Preparing for pregnancy for a woman and a man. Pregnancy planning and men's health. Gynecological examination

According to statistics, only 20% of women are planning pregnancy, in 80% it is not associated with the preliminary preparation of future parents. How and in how many months do you need to start preparing for conception for a successful pregnancy?

Most married couples do not always manage to plan for a baby. But if thoughts about his birth have already appeared, it is necessary to begin early preparation. Expectant parents, especially mom, need to get in shape: get rid of bad habits, pass the necessary tests, correct weight and change the diet to a more correct one.
Depending on the number of factors that can harm conception and gestation, it is necessary to prepare for pregnancy from 3 to 6 months.

Step # 1: health diagnostics

Before planning a pregnancy, a woman needs a consultation with a gynecologist. The examination will help to identify possible diseases that are important to have time to cure before conception.
Both parents-to-be are strongly encouraged to undergo tests that reflect their health status: complete blood count, urinalysis, biochemical blood test, blood test for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and smears to detect sexually transmitted diseases.
An important nuance of preparing for pregnancy is vaccination against rubella and chickenpox. These diseases can cause fetal malformations, premature birth, or the death of an unborn baby. Vaccination is recommended for women who have not had rubella and chickenpox.

Sperm cells mature within 2.5-3 months, so the future dad during this
time it is not recommended to undergo X-ray examinations.

Step number 2: recovery of the body after hormonal contraceptives

Prevention of conception with the help of hormonal drugs should be discontinued at least 3-6 months before the planned pregnancy. Until 3-4 normal menstrual cycles pass, gynecologists advise to use a condom to protect themselves. This recommendation is related to the influence of hormones on a woman's reproductive function and minimizing the risk of their reflection on the unborn child.

Step number 3: quitting bad habits

For 6-9 months from the expected pregnancy, a woman must give up all bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs increase the risk of miscarriage, can lead to serious defects in the development of the fetus, brain damage, affect drug addiction in a child, or cause sudden infant death syndrome.

Step # 4: eating right

The nutrition of a woman planning a pregnancy should be balanced and healthy. 2-3 months before conception, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of coffee to a minimum and include in your diet foods rich in zinc, B vitamins and containing folic acid: fresh herbs (excluding parsley), cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes, peas, beans, whole grains, bran, seeds and nuts.
Proper nutrition will help regulate your weight as well. After all, if it is excessive, the risk of diabetes and hypertension is high. And women with insufficient body weight run the risk of not realizing their dream of motherhood due to exhaustion at all, since their ovulation processes slow down or it is completely absent.

Step 5: changing treatment for chronic conditions

Pregnancy planning for women with diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland and kidneys is complicated by taking medications. In this case, 5-6 months before the onset of the desired pregnancy, a consultation with the attending physician is necessary.
It may be necessary to revise the course of treatment in favor of those drugs that can not harm fertility and have a negative impact on the health of the fetus.

Goal: healthy and happy pregnancy

It is believed that thought is material. If so, then the married couple, at least six months before the planned pregnancy, need to more often discuss the upcoming event in their family: guess how the pregnancy will go, a girl or boy will be born, assume the habits of the future baby ... A positive attitude and a healthy lifestyle will help to approach the moment of conception prepared both physically and mentally.

Expert: Irina Isaeva, obstetrician-gynecologist
Elena Nersesyan-Brytkova

The material used photographs owned by

The task of a woman dreaming of a healthy child is to find a good father and take care of her own body. Pregnancy planning begins a year in advance, at least 6 months in advance, in order to be able to get rid of hidden diseases and treat chronic ones, give up bad habits, and morally tune in to the upcoming changes.

A strong baby in a healthy body

The first step is to consult a gynecologist or family doctor. Examination of the thyroid gland and genitals, digestive tract and heart. Blood tests for sugar and hormones are mandatory, because sometimes the expectant mother does not realize that she has a tendency to diabetes, or an excess of testosterone.

