Congratulations on the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs prose. Short funny SMS congratulations on Police Day to your beloved or husband. Best congratulations on Police Day for employees of internal affairs bodies

We congratulate the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on their professional holiday, we want to wish you indestructible health, the joy of friendly communication, confidence in the future, prosperity and well-being.

Dear veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! You have devoted many years of your life to service in the internal affairs bodies. Today is your professional holiday. On this day, I would like to wish that your loved ones were next to you, so that your health is strong, and your soul remains forever young. Thank you for your hard work!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts to the distinguished veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on their professional holiday. Honor and courage, will and a sense of duty, patriotism and the desire to ensure order and protection have always been inherent in you, may today you feel the respect of others in full, you will be warmed by the kind words of relatives, friends and colleagues. We wish you all the best, stability, health, peace of mind and prosperity.

I sincerely congratulate you, dear veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Today is your holiday, the day of honor for your merits, faithful work and care for the whole country. I congratulate the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on this holiday and wish everyone to continue to remain brave and courageous heroes, for whom there are no fears or obstacles. I wish you good health, high status of respected people, peace of mind and family well-being.

Dear veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we congratulate you on your professional holiday! Thank you for your valuable work, full of heroism, patriotism and courage. May you be respected, loved and taken care of. I wish to pass on invaluable experience and knowledge to the younger generation, enjoy relaxation, peace and tranquility!

I congratulate the Ministry of Internal Affairs Veterans Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you never to feel a lack of energy, constantly fight for justice and honesty in this world, pass on your knowledge and skills to young people, continue to bravely defend the interests of the country, enjoy the respect and honor of others, cherish happiness in heart and patriotism in the soul. Health, Peace and Wellbeing.

I congratulate you on the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and sincerely wish you not to think that the past has been forgotten and exploits are stopped, I wish to start every day with optimism and a brave goal, I wish to pass on my knowledge and experience to young fighters, I wish to be an example of courage and ingenuity for everyone, I wish you, so that the country always needs your help and participation.

I congratulate you on the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and sincerely wish you tireless strength and good health, inexhaustible potential and true luck on the way. Remain a true example of courage, honor, bravery, confidence, a bright mind and a brave hero for the youth and for the whole country!

Dear veterans, we proudly congratulate you and thank you for your conscientious work, faithful service, honest performance of duty! We wish you to enjoy the peaceful sky and remember the past with kindness!

I congratulate you on the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and sincerely wish you to continue to have the strength of a hero, a strong mind and health. And may the path that you bravely began, defending the country from brawlers, scoundrels and vile persons, be continued by the same brave, courageous, honest and good guys like you. Good luck and prosperity to you.

An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not just a civil servant who strictly follows the letter of the law, but above all, a person with a living heart, looking at the very root of problems and at the very interweaving of complex human destinies and actions ... I congratulate you on Police Day and wish you many more brilliant years service and honestly deserved share of simple, strong happiness!

Not all those who come to serve in the police remain in it, because this work is by no means romantic, and sometimes dangerous and even routine, but there is nothing superfluous in it, and those who will not be scared away by difficulties become real heroes over the years , keeping the peace of citizens, protecting their lives and rights! On Police Day, I want to warmly congratulate you, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with good service and wish you to live happily ever after, because you deserve it a thousand times!

I congratulate you on the Police Day, I want to note that you are not only in the service, but in everyday life you remain faithful to the principles of honor and justice, and this is expensive in our world! Let me sincerely wish you good luck, love, new victories and many years of happiness!

Today I had the honor to congratulate just a wonderful policeman on Police Day, whose professionalism allows not only to suppress crime in the bud, but often, and re-educate violators of the law, he is the person who, without hesitation, will go to rescue a whole platoon alone or remove a crumb from a tree. kitten! Congratulations, hero! With all my heart, I wish you good luck, love and happiness!

He solves cases like cracking nuts, he is noble like Zorro, and his dog is smart like Mukhtar and strong like a wolfhound! He is our familiar policeman and today we congratulate him on his professional holiday, on Police Day! Accept our wishes for love, happiness, good luck and many years to come!

