Causes of discharge during pregnancy. Discharge in the early and late stages of pregnancy. Discharge during pregnancy, which requires mandatory consultation with a doctor

Normal discharge during pregnancy. Causes of green and brown discharge during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a joyous event for most women. But this period is associated with many experiences and anxieties, because the body behaves differently. The hormonal background is changing, the nature of the discharge is different from the previous ones.

  • On the 6-12th day after conception, the embryo attaches to the walls of the uterus. Accordingly, somewhere before the very menstruation, you can see several pink or yellow spots on the linen.
  • It is a creamy mass with a little blood. The embryo invades the mucous membrane, slightly destroying it at the attachment point. Many women confuse this secret with menstruation, but it is different in nature. The discharge is not blood, it is only a small amount. In addition, they are not abundant and stop after a couple of days.
  • If you are not yet aware of your pregnancy, but you have had unprotected intercourse, observe vaginal secretions. Usually, before menstruation, it becomes whitish and thick, its amount is negligible. The consistency is like a cream. But, if you are in position, the vaginal secretion becomes transparent and liquid and practically has no color.

What does discharge during pregnancy mean?

The causes of heavy discharge during pregnancy can be different. It is necessary to evaluate their color, smell and quantity. But usually, in most women, the amount of secretion increases, the smell may change.

This is a variant of the norm, unless, of course, they are colored yellow, brown or green. A lot can be said about smell. If you are concerned about discharge, see your doctor. When registering with a antenatal clinic, they give a referral to take tests for the main genital infections.

discharge during pregnancy

How long does a pregnancy discharge last?

It all depends on their character. Usually in the first trimester of pregnancy, the discharge is creamy and thick. They are not abundant and do not have a specific and unpleasant odor. Most of the secret is observed in the third trimester.

It's quite normal. The baby grows and develops, your belly grows. Accordingly, the uterus is also stretched and enlarged. The discharge will change depending on the length of the pregnancy.

Be careful about changes in the amount, color and consistency of vaginal secretions. If you change, be sure to consult your doctor.

discharge during pregnancy

It is this daub that worries the expectant mother. Often, a brown daub occurs during the alleged period. If you feel normal, you have no stomach pain, no vomiting, then do not worry.

Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy:

  • Fastening of the ovum... This occurs at 1-2 weeks of gestation. Nothing wrong with that. Blood disappears after 1-2 days
  • Risk of miscarriage... Most often observed with detachment of the ovum. At this time, the stomach pulls, aching pain, dizziness, nausea and vomiting may occur. In such cases, urgently go to the doctor.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Usually the right or left side is very sore. The fallopian tube stretches and may burst. Inpatient treatment is mandatory. A woman is not always operated on. Antibiotics are often prescribed and menses wait
  • Detachment or placenta previa... This happens in the second or third trimester. Most often observed due to untreated infections. Often causes premature birth and miscarriage
  • Genital tract infections. If you have passed all the tests and you have identified some kind of infection, it needs to be treated. Many women are afraid to take antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Such a refusal often becomes the cause of the development of fetal abnormalities and premature birth.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy, causes

Yellow vaginal secretion during pregnancy is not considered the norm. It is especially worthwhile to be on your guard if mucus and a specific smell appear.

Causes of yellow discharge:

  • Improper care of the genitals. Perhaps soap is not suitable for you, or you need to change your underwear to cotton
  • Inflammatory ailments of the genitourinary system. This often happens with cystitis, endometritis or vaginitis. These ailments are provoked by nonspecific pathogens, conditionally pathogenic microflora. Ailments are treated with antibiotics
  • Genital tract infections. Such a secret is very thick and smells bad, it is observed with gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and chlamydia
  • Dysbiosis. Reducing the number of lactobacilli. Often occurs after taking antibiotics

Yellow-green discharge during pregnancy

Green mucus is also not the norm. This is a sign of a viral or bacterial illness. If along with the separable you feel pain, itching, urgently run to the doctor.

Often, green discharge appears after douching, this is due to injury to the mucous membrane.

White discharge during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester: causes

In some cases, leucorrhoea is a variant of the norm. At first, that is, up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, a mucous plug closes the entrance to the uterus. That is why there is a creamy secret. It does not cause any discomfort.

In the second and third trimester, the amount of white secretion may increase. At the same time, its consistency will become viscous and similar to mucus with white lumps. This is also a variant of the norm. This secret is the result of an increase in the amount of estrogen.

When should white discharge be a concern:

  • If the secret changes color and turns from white to green or yellow
  • With the appearance of severe itching and burning. Most often it is candidiasis or thrush. It definitely needs to be treated
  • If you feel weak, fatigued, and nauseous. Possibly infection or placental detachment has begun

  • In the later stages, marks on the laundry become more noticeable. Many women are forced to wear panty liners.
  • It's quite normal. In the third trimester, the nature of the discharge changes, the body prepares for childbirth, the secret becomes liquid and translucent
  • Often a week or two before the PDD, a woman discovers a strange dense clot of white-yellow color on her underwear. This is a mucus plug. Most often, all childbirth after the cork comes off begins within a week.

Any late bloody or brown discharge should be a reason to see a doctor. These are signs of premature birth and placental abruption.

What do constant discharge during pregnancy say?

During pregnancy, a woman must be accompanied by discharge. Their character changes depending on the age and condition of the woman. At the first, a creamy, odorless, white secret appears.

At the end of the term, the discharge becomes abundant, liquid and translucent. Before the very birth, a very thick, mucous discharge is possible.

persistent discharge during pregnancy

What discharge during pregnancy is considered the norm?


  • At the beginning of pregnancy, with implantation of the ovum, this is brownish or pink discharge, which disappears after 2 days
  • In the first trimester, the norm is a creamy secret, not abundant. The appearance of mucous inclusions is possible
  • In the second and third trimester, the secret is transparent and abundant. It is caused by an increase in estrogen levels
  • Before childbirth - white clots with mucus

If the pregnancy proceeds without deviations, then the discharge does not bother the woman in any way. The nature of the vaginal secretion changes depending on the hormonal background. The discharge is more abundant than before pregnancy due to changes in the body. In the first trimester, progestin levels rise.

It is he who keeps the pregnancy and allows the embryo to implant and grow. The discharge is white and thick. From the second trimester to childbirth, the secret is liquid and abundant, reminiscent of baby snakes.

