Project "My magic letter". Short-term speech therapy project "Toys for the development of speech

Logopedic project

"In the country

vowel sounds and letters

Compiled by:

Teacher-speech therapist Parkhomenko N.S.

Logopedic passport

"In a magical land of vowels and letters"

Project type: Information - creative

Implementation period:short term (6 weeks).

Relevance of the topic:

A violation of phonemic hearing does not allow children to master vocabulary and grammar to the right extent, delays the development of coherent speech. Therefore, one of the most important problems in preparing children for literacy is the problem of developing phonemic hearing in preschoolers.

Children with speech disorders experience significant difficulties in acquiring literacy. The speech therapy group includes children from the age of 5 with underdevelopment of all components of the speech system: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar.

For children with OHP to form the ability to isolate a phoneme from a word, to select words for a given sound, to distinguish the sound characteristics of phonemes, a correctional period is needed using exercises in an entertaining, playful way, with sound and symbolic visibility.

In connection with this problem,object, subject and hypothesis research.

Object of study : the development of phonemic hearing in children with OHP in preparation for the study of literacy.

Subject of study: didactic games and exercises for studying vowel sounds and letters.

Hypothesis: the use of gaming activities that facilitate the process of acquiring literacy, making it interesting and entertaining.

The use of game techniqueslearning more exciting, interesting, emotionally rich, creative. Colorful board games, didactic and fun word games make educational activities incredibly fun.

Project participants:

  1. Teacher speech therapist
  2. Correction group educators.
  3. Pupils of the group with general underdevelopment of the 3rd level.
  4. Parents

Target : the development of phonemic hearing, the development of interest in children with ONR in the study of vowel sounds of their native language,


Estimated result of the project:

  1. Consolidation of children's knowledge of vowel sounds, a feature of their articulation, a formed concept of a sound symbol.
  2. expansion, activation of vocabulary, development of grammatical structure and coherent speech in children.
  3. Development of phonemic perception, speech breathing; strengthening the skill of correct pronunciation and sound-letter analysis.
  4. Development of fine motor skillsfingers, attention, imagination.
  5. Improving the communicative, creative abilities of children.
  6. Increasing the interest, activity, creative participation of parents in the lives of their children, strengthening cooperation between preschool teachers and families in preparing future first-graders for schooling.
  7. Increasing the competence of parents in the preparation of children for schooling.

Long-term plan for the implementation of the project:

  1. Stage: Preparatory (1 week).



1. Awareness of the problem situation. Definition of the purpose, tasks of the project.

2. Selection and study of methodological literature on the topic of the project; Analysis of methods and technologies of work on the study of vowel sounds and letters in children.

3. Drawing up a plan for the main stage

1. Conducting a diagnostic survey on the topic of the project.

2. Consultation for teachers "Features of the development of phonemic hearing in children of our group (according to the results of diagnostics)".

3. Consultation for teachers "Development of phonemic hearing in the study of vowels and letters in preschoolers with OHP."

  1. Stage: Practical (4 weeks)



1. Working with parents:To replenish the pedagogical knowledge of parents when following the home recommendations of a speech therapist.

2. Work with teachers and children.To develop a system of corrective work of the relationship between a speech therapist and an educator when teaching children to read and write.

Develop a card index of tasks and games for the study of vowel sounds.

1. Selection, production of visual and handouts for the study of vowel sounds and letters.

2. Consultation in the parent's cornerVowel Sounds and Letters. “Writing letters is fun”, a booklet for parents “We play - we develop phonemic hearing”

3. Introduce the method of reception "Compilation of sound stories", in speech therapy classes "

4. The inclusion by the educator of the speech therapist's tasks for teaching literacy at the regime moments of the day.

5. Speech therapist holding five minutes of speech.

5. Consultation for teachers "Development of grapho-motor skills"

6. Carrying out special game and training exercises for the development of grapho-motor skills in children.

7. Carrying out by the educator classes on productive activities "Vowels with their own hands."

8. Competition "Do the letter yourself", with the active participation of parents.

9. Artistic creativity: "We draw vowel sounds and letters."

  1. Stage: Final (1 week)

Practical significance of the project:

