The plan-abstract classes in mathematics (senior group) on the topic: Abstract Node on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas in the older group Theme: "Journey to the Mathematical Kingdom". Node on the formation of elementary mathematical

(In the older group)

Type node: Cognitive.

View of Nod: cognitively - research, practical oriented.

Integration of educational areas: Cognition (FMP), communication, socialization, reading fiction.

Motivation of pupils: making a mathematical fairy tale, I can learn more about the world around.

Purpose: Develop cognitive processes; Stimulate the mental activity of children.


Educational:Exercise in the score within 10. Secure the presentation of children about geometric figures: the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, the ability to compare them by properties (in color, form and magnitude).

Developing:Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, attention. Promoting the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements, develop the ability to solve simple tasks in poetic form.

Educational: To bring up independence, the ability to understand the learning task and fulfill it yourself. Rail interest in mathematical classes.

Form of children organization: subgroup.

Equipment: Magnetic board, subject pictures, magnetic alphabet - figures, graphic image "Labyrinth", playing "tangram", cueiser sticks, image of apples, laptop.

Educator: Guys, today, we will be wizards. And where does the magic happen?

Children: in a fairy tale, cinema, circus, theater.

Educator: We will be wizards today and invent a mathematical fairy tale. And how do all the fairy tales begin?

Children: lived - were. In some kingdom, in some state.

Educator: And in our fairy tale, Grandfather and Baba lived and they had grandson and granddaughter.

How do you call the grandson?

Answers children: Vanya.

How do you call granddaughter?

Answers children: Alyonushka.

Educator: Alyonushka went, to his girlfriends. I need to go through the forest. She walked, walked and lost. I found himself on a huge clearing, where there was a fabulous castle.

What a beautiful castle! What does it consist of? (From geometric shapes.) Name them. (Compare what more ....)

In this castle, I lived, he saw a girl and hid her in the dungeon.

And at that time, grandfather and grandmother waited for their granddaughter, and there is no she. Walk grandfather with grandmother. And Vanya tells them ... Help me guys, what can Vanya tell them?

Answers children: I will go save Alyonushka.

Educator: Vanya went to the road - the road. Guys, and whom Vanya could meet on the road?

Children's Answers: Wolf, Fox, Bear, Baba Yagu ...

Educator: Going Vanya on the road, and towards him a wolf.

Educator: What can Vanya ask for a wolf?

Children: Does he have seen Alyonushka?

Educator: What could the wolf answer?

The answers of children ... does not know, will show the way ...

I will show the road - says the wolf if you fulfill my task.

The task is performed all.

Graphic exercise "Labyrinth"

Children with a pencil, individually, are a labyrinth. Guys, swap leaves. Check each other task.

Showed a wolf bath road.

Educator: Guys, describe what fox met Vanya?

The answer of children: a tricky, red, cheerful, a cheater.

Educator: And the tasks in the fox are cunning.

Here to the bunny for lunch

Cooking the neighbor's friend.

Seli rose on Penets

How much is carrots eaten? 10.

Game "Tangram"(Perform everything.)

Well done Vanyusha, coped with the task, and now play with me.

Educator: Guys, let's play and we will play. (Slide.)


Here we have a game:

Claw palm, folding the other.

Right, left palm

We praise a little bit.

And now palm left

You do cotton louder!

And then, then, then,

Left right to beat.

Up palms - clashes, clap.

On the knees slaughtered, slag.

On the shoulders now praise,

On the sides of the duty. .

You can clap your back

Clap in front of me.

Right - we can, on the left - we can!

And the cross - the arms will put the hands.

(Perform 1-3 child.)

Showed the bear road.

Vanya came to the house, and you can not enter.

Educator: What do you think the hut does not allow him?

Children: I need to say magic words.

Educator: Who knows the Magic Words?

Children: Hut, Hut

Get up to the forest back,

And to me before.

