What causes back pain after childbirth

During pregnancy, a woman's body is completely rebuilt to bear and give birth to a child. The hormonal background changes, the growing uterus displaces the internal organs. The skeletal system is also adjusted to the upcoming birth: the ligaments soften, the pelvic bones move apart. All this affects the condition of the lower spine and back muscles. That is why many young mothers experience discomfort, even lower back pain. Exercise and self-care will help you recover faster. However, it should be remembered that some conditions require treatment.


Reasons for back pain

There are many reasons why a woman has back pain after childbirth. Most of them are associated with the physiological restructuring of the body during pregnancy and preparing it for childbirth. It also affects the lifestyle before and after delivery. Quite often, back pain is also pathological.

Physiological causes

Under the action of the hormone progesterone, the ligaments and cartilaginous tissues soften so that the bones can freely disperse, and the fetus safely passes through the birth canal without encountering obstacles. Sometimes this leads to the fact that the vertebrae “sag” during pregnancy, pinching the nerve endings. The reverse process of convergence of bones and restoration of cartilage tissue is quite long, causes discomfort, some women experience pain.

In addition, there are other reasons why the lower back hurts:

  1. Normally, a woman gains 10-13 kilograms during pregnancy. This is a fairly large jump in weight in 9 months. The muscles of the back and abdomen are stretched, the spine experiences additional stress. After childbirth, the muscles gradually recover, the spinal column returns to its previous position, and the discomfort goes away.
  2. The posture of the expectant mother is changing. The woman holds her back, leaning back and up, which leads to overstrain of the back muscles, increased load on the lumbar spine and pain in this area.
  3. In the process of childbirth itself, the ratio of the pelvic bones undergoes significant changes in order to facilitate the passage of the child through the birth canal. So, the pubic bones and hip joints diverge, the coccyx deviates back. They do not immediately accept their former position. The recovery process is often accompanied by pain.
  4. After delivery, the distribution of the load on the spine changes again, and this happens abruptly. In order to “get used” to the previous position, the muscles of the back and the spinal column have to tighten, which causes back pain.
  5. Often, constipation, which are frequent companions of women who have recently given birth, causes lower back pain. When adjusting the stool, the discomfort also disappears.

After 1-2 months after childbirth, the woman's body is restored, the joints return to their original place, the muscles and ligaments return to normal, the pain gradually disappears. During this period, it is important to monitor your posture, do not strain your back. As soon as there is discomfort in the lumbar region, threatening to develop into pain, it is better to leave everything and rest a bit.

Video: Dr. Shperling about the reasons why the back hurts after childbirth

Pathological causes

If you have back pain, don't wait for it to go away on its own. It is better to immediately visit a doctor who will establish the true cause of their origin. Often after childbirth, the lower back hurts due to any disease:

  • injuries and bruises of the spine received before pregnancy and did not bother for a long time, often worsen after the birth of a child;
  • exacerbation of scoliosis or osteochondrosis, which led to the process of childbirth;
  • intervertebral hernia and inflammation in the lumbar spine;
  • displacement of the vertebrae during childbirth, pinching of nerve endings, squeezing of blood vessels;
  • introduction of epidural anesthesia;
  • diseases of other organs: intestines, genitourinary system, in which pain is given to the lower back;
  • exacerbated kidney disease.

Often, lower back pain is the result of psycho-somatic problems that often occur after childbirth. The general condition of a woman, including the appearance of pain in the lumbar region, is affected by postpartum depression. In this case, you need to contact a psychologist.

How to prevent back pain

Prevention begins during pregnancy. Already at this time, you need to perform exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back. You should avoid the appearance of extra pounds, if necessary, follow a special diet. In the third trimester, you can’t overexert yourself, because it is at this time that preparations for childbirth take place, there is a high risk of “sagging” of the vertebrae, pinched nerve endings.

