Proverbs about the house of different nations of the world. A HOUSE IS NOT A HOME: English proverbs about the house

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The house is not to weave.

Without a host - the house of the orphan.

Houses are not visiting: Singing, you will not leave.

Every house owner holds.

In your house, as I want, so and spoil.

Although the ears sail, yes to be at home.

The house is painted by the owner.

Mount to someone who lives in the house.

What will be born in the field, everything in the house will come in handy.

And the walls in the house help.

Carrying to the house, not from the house.

Houses and walls help.

Do not take it out of the hut.

Better at home there is no nothing in the world.

My home is my castle.

Bring a bodie in the corner.

House for two, wife - for two.

In every hut your toys.

Do not rub in the corners, but Krasnu Pies.

At the sin of corners, the house is not worth it.

The sand is not built on the sand.

All roads lead to home.

Hole than poorer, the more crowd.

Well, who in his house.

In his house do not bow to anyone.

The house is not strong, and Lada.

That pancake in honey, then the hostess in the house.

Without owner, the house is an orphan.

What is the owner - such and the house.

If the house is all upside down, it means that the owner in it.

Where the owners in the house there are many, there is no sense.

Without Trinity, the house is not built.

Houses that hare hills.

Thanks to your home, and now let's go to another.

Do not buy a house, but buy a neighbor.

My hut with the edge, I do not know anything.

Homeless dog who sheltered, the owner.

What should we build a house.

There is no mistress in the house, in people is not a guest.

In the house hanged about the rope do not speak.

In the house there are such seats that there are subferences everywhere.

In the house owner more than archroads.

In the house of Makara Cat, Mosquito Yes Moshka.

House 6Es prize - pit.

House without a host - Syrotinka.

HOUSE WORK - Do not brass.

HOUSE WORK - not sleeve shake.

The house will find.

House house does not indicate.

The house is small, but you do not lie.

House is not older than the owner.

The house smells the smoke, and the coffin is Ladan.

Build a house - not to wear a cap on the head.

House with children - Bazaar, without children - grave.

The house is good, yes the owner of the NA GOG.

The houses are infused, and in people crazy goes away.

Houses - in principle, and visiting the bed.

At home, all the spores, and especially live worse.

Houses - as I want, and in humans - how to be told.

Does not sit at home, but the guest is not called.

There is no house, and the home will be.

At home some bones: at least eat, even gap, at least put in stock.

Pan houses, and in humans is a boy.

You will stand at home, you'll sit on a visit.

At home to sit - do not sit down anything.

Houses of the stoma of the ethoma, and visiting and oats do not eat.

Houses of the wall help.

At home and not hunger, yes a gift is the roads.

House prices do not stand.

Houses of soup without cereal, and visiting the head in the ruble.

Home thief will not be lit.

Homemade thief is more dangerous.

Home guest does not condemn.

Home calf better overseas cow.

Home Duma dear is not suitable.

Home penny is better than the arrival (go) ruble.

The holiday is not great, but it's not to sit down.

We will lead a lodge - not to shake, but you need to bring ends with the ends.

Home to live is not a ridder to walk.

The house is small, but not to sleep.

Houses and straw eating.

Badly, who has a disorder in the house.

The house is the root, and the side is the praise.

House - full bowl.

House - bowl of bowl.

House - pit: never fill.

House without a prize - pit.

House lead - not a beard shake.

HOUSE HOUSE - Do not shake out - everything must be plucking.

The house is high, yes under it sand.

The house for the facade is built.

Home home and requires.

House house, and the house for nothing.

House house is not a decree.

House buy indoor, caftan shyta, and the wife is not bad!

The house does not matter: wait, so burns.

House hostess is waiting, and the owner is a host.

The house is good, yes the owner of Nemega.

Houses - Rooster, on the street - chicken.

Homes to live - not to do it.

Houses on the furnace everyone in honor and in honor.

At home, the hand and foot sleeps, they did not sleep on the road and the head.

Houses are all the day.

Homemade thoughts on the road are not suitable.