Vanya went to the hut, and Baba Yaga says to him: "I know, Vanya, why did you come. Alyonushka at my fraternity, Kaschev's immortal. "

My old house, the wing lason broke down. Repair her, I will show you the road.

Work with chopsticks of a cueizer.

Dispatch 10 sticks from the shortest to the longest.

Educator: Who will help Wana.

(Performs 1 child.)

Baba Yaga: Vanyusha, I have a magic chest, it is closed on the castle. I can not pick up the key to the castle. Help me, open it.

Something does not open a chest. Guys, let's help Vanya. (Performs 1 child.)

Baba Yaga: Everything is confused here. Guys, help me clean up my chest.

The task. Emphasize that excess here.

(Perform everything.)

Well done kids, I decided to Baba Yaga to help Wan to get to the castle Kashcheia Immortal.

They sat down in the stue and flew.

Baba Yaga told her chosen, what Vanya was smart, brave and hardworking and that he came for his sister.

Hading: Well, I'll break the girl if you guess my riddles. (Slide.)

Stay did not have time

Apples in the garden ripe,

Three ruddy bulk,

Three with sourness - how many of them? (6.)

Rooster flew to the fence

He met two more,

You answer me guys

How much did the roosters become? (3.)

Ten ripe pears

On the branch rode.

Two pears took off Pavlusha,

And how much do pears left? (eight.)

Fulfilled his promise.

Alyona and Vanya home returned. Granny and grandfather were delighted, and grandparents began to hug and call the clever and cleverware. Alyonushka since then no more without Vanya did not go to the forest.

That's the fairy tale all.

Educator: We made a mathematical fairy tale with you. How do we call it?

Answers children: "How Vanya Alena saved."

Educator: What did you remember most and liked in our fairy tale?

We will write our fairy tale, draw illustrations and publish a book.

We overcame a lot of obstacles where you showed yourself smart, attentive, intelligent. You all are well done, praise yourself, hug yourself, intend yourself and tell me: "What is I smart and good."

Mathematics - the country is very interesting,

She opens us a lot of unknown.

One, two, three, four, five.

Compare and distinguish

Triangles, circles, lines, squares.

We are well done today

We are all mathematics!

If you do not understand

Mathematics do not know

Should you teach her

So then I am smarter than everyone to be.

We will help you now

How to decide to you.

You look remember

And then decide.

Abstract open node on the formation of elementary mathematical representations using ICT

"Journey to mathematicalkingdom"

For children of the senior group

Software content:

Educational tasks:

Exercise in the score within 8 in direct and reverse order;

Secure the ability to compare 2 nearby numbers using signs more, less, equal;

Secure the ability to distinguish concepts: above - below, compare items in height;

Secure the presentation of children about geometric figures: the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes, the ability to compare them by properties (in color, form and magnitude).

Developing tasks:

Develop logical thinking, intelligence, attention;

Develop the ability to argue their statements.

Educational challenges:

Raise independence, the ability to understand the task and perform it yourself;

Rail interest in mathematical tasks.

Used technologies: ICT

Material and equipment: Cards with numbers for each child from 1 to 8; Cards with tasks for comparison of numbers, signs\u003e,

Node move:

Rest: - Guys, today guests came to us. Let's say hello and give them a good mood (blown out smiles).

The educator invites children to get together in a circle.


In the circle wide, I see,

All my friends got up.

We will now go to the right, once, two, three.

Now let's go left, once, two, three.

In the center of the circle we will collect, once, two, three.

And everything will be back in place, two times, three.

Smile, wemgeh,

We will start doing.

Guys, look at the screen(An envelope image on the screen). Someone sent us an email. I wonder who is it from?(The queen from the country of mathematics appears on the screen) And says:

"Dear guys, a trouble happened to our Mathematical Kingdom. An evil wizard enchanted all the inhabitants of the kingdom - all the numbers were messed up in a numerical row, and the geometric figures forgot their names. I ask you to clean up in my kingdom "


Guys, will we help the inhabitants of the Mathematical Kingdom? (children's Answers)


Are you confident in your power and knowledge? (children's Answers)


Then we go to the Mathematical Country. Guess what we will go on the journey today.

