The difference between the first and second pregnancy. Video: multiple pregnancy. Multiple pregnancy

Will there be a second pregnancy or not? This question visits every mother already having a baby, but two eloquent stripes again saw on the test. Someone hopes that it will be better, someone is afraid of new difficulties. But in any case, the desire to know about what will have to face, it is quite natural and reasonable.

It is worth aware of the fact that both the second child will not necessarily look like the first and the second pregnancy may differ from the first, and maybe it is completely repeated. Two pregnancies are two children, and each of them has its own history of appearance. Nevertheless, certain patterns peculiar to the second pregnancy exist, and we will try to systematize these knowledge into a single system.

Cooked lottery: Factors that do not predict

Want to know whether the second pregnancy and childbirth bears features that have been infused for the first pregnancy? But this is just almost unpredictable. Only the lottery of good luck will determine if you have changes in character, taste addictions, toxicosis and edema.

  • Toxicosis is a thing, as it turned out, unpredictable. He can never visit you for both pregnancies, and can completely spend again in both. And maybe for the first time to be, and in the second - no, or vice versa. Although justice, we note that the chances of avoiding it above the second time, especially if the boy settled in the stomach. It is not for nothing that the toxicosis and the sex of the child have a correlation dependence.
  • Flavoring addiction. If you remember how in the first pregnancy with the jeap of the Salami seal, it does not mean at all that everything will happen in the second pregnancy. Perhaps what will pull you for the second time will be fundamentally different from your daily addictions and the preferences of the first pregnancy. And taking into account the reception of complex vitamins "strange" addictions in women approach no, since all the necessary substances are supplied in the required quantity.
  • Edema and guest bees. Whether what the second pregnancy has the features for a woman from the presence of similar problems in the first, judged is difficult. If for the first time the whole pregnancy was accompanied by eductions not related to diseases of the kidneys and heart, it was a manifestation of particular pregnancy. And the second time, gestosis can bypass you. Or vice versa, gaining overweight, or spent seven years, one can increase the likelihood of problems with the gestation manifestations of diabetes and simply with gestosis. But the chances of acquiring edema into the second pregnancy above.
  • Mood swings, drowsiness, fatigue - Also very individual features that depend too much factors so that they can predict their offensive during pregnancy.

Features of the second pregnancy that you will feel

But in addition to these unpredictable factors, there are such features of the second pregnancy that are undoubtedly spelled out in medical encyclopedias.

  • Early tummy. Due to the fact that the urban woman's urvea never shrink until the previous size, and will forever remain almost twice as much, the appearance of a visually fixed belly will occur long before the middle of the pregnancy. If the first time the piquant position could be hidden until the fifth month, then in the second pregnancy, the tummy will begin to grow at the beginning of the second trimester.
  • The mines of the kid repeatedly feels a month earlier, starting from 16 weeks. Most often it is explained by the fact that pregnant already knows what these sensations look like and will not confuse them with anything.
  • The second pregnancy, whose features should be noted separately, is accompanied by a lower state of the uterus. If you look at the perspective of sensations, the child will put more on the bladder, but less on the stomach. As a result, you can avoid heartburn, but it will have to run to the toilet quite often.
  • Varicose veins and chronic diseases will not be better not, but worse - easily. Therefore, the second time you need to follow my health much more carefully, given the weaknesses found during the first pregnancy.
  • Generic activity that marks the last stage of pregnancy, the second time most often passes easier and, which is pleasant, faster. The body, remembered the first birth, is easier to adapt to this situation again, and the woman already knows what to expect from the process of the appearance of a child to light.

Features of the second pregnancy after a short period of time

The second pregnancy and childbirth, whose features are not only that this happens for the second time, but also the one of the first time has passed too little time, deserve a separate explanation. The weather is a wonderful option for bold mothers: quickly "shoot", providing each of your children with a friend-peer, a wonderful plan.

However, the second pregnancy in a row is associated with many difficulties. The body of the woman has not yet been fully recovered, especially if it is actively breastfeeding. Therefore, a vitamin and mineral apparatus is needed, maintaining the balance and health of the mother and both children. With such a pregnancy, there is more often toxicosis and the sex of the child is much more difficult to predict, because according to one of theories, the weather is most often born.

