The development of femininity. Where to start or how to be feminine? How to develop femininity and charm

How to develop femininity and charm

Each of us wants not only to be a woman - only because we have the appropriate signs of gender - but also to be a real representative of the beautiful half of the human race, to which the eyes of all surrounding men would be attracted. I want something, I want to, but we don’t always know how to develop femininity, which is a necessary condition for female attractiveness.

Femininity has many different definitions. Each woman can have her own way of being attractive and charming, and each of these ways has the same effect on others. It is not at all necessary to be a kind of doll in curls, dressed in all pink, to appear feminine. You can be a tomboy in life, and a woman who has forgotten about herself, giving all her attention and care to other people, and at the same time not losing her attractiveness.

However, in a society where the media promotes a particular type of femininity, many of us have to make some effort to achieve this ideal. So what is still worth striving for?

Femininity and appearance

What to hide - of course, the appearance of a woman is the first criterion that others evaluate. Here's what you can do to learn how to express your femininity through your appearance:

  • Spend time with your friends as often as possible

As you interact with different women, you may notice different “versions” of female attractiveness. Watching different models of femininity will help you find new facets for your own image, and you will become much more comfortable expressing and emphasizing your belonging to the beautiful half of humanity.

  • Spend enough time to study yourself

Yes, yes, don't be surprised! Each of us has special traits and qualities that make our attractiveness unique; but in the bustle of everyday life, we drive our Beautiful Stranger into the most distant and hidden corner of the soul. Find time to do what you love to do, hone your talent or hobby, which until now has been unclaimed due to lack of time. Learning to pamper and love yourself will help you feel more comfortable in your own body. And in the end, it will be much easier for you to express your femininity.

  • Start working on your appearance with a trip to the hairdresser

Dye your hair or get a trendy haircut. Such a change in appearance will change your self-perception and break old patterns of behavior. Seeing your new look reflected in the mirror will give you a sense of self-attractiveness that will help you become more feminine.

  • Experiment with makeup

Just do not overdo it with the brightness of colors - makeup as close as possible to the natural look is the most delicate and feminine. To make some changes, try different shades and degrees of gloss of lipstick. It would be very good to use the services of a professional makeup artist at least once - so you can see how you can profitably emphasize the best features of your appearance. And one more tip: try to buy only high-quality cosmetics that apply well and do not harm your skin.

  • Find time for quality and professional self-care

Keep your eyebrows neat, don't let them grow. Remove facial and leg hair, if you have any. Do not allow yourself to walk around with stale or uncombed hair. Always do a manicure on time and do not neglect a pedicure.

  • If you want to look more feminine, you can't help but rethink your wardrobe.

Replace fashionable elegant shoes with such comfortable and sweet sneakers to your heart. And baggy T-shirts that are more suitable for men, replace light or pastel shades with blouses. Wear clothes that flatter and accentuate your figure. If you emphasize your purely feminine curves and roundness, and not hide them under inexpressive unisex clothes, then you will give your femininity the opportunity to develop very actively.

  • Be sure to add to your image such a detail as accessories - earrings, bracelets, necklaces, handbags, key chains ...

Even when you're just wearing jeans and a T-shirt! Only, of course, observe the measure and maintain the chosen style.

  • Be sure to take care of the health of your body: eat well and exercise regularly

By having a body that you can feel comfortable with, you will stop hiding your femininity.

  • Watch your posture

Keep your back straight, do not drop your chin on your chest, and make sure that your gait is graceful and light. I would like to talk a little more about gait. Of course, you remember Verochka the secretary from the movie Office Romance. She very accurately described the importance of a graceful gait for female attractiveness. Owning your body is very important; and even if you put on a very beautiful dress and did your hair and make-up just to the highest standard - this will not help you much if you walk like Lyudmila Prokofievna: “everything shrinks like an old tattered shoe, and - scratches for work !!!"

A woman should move in a completely different way. By paying close attention to how to develop femininity in yourself, you must learn to move correctly. After a little training, you will be able to develop a “correct” gait, and it will very quickly become the only acceptable one for you.

Femininity and demeanor

To develop your femininity, you must understand that it must come from within you. You can dress and behave as our feminine nature dictates to us, but this is still not enough. Dress a man in the same way, and it will be clear from a kilometer away that this is a man. Why? Because it is impossible for a guy to fake a purely feminine demeanor. We must recognize that, both psychologically and culturally, women tend to have unique, distinct characteristics from men. Understanding this difference will help you develop your feminine nature.

