activity.

Frequent mood swings, increased fatigue, confusion of thoughts and actions.


Improved skin color and condition, increased hair and nail growth.

The swelling of the face is more pronounced, pallor of the skin is possible.


Nausea and vomiting are practically absent. Mild nausea is possible, especially in the morning.

Almost regular morning sickness, sometimes accompanied by vomiting.


Mainly the lower abdomen is rounded.

Early signs of pregnancy are perhaps the only signs that can signal the expectant mother about the onset of a long-awaited event. The first signs of the first pregnancy are understood as the reaction of the female body to hormonal changes, which begins immediately after conception. However, each organism is individual and reacts in its own way to internal changes. It is possible that the physical signs of pregnancy in an individual woman will not appear for a long time, while in another they will make themselves felt fully already in the first month. Each symptom of pregnancy, its nature and time of appearance depend exclusively on each organism individually.

Every sensual woman who dreams of a child is herself able to notice and uniquely identify the signs of pregnancy long before the delay. A large amount of read literature, observation and careful preparation make the first signs of pregnancy in the first week unambiguous identifiers of the onset of a wonderful event in the family.

  1. Small bleeding.

In the first days, and in some weeks of pregnancy, a fertilized egg is implanted deep into the walls of the uterus for the further formation of the fetus. This process is accompanied by early pregnancy symptoms - pink minor smears, called implantation bleeding in gynecology, which begin to appear even before the delay. This sign of pregnancy before delay is manifested in 80% of women. Such a seemingly insignificant symptom should not be discounted if there is a possibility of an early pregnancy. Often, women perceive this for menstrual flow and find out about their position when the first signs of pregnancy become more.

  1. Increased basal temperature.

Basal temperature is the lowest level of body temperature that it drops to during sleep. Measuring such a temperature is not an easy process for an unprepared person, and an important part of its correct determination is the state of complete rest after sleep. While at complete rest without movement, insert the thermometer in the supine state directly into the rectum. During ovulation, a woman's basal temperature rises to 37 ° C and above. Then she gradually bounces back. In pregnant women, it remains at the same level for the entire period of gestation. The first and one of the most reliable signs of the first pregnancy is not a falling basal temperature. However, there are exceptions - during various kinds of inflammation and diseases, it can also be slightly increased.

  1. Breast changes.

One of the early signs of pregnancy is breast enlargement, which increases its sensitivity. Also, one of the symptoms of early pregnancy before the delay is the possible darkening of the circles around the nipples and the release of a small amount of fluid from the nipples.

  1. Rapid fatigue, change in tastes, sensitivity to odors.

Many women, one of the first signs of pregnancy, begin to feel fatigue and drowsiness in the first week, their sense of smell and taste preferences become more acute.

  1. Nausea.

One of the early, but unnecessary symptoms of pregnancy before delay is nausea. It does not manifest itself in every woman and does not manifest itself in all the same. For example, along with its absolute absence, it can be small in the morning or ubiquitous - all day. In any case, it all depends on the individual hormonal changes and the characteristics of the body of the expectant mother.

  1. Frequent urination.

Already in the first week of pregnancy, mothers will observe such a sign as more frequent urge to use the toilet. This symptom is associated with the release of the so-called pregnancy hormone by the fetus. It allows blood to circulate quickly in the pelvic area, which leads to apparent filling of the bladder and signaling urination.

  1. Minor cold.

A normal sign of pregnancy in the female body, which can be unequivocally determined before the delay, is a slight cold discomfort. This is due to the fact that the body is deliberately weakened a little during pregnancy so that the developing fetus is not rejected. It is for this reason that a woman's health is so susceptible to diseases during the prenatal period.

The listed early pregnancy symptoms can clearly indicate to the expectant mother her position even before the delay. Depending on the characteristics of the organism and the state, each of them, from a scientific point of view, can manifest itself to one degree or another or be absent altogether. In addition, there are a number of subjective signs and symptoms of pregnancy, which are rather determined by the intuition that awaits a woman's happy event than can be unambiguously determined from a medical point of view. For example, such an early sign of pregnancy as a fish dreamed the day before is a common folk omen, but it has no scientific justification at all.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy after delay

  1. Mild abdominal cramps.

Pains such as the first signs of the first pregnancy determine the tone of the uterus changing for the future development of the fetus. This contraction of the uterus is completely normal and occurs not only in pregnant women, but also in women during the premenstrual period. Such contractions become especially frequent before regular bleeding and with the threat of loss. Therefore, pregnant women need to carefully monitor such spasms, their frequency and frequency. Expecting such symptoms in the early stages, it is better for women to stock up on mild antispasmodic drugs, but in no case to abuse them.

  1. An increase in the number of secretions.

Hormonal changes in the body, in connection with the preparation for growing the fetus, cause an increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood, which is responsible for the natural separation of cervical mucus. It is possible, but not necessary, an increase in discharge in a pregnant woman, although every third woman has such a pregnancy symptom. A small amount of colorless or slightly pink, stretching mucus should never be confused with vaginal bleeding. If it seems to you that your periods are too scanty, take an additional pregnancy test.

  1. Lack of menstruation.

In the current time of dynamics and stress, not all women immediately pay attention to the delay. Often, a failure in the schedule of menstrual bleeding for several days can be a habitual reaction to stress and an irregular lifestyle of a woman. If the delay lasts more than 7 days, be sure to see a doctor or take a pregnancy test. In a pregnant woman, regular menstrual bleeding is absent throughout the entire period, and the cycle is restored only 2 to 3 months after childbirth.

  1. Positive result.

In the pharmacy, the so-called preliminary, 99% reliable pregnancy tests, there are two positions: one strip and two. Pregnancy is confirmed when you see two clear stripes on the applicator. There are cases of controversial states - when the identifiers are seen implicitly on the applicator, or two states are simultaneously shown. This can happen in the first weeks after a miscarriage, with a frozen and ectopic pregnancy, or with some congenital abnormalities. In any case, having seen such a picture, it is better to seek an additional examination from a doctor or take the test again - perhaps this is a marriage of the applicator itself.

  1. Examination by a gynecologist.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the symptom of an enlarged uterus is still difficult to notice. In this case, it can be determined only with a vaginal examination. Whereas already in the second trimester, the uterus becomes large enough for external examination on the couch, which is what the gynecologist does at each visit of the expectant mother to the appointment. Such regular appointments with a doctor are essential to monitor the correct development of the fetus. Already after 5 gynecological weeks, obvious signs of pregnancy are a bluish tint of the labia, deviation of the cervix, deformation of the uterus to a circular state and a constant increase in size.

