"Easter in kindergarten: games and competitions". Scenario of the educational event "Easter traditions Easter events in kindergarten

Summary of the holiday for children of senior preschool age

Target: Acquaintance of children with the Christian holiday of Easter and its customs.


1. To acquaint children with the Orthodox holiday "Bright Resurrection of Christ", with its history.

2. Develop interest in the culture of ancestors.

3. Tell about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday.

4. To cultivate patriotic feelings for the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people, for folk art.

Equipment and materials: painted eggs, a basket of pysanky eggs, hats for fairy tale characters, a barrel of honey, a handkerchief, bells, willow twigs, dance brushes, gifts for parents, sweets, a board for playing with pysanky.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations of the celebration of Easter, reading fiction and conversations about Easter, making gifts, painting Easter eggs, learning poems and fairy tales for the holiday, learning songs and dances.



(Children enter the hall to cheerful music.)

Happy Easter, dear guests!

Happy Sunday!

Happy holiday and fun!

And the bells ring for Easter - the soul rejoices:

Everyone is welcome to join us:

And young ladies-turntables,

And nesting dolls - laughter!

And service soldiers!

And grumpy grandfathers!

And most of all we call the kids

Girls and boys!

Let's sing and play

Remember the old days!

In every house with red spring

The good news is coming to us.

The heart is light and clear.

On this day, Christ is Risen.

Rejoice, rejoice people

We will be happy now

After all, love came from heaven.

On this day, Christ is Risen.

Let there be peace on the whole planet,

Let the children laugh happily

And let the sun shine from heaven:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Song: Happy Easter.

(lyrics by V. Kuzmenkov.)

Leading: The Easter holiday lasts a whole week. These days people do good deeds. Easter is the holy days of kindness and consolation.

For Easter, they prepared Easter cakes, Easter, painted eggs, baked pies.

This holiday is rich in customs and rituals. On this day, they dressed in everything light, washed themselves with gold, silver, red eggs - in the hope of getting rich!

And our great-grandfathers and grandfathers

The custom was sacredly observed!

Dressed up in the best clothes

And the house was beautifully decorated.

Our kids are great too.

Help adults wholeheartedly

To write Easter eggs for Easter

And clean the apartment

They can repair you

Or a cheese sandwich.

They will tell everything

And, of course, they will show.

We can do everything

And without further ado

We will replace everyone

Plasterers, polishers

Painters and carpenters

And other workers.

Dismantle brushes quickly

Dance together start.

Dance "About repair".

(Soundtrack of the song "Song of Repair" performed by Oleg Popov.)

What a glorious day

Gather in a round dance

Let's go around in circles

Let spring have fun!

Let's start a round dance

Let's all drink together.

Game: "Burn, burn, clear."

That's how healthy they danced

They showed their prowess!

The first spring games and round dances begin from Holy Easter week. Let's call for spring.

Titmouse - sisters,

Tap dance - aunts,

Easter cakes - men,

Starlings - well done

Fly to us from across the sea

Bring red spring

With silk grass

With pearly dew

With warm sunshine.

With a grain of wheat!

Spring, spring, what did you come for?

On the plow, on the harrow,

On the other side.

The sun rolled in the west

The red rolled over the dark.

The night has passed, the darkness has gone

The cricket fell silent, the cockerel sang.

Lie down a little

Opened the window:

Hello, sunflower.

The song "Spring has come to us."

(Music and lyrics by V. Shishkarev.)

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,

And the rivers are torn from the shackles,

And the nearby forest turns green ...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Birds settled in nests

The snow melted like a candle!

The air smells sweet

Golden cake!

Sunny rain dripped

On this day of holy miracles,

And kissing me, dad

He says: "Christ is risen!"

God is risen and death is defeated!

This victory rushed the news

Spring resurrected by God...

And all around the forests turned green

And the chest of the earth breathed with warmth,

And listening to the nightingale's trills

All willows bloomed in spring.

Dance with willow branches.

(Soundtrack of the song "Verba" music by Y. Pasternak, lyrics by E. Grigorieva.)

Yes, a lot of fairy tales, children,

Wandering around the big planet.

Fairy tales are sad, funny,

The stories are good, not bad.

My fairy tale is in a hurry:

About Alyonka, about Zaychat,

About the Easter egg

There will be a fairy tale for children.

Two funny bunnies

They ran through the forest

And on the forest lawn

They met each other.

Bunny 1: Where are you?

2nd bunny: Where are you?

1st Bunny: I'm running to the city!

2nd bunny: I'm in the village. What are you doing in the city?

1st bunny:

Tomorrow is Easter!

Need to buy Easter eggs -

Nice girl Alenka

I want to give them.

2nd bunny:

Soon they will carry to the church

Holy Easter and Easter eggs ...

You, brother, are late!

1st Bunny: Late? Oh, how can I be?

2nd bunny:

Bunny, you are good with us,

I won't leave you in trouble

You know, in rain and heat

I'm always by your side!

Magpies have Easter eggs,

Our aunt is white-sided.

Our aunt is a craftswoman,

The capital sends orders to her!

Bunnies go to the soundtrack of the song "If you went on a journey with a friend."

(Written by M. Tanich, Music by V. Shainsky.)

So two Bunnies, two friends,

They ran after each other.

And don't rush after them.

True friends came out.

(The Sun, Starling, Spring come out.)

I am the red sun

Warm, wonderful.

I am the Starling - messenger of spring

I send greetings to all ends.

Well, I am spring-red

I also came here for you.

We didn't come here in vain

Happy Easter, dear friends!

Dance "Spring" to the soundtrack of the song "Merry Song".

(Words by V. Borisov, Music by A. Yermolov.)

Our bunnies, two friends,

They ran after each other.

Played catch-up

Even the wind was overtaken.

Along the path, up the hill

Through the river behind the hill

Only their heels sparkled -

The Bunnies ran fast.

Here is my aunt's house on the way,

No matter how you pass!

