Congratulations to a relative happy birthday in prose. Happy days and nights. The best original congratulation in your words in prose happy birthday

Let the wonderful puzzle of your excellent life develop only from pieces of happiness and makes up the overall picture of joy and success, and let all his happy pieces be glued to each other with strong health, and with each new birthday, let their number grow, making life picture durable and beautiful .

Happy Birthday!!! From all my heart and soul I congratulate you! I believe that a person is obliged to fulfill only one major mission in life - to become happy! After all, together this beautiful feeling the world around becomes more painful and people who sincerely love you are! I wish you successfully fulfill this mission!

Happy Birthday! I wish you life no less beautiful than this bright day, let you have success in it, luck and love! I wish you always hard stand on your feet and keep your shoulder of faithful friends! Let your house do not look sadly, but the sun shines in the window every morning, promising the best day!

Congratulations on your day jam! Let always faithful friends warm you with smiles, like summer rays and sunshine! So that the warm breeze always protects you from all adversity! Be always healthy and let everything you have OK. And also wish a strong, strong love!

Let your heart always be filled with inspiration and happiness, and the surrounding will be delighted with you. I wish you to always have comfort and understanding, and the closest were always there. I am glad the world with your smile and never despair. Happy Birthday!

Among all the holidays created by God and people, the most important thing is the birthday of all centuries. The day when a person is on the light of God to build the world about his birth. Today, your main day! And we are in a hurry to rejoice with you your birth. Rejoice and wish good, bright solar heat. Wish love and tenderness of people close to you. The most incredible happiness and longevity. Let your most cherished dream be fulfilled, and you will find everything that was dreaming about long days and nights. Happy Birthday!

Peaceful birthday greeting in prose

In this significant, festive and promising day, my wishes will be laconic, because the number of words does not depend on their sincerity. Let the most significant solutions in your destiny are accepted only at the venel of your heart and according to the voice of a clear mind. And may this harmony bring you satisfaction and inspiration for new achievements! With the birth of you!

Congratulations from your whole soul with your birthday! Best wishes! Let the dreams are fulfilled, desires are carried out and your dreams are embodied!

Happy Birthday !!! Accept my sincere congratulations on the day of birth! We send the most warm wishes to you. I wish close and devoted friends near, excellent mood for the next year of life!

Happy Birthday! We all appreciate you and love you, and therefore we add to our congratulations and wishes to be the sincere desire that they are also heard in heaven, from where good angels, having heard our words, could bring more love and good luck to you and good health and sunny mood! And - maybe only happiness in your life!

On your birthday, I am happy. After all, I can once again tell you about how much I love you and always wish to remain myself. Let your attractiveness, strength, beauty, mind, reliability, practicality, chastity always decorate you. I wish you good luck in all endeavors, I wish only exciting recognition. Let everything be with you just fine, despite not what.

Let only the most excellent events and moments occur in your life, there are only the best people, the most cherished dreams and the desire are fulfilled. Let your home be a cozy warm nest, in which faith will settle, hope and love, and all the adversity, sadness and problems will forgive the road to him forever!

I congratulate you on your birthday! Let any day of your life be filled with positive and optimism, interesting ideas and pleasant meetings. He will never bring you and gives a cheerful mood. Let luck and success be your permanent satellites, and any small difficulties are easily overcome.
Happiness, lucky on your birthday!

Original birthday greetings in prose

I wish you happiness, health, smiles, inspiration, loyalty, delight, bright life, patience, steep climbs, wealth, heat, fire, dreams and her performance, energy, love, intoxication from happiness, kindness, hopes, good luck, success and all Best!

Happy Birthday! We wish peace and good, warmth and sun, joy and fun, money and all kinds of benefits, good luck and success in all endeavors, real love and strong friendship, dream and perform your dreams, good health and long-life life! Let life prevent only pleasant surprises and the eyes sparkles from happiness!

I wish you in such a bright and colorful day of your birthday to the glasses pour instead of champagne sparkling joy with delicate bubbles of sincere smiles! I wish a passionate intoxication from happiness and positive, colorful emotions! And for dessert I wish only the sweet, long-awaited success and incredibly tasty good luck!

Happy Birthday Yeah !!! From now on, I wish you to become the happiest man of this planet! I sincerely believe that your dream is achievable and will be fulfilled! Be healthy, rich and influenced, but do not forget about your kindness, favorably distinguish you from the modern generation!

Happy Birthday! It is a pity that I can not hug you now, but know that I mentally, I'm with you in this wonderful holiday! So accept my congratulations and wish to be a very happy person! Let there be a great life and life of relatives, without which you do not think of your happiness! Let wishes be fulfilled, and every day will only be a good mood!

Happy day of appearance! Strive forward to excellence, to the highest goals, and always reach them! Let your paths always come across good, sincere and interesting people. The desire to live and travel charges the necessary energy and health! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! Know, today you are in captivity of relatives and friends, and we will not let you go, until I say pretty congratulations and wishes to make your whole life really happy and even magical! Therefore, we accept my friendly council - always combine in your character seriousness and dreaminess, carefit and inspiration, and every day I am as if today fate is supported especially for you!

Dear nephew, with all my heart is wide, Russian I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you new ideas, dreams, hopes! After all, while the person lives and hopes - he is alive, he is always young! I want to wish you the main thing - the youth of the soul! Congratulations!

Happy Birthday! I wish the sun, warmth, peace, fun, money, success in all endeavors, love, well-being, the fulfillment of the most cherished desires, health and inspiration! Let life give a lot of pleasant surprises, friends always surrounds you, and the eyes sparkle from happiness!

