Health problems of the younger generation and prevention of its preservation. Health of the younger generation The problem of health preservation of the younger generation in society

Protecting the health of the younger generation.
The problem of protecting the health of the younger generation, creating adequate
pedagogical conditions for the development of children is becoming more and more relevant
due to the observed increase in neuropsychiatric diseases and
functional disorders.
I believe that the problem of protecting the health of children with disabilities
development, relevant and significant.
Based on this, I have developed a system of health-preserving technologies,
which allows you to organize a smooth "immersion" of students in the educational
activity, stimulates their cognitive activity, has
health-preserving component. Proposed and tested system
application of health-saving technologies is aimed at solving
problems of successful education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities,
to relieve fatigue and improve performance.
Taking care of the health of students is the most important responsibility of the school,
an individual teacher, the entire teaching staff and the child himself.
The child should be aware that being healthy is his responsibility to
yourself, loved ones, society.
 reveal the essence and identify the characteristics of health-preserving
 adapt the collected material in accordance with age
 develop methodological recommendations, check their effectiveness.
 to form an active life position of students;
 teach to strengthen and maintain your health;
 to form ideas about the need for physical activity,
about what is useful and what is harmful to the body.
 Analyze the psychophysical characteristics of the mentally retarded
children of primary school age.

 Determine the essence of health-saving technologies in educational
educational process of the first stage of education with children.
Have developmental disabilities.
 Develop a system of health-saving technologies that allow
organize a smooth "immersion" of students with disabilities
intelligence in educational activities, stimulating their cognitive
Health preservation is a system of work of the educational space for
the preservation and development of the health of all its participants - adults and children. This is
concerns lessons, educational work, psychological and medical
service. Health preservation is a chance for adults to solve a problem
preserving the health of students not formally, but consciously, taking into account
peculiarities of the student body, the focus and specifics of the educational
institutions, regional characteristics. The problem of preserving health is necessary
to solve in a complex, and not episodically, therefore I have identified three
directions of work on health preservation.
The system of application of health-saving technologies developed by me
has the following features:
 activates the mental processes of the child's activity (sensations,
perception, thinking, imagination, memory, attention, speech, motor skills,
• is based on interest, children receive satisfaction and joy;
 creates the most favorable conditions for health and
correctional and educational work with children with disabilities
in development;
This system of corrective health work performs the following
 health-improving (has a health-preserving component);
 training (helps to acquire knowledge);
Correctional diagnostic (detects deviations and changes in
development, helps children in self-knowledge);
Therapeutic (helps to overcome difficulties and makes positive
changes in personality indicators);

 communicative (helps to master the dialectics of communication);

entertaining (gives pleasure, arouses interest).
Means of work in each direction are presented in the form of diagrams:
For recreational purposes, I try to create certain conditions for
to meet the natural needs of mentally retarded schoolchildren in
movement. This need can be met through daily
GYMNASTICS BEFORE CLASS, which can be carried out on a fresh
air, to music and helps:
 to accelerate the entry of the organism into active educational work;
 to achieve a health-improving and hardening effect;
 to educate the correct posture, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm,
the ability of aesthetic perception of movements.
Gymnastics includes 6 - 8 exercises performed in the next
For posture;
 muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms;
 muscles of the trunk;
Lower limbs;
 attention
Gymnastics before lessons does not replace, but complements the MORNING
Lesson is the main form of student activity. Naturally, and
mental and physical condition of a child with intellectual disability
directly depends on how competently these lessons are structured.
In order to prevent fatigue, impaired posture and vision, it is recommended
physical education during lessons, as needed
short rest, which relieves congestion caused by
long sitting at the desk. A break from work is necessary for

organs of vision, hearing, muscles of the trunk (especially the back) and small muscles
brushes. SPORT MINUTES are designed to solve the following tasks:
 relieve mental stress from students by switching to
other type of activity;
• to arouse children's interest in physical exercise;
 to form the simplest ideas about the influence of physical
wellness exercises and initial knowledge of
self-fulfillment of physical exercises.
Exercise should be emotional, which can be
achieved by pronouncing simple poetic texts in rhythm
movements. Complexes can be performed while sitting or standing, following the show or
together with the teacher. Do exercises to straighten the legs and trunk,
raising the shoulders, raising the head, relaxing the hands, breathing
exercises, movements for the prevention of posture disorders. Should
be sure to perform special exercises for the eyes in order to
prevention of myopia. These exercises can be done in conjunction with
general developmental. In this case, when performing general developmental
exercises involving arm movements are recommended at the same time
perform eye movements, fixing the gaze on the hands.
Work on the DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL MOTOR HANDS solves the following
 stimulation of the development of speech in children;
 preparation of hands for writing in younger schoolchildren;
• training of attention;
Coordination of movements;
 adaptation of left-handers in the world of right-handed people
Vision has a huge role in human cognitive activity.
Visual impairment is directly related to academic success.
Children with visual impairment find it difficult to master spatial
representations, with errors perceive objects and their remoteness,
their location, etc.

 health-improving effect in the process of using the proposed
 prevention of visual fatigue in schoolchildren.
A set of gymnastics exercises for the eyes can be performed with music. He
includes exercises of massage, rubbing, removal of visual
tension, attention exercises
RELAXATION EXERCISES (muscle relaxation) is necessary
know and apply in practice in order to be able to manage processes
excitement of children with emotional stress, when the child has
excessive tension occurs in certain muscle groups.
Children on their own cannot get rid of this tension, they begin
being nervous, which leads to the tension of new muscle groups. For management
by these processes it is necessary to teach children to relax their muscles. Children
it is necessary to learn to feel muscle tension, relieve it, relaxing
certain muscle groups. Muscle relaxation exercises
contribute to the prevention of diseases of the circulatory system. These
exercise makes breathing easier, promotes normal
vital functions of the digestive system. Thanks to the braking action,
muscle relaxation exercises are effective with increased arousal
in order to prevent neuroses and overexcitation of the nervous system.
It is common knowledge that correct posture is of great importance in
human life, contributing to the rational use of
properties of the musculoskeletal system and normal functioning
life-supporting systems of the body. In this regard, the formation
correct posture is one of the main tasks, especially in the initial
periods of age development, when the formation is most intense
the body, including the formation of bends of the spinal column and other
structural foundations of posture.
FORMING THE CORRECT POSTURE - difficult and lengthy
process. Posture exercises teach children with
impaired intelligence:

take care of the correct body position;
 coordination of movement;
 the correct combination of movement with breathing.

Posture is a habit of holding your body.
Correct posture gives a person a beautiful appearance and creates the best
conditions for the development and activity of the whole organism. In order to achieve
positive results, you need to take care of the correct position
body of pupils from childhood, sitting, standing, walking.
improve blood circulation in the legs, stimulate the work of nerves
stop endings
For the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, recovery
and improve breathing skills you need to use exercises
RESPIRATORY GYMNASTICS. You should especially pay attention to
children often suffering from ARVD. They need to be identified as a risk group and
conduct separate classes in breathing exercises with them, according to
voluntary control of breathing. Static breathing exercises
are performed without movement of the limbs and trunk, and dynamic
accompanied by movements
 raised their hands up and to the sides; take your hands back - inhale;
 Bring your hands in front of your chest and lowered them down - exhale;
 tilted the body forward, to the left, to the right - we exhale;
• straighten or bend the body back - inhale;
 lifted the leg forward or to the side, squatted or bent the leg to the chest -
The effectiveness of a holistic educational and training process in many respects
depends on how actively the rest of the children is organized during recess and
dynamic pauses. It has been experimentally proven, for example, that the reduction
duration or limitation of mobility of schoolchildren during recess
sharply aggravates their fatigue. Most beneficial effect on
the performance and health of primary schoolchildren are provided by
MOVING GAMES during breaks and dynamic breaks.
Outdoor games along with strengthening various muscle groups, training
vestibular apparatus, prevention of visual impairment and posture

