Registration of the group in the kindergarten younger group. Modeling the objective environment of a kindergarten group. Zone of musical development

Registration of the group in kindergarten for zones- This is an important process. The development of the child has great influence environment. By sending your child to a preschool institution, you need to pay attention to the zoning of the premises. Their arrangement can say a lot about how the kid will develop.

Principles of zoning premises

By sending the baby to the garden, he will be discomfort first at first. This is explained by the fact that it is used to a certain environment. The main task of educators is to create all the conditions for rapid adaptation in a preschool institution.

This is carried out by zoning premises, their competent arrangement. We will specify that the principles act as educators to create good conditions for the development, education of preschoolers:

  • according to the principle of stability, dynamism. Groups are small rooms. It is necessary to use each meter rational. When decorated, the cassette system is most often applied. The essence of it is that separate blocks are created for the entertainment and development of children. Their equipment, materials can easily transform, create new conditions. In this way, zones in a kindergarten group Will be united from time to time or separated. This will allow pupils to engage in interesting things;
  • according to the principle of confusing age - an important point. Each age category has its own characteristics. They need to be considered.

    The smallest will be difficult to adapt in a new environment, therefore, the design of the premises should not often be replaced. Such places should be equipped with only developing materials and equipment. Extra details should be removed so that they do not distract the attention of children. In addition, the situation should help develop sensory abilities. For children from 4 to 5 years old, you need to prepare space endowed with a variety of games and entertainment. For older preschool children, you need to create conditions in which they will be able to express themselves, to establish. Registration is obliged to focus on the interests of this age;

  • according to the gender principle. Boys and girls perceive the world around differently. This must be taken into account when arranged groups. In addition, there are physical differences between children of different sexes, so the gender principle of separation is particularly appropriate when dividing children's bedrooms, shower, toilet zones;
  • according to the principle of aesthetic, the corners created by the educator must attract the attention of children, causing their interest. Preschoolers must feel convenience, comfort, aesthetic pleasure.
  • Video: Developing environment of kindergarten

    Registration of groups on zones

    Separation of space is an important effect. It is necessary to surround the kids what will develop them, educate, entertain, teach all the necessary skills of self-service. We list key standard zones in a kindergarten group. Their arrangement is the primary task of educators:

    • cognitive-speech space - the corner must be equipped with a didactic, visual material that can develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment, give certain knowledge. This place is supplied with designers, mosaics, cubes of different sizes (fruits, vegetables, fabulous characters and other) can be depicted on them, puzzles, thematic, didactic sets of cards, board games;

    • a corner of socio-personal development is a place where the garden pupil can get the necessary skills. There must be toys, dolls with clothing, furniture objects. With this, the child has an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat sequence and how to dress;

    • the place for artistic and aesthetic development is a space where the preschooler can express themselves. Often when registration of zone in a kindergarten group Objects are used in the form of a screen, toys for the puppet theater, as well as costumes for role-playing games.

    In addition to these spaces, there are other zones. For example, hygiene places. These make requirements at the legislative level. Premises for development in a dance, vocal, artistic direction are also provided. But for their arrangement is not responsible for educators, but the other garden workers.

    Want to make an interesting design of a kindergarten group? Look for ideas in the article.

    For guys, kindergarten kindergarten is the second home. Here they take food, do, arrange games, rest.

    • Therefore, all areas in the room where the crumbs are not just cozy and beautiful, but also attractive for the child, as it forms the mental and physiological state of the crumbs.
    • The development of a child, as a person, in aesthetic and artistic terms, also depends on the interior design.
    • The decoration of zones in the group in kindergarten is an important component of pedagogical work. Every teacher should remember this.
    • In this article you will find the ideas of the right and beautiful design of walls, lockers and other blocks of the room where children are. It is also important that the group change and the design of the seasons change. We will show you photos and templates that will help make a group beautiful, depending on the age of kids.