Discharge is often caused by infection with viruses, infections, or fungi. In such cases, the secret is colored yellow or green and has an unpleasant odor. Bubbles may appear, the discharge resembles foam. In this case, a doctor's consultation is needed.

Pregnancy is an unforgettable time. A woman during this period is accompanied by a variety of secretions. Listen to your body.

VIDEO: Discharge during pregnancy

As we grow up, we learn what vaginal discharge is and how to deal with it. Menstruation and leucorrhoea during the intermenstrual period is normal, in case of unusual discharge, you will make an appointment with a gynecologist and receive recommendations. However, if you have entered such a wonderful period as pregnancy, the discharge takes on special significance.

At each visit to the antenatal clinic, the obstetrician-gynecologist will ask you:

Is there a discharge?
- what color and quantity are they (abundant, scanty, smearing, etc.)?
- Is the discharge accompanied by itching in the perineum, pain in the lower abdomen, changes in fetal movements?

And other clarifying questions. And he may also ask to show the selection on the lining (pad) or invite you for an examination on the chair.

Pathological discharge during pregnancy

So that you have an idea of ​​what to talk about first of all, we will give a description of the most common pathological secretions:

1. Brown

Brown discharge always indicates the threat of termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks and the threat of premature birth at 22 - 36 weeks 6 days. Brown discharge is clotted blood, and if treated promptly and with adequate treatment, the prognosis can be favorable, and the pregnancy can be preserved.

2. Bloody

Bloody discharge is a sign of an active pathological condition (a miscarriage that has begun, an abortion in progress, a chorionic detachment up to 22 weeks; preterm labor that has begun, a detachment of a normally located placenta, bleeding with placenta previa in a period of more than 22 weeks). The prognosis for obvious bleeding is more formidable. The sooner the pregnant woman goes to the nearest obstetric facility, the more chances of a favorable outcome for the mother and fetus.

3. Pink, cream

A pinkish, beige discharge can be a harbinger of spotting. Therefore, when such a discharge appears, immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist to clarify the condition (gynecological examination, ultrasound, cardiotocography, dopplerometry depending on the period).

4. Yellowish, yellow, green, greenish, gray in color. By the nature of the discharge is thick (up to the discharge of "crumbs" or "pieces"), watery, foamy, may have inclusions of lumps of mucus, flakes, etc. As a rule, such discharge is a sign of infection.

Discharge can be moderate or abundant, have a different odor (sour, putrid, fishy) and be accompanied by complaints (itching, burning in the perineum, edema, redness of the external genital organs). These are secretions that directly indicate development. inflammatory process... In pregnant women, immunity always decreases, this is due to nature and serves to prevent the rejection of the fetus by the mother's body (since the fetus is to some extent also a foreign organism, half of the genetic material is paternal). But besides the good, a decrease in immunity entails a greater risk of any inflammatory diseases, in particular colpitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa).

The cause of the inflammatory process can be:

Coccal flora (excessive reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina or the introduction of coccal flora from the external genital organs and skin if personal hygiene is not followed)

Escherichia coli (brought in from the anus with improper care)

Trichomonas (sexually transmitted protozoa)

Gonococci (cause gonorrhea, sexually transmitted infections)

Chlamydia (intracellular microorganisms also sexually transmitted)

Ureaplasma, mycoplasma (may be present in the opportunistic microflora of the vagina, may be brought in from the outside)

Colpitis during pregnancy is subject to treatment, external treatment (ointments, creams) is allowed from an early date, local treatment (suppositories, vaginal tablets, creams and gels) is allowed from 12 weeks, a limited range of drugs is allowed.

Also during pregnancy, bacterial vaginosis is often found, which is characterized by an imbalance of the beneficial and opportunistic microflora of the vagina and needs treatment.

It is impossible to select a drug on your own in any case, not all drugs are allowed during pregnancy, there is a dependence on the duration of pregnancy and the type of pathogen, the nature of the smear. The drug and the duration of treatment are determined by the obstetrician-gynecologist conducting your pregnancy.

5. White, cheesy discharge

Most often, such discharge indicates the development of candidiasis, which is associated with hormonal changes and a decrease in local immunity. Treatment is indicated after 12 weeks, the choice of drug and the duration of treatment is up to your doctor.

6. Thin, watery, copious discharge

They may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid, up to 37 weeks old - this is an unfavorable phenomenon, therefore, the situation needs to be clarified and the choice of tactics for further treatment (tactics differ significantly at different stages of pregnancy).

Norm and pathology of discharge by week of pregnancy

The obstetric period of pregnancy is considered from the first day of the last menstruation, since while the endometrium is being rejected in the uterus, the same follicle with an egg is already maturing in the ovary, which will give rise to our pregnancy.

1 - 4 weeks

The first weeks of pregnancy is a particularly crucial period, since many influences (an infectious disease with high fever and intoxication, the toxic effects of alcohol and drugs, drugs and others) can lead to undesirable consequences (termination of pregnancy, bleeding). Therefore, we will provide the most detailed schedule of possible discharge by week, so that you can navigate where the norm is and where the pathology is. But, of course, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

Week 1

In the first week, there is menstrual bleeding. In one of the ovaries (and occasionally in two at once), a follicle matures and prepares to leave.

2 week

Ovulation is a physiological phenomenon, which is the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the abdominal cavity, where it is captured by the fimbria of the fallopian tubes and carried into the tube.

Ovulation occurs at about the 14th day of the cycle, and this event can manifest itself as spotting scanty bloody or brown discharge and moderate pulling pains in the lower abdomen and above the bosom for 1-2 days (ovulatory syndrome). During this period, mucous discharge may appear more abundant than usual.

During ovulation, the egg is fertilized with a sperm.

3 week

On the 5-7th day after fertilization, the egg is implanted into the prepared endometrium, and "implantation bleeding" can be observed, scant spotting spotting lasting about 40 hours. They are not accompanied by pain and go away on their own.

4 week

At the 4th week of pregnancy, the discharge is transparent or whitish, not abundant, dense, odorless and not accompanied by additional sensations. Such discharge is due to hormonal changes in the body (an increase in the concentration of progesterone) and increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

5 - 8 weeks of pregnancy

Allocations have a thick, but "slippery" consistency, are transparent or slightly whitish. Gynecologists call such secretions "milk". The discharge is practically odorless, or you may smell a subtle sour smell. All of the above picture is a reflection of the normal secretory function of female organs and is regulated by the "pregnancy hormone" - progesterone. Discharge at this stage of gestation performs a protective function, since it prevents the penetration of infectious agents to the fetus.