relieve fatigue caused by intense intellectual
loads, and create a state of special psychological comfort.
It has been established that outdoor games have a positive impact not only on development
physical qualities of children, but also on the formation of structural units
psyche: memory - auditory, motor-auditory, visual; imagination -
creative, recreational; perception - the degree of development
observation; visual and logical thinking -
ability to analyze, compare, generalize; arbitrary attention.
Outdoor games can be held:
 in the classroom
 at recess
Motor didactic games conducted in the classroom stimulate
brain function, provide the child with the preservation and increase of the stock
Outdoor games conducted during recess along with strengthening
various muscle groups, training of the vestibular apparatus,
prevention of visual impairment and posture relieve fatigue caused by
intensive intellectual loads, create a state of special
psychological comfort.
Thus, a reasonable use of the reserves of the game motor
activity should become a tool for effectively reducing negative
the consequences of training overload, an increase in the level of daily
motor activity of mentally retarded children, improving their
physical capabilities, increasing mental and emotional
the stability of the body in order to ultimately contribute to
preservation and strengthening of health.
The key to success in protecting the health of children with intellectual disabilities is
well-planned extracurricular activities.
A means of forming the motivational sphere of hygienic behavior,
safe life, physical education, provision of physical and

of mental self-development are HEALTH LESSONS. Lesson topics
health can be varied and include questions:

 food;

 human structure;
 issues related to factors that destroy health (harmful
But health lessons should include questions not only of physical
health, but also issues of spiritual health. It is necessary that from an early age
childhood, the child learned to love himself, to people, to life. Only man
living in harmony with himself and the world will be really healthy, therefore
an important component of the complex concept of "health" is mental
human well-being, especially in childhood.
Extracurricular activities using health-saving technologies
may include the following forms and methods of corrective health
 art therapy or psycho-aesthetic therapy based on healing
the impact of works of art;
 fairy tale therapy;
 dance therapy;
 music therapy;
 isotherapy;
 organization of training with students.
We will reveal in more detail each of the methods of work aimed at development
emotional adequacy of students with intellectual disabilities.
ART THERAPY offers to lead a gazing ("slow reading") session
pictures. The technology of work in such classes has a clear structure.

Stage 1 - preparatory. Expanding personal experience:
1. Excursions to nature.
2. Maintaining the album "The Four Seasons".
3. A system of practical exercises.
Stage 2 is the main one. Direct communication with works of art:
1. Creation of a "situation of assimilation".
2. Development of emotionality of perception.
3. Development of artistic thinking.
4. Development of logical thinking.
5. Summing up the perception of the painting (synthetic activity,
multiple reading of the work, children's creativity).
CLASSES WITH TALE THERAPY are designed for 6 academic hours with
at intervals of 12 hours a week. The optimal number of students is 46
The structure of each lesson includes:
1. Traditional greeting.
2. Expressive reading of a fairy tale by a teacher (psychologist).
3. Using soft toys in class for the purpose of playing
separate scenes of fairy tales.
4. Discussion of the content of the tale on a fixed set of questions.
5. Drawing. Children displaying their emotional states on
6. Analysis of fairy-tale situations with the help of children's drawings.
7. Completion of the lesson. Summarizing.
The goal of DANCE THERAPY is self-formation and self-improvement with
with the help of preset or arbitrary dance movements,

accompanied by musical accompaniment. This goal is revealed and
concretize the following tasks:
• free self-expression using bodily language;
 splash of emotions;
• expression of feelings;
Physical activity;
 comprehension of the art of owning your body;
• physical and psychological liberation;
 “removal” of complexes;
• correction of stress, neurotic reactions;
 disclosure of creative abilities
The goal of MUSIC THERAPY is to harmonize the child's personality, restore
and correction of his psychoemotional state and psychophysiological
processes by means of musical art.
• regulation (increase or decrease) of the child's emotional tone;
• removal of psychoemotional arousal;
• formation of an optimistic outlook;
 development of communication with peers;
 development of the ability to convey your mood through music, movement;
 modeling of a positive state.
ISOTHERAPY reflects the child's direct perception
a particular situation, various experiences, often unconscious.
For the correct interpretation of children's drawings, it is necessary to take into account
the following conditions:
 the level of development of the child's visual activity;

 features of the drawing process itself
 dynamics of changes in pictures on the same topic.
Isotherapy involves the use of crayons, pencils,
markers or paints
The training is attended by children with emotional problems,
discomfort associated with learning outcomes and
own health.
The goal of TRAINING is to create emotional comfort, trusting
relations, adoption of rules and the formation of skills of joint
group activities
Greater opportunities for the formation of positive emotions,
the child's awareness of himself, his capabilities, consolidation of skills
joint activities, the development of physical activity and
independence is given by the following measures:
 hiking;
Health days;
 sports watch;
 sporting events

An important place in the implementation of health-saving takes
health education for parents of mentally challenged students.
Undoubtedly, parents are trying to instill in their child basic skills.
hygienic culture, monitor the preservation of their health. However, for
schoolchildren with developmental disabilities, to strengthen and preserve
health requires the joint work of teachers, parents, psychologists,
speech therapists.

To determine the starting position in working with parents, it is necessary
conduct a QUESTIONNAIRE (students, parents) and
the following forms:
 parent-teacher meetings with a medical professional;
 lecture halls;
 conferences;
 individual work with parents, etc.
Parent-teacher meetings are the most common form of work
with parents. It is appropriate to hold conferences as an exchange of experience or
opinions on this issue. It is necessary to prepare for the conference
an exhibition of literature on the issue under discussion, to study the opinion of adults and
children. Themes of lectures for parents on the problem of health preservation
can be varied:
 Difficulties in adapting first graders to school.
 Pupil's daily routine.
• Hardening rules.
 Sports and health.
 My vision. Acupressure techniques.
 TV in family life.
 Schoolboy and computer.
 How to eat. The basics of proper nutrition.
 About the benefits of vitamins.
 Prevention of infectious diseases.
 The benefits of sleep.
 Bad habits.

 Rules of conduct on the water.
Completed by: teacher O. N. Kolupaeva



Ivanova N.A.,

primary school teacher,

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Main secondary school number 13",

Stary Oskol

INFederal State Educational Standard of Primary General Educationnoted“One of the modern tasks of primary education is the preservation and strengthening of children's health. The school must provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, teach him how to use this knowledge in everyday life. " GEF NGO defines this task as one of the priorities. The result of solving this problem should be the creation of a comfortable developing educational environment that contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the health of primary schoolchildren..

Today, there are many definitions of this concept. So, in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova health is understood as "the correct, normal activity of the body, its complete physical and mental and mental well-being."

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects.

According to T.V. Karaseva, health is a complex and, at the same time, holistic, multidimensional dynamic state that develops in the process of realizing genetic potential in a specific social and ecological environment and allows a person to exercise his social functions to varying degrees.

Health is a wealth that a person receives once in a lifetime, and spends it all his life, therefore teachers, parents should form in students a deep scientific understanding of the essence of a healthy lifestyle, its everyday life.values.

Health, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO, is understood as a combination of several components, including: physical, mental, spiritual, social health.

The question of the harmonious and healthy development of the younger generation has worried mankind since ancient times. Even Aristotle recommended paying great attention to tempering, body hygiene and physical exercise. A great connoisseur and lover of the arts, Pythagoras used music, dance and poetry to prevent mental disorders. He argued that under their influence "the healing of human morals and passions takes place and the harmony of mental abilities is restored."Health problems are clearly visible in the writings of Avicenna, whose medical ideology was higher than modern. He argued that the main task of medicine is to maintain health, and treatment is only when an illness or injury appears.

