What amniotic fluid depends on. Why amniotic fluid is needed. The main pathologies of amniotic fluid

Leakage of amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid leakage: symptoms every woman should know

The baby discovers a new world long before birth, gaining basic knowledge of taste, balance, movement, and balance through the amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid that surrounds it.

Amniotic fluid - living environment for 9 months

In fact, amniotic fluid it is a clear, slightly yellowish liquid surrounded by an amniotic cavity in which a baby swims like a fish in water for nine months of pregnancy. The beginning of the formation of amniotic fluid occurs at the end of the second week after fertilization. Until the fourteenth week, the fetal bladder is filled mainly with fluid coming from the mother's bloodstream. After the tenth week of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is 98% water, the remaining two percent are proteins, hormones, minerals, carbohydrates, fatty molecules, various ions and salts. From the twentieth week, fetal urine is part of the amniotic fluid.

Water and components of the amniotic fluid are constantly in exchange between the mother's bloodstream, the fetal body and the membranes of the amniotic cavity. The water exchange is 500 ml/hour, so the amniotic fluid is completely renewed every 3 hours. The amount of amniotic fluid gradually increases with a maximum of 1000/1500 ml at 36 weeks. By the time of delivery, the amount of water decreases and averages 500/800 ml.

Why amniotic fluid is needed

The main functions of amniotic fluid can be classified according to several parameters. First of all, it is protection, which consists

In maintaining a relatively constant temperature around the baby, thereby eliminating heat loss

To prevent physical injury to the child, for example, when the mother falls

Protecting the child and mother from infection, and the umbilical cord from squeezing

In addition, amniotic fluid eliminates the pressure of the walls of the uterus on the body of the child, promoting bone growth, preventing deformation of the child.

During childbirth, they contribute to an even distribution of force to the fetus from the uterus

The amniotic fluid provides the baby

Water and nutrition that are absorbed through the skin and also swallowed and inhaled by the baby

Contribute to the proper development of the lungs

Amniotic fluid is involved in the awakening of the smell and taste in the fetus, their slightly sweet taste explains the sweet tooth in children.

How do water leak during pregnancy The survival of the fetus, as well as its well-being, largely depends on the integrity of the walls of the fetal bladder, preventing leakage and premature rupture of amniotic fluid. As a rule, spontaneous rupture of the fetal bladder occurs during labor or before the onset of labor pains. But sometimes, due to injuries, infections, the threat of interruption of placental dysfunction or abnormalities in the development of the fetus, there is a violation of the integrity of the bladder walls, as a result of which water begins to leak. Let's just say if water is leaking, this does not mean that the child will be completely without water, given that their number is constantly updated.

Signs of amniotic fluid leakage

In obstetrics, it is customary to separate the concepts of effusion and leakage

Amniotic fluid rupture symptoms

The process of water discharge is accompanied by a simultaneous outpouring of a large amount of light, slightly turbid liquid. As a rule, it is accompanied by cramping pains and indicates the beginning or continuation of labor.

How amniotic fluid leaks

When the membranes of the membranes of the fetal bladder are torn, a slow but steady amniotic fluid leakage symptoms:

Constantly wet underwear, as well as increasing discharge during physical exertion or, for example, coughing

You are unable to notice fetal movements

Water leakage how to determine

Often the amount of fluid is so meager that it can be confused with vaginal discharge or urine. If you don't know water leakage as define We suggest using the following guidelines.

1. Use a dark cloth pad

2. If there is a trace or a whitish residue on it, then this is vaginal discharge

3. If you smell urine, it means it's urine.

4. But if the pad is wet, without smell or traces of whites - most likely it is water

5. In order not to go to the doctor again, use a pharmacy test that identifies water leakage.

In addition, amniotic fluid, as a rule, is colorless or diluted with white particles, sometimes with bloody inserts or with an admixture of greenery (in the event that a child suffers).

If you have found yourself signs of amniotic fluid leakage, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, who must assess the severity of the loss of amniotic fluid, and also prescribe measures to support his life activity corresponding to the gestational period of the child. As a rule, with proper care, it is possible to eliminate the loss and the membranes restore integrity, however, the doctor must observe the child until the moment of delivery.