1. Enrichment of the subject-developing environment:

Illustrative material "Subject pictures for highlighting vowel sounds"

Updated visual symbols for vowel sounds;

Didactic games: "Interesting vowels" (Goal: highlighting vowel sounds and letters in the middle of words); “Pick up a house” (Goal: determining the position of a vowel sound); “Find out what sounds” (Goal: distinguishing non-speech sounds); "Singers" (Goal: development of speech breathing and voice); "Ships" (Goal: to consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables); "Shop" (To consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables, highlight vowel sounds), "Traces" ( Target: Formation of phonemic perception in children with disabilities).singing vowel sounds with movements,Singing vowels and their combinations with different strength and pitch,Ball games to consolidate the pronunciation of vowels and develop smooth, strong exhalations:The game "Sounds of vowels we sing with my ball together",The game "We knock the ball with the palm of our hand, we repeat the sound together."

2. To solve the problem of acquaintance with vowel sounds and the ability to select words that begin with vowel sounds, such a game technique as the compilation of sound stories has been introduced. Using Pictures , whose names begin with the sound being studied, made up sound stories about vowel girls.

When compiling sound stories, children memorize words that begin with vowel sounds much faster and easier. Children like to get acquainted with vowel girls, they are actively involved in the work. At the same time, stories can be varied and creative.


Purposeful, integrated work of interaction between educators, a speech therapist and parents using gaming activities helps to eliminate speech therapy groups in children and existing difficulties in acquiring reading and writing.The variety and variability of didactic material, the use of productive and playful activities allows you to unobtrusively, indirectly develop the phonemic hearing of preschoolers. The use of gaming activities at the stages of teaching literacy, consolidating the acquired skills at the correctional hour of the educator, at home, while following the recommendations of the speech therapist, helped children successfully learn the basics of literacy in kindergarten.

Tamarazova Yulia Nikolaevna,

teacher - defectologist

MADOU DS KV "Rucheyok"

YNAO Novy Urengoy

Underestimating Timely Correction

speech defects in children leads to

consequences for difficulties in mastering

writing and reading. Such a child will

constantly lagging behind in school will suffer

from the fact that his efforts do not lead to

a positive result.

It's not his fault.

Only the parents are to blame, who thought

that the baby will grow up and "speak out"



The project of the teacher - speech therapist

Without the help of parents, the work of a speech therapist can be very long and even useless.
Everything that we study at the lesson with a speech therapist, we definitely fix it at home with mom, dad !!!

Analysis of the situation

At present, it is no secret to anyone that every year the question of teaching children with speech pathology is becoming more and more acute. It is obvious that for full-fledged speech therapy work, close cooperation between a speech therapist, teacher and parents is necessary. First of all, it is worth noting the need to form motivation for classes among parents. Many parents have very distant information about who a speech therapist is and how correctional work is carried out. It is necessary to carry out educational work, set up and draw the attention of parents to the problem of the child. In order to overcome these problems, this project was developed.

The relevance and relevance of the project lies in the fact that the participation of parents in the correctional speech therapy process is necessary.

Hypothesis: One of the most difficult problems will be solved - the problem of differences in the positions of teachers and parents on overcoming children's speech disorders. Parents will no longer step back from the work of correcting speech defects in children. They will overcome certain difficulties in organizing interaction with their child.

Objective of the project:

To form the ability to determine the presence (or absence) of a given sound in a word.

Select the first sound from the beginning of the word, the last - from the end of the word.

Identify the differences in the names of the pictures.

Determine the place of a given sound in words.

Choose words with a given sound.

Formation and stimulation of a motivated attitude of parents to corrective work with a child.

Project objectives:

To form phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills of children;

Contribute to the adequate inclusion of parents in the correctional process;

To increase the competence of parents in the development of children's speech;

Involve parents in the manufacture of books - babies according to the sounds passed

The practical significance of the project lies in the fact that the proposed system of phased inclusion of parents in the correctional speech therapy process can be used by speech therapists, group educators, and parents.