Pregnancy is not a fairy tale, and for all nine months a woman will not flutter with happiness. A developing organism is a colossal test for the mother's body, because the child needs calcium, vitamins and minerals, which he takes from the parent. During this period, old problems are aggravated, the risk of earning several new diseases increases. A woman who decides to give birth to a baby must take care of her own health so that the pregnancy proceeds with minimal complications.

So, during preparation for conception, it is worth taking tests for:

  1. Worms, which are present in almost 90% of the world's population;
  2. Toxoplasmosis, if a cat lives in the house, or you often have to contact her;
  3. Sexually transmitted diseases, because some are transmitted not only during intimacy, but also in a household way: through handshakes, kisses (even on the cheek), hygiene items, for example, a towel;
  4. AIDS, even ladies who trust their husbands 100%;
  5. Rh factor of spouses. Sometimes this particular point becomes the cause of premature birth, or miscarriages;
  6. If there is a family history of relatives with genetic diseases, it does not hurt to find out how likely it is to pass this problem on to the child.

Little troubles
The expectant mother will not hurt to go to the dentist's office and cure all the teeth affected by caries. During gestation, the enamel receives less calcium, and due to toxicosis it becomes thinner. Bacteria develop more actively, an inflammatory process begins, which risks developing into pulpitis or other unpleasant things.

Vaccinations and medications
Rubella, mumps, measles and chickenpox threaten the life of the mother and the developing fetus. They can lead to deafness, diseases of the brain and nervous system of the child. The tests will help determine if a woman has antibodies to these infections. In their absence, it is necessary to get vaccinated at least 3 months before conception.

Those planning a pregnancy should refrain from certain hormonal drugs, antibiotics and other drugs, due to which babies are born with pathologies.

Conscious choice

During pregnancy, not only physical health is tested for strength, but also the woman's nervous system. Morning toxicosis in the first months, weight increases, and the shape of the figure changes. Someone feels more confident and attractive when others become depressed.

The belly will grow, there may be problems with nails or hair, you will have to change your wardrobe, and try to remain calm when another relative tries to touch the “cute belly”. An expectant mother should learn to treat all changes and problems with humor, or at least with understanding, not worry about trifles and tactless people.

Psychological tricks
You can draw a table with two columns: in the first one, write down all the disadvantages of an interesting position and fears associated with bearing. Fill the second with pleasant associations and thoughts, the advantages that pregnancy gives. And if there are more disadvantages, it is worth postponing the conception of the offspring. If you won the pluses, you can safely proceed with the implementation of the plan.

Material base

A child is expensive. A pregnant woman has to undergo regular tests and an ultrasound scan. Plus proper nutrition for the expectant mother, changing wardrobe, choosing a good clinic and qualified doctors. You can use the services of free specialists, but in most cases, a modest gratitude is the key to a careful attitude of obstetricians and an easy delivery.

Few of the parents who think about the child understand how much money will have to be invested in the development of the baby. The money is needed for additional examinations that help to find out how healthy the fetus will be. For the renovation of the room for the nursery, and the purchase of supplies for childbirth, as well as the baby itself.

A stable salary plus savings for a rainy day is a guarantee of peace of mind for a pregnant woman. After going on maternity leave, she will not have to worry about where to get the extra hundred rubles to buy bread, or from whom to borrow money for a caesarean section (if she suddenly needs it).

Stress-free means a healthy baby, a reduced risk of premature birth, or the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, it is worth saving for pregnancy, as for buying a car or a vacation at sea.

To smoke or not is the choice of the woman herself, but if she thinks about procreation, there is only one option: to quit. Nicotine is heart defects, low weight, delayed fetal development. You should give up cigarettes 4-7 months before conception, giving the body the opportunity and time to cleanse itself of tar and recover.

The father-to-be is advised to forget about the existence of nicotine for at least 3 months in order to improve the quality of sperm. The ideal option is to throw away the pack of cigarettes and never return to them, because a woman in a position is contraindicated to be in the same room with a smoker.

We are for sobriety

The second bad habit is alcohol. No hard drinks 4 months before pregnancy. An exception is a glass of wine, but you shouldn't even get carried away with red or white. Smart women do not need to be told about the risks of alcohol or drug abuse. And adult men understand that they are also responsible for the health of the child, and together with their beloved they switch to freshly squeezed juices and mineral water.