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    http://www.cironline.ru/articles/newarticles/219/ Diagnosis of amniotic fluid leakage. I. Guzov, Ph.D. What is premature rupture of water Amniotic fluid is the environment in which the fetus lives and develops. Amniotic fluid is in a closed space (fetal membranes). Shells...

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  • Water leakage

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Baby. However, unfortunately, the further deterioration of the ecological situation in the world as a whole, the increase in the number of unhealthy people lead to the fact that carrying a baby for 40 weeks without encountering any problem or getting sick turns out to be quite difficult, and this happens not like that. often. In the article we will talk about one of the complications - leakage of amniotic fluid. We will tell you how to understand that amniotic fluid is leaking, and what symptoms indicate this.

The role of amniotic fluid

Important! If you find any of these symptoms in yourself, you must immediately inform the gynecologist. A copious outpouring of fluid means that you need to call an ambulance.

Methods on how to determine the leakage of water during pregnancy are medical and independent.
The first ones are:

  • gynecological examination,
  • smear microscopy,
  • aminotest,
  • cytological study.
During a gynecological examination, the doctor may suspect leakage if he finds clear discharge in the area of ​​​​the posterior fornix of the vagina of the pregnant woman.

In this case, he will ask the woman to cough, if after that the liquid flows from the cervical canal, then it is likely that the fetal bladder is damaged. The gynecological method is the most common and least informative.

When taking a smear, the analysis is placed on the glass. If there is a leak, after it dries, it will take the form of a fern leaf. The method is also uninformative, since a similar pattern can occur in the presence of sperm.

Aminotest is an analysis during which an indigo-carmine solution is injected into the woman's abdomen with a syringe. After 30 minutes, a swab is inserted into the pregnant woman's vagina.
Its staining indicates a rupture of the fetal bladder. Aminotest is accurate, expensive and painful. It has a number of side effects: the possibility of infection, the appearance of bleeding and other complications.

A cytological examination involves taking a smear from the zone of the posterior fornix of the vagina and detecting the presence of amniotic fluid in it.

Express test at home

There are two ways to determine leakage at home. At the first time, a woman needs to urinate, then wash well, wipe dry.

After she needs to take a diaper or a sheet and lie on it. The presence of wet spots after 15 minutes indicates a violation of the bladder membrane.
In pharmacies, you can buy a test pad for leakage of amniotic fluid. The pad has an indicator that allows you to distinguish amniotic fluid from other secretions and urine by pH.

It sticks to the underwear for 12 hours or until the moment when the woman feels the discharge.

After removing the gasket, check the color of the indicator. Staining it in bluish-green requires immediate medical attention.

What amniotic fluid looks like when leaking, you can see in the photo.

Danger of premature discharge of water

Premature leakage of a liquid medium from the fetal bladder carries a number of dangers for both the pregnant woman and the baby.

For woman

When there is a violation of the surface of the fetal bladder, its content becomes non-sterile, so there is a high risk of infection entering both the child and the uterus.

Infection of the uterus usually leads to the death of the child and provokes the development of severe septic complications in the mother.

Did you know? The uterus is a unique human organ that is able to increase in volume by about 500 times during the bearing of a baby, and then return to its original state. Thus, the weight of a woman's uterus in a normal state is approximately 40-60 g, the volume of her cavity is 5-6 cubic meters. cm, and by the end of pregnancy - 1-1.2 kg and 500 cu. cm respectively.

For the fetus

If the leakage began before the 20th week, then additional tests will be required in order to decide whether it makes sense to prolong.
Most likely, the cause of the complication was infection, and this is fraught with the development of a number of pathologies in him.

Often children in such cases are born blind, deaf, suffer from severe respiratory failure or cerebral palsy. Therefore, doctors often decide to terminate the pregnancy. Bladder rupture at 25-27 weeks is usually due to the development of a urogenital infection.

The council of doctors must determine the possible risks for the child and decide on the further preservation of the pregnancy or its termination. The risk of developing disability in the baby is quite high.

At a period of 38-40 weeks, a slight rupture of the bladder and the outflow of a liquid medium from it does not pose such a strong threat to the baby as in previous periods. Usually doctors at the moment resort to expectant tactics.

