Long-term planning of work with parents for the summer. A long-term plan for working with parents (summer). Safe world for beautiful children

Welcome to the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten number 20 "SNEZHOK" of the city district of Togliatti

MBU kindergarten number 20 "Snowball" is a preschool educational institution for pupils aged from two months to the termination of educational relations.

The main purpose of the activities of the Institution - implementation of educational activities on educational programs of preschool education, supervision and care of children.
The main activities of the Institution:

  • implementation of educational programs for preschool education, including those adapted for children with musculoskeletal disorders;
  • babysitting and caring for children;
  • organization of health care for inmates (except for the provision of primary health care, periodic medical examinations and medical examination);
  • creation of the necessary conditions for the organization of meals for the pupils and employees of the Institution.

Dear parents, children and guests of the city of Togliatti!

Within the framework of the public creative project "The Cultural Heart of Russia on the Territory of the Togliatti Urban District, every Saturday and Sunday from June 1 to September 1, 2019, the events" Wonderful Togliatti Weekend " ...

The program includes demonstration trainings, master classes, concert and playgrounds, arts and crafts fairs and much more.

We wish you a wonderful weekend and new bright impressions together with the project participants!

You can get acquainted with the events organized by municipal educational institutions of the city district of Togliatti

Creation of the most effective conditions in a preschool educational institution for the organization of health-improving work with children and the development of the cognitive interest of pupils in the summer.

With kids:

  1. To create conditions for strengthening the health and physical development of children, increasing the effectiveness of tempering activities, improving the individual differentiated approach to work on physical education.
  2. Provide conditions for protecting the life and health of children, preventing injuries.
  3. Promote healthy lifestyle habits and safe behavior skills.
  4. To develop curiosity, cognitive and creative activity through the inclusion of preschoolers in elementary search, visual, motor and musical activity.

With employees:

  1. Increasing the competence of teachers in organizing summer health-improving work with children in preschool educational institutions.
  2. Providing methodological support for planning and organizing summer vacations for children.

3. Creation of comfortable conditions for optimization of motor, cognitive-speech, labor, intellectual, artistic-aesthetic and other types of activity of each child.

  1. Organization of a health-preserving regimen, ensuring the protection of the life and health of children, preventing morbidity and injuries.
  2. Implementation of a system of measures aimed at improving the health and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity, speech development, the formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills.

With parents:

  1. Increasing the competence of parents in organizing summer vacations.
  2. Involvement of families in participation in the educational process on the basis of cooperation pedagogy.



Organization of children's creativity in the summer

Art. educator

Outdoor games on the site in summer


Continuation of the implementation of the federal state educational standard in preschool educational institutions

Art. educator, teachers

Individual counseling of teachers on emerging issues

Art. educator

Summing up the summer - health improvement work

Head of the preschool educational institution, senior educator, specialists of the preschool educational institution

Kindergarten website design with new materials in accordance with modern requirements

June August

senior educator

Development of the draft annual plan for 2019-2020, taking into account the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Art. educator, working group

Preparation of a small teachers' council on the topic: "The results of summer health improvement work."

senior educator





Physical culture and health work

Increasing the motor activity of children by organizing various types of children's activities


Group educators

Organization of reception of children, morning exercises and physical education on the street


Group educators

Tempering methods

Carrying out hardening and preventive measures:
- sun and air baths
- water hardening
- sleep with open windows
- corrective gymnastics after sleep
- trampling on reflex and wet paths

June August

Group educators


Renewal of visual agitation for children's health improvement and preventive work with parents


Group educators

Compliance with the drinking regime

May - August

Group educators

Sand handling in a sandbox

May - August

Group educators

Conversations with children

June August

Group educators

Conversation with parents about healthy lifestyles and lifestyles

During LOP regularly

senior educator, educators of groups




Organization of the motor regime during the day

1 time per month

Art. educator

Sanitary condition of plots


Deputy Head for AHR

Detail state

Once a month

Art. educator

Conducting health-improving activities

1 time per month

group educators

Compliance with health and safety regulations

1 time per month

Deputy head for safety

Fulfillment of instructions for the protection of life and health of children, fire safety, prevention of road traffic injuries.