    Beautiful design group in kindergarten: rules for registration, recommendations

    Each educator knows the features of children at a certain age. This should be taken into account when decorating different blocks and corners indoors. Here are the rules and several recommendations for the beautiful and proper decoration of the group in a kindergarten:

    • When decorated, consider not only the age of children, but also the size of the room, its features and inventory that you have in stock. The room should be bright, spacious and cozy, and this can be achieved by creating a bright and colorful interior.
    • Use ready-made booth sets to decorate. You can make them alone in templates that you will find below. It is convenient to work with stands to work, you can hang the menu, the routine of the day of children, the list of groups and other useful information.
    • Furniture should be a little, more game space for children. But at the same time you need to create a training area with tables and chairs.
    • Create an interior in a group in a single thematic direction. For example, it may be marine, cosmic, fabulous or forest topic. But the combination of different options is allowed. It will depend on fantasy and materials that are available.
    • Plots of fairy tales and cartoons will fit the premises. It is important to pay attention not only to the aesthetics of the decoration, but also modern educational goals.
    • Create a corner where children will be able to put their creative achievements: crafts and drawings. He must be in the field of view of the moms and dads coming beyond children so that they can admire the achievements of their child and praise it.

    Tip: Attract parents to design a group. This will help create creative ideas and arrange the interior is unique, bright and beautiful.

    Parents who know how to write real landscapes, make unique photos or work with computer programs, should help educators in the decoration of the kindergarten group.

    Ideas of spring beautiful design, younger, yasery, middle and senior group: photo, templates

    In the spring, after a long and cold winter, I want to create a festive mood and therefore the interior of the children's premises must be made in warm colors. Here are the ideas of spring beautiful design, younger, yasery, middle and older group, with photos and templates:

    Spring mood creates hanging garlands from green paper leaves and a fabric girl in the role of spring. Excellent design for a group of children of different ages.

    This design can be done on any wall. Flowers made of bright fabric and paper swallows - everything is simple and fast.

    Original wall clearance by March 8. Paper colors templates are looking below. Figure 8 is covered with a cloth on which beads and rhinestones are sewn. Flowers are attached to the wall with the help of bilateral scotch.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bspring beautiful design, younger, nursery, middle and older group by March 8

    "Spring Krasnov has come." With this design you can arrange a spring holiday. Liana attached to the ceiling, it is cropped in a circle of strips, and on the wall flowers and butterflies drawn and carved by children.

    So you can decorate the group to Easter. Children will be happy to help you draw and cut minor details: flowers, Easter eggs. Excellent design for children of nursery: Large items that can be touched with hands and a fabulous chicken - she brought Easter eggs.

    Idea of \u200b\u200bspring beautiful design, younger, nursery group for Easter

    Here are decoration templates:

    The ideas of summer beautiful design, younger, nursery, middle and senior group: photo, templates

    For summer design, any plots of cartoons and fairy tales are suitable. Insert the palm trees in the landscape, green grass and bright solar colors - so summer is warm and carefree. Photo and patterns with ideas of summer beautiful design, younger, yasery, middle and senior group:

    This wall design is suitable for children of a nursery and a younger group. Ask creative parents to draw animals, and just suck them around. Here it turned out the plot of your favorite cartoon. On the left in the picture the whole life that "boils" in a large fabulous city.

    Ordinary room flowers perform in the role of palm trees on the wall. Butterflies are below, and the turtle template can be found below. Simple decoration, but very creative and original.

    Marine theme is summer, sun, fish and sea. In this interior, the child seems to be among the ocean with its inhabitants and fauna.

    Cartoon decoration of the yaser group. Summer topics, fabulous heroes, a cartoon plot - all this will like any baby from 1.5 years. Naturally, the builders themselves will be able to paint the walls or creative parents.

    Creative decoration of the teaching corner of kids. The multicolored sun and frames with pictures are simple, but as attracting attention.

    Here is the turtle template to the second interior design option. She will fit perfectly on the hill between palm trees, and will delight with his cheerful appearance. Just print it on a color printer on paper of the desired size and stick to the wall.

    The ideas of autumn beautiful design, younger, nursery, middle and senior group: photo, templates

    Autumn pleases with its bright colors. This can be used in interior design. Below are photos, templates with ideas of autumn beautiful design, younger, nursery, middle and senior group:

    Such crafts can be done with the children of the older group, and then they decorate the room. Conventional glasses from yogurts, leaves cut from colored cardboard and decorated with beads and satin bows. Dorisize the leaves smile and they will please you with your cheerful mood.