Important! The longer the period of leakage of amniotic fluid lasts, the more serious complications can occur in the child and mother..

What to do if amniotic fluid leaks

If the problem was discovered by a woman on her own at home, then she should call an ambulance team or contact a antenatal clinic.
If a leak is detected by a gynecologist during a routine examination, depending on the specific situation, they will be prescribed treatment, recommendations will be given, additional tests will be prescribed, and a decision will be made on the further management of the pregnancy.

If a complication is detected in the period from the 20-22nd week, in most cases the child can be saved.

A waiting tactic is used, taking tocolytics and glucocorticoids (sometimes antibiotics), bed rest, sterile conditions, blood tests and vaginal cultures, daily monitoring of the volume and condition of the water.

Prevention of premature discharge of water

In order to prevent premature discharge of amniotic fluid, it is necessary:

  • timely treat infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, teeth, throat, kidneys;
  • to carry out timely treatment of istvico-church insufficiency;
  • adhere to preservation therapy if there is a risk of premature termination of pregnancy;
  • give up heavy physical exertion, be careful when walking, running to avoid falls;
  • observe personal hygiene.
Leakage of amniotic fluid is a serious complication of pregnancy. However, with its timely detection and treatment, the child in most cases is born full-term and healthy.

In order not to miss the problem, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist according to the plan, undergo the necessary examinations, be attentive to yourself and your body.

Most of the time, while the baby is in the womb, amniotic fluid serves as a nutrient medium for it. Amniotic fluid (or amniotic fluid) fills the amniotic sac and performs many important functions. Thanks to the fetal waters, the baby is not afraid of any temperature changes or biological factors.

According to the state of the amniotic fluid, doctors can determine whether the child's intrauterine development is harmonious. Therefore, at the slightest deviation in the composition of the fetal waters from the norm (or when they leak), urgent measures must be taken.

What is amniotic fluid?

The fetal fluid is the woman's blood that passes through the walls of the placenta. With the passage of time, their composition is constantly changing: if in the early stages the waters are similar in composition to the mother's blood plasma, then by the middle of the period traces of the fetus's vital activity appear in them. For a child, this does not pose a danger, since every 3-4 hours the water is renewed, and only useful substances and elements remain in them.

Amniotic fluid is almost 97% water. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are dissolved in it, as well as enzymes, proteins, mineral salts, immunoglobulins and antigens (molecules that determine the child's blood type).

In addition, alkaloids, special aromatic substances, were found in the amniotic fluid.

It is believed that the newborn freely finds the mother's breast precisely because the smell of breast milk is very similar to the smell of fetal fluid.

The amount of fetal water increases by the third trimester. The less time remains until the end of the gestation period, the more amniotic fluid fills the fetal bladder. By about 36 weeks, the amount of fetal water reaches a maximum - from 1 to 1.5 liters. Before childbirth, they become smaller due to the gradual outpouring.

In order to find out if you have a normal amount of amniotic fluid, as well as to exclude the possibility of polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, you can use our table. It shows the amniotic fluid indices (AFI) corresponding to a certain week of pregnancy. All you need to do is compare with our indicators the index that your doctor determined during the test.

Table of the amount of amniotic fluid by week:

Leakage of amniotic fluid: symptoms and causes

Such a pathology as premature rupture of amniotic fluid is mainly found in pregnant women with inflammatory processes of the cervix or vagina. The outflow occurs due to the fact that the fetal membranes, which become thin and inelastic under the action of microorganisms, no longer hold the fluid inside the bladder.

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Leakage can also be caused by the following factors:

  • abdominal trauma;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • stress and fatigue;
  • sex during pregnancy.

In addition, the release of water can occur after prenatal diagnosis, carried out poorly. The examination includes procedures that require the insertion of a needle into the walls of the amniotic sac. With proper execution, the walls should not lose integrity.

Signs of amniotic fluid leakage are mild. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the discharge becomes larger, which is considered the norm, so the expectant mother is unlikely to be able to distinguish them from a possible outflow of fluid.