Redecoration of individual rooms



Deputy Head for AHR

Internal acceptance of the territory of the preschool educational institution for the summer health period

Deputy Head for AHR

Instructing the preschool educational institution employees:

On the protection of the life and health of children; - safety precautions; - for fire safety

Head of the preschool educational institution


Equipment of flower beds, lawns Improvement of the territory of the institution:
- partial painting of small forms in areas



Shrub pruning, cutting dry branches on trees and shrubs

Deputy Head of AHR, janitor

Painting of small forms,

Deputy Head for AHR, educators

repair of children's buildings and equipment

During the LOP

Head of the preschool educational institution, deputy head of the AHR, janitor,

Mowing grass

Preparing groups for the new school year

Young children set

July August


Acquisition of groups
preschool age

June August


Group decoration

June August


Purchase of benefits,
updating the methodological
material for classes

During the LOP

S. educator

Collection of waste and natural
material for creative games



Target: creation of the most effective conditions in the preschool educational institution for the organization of health-improving work and the development of the cognitive interest of pupils.

Day regimen for the summer wellness period

early age group

Average gr.

Senior gr.

Preparatory gr.

Reception, examination, games, daily morning exercises

Preparing for breakfast, breakfast

Games, independent activities Organized educational activities


Walk (games, observations, work, informative conversations). Independent activity

Returning from a walk, preparing for lunch

Preparing for lunch, lunch

Preparing for sleep, sleep

Gradual recovery, air and water procedures, preparation for an afternoon snack

Compacted afternoon tea

Preparing for a walk, a walk

Returning from a walk, independent activity.

Interaction with children in the process of games, conversations, individual work, creating conditions for independent activities of children.

Going home


Goal: General improvement and strengthening of the child's body, development of physical qualities, mental performance, improvement of the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, ensuring the psychological safety of the child

Forms of organization

Early age group

2 younger group

Middle group

Senior group

Preparatory group

Organized activities.

6 hours a week

6 hours a week

8 hours a week

10 hours a week

10 hours a week

Morning exercises

Exercise after sleep

Outdoor games

At least 2-4 times a day for 6-10 minutes.

At least 2-4 times a day for 10 - 15 minutes.

At least 2-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes

At least 2-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes

Sport games

Targeted learning on every walk

Sport exercises

Physical exercise for a walk (daily)

Sports entertainment (1-2 times a month)

Sports Holidays

Independent motor activity

Throughout the week

Organization of children's activities in the summer recreation period

Days of the week

Early age group

2 younger group

Middle group

Senior group

Preparatory group


Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)


Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)


Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)


Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)


Cognitive development (cognitive - research activity)

Cognitive development (cognitive and research activities)

Cognitive development (cognitive and research activities)

  • Entertainment (musical and theatrical activities) - once a week
  • Physical development (physical activity) - Friday (optional)



Thematic week




« International Children's Day "

Musical and sports festival "Long live children all over the planet!"

Reading: "World Children's Day", "For Our Children" N. Maidanik Children's rights in verse

Drawing Contest "Happy Childhood"

Day of Russia (using videos from Multi-Russia) Announcement of the competition "It's fun to play together" (for parents of preschool educational institutions)

Entertainment "We are the children of the sun"

muses. leader, educators, physical education instructor

03.06.-07.06.19 g

Conversations: "What is a friend", "For what friends are needed "- Action of good deeds" Give a smile to a friend "(making a gift for a friend) Reading fiction : "Teremok" arr. Ushinsky, “Toys” by A. Barto, “Song of Friends” by S. Mikhalkov, “Three Little Pigs” per S. Mikhalkov, “Bremen Town Musicians” br. Grimm, "Childhood friend" V. Dragunsky, "Flower - seven-flower" V. Kataev, "Bobik visiting Barbos" N. Nosov, etc. - Drawing a portrait of a friend -P / and: "Classics", "Ropes", "Mousetrap", "Traps", "Carousels"

Group educators

10.06-14.06.19 g

Russia Day

Day of Pushkin poetry

Reading the works of A.S. Pushkin: "The wind walks on the sea", "Month, month ...", "Wind, wind ...", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Consideration of illustrations to the works of the author.

Children's drawings "My favorite fairy tale"

C / r game: "Library"

My home is my castle

Conversations with children about family values, about respect for elders

Reading poems, proverbs about the family

Drawing "My family"

Day of the Motherland

Conversations: "The land in which we live", "What the monuments tell about",

Reading fiction: V. Stepanov. "What We Call Homeland"

Conversation about the natural resources of the native land

Reading and learning poetry about the native land

Examination of books, albums with illustrations about the sights of the "Native land"

C / r games: "Railroad", "Hospital"

Drawing "Our street"

Moscow Day

Conversation with children "The capital of our Motherland, Moscow";

Conversation with children "Little man in the big city"

Conversation with children "Moscow Zoo"

Russia Day

Conversation with children "Birthday of the country"

Conversation with children "The variety of natural wonders of the Motherland"

Examination of illustrations, albums "Russia is my homeland", "Moscow"

Reading fiction: "That's how scattered" S. Marshak, "Baggage" S. Marshak, "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - the robber."