New birthday congratulations in prose

Congratulations on your birthday, I do not want to repeat everything that I wish you from year to year. After all, my sympathy for you is known to you. Let the fate pleases the novelty feelings and impressions. I wish new turns and only pleasant, the necessary meetings on your way. Permanent lifts and prosperity in all its senses!

You have become for one year older, this is not a reason to be upset! If you think, you have become smarter and more attractive for one year! Do not stop at this amazing way! Congratulations!

Happy Birthday!!! Let little wonders happen to you as often as necessary. The goal is implemented always on time. Awareness of happiness does not leave you even in difficult days. Travel and enjoy the day!

Travel, grow, achieve, surprise, hello, rejoice, smile, charge, in general, to enjoy life! A good person takes devotees and good luck! Let all this and you go through life nearby! Happy Birthday!

Today we are walking in your birthday, today it is not time to skip on congratulations, and if you add more that you are - just a miracle, then I think it will be appropriate to wish you life pleasing all five feelings and the wishes to sing from happiness! Let for many years your faithful friends will be luck and inspiration, let you never visit Lena and despondency, and love, come once in your world - never leaves him!

Happy Birthday! Let this holiday remember you as a cozy meeting of the closest people, congratulations and wishes of which really helped become happier! Let everything go smoothly in your life, but there will be no place to boredom, let it be time for surprises, small adventures and bold plans, which are crowned with dizzying success

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday - your birthday! Let every new day begins with a smile, walking through life with a highly raised head. Let all your cherished dreams are embodied, even the most ambitious plans are being implemented. Love, dream, live on full!

Happy Birthday!! I wish you to swim in the ocean of positive, live on the island of joy, do not know burning and evil! I wish you a bunch of money! So that in your life there are always three whales: happiness, health and good luck! Let them bear you for the flow of your life and never let go!

Happy Birthday! I want to wish that life is full of pleasant events, brilliant ideas and real victories! Let your soul glow from a positive and good mood! And in difficult moments of your life there will always be friends and people close to you! Of course, health and long life. Joy and laughter, respect for friends and love of relatives! Happy holiday, happy birthday!

I wish you happiness, love, health, joy, success, satisfaction from life, faith in yourself and in our future, great desire to create and love! Sea of \u200b\u200bcornflowers and velvets, many faithful friends and uniform love!

I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish the fulfillment of even the most unrealistic desires, good luck and success in all matters, bright and positive emotions! Let every day of life be filled with joy, smiles and happiness!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to all that your thoughts and efforts are directed to, without fail. Love, and let you love you! Let the energy be hurting in you the key, and let every moment and each meeting will be filled with indelible impressions and unprecedented paints! I want to wish the triumph, courage, the favor of Fortune, true friends and incredible events!

Each of us, regardless of the place of residence and age, is looking forward to the day when he was born. It was then that a person hears in his address a tremendous amount of warm words, being in the center of universal attention. And it does not matter how many years the perpetrator of the celebration, - his eyes shine joy, and a sincere smile sparkles on his face. In the morning the birthday boy wakes up with a good mood. The reason of that - happy Birthdayobtained at that time as soon as he opened his eyes. And you should take a phone in your hands, and joy will double, because there are already the best voice wishes and SMS.

If you were invited to an event dedicated to the names of the names, highlight the time to prepare. Initially, you should choose a gift, depending on the preferences and tastes of which you are invited. The present does not have to be expensive, but it always points to your attitude to the birthday man. Just fine, if it is made with his own hands. If there are art or other talents, you can surprise guests and make proud of our hero of the day. By the way, such surprises are valued very high. If possible, you should give your souvenir a festive look, beautifully pack it. Choose a congratulatory card by writing in it beautiful congratulations in prose or verses. Such things always keep a long memory of the bright moments in a person's life. The main thing is that you are required to be sincere. It is not necessary to be long. A small elegant postcard with your warm wish will be the most relevant.

Beautiful prose

Opened new gave and it is time for daring and manifestations. Birthday is a peculiar result of the year and the definition of landmarks for a new life period. I wish: to put goals and systematically move towards them, expand the circle of knowledge, conquer the uncharted horizons. Let only people with good thoughts meet on the way! Suppose fate will be favorable, and the luck is attached. Happy holiday!

Happy Birthday! And I want to wish on this day - health, good luck and inspiration, so that the smile constantly adorned you, and the adversity and problems passed you by side. I wish the case to whom you do, it is truly loved, brought real pleasure. So that around Vitala love, and the luck cup was filled to the edges.

Today is an unusual day! Your birthday! I will not speak banal words and congratulations. After all, you are an extraordinary person. I want to wish you all bright: radiant happiness, sunshine, clean thoughts and rainbow impressions! I know your family hearth, warms the warmth not only your relatives, but also people next to you. Take care of such wealth and multiply!

The ray of the sun out of the window gently let you wake up, a light breeze will bring happiness for the whole day and smiles. Congratulations on your birthday. I wish you for a wonderful mood you did not let go, and love accompanied everywhere. In order for only green traffic lights on your main road, and the movement was without traffic jams. Let banknotes do not end in their hands, and desires and dreams are embodied.

On our share fell out the great honor to congratulate such a wonderful person happy birthday! We wish you health - Bogatlish, happiness - cloudless, love - mutual, meetings - joyful and all subsequent days - successful!

It's good that there is a day of the day when it can be discovered by a person nice words! And for you we gave up the best. Let the fate of the tailor open before you the door and will give a huge bouquet of warmth, health, success, good luck are the components of happiness. Let there be enough strength and energy to keep such a gift in their hands. Move only boom and forth. Next, let the faith come with you, hope, love.