And the magpie is white-sided

Already finished work

Spread out the pisanochki

Dry them in the sun...

(Magpie enters the clearing, in her hands are painted Easter eggs.)

1st Bunny: Hello, Aunt Soroka.

2nd Bunny: Help us out, Beloboka!

Magpie: What do the glorious Bunnies need?

1st Bunny: I really need Easter eggs!

2nd bunny: True, aunt, very urgent!

Nimble, I see you are very.

Is there money?

Bunnies: We thought without money you can ...

Magpie: No! Impossible without money!

Hey, ayy! forest friends,

Help dear ones!

(Children come out in costumes of Mishka and Squirrel.)

1st Bunny: To buy Easter eggs,

You need to pay money.

2nd bunny:

How without Easter eggs Alenka?

After all, the girl will be offended!

Mishka: Yes, the task is, what to say ...

Squirrel: We need to rescue the hares

Bear: (Holds a barrel of honey to Magpie.)

On you, magpie, honey,

Take the whole deck.

Give me eggs in return

The brightest, there are seven of them.

I'll give you a handkerchief

Plus, mushrooms.

And now Magpie together

We will give a song.

(Written by Ya. Akim, Music by V. Gerchik.)

Oh what a good song

My soul blossomed!

You gave me joy

I forgot about money.

Take my Easter eggs

Bring your girl

I don't need your money

I am glad to help out Zaitsev.

Bunnies from the hill to the bridge,

With Easter eggs, jump and jump ...

And to Alenka on the way

They wanted to come

To Uncle Vasya, Aunt Zina ...

Lots of Easter eggs in the basket!

Here is Alenka's house.

The girl will have a holiday!

(Alenka appears, going to the temple.)

Church bells

Over Russia is heard,

And in the groove everyone is alive

A cheerful stream winds.

The sun's ray is like a thread

Between heaven and earth

They will believe - they will live

People are a friendly family.

The sun sparkles in the puddles

The willow blossomed,

"Alive, live!" - birds chirp

And the bells are singing.

Brighter morning east

What a warm spring day!

A sprout reaches for the light

Praise the joy of a bright Easter!

(The Bunnies enter, hand Alenka a basket of Easter eggs.)

1st bunny:

Hello dear Alenka,

We are glad to congratulate you on the holiday!

2nd bunny:

Here's to your obedience

These Easter eggs as a reward!

And happy Alenka

Pysanky brings everything to the temple,

Blagovest is buzzing everywhere:

"Easter Red is coming!"

Great day, spring day,

The sun is not too lazy to shine!

All Christ people

On a wonderful holiday day!

To cheerful music, the presenter introduces the performers of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Ay, tari, tari, tari,

They brought you testicles:

yellow, red,

Eggs are all different

Uncomplicated, painted

Difficult, golden!

Who will take the egg faster

That will get it!

(The host distributes colored eggs.)

I know kids love to play.

So isn't it time to start?

Whose testicle touches the candy

You get it, kids!

The game "Whose egg touches the prize."

(Rolling eggs on the board to the candy.)

And here are three more eggs,

There will be a new game:

Who will spin the egg longer

That one will win!

The game "Who will scroll the egg longer."

Leading: For the holiday of Easter, our guys have prepared gifts for their loved ones.

Take the gifts in your hands

Give them to your loved ones with love.

(Children give gifts to the music)

Praise the Lord from heaven

And sing incessantly

The world of his wonders is filled

And glory unspeakable!

Praise the Lord from heaven

And praise, people!

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

And death is corrected forever!

(Children leave the room to the music.)


  1. http://www.infoniac.ru/news/Kak-krasit-yaica-na-Pashu.html
  2. http://eliseyka.ru/kak-rasskazat-detyam-o-pasxe/
  3. http://palomnic.org/oh/poet/pasha/
  4. http://mosmama.ru/782-chto-rasskazat-rebenku-o-pasxe.html
  5. http://vozrosdenie.ru/archives/2627
  6. http://nsportal.ru/detskii-sad/raznoe/pasha-v-detskom-sadu
  7. "Bible for Children" - publishing house "Palomnik" 2007
  8. "Easter gift" coloring book, publishing house "Humility" 2014
  9. "Easter gift for children" - publishing house Charitable Foundation "Pokrov" 2013
  10. Ishimova A. O., Yesenin S. A., Maikov A. N. - Easter book for children - publishing house Moscow "Nikeya" 2013
  11. Kutsveva N. G. "Children about the Easter of Christ" - publishing house of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, 2013

12. Kazakevich A. N. "Easter" - publishing house OlmaMediaGroup 2011

13. Salishcheva M. N. "Easter" publishing house "Karapuz" 2009

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 31"

The scenario of the holiday in kindergarten:

"Easter Holiday"

Selikhova Nadezhda Ivanovna
Children's age: 4 - 7 years old.

Target: introducing children to the tradition of celebrating the Easter holiday.
Tasks: Educational: familiarization with the origins of the cultural traditions of the Russian people;
Educational: to acquaint children with the customs of the Orthodox Church, folk games and fun;
Developing: development of attention and observation, concentration of movements.

Speech . Enrich and activate the vocabulary of children on the topic "Easter Holiday", learn to read poetry.Equipment and materials: dyed eggs, Easter eggs, an image of Easter cake, an Easter table, a hill for rolling eggs. Cardboard egg templates, paper decorations, glue.
preliminary work . Conversation on the topic "Easter Holiday - how it was", memorizing poems.

Holiday progress:
Children enter the hall, sit on chairs.

Leading: Like a bright coloring,
Easter has come to our house.
Brought in her basket,
Eggs, buns, cakes,
Cakes, pancakes and tea.
Happy Easter!

Leading: Guys, do you know what Easter is? What do they bake and cook for Easter?

Leading: Do you want to know how this holiday is celebrated?
On this day, people went to visit each other and exchanged eggs and pastries. Eggs were dyed different colors and given to each other.
Leading: "Let's try to give an Easter egg."
The host chooses two people who wish, gives them an egg - a pysanka and invites the children to say hello according to the Easter custom. (Eggs need to be hit with a spout).

