Let her husband go to the bath. Bath - source of change and debauchery? We went to wash the bath went into a bath with two pairs

Many women Frequently faced with this difficult issue in which the issues of confidence in their own partner, and healthy jealousy and precautions are intersecting. Not all friends of a married man are also married too. On the contrary, a young married man is usually a lot of friends who still do not plan to grow out of youth and become responsible people, a greatest relationship. They are interested in various ways of cheerful pastime, which most often (since we are talking about men), to some extent tied to sex. And women, for obvious reasons, do not want to let go of their husbands to such "walking" guys, fearing treason. How much is the likelihood that your husband will change you, being in a sauna with her friends? Well, it depends on many different facts.

First, it is necessary reply Honestly to the question of how really your relationship is strong, and whether you should fear treason. After all, one temptation does not work, even if he is great - he will remain faithful to his spouse. But the one who has long sought the options for a long time to go to the left, even in the temptation, it doesn't really need it, he will arrange a reason himself, and the reason. So, in the event that your relationship is currently experiencing not the best times, the probability of treason will, of course, are higher.

Secondly, you need to take into account attitude To the alcohol of your spouse. If he is serious man, drinks little and during intoxication usually keeps himself in his hands - this is good, it is easier to trust. But if you know that in alcohol, he is weak, measures do not know and drinks, while they pour, then the case is much worse. Drunk drunk, he can change you, really without giving himself a report even in his own actions. Let go to the bath, but forbid to drink at the same time, for most Russian people tantamount to fishing without a fishing rod. However, for many "fishermen", alcohol fishing is more important and tackle, and fish, but today it is not about them.

Thirdly, you need to determine the degree of possible threat. It all exist, and even the "group of comrades", in the circle of which the Russian bath is not associated with representatives of the most ancient profession. Women who provide sex services for money, they never take in a bath. The bath for them implies mandatory cold beer with fish, the game, like "who will overcome whom in the steam room", dialing each other with ice water from the ears, jumping into the pool of the bombing and all other children. Well, of course, talk about life and being. Objecting against such a holiday, from fear of possible treason, you fight mills. Unless, perhaps, you admit that your husband can change you with your old classmate Vanka Yerokhin, but this is a completely different story.

Unfortunately, to find out For sure, will be in the bath where your husband is going, "ladies", quite difficult. A clear thing, he may well lie that they will not be. He can say so, not to go bewand, but simply, so that you are not upset. "Well, yes, the guys are going to call girls, but I'm not going to betrayate. I am a family man, I'll sit in a sofa with beer, and let him be having fun." Perhaps everything really will be so, and maybe not. As already mentioned, where the temptation is there and the risk of treason.

If you succeed asked her husband During a frank conversation about the former campaigns to the bath, it may be possible to learn something, even a little spilling light on their recreation culture in the bath. If earlier they with friends ordered prostitutes into the bath, then be sure - most likely it will be this time. And not your husband, so his friends will definitely order entertainment, and there is not far to trouble.

But, if not, if sex and bath for your husband And his friends are not identical things, most likely nothing to fear. In this case, it is really worth letting go boring to the will, let her beer drink and fall into the bones.

Generally, setting questionHow "release-not omit" is quite uncomfortable by itself. It is clear that a woman can often put an ultimatum or any other requirement, forcing a man to do what she wants it. That's just each such action causes damage to your relationship, sometimes very painful. It hurts on the collar, reminding a man about the freedom that he lost. And at such moments it seems to him especially sweet and desirable.

Do not force pour oil In this fire and friends themselves. It is pointless to offer to satisfy that he will not be able to go to the sauna because it fell ill or it has emergencies. Nobody will believe in that, and the label of the podkin will immediately be awarded to him with ruthless bachelors, laughing at his friend's helplessness in front of his woman. Wokes that "friends should understand that their friend simply does not want to upset his woman, so I have to sometimes go for concessions" - they are clear to women, but not men. Most men consider such requirements - the most ordinary stupid whims, and a stupid jealous woman, and a peasant that plowing with such silly whiskers is a repeater. So they will laugh at him, even if it is kindly kind and in a friendly, once again forcing your man to think about the correctness of relationships with you. Even if your man trusts you, kisses and say: "I understand everything, dear. There is nothing terrible, sit down or go somewhere together" - the siphel will still remain, even though you will seem that this party remains yours.

Try " revenge", having arrange similar borrowers with your girlfriends - also a rather dangerous occupation. Do not notice both how to find yourself in foreign beds, having warned with your attempts to cause jealousy. Such things are rarely ended.

In the dry residue we have disappointing conclusions: To fight with the desire of your husband to go with friends to the sauna without prejudice to your relationship is almost unrealistic. And the sauna itself can really represent the danger of treason. It remains to hope only for the responsibility of your partner, the power of love, and his understanding of the fact that in some institutions there are simply married people.

In the photo: Aunt Klava in the bath (do not come with bad
intention, broom to swell)

In the fifth grade, I and the rest went to the village of Licadeevo,
lived in the boarding school, girls in one
room, boys in another, no about what boys with girls
and the speeches could not be.
But Geek somehow grew over the summer and did not live with us Melkota,
parents attached it
widow to the lonely widow aunt.
Genka camouflaged us in mature:
after the third grade with interest
was at adult aunt,
grabbed their chest in an adult, they
only he was played and reluctantly dismissed,
almost, and then ... and his pip rose grew by ahead.
And it could well clog the female click,
unless of course it is not very free.
However, the villages were joker-sticks,
who are so explained in love:
- Lisa Lisa Lizaveta, I love you for this
And for this and for the way: I have a sunk with a sieve!
Soon I whispered at school: a fifth grader something with aunt claw
lives, but nobody held a candle, and he was silent.
And yet here is his story in my literary processing. No, you
did not catch me on the lies: how could he tell you,
if they did not communicate?
At the end of the decade, Genka was in Krasnoyarsk and met
there fellow countryman, my older brother Sergey, who was there
distributed at the end of the RU (crafts): Well, what about
countrymen can talk under the bottle of vodka, of course about the babes.