P / N: "Who is faster", "Find your color"

C / r games: "Mail"

Creative child-parent competition : "We live in Russia"

Group educators, physical education instructor, muses. supervisor


Safe world for beautiful children

Chatting with children about services that ensure safety in the city.

Viewing cartoons.

- Road signs day

Conversation "Our assistants are road signs"

Conversation "How the road sign came to us"

Reading fiction:

M. Ilyin, E. Sigal "Cars on our street"; S. Mikhalkov "My Street"; V. Semeri “Forbidden - Allowed”; B. Zhitkov "What I Saw"; S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa is a policeman"

D / games according to the teacher's plan

Holiday "My whole family knows, I know the traffic rules and I" "Every little child should know this from the cradle."

Conversation with children "Professions of the brave"

Reading the poem by S.Ya. Marshak "The Story of an Unknown Hero"

Conversation with children "From a small match - a lot of trouble"

Drawing competition "Matches are not toys for children"

Day of quizzes and competitions on safety Drawings on the asphalt: "Prohibitory signs on the road"

responsible for safety for traffic rules, fire safety and anti-terrorist protection. educators


Forest fairy tales for children trees want to tell

What do we plant when planting forests?

Modeling plasticine "Forest dwellers"

Reading poems and fairy tales about the beauty of the forest

Games "Name affectionately" "Guess by description"

SRI "Young ecologists"

Reasoning game "Going to walk in the forest ..."

Psycho-gymnastics "Good gnome"

Talking to children about the role of forests on the planet

Deciduous tree day

Drawing "White birch"

Reading poetry and stories about deciduous trees

Conversation "Relaxing in the shade of trees"

Acquaintance with the rules "Do not offend nature"

D / and "Continue the offer"

Insect sightings repeat their name

Examining books

Conversation "White-barrel symbol of Russia"

Coniferous tree day

Application from natural material "Lesnaya Polyanka"

Conversation "Leaves or needles"

Conversation "How to behave in the forest"

Reading poems and fairy tales, guessing riddles about conifers.

Forest poetry day

Reading poems about the forest and its green inhabitants.

Entertainment "Green light"


1.07- 05.07.19g

Blue droplet stories

River day

Conversation "The rivers of our city"

Conversation "Rules of conduct on the river"

Reading poetry about the rivers of Russia "Poetic travel on the map"

Day of the seas and oceans

Conversation "What is the sea, what kind of ocean is it?"

Composing stories with children "When I was at sea"

Conversation "Inhabitants of the Seas"

Guessing riddles about the water world

Examining illustrations

Acquaintance with the rules of conduct on the water

Drawing competition "Water Kingdom" - together with parents

S / r game: "Visiting the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom" - Guessing riddles about the water world

Acquaintance with the rules of behavior on the water - P / s: "The sea is worried" - S / r game: "Visiting the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom" Holiday "Day of Neptune"

educators, specialists

8.07-12.07.19 g

Family Week

Day of good manners

Conversations: “How and what you can please your loved ones”, “Who and why came up with the rules of behavior”, “How do you help adults”, “My good deeds”

Consideration of plot pictures "Good-bad"

Reading fiction: "What is good and what is bad" - V. Mayakovsky; "Two Greedy Bear Cubs", "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse" S. Marshak, "Bad Advice"

Playing sketches: "Say a kind word to a friend", "Name it kindly"

Tasks: "How can you ... (say hello, say goodbye, thank, ask, refuse, apply)

P / N: "Kind words", "Whoever calls more polite words" - with a ball. "

С / r games: "Supermarket", "Beauty Salon" Day "Family album"

Conversation with children "Our mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers"

Composing stories with children "everyone says that I look like ..."

Family Traditions Day

Conversation "What is tradition?"

Composing stories about family and traditions.

Conversation "Good Tradition - Protect Health" Day "This is my family"

Conversation with children "What is a family".

Browsing Family Photos Albums

Conversations with children: "My family", "We have a rest with the whole family", "Our grandmother" - fostering respect for older family members, "What are our mothers and fathers doing" - expanding ideas about professions

Reading "My grandmother" S. Kaputikyan; "My grandfather" R Gamzatov; "Mama" Yu Yakovlev, E Uspensky "Grandmother's Hands"; E Blaginina "That's how mommy"

Guessing riddles on the theme "Family", "Native home"

Game "Kindergarten - one family, you and I know it"

Kindergarten day

Conversations with children: "Why do I love d / s", "Who works in kindergarten"

Reading fiction, reflecting the regime moments

P / and "Look for treasure", "Ropes", "Classics"

C / r game: "Kindergarten"

- Sports leisure « Mom, dad, I am a sports family. "

Educators, parents, specialists


"Child in nature"

- Animal day

Conversations: "Wild and domestic animals", "Why did the Red Book appear?"