After the birth of a baby, following simple rules will help to avoid complications:

  1. When lifting weights, do not bend over. Pick up items from a seated position. In this case, the load will be correctly distributed, not only on the back.
  2. When caring for a child, you need to ensure maximum comfort for your back. So, a crib, a bath for bathing, a changing table should be adjusted to fit your height so as not to bend over once again.
  3. The first 1-2 months after childbirth, it is advisable to sleep on a hard bed. It’s good if it becomes a habit later, because a hard bed is the best option for back health.
  4. It should be remembered that excess weight is an additional load on the spine. A well-chosen diet will help you lose those extra pounds gained during pregnancy.
  5. In the first months after birth, many mothers have to carry their baby in their arms for a long time. It is better to use a sling, which will not only facilitate the process, but also become a good support for the back muscles.
  6. When feeding a baby (whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding), you should choose a comfortable position so that your back does not experience additional stress and does not get tired. For this, an easy chair is suitable; a roller can be placed under the back in the lumbar region. Many women notice that breastfeeding in the supine position does not cause discomfort at all.
  7. Walking in the fresh air will be useful for both mother and baby. The movement tones the muscles, contributes to their speedy recovery. This does not require running. A calm walk with a stroller through a park or square will not only help relieve stress, but also improve your mood.

If your back hurts, you need to reconsider your regimen and habits. Often, mothers carry the baby literally on their stomach, sticking it forward. This habit was formed during pregnancy and seems convenient. In fact, this is a bad habit. The lumbar spine strongly bends forward, the back muscles, so strained during pregnancy, experience additional stress, overstrain, the woman experiences pain in the lower back. This situation leads to a curvature of the spine, displacement of the vertebrae, pinched nerve endings, the appearance of intervertebral hernias.

Video: Exercises to help relieve lower back pain

What to do when pain occurs

It must be remembered that tablets and ointments bring only a temporary effect, relieving pain, but not eliminating its cause. And this means that the pain will return every time the effect of the drug ends. In addition, drugs should not be used if a woman is breastfeeding after childbirth.

If the cause of lower back pain is not associated with the disease, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the speedy recovery of the musculoskeletal system. Immediately after childbirth, it is advisable to wear a special corset to help the back muscles and spine to take the correct position. Remedial gymnastics will help to strengthen and restore muscles, which is desirable to be carried out even during pregnancy for the purpose of prevention and for 1-2 months after the birth of a child.

To relieve pain, doctors usually prescribe physical therapy and massage, aimed at restoring blood circulation and strengthening the muscles of the back, returning the spine to the correct position. Applicators (for example, Lyapko's applicator or Kuznetsov's applicator) cope well with lower back pain, the action of which is aimed at improving microcirculation in tissues.

Video: The principle of operation of the Kuznetsov applicator in the Living Healthy program. How to use the app.

“My back hurts a lot after childbirth” - such a complaint, unfortunately, can often be heard from young mothers. Do not ignore unpleasant symptoms, considering them a normal consequence of an experienced pregnancy and the birth of a child. All changes in the body of a woman during the bearing of a baby are provided for by nature and theoretically should be painless and reversible. If you have back pain after childbirth, there is definitely a reason for this. Let's figure out what causes discomfort in various areas of the back and how to deal with it.

Causes of back pain after childbirth

There are many reasons for postpartum back pain. First of all, these are problems with the spine that existed even before pregnancy, and the woman might not even know about them. Pregnancy and childbirth provoke an aggravation of minor deviations, and as a result, pain appears. During the bearing of a child, the body undergoes multiple changes: from the obvious (an increase in body weight and a shift in the center of gravity) to those hidden from our eyes - hormonal changes, displacement of internal organs and bones, softening of cartilaginous joints. Childbirth, even without surgery and anesthesia, can cause various deformities and pinching in the spine. And caring for a newborn often becomes the “last straw” that leads to a sharp deterioration in the condition of the back.

After childbirth, natural changes in the body occur in the reverse order. The body gets used to its normal weight again, muscles are restored, the center of gravity changes, the level of progesterone decreases, which, accordingly, leads to a decrease in the elasticity of cartilage joints and ligaments. Rehabilitation takes at least six months, and more often a year or even more. However, to put up with pain, as with something inevitable, is not worth it.