The first week I went quietly, I didn't even think a tete of the clave to seduce,
not in my taste, lasting the opposite of the Duni, and dunchaeka I exhausted me,
the hand is needed, and it is risky to climb to the hostess, the atmosphere will put on the street.
I was sitting at the window at the window, I did houses and shouted the fables of the "Wolf on Psarn".
The hostess had a house, I sometimes zyrkal, walks here on the hut
in a short bathrobe, upper and lower butt
not fastened, deble pins are visible, tits fall out; washes floor, lush
pooy plays, the hem highly subdued. Moved thought, and not to fill
her right on the wet floor, pulls us, men, not in time not to the place, the bed
very fresh. But Chur me, not stupid. And she was laundry at the big
thaza, again in the same posture, again, thought, rustic chorus remembered:
I go, she erases,
I helped to wash
Poured her in a trough
Began to laugh.
Clearly, does not consider me for a man, he is not shy or, -wolked thought, "says.
I noticed that there is such a girl: and do not need them
and they are not going to gather, but tease.
On Saturday, aunt Klava hasfilled a bath, gathered bath
podacandals, got together going to wash. I got impudence, if it would be,
was not, got up
on the way, she visited his eyes into her eyes and blurted out: aunt of Klava, let's think.
She swipe, pushed her eyes, dropped
baths finally wound up: -5, you, you, squeezed, you are still small,
think about it early
especially do this, adults are not all right?
Where do you know these words from?
"I just know, but I can already have half a year old." And how so? " - Aunt Dunya taught, distant relatives.
- Doesn't Mokrov?
-Well b. Yadina, here in our village, half of the men Okhturila, I see, I see
already a year, how does not appear,
and she turns out to be Malts, it's not necessary for me,
twenty years as a husband Schoronil
i did not sleep more with men, nothing to start. And you can
will be born, let's go to the bath, my back is bothering me. And do not imagine what
start pawing, born broom swelling
and exhibiting naked.
-Thow Klava, these are the cross, and not close and the finger is not a throne, forgive
for bad words, I did not think, blurted out.
Washed, go around each other, do not even look at each other.
But here she somehow bent and her lush
spaled pink ass turned out to be near my fear.
Pisower reacted instantly
shchelk and now sticking out, reptile, cool, but I managed to turn away
and hide it, but Zalup is still
i managed to clarify on the planned buttocks. I thought, carried, did not notice.
Where there, noticed, but did not look for a broom, so that it would swell me
light touch of the chilute on the buttocks was enough
so that she lost control, knelt down the elbows
and a trembling voice asked:
-Gechochka, my boy, now lick me back.
- But for some reason I was heard: cute, from.bi me.
Everyone hears what he wants.
Of course, when washing, the preliminary contact happened: our fingers
hands met and spark ran, I understood, she also wants to feel
my end in myself and there it is waiting for new sparks of passion.
She has reached the ass and her magic gap, gates of Paradise opened.
And I planted it with a scope there until I stopped and felt myself in paradise.
She hooked out, but froze.
And I grabbed her with my hands,
he grasped for tits, you never know what, it will begin to break down.
But she only quietly caused:
what do you do with me, promised not to touch, do not goubi, stop, pity,
and I'm stronger from these words
excited and drose her, only eggs were knocking. I groaned,
then screamed from the clinsy, (which did not happen to her husband), but I already knew
what it means. At the wet bath bench and she hit
in memories.
- You maturely, but I lost your honor in such years.
Already tits appeared
on a bunch of guns, it looked not over the years early ripe and already thought
who will break this ripe cherry.
Somehow bathed in a secluded town on the river Tessa. And here on you,
konya uncle Vasya Kona brought bathe, he was a quiet man, alone lives
with our intelligence in the boors, it is not seen, you can see women not interested,
what is afraid of him, certainly not for him will be my treasure.
He looked at me indifferently and says: - Sweep, babe, come tomorrow to the stable,
at a horse, I will slide. I got burned and rose straight, no one called me that he could be clearer.
Came: Uncle Vasya, what are we going to ride? (He is in light sharovar, white shirt
estimated, hairy breast, I loved and not old it turns out)
And he focused me on the pilot of the village.
-Dad wash, what are you? - Do not be hurry, you are my beautiful, you will first prepare, otherwise the horse