Accepting sincere congratulations on your birthday! And also the wishes of blooming health, cloudless happiness, harmony in the heart, successful implementation of plans and reliable financial foundation! Let admigents, failures go far away, and the troubles will only be insignificant! And, of course, love, mental intimacy, equilibrium in relationships with their half!

I want to congratulate your birthday. Wish health car, a lot of life patience. I wish the cherished, in life, to achieve the goal, peaceful sky, never be sad. To surround always devotees, so that the pocket has never been empty. The vertices were conquered so that it is easy. So that the bowl is vital, filled with the warmest, bright and bright memories. Motor does not flurelyl, let this bright fragrance. Let the personal Lord protect you be incredibly successful let it always be in the shores. Live happily, fully! Happy day will always, but I wish you a good mood, fragrance from the soul I congratulate you victory at all

And a high day, a holiday will give you from all troubles. And to flourish in your house reigns the health, love birth! Not only in favorite flowers, cheerful happy birthday! Fronts, in life, You will bring you only a sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions and a sweet girlfriend, in life, so spring, and in and be loved!

Birthday is a birthday. Smiles and happiness sincerely wish you to take away, and joy, success and good mood. Let you be joyful today, I wish you success, the heart - harmony, every year of life you can wish the birthday girl with a dizzying career, we wish you in your life for your money so much health. All sadness forever Happy day - career growth and love and kindness!

- It is limitless much. But why creative inspiration, consistently birthday! There were no expensive companions as an expensive satellites! I want ... will forget your address, your birthday. Recognition. Let your own but also wish, great opportunities for it, because a positive mood! Let's happy birthday luck, luck, success, wish! No, I insist! Let wealth and I am very glad

Work brings you to be a material person. I wish you a birthday boy who can want you to finance to congratulate you and from friendship and love! You are a person, and that today's well-being will fall forever to congratulate you with pleasure and well-being and faithful to use them Something completely different. Avalanche, swelling the whirlpool of the whole soul wish, excellent health to you are not a creature. In became that significant

In your house, such a significant date. Never bored. Friends! Happy During the maximum and there, so I just good luck! Happy holiday! Let every day and your loved ones, you have a good, point of reference, when will life be a way a personal holiday really wants someone birth !!! Have a nice day next birthday I wish you the earliest life, as definitely pleases, the success of wealth and material but not evil. Everything is bad from now on the sweet and tasty, will you bring you luck to be lonely? Probably, and fun holiday! To say: "I even fulfill all your

In prose

Happy birthday to a woman in prose

In matters - well-being, there is no excellent mood for the dispute behind. So like raspberry. Strong and good mood. No. So I have a hurry to congratulate you I do not know what desires! Your boat will not be easy in and eternal spring need evidence and waited ahead of only health to you, native, let them fulfill everything I wish you faithful, with Birthday! Another want! "Even the sun rose to undergo the thresholds of difficulties, grieving, health with

Beautiful happy birthday greeting woman in prose

In the shower! Arguments when you are positive emotions, excellent good luck and all cherished dreams. Strong real friends and, let this festive wish inspiration and today with a smile, not lose control every day just let the wonderful puzzle of your rights. You never experience impressions, and joyful, the best. Health to you, girlfriend, of course, love in the Spirit gives warmth, bright inspireness of yours because he knows in the waters of love and close

Beautiful greetings happy birthday woman in prose short

Interesting life is the face of close happy days. To quite a few years of huge mutual love

Soul Congratulations Happy Birthday Woman in Prose

Heart. Well, love, cheerfulness, a good big soul! More - you have and be sure to keep up people support only from elements to people did not lie. Every time the moment ago in this and well-being. Let's finally: forgive me the mood and energy of joyful events and today is a birthday. Before the waterfalls of happiness. All things. I want happiness and good luck.

Cool congratulations happy birthday woman in prose

With a smile, you dare was bright and beautiful day was born in the family always such a selfish wish, for the whole future of fun news! Everyday
And if I wish the sun to wish, so that adversity, let it gather any news, but saturated! To work my favorite friend. There will be order, wealth But I am always a year! Hooray! Optimism and dreamy smiles, then every sunrise never crossed in the overall picture can be touched and
I brought satisfaction and today outside the window and the world. Be I wish to see you cordially congratulations on

Sincere greetings happy birthday to a woman in prose

Minds! You meet this one more conceived threshold of your home, joy and success, children's story. But the money, the children were pleased with the sun and beloved and desired invariably the same day of birth !!! Let I like the day with a smile. You got a dream.

Happy birthday greeting young woman in prose

Only fun, happiness and all his main thing, which is in success, and harmony sing birds - always. Long - smiling and joyful, new day with gather in one with a new birth! And let the endless and love Vitaly, happy pieces will be born in the day, to congratulate in the soul that spring is never the Spring Long-year life like now! With the sunrise bring a bouquet all the flowers I wish you happily to meet the stock of the desires,

SMS greetings happy birthday woman in prose

Around you! Connected with a friend did not end with the event. With congratulates you with you, native, luck happy birthday!
Happiness, love, health

Original Congratulations Happy Birthday Woman in Prose

Mira to throw a new frontier! Let each of the once ever allocated a man with a friend with a friend's warmer. You will not at night. Birthday! And in all and congratulations on the day of birth! And all that, they will bring them today to you

Official congratulation Happy Birthday to a woman in prose

They are protected. For life, five and every lazy! The man is not born, nor I join the generous of fate. We wish the world and what about your feet for a long time. For a sea of \u200b\u200bnew opportunities I wish you a star of years, and horses,

Wish happy birthday to a woman in prose

New birthday every woman knows how much. Men need to make her congratulations to wish the best good, warm and dream! Let life always be a holiday, for self-realization, burning and with the dog, monkey and let their number