Back pain after childbirth and its possible consequences

If your back hurts a lot after giving birth, do not delay the solution of this problem. Incorrect posture can lead to fluid retention in the body and, consequently, an increase in body weight. "Distortions" of the spine sometimes cause lactostasis (painful stagnation of milk), and even postpartum depression - due to pinched nerve endings in the vertebrae.

Back problems can be the starting point for the emergence of diseases of many internal organs: the heart, stomach, lungs, gallbladder, uterus, ovaries.

What to do if the back hurts after childbirth (lower back, coccyx, shoulder blades)?

In the event of acute pain or constant discomfort in the back, it would be advisable, first of all, to contact a neurologist, who will rule out serious problems with the spine, such as inflammation, pinching of the intervertebral discs, or diseases of the nerve endings and muscles. Perhaps the doctor will limit himself to advice on the use of a postpartum bandage or a special corset. If you suspect a herniated disc - a protrusion of the intervertebral disc beyond the upper and lower vertebrae - you will be advised to do an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the spine. This study is safe for breastfeeding mothers. With the help of MRI, layered images of muscles, vertebrae, and nerve roots are performed.

A more financially affordable examination option is an x-ray, but it is not so informative and harmless to health.

If necessary, treatment will be prescribed: medications, physiotherapy, a course of manual therapy. Please note that intervertebral hernia cannot be delayed, this is a serious disease, sometimes requiring even surgical intervention.

If the MRI does not reveal any problems, the doctor may assume that the cause of back pain is an internal disease. Then you will be advised to undergo an ultrasound and pass a biochemical blood test and a general urine test. With the help of tests, the presence of problems in the functioning of the kidneys, pancreas, liver is determined, and ultrasound allows you to identify structural changes in internal organs.

Treatment for pulling and acute back pain

When treating back pain after childbirth, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations. The use of drugs is contraindicated in nursing mothers, since most of them get to the baby through milk. The main methods of treatment in the postpartum period are gymnastics, massage, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, darsonval), manual therapy, acupuncture.

If acute pain occurs, limit physical activity, take a comfortable position, which makes it easier. Standing and sitting increases pain, ideally it is better to lie on your back more, with your knees bent 90 °. Roll up and place a pillow or blanket under your knees - this makes it easier to maintain the desired position.

If the pain is so severe that it can no longer be tolerated, the use of painkillers such as paracetamol, ketonal, diclofenac and nimesil is allowed. However, in the future, be sure to consult a doctor!

Prevention and relief of back pain after childbirth

To prevent or relieve pain in the postpartum period, try to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid hard work , at least the first 5-6 months after childbirth. It takes time to restore the muscles of the back and abdomen, and excessive loads are fraught with pain in the spine.
  2. Control your weight . The more extra pounds you have, the harder it is for the spine and the more difficult it is for the body to recover after childbirth.
  3. Feed your baby in a comfortable position . For many mothers, this is feeding the baby in the supine position. If you are more comfortable feeding while seated, use a high chair with good back support. It is better to put your legs on a small stool or ottoman.
  4. Sleep on a hard mattress . The soft surface of the mattress relaxes the muscles, which, in turn, contributes to the deformation of the spine. And if back problems have already manifested themselves, a soft mattress can only aggravate them. It is also better to use a sufficiently rigid and elastic orthopedic pillow or roller to support the cervical region.

  1. Do specific back exercises . Gymnastics should be aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen. Focus not on the severity of the exercises, but on the regularity of classes.
  2. Avoid sudden movements . Move smoothly:
  • rising from a prone position, turn on your side, bend your knees, lean on your hand and only then sit down and get up;
  • to lift a child or something heavy from the floor (for example, a bucket of water), instead of tilting, try to squat with a straight back or kneel;
  • do not carry heavy things on outstretched arms, try to make sure that the main load falls on the legs;
  • when cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, lean on your leg with your hands - this will help reduce the load on the spine.
  1. Be careful when choosing a stroller or baby carrier . There is only one important requirement for a stroller: the handle must be above your waist. But with carriers, everything is somewhat more complicated - there are a lot of them, and not all of them are useful for mother and child. A sling is best for unloading the back, and especially a sling scarf. It provides different winding options and perfectly distributes the weight of the baby over the mother's body.