i will drop away. My new Sarafan shared you, -truses take it out. - Uncle Vasya, it is impossible in shorts
what is on horseback? - Do not, it is impossible to smooth legs. Panties shot, legs spread out,
the thought flashed, no matter how he did something with my fuzzle. No, no, will not
he even has no shirins.
And he lowered the balls and fell out
hefty Pipoon, Zalupa Red and already pokes him in my treasure. - Uncle Vasya, I am
i'm afraid, girls spoke, it will hurt. Not to be afraid, beautiful, do not pull, and I cautiously.
- there's such a big way placed there, I did not have time to think, and he is already all there and throughout
the body of Istoma and he began there and back, and I began to scratch it and bite, and he
and it does not notice. The trousers put on the panties, shook the sundress from the hay and flee.
Another day, I come to the stable, pulls me there: - I walled, I was preparing, I went
let's Katay.-No, you need a second lesson, take off the panties. - What to remove something, I did not wear
you said, it is impossible to the horse in the shorts. - Then become on all fours. Stalged, the skirt was shared, stuck
in my ass, I repeated everything and again, I was no longer afraid and it was very nice.
Graduated from: - I went, I say, "Don't you hurry, take a stable,
horses Poster, they won, as you look for respectful. Pogulled, came closely and
something found me, one hand stroked uncle on the cheek, dug into the lips,
and the other jumped under the gum
sharovar and grabbed his punch, he instantly strained, became solid and flew out of the sharovar,
i fall on the hay and spell a naughty for my pione and herself insert it into my treasure,
so I wanted to repeat rather. I understood what I mean I ride on the horse, all the men were lied.
Or maybe not all?
Years passed, married, husband died and went to the young man.
There was another curious case in my bath.
Just husband called, died right on me,
during this, I loved very often and for a long time to have me,
they say this honorary death for a man.
After the commemoration, everyone dreamed, I'm in Touré, gathered
in the evening in the bath, the neighbor parenchyek Pokaraulil, stiff,
ridiculous. It is already a year as sticking, I spend married
i say, I can't hurt my husband, I will not give and do not ask
but her husband does not give it.
Clawing, nice, klyanchit, take a bath with you,
i hope for you, the back of the vehicle for the same way.
We know this "okutu" will surely require
fability in kind, and in the bath there is a slippery, you will not believe.
I see, really wants, tears in his eyes, okay, say, take,
but they will not go together, it will smash, I'll go, and you a little later.
Section, he immediately got up his naked,
i am then younger and better than it was now, wait
i say, I will get at first, and the most flattering and eyes shone;
wash, says with so uncomfortable, prevents how to make it, of course,
give one time before washing, looked at his standing, Wow ...
It turned out, I'm my first, and we until the morning
forgot why they came to the bath, and in the morning it was not before washing,
sweeping, from the bath, too, apart, at home ...
It turned out to be at night in the bath to do this, instead of washing, dry,
it's very cool, as I remember, so all shaking ...
twilight, the kerosene lantern "bat" barely grieve
halls bent and creaked, I climb from pleasure,
but no, no, yes, and I will sing: I don't fuck me ...
In all night, we did not tend a word, only
i quietly poured in doggy,
sliply, trying to hold onto the floor, but the young partner
heat me under the bench on the belt, hold on the edge of the shop,
always look out for only ass and Fisda,
yes, he from the very beginning
there were no my lips, no chest, only Fizda,
i'm trying to turn and substitute the ass,
he does not understand why, and turns me
forehead or no poses and thoughts, only on the back ...
all night from under the shop did not release ...
Another day I wanted to come to me, I showed a fist:
saturdays wait.
The peers happened to slam the ass, but I rarely then
gave, except after two glasses, sometimes asking in the mouth to take,
i can, but only in the gum.
This neighboring guy made me
the company in a bath on Saturdays, used me and dry and wet, then married
and they left.
And here the Mokrov Dunya comes up and asked to take you, nephew, on the post.
Told everything about your relationship with her,
assured that women with my figure of his dream, just show the ass,
boobs and flaws and everything will be done. I have only remained
play a laptop, twenty years, they say, without a man,
yes, annoying you with your body ...