Symptoms that indicate premature outflow of amniotic fluid will be as follows:

  • the release of fluid increases with a change in position or walking;
  • moisture leaves constantly and in large quantities - daily pads are not enough even for an hour;
  • Leakage of water can be determined by external signs: the amniotic fluid is transparent, sometimes it contains slight patches of pink, brown or green. By the third trimester, tiny flakes appear in the amniotic fluid - dying flakes of vellus hair (lanugo) of the fetus. Normal discharge is thicker and whitish.

How to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid?

The most common problem is the leakage of amniotic water in drops, in which the pregnant woman does not experience any discomfort. If the damage to the amniotic sac is microscopic, the only way to detect rupture is to test for amniotic fluid leakage.

Amniotic fluid tests are based on determining the degree of acidity (pH) of vaginal discharge. Normal discharge for pregnant women is acidic, while amniotic fluid is alkaline. If the alkaline environment is dominant in the vaginal secretion, then the test will show a positive result.

Tests for amniotic fluid leakage look like a regular sanitary napkin, with an adhesive strip attached to the underwear. As soon as you feel the wetness of the pad (the maximum use time is 10-12 hours), remove the indicator strip from the test and place it in the case that comes with the kit.

The test result will be known in about 30 minutes. Special reagents, when detecting amniotic fluid, stain the strip in a yellow-green color. False-positive results are also possible when using the pad test. They appear in the presence of bacterial infections in a pregnant woman.

To avoid a false result of the amniotic fluid leakage test, it must be used no earlier than 12 hours after douching or intercourse.

If the test gives a positive result, you should inform your doctor as soon as possible. Do not postpone going to the clinic even if the test did not reveal any leakage, but suspicions (discomfort, excessive discharge) remain.

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Other pathologies of amniotic fluid

The color, amount and chemical composition of the amniotic fluid indicates whether your baby is developing successfully. Violation of these indicators is a serious reason for medical intervention:

1 Low water. This pathology threatens fetal hypoxia due to lack of oxygen and nutrients. The diagnosis is determined if the amount of amniotic fluid is less than 500 ml (for the 3rd trimester of pregnancy). The expectant mother can feel the signs of oligohydramnios on her own. Pain in the abdomen will be constant, aggravated by pushing the baby. In this case, the motor activity of the child will be quite low.

Pathology is the amount of water that exceeds 1.5 liters in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. With polyhydramnios, there is a risk of premature birth, since the cervix will open ahead of schedule under the weight of water. With polyhydramnios, the fetus moves too freely, so there is also a danger of another complication - entanglement of the umbilical cord.

3 Suspension in the amniotic fluid. The presence of a fine suspension in the amniotic fluid is determined when a pregnant woman has infectious diseases (for example, ureaplasmosis) or her immunity is very low. The infection does not pose a threat to the child while in the womb, but the transmission of the disease can occur during. Most often, the problem is solved with the help of drugs that increase the immunity of a woman.

4 Amniotic fluid embolism. A very dangerous obstetric disorder in which amniotic fluid enters the circulatory system of a pregnant woman during childbirth. The mother may experience toxic shock due to foreign bodies disrupting the system.

Embolism requires emergency drug therapy aimed at improving the balance of blood composition. If an embolism was diagnosed during childbirth, delivery is possible only by caesarean section.

The body of a future mother is an amazing world in which everything is arranged in such a way as to endure and give birth to a child. This is also helped by the amniotic fluid, which throughout the pregnancy is surrounded by the embryo, and then the fetus. In this warm, comfortable environment, it grows and develops for forty weeks. What is amniotic fluid, what is another name for amniotic fluid, what is it for?

A bit of theory

From the first days of the birth of life, a tiny still embryo is placed in a special environment. Amniotic fluid creates ideal conditions for the successful growth of the baby:

  • Attenuates noise
  • Does not allow hypothermia or overheating (because its temperature is constant)
  • Protects against impacts, shocks and crushing
  • Softens the effect of the law of gravity

And water also helps during childbirth: they provide gentle pressure on the baby's head on the cervix and smoother opening.

Where does amniotic fluid come from?

At the beginning of pregnancy, they are produced by cells of the fetal bladder. Later, the baby's kidneys begin to "help" them. The baby swallows water, in his gastrointestinal tract they are absorbed, and then, together with urine, they are excreted back into the fetal bladder.