Another complexity of the second pregnancy in a row is not only the depletion of the body of a woman with nutrients, but also the physical condition of the reproductive organs. Therefore, careful control of doctors to avoid premature births is necessary.

The fatigue of pregnancy and the load of the first lifestyle of the baby merge into one solid fatigue, and the first baby constantly relieves climbing hands, which is categorically not recommended. However, all this is overcome and requires only a little more effort from both parents.

Psychological features of the second pregnancy

In addition to physiological features, with a second pregnancy, there are both the peculiarities of the perception of her both the woman itself and its close surroundings. The fact that the second pregnancy features a psychological character is moving to the background, does not mean that they are not.

  • Most often, the second pregnancy is much calmer, since the woman already knows what and when to expect from this process. However, the attention of the woman itself and its relatives is too much concentrated on the problems of the older child and the domestic aspects of life. And in the aggregate, the calm of the woman and the abstractness of the family on third-party problems create the illusion of indifference to the emergence of the second baby. But this is far from that.
  • Another aspect of the second pregnancy is the desire of parents this time to predict the floor of the future baby, because they have a child of one sex. Why not? Methods for this much, and you can choose to be suitable for you.
  • The load on the shoulders of the family lies delicate preparation of the elder child to the appearance of a brother or sister. This is a very responsible effect, which is worth considering and implementing your family to further well-benefit.

No matter how the second pregnancy has been for you, most importantly - you already have experience in passing all its stages. Consider all the omissions of the first time that the second pregnancy pleases you ease, and we sincerely wish you good luck!

You thought about the second pregnancy, because it is better than one kid can only be two. Plan a second pregnancy is better not earlier than two years after the first birth. And although now everything will be easier and clearer, there are a number of differences and a feature that you should know.

You already know that you need to plan a second child after a minimum of two years after the birth of the firstborn. During this time, the body will just have time to relax, you will have time to finish, put in order a hormonal background and just heals the scar from the cesarean section.

Doctors argue that women who gave birth to children with a break of less than two years, more often suffer from pregnancy complications (toxicosis, anemia, late beds), they have higher risk of unbearable. By the way, in this case, it will also have to be not easy for the child: the vitamins and nutrition can not be enough, and the crumb is born with a small weight or weak.

The difference between the second pregnancy from the first

Hide the second pregnancy is more difficult than the first: the tummy is visible almost with, and at the end of the first trimester becomes very noticeable. Muscles and ligaments, once again stretched, lose their elasticity, and it is harder to maintain a growing uterus. therefore bandage is recommended to wear Already from the fourth month of pregnancy.

The second pregnancy is not necessarily harder

The course of pregnancy depends on many reasons. In particular, from the floor of the child: the manifestation of toxicosis is different in mothers of girls and mothers boys. If the second kid is from another man, then he can also "lead" itself completely different than the firstborn.

Usually the second pregnancy proceeds easier: You already know what to get ready for, and do not have such stress as the first time. But this does not mean that small faults of the first pregnancy will not accompany you again (hair loss, swelling, hemorrhoids, toxicosis, etc.).

The second pregnancy does not always proceed faster

It is believed that the second pregnancy can be shorter for a couple of weeks than the first. Statistics denies this idea, proving that all kinds of birth are the same.

At least there is no physical prerequisites to reduce the deadlines. But psychologically, the second pregnancy actually proceeds faster . The house already has one fidget, who does not give mom to miss, and she has no time and the desire to be distracted by anxiety and anxiety for their future kid.

Mommy-forumchanka Lika told the story:"Not always the second pregnancy for a woman is happy. But I have one girlfriend, which immediately after school married and gave birth to four children with a difference in 2-3 years. She wore every pregnancy as a jewel. Her bliss did not violate any family, global or political cataclysms. She did not constantly go to the gynecologist, did not make a bunch of mandatory vaccinations, she just enjoyed her feelings. During the restructuring, she was waiting for poverty, she never went to the sea, and her husband is more at work than at home. But this family is so happy! I have never seen such happiness! "

The second kid is always larger than the first

At least, the classic obstetrics insist on this. Doctors say that each subsequent child weighs a little more than his older brother or sister. But, starting with the fifth pregnancy, the children are put more "small": allegedly the woman is already tired and can no longer give birth to hero.

After the first birth of the neck of the uterus is shortened

After the birth of the first baby, the cervix becomes shorter. Her closing must be complete. If, during the first birth, you were injured by the neck of the uterus, let me know the doctor about this problem to prevent the threat of miscarriage.