Power in food

The diet of a woman who has decided to give birth to a child deserves special attention. The daily menu should be rich in vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. It is necessary to abandon rigid diets and fasting 6 months before conception, so as not to deplete the body. There is a list of components that a woman should receive daily, and in sufficient quantities.

Calcium (prevention of osteoporosis and tooth loss):

  • Whole milk;
  • Natural yoghurts;
  • Cottage cheese and cheese;
  • Kale;
  • Beans;
  • Broccoli;
  • Diet fish;
  • Fig;
  • Seaweed;
  • Almond.

Iron (prevention of anemia and oxygen starvation of the fetus):

  • Chicken and red meat;
  • Beef liver;
  • Yolks;
  • Black chocolate;
  • Dried pears;
  • Prunes;
  • Nuts;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • Oatmeal (not to be confused with instant varieties).

Folic acid, or B9 (for the prevention of miscarriages and the normal development of the child):

  • Hard cheese;
  • Cod liver;
  • Asparagus;
  • Peanut;
  • Boiled or raw beets;
  • Brussels sprouts.

Useful cereals, fresh vegetable salads, fruits and berries, vegetable oils. It is advisable to avoid fast food, margarine, fried foods and animal fats.

Weight category

You need to lose body fat a year before the planned conception, adhering to proper nutrition, or a strict diet. It is mandatory to consult a doctor so that losing weight does not provoke gastritis or ulcers.

Important: Having achieved the desired indicators, you need to fix the result for at least 6 months, and try not to lose kilograms and not get better.

For girls with a fragile physique bordering on anorexia, a diet for gaining muscle mass (not fat) is recommended. Thin women, as well as overweight women, find it harder to bear a child without being saved.

Physical exercise

Sports are a great option to prepare your body for 9 months of pregnancy. Running develops endurance and breathing, strengthens the back and legs. You can visit the pool, sign up for fitness or learn yoga, which is also practiced while carrying a baby.

Strength training isn't the best option. It is advised to give preference to cardio workouts. It is advised to pay special attention to the abdominal muscles, and to pump the abs for at least 15 minutes a day. Due to physical exertion, the body remains in good shape until pregnancy, and after childbirth, it quickly returns to its original parameters.

Specific complex
Women will benefit from Kegel exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the vagina. Girls who have mastered this complex can more easily endure the process of childbirth, with minimal injuries and ruptures. You can do it at home, or find a center where a special trainer will teach you all the subtleties and show you how to work with simulators and without.

Father's preparation

It is useful for a man to follow a diet with his wife, give up beer while playing football and undergo an examination. You can not visit the bathhouse or sauna, high temperatures are harmful to sperm. It is recommended to give up synthetic underwear, and regularly walk with your beloved in the fresh air.

The future father does not interfere with preparing mentally for the difficulties that he will have to overcome during gestation, as well as after the birth of the baby in the family.

Pregnancy is associated with certain risks and inconveniences, it is not as fabulous as described on women's forums. But if you prepare properly, 9 months of bearing a new life will fly by quickly and without complications.

Video: planning a pregnancy

When planning the birth of a child, you need to take care of your health! At this stage, you will have to change your usual lifestyle and give up some habits. Planning a pregnancy is a great opportunity to improve your health. Make it a goal to follow a healthy lifestyle, not only during this period, but the rest of your life. If you are planning a pregnancy in the next few years or months, or perhaps already in an early stage of pregnancy, remember that by taking care of your health, you are taking care of your baby's health.


Part 1

Consultation with a doctor

    Check with your doctor. When planning to conceive, be sure to consult with a qualified specialist: a gynecologist or midwife. You will receive important advice and advice related not only to lifestyle changes, but also to carrying a pregnancy.

    Get vaccinated if needed. Talk with your doctor to find out which vaccinations you need to get. This is very important because if you get measles or another infectious disease shortly before your expected due date, there is a risk of infection in your newborn, which can have serious consequences. It is best to get vaccinated to reduce the risk.