Throughout pregnancy, amniotic fluid is constantly updated. It may seem incredible, but the complete renewal of all waters takes only three hours. This is the water cycle.

water problems

During each ultrasound, doctors check, including amniotic fluid. Their quantity, transparency and the presence of extraneous suspension will tell specialists a lot.

The amount of amniotic fluid is not constant. It increases throughout pregnancy. And if at the end of the first trimester of amniotic fluid is only 40 - 50 ml, then at 37 - 38 weeks of pregnancy from 1000 to 1500 ml! Interestingly, before childbirth, they become smaller - only about 800 ml. But this is normal.

However, unfortunately, there are cases when the amount of amniotic fluid is far from normal.

If there is more water, from one and a half to three liters, then we are talking about polyhydramnios. This condition threatens with a number of complications, including inflammation of the membranes, diabetes mellitus and Rhesus conflict between mother and child.

But no less dangerous is the opposite state - oligohydramnios(with it the amniotic fluid is less than 600 ml).

However, significant deviations in the amount of water from the norm are rare. But on the other hand, many expectant mothers are seriously worried about the frequently occurring conclusion "moderate malnutrition". Fortunately, such a diagnosis means only a slight decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid. In this case, the doctor will definitely prescribe additional examinations (CTG, dopplerography). They will allow you to clarify how the child feels. If everything is in order with the baby, then you should not be afraid of moderate oligohydramnios.

Water for analysis

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is absolutely transparent and clean, there are no foreign impurities in it. But the baby grows, hairs appear, the sebaceous glands begin to work. All this makes the amniotic fluid no longer so clean.

Amniotic fluid becomes a source of important information that specialists have learned to obtain with the help of amnioscopy or amniocentesis- researches of amniotic waters. It is not used often, only in difficult cases.

  • This is an examination of the amniotic fluid using a special mirror. By inserting it through the vagina, doctors can determine the amount of amniotic fluid and its color (normally clear or milky). A change in color in most cases indicates a lack of oxygen in the amniotic fluid, which is harmful to the baby.
  • This is a puncture of the fetal bladder, through which amniotic fluid is taken for examination. The puncture is made through the abdominal wall with a special hollow needle. What is happening is controlled by ultrasound. Most often, this complex study is carried out if the expectant mother is over 35 years old and there are serious concerns about the health of the baby.

When and why is amniocentesis performed?

  • For a period of 14 - 19 weeks, with the help of this study, it is possible to confirm or refute the presence of certain genetic diseases in the fetus, for example, Down's syndrome.
  • If necessary, specify the gender of the child. This is done in rare cases when there is a possibility of a baby being born with a pathology that is inherited by children of a certain gender.
  • After the 24th week of pregnancy, using amniocentesis, you can determine the degree of maturity of the baby's lungs.
  • In the event of a Rhesus conflict in mother and baby, a study of amniotic fluid will help to find out how the baby feels and whether he develops hemolytic disease. If the fears are confirmed, then you will have to “hurry up” the child with the birth in order to avoid serious consequences.

water fears

Fear #1

During pregnancy, many women complain of urinary incontinence and therefore fear that they may make a mistake and mistake amniotic fluid for urine and not notice their leakage. In fact, it's pretty easy to understand what's going on:

  1. Amniotic fluid can be distinguished from the contents of the bladder by the absence of color and odor.
  2. In addition, they begin to leak or even pour out not at the moment of physical stress, but when changing the position of the body.
  3. Another way to determine what happened is to try to stop the flow of fluid by squeezing the muscles. If this fails, then it can be said with certainty that it is the amniotic fluid that is poured out.

At the end of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the amount of vaginal discharge increases. In some cases, there are so many of them that expectant mothers mistake them for water leaks. However, here it is also easy to figure out what's what, even without visiting a doctor:

  1. The amniotic fluid is not viscous and does not stretch like discharge.
  2. The waters dry on linens or panty liners, leaving no traces like those from secretions.

When you are convinced that it is the amniotic fluid that is pouring out or leaking, you should immediately seek medical help. Even leakage is a warning sign. In this case, the doctor will definitely examine you, take a swab for elements of amniotic fluid. If the doctor insists on hospitalization, do not refuse. The life and health of a child is not something that can and is worth risking.

