Early toxicosis of pregnant women. Early toxicosis of pregnant women

State budget educational institution

Secondary vocational education

Medical College No. 4

Moscow Department of Health

Abstract on the topic:

"Early toxicosis of pregnant women"


Student 302 group

Mammadova Aishan

Early toxicosis of pregnant women (toxicosis in early pregnancy)

Early toxicosis of pregnant women (synonym - early gestosis)- this is a common pathology that develops in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) due to neuroendocrine disorders in the body of a pregnant woman.

To date, there are many theories explaining the causes of toxicosis in early pregnancy. The essence of all these theories boils down to the fact that with the onset of pregnancy, physiological changes occur in the body of a woman, which are regulated by the nervous system and hormones. Hormones are produced by the placenta and endocrine glands (pituitary gland, thyroid gland, gonads, etc.). Early toxicosis occurs mainly due to failures in the regulation of the neuroendocrine system. Because of this, the body of a pregnant woman cannot normally adapt to the pregnancy that has arisen and toxicosis develops. That is why gynecologists call toxicosis “adaptation disease”.

Causes of early toxicosis of pregnant women

The provoking factors leading to the development of early toxicosis during pregnancy include:

Chronic diseases of the digestive system, kidney disease;

Stress, increased nervous irritability, depression;

hereditary predisposition;

High blood pressure


Symptoms of early toxicosis of pregnant women

Symptoms of early toxicosis of pregnant women often appear after a woman finds out about her pregnancy, at about 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. The most persistent symptoms are nausea, vomiting, and excessive salivation. According to various estimates, about 60% of pregnant women have similar symptoms in early pregnancy.

Depending on the severity of the vomiting symptom, 3 degrees of severity of toxicosis are distinguished:

mild degree of early toxicosis of pregnant women - vomiting up to 5 times a day,

early toxicosis of pregnant women of moderate severity - vomiting up to 10 times a day,

severe early toxicosis of pregnant women - indomitable vomiting up to 25 times a day.

With any degree of early toxicosis of pregnant women, a decrease in the weight of the pregnant woman is observed, with moderate and severe degrees, blood pressure decreases, the pulse rises, drowsiness, weakness, and irritability occur. Most pregnant women with toxicosis complain of reduced appetite, even the smell of food causes a gag reflex. Excessive salivation leads to dehydration, the skin becomes flabby and dry.

At the first signs of toxicosis, it is urgent to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. A severe form of toxicosis poses a threat to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Diagnosis of early toxicosis of pregnant women

The diagnosis does not present certain difficulties and is based on the complaints of the pregnant woman. In order for the doctor to be able to assess the severity of toxicosis and prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to pass tests:

Clinical and biochemical analysis of blood;

General urine analysis.

With a mild degree of early toxicosis, all tests should be within the normal range.

With moderate toxicosis, the level of hemoglobin, leukocytes and hematocrit slightly increases. Due to the disturbed water and electrolyte balance, hyperkalemia and hyponatremia are observed. Acetone is determined in the urine, the relative density of urine increases.

In severe early toxicosis of pregnant women, laboratory tests show significant deviations from the norm. In the blood test, in addition to increasing hemoglobin, hematocrit and leukocytes, the amount of total protein, glucose and ESR decreases; the content of urea, creatinine, ALT and AST increases. Protein, acetone and ketone bodies are detected in the urine.

Treatment of early toxicosis of pregnant women

With a mild form of early toxicosis of pregnant women, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, with a moderate and severe degree of the disease, hospitalization of the pregnant woman is indicated. Accordingly, the treatment of toxicosis will vary depending on the severity.

With a mild degree of toxicosis, a pregnant woman first of all needs psychological and physical rest. Sedatives are prescribed - tincture of motherwort or valerian (25 drops 3 times a day), vitamins, hepatoprotectors (Hofitol, Essentiale) and antiemetic therapy (Cerukal). In most cases, drug treatment is limited to this and the woman's well-being improves significantly.

With moderate toxicosis in a hospital, a pregnant woman is given infusion therapy with a glucose solution in combination with antiemetics, hepatoprotectors, vitamins and sedative treatment.

Treatment of severe forms of toxicosis is carried out in the intensive care unit under strict control of hemodynamic parameters and laboratory tests. Antiemetics, infusion therapy in a volume of up to 3 liters, hepatoprotectors and vitamins are administered intravenously. If, despite the ongoing treatment, the condition of the pregnant woman does not improve, then termination of pregnancy is indicated due to increasing multiple organ failure.