The host shows the children colored eggs and eggs - "pysanky": "Guys, what is the difference between these eggs?"
Children's answers.
Moderator: Well done guys. One egg is painted in one color, and on the other we see a pattern.
Eggs dyed with paint are called “krashenki”, and painted with fine patterns are called “pisanki”. When an artist paints, they say that he paints a picture or a pattern.

Now let's find out what cookies are. Easter cake symbolizes the red sun, and if a person tries Easter cake, he absorbs life-giving rays and becomes kind and strong.

Presenter: "And now let's listen to the poems of the great poet Sergei Yesenin about the Easter holiday"

Child 1: Dozing bell
Woke up the fields
smiled at the sun
Sleepy land.

Child 2: Blows rushed
To blue skies
loudly heard
Voice through the woods.

Child 3: Hiding behind the river
pale moon,
ran loudly
Rough wave.

Child 4: Silent Valley
Drives away sleep
Somewhere across the road
The call fades.

Leading: Easter has always been accompanied by folk games and fun.
Egg rolling game : the host lays out small souvenirs and sets up a small homemade slide or board. The child picks up an egg and rolls it down a hill. To which souvenir the egg rolls, the child receives that gift.
"Laying game": for this game you will need 2 eggs and 2 spoons. Children are divided into two teams, the leader sets the flags. On command, the children put an egg in a spoon and carry the egg so as not to drop it from the spoon, while bypassing the flags. Next, the egg and spoon are passed to the team. The first team to carry the egg around the flags wins.
Leading: And now let's decorate our eggs with a pattern of geometric shapes.

Application "Eggs for the holiday." Children decorate egg blanks with paper applications.

Leading: “Now let’s listen to poetry!”

Child 5: Look what a miracle
Did mom put it in the dish?
Here is an egg, but not a simple one:
golden painted,

Like a bright toy!
There are stripes, curls,
Lots of little rings
Stars, circles and hearts.

What are all these colors for?
Like in a good old fairy tale?
Mom gave the answer to everyone:
- Easter is the brightest holiday!

And the egg, I know
Symbol of life on earth!

Child 6: All the guys know Easter
They love Easter, they are waiting for it,
Cookies smell so delicious
And everyone is invited to the house.

Child 7: The sun squints from the sky
Illuminates the earth
This holiday is for everyone
Happiness portends.

Like a miracle of miracles
Like in a wonderful fairy tale
Finally came
Golden Easter!
The holiday ends with tea drinking in the group.

Compiled by: Ryzhova N.V. teacher of the highest qualification category.

The scenario of the holiday in kindergarten "Easter holiday at the gate"

senior preschool age


Presenter, bunny, chicken, grandfather, woman, children read poetry.


Tape recorder, recording "Ringing Bells"; Egg - for each child; gate - for the game; prizes, scarf - 3 pieces for the game; dance candles; candlesticks; consecrated egg; a raw egg; a glass of water; mound; table; boots; basket; axe; saw; golden egg; simple egg.

Holiday start:

The hall is elegantly decorated:

Candles are burning, Easter cakes, painted and painted eggs are on the tables. Children and leading in all bright, elegant.

“Bell ringing” sounds - the children go to their places.

Leading: Dear Guys! Today our holiday is dedicated to Easter, which always comes to us in the spring. Easter is always celebrated on Sunday. It is one of the main holidays in the Christian religion. Approved in honor of the resurrection of Christ.


As the sun shines brightly, as the sky is deep bright,

How merrily and loudly the bells chime!

Incessantly in God's temples they sing: "Christ is Risen!"

And the sounds of marvelous Easter bring to heaven.

Today is a great day:

Christ who shed blood for us rose from the dead

And came back into the world.

The heart does not know sorrow, the soul of all is clear.

After all, with the Easter holiday, spring comes to us.

She brings the news of the risen God from heaven,

We will answer with joy: “Truly, He has risen!”


Drops are dripping loudly near our window

The birds sang merrily to visit Easter has come to us.


The peasants have a belief that the sun itself plays on Easter. And many try to watch for this moment, the children turn to the sun with the words:

sun, bucket,

Look out the window!

The sun roll

Red dress up!

(Singing a song about spring.)

Child 1

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing

From all the churches people bring down

The dawn is already looking from heaven

Child 2

The earth is waking up

And the fields are dressed.

Spring is coming full of wonders

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!


Easter is the day when Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

“Christ is Risen” - people say when meeting on this day instead of “Hello”

One of the symbols of the holiday is the egg.

A symbol of nascent life, a symbol of resurrection.

Prepare for Easter ahead of time. In particular, eggs were accumulated, which on the Thursday before Easter were dyed in onion feathers.

Usually 100-200 eggs were dyed.

During Easter, they were distributed to children who came. “Christened”, as well as on the first day of the holiday, they themselves broke the fast with the whole family. Giving each other an egg is the main custom of this bright holiday. I will now give you an egg, and now let's say these words:

You roll, testicle, but to the soul of the Lord,

Give people protection

And give good and save!

Now exchange an egg with each other and kiss. Consider an egg given to you by a friend.

Eggs were dyed in different colors, they were decorated in different ways; and played different games.

1 game:"Egg rolling" - rivals throw an egg so that they collide. Whose egg survives - he will win.

2 game: "Knock out a toy" - the child knocks out the toy he likes by rolling the egg on the floor.

3 Game:"Roll the egg in the gate"

The host offers to play a collective game. Children stand in 3 circles. One child in the center of the circle with a scarf.

We all know that at Easter, when they meet, they say “Christ is Risen”, they answer “Truly Risen” - and kiss 3 times. While the music is playing, the children walk in a circle. The music has stopped - the children stop. The child in the center throws a scarf around the neck of the one he likes and kisses on the cheek, then change places.

