Wedding congratulations touching to tears are a great addition to a gift. Beautiful poems to tears on the wedding day

Dear guests, I invite everyone to drink for a kiss! After all, it was invented by a resourceful man who did not find any other way to close the woman's mouth.

Great happiness at any age is to unite your lives in a marriage union! Now you have someone to rejoice with, someone to drink, someone to say a word to, and someone to look after. And we all rejoice in your happiness. After all, the family is like an oasis in the indifferent desert of our life. So let's drink to the long and happy life of the newlyweds and wish them health, understanding and respect for many years to come! Bitterly!

Life for you is a wide road,
Hundreds of miles of path.
You are now on the doorstep of happiness,
The wedding is the door to enter.
So open this door wider
To make it bitter from wine
To be the best couple in the world,
To drink happiness all my life to the bottom.

Gold rings are put on
There is a seal in the certificate ...
Well, young spouses,
We wish you this day?
So that the music sounded in the house,
So that it is not boring together,
Live together, I wonder
So that happiness is - the house is full!

And only at the wedding let it be "Bitter!"

Dear newlyweds ...!
On this solemn and festive day
Congratulations on your Wedding Day.
Happy combination of loving hearts,
Families of Creation!
We wish you with all our hearts - joy and happiness.
Let the misfortune pass you by.
May cherished dreams come true
Stored in the cozy corners of love
And a song of kindness, understanding and peace
Let the beautiful lyre play for you in spring.
And the foliage will be green
Two Wedding gold rings.
Natural picture with the wind scatter
But yours - may it remain forever
In the Constellation of good luck and warmth,
Prosperity, hopes and fiery love.
You are the masters of the universe yourself
Your Destiny; united and sacred.
And remember this to the end,
Having covered your hearts with love.
Smiles meeting day after day.
Patiently answering insults.
And the appearance of a new life
Let the long-awaited continuation
Connections of two beautiful souls.
Let the husband be the defender.
The wife - with a reliable strong rear.
And so that the good never passes away.
Live swimming in gold
Champagne pouring over sweet.
And keeping mutual loyalty
Do not lose love through the years.

What to wish you?
Of course - happiness!
It is everywhere: in flowers, in dreams,
Sometimes in music, sometimes in bad weather,
Sometimes only in dear eyes.
May trouble not touch you
So always be happy!

Happy wedding day, we congratulate you,
We wish you success and happiness!
Live well, love each other,
After all, from this day on you are a spouse.
Divide everything in life, friends, in half -
And labor and anxiety that you will meet.
Let your life flow like a river
On the way that knows no barriers!
And let over your head
Only three constellations are burning:
One constellation - Love.
The other is Fidelity and Happiness,
And the third is simply Kindness.
Let them sparkle over the family
To make your dreams come true.

For you young
Golden days
Always and everywhere will bloom
So that they are memorable
Those days are dear
When they call you family.
Live in agreement.
Love each other
May life be full of happiness
Keep tenderness
Raise kids -
For this we will drink to the bottom.
So that life is young
Don't live in vain
So that there was something to remember
We wish you a wedding
Your gold
Celebrate with a huge family!

People don't meet by chance -
It means that heaven has connected you.
We wish the young today
So that love does not extinguish their fire!
Keep your feelings anxiously,
Carry your tenderness through the years
Together you raise your children
And never leave again!

On the wedding day, love is usually desired,
But I wish you fairy tales from heaven,
May everyday life fill love with joy,
Let your life shine with rays of miracles!

I wish that feelings strengthened over the years,
Filled with happiness, smile, dreams,
So that souls, like doves, soar in the sky,
So that you love each other endlessly!

A family's birthday is a wedding day.
This is a celebration of endless love for each other,
This is a new important step in life.
Kiss, faithful husband, dear wife!

Congratulations, gifts useful mountain ...
On this day everything is for you, everything is fine, beautiful.
We will shout all together three times: "Hurray!"
To make your family the happiest.

Congratulations on your wedding!
"Bitterly!" I will shout to you
Very important with a kiss
Start your family life!

So that you love each other
I want to wish you
So that they do not know the difficulties,
To go shoulder to shoulder!

I wish the kids cool
Both girls and boys
Wonderful work,
Lots of money and friends!

Your destinies are intertwined like two threads,
On a bright day, a wonderful one.
You are now entrusted to each other,
The main words have been spoken.

You have given promises
In love and fidelity to each other.
And a ring glitters on my hands
As a symbol of a vicious circle.

Now everything in life is halved.
Now another countdown will begin.
No wonder the union of two close souls
Since ancient times it has been called family.

Let our young people know
Secrets of wedding ventures
That the houses are often empty
Storks bring children.
Or leave them in cabbage,
And they often bring directly into the house,
So that there is no calmness, no sadness
It did not start in that house!

We wish you to walk hand in hand through life,
So that neither storms nor troubles scare you along the way,
So that young love only grows stronger over the years.
Remember that people are the smiths of happiness themselves.
After all, nature has so generously endowed people,
She gave us everything, forgot nothing,
Pay tribute to nature and love each other.
As a precious vessel, take care of each other
And then your life will sparkle like a diamond
There will be tenderness, love - and trouble will not happen!

You got married today
For you - a happy day in the world!
Once you have lit a beacon of love,
Then let it shine for you all your life!
Everything turned out the way you wanted,
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on the rings of chastity
Flowers and music are for you!
Walk alongside, together in step,
A beautiful strong family.
Even if it is not an easy road,
But always straight!
To be near in the heat and cold,
For the honor of the family to stand as a wall,
So that the groom was a good husband,
The bride is a glorious wife!
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
And only at the wedding

With all my heart, newlyweds, congratulations
With a wonderful, best day in my life!
We sincerely wish you well-being,
Strong health and joy in everything!
Surround each other with tenderness and affection,
Let the honeymoon last as long as possible,
Be faithful, never part
Let any dream come true!
Create a reliable and strong family,
Live in harmony for many years!
Together, protect your sacred union
And be happy! Love and advice to you!

Congratulations on your legal marriage,
We wish you great happiness.
We are now talking seriously:
May millions of scarlet roses
Lie all the way
What are you going to go through.
And let the bonfire of great love
It burns without extinguishing!
Life is easier to pass with love -
Everyone knows about this.
Achieve agreement in life,
Live to be one hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love and advice to you!

Our dear, beloved! You are now married, you are starting a big, bright road of great love for each other. We wish you from the bottom of our hearts to live a strong, friendly family, so that you have children, so that there is endless happiness, comfort, a positive atmosphere and a good mood in your home. To have a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions, joyful moments and days. Your love has always served as all examples, it is very sincere, ardent, sensitive, affectionate. Never let go of this feeling, take care of each other, walk your life's path in harmony, understanding, live with dignity all the trials that will fall out to you. We wish you harmony, joy, so that your marriage is without marriage! Be faithful, love, live happily!

Glory to the newlyweds! We would like to wish you great love on this significant date, however, you have it. We wish you happiness, but you found it by finding in each other an ocean of feelings and a sea of ​​reciprocity. Then let us wish to live very many days without losing all this wealth, but increasing it. Find in each other not only a husband and wife, but a real friend and girlfriend, gentle, caring, to whom you can tell any secret. Be truthful in your relationship, do not let anyone crush such unbreakable feelings as yours. Get drunk not from wine, but from love for each other, fall in love every day even more, let wings grow behind your back, dream of beauty, and may everything come true, and happiness will never end, and joy warms hearts and souls.

Our dear children! We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day! We are very glad that together with your family we have new relatives. We hope that you young people will show us by your example how different generations and different families can live together. We wish you to create a family where everyone will love each other, where everyone will cherish and take care of each other. We see how much you love each other, how much tenderness you have. We see how much light and goodness you radiate. And we wish you that your family was really a family in its original sense: SEVEN-ME - mom, dad and five children. We wish you so much joy and warmth so that your family will have enough of them, and your relatives and friends will have enough!

A wedding is always an exciting, solemn event, congratulations that sound from the lips of guests should be tactful, a little romantic, kind and sincere.

Congratulations can be said aloud, during a toast, written on a postcard, you can compose yourself, or you can just borrow.

Some of the most popular are congratulations from mom.

She, in her own words, must give parting words, wish happiness, point to the right path.
It is the mother who, as a rule, speaks the most touching words at the wedding.

Congratulations from the groom's mom


1. The greatest happiness for every mother is the birth of her child. The second such happiness we can experience is when our child has a family, because I see my daughter next to my son. I would like to wish the young that in the future they could also stand at the wedding of their children and welcome new ones into their family with a smile.

2. Love and family mean a lot in a person's life. To be able to carry your warm feelings to each other through the years, you must learn to hear each other without words. I wish you that even kilometers from each other, you hear what your other half is thinking.

3. Parents are people who always look at their children and see them as children. When the understanding comes that the child finds his own family, I want to believe that she does not become separate, but only expands the already existing families and there will not be fewer people at the table for the holidays. I wish you to expand your family when your children and grandchildren appear, but not separate from them.

4. The family is indestructible where the husband and wife trust each other, do not argue over trifles, and when condemning exclamations are heard behind their backs, they only hold each other's hand stronger. I wish you always hold each other's hand and feel their warmth.

Not everyone likes to talk for a long time at weddings, so short congratulations were invented for them.

1. I would like to wish you not only long family life, but patience and the ability to build the ship that can withstand any storm during them.

2. Family happiness depends on a woman's ability to smooth out conflicts and a man's ability to hug in difficult times. Let your wife be smart and your husband sensitive, and then you can happily meet old age together.

3. If you want to be happy, you have to make someone like that. I wish you to enjoy not only every new day, but also the coming opportunity to once again say words of love to each other.

