Child 2 years How to wean from the thoracic. Gradual rides from breastfeeding. Relief from the chest after a year

Let's figure out how to wean a baby from breastfeeding, in which age frames it is necessary to do. We also know the advice of the craftsmen of the mammies on how to wean a child to suck the chest.

The feeding process of breast milk can be delayed for years.

Christina, 25 years old: "I think that the optimal age of stopping breastfeed is somewhere 1, 5 years. The daughter has already gone to the kindergarten at this age, so I decided. We succeeded quite easily. "

Of course, the perfect time to stop breast feeding is when the child will refuse his delicacy independently, but few moms wait for this term.

Statistics said that in recent years, only 50% of women is engaged in breastfeeding, and most are fed to 1 year. Only units retain this priceless product in the second year.

Signs that the baby and mom are ready to broadcast

  1. The child from the birthday doubled his weight.
  2. Gets all kinds of supplies.
  3. A child can withstand 12 hours and more without breast milk.
  4. The child does not suck the nipple, fingers, bottles.

In order to wean a child from breastfeeding, exists three ways:

  • separation of mother and child;
  • medication method;
  • planted, gradual, soft.

"Soft" Method of Outcondition

One of the safest in terms of preserving psychological comfort Method is a systematic redemption from the chest.

Relief from the chest baby should not be in the next periods: the child is sick, it is fevering, the kid has a teeth, a period of vaccination. Raddle baby from breasts is better in the cool time of the year. You can not take away in the summer, in hot weather.

How to gradually teach the child from the chest?

  1. If you excluded these four points, you can safely prepare for the excavation. It should be started with a refusal of one feeding. Choose from which one is better mom.

    Take the baby with games, walks outdoors. Turn on the dad, grandmother. The child should feel your care, love.

  2. For three days, watch the child. As a rule, the rejection of one feeding by the kids is moved well.
  3. After three days, we turn to the refusal from two feedings.
  4. And so, gradually, we remove completely day feeding.
  5. On the refusal of feedings in the evening and speaking at night below.

Do not replace breasts with bottles and nipples. So you do not get rid of the child's desire to suck. Use cups, hopes.

Take the child more often in hand. Do not undress in the presence of a child.

Natalia, 30 years old: "When I started to teach my baby from the chest, I tried to surround her care. We walked longer, distracted by games. "

Of course, it is more difficult to annoy when the child is older than the year, and he understands a lot. On the one hand, it is difficult to explain that "Sisu is impossible", but with some kids you can agree.

Some moms smear a nipple with green. It can be said that mom "fell ill" the chest and cannot be touched. Also, some women put the nipple with a plaster. I would not recommend such a method, since it is painfully painted and traumatic for delicate skin of the AREOLA. Data "cruel" ways to wean from the chest are not possible to all.

How to overcome the baby from the chest at night?

Probably the worst thing for any nursing mother is a problem, as a child will fall asleep without a chest. After all, most children fall asleep during sucking, as this is a very energy-intensive process. How to wean a child from night feedings? Consider some tips:

  1. Create rituals in which the child will fall asleep - fairy tale before bedtime, evening kefir, turned off the light. You can leave the night light that the baby specially chooses himself.
  2. Often, children love to fall asleep under the mother's lullaby.
  3. Pay a child before bedtime. You can use soothing herbs - chamomile, valerian root.
  4. It is possible to replace the process of sucking on the sinking on the hands, pressed to the chest.
  5. Try to put the child separately, in your bed. When the baby sleeps with you, it feels the smell of milk and will be even more capricious.

If the child has become bad to eat, rolls strong hysterics, then wait a little with the excavation from the chest. So while the baby is not ripe for this.

For the night, 2 - 3 hours before sleep, you can feed the baby porridge, give a kefir. On the full stomach sleeps stronger. Relief from the chest at night - the process is long enough, take patience.

"Tablet" against female milk or how to quickly wean a child from the chest?

If you are difficult to endure for a long time and prepare for gradual outgrow, but I want to quickly discourage this habit from the baby, then in the modern market there are drugs to suppress lactation as soon as possible.