  1. Make your life easier . A mop and a brush with a long handle, a robot vacuum cleaner will allow you to avoid tilting when cleaning. If you have groceries for the whole family on your shoulders, use a backpack instead of a bag or bags.
  2. Pay attention to the height of children's furniture and other items. The crib, changing table and bathtub should be at a height appropriate for your height. Mom, when performing routine operations, should not overstrain her back. Adjust the height of the bottom of the crib, use a stand for a baby bath.
  3. Walk more and visit the pool if possible . Such loads will restore and strengthen the muscles of the back.

We hope that back pain will become in your life only a temporary consequence of pregnancy and childbirth. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Childbirth is both the most important event in a woman's life and a period of difficult trials. The load on the skeleton and vital organs during pregnancy increases many times over. Vertebral bends change, muscles and ligaments of the lower lumbar and pelvic regions are stretched. All this leads to back pain even with symptoms of lumboischialgia. But now the pregnancy and childbirth are over, and the pain has not gone away. Women worry and worry: why does the back hurt after childbirth.

After childbirth - the same natural phenomenon as pain during pregnancy

There are many reasons for this:

  • Changes in the female body occurred over a period of nine months. It is impossible for the biological mechanism that launched these processes to immediately rebuild after childbirth for reverse processes.. It will take at least six months or more for everything to return to normal.
  • Gradually, the weight, figure, and posture of a woman will change. But while she still has lumbar lordosis: her stomach is pushed forward, her shoulders are laid back. Such a posture with a displaced center of gravity leads to tension. The abdominal muscles, on the contrary, are stretched and weakened. The lumbar triangles are weakened: a gap appears not only for the occurrence of pain, but also for the lumbosacral hernia L5 - S1.

That is why therapeutic exercises after childbirth are so important. This is not for the sake of a woman's desire to always be attractive, although this is an important factor, but simply a vital necessity in order to avoid serious vertebral pathologies.

  • The presence of dystrophic processes or curvatures before pregnancy and childbirth is also important. If, osteochondrosis, a hernia were present in a woman before, then they most likely will not disappear anywhere after childbirth, but on the contrary, they will progress
  • The contraction of the uterus after childbirth also leads to

Impact of birth trauma on back pain

The very nature of childbirth also affects: few people have them proceed smoothly. During childbirth, the pelvic bones diverge, and huge loads fall on the joints, muscles and ligaments of the pelvis. The following birth injuries may occur:

How to treat such postpartum pain when it is impossible to use painkillers due to feeding?

The fact is that they will not help, since the pain syndrome is not the fault of inflammation.

Only an osteopath can eliminate the skew of the pelvis, and hence the problem, by balancing the pelvic muscles

Lactation and postpartum back pain

Accelerates dystrophic processes in the spine and the hormonal background of a nursing woman.

During the entire period of lactation, a woman has an increased amount of prolactin and insufficient estrogen, which causes menopause. And although women usually feed a child up to a year, and during this time bone density does not decrease much due to estrogen deficiency, nevertheless, coupled with the additional factors available, lactation can lead to osteoporotic phenomena and back pain.

However, this does not mean that a woman should switch to artificial feeding as soon as possible after childbirth. The harm from such a thoughtless act will be much greater than from breastfeeding, both for the child and for the mother. Why?

  • Everyone knows that breast milk improves the immunity of the baby. As long as he suckles at the breast, does not get colds and generally grows healthier
  • Women who breastfeed early have a much greater risk of breast cancer than conscientious full-term breastfeeding mothers.

After the end of the lactation period, the hormonal background returns to normal, and the bones are very quickly restored to their previous density.

How to protect yourself from back pain

The back sometimes hurts a lot and from the lifestyle itself after childbirth. A young mother has no time for rest, although thanks to progress, the life of a modern mother is much simpler than that of our grandmothers:

  • It is not necessary, hunched over, to continuously wash diapers: fortunately, there are diapers and automatic machines
  • There is no need to carry the child to the children's clinic, as there are comfortable strollers, kangaroo bags, slings

However, you still need to bathe the child, swaddle him, feed him, sometimes cradle him in his arms. And all this requires dynamics and effort for the back.