    Again crafts, but they can already make children a medium or younger group. Such leaves and birch trunks can be decorated with a wall in the group.

    Autumn in the girl's image is symbolic and great for the design of kindergarten. Such a "picture" can be decorated with a wall or a separate corner in the group.

    The umbrella on the ceiling is not reminded at all about rainy weather. It complements the decorations from the leaves. The only thing you need to securely attach it to the ceiling so that it does not fall.

    In this design, the whole autumn plot is unfolded - bright, colorful, with forest inhabitants. Decorate so any corner in the group: game, educational or in the input group.

    Here are the templates of leaves and mushrooms for crafts:

    Ideas of winter beautiful design, younger, nursery, middle and senior group: photo, patterns

    Winter is associated with children with snow and new year. This is necessary to use in the interior decoration of the group. Photo, templates, ideas of winter beautiful design, younger, nursery, middle and senior group:

    Such a tree will be able to make any educator. Snegire patterns are lower. You will only have to print them, cut and give children to paint. Snowflakes will add winter mood.

    Ideas of winter beautiful design of the youngest, nursery, middle and older group

    Here is the original winter decoration of the entrance group of the children's room. Add several drawings or applications to the wall that children made, and it will be clear that creative and comprehensively developed guys grow here.

    This decoration can be made in a nursery or younger group. The main thing is on the big sheet of paper to draw a hare and make a blue background. Real snow Children with white paint will make themselves. Prints of lads kids look like a real snowy storm in the forest.

    "Although we and the kids - decorate a group from the soul!" - So you can sign the application, which is made by an educator with children. Snowman and hare are glued from paper blanks in children's palms - original, and you will never think right away that these are children's handles.

    This is a decoration - a real winter made by the creative caregiver. Here you will need a little fate and fine white lining fabric. Everything is simple, but as original.

    How beautifully decorate the walls in kindergarten with your own hands?

    Above was published a lot of ideas to decorate the walls of the group in different seasons. Choose any and create yourself or along with children real masterpieces. Below are some more photos that will help beautifully decorate the walls in kindergarten with your own hands:

    Applications on the walls can be done with children, and to create drawings, you will have to attract parents.

    Beautiful decoration of the group "Accidental" in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

    The name of the group can be hung over the door in the input group. You can print the finished templates on the color printer, stick them into cardboard, and hang where you need. Beautiful group decor "Accidental"

    Beautiful decoration for the group "Accidental" in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

    Beautiful decoration for the group "Toward" in kindergarten: ideas, photos

    Beautiful decoration for the group "Accidental" in kindergarten: ideas

    Beautiful decoration for the group "Accidental" in kindergarten

    Beautiful decoration for the group "Accidental"

    Beautiful decoration of the group "Ryabinka" in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

    Group "Pock" Must be decorated in the style of nature: natural materials, forest residents, berries. Connect to the design of the room of children and their parents. They will definitely tell something creative and beautiful. Beautiful group decor "Pock" In kindergarten - ideas, photos, templates:
    Beautiful decoration for the group "Ryabinka" in kindergarten: ideas

    Beautiful decoration for the group "Ryabinka" in kindergarten

    Beautiful decoration for the group "Ryabinka"

    Beautiful decoration of the Rainbow Group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

    "Rainbow" group should be bright and beautiful. It should stand out against the background of other groups in a saturated interior design. Beautiful group decor "Rainbow"
    Beautiful decoration for the group "Rainbow" in kindergarten: ideas

    Beautiful decoration for the group "Rainbow" in kindergarten

    Beautiful decoration for the group "Rainbow"

    Beautiful decoration of the Firefly group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

    Even if you got a unclean group, do not be discouraged. Name it "Glowworm" And make the original interior decoration. Print the templates on the color printer and hang them on the walls. Beautiful group decor "Glowworm" In kindergarten - ideas, photos, templates:

    Beautiful decoration for the group "Firefly" in a kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

    Beautiful decoration for the Firefly group in kindergarten: ideas, photos

    Beautiful decoration for the "Firefly" group in kindergarten: ideas

    Children are the most valuable wealth for every person. You must try and use as much your creative resources and fantasy as possible so that the kids in kindergarten feel comfortable.