Examination of postcards, illustrations, albums "Animals"

Reading fiction, guessing riddles

Drawing "Non-existent animal".

D / n: "Who lives where", "Whose kids", "Who screams how", "Find a couple", "Who hid"

P / N: "At the Bear in the Forest", "Wolf and Hares", "Homeless Hare.

S / r game: "Veterinary hospital"

Migratory birds day

Conversation "Why are they called migratory?"

Conversation "How can we help the birds"

Conversation "Birds are predatory"

Reading stories about birds

Insect day

Conversations about insects

Reading fiction: V. Bianchi "How an ant was in a hurry to go home", K. Chukovsky "Fly - tinkling", A. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "A Conversation with a Bee" M. Boroditskaya

Drawing "Butterflies in the meadow"

D / n: "Collect a flower", Game-transformation "If you were a butterfly"

P / N: "The Bear and the Bees", "Day and Night", "Catch the Mosquito."

Insect watching on a walk

S / r game: "At the dacha"

Sports leisure "Sun, air and water are our best friends"

Conversations: "What are the benefits of the sun, air and water", "How to sunbathe", "Can the sun, air and water harm health",

Drawing up memos: "Rules of conduct on the water", "How to sunbathe correctly"

Guessing riddles on the topic.

group educators


Why do flowers grow? - so that you and me admire

Day of the wildflowers

Conversation "A cornflower has grown in the field"

Conversation "Wildflower Gives Honey a Sip"

Conversation "Caution, poisonous plants" (hemlock, hogweed, etc.)

Reading poems about wildflowers.

Day of garden flowers

Conversation "People and Flowers"

Conversation - observing the flowers growing on the site

Conversation "Not all flowers are harmless"

Houseplant day

Conversation "Summer on our windowsill"

Conversation "Houseplants - filter on the windowsill"

Reading poetry and stories about houseplants

Day of water lilies (flowers of reservoirs)

Conversation "Why a water lily, they called a water lily"

Conversation "In the kingdom of water lilies" (rules of conduct on reservoirs)

Conversation "Is it good if the pond blooms"

Birthday Fairies of Flowers

Entertainment "I give you flowers"

Reading poetry, making riddles about flowers



Week of "Not boring health"

Medicinal plant day

Conversations: "What are medicinal plants"; “Where and how medicinal plants are used”; "Place of growth of medicinal plants";

Viewing books, albums, encyclopedias about medicinal plants

Together with parents, production of mini-albums "Medicine in our home" - riddles, poems, stories of their own composition.

D / i: "What would have happened if they had disappeared ...", "What plant is gone", "Words", "What is superfluous"

P / N: "1-2-3 - run to the plant", "Find a pair"

S / R game: "Pharmacy"

Making crafts for treasure.

Sports leisure "Look for the treasure"

Д / и: "Labyrinths", board - printed games with a dice and chips

Reading: "The Great Travelers M. Zoshchenko," That's What Absent-minded "S. Marshak," Flame "Andersen

Day of humor and laughter

Panama competition

Funniest figure competition

Reading stories by N. Nosov, K. Chukovsky

Balloon and soap balloon games

Reading fables "All the way around" G. Kruzhkov

Games: "Who comes up with a funnier name", "Dreamers", "Yes - no."

C / r game: "Circus"

P / N: "Find where it is hidden", games with balloons, "Get the ring", "Paints"

The power of the arts to guard health

Reading fiction: V. Lebedev-Kumach "Temper yourself!" . Barto "Walk",

S. Mikhalkov "Walk", S. Mikhalkov "Vaccination", V. Semernin "Forbidden - Allowed!"

Children's drawings "Travel to the country of health »

P / N: "Do as I do", "Ball school", "Catch in a circle"

Music games

Health day

Conversation "For us to grow up healthy"

C / r games: "Clinic", "Pharmacy" ...

Sports entertainment at the choice of a physical training instructor



“We were born to joyfully live "

Painting day

Conversation "Artists - painters" (meeting with artists: V. Perov, I. Aivazovsky, A. Venitsianov)

Examination of the paintings "Children in the paintings of great artists"

We paint pictures with sand.