What can be advised to women with back pain after childbirth?

Don't provoke pain.

Make sure that your posture during all this pleasant work is as comfortable as possible for you:

  1. Bathing is quite a long process, and with a bent lower back, it will be difficult to carry it out. Design a bathtub stand so that it is at the level of the waist
  2. The height of the crib and changing area must also be adjusted. You can also swaddle while sitting on the couch.
  3. Feed your baby comfortably lying on your side or sitting in a chair, placing a pillow under your back, placing your feet on a low bench
  4. If you want to pick up the baby from the floor, do not do it while bending over: sit down with a straight back and slowly rise with your legs. But this requires a certain strength in the legs and training. On the one hand, this is a useful exercise, but if you feel that your strength is clearly not enough, do not overload yourself, but rather ask someone to do it for you and pass the child from hand to hand
  5. Train your back and abdominal muscles daily with exercises, starting with the simplest in the first days after childbirth, then gradually increasing them
  6. If you have severe back pain and there is a birth injury, a hernia of the spine, or some other disease, then do all the work of caring for a child that requires increased stress, do it in

Health to you and your child!

Video: Back pain after childbirth

With the onset of pregnancy, a global restructuring takes place in the female body, aimed at the successful bearing and birth of a healthy child. There is a change in hormone levels. The uterus, increasing in size, puts pressure on the internal organs. The bones are also preparing for delivery - they become softer, the bones of the small pelvis expand. These factors affect the lower back and back muscles. It is for this reason that women who have become mothers suffer from uncomfortable and sometimes quite painful sensations in this area.

You should take care of your health, as well as perform special exercises, then the recovery process will be faster.

Causes of back pain after childbirth

There can be many provocative factors due to which a newly-made mother has a backache. Most of them have a connection with the natural restructuring during the period of bearing a child and preparing for his birth. In addition, the lifestyle that a woman led before and after the baby was born also has an impact. However, it is not uncommon for the appearance of pain in the back due to pathological causes.

Physiological factors

The increased production of progesterone that occurs during pregnancy has an effect on the condition of the ligaments and cartilage, causing them to become softer. This is necessary for the free divergence of the bones and the safe, unhindered passage of the child through the birth canal. It happens that as a result of this, “subsidence” of the vertebrae occurs even during the period of bearing a child, which leads to pinched nerve endings. When the bones begin to converge back, and the cartilage is restored, it takes quite a long time. In this case, the process is accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, and sometimes severe pain.

In addition, there are other reasons that cause back pain after childbirth. These include the following:

  1. It is considered normal weight gain for the entire period of pregnancy from 10 to 13 kilograms. That's a pretty big weight gain for a few months. There is a stretching of the muscles of the abdomen and back, the spine is subjected to increased loads. After the birth of a child, a slow recovery of the muscles begins, the return of the spine to its usual position, due to which the discomfort disappears.
  2. Changing the posture of a pregnant woman. When walking, the expectant mother leans back, which is why the muscles of the back and lower back are constantly in a tense state. This causes pain in that area of ​​the body.
  3. Directly during childbirth, a significant expansion of the pelvic bones occurs, otherwise the baby will not be able to pass through the birth canal. Recovery is not so fast, during this process pain often occurs.
  4. After the pregnancy is completed, the load on the spine is again distributed differently, and this happens abruptly. In the process of getting used to a new position, the spine and back muscles are in tension, because of this, back pain appears.
  5. A fairly common cause of pain is constipation, which often accompanies new mothers. When the stool normalizes, discomfort in the back will disappear.

One or two months after the birth of a child, the process of restoring the female body is completed, the joints take their usual place, the condition of the ligaments and muscles normalizes, and over time, the back stops hurting. At this time, it is important to pay attention to your own posture, to avoid back strain. At the first sign of discomfort, which threatens to turn into severe pain, it is recommended to postpone all business and arrange a rest for yourself.