A bright representative of this group is the preparation of the achievement.

Its action is based on reducing the production of prolactin hormone responsible for the production of milk. The drug has an electoral action, does not affect other hormones.

Its disadvantage is the side effects that are found in 70% of cases. It is rapid heartbeat, headaches, nausea, vomiting, deterioration of general well-being, apathy.

This drug is taken by ½ tablets with an interval of 12 hours within two days. Course is used only to treat violations associated with excessive prolactin production.

Elena, 25 years old: "How to stop breastfeeding with the help of the achievement, he learned from his gynecologist. 2 months after the birth, I needed to go to work. One tablet solved my lactation questions. True, there was very strong headache and weakness in the whole body, but it passed literally in a couple of days. Milk has disappeared. "

Another drug from this series is bromocriptine. Also reduces the secretion of prolactin and suppresses physiological lactation. Unlike the achievement, it must be drunk. It has more pronounced side effects.

If you compare these drugs from the price position, then the bromocriptine is twice as cheaper.

Breast teaching separation

This is one of the less pleasant ways to teach. He lies in the fact that the child is sent to live to her grandmother or other relatives for several days. During this time, the child is not enough that the breast is deprived of, so also does not see her beloved mother. It can cause sharp psychological discomfort at the baby and, as a result, stress and hidden overlooking mom.

Komarovsky E. Oh.: "When you bring the child from the chest, you can send it to my grandmother for a couple of nights. Nothing wrong with that. So the child will learn to fall asleep without a chest. But keep in mind, here you need to look at the degree of cape attachment to mom. If you know that your child will not be able to get along with the grandmother and will cry, it is better not to risk. "

Of course, westing from the chest is stress not only for the child, but also for the mother.

A nursing woman can start to hurt chest, hardening.

If you celebrate a sharp disease soreness, redness of the near-block area, an increase in temperature, immediately consult a doctor. It may be developing mastitis.

Can cope with such symptoms in the following way:

  • if you feel the swelling of the breast, then you can send it by hand or breastsos to facilitate the state;
  • attach the cabbage leaf for a couple of hours, softening it before that. It is better that it is cold. This will facilitate the symptoms;
  • you can drink no-shlu or paracetamol;
  • warm shower will also help in facilitating the emptying of the breast;
  • neat milk groove massage from the base to the nipple.

These symptoms occur, as a rule, with a sharp breaking of lactation. Therefore, the smooth cancellation of breastfeeding is recommended.

So that milk does not arrive a lot, it is often not necessary to join. It is necessary to do it only with a strong painful syndrome and swelling glasses.

Relief from the chest is a complex multi-step process in which mom and dad should be involved. The most important thing is that the child felt your caring and love. Do not scold the baby if he cries, caprizes at the moment of life. Keep calm and the question, how to overcome from the chest, will decide soon.

Breastfeeding is an important physical and emotional process that binds mom and kid.

The child grows, together with it the composition of milk and the function of breastfeeding.

But the period inevitably comes when for one or another reasons for applying should be stopped, and then the question arises, how to make it most painless, without causing stress to a child.

Common delusion

Society reacts in different ways to long feeding children.

Often you have to deal with inappropriate comments and accusations.

Usually they do not have real bases.

The most common of them: the baby has a weak interest in adult food; Early Caries; pathological dependence on mom; The older the child, the harder it is to overcome.

There is an opinion that if the child eats little, it means you need to finish breastfeeding. Contrary to this statement, it is very often that mother throws feedings, and the child's interest in the child does not occur. The reasons for such behavior should be sought in the basics of enclosure or in heredity. If the child is cheerful and has no deviations in development, it means everything is in order, it is worth waiting for interest on yourself.

Early Caries also has nothing to do with long breastfeeding. Milk does not affect the acid-alkaline balance of the oral cavity, and some of its components serve as the prevention of caries.