Yes what are you, Genka so long the mistress is about, I already finished twice,
yes, do not worry, do not accelerate, finish the ladies,
i hope not to heal, and I need to go so much, depravant.
I did not listen and asked: can I face you to face? - You, Milanok, listen, I have everything
the same manda, like Dunka, why do you need, you hang, but I understand, you want, but you can not.
But it is fixable, you are the same month of the Govil, it means I accumulated Serenok, now called Gruzny, you will
fucked me so far, and then the Yeshoe three times. I played with my who fell asleep writing and he came to life,
she, not a bag, lay down on his back and accepted a classic pose. Awesome such beauty,
who used it. Moved in the hut, lay down on different beds, she quickly fell asleep,
and I turn around what it was, again stood up. On tiptoe to her bed and a shrimp under the blanket.
lips to her lips, squeezed the tits, chose the ramp on his flavors and pubis, they say, let's fit, very necessary,
sleeps, but the legs spread out, bent, pressed to the stomach, even in a dream they know what to do.
Sleepy, did not pierce, but very prisoner was positive and something muttered:
and who is me there eb.t, I sleep, stop, oh there is no, let's enter, inadvertently
now, now accelerate, well, download, I already; It seems to be sleeping, I shoved it so much
and maybe pretended.
Returned to his bed, it's time to fall asleep, and then she: slap slag and in her short nightie,
tits fell out, the shrimps to me under the blanket; kiss, caught not, I took my panties and sat down
on me, and became his lochmatic to rub about my festals and imitate podmaching.
I did not get up, but she finished, but I am not. Well, things are, all the ladies can so much or she still ... In?
And without a difference, I have a crasunk cunka, it is given to clasto, it's not a part with my mind, it's not a part, I invites you to a bath, what else needs to be poor.
There was a gene and another meeting in the key
ban with a local beauty of frosion, Klava
they, as if not enough, the Svidanka arranged.
Froste under 30, but not one yuh
i did not accident in her Fizte. Fresh 100x60x100
(Nastya Kvitko rests) with growth 180.
The entire male contingent of the village is bypass
side, despite the beautiful face:
men believe that it is impossible to satisfy
and such ladies are offended: this is myth, we need no more,
than humders. It is of course the complex; Klava, like a long
relative, decided to help her through the Geno, who
already messed up Klava and she understood that he
it is sometimes necessary to switch, he has already finished the tenth.
- You want to fuck another, a virgin, you will go to the bath one,
then I will send it and you kind of inappropriately meet,
and then how will it go, maybe she will run away, and maybe you are string.
She comes: oh, I thought there was no one, and here the man washes,
how did you find yourself in the women's department?
- Do not worry, madam, this is a joint branch, there is enough space,
i will not interfere, by the way I can leave.
- No, no, sir, I'm here with a paint, I am very funny
and exciting, never with a man in the bath was not.
-Oh, you have such delightful breasts and hips, never
i have not seen such beauty.
-It, like it, - shesmed, "you can touch.
-No-no, I touch, but I wanted to kiss you,
and you ride me, I have not kissing any woman,
not to mention the future.
-How I understand you, I'm in the same position, never with anyone
but sometime you have to start.
Here they began timidly touching each other, she saw
as he got up, closed his eyes and almost lost consciousness, the whole limit,
little to the floor and spread the flats: neither her growth nor the parameters
The gene was not embarrassed and not frightened, he delelly introduced yuh into her narrow close Fizet,
potted by her subtle membrane, which she didn't feel like that.
He himself washed, but she did not get to wash until the morning, only sometimes splas
To her from the bucket of cool water on the face, on the chest and between the legs,
so that I came to myself, then it turned out that she washed at home and came to the bath obviously not to wash.
(Yes, I came to the bath after the shower, and assumed
that this young man just deprivates me virginity,
what I have been striving for a long time and we immediately
perhaps this schoolchild was so much so
fascinated and admired by my charms and so
pounced on me that I assumed i
he has the first one. And instead of one time he was he
all night until the morning and inserted so many times and took it out
my yuh to me in Fizut and from her that I got down with the account, but hoped that
everything will cost in one time, - with such an excitement, as if the last time.
In this case, I was so naive that I thought that a man sleeps with a woman
all night, but it only once I learned that there are men,
which Woman Eat All night many times when they are sleeping.
And it seemed to me that I love him not only by Fizda,
but with all the soul: here is truly, a person suggests
and the sky has.)
Then he sometimes visited her, went to the end, did not wear the rings,
but, if I found her at home alone, all my heart with a big hunt
separating it several times, while the door do not knock, or she does not whisper:
enough, cute, I am pleased
only on the floor, only on the back, (her, the king and her legs do not need to do, it is enough to push, but you can kiss when we kiss what they also did from the soul)
And returns to the clave, Frosya wanted to meet in the bath, but Klava did not allow.
(My forms, many consider vulgar,
but for this Scholyar I was an ideal
"genius of pure beauty" not only externally, but internally, in the sense
my Fizda was ideal for his hair,
And I was ready to give him all my life, but he was not ready,
also too was the Yun, did not come together and saw in me
only the stage of the Donjan list.)
(Before leaving Licadeevo
replenished his donzhuan list of two more victories.
I do not know how now, but at that time, some
tenthene** wish to complete the graduation ball
intimate with classmate.dve the most ass
and the Big Hroud Devants chose a gene.
He started them in the bath key and with dim light
kerosene lantern "flying mouse" obyim
alternately broke the virgin, while free girl
i watched porn and substituted
his breasts to him for kisses.
One liked him more and he was going
send another home, but showed generosity
and used both until the morning.)
Treat the rustling large-sized cool frosy
bringing to zastase, it turned out even easier and faster
(the first time she cummed when Genkin Johl is medium in size only
it was selected to break her the virgin, such a trip), -
than a small modest nimble.
In general, the more woman, the less she has fun
and the more convenient and easier to love her.
She began to behave differently, guys stopped them afraid, soon
got married, he found himself half a half,
gave birth to three, first from Gennady, the second from her husband, the third from the lover,
men in need made her obscene
the proposals she rejected, but all
i wanted to sing it or at least hold for boobs, and whether she still gave someone
in addition to the genes, her husband and lover, I do not know.
That's it: it was a girl, all the guys and men awaited, they were afraid,
and I became a woman, now, please, "the wake of her everybody is not away."
What about the frosy lover, too, without clav
did not happen. After the birth of the second
Fros has become a husband is missing, once a week,
and the charms have been preserved, complained
Clave. That was the convention: the gene went,
the new apartment was in the search for any
do not take, I became a wedge to her down
married, she - no, with married troubles will not be wrapped,
married is better with married to equal
and no complaints.
He has a problem on the contrary: the wife has a model
appearance, but after the birth of the second,
gives only once a week.
Klava and offered them to visit
her bathroom knew that this is the best place for
the first meeting, there and the lazy will not stand.
So it happened, the difference is only compared
with Geno, although he had a bigger sequel,
and he himself was a muscular and sports,
but he managed to throw only a half "stick",
the first, barely introduced yuch to her in Fizet until I stop,
so I merged there, from surprise:
what happiness was adrained, someone else's wife Epu,
she has so much so much and all this is good, at least for a while.
Acted as real experienced lovers:
silently, without words, without dating, without training,
he showed Yui yuh, she showed Fizdu,
but for the first time she covered breasts
palms, did not give a kiss and both hid eyes.
Frosya and it arranged it: a time across the day,
it is better than never forty times.
You will be in Lychadeyev, go to the end, may see her
when will go to the river Tesh with a rocker behind the water,
sometimes he will reset the dress to swim and if lucky, then from bushes
you will see it, completely bare 100x60x100.