Toxicosis may not be at all

You will definitely please the fact that it can retreat. But the second pregnancy is so unpredictable, which may, on the contrary, disappear you with more pronounced symptoms of nausea. It all depends on the body. If during the waiting for the first baby you had health problems, edema, in the urine detected protein - watch your health more thoroughly, observe the diet and water regime.

The risk of reserves conflict still exists

If during the first pregnancy you had, in the blood after childbirth, antibodies remained, which can lead to the hemolytic disease of the second kid. Therefore, planning another pregnancy, pass a complete examination, hatching the crumb, take the blood test monthly on antibodies, do regularly, follow the state of placenta and accumulating water.

The second birth is faster than the first

During the first birth of the opening of the cervix, the body needs 10-12 hours of kits. For the second time, the neck is revealed for 6-8 hours. Accordingly, more efficient operation of the uterus is accompanied by more intense sensations, soreness. By the way, the most painful are not the second, but the third childbirth.

Svetlana Ponomarenko, psychologist: "In the East believe that life is given to a person as learning what comes in handy in future incarnations. Therefore, if some problem failed to decide, the person will again and again will be in the same conditions, again and again trying to cope with this task. Therefore, if the first pregnancy was not a very pleasant surprise for you, to re-attempt to take full return. After all, it is about the most important thing in your life - a child. Let the second pregnancy be conscious, dissolve in this happiness! ".

Even if we managed you to scare you a little, you do not need experiences. Each organism is individual, and how the second pregnancy passed by someone does not mean at all that the same course of events will repeat from you. After all, this is not the main thing: you will become the owner of double happiness, and no minor trouble will be equal.

Good pregnancy and easy childbirth!

Many believe that the second pregnancy, in contrast to the first, should be much easier and calmer. This is explained by the fact that for a woman, the process of tooling and the birth of the baby is the already passed stage in which there is no more frightening unknown. However, not always the course of the second pregnancy is easier than the first. It is necessary to clearly imagine what its features and what to expect after childbirth.

It is mistaken to believe that the second pregnancy and is an elementary process that does not require any particular attention. Often, re-conception has its own characteristics, some of them may even be dangerous to the life and health of the mother and the fetus, if not paying due attention to them.


In most women, after the first generations, varicose veins of one degree or another varicose veins are diagnosed. In his youth, this disease may seem to be non-hazardous, although it delivers some cosmetic inconveniences, but with age symptoms will be felt.

The pregnancy of the second child significantly increases the risks to face the varicosemost of the lower extremities. This may happen due to the increase in loads or due to the initially weakened veins. To go through the second pregnancy without varicose veins, women are advised to follow the condition of their legs, without overloading them and using special underwear for compression.

Risk of miscarriage

This is one of the most frequent problems that doctors are forced to solve, especially if the second pregnancy is diagnosed. Moreover, according to recent studies, if there was a threat of miscarriage in the period of tooling the first baby, then in subsequent pregnancy, it will be the most likely problem.

Scar in the uterus

Caesarean section is perceived by many women as a way to get rid of himself from birth torch. If it were in fact, the doctors would massively spent Cesarean to all giving birth to women. However, this operation, as well as any other intervention, leads to increased risk of complications.

Cesarean section - intervention, leaving the scar in the uterus. The difference between the next pregnancy in this case is that the scar is always at risk. The risk is especially increasing when the belly begins to fall, as well as the period of childbirth. A woman who suffered a cesarean cross section is recommended to abandon pregnancies at least 2-3 years.


Often, the second tooling the baby is heavier than the first, due to development. This is a consequence of an increased load on the already giving birth organism. More often than others with such a problem are those representatives of beautiful sex, in which the gap between the previous birth and the new conception is minimal.


The second pregnancy differs from the first more unstable lactation. Especially often this happens if the gap between them turned out to be very small. Woman should be ready for what may have to be replaced by.

Early deadlines

Features of the course of the second pregnancy are already manifested in early terms. So, asking for when it starts, women suddenly learn that he is often visible hardly from the middle of 1 trimester. At week 14, the belly becomes already very noticeable, it is impossible to hide it.