    Video: Design of kindergarten groups

    Recovery or work on registration in kindergarten are carried out on their own in the absence of funding from. In this case, coordination of conditions with the manager and compliance with the requirement for the materials used is required. On the nuances and possible options for designing the internal space of groups are told in the article.

    Requirements for finishing materials

    The children's body is susceptible to the harmful components contained in construction and finishing materials. Therefore, when choosing paints and varnishes for a group, it is important to be guided by the sanitary rules and standards that are set out in the Act 2/4 / 1 / 3049.13. They were adopted in 2013, therefore, the compositions of modern materials are taken into account. The main requirements of the document are:

    • resistance to detergents;
    • non-toxicity;
    • safety;
    • color;
    • fire safety;
    • mechanical stability.

    The activity of children is higher than adults, so scuffs on the walls and the floor in the group are applied faster and various items are used for this. So after each cleaning the wall did not have to repaint it, the coating should be resistant to domestic detergent. Mechanical strength of the material is also important. It is allowed to have solvents that are evaporated after applying. Another option for the group is acrylic paints. The compositions are manufactured on a water basis, therefore harmless.

    The psyche of the child is plastic and susceptible, therefore, it is formed under the influence of surrounding factors. This must be taken into account when choosing a color scheme when finishing the room in a kindergarten. Another requirement is the fire safety of the material, which manifests itself in its resistance to open fire and in the absence of harmful discharge when heated.

    Tip! If the use of texture plaster for the group is planned, it is necessary to ensure that its edges are not sharp. It will serve as protection against injuries.

    Group decoration in kindergarten

    With proper upbringing, the child feels secure at home. Therefore, in the kindergarten group it is important to create conditions close to homemade. Attention is paid not only to the aesthetic, but also the developing component. Not applicable template approach to a group that oppresses the creative abilities of the child. A creative approach to design contributes to the development of the child's imagination. This is done by the joint efforts of the parents, since someone has abilities for drawing, and someone is well embroidered. The result will be multifaceted.

    Pictures on the walls in the kindergarten group

    In the group's game room, children spend more time than in other rooms. Pictures applied to the wall should encourage child to active actions and develop knowledge about the surrounding nature and peace. The photo above shows an example of pictures for a group printed in printing. Wall mural with grass soothe mood, reducing aggression. Tile images of different content are used to organize the gameplay. The game is to find the specified animal or insect. Children can give names like animals.

    The floor is a game surface in the group, so a drawing or pattern is also applied to it. The latter is applied to diversify the gameplay. Tiles of two or three colors are laid out tracks, in parts of which you can move when performing conditions. The group's room can be turned into a fabulous forest, where the lines on the floor will become paths leading to the target.

    Children are brought up on those cartoons that are popular, and not on those who are accustomed to parents. Therefore, images of heroes who are familiar to parents, others for children. Children will be interested in "Smeshariki" or transformers, so the characters of these telecast and cartoons are applied on the walls of the game group. In order for the drawing to be functional, each hero performs a function. One can hold the scale to measure growth, another offering to use the toy.

    Saturated paints complement the fabulous picture of the forest. It is important to avoid indifference in colors that cause anxiety and are poorly perceived by the eyes of a child. The protrusions or box on the wall wall beaten by a suitable element from the picture. If there are no images on other walls, their color is selected as a shade to the predominant on the central part. Illuminated illustrations also cause a feeling of anxiety and interfere with concentrations. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe drawing in the group should be captured at first glance, and accents to attract attention.

    Curtains for gaming group

    Comfort in the playing group of kindergarten create light curtains. When choosing textiles, it is necessary to consider such requirements:

    • quality;
    • color;
    • simplicity;
    • safety;
    • decorative properties.

    The quality of the material is selected to the operating conditions, which are intense in the game group. Color should be combined with what prevails in the graphic design of the room. It is possible to use dense textiles in the group, but it visually reduces the play area and oppresses emotionally. Transparent fabric misses light by filling the room with color of the canvas. The sizes of the curtains for a kindergarten group are superior to home, so simple cleaning should be carried out without removing them. This factor is taken into account when choosing a sample.