The problems of preserving the health of students and teachers, instilling healthy lifestyle skills, creating conditions aimed at strengthening and maintaining physical, mental and spiritual health are very relevant today.

The problem of health preservation in education was presented by L.Ye. Borisova, O.E. Evstifeeva, V.N. Kasatkin, I.V. Kruglova, O. L. Treshchev, T.V., V.I. Kharitonov.

When using the term health preservation, its multifaceted content is assumed:

    it is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment, aimed at preserving the child's health at all stages of his education and development;

    it is the activity of people aimed at improving and maintaining health, as well as the consistency and unity of all levels of human life;

    activities aimed at improving and preserving human life (recreational, household - aimed at health improvement, treatment, restoration of physical strength, etc.);

    the general concept of "lifestyle", containing the level of his culture, favorable conditions for human life, including behavioral, and hygienic skills, allowing you to maintain and strengthen health, helping to prevent the development of health disorders and maintaining an optimal quality of life;

    selection of such forms of activity that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of human health. The choice is determined by the level of a person's culture, mastered knowledge and attitudes, a certain set of norms of behavior [1 , with. 52-60].

The preservation and strengthening of the health of primary schoolchildren is the most important and priority task of our society. That is why the main educational program of primary general education in its structure has a program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle. This is a comprehensive program for the formation of knowledge, attitudes, personal guidelines and behavioral norms that ensure the preservation and strengthening of the physical, psychological and social health of students at the stage of primary general education as one of the value components that contribute to the cognitive and emotional development of the child, the achievement of planned resultsmastering the basic educational program primary general education.

The program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle should ensure:

awakening in children the desire to take care of their health (the formation of an interested attitude towards their own health);

formation of an attitude towards the use of a healthy diet;

the use of optimal motor regimes for children, taking into account their age, psychological and other characteristics, development of the need for physical education and sports;

formation of knowledge of negative risk factors for children's health (reduced physical activity, smoking, alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances, infectious diseases);

the development of skills to resist the involvement in tobacco smoking, the use of alcohol, narcotic and strong substances;

the formation of the child's need to fearlessly consult a doctor on any issues related to the characteristics of growth and development, health status,developing readiness to independently maintain their health based on the use of personal hygiene skills[ 7 ].

Implementation of the formation programthe culture of a healthy and safe image of primary schoolchildren should be creative and involve the use of health-saving educational technologies.

The creative nature of the educational process, according to L.S. Vygotsky is an extremely necessary condition for preserving health.

An important component of the health-preserving work of the school, as L.A. Obukhova, N.A. Lemyaskina is a rational organization of the lesson and the use of health-saving technologies .

N.K. Smirnov gives the following definition: “Health-preserving educational technologies are a complex, built on a unified methodological basis, a system of organizational and psychological-pedagogical techniques, methods, technologies aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of students, forming a health culture in them, as well as taking care of health. teachers " .

According to Chubarova S.N., health-preserving technologies involve a combination of pedagogical, psychological and medical influences aimed at protecting and ensuring health, the formation of a valuable attitude towards one's health.

By health-preserving technologies we mean a system of measures to protect and promote the health of students, taking into account the most important characteristics of the educational environment and living conditions of the child, the impact on health.

Health preservation technologies make it possible to solve not only the main task facing the teacher, which is to ensure the possibility of maintaining the health of the student during the period of study, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills, skills, teach to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life, but can also be used as a means of increasing motivation for educational and cognitive activity of students.

There is no one single unique health preservation technology. Health preservation can act as one of the tasks of the educational process. Only through an integrated approach to training can lpersonal results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, reflectingformation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle.


    Voloshin, L.B. Organization of health-saving space / L.B. Voloshin // Preschool education. -2010. # 1. p. 114-117.

    Vygotsky, L.S., Educational Psychology / Ed. VV Davydova. - M .: Pedagogy. - 2011 .-- 306 p.

    Karaseva, T.V. Modern aspects of the implementation of health-saving technologies / T.V. Karaseva // Primary school. - 2012 № 11. p. 75.

    Obukhova, L.A., Health lessons / L.A. Obukhova, N.A. Lemyaskina // Elementary school. - 2012. No. 6. p.14-16.

    Ozhegov, S.I., Dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov. - M .: 2010 .-- 214 p.

    Smirnov, N.K., Health-saving educational technologies and health psychology at school / N.K. Smirnov. - M .: ARKTI. - 2012 .-- 158 p.

    Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (FGOS NOO), M: Education, 2015. - 31 p.

    Khalemsky, G.A. School is the territory of health / Halemsky, G.A. // Pedagogy. -2012. No. 3. p. 42-46.

    Chubarova S.N. New health-saving technologies in education and upbringing of children: [gender. approach to teaching and upbringing: psychol. aspect] / S.N. Chubarova, G.E. Kozlovskaya, V.V. Eremeeva // Personal Development.-2013. No. 2. p. 171-187.

Prevention of its preservation.
The health of adolescents in any society and in any socio-economic and political situations is the most pressing problem and the subject of primary importance, since it determines the poverty of the country, the gene pool of the nation, the scientific and economic potential of society and, along with other demographic indicators. factors such as unfavorable social and environmental conditions have a significant impact. A sharply negative environmental situation, place of residence, significantly increases their incidence and reduces the potential of the body. The health of adolescents, on the one hand, is sensitive to influences, on the other hand, it is quite interesting by its nature: the gap between the impact and the result can be significant, reaching several years, and, probably, today we only know the initial manifestations of unfavorable population shifts in the health of children and adolescents. , as well as the entire population of Russia. Therefore, it is important, on the basis of the regularities of the formation of the health of the younger generation, to understand the fundamental laws of its development, to direct the actions of society to change unfavorable trends, until the life potential of the country's population is irreversibly damaged.

The health of the child population is an integral parameter, the resulting influence of genetic inclinations, social, cultural, environmental, medical and other factors, i.e. is a complex result of the complex interaction of man with nature and society.

According to official statistics, in recent years, there has been a persistent trend towards a deterioration in the health indicators of children of both preschool and school age. Over the past five years, the incidence rates of neoplasms, diseases of the endocrine system and nutritional disorders, metabolic disorders, and diseases of the digestive system have noticeably increased.

The Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, SCCH RAMS notes that the features of negative changes in the health of children in recent years are as follows:

1. A significant decrease in the number of absolutely healthy children. So, among students, their number does not exceed 10-12%.

2. The rapid growth in the number of functional disorders and chronic diseases over the past 10 years in all age groups. The frequency of functional disorders increased 1.5 times, of chronic diseases - 2 times. Half of schoolchildren of 7-9 years old and more than 60% of high school students have chronic diseases.

3. Changes in the structure of chronic pathology. The share of diseases of the digestive system has doubled, the proportion of the musculoskeletal system has quadrupled, and the proportion of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract has tripled.

4. An increase in the number of schoolchildren with several diagnoses. 10-11 years old - 3 diagnoses, 16-17 years old - 3-4 diagnoses, and 20% of senior school students - adolescents have a history of 5 or more functional disorders and chronic diseases.

A particularly important characteristic of health in modern conditions is the physical development of children, among whom the proportion of existing deviations is growing, especially in connection with a lack of body weight. A real factor in the formation of these deviations is a decrease in the standard of living, the inability to provide adequate nutrition for children.