And in pathological dependence on mom others like to accuse long breastfeeding. Of course, this statement is incorrect. The reason for such behavior in improper building relationship between mom and baby. In order not to make little tyrant from your child, you need to timely define the boundaries of the permitted and unacceptable behavior.

A huge misconception that the older the child is, the harder to wean him from the chest. There is such a concept as a natural completion of breastfeeding. This is usually happening between three and four years. During this period, and he may differ from different children, the child himself refuses sucking.

So, if a woman weighed all the factors and realized that it was time, she needs to be patient, perseverance and to have a lot of little tricks.

Entertainment for kid

If you analyze the reasons why the child requires the breast after two years, then the main maintenance can be distinguished: when popping up; after waking up; for calm; If boring.

The latter is easier to minimize, the main thing is always at hand to have some "distraction", which is able to captivate the kid by the game.

Such ideas need to be stocking in advance. The main thing is to participate in these games fully, involved, along with the baby, so that he felt your interest.

Method "1000 kisses"

Body contact plays a huge role in the formation of trust relationships between mother and child. So that the child did not take excommunication from the chest as a sign that Mom became less to love him, it is important to exercise His love for the baby as much as possible. It is more likely to hug, iron, kiss, take on hands, talk about your feelings. It is impossible to kid with love.

Favorite products

Even the largest recreation and small house have their own set of favorite products.

They will become excellent assistants in the planned mission.

Good practice will be happy to delight the child something delicious and involve it in the process of cooking these dishes to heal of interest.

Drink a child

The child should be able to timely and independently satisfy his need for drinking. First of all, you need to organize a convenient place where the glass will always stand or. If the child loves juices or compotes, they are also better to keep the place in accessible to it.

At what moment you should not start excuse?

There are unfavorable periods for riding the child from the chest. They are better taken into account to minimize the manifestations of stress and avoid consequences:

  • Since breast milk is a natural source of useful components for children's immunity, do not complete feeding during or immediately after the disease. And also during the epidemic of viral diseases.
  • It is not recommended to choose a period of hot summer. At this time, the risk of disease in intestinal infections is increased.
  • , the period of jumps in development is also better to wait.
  • Stressful situations associated with the change in the usual gender in the life of the family and the kid. Moving to a new place, the yield of mom to work, and much more should be taken into account when planning the completion of breastfeeding.
  • The cessation of lactation before the involution of the woman will lead to problems with the excess of milk and the formation of seals.

Radiation in Komarovsky

Many mothers listens to the advice of the famous pediatrician Evgenia Komarovsky. In his opinion, the main problem with which you will have to face, sitting in her head. It is a mother who must a hundred percent to be aware of readiness and gain confidence in his decision. The child easily adjusts the circumstances and will take new rules.

  • woman should consume less liquid;
  • stop
  • abandon night feedings;
  • increase physical exercise, play sports;
  • distract the child from applying;
  • influence the taste of milk by drinking sharp smelling products.

Komarovsky believes that it is necessary to feed the baby to the breast up to a year, but to continue only if it does not interfere with the realization of a woman in the social sphere.


Completion of breastfeeding is one of the important stages in the life of the mother and the child. No one knows his baby better than his mother, only she is able to intuitively determine the best time and choose those methods that are most favorable for both of them.

The topic of today's article worries almost every nursing mother. And it is no coincidence, because the babe of the baby from the chest is a very responsible process. It is important to organize it so that it goes as soft and painlessly for the baby. Mom's erroneous actions can lead to a violation of the psychological comfort of the baby and even cause bad habits, for example, sucking fingers or surrounding items. Therefore, before starting this responsible event, it is better to immediately deal with the main issues.

When to start to teach a child from the chest?

Start with the fact that stop breastfeeding kid up to a year extremely undesirable . For a child who has not yet fulfilled a year, Mamino Milk is the main source of nutrition (lure at this time plays a familiarizing role), ensures the child the so-called passive immunity and contributes to the ripening of its own immune system, the central nervous system and other organs. In breast milk contains substances that require a child for active development and which are not even in the best artificial blends. Of course, there are situations where need to stop feeding (for example, a mother's disease that requires treatment with serious drugs), in the remaining cases you need to try to keep breastfeeding up to the year.

