Upon completion of Karachun, the holiday comes - a stride, sunny christmas

Therefore, there is no greater holiday for Eastmen than the arrival of the train. But never met expensive guests at the very end of the polar summer, when the thermometer's column every day fell out of every day. In all previous expeditions, the train at that time had already come back to peaceful. And now it will be possible to return all March, and then half of April, according to the ice dome, cured with a loud cold.

The first step was made by the head of the macarov expedition. He sent Gavrilov Radiogram, in which he offered a train crew to leave the technique in the east and depart into peaceful. Offered, and not ordered!

Makarov did not want to risk people, but he understood well that if the tractors were stuck in the east, the station will remain without fuel in a year and it will have to be conserved. Therefore, the head of the expedition did not order, but only offered.

This shade, insignificant at first glance, solved a lot. Having disappeared, Gavrilov committed, of course, misconduct, but not so serious. Now, if he violated the order - another thing. And in the word "I suggest" was some kind of option, it remained a place for subjective interpretation. Makarov, as it were, unleashed Gavrilov's hands and gave him the opportunity to take any of the two solutions. Time to reflections remained a bit.

There is a tiny hall at the East station, where there are two chair filmed from the plane and a round table, for which Easters love to talk about life, drink a cup of tea and score "goat". Here Gavrilov gathered his guys, ten minutes told them about his plan and finished:

Well, if you have questions, say, if not, who is who against?

So it will not go, Daja ... - Recove the mechanic-driver Ignat Mazur. What are we, the chairman of a selection of seats? Let's honestly: or all the fly, or all the moon. Vote in general.

That's right, I've supported Ignat's surgeon doctor Alexey Antonov. - Now we have a complete set. If a few people flee how the train will bring?

Dranche, Bath, - said the navigator Sergey Popov. - There will be no aircraft, no one will help ...

I am for the offer of my brother, the driver of David Mazur spoke out. If, let's say, I will fly, and Toshka will go and will remain on the track? How will I look like people?

BR-R-R! - Building faces, began to find Toshka Zhmurkin, a very young trainee. - I do not want to stay on the track, I want to the mother-in-lawyer!

Tsyz! - broke off Havrilov, and Toshka offendedly. - It smells like gunpowder, and let everyone decide for himself, because ...

"... your skin closer to the body," said the restless Toshka and immediately headed his head as a sign that he would no longer.

Not this is a thing to put pressure on a minority, Gavrilov said. - Everyone must solve himself.

And came out not to crush.

Returning to the plane decided three: the mechanic-driver of Vasily Somov, the assault on Sergey Popov and the cook Petya Zadirako. This, of course, created great difficulties, but did not break the campaign, because the Kambuz took the doctor, Troikach Somov - Toshka, and the navigator could replace Gavrilov himself.

With the overall silence of Somov, Popov and Zadirako went to the beams for their own things.

Heavily polar explorers of coaststores to accompany the last ship, but a hundred times harder to East people when the last aircraft twisted in the air. Now, whatever happens, sixteen Easterns nine long months will count only on themselves, take care of the lifeless warmth of diesel and go to each other to keep the team. It is impossible to get used to such a complete separation from the whole world, as it is impossible to get used to oxygen starvation, to the monstrous colds in the polar night and to the idea that, no one will be able to help the East.

Sad Eastian to accompany the latest aircraft!

"That's all," thought Gavrilov, when the planes rose into the air. - All the ways are cut off. Now one road remained in the peaceful - Sanny tracked track. " And went to the tractors who had drivers. Among them was Somov. Nothing said, looked into the galley beams. Jasiako recalculates boxes with semi-finished products.

Gavrilov warmed in the soul: they remained, believed in their bat, as they called him. Alone Popov flew away. "Thank you, my sons, I will never forget, I will die - remember the good word." And silent bitterness tormented by Gavrilov from the moment when three decided to fly away, was changed by quiet joy. "Now everything will be fine, now you will come."

(By V.M. Sanina)

Show text entirely

Each of us is facing in many difficulties, obstacles and tests. From day to day, we reflect on what to do in one situation or another, and inevitably come across the elected complexity, in front of which you often fall into a stupor. Making a specific choice, a person automatically becomes responsible for himself and even behind others. So what is this - take responsibility? The writer V.M. is thinking over this issue. Sanin, putting the problem of responsibility for the commissioned choice.