Project type practice-oriented, individual

By duration: long-term (1 year, during the entire period of sound pronunciation correction)

Project participants: speech therapist teacher, parents of the children of the group, educators of the group, pupils of the group.

Project results:

Formation of the action of highlighting a sound against the background of a word (there is a given sound in the word or absent).

Formation of the action of isolating a sound from the beginning and end of a word
(for questions: "What is the first sound in a word? What is the last sound in a word?")

Identification of a stressed vowel in a word.

Determining the place of sound in a word (After which sound the desired sound is heard
sound in a word? Before what sound?

The ability to determine the presence (or absence) of a given sound in a word.

The ability to distinguish the first sound from the beginning of a word, the last sound from the end of a word.

Increasing the competence of parents in the development of children;

Inclusion of parents in the correctional process

Project stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory (information - analytical)
Disclosing the meaning and content of the forthcoming work, developing the necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the project, taking into account modern requirements and the speech capabilities of children.
1. The study of the state of the problem under study in theory and practice, to substantiate the conceptual apparatus of the study.
2. Identification of the problem - diagnosis of the current level of speech development of children of senior preschool age (speech therapy examination of children).

Stage 2 - main (practical)

Making homemade books - babies for each sound passed, observing certain conditions:

First, we select subject pictures for a given sound (the sound is at the beginning of the word);

Then we select pictures in which the position of the sound is determined by the middle of the word;

The following pictures have sound at the end of the word.

Rules for creating (forming pages)

Pictures on the pages of the book should correspond to the position of the sound in the word (at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end)

Stage 3 - final (designing a mini library of author's manuals)

Presentation of each book by all project participants (parents, children, educators) and design of the exhibition (library) in the kindergarten.

Presentation of experience: preschool teachers, speech therapists, parents, as well as the children themselves can use ready-made books by playing various games. For example: “find the sound”, “Where the sound lives”, etc.

Experience can be broadcast at city methodological associations, submitted to competitions at various levels

In modern pedagogy, the practice of education, the interaction of teachers and parents is one of the most urgent and acute problems. Analysis of the studies of Russian scientists (N.A. Andreeva, E.P. Arnautova, T.I. Babaeva, T.A. Berezina, N.F. Vinogradova, T.A. Danilina, L.V. Zagik, O.L. Zvereva, M. V. Ivanova, V. K. Kotyrlo, T. V. Krotova, T. A. Kulikova, T. A. Markova, O. V. Ogorodnova, M. M. Ramazanova, Z. I. Teplova etc.) allows us to consider the interaction of teachers and parents as an important condition for the effectiveness of the upbringing and development of children.

Work with children
- Acquaintance with the organs of articulation through the "Tale of the Merry Tongue"
- Use in individual lessons for the correction of sound pronunciation of game techniques for analyzing articulation.
- Study of the features of the pronunciation of each sound being studied, gradual (as each disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the booklet "Difficult sounds"

Family work

Presentation on the topic: "The results of the correctional and developmental work carried out in the compensatory group"
- Consultation for parents "Violation of sound pronunciation and its causes";
- Making books together with the child - babies for the passed sound "My magic letter"
- The use of books in the process of fixing the passed sound and in determining the position of this sound in a word.

Working with teachers
- Consultation “Violations of sound pronunciation. Causes. Kinds"
- Design of the exhibition (Library) with children "My magic letter" (for all the sounds passed)
- Using a booklet in the process of fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds on the instructions of a speech therapist teacher.

Practical result of the project
- Presentation of individual books - babies "Magic Letter", their practical use in the process of fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds on the instructions of a speech therapist teacher
- Replenishment of the mini-library of homemade books.

Conclusion: the inclusion of parents in a joint process between a speech therapist and an educator will significantly increase the effectiveness of joint work. There is an understanding that the creation of a single speech space for the development of a child is possible under the condition of close cooperation between the teacher - speech therapist and parents.

In the future: search and development of new innovative forms of correctional work with children with speech disorders in cooperation with all participants in the educational process.

Images from the following sites were used to design the work.