However, any discharge other than those described above should be alarming. Brown or dark, smeared discharge may indicate an ongoing miscarriage and require immediate diagnosis. A miscarriage that has not always begun leads to a complete rejection of the ovum; treatment started on time often helps to maintain the desired pregnancy.

Bright spotting is a threatening sign, and the more profuse the bleeding, the more unfavorable the prognosis for the fetus.

The appearance of fresh bloody discharge is a reason to immediately contact the gynecological department or call the ambulance team.

There is such a phenomenon as "color pregnancy" or "ablution of the fetus", which consists in the fact that a woman regularly menstruates on time against the background of a progressive pregnancy. The pregnancy test is positive. But in order to calm down and be sure that the pregnancy continues to develop, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Abundant, yellowish / greenish / gray, frothy discharge, liquid or, conversely, thick and "cheesy" with an unusual or pungent odor, accompanied by itching in the perineum, reddening of the mucous membranes and skin of the external genital organs (labia) - this is a sign of an infectious process. Infections require timely diagnosis (specific smears and cultures for infections) and treatment. Therefore, if you experience disturbing discharge, see your doctor at the antenatal clinic.

Very often in the early stages, candidiasis (thrush) develops, which is associated with a change in the immune status in connection with hormonal changes in the body. Candidiasis is not a "true" infection, but rather a manifestation of an imbalance in the vaginal flora. When registering, they will definitely examine you on a chair and take a smear on the flora. But even if signs of thrush are detected, treatment will have to be delayed up to 12 weeks. The maximum that can be used is external ablution of the genitals with a soft gel for intimate hygiene (without applying to the mucous membranes!).

9 - 12 weeks

Discharges from 9 weeks become more liquid, watery and transparent and in appearance and consistency may resemble egg white, have no noticeable odor (or have a barely noticeable sour smell) and do not bring any unpleasant sensations.

Up to 12 weeks, a woman can normally have a subfebrile temperature (up to 37.2 ° C). If the increase in temperature is not accompanied by other pathological symptoms (cough, runny nose, back pain, dysuric phenomena, stool disorders, and in our case, pathological secretions other than the above picture of the norm), then you should not worry.

However, an increase in body temperature in combination with the appearance of abundant yellowish / greenish / gray discharge, which can be thick or, on the contrary, watery and foamy (you notice air bubbles in the abundant secretion), indicates the development of a urogenital infection and requires diagnosis and treatment.

If you have been diagnosed with cervical erosion before pregnancy, then during pregnancy a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse can provoke small spotting spotting. Such discharge is observed for several hours and is not accompanied by any subjective complaints (no pulling pains in the lower abdomen). This happens because during gestation, all tissues of the body are under the influence of progesterone, which loosens all tissues. The mucous membrane of the cervix becomes looser, "juicy" and bleeds more easily upon contact.

13 - 16 weeks

The discharge in this period becomes more liquid, has a transparent or slightly whitish color, and can become a little more abundant. This is due to an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood. The smell, as before, shouldn't bother you. Discharge is homogeneous and free of inclusions (lumps of mucus, thick white / yellowish clusters)

In the presence of pathological discharge, it is necessary to pass additional tests (smear for flora, culture for infections and, possibly, a blood test from a vein for sexually transmitted infections). After 12 weeks, the use of some drugs for the treatment of candidiasis and STIs is already allowed.

17 - 21 weeks

The discharge is neutral in color and odor, but may become more abundant and runny. The discharge is more liquid, but homogeneous and rather viscous, does not have foreign inclusions and is not accompanied by complaints (itching and burning in the perineum, edema and redness of the external genital organs).

The appearance of brown discharge or bright spotting should be alarming, as it indicates a threat of late miscarriage. With timely treatment, it is possible to maintain pregnancy.

22 - 24 weeks

Normal discharge at this time is also transparent / whitish, homogeneous, liquid, without foreign smell and without complaints of discomfort in the intimate area and pain in the lower abdomen.

From 22 weeks, we are no longer talking about the threat of interruption (or the threat of miscarriage, which means the same thing), but about the threat of premature birth.

Bloody discharge may indicate the onset of preterm labor or detachment of the placenta (premature detachment of a normally located placenta). This situation is urgent and you should go to the maternity hospital.

Also, too abundant transparent liquid discharge (resembling water, may be light or have a yellowish color), which appeared suddenly (possibly after sharp or heavy physical exertion, intercourse or severe stress), should be alerted, the discharge does not stop or go in portions, wetting the laundry ( mucous discharge is usually viscous enough to saturate the laundry).

Perhaps here we are talking about the leakage of amniotic fluid (PIV or PIO - premature rupture of amniotic fluid).

This situation is urgent and is subject to urgent diagnosis and, in case of confirmation of amniotic fluid leakage, the development of management tactics, depending on the obstetric situation.

The period from 22 weeks is already "maternity hospital" and in the case of premature birth, the child is subject to resuscitation and nursing (On the approval of the Procedure for providing medical care on the profile "obstetrics and gynecology (excluding the use of assisted reproductive technologies)" (as amended on January 12, 2016)).

24 - 28 weeks

The discharge at this stage of pregnancy is whitish (milky) or transparent, quite liquid, homogeneous, does not have a pronounced odor and is not accompanied by any complaints.

Bloody discharge (brown spotting or the appearance of scarlet drops of blood) indicates a threat of premature birth, and you should consult a doctor about this.

If bloody discharge appeared suddenly, they are abundant (you need more than a daily pad) and / or are accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, changes in fetal movements, then you should immediately contact the emergency room of the maternity hospital (on your own or by calling the ambulance help ").

If you notice the appearance of smearing brown discharge, the abdomen does not hurt, and you do not notice an increased tone of the uterus (the abdomen is soft and does not "stiffen" when you touch, walk or by itself), you can feel the fetal movements well (they are the same as always, not stormy and not sluggish, barely noticeable), then you should go to your obstetrician - gynecologist at the antenatal clinic during reception hours without an appointment.

After examination, the doctor will choose further management tactics. You must be prepared to be referred to a day or 24 hour hospital.