Leading: Often on Easter, an interesting ritual of caroling was performed. Young and old people walked around the yards, sang specially designed songs and danced.

And today Nam preparatory group will perform a song, but the song is not simple. And Easter, about God.

1. God teach me to love

With all your mind, with all your thoughts

To devote my soul to you

And all my life with every heartbeat.

2. Teach me to observe

Only your merciful will

Learn to never complain

To your hard lot.

3. All who came to redeem

You with your pure blood

Selfless deep love

Teach me God to love.

Leading: The dancers will perform a dance for you.

The girls dance to the music of "Ave Maria".

Leading: Now let's check who has the strongest egg.

1 contest"Strong egg" - one beats 5-6 eggs with an egg.

2 competition:"Who has the most beautiful, original egg."


Shows an egg. This egg was lit in the church, such an egg was kept for a long time and for 3 and 12 years, and whoever eats such an egg, all the illness passed from him. According to ancient beliefs, the egg also helps in extinguishing fires; in some villages, a missing cow, a sheep;

They stroked the cattle along the ridge so that it would not get sick and that its coat was smooth.

And they guessed by the egg.

Divination: According to the egg white released into a glass of water, they wondered about the future. What the silhouette formed in the water looks like is what awaits you in the future.

And they guessed with a boiled egg like this - they made a wish (children make a wish)

Hit each other with an egg. Who has broken - the desire will not come true and vice versa.

Knock on the door (bunny runs in)

Bunny:“Christ is Risen, guys, Christ is Risen adults.

I know. You are celebrating Easter today. Do you know. What is the symbol of Easter, is - What?

That's right, the egg, and also I am a symbol of Easter, a cheerful and mischievous Bunny.

And I love to play, do you want to play?

Game "Golden Gate"

The golden gates are not always open. 1 time is forgiven, 2 times it is forbidden,

Closed 3 times.

And now I will show you a story.

The story is old, not short, not long.

About the grandmother, about the grandfather, about the mother hen.

(grandfather enters to the music)

Grandfather: Christ is risen, neighbor!

Hare: Truly Risen, it's time to go to church, grandfather.

Grandfather: Yes, I’ve been busy with tea since this morning, oh, it’s bad for me, hear how it crunches in my back, it’s better, I’ll sit on the mound. Yes, I’ll fix it - enti boots for myself. (repairs)

presenter: Look, look, neighbor, Danilovna is coming.

You see a whole basket, your old man, he carries.

Hare: That will be fun here, wait, godfather, wait.

Danilovna's character, let's just say to you, is cool. (Grandma enters to the music)

grandmother: Ay, fathers - holy, why are you an old fool,

The stump is clumsy, on a holiday - did he think up boots to hem?

Sin, what a! On a holiday, kind people visit each other, but you sin.

Grandfather: What are you making noise, old woman?

Woman: Yes, look what I found, our hen - pied under a bush laid an egg!

Grandfather: Well, I took it down, what's the matter, something you, grandma, was stunned

grandma: Yes, the egg is not simple, but look, Golden!

Grandfather: oh yes, the ryabushka is my light (throws away the boots) Bring the egg here as soon as possible.

Woman: Look at the testicle, how it shines, look.

Grandfather: Now I'll break the egg, and I'll start frying the omelet.

Leading: beat - beat, and did not break.

Woman: Get away - why are you an old man, give me an egg here, beat, beat and I won’t break it.

Grandfather: Give - kA, grandma to me an ax. One - two, one - two, it didn't crash, that's the trouble.

Woman: Move away - kA, old grandfather, you are of no use. Now I'll take a rolling pin and hit the egg. One - two, one - two. Do not break it, trouble.

Come on, grandfather, let's take a saw and cut the egg together.

One - two, one - two, it will not be sawn, trouble.

Bab A: Oh, I can’t get tired, I’ll sit down and rest.

Grandfather: That's a misfortune, that's the trouble, we can't break the egg.

Woman: Yes.

Hare: Suddenly, out of nowhere. A mouse has landed on the table.

The mouse ran. She ran up to the egg, waved her tail, the egg fell and broke.

Grandfather: Oh, trouble, oh, trouble, the egg broke.

The chicken comes out: Ko - ko - ko, nonsense

Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, woman.

Here is a second testicle for you, not golden, but simple.

Grandfather: Oh, my chicken, run to us here as soon as possible, do not bring us gold, but bring us simple ones.

Leading: This is where the fairy tale ends.

Hare: And who listened well done.

Leading: Guys, the fun part of our holiday is over. And now I invite you to the fair.

Hurry, buy and drink tea soon.

MBOU "Lokotskaya secondary school" Obestyansky branch.

Scenario of educational event "Easter Traditions"

Teacher Gushchina Irina Nikolaevna


Description of work: this scenario was developed for pupils of the Center for Children's Creativity, covering children of primary and secondary school age. The event involves the development of children's curiosity, familiarization with traditions, broadening their horizons.

Scenario of an extra-curricular event according to Easter traditions.

Target: To acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating Easter, familiarizing them with the origins of Russian culture.


To acquaint children with Easter traditions in different countries, with the history of the Easter tradition in Russia.

Raising love for the culture of their people, their traditions, customs, rituals.

The development of imagination and imagination of students.

Visibility: multimedia presentation, an exhibition of eggs painted and decorated in various ways (Fig. 40).

Equipment and materials: bells, boiled eggs, food coloring, paint containers, paper towels, adhesive tape or electrical tape, woolen threads, scissors, spoons, a groove for rolling eggs, a gel balloon, stickers in the form of birds.

Event progress.

Hello dear guests!
Be healthy and happy
Let our meeting be
Cheerful and joyful!
It is dedicated to light
Orthodox Easter!

Easter is a holiday of hope, peace and forgiveness. On this day, the day of the Resurrection of Christ, we celebrate the victory of good over evil forces, over death. This holiday is associated with a miracle.