    Get tested for STDs and STIs. Every woman planning a pregnancy should be aware of the possible consequences of sexually transmitted diseases in order to protect the unborn child from contracting STDs. If tests show that you have an STI and STD, you should, even before pregnancy, take up treatment to prevent intrauterine infection of the fetus, which can cause delays in its development, as well as death inside the womb. Don't let misconceptions about how you get infected keep you from getting tested. Even if you are one hundred percent sure that you are not a carrier of STDs and STIs, just get tested!

    Tell your doctor about any chronic medical conditions you have. Get a complete physical examination to rule out the possible risk of complications that you may face during pregnancy and childbirth. If you suffer from high blood pressure, then you should be under constant medical supervision. High blood pressure during pregnancy can cause fetal death, premature placental abruption, and several other problems.

    Part 2

    Changing your lifestyle

    Part 3

    Proper nutrition
    1. Drink plenty of water. Water is very important to you. Many pregnant women underestimate the need for proper drinking regime during pregnancy. Most likely, you have heard about frequent urination during pregnancy, make sure that the necessary balance of water in the body is maintained.

      • The average person should drink 2 liters a day. However, a pregnant woman, like an athlete, should drink more ... perhaps even up to 3 liters a day. This will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.
    2. Your diet should be high in folate. During pregnancy, the need for folic acid increases significantly. It has been scientifically proven that folic acid helps to protect a still-born child from the development of serious pathologies. Start taking folic acid before pregnancy. You can take it as a dietary supplement or by including folate-rich foods such as greens and whole grains in your diet.

      Eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet. If you eat a lot of unhealthy and dangerous foods, such as certain types of seafood (high in mercury), then now is the time to eliminate them from your diet. Foods high in fat, sugar and toxins such as mercury can negatively affect fetal development.

      Follow the correct, balanced diet. Eat healthy foods. Your body must receive all the nutrients that are essential for the proper development of the fetus. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Remember, the more green vegetables and fruits you have, the better. Kale is much healthier for a child than celery. The same principle applies to fruits. Ditch sugary apples in favor of oranges, which are a great source of vitamin C.

    Part 4

    Strengthening the body

      Switch to a gentle training regimen. If you are accustomed to exercising, giving all your strength and energy while planning a pregnancy, you should reduce the intensity of your exercise. High-intensity training can negatively affect your health, even if you are in early pregnancy. Give preference to light sports like swimming instead of torturing your body with vigorous strength training.

    • As you can see, there is nothing difficult in preparing the body for pregnancy. It all comes down to one thing: good habits and a healthy lifestyle. There is no need for strict adherence to a diet, and from time to time you can treat yourself to a cookie or a slice of cake. However, remember everything well in moderation!
    • Consult your doctor. He can help you make important decisions that will affect your health and that of your child.
    • Take care of your skin. Using body lotion can cause irritation. Use products that will be an excellent prevention of stretch marks.
    • Maintain consistency. Following healthy habits can be difficult in the beginning, but over time it will become a part of your life and will benefit you not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth.

Almost all women have only one question, as soon as they think about preparing for pregnancy - where to start? They begin to receive useful advice in almost all directions - from doctors, older relatives, girlfriends, and work colleagues. At the same time, it is difficult for a person who is far from medicine to separate useful recommendations from harmful and even hazardous to health. Therefore, first of all, one should focus only on information received from medical professionals.

Currently, preventive work in obstetric practice has been raised to a high level, which has provided an improvement in the health indicators of newborn children. This is due to the introduction of an effective prenatal screening system, which includes a unified methodology for examining and managing women planning pregnancy. Such a serious approach to work eliminates the multifaceted nature of diagnostics by doctors, providing early detection of the most common diseases and conditions.

Unfortunately, preparation for pregnancy is still completely voluntary, so only a small percentage of women take full advantage of it. For the rest of the share, the planning process is either completely absent, or is limited only to general measures. Consequently, the main goal at present is not to improve the methods of pregravid training, but to maximize the dissemination of information about it.

Activities related to common factors begin as early as possible before the planned conception - about 6 months. They should be carried out by the girl herself if she represents or observes the elementary principles of a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, she should contact the prevention office of the polyclinic or antenatal clinic to get the necessary recommendations.