In case of the appearance of liquid watery discharge (suspicion of premature rupture of amniotic fluid), you should contact the maternity hospital to clarify the diagnosis and be prepared that you will be offered hospitalization.

Premature birth before 28 weeks is characterized by deep prematurity and extremely low fetal weight (up to 1000 grams), so you should be very attentive to yourself and not neglect medical help and supervision.

29 - 31 weeks

The discharge retains a milky color, a liquid but viscous consistency, and may acquire a more pronounced sour smell. If there are no other signs of infection (itching, burning, yellow / greenish / gray discharge, flakes), then don't worry.

At 30 weeks in consultation at a scheduled appointment, you will be examined on an armchair and take a swab for flora. If you have inflammation, you will be given treatment and a follow-up smear.

Everything that was said above about bloody discharge and suspicion of PIOT is also true in this period. In these cases, it is unacceptable to postpone a doctor's consultation.

Premature birth from 28 weeks and 1 day to 30 weeks and 6 days is characterized by severe prematurity and very low fetal weight (up to 1500 grams).

32 - 36 weeks

The discharge remains neutral in color, the same consistency and may have a sour odor.

At 36 weeks, you will take a smear on the flora for the third time (even if there were no pathological changes in the previous smears), this is necessary to prevent premature outpouring of water (the infection "eats away" the membranes and provokes IRP), timely sanitation of the genital tract prevents many problems. If you notice a change in the pattern of discharge, tell your doctor about it at your next visit.

Also, if inflammation is detected, it is necessary to have time to reorganize the vagina before childbirth. Childbirth against the background of an inflammatory process can be complicated by infection of the fetus.

The inflamed tissues of the birth canal are loose and vulnerable, they cannot be stretched to the proper size during the birth of the fetus and ruptures occur. Ruptures can also occur with normal vaginal microflora, but in the presence of colpitis, this is almost inevitable, and then the healing of the sutures is more difficult.

37 - 41 weeks and 3 days

Pregnancy is full-term and labor can begin at any time.

The discharge gradually becomes more viscous, transparent and viscous, this is due to the increase in estrogen in the mother's blood.

Estrogens prepare the cervix for childbirth, soften it and help shorten it.

The mucous plug, which worries expectant mothers so much, is a clot of transparent or whitish mucus, possibly streaked with blood, which is separated without any precursors, and may be accompanied by pulling pains in the lower back or lower abdomen. The passage of the mucous plug is not the beginning of labor; on average, the plug leaves 2 weeks before delivery. Sometimes a woman does not notice this moment if everything happened in the toilet or while bathing.

After loosening the plug, you should not swim in open bodies of water (rivers, lakes, etc.), as previously thick mucus blocked the entrance to the cervical canal and thereby protected the fetus.

The discharge of water is a signal for the onset of labor. If you notice the appearance of profuse watery discharge that has soaked your linen, and possibly clothing, then you should go to the maternity hospital.

Pay attention to the color of the watery discharge. Normally, they are colorless, light, have a faint specific smell (some compare it with the smell of mother's milk). If you notice greenish or thick green / brown waters, then we are talking about fetal hypoxia. Yellow / brown appear with hemolytic disease (elevated bilirubin levels). Cloudy, flaky water that has an unpleasant odor is a sign of infection.

Be sure to tell the doctor in the hospital about the nature of the discharge at home, as tactics in different cases can be radically different.

After a gynecological examination, mucous discharge in blood streaks and brown spotting discharge may appear for several hours, this is normal and indicates the gradual preparation of the cervix for childbirth. Such discharge is not accompanied by a change in the nature of fetal movements.

Abundant scarlet spotting or brown discharge with clots may indicate the onset of premature detachment of the normally located placenta. This is an emergency that requires immediate medical examination and intervention. You should contact the nearest maternity hospital.

Discharge and pain

Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, accompanied by fresh bloody discharge from the genital tract, is a threatening symptom that may indicate the development of a miscarriage (if up to 22 weeks) or premature detachment of a normally located placenta (over 22 weeks). In this case, the prognosis depends on the speed of treatment in the obstetric facility (better than level III, that is, equipped with resuscitation and having the ability to nurture children).

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen in combination with brown discharge indicates the threat of termination of pregnancy or the threat of premature birth, this situation is more favorable, but needs treatment in a day or round-the-clock hospital.

Pregnancy is, in a sense, a "job" for a woman, so you need to take much more careful care of yourself during this wonderful period. If you have noted a discharge that differs from the norm in the specified period, then you need to additionally consult with an obstetrician - gynecologist. Bloody discharge is always a reason to go to the hospital, in other cases, contact your doctor. In all cases, the rule is that the earlier you start treatment, the more favorable the prognosis for you and your unborn baby. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Obstetrician-gynecologist A.V. Petrova

The onset of pregnancy is a good reason to take a closer look at your health. In the process of carrying a child in a woman's body, deep hormonal changes occur that affect immunity and cause various symptoms. Highlights can be an indicator of certain problems. To understand this issue, it is necessary to study the mechanism of their occurrence and the possible consequences for the woman's body.

In non-pregnant women, the cervix produces mucus continuously. This discharge differs depending on the stage menstrual cycle... In the first phase, the mucous membrane produces a liquid secretion that promotes the advancement of sperm and fertilization. In the next half of the cycle, the mucus becomes thicker and more opaque. This is necessary to protect the entrance of the uterus from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The first half of the cycle is controlled by the hormone estrogen, then progesterone plays the main role until the end of the first trimester. With the beginning of the second trimester, estrogen again predominates, under the influence of which the discharge is liquid and abundant.

Normal discharge during pregnancy

A characteristic of normal discharge during pregnancy is the absence of discomfort, burning, itching and unpleasant odors. You also need to pay attention to their color.

The successful course of the first 12 weeks of gestation is determined by a sufficient concentration of progesterone in the blood. This hormone is first produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary during ovulation, and then contributes to the retention of the zygote inside the uterine cavity through the formation of a mucous plug in the cervical canal. In addition, it inhibits muscle contractile activity.

Under the influence of progesterone, normal, thick, glassy, ​​clear, or whitish discharge is usually observed in the first trimester. If you experience a burning sensation, an unpleasant odor or any discomfort, you should contact your gynecologist.

After the embryo is firmly entrenched in the uterine cavity and the placenta has formed, the woman's body begins to increase the production of estrogens. These hormones stimulate the growth of the uterus and the formation of ducts and glandular tissue in the breast. From this moment on, the discharge takes on a different character, they become abundant, colorless or with a white tint.