Christ died and rose again. He has already passed his earthly path. He left us earthly commandments, gave us hope for salvation, atoned for past human sins with his death. Christ is risen and life triumphs.

From a country far away
The swallows are flying
chirping merrily
"People, wake up!"
And with spring and Easter
Brings joy to us!
Joy that from the coffin
Our savior has risen!
For children and adults
He gave deliverance.
He has risen from the dead!
All the earth sings
And back to earth
He will come soon.
Rise up people
“Our Christ is risen!
There is salvation for people
And there is hope."

Easter is the main Christian holiday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Fig. 1).

I congratulate you on the brightest and most joyful holiday - Easter. Let the bells ring today, let the songs sound, let everyone have fun.

Not only Russians are waiting for Easter, they are waiting and celebrating it in big and small cities and villages of the vast planet Earth!

You might be interested to know how Easter is celebrated in different countries.

For example, in Germany, Easter is everyone's favorite holiday, the main Easter character of which is a hare that brings colorful and painted Easter eggs. Children also take an active part in preparing for the holiday. They make special Easter baskets in kindergarten or at school. On the eve of Easter, parents put colored eggs, “sweet” gifts, toys and a traditional Easter chocolate bunny into such a basket. The gift basket is usually hidden under the trees in the garden, and early in the morning, as soon as they wake up, the children go looking for it. Adults in Germany give each other small gifts.

In France, the celebration of Easter is a special French charm. Traditional eggs are not given much importance there, everything revolves around bells. The bell in France is an Easter symbol of universal joy and fun. On a festive day, the ringing of bells is heard everywhere. Parents for their children "twist" nests in the trees, in which they put chocolate eggs. Children must find these nests and get the eggs. Chocolate coins are very popular in France. They are given to everyone in a row as a sign of a comfortable life until the new Easter.

In the UK, the little inhabitants of the country have a 2-week Easter holiday for Easter. In schools and kindergartens, preparation begins long before the holiday. Children decorate Easter eggs: goose or ostrich. This is where the expanse of children's imagination is: after traditional coloring, eggs are pasted over with various sparkles and beads using silk and wool, as well as markers and colored corrugated paper. Such laborious work gives the egg a fabulous look, each egg is a real work of art. The children are preparing an Easter gift for their parents. For Easter, all confectionery and chocolate factories produce a wide range of all kinds of chocolate Easter eggs with various fillings and various sizes. Easter in the UK is a celebration of chocolate.

In Canada, as well as in Germany, everyone's favorite character is the Easter Bunny, he brings chocolate eggs to children. Easter competitions are arranged for children: who will collect the most eggs in their basket. Competitions are usually held in a park or garden, and eggs are hidden in advance under trees, in flowers and other places. And real eggs are painted with paints, markers, but the contents of the egg are first removed through a small hole in the shell, and so the painted egg can be stored for quite a long time. The male population of the country presents children with chocolate and toy chickens and hares.

How Easter is celebrated in Russia.

There are many rituals in Russia
And today is the feast of God
Easter - God's Sunday
His second birthday.
Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
From all the churches people bring down
Dawn looks from heaven
The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields
And hands are torn from shackles
And the nearby forest turns green
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Russians consider this holiday a family holiday, so they prefer to celebrate Easter in a warm family circle. The table is set according to old traditions, with obligatory colored eggs and freshly baked Easter cake or cottage cheese Easter.

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that a blossoming tree can give health, strength, beauty to everyone who touches it. In Russia, willow is considered a healing tree endowed with special power. After all, it begins to bloom before other trees. There was such a custom in the old days - with willow branches, to drive out cattle, for the first pasture, to sweep away cobwebs in huts and sheds with a willow bundle, to sweep the floor. This, as it were, drove out evil spirits from the house, illness and failure.

By Easter, each family collected and dyed 100-200 eggs in onion skins. They were distributed to the children who came to christen. On the first day of the holiday, they broke the fast with the whole family, i.e. allowed themselves more delicious food after Lent.

"Dear testicle for Christ's day!" - says the Orthodox Russian people. The egg is a symbol of new life, pure, bright, a symbol of hope. According to legend, St. Mary Magdalene presented the first Easter egg to the Roman emperor, the egg turned bright red, confirming the good news. Red is the color of the blood of Christ. Many traditions of celebrating Easter have been preserved in our time. On Pure Thursday, people put things in order in apartments, paint eggs, on Good Friday, houses are filled with the smell of baking Easter cakes, cottage cheese pastries. The feast itself begins with a solemn service. But the tradition of painting eggs for Easter in Russia has long roots. There are several ways to colorize (show with an example):
Krashenki - in the old days they used natural dyes: onion peel, juices of plants, vegetables. Today food coloring is used.
Krapanki - first, a boiled egg is dyed, and then drops of hot wax are applied. After that, the egg is placed in the paint of a different color. Once the paint is dry, the egg is dipped in hot water. In it, the wax melts, an original pattern is formed.
Easter eggs are a whole work of folk art. Their paintings use images of plants and animals, geometric figures.
2nd Presenter: Do you want me to reveal a small but very important secret to you?
From the egg, from the bottom
Mother Earth came out raw.
From the egg, from the top.
The high vault of heaven arose,
From the yolk, from the top,
The bright sun came
From protein, from the top.
A clear moon has appeared.
From the egg, from the motley part,
The stars are in the sky!
1st Presenter: What an interesting legend! But why is the egg red? And now we know about it. Our guys have prepared an Easter gift for you - a fairy tale.

Dramatization "Gift"

Chick, chick, chick. Chick, chick, chick.
Come get ready
And stay around.
I will tell you now
Wonderful story.
(Chickens run out and stand in a semicircle).
We're laying eggs
We give them as a gift to everyone:
Round and whole.
That was a long time ago,
Grandmother said
Like Mary Magdalene
She gave the king an egg.
It was all white
It was all round.
gave, gave,
"Christ is Risen," she said.
And Tiberius accepted
The gift was not rejected
I said that I would believe
If I see a miracle myself.
He held an egg in his hands
I thought to myself:
"Let the testicle turn red -
On Sunday I will believe."
The egg seemed to hear
Tiberius in the hands -
Horror was in his eyes.
That's such a miracle! That's such a miracle!
I will not argue with you.
This is a miracle of miracles!
Christ is truly risen!
Rejoice! Christ is risen!