Fear #2

Some future mothers are afraid that the outpouring of amniotic fluid will occur on the street or in a public place. This fear is well founded. After all, although amniotic fluid is poured out before the start of the first contractions is not so often, but it still happens. Therefore, in the last days of pregnancy, it can be advised to use pads (preferably for strong secretions that can absorb a lot of fluid). Although this will not completely protect you, especially if it is not a leak, but an outpouring of water, it will still help not to get into an awkward position.

But still, most often, not all of the amniotic fluid is poured out, but only part of it, which is commonly called the anterior waters, as a rule, it is 100-200 ml. The remaining, posterior, waters depart after the birth of the baby. So it's not all that scary. With a small amount of front water, the gasket will definitely cope.

In case of outflow of amniotic fluid - a direct road to the hospital. Even if this happened for up to 34 weeks, it will no longer be possible to delay childbirth. But doctors will still do everything necessary so that in this situation the baby and mother suffer as little as possible.

Fear #3

Sometimes during childbirth, it becomes necessary to pierce the fetal bladder. This is done if:

  • The contractions have eased. After opening the fetal bladder, they can intensify and it is not necessary to stimulate labor with oxytocin.
  • The fetal bladder does not have anterior waters (the so-called flat bladder). During childbirth, the shells of such a bladder are pulled over the head of the child, which interferes with normal labor activity.
  • The fetal membranes are too dense and did not open themselves even with the full opening of the cervix. In this case, the pushing period is delayed, and the baby, if the bubble is not opened, can be born, which is called "in a shirt." As a rule, this threatens with asphyxia.

You should not be afraid of opening the fetal bladder. This is a painless procedure. If in doubt, remember the stories of friends or acquaintances who had an outpouring of water. They did not experience any discomfort. It will be the same with a bladder puncture: quickly and completely painless.

Photo - photobank Lori


While the baby is growing in the mother's belly, it is surrounded by amniotic fluid, in which it swims freely throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The outpouring of amniotic fluid indicates the onset of labor. How important is the amount of this fluid for a child's life? Let's try to figure it out.

The main function of the waters is protective. They smooth out sudden movements from the outside that could harm the unborn child, and also protect the umbilical cord from being pressed against the wall of the uterus by the fetus, and the blood flow does not stop. Amniotic fluid plays an important role in the metabolism of the child. It is they who deliver nutrients, hormones and immunoglobulins and remove metabolic products from the body - urine, hairs, skin flakes, and so on. In addition, it is the amniotic fluid that is actively involved in the birth process - firstly, it makes contractions less painful, as they serve as a natural buffer, and secondly, the lower waters (located under the head of the child, if he is in the most common head presentation) press from the inside to the uterus, causing it to open faster and better.

Renewal of amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid (or amniotic fluid) is not a static substance. They are constantly updated, “waste”, “contaminated” waters are removed from the body, and updated ones take their place. The inner surface of the placenta and the fetal membranes are involved in the formation of amniotic fluid. And even the child himself affects the amount of amniotic fluid, since he swallows the fluid surrounding him and excretes urine.

The process of water exchange takes place continuously - they are completely renewed within 3 hours.

A terrible complication of pregnancy is the leakage of amniotic fluid. Signs of amniotic fluid leakage may go unnoticed. A woman may mistake wet underwear for sweat or vaginal discharge. Do not draw conclusions on your own, describe the situation in detail to the gynecologist. When amniotic fluid leaks, there is a risk of infection for mother and child.

The amount of amniotic fluid: polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios

The amount of amniotic fluid throughout pregnancy is not the same. In the first 18-20 weeks, their volume is proportional to the size of the child. Toward the end of pregnancy, the normal amount of water is from 600 to 1500 ml. It is for the purpose of determining the amount of amniotic fluid that women are advised to do an ultrasound for a period of 37-38 weeks, since a deviation from these parameters can adversely affect the health of the mother and child.

Polyhydramnios during pregnancy

Polyhydramnios during pregnancy is called a situation when the amount of amniotic fluid in the fetal bladder exceeds 1.5 - 2 liters. You can notice the symptoms that this is happening even externally - in women with polyhydramnios, as a rule, the stomach grows very much, a lot of "stretch marks" appear on the skin. During the examination, one has to resort to additional examination methods, since it is difficult for the doctor to determine the location of the organs in the fetus and hear the heartbeat. It is difficult for a woman to breathe, her pulse quickens, her legs swell.