Reflecting on this problem, the author recalls the case that occurred at the Antarctic station. Due to bad weather conditions, the head of the expedition recommended the crew to leave the train and fly into peaceful, but this is the instruction that it also has been a recommendation. All members of the expedition appeared a choice, because "everyone should solve himself." Yes, people could calmly go home "to the mother-in-law", but as if some unnecessary strength restrained this thought and forced to think about possible consequences. Somov, Popov and Zadirako still decided to fly home, but later two of them were left with their comrades in harsh conditions: "No one will be able to help east." The sense of responsibility won in these people, and they could not get away from a hard sense and leave others in trouble.

Nikolay Agafonov is responsible for readers' questions.

I work in a secular organization. Often, large church holidays fall out on working days, and I can not go to the temple. Conversely: civil holidays, most of which I do not consider this, are weekends. I can not quit my job. What to do in such a situation?

According to the canonical church law, the Orthodox Christian is obliged to visit the temple on Sundays and in the two-month holidays. Those who missed two or three Sunday services without good reasons was considered lowered from church communication.
Now let's deal with you, what kind of valid causes it can be. Such reasons may be any external circumstances that do not depend on our will. Man's disease when he is forced to observe the bed mode. In this case, it should be available after the service to visit relatives or faithful friends and bring him a reform or the fact that this holiday was consecrated in the temple: apple, willow, baptismic water or an Easter egg.
An important reason is the responsibilities for the care of a sick relative or friend when it cannot be left alone. Important reasons also include duties for work or service. If the working day coincided with the church holiday, it is, of course, unpleasant for an Orthodox person, but there is no sin here. We need to go to the temple to work or after and submit a note on remembering about health (you can on the eve).
What you work during a holiday at work is not a sin, as it does not depend on you. But if you work at home: you do repair your apartment, or erase on holidays, or work at this time in the garden - this is a sin. A person is obliged to work six days a week, and to devote the seventh day to God, that is, putting all his everyday affairs, think about his soul. In the Old Testament this day was Saturday, for Christians this day was Sunday, since the Lord on this day rose from the dead.
But in these rules it is necessary to avoid Pharisees. On Sunday, you can work on Sunday, but not for the sake of food, but for the soul, when it is necessary to fulfill the commandment of love for the neighbor, which is above all laws and prophets. Suppose, visit the patient on Sunday day and get into his apartment, or some more difficulty serve him. Help to wash the temple after the service on Sunday day is also an awake business.
So you do not need to dismiss from work, and rejoice in the fact that the two greatest holidays - Easter and Christmas - always come on weekends, especially since the services are performed at night.

It often happens that you are going on the bus, and Nearby talk and spend the speech by Mat, young and old, no one shy. It seems to me that a Christian should not be silent in such a situation. I say: "Know that the foul language do not inherit the kingdoms of heaven. You insult the Most Holy Mother of God and your mother." Such words act stunningly, usually helps. Do I do right?
Slave of God Lyudmila, Samara

You do it correctly when you take the work to expose the wickedness of people. The most important thing is that in your heart I have not settled proud Pharisee thought that you are something better than those who are denounced

Amazing, full of mysterious charm and passion East attracts many. And what if you arrange a wonderful party in such a style to be at least to be in a fairy tale about 1000 and 1 night?

An interesting flavor of the eastern countries, temperament and customs of their inhabitants - to convey all this, you will have to post all the hundred both organizers of the party and its participants. Special efforts and attention will require the design of invitation, premises, the manufacture of thematic costumes or their search, the organization of treats, games and entertainment features. In general, everything is as usual.

But do not worry! If friends are ready to help you in this case or you have facilities for ordering services in the festive agency, the task will greatly be easier, and the preparation process will quickly complete.


Notify the estimated guests about the place and time of the thematic parties in the style of the East can be in different ways.

Postcards. It is suitable as traditional, decorated with the eastern ornament and images of beauties-concubines, and musical, opening which, invited to hear the characteristic overflows of the melody. Well, if the inscriptions are stylized under Arabic liners, and the text is to remind one of the Tales of Shaherazade.