After the fifth, I went to the city of Kulebaki, where she graduated from the sevenletk
and never happened on the Tyusha River in Lychadeyev.
Genka graduated in Lychedev a decade, he lived in the aunt clave, hidden her all lazy
less and less, in the tenth, only once, on Saturday, in a bath. I turned out to be the tenth
in the city of Krasnoyarsk, met there with my brother Sergey. Advisor his tracks
they got lost. And the tote of the clave knocked 45, in the juice, only stunned in the intentim plan.
I look at Scholars, who would put on the post.
And I regret that I refused to go to the school Intim to aunt Duna, and then I had to
learn sex all my life, but remained a fool.

Girls, I will never forget this trip. Well I had to get so hit!

My husband and I came to the sauna from January, did not find any time, the company. Then they decided to gather. I began to choose a new swimsuit in advance, I didn't buy it, I was upset, I had to count on the old one. He made a hairstyle in the calender, in the solarium sunk. Chose a special day when I will work at the wedding on Saturday from early morning on Saturday to finally relax! Get into the pool in the pool to get up, hookah smoke, eat shrimp, in karaoke sing ... ah ...

Does anyone understand here?)))

In general, we began to look for saunas late, much normal is already occupied. We first lucky with one, where I agreed to bring a prepayment the next day. But the bummer happened, this is a separate unpleasant story. I stood with my husband and daughter under the gate - neither a call, no flashlight, dark, I had to turn back on foot (we live in a half hour walk). And she was engaged in the morning! Deceived ...

But a miracle, girlfriend found another, in the center, normal kind of pictures and not expensive! Everything is and Dastarkhan with hookah, and karaoke, and the pool is big! Hallelujah!

Began to gather - these cannot, they can not, these money does not have, those on the others go. Well, okay, gathered by the henchman. From work I was delivered on Saturday barely alive, very tired. But how to relax, the sauna for the evening in reserve. A couple of hours rose, the kebabs were pickled, gathered towels, slippers, sheets, all-all without fanaticism. In the store in front of the sauna, I was serving with 6 packages!

Came: in the room Dubak capital, on the street +5, and the sauna does not heal, so in the main hall we refused to sit, although it was planned to run to play billiards there, through it to the toilets. In the room with Dastarkhan was not warmer, but still closer to the steam room, carpets are dirty, like pillows, water ice, karaoke does not work, hookah smashes (they took his own), in the steam room the floors are dismantled.

But this is still half of trouble!

After 2 hours of our holiday demanding calls to the door. The guy administrator shall open. In the sauna, fastened without stopping four. Girls with one guy pass, leaning on the wall, in the big hall, the second bolds to us. I look at us with a look, our table, then on me and "Maaahaaa ... I didn't recognize ..." I learned him right away. About 8-9 years ago, communicated with him, such as "torment", oh and it was good, yes, but only constantly drunk, well, not to saliva, but constantly on the eyebrows! When he did not want to let me go out once, I pushed by force, and I hit my head, since then no longer communicated with him and did not see. In general, I chased my boyfriends, he was at all did not care, I did not stop before, I shorter in my life. So, he poured, but when I started to resent - what is it, we came to the family companies here, what did you even happen that and what are you doing here? - It is important to burst "Rest" and went to my company. I also knew the second drunk with my wife about 10 years ago, he was on another company, he then only met her. But they did not know me. Meanwhile, chicks began to go to the sauna, to watch the steam room, look at us, ask - how much we ..

A drunk administrator came running, began to apologize, justify that it was the owner himself, and that this is the first time, and he is afraid of him, and that they will no longer go and soon match. Meanwhile, a drunk wife of a master of a friend calls loudly with a corridor and says that they rest here and someone else should drive up there. Sit Water drinking ...

I do not know who would have done in our place in our place. But we gathered and left. We went to friends to earn, kebab eat ... But the precipitate is bent.

It turned out that the host's arrival is often practiced. They can still in the bravery there are kebabs of people who asked their meat to fry on the brazier, like us ... That's what arrogant and non-parted people are!

Today I want to tell you one funny story that happened to me in the village.
In the evening, in the village in the village before the holiday, it is accepted to trample a bathhouse, but nobody loves to walk apart.
We gathered in a bathhouse in four: me, my sister's cousin, her husband and my brother. And our sauna is three compartments.
Pregnant, there we have armchairs, the table, the kettle is electric, welding and most importantly - playing cards.
The steam room, small, but then two shelves: one higher, the other is lower.
And the bath, there are only wash.
So, we came in four of the bath. We looked at degrees in the steam room, we seemed a little, and we began to play the cards (everyone sat dressed). And then our boys ordered who when will go to bathe and who wash.
The first to bathe boys went, and we stayed in the pre-banker. We and my sister became boring, and we went to the bath - there is a window that goes to the steam room. We wanted to scare boys. Slowly passed into the bath, came to the window, and there is a bummer. They hung towel on the window. Broke us in one word. Well, we then went to the pre-banker and sister and began to conceive a new plan to laugh at them.
While we thought, the guys left the wage and immediately went to the bath. And we are with her to the steam room. Accordingly, they took the towel. we
Hang their own. And we decided to laugh at them differently - look in the window, and then scare. But they broke us again. They and from the other side hanged a towel. Well, we were completely boring, and we lay on the shelves, warmed up, how suddenly we fall the towel from the window. And in the window two faces ... We managed to get it under the benches, so that we did not see us naked.
Well, here and we played the mood, and we went to the pre-tribades to cool down little. I told my sister so that she would sit quietly, and I am over the boys. I slowly came out of the pre-banner and went to the door, which leads to the bath. I reveal her sharply and run away into the steam room. From the bath only heard screech and op.
I got out of the parley as I did not happen, our boys came out of the bath, both evil. And they said:
- Well, hold on, we will avenge you for such a joke ...
Hmm, we will not get revenge. My sister and we went to the bathrooms in the towels, and the boys stayed in the pre-tribades to sit, the door of the pre-banner I made a drawer. ® Well, so that this is not done exactly with us. Going to the bath, I hung on a towel window.
And we began to wash, calmly listening to every rustle. How suddenly the door to the bath opens. At the same time, we did not hear how they pushed the box from their doors. Olya (my sister) grabs a basin and hides them, she was lucky, and the basik turned out to be small. And she is full of me. And I stood behind the stove. In my hand, I had only a bucket, since I at this moment pouring hot water. BUT
They, the contagasians, stood and watched, as we cover, and laughed at us, we ourselves with laughter almost bent.