Day of music

Conversation "Music of our mood"

Conversation "Ears are not happy with all music"

The game "Sing your favorite songs"

Movie day

Conversation "Cinema History"

Conversation "Films We Love" (about children's films)

Conversation "Rules of conduct in the cinema"

Game - theatricalization "We are directors"

Theater day

Conversation "Where does the theater begin"

Conversation "How the forest is grown on the stage"

Conversation "If we came to the theater"

Puppet show

Children's Creativity Day

Games, contests for reciters and singers.

Group educators, music director.


Day of the young tracker

Experiments: Wet - Handkerchief, newspaper, bowl of water (Water itself is wet and can wet objects) Transparent - opaque - Paper, bowl of water. Bath with water, toys.

Magical transformations - A can of water, a spoon - When a spoon is near the front wall, it looks as usual, but when you look at it at the back wall through a thick layer of water, it becomes large and round ... Air and water - A plastic bottle of 0.5 l, a container with water - Drawing in non-traditional ways - the manifestation of a pattern previously applied to candles - P / and:"Find your color", "Hide and seek", "Find the flag" - Di"Find the treasure"


Bread week

- Acquaintance with cereals.

Conversations: "Where the bun came from."

Reading works of art and learning poems, proverbs and sayings about bread, guessing riddles.

Examining illustrations depicting machines and devices used to grow cereals.

Drawing: "Bread is the master of the house", "Take care of the bread".

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Outdoor games: "Mice in the pantry", "Find a pair", "Edible - inedible", "Find a pair", "Gherkin", "Find where it is hidden."

Selection of illustrations, postcards on the topic.

Didactic games: "Find by description", "Puzzles", "Cut pictures", "Dominoes", "Wonderful bag", "Tops - roots".

Role-playing games: "Vegetable store", "Family", "Bakery", "Supermarket".

Games: “Guess the taste” - define wheat or rye bread, “Who will name more dishes”, “What porridge was made from”, “Guess by touch” (cereals), “Name the profession”.

Theatrical performance "Kolobok".

Children's drawings "Magic transformations".



Bye, summer

Musical entertainment "Bye, summer!" - Conversations "What did you remember about the summer" -Collective application "Decorate the meadow with flowers" (using different materials: napkins, paper, leather, shavings from colored pencils ...) - Album design "How I spent the summer" - together with parents - Drawing on the asphalt

Musical director Group educators

Holidays, entertainment, leisure

Duration of the



06/03/2019 "We are children"

Children's Day holiday (all age groups of preschool educational institutions)

Creative group DOU


"Russia Day"

Creative competition: "We live in Russia"


Forest fairy tales.

Sports entertainment according to the plan of the physical education instructor (all age groups of preschool educational institutions)

Creative group DOU,

educators, physical education instructor

Safety week

Traffic rules entertainment (all age groups of preschool educational institutions)

Creative group DOU

Cheremisina N.M.

"Family day"

Leisure "Family - chamomile field" (all age groups of preschool educational institutions)

Creative group DOU,

Group educators

The story of the blue droplet

"Festival of water" Neptune "

Group educators.

Why do flowers grow?

Entertainment "I give you flowers" (all age groups of preschool educational institutions)

Group educators

A week of not boring health

Physical culture holiday according to the plan of the physical education instructor (senior groups).

Creative group DOU,

Group educators

Young Pathfinder Week.

Sports and music leisure: "On a sunny meadow"

Creative group DOU,

Physical instructor

Russian folk amusements for children.

Folk games

Creative group DOU,

"Bye, summer!"

Musical entertainment "Goodbye, summer!"

Moose. leader, creative group of the DOE

Group educators

Forms of health-improving activities in the summer health-improving period

Forms of work

Organization conditions


Duration min.

Morning exercises The purpose of the exercise is to increase the functional state and performance of the body, develop motor skills, form correct posture, and prevent flat feet

Traditional gymnastics (includes simple gymnastic exercises with the obligatory introduction of breathing exercises):. with and without objects; ... on the formation of correct posture; ... on the formation of the arch of the foot; ... imitation character; ... using large modules. Corrective gymnastics(inclusion of 3-4 special exercises in the complex in accordance with the nature of deviations or disorders in the development of children)

On air

Daily before breakfast


Physical culture lesson This is the main form of organized, systematic teaching of children to physical exercises. The organization of classes should exclude the possibility of overloading children, prevent them from overworking or disrupting the activity of physiological processes and structures of the body, in particular musculoskeletal and cardiovascular as the most loaded during physical exercise