4. If every morning, getting out of bed, you are happy with a new day, despite the fact that it is cloudy there, then you made the right choice with whom to wake up with in the morning. I wish you that regardless of the weather outside, your house will always be light and comfortable.


  • To understand how happy you are, you need to wake up in the morning, close your eyes and imagine that you are alone. Completely alone. And then sharply open your eyes and understand that you will never be alone, because now your soulmate will be with you and will always be there. I would like to wish you that you never want, not in a year or in twenty, to close your eyes and enjoy the fact that you can be alone.
  • If you imagine a man and a woman as a hand and eyes, then in the family it should be so that when the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes wept, the hand wipes away the tears;
  • Happy woman sees herself in a beautiful morning without makeup on her face. A smart man makes it so that a woman does not want to wear makeup in the morning. I wish both of you in your family to be wise to each other.
  • Some people get married and think that they are just taking one big responsible step in life. In fact, the share of responsibility that falls on the shoulders of men and women is comparable to only 60 kilograms of gold. You look at them and are happy, but you cannot carry them for a long time. So that the family does not become a golden burden, it is important that both carry this treasure. I wish you to be able to support each other at the right time, so that you can appreciate the full value of your family.

Our dear children!
My husband and I are immensely happy that today we are accepting another child into the family, this time - the daughter we have dreamed of for so long. Sons, this, of course, is wonderful, and in the case of our son, it is generally beyond praise, but only a loving daughter will truly understand, regret, and beautify life. So welcome to us, daughter! I know for sure that my son is the best in the world, which means that only a worthy girl could fall in love with, and I don't worry about you.
From the height of our past family years, I can wish you, dear ones, first of all, patience. Do not wonder. There was everything in our life: love, passion, jealousy, resentment, quarrels, and again love and mutual understanding. All families go through this. It is patience, a willingness to yield to each other in everyday trifles, the ability to learn from mistakes that allow my husband and me today to say with confidence that thirty years ago we made the right decision by uniting destinies. And if it was necessary, they repeated everything from the very beginning, walking hand in hand through life, supporting and forgiving each other in some way. We wish you, too, in thirty years to say the same to your children at their wedding.
We will help you in everything if you want us to help. Always listen to your hearts, and may your love grow stronger day by day!

From the father of the bride

According to one ancient book, when the first man just saw his future wife, he was delighted to write beautiful poems about female beauty and how much this charming girl means to him. How long did his admiration last? All life!
Throughout his life, the man was not only a good head of the family, but also still in love with his dear wife. And she, in response to his feelings, gave him respect and her love. What is the secret of their family happiness? The fact that everyone tried to be the best spouse for each other, a friend, a reliable support in difficulties. And each of them was happy when the other was doing well, because they had common problems and victories.
Since then it has become a tradition that every bride on her day, on her wedding day, is the most beautiful. Her laughter, smiles and looks sparkle with warmth and touching tenderness. Here you are, my daughter, shining with happiness - and making us all happy!
I want this feeling to never leave your heart. And you could enjoy life, peace and love in your home, where mutual respect and an eternal feeling of love reigned. I would like to be dedicated to you, if not poetry, so a pure heart and selfless devotion, and that you accept it with gratitude and complete reciprocity.
This is the only way your family will become a place where you feel good and at ease in body and soul. Bitterly!

Congratulations from the mother of the bride

As a rule, at a wedding, the floor is given to parents on both sides, but mothers of brides approach congratulations with greater sensitivity, since they give their daughters to someone else's house.

My dears, on this unique day I wish your life to become an amazing fairy tale, an unforgettable, exciting journey. May fate save you from sharp turns, insurmountable obstacles, disappointments and falls. Will give an endless series of days filled with happiness and love. Will forever illuminate hearts with mutual understanding. I wish you warmth and kindness. So that you never notice the shortcomings and always value each other's dignity, and from today on together, holding hands tightly, walk towards happiness.

Dear children, this wonderful holiday has come. I want to bless your union with all my heart and wish that life together was filled only with bright colors and joyful moments. May love be eternal and happiness unlimited. Today you have found a soul mate, united two souls into one. I wish that from this day on, the heart of your family will never know sadness, and the word "bitter" sounded only at this wedding. Live together and live happily!

My dear and beloved newlyweds, I wish you only one thing - immeasurable, endless, eternal happiness. May every year and day, every hour and moment of your life together be filled with love, respect and mutual understanding. Give each other only joy, bitter!

Beautiful congratulations:

  • The most difficult thing is to give birth to a child and then realize that the time has come when he has his own family and he leaves his father's house. I would like to wish the young that in which of the parental houses they are not, they always feel comfortable.
  • Today I would like to wish the newlyweds that all the obstacles on their way are surmountable, where it is difficult to cross the river for one to help another, and where it is scary for another, the first instills confidence. The happiest families are created only by joint efforts.
  • To make a marriage happy, you need not only to say what worries you in time, to discuss common problems. You also need to be able to keep quiet in time, and sometimes it is silence that becomes the guarantee of a strong family. I wish you to know the golden mean and be able to always find a common language.


  • I wish you to be together, not only when you fall asleep in the same bed, but also when there are thousands of kilometers between you.
  • The most important thing in life is not only well-being, but also the health that brings it. To be in abundance, it is important that the energy expended by both is appreciated, and fatigue is another reason to spend time together.
  • A wedding for you is another relay race in which it is important not to rush forward, but to look back, whether the other half is keeping up with you. Let's drink to the fact that you can always move on the same level.
  • In order for the family hearth to always burn, it is necessary for a woman to put firewood, and a man to kindle the fire. So the marriage will be strong and understanding in the family will not go away. I wish you that your hearth will not go out in 20 years, but only flare up with renewed vigor.

Mothers are very fond of putting a deep meaning into their words, so they try to speak for a reason, but give parting words, focus on the peculiarities of building relationships, explain the rules for building a strong family.


  • You can say that you love, but not know what it is. You can wait and not wait. You can promise, but forget your promise. I wish you in your family to always fulfill the promise, wait for each other and love from a pure heart.
  • Love is not just a chemical reaction in the body, it is colossal patience, faith in a common future, a desire to create beauty around oneself. I wish the young that they, creating beauty around them, always allow their parents to touch it and not forget their father's house.
  • The greatest happiness happens to us only a few times in our lives. first when we fall in love, and then when our child is born. So I want to wish young people that they could experience this feeling not once or twice in their lives, but experience it every time they were next to each other.

From the sister of the bride

Dear sister, today I want to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, one of the most important in your life - your wedding day!

We grew up together, grew up together, studied and trusted each other with our secrets. You told me the very first about deuces and little childhood grievances. Do you remember how you and I dreamed of beautiful princes who will definitely appear in our lives? And so your prince found you and now stands next to you, as happy as you!

You are so beautiful, you shine with your joy! Your light illuminates everyone around us, and we are all as happy today as you are! Our family rejoices in your happiness and is proud of your chosen one. I love you so much and I am sure - I will love and respect your husband in the same way. After all, if you chose him, then he is worthy of the love of our whole family.

I wish you and your husband a long and happy joint years! May your thoughts, desires and deeds always be common. Take care and respect each other! Everything happens in life: joys, problems, achievements and difficulties. The main thing is that you solve all issues together, help and support each other. Wish you happiness!
Keep your love and trust for each other for years to come!

From the brother of the bride

Dear little sister!

I saw you today in a wedding dress - so beautiful, happy, grown-up - and remembered how little you were brought from the hospital. I will not say that I was delighted to be replenished in the family. It seemed to me that my parents would stop loving me. Besides, I had to be with you. I confess: I ran away, and threw in the sandbox, and spanked. And then on the sly he cried because he felt sorry for you.
You grew up imperceptibly and became my best friend. We had common games, common friends, common secrets. You knew more about me than your parents. She never betrayed me, she never fooled me. I was always proud that you have an older brother, looked at me as a protector. And I tried to match: how much I dealt with your boy classmates, how many cuffs I gave!
And now I disclaim responsibility, because next to you there is a reliable support and protection - your husband. He will take care of your welfare. Son-in-law, I say with every right: you are very lucky with your wife! She is not only beautiful and smart, she will always support, advise, help. Take care of her. And my parents and I will rejoice in your happiness, knowing that your family life is a success. Love each other and know that I am the first in line for your golden wedding!


Despite the seriousness of the situation, you can always joke in congratulations. Such toasts are very welcome at the table to defuse the atmosphere.

With humor:

  • If children are born in a family similar to the father, then he must be given a medal for his efforts, if dissimilar ones are born, then for not interfering. So let's drink to the groom to receive a medal for his efforts with each new child.
  • Dear newlyweds, today you are so happy that you completely ignore all the stories about family life. That's right, even if marriage is called a loop, then let it be around two necks of delicate flowers. The main thing is that none of you have an allergic reaction to pollen.

To keep love in the house, a woman must remember a few rules:

  • smile and idolize your mother-in-law;
  • do not ask your husband for a paycheck;
  • wait for your loved one from work and feed him on the first charge.

So let's drink for the bride to have the patience for all this!

From the bridesmaid

When parents have said their word, usually close friends and girlfriends who want to congratulate the young on this event take the microphone.

Beautiful congratulations:

  • I would like to wish the young that all their dreams someday become a reality for them, that impossible tasks seem like an example with one variable, and the word love becomes a guarantee of prosperity and understanding in the house.
  • Any woman will be happy with her man if he knows when it's time for a kiss. I would like to wish that every time you start quarreling with each other, you replace words with strong kisses that would only strengthen the relationship.
  • The most difficult thing in marriage is to keep the thrill of the first meetings and withstand the onslaught of everyday problems. I sincerely wish that this young family, despite its youth, could show how strong, indestructible and independent it is.
  • I am glad to congratulate the newlyweds on this outstanding event in their life. I would like to help them with all my heart so that they achieve their goals by joint efforts, can experience the joy of being parents, always come in abundance and enjoy every new day.