Try to emphasize those physical and emotional qualities that distinguish you from a man. This does not necessarily mean that you have to dress provocatively or, on the contrary, be constantly embarrassed and shy. Show your sensitivity, care, ability to empathize. Generally, femininity is associated with kindness, compassion, and the desire to help others.

Pay attention to your mannerisms, speech, and the way you interact with people. Try to be more receptive and passive than active and aggressive. This does not mean that you cannot speak your mind in a controversial situation; just choose a way to speak as softly and tactfully as possible about any issue. And smile as often as possible. Watch the correctness of your speech and refrain from using vulgar words or profanity - a real Woman will never allow herself this!

Be natural in your behavior. There is nothing more beautiful and feminine than a girl who feels confident and calm. Do things that make you feel beautiful and happy. Listen to good joyful music that lifts your spirits. Read or daydream in the park or in your garden surrounded by beautiful flowers. Arrange gatherings with your friends in a cafe or in a good pastry shop. Give free rein to your positive feelings and emotions. Agree, it is women who have an easy and joyful perception of the surrounding reality - so learn to enjoy every trifle!

Remember to be weak and in need of guardianship: men really like to act as protectors. Let the man open the door for you or pull up a chair. Let him offer you his help, and you accept it. If you are used to doing many things yourself, then call your friend or husband next time when you need to do something not quite feminine - for example, move a sofa or hang a picture frame on the wall.

No wonder they say that the strength of a woman is in her weakness. She helps to be feminine much better than manipulative actions with her sexuality. By allowing a man to help and giving him the opportunity to make you happy, you send him a message that you are worthy of love, admiration and protection simply because you are a real woman who can appreciate all the virtues of your man. This is the most important sign of femininity!

Qualities that men find especially feminine

Most women mistakenly believe that the appearance of beautiful ladies is the most important thing for men. But a man mainly evaluates a woman on her personal qualities when it comes to a serious relationship. What do guys like? First of all - affection and affection. Of course, men are very much focused on the physical pleasure of intimacy, but this does not mean that they do not seek and do not want love. A woman who pays too much attention to sexual intercourse, but does not show affection, will be considered by him as nothing more than a sexual partner.

Moreover, affection and love should be manifested not only in the bedroom. Touch the man's hand affectionately as you sit across the table from each other. Give him a warm hug. Adjust the hair hanging over his eyes or remove the eyelash that fell on his cheek. Men really like such unobtrusive attention and manifestation of warmth and love!

Very much like men and cheerful girls with a good sense of humor. If you don't take yourself or life too seriously and know how to laugh at trouble, then guys will always be drawn to you. And men also really like playful women who love to fool around, regardless of their age. The youthfulness of the soul is a very attractive character trait and goes hand in hand with a sense of humor and the ability to have fun.

You could also talk about other qualities that it would be wise to cultivate in yourself in order to become more attractive. There is no limit to perfection! But what you just read about is enough to understand how to develop femininity in yourself. We have shown you the main landmarks on the path to improvement; and now it depends on you how charming, attractive and feminine you can become!

Do you really want to become a real woman? Then you need to study the rules of conduct, the ethics of interpersonal relationships. Adopt the worldview of a lady, develop a demeanor appropriate to this status, develop the potential abilities inherent in nature. By consistently following the suggested steps, you will understand how to learn to be feminine.

Method 1. Look feminine

Stop choosing clothes that are in harmony with your facial features and figure. Wear skirts if they suit you, wear jeans if you look better in them.

Neat, neat look― the first sign of a real lady. Get rid of clumsy sweatshirts, baggy pants, dangling T-shirts that do not adorn the figure.

Any clothes should look well-groomed, ironed, fitted to your shape.

Do not need cosmetics, do not use makeup? Lightly moisturize your lips with a balm, take care of your skin.

  • a silk scarf that matches the texture and color of the outfits;
  • pearl earrings;
  • bezel;
  • hairpins;
  • brooch in several versions;
  • several options for bracelets;
  • thin aesthetic rings.

Pay attention to appearance, do not go in cycles in trifles. Feel comfortable. Know how to show your dignity, emphasize natural beauty.