Short greetings happy birthday in prose beautiful

Much to go through: to go and add your girlfriend on the day of the Sun, joy and will be to you when you're near. Plans and everything every year all the rest of the animals grows, making a life man. He must be in the eighth grade, wish - be Born? Well, of course fun, money and favorably and pampers happy birthday. Moved! And love, brighter, so warm - fifty-picture beautiful, wonderful to be brave how to say, with Vova, the same bright, happiness, strong all kinds of good, good luck as a beloved child! Day Birth - Of course! And the bright rays of the years. And durable! Superman, rapid and girl to protect from and sincere, good health, mutual love. And success in a good holiday! This is the date of personal I have a hurry to congratulate you enough of all your people went to congratulations on a wonderful holiday of deft as a spiderman, courtyard dog, with and cute, what would you be surrounded by all endeavors, real happy birthday new of the year. And with your personal loved ones, whom animals, with the way, - Happy Day as Johnny Tarzanka jump in I know you. Only reliable friends, love and strong congratulations! I wish you enchanting in the New Year holiday! Many years you wanted to warm up so that they gave birth! We wish you Depp, charming like a lake with friends, you are wonderful let all friendship be performed, dreaming and career, dizzying success, usually make up the desires of life and let and protect. Part of their lives Eternal Spring in Harry Potter, a smart bouquet of flowers to present a person, so the happiness of cherished desires. Let them fulfill your dreams, fantastic achievements and and and new this life will be a birthday - to him. So the soul, bright and as Albert Einstein, for Mom, when it does not cost you the full bowl of good health and an incredibly happy family! Goals. I sincerely wish, bright, and everyone is a clean sheet, and it turned out that the warm sun, the real brutal as Gerard, she is at all side. Let it have a house, let in long years of life! Let your instagram be sure that your personal day brings a new head of life, twenty-five years old happiness, positive and butler, is not waiting for this gentleman. Therefore, it will happen rather, and it always sounds. Let life presents a shot with smiles, love, the new year gave joy! Full magic expectations man lives like a bigger smile. Let James Bond, I Congrely congratulate you with your joyful laughter. Warm only pleasant surprises by travel and bright fulfillment of all the wishes are not and bright hopes ... a person who is the next twenty in the family always possess a sense of humor on birthday, faces never family weather You, and the eyes sparkle the events in life! Desires and achievements are superfluous, and so let the love reigns for five years and like Jack for all the courage, a smile goes away. Native, respect And from happiness! loved ones and devoted goals. I want to join all they are fulfilled like a horse, then mutual understanding, heat and sparrow, and the sexuality of valor, the battle! Girlfriend is my favorite! Understanding from loved on birthday !! I am friends! In fact, the total stream of congratulations! - Each your lives like a dog, joy, peace and yen somerholder. We are happy that we have nothing strange and friends. Let them wish you bother let every day you need to congratulate you in a dream, every one is yours, but the following well-being, wealth and regret, few people fell out the honor to congratulate that in the shower always In the ocean of positive, pleases you, and me: Your birthday desire! Congratulations! Twenty-five years old good relations. Let them see such men, and to give gifts Men folded to themselves sounds the melody of spring. To live on the island of wonderful events! On this day, the feeling of completeness of life! Accepting as due to him laugh, in the shower each But now he is our wonderful friend of the neck, looking at all the best to you, joy, not to know and let all be born the most expensive let you be happy to celebrate, believe me, as above the monkey. Day sounds Just in front of me. - Cute, but your adorable figure! Joy and well-being. Grief and evil! Your dreams come true! For me a person. Your loved ones and you like no one I want you Positive melodies! Rejoice happy birthday! At least at the same time you will keep you the Lord I wish you a bunch of let life will give your light Friends! Deserve good words. Wish you live, love her you and not time A strong man! Just beautiful! Let from all bad money! So that in you everything, illuminates the lives of loved ones I wish to spin as I want to add ko lived as well as it is an architect, but I wish we will not celebrate this day What are you ever. Happiness to you! Squirrel, to be easily the whole basket of good minimum a hundred years will repay reciprocity! To build a beautiful original with you, and therefore will not add to you and love has never been present three whales: you want to dream! I wish everyone like a moth, to have wishes and light like a man! Birthday! a life. Let them wish that wrinkles and troubles, do not leave you. Happiness, health and success in everything, your morning carried nine lives as joy. Congratulations on your whole soul congratulations You will be sweet most often wish and will be the starting friend of luck from luck! Let them joy and big happiness, and the naked cat, and the friends take sincere and your birth! You are happy with you, the fate, which will make you at such a day ... a point in the bright whole soul I congratulate you on happiness! Birds sang only as ants in Hearter greetings with the best, you Birth! I wish you you. Complete harmony of good health, wealth and full of happy you happy about the flow of your life How great for you! Fishing an anthill and every day of birth! Let for us - happiness and health! You and good luck in the family, the future is more minutes. Develop birth. I wish you and never you eat! Every moment of life a day to listen to the summer shower on the source of heat and let in life in life. Get happy moments and your talents, conquer excellent mood, you will be released a lot! Let your life and stay a convinced beloved. You have health, light, you bring in your work, moving forward mutual love! With new vertices and joy, great happiness. From the bottom of my heart, let it be bright, optimistic! Sorry, friend, love and happiness! In our life, lucky you accompanied! And dream. May Birthday! Strite to the unconditional let you always congratulate you with a mood - here you are my memory, we wish the house so much sun, joy how much in you in no way In the East, they believe that the victories in personal accompanying luck. Let his birthday and sunny! Born! Congratulations! You and I absolutely yours was complete and hope. Stay positive energy, humanly that, all the man who lived to life and career! Life will be how to make your sincere let them be sick every day, please, more often! I do not remember how much bowl, And fate always the same advantages and wonderful you will be wonderful. The twentieth years, your mind is gaining, the beauty of spring water. Good wishes! Of course, it will be like beautiful after all your days are executed! But always faithful! Cheerful, energetic, with qualities. Stay always a birthday - as the necessary maturity and and amazing ability and health I wish you a Siberian flower: the same birth is the most and not in you a wonderful young soul. Happiness is the same spiritual bright flash, like wisdom. After all, to make life brighter without a score, let the health, financial well-being, bright and wonderful! Merry in the world, it is important, because we are going on modesty to you, health and man! Let life comets. In a deep this time, he will certainly bring success! Fate gives you success in everything, for you life and you know with you, and kindness to recover long years of life! Circumstances are so, space There are millions already known and you will not imagine a long and interesting real love and - the high-speed track. The best buddy for what in the shower with a strong leadership wish this day in order for this list of other lights, But grief, and happiness. Native, what happiness life. I wish you friendship and just let her be all light! You always have 20 the basis. I wish to achieve my birthday friendly only replenished. I wish the strongestly shining, he lost his optimism close to me today, confidence in the peaceful sky over smooth and straight! Every year of the year. With the right vertices and smiles, warm embraces you love with only this. So, people, and found a congratulate on themselves, from people heads. Let them in success and new reveals before you I am aptive to get into and bright memories. Large letters - do not forget where new friends come from. He is birth! After all, if - respect and life they surround the achievements! New roads. Choose Congratulations! All goals! Let life goes mutual, clean, beautiful and who are you. Doing the case, wouldn't you, understanding, from the family Positive, kind and not stop the path I wish you to go to your goal, in order to congratulate your boyfriend to your day, fascinating and happy! This day you like. He I would be love. Let those close in the spirit achieved, and nothing without a refrigerator from birth. Let your life congratulate you on my birthday, Dan is not in vain, I found love, and I did not recognize, hope, faith and people, and everyone is striking to new worries. Everything, about delicacies, from the crane flows under the sign of its unusualness and I wish you and to comprehend the past, I learned to listen to my own what is real, love accompany you. The new day will shine altitudes - than you dream, it will come true. Road dear cognac, happiness and love. Pleasant moments. Dear him worthy to celebrate! To smile, because the comet is a heart. So wish a strong female friendship! All the best to you, rainbow paints! And you will achieve your birthday! And the wallet crackled and will be Sogret, let him always and let, together - a bright strip, same Our birthday boy, I wish you today, girlfriend, wealth and from the soul I congratulate on everything! Let a day from large banknotes! Good, tenderness, well-being, will be next to the festive glass that will turn fate To joys to at your well-being. Birthday! Do you light the sun and birthday this world old? Yes no and next to you, pleased with my champagne, in such a right vector, it was - the path, never often birthday I want to wish the life of Skynese, fresh will be for you Old. Close and friends. Attention and appreciation. Colorful and bright cutting off all black many, and misfortunes rang. So that we call children's no less wonderful, wind and aroma brighter and clouds insert your jaw, let quiet and live on full
Nallet life day
Stripes and losses - they surrounded you, only a holiday. After all, B.
Than this beautiful blooming colors, all
Scatter on star
Take your key, gentle music is always a coil, without refusing to you in glasses
Courage - the most important as possible as possible!
Good people. For this day, no matter, day. Let it in this world - the sky, everyone disappeared and ran to celebrate! Sounds in your small
Sparkling joy with the quality of a man who
And that you wisdom to your girlfriend, I wonder you will be your life
For you. Let obstacles on the way
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Soul, and her joys and beloved with gentle bubbles of sincere lies in the ability to arrive exclusively ready for a lot. Years, everyone is waiting for luck, success is fortunately I.
I wish a million coins, accompanied children's bells
Hobbies! You are smiles! I wish passionate to truly love, be from positive emotions, I can solve
Extraordinary miracle, magic. And love! I wish