First of all, factors that have an absolute pathogenic effect on the reproductive system are excluded. Moreover, it is their complete elimination that is important:

  1. Bad habits are a real evil that poses a direct threat to the health and life of future offspring. Therefore, a woman should completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol both at the time of planning and for the entire period of bearing and feeding a child. Better yet, get rid of addictions forever.
  2. A similar statement will go to any narcotic and potent drugs, even if they were taken long before conception. If the drugs were injected, then the woman can be infected with viral hepatitis or even HIV infection.
  3. Any chronic diseases, especially those requiring continuous and constant treatment, require repeated monitoring. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, a girl should contact her doctor and consult on this issue.

The exclusion of absolute pathogenic factors is the first step, which must necessarily be carried out within the framework of pregravid preparation.


Well-organized rest provides not only a subjective improvement in well-being, but also affects the systemic metabolic processes. And the normal course and completion of pregnancy largely depends on the hormonal background, and the stable work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Therefore, to eliminate failures in their functioning, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • First of all, a woman planning to conceive needs a sound and full sleep. In this case, the night rest should be at least 8 hours, during which the full recovery of the body is ensured. Otherwise, lack of sleep immediately affects the functional state of the nervous system, which also affects the overall hormonal background.
  • It is necessary to exclude the influence of external stress factors - to exclude any conflicts at work or within the family. Excessive excitement will also negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system.
  • If the profession is associated with exposure to harmful chemical, physical or biological factors, then you should change your job as soon as possible. Some substances, getting into the body, are retained in it for some time. Therefore, the period of their removal can take up to several months.
  • Mental stress at work, or a work schedule with long or night shifts is also not suitable for a woman who is starting to prepare for pregnancy. Therefore, you should either change your profession, or temporarily not work.

Particular attention should be paid to these points for girls who have problems with conceiving a child. Sometimes only lifestyle changes are enough to eliminate functional disorders in the reproductive system.


When it comes to this side of everyday activity, only strict diets always come to mind. Although there is a downside to the coin - some women decide that absolutely everything can be eaten within the framework of preparation. After all, a variety of food will only benefit the growing child. When planning, just the golden mean is important - to make food varied enough, but not excessive:

  • First you need to take exclusionary measures - foods and dishes that are harmful in all respects should disappear from the diet. These include any fast food dishes, semi-finished products, any meat and pickled canned food, carbonated drinks.
  • The attitude towards sweet products is also skeptical - but it makes no sense to prohibit them at all. Therefore, it is recommended only to reduce the consumption of sweets to a reasonable extent.
  • It is recommended to increase the amount of lean red meat in the diet - beef or lamb. They ensure that a sufficient amount of iron is supplied to the body, which is necessary to prevent the development of anemia in pregnant women.
  • Another mandatory step is nutritional vitaminization. It is carried out by increasing the amount of fruits, herbs and vegetables in the diet. Their daily consumption should be at least 400 grams.

The way you cook must also change - frying and baking must take a back seat. You need to replace them with more useful methods - boiling, stewing or steaming.

Physical activity

Physical education is used not only to increase the tone of the main muscle groups, but also to improve the well-being of a woman. At the same time, a complex effect is produced on the body, ensuring its full preparation for pregnancy. To avoid confusion in the planning of classes, you should indicate only the general principles of their organization:

  1. Pregravid training is not the time to start professional sports. Its purpose is only a tonic effect on all body systems. Therefore, any workouts accompanied by heavy lifting or even accidental impacts are excluded.
  2. Classes should be regular, not periodic. Therefore, they are necessarily held daily.
  3. The training program is designed in such a way that all exercises do not take much time. A workout of no more than 30 minutes is ideal.
  4. The preference is given to outdoor activities - regular walks or race walking. But running is already an excessive load for the female body. In the cold season, workouts can be supplemented by swimming in the pool.

The ideal option is morning exercises combined with a walk for at least 40 minutes during the day.