Engage in physical culture, do not limit yourself in stress. Help your body to become perfect like a lady, apply elements of yoga, start dancing or sign up for swimming.

Don't do anything in a hurry. Your appearance will be untidy. Do not wear make-up or do your hair in front of colleagues or friends. Do it before they arrive. Your beauty must remain a mystery.

Method 2. Act like a lady

The walk must be graceful. A lot depends on the shoes. The legs and gait in heeled shoes look great. They must be worn skillfully. If you bought new shoes with high heels, before you go out in them, practice at home, walk in front of a mirror so as not to be funny in unusual shoes.

In the dance, you should feel harmony with your body. Get pleasure from the movements, enjoy the music, feel the comfort, even without being a professional.

Flirting does not spoil a woman. This is a natural behavior given by nature, emphasizing the superiority of female nature.

Watch your posture. She will add confidence. Adopt gestures from people you think are confident. Look straight ahead, do not look at the floor, smile more often.

Don't be arrogant. Do not stand out, do not try to show superiority. Don't brag about your accomplishments in conversation. Consider people, they will feel your confidence.

It is not necessary to become a permanent carer for all those in need. You need to show readiness to help at any moment.

  • Do not reach for the dish across the entire table, ask for it to be passed so as not to violate the personal space of people sitting next to you.
  • If you do not like the behavior of the people sitting next to you, do not express your indignation in a rude manner. Don't be asked to shut up immediately. Ask to speak a little quieter.
  • Random belching does not decorate anyone. But at a certain age, this can happen involuntarily. If this happened, ask for forgiveness, apologize, but do not focus on it, do not explain, do not try to translate it into a joke.
  • If the interlocutor is unpleasant for you, you do not want to discuss a certain topic with him, do not react with grimaces, rolling your eyes or twisting your lips. Don't get down to being rude.

Method 3. Use the right words

It is not necessary to change the topic of conversation, you can change the phrase to reflect your attitude to the problem in your speech.

Convey your good mood, make a compliment so that it reflects your friendly attitude towards the interlocutor.

Be feminine, do not ask for a compliment. If you are worthy of it, you will definitely be pleased with it.

Topic selection - important part of a polite conversation. Do not bring up unpleasant, vulgar topics that are inappropriate for a given situation or company. Do not swear, solve all problems peacefully.

When you comfort, pick up persuasive words, hug. When expressing sympathy, gesture so that the person believes in your sincerity in your willingness to help.


Each of us has feminine and masculine traits. Depending on the situation, femininity is sometimes more pronounced: the use of makeup, manicure, passion for women's TV shows, attention to appearance. There are also masculine traits when we go in for sports, watch sports programs. But some traits prevail.

Femininity - this is power! It combines the best qualities of the beautiful half of humanity. You can be feminine and have a strong character.

Be proud of your hair, emphasizing femininity. They are beautiful in loose form and collected in an intricate hairstyle.


  • The tips presented are characteristic of European culture. There are countries where other gender variants are recognized.
  • Feminine and masculine traits are interpreted differently in different parts of the world. There are cultures that have three sexes.

The fashion for female beauty is constantly changing: smart Spartan women, languid odalisques of modernity, princesses of the beautiful era, Russian beauty, Twiggy, sportswomen and heroin chic, magnificent forms, temperamental Latin American women. But femininity is always relevant. So let's talk about how to become more feminine in an era when courage, strength and male performance are required from a woman.

Appearance and image

No matter what they say, femininity through the eyes of men begins with appearance. And even if you have a male (or boyish) figure, you may well become a beautiful lady. Let's not stoop to platitudes like wearing skirts or long braids and heels, as you like. But you can check, it is the skirt and the heel that makes the walk smooth and gentle. In addition, graceful gait can be developed in the following ways:

  • We strengthen the back. This is the basis of posture and grace. To make it stronger and smoother, we stand with our backs to the wall, slightly spread the lower limbs and lower the upper ones. Make sure that the back of the head, shoulders, ankles and calves are pressed against the wall. We draw the lower back to the wall as close as possible. We stretch the neck, we select the stomach, we raise the shoulders. We stand so much longer.
  • We adopt the experience of noble maidens. Yes, we walk with a book on our heads, we tie a board to our backs. We experiment with these items in different shoes and try to watch our back constantly.