White discharge

The appearance of white discharge during pregnancy is most often a variant of the norm. In exceptional cases, they are associated with the development of a pathological process. Sometimes the appearance of white mucus can indicate conception.

Normal white secretions usually include mucus, which is produced by the sex glands and the inner lining of the genital organs, lactic acid bacteria, and epithelial cells that cover the surface of the birth canal.

In the event that the whitish mucus has taken the form of curdled clots, a beer smell and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the genital area, this is a symptom of candidiasis, or thrush. The reason for the development of the disease is a conditionally pathogenic fungal microflora, which begins to develop rapidly against the background of a decrease in immunity. Mucus that has a more transparent hue, a watery structure and an unpleasant odor may indicate the development of bacterial vaginosis.

Treatment of these diseases is prescribed only by a doctor. For these purposes, safe drugs that are allowed for pregnant women are selected.

Mucus white may appear at a later date. Its consistency serves as a signal about the leakage of amniotic fluid or the maturation of the cervix. Too abundant, thick discharge with streaks of blood in the last weeks of pregnancy indicates the release of a mucous plug, which indicates an imminent start of the labor process.

Yellow discharge

The appearance of yellow and viscous discharge may indicate infection or exacerbation of diseases of the genital organs. If these signs are not accompanied by itching and an unpleasant odor, then the woman may not pay special attention to this. In the event that, against their background, the secret acquires a dark yellow color, this signal should be regarded as a problem in the genital area.

Such pathological signs can appear for a number of reasons:

  1. an inflammatory process that has arisen against the background of a decrease in immunity;
  2. an allergic reaction to hygiene products, cosmetics, linen;
  3. sexually transmitted diseases - special attention should be paid if the discharge has become greenish, there is a burning sensation, itching and pain when urinating.

The bright yellow color of vaginal secretions often speaks of the fallopian tubes, as well as the presence of a bacterial infection in the vagina. This condition may not arise as a result of the onset of pregnancy, but be an exacerbation of chronic diseases. To avoid such unpleasant manifestations, it is required at the stage of pregnancy planning to identify hidden diseases and undergo an effective course of treatment. During pregnancy, the infection can spread upward, cause intrauterine infection of the fetus, and contribute to the development of endometritis after childbirth.

The following infectious diseases, which can manifest themselves as characteristic yellow secretions, lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the genital tract of women:

  • non-specific;
  • candidal colpitis;

In late pregnancy, urinary incontinence may occur. Normal physiological discharge is mixed with a small amount of urine and becomes yellowish in color.

Brown and bloody discharge

Almost all women who are pregnant may suddenly develop brown discharge. The causes of these symptoms are different at different stages of pregnancy. They are often a significant cause for concern for expectant mothers.

After conception, during embryo implantation, a violation of the uterine mucosa is observed, while slight capillary bleeding occurs. The appearance of a few drops of brown occurs once and does not progress. Usually, at such an early stage, women do not know about the onset of pregnancy, so they do not pay special attention to this phenomenon.

The appearance of a secret at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy, colored brown in moderate amounts, can be a signal of an ectopic pregnancy or the threat of spontaneous miscarriage. In the second case, this discharge is usually dark, streaked with blood and accompanied by abdominal pain. With an ectopic pregnancy, pain occurs, usually it is localized on one side, depending on in which fallopian tube the development of the embryo began.

Hormonal changes in a woman's body can trigger a change in the structure of the membranes of the cervix and the appearance of erosion. Treatment of the disease is not carried out in pregnant women, but begins after a certain time after childbirth. Such violations of the integrity of the cervix, as well as the genital tract, the development of fibroids, vaginal ultrasound and the consequences of intercourse can also cause discharge.

Bleeding and brown discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy often become symptoms of cervical polyps. At the same time, blood loss is insignificant and is not accompanied by abdominal pain. In addition, similar signs occur with varicose blood vessels in the external genitalia or with various infectious processes.

One of the extremely unpleasant complications of pregnancy is cystic drift. The causes of this pathology are not fully understood, but there is a theory according to which abnormalities in the chromosome set of the embryo lead to abnormal formation of the placenta. Instead, a benign tumor forms on the walls of the uterus. With a partial vesicular drift, the probability of fetal death in the second trimester is high, and with a complete one, the embryo dies in the early stages of development. Tumor bubbles sometimes enter the bloodstream and metastasize to the vagina and lung tissue. This condition manifests itself in the form of blood secretions, in which tumor bubbles can sometimes be observed. The diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of an ultrasound examination and a blood test for.

In the middle of the first trimester, brown mucus can be a sign of a woman's hormonal imbalance. Most often, these changes are not threatening, but the doctor should be aware of these symptoms. After the 28th week of pregnancy, a discharge that is accompanied by the appearance of blood may indicate sudden complications of pregnancy. Most often this is associated with the placenta, its presentation, detachment or dissection are possible. These conditions threaten the mother and the fetus. The child does not receive the required amount of oxygen and essential substances, which has an extremely negative effect on his development and life. If brown discharge of varying intensity appears, it is necessary to urgently seek medical attention.

In the last weeks of the term, brown discharge is often a harbinger of imminent birth. And after their onset, regardless of the method of delivery, spotting, or lochia, appears. They are caused by the healing of the inner surface of the uterus at the site of attachment of the placenta. Lochias change their intensity and color over time. After 5-6 weeks, they pass on their own, regardless of breastfeeding.

A pregnant woman needs to closely monitor the signals that her body sends her. The quality and quantity of secretions is an important diagnostic indicator of probable problems. They can be both normal and symptoms of pathologies, therefore, for any changes in the discharge, you should seek medical help. Yellow, brown, and especially bloody discharge are a mandatory reason for examination. Even a colorless and white secret that is accompanied by discomfort or pain requires a serious approach during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, a woman may notice an increase in the volume of mucous discharge from the vagina. What kind of discharge during pregnancy are there? This is an individual phenomenon.

Types of discharge during pregnancy

Discharge during pregnancy is explained by an increase in blood flow to this area, and the activity of hormones that are activated during pregnancy - progesterone and estrogen, due to the activity of which the walls of the vagina become softer and at the same time the mucous membrane increases the volume of secretion. Therefore, discharge is considered to be the norm.