Exercises are selected depending on the tasks of the lesson, on the age, physical development and health status of children, physical education equipment, etc. Types of activities; traditional, plot (game), correctional and developmental (inclusion of special exercises in accordance with the nature of deviations or disorders in the development of children). Organized forms of classes are used with the inclusion of outdoor games, walks, excursions, holidays, entertainment

On air

3 times a week, during the hours of the least insolation (before the onset of heat or after its decline)


Types of games -plot (use when explaining a fairy tale or storyline) -non-plot with elements of competition at different stages of learning (new, deeply learned, at the stages of consolidation and improvement); - folk

On air


Motor workouts(physical minutes, dynamic pauses) The choice depends on the intensity and type of previous activity

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills; -rhythmic movements;

Balance exercises; - Exercises for attention and coordination - Exercises to activate the work of the eye muscles; - relaxation gymnastics; - corrective exercises (in accordance with the nature of deviations or disorders in the development of children); - exercises to form correct posture; - exercises for the formation of the arch of the foot

On air

Every day during the hours of the lowest insolation


Awakening gymnastics

Gymnastics of a plot and play nature “The dream is gone. It's time to get up. Legs, hands to knead everyone "

Daily after


Exercising after a nap

Warm-up after sleep using exercises: - with and without objects; Educator - on the formation of correct posture; placement after daytime sleep on the formation of the arch of the foot; - imitative; - plot or game; - on the development of fine motor skills; - on the coordination of movements; - in balance




Hardening activities

A system of measures taking into account the state of physical development, individual characteristics of children;

Elements of hardening in everyday life (washing with cool water, airing rooms, rubbing) - hardening activities in combination with physical

Exercise (a properly organized walk, sun and water treatments in combination with physical exercise); - special water, solar procedures are prescribed by the doctor with exercises (properly organized walk, solar and water procedures, depending on the nature of the hardening event).

Taking into account the specifics: hardening measures

at the discretion of the physical fitness instructor

Educator, physical education instructor

Individual work in the mode of the day

It is carried out with individual children or in subgroups in order to stimulate physical activity, independent games and exercises. Provides assistance to children who have not mastered the program material in the classroom, who have developmental disabilities. Promotes health improvement and improvement of physical development of weakened children, correction of posture defects

Group, Plot



Installed individually

Educators, physical education instructor

Holidays, leisure, entertainment

Contribute to the consolidation of the acquired skills, activation of physiological processes in the body under the influence of increased physical activity in combination with emotions

On air, In a group

Once a week

No more than 30 minutes.

Educator, music director, physical education instructor

Work with parents in the preparatory group for the summer health period. Month


Purpose of the event




1. Memo for parents on the prevention of accidents with children in the home.

3. Consultation for parents "How to choose the right clothes for a walk."

4. Memo for parents “Overheating. Sunburn ".

5. Exhibition of children's works "Merry Summer".

7. Memo for parents: "Nutrition of frequently ill children."

8. Consultation for parents: "Ambulance eye help" ..

9. Consultation for parents: "Safety of preschool children".

1. Exhibition of children's works.

"So that there is no trouble ...".

2. Memo: "Life without dangers!" (prevention of fires).

3. Consultation for parents "Tips for first aid".

4. Memo for parents "On the prevention of injuries in children."

5. Consultation for parents "12 myths about brushing your teeth."

6. Consultation for parents "Correct posture formation".

7. Consultation for parents "Small growth of the child, what is the reason."

9. Memo for parents: "Teaching children to be observant on the street."

1. Memo to parents on teaching children safe behavior on the road.

2. Consultation for parents “Children's shoes have a short life”.

3. Memo for parents on the safety of children in the summer.

4. Consultation for parents "How to choose the right clothes for a walk."

5. Memo for parents "If the child is afraid of insects."

6. Photo exhibition

"Dad, mom, I am a very close-knit family."

7. Memo for parents: "Safety rules on the water."

8. Consultation for parents: "Gymnastics at home."

9. Memo for parents: "Causes of child road traffic injuries"

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, theoretical assistance to parents in raising children.

Enriching parental pedagogical knowledge about overheating and sunbathing.

Exhibition of children's drawings and joint crafts of parents and children.

Familiarization of parents with the main factors contributing to the strengthening and preservation of the health of preschoolers in the summer.

Drawing parents' attention to questions about vitamins, about their correct use.

Exhibition of children's drawings.

Implementation of a unified educational approach when teaching a child safety rules in kindergarten and at home.

Enhancing the pedagogical knowledge of parents.

Enhancing the involvement of parents in the work of the kindergarten. Development of positive relationships between parents and employees of the preschool educational institution.