Pathological factors

When a new mother begins to have back pain, it is highly undesirable to wait for them to disappear on their own. You should go to the doctor, who will help determine what caused the pain. In some cases, this condition is triggered by the presence of certain diseases, including:

  1. Spinal injuries that were obtained before the onset of pregnancy and for a long time did not make themselves felt. Often exacerbations occur after childbirth.
  2. Displacement of the vertebrae during delivery, pinched nerves, squeezing blood vessels.
  3. The presence of intervertebral hernias.
  4. Exacerbated diseases (osteochondrosis, scoliosis), which is provoked by the process of childbirth.
  5. Exacerbations of kidney pathologies.
  6. Inflammatory process in the lumbar region.
  7. Use of anesthesia (epidural anesthesia).
  8. Other diseases: urinary tract, intestines, accompanied by pain in the lumbar region.

Not so rarely, pain in this part of the body is the result of psychosomatic disorders that occur after a woman becomes a mother. Such a fairly common phenomenon as postpartum depression affects the state of her entire body, and in particular the occurrence of back pain. In such a situation, you will need to consult a psychologist.

Before starting treatment, it must be taken into account that various drugs in the form of ointments or tablets give only a short-term result, briefly reducing the pain syndrome, but without removing the provoking factor. This means that the pain will reappear when the medicine wears off. In addition, many medicines are forbidden to use during breastfeeding.

If back pain is not caused by a disease, then therapeutic measures should first of all be aimed at quickly restoring the musculoskeletal system.

Women who have recently become mothers are advised to wear a special corset that will help the back muscles, so that they will quickly take the necessary position.

To strengthen and restore muscles, therapeutic exercises should be performed. Moreover, it is recommended to do this throughout pregnancy and a couple of months after childbirth as a preventive measure against back pain.

To alleviate the pain syndrome, the doctor can give a direction to the newly-made mother for massage and physiotherapy. Such activities help restore blood supply and strengthen muscles, as a result, the spine quickly takes the necessary position.

Good helpers in the fight against discomfort in the lower back will be special applicators that can be purchased at a pharmacy. Such funds improve blood circulation in the tissues.


Preventive measures should be carried out even in the process of bearing a child. Already in this period, it is necessary to do exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back. You should not allow excessive weight gain, if necessary - follow the diet recommended by your doctor.

In the last months of pregnancy, overexertion should be avoided, since during this period the body is preparing for childbirth, it is highly likely that the vertebrae will “sink” or nerves will be pinched.

When a woman becomes a mother, she must follow a few simple recommendations to prevent complications:

  1. When lifting heavy objects, bending should be avoided. You need to do this from a sitting position, this is to ensure the correct distribution of the load.
  2. When caring for a baby, you need to take care of your own back. It is necessary that the baby's bed, bath, changing table be adjusted to the height of the mother so that she does not have to constantly bend over.
  3. It is recommended to sleep on a hard mattress - this will be the best solution for maintaining a healthy back.
  4. We must not forget that the more extra pounds, the greater the load on the spine. Therefore, it is desirable to get rid of the excess weight that was gained during the bearing of the child. A well-chosen diet will help a young mother in this.
  5. When feeding a child (regardless of the type of feeding - breast or artificial), you need to choose a comfortable position in which the back will not get tired and be subjected to unnecessary stress. An easy chair would be a good option. Most mothers note that if you feed your baby in a supine position, there is almost never any discomfort.
  6. Both for the woman and for the child, staying in the fresh air will bring many benefits. In addition, the movement will tone the muscles, help them recover faster. It doesn't have to be running. A leisurely walk will reduce stress and charge you with a good mood.

With back pain, you need to analyze your lifestyle and, if necessary, make adjustments to it. Be sure to watch your posture. The habit, formed during the period of bearing a child, to stick out the stomach forward, must be urgently disposed of. The bending of the spine leads to the fact that the muscles of the back, already subjected to heavy stress, experience overstrain, as a result, this part of the body begins to hurt. In addition, serious complications can occur in the form of a curved spine, displaced vertebrae, and hernia formation.

Video: back pain after childbirth

Almost every second woman complains of back pain after childbirth. Depending on many factors, pain can go away quickly (within a few weeks) or last for a rather long period (up to a year or more).