Many psychologists are the most optimal period for rewriting a child from the chest recognize age from 1 to 2 years. . At this age, feeding for a child becomes not so much a physiological need as psychological. The child is increasingly applied to the chest just to chat with mom, be closer to her. However, if the mother can enhance the baby in return during feeding during feeding to the baby more than other types of joint pastime (games, conversations, hugs) and keep their role of defender and comforter in the mind of the child, then overcame from the chest at this age will pass for the baby painlessly.

It used to be believed that it was useful to feed up to the year, and after the year it is harmful. As if the composition of breast milk changed overnight, and all the advantages of breastfeeding were disappeared with him. Sounds little happy. Do not listen to grandmothers and other advisers who urge you to quit quit to feed the baby. If you think that the child still needs breastfeeding, continue to feed as much as you think fit. Each mother has the right to take his own decision, based on his beliefs and priorities and paying attention to its own state. The only thing to which you need to navigate is the physical and psychological state of the kid : Does he often sick, how strongly tied to the chest, maybe whether to do without a mother for a long time, he calmly misses day feeding.

What does not need to be done while tearing from breastfeeding?

    One of the rather popular methods of teaching a baby from the breast is license Mom and Baby . In practice, this happens like this: the child is given to live to the grandmother for a week-another, after which, it is assumed that the child does not remember about the chest. This is quite a sharp and painful way for the child, as it is at the same time deprived of contact and with mother's breasts, and with the mother itself. By itself, westing from the chest is a serious stress for the kid, during this period, mom, on the contrary, should fill in every way that the loss meaningful for a child: more take the baby on the hands, make a massage, hug it. In other words, the child must learn to receive psychological support and consolation from the mother not through the chest, but by another, more "adult" way. If the moms will not be near, then it becomes impossible.

    Extremely undesirable to teach a child from breastfeeding, when he is sick or when serious changes occur in his life : Admission to kindergarten, moving, mother's yield to work. Too much changes may be very heavy for children's psyche. If you know that changes are coming in the life of the baby, start to delay the baby from the chest a few months before or after the planned event.

    Doctors tend to offer a "medication" method of cessation of breastfeeding. For this they appoint hormonal drugs , reduced the production of hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation. Here, first, you need to remember that such drugs have serious side effects: nausea, vomiting, headache, depression. Moreover, it happens that these drugs have a prolonged effect and complicate lactation already with the next child. A, secondly, if simultaneously with the reception of the drug, it does not reduce the number of attachments of the baby to the chest, the medicine will not be effective enough, so that the introduction of hormonal drugs does not cancel other methods of overcoming.

    It is also worth avoiding the once popular method breast dragging . It has already been established that this method is not only ineffective, but also very dangerous! Thinking in itself does not contribute to a decrease in the amount of milk, it only causes a circulatory disruption in the tissues of the breast. As a result, the ducts are cleaned with milk clots and the stagnation is formed. It is as a result of breast testing that the greatest percentage of lactostasis and mastitis occurs.

    It is also believed that it is not necessary to teach a child from breastfeeding in the summer . This is due to the fact that in the summer, the baby is more susceptible to various infections during its studies in the sandbox and other games on the street, moreover, many fresh vegetables and fruits appear in the kid's diet, it all increases the likelihood of gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, in the summer, a child as ever needs a strong immunite, which he gets due to breast milk. However, it is worth noting if the excision takes place after two years, the time of year does not play a big role.

How to painlessly wean a child from breastfeeding?