General and local environmental problems begin to affect the deep processes of health formation, including changes in the processes of age dynamics, the appearance of shifts in the clinic and the nature of diseases, the duration of the course and resolution of pathological processes, which, in principle, are found everywhere, i.e. affecting human biology.

The identified health problems of modern children and adolescents require close attention not only of medical workers, but also of teachers, parents, and the public. A special place and responsibility in this health-improving process is assigned to the educational system, which can and should make the educational process health-preserving.

Thus, the assessment of the current state and trends in the health of children and adolescents testifies to a serious disadvantage, which can lead to significant restrictions in the implementation of biological and social functions by them in the future. And in this case, it is no longer easy to talk about the state of health of modern adolescents and about poor Russia.

Concept prevention health represents a system of measures (collective and individual) aimed at preventing or eliminating the causes of the disease, which differ in nature. One of the most important directions in medicine, starting from the time of Hippocrates (about 460-370 BC), Avicenna - (Abu Ali ibn Sina, about 980-1037), is the prevention of diseases. In translation from Greek, prevention means the prevention of certain diseases, the preservation of health and the extension of human life.

The ideas of disease prevention, along with diagnostics and treatment, as components of medical science, originated in ancient times and usually consisted of observing the rules of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. Gradually, an idea was formed about the paramount importance of preventive measures. In the period of antiquity, in the works of Hippocrates and other physicians, it was said that it was easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Subsequently, this position was shared by many doctors, including Russian doctors of the 18th - 19th centuries.

Since 1917, the preventive direction of the social policy of domestic health care has been the leading one, this was the main advantage of the domestic health care system, which was repeatedly recognized by physicians from other countries.

In recent years, prevention has become of great importance and particular importance due to the fact that the treatment of a disease is a very expensive "pleasure" and to prevent the disease, to do everything to preserve human health for many years is easier, simpler and more reliable than curing the disease. prevention is primarily a healthy lifestyle.

Many external factors affect health. Many of them have a negative impact. These, first of all, include: violation of the hygienic requirements of the daily regimen, diet, educational process; deficiencies in calorie intake; adverse environmental factors; bad habits; aggravated or dysfunctional heredity; low level of medical support, etc. One of the most effective ways to counteract these factors is to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Scientists have determined that the state of human health most of all - by 50%, depends on the lifestyle, and the remaining 50% are accounted for by ecology (20%), heredity (20%), medicine (10%) (i.e., by those independent of human reasons). In turn, in a healthy lifestyle, the main role is assigned to correctly organized motor activity, which makes up about 30% of fifty.

Healthy lifestyle- the only remedy against all diseases at once. It is aimed at preventing not every disease individually, but all in the aggregate. Therefore, it is especially rational, economical and desirable. A healthy lifestyle is the only lifestyle that can ensure the restoration, maintenance and improvement of the health of the population. Therefore, the formation of this style in the life of the population is the most important social technology of national importance and scale. A healthy lifestyle is a multifaceted concept, it is the active activity of people aimed at maintaining and strengthening health as a condition and prerequisite for the implementation and development of other aspects and aspects of lifestyle, to overcome "risk factors", the emergence and development of diseases, optimal use in the interests of protection and improving the health of social and natural conditions and lifestyle factors. In a narrower and more specific form - the most favorable manifestation of medical activity for public and individual health. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is the main lever of primary prevention as an initial, and therefore a decisive link in strengthening the health of the population through changing the lifestyle, improving it, combating unhygienic behavior and bad habits, overcoming other unfavorable aspects of the lifestyle. The organization of a healthy lifestyle in accordance with the state program for strengthening disease prevention and health promotion requires joint efforts of state, public associations, medical institutions and the population itself.

The introduction of the main elements of prevention in the form of hygienic behavior skills should be included in the system of preschool and school education of children and adolescents, reflected in the system of health education (which is increasingly focused on promoting a healthy lifestyle), physical culture and sports. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is the most important duty of all medical and preventive, sanitary and anti-epidemic institutions and public formations.

Currently, work is underway on a healthy lifestyle. The socialist health care system exists and is being strengthened in practice, which guarantees every citizen the constitutional right to health care as the most important task of social policy. Our health care system, embodying the general direction of disease prevention. This is a complex of socio-economic and medical measures to prevent the occurrence of diseases, their causes and risk factors. The most effective means of prevention, as it was said, may be the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle unites everything that contributes to the fulfillment of professional, social and domestic functions by a person in optimal conditions for health and expresses the orientation of the individual towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health. For the correct and effective organization of a healthy lifestyle, you must systematically monitor your lifestyle and strive to comply with the following conditions: sufficient physical activity, proper nutrition, the presence of clean air and water, constant hardening, possibly a great connection with nature; compliance with the rules of personal hygiene; rejection of bad habits; rational mode of ore and rest. Together, this is called adherence to a healthy lifestyle - healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle (HLS) is the process of a person's compliance with certain norms, rules and restrictions in everyday life, contributing to the preservation of health, optimal adaptation of the body to environmental conditions, a high level of performance in educational and professional activities. A healthy lifestyle as a system consists of three main interrelated elements, three types of culture: nutrition, movement, emotions.

Individual health-improving methods and procedures do not give the desired and stable improvement in health, because they do not affect the entire psychological structure of a person. And Socrates also said that "the body is no more separate and independent from the soul."

Food culture. In a healthy lifestyle, nutrition is a decisive system-forming one, since it has a positive effect on physical activity and emotional stability.

Culture of movement. Only aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, skiing, etc.) in natural conditions has a healing effect.

A culture of emotions. Negative emotions have tremendous destructive power, positive emotions preserve health and contribute to success.

The existing education system does not contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, therefore, the knowledge of adults about a healthy lifestyle did not become their beliefs. At school, recommendations for a healthy lifestyle are often imposed on children in an edifying and categorical manner, which causes them to react positively. And adults, including teachers, rarely adhere to these rules. Adolescents are not engaged in the formation of their health, as this requires volitional efforts, but are mainly engaged in the prevention of health disorders and the rehabilitation of what has been lost.

A healthy lifestyle should be purposefully and constantly formed during a person's life, and not depend on circumstances and life situations. In order to preserve the health of children and adolescents, protect them from the adverse effects of the environment and create targeted positive influences on the growing body, systematic medical monitoring of the health of the younger generation and systematic conditions of education and training is carried out. These functions are performed by the treatment-and-prophylactic and sanitary-anti-epidemic health services.

One of the components of a healthy lifestyle is the rejection of the destroyers of health: smoking, the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs. There is an extensive literature on the health consequences of these addictions. If we talk about school, then the teacher's actions should be aimed not at making the student quit smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, but at preventing the student from starting to do this. In other words, the main thing is prevention.

The effectiveness of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents is due to the fact that the life position is only being developed, and the ever-increasing independence makes their perception of the world around them comfortable, turning the boy and girl into inquisitive researchers who form their life credo. Health plays a role in human life, especially at a young age. Its level largely determines the possibility of professional improvement, creative growth, completeness of perception, and hence satisfaction with life.

The family, like the school, is an important environment for the formation of a personality and the main institution of upbringing, is responsible for recreation, determines the way of life. The social microenvironment, in which adolescents are introduced to the social values ​​and roles of family labor activity: the attitude of parents, household work, family education, is a complex of purposeful pedagogical influences.