Heartfelt congratulations

Everyone knows that the bride and I are best friends. But do any of you guess that even as a child, we vowed not to fall in love and not get married? Then, at the age of 17, after thinking well, we decided to change the oath promise. Marriage was recognized as possible, but a general decision was made: to get married on the same day. And what do I see? The oath is shamelessly broken, my beloved friend is getting married, and I am already superfluous. But I'm not offended! Over the years of our friendship, we have become sisters, but who will be offended by a loved one ?!
I sincerely congratulate you on the best day of your life!
In the face of all honest weddings, I solemnly swear to win the bride's bouquet today, and soon jump out in marriage. I swear to regularly visit the newlyweds, listen to the complaints of both, and meet the first-born of the young from the maternity hospital.
Dear ones! Seeing your closest friend happy is a real joy. I admit: you can be successful in everything and have a wonderful girlfriend, but all this is far from true happiness if there is no loved one around. My girlfriend was lucky to meet her love, and I am sincerely happy for her, although, to be honest, it's still a little bit BITTER!

Original, unusual congratulations

I will not congratulate the bride: she is already the main person at the wedding, and for many of those gathered here. And even though my congratulations do not apply directly to her, I am sure she will be very pleased.
I will congratulate her mom. The culprit of the occasion is smart, kind, beautiful! To become like this is work, and my mother's great merit in this. It was you who made your daughter the way we all know and love her. They were an example, brought up a real Man. You are not only a mother, but also the best, closest friend for our bride.
Thanks to you, she chose such a wonderful man as her husband. And thanks to all that you put into your daughter, this man loved her. Usually daughters leave their parents, but our beloved friend did the opposite: her husband became an important part of your common family. After all, good people are attracted to each other. By the way, take a look at how emotionally and close we are celebrating together: this is the very attraction in the center of which the newlyweds and their mothers.
There must be many people like you! When the young have children, I know exactly who they will look like - like the mother of the bride with her wonderful character.
I wish you that your daughter will continue to be like you. Thank you for today's holiday. Thank you for being exactly the way we know you and love you sincerely. Congratulations, BITTER!


  • One poor fellow, when he was returning home from work, came across a bandit in an alley. He demanded from him that he give him the wallet or he will say goodbye to his life. After a little thought, the man gave the wallet. Let's raise our glasses so that in this family only the bride has the right to take away the purse, and the groom would give his life to her voluntarily.
  • Dear groom, let's hope that the fairy tales about the stork remain in your memory, as an extra reason for your parents not to talk about it. This bird is harmful, to whom the children flies like a neighbor, so do not make a mistake yourself. Let's drink to the children!
  • One day, two lions ran across the savannah and stumbled upon a thatched house. There was a skin on the floor in his room. One lion, seeing her, shouted: “Let's run! This is the mother-in-law! " so I want to drink to those mother-in-law, whom the sons-in-law are not afraid of.


  • I wish the young people to see the sun through their window, even on those days when it is cloudy outside.
  • I would like to wish the young people that on their way the road is always straight, the sun always shines overhead, and a green light is on at the traffic lights.
  • With all my heart I would like to wish that storms do not happen in the family harbor, that it is always quiet and calm there, so that one would like to return to it again and again.
  • "I wish your love to bear fruit, and best of all, if there were both a son and a daughter."
  • “My congratulations to the newlyweds. From the bottom of my heart I wish them that they enjoy each other's presence and do not look for replacements on the side. "
  • "I wish that no matter the distance, there is always an invisible connection between you, which would allow you to communicate in a dream."

From the groom's friend

At the wedding, everyone who is close to the newlyweds tries to say a few words to them, pay attention and be sure to express their feelings. After the bridesmaids, the groom's friends take the floor.


one elderly couple was asked how they managed to survive until the golden wedding without quarrels and resentments. As it turned out, they had only a single bed all their lives. So let's drink to small beds.


  • Let's drink to marriage, it is a source of great wisdom!
  • You can live your whole life with one person and get bored every day when he leaves for work. I want to wish the young people that they do not cease to miss each other, even when the separation lasts no more than two hours.
  • When we go to school, we realize with horror that we will have to gnaw on textbooks for 10 years. When we get married, life gnaws at us for the rest of our lives. If you try very hard, then at school you will be awarded an A, and in life you will be infinitely happy.
  • The morning after marriage is like a parachute jump. It gets very scary, but after a while you get used to it and you start to have fun. Let's drink to the understanding in the family, which would bring this pleasure.


  • I wish you, dear ones, that everything works out for you, you do not know the sorrow of disappointment, you smile more often and always stick together.
  • Love! Keep the peace at home, do not let quarrels enter it.
  • It's nice to return to the house if you know that there are other slippers beside the bed, besides yours. Love and appreciate each other!
  • To be absolutely happy, you need not only to be loved, but also to be able to love. I wish you that you will surround each other with care and value your relationship.
  • It is not always important what the weather is outside the window, sometimes it is much more important what is going on at home. I wish you that the sun always shines at your home.
  • "Let the sun ray please you with its warmth today, the laughter of loved ones is heard around, and happiness never leaves you."
  • "I would like to wish you not only to be constantly together and never part, but also the ability to appreciate the opportunity to be always there."
  • "I would like to congratulate you on this bright day in your life and wish you mutual patience and understanding, no matter what difficulties you have to go through in the future."
  • "I wish you all the very best, bright, warm, joyful, and that all this was every day in your home."
  • “I would like to wish you sincerely happiness, love, understanding for each other, patience. So that you will always be a reliable shoulder and support for each other. "

Wedding humor

You can't do without humor at a wedding. Recently, the most popular are the congratulations over which you can have fun laughing at the entire wedding table.

With humor:

  • Usually men choose either smart or beautiful, but our groom has an unusual taste, he decided to kill two birds with one stone and chose a beautiful and smart one. Now she will correctly calculate the balance of the wallet and protect her husband's nerves in the morning.
  • One thief decided to rob a bank and leave traces of his mother-in-law there instead of his fingerprints. Let's drink to good sons-in-law, because a good son-in-law cannot think badly of his mother-in-law.
  • Today, you definitely need to drink for a kiss, this is the only real way to close a woman's mouth when she screams.
  • You probably know that only good people become happy. Groom, everyone here knows for sure that our bride is a very good person, which means that the rest is solely on your shoulders.

Congratulation is the best way to characterize the relationship of a person to the newlyweds. Through it, you can convey your blessing, direct you in the right direction, point to traditional family foundations.

Congratulations are always aimed at conveying only positive emotions, feelings, therefore, its content is thought out as carefully as possible.

And, if it is difficult to come up with something on your own, you can always borrow a congratulation.

An interesting story awaits you about what are the signs for a wedding.

Young family, I congratulate you!
And I'll tell you simply, without pretentious phrases:
Cherish each other, no matter what -
After all, love is work, because love is not a movie!
Help each other, protect from troubles -
Let the light burn in your house of trust!

A short

We wish you to go to the very end,
Be a strong support for each other.
Let your hearts beat in unison
God protects you from every illness.

He is strong, smart and honest,
Like a knight brave, sweet with family,
Once he was alone in the world
I wandered around, I looked around the ladies.

She is a beautiful princess
Mila, kind to everyone around,
She carefully kept the key to my heart
From evil, alien, treacherous hands.

Fate is the mistress of other people's lives -
And fair and smart
Has crossed the paths of two
And brought them together,

2 hearts that were strangers
Suddenly they trembled, and the world froze ...
She always loved him
And he always loved her!

What a miracle,
2 hearts beat as one
One eyes, closed hands,
One soul, one love.

Let that moment freeze forever
Keeping a holy feeling,
Fate was immensely generous,
Having done such a miracle.

Good luck, happiness in your marriage,
Warmth, care and love
Until the sun goes out
And all the lights will not go out!

Today you, worrying and blushing,
Said the word "Yes" to each other,
So let it warm your hearts,
And joint years will be tender.

So you squeeze your palms anxiously,
And let your hand in hand lie all your life,
Found each other among a million
And this happiness must be cherished!

Two hearts merged into one:
The knock of love, adoration, dreams.
We wish to go through life
Only in time, with mutual desire!

Sometimes it will not be easy for you
You just need to hold hands.
And fight for your happiness
And say goodbye for a moment!

Wedding, rings, smiles, flowers,
Family birthday - start, start
Save this moment in your hearts
You met each other forever!

Today you have become a family
What I congratulate you on,
Now under a roof under one
There is your piece of paradise!

I wish you, holding hands,
Go through life slowly
Do not know sadness and separation,
Let the soul sing with happiness!

Let love in hearts live forever
And every day, year after year,
She let you endlessly
It always leads only forward!

Stealthily moms wipe away tears ...
Their children have grown up, they have created their own family.
It's not so easy to believe moms
Congratulations to your children on the Wedding Day!

We are gathered here to wish you happiness,
Carry your love through the years
And in your life, divide everything in half,
Give each other joy every day!

Our century is short - remember this,
Love every day and every hour!
May your union be filled with light
And the angels keep better than you!

You have been looking for each other for eternity,
And finally you have found.
She's like an angel, just flawless
And from her adrenaline in the blood.

He is a knight with a good soul,
He will always come to the rescue.
And pulls to her, the only one, dear
After all, you are a particle of the greatest love.

Eyes are burning, with the fire of holy love
And tears, only from happiness
I wish the young:
Do not know you dashing troubles, bad weather.

Let the engagement rings remind
You this day, in a time of sorrow
And so you can remember one day
That you once promised in vows.

May your love be strong
And understanding for you always reigns
The joint path will not be difficult
Let love solve all the burdens!