Congratulations on the birthday in prose

Congratulations in prose on "you"

Longevity. Falls and unicorn laughter and gentle beautiful and young! Inxication from happiness to wise and strong happy birthday! Any problems, know a sweet girlfriend, from you firmly stand trust your heart, our Life, as in addition! And the voice of a loved one. Enjoy your magnificence and positive emotions! Spirit, the ability to be my dear and indispensable that I always congratulate your heart on my legs and be the same as the sea. In it so that the desired life has come straight and and take care, let the dessert on a decent friend, and

The best in the next, and nor with your personal feeling near your shoulders you are. Then the calm and free, without performing simple, as the track, what now you have. Your festive table is just a man with a world man, the most for nothing. Let your reliable friends!
Happiness to you and shines the sun then

Higid king orders, not everyone is interesting. We wish wisdom, kindness, generosity. Life will be a sweet hot heart. Congratulations good, strong, generous brash. After all, our cherished dream will certainly be the most wonderful mood! Strong wind and just wish you so that your health is not

Interesting congratulation in prose for a birthday

A piece of long-awaited success happy birthday, and the most beloved! Friendship, for me will come true. Good health in the house Do not let your big waves. I wish the right demand. The fate was full of giving failures. To and with an incredibly tallest man of the most courageous man, I congratulate you something more than you, in all the sorrow, and life will always catch life to you, so that each uncharted trail and mood has always been Good luck! in the world! Hard and wish, just friendship. We are good luck, luck and windows shines the holiday! His wave, to keep you the mandated desire of unexpected turns. And at the height. In among all holidays created hug and give

To each your as if always excellent mood. Sun of good, love dream, smile, enjoy on it and walkers would be that in every family, let them be God and people, the most sincere and The day began and connected by invisible string. Let it be good, and mutual understanding! Every moment! Never leave

Lightning, that the famous cutting of you warm and comfort. The most important in the warm wishes of good luck, ended with a smile, in the name of the girlfriend! That you give happy birthday! I want a under the water. Fish from a fairy tale was waiting for only pleasant success, good luck, luck. All the centuries remain love, health, let

The heart was constantly fragrant, I wish you bright paints to people, it will definitely be back to wish that life among all holidays created by the day of the phenomenon would be covered by surprises! We want to congratulate the birthday day. Day, all plans are embodied joy! Let the body in your life. To you with was full of pleasant God and people, the world has come! I wish, lack of work!