The traditions of different peoples are similar in many respects, but have different forms.

In Iceland (Fig. 31,32) they treat traditions very carefully and reverently. The most traditional Easter gift is Easter painted eggs, the top of which is decorated with a funny yellow chicken (Fig. 33, 34). The chicken is a symbol of renewed new life. Gift eggs are accompanied by a small postcard with a catchphrase written on it.

In Slovenia (Fig. 35, 36) at Easter, the main “hero” is a chicken, so they prefer to give gifts with the constant presence of a chicken (Fig. 37, 38). A variety of colored cards with chickens, plush chickens, souvenir candles in the form of a chicken, and children are very fond of chocolate chickens.

One of the oldest and kindest traditions is to release birds into the wild in honor of the Great Day (Fig. 39). “Look at the sky, how the bird will sing, flying away. Let it! - the uncle taught little Pushkin. Already an adult Pushkin writes:

In a foreign land I sacredly observe

Native custom of antiquity:

I release the bird

At the bright holiday of spring.

I became available for consolation,

Why should I grumble at God,

When at least one creature

I could give freedom!

And we will also support this tradition. Now each of you will take a bird and stick it on this balloon, and we will release them into the sky!

It is customary for people to celebrate Easter: exchange a painted egg, kiss three times and say: “Christ is risen!”

- "Truly risen!" This custom has been around for many years. Christ gave us life, and the egg is a symbol of new life, bright, pure, a symbol of hope. The egg consecrated in the church was attributed magical properties: saving the house from fires, helping livestock from diseases.

Our ancestors rolled colored eggs on the ground. It was believed that this promotes fertility. Let's play with colored eggs.

The game "Who rolls the eggs faster" is being held.

The egg is also mentioned in Russian proverbs:
"Dear testicle for Christ's day" - about the service.
“Give me a testicle, and even a flaky one” - fat, lazy.
“Though a black chicken, but sits on white testicles” - about harsh-looking people with a kind heart.
“He will pass through the balls - he will not crush not one” - they say too careful.
“Give a fool a testicle - what he rolled, then he broke it,” they say about an awkward dismissal.

In addition to colored eggs, Easter cakes were the main dish on the table. They baked Easter cakes in the form of a cylinder. It looked like the dome of a church. We think that you already have an idea of ​​how Easter was celebrated today.



1. 1st presenter

2. 2nd host

5. Kolobok

8. Bear

10. Father

1st presenter Once upon a time there were poor grandfather and woman.

2nd host Very poor.

1st presenter They didn't have a pockmarked chicken.

2nd presenter Oh, it wasn't!

1st presenter She did not lay their eggs.

2nd presenter And they could not bake an Easter cake!

1st leading Grandfather to the woman and says ...

Grandfather What, dear, should we break the fast at Easter?

Baba Oh, I don't know, dear. After all, our flour has long since ended.

Grandfather Come on, woman, let's not lose heart, but pray to God, let's sweep the barn, scrape the barn; maybe even scrape on a bun.

1st presenter So they did: they swept the barn, scraped the barrels, kneaded the flour in the water, salted it with a teardrop.

2nd Lead God thanked.

1st presenter They baked a lean bun and put it on the window, to catch a cold until morning.

2nd presenter And in the morning Kolobok woke up before anyone else.

Gingerbread man Something grandparents can not hear. Sleep, come on. They messed with me yesterday, even overslept the service. I’ll sway to the church while they sleep, I’ll sprinkle holy water at the priest’s, at least I will console the old people with this.

1st presenter The gingerbread man jumped off the windowsill to the ground and - let's go to church! Yes, not on the road, but straight through the forest. The wolf is facing him.

Wolf Hello, Kolobok. Where are you rolling?

Gingerbread man I roll into the temple of God, sprinkle with holy water. And what is this for you?

(The wolf takes off his headphones, gives Kolobok a listen).

Wolf What, don't you see - I'm having fun, listening to music. After all, the holiday is Easter! You can also have fun.

Gingerbread man What are you! Is this how Easter is celebrated?

Wolf And how do they celebrate?

Gingerbread Man Come with me, you'll see.

Wolf Well, let's go, persuaded.

2nd leader And they went through the forest together. And to meet them a fox.

Fox How far, my sweet ones, have you gone?

Gingerbread Man We, Lisonka, are in a hurry to go to church, I - to sprinkle with holy water, and the Wolf - to listen to Easter music.

Fox I've become somewhat deaf, come closer to me, my postnenky, closer!

Kolobok (louder) We are going to the temple, to the festive service.

Fox How, how, I know - Easter today. I also bought myself a new outfit in honor of the holiday - I will flaunt in the forest. Let everyone envy!

Gingerbread man What are you, Lisonka, is this how they celebrate Easter?

Fox And how do they celebrate?

Gingerbread Man Come with us, you'll see.

Fox Well, I'll take a walk.

1st leader Three of them went through the forest and soon met a clubfoot bear.

Bear (yawning, with a pillow in his hands) Why are you making noise here, disturbing your sleep?

Fox Oh you, clubfoot! You slept all Christmas, do you want to spend Easter in a lair? Spring is already!

Bear Easter - I know this, I heard it. So after all, on a holiday we also have an extra day off to sleep (yawns). And what is it for, a holiday?

Gingerbread Man What are you, Misha, is Easter celebrated like that?

Bear And how do they celebrate?

Gingerbread Man Come with us, you'll see - we're going to the temple, to the Easter service.

2nd presenter Four of them go and talk. Suddenly a hare meets them.