File: Clever owl.png

Photos can be printed at the end or beginning of a publication

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Svetlana Filippova

The game is the leading activity in preschool age, and it is through the game, game techniques, and toys that the correction of speech disorders occurs faster, better, and the tasks are completed due to the maximum interest of the child, and motivation for joint activities.

In our kindergarten, the short-term speech therapy project "Toys for the Development of Speech" has ended.

Objective of the project-

development of the basics of speech motor skills based on finger games and exercises, involving parents in the joint production of toys for onomatopoeia, fixing, and introducing sounds into speech, as well as the development of coherent speech both in speech therapy classes and in everyday life.

Project objectives

1. The combination of games and exercises for training fingers with the speech activity of children.

2. Improvement of fine motor skills through finger games;

3. Increasing the competence of parents in the importance of finger games, exercises for preschool children.

Expected Result:

Development of fine motor skills of fingers in preschool children;

Development of speech skills in preschool children;

Enriching the experience of parents in raising children.

In the senior group No. 2, parents and children took the most active part, and this is what we got:

Finger simulators "I walk along the path"

made Bulakina Dasha with her mother Tatiana Nikolaevna. Together with a doll dressed on fingers, children walk along bumpy paths, automating the sound, or pronouncing syllables, words. The combination of finger movement and speech helps children in a playful way to cope with automation faster.

Glove Bear-tongue

Our assistant during articulation gymnastics has become a favorite of children. It was invented and made by Yaroslavtseva Angelina together with her mother. “I put out my tongue so that I’m not used to being lazy. And bite from end to end. I’ll bite ... ”The movements of the tongue and the movements of the hand are performed synchronously, with verses, for example, Shovel dug,

Digging, digging

Then she subsided

Apparently very tired.

(exercise "Shovel")

A wonderful snake for calling and fixing the sound Ш

Bondarev Vlad turned out with his mother Anna Alexandrovna.

The snake crawls and hisses Sh-Sh-Sh, the sound teaches us to say Sh-Sh-Sh

Sha-sha-sha- our snake is good

Sho-sho-sho- we all hiss well

Hardworking bee Zhuzha,

which Varya Muravyova made together with her mother helps us to fix the sound Zh,

Zhuzha the bee collects nectar and repeats her favorite songs;

Zha-zha-zha- bees buzz merrily

Zhu-zhu-zhu-I'll buzz like a bee

Zhi-zhi-zhi-you show me a bee

Finger theater based on the fairy tale "Teremok"

made Manannikov Alyosha with his mother

Orazova Jasmine made with mom

finger theater based on the fairy tale "Turnip"

Children with great pleasure participate in the dramatization of fairy tales, reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds and developing coherent speech.

Related publications:

Short-term project "Toys" Short-term project in the first group of early age "Sunshine" Educator: Ananchenko T. S. Passport of the project. Theme: "Toys" Project type:.

Consultation for educators "Speech therapy mode of preschool educational institution as a condition for effective correction of children's speech" Work on the correction of speech disorders and the formation of the correct speech of preschoolers, which performs a communicative function in full.

Short-term project for the senior preparatory group "Folk Toys" MBDOU TsRR D / s No. 11 "Suluschaan" Approved by: Deputy Head for UMR ___ / O. V. Syrovatskaya / Short-term project “People's.

Short-term project "Mordovian folk toys" Project "Mordovian folk toys" Middle group.

Short-term project in the first junior group "Toys" Type of project: research and creative Type of project: short-term (5 days) Project participants: Children 2-3 years old, teachers, parents of pupils.

"MBDOU" 16 Kropotkin Eremkina Larisa Vladimirovna educator Purpose: to teach children to play together, take care of games and toys.

Speech therapy project "We play, study, speak and understand" Performed by a speech therapist teacher MDOU d / s No. 5 "Topolek" town. Kokuy Zlobina A. A. Contents: Section I Informational part 1. Passport of the project Section.

Municipal educational institution

Vetluzhskaya boarding school

"Let's talk right"

(social project)

Project Manager:

Lesnikova Irina Evgenievna,

teacher speech therapist


201 6 G.