In the Staircase field lies,

The house on the stairs runs.(Train) (train appears on the screen)

Well done guys, of course, this is a train. I give you the tickets in which the figure indicates your place in the train. Look carefully on your digit and take your place. Sit it more convenient, we go on the road.

(On the screen screensavers, sea, fields, mountains and castle)

Guys, see, it seems, we arrived in the kingdom. (On the screen gate with the lock, which shows geometric shapes).

Oh, guys, an evil wizard hung the castle on the gate of the kingdom. To open it, we need to solve one secret - guess which of the figures is superfluous.

Guys, what geometric shapes do you see on the castle? Are there any same figures here? Compare them, and tell me what they look like, what is common?

(comparison in form, color, magnitude)

What are the figures different? What do you think, what figure is superfluous?(The circle does not have corners).

Well done, the castle is open, we can go to the Mathematical Kingdom.

Coming the queen of mathematics.

TO.:- Hello my friends, I am very glad to see you. How good that you arrived. I watched you for a very long time, as you deftly cope with mathematical tasks. After all, in order to bring order in my country, your knowledge and skills are needed.

Task number 1 (On the screen confused numbers)

The evil wizard enchanted all the numbers, they forgot their places and confused. Help each number to get up on your place. Arrange them in order, from smaller to more. (Each child individually lays out a numeric row with numbers from 1 to 8)

Now let's check if you task correctly(on the screen numeric number from 1 to 8)

Questions to children:

Calculate the numbers in order, as you put them.

Guys, let's check what number you set between numbers 3 and 5

what number you set between numbers 5 and 7

what number you set between numbers 1 and 3

what number you set between numbers 4 and 6;

Name the neighbors of the number 6, 2, 4.

Well done, you coped perfectly with the 1st job. Now every number took the right place in the numeric row.

Task number 2. (on the screen mathematical signs\u003e,

Mathematical signs asking for help. They forgot, why are they needed? Help them, what do these signs show? What are their names?(needed to compare numbers, and are called signs - more, less, equal) You have on the tables of the card, you need to compare the numbers and put the desired signs in the cells.

Excellent, mathematical signs remembered their destination - to compare and show which number is more, what less and report on equality. They took their places and thank you for help.

Dynamic pause with elements of gymnastics for eyes

"Geometric figures"(On the screen, the image of geometric shapes)

Here are figures fidgets,

They love to play hide and seek.

So let them guys

Let's look for eyes.

Together we look all left.

What is there? This is ... Square.

Don't get to you pursuit

From the inquisitive guys.

On four corners square

Steps, just like a soldier. (Children walk on the spot)

Now see the right

Do you know? It is ... Circle.

And we found you.

We meet us, a favorite friend.

Around ourselves we turn

And in place in the place will return. (Children are circling on site)

Who climbed so high

Just before the roof did not take?

This strange figure

Called - ... oval.

Jump, hands raise,

Divide before oval! (Children jump with arms raised up)

Down with your eyes, we will behave

Triangle will find there.

And squatting down.

Good shapes know. (Children squat)

Task number 3. (On the screen, the image of different houses in the height)

The guys, at home on the streets in the Mathematical Kingdom were located in order from the highest to the lowest. The wizard and here brought confusion. You need to place at home from the highest to the lowest.

Children perform tasks.


Let's check if you managed to cope with the task.

(On the screen houses from the highest to the lowest)

Task number 4. (On the crane houses with numbers and men)

Guys, the inhabitants of these houses were lost. You need to settle in the numeric houses of residents. And how many housing you can settle at each house will show you the number on the roof of the house. Start. Children perform tasks.


Let's check if you fulfilled this task correctly.