Kolobok Hello, Zainka. Why are you so scared?

bunny Yes, I don’t understand - what’s going on around? Why is everyone in a hurry somewhere? Why do the bells ring so loud?

Wolf Don't you know that Easter is today?

Bunny I don't know anything yet, I was just born yesterday.

Fox Well, we'll explain to you now.

Everyone (sing)

Why is the sun shining so brightly today?

Bright Easter has come, We sing: Christ is risen!

There are festive faces in the temple, And the bells are ringing.

Let's share the joy - bright Easter has come!

bunny Thank you, now I understand everything. Where are you going?

Gingerbread man We go to the temple, to the Easter service.

Bunny And I'm with you!

1st presenter So they all came together to the service. The forest animals stood motionless - they liked it so much in the church - what beauty, what singing!

2nd presenter A Kolobok immediately rolled to the priest. (The father is sitting in the hall in the first row) The father sprinkled him with holy water and asks ...

Father Where, Kolobok, is your red testicle?

Gingerbread Man, father, I don't have a red testicle - my grandfather and grandmother are poor.

Father Na, take it, Kolobok, take the testicles to grandparents.

1st presenter And then the parishioners heard the conversation, they gave the Kolobok testicles a whole basket.

2nd presenter As the service ended, all our heroes came out of the temple together, the animals and they say Kolobok ...

Wolf Well, Kolobok, we will break the fast for you!

Fox Oh, and enjoy!

Gingerbread Man What foolish beasts you are! After all, I’m lean: I’m swept through the barn, scraped through the barrel, mixed with water, salted with a tear. How are you going to get on with me?

Bunny What do we do then?

Gingerbread Man Take a red testicle. Christ is Risen!

(Gingerbread Man distributes testicles to animals).

Beasts are truly risen! (Kolobok leaves)

1st presenter Gingerbread man rolled home, and the animals began to consult.

Bear Somehow it turned out inconveniently - Gingerbread Man gave us Easter eggs, and his grandparents are poor!

Bunny Maybe they have absolutely nothing to eat?

Fox Maybe they have nothing to dress up in?

Wolf I'll go home and look for some gift for them.

Others And so are we!

2nd presenter A Kolobok at that time rolled home.

Grandfather Where have you been, Kolobok?

Baba We were very worried about you!

Gingerbread Man I was in church, sprinkled with holy water and brought you red testicles!

(Knock on the door).

Grandfather Who could it be?

Baba I don't know! (loudly) Come in, dear guests!

(Beasts enter.)

Beasts Christ is Risen!

Grandfather and Baba are truly risen!

Kolobok These are my new friends.

Bear I've brought you a bear for the holiday!

Bunny And I'm a carrot.

Wolf Here, firewood for the stove - summer is not coming soon.

Fox And here is a colored, festive scarf for my grandmother!

Grandfather and Baba Well, thank you, dear guests!

(Music. Everyone comes forward).

Bunny Today I understood how to celebrate Easter!

Wolf Do not amuse yourself with music ...

Fox And do not flaunt in colored outfits ...

Bear And do not sleep, rest longer ...

All together And you need to pray to God and give your joy to others!

Hosts And then it will become huge, huge - such that it will be enough for the whole world!

With this, our holiday came to an end. We congratulate you on the bright holiday of Easter. We wish you good health, happiness and prosperity. See you again.

History of Easter

The history of the Easter holiday goes back to the time before the birth of Jesus Christ. At that time, the Jewish people were enslaved by the Egyptian pharaoh for several centuries. But the time came when this slavery became unbearable for the Jews: the Egyptians began to kill all the Jewish firstborn. And then the Lord, through the prophet Moses, commanded every Jewish family to slaughter a lamb, and anoint the doorpost of their house with its blood.

According to legend, after that an angel passed among the houses and killed all the Egyptian firstborn. After that, the frightened Egyptian ruler released the Jews from their lands that same night.

Since then, Passover (from the Hebrew Pesach, meaning "mercy, deliverance, passing by") has been celebrated by the Israelites as the day of deliverance from slavery and the salvation of all Jewish first-born boys from death. The celebration lasted seven days. During the holiday, only unleavened bread was eaten. Hence the second name of Easter is the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

On the first day of the holiday, each family slaughtered a lamb in the temple, and then baked it at home. On the evening of the same day, it was necessary to eat it, and the head of the family told the story of the exodus of Jews from Egyptian slavery at a gala dinner.

After the arrival of Jesus Christ, already in the first years of Christianity, Easter was rethought, became a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon (not earlier than April 4 and not later than May 8, according to the new style).

Prepare for Easter ahead of time. It is first preceded by a seven-week fast, a time when people repent of their sins and purify their souls. The last week is called Passion or Great. Especially strict fast on Wednesday and Friday. On Maundy Thursday, everyone tries to clean up, wash and clean everything, and every Orthodox is cleansed spiritually, takes communion. On the same day, the custom of cleansing with water is widespread - swimming in an ice hole, for example.

Then they prepare a festive table: they paint eggs, bake Easter and Easter cakes.

The feast itself begins with worship. At the Easter Liturgy, all believers take communion, bless Easter, Easter cakes and eggs. The celebration of Easter continues throughout Bright Week. This week people go to visit each other, give Easter cakes and colored eggs.

Easter lasts forty days. All this time, believers greet each other with the words "Christ is risen!" and answer "Truly risen!".

Easter for preschoolers. Scenarios

Spring folklore holiday for children 6-8 years old. “Spring has come to visit us - brought the Easter holiday” Author. Anikeeva Galina Vasilievna, teacher of additional education, MOU Center "Istoki", Volgograd. Description. Spring folklore holiday for children "Easter". Addressed to music directors, educators, primary school teachers. Purpose: To acquaint children with folk traditions, with the Orthodox holiday "Easter". Tasks: To cultivate a respectful attitude towards Russian customs ...