    Curtains are part of the group playing platform, therefore they are a learning subject. They are sewn pockets for illustrations or letters. The strength of the tissue must be calculated for this so that the pockets are not separated by children with part of the canvas. For curtains, accessories are purchased without sharp corners, which the child can cut down or get a bruise. For game groups in kindergarten suitable canvas without metallic fibers.

    From natural materials, the option for the group in kindergarten is:

    • cite;
    • veil;
    • organza;
    • silk.

    Massive curtains in a group hanging on the cornice can be replaced by rolled. The last option has a lifting system that is attached to the windows frame. The space is released near the windows, and the group's room looks visually more. When making a playing group of kindergarten in a classic style, lambrequins are used on the eaves. This method is suitable for premises with ceilings above 2.5 meters and a large area.

    Note! The decor for the playing group of kindergarten is selected for the age of children.

    For a nursery, the canvas is decorated with persons or images of animals and birds. Curtains with bright accents will help to realize creative abilities. Senior groups are preparing for school, so the color solutions are retained than in the middle group, and training modules in the form of numbers and letters are placed on textiles.

    Registration of corners in kindergarten

    "Corner" - a figurative name. It does not mean that items are located at the corners of the room. The concept accommodates items intended for development in children in a group of mental and physical activity. The emphasis is done on speech abilities, communication skills and creativity. The group's play area is prepared in such a way that the child independently find an occupation for himself when the tutor is not near. Exploring items in the functional zone, child develops touch, vision and hearing. The concepts of volume, shape and quantity are formed.

    Due to limited space, universal corners are equipped in groups. In them, children draw, do lping or read. Due to the accumulation on one piece of Chad, they can interfere with each other, so it is effective to make several game zones in a group with their destination. In this case, children are united by interests and will deal with a common matter. The ability to focus to achieve the goal in adults is higher than in children. Therefore, the latter are faster and is required to change the kind of activity, which also speaks in favor of differentiated corners in groups.

    For the development of shallow motility, children under three years are equipped with functional zones in a group with objects of geometric forms. Elements are connected in a sequence or shape. Small products are not used so that the child does not swallow them. Games are under the supervision of the teacher. For senior groups, improvised hospitals, pussies and schools are mounted, where children develop communication skills and prepare for professions.

    In the corners of nature, children are trained to care for plants and animals. They can install aquarium or terrarium. There are several flower pots. Dow lays environmental thinking in Chad and correctly to nature.

    Children's psyche is movable than adults. The mood of the student changes ten times more often than that of the formed personality. Therefore, groups of mood are made in groups. This is a space for psychological unloading, allowing you to form emotional stability. In such a secluded place in the group, the child on the diagram or in the drawings indicates its mood on figures or stickers.

    Bedroom in kindergarten

    Quiet hour for a child is a quiet horror. To convince Chudo in the benefits of sleep in the day difficult. Therefore, it is important to create conditions in a group contributing to relaxation and a good rest.

    Pictures on the walls in the bedroom of kindergarten

    The bedroom of a kindergarten group should relax, but not to be a sullen, which is affected by the choice of 20 avest and drawings on the walls. Calculate pastel tones, which are selected by the amount of dye in the water-level paint. The use of several bedroom shades in the kindergarten group is allowed when they are close by tone. Sharp transitions activate motor reflexes and excite the body. If the drawing requires, the bright color is used for accent on a small area.

    Garmonious in the bedroom of a kindergarten group looks light shades of lilac. Unobtrusive patterns with smooth lines do not focus the attention of children on themselves, reducing time on falling asleep. On the walls can be placed cartoon characters. They are drawn under the stencil in one tone, without the selection of the features. Such images are based on reflections, but do not activate the brain areas responsible for wakefulness.

    Images are applied to the bedroom ceiling of a kindergarten. In this case, the child is easier to keep the picture in the head.

    In groups of private kindergartens near the baby's bed, a personal drawing is applied. Chado will quickly find his bed and will have a personal cozy corner.