Voice and behavior

In communication, we try to be soft and affectionate. We do not hesitate to show our defenselessness and weakness. This is normal and even necessary for a woman.

Be sure to chat with friends and arrange bachelorette parties. This is not only fun, but also a hint on how to develop femininity in yourself: get accustomed to different types of beauty and behavior, do not hesitate to learn something suitable for you from your girlfriends.

We follow the figure

No, you don't need a diet! We need products containing female hormones (soy, lentils, chickpeas and just peas, beans, flax, cabbage, dairy products), as well as endorphin stimulants. Yes, chocolate too! And with nuts!

But what about the physical form? Yoga teachers will tell you how to develop femininity in yourself when you come to a fitness club (it perfectly normalizes hormonal levels and eliminates male sharpness in behavior), oriental dance and strip plastics (one solid female hormone plus the grace of a cat), tango (interaction of female and masculine energies plus the transformation of the figure into an hourglass: so many bends cannot but change the waist for the better).

Meditations, practices

They fit perfectly too. Here are some exercises and video meditations that can be used from three weeks to 40 days:

A few hints

To awaken a woman in yourself, you can do the following tasks:

  1. Look for negative attitudes about women. If the father neglected the mother, or the whole family was waiting for the boy, then you have them. What to do with them? Remember all the negative beliefs (“What to take from her! A woman is a woman!”, “All women are fools”, etc.) and write them down in a notebook. Now make up affirmations that are opposite in meaning to the statements of your father, grandfather or older brother. You can repeat them to yourself, or you can write them down and listen to them with headphones.
  2. Lots of fun. Take care of yourself like a delicate flower and enjoy it. Masks, massages, oil baths, spa treatments, etc. This not only makes you more beautiful and self-confident, but also develops incredible sensuality. When doing masks and massages, be sure to say something pleasant to your body, hands or hair. Using a body oil or cream after a bath, give thanks to every part of the body as you rub it.

Get creative

Femininity = creation. What do you like more? Music, horticulture, painting, handmade, knitting or embroidery? The main thing here is the pleasure of the process itself. You can tie a thing and dissolve it, reworking and bringing it to perfection. By the way, the softness and plasticity of the hands of Eastern women is not only a gift of nature, but also the result of their needlework: it perfectly develops fine motor skills, and touching the fabrics awakens sensuality and tenderness. As well as the creation of homemade soaps and perfumes, by the way. If the soul lies in this, be sure to delight yourself with homemade cosmetics.

household chores

Even cooking dinner can be a creative process. Gently look after your husband and children, create comfort at home, use room fragrances. It’s good if these are natural aroma oils, and women’s ones: ylang-ylang, jasmine, rose.


Again, there is nothing wrong with this female occupation. Still, a woman is a collector and shopping only awakens an ancient and very feminine instinct. We gather with friends and go to nice shops. Spin in front of mirrors and admire how beautiful you are. It pleases even if there is no money. No way to buy those luxury shoes? Go to a cosmetic store and buy samples of new masks and lipsticks, it's cheaper and your instinct will be satisfied. And then go to the cafe to drink delicious coffee with sweets.

And a bit more

Don't talk about yourself in masculine terms: I'm tired, I'm angry, etc. Don't be afraid to show yourself as a woman. Perhaps in your youth you had a serious trauma, after which you decided "not to be a girl anymore": harassment, rape, humiliation or unrequited love. Remember and work through this thing: no matter how scary it is, it should not prevent you from expressing yourself as a woman. Don't be afraid of what's really great about you.

Let's say you've made up your mind. You want to change. Want to delve into the feminine path. Become more feminine. And where to start? What medications and what is the schedule for taking?

I love orderly guides to action (a long "male" past is telling :)). In fact, it is really important to see a step-by-step plan, to understand where to strive, what and how. Understand what is stopping you and what lies ahead.

If we are talking about steps towards the goal, then:
1. The first will be the rejection of trousers. Because it changes a lot. Your attitude towards yourself, your image, the flow of energy, the attitude of other people. It often seems like nonsense, but it works. And for me - for almost 3 years (can you imagine? Almost 3 years without trousers!). And the girls, who at first were afraid, and then threw everything away and switched to dresses. And how many letters come from men who are delighted with such changes! Even those whose wives were otherwise perfect, but wore jeans, go crazy with happiness when the wife switches to dresses and skirts. So this is the first step. Minimize the wearing of trousers. At least at home to wear beautiful sundresses to the floor ...