Anyone who chooses the profession of a policeman undoubtedly wants to make our world a better place, to bring safety to the lives of his family and neighbors, and to solve their problems fairly! I congratulate you on the Day of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and wish you never succumb to difficulties, confidently go for promotions and just live happily!

On Police Day, I congratulate you and wish you to always serve in such a way that other police officers look up to you! Be our kind protector, an ordinary district superhero! And may you always, luck smiles in everything - even in solving cases, even in your personal life!

Today I congratulate not just a policeman on Police Day, but also a kind, sympathetic person who lives, guided, first of all, by the concepts of honor, justice and nobility! You stand up for the truth with a mountain, do not take bribes and do not spare violators, in a word, you are a real defender of law and order! With all my heart I wish you a long, happy and prosperous life!

Service in the police is not an easy task, and we are simply surprised how such a charming girl could handle it! But know that your beauty and kind, sincere smile do not prevent you from performing your duties brilliantly, deserving the praise of your colleagues! On Police Day, accept our congratulations and wishes of happiness!

On Police Day, I want to sincerely congratulate you and assure you that you are one of the best representatives of this profession! By your forces, undoubtedly, in the very near future, we will significantly increase the safety of citizens and force violators to seriously think about their behavior! Today I wish you success in your work and personal happiness, as well as many more years, good luck and love!

On the day of the internal affairs officer of the Russian Federation, I want to wish you good luck in all your affairs. Let the criminals retire during your shifts, the children do not get lost or mischievous, and the bosses go on business trips. Let the calm environment in the district contribute to rapid growth in the career ladder, and career success will help to find real family happiness.

Dear friend, happy holiday, happy police day! I wish you safe trips, good resolution, no crime. Let the calm atmosphere in the city always be thanks to your courage and determination. And let there always be free time for family and rest. May your prosperity grow and your confidence in the future grow stronger.

Happy Russian Police Day. Let every day, though difficult and dangerous, but at the same time be glorious and successful, fruitful and eventful in solving cases of any complexity. The health of our glorious police, intelligence, ingenuity, talent, luck and tremendous strength to accomplish real deeds.

Happy Russian Police Day. Let the whole of Scotland Yard envy, let no one be able to unravel any business as easily, quickly, dexterously and skillfully as you can! Good luck and good intuition, brave wit and undoubted courage of the soul, and also patience, health, love in the heart, vigor in the body and happiness in personal life.

Happy Russian Police Day. I wish that the eyes were not afraid and the hands did. Be strong, brave and merciless for the underworld, be cheerful, kind and happy against the backdrop of the successful days of your life.

Happy Russian Police Day. I wish, as an experienced fisherman, to catch any rowdy and criminal on my hook, I wish to take luck with me on every task, I wish to unravel every case, like the smart Sherlock Holmes.

Happy Russian Police Day. May not a single criminal be able to hide, may not a single hooligan be left on the sidelines. I wish you to be a strong and indestructible rock guarding law and order, I wish you to always find the key to happiness on the path of your destiny and life.

Congratulations on Russian Police Day and I want to wish you to be cooler than Colombo and even Sherlock Holmes, to always find an answer to even the most tricky question. Let the criminals tremble when they hear your name, let the whole world sleep peacefully when such a brave hero as you is in the service.

Happy Russian Police Day. I wish you to rush to your goal with a mark and a quick bullet, I wish you a brave and gallant hero to always be on guard of the order of this world. Let there be a guardian angel and a bulletproof vest nearby in case of danger, let there be no exceptions in a series of successful, glorious, good, successful, prosperous days.

Happy Russian Police Day. I wish to press any rogue against the wall, I wish to suppress any crime in the bud, I wish to solve any business in one fell swoop, I wish to always remain a threat of the underworld and a hero of my people.

I congratulate you, as an honest and selfless guardian of order, today on your professional holiday! I wish you more strength, since your service is not an easy burden, stronger health is necessary for everyone! I, as an ordinary citizen, can sleep peacefully as long as there are people like you in the police, for which I am grateful to you!

Your profession is worthy of true respect and sincere honor, let me on this Police Day sincerely wish unlimited success against the background of cloudless and safe working days, stand steadfastly and valiantly guarding peace and order.