How to get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy

Features of nutrition and lifestyle of a pregnant woman with toxicosis is a whole science! With strict adherence to all recommendations, you can successfully get rid of toxicosis or prevent its occurrence without taking any drugs.

Nutrition, diet for early toxicosis of pregnant women

A pregnant woman is recommended to stick to a diet - eat often and little by little - 5-6 times a day. Food should be warm, not cold and not too hot. It is recommended to temporarily exclude spicy, sour, fried foods, as well as carbonated drinks from the diet, as this can provoke nausea and vomiting. This is especially true for pregnant women with chronic diseases of the digestive system.

If nausea and vomiting are still bothering, a dry diet is recommended - a hard-boiled egg, a baked potato with butter, a sandwich with butter, and so on. Try to consume more dairy products, vegetables, fruits, fish dishes and boiled meat.

You can relieve nausea in the morning by sucking on a rye cracker, and only then get out of bed. Drink mineral water in small sips throughout the day.

In addition to nutrition, daily walks in the fresh air for at least an hour are recommended. Night sleep should be at least 8 hours a day. If during the day you want to sleep - it is better to lie down, relax. And, as already mentioned, it is recommended, if possible, to limit the psychological and physical stress on the body.

Physiotherapy for early toxicosis of pregnant women

Regardless of the severity of toxicosis, in the active stage of the disease and during the rehabilitation period, physiotherapeutic procedures are useful - endonasal electrophoresis with B vitamins, galvanization of the brain with a course of 8-10 procedures.

Non-traditional means of treatment of early toxicosis of pregnant women

Of the non-traditional methods of treatment for toxicosis, acupuncture and Chinese acupressure are used. Unconventional methods are especially good for pregnant women, in whom toxicosis is due to psychological reasons.

Folk remedies for the treatment of early toxicosis of pregnant women

Folk remedies are very effective for toxicosis of pregnant women, especially with mild manifestations of the disease. The most effective for toxicosis are infusions of chamomile, mint and lemon balm. 2 tablespoons of pharmaceutical chamomile are poured with boiling water (about half a liter) and left overnight in a thermos. In the morning, filter and take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Melissa and mint are also brewed and used in the same way. You can add a spoonful of honey and lemon to the infusion. In the summer, when there is fresh mint or lemon balm, you can carry a few leaves with you and chew them to relieve nausea.

If the attacks of toxicosis are very pronounced, you should not experiment with folk remedies, it is more advisable to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. In addition, prolonged and excessive “leaning” on herbs can lower blood pressure.

Complications of early toxicosis:

Multiple organ failure, which in case of untimely termination of pregnancy can lead to death;

Untimely treatment of early toxicosis can provoke the development of late gestosis at the end of pregnancy and placental abruption.

Prevention of early toxicosis of pregnant women

Prevention of toxicosis should be carried out before pregnancy, it includes:

Timely treatment of chronic diseases that provoke toxicosis;

Rejection of abortion;

Healthy lifestyle;

Psychophysical preparation for the upcoming pregnancy.

Early toxicosis during pregnancy is a woman's health disorder associated with the adaptation of her body to bearing a fetus.

Toxicosis in the early stages is experienced by 6 out of 10 women, but gynecologists do not always consider this condition to be a disease that necessarily requires treatment. Early toxicosis of pregnant women still has no clearly established causes, and there are no ways to prevent it. The absence of early toxicosis also does not indicate any pathology, some women do not experience it at all.

Causes of early toxicosis

The causes of early toxicosis during pregnancy have not yet been fully studied, they are trying to explain it with several theories, but all researchers agree on only one thing, it is the presence of a fetus in the uterus that causes pregnancy symptoms in the early stages. Removal of the fetal egg leads to an instant cessation of complaints.

Most likely, the causes of early toxicosis of pregnant women are due to neuro-reflex shifts at the level of the diencephalic region of the brain, the discoordination of the processes of excitation and inhibition in which occurs due to a violation of neuro-reflex impulses due to the embryo developing in the uterus and rapidly progressive ingrowth of chorionic villi into the endometrium.

It is known that after the end of the formation of the placenta by 11-13 weeks, the unpleasant first symptoms during pregnancy subside, and the condition of the pregnant woman returns to normal.

Signs of early toxicosis

Toxicosis in early pregnancy, the treatment of which requires medical intervention, should pose a threat to the woman's health.