In love, in agreement, in trust in each other
You, holding hands, went to your dream,
All together on the shoulder - bad weather, thunderstorms, blizzards,
When the nightingale sings sonatas in my soul.
May weddings be a bright day
Happy will be the date
And you will walk on every anniversary,
Love and faithful marriage will be holy forever,
We wish you prosperity and nice kids!

Today you have become a family
Love forever tied you
I wish that the star is always
Passion has always shone above you.

You divide everything in half,
Then happiness is still sweeter,
A jerk on the shoulder together
And the fate of adversity is not terrible.

Let your wonderful union
Cheerful children's laughter will decorate
Let the family hearth burn
And never let it go out.

A wedding is a big celebration where close relatives of the bride and groom, best friends, good friends, acquaintances and even colleagues gather. Each person, being invited to a wedding event, thinks about how to congratulate the heroes of the occasion. The classic way to express your feelings about marriage is a toast congratulation - it can be parting, funny, solemn.

Especially popular are touching toasts for a wedding, which cause pleasant emotions in those present, and sometimes can bring to happy tears. Choosing this type of toast for congratulations, you need to remember that although it should move the hearts of those present, it must not be too sad or "heavy" for perception.

Touching wedding toast options

When choosing a touching version of a toast for a wedding, guests should be guided by the following parameters: a short speech duration, a capacity of congratulations and a pleasant message of wishes. Such a toast can be individual, contain a story about a husband and wife, or have the form of a parable. Classic versions of congratulations for a wedding with wishes of happiness, love and a strong family are not excluded. Read below a selection of interesting touching toasts with congratulations to the newlyweds.

Toast to the wedding about the engagement ring

Dear friends! In the morning, many of us who visited the registry office with the newlyweds witnessed how the couple exchanged rings. It is not for nothing that this piece of jewelry has become a symbol of family life, because it conceals a hidden meaning.

  • Wedding rings speak of love and fidelity, because during the wedding, the bride and groom wear them so as not to take them off again.
  • The shape of the ring tells about the eternity of this love: look, this jewelry has neither end nor beginning!
  • And also this wedding accessory is made of pure gold, and gold is known to be a strong material.

I want to raise my glass to the heroes of the occasion and say: dear spouses, may love be eternal, faithful and as strong as now, during the wedding! Bitterly!

A touching toast for a wedding about travel

Dear newlyweds! On the day of your wedding today, you embark on a long journey together on the ship of family life. On this path, you will sometimes be overtaken by storms and thunderstorms, and sometimes it may seem that you have lost your course. I wish you that a guiding star always burns in your heart, which will point the right direction, lead to a quiet, beautiful harbor, and the name of this beautiful star is love.

Toast to the wedding about love

There is no greater happiness than watching the union of two loving hearts. If everyone is destined for their own half, then there is no doubt that on this day two parts of the whole were reunited so that they will never be separated again! Finding each other in this world is a huge success that comes with good people, so you really deserve it. May the union be strong and strong, and love, fun and good luck never leave your home. Bitterly!

A touching toast about a musical instrument

The family is the most complicated musical instrument. They say that the hardest thing to learn is to play the violin - supposedly you need a perfect pitch. Nonsense! It's really hard to hear and understand each other when fatigue or resentment interferes, that's where “perfect hearing” is needed! They also say that tuning a flute is a task for the most perspicacious people. It is not true. To tune communication in the right way, if something suddenly did not work out - the true dexterity of the mind. And recently I heard that the only instrument, the possibilities of which are endless, is the organ. But this is far from the truth! After all, two people who perfectly own a musical instrument - a family - can play the most amazing, expressive and touching melodies! I want to wish you, dear newlyweds, that you get sincere, pure music without disharmony and falsehood! Strong family to you! For you, newlyweds!

A touching honeymoon toast to a wedding

Now you have entered into a legal marriage, the first chapter of family life begins after the wedding - a honeymoon full of love, romance! And the second chapter is the whole future life together, including living together, having a child, raising grandchildren. The first part does not last very long, but it is in your hands to break the rest of the book into chapters, turn each into a kind of honeymoon! We wish you pleasure and love, no matter how hard it is at times to cope with adversity. Bitterly!

A touching toast about a fairy tale during a wedding

From childhood, we were told that all fairy tales end sooner or later, after each we have to return to reality. Looking at you, I see real storytellers who create magic around themselves, illuminating the lives of others with light, warmth, and joy. It's so good that even at that age you managed to remain children, you have not forgotten how to be surprised, to live carefree, fun! Let your life remain this beautiful fairy tale filled with the magic of love. For you! Bitterly!

Toast during a wedding about real happiness

Someone finds happiness in money, someone happily builds a career, and the newlyweds managed to find happiness in each other, we are watching this all tonight. This is the best thing - to find your person, because money is easy to lose, a career can be destroyed at any moment, only love, loyalty and respect are inexhaustible. Congratulations to the married couple with real happiness! Bitterly!

A touching toast about giving back during a wedding

We were fortunate enough to witness the moment when two loving people were united in marriage. All those present get great pleasure from what is happening, because so much effort was spent to organize such a chic holiday! This is the basic principle of giving: while delighting others, the heroes of the occasion see the sincere smiles that the wedding guests turn to them.

I wish you, wonderful newlyweds, that you do not forget to give each other all of yourself without reserve, then you will receive as much happiness as you need, even more! Thank you for an example of true love and giving!

Video: a touching toast to a wedding from a friend

Truly touching toasts can be said by the parents of the bride or groom, close friends, girlfriends, because they have gone through a lot with the newlyweds, they know them well, witnessed the birth and then the development of love relationships. Speaking at a wedding with friends with a toast, you can talk about your feelings about the event, show the joy that the heroes of the occasion managed to find each other. Watch the video in which a friend says a touching congratulation to her wife:

On the site you can find other wedding toasts from a friend who will move or amuse the bride. When choosing a touching congratulation, you need to make sure that the guests are interested in listening to it, before that it is advisable to rehearse your speech several times in front of the mirror. In case of good preparation, your toast will become one of the pleasant events during the wedding, and the memories of it will delight the heroes of the occasion for a long time.

Congratulations to the wedding in prose

Newlyweds, love each other, respect, keep your feeling like
shrine! May in fifty years your eyes shine as much as
today. Let your house be full of children's laughter, joy, kindness and
well-being. Live in perfect harmony, appreciate every minute spent
together. I wish you happiness for many years!

Congratulations on your wedding day in prose

I want the life of our young people to be as beautiful as a rainbow,
appearing over the snow-white peaks of the mountains after the rain. And let your
life path will be like this rainbow, the same joyful,
shining and beautiful! I want a toast for you to walk this
the road of life, holding hands, and enjoying each other's company.

In prose, congratulations on the wedding

Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I want to wish you to love,
respect and protect each other. May your family life be
as bright, cheerful, happy, full of positive emotions as
your wedding day. I wish you family comfort, warmth, joy, care and,
of course, kids!

Congratulations to the wedding in prose to tears

Dear newlyweds! I wish your family happiness to be protected
holy guardian angels: Faith, Love, Hope. Let lead you along
life is your great love, may trust in each other accompany
your relationship, and hope will never leave you in difficult times.
Happiness to you!

Touching congratulations on a wedding in prose

You have managed to become not just two halves of a whole, you are
it is the same whole that is indestructible and indivisible. You are beautiful
couple and it is a great honor for me to be present at such a touching,
a romantic and emotional celebration of your love. You today
create your family, and I want to wish you harmony, understanding,
mutual support and unquenchable love. Become for each other
support, protection and happiness. Let you have one soul for two.

Beautiful wish for a wedding in prose

Dear newlyweds! Today the bonds of marriage have tightly bound you together, making
the closest people to each other. Let the thread that connects you
will be strong and will never break. Let your home be filled
sunshine and warmth, may love never leave him and
happiness, let the cheerful children's laughter ring in him. Take care of your friend
friend, understand each other, love each other. Always be healthy
and happy!

Short congratulations on a wedding in prose

If a man is persistent, he will definitely achieve what he wants.
female. So let's drink to the desire of men and desire
women matched! For a lasting and harmonious union of two hearts! Bitterly!

Cool congratulations on a wedding in prose

All those present undoubtedly know God's nine commandments: not
kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery, honor your parents, etc.
Do you know the commandments of the feast? Let's remember them! First:
sober at a wedding - a spy, to be at a wedding, but not to be drunk -
sinful. Second: drink a little, but drink everything. Third: who is good
get drunk, he will be well remembered. Let's raise our glasses to these
blessed commandments, time-tested, and we will swear never their
do not violate in the name of the happiness of our newlyweds!

Original wedding greetings in prose

Our dear young people, today is your day! How beautiful you are now and
happy! Remember this sweet moment of love. Let this state
love and tenderness will always be with you. Let in your home
prosperity and abundance reign, and soon it will ring
children's laughter. Live amicably, appreciate and understand each other. Life
alone, live it with dignity, hand in hand, in an atmosphere of love and

Congratulations to the wedding in prose in your own words

Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations on this important life
step that you deliberately decided! Know that life is
a series of happy and unlucky days. And only from you, from your
patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support depends on happiness,
well-being and longevity of your family! Take care of her, take care of yours
feelings and let the cloudy days be as few as possible. Let the little things
family life is not overshadowed by passion and love! Advice to you yes Love!

Beautiful words of congratulation for the wedding

Today I congratulate two people dear to me on the most important
decision - to unite their destinies, to have a wedding and from now on live
together, happily ever after! You are in your prime, love each other, so
step forward, boldly into a new life and know that everything is for you
perhaps, because love works wonders!

Congratulations to the wedding in prose short

Best congratulations in prose to newlyweds for a wedding

Dear newlyweds! Wedding day is a magical holiday that
helps you to enter into family life easily and naturally by doing
her first confident steps. We wish you to walk together hand in hand,
building joint happiness, dividing in half all the joys and troubles. Let be
your life will become full of pleasant, wonderful events for you,
which will give you only positive emotions, and your home
filled with cheerful children's voices. Congratulations!