Homemade hryvnia is better than the departure.

Home Kopeck - Outside Ruble.

Home and horses cheer run.

You will come home - you will find bread-salt.

Botties - do not fall aside.

Home to live - do not curb ears to walk.

To the house to live - to truly truck about everything.

Proverbs about the house:

The house is like a complete bowl. Do not lapti weave. In a good guest, and at home is better. Do not visit the house: Sidewings, you will not leaving. Doesing the marriage to the house tastes, lose weight from the house it is not upgrading. Do not help. . To live - do not curb ears to walk. Dome for the facade is built. The house will be preteral, but it's not to lie. Doom's house, and the house for a gift. The pit: never fill a house - not someone else's house: you will not leave the host. - Sirota. If, leaving the house, get hooked, - Soon again there to be. Childish Hood house, yes the roof of a strong one Yes, it's underdeveloped. Along the bay, nor the prisoner. Nasha Nesba not exactly heat: on the furnace heat, on the floor Cold Lookit Yes, the sky is covered. There are Khoromina Zhutu, and Shtiuyu's fur coat. He is red to the corners, but Krasnu Pies. Not a house owner colors, and the owner of the house. Horoshi choir, yes no defense. Bush on the bitter legs. Along the cola, nor the courtyard, nor suburbs. Great to the one who lives in the house. The one who has a lot of things in the house. Hosteen in the house that the bear in Boru is an old friend, but the new home! At seven winds, eight streets. The way is covered, the wind is fenced. He is in the house, and God in the house. For example, it is that in the hut there is a stove. Thank you to the local house, it was to go to the other. Not no disaster. And everything is head that love is expensive. It is nothing in the house. Dogs to lure. Kushka da Baba is always in the hut, but a man yes dog is always in the courtyard. The calka is a native uterus. However, to live anyone who has nothing in the house. Successful houses Lunch. With a Corripes in Courish Legs. There is a corner - your spacious. In someone else's house, do not condemn it! What is at home, such and yourself. Hardwheel and guests are happy. Look, everything is in tricky. What is happening in the field, everything is born, everything will be born in the field Svinnaya snorkening snapshots. In the Sickie field, yes for a pitch and houses with a knife, yes for a knife. It is covered with a native uterus.Nube is covered, the field is fenced. He is on the house of Mr., and the house for Mr. Doba Sit - not to sit down. Bowl of the bowl. And the mouse in your mink drags Cork. Nasha Tornynya with God is not an argument: in the yard warmth, and we have a warm room. Anywheel is tightened with a straw Great to the one who lives in the house. Girl Hood house, yes the roof is strong. Sulat - another hill IOC, which is not needed and castle. Who, Iduchi home, turns into the house of a quarrel ready. And it will be born that neither at home, nor in people do not suit. Money is a lot - the mill is the mill; Bread Many - Pigs Creek! The owner holds every house. In the big house, which is not enough, Togo is not. He screams near the house - to the newborn. Everyone's head is not covered; Without my wife, the house is not the roof. Horoose the house, but the hell lives in Nymuzgan House: Three Cola, and in the middle of the head. In someone else's house, to visit - in my rot on a log. The mistress is bad. One room - everywhere house. The yard is that the city, the hut - what Terem.

The British rightfully deserve the reputation of the nation of the departed households, and the traditional English interior, made in restrained tones and the full of cute heart of the details, has long become a symbol of comfort.

Today we will penetrate the holy of the saints of each Englishman, we study English proverbs about the house and try to understand what place the home of the heart is occupied in the English painting of the world.

How domestic actors belong to the activities of homemade, reflected directly in the language: the unambiguous Russian "house" is transmitted in English by two words "home" and "house", each of which is of particular importance, and in the first saying this opposition is expressed extremely clear :

  • A house is not a home.

Literal translation: The building is not a house.

Russian analogue: Do not say the GOP until you jump over.