Signs of pregnancy in the early stages due to gastroenterological discomfort must be distinguished from real early toxicosis during pregnancy, which is a serious functional disorder of the nervous system that occurs in response to the presence of a fetal egg.

How does early toxicosis manifest itself?

Early toxicosis of pregnant women can have a wide variety of symptoms, but nausea, heartburn are the leading manifestations in the vast majority of women. In the early stages, vomiting, dizziness and nausea during pregnancy are the most common forms of toxicosis, salivation is quite common, and other, rare signs of early toxicosis, such as dermatosis, pruritus, osteomalacia or bronchial asthma, are much less common.

Pregnancy vomiting occurs in 6 out of 10 women, but only 10% of them are treated. Heartburn and nausea are considered by doctors only as natural symptoms during pregnancy, and only recommendations on diet and nutrition are given to the pregnant woman.

Vomiting is graded according to severity, there are three of them in total. The timing is important when nausea appears during pregnancy, vomiting, and other signs of early toxicosis, the earlier, the more severe the vomiting takes.

1 severity
Vomiting and nausea occur after meals, up to 5 times a day, a pregnant woman can lose up to 3 kg of body weight. Despite the general disturbance of health, loss of appetite, her condition remains relatively satisfactory. The skin remains moist, pulse and blood pressure are within normal limits. How to deal with early toxicosis during pregnancy with such manifestations - of course, without drugs. Obstetricians do not treat this, you need to try to survive the troubles of the first trimester, using only folk remedies for early toxicosis.

2 severity
Severe nausea during pregnancy occurs already in the first days and quickly develops into vomiting, which occurs regardless of food intake, up to 10 times a day. There may be a slight temperature, acetone is found in the urine of half of the pregnant women, the pressure decreases, the pulse accelerates to 100 per minute, the general condition of the woman is severely impaired, many have thoughts of terminating the pregnancy, it is so difficult to endure. Starting from the second degree of severity, toxicosis at an early stage of pregnancy is subject to medical treatment.

3 severity
This is already a life-threatening condition for a pregnant woman, excessive vomiting. It repeats up to 25 times a day, and can be triggered even by movement. The pregnant woman does not want to move, lies all the time, cannot sleep, food and water are not retained, vomiting immediately occurs, and a loss of up to 10 kg of body weight is possible. The skin and tongue become dry, the temperature rises, the pulse rises to 120 per minute, and the blood pressure is low. In the urine, acetone is found in all women, there is often protein, hemoglobin is increased, there are changes in the biochemical blood test.

When does early toxicosis begin and end?

Early toxicosis begins in most cases as early as 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, some not particularly happy women may feel the first symptoms even before the delay in menstruation. This earliest toxicosis is associated with a woman's high sensitivity to pregnancy hormones and proceeds very hard in the future.

The timing when early toxicosis ends depends on the severity of its course and what kind of pregnancy you have, singleton or multiple. With a singleton pregnancy, early toxicosis lasts up to 11-12 weeks, and with a multiple pregnancy, it disappears by the 14-16th week of pregnancy.

Treatment of early toxicosis

With a mild degree of nausea and vomiting, treatment of early toxicosis of pregnancy is carried out on an outpatient basis, with a moderate and even more severe degree, hospitalization may be required. It often happens that the very fact of excluding a pregnant woman from a stressful situation at home and at work already leads to an improvement in her condition.

Nutrition in the treatment of early toxemia of pregnant women is of great importance, the correct use of food in itself can reduce nausea during pregnancy. You need to eat in small portions, every 2 hours, lying down, food should be chilled, mineral water is shown, alkaline and not carbonated.

Toxicosis in the early stages, treatment

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the fetus is vulnerable, and many drugs can adversely affect its development, this limits the range of drugs used. Of course, you can’t prescribe anything yourself without consulting a doctor, how to alleviate early toxicosis should be decided only with his help.

The most commonly prescribed drugs:

Cerucal (metoclopromide)
refers to anemetics, it is prescribed in extreme cases, with indomitable vomiting of pregnant women due to the ability to increase the tone of the uterus and thereby provoke miscarriages. In general, this drug is prohibited in the first trimester, and only in exceptional cases can you be prescribed it.

Torekan, has a similar effect to cerucal and is also prescribed for health reasons.

Hofitol, this herbal remedy, which is an artichoke extract. The drug has an antioxidant effect and improves liver function, which can significantly remove nausea during pregnancy.