Relevance of the problem …………………………………………….. 4

Goals and objectives of the project ……………………………………………. 5

Project passport…………………………………………………... 6

Project Implementation Stages……………………………………….. 7

Events………………………………………………………. nine

Expected results……………………………………………… 10

Description of the project…………………………………………………. eleven

Conclusion…………………………………………………………. fourteen

Project Results………………………………………………… 15

References…………………………………………………… 16

Appendix………………………………………………………….. 17

Project relevance

At present, it is no secret to anyone that every year the question of teaching children with speech pathology is becoming more and more acute. It is obvious that for full-fledged speech therapy work, close cooperation between a speech therapist, teacher and parents is necessary. First of all, it is worth noting the need to form motivation for classes among parents. Many parents have very distant information about who a speech therapist is and how correctional work is carried out. It is necessary to carry out educational work, set up and draw the attention of parents to the problem of the child. In order to overcome these problems, this project was developed.

The relevance and relevance of the project lies in the fact that the participation of parents in the correctional speech therapy process is necessary.

Project participants: speech therapist, students and parents of students in grades 1-4, primary school teachers, educators.

Objective of the project: increasing the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development of children.

find out the educational needs of parents and their level of competence in matters of speech development;
explain and show parents what the work of a speech therapist at school is;
increase the interest of parents in the issues of speech development of children and provide the necessary information;
develop and adopt uniform requirements for the child, a common approach to education;

Project passport

Project name

"Let's talk right"

Project idea

The speech therapy project "Let's speak correctly" is aimed at increasing the competence of parents in matters of speech development of a younger student.

Educational organization

Municipal state-owned special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities

health opportunities

"Vetluzhskaya special (correctional) general education

boarding school of the VIII type"

Index: 606860

Address: Nizhny Novgorod region, Vetluga, st. Lenina 48a

e-mail [email protected]

Class, age of students

1-4 grade, 7-10 years old

Project geography

606860, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Vetluga

Project Manager

Lesnikova Irina Evgenievna, teacher-speech therapist


students in grades 1-4 and their parents

Implementation timeline

2015 – 2016 academic year

Stages of project implementation:




September 2015

Project development

Students 1-4

Parents of students in grades 1-4

October 2015 - May 2016

Project development


Project Implementation Activities

Long-term project implementation plan


Forms and methods of work


Stage 1. Preparatory stage


Parent survey

"Me and

Get to know the parents of the students
collect anamnestic data on the development of the child;
to study the adequacy of the position of parents in relation to the child and his speech defect;
to study the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development

Stage 2. Basic



ny consultations

"Diagnostic Results"

To acquaint parents with the results of a diagnostic examination of students. Outline ways to overcome the speech defect.
Describe the requirements for students attending speech therapy classes.

Publication on the school website "Speech therapist's page"

"Norms of speech development of children 7 years old"
"Organization of the work of a speech therapist at a school speech center"

To acquaint parents with the norms of speech development of children, with the main directions of speech therapy work within the framework of the school speech center.

Individual consultations

"Plan of correctional and developmental work with a child"

"Exercises for the development of fine motor skills"

To acquaint parents with the main directions of correctional and developmental work with children, with exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

Publication on the site

"Articulation gymnastics"

Introduce parents to articulation exercises.

Individual consultations


Answer parent questions

Open Day

"Open Lesson"

Attendance at individual and subgroup classes by parents.

Parent meeting

"Summing up the results of the first half of the year"

To acquaint parents with the dynamics of children's speech development, outline a work plan for the next six months

January february march april

Master Class

“The child is dysgraphic. How to behave properly"

Individual consultations


Publication on the site

“We develop the child’s speech in the kitchen, on a walk, in the country”

To acquaint parents with the concept of "speech therapy" of the family environment.

Individual consultations

"Results of the year. Question answer"

Answer questions of concern to parents.

Parent meeting

"Results of the year"
"Summer Job"

Demonstrate a presentation that highlights the methods and forms of working with children during the summer holidays.
To highlight the results of the work for the year, to analyze the effectiveness of the interaction of a speech therapist teacher with parents on the issues of speech development of children and the effectiveness of corrective work with children.
Discuss the lists of children who continue to work at the school speech center, as well as the list of graduates.