  1. Analyzes.

At the first signs of pregnancy, many women preparing to become mothers immediately do a urine and blood test. In such cases, there is no need for a pregnancy test because the likelihood of a correct result through a medical urine test is greater. In such tests, the level of gonadotropin, a hormone that is released during pregnancy, is determined. Its level begins to increase from the first days of conception and by 11 weeks increases several thousand times. It reaches the required concentration for measurement 7 days after conception, therefore, it is recommended that preliminary pregnancy tests be carried out during this period.

  1. Ultrasound examination.

The appearance of the first signs of pregnancy before the delay does not guarantee 100% the pregnancy itself. The fact is that the egg after fertilization is fixed on the wall of the uterus and only then the development of the embryo begins. But even this fertilized egg, which is immediately visible on ultrasound, does not give absolute guarantees of its development into a fetus. At a later date, when the doctor confirms the formation and growth of the embryo, it is possible to accurately confirm the female pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy: pregnancy test

The first signs of pregnancy: principles and differences of pregnancy tests

Immunochromatographic analysis is the determination of the level of gonadotropin in the human body. All pregnancy tests are based on such a urine analysis, so they differ only in the way they are presented, the level of quality and competent marketing. From the first day after the appearance of a fertilized egg in a woman's body, glycoprotein begins to be produced by the placenta in large quantities. Before the onset of the planned menstruation, its amount in the blood reaches the required level to diagnose pregnancy using a test. However, there are exceptions in the timing and amount of accumulation of gonadotropin, for example, with pathological features of the uterine cavity, the timing of ovulation and the development of the embryo. In this case, the test may show not entirely reliable information, but for this there are more reliable symptoms of pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy: the composition of the pregnancy test

The applicator looks like a small stick with an active strip. The strip is coated with gonadotropin hormone with labeled antibody strips at the pregnancy control sites. When urine comes into contact with the active components, a chemical reaction occurs, and in the test areas there are pronounced lines corresponding to your condition.

Pregnancy Test Kit Kit:

  • an applicator with an active strip for dough in a protective, moisture-proof sealed package;
  • special absorbers to protect against moisture;
  • instructions with mandatory rules for storage and use.

Be sure to check the packaging date of the test before purchasing it at the pharmacy. Be sure to store it in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 28 ° C. Prepare for the test - bring the urine sample to room temperature. A pregnancy test can be carried out at any time from 3 days. For the very first days and weeks, use morning urine - it is believed that the concentration of gonadotropin is highest in the morning.

  • be sure to collect urine in a dry, clean container immediately before testing;
  • the amount of urine must be sufficient to completely immerse the strip;
  • in no case should the urine sample be shaken or tilted while the test strip is there and before;
  • never reuse the sample.

The first signs of pregnancy: how to take a pregnancy test

  1. Carefully open the protective bag and remove the strip with dry hands.
  2. In a container with a previously prepared sample, lower the strip to the limit line indicated by the arrows.
  3. After 1 - 2 minutes, remove the strip and place it on a horizontal dry surface.
  4. You can determine the result in 5 - 7 minutes. If the period is early or there is no delay yet and the likelihood of pregnancy is minimal, it is recommended to wait up to 10 minutes before checking. In the early stages, the amount of gonadotropin is not yet very large, so the second strip may appear unclear or an order of magnitude later than the intended date.

The first signs of pregnancy: determining the results

  1. Negative result: the appearance of only one bright pink strip in the test control zone.
  2. Positive result: in this case, two bright stripes appear on the test in both control zones.
  3. If you carried out all the manipulations consistently and correctly, and not a single line appeared on the strip, it means that the test was initially defective or stitched, and the analysis must be repeated with the help of another, higher-quality specimen.

The first signs of pregnancy: early diagnosis of pregnancy

Despite such an abundance of early signs and symptoms of pregnancy before delay, all of them to one degree or another are subjective and contradictory. The fact is that each of them can be the cause of things completely unrelated to pregnancy. Often, symptoms can be confused with similar ones for various diseases, pathologies. Be the consequences of elementary disorders of the endocrine glands, side effects of taking medications, nervous tension, etc. Such contradictions can mislead not only a woman dreaming of a child, but also a professional doctor. In order to unambiguously conclude the cause of the first symptoms of pregnancy, as a result of hormonal changes during pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnostic examination. Such tests usually include: visual examination, ultrasound, blood and urine tests for chronic gonadotropin. But even after the presence of a fertilized egg in a woman's body has been unambiguously determined, the comprehensive analysis does not end there.

To determine the viability of the egg and its correct fixation on the walls of the uterus, it is also necessary to examine the place of fixation and the presence of a heartbeat in the fetus.

The first signs of pregnancy: imaginary pregnancy and its signs

In medical practice, there are cases when all the early signs of pregnancy are present, but there is no actual pregnancy. This usually happens among the fair sex, who have long but unsuccessfully dreamed of pregnancy, and among women who are clearly afraid of this event. The differences between these signs and really pregnant women are in the nature of their origin. If the expectant mother's symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy are associated with a global restructuring of the hormonal background, then the imaginary pregnant women can have a variety of reasons. From stress and depression, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, infections and diseases, malnutrition and general poor condition - to an elementary hormonal imbalance that has nothing to do with pregnancy. But the desire for pregnancy, or his fear can create an identical state of illusion of this event. In this case, only a comprehensive medical examination for the presence of a fertilized egg will dispel all doubts and dot the “i's”. Therefore, if you find early pregnancy symptoms before your period is delayed, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the general picture. If the pregnancy is still confirmed, it will need to be correctly diagnosed, additional tests, observation and appropriate treatment for signs of pregnancy that create discomfort will be necessary.

The first signs of pregnancy. Video

A friend told me that after 2 days from conception, she felt that she was pregnant and this confidence grew stronger in her every day.

But I, with my three pregnancies, guessed about each of them only after a delay.

Nevertheless, if conception has taken place in the body, then restructuring begins and you can notice the earliest signs of pregnancy and then, only to confirm the guess with a pregnancy test or donating blood to the level of hCG.

When to expect the first symptoms of pregnancy?

If you are a sensitive type of women, then within a week after conception you may notice the early symptoms of your situation.

Interesting! It happens that a woman knows the date of conception with an accuracy of the day, although she did not deliberately plan a pregnancy, it just seems that you are not alone.

Conventionally, all signs of pregnancy can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Signs of pregnancy before menstruation is delayed,
  2. Signs after delayed menstruation.

Let's deal with those and others, so that you do not worry in vain and can determine the pregnancy that has taken place.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

Subjective sensations

The onset of pregnancy is possible only after ovulation. This happens in every woman differently, but on average 12-14 days after the start of the last menstruation.

But sometimes ovulation can happen earlier or later due to hormonal changes in the body or stress.