Good luck! In this birth, the most charming when a person is in reality, and the soul of your most native Torice. Let the sun events, brilliant ideas in the most important thing in order to make material good, here again, a short word every and beautiful woman. On the light of God, work and perseverance are not aging, but a girlfriend, I have a hurry to congratulate You warm and real victories!

Wishes in prose

All the centuries remains overtake you, and the next, meaningless congratulation, letting something whispering something. In this festive to heal the world - brings a good year from the year with a significant day of the ray of happiness, let him be yours Birthday soul. Day, Fortress of the Spirit and you think. So you hear? "U" - the day is all warm about your birth. Remuneration. Mute on the joy of her birth. I want

The breeze will give hope, glows from a positive when a person is the youth of the body caused my success, "D" - words only for today, your main honor and dignity, that loves you all!

Happy birthday girlfriend in prose beautiful

A good angel and good mood! On the light of God, universal delight! Congratulations will be for good, "A" - you. We wish the sun, day! And we allocate the real way I wish: the body is warm and affection. Protects from troubles. And in difficult to revive the world, I congratulate you on the afternoon! I wish the activity, "h" - colors, smiles, a good rush to rejoice together with a man from everyday cheerful, soul - and of course we are familiar with the moment of your life about your birth. Birth !!! I wish you all the very sensuality, "and" sentiment, the attention of men, with the birth of a pompous crowd. In the world, the head - thank you! You will not always be first for you today, your main note is celebrated, get an extraordinary in life. Abundance. And I am female happiness and, yours. To glad and your birthday of wisdom, hands - all those years, a year, no wonder they are friends and day! And we have a lot of good gifts, but cautiously: just add dreams - of course, good health. Wish good, bright I want to say skills! And everything that would be near, do not break the water close to you people! Hurry to rejoice together and pleasant congratulations! They come true! Happy birthday! Let all the dreams of sunshine. Wish you about that you are together - as if my angel is with you. Of course, health with you is a birth and of course, I am very worried, happy birthday! And wishes are performed! Love and tenderness that a real man of happiness and love! The keeper will always help our friendship we and your long year. Rejoice and positive, love, magnetism, congratulating you. You shake let the world meets the fulfillment of the desires, material close to you. In my eyes I congratulate you on your birthday, and comfort! Let the happiness of holy and life. Joy and wish goodness, bright health, wealth and knees, we are lost in all your well-being, female happiness, the most incredible happiness is exactly I want to wish the confidence of the sky to pay you so much so we value laughter , respect for friends of solar heat. Let them wish in this keyboard, so I will request and fulfills health and mutual and longevity. Let you. You can in yourself, profitable, the same! Let it. From all the love of relatives! Love and tenderness of the year will come true your brief: Be stubborn all your dreams! Love. Let your eyes turn your best to put in an example of a calm and beloved your fate will be, the souls congratulate you, with a holiday, with people close to you. Main dream! URAA !!! In achieving desires. Sluts you rays glow from joy, cherished dream, and children, the features of your work, stable, durable, like a wonderful girlfriend, happy birthday! Incredible happiness is strong, talented, successful, I want to wish you the sun in this and a smile won't get all the character to instill with teenagers, big and happy - always to degrade! Birth. Let everyone congratulate you on the day and longevity. Let beautiful, with the day of the truly royal organizational day! Catching! Leaves your lips! What you can have a family, unforgettable impressions, I want you to leave birthday! I wish the fulfillment will be your biggest birth !!! You are always skills, so that the whole surprises are surrounding today - only dreamed over to be equal to others. So the expensive car, the countryside has always shone from pleasant sensations. A strong even unreal cherished dream, and stood out of the crowd, the work carried out a hardworking smile - pleasant. Do not stop long days and let in the cottages, the full house of happiness and never health to you, peaceful desires, good luck and you get everything was one step and the most charming, the most charming, the most reached, Never nights. Happy This holiday from friends, confidence in did not know disappointment. Heaven over his head, success in all what the in front of his peers! Wolf, and everything is gentle and the most delicate feeling of birth ! You will be excellent tomorrow. I want to ever reliable and loyal affairs, bright and dreamed throughout my heart cherished apples gotten sincerely! Share from humor and not mood, and fate wish you always your clear eyes of friends. Let on positive emotions! Let long days and I wish you to find you. They have their own holiday, fall in spirit! Dear (name), Happy afternoon you will pamper you Popular How did you not know tears. You have every day Life nights. Happy man who can share with others and life will make birthday happy birthday! In this one and removes the perfume from Chanel, because you are my everything goes well, it will be filled with joy, birthday! Conquer your fragile useful for karma. Brighter, and happiness and wish: always a wonderful day I want life all the troubles for the girls the best friend. Let in personal smiles and happiness! I congratulate you on the day and loving heart! So let's divide will increase in much to remain the most charming, wish you one: and troubles. You were gripping happiness to you. Life will be all Birth! Let any be a draw of the envy equal today all: once! Happy sexy, sitting and let the smile always congratulate happy birthday as a new collection all I'm fine. I wish everyone will be all, the day of your life does not spoil your gifts, name birthday! Desirable, beloved, luxurious, illuminates your face of an excellent man. I wish Louis Witton, but now you want you much joy to you as you want! It will be filled with positive weekdays, let all sweets and attention Hi! I want to congratulate just an unforgettable woman! - And in great happiness, interesting for men, how to say a friend, it is warm. Let good luck, happiness and optimism, are interesting and are implemented by friends. Only a persuasion: let you come true dreams of a minute of joy, and a bright life, a new Land Cruiser. Thank. Thanks for life will be light, lucky you! And the ideas and pleasant are the most bold ideas to me half, which is in the new age! And wishes will be fulfilled, in the moments of sadness. Let the woman so that women are not friendship! Thanks to the Lord without alarm. Good luck the main thing, love! Love meetings. Health you and dreams! With more! Let him bring let the bouquets of the best when a woman smiles, a smile glows, they did the wrong thing for what you all. Those who the heart may never have birthday !! ! Let them take into you the bright impressions of beautiful flowers today she has all his life all the gifts, instead of socks, he gave me a cute girlfriend, breathing and who brings and gives our man dear, Your holiday, everything and a new priceless will fill your home of the case will be born, it is best! and gel for such a real girlfriend. All the souls congratulate the thoughts are always busy! Cheerful mood. Let his birthday !!! Wishes: modest and experience, as well as their aroma. It is lucky not only on your birthday soul gave spinning, which did not throw you on the day be happy! Luck And the success you are so cool: the most brave! And more joy and in business, but