    The theme of the sky with soaring in the clouds of heroes is welcomed, as shown in the photo above. In the drawings in groups there are objects that can be considered. Their number depends on the abilities of the child.

    The drawing in the bedroom of the group can be one. At the same time, the surfaces of the walls and the ceiling are chosen in one tone, which creates monotony and relaxes the attention of the child.

    Curtains for bedroom

    The group's bedroom is not a gaming room, therefore requires less light. You can achieve this by curtains. For the sunny side, dense textiles are bought. It protects against bright beams of light and cools the room, since the surfaces do not heat up from infrared radiation. Tulle and curtains are combined on a large area. Roman curtains "Day-night" are sewn from two types of fabric. One has a greater bandwidth than the second. What is needed when cleaning or re-equiping the bedroom of a kindergarten group.

    Suitable color for curtains group will be olive or green. Soothing act peach and blue. The loops and holders are selected in color to the curtains. The bedroom windows of a kindergarten group coming to the north are protected by light curtains that skip light, since the situation will seem dark.

    A pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom of kindergarten will create colored vertical blinds. An option is purchased with alternating lamellas of light and dark color. They are easier to serve, since dust is removed, and the stains are eliminated at the place without dismantling the elements. Horizontal blinds are combined with tulle and perform the role of dense curtains.

    Beds for kindergarten

    Most of the day for the child takes place in the kindergarten group. At this time, posture and physical abilities are laid. Therefore, with an independent design of the group, it is important to choose the right furniture, especially bedroom bed. If this is not done, then the consequences will be scoliosis and more complex spinal curvatures.

    According to the design of the bed, long-term, the presence of side and height of the back is distinguished. In groups, where the bedrooms are small, but many children are used, multi-tiered beds. Some tiers are installed one over the other, or are performed in the form of drawers, as can be seen in the photo above. The second option is safe, since in the fall, the child will roll on the previous level, and does not fall to the floor.

    In the bedrooms groups are used combined beds with high sides. In this case, the neighbor does not prevent a comfortable rest, since the partition separates children.

    High backs also distinguish between personal space. They are used when placing beds in a row, with a distance between adjacent. Furniture is made of chipboard or MDF. Whole wood is more environmentally friendly, but applied less frequently, since the cost of the set is three times more expensive than from the chip material.

    Lamination for the beds of the group is selected in bright colors. The second tier is equipped with a high side, so that the child does not break through the edge and did not get injured. The width and length are selected for averages in the age category of the group in kindergarten. The bed cribs is made of lamellas or plywood. In the first case, the surface depreciates the movement of the body in a dream, which reduces the load on the spine.

    The placement of beds in the bedroom of the group plays a role. Each child must have free access to its place to get into the toilet if necessary. Sleeping places are not placed in principle to the outer wall of the bedroom of the group, since due to its temperature, the kid will catch a cold. Do not install beds and in the proximity of heating devices, since they come from dry air. It affects the child's breathing bodies, causing respiratory diseases. A draft from the window or from the door is the reason for colds, so arranging the beds, it is important to take this fact.

    Note! According to the standards per child accounts for three sets of replaceable bed linen and two mattress covers.

    Dressing room in kindergarten

    The locker room is the first room where the child gets in front of the group. In it, the teacher meets kids and supports contact with his parents. The locker room is the group's business card, since it sets up that they are waiting for.

    It is placed lockers where children leave personal belongings. Therefore, the room must be comfortable and safe. On the walls of the locker room in front of the group are placed information stands. Of these, parents learn about the needs of kindergarten or about problems. They hang out charts of child performance, which facilitates controls for parents.

    In some groups, the dressing room is combined with the reception. In such premises, the works of students are exhibited, so that parents can enjoy the fruits of their children. The walls are painted hypoallergenic paint or wedged with washing wallpaper. Linoleum is stacked on the floor in the locker room of the group. This is an inexpensive coating that retains its characteristics for three years and more.

    Curtains in the locker room

    If the changing room of the group is equipped with windows, then the material for the curtain is used the same as in other rooms. There is no need to close the windows tightly, since the child must see well what and how he puts on. Therefore, tulles with a long to the windowsill are used.