So, in order for excommunication from the chest with a minimal negative impact on the psyche and child's health, so that it costs the "soft" method, based on a gradual reduction in the number of attachments of the baby to the chest better, is best suited without lactation. This process is not fast, but the most natural. You can subdivide it into several stages:

1. Gradually cut, and then we cancel all the attachment of the baby to the chest during the daytime (We only leave feeding in front of day sleep and at night)

To do this, it is necessary to minimize all situations that resemble a child about feeding: more walking and playing, not to dress up in front of the baby, do not walk in underwear, avoid clothes on the clasps, support a lot of physical contact without feeding - hugging, to make a massage, wearing hands. If the child wanted to make a breast better to pretend that mom did not notice or did not understand. You need to try to distract the child something: to offer some game, an interesting book or your favorite food kid (cookies, fruits, etc.)

2. Get used to bed without applying to the chest

Perhaps this is the most difficult moment. Although children, of course, are different, some and in the presence of the chest are calmly stacked by the tech, while others refuse to recognize anything other than the chest.

What can offer a child instead of a chest before bedtime? First, before the departure to sleep, there should be a clear and unchanged ritual, for example, washing, reading books, a song. Well, then, while the baby fell asleep, you can iron him on the back, tell the poems, pump the baby, sing songs, make a massage. A bottle with diluted juice or tea will also come to the aid. Well, the most important thing, you need to be patient, because in the first days the baby is most likely to worry and maybe the process of laying will be longer than before.

The most important thing in this difficult period is to be together with the baby and maintain it, in every way to compensate for the absence of a breast with another bodily contact.

3. Gradually reduce night applies

To begin with, try to take the chest from the baby, if he, having fun, softly puts it in a dream and does not wake up from trying to pick it up. Try to sometimes replace your chest to other drinks or just shake or stroke the baby when he wakes up. Since you will not feed the baby before bedtime, it will later wake up at night.

It is possible that the second and the third stage of the excision will have to be combined. Especially if you go to the cunning and explain the baby that something wrong with the breast was. The most common examples of tricks are wash the chest with a greenflash or flip by plaster , Put the baby and say that milk spoiled. As a rule, the children after 1.5 years penetrate and themselves refuse to take "breasts with spoiled milk", such tricks may seem unconvisory children.

Mom also needs to pay attention to his well-being. If you feel that the breast is overflowed, push the milk (with hands or breastsosos). But always remember that it is necessary to join only before a sense of relief, if trying to empty the chest to the last drop, this is, on the contrary, will stimulate the production of new milk. Fitting less than milk, you will give the body to understand that so much milk is no longer required, and the body slowly begins to adapt to reducing lactation.

Also, if there are no contraindications, you can drink charming. To reduce lactation, sage and mint helps very well.

Our experience of teaching chest

I left the Taisia \u200b\u200bfrom the chest at 1 year 2 months. By this time, she had already quite calmly accounted for without day feeding (except for feeding before Sonchav). We actively spent our days, played a lot and walked together, 3 times a day we drose the lore (+ cookies, apples), so it did not even remember about the day about the chest. But it's not to sleep without sucking your breast, we did not work in any way, and at night she is generally not all the time "hung" on his chest. Slightly it was worth picking her chest, she immediately woke up and demanded the continuation of the "banquet". This whole situation was very exhausted me, from an uncomfortable fixed posture in a dream in a constant mode began to hurt her neck. Then I decided to try to abandon the remaining feedings.

So, one day before day sleep, I told my daughter that the milk in the title ended. Although I offered her in return for juice, massage, songs, swing, she still demanded her. I tried to overcome the daughter, taking the chest to the plaster, but it seemed to her not very convincing (apparently she was still small for such tricks). In general, the first day was pretty hard that in the afternoon, that in the evening she could not fall asleep for a long time and even a little puck. All this time, I did not leave her for a minute and convinced myself that a couple more days need to be patient. And on the second day the process went much easier. Well, on the fourth day, she did not remember her chest at all!

Unfortunately, it was not possible to separate the second stage from the third, I had to immediately clean and "pretrains" and night feedings. Well, I could not first convince Taisia \u200b\u200bthat the milk in Titus ended, and at night to re-apply it to his chest.