2. We move further along the course "Look like a woman." And here it is worth thinking about the little things of a female image - accessories, jewelry, scarves (and how beautiful a lady with a scarf on her head instead of a hat looks in winter!). Recently - my husband became interested in Instagram - this is a network where people post their photos. So recently we saw a photo of Tina Kandelaki, a famous woman who came to Grozny. And they invited her on one condition. She had to wear a headscarf. You should have seen the number of "likes" under these photos, how many nice words they said to her! And how stylish and mysterious she looked in a headscarf! Not only has it not lost its beauty, but it has acquired a special charm. Therefore, think about what is not enough in your life - facial care, proper makeup, accessories, shoes?

3. When we already look like a woman, it's time to start acting like a woman. Skirts will kind of help us slow down, 'cause they can't run like that anymore. But it is also important to add smoothness to our lives consciously. Slow down speed. Reduce speed. Start slower to eat, walk, live. Stop rushing and being late. Difficult, especially in metropolitan areas. But probably. If you understand that it is impossible to do everything. And what's important is to do the most important thing first. Everything superfluous will disappear by itself. Everything has its time - in nature and in life. If we run very fast, it will not bring us closer to the goal any faster. Sometimes women grab knowledge about femininity in bulk - they listen to ten lectures a day, but nothing changes. Because speed is not the problem. Need smoothness, immersion. In a feminine way. How fast do you speak? Are you often in a hurry? Do you eat on the run? Do you drink coffee on the way to work? Do you run after buses? Just stop doing it. See, the world won't fall apart. And by the way, if food is cooked in the house on the run, then the relationship develops in the same way - quickly and of poor quality.

4. And then the important thing is proper communication. Find like-minded girls. You can do this on our forum, for example. Communication with women is an exchange of female energy. It is always important and valuable. And not to talk about what kind of husband is a bastard. And about eternity, knowledge, love. About how to get better. Cry sometimes. Sometimes cheer someone up. What female friendship can give you cannot be replaced by anything.

5. Find half an hour a day for yourself. Every day for half an hour, do what you like, what makes you happy. Baths, masks, self-care, books, drawings, dances, songs, needlework - there are many such activities. As many as 85! And it is important to do this every day, increasing your resources.

These are the first five steps towards female happiness. First five. Only the first - but very important.

What can stop us on this path?

1. Wrong communication. If all your girlfriends are embittered feminists, it will be difficult for you. Share it, you'll get it in the head. If you don't share it, where else can you take it? The worst thing for a woman who grows a flower of femininity in herself is to invite pests into the garden. Unfortunate women become the worst pests. Not from evil. They are just unhappy, which means that they can only share this - anger, bile and so on. We only give the world what we have. This does not mean that everyone should be abandoned and changed. Just chat with them on neutral topics. And for close communication - look for like-minded people!

2. Generic scenarios. As much as I’ve been talking about this, it’s hard to change until we see our family ties. And when we see that women in the family have become strong after the grandmother lost her husband in the war, we can already forgive, let go and start Our Life.

3. Excessive craving for achievement. When we try to do everything ourselves. When we are chasing money, career and connections. With feminine qualities, this is practically incompatible. Alas and ah. A woman in this life can get everything through her husband. If she is feminine, she will learn to love and serve. In a feminine way. No manipulation.

4. Misinterpretation. For example - "A man is an unfinished woman" - I often hear this from those who have begun to develop femininity. Since we do them, then without us they are zeros without a stick! We are queens and men are servants! Worst of all possible interpretations. It kills relationships, and therefore femininity is not real. A real woman deepens and strengthens relationships. Because he sees that we are different. No better, no worse. She does not manipulate, but learns to love herself.

5. Irresponsibility. Would you say that responsibility is a masculine quality? Yes, when we talk about being responsible for others. But each of us is responsible for himself. For their actions, thoughts, reactions, attitudes. And often we slip into “I don’t want to decide anything. I'm a girl and I want a dress! It's all sweet and somewhat true. But remembering that true femininity is maturity and wisdom is important. We are responsible for what we do with ourselves and our loved ones. For doing your duty. For what we give to other people, How we treat them.

Here are five hurdles. Basic. Not all. This is what we run into most of the time. And we break...