A strongly stretched muscular-ligament apparatus is not able to support the uterus fully, so wearing it is recommended to start as early as possible. Another feature of the early deadlines of the second pregnancy - can be expressed much stronger than the first time.

The first signs of the second pregnancy

Often women do not even suspect their condition before. Moreover, the cycle deviation is often perceived not as, but as the body's response to any changes in life. Before the delay, as and some time after it, a woman can still not know about his position.

Often the 2nd pregnancy in the first year after the birth of the first baby remains invisible until the fruit moves. Can be determined from 14 to 18 weeks.

If the restoration of the body has passed successfully, then signs of re-pregnancy may be similar to the first:

  • before the delay, the woman is suspecting something, then at an intuitive level;
  • toxicosis will gradually appear;
  • the appearance of excess weight while maintaining standard nutrition and changing body shapes - standard features;
  • it is possible swelling the chest.

Significantly different in the signs of no delay, nor after her the second pregnancy will not be. This is due to the similarity of the processes occurring in the body of a woman.

Second pregnancy after 30 years

How does the second pregnancy occur after 30 years, is she dangerous? - This question worries many. Previously, women who gave birth for the first time or repeatedly after this age mark were considered to be borrowing. Today, the framework regarding the age of the feminine is shifted.

It is proved that pregnancy in the range of 30-35 years will be held according to standard mechanisms and, if the woman applies to their health, there will be no threat to represent. Naturally, we are talking about healthy representatives of the finest gender, which by 30 years did not develop any pathologies, and the first pregnancy and childbirth passed without severe complications.

Second pregnancy after 35 years

Re-pregnancy at 36 years and older is a great danger than it is under the age of 35. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of the birth of a child with genetic deviations and every year it increases. The cells of the maternal organism are aging, there are more and more defects that can affect the embryo.

Repeated pregnancy in 36-37 years and older must be accompanied by the observation of a genetics doctor who can diagnose the pathology of the fetus. Ideally, if at such an age before conception, a specialist will be visited by a specialist who, by conducting a number of analyzes, will be able to predict the likelihood of the birth of a kid with pathology and give recommendations on how to reduce risks if it is generally possible.

In what cases the second pregnancy requires special attention

Allocate a number of cases in which after the birth of the first child, the second pregnancy requires special attention of specialists.

These include:

  • a small or too much gap between the birth of the first baby and the conception of the second;
  • the presence of a woman in a chronic disease;
  • availability (abandoning tooling is not worth it, but it is necessary to carefully follow health and attend a doctor);
  • the onset of the second pregnancy is 35 years and older.

Is it true that during the second pregnancy stomach grows faster?

It is believed that the second pregnancy is accompanied by a faster growth of the abdomen. In fact, this is not quite so. The fact is that after the birth of the first baby, muscles and ligaments are in a stretched state. Because of this, you can see that much earlier than was to, and it was because of this he looks great.

If a woman has lowered his stomach early, she is recommended to wear a bandage to reduce the burden on the spine. Also, the bandage helps to eliminate the threat. If a twin is expected, a pregnancy from 14 weeks can already be accompanied by wearing a bandage, although it is usually recommended to start using it from 20 weeks.

If at first pregnancy was Cesarean

Cesarean cross section does not necessarily put a cross on independent births. Today, much depends on the term of conception and planning of pregnancy.

It is important to remember that if after the birth of the first child, too little time passed (less than a year) or, on the contrary, too much time interval (10-15 years old), then the doctor will most likely choose the operational method of the delivery.

If re-pregnancy stepped 2-3 years after the first, then the woman is likely to be allowed to give birth on their own. Moreover, if there is no aggravating diseases, the doctor will insist on natural childbirth, as they are easier tolerated by the body than surgical intervention, and recovery after them is faster.

Second pregnancy and breastfeeding

Until now, resistant the myth that the lactation period is protection against re-conception. Because of this, many women, forgetting about, pregnant again 2-3 months after the birth of the first child. And then there is a natural question about whether the second pregnancy is compatible and second childbirth with breastfeeding?

A woman can continue feeding without fear. The main thing is that it receives full nutrition and as he left. A well-organized day of the day will help not only keep lactation for the first baby, but also safely endure the second.

Second genera

They are always faster than the first. It will be brighter, and the preparation period is shorter. The woman most likely will not suffer from, designed to prepare the body to the process of birth of a new life.