Dear Interpol employees! Who else but you knows that evil is not stopped by borders, that it dresses up in different masks and is often difficult to recognize. But not for you! You are professionals with a capital letter! Let your chosen activity bring as many positive results as possible, always find mutual understanding among colleagues all over the world and protect people of different nationalities. Love, health and prosperity to you and your families.

You are a brave police officer, guardian of the law and guardian of order! Today is your day, I wish you to celebrate it with dignity and fun. Let there be only white stripes in life, surrounded by kind people and reliable comrades, order, peace, love and care reign in the family.

Your professional holiday fell on an autumn day. But even though it’s not too warm, the gratitude of the people you helped is ardent. Because this is what your service is all about - helping citizens and protecting them from criminals. Thank you for choosing this job. And I just want to wish you to be happy.

The honor of the uniform is not just a pretty phrase. This is a way of life and a special perception of the world. Police Day, November 10, is a solemn confirmation of this. Congratulations to all the proud owners of the rank and uniform of a serious profession. Let the benevolence of fate become the flagship of your life and protector in serious situations.

Any work probably requires responsibility and patience. But yours is also courage, strength and courage. And you, possessing these qualities, always cope with difficult tasks. Therefore, I congratulate you on your holiday, the day of the police, with pride that I know you, and with confidence: you did not choose this job for nothing! Wish you new achievements!

May your diligent and selfless work be celebrated with incredible success and overwhelming success. Let the amazing mood and colossal luck accompany you in business. We wish you phenomenal results and the highest performance on this outstanding police day.

Police service is not a profession for the faint of heart. It is important to clearly understand what and why you are doing, what these actions will lead to. You are a true strategist in your business. Today, sincerely congratulating you, I want to wish you strong nerves, endurance, patience, good luck.

Our friend is a policeman, a guardian of the law, a warm heart and strong hands. On his professional holiday, we present him with flowers, a bottle of which is stronger and heartfelt congratulations! Be our protector, mister policeman! Live up to a hundred years in wealth, surrounded by the love of beauties and the respect of the authorities! To the charming policeman, who at first sight disposes to himself, on his holiday day, when it is not a sin to have fun even for the guard of law and order, I send congratulations from all my ardent heart! Carry your service with valor! On your account there is more than one story, when evil insidiously crept up to our peaceful society ... But does he have a chance when such guys are with us? Happy Police Day! Be the heroes of your fatherland and just wonderful guys! Let your friends adore you, the girls love you, the relatives praise you, and the bosses respect and reward you! All citizens need security and confidence in the world and we have not come up with anything better than to entrust this to you, the police, and must say that we were not mistaken! Today, on a glorious day, congratulations on Police Day and best wishes! The police are in charge of the darkest corners of the life of our society ... But you managed not to harden your soul, to maintain faith in the best and friendly disposition! Today we are in no hesitation in a hurry to congratulate you on Police Day and present you with modest gifts! But the main thing is to wish you to always remain the same good people! If something happens somewhere, you hurry to the rescue with your outfit and now you don't have to worry and generally drink tea peacefully ... Should I pour you a cup too? Today there is a reason! Happy Police Day! Live long, do not know the ailments and may all your dreams come true! You serve on the side where the world is not very friendly and calm ... But someone must take care of the effectiveness of the law in our open spaces, and today we congratulate you on Police Day, that you carry it with honor not an easy burden! Let me wish you to always be in the ranks and not to grow old in soul until deep gray hairs! Guided by the law, you return peace to the streets of our city with an iron hand, and peace to our hearts. Happy Police Day! It's good that there are guys like you in the world! Believe me, the best is yet to come! You will have an increase, and love, and prosperity! There is danger in your business and you cannot relax, but, despite the difficulties, you do not lose heart! You can safely paint a portrait of an ideal police officer, and today we just congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you all the best! More salary, vacation at the resort, a beautiful wife and little babies, as well as peace in the house and a hundred grams on weekends for dinner! They say that we should be equal to the West ... And I will say that I will not exchange you for an unknown sheriff when you are just gold and the first guy in the squad! Congratulations on Police Day, hero! Be rich, loved by your family and treated kindly by the attention of your superiors!