They gone and said:
- Beat calmly ...
Well, yes, you calmly stop with them, and my sister and I put a stick at the door so as not to open. ® But behind the door, the roar is heard that they move there. Well, we spit on them and began to wash calmly. We decided that then open the door. And they scream to us:
- You will not get out of the bath and do not fall into the pre-banner.
We did not take seriously their words. We are dominated and began to open the door, both turned into a towel, Olya wanted to open
The door, but it turned out that the door had nothing - she flew out of a bath, like a tube from under champagne. From the pre-banker, we only heard a laughter, my sister was already laughing, I didn't have the strength to even keep a towel. We went well in the pre-banker and tried to drive out boys to dress. We were not given to dress, and then we then took things and went to dress in the steam room. Sister kept the door
And I got dressed, and then the opposite. Well, here we decided to laugh too much. Since they both jerked the door, we and my sister, two, three, three ... Let go of the door.
We let go of the door, the guys fall on the chair.
So we revenged them for the fall of Ol.
That's how we went merrily in the bathhouse.

The story is real 😀

After our trip to the sauna, I felt a fellowship of conscience. I burned the blame in front of my husband, preparing him different goodies, and I tried more than usual ... I realized that in my fault there was a little, but I couldn't do anything with me.

And I began to pursue the fear of sudden unwanted pregnancy. I could then fly. I calmed down only after I bought and started taking hormonal contraceptives regularly. Once, I had a monthly cycle failure and my husband myself offered me to buy these pills as the best way to regulate. Plus reliable contraception. I think he then thought more about favor for himself. And now it helped me calm the nerves.

On Friday, the husband came from work in high spirits, with a bottle of champagne.

Galya, we have a reason to celebrate - I raised the salary!

I was surprised:

Why is that? You work for just a month ...

I myself do not know, I did not ask for a surcharge. Printed, at the end of the day the boss, the documents were already going to leave, and he asked if I would go to the sauna tomorrow. I replied that I was going, ... for some reason I remembered you ...

I froze, but I tried not to give confusion:

With what joy?

Says: "You last time in a sauna with a relative ... Cutely such, funny, ... Galya, it seems?", - Well, I admitted that you are my wife ... And he says: "What You did not immediately say?! I thought she was unmarried. She kept her ... It was inconvenient ... "And also, Semyon Ivanovich asked anyone in the department, not to tell you that you were my wife, and not sister, they say it is inconvenient that he lapel an employee's wife ... By the way, he is what, Lapal? As far as I remember, he decently led ...

And the fact that I sat naked ass on his knees, you have little? !! Or do you think this is decent? ... so why did you raise the salary?

I am already going to leave, and he announced that I was enrolled for a trial period, and now he ended. From now on, my salary is one and a half times! Present! Class! Truth?

Truth. Pull the champagne.

That Saturday Vova went to the sauna without me. I decided that I would not go there more. But in a month I already calmed down, and when my husband suddenly suggested to go to the sauna with him, I just asked whether there would be more women. Vova, as the last time, he answered that it was rarely, but I liked everyone - they remember, they ask, they say so he decided to call me. And I agreed. After all, I honestly liked the rest with them. Guys are funny, cute ... I'm with them, you can say, made friends ... Some tried a little flirt with me, in the framework of decency, inteeless ... In addition to Semyon Ivanovich, of course !!! He, for sure, moved all the allowed and non-cracking frames ... about the chef and his moral torment, I decided that now, I would try to approach him. In addition, he already knows that I am an employee's wife and probably will avoid me.

In a taxi, my husband recalled that at the request of the chef, we will still play "distant relatives". I thought:

Vova, maybe all the same say that I am your wife, and then the guys will play with me start, flirting ... especially since it is a sauna, all the half-naked ... it does not touch you?

Well, it takes a little ... But, at the same time, pins. By the way, in the department everyone knows about my skills in hand-to-hand fighting - the chief of my abstract men showed, they say what kind of courier we have a cool ... So, hardly anyone will pester you truly ...

And remember how I got drunk ..., even in the pool with all the swabs. With a swimsuit! Didn't it confuse you?

Well, then all the drunks were ... and I was also drunk. I even liked it for some reason. What you swam with them in the same pool naked, I somehow started ... Strange me, yes?

Rather, I ... You know, in my childhood, staying in the apartment alone, I got out to the windowsill naked and so stood ... I caught such Andrenalin, which I had a shock. We lived on the second floor, next to the windows - the sidewalk ... If someone from passersby raised his head, I joined from the windowsill and was shaking from shame and fear. But a week later I climbed the windowsill. Stopped only when the hair on the pubis grown ... only then bend the beginning. I confess, I always remembered this with some nostalgia ... So, I last time in the sauna, as if on that windowsill visited ...

I expected my husband's reaction to this his revelation with some caution. And he just smiled and said:

Cool ...

When we arrived, I learned that other women, like last time, will not. Honestly, I was not upset. I liked how the guys were trying to pay attention to me ...

This time I dressed a swimsuit without metal details, so in the steam room went tagging the sheet over the swimsuit. Immediately several guys began to convince me that it was wrong, harmful, I only smiled:

And you watched that I will walk again in one towel? Last time I just drank a lot.