Volume cards. This option implies the decoration of the cardboard framework by drapering from flowing tissue, brilliant elements (coins, beads, beads) of the costume of the eastern dancer. The postcards "with a secret" look original - open this, and the figure of Ginn, Sheikh, the silhouette of the Eastern Palace appears before his eyes.

Bracelets. The abundance of jewelry in any case will be welcomed on the Eastern Party. One of them is a bracelet - just can become an original entrance ticket to the event. It is advisable to attach a small card-invitation to the bracelet with a reminder of the time of starting party and dress code.

Pouch with incenses and coins. An elegant brushes with a string, made of transparent fabric, which is pre-aromatic a flavored chopstick from a set of incense, a few small coins or bright pebbles resembling gems. The bag will be stored and small in the invitation card.

If all this seems too complicated, make an invitation on a regular sheet of thick paper, printing on it an oriental ornament and text invitations. Eventspro Editors picked up a small selection of invitations decorated in oriental style, you can use them as a sample to order in printing house:

How to meet friends?

Eastern hospitality is a mandatory attribute for our thematic party. Ideally, if every expensive guest will meet the owner in Chalme and the embellished bathrobe, treating all incoming fruits and sweets, bringing a cup of strong coffee, cooked in Turkish.

In addition to the listed, you can treat traditional Caucasian drinks, such as: an invigorating drink from ginger, dairy Tang, Ayran or Maceni.

Or maybe in the house will entertain Fakir? He, demonstrating the next focus, will get different treats from his magic raincoat. An excellent alternative to him will be our old acquaintance and assistant Aladdin - Ginn.

A meeting of guests can be trusted with excellent concubine that performs a charming and seductive belly dance for all those invited to those who have gathered at a party.

A surprising music will help to configure guests to the eastern fairy tale, because the melodies of the East will not confuse with anything. The atmosphere of the beginning of the holiday will support video with oriental dances and songs, the smell of fresh coffee, a wonderful aroma of lit sandal sticks or other incense.

What to wear to a party in oriental style?

Perhaps the most rapid scope of fantasy in the costumes gives precisely the party in East style: girls can show themselves in all its glory, demonstrating the gentle curves of the shapes, covered with bisters, embroidered beads, and sharovari from transparent fabric with a belt on the hips, decorated with rich embroidery and prizes ringing coins. Mystery will add a handkerchief covering the head and part of the person, leaving only eyes visible with a bright memorable makeup.

As an option, the girl can wear instead of a sharovar long skirt to the floor. Mandatory point - Many decorations: large earrings, necklaces, beads, monistoes, bracelets on the forearm and wrist, on the ankle. The most modest fair sex representatives can do Chydra, which will allow to hide the figure from unwanted views.

For the male half of the guests, there are also a lot of ideas for a suit: Sultan, Jeann, Aladdin, Fakir, Warrior-Yanychar, Wanderer-Bedouin, Baghdad Thief. An indispensable attribute - Chalma or Turban, bonded (in front) in the center of a luxurious belly with a large stone.

Yes, you have to sweat until you learn to turn the cut of cotton fabric or towel to the turban, but the result is worth it - proud posture and the predatory look will conquer any of the party participants. Sharovari can be replaced by conventional pants, and on the shoulders, throw the home bathrobe with the eastern patterns on the fabric or, in the extreme, to try on a wide bathrobe. Fakiru should take care of a wide raincoat, and Janachar - about the presence of a sword, a faithful satellite of a warrior.

You can not worry about the shoes at all - the dress code of the Eastern Party allows barefoot legs, light ballet shoes, or soft shoes with bent upside down.


It is unlikely that the party organizers will be able to reproduce the rich decoration of the Sultansky chambers to reproduce the rich decoration, but make the interior of the room as much as possible to the eastern palace will quite work. The main rule is an abundance of textiles and decor elements.

Traditionally, guests in the east are not sitting at the table on the chairs, the invited sitting on the floor, on soft pillows, decorated with an ornament with many smooth lines and bends, at a table on low legs. If guests' guests are conservative people, it is possible to offer them to settle down on cozy wide sofas, low puffs or chairs draped by cloth.

On the floor, be sure to spread the carpet, and it is better not one, but a few. To give a partially a special oriental charm, we recommend making caustichens from light fabrics that form a semblance of a tent above the place of meals and drapery on the walls. Pillows and mixes of various sizes are welcome, scattered in the "creative" mess on the floor, sofas, chairs.