It is mistaken to assume that repeated childbirth is more painless process. This is explained by the features of the opening of the cervix. For the first time, the neck prepares for the discovery, passing two stages, because of which the process itself does not deliver a woman of severe pain. With repeated pregnancy, the discovery occurs simultaneously, which leads to the emergence of pronounced pain, to which should be prepared.

Of course, pregnancy and a miracle of birth are excellent processes. However, women should remember that the baby tool is not only a huge stress for the body, but also the load on it. Therefore, it is recommended to consciously plan the second pregnancy and treat it with all possible liability. It should not be assumed that again all the processes in the body will flow easier and faster, as they exist their pitfalls, which cannot be forgotten.

Many women with more than one child note that the second pregnancy proceeds somewhat easier than the first. However, such opinions are not held by all the women in labor, and most importantly not all experts.

- the second pregnancy, as well as the first, can flow in different ways, - Approves Olga Viktorovna Veselova, Gynecologist MC "Diagnosis"- It is possible that it seems to be easier because during the first pregnancy, many are completely absorbed in the body that occur in the body, more checkestly relate to their state. And when there is one child, he is paid to a lot of attention, so the woman is not so closely behind his own state, and it seems to her that everything is happening faster and easier. But this picture is far from all. Sometimes everything goes smoothly because the future mother has some experience, it is more responsible for his pregnancy: keeps the diet, takes the necessary vitamins, visits the gynecologist in time. That is, pregnancy itself fears the second time it is psychologically, and from the point of view of gynecology, there are no other features.

Indeed, experience is very important, but no less important to enjoy it correctly.

- if the pregnancy is planned, then, naturally, much becomes easier - it turns out perinatal psychologist Natalia Grigorievna Alakina- the family comes to this step consciously, that is, appreciating the financial situation, the state of health. An experience more accurately plays experience, more precisely, his awareness. The woman who is preparing to give birth to the second child, no illusions: that everyone will help that childbirth will be easy, that the figure will return immediately that she will be time to go. There are no these illusions - it's easier to this. But, on the other hand, there may be difficulties in this regard - if there were negative experience, fears may arise. In this case, the consultation of the psychologist will help. As a rule, during group classes we discuss what is happening with a woman and child during pregnancy and childbirth. Listening to the conversation about how to behave, Mom recalls last pregnancy and realizes his mistakes, takes them into account not to repeat. And thus negative experience has positive results. To the end of classes, the woman becomes more confident, clearly knows what to do, and what can not be done.

The second births occur faster

If the course of the second pregnancy passes easier mainly due to the experience and emotional attitude, the process of second genera differs significantly from the first.

- A feature of the second birth is that they are passing faster, - explains Olga Viktorovna Veselova. - If in the first birth, the period of the opening of the cervix takes 12-14 hours, then secondly - 6-8 hours, that is, about two times shorter. This is due to the fact that the neck is more elastic, she "knows", how to stretch, therefore it turns out that the longest and painful period proceeds much faster. The second stage is the expulsion of the fetus, sometimes it proceeds identically with the first kinds, but more often and this period passes faster, because the muscles of the vagina and the perineum are also more elastic, and the woman knows where to send its power at fasting. If in the first birth, the future mother caught this feeling, then secondly - it will be much easier to give it. It differs little from the first birth only the last stage - the expulsion of the last. In general, directly childbirth will occur much faster and easier.

When can I give birth a second time?

- In gynecology it is believed that ideally, the female organism is ready for the next pregnancy about three years after childbirth. Of course, it often happens that pregnancy comes before, - notes Olga Viktorovna Veselova- not always because this process comes according to plan. But it is desirable that until the next pregnancy passed at least a year and a half. Although there are those who have the difference between the ages between children just a year. Of course, it is hard for the mother's body. Ideally, the child is breastfeed at least up to the year. At this time, the woman loses a lot of trace elements, so health problems may appear. Now imagine that at this time she will prenten. In this case, it receives a double load, exhausted. Therefore, both children develop under conditions of deficiency of necessary substances. Better, of course, at least in the period of breastfeeding, do not be pregnant. This is just buying a medical accreditation of a specialist Our information will be interesting and useful for those who are ready to buy a specialist's medical accreditation today. Our proposal to buy a specialist medical accreditation is gaining popularity among medical workers. Now you can find any document on our website.