Design of the information and methodological stand "Tips of a speech therapist"

"Do you know?"

Theoretical material aimed at the formation of parents' knowledge about the development of children's speech.

The final stage


"Parent Survey"

Identification of the level of parental competence in matters of speech development of children
Feedback from parents suggestions and comments

Child monitoring

"Speech therapy examination"

Identification of the level of speech development of children

Participation in MO speech therapists

"Let's talk right!"

Project presentation

Expected results.

Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of the speech development of the child; Parents are actively involved in the correctional and developmental process, follow the recommendations of a speech therapist, independently use materials from the information and methodological stand “Tips of a speech therapist”, from the school website in the section “Speech therapist's page.

The practical significance of the project lies in the fact that the proposed system of phased inclusion of parents in the correctional speech therapy process can be used by speech therapists.

Project description:

Work on the interaction of a speech therapist and parents on the speech development of children takes place in 3 stages:

Target: getting a real picture, analyzing the characteristics of the family and family upbringing of the child, developing tactics for their communication with each parent.

Stage 1 - preparatory (information and analytical).


    find out the educational needs of parents and the level of their competence in matters of speech development, establish contact with its members, coordinate the educational impact on the child;

    start collecting methodological materials (information bank) for the piggy bank "Home speech therapist";

    develop and adopt uniform requirements for parents and the child in matters of speech development, conclude additional agreements between the speech therapist teacher and parents.

To solve these problems, we begin with a survey. Having received a real picture, based on the collected data, it is possible to analyze the characteristics of the family and family upbringing of the child, reveal the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development, and develop tactics for their communication with each parent. This will help to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family, take into account its individual characteristics.

At this stage, it is also necessary to start collecting and developing a piggy bank "Tips of a speech therapist": methodological materials in accordance with the mental and age characteristics of children.

The preparatory stage includes the establishment of uniform requirements of the speech therapist and parents for the correctional process and the conclusion of additional agreements between the two parties of the educational process.

Stage 2 - main (practical)


Develop and test a system of methodological measures for parents on the issues of speech development of schoolchildren;

Replenish and supplement the logopedic piggy bank for parents "Tips of a speech therapist";

The knowledge gained during classes with a speech therapist, the speech skills of children are fixed in a playful way in everyday life. Means and methods of the project:

Conducting a workshop seminar, master classes, consultations, "round tables", "parental living rooms", holding competitions (patter speakers, readers), holding a holiday of beautiful and expressive speech;

Conducting individual consultations;

Creation of an information and methodological stand "Tips of a speech therapist" (monthly);

Presentation of a piggy bank for parents "Tips of a speech therapist" (monthly);

Keeping a "Success Diary" (monthly, parents)

Stage 3-final (control and diagnostic).

analysis of the effectiveness of the work of a speech therapist with parents on the issues of speech development of children and the effectiveness of corrective work with children.


    To analyze the effectiveness of the work of a speech therapist teacher with parents on the speech development of children.

    Analyze the effectiveness of corrective work with children.

    Broadcast experience on this topic for teachers of the city and district.

Practical significance of the project

The project can be claimed by educational institutions of various types and types of the city, district, country as a guide to improving the model of interaction between a speech therapist teacher and parents as part of the correctional process. The recommendations contained in the Draft can serve as a starting point when planning work with parents in a speech therapy center. Practical advice can be found wide application in the activities of Advisory Points for Parents established in educational institutions.


Many parents have very distant information about who a speech therapist is and how correctional work is carried out. It is necessary to carry out educational work, set up and draw the attention of parents to the problem of the child. In order to overcome these problems, this project was developed.

The speech therapy project “Let's speak, write, read correctly” is aimed at increasing the competence of parents in matters of speech development of a younger student.

Project results

    Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of the speech development of the child;

    Parents are actively involved in the correctional and developmental process, follow the recommendations of a speech therapist, independently use materials from the information and methodological stand “Tips of a speech therapist”, from the school website in the section “Speech therapist's page.