Another reason that can explain the abundance of vaginal discharge is the formation of a kind of mucus plug on the cervix, which provides protection for the unborn child. However, discharge during pregnancy can be twofold:

Normal physiological discharge in women during pregnancy

If we talk about how normal discharge looks like, then they should be milky-white or transparent in color, mucous to the touch, without a strong odor, although it may differ from that which was before pregnancy, they do not irritate the skin, as, for example, with thrush or other vaginal infection.

In order to avoid discomfort during pregnancy, with normal discharge, it is enough to use panty liners or change underwear at least twice a day.

If by the end of the term a pregnant woman's vaginal discharge becomes more abundant, do not be afraid, this is normal. Sometimes abundant discharge, especially in the late mornings, is mistaken for signs of the onset of labor, but if a woman does not feel pain, it is necessary to empty the bladder and change the hygiene product. However, if after a few hours the fluid is still being released, there is a possibility that it is indeed water, and you need to go to the hospital.

Causes of the pathological type of discharge during pregnancy

And at the same time, it should be remembered that not all discharge for a pregnant woman is the norm.

If the vaginal discharge becomes white but odorless, causes discomfort in the form of itching and burning, or causes discomfort during intercourse, then most likely it is a yeast infection.

If the discharge becomes whitish or grayish, and its smell after sex, as a result of mixing with semen, resembles the smell of fish, then it is a sign of bacterial vaginitis.

Discharge, the color of which is greenish or yellowish with an unpleasant strong odor, is a sign of trichomoniasis - this disease can be transmitted, and sexually.

In these cases, a pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of spotting during pregnancy

Strange as it may seem, although any bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy indicates a pathology that requires immediate medical intervention. Moreover, it will appear in the very early stages of pregnancy, in the form of invisible bleeding, which is a common symptom that is not classified as a prerequisite for concern and does not pose a threat to the normal course of pregnancy.

The first weeks of pregnancy is a time of large-scale restructuring of a woman's body, hormonal and physiological. What, after all, could be the prerequisites for the discharge of blood from the genital tract of a pregnant woman?

To begin with, during the period of strengthening of the fetal testicle, small fragments of its mucous membrane can be rejected into the wall of the uterus, which causes the appearance of small bloody discharge from the vagina. This vaginal discharge can be brown, brown, or intensely red. First of all, the discharge, with all this, is not abundant, does not last more than a few days. From time to time, they will be accompanied by insignificant spasms, from time to time they are absolutely not painful for a pregnant woman. Directly such bleeding are the first signs of pregnancy. We repeat that this does not happen when the pregnancy has already been established, but during the implantation of the fetal testicle, in other words, in those cases when the "real" uterine pregnancy has not yet started. Most often, in terms of time, these bloody discharge is similar to menstruation, which leads to a rather popular opinion that with the onset of pregnancy, menstruation does not stop for everyone.

Dangerous bleeding during pregnancy in expectant mothers

However, after the pregnancy is established, any bleeding must make the pregnant woman think and force her to immediately appear to the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy. A fairly well-known root cause of the discharge of blood from the genital tract in pregnant women in early pregnancy is the erosion of the uterine neck. This also happens for a completely clear root cause: due to the intense blood flow to the uterus during pregnancy, the mucous neck of the uterus may begin to bleed, transforming into some kind of inflammatory ulcer.

In the case of erosion of the neck of the uterus in pregnant women, blood from the genital tract occurs, sexual contact is noticeable afterwards and spontaneously stops. Apart from erosion, the basis of bleeding in pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy can be polyps of the cervical canal and decidual polyps - harmless tumors that grow in the uterus or in the neck of the uterus. With all this, the bleeding is not too noticeable. Based on the exact situation, the doctor can remove the polyp or wait until the polyp falls off on its own, as it happens in the first place. Removal of a bleeding polyp does not interfere with the course of pregnancy, because scraping of the uterine cavity during its removal is not required.

Causes of yellow discharge during pregnancy

Most often, yellow discharge signals latent inflammatory processes. These symptoms are fraught with miscarriage, especially in early pregnancy.

Blistering discharge can cause, for example, trichomoniasis; Abundant yellow discharge during pregnancy indicates a bacterial infection in the vagina, or inflammation of the ovaries, possibly inflammation in the fallopian tubes - that is, the consistency, abundance and smell of discharge are important.

The cause of yellow discharge during pregnancy is infectious agents:

  • staphylococci,
  • Proteus,
  • Escherichia coli
  • or diseases - chronic adnexitis and salpingitis, erosion of the cervix.

An unpleasant odor, along with purulent yellow discharge and burning / itching in the genital area, characterize the presence of gonorrhea.

The reasons for this phenomenon can cause non-specific and specific inflammatory processes. Nonspecific inflammatory processes include the usual causative agents of infection, and at the same time such processes are simply exacerbated during pregnancy, being not diagnosed before its onset.

Danger of yellow discharge during pregnancy

Such processes in early pregnancy are fraught with miscarriage, which emphasizes the need for timely treatment of all foci of infection before conception. There are methods for treating inflammatory processes found in the early stages of pregnancy.

Specific inflammatory processes include sexually transmitted infections. They can proceed latently, due to the influence of antibiotics, and later, with hormonal changes caused by the restructuring of the body, cause an exacerbation.

The main criterion for the norm of the vaginal microflora is the absence of a fetid odor with yellow discharge during pregnancy, since normally the vaginal microflora has an acidic reaction - in such an environment, pathogens simply cannot multiply. Therefore, even abundant and liquid, but transparent discharge without an unpleasant odor during pregnancy is within the normal range.

In any case, discharge during pregnancy is a signal for a pregnant woman to be more attentive to her health and an incentive to contact the doctor of the antenatal clinic, who will conduct all the necessary tests and determine whether this is normal or not.

Causes of white discharge in women during pregnancy

Such symptoms appear in pregnant women in the first month of pregnancy. When a woman has a little stomach ache, this is the norm and is caused by the active work of hormones. The main thing is that at this time a woman should pay attention to the nature of the pain and the color of the discharge. If the pain is too intense, and the discharge is brownish, then this indicates possible pathologies and disorders, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

When thick white-yellowish discharge is explained by monthly hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the same hormones can regulate the amount and regularity of the secretion produced. Meet this estrogen and progesterone, in the form of a stringy and abundant white discharge in the early days of pregnancy, and specifically in the 1st 12-13 weeks, after that estrogen weakens, and the discharge becomes the most liquid.