- From the point of view of psychology, - approves Natalia Grigorievna Alakina- There is no definite time, which can be said - "Ideally give birth through, for example, 3 years." It plays a big role not readiness for the birth of the second child, but rather, desire. Even if it came after 16 years of marriage - it is not surprising. Maybe this is a new wave in spouse relationships? And it's great - they want to feel young again, and just wonderful, if so it will actually. And it happens that the children are born each other, with a difference of about a year. It happens when parents arrive still in a state of happiness from the birth of the firstborn, they like to nurse with him, play, walk. And, of course, even if the next pregnancy is unplanned, they will not give up the second kid in any way. "We already have one wonderful carapaus," they decide, "let it be two." In general, it all depends on the desire of both parents.

According to many parents who have children's weather, such a small difference in age eliminates many problems. Children are almost peers, they better understand each other, most often their relationship is not only related, but also friendly. Parents in this case are easier in the sense that the elder child does not remember himself without the younger, so jealousy arises less often.

Those parents who have the difference between the ages of children for more than three years, also find the pros. Of course, the eldest child is already relatively adult, he can be an assistant for parents and a senior comrade for his brother or sister.

In general, as already mentioned above, it is impossible to say when it is better to give birth to a second or third child. Each family will find its decision, his ideal time.

Second pregnancy is an important event in the life of a woman and her family. The woman feels again that someone is pushing her inside, a new life is born. And the family arrives again "waiting for a miracle."

It is believed that any process that occurred earlier forms experience and skill. So, the next time this process will be easier and more easily. Following this logic, many women believe that the second pregnancy, if it will have differences from the first, then exceptionally positive. Everything is so wrong.

As individual, every person living in the world is so unique and the story of his appearance on this light. Pregnancy pregnancy Return and, if the first proceeded in a certain way, then the second will not necessarily be the same. However, the difference will still be, because the second pregnancy features their draws from changes in the body of a woman who have occurred since the first birth.

Features of the second pregnancy

The expectation of the kid for the first time was accompanied for the future mother anxiety in front of the unknown and future childbirth. Despite the fact that this process has already been passed once, experiences, and the fears of mommies will be present at the second pregnancy. True, this time the comparison element is added: what is the difference between the first pregnancy from the second, whether the second pregnancy will be harder and whatever is the second pregnancy ...

For all these and many other questions, the future mother wants to find answers to be able to prepare themselves to the future. Of course, the course of pregnancy and the process of generic activities for each mommy will have its own characteristics, and it will not work for everything, but there is a second pregnancy features that are specified in the table below:

Table of comparison of the first and second pregnancy


First pregnancy



the middle is the end of the second trimester. The fact is that the muscles of the uterus are elastic and are in a tone, so they are quite easy to maintain both growing fruit, and spindle water.

start of the second trimester. The uterus and muscles of the vagina were already stretched and acquired elasticity at the first birth, so they are more difficult for them to hold a child.

Form of belly

Due to the above stomach, it has a rounded and less noticeable form, is closer to the diaphragm.

Due to the above, the stomach has a somewhat "checked" shape, the child is closer to the pelvis.


In connection with the peculiarities of the location of the baby in the womb, the main pressure falls on the organs of the abdominal cavity, so heartburn and nausea are very likely

Due to the peculiarities of the location of the baby in the womb, the main pressure falls on the organs of the small pelvis, in connection with which there are frequent urge to urine, a strong load on the lower back and edema of the legs

Toxicosis, histozers, swelling, and so on.

Unpredictable and unique for each pregnancy

Increase breast

in the first 10 - 12 weeks

for a couple of weeks earlier

Outstanding belly

a few weeks before the generic activity

a few days before delivery

Generic activity

painful but rare

less painful, but more intense.

Often there are false contractions. Their peculiarity is that when changing the situation, they quickly pass in contrast to the true bouts.

Preparation of the cervix

on average 12 hours;

internal and external zev opens separately

from 4 to 8 hours;

external and internal ZEV open at the same time due to this process is somewhat painful

38 - 41 weeks

Most often are easier and faster than the first in connection with the existing experience.

Birth of placenta

almost painless, fights strong

practically painless, fasteners

The first pregnancy and subsequent childbirth most often serve as an excellent help to the woman on the way to the second child. The fact is that the body has already survived and felt the whole process of preparing for motherhood, and now all the stages of pregnancy and labor activities will proceed easier and faster, however, more intense. The kid itself is often born to 200 - 300 gr. Heavier than his brother or sister, as it develops in comfortable and prepared by the firstborn.