B vitamins. During pregnancy, the need for B vitamins increases by 40%, they are an active participant in many metabolic processes in the mother's body and are needed by the developing fetus. With their shortage, nausea in early pregnancy is more pronounced, and their appointment reduces the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis. However, the use of injectable forms increases the risk of developing an allergy to these drugs.

Droperidol, a drug that acts directly on the nervous system of the mother, can be used only when absolutely necessary. Although no teratogenic effect on the fetus has been identified, this medicine is still considered to be prescribed only when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risks to the fetus.

Diphenhydramine, pipolfen. These drugs are usually prescribed for allergic reactions, however, due to their sedative, calming effect and normalization of the immune system, they help when nausea occurs during pregnancy. It must be warned that these drugs should also not be prescribed to everyone in a row, and are indicated in the first trimester only with an obvious benefit to the mother that outweighs the risk to the fetus.

Herbal teas and herbal infusions. Herbs for early toxicosis help to safely relieve nausea during pregnancy, and can be used independently by the expectant mother, even if she is just worried about nausea and heartburn during pregnancy. However, what to do with early toxicosis specifically, which herbs to drink, also needs to be agreed with the doctor, since many of them are dangerous during pregnancy, we wrote about this.

Splenin, is a drug that is made from the spleens of cattle. Nausea during pregnancy in the treatment of splenin is reduced by normalizing nitrogen metabolism and improving liver function.

Polyphepan, it is an adsorbent that collects toxins in the stomach and intestines. Everything would be fine, but at the same time, the necessary, useful substances are also removed.

As you can see, any drug treatment, all pills for nausea during pregnancy, injections have a negative side and carry a certain risk. So, you need to try to do without them. Only herbs are relatively safe and help fight early toxicosis without risk.

Often, all treatment in a hospital is limited to infusions of glucose and ascorbic acid, and this is correct, although it does not allow you to completely get rid of early toxicosis.

And most importantly, do not forget that early nausea during pregnancy is more likely an indicator that everything is fine with you and is going according to plan. Your pregnancy is progressing and soon you will become a mother. Already by 11-13 weeks you will enjoy your condition, and what is happening now, you just need to try to survive.

Pregnancy is an amazing journey of 9 months. To become the owner of the most valuable reward in the world, the expectant mother must solve difficult tasks. The first serious endurance test for almost every pregnant woman is early toxicosis.

Toxicosis during pregnancy, or early gestosis, is nothing more than an adaptive behavior of the female body to the birth of a new life in it. Poor health at the beginning of pregnancy is noted in 6 out of 10 expectant mothers, but doctors are in no hurry to add toxicosis to the list of diseases requiring immediate treatment. The true causes of this condition have not yet been found, so there is no specific therapy for its correction. By the way, some pregnant women do not have to deal with early toxicosis at all, but this does not mean that there are any problems in the development of the baby.

Why a woman is overcome by toxicosis

Confidently voice the factors that provoke the appearance of gestosis at the dawn of pregnancy, experts are not able to: it is only known for certain that this phenomenon is due to the presence of an embryo in the uterus. If the fetal egg is removed, the unpleasant symptoms characteristic of toxicosis immediately disappear and the woman's well-being quickly returns to normal.

Scientists are inclined to the following: early toxicosis appears on the basis of unconscious changes that occur in the diencephalic region of the cerebral cortex. Due to the appearance of a new "element" in the body, as well as due to the rapid implantation of the villi of the embryo into the thickness of the uterus, the neuroreflex impulse changes, as a result of which a violation of the processes of excitation and inhibition is possible in this area of ​​the brain. As a rule, toxicosis disappears when the placenta surrounding the fetus is finally formed. This happens by 11 - 13 weeks of an "interesting" position.

In addition, experts call a number of factors that indirectly affect the intensity and timing of toxicosis in the first weeks after conception:

Signs of early toxicosis

Toxicosis can visit a pregnant woman in any guise, but there are a number of symptoms that almost always accompany this phenomenon. So, general weakness, heartburn, dizziness, vomiting, increased salivation and nausea during pregnancy are a common and very common picture. There are other manifestations of toxicosis that are much less common in pregnant women: various dermatoses, osteomalacia, or breathing problems, such as bronchial asthma.

Before answering the pregnant woman’s question “I have toxicosis, what should I do?”, The doctor will carefully ask the woman about her well-being. If heartburn and nausea can be perceived as quite tolerable natural manifestations of a special situation and corrected by proper nutrition and regimen, then vomiting can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy.