And today you will not drink?

No, well, you can ...

So, you do not scare ... And then we have already thought that you lecture us about the fight against drunkenness to read ... By the way, a synthetic swimsuit in the steam room, really affects the skin. And alcohol has nothing to do with it ...

And vodka in the sauna on health useful influences?, I smiled.

This time, too, in the pre-tribades the table was covered with snacks, the truth was only beer from alcohol. I was surprised:

Oh, and this time without vodka? Well done ...

Guys talpped ...

How without vodka? !! Andryukha, where vodka? !!

Why immediately Andryukha? I dragged the box last time.

What kind of box in the office left? !!

By the way, Vova has never been worthwhile. Moreover, he has a courier ... Semen Ivanovich, well, tell me ...

So, guys, calm down. Nothing terrible happened. The sauna is ordered for four hours. In addition, we are extreme today ... can and extend. To the office to go minutes forty ... Vladimir will now go and brought. For one and a half or two hours it can be shifted.

I looked at my husband:

What do you leave me alone?

He took me by his hand, led Ivanovich to Sea and said:

Semyon Ivanovich, leaving Galo on your care ... Look for no one offended ...

The chef put his laying on my shoulder:

Be calmer Vladimir, I won't let her a step ...

Vova left. And we all the crowd went to the steam room. The guys started something about my swimsuit again ... I missed. He came out first of the wage, plunged into the pool, watch the chef also came out of the steam. I ask:

What is so fast, Semyon Ivanovich, do you like to get a little longer?

And I promised to look after you ...

Ah-ah, well, look after, I grinned

Can you drink beer?

That is not particular ... I do not like.

And champagne?, - he took a bottle of champagne from his package. I was surprised:

Are you always champagne with you?

No not always.

He sat down in a chair at the head of the table and pulled my hand to his knees.

Here I am naive! I thought it would be stopped by the information that I was not a sister, and the wife of the subordinate ... I got up and defiantly moved next to the bench.

Not. Semen Ivanovich, there are enough spaces ... I will be more comfortable here.

Do you think so?

Yes, I think so.

Okay. How to say. I just promised to look after. ..

I remember how you were looking after ...

We laughed - he's vacuum, I'm confused.

In the pre-banker began to go guys. After the steam, everyone wanted beer. Noisy Gorn began to lie down to the table and pour beer, no one touched the plates with snacks - waited for war with vodka. On the bench, which I sat, was closely. I sat with the edge, and I was moved to the very edge. I became uncomfortable to sit. BestWeep semen Ivanovich it

i noticed immediately and again began to insist that I move to him. I began to climb the thoughts that Vova himself instructed me the boss, and if it happened, what happened last time - my conscience will be cleaned ... I remembered my feelings then ... Sitting on my knees ... Eh, whether will be! If he once again suggests to him, I will not argue.

I did not have to wait long.

Tick, I can not watch how you face there. Do not be shy. You last time you already sat on my knees ...

I silently moved to his knees. I wanted to sit sideways, but he firmly stated:

Sit down face forward. So it will be more convenient for you.

I realized that the situation was repeated ... But still sat as he suggested. To throw the leg through his long knees, I had to highly raise the sheet, which I was wrapped. My legs were bored again on the sides of his legs. We sat in the same way as a month ago, only this time he was sitting in a chair, at the head of the table and there were no Friendly Witnesses. He took advantage of this advantage immediately. Not passed and minutes, as his left hand was already in my panties! With your knees, he widely spread my legs, a couple of seconds ... and his two fell on my vagina! At the same time, he calmly supported the conversation with the men, his champagne told my right hand, his beer ... Broke, resist after what happened last time, it would probably be somehow strange, and I just relaxed and began to enjoy. Beginning, as if nothing happens, calmly drink champagne and maintain a conversation with guys.

In a couple of minutes, Semyon Ivanovich asked me to file the nuts that were almost in the middle of the table. I realized that he wants to repeat the very "focus" and guessed what will happen next, so it was not surprised when he felt that he would shift my panties towards. I sat as cautiously as possible, already knowing that at the bottom I was waiting for a member directed into me. I was not mistaken. But this time the sensations were others. It hurted me. The chief realized that something was going on not and barely audible whisper asked:


I do not know. Something interferes.

Explain that last time he was able to shove his hefty thing in me on the most eggs, just because I was excited, and now I was not excited enough, it was a long time and inconvenient and I just had a silent. And he understood in his own way - she decided that they interfere with the pants from the swimsuit. He glanced his hand under my sheets and untied the lace on the panties of the swimsuit on the right side, then the other hand with the left, and one move stretched the panties. I tried to prevent him, but only attracted the attention of Nikolai - a good-natured fat man, who was sitting by the table, side from us. He suspected something, began to look at my side from time to time. Meanwhile, I'm already accustomed a little. The pain was dull and I began to listen to my feelings. This time I was sober and everything was for me for the first time. The member was too big for my little vagina, so with the slightest motion of the feeling were the strongest - some kind of incomprehensible connection of pleasure and pain. Soon the sense of pleasure became stronger and I stopped feeling pain, but as soon as I started to be excited truly, I began to fill sperm. Semen Ivanovich cumshot.

At this moment, Nikolai, suddenly did what I was afraid. He dropped the plug, and looked under the table. I hoped that he would not be visible on the side ..., but he got out of the table with such a stupid smile and rounded eyes, which became clear - he saw everything !! Semyon Ivanovich nailed his finger

Tight. Nearer. Even closer ...

Then barely audible said:

Let's talk - dismissed.

I sat with a complete vagina sperm, and could not wait when the guys go back to the steam room. I needed to go up. It is good that the chef guessed:

Guys, something we dressed ... So we make all the beer drink. Well, we get up, go to the steam room!