Do not forget about the traditional hookah traditional for East - the smoking device who loved by a lot will perfectly fit into the eastern party and help support a conversation with each other.

Large floor vases are suitable as decor, elegant figurines in the form of girls dancers, animal - elephants, tigers, horses. Walls can decorate paintings with battle scenes, picturesque views of palaces and eastern bazaars.

The lighting should not be bright, sufficiently muted light from the lamps and wall scaves. It is good to use candles, putting them on the floor, tables, shelves, but better (and safer) to replace them with lamps stylized under the candles.

Where to spend such an event?

The most ideal option, of course, will hold a party in a restaurant or an eastern oriental café. In this case, it is not necessary to take care of the design of the room and treat.

If the finance of the organizers is limited, you can take guests in your home or removed by the evening, pre-equipped it in the style we need.

Great idea - to spend the eastern party in nature. To organize the thematic event, you will have to install a large tent, and not one if there are many guests planned. The tent naturally will have to furnish with small aspirations, carpets, hookahs. In the case of a tent, you will achieve almost one hundred percent playback of oriental style, because the tents are used in the east and to this day! You should also worry about musical accompaniment - without it, the eastern party with charming dances is unthinkable.

What kind of friends?

A treat at a party in oriental style is the responsible business, since the welcome reception assumes the abundance of dishes on the table.

Meat dishes are required - delicious pilaf with lamb, beshbarmak, shuffer, baked meat under vegetable fur coat and, of course, kebab. You can stay on one dish or choose several (depending on the number and wishes of guests). Salads in the usual understanding Eastern cuisine replaces vegetables on fresh vegetables: a few plates with beautifully chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, greens will decorate the table and please the views of the participants of the festival.

Do not forget about oriental sweets: Pahlava, Rakhat Lukum, Sherbet and other delicacies are prepared by recipes independently or order in a restaurant.

A similar party does not imply the presence of alcoholic beverages. The custom of the East is a treat with strong tea or coffee. If the guests do not agree to abandon the alcohol, you can offer wine or light cocktails, inventing them unusual names, for example, the "1002th Tale of the Shahryzade" or "Peta Yanachar".

We select music

We have already mentioned that you need to take care of musical accompaniment. If you doubt the choice or can not think of anything, we propose to pay attention to the following options:

  1. Any Arash composition, for example, Tike Tike Kardi, Boro Boro, "Oriental Fairy Tales" or Chori Chori.
  2. Tarkan will be appropriate with his Simarik, Kuzu Kuzu and Dudu.
  3. Songs "My Queen", "Eyes", "Sorcerer" and others performed by Eldar Dolgatov.
  4. Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev and his "Tramp", "I will be nearby", "I will remember" and the other.

And, of course, do not forget about traditional Caucasian compositions:

In fairness, it is worth noting that the concept of the East is very widely, this concept includes our Caucasus, and the countries of the near and Far East, therefore, in terms of the musical sheet, a certain oriental mix can be obtained.


Belly dance

No celebration in oriental style seems to be without an incendiary dance of the abdomen. When executed by his professional dancer, guests will receive a lot of aesthetic pleasure.

Many will think: what can be offered to guests at an oriental party, except for the belly dance? In fact, the lision of entertainment is much richer, for this, on the Eventspro project there is a special section of competitions and games.

To lay the first stone into the foundation of your entertainment part, we will give a few contests here, who perfectly fit into the oriental style parties.

Fokus Fakir.

Master a few uncomplicated tricks with a set of a magician, which you will find in any specialized store (festive agency), can each. It remains only to practice in advance, to prepare the costume of Fakir - and forward, amazing guests!

Competition for the best belly dance.

The company will always find girls who engaged in oriental dances. If they demonstrate their art at the party, Thunder applause and adoration of fans they are provided.

"Gulchatai, show Lico!".

Will the guys be able to recognize their girls, if the beauties hide under Chad, leaving the only looking look openly? Such a test will be a real check for couples in love (and not only).

"Brave Yanychar".

You can organize a comic battle on the butt strokes between representatives of strong sex in the costumes of warriors and sultans, because each man should be able to fight.

"New Tale of Shaherazade."