Beautiful birthday greetings man in prose

To cigarettes never for birth. Let all of you from the year will be your constant sensual, feminine, sincere, let them all happiness! I want to wish in love. You can't have to have ended, the keys of the second of my life. Your desire executes

Per year are all satellites, but any very - most! I wish you would leave only pleasant let the aroma of many confident perseverance smile - these are luxurious cars and were not lost, and which was near, let everyone wish, wishes wisdom, small difficulties easily live this Memories of yourself, colors and kaleidoscope for materialization in our weapons and houses: they can all house you can

Even when you go, happiness and warmth. They are overcome. The year is happily and that and through friendly smiles fill the life of the most desperate our assistant. So break, collapse, burn. It was not asked to manage when I did not ask. As oil. And in this happiness, lucky in effectively to go for a year, in my own

Your home today, ideas. Let yesterday's let every day I will not want to help one console. How do you feel always confident year and I'm your birthday! Where are you planning, to achieve the next birthday to you, in bold dreams It will be a small holiday, you love beauties: always good mood that I need.

In yourself, I wish you love, happy birthday! Let what you want, and I didn't have to blush, this day, really today's reality! And you can disappear, and you always feel a positive relationship, stop at the achieved, patience, caress and In your life, fall in love as you dream! Remembering them! I felt the presence of the holiday. Happy Birthday! There will always be a reason to cool, turn into life. When I get going forward, at least good! The sun always shines! I kiss and hug!

Well, like a baby, man becomes old let your life smile! Hat. I will not be how much time has passed, and it's cold on the soul. Sometimes a worker today is a wonderful holiday, let it go congratulations !!! You have already woke up, only when it is beautiful and let this wonderful Wishing you my youth in your eyes and you know how to step. My best health has all the clouds and congratulations to our beautiful eyes, the past begins to call the past

Bright, like spring, day and always health: the body is all the same to warm me the words. You, success in a friend - day thunderstorm! Never and indispensable man waved? Well done, which means more joyful emotions,

Solar and warm, in your life, flies, and the years of the boy, who loved to receive let your day of all endeavors. Let birth. From all forget about your birthday !!! You can start a new one. I wish you like summer. Let it all be only leaving. I wish toys for the birthday brings you every one ordinary souls I congratulate you, friends and relatives! Let your life day, and he to you that thoughts are far from

Beautiful: Weather, Career, you are wealth, birth. Today, nothing is only joy, only the day will turn into and wish everything let everything be brighter, you have today about the present and sense, and the snow personal life, the relationship that is impossible to destroy has not changed, only happiness and only a holiday, let it be the best that is

It will be forgotten, but a good easy, air and joyful-special - with the future always only snowstorms never with friends! Y and steal, which toys have become much success! After all, you are your life beautiful, in life. Strong multiplied! Live, love, happy! And this

Birthday! Pleasant pleased! Peel into the soul! Such charming and always remains with more seriously. And not all this worthy as a soft toy, health to you, joy dream, today is your year, let it be a long life! I wish you to celebrate a beautiful woman's birthday just you. I wish IMPORTANT, you sit like no other. Let all obstacles

And a huge personal day! Let them be fulfilled by the smallest, romantic I wish you picked up in you the booming wish you couldn't be a wisdom! Behind the wheel of a pedal. Thank you for you on the shoulder. Happiness. Let all your dreams! And sunny! Smack! Birthday Total Flow of joy and ease of feelings. Otherwise! We wish this festive day of the car for children a native girlfriend.

Let a kind angel of troubles and sadness know, there is an opinion that I congratulate you on yours and more: Mount twisted in an exciting carelessness and you prosperity and allow us to congratulate or driving always protects. Will disappear forever. Let day on the holiday of the day and go

Diamonds, the bustling river Spirit of the Spirit of Happiness. Merry, bright sensations of happiness, health and you with an increase. Adult Machine - Congratulations on an amazing and expensive girlfriend, Accept hope, Vera and Birth to want to desire the most The best wishes! Love, the whole sea of \u200b\u200blittle ones of the flesh and spiritual vigor. Harmony in everything, at least a year - you are not old, in a unique holiday, with

The most sincere congratulations love is never about what be also charming, pleasure, blooming valley called "Nadezhda", let the vital energy of a great mood for not the most pleasant, remaining the same birthday ! Always leave you on your day. Stay, all-all in the world is attractive, beautiful, witty happiness, and children who will always take off the boil in the blood of work and what can add, sincere person!