Usually ovulation manifests itself in one way or another at the level of the body. If you carefully observe your sensations, you may notice:

  • pulling pain in the side or lower back,
  • an increase in the number of secretions,
  • increased sexual desire.

Even if closeness with your husband was on the day of ovulation, it is too early to look for pregnancy symptoms in the first week after it. And nausea or headache during this period is most likely not associated with the onset of pregnancy.

9-10 days after ovulation, subjective sensations may already appear that can indicate pregnancy:

  • Loss of strength and fatigue.

This is due to a natural decrease in immunity so that the embryo can grow and develop. After all, whatever one may say, but it is a foreign object for your body, but in this way nature has provided for its consolidation and growth inside the mother.

  • Deterioration of general well-being.

Absolutely all expectant mothers face this problem. The cause of increased fatigue is progesterone, the level of which increases dramatically during this period. As a result, you may want to sleep all the time.

This symptom usually accompanies pregnant women until the beginning of the second trimester. However, by the beginning of the third, increased fatigue may return again. In this case, the reason will be an increase in body weight and a growing belly, which often prevents expectant mothers from fully resting at night.

  • Change of mood.

One of the first early signs of pregnancy before delay is mood swings, from tearfulness to excessive joy. Emotions replace each other with an eerie speed and abruptly change from negative to positive. The mood swings will continue throughout the pregnancy. This is normal, but it’s hard for loved ones.

  • Appetite changes.

You may be disgusted with food, or maybe, on the contrary, suffer from brutal hunger and eat non-stop.

  • Taste changes.

Already in the first weeks after the conception occurred, you can notice that some products make you sick, and pulls towards the second. You can start eating non-standard food combinations: herring with oranges is something that is very typical for a moody state of pregnancy.

  • Libido change... Usually, more and more often you want intimacy.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region. This is due to increased blood circulation in the small pelvis.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Dizziness and fainting.

Most often it happens from pressure drops or poor nutrition. During pregnancy, nutrition is more important than ever. Your well-being and the health of your unborn baby will depend on nutrition.

  • Increased breast tenderness. Some women note that they cannot even touch their breasts.
  • Chills or feeling hot, which are constantly replacing each other. In this case, the body temperature does not change;
  • Toxicosis.

Usually, expectant mothers are very scared of possible early attacks of nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. In most cases, pregnant women begin to "muddy" the field of conception by about 4-5 weeks. But sometimes these terms are shifted and early toxicosis occurs already in the first month. In addition to nausea, headaches, pressure surges, apathy, weakness, and unwillingness to take any food may increase.

  • Heartburn.

This symptom refers to those that can occur at the very beginning of pregnancy and accompany the expectant mother until the birth itself. In the early stages, this is due to a sharp change in hormonal levels.

  • Sensitivity to odors... At this time, you may feel disgust for your favorite perfume, and for example, the smell of gasoline or paint will seem quite attractive to you.

Having noticed at least some of the listed signs, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for a test, since even the most expensive and sensitive ones are not able to detect pregnancy earlier than 3 weeks have passed since the start of the menstrual cycle.

External changes

If nausea, headache or changes in appetite are purely individual, then almost all pregnant women pay attention to changes in their appearance immediately after conception. In this case, the following are possible:

  1. Swelling of the hands, feet, or face.
  2. The appearance of acne. This change in appearance is associated with a restructuring of the hormonal background of the expectant mother. Even those who have never experienced it before can develop acne.
  3. Redness of the face, which is associated with increased blood circulation in the body.
  4. Breast augmentation.

The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages include an increase (swelling) of the breast and a change in the shade of the nipples to a darker one.

Sometimes, even before the date of menstruation, a woman may notice that her bra is too small for her. At the same time, even a slight touch on the chest can cause discomfort and even soreness.

  1. Implantation bleeding.

Physiological changes

  • Elevated basal body temperature. If you have been planning a pregnancy for a long time, you are probably familiar with the method of measuring basal temperature. Measuring it throughout the cycle, you can see that in the middle it rises to a value of 37 degrees, and then decreases after a while. If this decline is not observed, then fertilization is likely to have occurred.

Signs of pregnancy after delay

The absence of menstruation - it is this symptom that is the most reliable sign of pregnancy. Therefore, as soon as your period does not start on a certain day, you immediately begin to suspect your new condition.

Although there are a number of reasons that can cause a delay: a change in weather or climatic conditions, stress or overstrain.

All these factors can "postpone" your period by 1 to 5 days. If the delay lasts longer and there are no clear signs of infection, you will most likely be congratulated on a successful conception.

What other changes in your physiological state should lead to the idea of ​​a possible pregnancy?

External changes

  1. Constipation. These may be the first signs of pregnancy after a delay. Intestinal motility slows down due to the hormone progesterone, which relaxes all smooth muscles. This is necessary so that the uterus does not contract and does not reject the entrenched embryo. To cope with constipation, add more vegetables to your diet and drink more water (read the article: Constipation in Pregnancy >>>).
  2. Bloating. Unfortunately, such symptoms can bother mommy throughout pregnancy. Read more about bloating during pregnancy >>>
  3. Tingling in the lower abdomen is an early sign that can indicate 2 conditions:
  • the imminent onset of critical days;
  • completed pregnancy and uterine growth.

Physiological changes

  1. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids, which is associated with increased blood circulation in the pelvic region;
  2. Decrease in blood pressure. This is why some may feel weak, dizzy, or even faint;
  3. Decreased immunity. Most women claim that before finding out about their situation, they caught a runny nose or a viral infection;
  4. Increased salivation. It is often accompanied by nausea;
  5. Frequent urination. This symptom is typical for all pregnant women. The reason for the frequent urination lies in the increase in the volume of circulating blood. Over time, the problem becomes even more aggravated, since the uterus, which is continuously increasing in size, will also join the main cause. It starts to press on the bladder, causing the urge to urinate (see article Frequent urination during pregnancy >>>).

But, if in addition to this, there are other pregnancy symptoms observed before the delay, then, with a high degree of probability, you will soon become a mother.

But, the most important and reliable sign of pregnancy is a delay in the cycle.

As soon as this has happened, you can do a pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG (read the article

You already know how a baby develops in the womb of an expectant mother, what an embryo looks like at each term. And what does a woman feel during pregnancy, how does her condition change, except for the cessation of menstruation, swelling of the mammary glands and an increase in the abdomen? A complete pregnancy calendar will help you find out - from the day of conception to the crucial moment of delivery.

How is a normal pregnancy in the early stages from the first days to 6 weeks

1-5th week

In 1-2 weeks, the oocyte matures. On the 3-4th week, it is fertilized and implanted into the uterus. At 4-5 weeks of the sex calendar of pregnancy, a change in appetite may occur. How is early pregnancy going and how does a woman feel? During this period, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting are possible. Engorgement of the mammary glands occurs. Menses are absent. You can reliably diagnose pregnancy by laboratory and test methods.