Special events

Self-preparation can begin long before the planned conception, but a few months before this event, you should contact the antenatal clinic. Now, within their framework, preventive rooms have been created, allowing a married couple to quickly undergo examination and counseling. In the absence of aggravating factors, it includes the following stages:

  • Initially, the doctor collects information about the health status of both women and men. This is necessary to supplement the diagnostic minimum with the necessary laboratory and instrumental examinations.
  • Then, if the couple has no signs of infertility, then the woman undergoes a full preventive examination. For men, the examination is limited only to analyzes that exclude the carriage of venereal infections, as well as chest fluorography.
  • After receiving the results, the doctor decides further tactics - if any changes are detected, the violations are corrected. If the analyzes are in order, then only general recommendations are given.

Depending on the identified pathology, the preparation time may increase. And some diseases discovered as part of planning even become a contraindication for pregnancy.


Preventive examination, which is part of pregravid preparation, serves as an effective way to detect latent chronic diseases. Moreover, the main attention is paid to a comprehensive examination of a woman who is to bear and give birth to a child:

  1. Standard techniques - general blood and urine tests, biochemical research, ECG, fluorography - respond well to any disease. Therefore, their change immediately serves as a signal for an in-depth search for externally hidden pathology.
  2. A coagulogram describes the indicators of blood clotting - its change indicates the risk of possible early miscarriages.
  3. Specific tests - for syphilis, viral hepatitis, HIV, antibodies to rubella, cytomegalovirus - are used for early detection of similar infectious diseases. Their identification is necessary not only for preventive treatment, but also for the choice of a special tactics of pregnancy management.
  4. Microbiological and cytological examination of vaginal smears allows you to detect local changes in the condition of the external genital organs.

If any deviations are determined within the framework of the survey, then their correction is a mandatory stage in preparation for the upcoming conception.


Most of the chronic diseases that occur before pregnancy are usually dealt with by local therapists. And within the framework of the antenatal clinic, only two main conditions are usually corrected that prevent its normal bearing:

  • The most common are various inflammatory processes in both the external and internal genital organs. For their treatment, specific therapy is usually used - antimicrobial drugs. After the correction, a second examination is carried out to assess the result.
  • With the same frequency, there are various hormonal disorders, accompanied by a change in the cyclicity of the reproductive system. Their elimination already takes much longer - full treatment rarely takes less than 3 months.

When there are no visible obstacles to the onset of pregnancy, the doctor only prescribes some drugs for prevention. Their purpose can reduce the risk of developing congenital anomalies in the fetus.

Additional support

The modern pregravid preparation program includes a planned appointment 3 months before the planned conception of certain medications. Their additional intake into the woman's body serves as a factor that protects the child from the negative influence of harmful external and internal factors:

  1. Almost all regions of Russia are in the zone of conditional iodine deficiency, which can only partially be replenished with the help of a balanced diet. During pregnancy, the lack of this element is especially acute, which affects the development of the baby. Therefore, continuous intake of potassium iodide (Iodomarin) in a prophylactic dose protects the child from such disorders.
  2. Folic acid serves as the main protective factor that ensures the normal development of tissues and organs of the growing fetus. Its lack is reflected primarily in the baby's nervous system, often causing fatal anomalies in its development. Therefore, its reception is recommended within 3 months before conception, and the same time after it.
  3. Now iron preparations are also included in the list - but they are recommended to be taken only with borderline or low hemoglobin numbers found in the course of preparation.

The dosage and regimen of taking these funds is determined by the doctor to whom the woman planning pregnancy came. It is not recommended to carry out such actions on your own in order to avoid dangerous mistakes.

"I am pregnant!" the woman exclaims when she sees two stripes on the express test. Changes in lifestyle begin, visits to the doctor and pondering of further plans. This usually occurs in the 4-6th week of pregnancy, which are decisive for the formation of the baby's internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for conception in advance, and this includes not only medical aspects.

Lifestyle change

The reproductive cells of both partners are sensitive to adverse influences, from which they must be protected at least three months before conception (or better, six months). To do this, you should revise your lifestyle and make adjustments to it.

Getting rid of bad habits

First of all, expectant parents will have to part with smoking and alcohol.