(on the screen houses with tenants)

Well done, you also did not cause difficulties.

Task number 5.

Guys, and now I suggest you play. This game is the test "right-incorrectly" will help to correct the errors that the evil wizard specially left somewhere.

If you hear what you consider correctly, clap your hands, but what is not right - to keep your feet.

In the morning the sun gets up

In the morning you need to do charging

You can not wash in the morning

The day shines the moon brightly

In the morning, children go to kindergarten

Night people dine

In the evening the whole family is going at home

Task number 5.

An evil wizard enchanted the inhabitants of the Mathematical Kingdom with the help of a magic circle.(On the screen circle, 1/2 scroll, circle)If we guys divide the magic circle to equal parts, the sorcerer will no longer be able to dirty, and turn into a good wizard. You have multicolored circles on your tables - fold your circle to 2 equal parts. How to fold so that the parts are the same? (sort of edge ) How can I call each of the parts? ½ And now put together once again in half. How is the resulting part of the circle now? ¼.

Well done, evil spells removed !!!

Guys, you fulfilled all tasks, now in my mathematical kingdom a full order, and the evil wizard turned into good. I am very grateful to you for your help. In gratefulness, take from me this gift.


Guys, and it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Take your place in the train(on the train screen).

TO.: Goodbye, guys!

(on the screen Castle, Mountains, Fields, Sea, Forests)


Guys, did you like our journey? What was it particularly easy to you, what seemed difficult? Today everyone worked well! Well done !!!

Abstract Node for the formation of elementary mathematical ideas in the senior group Theme: "Travel to the Mathematical Cor



Abstract Node on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas in the senior group

Topic: "Travel to the Mathematical Kingdom".

Software content:

1. Description of the views on the location of the numbers in the numerical row;

The ability to compare 2 nearby numbers using signs more, less, equal;

Secure the presentation of children about geometric figures: the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, the ability to compare them by properties (in color, form and magnitude).

2. Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, attention.

Promoting the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

3. Educating communicative qualities, the ability to work in micro groups, interest in mathematical classes.

Preliminary work:

fastening the names of geometric shapes, the score within 10 in the forward and reverse direction.

Material and equipment : Magnetic Board, Numbers, Signs, Letter, Balloon, Castle with Geometric Figures

Distribution material: Set of numbers for 2 commands, cards with tasks for comparison of numbers, cards with signs, \u003d

Wordwork: numeric row.

Node move:

Children enter the group, greet guests.

Org. Moment:

I am wide, I see,
All my friends got up.
We will now go to the right, once, two, three.
Now let's go left, once, two, three.
In the center of the circle we will collect, once, two, three.
And everything will be back in place, two times, three.
Smile, wemgeh,

And we will begin to communicate!

A ball flies into the group, the envelope is tied to the string. In the envelope the picture "Queen of Mathematics" and the letter.

Educator: Guys see what it is?

Responses of children.

Educator: Maybe open and see what inside?

(Children view the picture).

Educator: What do you think from whom this letter?

Responses of children.

Educator: How to find out what is written in it?

Responses of children.

Educator : And who will read this letter? Can you read?

Responses of children.

Educator: Can I read it?

Answers children

The educator reads the letter: "Hello, dear guys! I heard the queen of mathematics that you know the numbers, signs, figures and love mathematics very much. I had trouble, an evil wizard enchanted my kingdom, all the numbers were confused in a numerical row, and the geometric shapes forgot their names. I really ask you, guys awake my kingdom, but for this you must fulfill the tasks of an evil wizard. "

Educator: Guys do you agree to help the inhabitants of the Mathematical Kingdom? Are you confident in your abilities? Then we go to search for a task!

The group flies the 2nd air balloon with a letter.

Educator: Oh another unusual ball with a letter. Reads a letter.

And here is the first task of an evil wizard.

"In order to get to the Mathematical Kingdom, we need to solve mathematical riddles."