There are 3 degrees of severity of vomiting. The earlier signs of early toxicosis appear in a pregnant woman, the more serious the course takes vomiting attacks:

  • 1 degree. Discomfort in the form of nausea torments a woman mainly after eating, and vomiting can occur up to 6 times a day, as a result of which the expectant mother loses up to 3 kg in weight. But even despite the general weakness and lack of appetite, the woman's condition does not cause concern: her skin remains moist, and her pulse and blood pressure are within normal limits. The doctor will only recommend to be patient and wait out this difficult period of pregnancy. With his permission, you can use various folk remedies to get rid of nausea.
  • 2 degree. A woman is very sick from the first days of an “interesting” situation, and vomiting torments very often - up to 10 times a day, which depends on the number of meals. At the same time, the body temperature rises slightly, the pressure drops, and the pulse quickens to 100 beats per minute. Analyzes of 50% of expectant mothers indicate that acetone is present in their urine. Some of the women are so hard to endure such "charms" of their situation that they seriously begin to think about terminating the pregnancy. By the way, such a violent reaction of the body in the first weeks of pregnancy can sometimes indicate that a woman is expecting twins or triplets. This stage of toxicosis can be corrected by medication.
  • 3 degree. Abundant and frequent vomiting (up to 20-25 times a day) poses a threat to the life of a pregnant woman. Vomiting can occur from any careless movement, so a woman often lies, afraid to move, she loses sleep and appetite. But even if she tries to eat or drink something through force, nothing stays in the stomach due to severe nausea and vomiting. As a result, the unfortunate woman can lose more than 10 kg. There is a rapid depletion and dehydration of the body: the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity become dry, the temperature rises, the pressure drops, and the pulse speeds up to 120 beats per minute. The results of the tests do not console either: the urine of a pregnant woman contains acetone and protein. Needless to say, the woman needs immediate hospitalization? Severe toxicosis can cause a forced termination of pregnancy.

How long does early toxicosis last

Some "lucky women" are faced with the first manifestations of toxicosis even before they find out the happy news, that is, before the delay in menstruation. Toxicosis gradually increases, and the woman's condition worsens every week. Fortunately, these cases are not common. For the vast majority of pregnant women, the first timid thoughts about how to get rid of toxicosis arise from 5 to 6 weeks of an “interesting” situation.

Early toxicosis ends closer to 11-12 weeks if a woman is expecting one baby, and by 14-16 weeks if the pregnancy is multiple. Also, the timing of the end of gestosis depends on the degree of its severity.

How is early toxicosis determined?

The moment when toxicosis begins is difficult to miss - its signs are very eloquent. The doctor makes a diagnosis, taking into account the complaints of a pregnant patient. To accurately determine the severity of preeclampsia, a woman gives urine for general analysis and blood for clinical and biochemical studies. Based on their results, the gynecologist will prescribe effective ways to deal with malaise.

A slight, mild degree of toxicosis does not affect the test data - all important indicators do not exceed the norm.

Early preeclampsia, moderate in intensity, makes some adjustments to the research indications. In the blood, for example, the concentration of substances such as hemoglobin, hematocrit and leukocytes increases to a small extent. In the body, the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed and, as a result, the concentration of potassium in the blood plasma increases sharply (more than 5 mmol / l) and the number of sodium ions decreases (less than 135 mmol / l). The density of urine increases, acetone is found in its composition.

A severe form of toxicosis in a short time is expressed in the fact that all indicators of laboratory tests strongly deviate from normal data. First of all, we are talking about total protein, glucose and ESR, the concentrations of which are sharply reduced. At the same time, the level of substances such as urea, creatinine, ALT and AST in the blood increases. Another alarming signal is that urine tests for acetone, ketone bodies and protein turn out to be positive.

How to relieve toxicosis with medication

If nausea and vomiting do not drastically affect the quality of life of a pregnant woman, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. Moderate and severe early preeclampsia is a convincing reason for hospitalization.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the unborn baby is still so weak and unprotected that even the most harmless, at first glance, drugs can harm him. Naturally, the range of medicines that are prescribed to pregnant women is extremely limited. All medicines can be taken only with the permission of your doctor! Consider the most famous drugs that are often prescribed for severe toxicosis.

Cerucal (the domestic analogue of Metoclopromide) has the first trimester of pregnancy on the list of contraindications, as it can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and, as a result, a miscarriage. However, this effective antiemetic can greatly improve the condition of a woman if doses are selected with extreme caution and only in exceptional cases.