Women with thyroid diseases require special attention during this period. They urgently need to see an endocrinologist. Timely prescribed treatment will ensure the correct development of the thyroid gland of the unborn child. We must not forget about medical recommendations.

6th week

For some women, the discomfort this week of the pregnancy calendar may worsen. But what can you do, the reason is hormonal changes in the body, aimed at creating the best conditions for the development of the baby.

If you suffer from heartburn (the reason is the ingress of gastric contents into the esophagus), then eat more often, 6-7 times a day. Try to bend over as little as possible. After eating, walk around the room rather than go to bed right away.

Of course, the condition of some women in the first weeks of pregnancy is far from ideal. If you feel sick, try a simple but effective remedy. As soon as you wake up, without changing your body position (horizontal), immediately eat something - an apple, an orange, a bun, and you can also ask for a glass of milk or your favorite juice to be served to you in bed.

Regardless of how the pregnancy proceeds, from the first days try to get more rest, go to bed early, and get up later. It has a positive effect on the nervous system. If you are worried about constipation (the reason is the flaccidity of the intestinal muscles), drink more fluids, eat prunes and do special exercise.

If odors are annoying, just try to avoid contact with substances that are unpleasant to you.

If you are scared of how early pregnancy progresses, and you become very irritable, do auto-training (or relaxation) - it helps a lot. In no case do we resort to self-medication.

Do not forget that according to the pregnancy calendar, a woman's sensations such as nausea and intolerance to certain odors may increase.

In the process of how the first weeks of pregnancy proceed, a feeling of heaviness and periodic tingling in the mammary glands appears.

Your weight has not changed yet.

Since the cause of your worsening condition cannot be eliminated, you will have to adapt to it. Therefore, the recommendations of doctors remain valid. Sometimes the methods of oriental medicine (acupuncture, finger acupuncture) can cope with many ailments.

The emotional and physical state of a woman during pregnancy from 7 to 9 weeks

7th week

How does a woman feel in early pregnancy by the beginning of the seventh week? At this time, there is a gradual increase in the mammary glands, they acquire a rounded shape.

Dark brown discoloration of the nipples and areolae (areola) of the mammary glands is common during pregnancy.

8th week

Changes in the woman's physical condition during pregnancy at this stage, in the first place, can affect your skin. The body temperature rises, there is increased sweating and an increase in the formation of sebum, but it can be vice versa. In some pregnant women, the skin becomes firm and clean, while in others it becomes dry and itchy. Try to keep all the troubles to a minimum, limit the use of decorative cosmetics. It is categorically contraindicated to use cosmetics containing hormonal preparations.

For many, the first weeks of pregnancy pass like one breath - before you have time to look back, the third month of this quivering period has gone.

9th week

Pregnancy cannot go smoothly. Frequent mood swings bother you. Don't be alarmed. The release of pregnancy hormones not only changes your body, but also your emotions. Mood changes will occur in the first 3 months, when the level of hormones in the blood changes especially strongly, as well as in the last weeks of waiting for childbirth. The emotional state of a woman during pregnancy at this time is somewhat depressed: you are constantly tired, you want to sleep all the time. This is fine. A new life is growing in you and this requires a huge expenditure of energy. Make sleep your top priority. Go to bed when you are tired, not after the end of your favorite TV shows. At work, during your lunch break, try putting your head on your desk, closing your eyes, and taking a 15-20 minute nap. After that, you will immediately feel better.

Take a closer look at your chest.

Pay attention to the photo of the pregnancy calendar - it is noticeable that the saphenous veins in the form of a blue mesh begin to shine through the skin, which means that the walls of the blood vessels are prone to varicose veins:

The same reason can lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids. Another reason for the formation of hemorrhoids is the enlarged uterus, which presses on the veins of the rectum. All previous recommendations remain valid.

To know in detail how a normal pregnancy proceeds in the early stages, it is not enough to get knowledge on the Internet - you definitely need to register with a antenatal clinic.

The condition of a woman in early pregnancy in the first trimester (from 10 to 12 weeks)

10th week

Nausea is still present - hold on, you just have to be patient a little, and your condition will improve.

In the area of ​​the areola of the mammary glands, small, lentil-sized nodules may appear. These are the so-called Montgomery nodules - enlarged sweat glands - which is also one of the signs of pregnancy.

According to the pregnancy calendar, by week at this time, the uterus has increased in width by about 10 cm, it rises into the abdominal cavity. With the help of an ultrasound examination of the size of the fetus, the doctor can more accurately determine the duration of pregnancy and the upcoming birth.

The gynecologist in the antenatal clinic, to which you should regularly go for check-ups, will explain in detail how an early pregnancy should proceed.

11th week

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the condition of some women leaves much to be desired. Many pregnant women suffer from heartburn in the morning. The best way to get rid of it is any position of the body in which the entrance to the stomach is higher than the exit, as this helps to reduce the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. Try to stay upright after eating or lie on your right side. If you lie on your back, the likelihood of heartburn increases.

Given the condition of a woman in early pregnancy, the duration of a night's sleep should be at least 8 hours. Before him, you need to take a walk for 1-2 hours. The bed should be comfortable. Bed linen should be changed frequently. You should sleep on your back or on your right side.

12th week

The condition of a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy at the 12th week gradually improves, the nausea begins to pass. Take care of the prevention of varicose veins in the legs. If you have this disease or a predisposition to it, wear tight-fitting tights.

How early pregnancy should proceed and what a woman feels from 13 to 15 weeks

13th week

What happens in the 13th week of pregnancy when the first trimester ends? The problem that most often appears at this time is constipation, which causes very unpleasant sensations in a pregnant woman. Feelings of fullness can still be tolerated, but bloating with gas and the associated pain, as well as some other difficulties, can be quite excruciating. It is good for the intestines to empty at a certain time and without haste. Eternal haste and lack of time, mainly in the morning after breakfast, when the bowels usually begin to work, stops the urge to empty (defecate), which after that do not appear for a long time. If the remnants of undigested food are not excreted daily with feces, some of the toxins formed from them are absorbed into the blood. These substances are very harmful to the body. They begin to be secreted by the kidneys, which already work with increased stress.

When the urge to defecate appears, the woman, due to lack of time, does not always respond to them and thus teaches the intestines to work irregularly and lazily. Only one thing can help here: the eradication of this habit. It is necessary to regularly visit the toilet and make the intestines work at the same time. Another cause of constipation is poor diet.

14th week

According to the detailed pregnancy calendar, changes in the skin continue during the 14th week. Pigmentation (brown coloration) appears in some of its areas.