    Light curtains are easier to wash, and in the changing room of the group it has to do often. Coming from the street, children touches the canvas with dirty hands. Long curtains accumulate dust and viruses, brought by kids, so it is better to refuse them.

    Cabinets for locker rooms in kindergarten

    In the Soviet times, the norms for furniture in groups of kindergartens were determined by the state. Therefore, the design of the locker rooms was monotonous. When decorating the group with your own hands there are no restrictions on the choice of color. Parents at the meeting determine that it will be more convenient for children in the group.

    If the facades of lockers for the group are made in pastel colors, then they make a bright accent in the form of an ornament or pattern to adjust the child to a positive way. In this case, the baby will be easier to find his belongings.

    The lockers for the group make one-tier to fit the outerwear inside. Above the hanger for a jacket is a shelf for caps, scarf and gloves. Dirty shoes fold down the cabinet or on a separate shelf below.

    For the convenience of changing the child in the changing room of the group, low benches are installed. They can be soft or solid. If the first option is selected, then the upholstery material is selected durable, capable of listening for five years. Places for parents who came for the child are equipped. The color gamut shops coincides with the tone or repeats the selected cabinets.

    Musical hall in kindergarten

    Music and dance - attributes of child upbringing. They introduce the baby with the national culture and develop emotional intelligence. The impression of the classes consists of the relationship of the teacher and the situation in the music hall of the group. The hall is visited by students and parents, therefore attention is paid to compliance with the norms of fire safety and sanitation.

    Pictures on the walls in the music hall

    The design of the walls in the musical hall of the group is made unobtrusive and thematic. The first aspect is manifested in the choice of light tone for the walls, which would make thematic scenery for a holiday or event.

    In a quiet zone of the musical hall of the kindergarten, children are taught singing and listen to works. In this area, images of singing children or animals are applied to the walls of the Children's Gardique. The illustrations should not distract the child, since constant contact with the teacher is important.

    The second area of \u200b\u200bthe assembly hall is active. It is used to develop motility and child dance training. The walls of this site are decorated during events. The rest of the time they remain monotonous.

    The third zone is not present in each hall. It is called a worker. Its purpose is to combine music classes with visual art. The walls in this area are painted in bright colors to stimulate the child's imagination. The fabulous heroes or cartoon characters are depicted.

    Curtains in the music hall

    Functional zones in the musical hall of the kindergarten are divided by curtains. The plot where the ideas are passing or sings a musical choir are framed by falling curtains with lambrequins. The color of the fabric is selected in neuropy. The dense leaf is combined with easy to balance the space visually.

    The curtains are hanging on a cornice that is hidden by a cloth outside. It is convenient to close the scene if necessary. The color of the porter is combined with a textile tone, which is waved on the walls in the musical hall of the kindergarten.

    The windows are watched with a light cloth transmitting light. The latter plays an important role to emphasize the details of the speech of children. The fabric is manufactured from natural materials, which mentioned above.

    Decoration of the graduation hall in kindergarten

    Graduation in kindergarten - an important day in the life of a child. He marks the transition to the step above and prepares a child to school life. To save time, parents order ready-made design from companies engaged in celebrations. A project is created, which is consistent with the Committee. After that, the group embarks the task.

    In the design of the premises of the kindergarten, bright balls and thematic inflatable items are used. They are filled with air or helium. The latter holds the created decorations in the air. You can place the balls in combination or color. Columns associated with balls can be framed as seen above.

    Colored paper and ribbons are used in decorating the musical hall of the kindergarten. Of these, bells are made, pointing to the upcoming changes. Flowers from tapes and paper are placed on the curtains of the hall. Harmony with balls complements the picture.

    Letters are cut out of dense cardboard for a farewell. They can be depicted on balls with paint or marker. Kids group are involved in the design of the music hall. They get the task of portraying an educator or favorite lesson, which was in kindergarten. Decoration options are shown in the video below.

    Registration of a plot in kindergarten

    In the spring, a group of kindergarten spends time on the street where the child receives vitamin D thanks to the sunshine. Outdoors, children play moving relay, which is necessary for muscle development. The formation of physical skills contributes to the proper design of the site in kindergarten.