Vasilyeva OV, drawing attention to the presence of a number of components of health, in particular, such as physical, mental, social and spiritual health, considers the factors that have a predominant influence on each of them. So, the main factors affecting physical health include: the system of nutrition, respiration, physical activity, hardening, hygiene procedures. Mental health is primarily affected by the system of a person's relationship to oneself, other people, and life in general; his life goals and values, personal characteristics. Social health of an individual depends on the compliance of personal and professional self-determination, satisfaction with family and social status, flexibility of life strategies and their compliance with the socio-cultural situation (economic, social and psychological conditions). And, finally, spiritual health, which is the purpose of life, is influenced by high morality, meaningfulness and fullness of life, creative relationships and harmony with oneself and the world around us, Love and Faith. At the same time, the author emphasizes that the consideration of these factors as separately affecting each component of health is rather arbitrary, since they are all closely related.

Living conditions and work activities, as well as the character and habits of a person form the way of life of each of us. For the growing and developing organism of schoolchildren, adherence to the daily routine is of particular importance (the correct routine of educational work and rest, good sleep, sufficient stay in the fresh air, etc.). Lifestyle is a factor of health, unhealthy lifestyle is a factor of risk. Human health depends on many factors: hereditary, socio-economic, environmental, and the activities of the health care system. But a special place among them is occupied by a person's way of life. The next part of this work is devoted to a more detailed consideration of the importance of lifestyle for health.

Knowledge of all the factors affecting the state of human health form the basis of science - valeology, the main pivot of this science is a healthy lifestyle, on which health and longevity depend. A healthy lifestyle is formed by all aspects and manifestations of society, is associated with the personal and motivational embodiment of an individual's social, psychological and physiological capabilities and abilities. On how successfully it is possible to form and consolidate in the mind the principles and skills of a healthy lifestyle at a young age, subsequently all activities that prevent the disclosure of the potential of the individual depend.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is a multifaceted complex task, for the successful solution of which the efforts of all links of the state social mechanism are required. In order to preserve the health of children and adolescents, to protect them from the adverse effects of the environment and to create targeted positive influences on the growing body, systematic medical monitoring of the health of the young generation and systematically monitoring the conditions of education and training is carried out. These functions are performed by the treatment-and-prophylactic and sanitary-antiepidemic health services.

One of the components of a healthy lifestyle is the rejection of the destroyers of health: smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and drugs. There is an extensive literature on the health consequences of these addictions. If we talk about school, then the teacher's actions should be aimed not at making the student quit smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, but at preventing the student from starting to do this. In other words, the main thing is prevention.

The effectiveness of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents is due to the fact that the life position is only being developed, and the ever-increasing independence makes their perception of the world around them comfortable, turning the boy and girl into inquisitive researchers who form their life credo. Health plays a role in human life, especially at a young age. Its level largely determines the possibility of professional improvement, creative growth, completeness of perception, and hence satisfaction with life.

Speaking about the formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation in general and about the fight against bad habits in particular, one cannot but mention the school. After all, it is there, over the course of many years, that young people not only learn, acquire the skills of communicating with adults and peers, but also develop an attitude to many life values ​​for almost their entire life. Thus, school is the most important stage when it is possible and necessary to form the correct attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. The school is an ideal place where you can give the necessary knowledge and develop healthy lifestyle skills to a large contingent of children of different ages for a long time. The family, like the school, is an important environment for the formation of a personality and the main institution of upbringing, is responsible for recreation, determines the way of life. The social microenvironment, in which adolescents are introduced to the social values ​​and roles of family labor activity: the attitude of parents, household work, family education, is a complex of purposeful pedagogical influences.

Thus, one of the most important tasks of social teachers is to ensure optimal conditions for study, work, and the whole way of life, which contribute to the completion of the formation of a young organism. Therefore, in relation to adolescent students, the following main tasks are envisaged:

Development and implementation, based on the perfect achievements of science, of optimal sanitary and hygienic standards both for educational and recreational premises, and for educational and production loads, as well as summer labor activities of adolescents;

Constant physical education and sports;

Consideration of the network of health facilities for adolescents;

Improving work on medical prevention among adolescents, providing them with medical examination;

Creation of a system of hygienic education for adolescents and their parents;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Creation date: 2013/11/29

At the moment, in conditions when a rethinking of the spiritual, moral and physical wealth of a person is taking place, everyone seeks to look differently at themselves, their tasks, prospects, to precisely determine their place in the general system of St. Petersburg education. I must say that today we need a school for a healthy lifestyle. It must be remembered that a Russian has always been distinguished by excellent health, distinguished by a special ability to create, and that is why he felt healthy. Currently, the school must take into account these features of the Russian in the content of education. Today, more than ever, society needs early identification and development of children who have the ability to perceive a wide range of knowledge, including in the field of health, on the one hand, and on the other, to identify children who need special conditions for their life at school. ...

Currently, some schools in St. Petersburg do not pay enough attention to physical education lessons. The number of teaching hours has been reduced, especially in primary school. Students lose interest in sports. Therefore, the relevance of the chosen topic is obvious. To revive the love for sports, in addition to practice, it is necessary to know the theory of physical culture (like any other culture). And for this, you first need to figure out what it is, what types it is divided into and what is its role in social life and human culture.

The study of the problem of health again acquires special relevance. According to the data of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for 2006, 87% of students need special support. Up to 60-70% of students by the final grade have impaired vision structure, 30% - chronic diseases, 60% - impaired posture. Unfortunately, many have a firm conviction that the issue of health or ill health depends entirely on children's doctors. In other words, many of today's schoolchildren, like many adults, believe that how well a doctor heals, so much depends on their health. “However, recently, scientists have shown that only 10% healthier than a person depends on the health care system, at the same time more than half - on his lifestyle.”

Modern youth do not have the necessary knowledge to preserve their health, they are not ready to get out of a stressful state, various difficult situations without physical and mental losses. They devote little time to strengthening their health.

Analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the impact of lifestyle on children's health.

The effectiveness of the upbringing and education of children and adolescents depends on health. Health is an important factor in the performance and harmonious development of the child's body.

A number of philosophers - J. Locke, A. Smith, K. Gelvetsky, M.V. Lomonosov, K. Marx and others, psychologists - L.G. Vygotsky, V.M. Bekhterev and others, medical scientists - N.M. Amosov, V.P. Kaznacheev, I.I. Brekhman and others, teachers - V.K. Zaitsev, S.V. Popov, V.V. Kolbanov and others tried and are trying to solve the problem of health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children. They developed and left numerous works on maintaining health, prolonging life potential and longevity.

An interesting statement by the outstanding English philosopher John Locke, contained in the treatise "Thoughts on education": "In a healthy body - a healthy mind" - this is a short but complete description of a happy state in this world. Whoever possesses both, that remains to desire a little, and who is deprived of at least one, to a small extent can compensate for anything else. A person's happiness or unhappiness is mostly the work of his own hands. One who has an unhealthy and weak body will never be able to move forward along this path. " In our opinion, it is difficult to disagree with this statement.

In the words of Adam Smith, Scottish thinker: “Life and health are the main subject of care that nature instills in everyone. Concerns about our own health, about our own well-being, about everything that concerns our safety and our happiness, and constitute the subject of virtue called prudence ... "" ... It does not allow us to risk our health, our well-being, our good name ... "... in one word , prudence aimed at preserving health is considered a venerable quality. " French philosopher Claude Helvetius in his writings wrote about the positive impact of physical education on human health: "The task of this kind of education is to make a person stronger, stronger, healthier, and therefore happier, more beneficial to their Fatherland." ... “Excellence in physical education depends on government excellence. With a wise government system, they strive to educate strong and strong citizens. Such people will be happy and more capable of performing the various functions to which the state's interest calls upon them. "

Thus, philosophers and thinkers of different times argued that a person himself should mainly take care of his health, well-being and strive to maintain it. Human happiness depends on this. As mentioned earlier, many teachers were also interested in the problem of health. V.A. Sukhomlinsky argued that “Caring for a child's health is a complex of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules ... not a set of requirements for regimen, nutrition, work and rest. This is, first of all, care in the harmonious fullness of all physical and spiritual forces ... "

What is “health”? In 1968, WHO adopted the following formulation of health: Health is the property of a person to perform his biosocial functions in a changing environment, with overloads and without losses, provided that there are no diseases and defects. Health is physical, mental and moral. " Although this definition, as well as many proposed in various sources, is not indisputable, is not specific enough for use in the practice of diagnostics and measurement of health, but, as it seems to us, there is no more accurate one yet.

"Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing." This wisdom of Socrates helps to better understand wearing health and other goals of human life. A modern person needs much more in life than just to feel healthy. At the same time, health is the most important condition and means of achieving other goals in life. This means that you need to take care of your health before you lose it and constantly accumulate and maintain its reserves. This idea is clearly reflected in the modern WHO definition of health in 1986: “Health is not the goal of life. But it is the most important resource for everyday life, a positive life concept that unites the social, mental and physical capabilities of a person. " In this definition, it is fundamentally important to understand health as a healthy life philosophy, which allows one to successfully realize oneself in learning, professional work, in various forms of leisure, interpersonal relationships, etc.

A number of factors affect the health of a particular person. Among them, it is important to highlight the factors that a specific person, especially a schoolchild, cannot control directly. These are the economic and social conditions of life in the country, the climate, the ecological situation in the region. On the other hand, there are a number of factors that can be controlled by a school, a specific teacher, or a student. This is the school environment, as well as outlook, life philosophy and way of life.

Academician Yu.P. Lisitsin, saying that: “Human health cannot be reduced only to a statement of the absence of diseases, malaise, discomfort, it is a state that allows a person to lead an unnatural life in his freedom, to fully fulfill his inherent functions, primarily labor, to lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, to experience mental, physical and social well-being. "

Thus, from the above definitions it can be seen that the concept of health reflects the quality of the organism's adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between man and the environment; the state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (gender, age, heredity) factors.

“According to the conclusion of WHO experts for 2005, if we take the level of health as 100%, then the state of health depends only 10% on the activities of the health care system, 20% on hereditary factors, 20% on the state of the environment. And the remaining 50% depend on the person himself, his way of life, which he leads. "

A healthy lifestyle is understood as “… typical forms and methods of everyday life of a particular person, which strengthen and improve the reserve capabilities of the body, thereby ensuring the successful performance of their social and professional functions, regardless of political, economic and socio-psychological situations. And it expresses the orientation of the individual's activity towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health. "

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude how important it is, starting from a very early age, to educate children in an active attitude to their own health, an understanding that health is the greatest value given to man by nature.

Characteristics of the state of development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation

In recent years, the problem with the health status of the population has become aggravated in Russia, the number of people who use drugs, abuse alcohol and addicted to smoking has increased. The main reasons that negatively affect the health of the population include a decrease in the standard of living, a deterioration in the conditions of study, work, rest and the state of the environment, the quality and structure of nutrition, an increase in excessive stress loads, including a decrease in the level of physical fitness and physical development practically all socio-demographic groups of the population. Currently, only 8-10% of the population is engaged in physical culture and sports in the country, while in the economically developed countries of the world this figure reaches 40-60%. The most acute and urgent problem is the low physical fitness and physical development of students. The real volume of physical activity of pupils and students does not ensure the full development and health improvement of the younger generation. The number of pupils and students assigned for health reasons to a special medical group is increasing. In 1999 there were 1 million 300 thousand of them, which is 6.5% more than in 1998. The prevalence of physical inactivity among schoolchildren reached 80%.

In the new socio-economic conditions, there have been negative changes in the formulation of physical culture, health and sports work in labor and production teams. The multiple increase in the cost of physical culture and sports services made the institutions of physical culture and sports, tourism and recreation inaccessible to many millions of workers. Since 1991, the downward trend in the network of health and fitness and sports facilities has continued. In 1999, their number compared with 1991 decreased by 22% and amounted to about 195 thousand with a one-time carrying capacity of about 5 million people, or only 17% of the supply standard. Under the pretext of economic inexpediency, enterprises and organizations refuse to maintain sports and recreational facilities, close, sell, transfer them to other owners or use them for other purposes.

Physical education lessons in school are often perceived as something secondary, having a subordinate meaning in relation to such as mathematics, physics, literature, etc. by them. And parents, sometimes, without having enough serious reason to do so, try to free their child from physical education lessons. However, the time has come to rethink the role of these lessons not only in the physical, but also in the mental development of students.

The generally accepted idea that physical culture should mainly be aimed at developing the physical qualities of students (strength, speed, endurance, jumping ability, etc.) and the achievement of a health-improving effect, significantly impoverishes the very content of this concept. At the same time, a number of components are relegated to the background, without which a true culture of physical education is impossible.

These include:

  • fostering an aesthetic attitude to physical education,
  • knowledge and compliance with hygiene rules,
  • the ability to control your physiological state,
  • possession of techniques and methods of recuperation,
  • the need to strengthen their health, and therefore the presence of interest and desire for independent exercise.

Among these components, I would especially like to highlight the culture of performing movements and mastering any new motor action. The formation and development of the psychological mechanisms of this component should be one of the main psychological and pedagogical tasks of physical education at school.

In the conditions of the modern world, with the advent of devices that facilitate labor activity (computer, technical equipment), the physical activity of people has sharply decreased in comparison with previous decades. This ultimately leads to a decrease in the functional capabilities of a person, as well as to various kinds of diseases. Today, purely physical labor does not play an essential role; it is replaced by mental labor. Intellectual labor dramatically reduces the body's working capacity.

Relevance of the problem of orientation of the entire education system to health-preserving education and upbringing.

There are many problems in the modern system of Russian education. One of the priorities is the orientation of the entire education system towards health-preserving education and upbringing. This problem is of both strategic importance for the development of education in Russia for the foreseeable future, and high urgency today. The country is going through a difficult time of changes in all spheres of life. The changes also affected the education system: new types of schools, new paradigms, new technologies. Changes in society are reflected in the changing demand for education of the younger generation. The country needs active figures, creators who can take responsibility for their own lives. This led to the emergence of developmental education at school, personality-oriented, differentiated education.

Society needs Personality- harmoniously developed, creative, active, understanding her purpose in life, able to control her own destiny, healthy physically and morally. b Today, the question of the deteriorating health of children is increasingly being raised. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical disabilities.

Various studies of physicians, physiologists, psychologists and hygienists show that already in the first grade, 15% of children have chronic pathologies, more than 50% have certain deviations in physical health, and 18-20% have borderline mental health disorders. In 20-60% of children of primary school age, a high level of violation of the adaptive systems of the body was revealed, the immune system in 70-80% of cases functions in an overstrain mode. Over the years of schooling, the number of healthy schoolchildren decreases even more.

The steady decline in the level of children's health is, of course, due to the impact on the growing body of numerous social, economic, biological factors:

  • deterioration in the quality of life;
  • difficult ecological situation;
  • the unfavorable social situation of many children;
  • insufficient funding of public education, health care, social programs.

However, the situation that has arisen is also the result of unresolved pedagogical and medical-preventive problems in the field of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren.

For therapeutic, prophylactic and educational purposes, sick children need physical activity to maintain and strengthen health, impaired by past diseases. Such students belonging to a special medical group should engage in physical education according to programs adapted to various types of diseases.

At the same time, the pedagogical comprehension of the problem of physical culture of students with weakened health made it possible to reveal a number of contradictions, the resolution of which will contribute to an increase in the effectiveness of the development of adaptive physical culture:

  • between the students' desire for physical culture and the impossibility of its implementation without a sufficient supply of knowledge and experience;
  • between the need to develop adaptive physical culture of students and the lack of purposeful work of the teacher in this direction;
  • between the objective need for the development of physical culture of students and the lack of implementation of the ways of its development in pedagogical science.