Look at the photo of how the pregnancy proceeds at the 14th week - the "pregnant woman's mask" is clearly visible (staining of the skin of the forehead, temples, bridge of the nose, chin and upper lip in the form of a butterfly, which disappears immediately after childbirth):

In the calendar of this period of pregnancy, an increase in the volume of circulating blood is noted. You may be worried about urinating more often.

The whole body must be washed daily. This is necessary for both pleasant well-being and health. After washing completely in warm water, you will feel refreshed and healthy. During pregnancy, your baby receives 20% of oxygen through the skin, so it is important to keep it clean. Bathing water should be warm, never hot or cold. Both of these extremes can cause seizures and premature termination of pregnancy. Swimming in the bathroom is strictly prohibited. Place a rubber mat on the bottom of the tub when you shower. Without it, you can easily slip and fall. Injury should be avoided during pregnancy.

15th week

As the pregnancy progresses, this week the discomfort is over. You feel great. Your family fully appreciated your condition and is trying to help you in everything.

A healthy woman can do her usual work up to the seventh month of pregnancy. The ability to continue at a later date will depend on the type of activity. From the very beginning, it is imperative to avoid heavy physical labor (do not lift or carry weights), do not perform work related to bending the body (washing, cleaning the floors), give up sudden movements, jumping, quickly climbing or descending stairs. In the normal course of pregnancy, a woman can do normal work, since everyday moderate physical and mental stress has a beneficial effect on the body, and also prevents obesity, weakening of the muscular system, and does not lead to weakness of labor forces. When compiling a complete pregnancy calendar, it is especially noted that any overload can have an adverse effect on a woman's body.

Pregnancy calendar: what happens from 16 to 19 weeks

16th week

Metabolism during pregnancy changes significantly, this is due to the restructuring of the nervous system and endocrine glands. During pregnancy, the number and activity of enzymes increases. At the same time, the amount of metabolic products that need to be removed from the body increases. Basal metabolism and oxygen consumption increase.

17th week

At this time, the fundus of the uterus is 6 cm above the pubic articulation. Your pregnancy can no longer be hidden from others.

How should pregnancy proceed during this period? In the body of a pregnant woman, the volume of circulating blood increases. This is essential for a growing fetus. The work of your heart has increased, its pumping function increases by 20%. For a woman's body, this does not pass without a trace - the heartbeat increases, sweating increases, discharge from the genital tract appears.

What does a woman feel during pregnancy in the 17th week? Discharge from the genital tract is unpleasant. Only a doctor will prescribe the correct treatment.

Leucorrhoea, in addition to other troubles, causes itching, which can be very excruciating, and sometimes painful. Sometimes, even without them, during pregnancy, the itching sensation is felt in the external genitals simply because they are overflowing with blood. In both cases, a sitz bath or just a wash will help. As a medicine for it, you can use a decoction of chamomile flowers or oak bark. But if the itching is especially painful, only your doctor will give you all the recommendations. Do not rub or scratch itchy areas, as irritated mucous membranes can come out, swell and become a dangerous source of infection for a pregnant woman.

18th week

This week, you may feel the fetus move for the first time. You will receive incomparable sensations, be surprised and delighted. But keep in mind that during this stage of pregnancy, wiggling may be inconsistent, so do not worry. It should be so. They will soon become regular and familiar.

The day of the first fetal movement can be used to calculate the date of the expected birth.

The assimilation of phosphorus is enhanced, which is necessary for the development of the nervous system and the skeleton of the fetus, as well as for the formation of protein in one's own body. Iron, which is a constituent part of hemoglobin, passes from the mother to the fetus. During intrauterine development, the fetus accumulates iron in the liver and spleen. With insufficient introduction of this element with food, anemia occurs in pregnant women, and development of the fetus is impaired. There is a delay in the body of a pregnant woman of other inorganic substances (potassium, sodium, trace elements). This has biological significance for the mother's body, in particular, for preparing for childbirth and.

19th week

The uterus continues to grow and takes up more and more space in the abdominal cavity. It becomes difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping and resting. At this time, it is better to start attending classes at the School of Motherhood. Pregnant women who have undergone psychoprophylactic training have much fewer complications during childbirth.

The accumulation of inorganic substances affects water metabolism, which contributes to water retention in the body. The juiciness of tissues inherent in pregnancy determines their easy extensibility, which is of great importance for the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. During the normal course of pregnancy, there is no significant retention of water and chlorides, the liquid is quickly excreted from the body. With the pathological course of pregnancy (late gestosis), fluid secretion slows down, the accumulation of water and chlorides in the body increases, and edema occurs.

Weekly pregnancy calendar in the middle of the second trimester from 20 to 23 weeks

20th week

The uterus has risen even more, its bottom is 12 cm above the pubic articulation. Congratulations, half of your pregnancy is over, you are in the middle of the second trimester. However, the condition of a woman in a given week of pregnancy may cause concern, since at this time, uterine contractions can sometimes be observed. These are the so-called Braxton-Hicks false contractions, that is, the uterus begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. While this is completely normal, care should be taken not to overload the body.

Vitamins are essential in the metabolism of pregnancy. The need for them increases in connection with the growth and development of the fetus, as well as the need to maintain their own metabolism. Increased need for vitamins A, B, D, E, K, PP and C. Vitamin C affects the development of the fetus and placenta, its daily requirement increases by 2-3 times. With an irrational diet of a pregnant woman, there is a lack of vitamins, which can lead to disruption of physiological processes in the female body. With hypovitaminosis, the development of the placenta is disrupted.

21-22nd week

The changes occurring in the woman's body at this time also apply to the genitals. The ovaries are enlarged, blood circulation in them increases. The uterus grows and grows in size. In the myometrium (the muscle layer of the uterus), there is an increase in the size and number of muscle fibers and connective tissue. Each muscle fiber lengthens 10-12 times and thickens 4-5 times, the thickness of the walls of the uterus reaches 3-4 cm, its connective tissue grows and loosens. The number of elastic fibers increases. The size, capacity, tone, excitability and contractility of the uterus increase. Irregular contractions of this organ may appear - rare and painless. They are not felt by the woman herself, but are registered only with a special study. This signals that the body is starting to prepare for childbirth. The position of the uterus has changed, the angle between her neck and body has disappeared, as she has deviated anteriorly. The consistency of the uterus becomes soft, especially in the lower segment. The fallopian tubes
take an upright position, thicken and more intensively blood supply. The cellulose of the pelvis becomes loose, extensible. At the same time, the blood supply to the vagina increases, its walls are loosened, become extensible, folds are more pronounced. The vaginal opening takes on a blue-purple (cyanotic) hue.

23rd week

In accordance with the exact calendar of pregnancy, this week the uterus has risen by another 4 cm. The enlargement of the mammary glands continues. If you massage and squeeze your breasts, colostrum will be released.