  • Tobacco smoke contains harmful components that prevent healthy conception. Secondhand smoke is also dangerous.
  • The sex cells of partners are adversely affected by alcohol addiction. This habit increases the risk of intrauterine malformations in the fetus, and can lead to premature termination of pregnancy. The male reproductive system is depressed by the consumption of beer, the reason for this is the estrogen-like compounds in the drink.

Cessation of smoking and alcohol should be mutual, and this should be done at least three months before the intended conception.

Diet adjustments

In order for the developing fetus to receive the necessary substances in full from the very beginning of pregnancy, the diet of the expectant mother must become complete even at the stage of planning conception. It is necessary to revise the daily menu, guided by the following principles:

  • Exclusion of fast food, semi-finished and canned food, smoked meats, foods containing dyes, preservatives and trans fats. Carefully reading the information on the packaging about the composition of the purchased product should become a habit.
  • Restricting foods based on simple carbohydrates: sweets, confectionery, white flour baked goods.
  • The amount of caffeine consumed should not exceed 300 mg per day.
  • Increasing the consumption of fresh vegetables and herbs, medium-fat dairy products, nuts, seeds. You should not get carried away with sweet fruits: it is enough to eat two large fruits per day.
  • Enriching the menu with products with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (fish and seafood - at least 350 g per week).
  • Eating at least 120 g of protein per day.

Proper nutrition will help bring weight back to normal: both overweight and excessive thinness are unfavorable for conceiving and carrying a baby.

Vitamins and Minerals for Diet Enrichment

In preparation for conception, the daily diet must be additionally enriched with vitamins and microelements.

Women planning a pregnancy, no later than three before the onset of this event, are recommended to take folate in a daily dose of 400-800 mcg - these are the recommendations of the World Health Organization.

It is advisable to choose multivitamin complexes, along with folic acid containing vitamins B6 and B12, necessary for its full assimilation. Taking this vitamin is important just before pregnancy, since its deficiency in the body is fraught with the formation of serious intrauterine pathologies, such as neural tube defects. The highest risks of their occurrence occur in the first 28 days of fetal formation.

Expectant mothers living in iodine-deficient regions (these include up to 95% of the populated territory of the Russian Federation) are recommended to receive from 150 to 250 mcg of iodine per day. A man in a similar situation is also shown to take iodine, the daily dosage is 100 mcg. You can use iodized salt in your daily diet (according to GOST 13830-91 and R 51575-2000, it contains 45 μg of iodine per 1 g of product).

It is advisable for Russian women to take vitamin D in preventive doses during the period of preparation for conception: this is due to the total lack of exposure to the sun.

Conditions of professional activity

Parents-to-be should pay attention to the conditions in which they work. The following factors are unfavorable:

  • toxic chemicals (mercury, lead, pesticides);
  • ionizing radiation;
  • biological factors (antibiotics, hormones, specific drugs).

A specific work schedule can adversely affect the health of future parents: work at night, irregular working hours, business trips associated with a change in climate and time zones, a negative psycho-emotional climate in the team.

For men, it is harmful to stay in rooms for a long time where the air temperature exceeds 37 ° C, as well as to work in a hot workshop. It is advisable to minimize overheating of the reproductive organs (using the car seat heating function, visiting a bath).

Physical activity and sleep

During pregnancy, the female body experiences considerable stress, and it is better if it is prepared for it. It is advisable to devote at least 20 minutes of physical activity a day.

Dosed aerobic exercise (light jogging, brisk walking, cycling) will increase endurance, improve the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Swimming, yoga, Pilates classes will be useful.

The expectant mother should pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the back and abdominals. This will allow you to avoid unpleasant manifestations during pregnancy and quickly restore physical shape after childbirth.

Women preparing for motherhood should not get carried away with intensive workouts that deplete the body.

Parents-to-be need adequate sleep for at least 8 hours. It is advisable that it begins no later than 22 hours. If possible, you need to give up work at night.

Health status and preparation for pregnancy

Especially carefully you need to approach the planning of conception for women with chronic pathologies: any of them can affect the bearing of a child. There is also the opposite pattern: pregnancy affects the course of the disease, and sometimes it becomes unpredictable.