Tatiana Vorobyova
Summer parenting plan

Entertainment "Peace to Children!" (International Children's Day)

Attract parents

Consultation "The dangers that lie in wait for you summer»

To inform parents on the importance of safe behavior in preschoolers in everyday life and in nature in the summer

Registration "Corner for parents» "Vegetables and fruits, useful vitamins"

Remind to parents about the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human health. Show how vitamins affect the human body

Musical and sports festival "Nasha Homeland - Russia!" (Russia Day)

Evoke positive emotions in children and parents

Tips for parents

Offer to parents methodological techniques and exercises for the development of the child's respiratory system at home.

Promote the formation of awareness of the need for joint recreation with children; to acquaint with various forms of family recreation.

Conversation "The influence of the psychological climate in the family on the health of the child"

parents, practical help parents in raising children

Sports entertainment Health Day

Involvement of all family members in a healthy lifestyle. Attract parents to participate in entertainment, to establish friendships. Arouse positive emotions

Folder - slide "Hardening is the first step towards health"

Formation of a unified approach to methods of health improvement and hardening of children in kindergarten and at home. Improving pedagogical culture parents

Consultation "Toys for five-year plans»

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents... Practical assistance to families in raising children

Conversation "Basics of personal safety for a preschooler"

To attract attention parents to the issue of the safety of their children. Implementation of uniform methods of upbringing in kindergarten and at home

Entertainment Chamomile happiness (All-Russian day of family, love and fidelity)

Attract parents to participate in entertainment, to establish friendships. Arouse positive emotions

Folder - slide "Exercise for the eyes"

parents on this topic.

Consultation-workshop "Health begins with the foot"

Preservation and strengthening of children's health. Prevention of scoliosis and flat feet.

Memo "Respiratory gymnastics for preschool children"

Offer to parents methodological techniques and exercises for the development of the child's respiratory system at home

Photo exhibition "These Summer Days" (dedicated to the Day of photography)

Arouse positive emotions

Consultation "If your child is left-handed"

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents the importance of this issue

Folder - slide "Finger games"

Enrichment of pedagogical knowledge parents... To acquaint parents with games, contributing to the development of fine motor skills in children.

Decoration "Corner for parents"How the regime improves children's health"

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents... Revitalization parent attention to issues of upbringing, the life of a child in kindergarten

Sports holiday with parents"If you want to be healthy ..."

Developing emotionally rich interactions parents, children, kindergarten workers... Involvement of all family members in a healthy lifestyle.

Photo newspaper "My favorite vacation spot"

Related publications:

Perspective work plan for the summer (second junior group) A long-term plan of work in the summer period of the 2015-2016 academic year in the second junior group Thematic blocks: WEEK MONTH JUNE.

Summer work plan. Learning the art word WORK PLAN FOR SUMMER Activities June Learning the artistic word 1) V. Orlov, "Why is the summer short?" 2) E. Uspensky “As we are.

Senior summer work plan Work plan for the summer in the senior group June: 1. "If a child is in trouble" to parents about traffic rules (recommendations for parents) 2. "Inner world.

Work plan with parents Plan of work with parents of the younger group Parent meetings, consultations Social research Visual information September “Development of creative.

Work plan with parents Plan of work with parents The changes taking place today in the field of preschool education are aimed primarily at improving its quality.

Natalia Streltsova
Plan of work with parents in the summer health-improving period in the middle group for the 2015-2016 academic year

What is summer? That's a lot of light!

This field, this forest, this is a thousand wonders.

There are clouds in the sky, this is a fast river,

These are bright flowers, the blue of heavenly heights,

This is a hundred roads in the world for children’s feet!

Summer is an amazing and fertile time when children can walk, run and jump to their fullest, and be more outdoors. This is a wonderful time of the year, it gives us the opportunity to spend more time with children, making it interesting, rich and useful! It gives us the opportunity to strengthen and preserve the health of children and leave unforgettable, vivid impressions of the past rest, vacation, travel, walks, observations, joint work. This is a favorable time for solving educational and educational tasks. But parents sometimes do not suspect how informative even an ordinary walk in the park in the park can be for a child. And how many emotions a trip to the sea, to a forest, to a summer cottage or an excursion to a botanical garden or a zoo will give.

A huge role in how interesting the children will spend their summer in kindergarten is the desire and ability of the educator and parents to make every day bright for the child. And it is very important to organize the life of preschoolers in such a way that every day brings them something new, is meaningful, so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes from their lives will delight children for a long time.