During treats or calm conversations, you can make a game where each participant says one phrase by continuing the narrative of the previous player. As a result, a new fairy tale with funny adventures should be turned out.

Board games.

Traditional entertainment, which are quite combined with smoking hookah (chess, backgammon), are suitable for those who prefer a quiet pastime by noisy playing.

East style party can turn into an unforgettable fabulous adventure if you prepare for it with a fantasy and take into account all the details. Eventspro with all my heart wishes you success in the organization! And we very much hope that our advice will help create the most beautiful and magnificent oriental fairy tale!

Short preparation plan for the Eastern Party

If you always liked Eastern topics, and from east food you get indescribable pleasure, then a party in eastern topics what you need!

Answer yourself to the first most important question: We organize ourselves or by order "turnkey".

If you decide to order a turnkey party, the question of choosing a qualitative performer is very acute, use our services to repeatedly simplify the task.

If you are confident in your abilities, we offer you a short feature plan, which will help keep your hand on the pulse and do not forget anything in preparation. Copy, print it in Word and go! Towards merry!

  1. Determine who in your company of friends will be responsible for the preparation of the party (one or more people, if a few, determine who will be a coordinator) and distribute the tasks of this list.
  2. Make a preliminary list of party participants.
  3. Call or meet each to clarify the seriousness of the intentions of each.
  4. Determine the date, the time of the party.
  5. Determine the budget that you are ready to spend at a party (it is from this suma that will largely depend on the decision of all subsequent issues)
  6. Solve the issue with financing (who, in what size, when and how will all the costs for preparing and conducting)
  7. Decide the issue with the design: what attributes, the design elements are necessary, in what quantity where to take them. It is best that they are willing to be at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave an application for the site, you will be offered not only design options, but also demonstrate already available decoration elements. You can choose in terms of quality and at the price of the best performer.
  8. Sorridge the grade of the dress code.
  9. Find the studios for renting costumes (after all, not the fact that each participant has the necessary clothing) and give everyone a memo with addresses and telephones (so you can avoid justification by type "I didn't know where to find a suitable outfit ...")
  10. Decide where you intend to hold an event (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex and so on). To solve this issue easier, leave a request to the site indicating that the New Year party is planned in Eastern Topic, for sure, you will be answered by platforms that specialize in eastern cuisine with the interior, just under your goals.
  11. What dishes / drinks should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  12. Think over the issue with the transport and delivery of participants home.
  13. Think of the entertainment part. What contests and competitions attract your friends, and which no? Use our section of contests to quickly solve this task.

In America, professional days in habitual for Russians does not exist. But the young compared to other countries instead of the days of Shakhtar, the Railwayman or Tankist notes other extravagant holidays, distributing both at much larger groups of people, and on an extremely narrow professional community.

The last one, for example, includes the American presidents who have already typed 44. With the filing of Nixon's president, who in 1971 suggested renamed the birthday of the first "father of the American nation" George Washington on the day of all presidents. Despite the fact that the proposal was not issued in the form of the law, it went to the people, "and the third Monday of February, the officially remaining birthday of George Washington, many Americans celebrate as the day of all US presidents, and workers of state institutions are resting on this day.

Without smaller honor than the presidents, the veterans of all wars are used in which America participated. They also have their own "branded" day. And if on November 11, it is widely marked in the country as a holiday of all veterans, then on March 29 "stamped" specifically participants in the fighting in Vietnam.

It is noteworthy that in the United States separately marked the day of coast guard, which falls on August 4 and goes to its roots in 1790, when the construction of the US Navy, which is national pride, began with the filing of Congress.

Surprisingly, in the country impregnated with legal rules, where the order in everything relies on the right and the law, and the lawyers have almost every citizen, there is no lawyer's day. Instead, America has a day of law established by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1958 and celebrated on May 1.

More than a lawyer than lawyers, their main rivals in terms of revenue in the United States are medical workers. March 30, they celebrate one of the few truly professional holidays - the Doctor's Day.

It is curious that, though unofficial, but a separate holiday was organized for themselves for themselves. Since mid-1990s, on September 22, American women employed in business is widely celebrated in the United States. The initiator of creating this holiday was the Association of Active and Business American, which decided that the contribution of its participants to the development of the country's economy requires recognition from the Company. It's funny that it was America who gave the world to the Secretary's Day, who in the United States originates back in the 1960s. And now this April holiday is rightfully considered to be their own and assistants, and referents, managers and other administrative workers in many companies in various countries.