Educator: But the one I will name by name will be responsible.

How many paws have a cat?

How much rozhkin has a bull?

How many horses have a hoof when the horse is in the grass lies?

How many backs are three pigs?

How many fingers on one hand?

Responses of children.

Well done! Quickly all solved!

But we need to look for the following task.

Educator: Wheel around yourself and in the kingdom will be!

Children see the kingdom with geometric shapes and writing. (The educator reads a letter)

"The evil wizard closed the gate of the kingdom.

To enter it, we need to solve one secret - to guess which of the figures is extra "

Educator: Guys, what geometric shapes do you see on the castle? Are there any same figures here? Compare them, and tell me what they look like, what is common?

(comparison in form, color, magnitude)

What are the figures different? What do you think, what figure is superfluous? (The circle does not have corners).

Well done, we can go to the Mathematical Kingdom.

Educator: Takes the next ball with a letter, reads.

"The case is strange,

The case is rare

Figures in a quarrel

Here are on! With his stand for a neighbor,

Do not want one

You need to reconcile the numbers.

And their stroke to restore.

But in order to fulfill this task you should divide for 2 commands. " How can I do that?

Answers children

Educator: How can I pick out numbers? What needs to be done so that they do in the right order?

The answer of children: Lower a numeric

Educator: Guys do you agree? Let's all together repeat a numeric row.

Children teams on magnetic boards lay out a numeric row.

(One team considers numbers in order.

The second in the opposite direction is from 10th 0.)

Educator: guys, and let's check what number you put between numbers 7ia9.

The answer of children.

Educator: Everyone agrees?

And what number you put between numbers 4i 6.

The answer of children.

Educator : And now go to visit each other and check if the task is true.

Educator: Well done you coped perfectly with this task.

Educator: Guys are you probably tired? Let's a little rest

One, two, three, four, five
One, two, three, four, five -
All we can count.
Time! Climb pull.
Two! Bend to get rid.
Three! Three cotton hands,
Head three nodes.
Four - hands wider.
Five - to wave.
Six - in place quietly get up

Seven- Eight laziness throw.

(We approach the last ball and open an envelope with the task).

"In order for evil wizard spells disappeared forever, you need to complete one more task.

Mathematical signs asking for help. They forgot why they are needed? Help that show these signs? What are their names? Help the signs to find their places. "

Educator: You have on the tables for each card command, you need to compare the numbers and put the desired signs in the cells.

Children commands pass by tables and perform the task.

Educator : Excellent guys, you have completed all tasks, brought order in the Mathematical Kingdom. Evil wizard spells are forever destroyed. Did you like to travel? And what did you like most? And what task for you was the most difficult?

The queen of mathematics is very grateful to you for the help and in gratitude left a treasure chest, let's see what kind of treasures!

Open the chest and everyone will hit the "Great Mathematics" icon

Well, now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Close your eyes and start counting from 0 to 5. (Children consider choir)

Educator: Here we are in kindergarten.

We visited the kingdom,

I learned a lot.

We returned back,

Children's garden we are very happy!

Purpose: Exercise in a quantity account within 5, comparison of width items, orientation on the sheet plane.



  • Continue to exercise in a quantity account within 5;
  • consolidate ideas about the meaning of the words "under", "over", "left", "right";
  • exercising children in orientation on the sheet plane.
  • Learning to compare three items in width, spread them in a decreasing and increasing sequence, denote the results of comparison with words: wide, already, the narrower, wider, the widest one.


  • develop spout
  • attention,
  • memory,
  • expressive movements.

Educational: To raise a desire to help the hero as well as each other in the task.

Material: Flanhelegraf, pictures for flannelhemph kittens and saucers 5, box, game "Review pictures", pictures of animals and cells 12

We go today in the park,
In our cheerful zoo.
Meet hares and bears
Monkey's neighbors.