The author's fairy tale "Willow and the Bunny" for children of senior preschool age Authors: educators Natalia V. Radygina, Faina G. Kazantseva, MADOU - Kindergarten No. 31 "Guselki" (building 3) Willow is a common inhabitant of the Russian land and the sacred tree of Christians. It has long become a symbol of spring and Palm Sunday. The tree signifies the approach of Easter. According to signs and beliefs, it is believed that the consecrated willow has healing properties. The purpose of the story is to introduce children to...

Scenario for children ZPR. Family Club "Celebration of Joy and Spring of Spring" Purpose: to acquaint children with the Easter holiday, to enrich the experience of parents in matters of family education through familiarization with the customs and traditions of the Russian people. Tasks: - to introduce children to the traditions and customs of the Easter holiday through games, songs, poems, round dances; - to form communication skills, a sense of joy - to develop memory, attention, speech; - educate love for customs and traditions. Preliminary work...

Entertainment scenario in a preschool educational institution for children of senior preschool age “The long-awaited spring brought us Easter Day” using ICT Author: Varlamova Olga Vyacheslavovna, teacher of the Gavrilovo-Posad Kindergarten No. 1, Gavrilov-Posad Description: The scenario is intended for children 5- 7 years old, teachers of preschool education, teachers of additional education, music directors. Purpose: Introducing children to the origins of folk culture, spiritual values. Tasks: ...

Project in the preschool educational institution for older preschoolers "Culture of the Russian people: "Palm Sunday" Project passport. 1. Theme of the project: “Culture of the Russian people: “Palm Sunday”; 2. Author of the project: Shubenkova T.E. - music director; 3. Project participants: children of the preparatory group - parents - educators - music director; 4. Place of project implementation: MOU Kindergarten No. 366; 5. Type of project: according to the leading method - cognitive and creative; in terms of content - society and its cultural values ​​...

The script for the Easter holiday in the preschool educational institution for children 5-7 years oldAuthor: Markova Ruslana Pavlovna. Musical Director of MDOU d.s. "Fairy Tale" p. Trostyanka, music director of MDOU d.s. combined type "Swallow" Balashov Description: In our time it is very important to instill in the child spiritual and moral qualities, to bring up patriotism and love for the Motherland and Russian culture. I bring to your attention the scenario of the Easter holiday. The scenario is intended for children 5-7 years old. The material will be useful to educate ...

Synopsis of the NOD in music "Visiting the chicken Ryaba" for older preschoolers. Author: Tatarintseva Lyudmila Nikolaevna, musical director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the National School of the Krasnoarmeiskoye SP for children "Spark" Purpose: familiarization with the origins of folk culture, acquaintance with the Easter holiday. Tasks: 1) Educational: - to teach children the skills of dramatization; - introduce children to the means of musical expression (timbre, rhythm, register); - to teach to convey in movements the images of fairy-tale characters (grandfather, woman, mouse) and their actions. ...

The scenario of the event in additional education “Easter is a holiday of holidays” The development of an event dedicated to the celebration of the Orthodox holiday of Easter is aimed at introducing preschool children and primary school students to the Orthodox traditions of our people, will contribute to spiritual and moral development, education of universal human qualities of the individual. The development can be used in the work of teachers of additional education in the framework of the educational work of associations established ...

Entertainment scenario with a presentation for children of the senior - preparatory group "So Easter has come to us" Author: Olga Vyacheslavovna Varlamova, teacher of the Gavrilov-Posad Kindergarten No. 1, Gavrilov-Posad Description: The scenario is intended for children 5-7 years old , teachers of preschool education, teachers of additional education, music directors. Purpose: Introducing children to the origins of folk culture and spiritual values. ...

Cognitive - creative project in the senior group of the preschool educational institution "We joyfully meet Easter." Author: Olga Vyacheslavovna Varlamova, teacher of the Gavrilovo-Posad Kindergarten No. 1, Gavrilov-Posad Description: I bring to your attention the educational and creative project “We joyfully meet Easter”. This material for children 5-6 years old can be used by kindergarten teachers, music directors, teachers of additional education. Project type: educational - creative Duration: short...

Poetic composition for children of senior preschool age "Easter egg"Author: Yakimova Irina Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education in theatrical activities of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 107 of a general developmental type", Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi. Description: Caring parents understand that the development of our children should be directed not only to learning, but also to spiritual values. In the spring, the brightest and favorite holiday comes to our house - Easter of Christ, which lasts ...

Summary of GCD for applications in the preparatory group. "Stand for an Easter egg." Description of the material: We offer you a summary of the GCD for applications in the preparatory group. "Easter egg stand" the proposed material will be useful to teachers of the senior group of kindergarten. This material serves to form cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic, social and communicative development. Purpose: To form a desire in children to give gifts to their loved ones ...

Outline of the OOD for applications in the middle group postcard - a gift for relatives "Basket with Easter eggs." Tasks: To continue to form the skill in cutting out the drawn silhouette; to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills of gluing cut-out parts from paper; To form the ability to compose a composition on a sheet, beautifully arrange the details of the application. To cultivate love and respect for relatives, the desire to please with their work. Materials: Sample work, sheets of colored paper...

Do-it-yourself decoration of a kindergarten reception for Easter. Exhibition of children's works "Bright Easter". Author: Elena Vladimirovna Ivanova, educator of the highest qualification category of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 34", Ivanovo Purpose of the exhibition: to attract preschoolers and parents to the design of preschool educational institutions for the Easter holiday. Tasks: - to acquaint preschoolers with the Easter holiday; - develop creative skills of preschoolers; Purpose: the material will be useful to educators of preschool educational institutions, primary school teachers, ...

Easter in kindergarten for preschoolers 3-5 years old Scenario of entertainment "Bright Easter" in the younger and middle groups using ICT. Author: Varlamova Olga Vyacheslavovna, teacher of the Gavrilov-Posad Kindergarten No. 1, Gavrilov-Posad Description: The scenario is intended for children aged 3-5 years, teachers of preschool education, teachers of additional education, music directors. Purpose: To introduce children...