Complications of polyhydramnios during pregnancy

Pregnancy becomes a heavy burden for the mother in the truest sense of the word, and the child is completely exposed to a mortal threat. Since too much space allows for additional movement, and at this time the umbilical cord can wrap itself around the neck. Also, the presence of excess amniotic fluid can lead to incorrect presentation - pelvic or transverse.

An increased amount of amniotic fluid is often poured out before the term, which provokes preterm labor. But since the uterus itself was too swollen during pregnancy, it can contract worse, which will lead to a weakening of labor. In this case, childbirth can be delayed, which negatively affects both the health of the mother and the condition of the child, both may have hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the blood).

Causes of polyhydramnios during pregnancy

There can be several reasons for the increase in the amount of amniotic fluid. Basically, polyhydramnios is caused by infections transferred at different times that disrupt the functioning of the amnion, disturbances in the development of the fetus (most often the nervous and digestive systems, when the baby either does not swallow enough or releases too much fluid), as well as feto-placental insufficiency, when the placenta does not produces amniotic fluid in the required amount. Often polyhydramnios occurs in women with diabetes mellitus, or during pregnancy aggravated by the Rhesus conflict.

Pregnant women in whom studies have identified polyhydramnios should be constantly under the supervision of specialists.

Ultrasound during pregnancy determines polyhydramnios

If you have been diagnosed with polyhydramnios, you will need additional ultrasound diagnostics, since ultrasound is the best way to determine the amount of amniotic fluid and see possible fetal malformations. If polyhydramnios is not pronounced, does not interfere with the woman and does not disrupt blood circulation, the pregnancy is maintained until its natural completion, and the expectant mother is offered treatment for the cause that caused the increase in the amount of water. Most often, this is an infection in the body, in which case the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. If the matter is in other health problems (such as diabetes, or with an Rhesus conflict), they are treated.

oligohydramnios during pregnancy

Oligohydramnios is much less common than excess amniotic fluid. Oligohydramnios is a condition when the amount of amniotic fluid is less than 500 ml. The expectant mother herself can notice and feel it: the stomach grows poorly, prints of parts of the child's body can even be seen from the outside, the baby's movements cause pain. On the fetus itself, oligohydramnios also has a negative effect: the wall of the uterus is too close, they squeeze both the child and the umbilical cord. Because of this, the baby lags behind in development, he is too small and weak in time, his skin becomes dry, covered with extra folds. Possible defects of the musculoskeletal system - curvature of the spine, torticollis, clubfoot and others.

Causes of oligohydramnios during pregnancy

Usually, oligohydramnios during pregnancy occurs due to insufficient work of the amnion (embryonic membrane), which, as with polyhydramnios, can be caused, for example, by an infectious process in the body of a pregnant woman. The amount of amniotic fluid may decrease if the development of the child is impaired, especially with defects in the kidneys and excretory systems, as well as in the case of fetal hypoxia, since at this time the fetus also excretes little urine. Oligohydramnios can occur in one of the identical twins, if the second is characterized by polyhydramnios. This happens when the blood circulating from the common placenta is unevenly distributed. The amount of water also decreases during post-term pregnancy. Smoking during pregnancy also causes oligohydramnios.

Treatment of oligohydramnios during pregnancy

Treatment of oligohydramnios is carried out in almost the same way as in the case of polyhydramnios. The woman is under the constant supervision of doctors, and in case of severe suffering, she and / or the child is offered early delivery. If the mother and child feel well, independent childbirth is possible on time. However, with both excessive and insufficient amounts of amniotic fluid, childbirth rarely begins spontaneously, usually a woman is punctured with a rupture of the fetal bladder, since a large amount of water interferes with uterine contraction, and with oligohydramnios, the flat fetal bladder does not open the uterus from the inside. In extreme cases, if there is an entanglement of the umbilical cord, the fetus is located incorrectly, or the condition of the mother and child is extremely difficult, a caesarean section will be performed. However, we wish you that your birth proceeds in accordance with the norms, and problems do not frighten you.