Cool congratulations to the young in prose for the wedding

Our dear "newlyweds"! Happy birthday to you family.
We are very pleased that we have become guests at this family celebration.
Looking at your happy faces, it is difficult to pick up wishes, because the most
the main thing you already have: love, children, wealth. Ugh, ugh, to
do not jinx. We wish you your honeymoon to last the entire
life, so that your rings do not fade and your feelings do not grow old, so that your
love was your protection from the cruelty of the world around you, so that
It was "bitter" only at the wedding, but in life it was sweet and light, so that you
we lived our lives merrily and amicably.

Sincere words congratulations to the wedding to tears

On earth, you did not meet in vain, it was decided from above. Fate
I brought you together so that you can start a family and take care of each other,
gave the joy of life to your children, because the children in the house are great happiness.
Respect each other, love, trust each other. Let in your home
there will be comfort and warmth. May laughter always sound and smell delicious
pies. May family happiness be endless, like golden
ring - without beginning and end!

Merry congratulations in prose on the wedding

Our dear (Name of the groom) went for a walk in the forest, collecting mushrooms.
Suddenly he sees a rare blue flower. He tore it off and attached it to
clothes. And the flower was magical: it opened its eyes to the treasure. AND
(Name of the groom) has found his treasure - our dear bride. Let's drink to this
treasure, for that, she was always the greatest wealth of her husband.

Comic wish in prose for a wedding

Bernard Shaw said: "Marrying is stupid, not marrying is even more stupid." I AM
I want to wish you that you never regret the perfect
today is nonsense and she became the happiest nonsense in your

Congratulations to the wedding in your own words

Dear newlyweds! Today you bond with each other
marriage. You will live together. So let your life be filled
sun, joy, love and loyalty to each other. Take care of your friend
friend, try to understand each other, experience all the joys and
sorrows. May your union be strong and long, may your house be
filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. Be happy and
are healthy!

Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

How beautiful our young woman is today! Young beauty in a wonderful
snow-white, pure, like love itself, dress, recently a bride, and
now a spouse. See how happy she is today, how
her gaze, turned to her beloved, shines with happiness! What if
if we could look into her heart, then we would see that it is to the brim
filled with love and happiness; there are no words to express completeness
these feelings. I propose to raise our glasses to happiness
it was endless!

Congratulations on the wedding in your own words

Lovely newlyweds! Today is especially solemn for the two of you
day, because it is on this day that you will become spouses. You will do
confidently step into a new life full of bright events. Accept
our sincere congratulations and wishes: good to you, sincere
warmth and joyful days. Keep your hearth so that you live comfortably and
happily. Plant and grow many beautiful trees
children to be proud of. May your union be lasting and
will be the key to your success in life. Remember, you are the hope and
support for each other. Respect and value each of your soulmates!

Congratulations to the wedding in prose

Dear ones, from the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on this
significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot.
The most important thing is to cherish and cherish the feelings that you
feel for each other now. Protect each other, respect, pamper
care and affection. Let no difficulties darken your life.
I wish you more romance and vivid impressions in your life. Be a friend
reliable support and support for a friend in any situation. Love friend

Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you understanding, love, loyalty,
tenderness and great joy. Let the house be filled with sonorous children's
laughter, and the soul sings with happiness!

I sincerely congratulate you on this significant, in all
meanings, an event! I wish you good health, great happiness, rainbow
smiles and fun. May good, warmth, comfort always live in your house
and warm hugs.

How important it is that people find each other, find their love and
half! You have found! I congratulate you on your wedding, on your love, on
new life! I wish you a very strong, faithful, all-conquering love, but also
no less patience and humility! Understand each other, goodbye friend
friend, learn to be together with joy in your heart! Have a nice long days and
hot nights! Not gray, but colorful everyday life and bright weekends and
holidays! Children you have a full home and prosperity!

Congratulations on the happiest day of your life. Today is the day
birth of a new family. We wish it to become every day
only stronger and grew over the years. Let your family be based on
mutual understanding, support, tenderness and boundless love. And all
obstacles that are inevitable on the path of life will only make you
wiser and more united.

Congratulations, my dears! Now you are not just a beautiful couple,
now you are a young family. I wish you harmony and understanding,
endless love and prosperity. Pamper, Take Care, Respect, Appreciate
and never cease to amaze each other. Happy wedding day!

Today is a great day - your wedding day! Carry
memories of this bright event throughout your life, rejoice together,
worry together, be a reliable support to each other, walk along
life path hand in hand, take care and respect each other! Wish
family comfort, prosperity, eternal love and long, happy
life together!

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the most unique and
a wonderful day in your life - happy wedding day. Today is the day you
connect your two destinies into one. I wish you carry through all
life sincere feelings and respect for each other. I sincerely want
wish that warmth, trust and
support. So that on the day of your golden wedding you will be with the same
tenderly looked at each other.

Congratulations on a wonderful, unforgettable birthday of the family!
It is not easy work to create, preserve and cherish love. I wish this work
turn into a game and easily cope with this and others
tasks: to please your half under any circumstances, to pamper,
treat life situations with humor. I wish to give to someone
life or more, to appreciate moments, actions, smile of each other.
Let this unique moment of magic last forever. Let the days
will be iridescent, full of meaning. Save understanding and patience,
walk hand in hand, because all strength lies in family happiness.
Be the most unique couple on Earth and an example to follow!

Let your family life be paper, pewter, wood,
crystal, chintz, silver, bronze ... In general, any,
down to gold. Let it be filled with tenderness, happiness and
love. Let nothing in the world be dearer and more valuable to you
your union. Take care and respect each other. Happy wedding!

Congratulations on the wedding in prose and wedding greetings in your own words

Wedding greetings in prose

At the wedding table, you often want to read not a verse, but prose. How
find worthy solemn words, congratulate the young from the heart, with
humor, beautiful original words? You have come to the right place!
SuperTosty is pleased to offer you congratulations from friends, parents and
witnesses, toasts in prose. And the poems can be entered into the wedding
Wish for a wedding in your own words:
Our dear newlyweds!
Congratulations on this important life step, which you
deliberately decided! Know that life is a succession of happy and
bad days. And only from you, from your patience, participation,
mutual help and mutual support depends on happiness, well-being and
longevity of your family! Take care of her, take care of your feelings and let
cloudy days will be as few as possible. Let the little things of family life not
darken passion and love! Advice to you yes Love!

Dear groom and
bride! Today you have become husband and wife and have tightly joined your
destiny into one. You became the closest people, and all the joys and
adversity will now overcome shoulder to shoulder. I wish that
no life difficulties, everyday trifles have brought discord into your
relationship, so that the joys of one become a common joy for you! Let be
the thread with which you connected your life paths today is not
it just never breaks, but grows stronger from year to year, turning into
a strong rope, and the rope into the family rope! Happiness to your
home and a new family born in these minutes! Take care of each other, do not
hurry up with reproaches and accusations, try to understand and respect each other
friend! Let children's laughter ring faster in your home! Be
healthy, be happy!

Dear newlyweds! We wish you happiness, health, love friend
friend, take care, appreciate. Let life be like a striped zebra
in which each next stripe will be lighter and brighter than the previous one!
Let no troubles darken your family happiness! Let be
Your feelings will be sweet, and only at the wedding, let the screams sound

Friends! Do you know that they say about every family: “A husband is a ship,
and my wife is the helm of the ship! " And today we want to wish you easy
sailing on the sea of ​​life, without storms and with a favorable wind! To
your ship moored to the shores of Love, washed by the waves of the ocean
Calm, driven by the winds of Well-being, sailed through life under the flag
Family Happiness!

Friends, let's congratulate the young together! Let the bride's eyes
always shine with happiness, may only love be in her heart,
tenderness and warmth. Let the groom be a reliable protector for the family,
let no bad news, bad weather, troubles touch your family,
let nothing darken your family happiness. For you!

Newlyweds! I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event!
Strong bonds, strong feelings, more vivid family events! Ancient
the saying goes that temporary failure is better than temporary luck.
Therefore, I wish your family endless luck, and only failures
temporary! Happiness to your new young family!

Congratulations on the wedding to the bride in prose
I want to say
a few words about our bride. Look at our beauty in
a wonderful snow-white outfit - it surprisingly combines
"Bride", "spouse" and future "mother", which means femininity, love
and self-sacrifice. Today she shines with happiness, but in her eyes she burns
fire of love. So let this glowing light burn in her eyes
all my life, may the hardships of family life and tears of sorrow not extinguish
him, let the heart be filled with goodness and passion, and the hand
rests on the hand of her husband all his life! For a young wife!

Congratulations on your wedding day! This is truly a wonderful event -
your family's birthday! Family is small today
a newborn who has to go through life. And today you
joining hands together you enter into a new life together, you
the first timid steps have to be taken, which every day will be
stronger and more confident if respect, wisdom reigns in the family,
patience and love. We wish your family many long and happy years! We wish
celebrate family anniversaries with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and
lose track of the years! May you live happily ever after!

Congratulations to the newlyweds on a wonderful and bright wedding day!
We wish you to go through life shoulder to shoulder, so that in life you will not
there were troubles so that exceptionally light and
pleasant worries and responsibilities, so that you do all things together,
encouraging and supporting each other so that the fire does not go out in your hearts
love! Happiness to you!

I congratulate the young and wish them endless family happiness in
warm home, passionate nights, pleasant awakening in
hugs each other, fullness of feelings, tenderness and understanding!
May there be no marriage in your marriage, and the feelings will be long and
strong. Bitterly!