Information about what to do with your child in the summer, what is new and interesting, you can learn with him what games to play, what little discoveries to make, what every family needs to read. The teacher's job is to provide this information to parents. After all, the educator, knowing the characteristics of each child, is able to help his parents find interesting and useful information, useful activities, entertainment and recommendations for the summer period.

A variety of activities and new experiences await the child in his hometown, in the village, and beyond. I tried to prepare parents for an active cognitive joint vacation with children, during which it is so important to notice the unusual in the simple: dew drops under the morning sun, the colors of the evening sunset, the mesmerizing sounds of the surf and the forest. At the same time, it is necessary not only to see an interesting phenomenon, but also to be able to explain it to the child, to keep it in the memory of the child for the rest of his life, as a vivid childhood memory.

Both the family and the kindergarten, in combination with each other, create optimal conditions for a small person to enter the big world, where the child gets his first social experience. By uniting one goal, we want to educate future creators of life. What a person is - such is the world that he creates around him. I would like to believe that our children, when they grow up, will love and protect their loved ones, their land, their homeland.

Plan of work with parents in the summer health-improving period in the middle group "Bee" 2015 - 2016 academic year.


Raising and promoting the general culture of the family and the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents;

providing practical and theoretical assistance to parents of pupils through the transmission of the foundations of theoretical knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities of practical work with children;

using with parents various forms of cooperation and joint creativity, based on an individually - differentiated approach to families;

interacting with parents to explore their family microenvironment;

to increase the competence of parents in organizing summer vacations for children; involve parents in participating in preschool educational activities on the basis of cooperation;

fostering respect for childhood and parenting.


Conducting briefing on the safety of children in the summer.

Booklets - "On safety in case of fire","Traffic Laws", "Rules of conduct in the forest", "Rules of conduct on the water."

Holiday for Children's Day: "Travel to the Country - Childhood".

Soap bubbles show: "Blow up the bubble, blow up big, but don't burst!"

Summer sports entertainment: "My jolly ringing ball."(to continue to introduce parents and children to a healthy lifestyle, to develop the ability and desire to spend their holidays with benefit, fun and energetic).

Contest: "I weave, weave a wreath."(families)

Wall newspaper decoration "Russia is my Motherland".

Exhibition of works from waste material: "Flower - seven-flower"(family collage)

Environmental project: "Healthy child - healthy country".

Exhibition of photographs: "Successful shot".(families)

Slide folder: "Summer fun for children".

Consultation: "Medicinal plants"(home file cabinet,

"Sunburn", "Poisonous plants", "If a child was stung by a wasp."

Pedagogical conversations: "Peculiarities of children's nutrition in summer", "Bathing in summer is an excellent hardening agent."


Family leisure: "On the road of good."

Workshop for parents on children's summer vacations "We love to relax."

Exhibition of children's works - “Summer is red!»(Visual activity of children in the family and children).

Consultation: "Rules of the road, know and follow", "Rules of conduct at sea" "Experimental activities of children in the summer."

Family project: "The safety of our children, through familiarization with the rules of the road."

Pedagogical conversations: Walking Games, Let's Read.

Project: "Ecological landing" decoration of flower beds on the site of the preschool educational institution, improvement of the territory of the kindergarten. "

"Let's collect the herbarium"- involvement of parents in joint activities.

Wall newspaper for parents: "Sun, air and water are our best friends" summer recreational work in a preschool educational institution.

Exhibition of handicrafts made from natural materials "Miraculous transformations".

Folder - Move: "To parents about the rules of the road."

Parenting Memo for Parenting: "Creating a favorable family atmosphere", "How to keep the children busy in the summer?"


Contest: "Summer fantasies".(families)

Leisure for parents and children "Every little child should know this from the cradle."

Sports holiday: "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family" to the day of the sportsman.

"My Grandmother's Recipes" - to involve parents in the selection of delicious recipes from vegetables and fruits.

Consultation: "Safe Road", "Prevention of Child Traumatism", "The Role of the Family in the Physical Education of a Child".

Pedagogical conversations on topics: "Diseases of dirty hands", "Children's drawing - the key to the inner world of a child", "Get tempered if you want to be healthy!".

Joint entertainment for experimental activities: "I want to become a wizard."

Master Class: "Magic napkins".

Workshop - workshop for parents: "Play with your fingers."

Slide folder: "Prevention of intestinal infections".

Exhibition of family photo newspapers: "How We Spent the Summer."

"Open Day"- acquaintance of parents with the course of affairs in the group. Provide an opportunity to observe your child in a team. To foster respect for the employees of the preschool educational institution, interest in the educational process.