Well, finally, the red calendar day has every head of the American family. Father's Day in America celebrates every third Sunday of June. On this day, family picnics are widespread.

In the US, there are no state differences for honorary workers. All the merits of representatives of various specialties are celebrated by the professional community through diplomas, diplomas and other honorary awards.

He called familiar trade unions, and they were able to name only two purely professional days.

One was introduced in 1996 on the initiative of the then Minister for small and medium enterprises and handicrafts of Jean Pierre Raffaren - the holiday of bread and, accordingly, those who produce it. He falls on May 16 - the day of St. Onoré or Onoria, the patron saint of food intake.

Another very "green" is the day of railroad: he was celebrated for the first time on June 5 of this year. True, not throughout the country, before that, it is still far away, and in the same area - the metropolitan - Ile de France. The initiative, naturally, was made by trade unions. On this occasion in the town of Garyn-Colombo staged folk fellows, gathered several thousand people.

The fact that professional holidays in France is not so much, does not mean that there are no of its heroes of capitalist labor. There is! And each of them is the title - "Best Worker of France." This honorable title arose at the end of the 20s of the last century, and since then they have the most prominent masters in more than 200 professions. There are many of them among chefs and confectioners, which, given the number of French gourmets, is not surprising, as well as among the cabinetries, jewelers, hairdressers, butchers, mechanics.

Become a "best working France" is not easy. Every year, several qualifying rounds are held among professions - from the Department to Nationwide. Winners are awarded with special medals, three-color ribbons that have the right to wear in solemn cases, causing about the same reaction in Paris as once we have a star of the Scholrud Hero's star on the lacquer of the jacket of production.

The solemn awards ceremony takes place in Sorbonne, after which everyone awarded to the president in the Champs Elyséesk Palace. And it happens for no accident, but for the reason that it is also the "best working France." This title he gets "Onoris Kausa", that is, for the combination of merit, immediately after the entry into the position of head of state.

The traditions of encouraging workers in modern Poland did not change much since the Republic of Polish People's Republic. And professional holidays, and the titles of the Honored Worker in Poland were and remain.

There are representatives of many professions from representatives of many professions, but very few holidays have state status, and literally units are weekends. The last category applies the day of the teacher. On October 14, 1982, the teacher's Charter was adopted in the country, and since then, the teachers congratulate the teachers on this day annually. On October 14, there are no activities in schools and universities, various festive events pass throughout the country. The Charter of the teacher also introduced the title "Honorary Professor of Enlightenment" - an analogue of the Russian "Honored Teacher", which provides for the payment of a large monetary premium teacher.

Another nationwide holiday is the day of the Polish troops - initially can not be a working day, as it coincides with the Catholic holiday "Ascension of the Virgin" on August 15. Also at the state level, the day of the border guard, the day of the prison service, the day of the tax service, the Day of Social Worker ...

There are holidays from the Poles with traditions originating from the Middle Ages - such as, for example, a miner's day. In the people, it is called "Barburg", because he falls on December 4, for the Day of St. Barbara - Patronery of Miners. The holiday begins in the morning a solemn mesca in the chosets, then the mining orchestra takes place in the streets of cities in which the miners and their families live. Well, then - the overall feast passing in accordance with the ancient traditions.


Poland is still widespread and departmental awards for employees of various industries. Employees are encouraged by such titles as the "exemplary fireman" or "Honored Worker of the Tourist Industry". As a rule, this is accompanied by the presentation of the departmental medal and diploma.

There are no professional holidays in Britain as there are also deserved "professionals" - miners, teachers, doctors, artists.

It is somehow not accepted to divide people on the workshop. Perhaps because of any kind of "division" of society, whether on national, ethnic, age or professional category, are considered to be incorrect. They will come down on someone's age - and you will be recorded in the "Ajdzhists" (Age in English - age), that is, you allegedly discriminate with the elderly. We emphasize someone's nationality - will suspend in an obsessed attitude towards ethnic minorities or immigrants.