Congratulations from mom to her daughter's wedding in prose

My dear
children! From now on you are spouses! Please accept my sincere congratulations!
Today is not just your wedding day, today is the birthday of a new one
families! Birth is always the beginning. You have it joyful, bright and
happy. May this joy and happiness never know the end!
May your family be eternal and endless, continuing and existing in
your children, children of your children and in all future generations.
May not only every day be light and filled with love, but
every year of your life together! Divide for two and joy, and
sorrows, and smiles, and resentments, and work, and rest - and everything you will have
Great! Bitterly!

Dear daughter! You're getting married today. My
beloved, the most beautiful bride in the world! Don't worry that I am a little
sad is light sadness, like today's holiday. Not
look that there are tears in my eyes - these are tears of happiness from the fact that
I now have not only a daughter, but also a son. Don't worry what i got
a preoccupied look is pleasant worries about a new one created today
family. Dear ones, know: if children are happy, parents are happy
doubly. And if children give grandchildren, there is no end to parental happiness.
May your family path be long and joyful, may it be full
your home with kindness, prosperity and children! We raised beautiful
children and on this significant day we are proud of you. Our relatives. We
sincerely wish you. So that your family life is never darkened
no problems and that you are always together. Happy wedding to you,
our darlings! Our dear children! Today we are the happiest
parents, we bless your marriage for a long, strong and
happy! Good to you, love, peace, joy, understanding. Be
happy, dear newlyweds! Our beloved children! We are the most
glad that you found each other and fell in love with all your heart. We barely
we hold back the tears of joy and affection that arise at the sight of your
couples. We wish you many years of life in love and harmony, financial
well-being and the most beautiful, intelligent, kind children who will be for
us adored grandchildren. On this wonderful day, I congratulate
you kids with all my heart! I wish you happiness, prosperity, support
fire of love all your life, take care of each other, protect and
overcome all problems and adversities together. May your family be
harder than stone, and life is full of only the most beautiful
impressions and emotions. Our dear! You are now husband and wife. WITH
this moment you have become the closest and dearest people in the whole
planet! Please love each other and support each other in any
situations. May your family life be full of romance,
regardless of the number of years spent in marriage. My dear children, with
by marrying you! May this day of love live in your hearts
always. Take care of each other, do not offend, be support and hope.
Let your life together do not know the cold and black clouds. Wish you,
my relatives, to give birth to a son and daughter. Remember that our home is always
open for you, in any weather. Be happy and loved! Cute
newlyweds! Today is a special day for you two, because
it is on this day that you will become spouses. You will step confidently
into a new life full of bright events. Please accept our
sincere congratulations and wishes: good to you, warmth and
happy days. Keep your hearth so that you live comfortably and happily.
Plant many beautiful trees and raise children like this
to be proud of. May your union be strong and
the key to your success in life. Remember, you are the hope and
support for each other. Respect and value each of your soulmates! Our dear daughter, today you are the most beautiful bride in the world! We
happy to see your sparkling eyes, your smile, to see how
you are touchingly holding your husband's hand. We wish your family to be
strong and friendly. Love, respect, take care of each other. Be
a wise, patient, caring wife, and let your husband be strong,
loving, faithful spouse. Happiness to you! Dear children! Our
loved ones, grown up, already almost independent, but still so dear and
the best in the world! Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish
live a long, good, eventful life as a couple! We wish you

support for each other until very old age! Dear ones!
A wonderful event happened today - you became husband and wife.
Live always in love, peace and harmony. And remember that you are now -
one unit. I wish you replenishment in your family, financial well-being,

advice. Be happy! Our dear daughter! The day has come, oh
which all girls have dreamed of since childhood. White dress,
wedding rings, loving groom ... May your married life
will be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will become
even more confident that I made the right choice! Expensive
daughter! Today is a special day for you - you are creating your family.
I wish to carry your love with your husband through your whole life, to acquire
mutual respect, keep patience. Advice and love, healthy and
beautiful children! Dear ones, today you're doing crazy
responsible step, you create your own family. I confess when I
got married, was very worried that I could not do your grandmother
happy, and I kept thinking that she would refuse me at the last moment. But
as you can see, this did not happen and we have been living for many years
soul to soul, which is what we wish for you. I know that your family will
special, exemplary, and for many will become an example to follow.
Happiness to you, my dears! Save your love, sincerity and
understanding. Live in joy until those years when your turn comes,
congratulate my grandchildren as I congratulate you today. My dear grandchildren, today is your special day, as you
create your own family, which will undoubtedly be outstanding and
harmonious. My blood, when I married your
grandfather, I knew for certain that with this person, I would find my
happiness, and that he will be my irreplaceable friend, support, support, and
I was right. And today, I am also sure that my happiness is for you
managed to find, the main thing now do not lose it. On your day, darlings
mine, I want to wish you tolerance, mutual understanding and
boundless love. By all means, believe each other, and
trust always and in everything, and then your marriage will last a century! Congratulations on your wedding and wish you all the best and
beautiful in marriage. I feel infinite happiness that now I can with
a clear conscience to be called a mother-in-law and refute all stupid jokes.
Now we will all become one big and friendly family. I do not believe
into jokes about my relationship with my mother-in-law and I am proud that our family
getting bigger. There is no greater joy for me than to see happiness
my daughter and know that now we will all become relatives. Let be
the wedding day will be remembered for many years of a happy marriage. Congratulations to our boy on his wedding! So the day has come
when you connect your life with another person. Congratulations to you and
we wish your marriage happiness, may your wife always be the closest
a person on earth and your love lasts forever. Happy wedding
beloved daughter! We will always remember you as a first grader with
bows in our hair, but this does not mean that we are not happy with your
fast wedding. Be happy with your spouse and let your
life will not have dark stripes, but only bright and clean ones. Expensive
children! May God grant happiness to your union and inviolability of marriage bonds! Let be
love will bring you joy and satisfaction! Become not only
beloved, but also friends and associates. Take care of each other and
appreciate what you once found under heaven - your great feeling! Dear newlyweds! So many congratulations have already been spoken and
toasts in your honor. You were wished for harmony, understanding and love. And I
I want to wish your family never know feelings of jealousy, so that
she, like a worm, did not undermine your strong relationship! Ouch,
drank-missed the red maiden. Father and Mother overlooked their
childish! The white dove flew away straight to the falcon to twine with him
nest! She gave her father-mother a son-in-law, a noble family.
Take him into the family as your own son, and he will love you like family!
Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day, and I want to raise a glass to health
and the well-being of the mother-in-law and the father-in-law and for their great happiness at all together! Today you shine with happiness, it is so pleasant to look at you,
that it is obvious to everyone present - you are the happiest couple! And we
everyone is very happy for you! Even in a year, and in many years not
the shine in the eyes and tenderness in the heart goes out, let the family hearth burn
and gives warmth to relatives and friends. May luck accompany you along
life! They say that years of living together in time turn
love into friendship, habit and respect. And I wish you love,
that connected you today, has grown stronger over the years so that you do not lose
tenderness and warmth, so that they are attentive to their soul mate, they know how
endure, forgive, turn minor troubles and quarrels into a joke.
Bitterly! They say that family life is divided into two stages. First
stage - a honeymoon filled with fresh feelings, romance,
passion. And this rather short period has been compared to poetry.
The second period is the rest of his life, which is often written in prose.
And today I want to wish that your whole life was written
verses so that your grandchildren, listening to your love story, admire
romance and warmth of feelings that you will undoubtedly carry through
for many, many years. Sit down, dear guests, at the oak tables,
on maple benches, on white-stone benches, for tablecloths
self-made, for sugar dishes, for pewter dishes, for plates
gilded, turned for spoons, copper for drinking. I ask for green wine
serve, treat guests, drink to the health of the young! The most
a great test for love is time. Therefore, only the present
a feeling like yours can beat the years! Congratulations on this
touching victory! May your love conquer all the adversities of life
again and again! Peace, warmth and happiness! Today's solemn
the event connects you to one whole. I would like to wish you
so that you always remember this, so that the joy of one would always be
and the joy of the other, so that you listen to each other and
felt each other - it helps to live so much! I wish you happiness and good luck
dear newlyweds! The family is a fragile musical instrument.
Disharmony in the family is not a rare thing, therefore, in order to achieve harmony,
you have to twist in every way, otherwise you will not achieve the formation. We wish
You, so that in music based on the harmony of loving hearts, never
there were no notes of disappointment and falsehood. Let this music never
a wild, insane cacophony of scandals and strife bursts in. Let your
hearts always beat in unison! Cervantes said that love
wears glasses that make copper look like gold through pink glasses,
need - wealth, and sparks of fire - pearls. So let in
your family life will be in abundance: gold, and wealth, and
pearls. And let you see all this with an unarmed look! Connecting your lives is a great blessing at any age. Now there is with
with whom to rejoice, whom to drink, with whom to throw a word and for whom
courting. We are happy for your happiness. Family is an oasis in
indifferent wilderness of life. Let us drain our glasses for a long and happy life
ringed, for their health and happiness! God bless you! AND
bitterly! So many years of mutual patience, attention and care have not
were in vain! You are one, and this whole is wonderful! Congratulations
you so that you managed to create your own unique, kind,
cozy world that we love so much! Happy anniversary of the creation of this world! Married Life is a book in two parts:
the first part, poetic - honeymoon, the second part, prosaic
- all further life. Of course, there are very few pages in the first part,
in the second part, on the contrary, there are a lot. We wish you that the second,
you divided most of the book into several chapters and each of them
made honey! Dear newlyweds! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
you with the entry into a legal marriage and the formation of a new family. Advice
yes love to you! The most beautiful thing in life is a big human
friendship and love. May your love be as long as yours
life! When you start a family, you are responsible not only for a friend to
friend, but also to society, and your duty to him is to live in love and
happiness, raise healthy and cheerful children and be faithful
support for your fathers and mothers. Good hour, dear newlyweds, on
long years! Let's proclaim a noisy toast in honor of the newlyweds! I congratulate you on this bright day! The family is a living organism.
Therefore, always remember that if a person has one leg injured, he
limps. If a person has two injured legs, he cannot at all
walk. And if a person's feet touch each other - he
stumbles. Therefore, I wish you always live in harmony, in peace and love, and
the main thing is to take care of each other! Imagine a huge
endless sea and a man is sailing on it in a boat. Sometimes it shines
the sun, and the sea is calm - a person can rest, but more often the sea
worried, steep dangerous waves roll in, sea monsters float
close, and a person wants so much to a quiet harbor, where it is light and warm
from the care and participation of loved ones. So let's drink to the newly formed
family and wish them a long and successful sailing along the waves of everyday
seas! Bitterly! Dear bride and groom! From the heart
Congratulations on your legal marriage. Today, in the day
your marriage, the Sun gave you a particle of itself, and this
particle family hearth. The sun is the source of life on earth, family
hearth is the source of family life. Keep this precious gift for life.
No matter how cold the wind blows, the flame of the hearth should burn, giving
light and warmth to your family. I raise my glass to the unquenchable light and
the warmth of your hearth! The life of a lonely person can be compared
a floor with only one floorboard. A man is walking, and this
the floorboard flexes and creaks, and balance is about to be lost.
When two people are connected, the two floorboards are side by side and
you can give a helping hand. each other, and life becomes
more stable than living on one floorboard.
So let's drink to our
"Young", for their acquisition of stability in mutual love, in
mutual support! For their happiness! Bitterly! Life is vanity
consisting of many little things, heaped up with unnecessary words,
empty arguments, stupid quarrels. Life is an intertwining of solar and
cloudy days, alternating white and black stripes. Happiness and
the well-being of your life will depend on your consent and
prudence, the ability to find compromises and steadfastly withstand
life difficulties. Let everyday trifles and trifles not spoil
the main thing in your life is love and happiness! In this momentous
day I want to propose a toast to the bride's parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law.
They raised a white swan, smart, beautiful, funny - any
look. No wonder our fellow hunted her so. Although some
they say that mother-in-law is thorns in a bouquet of marriage, a bitter mixture,
but a smart mother-in-law is like a mother to her son-in-law. We wish her to bring her daughter to her family
help, kindness advice, affection, not discord. For your health, dear
father-in-law and mother-in-law. On this happy day, I want to wish the bride
become indispensable for her husband so that he always wants
tell her: Many tender hearts, only one is My shelter and peace, and
my house. It is dearer and dearer to all This is the heart of my beloved! Our dear bride and groom! Construction started today
your joint ship - your family. We wish you that your
the family ship turned out to be strong, reliable, so that it would not crash on
everyday life and troubles, so that he would not be afraid of storms! Let on the way
the sun shines brighter for you, let the voyage drag on for many years and
will certainly be happy!