There the giraffe stands and waits
Who will come to visit them
In the zoo we go together.
You need to feed the animals.

We will not offended them
And you will play everything together.

Educator: - Guys, what do you think, where will we go today? (In the zoo) correctly. Go for me. The educator along with children passes through the "Gate to Zoo"

1 stop "kittens"

Educator: - Guys, see what it is? This is not just a box, it has a note for you. Writes you girl Katya. Today I have a cat yesterday kittens. Kittens rose a little bit, and there is no saucer. Help feed these little kittens.
Look how many kittens? Count how many of them? (Four)

Educator: - Try Masha, pick up kittens. Well done.
Educator: - Now go Nikita is counting. I did everything right.
Educator: - Nastya, let's try and you. Clever.
Educator: - Each kitten has many saucers as a mission. Now you are Sasha.
Educator: - Is the kittens and saucers with milk equally? And how else can you say? (equally, as much)
Educator: - How did you guess? Look, another kitten came running. Count how much kittens become?
Educator: - And how many saues with milk? What is more than 5 kittens or 4 saucers with milk? And what is less than 4 saucers with milk or 5 kittens? Well done!
Educator: - Look, here there is another sort of milk. How many saves became? And kittens? Is the kittens and saucers equally? How else can you say? Well done! All kittens fed? Come on.

Stop 2.

Educator: - The evil magician joined the obvious, who live in the zoo. And you can argue them if you guess them according to the silhouette and correctly show how these animals move. (Game "Review Pictures")

Stop 3 "Bear"

What are you sad to be sad?
Do not laugh, do not stitch?

Our Mishutka got sick, caught up. He had a sickness sick, because he had a sorry sick, because he came out to walk without Sharfi.

Educator: - Look, I have 2 Sharfi. What do they differ from each other? (width)

Show the script width, swipe. What did they show? What scarf is the widest? And what is the narrowest? And how to check? It is necessary to put another scarf to attach another (display). That's so much wider.

Look, I have another scarf, where do you need to put it? Look, in what order are the scarves placed? Find a narrow scarf, show a wide scarf.

Scarfics are located from the widest to the very narrow. Let's call scarves. Try Sasha, now you are Dima. Well done boys. What scarf we will give up to not sick? (the widest)

- Let's go further. Here we are waiting for a very difficult task, but you will definitely cope with him. One day, all the animals ran out of their cells and now they cannot remember what kind of cell they live. Help them return. The first beast is -

- Look what kind of burning like a golden, walks in the fur coat dear, fluffy tail and big (fox)
"He has 4 paws, a crashing pot paws, a couple of sensitive ears, he is a thunderstorm for all mice (cat).
- The angry loft lives in the wilderness of the forest, the needles is very much, and the threads are none (hedgehog).
- I go to the fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest, in the voupel on the old ouba nuts nuts rrybe (protein).

- Well done! So the rest of the beasts came running. Help them find their cells. And only a smart monkey knew what kind of cage lives and remembered all his neighbors. She suggested that the cat lives to the right of the monkey (the child whose cat puts it into the corresponding cage).

Hedgehog lives under a monkey, and swan lives above the monkey, etc.

Educator: - Here we are all the animals excavated. Well done! All helped everyone. Did you like the zoo? You also liked the animals. And now the zoo is closed, it's time for us back to the group.

Prepared and held: Educator of the senior group Kutumova N.A. G.O. Khimki, MRN. Skhodny March 2016 MBDOU Kindergarten Combined Type No. 4

Education area: "Cognition" .


  • Teach children to divide the square into 2 equal parts, call parts and compare the integer and part.
  • Improve account skills within 10, skill denote the number of numbers.
  • Fasten the knowledge of children about the days of the week.
  • Develop an idea that the result of the account does not depend on its direction.
  • Improve the skill to move in a given direction by changing it by signal. (Forward, back, right, left)

Didactic visual material.