A healthy cervix produces its own secret every day: the mucous membrane is renewed, the walls of the vagina are moistened, a sufficient environment and vaginal microflora are maintained. The change in the nature of the discharge depends on hormones or hints to the fairer sex about a possible infection or irritation.

Regular panty liners, which help out stains on your underwear, have every chance of causing an allergic reaction during pregnancy. In this case, it is worth eliminating the irritant - and the white discharge stops.

Infection is an unsafe problem during pregnancy. At first glance, an organism that is healthy, with the onset of pregnancy, quickly loses its resistance to any disease. Alarming unusual discharge during pregnancy with an unpleasant odor may indicate the "awakening" of a latent virus. Urgent laboratory examination and proper therapy with this option are simply necessary. By postponing the visit to the doctor for the next day and comforting themselves with hope, expectant mothers escalate the situation and complicate the treatment process.

However, it is also necessary to plan the replenishment of the family in advance. As soon as the usual watery white discharge during pregnancy suddenly becomes thick, sticky, has an unpleasant sour aroma, and the external genital organs are constantly itching, this is a thrush. Self-medication is not acceptable, although a healthcare professional will most likely prescribe Pimafucin or another antifungal agent. Subsequently, for treatment, drugs are certainly prescribed to restore the natural microflora of the vagina, which guarantees the subsequent normal course of your pregnancy.

What to do for stomach pain and white discharge during pregnancy

Firstly, if you are a woman in an interesting position, and you have a stomach ache and white discharge, then immediately go to the doctor, it is better to enlist the advice of a specialist and be completely calm that everything is normal. The gynecologist knows the state of your body, the details of the development of the fetus, is familiar with the clinical picture and, after examination, will be able to tell you how serious this problem is.

Most often, there is nothing to worry about, and the doctor will assure you of this. The ligaments begin to stretch, which is accompanied by pain, and this is quite natural, such pain can be aching, most often it goes away after a while on its own, without the use of pain pills.

Sometimes such painful sensations appear due to abnormalities in the work of the stomach. Many pregnant women are quite sophisticated in their taste preferences, they, of course, eat a lot and often, sometimes completely incompatible foods. It is best to follow a diet during the diet, and not try to eat whatever your heart desires.

Most often, the pancreas during pregnancy begins to ache if the diet is not followed, a large amount of meat and fatty foods makes itself felt, if, in addition, a woman smokes or drinks alcohol, then you should immediately run to the doctor. After all, such violations can cause irreparable harm to the baby.

The reason may be more serious, for example, such a symptom appears in pregnant women when placenta detachment occurs, only in some cases, with timely diagnosis, it is possible to save the child, in most cases a miscarriage occurs. This most often occurs from the 8th week of pregnancy.

The reasons can be either completely understandable, for example, smoking, drinking alcohol, taking Aspirin, high blood pressure, or for reasons that are not clear to the doctor. Accident and frequent travel (shaking) can cause discharge and abdominal pain.

Discharge during pregnancy is a common occurrence that accompanies a woman during such an interesting period of her life. Discharge during pregnancy are of different consistency, color, intensity. They may indicate problems in the body.

Normal discharge during pregnancy

After conception, the female body continues not only to function, but also adapts to a new state. Not surprisingly, during this period, the woman's vaginal discharge continues. Moreover, they change throughout the entire period of bearing the fetus in density, color, intensity.

Discharge in early pregnancy

The first three months after the onset of pregnancy pass in a woman with a large release of the hormone progesterone by the body. Thanks to him:

  • the fertilized embryo cell attaches and is held inside the uterus;
  • the placenta develops;
  • the fetus is preserved.

This happens by the hormone suppressing the ability of the muscles of the uterus to contract, as well as blocking its exit with a thick mucous plug.

The action of progesterone at this time is accompanied by a slight, very thick and viscous discharge, which is usually glassy in appearance, opaque. Although they may be whitish. Due to this consistency, in particular, a mucous plug is formed in the outlet of the uterus, which does not allow pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate inside.

Ten days after conception, a woman's vaginal discharge may be bloody. They disappear in a maximum of two days and are the result of implantation bleeding. The latter is caused by the process of embryo attachment, in which capillaries and blood vessels in the uterus can be damaged. Longer and especially profuse bleeding is a sign of pathology and a signal to see a doctor.

The described discharge, observed in the early stages of pregnancy, is normal and should not bother a woman. But only when they do not have a smell, do not cause burning, itching, do not have a cheesy consistency. If everything noted is observed, you need to go to the hospital without delay. The presence of these symptoms may indicate serious diseases that need to be treated urgently.

Discharge with a yellowish, brownish, greenish color is considered pathological at this stage of pregnancy. Fear should also be caused by discharge, in which blood impurities are observed.

Discharge in late pregnancy

From the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus in the uterus becomes stronger, the placenta almost completely ripens. The period is characterized by a constant increase in the uterus and a change in the prevalence in hormones - estrogens again come to replace progesterone.

Vaginal discharge becomes different. They are normally abundant, usually colorless, but may be whitish in color. With the normal development of the fetus, the state of the body, the described branches should be perceived by a woman without any fear. But only if they are not offensive, do not cause the desire to itch, do not create a burning sensation. If this is present, a visit to the gynecologist is necessary.

The period after the thirty-fourth week is considered the latest in pregnancy. At this time, the female body is already preparing with might and main for close childbirth. The viscosity of the compartments changes, they become mucous. Their color changes to milky. But there is no unpleasant odor in the discharge. The discharge does not lead to discomfort, does not cause the expectant mother to itch, or a burning sensation.

Immediately before childbirth (thirty-seventh week), sometimes women have mucous discharge that has a brown color. The reason for this is preparation for childbirth of the uterus, which consists in softening it, in releasing the mucus plug that blocked the exit.

It is possible that in the last days of the week before childbirth, frothy discharge that has a brown, bright red, greenish tint. If this happens, then a dangerous complication develops inside.

In particular, with bright red discharge, there may be placental abruption, which requires urgent help. With greenish foamy discharge, the suspicion falls on the addition of an infection. Especially if they are accompanied by itching. The latter, if not treated in time, can infect the fetus.

White discharge during pregnancy

Allocations of this type from the most frequent accompanying pregnancy. This is usually normal. They are rarely a harbinger of any unpleasant problem.