    Each group in kindergarten has a platform where the pavilion, sandbox and swing are present. If there is a flowerbed nearby, then it is planted with bright colors that show their petrol in the spring. Group children can be used to teach, showing how landing is performed and, teaching them to water the plants, as is done in ecological corners.

    Together with the children, the teacher of the group can make the feeder for birds. It is attached on a tree near the site, after which the kids can watch the world around them.

    For children of the senior group on asphalt, you can draw classics or chessboard. The latter is used to play checkers, as shown in the photo above.

    On the plot there are crafts from old tires. It may be fence or flower beds. If they are placed on the same distance, inserting into the ground, then children from the group can use them for jumping. Improvised ships and cars activate a creative veil.

    Making a fairy-tale hero or dragon from tires, which can be settled - a good idea. An example of implementation is shown in the photo above.

    Torran in kindergarten

    The veranda is the necessary building on the group. She will hide children from sudden rain or from the scorching sun. The method of registration of the veranda of the group is limited to the fantasy of the parents.

    Walls inside the veranda are disappeared through stencils. A small plot is allocated for children, where they under the guidance of the teacher implement their creative abilities.

    Multicolored fence is made, enclosing a group veranda. The brighter and more varied color, the better for the child.

    The drawing on the wall of the veranda can be a continuation of the story shown in the gaming group. In this case, children will be more interesting to visit the pavilion on the street.

    Modern canopies for the group are trimmed by polycarbonate. He misses the light, painting it and creating a special mood for children. The material is harmless and has no discharge when heated, which is important for a young organism.

    The tables and chairs installed in the veranda will allow the lessons of visual art for the group on the street. In this case, the children will complement the imagination by the fact that they are surrounded.

    In private kindergartens for the pavilion of the group, textiles in the form of rugs and curtains that make the space of the veranda cozy are used.

    Under canopies with benches installed around the perimeter, it is easier to conduct group games. Modular design, if necessary, moves to another portion.

    Pavilions groups in kindergarten may be thematic. In some, children are trained by the rules of the road, in others - the rules of animal behavior.

    Suspended scenery for a canopy in kindergarten children can be made independently in the lessons from. In this case, they are accustomed to responsibility and see the benefit of what they do.

    Old pavilions can be refreed by installing homemade scenery and waving training illustrations on the walls. When designing space on the veranda in kindergarten, it is important that parents put themselves in place of children.

    The design of the group in kindergarten, as a rule, falls on the shoulders of educators. So that the kids were comfortable to feel, it is necessary to take care that the furnishings in the room be close to home. In addition, beautifully and tastefully decorated group, has aesthetic and developing value for children.

    There are many options for creating children's corners, decorating lockers, design stands. The main thing is to make a creative face. You need to attract the attention of parents. Perhaps one of them beautifully draws, photographs or perfectly owns computer programs and will be able to create excellent calendars of nature, posters with lists of birthdays, etc.

    You can, having agreed with parents and heads, to issue a group of ready-made benefits and stands. They are performed by experts to order, themes and volume are determined depending on preferences, given the age and needs of children. And beautiful finished stands can be viewed by copying the link Here you can buy ready-made solutions.
    Stands need to pay special attention. They can be made with help attracting. The main set of stands includes, as a rule, a poster with information for parents, menu, list of groups, ads, congratulations. You must not forget about stickers or pictures on lockers, poster at the front door with the name of the group.

    The group in kindergarten should be decorated in bright and saturated colors as in the photo. It will be perfect for decorating the walls of the stories from fairy tales or cartoons to kids, it will be very nice to see on the walls of your favorite heroes. The main thing is that the plots be in addition to aesthetic, they carried the educational effect.

    It is important when making a group to pay attention to the corner where you can put your crafts and drawings, demonstrate their parents. For small children, the group is better not to clutch a large number of furniture, but provide space for moving games.

    Now you know general recommendations how to arrange a kindergarten group with your own hands. We hope that our photos helped you with a kindergarten group with your own hands. We would be interested to see what happened with you! Therefore, we are waiting with the pleasure of your pictures on the topic of the original design of a kindergarten group, maybe your templates will help someone else to issue a kindergarten interior.