The problem of preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children has always been relevant. The history of domestic and foreign education testifies that the problem of the health of the younger generation arose from the moment of the emergence of human society and at the subsequent stages of its development was considered in different ways.

In Ancient Greece, special education systems stood out: Spartan and Athenian. In the conditions of the harsh military system of life of the landed aristocracy, education in Sparta was of a pronounced military-physical character. The ideal was a hardy and courageous warrior. Plutarch painted a vivid picture of Spartan upbringing in the biography of the Spartan legislator Lycurgus. Upbringing in Athens involved intellectual development and the development of body culture. The works of Socrates and Aristotle contain views on the need for the formation of physical culture of the body.

In full accordance with the ancient ideal of man, the teachers of the Renaissance took care of the health of children, developed the method of physical education - Tommaso Campanella, François Rabelais, Thomas More, Michel Montaigne.

In the pedagogical theory of the 17th century, the principle of utility was considered the guiding principle of education. The teachers of that time paid great attention to caring for the improvement of the health of children. John Locke in his main work "Thoughts on Education" offers a carefully designed system of physical education of the future gentleman, proclaiming his basic rule: "A healthy mind in a healthy body is a short but complete description of a happy state in this world ...". Locke describes in detail the methods of hardening, substantiates the importance of a strict regime in the life of a child, gives advice on clothing, food, walks, and sports.

For the first time in the history of Russian pedagogical thought, the Russian educator Epiphany Slavinetsky, in his pedagogical essay "Citizenship of Children's Customs," tried to give a set of rules that children should be guided by in their behavior. It tells you how to treat your clothes, your appearance, how to observe the rules of hygiene.

The ideas of the child's physical development through labor, exercise, war games, and campaigns were put forward by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi and Adolf Disterweg.

In Russia, progressive public figures and educators I. I. Betskoy, N. I. Novikov, F. I. Yankovich worked on the transformation of the educational work. NI Novikov in his article "On the upbringing and guidance of children" notes that "... the first main part of upbringing is taking care of the body, since the formation of the body is already necessary when other education does not yet take place ..."

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, a social movement in the field of public education was growing in Russia. At this time, PF Lesgaft was working - a prominent scientist, organizer of the pedagogical movement for the introduction of physical education in schools and children's institutions. In the work "Guide to the physical education of schoolchildren" Lesgaft offers an original system of physical education based on the law of gradual and consistent development and the law of harmony.

During the formation of Soviet pedagogy, the main attention was paid to the labor education of the younger generation in an organic connection with the mental, physical and aesthetic. The child's health was considered in his development through the performance of physical labor (N. K. Krupskaya, P. P. Blonsky, S. T. Shatsky, V. N. Shatskaya, A. S. Makarenko, etc.). A wide network of children's institutions of a new type was created, recreational areas, outdoor schools - forest, steppe, seaside, sanatorium.

In 1980, I. I. Brekhman proposed the term "valeology", which designated the direction in science associated with the study and formation of health, the identification of methods for its active formation. At the junction of the human sciences, a new direction in pedagogical science is developing - pedagogical valeology as the science of including a person in the process of forming one's own health (G.K. Zaitsev, V.V. Kolbanov, L.G. Tatarnikova).

The concept of preschool education (1989) determined the formation, and not only the preservation and strengthening of the health of children of early and preschool age, as a priority.

Law of the Russian Federation of 10.07.1992 No. 32661 "On Education", as well as Federal Laws of 30.03.1999 No. 52-FZ "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" and dated 10.04.2000 No. 51-FZ "On Approval of the Federal Program for the Development of Education" educational institutions are responsible for the life and health of students and pupils during the educational process.

The law on education in clause 1 of article 2, among the basic principles of state policy in the field of education, proclaims "the priority ... of human health" (clause 1 of article 2), and in clause 3.3. Article 32 establishes that the educational institution is responsible for the life and health of students during the educational process (clause 3.3. Article 32). In these standards, the emphasis is on the protection of children's health. In paragraph 1 of Art. 51 of the Law on Education, in addition to these provisions, is required from an educational institution "to create conditions that guarantee the protection and promotion of the health of students."

As defined by the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or physical defects.

The sociological concept of health includes:

The state opposite to the disease, the completeness of the life manifestations of a person;

A state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects;

The natural state of the body, characterized by its balance with the environment and the absence of any painful changes;

The state of optimal life of the subject (personality and social community), the presence of prerequisites and conditions for its comprehensive and long-term activity in the spheres of social practice;

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the state of human life and social community.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish several components (types) of health:

Somatic health is the current state of organs and systems of the human body, which is based on the biological program of individual development, mediated by basic needs that dominate at various stages of ontogenetic development. These needs, firstly, are the trigger mechanism for human development, and secondly, they provide the individualization of this process.

Physical health is the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, which is based on morphophysiological and functional reserves that provide adaptive reactions.

Mental health is a state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is a state of general mental comfort, which provides an adequate behavioral response. This state is due to both biological and social needs, as well as the possibilities of their satisfaction.

Moral health is a complex of characteristics of motivational and need-informative spheres of life, the basis of which is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of the individual's behavior in society. Moral health is mediated by the spirituality of a person, since it is associated with the universal truths of goodness, love and beauty.

Thus, the concept of health reflects the quality of the organism's adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between man and the environment; the state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (heredity, gender, age) factors.

In pedagogical science, the concept of "health preservation" has been used since the 90s of the XX century. and reflected the specifics of attitudes towards the preservation of children's health through the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in different periods: "to protect health" - "not to burden" - "health care" - "health promotion" - "health protection" - "valeology" - " health preservation ".

At present, scientists distinguish various aspects in the concept of "health preservation": self-actualization and self-realization, physical self-development and self-education, integration of physical education. In accordance with the above, health preservation will be considered as a process that includes a set of specially organized physical culture and health, educational, sanitary and hygienic, therapeutic and prophylactic, etc., measures of a person for a fully healthy life at every stage of his age development.

Health preservation in the personal aspect is a way of expressing a person's individuality in life, realized through physical culture and health-improving activities, which in an educational institution is provided by the process of physical education. The main place in health preservation is given to physical culture and health-improving activities, because the use of physical education has received a leading place in the system of preventive measures aimed at correcting health.

Health-preserving as a system characterizes the health-preserving aspect of the functioning of an educational institution of the corresponding level and profile. Any such system consists of the following interrelated components:

Health-preserving goals;

Methods of preserving health (a procedurally understood technology of health-preserving activity); Means used in the process of preserving health;
Organizational norms in which health-preserving activities are implemented with one effect or another.

Thus, health preservation is understood as a process that includes a set of specially organized physical culture and health, educational, sanitary and hygienic, therapeutic and prophylactic and other human activities for a fully healthy life at every stage of his age development.

The health-preserving pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution - in the broad sense of the word - is the process of upbringing and teaching preschool children in the mode of health preservation and health enrichment; a process aimed at ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of the child. Health preservation and health enrichment are the most important conditions for organizing the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution.

In a narrower sense of the word, it is a specially organized, developing in time and within the framework of a certain educational system, the interaction of children and teachers, aimed at achieving the goals of health preservation and health enrichment in the course of education, upbringing and training.

The system of health-preserving education, along with providing the necessary conditions for the full-fledged natural development of a child, contributes to the formation of a conscious need for health, an understanding of the basics of a healthy lifestyle, and provides the practical development of skills for maintaining and strengthening physical and mental health.