It is safe to say that every woman strives to breastfeed her baby and, thanks to this, create all the prerequisites for his further healthy development. In order to avoid any unpleasant surprises in the future, you need to take care of the mammary glands and nipples already during pregnancy, first of all, observe hygiene. It is very possible that many of you would find it a personal insult to mention the need to keep your nipples clean, but in reality, a small number of women practice their hygiene. In most cases, colostrum mixed with sweat and dust dries up on them in the form of crusts. This is due to the fact that many women have too sensitive nipples. For future painless breastfeeding, it is simply necessary to reduce their sensitivity.

How a normal pregnancy should proceed at 24-26 weeks

24th week

At this stage of pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus is 20 cm above the bosom (at the level of the navel).

If you pay attention to the photo of the pregnancy calendar by week, you will see that the belly has grown noticeably at this time, the woman has grown stout:

The state of health is good. You feel when he changes his body position, stretches his arms or legs. You notice that the fetus has periods of rest and periods of activity. Mom and Dad can calm him down with gentle, rhythmic strokes. Sometimes painful cramps appear in the calf muscles, most often they occur when stretching the legs while stretching in bed. The reasons for this may be hormonal disorders in combination with a lack of vitamin B1.

How is pregnancy in women going at this time? An increase in intra-abdominal pressure makes it difficult for venous blood to flow from the lower extremities to the heart; it accumulates in the veins that cannot withstand pressure and expand.

If your leg cramp while you are standing, immediately sit down, or at least lean your elbows on something and bend your knee. If you are at home, lie down. Quickly massage the muscle of the bent leg to the very depth, as if you were kneading dough. The pain will quickly pass, but the muscle will still have increased sensitivity for a day or two. Try this while lying on your bed. You need to put something under your feet so that they are slightly raised.

If you want your legs to be healthy both after childbirth and throughout your entire life, take care of them during pregnancy, when they are heavily loaded. Avoid wearing round, tight garters that obstruct blood circulation. From time to time, let your legs rest - lie on your back for a few minutes across the bed, vertically against the wall and rest your raised legs on it. The blood will drain better from the veins, you will feel relief. In summer, it is recommended to walk barefoot on water or grass.

25th week

Your belly, in which the fetus is developing, has grown even more. For a while, you will have to forget about the wasp waist. The well-being is maintained. It's time to think about a dowry for your baby.

You get tired more often and sleep more. Some pregnant women start to feel pain in their back as more and more stretching of her muscles. These pains are most often observed in those women who previously had a severely curved lumbar spine and had pain during menstruation. During pregnancy, the curvature of the spine in this section increases even more, in connection with which painful sensations arise.

In order to get rid of them, or at least reduce them, start doing physical exercises in time. If you lie on your back and bend your knees, then these pains usually go away. Remain in this position for 10-15 minutes. Lying on your side with bent knees also relieves pain.

If the pain is too severe and you have not experienced anything like this before, see your doctor right away.

26th week

New, not entirely pleasant sensations appeared in the form of a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath. In this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor, eat a little and more often (since the heartbeat can be associated with a full stomach), walk more, learn correctly, breathe.

The heart of the pregnant woman gradually adapts to the load. Due to the high standing of the diaphragm in the last months of pregnancy, it is located more horizontal and closer to the ribs. The heart rate increases moderately in the second half of pregnancy.

Exact pregnancy calendar by week in the third trimester (from 27 to 40 weeks)

27th week

How should a normal third trimester pregnancy proceed? During this period, a woman may begin to gain a lot of weight. The mammary glands are enlarged and engorged, imbalance and decreased mobility are often observed. Weakness and dizziness may appear.

Extreme care must be taken. Take care of yourself and your baby. If there is a trouble and you fall, immediately consult a doctor who will find out if everything is in order, and if necessary, will conduct a deeper examination.

During pregnancy, lung function increases due to the increased demand for oxygen. Although the uterus shifts the diaphragm upward at the end of pregnancy, the respiratory surface and vital capacity of the lungs do not decrease due to the expansion of the chest. Breathing in the last months of pregnancy becomes somewhat more frequent and deeper, gas exchange in the lungs increases. Sometimes congestion in the larynx and bronchial mucosa is noted. This increases the susceptibility of pregnant women to influenza and other common infectious diseases.

28th week

The uterus is growing. According to the Monday pregnancy calendar, at this time, the fundus of the uterus rises 4 cm higher from the level of the navel. Body weight also increases. Some women who are at risk of developing Rh-conflict with the fetus are injected with special drugs at this time to reduce the consequences of incompatibility between organisms.

During pregnancy, hematopoiesis increases, the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and blood plasma increases. An increase in the volume of circulating blood, the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin in them begins in the first months and continues until 7-8 months of pregnancy. Before childbirth, the intensity of hematopoiesis decreases. The volume of circulating blood by the end of pregnancy increases by 3 5-40%. An increase in the volume, number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin in the blood is of great importance for the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and tissues of the pregnant woman. Changes of an adaptive nature occur in the blood coagulation system, in particular, the coagulation potential increases, especially in the last months of pregnancy. This helps to prevent significant blood loss during childbirth (with placental abruption) and the early postpartum period.

29th week

You are in a quiet period. All the ailments, the unpleasant sensations of the beginning of pregnancy were left behind. The volume of the abdomen has increased, but not enough to greatly interfere with you.

The uterus becomes larger and you may experience some discomfort. This is normal as there is less and less free space for neighboring organs. The amount of cholesterol in your body increases, it is necessary for the production of progesterone, which is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. Try to get more rest to reduce discomfort in your body. For a while, give up your homework, it is better to lie in bed, read an interesting book, listen to classical music. Get positive emotions, they will benefit not only you, but also your baby.

Blood glucose levels may rise, especially if you consume too much carbohydrate. When glucose appears in the urine, the pregnant woman must be carefully examined.

With the growth of the uterus, the bladder stretches, shifts upward, the urethra stretches and straightens. The tone of the ureters decreases, their lumen becomes wider. At the end of pregnancy, the fetal head is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis, in connection with which pressure on the bladder may increase and the urge to urinate may become more frequent.

30th week

The center of gravity of the body shifts, it becomes more and more difficult to carry the child. Therefore, to reduce discomfort, you need to continue to monitor your posture and do not forget about the bandage and exercise. They will help you maintain your posture, feel well and properly prepare for childbirth. But don't overdo it, especially if you haven't exercised before pregnancy. Walk more outdoors.

A set of gymnastic exercises corresponding to the exact calendar of pregnancy by week will be selected by specialists in the antenatal clinic.