    Antonova, T.V. Problems and search for modern forms of cooperation between kindergarten teachers and the child's family /T.V. Antonova // Preschool education. - 1998. - No. 6. - S. 2-6

    Vasilyeva, I.N. Psychological aspects of the application of information technologies / I.N.Vasilyeva // Questions of psychology. - 2002. - No. 3. – P.54-63

    Votinova, E.M. The competence of parents is a necessary condition for the successful correctional work of a speech therapist preschool educational institution / E.M. Votinova, E.M. Polyukhovich // Speech therapy today. - 2011. - No. 4. - P. 70-74

    Zvereva, O.L. Communication between a teacher and parents in a preschool educational institution / O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotov. - M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2005. - 143 p.

    Miklyaeva, N.V. Creation of conditions for effective interaction with the family / N.V. Miklyaev. - M.: EKSMO, 2006. - 205 p.

    Mikheeva, I.A. The relationship in the work of the educator and the teacher-speech therapist. Card file of tasks for children 5-7 years old with OHP / I.A. Mikheeva, S.V. Cheshev. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 155 p.

    Uspenskaya, L.P. Learn to speak correctly / L.P. Uspenskaya, M.B. Uspensky. – M.: Enlightenment, 1992. – 234 p.


Application No. 1

Individual consultations

Application No. 2

parent meetings

Application №3

Open classes

Application No. 4


Application No. 5

Holidays and entertainment

Application No. 6

Questioning parents of students

Questionnaire for parents "Speech development of the child"

1. Surname, name of the child __________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth________________________________________________________________

Underline the answers to the following questions and please give them a detailed justification.

3. In your opinion, who should be involved in the development of a child's speech? (Parents, school.) _______________________________________________

4. Do you work with your child to improve his speech? (Well no.) _______________________________________________________________________________

5. Would you like to learn how to work on the development of a child's speech? (Well no.) _______________________________________________________________

6. Do you watch how your child speaks? (Well no.) _____________________________

7. Do you correct mistakes in your child's speech? (Well no) ____________________________

8. Do you want to learn how to correct speech defects? (Well no.) ___________________________

9. Do you know what kind of knowledge your child receives in speech development classes at school? __________________________________________________________________ten. Are you present at the holidays?____________________________________________

Application No. 7

Level of parental motivation


"Naughty SOUNDS"

The project is aimed at creating conditions for the full speech development of preschoolers. This project reflects the directions in corrective work with children with speech disorders: staging and automation of impaired sounds. This project is presented as a way to organize a correctional process based on the interaction of a speech therapist teacher, a child, educators, and parents.

The project is intended for children aged 6–7
Project participants: children with speech disorders, speech therapist, educators, parents.
Target: increasing the potential for the full-fledged speech development of preschoolers.
The hypothesis of the project was the assumption that the use of the project method in speech therapy work with preschool children will allow pupils to quickly, easily and more firmly acquire the knowledge and skills that are acquired in the process of practical activities, increase the motivation and interest of parents in the speech development of their children.
Project tasks.
1. Arouse in the child a desire to independently participate in the process of speech correction.
2. To develop the speech and creative abilities of children.
3. Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory, thinking.
4. Increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes.
5. Involve children in joint activities.
6. Combine the efforts of the teacher and parents in joint activities to correct speech disorders, making extensive use of parental potential.
Expected Result.
1. The method of projects in correctional work will contribute to the successful development of the communicative and creative abilities of children.
2. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher and parents in matters of speech development of children.
3. Increasing the interest of parents not only in the results, but also in the very process of correctional and educational work.
The effectiveness of these results
For kids:
- positive dynamics of speech development;
- development of sustainable motivation for speech self-realization;