White branches consist of:

  • from mucus: it is produced, and constantly, by glands located in the reproductive system, including the uterus, vagina;
  • from epithelial cells: such cells make up the cover of all structures that make up the female reproductive system; the process of their sloughing and renewal is the norm;
  • from microorganisms: inside the vagina of every woman there is a certain set of microorganisms, which is constantly renewed, can be modified; normally it is represented by lactic acid bacteria; the presence of other bacteria in the secretions is not an unambiguous sign of any pathology.

White discharge is generally considered normal in a woman's life. Most often, they appear during menstruation:

  • they are watery up to half of the period, their volume is insignificant;
  • further, in the course of ovulation, the offices "gain" density, viscosity, sometimes become beige;
  • by the end of the cycle, their number increases.

Among the reasons for discharge with white color are:

  • sexual intercourse, in which hormonal contraceptives are protected from possible pregnancy;
  • diseases caused by infection, such as candidiasis.

In the presence of white branches during gestation, although their appearance is, in general, the norm, a woman should monitor their density, volume, color. A change in these indicators can be a signal for a visit to a gynecologist. They can testify:

  • about infection in the body;
  • about problems with hormonal status;
  • about diseases in the reproductive system.
  • The most common diseases recorded by doctors with changes in the secretions of this type are candidiasis, thrush. When present, the discharge becomes abundant, smells like beer and has a curdled structure.

    White branches are provoked in pregnant women and bacterial vaginosis. Their difference from normal ones in transparency, in the presence of an unpleasant odor, in a watery density. Discharge, passing with pain in the lower abdomen, often indicates a possible miscarriage, pregnancy outside the uterus.

    Bleeding during pregnancy

    This type of discharge is most often observed in pregnant women during the first three months after the fertilization process. Moreover, for most of them (80%) everything ends well, and they normally bear babies and give birth.

    There are enough reasons for the occurrence of blood compartments during pregnancy:

    • hypersensitivity of the genitals, their increased blood supply; a source of discharge in such conditions can be: an ultrasound scan, when the sensor is located inside the vagina; a gynecological speculum inserted into the vagina during examinations;
    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • slight detachment of the placenta: in this situation, blood accumulates under the placenta, which comes out with secretions; the difference between the secretions is their pink tint;
    • sexual intercourse - due to irritation of the mucous membranes covering the vagina, cervix;
    • hormonal disruptions: this is usually possible at the beginning of pregnancy, on days that coincide with a woman's period; in this case, the lower abdomen, lower back may hurt; all of the above is completely harmless;
    • genital trauma;
    • "Frozen" pregnancy; further, after about 6 ... 8 days, usually a spontaneous miscarriage follows;
    • the placental tissue increases in volume due to proliferation; this reason is rare, the discharge is abundant, everything happens painlessly; the usual further result is fetal loss;
    • some diseases: fibroids, erosion localized on the cervix;
    • the presence of polyps in the cervical canal.

    A dangerous situation arises when blood clots appear in the blood compartments. This is a direct indication that an unauthorized termination of pregnancy may occur, ending in a miscarriage. When a brown tint appears in the blood discharge, this indicates the possibility of a hematoma inside.

    The most dangerous discharge of this type is those that occur from the fourth month of pregnancy. This may indicate the presence of a pathology that poses a danger to the fetus in the womb of a woman and to the pregnant woman herself.

    Brown discharge during pregnancy

    Branches that are brown can be caused by the following conditions:

    • an ectopic pregnancy: in this condition, an egg is rejected, a sign of which is brown discharge; bleeding can be added to everything else;
    • the threat of miscarriage: the situation is serious and occurs mainly in the early stages of pregnancy; the intensity of the discharge is initially insignificant, without any pain; however, they are observed constantly and at the same time increase in volume;
    • problems with the work of the placenta: this happens only after half of the pregnancy has passed; the cause of the discharge is bleeding resulting from the dissection of the placenta;
    • onset of labor: this reason may be the only one, provided that the discharge is found at the very end of pregnancy;
    • incomplete miscarriage: the condition may be accompanied by severe bleeding; discharge in this case is red, thick, sometimes brown; they often contain clots;
    • erosive phenomena in the cervix of the uterus or inflammation in it;
    • rupture of the uterus: more often brown discharge in this case appears in women who have gone through an abortion and have scars on the uterus.

    Yellow discharge during pregnancy

    The yellow branches generally indicate abnormal pregnancy. Especially when accompanied by any pain, itching, burning sensation and give off an unpleasant odor. In the presence of such symptoms, an urgent trip to the doctor is needed.

    Reasons for the origin of the yellow branches:

    • any inflammatory process aggravated by pregnancy or other factors;
    • self-termination of pregnancy;
    • an allergic reaction to products used in intimate hygiene; an allergy can be caused by underwear worn by a woman when carrying a fetus;
    • penetration into the uterus, into the vagina of certain microbes.

    Yellow discharge, in certain circumstances, may later change in color and become:

    • green: this indicates the severity of the existing problem with the woman's body; for example, she may have a sexually transmitted disease;
    • bright yellow: this color of discharge occurs when the ovaries, fallopian tubes become inflamed; the same happens when pathogenic bacteria enter the vagina.

    Green discharge during pregnancy

    The appearance of green branches is a clear pathology, therefore, you should urgently contact a specialist. Possible reasons for this condition:

    • at the beginning of pregnancy (1 ... 3 months):
    • the development of inflammation that affects the vaginal mucosa (colpitis);
    • problems with the balance of pathological and normal microflora in the vagina (bacterial vaginosis);
    • an inflammatory process affecting the cervix in the uterus (cervicitis);
    • frozen fetus, in which there is a risk of termination of pregnancy;
    • at the end of pregnancy (7 ... 9 months): in addition to those listed above - inflammation of the membranes surrounding the fetus (chorioamnionitis).

    Green discharge sometimes turns out to be amniotic fluid, which, with hypoxia in the months at the end of pregnancy, can leave ahead of time. This condition requires a visit to a doctor and constant monitoring of the fetus during childbirth.

    Transparent discharge during pregnancy

    Branches of this type in women begin immediately after fertilization and indicate pregnancy. They are usually milk-like in color and last for about 3.5 months. Later they become transparent and less dense.

    Transparent discharge is the norm for the course of pregnancy, provided that they do not cause inconvenience in women, do not change color, density.