Value: "House" for English-speaking is the physical shell and a real structure, while "home" is more likely a special atmosphere inside it, which is born over the years and which must be supported tirelessly. The British are responsible for home comfort on women's shoulders:

  • Men Make Houses, Women Make Homes.

Literal translation: Men build buildings, and women turn them into home.

Analogue in Russian: The shopping house is worth.

Value: In the understanding of the British, it is the tenants of the house who give him a sense of comfort and fill it with his feeling of "courtiness":


Literal translation: The house becomes beautiful when good people live in it.

Analogue in Russian: Do not rub in the corners, but Krasnu Pies.

Value: The British even to the question of choosing a house are suitable with a sober mind, realizing that even the most luxurious Georgian mansion will not be cozy, if it does not have a special relaxed atmosphere and feelings of "at home", which appears only if well-being reigns in the house:

  • GRACE Your House, And Not Let That Grace You.
  • Owner Should Bring Honor to the House, Not The House to the Owner.

Literal translation: Do an honor to your home, and not wait for your house to present you in the advantageous light.

Analogue in Russian: No house owner colors, but the owner of the house. Without the owner yard and sire and widows.

Value: Today the house has become a symbol of luxury, way to demonstrate wealth and confirm its position in society. Nevertheless, the palace may seem empty and unfriendly, while the cleveless shack can warm the heart with memories of the house. It is no coincidence that they say:


Literal translation: Whatever the poor there is no dwelling, there is nothing better at home.

Analogue in Russian: Housing with a lochot, and living with marigolds.

Value: Initially, this phrase was a string in the song "HOME! Sweet Home! ", Which was banned in the United States during the period of the Civil War, as he brought nostalgia about the house and provoked mass desertion. Over time, this expression has become common in itself and understandable without context. Yes, and in general, the feeling of homesickness - longing the hometown is familiar to everyone, because even if we are experiencing an adventure on the other end of the Earth, every night thought is invariably returned to the native eagle. The British do not know what it seems to be, so confirming:

  • The Wider We Roam, The Welcomer Home.

Literal translation: The more we wander, the desire to the native home.

Analogue in Russian: Some of my own side. Home and horses cheer run.

Value: The house for the British became the embodiment of the key concept of the English mentality - Privacy, the inviolability of the sacred personal space. Interference in what is being done "behind closed doors" is strictly believed:

  • Curiosity Is Ill Manners in Another's House.

Literal translation: Curiosity in someone else's house is the appearance of an uncompatory.

Analogue in Russian: In every hut your rattles.

Value: The British tremendously relate to the observance of decency and the manifestation of respect and tolerance to the private life of any person, rightly noticing that

  • Those Whose Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones.

Literal translation: Living in a glass house stones should not be rushed.

Analogue in Russian: Do not point to a foreign courtyard with your finger, otherwise you will point out on your pods. Others do not judge, take care of yourself.

Value: The secrets of personal life cannot be subject to evaluation or censure, because hidden from prying eyes and familiar space of the native home should give a sense of security. That is why some ancestors of modern British tend to think that:


Literal translation: The one who wants everything to be safely should not leave the house.

Value: The way out of the predictable home environment for the British is equal to the exit from the psychological comfort zone and the appearance of a feeling of threat. In other words,

  • Far From Home is Near the Harm.

Value: Nevertheless, sometimes even in their hometown is impossible to feel safe, especially if conflicts are raised inside the house and misunderstanding. Spent in the home circle weaken each family member:

  • House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand.

Literal translation: The house, divided by itself, will not be.

Analogue in Russian: I will not break the broom, but on the rod, the whole broom will break.

Value: This biblical expression from the Gospel of Matthew gradually simplified and entered into a daily use, but did not lose his assessed force. In addition, in addition to internal conflicts, there is always an external threat to home well-being:


Literal translation: When the house is open, even the righteous will sin.

Analogue in Russian: Where it lies bad, there and the thief looks. Do not put bad, thief in sin does not enter.

Be careful to the safety of your dwelling, keep home comfort and more often go from home to recompose the threshold of your home home and make sure that IS No Place Like Home.