Hofitol is a plant-based drug. It contains artichoke extract. With the help of this antioxidant, you can improve the condition of the liver and reduce the intensity of nausea attacks.

Vitamins of group B. Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 take an active part in the metabolic processes in the body of the expectant mother. In addition, they are an indispensable building material for a growing baby. It is noted that the deficiency of B vitamins in a pregnant woman increases early toxicosis. However, the decision to use the drug in the form of a solution for injection should be balanced - the drug can cause an allergic reaction.

Droperidol. Influencing the nervous system of a pregnant woman, the drug has an anti-shock and antiemetic effect. And although it has not been proven that the remedy can adversely affect the embryo, it is prescribed only in hopeless situations.

Antihistamines Diphenhydramine and Pipolfen are prescribed not only to eliminate the symptoms of allergies, but also to suppress the manifestations of early preeclampsia. These medicines have a calming effect on the woman's central nervous system and stabilize her immune system. Beforehand, the doctor evaluates the possible risk for the child and the obvious benefit for the pregnant woman.

Splenin. The active ingredient of the drug is a substance that is contained in the spleen of cattle. The medicine normalizes the work of the liver, on the state of which the strength of the manifestation of toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy depends.

Polyphepan is an adsorbent drug that helps the liver and intestines cope with the elimination of toxic substances. The medicine, like the rest, is prescribed only as a last resort - along with harmful substances, the body of a pregnant woman loses some of the beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Whether we like it or not, taking medication always comes with health risks. This is especially true for a future mother who dreams of a strong toddler. This means that no matter what week of pregnancy toxicosis appears, you need to try to endure this unpleasant condition without pills and injections. However, for advice on issues that concern her, a pregnant woman should contact her doctor in any case. Remember that bearing an heir must be treated very responsibly: a strong early preeclampsia, which began to be treated late, can result in late toxicosis and placental abruption at the final stage of pregnancy.

How to get rid of toxicosis in early pregnancy without the use of drugs

The sooner the expectant mother realizes that her lifestyle is now subordinate to the miracle that grows in her, the more likely it is that severe toxicosis will bypass her!

Dietary nutrition and daily routine for early gestosis

The best diet for a pregnant woman is modest portions up to 6 times a day. Well, if the food is warm, the expectant mother does not need extremes in the form of too cold or hot dishes. The diet should be cleared of spicy, fried, smoked, acidic foods and carbonated drinks. This applies to all pregnant women without exception. Food is best consumed in liquid and semi-liquid form.

If nausea and vomiting increase every day, the so-called dry diet will help the expectant mother: hard-boiled eggs, baked potatoes, bread and butter will help reduce the intensity of attacks. The most useful food for a woman in position is considered dairy products, vegetables, fruits, fish and steamed meat. These food groups are a complete building material that the child's body needs for development and the mother's body to maintain a healthy tone and energy.

In principle, at an early stage of pregnancy, you can not deny yourself anything and gradually try everything your soul desires. The main thing is that the food is easily digestible and contains a maximum of vitamins and minerals.

Some expectant mothers experience nausea immediately after waking up. You can outwit toxicosis if you leisurely eat a banana, a handful of nuts or a rye cracker before getting out of bed. You need to chew food very slowly - so nausea will recede faster. During the day, you should drink alkaline mineral water, having previously agreed on the maximum daily volume of liquid with your doctor. After eating, active actions and haste are contraindicated for the expectant mother. Allow yourself 15-20 minutes to relax and unwind.

Slow walking will help to ease the manifestations of toxicosis, so you should try to provide yourself with a daily walk and a portion of fresh air. If vitamins for pregnant women, who usually drink in the morning, cause a woman to feel disgust and nausea, then the situation can usually be corrected by postponing the intake of vitamins in the evening or taking a pill at night.

Peppermints or mint gum can help suppress sudden nausea for many pregnant women, and chamomile, sage, and peppermint in the form of mouthwash infusions work well for profuse saliva.

In matters of nutrition for a pregnant woman, everything is so individual that sometimes a future mother should listen to her body: what exactly do you want most often? Perhaps sauerkraut or a crust of black bread sprinkled with salt will be a real salvation from nausea and poor health.