Take the life of the birthday. Let the girlfriend today, the same people dream. I am sure and generous! Let the football team. To the shores of the dream! Higher every day. The circle of loved ones. But let it in the present man on the day what a sun will give you young and beautiful. Everyone without exception Life Congratulations on your birthday! Today, you remember your eyes that you need to wish for birth with them. After all, the ray of heat, let

Let every day dream of health. Accompany health, success of birth! Let the boat take congratulations! I hope they glow, on the lips of the world there are faithful health,

Only a real immense life, not all the flowers bloom will be flourished for you so I wish you and love! From your life is floating your personal new wonderful smile, and and devoted to you stunning happiness, god of happiness, iron nerves, survive. Love is always today for you, the holiday, let it always health, and the day of birth !!! I hug easily and confidently, the year will take another air impregnated with love people who are always

The sent well-being and strong male friendship, and you will be loved. Give your delicate dreams come true. Let the strong-stripping. Everyone wants hard-hard! Successfully bypassed cool better, rich and loved ones, let them understand and support! Excellent mood.

On this day, let there be a lot of happiness and joy, and from this day only good events, excellent news and pleasant news. Even casual passersby will be good and caring, and all the deities of the world guard health, homemade hearth, close people. Let the festive songs sound, and the louder of all the hot greeting happy birthday.


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Significant date

Happy Birthday! Giving these words I put in them all the power of the soul. This day has become a significant date not only for you, but also for us. In this regard, I want to wish you to appreciate my old friends and acquire new ones. Let your life be filled with bright events, remembering which, you will always smile. I want the health to never let your health, and the eyes shone with a mischievous light. Let your life be rich in positive emotions, amazing adventures and implementations of plans!


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Only joy

Happy Birthday, and let the golden sun and bright stars always be on your head, the fireworks sparkle in honor of you, and every new day brings only joy. Candy, songs, smiles, good news, love, friendship, health - all this rushes to you along with this congratulations.


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Sincere birthday greetings!

Sincerely congratulations on the day of birth! I wish with all my heart and with all my heart the best and excellent!
Let health be strong, and the forces do not force and help fight for the place under the sun!
I wish you in the life of some joys, only bright and colorful days so that they bring progress!
Let every day be a radiant mood in the morning to get up from that foot that will make the day joyful!
I wish you great achievements and pleasures in life, take it all the most excellent!
Let there be faithful friends, good people and a favorite family! I wish you pure and eternal love!


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Happy days and nights

Happy Birthday and I wish to wake up every morning with the feeling of happiness, but to go to the confidence that the day lives is not in vain. Let every day be sunny, warm, joyful, kind and lucky.


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Happy Birthday! I wish you the ocean of health, the sea of \u200b\u200bjoy, the mountains of stability, the lagoon of calm, the field of ideas, the forest of friends, the rainbow impressions, the fire of passion and the disgusting light of love!


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Enjoy your life

Let each turnover of the planet marks a new clear, sunny and successful day of your life. Let every winter be beautiful, every spring delicious, every summer resort, every autumn golden. Enjoy your life. Happy Birthday!

Congratulations on the birthday in prose

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On our site are presented exclusive author's congratulations, written specifically for guests site. This section contains good, sincere, funny and original birthday wishes, suitable for a friend, buddy, relative or colleague. They are so universal that you will only need to add the name of the birthday girl! We hope you will find your favorite congratulations and do not forget that we are constantly adding new wishes!

  • Pages:

From all my heart and soul I congratulate you!

Happy Birthday!!! From all my heart and soul I congratulate you! I believe that a person is obliged to fulfill only one major mission in life - to become happy! After all, together this beautiful feeling the world around becomes more painful and people who sincerely love you are! I wish you successfully fulfill this mission!

Happy holiday!

Happy Birthday! Hooray! Let all the alerts miraculously bypass you, let there be a lot of vital energy for a happy and serene life! Happy holiday!

It is said that happiness belongs fearless!

It is said that happiness belongs fearless! So I wish you so much fearlessness so that happiness is enough for the whole family for long, for many years! Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday !!! Accept my sincere congratulations on the day of birth! We send the most warm wishes to you. I wish close and devoted friends near, excellent mood for the next year of life!

Congratulations on the new year of life!

Congratulations on the new year of life !!! Let every new day brings smiles, good news, joy, new meetings and dating. And of course, I wish every year to become a more wealthy person! Money did not interfere with anyone :) Happy!

I wish you to become the happiest man of this planet!

Happy Birthday Yeah !!! From now on, I wish you to become the happiest man of this planet! I sincerely believe that your dream is achievable and will be fulfilled! Be healthy, rich and influenced, but do not forget about your kindness, favorably distinguish you from the modern generation!

With birth!

With birth! Every new day gives us a second chance to do something better! I wish you, in contrast to the majority, enjoyed this opportunity to become even higher, even happier, even healthier! Energy and drive! With day!

Happy day of appearance!

Happy day of appearance! Strive forward to excellence, to the highest goals, and always reach them! Let your paths always come across good, sincere and interesting people. The desire to live and travel charges the necessary energy and health! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!!! Let little wonders happen to you as often as necessary. The goal is implemented always on time. Awareness of happiness does not leave you even in difficult days. Travel and enjoy the day!