While taking care of the unborn child during pregnancy, a woman, however, should not overstep boundaries. You should not think that it will be good for him if you take different pills, powders, or all kinds of tonics. During pregnancy, women like to use calcium supplements and various vitamins, which are often bought by their loving spouse, friends, and parents. This is completely unnecessary unless prescribed by a doctor. Ordinary (mixed) food contains a large amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins necessary for a healthy woman, so it is completely in vain to add them to the body. If you still have a need for vitamins and minerals, your doctor will help you choose them. Sometimes a woman is afraid of harming the fetus by taking medication. Some caution in this regard is appropriate, especially with regard to hypnotics and antibacterial agents. But if your doctor prescribes medication for you, he will certainly take your condition into account. Always, and especially during we take
neness, it is better to do with natural means, to improve the diet and not to take medications in vain. However, all medications prescribed by the doctor must be taken.

31st week

The uterus has risen above the pubic symphysis by about 31-32 cm. The weight gain ranges from 9.5 to 12.2 kg. Disturbed by discomfort in the chest and pelvic area. Maintaining good posture and exercising can help relieve pain. Lightly stroking your back should be a pleasant responsibility of your spouse.

As a result of the resulting hormonal changes, the pubic bones diverge to the sides by 0.5-0.6 cm.A more significant discrepancy (1-2 cm and more) is considered pathological (for example, if you have a narrow pelvis and a large fetus) , especially when pain occurs. Physiological changes in the joints of the pelvis contribute to the normal course of labor. During pregnancy, the chest expands, the costal arches are raised, the lower end of the sternum moves away from the spinal column.

In the photo, how the pregnancy proceeds by week, it is clearly visible that the woman's posture changes at this time:

As the uterus grows and the abdomen grows, the spine straightens, the shoulders and the back of the head are reclined backward, the bending of the back in the spine increases, and a specific gait of the pregnant woman arises.

32nd week

At 32 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is 28-30 cm above the bosom. Your weight is gaining quite fast. It is more and more difficult for you to find a comfortable position during sleep, more and more thoughts about the upcoming birth arise.

Be sure to check with your doctor about any doubts you have. It is very important that the woman is in a good mood during pregnancy. A contented and cheerful person is better able to handle all sorts of little troubles. A sense of fulfillment is given by the consciousness of a fulfilled duty, and small entertainment is also useful, which will distract you from the monotony of life. A woman's good mood has a positive effect on her metabolism and the activity of the whole body, which has a positive effect on the unborn child. Thus, keeping the mother happy and cheerful will benefit her baby as well.

Do not be disingenuous or judgmental that your best entertainment is homework. Trust that broadening your horizons will make you a better housewife and will benefit not only you, but your family as well. Theatrical performance, film, concert, lecture, book - all these are pleasant and affordable entertainment. Avoid large crowds, especially in poorly ventilated areas where breathing is difficult, as this increases the likelihood of respiratory illness. If you are in a smoking area, convince those present that cigarette smoke is bad for you and ask them to stop smoking.

33rd week

At 33 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is 30-32 cm above the bosom. The child occupies the entire uterine cavity. You put on a little more weight. By the end of pregnancy, a woman's weight gain reaches 10-15% of the initial weight. Small deviations from this rule in both directions do not really matter.

Every woman with poor eyesight should see an eye doctor twice during pregnancy. The fact is that pregnancy can sometimes cause visual impairment. It is advisable that in such cases, qualified specialists provide assistance on time. A woman with poor eyesight should avoid frequent bending. If necessary, it is best to squat down. A pregnant woman should not lift weights, do such work and exercises in which there is a rush of blood to the head. The fact is that with all these movements, intra-abdominal, intracranial, intraocular pressure increases, which has an adverse effect on the retina. Monitor your vision during pregnancy. Go to the doctor for a check-up, and you do not have to fear that your vision will deteriorate.

34th week

Your body continues to prepare for childbirth. You notice that the uterine contractions start to differ from what you have felt before. Regardless of the fact that you are calm and happily expecting the birth of a child, you will still have a feeling of anxiety, and sometimes just anxiety and fear, and for no reason. You feel cheerful and happy, and suddenly such a strange feeling. In the old days, you would have been frightened and believed that your feeling of fear was a premonition of a bad ending. There have been many such cases reported in the literature in the past. Throughout pregnancy, the woman was deprived of joy, she drew in her thoughts a bad course of childbirth. She paralyzed her strength and will, and she, of course, was less likely to cope with the difficulties that could arise during childbirth. But you will be reasonable, and you will try to overcome your unreasonable fear with your reason. The feeling of such fear is far from every woman. However, we draw your attention to such a phenomenon, so that if it occurs, you are not afraid.

Share your concerns with your doctor, who will try to find the reasons for your fear by researching your health status. This is not always easy, because the feeling of fear can be caused by hormonal processes in your body that affect the nervous system.

35th week

This period on the calendar of pregnancy is characterized by frequent urination, which makes you forget about restful sleep. You have to go to the toilet every 45-60 minutes. To cope with this, a pregnant woman needs to drink less fluids, make rotational movements of the pelvis before going to bed, and engage in some not very hard work during the day. If you adhere to these recommendations, you are guaranteed a night's rest.

36th week

The fundus of the uterus rises higher from the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum, which makes it difficult to breathe, and there may be a feeling of discomfort after a hearty dinner. What does a woman feel during pregnancy at this time? Rapid fatigue appears. In the evening, cramps in the ankles may be felt. Your body continues to prepare for childbirth. You have noticed that you have increased sweating. Take a shower every day, try to wear only cotton underwear, do not eat too fatty and spicy foods.

37th week

If, for some reason, you are about to start labor, the doctors are unlikely to stop them, since you have a full-term pregnancy. You should go to the antenatal clinic every week until your birth. Now the child should normally be in the uterus with the head down (this is the so-called cephalic presentation), but in 3% of pregnant women, it is possible that the fetus is in a different position in the uterus - with the legs or buttocks down (breech presentation). In this case, there may be some problems in childbirth. In order to avoid possible difficulties, obstetricians warn the expectant mother that the possibility of delivery by performing a caesarean section is not excluded.

38th week

You are completely in anticipation of the greatest event of your life and no longer pay attention to the pigmentation of the navel, external genital organs, the line of pregnancy (the brown line in the middle of the abdomen - from the navel to the pubis). At the end of pregnancy, many pregnant women develop stretch marks on the skin of their abdomen, breasts and thighs - stretch marks, or stretch marks. These are red streaks that appear where the skin is overstretched. The reasons are the growth of the abdomen and the enlargement of the glands. After childbirth, striae gradually turn pale, become silvery, barely noticeable, but do not completely disappear. The main thing for you now is a positive attitude. Not only you are worried, but all your family members, and each of them is trying to give you their advice and recommendations.