Sharp moments of the second pregnancy

However, it is not necessary to believe that the second pregnancy and childbirth is a whore business. There are several features, due to which the second pregnancy is harder than the first and, maybe more dangerous:

  • The amount of time passed from the first birth. Despite the fact that there are no strict frames and timing of re-pregnancy planning, doctors are still recommended after giving birth to give the body a vacation in 1 - 2 years. Due to the high load and weariness of the female organism during pregnancy and generic activity, which were accompanied by avitultic and blood loss. This time is needed to restore and preparing the body to a new pregnancy.
  • Another point than the first pregnancy is different from the second, lies at the age of the future mommy. If you believe specialists, the optimal age for the tooling and the birth of a healthy baby is considered to be the period from 18 to 35 years, after difficulties are already possible. Having stirs the 35-year-old threshold, the woman should more carefully and carefully approach the issue of pregnancy, be sure to plan it with the attending physician, pass all the necessary medical procedures and manipulations. The fact is that late pregnancy is fraught not only by exacerbations of various chronic diseases in the future mother, but also the danger to the development of the baby, the high risk of developing pathologies and anomalies.
  • It may be an ambient pregnancy after cesarean sections. In this case, specialists are not recommended to be pregnant for at least 3 years after the previous birth. The fact is that the recovery period after surgery, the dissected fabrics should be hitting. Repeated childbirth can cause serious damage and mom, and crumb, up to a tragic outcome. There is also a psychological background, because the woman who gave birth to a cazair cross section is quite naturally afraid of re-operation and possible complications on the one hand and, like natural genera on the other. It is the opinion that after Cesarean, the childbirth is possible only by Cesarean, this is a delusion, which can be careful planning for the upcoming re-pregnancy and consultation with a competent doctor an obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • The conception of a child during lactation can affect not only the well-being mothers, but also the newly born baby. There is nothing surprising, because a new pregnancy is a new powerful stress that has a significant impact on the lactation process of the newly mum. It may entail as a decrease in the amount of milk produced and lead to the fact that milk will disappear at all, and the crumb will have to translate to artificial feeding. Another nuance is that the lactation process provokes an oxytocin hormone emission, which in turn contributes to the reduction of the uterus and restore it after childbirth, and therefore, in the case of re-pregnancy, it can cause its interrupt.
  • It is undesirable to plan re-pregnancy too quickly after completion of the first and infectious point of view. After childbirth, the elasticity of the tissues, breaks and cracks of the cervix can lead to penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterine cavity and provoke the interruption of pregnancy. No less harm and problems can be brought during pregnancy and inflammatory processes and diseases, often occurring after delivery (for example, endomotrite) and capable of leading to miscarriage.

Did not wait

It is the opinion that breastfeeding has an excellent contraceptive effect. True, in this opinion, one nuance does not appear: this method works only if the crumb feeds exclusively with maternal milk. The fact is that the introduction of even the minimum supplies provokes a decrease in lactation, which, in turn, is a signal for the body to restore the reproductive function and the launch of ovulation. As a result, an unexpected surprise, which can remain unnoticed for quite a long time, sometimes before the fetal movement. It is explained by the fact that the menstrual cycle after childbirth is configured quite a long time, the physical form has come to normal, the process of conception of a new life may well be unnoticed.

So that such situations have not happened, careful attention should be paid to the issue of protection against unwanted pregnancy especially in the first year after delivery. The best way out will be a consultation on contraception after childbirth with a specialist.

Summing up

Pregnancy is a great time for the whole family, and for the future mother especially with proper planning of course. If you do not hurry with repeat and take into account the needs of the body, then the second pregnancy is harderless will not be exactly. Most likely, on the contrary.

In the case of the emergence of a new life in the first months after the birth of the baby, the mother should be very carefully taken to his health, it is properly and well to eat, be sure to take vitamins and not forget about the legs, wearing compression tights and stockings, and, of course, bandage. You need to regularly visit the doctor and be sure to fulfill its recommendations. After all, the most important thing is that both mom and crumb have survived the second pregnancy and childbirth safely, it is the key to family happiness.