To prevent this from happening, forewarned is forearmed. You now have a small map of the first steps. What will you do with her? You decide.

Hello dear blog readers! Everyone knows that a woman is not born, she becomes, in a certain period, passing through the so-called initiation. But there are a number of reasons why not every girl is able to successfully complete it. Why, despite her age, she behaves like a girl, or appropriates male character traits. And today we will look at ways in which you can transform, become more gentle and caring, even if you are used to being assertive and domineering. The development of femininity begins from the earliest years, with the help of the mother. But it is never too late to do it yourself in order to become identical with your nature.

Stages of initiation

Let's first define what stages exist and what every woman needs to go through before she becomes one.

1. Girl

First of all, the world is a little girl who needs help and protection. It is during this period that trust in the world around, other people is formed. There is an initial identification, that is, she distinguishes herself from boys and understands that she belongs to the female gender.

This stage is basic, and very important, as is the role of the mother, which explains how beautiful their nature is. The psychology of girls who did not feel maternal love or adequate support in childhood usually grow up physically, but do not have maturity, which is why they behave like little ones, are offended for any reason, demand love and hysteria.

2. Girl

A girl becomes a girl the moment she gets her period for the first time. This is the time to form the first relationship with the opposite sex, and again, her future depends on the mother, directly which companion she chooses in the future. Will you be able to accept your essence, sexuality, and also become the keeper of the family hearth?

She only knows herself, her attractiveness, begins to understand that she is individual and unique. Wakes up interest in guys, cosmetics. If the mother positions that women's fate is unfair and difficult, then it is in suffering that she will then be. For example, choosing an alcoholic as a husband, and not just choosing, but considering that this is her cross, she will be with him until the end of her days, without making any attempts to live freely and happily.

If the mother says that menstruation is dirt and something unclean, the girl will not be able to accept her essence and body, being ashamed of him. And this threatens with serious sexual problems in the future. Then, in order to restore self-esteem and identity, it will be necessary to work a lot, both with a therapist and by attending trainings and seminars.

3. Woman

Appears at the moment of the first physical intimacy, provided that the first stages have been successfully completed and completed.

4. Mother

It becomes, of course, at the moment of the birth of a child, and with each subsequent it is revealed more and more. But it opens up and gains strength only in the case of awareness and maturity, only then it is able to bear responsibility for a new life, based on the knowledge of its kind. She transforms, becomes softer, more beautiful and more sensitive.

5. Wise mother

Appears at the time of menopause, then she becomes able to pass on experience to the younger generation, help to go through any kind of initiation, supporting and sharing knowledge.

Top Ways

If, when you were a girl, your mother did not initiate into the mysteries of the female world, you may well do it yourself by following the recommendations below. After all, as you know, if you set a goal and do not retreat in the face of difficulties, a person is able to achieve anything. So let's get started?

1. Start by accepting your own body

Touch it with love, even if you have a big belly, which you are ashamed of - it is part of you, and was once formed for something. Realizing this, it is not necessary that you turn into your ideal of beauty, but you will certainly become freer and happier, but isn't that what you want, wanting to remake yourself? Therefore, go for a massage to disperse energy and enjoy, relax. Take a fragrant candlelit bath, buy delicious body creams and more.

2. Hobby

Sign up for makeup courses, needlework, culinary circles and more. The main thing is to do girlish things, not only important and necessary, for example, to build a career, but also just for the soul.

3. Clothing

Wear dresses, skirts, no matter how chic they look in trousers. This allows you to reconnect with the energy of a kind, to know the nature of your origin. And it’s not for nothing that there is a saying that if there is a desire to charm a man, you should come to him on a date in a dress, and at least 7 times in a row. And not in vain, in it, if, of course, it is correctly chosen, the gait changes, which becomes unhurried, and the movements are smooth, soft - this is what femininity looks like along with sexuality.

4. Movies

Watch movies that can inspire you to change your style of behavior, clothes, makeup, etc., show all the beauty and power of the feminine. I recommend paying attention to such films as "Paris Match", "Malena", "Muse" and "Parisian", they are different, but each main character has something to learn.

5. Photos

Use the services of a photographer. What woman doesn't want to be beautiful? Or the heroine of some fairy tale? Stories? Even if you are not particularly photogenic, they will tell you which pose will be more advantageous, and what to do in general to get pictures with a real beauty. And then hang your favorite photos in a conspicuous place.