Probably, therefore, the award, which is awarded in the United Kingdom, the most deserved, outstanding and exclusive useful society, simply build a hero on that step, where many centuries ago were the noble member of society - knights and ladies. Become a large cross or lady of a big cross - a huge honor. And what to say, if you have received this award you can have your own coat of arms with the symbolism of their title. The lady of the Big Cross will be in front of his name title ladies, and the Knight of the Big Cross - Sir title. So, the performer of the Nanny role in the legendary Hollywood musical "Sounds of Music" is called Lady Julie Andrews. The same honorable title has an actress Judy Dench, which embodied in many films about Bond Boss Agent 007 - irresistible "M".

No less honorable to become a knight-commander. It was this title that Her Majesty honored, for example, American Bill Gates. It is noteworthy, however, that in free from this kind of "titular prejudices", Gates cannot be called "Sir William". He cannot be called so in Britain, until - and if it does not decide to become a citizen of the United Kingdom or other subordinate to the monarch territories.

Nevertheless, foreign citizens have repeatedly honored the highest British awards. Including our wonderful compatriots. For more than 90-year history of the Order of the British Empire (established in 1917 by King Georg Fifth), this award of different degrees was handed over to the heads of states, military personnel, artists, innovators and inventors. The military order of the British Empire was awarded many Soviet soldiers and officers who participated in maritime battles during the second world and providing vital assistance to allied Britain.

Honorary Knights-Commander of the Order became in 1987 Cello Mstislav Rostropovich. In 2006, in Moscow, the Great Britain Ambassador handed the British Empire for the best screen image of Sherlock Holmes to Aktera Vasily Livanov. The "officer" degree of order was awarded the chief editor of the Moscow Bureau of the Russian BBC Konstantin Eggert.

There have been cases when the Order "took away". Such an Afront occurred in 1965 with the intelligence Kim Philby, when it became known that the laureate of the Order would be happy not only about his fatherland, but also about the interests of Moscow.

And it happened that from such a great honor awarded refused themselves. The accepted has already been an award scandalously returned at the ideological and political reasons for Bitle John Lennon. But Paul McCartney was dedicated to the knights and proudly goes in srah. Not accepted the awards from Her Majesty and the writer Rabindranat Tagore.

What is May Day for modern Chinese? First of all, this is another opportunity to relax, visit relatives, stroll through shops or even go to a short-term journey.

In China, May 1 - public holiday, day of workers. It is given three weekends. True, a couple of years ago, the festive holidays stretched for a whole week. But then the authorities changed the schedules of the weekend, calculating that seven days are too much, and in the end, only three remained.

And now few people remember, because of the short-term vacation. Ask young Chinese why the whole country notes the day of workers. Well, if one of ten remembers that on this day in 1920, for the first time in Beijing and Shanghai, workers demonstrations were held, and since 1949 this day was officially enshrined as a public holiday. Although "Maevki" - processions with red cloth, transparencies and festive concerts are still alive, perhaps no longer on such a scale as it was 30 years ago. Nevertheless, it is this day that day in China is made to reward the frontiers and the most distinguished workers.

In the PRC there is a two-level award system - at the province or city level (Beijing, Shanghai) and the state level. The first step is "Honorary Worker," and followed by the "Honored Worker". And there is no separation on the areas of employment. For example, both Shakhtar and Teacher, and the astronaut will receive the same award.

And professional holidays in China are just three - the day of the medical sister (May 12), the day of the teacher (September 10) and the day of the journalist (November 8).

The most revered is the day of the teacher, since this profession with antiquity is one of the most respected. According to tradition, various solemn events are arranged, the first persons of the state attend schools or universities, which once themselves ended. Parents of students are trying to thank the teachers in every way - often an advance. True, in China, it is not customary to give flowers, but they are pregnant gifts or Hongbao - red envelopes with money. The scale of offering is so great that the authorities have already become interested in this issue. And some of the most conscientious teachers in 2010 made a petition with a call to their colleagues to abandon the gifts. In their opinion, all this discredits the moral appearance of the teacher in the eyes of others. Although most are unlikely to consider it bribes, since the gifts are elders - it does not matter by position or by age - are a centuries-old Chinese tradition.

As such, tradition is widely celebrated, professional holidays do not exist here. Therefore, a simple Bulgarian, for example, is hard to explain the Russian tradition of bathing in fountains on the day of airborne.