When deciding on conception, you should immediately consult with your doctor, discussing the possible risks and consequences of pregnancy with a specific disease.

A separate topic for conversation is medications taken by the expectant mother. You may need to adjust the dosage, change the treatment regimen or make a substitution - not all medications may be safe in the context of an impending conception.

It is important that the onset of pregnancy coincides with the period of maximum possible remission of the chronic disease.

Preparing for pregnancy: the material side of the issue

The birth of a baby implies a redistribution of family budget funds. You should not immerse yourself in a feeling of anxiety about your financial situation in the near future, instead, you should think about everything properly.

  • Already at the stage of making a decision on the birth of a child, it is advisable to start creating a cash reserve - a reserve fund. The best option is to open a savings account to which a certain amount will be regularly transferred.
  • The birth of a child means that the family budget in the near future will consist of the income of one parent. It makes sense for expectant mothers and fathers to gradually get used to living on less money, so that this fact does not cause a stressful situation. Ideally, arrange a "rehearsal" for the upcoming distribution of expenses, spending one of the salaries, and putting the other aside in the reserve fund.
  • If the family has debts or loans, it is advisable to pay them off before pregnancy.
  • A woman needs to find out on what conditions she will be granted parental leave, to clarify the list and amount of payments due in this case.
  • Today, many young mothers work remotely, managing to master a new profession during maternity leave. When preparing for pregnancy, you should study the remote job market and decide on a possible direction of activity.

It makes sense to discuss the material side of the upcoming replenishment of the family at the family council. For a young mother, not only help in monetary terms will be valuable: perhaps, it will be possible to leave the baby with one of the relatives for several hours a day so that the woman can devote time to part-time work. A stroller, a bathtub, a highchair - these baby accessories can be passed on to new parents "by inheritance".

Pregravid preparation

Specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology recommend that all married couples, no later than 3 months before conception, undergo pre-conception training, aimed at determining the health status and the degree of preparedness of partners for the upcoming event. When carried out in a timely manner, it reduces the risk of complications associated with pregnancy and childbirth.
Pregravid preparation is necessary for both partners: a man and a woman equally endow the child with genetic material, thus bearing responsibility for his health.
The first visit to the doctor begins with the formation of future parents' motivation to prepare for the upcoming pregnancy and the associated lifestyle adjustments.
To determine risk factors, the doctor conducts an initial examination of the couple, which includes:

  • Collection of information about future parents, including information about the characteristics of the course and outcome of previous pregnancies, operations in the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Physical examination: measurement of anthropometric parameters followed by calculation of body mass index, blood pressure, heart rate, determination of the ratio of waist and hip circumference.
  • Gynecological examination of a woman, accompanied by taking smears.
  • Tests for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (both partners take them).
  • Laboratory analyzes of urine and blood (general clinical and specific: antibodies to rubella, HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis). Among others, it is mandatory to determine the Rh factor (if a woman has a negative one, it is necessary to establish the Rh factor of the partner). If necessary (the specifics of nutrition, the presence of pets, the peculiarities of the profession), a test for antibodies to toxoplasmosis is done.
  • Instrumental examinations: ultrasound of the pelvic organs (it is performed on the 19-21st day of the menstrual cycle, ultrasound of the mammary glands (done on the 5-11th day of the cycle). Women over 35 are prescribed mammography on the 5-11th day cycle.
  • Consultations of highly specialized specialists, the need for which is determined individually. An examination by a dentist and an otorhinolaryngologist is required. If one of the partners has close relatives with a genetic pathology, or there are already children with similar diseases, you will need a consultation with a geneticist.

If not all is well, a more in-depth examination and treatment and prophylactic measures are carried out. It happens that in the course of pregravid preparation, a pathology is diagnosed that the woman did not previously know about.

Preparing for pregnancy is no less important in life than pregnancy itself. The health of the expectant mother and her child, as well as the psycho-emotional situation in the family, depends on it. Preparatory activities will take time, but they will more than pay off after the birth of a healthy baby.