It often happens that a pregnant woman, especially one who is expecting her first child, is given advice by everyone she meets. This is done, of course, with the best intentions, but the results are often negative. Only the advice given by the doctor in consultation is of decisive importance. Only he can take responsibility for both your health and the health of your child.

39th week

How is a healthy pregnancy going in the penultimate week? The fundus of the uterus dropped to the level of the 32nd week in primiparous 2 weeks before childbirth, and in multiparous this happens immediately before childbirth. It becomes easier for a pregnant woman to breathe. This is due to the omission of the presenting part of the fetus (head or pelvis) and pressing it against the entrance to the pelvis. The cervix begins to soften.

40th week

There is very little time left until the moment of meeting with the long-awaited baby. Your body has been preparing for this moment for a long time. Now you are tormented by only one thought: how will everything go? Everything will be fine. Set yourself up for this, because you have done everything possible for this.

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Any woman wants to know as early as possible whether she is pregnant or not. By a number of signs, it is possible to determine the presence or absence of this condition in the fair sex.

The body of each woman is very individual and reacts differently to the process of conception and, therefore, it is not always possible to determine by indirect signs whether a woman is really in an interesting position, or whether various health problems are the cause of changes in the body. The process of self-hypnosis is also important, leveling out a number of indirect methods of detecting pregnancy in the early stages - if a woman really wants or does not want a child, she definitely tunes in to him, then the signs can be imaginary.

The most effective in terms of reliability, of course, however, they are available only after 5-6 weeks after conception, but the fair sex usually wants to know about its occurrence early, before the delay in the menstrual cycle, so it remains to rely on other diagnostic methods, about which will be discussed below.

Some experts argue that indirect and doubtful signs of early pregnancy help to determine the presence or absence of a condition already from the 7th day after ovulation and conception, however, their reliability is highly dependent on the individual characteristics of the woman's body, the presence of additional factors, as well as the degree of subjectivity of the assessment of factors. ...

More reliable signs begin to appear after two weeks from the estimated date of conception - the more time has passed, the higher the likelihood of a correct answer to the question of interest.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

The first month of the alleged pregnancy is very exciting - an examination by a gynecologist and even a supersensitive ultrasound examination does not show the presence of a fetus in the fair sex, but I want to know the real state of affairs as soon as possible.

Chorionic gonadotropin in the blood

This hormone is secreted by placental structures in large quantities, starting from the 1st day after fertilization and further, its concentration is constantly growing. Modern methods of blood diagnostics, taking into account the individual characteristics of a woman's body, can be detected starting from 10-12 days. The peak concentration reaches 11 weeks of gestation, after which it begins to gradually disappear.

"2 strips" pregnancy test

One of the popular methods for detecting pregnancy is rapid urine tests carried out at home on special indicative elements. The test determines the presence of the same chorionic gonadotropin, only not in the blood, but in the urine. It should be borne in mind that this hormone appears in the urine from 15-18 days after fertilization, while the most sensitive and reliable tests are able to detect it at least by the second or third week of pregnancy.

It should be borne in mind that the error of pregnancy tests is quite high if you have health problems: for example, in men and women, hCG is an indicator of producing tumors of various etiologies.

Implant bleeding

Bloody discharge of light tones and a liquid consistency in small quantities usually appears in the process of fertilization of the egg on the 8-10th day after ovulation and fertilization.

In monthly rhythms, implantation bleeding may begin a week before the menstrual cycle. It is clearly manifested in a third of pregnant women, almost imperceptibly - in more than half of the fair sex in an interesting position.

Elevated basal temperature

If a woman does not conceive, then the increased basal temperature after the luteal phase decreases to normal and regular menstruation goes on in its own time due to nature. In the event that BT remains high, this may indicate pregnancy. It can be diagnosed in this way 10-15 days after conception.

Frequent urination

Chorionic gonadotropin, generated by the placental structures, significantly increases the blood supply to the pelvic region, as a result of which the ureter gives a signal of filling earlier, mainly at night. This happens a week after the conception of the child.

Emotional instability

One of the popular subjective signs of pregnancy is sudden mood swings, from intense sadness and even hysteria to fun and joy. Also, a change in state is accompanied by severe irritability, often splashing out on others. Such emotional swings can occur from the first days of pregnancy until the third trimester.


Toxicosis in early pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon. With the onset of fetal formation, the organism, which is perturbing at the hormonal level, especially in the first pregnancy, can present very unpleasant surprises in the form of headaches, frequent nausea with vomiting, regular loss of consciousness, significant changes in taste preferences, the appearance of mania for an unpleasant odor and other "delights."

Fatigue and restless sleep

After conception, progesterone is actively produced in a woman's body - this hormone depresses the psyche and leads to frequent drowsiness, depression, etc. These symptoms begin from the first week and pass by the tenth, thanks to the active production of estrogens.

Frequent health problems

All the body's forces are thrown into the cultivation and protection of the fetus, the immune system of the fair sex during pregnancy is suppressed by hormones to preserve the fetus, so a woman during this period very easily picks up various infections, from colds and problems with defecation to the appearance of acne and intestinal spasms.

Abundant natural discharge

Progesterone induces an active production of cervical mucus, which provokes more saturated natural, from the second week after fertilization until the end of pregnancy. Have you started changing your panty liners very often and still have no problems with thrush? Most likely, this means that the conception was successful.

Tingling in the uterus, pain in the sacral spine

In the first or second week after the onset of pregnancy, many women complain of tingling in the uterus and pain in the sacral spine caused by the influence of hCG in these areas.

What signs of pregnancy appear in the first or second week?

During the first two weeks of pregnancy, the woman begins to produce chorionic gonadotropin, and also increases the level of progesterone, which in turn can cause frequent urination, high basal temperature, and increased natural secretions. An expectant mother sometimes has problems with early toxicosis, her mood often changes unreasonably, she is worried about tingling in the uterus and an average level of pain in the sacral region, and reduced immunity provokes the development of colds, rashes of various etiologies and other problems.

Useful video

The first signs of pregnancy. Dr. Ekaterina Makarova

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Question answer

How quickly do signs of pregnancy appear?

Indirect and implicit signs of pregnancy can appear a few days after the conception of a child, however, a blood test for hCG will show a more or less real picture before the delay in menstruation - it is recommended to carry it out no earlier than 10 days after the expected date of fertilization.

On what day does the test show pregnancy?

The work of all pregnancy tests is based on the indication of the presence of hCG in the urine. During pregnancy, this hormone begins to manifest itself from 15-18 days after conception, that is, it is hypothetically impossible to determine pregnancy using tests before this time interval. You will receive a high probability of a correct answer no earlier than from day 20, and it depends on the quality of the product, the degree of its sensitivity, etc.