In Bulgaria, they are massively marked, perhaps, only four professional holidays - the day of the student (December 8), the day of the Bulgarian army (May 6), the day of Slavic writing and culture (May 24), who is also the day of the teacher, and the day of the vineyard "Trifon slaughtered" (The 14th of February). Especially Bulgarians tight on May 24 and "Trifon slaughtered."

The holiday "Trifon is slaughtered" (emphasis on the last syllable) goes with its roots almost in antiquity. On this day, any person relating to the viticulture or the production of wine is obliged to go early in the morning in the field to personally express reverence to the Holy Trifone, the patron of the vine, call him into his vineyards for better harvest. Moreover, in different regions, it cuts the vine in different ways: somewhere only bushes at the edges and in the center, somewhere all the vine. Then the grapes choose the king of the vines, decorate his head with a wreath of grape branches and go a festive procession on the village.

The hostess of the house, who has stopped the procession, should bring a jug of wine, treat the king and a retinue, and the remainder of wine to pour over the king. In turn, calls on the Holy Trifon to provide such a vintage of grapes so that "the lands were not visible."

When Eastern Germans remember the professional honors and holidays, the Germans western are perplexed.

What is a teacher's day or the day of metallurgist, the day of the builder or day of the food industry worker, well know all the indigenous people of East Berlin. The Western Berliners say that until the unification of Germany was always surprised by strange holidays in the calendars purchased in the east.

And to distort the names of some unusual professional holidays, such as the day of the employee of housing and communal services, it was already difficult for them. Imagine the essence standing behind this is even more difficult. Just as for the Eastern Germans, it is now unusual to live without old, by the way, one to one copied from Soviet, professional holidays.

Does German brewers or railway workers never arrange days in honor of their loved ones? Oddly enough - no, although representatives of all professions have their own associations, they function as trade unions protecting their labor rights. National "Sabantua", however, none of the professionalization has never coped.

Notes for the merits of representatives of certain professions in Germany is also not accepted. A federal order for merit from 1952 to 1966 was handed over 50 years of work experience, but then the Germans moved away from this form of encouragement. Professor Loyets explained: in the understanding of trade unions, the most important reward for work is a timely and worthy monetary reward.

The Order of Merit is awarded for special advances in politics, industry, culture and sports. Every year it receives about two and a half thousand Germans and foreigners. Suggest a candidate for the Order may in principle any. It is only necessary to send a letter to the Senate Office of the Federal Earth at the place of residence of the candidate. The names of foreign applicants can be called in the German Foreign Ministry. It was this way that Vitaly Klitschko's nomination was held, who received a federal order for merit in June of this year.

In front of me, the text of Vladimir Markovich Sanina, a famous Soviet writer. In it, the author raises the problem of dedication. Let's grow out about the relevance of this text.

Reflecting on the above problem, V. M. Sanin writes about the case that occurred at the East Antarctic Station. The head of the expedition proposed to leave the technique and to fly into peaceful, but Gavrilov decided to remain, despite the weather conditions ("when the thermometer column fell and lower and lower").

With him there was almost the entire crew. They stayed to complete the started, helping each other and knowing that, having happened, and no one could help them. This problem is very relevant, because it is sometimes very important to be selfless.

The position of Vladimir Markovich is clear: no one should leave anyone in trouble, if you have the opportunity to help. "Dehydration" - Sounds Proud. Not everyone can decide to see the fear in the face for others. Whether friends, colleagues or even family.

I believe that selflessness are heroes, there must be more to give an example to others. I am sure that then Russia will become more powerful, because dedication is able to rally people, and this is very important.

This problem was reflected in the story of Maxim Gorky "Old Man Izergil". The hero of this work, Danko made a very selfless act: brought people from the Dark Forest, covering them the way with their sacred hearts. He did not doubt him for a second in the correctness of his decision, because for him the mainstream was the salvation of human lives.

Also in the story of Boris Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet" reflected this problem. Osyanina, Komelkova, Gurvich, Fourth and Brichkina are five beautiful girls who selflessly stood on the defense of the Fatherland. They died with a heroic death in order to live on our country to be only a peaceful sky.

In conclusion, I would like to once again note that the problem of dedication is very relevant, because it often happens that without it can not do without it. People, please do not be egoists! Perhaps someone needs exactly now in your help and dedication!

(322 words)

Updated: 2018-03-02

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