The men poured into the steam room, but Nikolai was delayed. He sat, smiled and silently looked at me. I realized that he would not go to the steam room. I was frightened, confused and feverishly tried to come up with what to do if he starts to pester. I got up, and ridiculously closing the vagina, burning from shame, went into the shower. I went, hanged sheets on the hook, looking around, and Nikolai stands in the doorway. What could I say to him? !! He just saw me with a member inside, right at the table! Words stuck in my throat ... He just smiled stupid and silent. And I stood, still closing the vagina with my fingers, and I watched him frightened. Finally he spoke:

Galya, you do not worry, I will not say anything in ving, - and silent lustfully looking at me between the legs. I was silent.

He repeated:

I will not tell anyone...

I was silent confused. He removed the sheets from his hollow and hung on a hook near my. His fat dick was sticking up, and a transparent drop hanging from the head. Damn, yes his member is probably thicker than the chef! The awkward pause has come. The droplet hanging from his end shared ... I still don't know why I did it ... maybe because I was still dried after Semyon Ivanovich, or I was just confused ... I wonder myself, not Rosant not a word, I turned to Nicholas my back and bent.

He immediately took me for the hips and shoved ...

Chva-Ak-P-R-Rr! I have never heard such a terrible sound in my life. I do not know what caused, probably after a thick member of the chef, the vagina has not yet returned to his usual state or maybe because there was a sperm ... Chmokchwak !!! Chmokchwak !!! Chmokchwak !!! Chmokchwak !!! PR-R-R-R-Rr!

The sounds were so loud and terrible that tears flowed on my cheeks.

Kohl, they will hear !!! Kohl, please ...

My words drowned in the climbing sounds that my vagina published. He accelerated. At this moment, I heard with horror over the wall of the voice - the men began to leave the steam room ... I did not hear what they were talking about, because my stunning chain drowned all the sounds. I understood - my sounds hear everything in the sauna. I started such a panic that I ... I fired. And then, from shame and awareness that the worst thing that could happen to me here already happened, I had some kind of appathy. And almost immediately, at the bottom of the abdomen, it began to grow pleasure ... which soon became so strong that these terrible sounds began to even like me. The orgasm was bright ... But Nikolai continued, and I did not have time to move away from orgasm, I was surprised to feel that pleasure increases again. The second orgasm was so powerful that my legs were sinking. If Kohl did not hold me for the hips, I would probably fall. Resonantly deciding that I do not care, he cums in me ...

I washed, unlike Nicholas, for a long time. Everything was not solved to go out to all. Then I remembered that Vova would come soon ... I left the shower hiding eyes, with a Punchovo-red face. I have never been as embarrassing in my life ... Someone from the guys said:

Galya, we did not know that you are so musical ...

I and without these words was in such a tension that I was barely kept ... I splashed tears from my eye.

The men do not endure women's tears. The guys survived me and in vain began to ask.

He raped you? !!

Did he forced you?!

Maybe he beat you? Yes, I'll take it now !!!

Yes, what to panic with him - we call the cops ...

I raised my head. I noticed that Nicholas had already managed to break his nose. Nikolay cheated:

Yes, I did not make her !!! Galya, well, tell me !!!

Completed complete silence. Everyone was waiting. Someone quietly asked:


I negatively shake my head. Sergey, the same redhead merry, that so originally danced with me a month ago, I understood:

Are you crying because it happened so loud?

Through tears and sobbing, I could only squeeze out of myself:

For a second, complete silence reigned. And then the sauna just exploded from laughter. The nervous tension, which all held all the time, was released in one moment, and passed into a heteric laughter. Still, in the saunas exceptional acoustics, it seemed that the walls were shaking from laughter ... Everyone was laughed without exception, and I laughed with everyone, although my face was still wet from tears.

When everyone calmed down, Semyon Ivanovich asked attention:

Guys, Vova - her cousin. They grew together, and he knows her parents well. Let's agree that Vova should not know anything ... everyone agrees? Then to finally calm the tick, I promise that if anyone says, I will find the reason for his dismissal. I'm not kidding, you know me ...

Guys Calley

Agree ...

Sure. With Galya Merry ...

Yes, without problems ... Galya, and you will come next Friday?

Nobody will know...

On the door knocked. Vova arrived with a drawer vodka. I thought that I need to urgently drink ...

Next, we drank vodka ... The guys poured jokes, jokes, I have not laughed so much for a long time. When finally, went to the steam room, everyone was already really drunk. And then I realized that I do not know where the pants from the swimsuit ... I detained my husband by hand.

Vova, I interfere with the swimsuit under the sheet. Especially in the steam room. He is such a synthetic ... I removed him, are you not against?

Vova smiled.

Well, and correctly done. Let's go, otherwise I have not soared. Right now I will ask the guys to give the place higher. In the pool without me not jump, good?

The husband was grained in the steam room for a long time. Everyone has already come out, and we still warmed up. He untied food on me and I sat naked.

And if someone goes ...

So what? You still go to the pool to jump ...

I jumped into the water quickly, without lingering - I was afraid that the husband did not pay attention to my reddened and slightly swelling sex lips.

I swam the naked among the men and remembered how Vova said that it would turn it out ... one thought came to mind that I just agreed ... And what if ...? There are also men who excite the change of his wife ... how are they called there? Cubes or Cokes ... would be cool if my Vova too ...? But, as they say, not with my luck ...

We went home in a taxi. We sat in the back seat. I put my head my husband on my shoulder, and thought about what happened ... And about what my husband I love, but next Friday, I'll go to the sauna!