Demonstration material: Dove - postman, letter from lowland, invitation, route scheme, boat 10 pieces, stream.

Distribution Material: Squares (2 pcs), scissors, cardboard.

Travel course:

Educator: Guys, look, a letter came to us in the group. He was delivered to us a dove postman. I wonder from whom it is. And to find out from whom we have to guess the riddle.

Who has a big hat?
Who is a slacker and stretchable?
Who is Bush, Boltun, Zakonyka?
Knish everything, baby ...

Children: Dunno.

Educator: Yes, guys, this is a letter from Slankin. Dunno sent us an invitation

(read out).

Dear friend!

Spring is a wonderful time of the year! The sun shines brightly, the snow melts, the birds appear, the birds are poured ringing, and running the streams of streams. Brooks are going to huge puddles.

You know me like a chalub and mischievous. And my favorite thing is to put in the sorts of ships in the sorts. I will be glad with you to engage in this exciting business. If you take my invitation, I am waiting for you on Friday after dinner at your home. I send a route map: "Kindergarten-House Lockniki"

Educator: Well, friends, do we accept the invitation of ignorance?

Educator: Then it's time to proceed to work. For a walk we need boats and we will now try to make them easily.

Gaming exercise "Build ships" .

(On a 2 square board, divided into parts in two ways: on 2 rectangles and 2 triangles.)

(The educator clarifies the names of the figures and the methods of their division into two equal parts): Educator: What figures turned out? How many parts succeed when dividing each square? How can I call every part? Show half the square. What is more: a whole square or one part it? What is less: part of a square or whole square? Do you think you can make boats with these parts?

II part. (The tutor offers children from squares to make blanks for a boiler, separating them as shown on the sample (square, divided into 2 rectangles). After completing the task, it clarifies)

Educator: What figures did you get? How many parts did it happen when dividing squares? How can I call each part? "

(Then children cut corners from rectangles and have a boat on cardboard.

Applique can be finished out of occupation by adding a triangular sail.)

Educator: Well, friends, boats are almost ready for the journey, we will finish them in the evening.

Educator: Guys, in the invitation it was written that Dunno awaits us on Friday.

Let's remember the days of the week (Children list)

What day was yesterday?

And tomorrow?

I'm a little tired, and you? Let's rest and rely on the days of the week.


On Monday I gave up, (depict swimming)
And on Tuesday - drew. (depict drawing)
Wednesday was very washed, ("Wash" )
And on Thursday, football played. (running on the spot)

Friday I jumped, ran, (jumping)
Very long danced. (Twisted in place)
And on Saturday, Sunday (cotton in your hands)
I rested all day.

(Children sit down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep)

(Figures Creek Board.)

Educator: Rested! Bones softened? Was the charge of energy? -And now answer me the question. We have a narrow stream, and there are a lot of boats, and how do our boats go?

Children: for each other?

Educator: True. And I suggest you to watch how our ships will swim on a walk.

III part. Gaming exercise "Ships go swimming" .

(On the board in the direction of the stream there are 10 ships).

Educator: How many ships goes into swimming?

In which direction did you think?
Consider now the boats on the right left.
How many ships?
Did the number of ships changed?

That's right not changed.

And now, consider the boats in order to the right to the right?

Which on account of a boat with a red sail?

Count the boats in order to right left?

Did the sequence place changed a shoe with a red sail?

The ordinal place of the subject changes depending on which side we begin to count. But it is customary from left to right.

Educator: Well, friends, now I am sure that you will not confuse your boat among others. You know how to count.

Educator: Guys, and tell me if you do not know the road or do you know her badly, you can get lost?

Educator: To quickly find a house, minor on Friday, let's look at this route now.

(Children get up near the tables and performing teams walking on the spot: to the right to the right, to the left left, rushing forward, backwards, backwards

Educator: Friends, I'm sure that we and I have prepared for a strip "five" . You all happy me today! What new did you find out in the lesson?

What did you like most?