2. Programs of preschool educational institutions for the preservation and strengthening of children's health

At the present stage of the development of education, there are several concepts of the physical development of preschool children. The philosophy of this or that program is based on a certain view of the authors on the child, on the laws of his development, and, consequently, on the creation of conditions that contribute to the formation of the personality, protect his originality and reveal the creative potential of each pupil. The development of children's motor activity should proceed in the form of their introduction to physical culture as a natural component of universal human culture in the proper sense of the word.

An important role in the work of the kindergarten for the preservation and formation of the child's health is played by such programs as: “The program of education and training in kindergarten (team of authors: M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova);

The program for preschool educational institutions and the methodological kit "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children" (team of authors: H. H. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R.B.Sterkina);

Comprehensive program and methodological guidance for teachers of preschool institutions "Rainbow" (team of authors: V. V. Gerbova, T. N. Doronova, T. I. Grizik);

Health-saving technology of separate education (author V.F.Bazarny) and others.

T. N. Doronova - candidate of pedagogical sciences in her program "Rainbow" pays attention to the upbringing and development of kindergarten children, the main component she gave preference to the most important subject of upbringing - physical culture. “Human health depends on how the work with children in physical culture is organized. In preschool childhood, a child should feel muscle joy and love movement, this will help him carry the need for movement throughout his life, join sports and a healthy lifestyle. "

She defined the main forms of work with children in the chapter "Raising a healthy child" on the motor regime, hardening, physical culture and health-improving work. All the work was placed in the sections "Forming a habit to a healthy lifestyle", "Daily mode of life", "Wakefulness", "Sleep", "Nutrition", "Health skills", "Forming a culture of movements".

Gradually, the child masters the basic cultural and hygienic skills, gets acquainted with the elements of self-control during a variety of motor activities. It highlights the important at the present stage issues of behavior in situations that threaten the life and health of children, the ability to avoid or even anticipate them.

T.N. Doronova reveals the means and forms of physical education. These are hygiene factors, hygiene of the nervous system, exercise. Preventive, developmental, therapeutic, rehabilitation orientation in the selection of physical exercises.

The program of the group of authors led by L. A. Venger "Development", which contains two theoretical positions: A. V. Zaporozhets's theory about the very value of the preschool period of development, the transition from a utilitarian understanding of preschool childhood to a humanistic understanding, and L. A. Wenger on the development of abilities, which are understood as universal actions of orientation in the environment with the help of figurative means of solving problems specific to the preschooler.

This program does not contain tasks for the physical development of the child. M. D. Makhaneva and Doctor of Psychological Sciences O. M. Dyachenko in 2000 developed guidelines for raising a healthy child for the program "Development". They contain, on the one hand, a general description of the means that ensure the health of the child (hygienic, hardening, physical exercises), on the other hand, specific descriptions of physical education activities carried out in the hall. They are valuable because they allow you to use them in planning the most varied aspects of organizing a healthy lifestyle for children, combining classes under the "Development" program and a number of additional activities with the necessary health-improving measures.

M.D. Makhaneva pays much attention to the proper nutrition of children. The need for its usefulness. She criticizes the generally accepted system of physical education, which cannot solve problems at the present stage, since it does not take into account the specific conditions of children's institutions in different regions of Russia, does not provide for a differentiated approach to children in accordance with their individual characteristics and health, does not fulfill the needs of children in movement ...

V.T.Kudryavtsev - Doctor of Psychology, B. B. Yegorov - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences defined the idea of ​​an integrated interdisciplinary approach to the issue of physical education of a preschooler, and a developing pedagogy of health improvement arose in 2000. Their program-methodical manual reflects two lines of health-improving work: 1) introduction to physical culture, 2) developing form of health-improving work.

The authors of the program proceed from the fact that a child is an integral spiritual-bodily organism - a mediator and transformer of natural and socio-ecological ties that are significant for him. The educational-health-improving effect is seen in the upbringing of the child's ability to meaningfully regulate these connections through special forms of motor-play activity.

The general goal of this program and methodological material is to form the motor sphere and create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children's health on the basis of their creative activity.

In the program "Fundamentals of the safety of preschoolers" V. A. Ananiev in the sections "Human health and the environment", "Human health and lifestyle" sets the tasks of developing children's physical activity: they need to be taught to take care of their health and the health of others, to form personal skills. hygiene, to give knowledge about healthy food to orient children to a healthy lifestyle, to give basic knowledge about what an infectious disease is, what to do in order not to get infected. Ways of solving problems: classes, games - classes, visual activities, walks, hygiene procedures, tempering events, games, sports events, holidays, conversations, reading literature, the use of emotionally attractive forms, work with parents aimed at improving children and developing them physical activity
The program "Fundamentals of Life Safety of Preschool Children" was developed by Candidates of Psychological Sciences N. N. Avdeeva and R.B.Sterkina, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences O. L. Knyazeva. The authors note that safety and a healthy lifestyle are not just the sum of knowledge acquired by children, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various life situations, including unexpected ones.

Determining the main content of work on life safety and the direction of development of children, the authors of the program considered it necessary to highlight such rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety of life depend on this. The main content of the work on the program should be built, according to the authors, in several directions: "Child and other people", "Child and nature", "Child at home", "Emotional well-being of the child", "Child on the streets of the city", "Child health ".

The content of the section "Child's health" is directed by the authors of the content of the section to the formation of the child's ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life. A child must know his body, learn to take care of it, not harm his body. The teacher working on this program must tell the children how the human body works, how the main systems and organs work (musculoskeletal, muscular, digestive, excretory, blood circulation, respiration, nervous system, sensory organs). At the same time, it is important to form the child's ability to listen to his body, to help him work rhythmically, to respond in time to signals that speak of the state of all organs and systems.

So, the analysis of the content of modern programs for preschool institutions allows us to conclude that, despite the differences in concepts, approaches, methods and means of solving the problem of improving the health of preschool children, in the content of each program, the authors recognize the problem of preserving the health of children as a priority and it is given priority. meaning. The programs offer to be active in the work of not only teachers, but also children and parents themselves.

3... Health-saving technologies in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions

The essence of pedagogical technology lies in the fact that it has a pronounced staging (step by step), includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher to foresee the intermediate and final results of his own professional pedagogical activity during the design process.

Pedagogical technology is distinguished by: concreteness and clarity of goals and objectives; the presence of stages: primary diagnosis; selection of content, forms, methods and techniques for its implementation; the use of a set of means in a certain logic with the organization of intermediate diagnostics of the achievement of the goal, criteria-based assessment of the results. The most important characteristic of pedagogical technology is its reproducibility. Any pedagogical technology should be health-preserving.

Health-saving technologies in preschool education technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The goal of health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to the child is to ensure a high level of real health for a kindergarten pupil and the upbringing of valeological culture as a combination of a child's conscious attitude to human health and life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, maintain and protect it, valeological competence, which allows a preschooler independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, problems associated with the provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance. With regard to adults - promoting the development of a culture of health, including the culture of professional health of preschool educational institutions and valeological education of parents.

There are various types of health-preserving technologies in preschool education, depending on the goals and tasks to be solved, as well as the leading means of health preservation and health-enrichment of subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten. In this regard, the following types of health-saving technologies in preschool education can be distinguished:

Medical and prophylactic;
Physical culture and health;
Technologies for ensuring the social and psychological well-being of the child;
Health preservation and health enrichment of preschool teachers;
Valeological education of parents.

Medical and preventive technologies in preschool education technologies that ensure the preservation and enhancement of the health of children under the guidance of the medical personnel of the preschool educational institution in accordance with medical requirements and norms, using medical devices. These include the following technologies:


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