Physiotherapy against early toxicosis

Physiotherapy procedures in most cases are absolutely harmless for women in position. They can also be used to correct toxicosis: during the period of the greatest manifestation of unpleasant symptoms and at a time when they are already on the decline. The use of endonasal electrophoresis with B vitamins and galvanization of the brain is considered especially effective. The optimal course of treatment is 8-10 sessions.

Non-traditional methods of treatment of early toxicosis

Unfortunately, future mothers tend to distrust non-traditional therapy: the cautious subconscious that protects the baby reacts this way to everything new and unusual. Meanwhile, pregnant women who have decided to try something “such” for themselves notice a positive effect after acupuncture and acupressure procedures. The result of irritation of vital points on the skin with the tip of the needle is an increase in the elasticity of the uterus and a quick, painless birth. If you trust an experienced master, good mood and well-being are guaranteed!

Acupuncture can also be used as a prophylaxis, since the cervix becomes more elastic as a result of a course of acupuncture, and childbirth proceeds faster and more painlessly.

For women who feel bad from one type of needles, a more gentle and pleasant method in the fight against toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy is suitable. This is aromatherapy. In search of an answer to the question of what helps with toxicosis, expectant mothers must certainly surround themselves with the healing fragrances of essential oils. It can be jasmine, rose, orange, lemon, neroli, anise oil. There are plenty to choose from!

The first aroma session should not exceed 15 minutes, every day the duration of the procedure should be increased by a quarter of an hour until it is 3 hours.

Alternative methods of treatment of toxicosis

A mild degree of early gestosis is quickly corrected with the help of the gifts of nature - we are talking about medicinal herbs. The experience of centuries shows that the most effective remedy for combating nausea, irritability and general weakness are infusions of chamomile flowers, mint leaves and lemon balm.

It is not difficult to prepare a healing drink: 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers should be poured with boiling water (0.5 l) and infused in a thermos until the next morning. Strained infusion drink 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The drink can be sweetened with a spoonful of honey. Healthy mint and lemon balm teas are prepared in the same way. In the summer, a pregnant woman can carry a few leaves of mint or lemon balm with her everywhere: chewing them, she will get rid of sudden nausea.

Doctors warn: you can’t get carried away with herbs for a long time! This is not safe for blood pressure, which can suddenly drop as a result of prolonged herbal treatment.

Prevention of early toxicosis during pregnancy

In order not to suffer from excruciating nausea, dizziness and bad mood while expecting a baby, a woman needs to seriously take care of her health even before pregnancy. The list of preventive measures includes:

  • no history of abortion;
  • timely and thorough treatment of chronic diseases;
  • indispensable physical activity;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • conscious moral and physical preparation for the upcoming motherhood.

Nausea and vomiting do not add enthusiasm to the expectant mother about her current situation: severe toxicosis inevitably gives rise to questions “who is to blame?” and “what to do?”. Psychologists advise not to dwell on the problem, but to try to push it into the background with more pleasant experiences. A pregnant woman should communicate more often with the baby, who will certainly hear her, and always think only about the good. A positive attitude will help you survive any trials on the way to your cherished goal!

Early toxicosis during pregnancy. Video

In this article, we will consider issues related to toxicosis, as well as tips on how to deal with it: what may be the signs and degree of toxicosis, methods of treatment and prevention.

Early toxicosis is a pathological condition that occurs during and in connection with pregnancy. The presence of toxicosis does not depend on the sex of the fetus.

Clinic of toxicosis

Early toxicosis usually occurs in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, but in some cases it can disturb a woman up to 16, and sometimes even up to 20 weeks. Toxicosis is most often manifested by poor health, nausea and vomiting, some have profuse salivation (up to 1.5 liters of saliva per day can be released).

Due to vomiting and salivation, dehydration of the body can occur, which is manifested by dry skin and mucous membranes, an increase in body temperature, a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate.

There are 3 degrees of vomiting of pregnant women:

1. Light degree. The general condition remains satisfactory, the frequency of vomiting is not more than 3-4 times a day, weight loss does not exceed 2 kg. Moisture of the skin and mucous membranes remains normal. Blood and urine tests remain normal. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.

2. Medium severity. Vomiting 5 to 10 times a day, weight loss exceeds 2 kg per week. There may be a slight increase in body temperature. Often observed. Urinalysis revealed a positive reaction to acetone. Treatment takes place at a day hospital or a woman is hospitalized.