Successful social adaptation in the preschool educational institution and the family.
For parents:
- readiness and desire to help;
- activation of the pedagogical potential of parents,
- acquisition and use of knowledge on the speech development of children;
- feeling of satisfaction from joint creativity.
- a positive assessment of the activities of the preschool educational institution.
For teachers:
- a positive psychological climate between the speech therapist and educators;
- the interest of teachers in creativity and innovation;
- satisfaction with own activity;
- improving the professional skills of teachers on issues of speech development and education of preschool children through
various forms and methods of work;
Practical significance of the project
This system of the project method in the speech therapy process can be used in the speech development of children and without speech disorders for the prevention of speech development disorders in preschool age.
Project type: practice-oriented, long-term.
Implementation period project - 1 year
Stages and strategy of project implementation
I. Preparatory stage (information and analytical):
Development of the necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the project, taking into account modern requirements and the speech capabilities of children.
1. The study of the state of the problem under study in theory and practice, to substantiate the conceptual apparatus of the study.
2. Identification of the problem - diagnosis of the level of speech development of children of senior preschool age (speech therapy examination of children).
3. Determination of the system of speech therapy projects, the conditions for their implementation.
II. The main stage of the project implementation (practical):
4. Speech therapy project "Naughty sounds"
Research and comprehension by the child of the position of the organs of articulation during the pronunciation of the sounds being practiced.
A conscious understanding of the articulation pattern of a particular sound and a qualitative correction of a pronunciation defect.
Increasing the interest of parents in the correctional process.
Increasing the competence of educators in this area.
Implementation period: During the entire period of sound pronunciation correction.
The content of the work.
Work with children.
Acquaintance with the organs of articulation through the "Tale of the Merry Tongue".
Use in individual lessons for the correction of sound pronunciation of game techniques for analyzing articulation "Teach an alien to pronounce the sound correctly", "Explain to a friend the correct location of the organs of articulation ...", etc.
Use in the analysis of the articulation of the studied sound of the manual "Articulation patterns of sounds".
The study of the features of the pronunciation of each sound being studied, the gradual (as each disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the booklet "Difficult Sounds".
Family work
Consultation for parents "Violation of sound pronunciation and its causes."
Maintaining an individual booklet "Difficult Sounds" together with the child.
The use of cards, pictures in the process of fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds at home on the instructions of a speech therapist teacher.
Working with teachers
Consultation “Violations of sound pronunciation. Causes. Kinds".
Drawing up together with the children a common booklet "Difficult sounds" (for all sounds).
The use of cards, pictures in the process of fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds on the instructions of a speech therapist teacher.
Practical result of the project
Presentation of individual booklets "Naughty Sounds", their practical use in doing home exercises.
Drawing up “Naughty sounds” walkways with children (for all sounds) and using them in the process of fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds on the instructions of a speech therapist.

III. The final stage of the project implementation:
1. Analysis of project activities and evaluation of the results of the effectiveness of the use of speech therapy projects in the correctional process.
2. The final presentation of the results of the project activities of children and parents through exhibitions, a presentation of homemade products created jointly by parents, children, and a speech therapist teacher.

The end product of the project will be:
Formed sustainable motivation of children.

Increasing the literacy of parents in the upbringing and education of children with speech disorders, providing them with support and assistance in the correctional process.
Improving the professional competence of preschool teachers in the issue of supporting children with speech disorders.
Forecast of possible negative consequences.
The following possible difficulties and ways to overcome them are assumed:
1. Weak motivation of project participants.
Ways of correction: the introduction of additional forms of stimulation and encouragement, the use of new, more interesting forms of work.
2. High incidence of children, low kindergarten attendance.
Ways of correction: periodic return to the material already covered.

In perspective: search and development of new innovative forms of correctional work with children with speech disorders in cooperation with all participants in the educational process.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of project activities is quite possible and even necessary in the correctional speech therapy process for a more durable, full-fledged development of new skills and abilities by children.

List of used literature:
1. Babina E.S. Partnership of a preschool educational institution and the family in speech therapy work - Logopedist magazine - No. 5, 2005.
2. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Project activity of preschoolers. M., 2010
3. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in the preschool educational institution. Sphere. M.2005
4. Kiseleva L.S. project method in the activities of a preschool institution. Artie. M., 2005
5. Mironova S.A. The development of speech of preschoolers in speech therapy classes. -M. 2007.