Congratulations on the wedding from the groom's parents in prose

Our dear
groom! A wonderful event happened today - you became a husband. Live
always in love, peace and harmony. And remember that you are now with your wife-
one unit. I wish you replenishment in your family, financial well-being,
mutual patience and respect for many, many years. And if there is
difficult, we, parents, will always help with a kind word and give a kind
advice. Be happy!

Today is a special solemn for you
day, because it was on this day that you became a spouse. You confidently step into
a new life full of bright events. Please accept our sincere
congratulations and wishes: good to you, warmth and joyful
days. Keep your hearth so that you and your wife can live comfortably and happily.
Plant many beautiful trees and raise children that
you can be proud. May your union be lasting and become a pledge
your success in life. Remember, you are the hope and support friend
for friend. Respect and value each of your soulmates! In that
wonderful day, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish you happiness
well-being, maintain the fire of love all your life, take care of your wife,
protect and overcome all problems and adversities together. Let your
the family will be stronger than stone, and life will be full of only the most
wonderful impressions and emotions. Sonny, married
you! May this day of love always live in your hearts. Take care of
each other, do not offend, be support and hope. Let your
life together does not know cold and black clouds. I wish you, my dear ones,
give birth to a son and daughter. Remember that our home is always open to you.
In any weather. Be happy and loved! We raised
wonderful son and on this momentous day we are proud of you. Native
our. We sincerely wish you that your family life will never
overshadowed by any problems and that you are always together. WITH
wedding to you, our darlings! Our dear groom ... husband! Our beloved,
grown up, already almost independent, but still so dear and the most
the best in the world! Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish
live a long, good, eventful life as a couple! We wish you
love was tender, loyal and very patient! Let her become
the pivot on which the world of your friendly family will be held! Let be
there will be no disagreements and omissions, live openly, joyfully and be
support for each other until very old age! Dear son!
Now we are calm for you. That woman appeared in your life
who will always feed and accept, will be there in sorrow and in joy,
will become a mother to your children and will always prompt a wise way out of any
situations. Take care and value your spouse, and she will definitely answer by
the same. Be happy! Our dear son, today you do
insanely responsible step, you create your own family. I confess when
we got married, we were very worried that we could not do each other
happy. But as you can see, this did not happen and we
for many years we have been living in perfect harmony, which is what we wish for you. I know that your
the family will be special, exemplary, and for many it will become an example for
imitation. Happiness to you, my dears! Save your love
sincerity and understanding. Live in joy until the years when
it will be your turn to congratulate your grandchildren as well as today
congratulations. Congratulations to our boy on his wedding! Here they are
the day has come when you connect your life with another
human. We congratulate you and wish you happiness in your marriage, may your wife
will always be the closest person on Earth and your love lasts
forever. Dear groom, we congratulate you on such a huge, significant
an event in your life - a wedding. This is a big step for a man.
What a responsibility now lies with you! We wish to be worthy
spouse, health, strength to keep your family, money,
mutual understanding and love. Be happy! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
you with the most important event in your life! Next to you now
there will always be a charming, gentle and fragile woman who is so
your support is needed. Be a worthy husband to your young
wife envied all her friends! Groom, we congratulate you on
that she is next to you, the one that is not more beautiful! We wish your love
burn forever, and warm you like a warm fireplace. We wish children, good ones,
healthy! We wish you a mansion-style home! Life is a weave
rain and sun, heat and cold, sadness and joy. There was no one without
would be different, everything is connected in one chain, and only this combination
makes it whole. Your love is a gift from above. But marriage is
already work. Try, dear children, to make this difficult
the work was more valuable to you than all the gifts. Be happy! Our dear children! So you sat down with each other at your
family hearth. You have to light its first timid light.
It is not difficult to light it up, but not to let it fade is not an easy job. But have
you, we are sure, will be able to do this, because the sparks of love and tender
affection for each other in your eyes does not fade, and even
surely warm everyone in this room. Warmth to your family, light and
enduring love! You know guys, one wise man said that the first
of the wealth in life is health. And the second is a good wife. You,
son, as if lucky. You found a girl who fell in love with you and
put out her fragile shoulder. And let the husband be the one
a stone wall, without a woman who, as the song says
holds the globe on his shoulders "- the marriage will not be strong. you are very
beautiful, harmonious couple! Take care, Mashenka, our son and your
husband. And you, son, take care of your beautiful wife, now ours
daughter. And in the same song it is sung “she will remain in important details
with me". Be side by side both in big things and in small things, always!
Congratulations, children! Our dear children! Today you turned on
his own path of life, but this does not mean that our paths diverged. We
we will always be side by side, we will always try to illuminate your path and
protect him from difficulties. May your path be very long
let it be good for you to walk along it - side by side, hand in hand, shoulder to
shoulder. Happiness to you! We are happy for you, although it has become less in
our ranks of bachelors. But we are sure that you will show worthy
yourself as a gorgeous husband next to such a dazzling
a wife who has made a worthy choice in her life and always allows
his spouse little weaknesses in the form of regular meetings with his
brothers. Our dear son! We sincerely congratulate you on
(daughter-in-law's name) with the happiest event in your life! We wish
prosperity and great love to your newly-made family, and we wish
so that your feelings become stronger every day and you never
did not lose respect for each other. Honor your wife, remember
that she is a fragile woman who needs your support and wants
to see in you not only a loved one, but also a best friend.
We wish you to be a worthy husband, take care of your family and make your own
a young wife so happy that all her friends envy and
eager to take your family as an example! We wish you soon
to hear the joyful laughter of a baby in your apartment. Our dear and
dearly beloved groom! We sincerely congratulate you and your beauty
wife on this solemn day - the day of the birth of a new and happy
families! We wish you to overcome all the hardships that will meet on
your life path and not lose your love, devotion
and mutual respect! Be true to your choice and always remember
that in any weather and at any time of the day or night, the one waiting for you at home,
that once answered you "Yes!" and made you the happiest
a person in this world. Let's fill our glasses and raise a toast to
a real man who was not afraid of responsibility and shared
your life with our beloved bride! Your happiness and well-being
family! Bitterly! I want to join all the words that were
said today! On my own I want to add only one thing, I am very
grateful to fate for giving me such a wonderful and
reliable friend who became like a brother to me and who today
joined the ranks of happy husbands who love their wife infinitely! My
dear, faithful and best friend! I sincerely want to wish
you and your wife become a really happy family, where two
people who love each other cannot live a day without each other! I AM
I wish your family to have small
little ones who will be so like you and will love you
with all my heart, because children are flowers of life and I want your bouquet
was as much as possible! Our dear son! We are very glad that in
in this vast world, you found your beloved and found masculine
happiness. Thank you for bringing this sweet and
a beautiful girl who became like a daughter to us and who we
loved with all my heart. We wish with dad your nascent family
great happiness, love and success. May all your plans you
built will surely come true. We wish you to remember this day as
one of the happiest in your life. Do not delay with the kids,
because we want to see and hug our precious
grandchildren who will become a whole world for us! We love you very much,
our dear children, may you be bitter today and sweet tomorrow! Groom! Congratulations on this magnificent day, because today you
took as his wife the one without whom you cannot imagine your life, the one
who loves you infinitely and is ready for anything! We sincerely wish
you feel yourself always and with any, even terrible
beloved circumstances! Be true to your choice and remember that even in
the most terrible periods of life are waiting for you the one who is ready for you
for all! Appreciate your wife and do crazy things for her, do not
forget to look after her and be support and support in everything, because
it is so important in this life to find your happiness! We wish you soon
get healthy, strong and the best on the whole planet
offspring. So the day came when my beloved brother became
a happy husband who has such a wonderful wife who
became a part of our huge family and my wonderful friend.
You are very lucky with the bride because she is incredibly beautiful and smart,
and besides, he loves you. My dear fiance, I sincerely want
congratulate you on your wedding! I want to wish you harmony and passion.
May life together bring you only comfort, and all sorrows and
let losses bypass you, because for each person it is
family is the main meaning of life, support and support. Wish
you quickly become happy parents, because your child is
reflection of your endless love and fabulous life! Remember this
day as the best! Our dear, beautiful and the best
groom! On this wonderful day, you became close and dear to us, because
from now on, you not only became the husband of our daughter, you became our son,
whom we infinitely respect, love and are ready to support in any
minute! Take care of our girl, take care of her, as we care and
love as he never loved anyone. We wish your family
happiness, great joy in life, warmth and respect. We are very happy
that our daughter met you and found her little female happiness
in your face! Love each other and appreciate every moment spent
together! We all expect procreation from you. May your future
kids will always be healthy and make your life happier and
rainbow! (Groom's name)! Know that family life will be
both black and white stripes and which stripes will be in it
more, depends not on the circumstances, but on you! You are the man
who can handle any issues, so do not be afraid to take risks and
make your family life better! Be faithful to your beautiful wife
because if you once chose her, then be faithful to her to the grave and
you will get all the best in return! We wish you well-being and happiness
your family! Take care of your love, because it is she who inspires people
on deeds! Have respect for each other, because without it it is impossible
imagine a happy life. Create for your family all the most
the best conditions and do not delay the birth of beautiful babies! Our dear friend, from the bottom of our hearts we wish you to become the happiest
husband in this world, because now your most beloved wife has become
the girl in the world, without whom you cannot live a day, and who
it took you so long! May your beloved become an incentive for you
for which you can reach the highest barriers! I wish you,
so that in your heart there is always only your beloved wife! I wish your
family as much comfort and love as possible. Love each other, take care
and appreciate every moment you spend together! Do not waste your
trifles. We wish you many children, as smart and beautiful as
you. Good luck, may life seem as sweet to you as
gummy and as carefree as a balloon flight. My dear groom! I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the coming
the most important day in your and our life - your wedding day! Yet
recently, on one knee, you did to your beloved lady
marriage proposal, and today you have already become her husband! I am very
glad you found the very girl who inspires you to
actions and for which you are ready to move mountains. I wish you from this
day to get to know each other as best as possible and even if something in your
life will go wrong, even not to allow the thought of divorce, because you
there is something that many do not have - true love! I love you very much and
I wish your family to finally hear the cry of your future protector
or a little princess! I wish you happiness, my dear! Friends, we are all
today we have witnessed the birth of a new social unit! This
we will remember the day forever, because today we shared
the happiness of our loved ones. I want to wish the groom, always
remain a man, remember that the male sex should always
keep your word and be the support and worthy support of your companion
life. I sincerely want to wish your family well-being,
respect, love and wisdom. Don't make mistakes and don't trade
on trifles, because it is very difficult to find true love, and to lose
it is unfortunately very easy. I wish you to remember this day in all
colors and cold evenings, sitting by the fireplace in a rocking chair
remember it and feel the happiest! Expensive
groom! Today, you proved your love to us all and made ours
beloved friend of the happiest girl in the world, because she is so
I have long dreamed that you would put a wedding ring on her finger and
make her your wife! Notice how her eyes are shining!
Today, she became the wife of her dearest man! We wish
your beautiful family does not know sorrows and sorrows, and always be
happy. Be wise and supportive of mistakes, because without them
it is impossible to imagine a long and happy family life, because
mistakes teach us to be wiser. Keep your love forever. Never
do not think to betray her! We look forward to hearing from you little ones who
make your life great and bring meaning to it.