3. Severe degree. Vomiting more than 10 times a day. At night, vomiting continues, which disturbs sleep. Marked weight loss is noted. Arterial pressure decreases. Severe, slow condition. In the analysis of urine - a positive reaction to acetone, there may be protein. In the blood test, the content of bilirubin and creatinine increases, the amount of protein decreases. In this case, hospitalization is necessary. With excessive vomiting (more than 20 times a day for several days in a row), in some cases, the question of termination of pregnancy is raised.

Salivation may accompany vomiting, rarely occurs as an independent disease. Excessive salivation leads to dehydration, it also negatively affects the psyche of a woman.

There are also rare forms of early toxicosis: osteomalacia (softening of the bones) of pregnant women, acute yellow liver atrophy (as a result, liver cells begin to die quickly, the liver decreases in size), tetany of pregnant women (muscle cramps of the upper and lower extremities). In these cases, termination of pregnancy is necessary. Once again I want to emphasize: they are extremely rare!


With a mild degree of toxicosis, medications are dispensed with. Required. In addition, a pregnant woman should avoid the presence of strong odors: it is not recommended to use perfume (if you need a deodorant, then choose an odorless one), stay in the room where the renovation is underway, you should avoid passive smoking (and even more so smoke yourself). Stuffiness in the room also increases nausea, so it needs to be ventilated periodically.

Nausea is stronger on an empty stomach, so it should not be empty. You can keep unsweetened cookies or crackers on the nightstand near the bed to have a snack before breakfast without getting out of bed. You can even snack at night if you wake up, as according to some reports, toxicosis worsens in the morning due to the fact that blood sugar levels decrease overnight. When you wake up, do not get up immediately, lie down for another 20 minutes, then get up smoothly, do not abruptly jump off the bed.

It is better to take food in small portions, every 2-3 hours. Food should be boiled or steamed, fried foods should be avoided. You can eat baby food, as it is better absorbed. For breakfast, it is better to choose cold food, because it smells less. Crackers save many people, only they need to be prepared by yourself, because various flavorings are added to factory-made crackers, which will only increase nausea. After eating, do not make sudden movements and do not bend over.

It's important to listen to your body, since what you really want to eat at the moment will not harm you, even if it is some kind of "bad" food.

Good for relieving nausea taste and smell of lemon. It is recommended to suck on a slice of lemon when nausea occurs. It is good to take a shower using lemon-scented shower gels. It is also an effective ginger. It should be added to tea or just chewed.

Calming effect on the digestive system mint products(for example, mint tea). You can chew mint gum. However, at a later date, mint can cause heartburn.

Nausea can be overcome by sucking lollipops. Sucking helps a lot pieces of ice or frozen fruit juice(preferably citrus).

You need to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Mineral water is useful for restoring the water-salt balance in the body. You can also drink water with lemon or weak green tea. You need to drink often, but in small portions. This is very important, as dehydration has a negative effect on the fetus, as the flow of nutrients is sharply reduced.


A pregnant woman needs to provide emotional peace. It is necessary to be sympathetic to the new food addictions of a woman, to understand that these are not just whims. You also need to help her avoid unpleasant pungent odors.

Often an attack of nausea can be provoked by riding in transport, especially in public. Therefore, if you need to travel only 2-3 stops, then it is better to walk. Moreover, it is useful for pregnant women to walk a lot.

If possible, try to get out into the fresh air for a week or two, for example, to the country house. Especially in the warm season.

Of great importance is the treatment of initial (mild) manifestations of toxicosis, which makes it possible to prevent the development of more severe forms of the disease.

Some women are so tormented by toxicosis that they begin to doubt whether the birth of a baby is worth all these torments. Get rid of such thoughts! The most important thing is, despite temporary difficulties, to remember the child that is in the tummy, and try to make him feel that he is the most desirable.

  1. Minutes of the meetings of the Expert Council of the RCHD MHSD RK, 2014
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List of protocol developers with qualification data:

1. Sarmuldaeva Sholpan Kuanyshbekovna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

2. Aliyeva Sholpan Urkendovna - Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 of the Kazakh National Medical University. S.D. Asfendiyarova, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

3. Ihambayeva Ainur Nygymanovna - clinical pharmacologist, assistant of the Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology of JSC "Astana Medical University"

Indication of no conflict of interest: no conflict of interest


Doshchanova Aikerm Mzhaverovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Internship and Postgraduate Education of JSC "Astana Medical University", obstetrician - gynecologist of the highest category

Indication of the conditions for revising the protocol: Revise the protocol after 3 years and/or when new diagnostic/treatment methods become available with a higher level of evidence.