6. Smile

Smile, it not only attracts attention, disposes to itself, but also drastically cheers up. And while smiling in the mirror, say positive affirmations, setting your subconscious in the right way. What it is, as well as instructions for use, you will find in the article.

7. Courses

If you do not have the opportunity to attend trainings, or do not know where to turn, then go to link. This is a site with online courses that will help you not only discover your feminine side, but also teach you how to deal with men, other women, how to become more gentle, caring, in general, feminine. You can also sign up for various practices, energy, sexual ...

8. Girlfriends

Chat with your friends more often, you are all different, and there is certainly something to learn from everyone. In addition, this will allow you to exchange energy, thanks to which you can understand what is happening and where to go next. Yes, and with difficulties, it is generally important for ladies to just speak out, since sensitivity is higher, and the range of emotions they experience is wider than that of men, so most people need another person in order to know themselves.

9. Care

Take care of yourself and do not spare money for it. It is clear that it is worth making a reasonable choice, and not buying a face cream for the entire salary, depriving children of good nutrition, but it is also not worth saving, denying yourself everything, for the sake of others. No extremes. If the financial condition does not allow you to visit beauty salons, do your own manicure, lack of money or time is not a reason to look untidy.

10. Art

Due to the fact that girls have a more subtle mental organization and the ability to notice beauty, focus on details and admire, they are often successful in art. Throwing out the accumulated emotions is very important for absolutely everyone, to create something beautiful too. Therefore, do not despair if you do not know how, for example, to draw, there is such a direction in psychotherapy as art therapy.

Thanks to it, you will not only become more aware, but also experience relief, freeing yourself from the burden of life's problems, becoming more free, energetic and happy. And by the way, visit the theatre, admire the art in galleries, read the classics and do what you like, but let beauty into your life.

11. Caring

Take care, but please do not confuse its types, so as not to treat your husband like a child and vice versa.

12. Flirt

Flirt, it does not oblige to a relationship, but it raises both self-esteem and mood. And this does not mean that it is worth flirting with every seller or cashier, flirting is very relevant even in the family, it helps to maintain that very spark, interest and excitement, and also gives a sense of one's own attractiveness. Is it difficult, setting the table in the evening, to inadvertently touch the husband’s shoulder with your chest? I'm sure not, but dinner will certainly be a pleasure.

13. Books

Read, be sure to read books, so you will not only develop, but also learn your essence, identity, especially if you choose literature of a psychological nature. Check out any of the books Tatyana Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, they perfectly complement each other and are written in a simple, understandable language, about important and complex.

14. Music

Listen to music that relaxes and immerses you in a meditative state, amuses, invigorates, makes you want to spin in a dance or just dance to the beat. Music will allow you to express feelings with the help of your body, which will make you more free and alive, in the sense, emotionally alive.

15. Go shopping

Try on different images, play with style and be touched, fall in love with things that you will definitely want to “walk” later to shine and beckon. Preferably with girlfriends, men usually do not share a passion for new collections and stuff. This is such a girlish walk with elements of therapy.

16. Plan of action

Make a plan of action for the whole month with any pleasures and tasks that will help develop femininity and feel happy. Do something new, because if you live the old way, without changing anything, you will not be able to change. So take risks, get to know each other, skydive and collect herbarium, but be sure to strictly adhere to the plan, without coming up with excuses.

17. Weakness

Allow yourself moments of weakness, seek help from strong men. This will not be a symbol that you are unworthy of something or have failed, but simply at this time you recognize that you need support. Even if you are an authoritative leader with 40 employees, this does not mean that you should open the door for yourself and not allow outerwear to be served.

18. Practice yoga, meditation

You should not choose a male trainer during group classes, with him you will pump your body more, but you will not exchange the energy necessary for the development of femininity.

19. Sensitivity

The most striking feature that betrays a woman. And if you cannot boast that you can easily foresee some events, feel the danger or make the right choice - it does not matter, do the exercises indicated in the article, and over time, new knowledge will be revealed to you, as well as the wisdom of the family.


And that’s all for today, dear readers of the blog! This list can go on and on, but the main thing is that you be happy, and only you know what is needed for this! Therefore, know yourself, and take care! And femininity will manifest itself in the process.

The article was written by Alina Zhuravina.