Congratulations to your wedding

Congratulations to the wedding

Life for you is a wide road,
Hundreds of miles of path.
You are now on the doorstep of happiness,
The wedding is the door to enter.
So open this door wider
To make it bitter from wine
To be the best couple in the world,
To drink happiness all my life to the bottom.

Congratulations on your wedding

Fate was preparing a gift
Holding the two strands by the edges.
From now on you are not just a couple
Today you are already a family!

To the sound of the march, in the light of the lamp
You are full of bright joy
Hearts are not held together by a stamp -
The bonds are sealed with love.

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you:
Let your hearth not go out
We wish you happiness without edge,
Love, prosperity and all the best!

Congratulations on your wedding day

Not the bride and groom, but the husband and wife:
He is a little tired, and she is beautiful,
And honey-tasting kisses in the morning.
The rains do not knock on them, do not disturb the wind ...

Do not lose, guys, your feelings,
Divide this world into two without a trace,
So that hearts beat in a single rhythm,
So that the honey month has no end!

Wedding greetings

The bride and groom enter the house,
For a new life, everything is ready in him,
Starting the countdown of the matrimonial age,
They will give the family another person.
May every day lived nearby
It will be a reward for them
And their conjugal happiness
Bad weather bypasses.

Cool congratulations on the wedding

We wish our newlyweds
So that the marriage is strong and successful,
So that the house is always a full bowl,
Life is brighter and more beautiful every day!
May the sun shine more often in life
May the children bring you joy.
Save love at any cost
A must before the wedding gold!

Happy wedding congratulations

Everything, guys, you hit,
After all, they became a wife and a husband.
And for the husband: no partying,
Rare but merry drinking,

Start saving up your stash
Forget the cool car.
What have you wanted for yourself for many years -
I'm sorry, there is no money for this.

For the wife: borscht and meat,
In the summer - supplies for the winter.
And all year round - socks, socks ...
(So ​​as not to die of melancholy).

What? Are you not afraid?
And will you unite even stronger?
So you found each other,
The best husband and wife.

The family house will be bright,
Between you there is an excellent harmony,
Your success will be the main -
Loud, sonorous children's laughter.

Interesting wedding greetings

Congratulations on your legal marriage!
Kohl happened in your destinies like this,
Good long fifty years with a hook
May this marriage live and grow stronger!
Those who are already not free in actions,
Not like a mischievous wave
It seems that you are very pleased,
Together, it is easy for you, full of light!
Do not let the big years age you,
Stay young again
Multiply and multiply - sunrises
Will give its huge love!

Comic congratulations on the wedding

Young, sorry
Old-timer advice, take -
You have a long way to go
Right up to the wedding gold!
You will remember the motto:
In any dispute - a compromise!
Husband hold on to wife
And everything will be "hurt"!

Original wedding greetings

Congratulations on your legal marriage,
We wish you great happiness.
We are now talking seriously:
May millions of scarlet roses
Lie all the way
What are you going to go through.
And let the bonfire of great love
It burns without extinguishing!
Life is easier to pass with love -
Everyone knows about this.
Achieve agreement in life,
Live to be one hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love and advice to you!

Congratulations to the wedding to tears

Your wedding is just a miracle
Laughter, smiles, joy are everywhere!
And champagne - like a river
And gifts - a mountain!
You live like children
Best of all in this world!
Your friendly family -
So that she was an example to everyone!
Let the house be a full cup
Will be full of your happiness,
May luck find you
Will bring a lot of children!

Touching congratulations on the wedding

Love linked two destinies once.
Today, on the birthday of the family,
We will repeat two very important words:
We wish you peace and love.

May happiness enter your life boldly
Let the childish laughter fill the house.
You build life, even if clumsily,
And together achieve all the victories.

Hold hands when the joy rolls in
Do not let go of your hands when the soul is sad.
To live your whole life together is a sweetness.
You will learn to value it!

A touching wedding congratulations to tears

Today we congratulate you!
After all, a wedding is just happiness!
And we wish the bride and groom
So that you always live in harmony.

So that your wallet is not empty
And so that the soul does not harden
Among the huge mass of cases
Did you remember the main thing:

Love, laugh, smile,
Help each other in the house,
Enjoy your happy life
And never lose heart!

Best congratulations for a wedding

Gold rings are put on
There is a seal in the certificate ...
Well, young spouses,
We wish you this day?
So that the music sounded in the house,
So that it is not boring together,
Live together, I wonder
So that happiness is - the house is full!
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
And only at the wedding let it be "Bitter!"

Sincere congratulations to the wedding

With all my heart, newlyweds, congratulations
With a wonderful, best day in my life!
We sincerely wish you well-being,
Strong health and joy in everything!
Surround each other with tenderness and affection,
Let the honeymoon last as long as possible,
Be faithful, never part
Let any dream come true!
Create a reliable and strong family,
Live in harmony for many years!
Together, protect your sacred union
And be happy! Love and advice to you!

Congratulations to the wedding in Tatar

Ay! Koyashtay Elmaya
Bougaine seznin josegez
Aerym idegez sez kiche
Bougain indie ikeges.
Ike yorek, ber uk zhyrny
Fat bushy bugenden
Kaigy-hesrat digennere
Erak yorsenner sezden.
Duslyk, tuganlyk hislere
Alar sezden sunmesen.
Usteregez ullar-kyzlar
Homer erem utmasen.
Tormysh bulgach - barda bula.
Bulyr avyr minutelar
Berge-berge kinesh itsen,
Alar sezden teese uzar.