Causes of back pain after childbirth

The most common causes of pain are:

  • Deviation of the axis of the spine during pregnancy;
  • Large postpartum stress;
  • Stretching of the abdominal and back muscles;
  • Childbirth directly. The birth process is a great stress for the whole organism, especially for the lumbar region and sacrum.

Back pain after childbirth is closely related to the condition of the abdominal muscles, which, during the bearing of the child, diverge to the sides, lengthen and stretch. As a result, shortening of the lumbar muscles often occurs. This, in turn, leads to the formation of "hollows" in the lumbar region with a simultaneous protrusion of the abdomen. Therefore, so often after childbirth, the back hurts in the lumbar region, which is especially felt when lifting weights, bending forward and squatting. Another cause of pain in the back is the stretching of the pelvic muscles during the birth process.

Most of all, mothers who during pregnancy did not pay due attention to their physical form suffer from discomfort in the back. If a woman was engaged in special gymnastics, then for her postpartum recovery, as a rule, is faster and more painless, and discomfort in the back after childbirth is practically not disturbing.

However, not only the physical form is the cause of the pain syndrome. An important role is played by changes in the hormonal background, which lead to metamorphoses in the structure of the joints and ligaments. In addition, orthopedic doctors note that more often back pain after childbirth occurs in women who had a curvature of the spine even before pregnancy.

Birth injuries in the form of displacement of the hip joints and vertebrae of some parts of the spine (most often the sacro-lumbar) can also become a factor provoking the appearance of pain in the back. This problem is usually observed in women who are overweight, as well as in women in labor who have not undergone special prenatal training. Because of this, in the process of contractions, they do not take a gentle position and do not use the technique of proper breathing. Some experts note that another reason for this may be generic anesthesia, which does not give a woman the opportunity to focus on her feelings. Therefore, in the absence of medical indications during childbirth, it is better not to use painkillers. In the future, this will help to avoid the occurrence of severe back pain.

Prevention and treatment of postpartum back pain

Women often ask what to do if their back hurts after childbirth. There is no definite answer to this question, since only a doctor can determine the cause of the pain. In especially severe cases, for example, after a serious birth injury, surgery may be indicated, but most often the operation can be avoided using conservative treatment methods: manual therapy, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises.

Sometimes, with severe back pain after childbirth, drugs are prescribed in addition to this. However, due to the fact that many of the effective drugs cannot be taken during breastfeeding, drug treatment is very limited.

If your back hurts after childbirth, doctors recommend dosing physical activity and minimizing hard work, since the abdominal and back muscles will remain very vulnerable for another six months. To speed up the recovery process, you can do gymnastics and gradually strengthen the muscles. Training should begin with small loads so as not to injure your back.

To prevent the development of pain in the back after childbirth, it is recommended to follow some simple rules:

  1. Before taking the child in your arms, you should first sit down, bending your legs at the knees and keeping your back straight. Gradually straightening the knees, it will be possible to raise the baby with “legs”, and not “back”;
  2. It is advisable to adjust the height of the crib and changing table according to your height. For the bath, you need to use a special stand, which will help to avoid overloading the back while bathing the child;
  3. To prevent the occurrence of back pain after childbirth, doctors recommend wearing a baby in a sling or kangaroo, and you need to choose the most suitable models that do not overload the back muscles. It is advisable to limit the time of carrying the baby in your arms and not to take him without special need. Sickness of the crumbs can be more often trusted by dad or close relatives;
  4. A very important preventive measure that prevents the occurrence of back pain after childbirth is a comfortable position for feeding. The process should not cause discomfort, so immediately after the birth of the baby, you need to try and choose the most comfortable positions: lying on your side, in a chair or with a pillow under your back;
  5. As soon as the doctor allows, regular exercises should be started to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen. The lightest of them can be done within the first week after childbirth. The complex does not take much time - up to 15-30 minutes a day, however, with its regular implementation and the correct increase in intensity, you can quite quickly achieve good results and avoid the progression of pain in the back after childbirth;
  6. It is also important to pay attention to nutrition. This will not only provide the child with all the necessary nutrients, but also avoid the appearance of excess weight, which exacerbates back pain. To develop the right diet, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist who will help you create the optimal menu for the mother and child.