How did I put the baby to sleep without breastfeeding? Of course, sang songs, told the poems with a sleeping voice, made the "rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers" (they, by the way, were so firmly included in our ritual that we still have been used). Best daughter calmed down when I fell on my back, put her on my chest and stomach, stroked on the back and said something in a quiet voice. When she woke up among the night, I downloaded her.

That's all that I wanted to tell today, I wish you success in this difficult thing! And, dear moms, share your experience in teaching the baby from the chest, he is very useful to all!


Make the decision to wean the child from breastfeeding is not so easy. But it will still have to do this sooner or later. To approach this question is responsible. Here are some tips to help you.

When to teach a child from breastfeeding?

Ideally, it is best to wait for natural excommunication. And here it is impossible to name unequivocal time. Each mother has the period in due time. However, on average, lactation involution accounts for 2.5 years. It is at this age that the baby has a sucking reflex begins to fade.

Is the baby ready to leave his chest? Mom must answer this question itself. And she will definitely understand. After all, no one is better than mom knows the needs of his own child. If there are still doubts, it is necessary to observe for the child. If it is easily distracted from the chest and the amount of feedings per day has already reached three, besides, the baby does not suck anything else, then it's time to begin to gradually teach from the chest.

The readiness of the maternal body is also easy to understand. At this time, the chest is no longer overwhelmed with milk. The kid does not apply more than 12 hours, and mom feels comfortable. After the start of the lactation involution, you can feed the baby with breasts for another 2-3 months. During this time, the child will receive with milk the supply of immunoglobulins, which he is enough for 5-6 months.

It is worth noting that it is not necessary to teach the baby from breastfeeding immediately after the disease, after a stress experienced or during important vitality, for example, a hike to kindergarten. It happens, of course, that when the child should urgently endure from the chest. Cases of serious diseases at Mom are suitable here when it begins to use medicines that are incompatible with breastfeeding.

And here you need to act smoothly and carefully, observing all the rules, but in a short time.

Complete breastfeeding

By the way, the yield of the mother to work or entering the kindergarten is not the reasons to teach the baby from breastfeeding. On the contrary, the child will be easier to adapt to new conditions, if the breast is not selected. Do not teach the baby and in the summer, because at this time of the year a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. The temptation to feed the child will be great, and this, in turn, can lead to a stomach disorder.

How to wean from the chest?

It must be remembered that the sharp teaching of the baby from the chest is a huge stress. It is necessary to act smoothly and gently, all the time to observe the reaction of the baby. It happens that you have to start all over again. It is normal and despair at such moments is not worth it.

During the excommunication of your beloved Chad from the chest, try to give him maximum attention. At least more than before. Permanently hug it, kiss, squeeze, tackle, throw up, in a word, give the baby as many tactile sensations as possible. It is very important because it gives the baby to understand, despite the fact that there is no chest, my mother is not going anywhere. Yes, also gives more love and attention.

At this time, the child needs to closely. If he starts pulling out of foreign objects, for example, a finger, it means that he is experiencing stress and is experiencing. And it means it is not ready to stop breastfeeding.

Methods of oscillation of baby from breastfeeding

The easiest way is to get out of the house for a few days or take the baby to the grandmother. However, this method can only be used if the child has previously remained without mom for at least a day. For the period of the mother's absence, the child will understand that you can live and fall asleep even without breast milk. And on the return of the child it is worth reporting that milk gone.

How to wean a child from breast feeding? Dr. Komarovsky

You can tell you an interesting story that Milk is gone to the poor homeless pester or Milk Lisa took to the forest to the Lysatians. When your daughter or son will remember the chest, then remember the story, worry and regret with it. You must certainly be on his side.

However, such a way to teach a child from the chest can lead to stress in a child. After all, not only a breast with milk, but also a favorite mommy disappeared. To such methods should be resorted only if there is confidence that the kid is well transferring parting.

The most optimal and correct way to learn the baby from breast milk is a gradual reduction in the number of applies during the day. Gradually stands to abandon the night and evening feeders. The main thing is to be decisive, because the kids feel and the mood and the mood, and the confidence of their mother's mother.

Gradual raidness from breastfeeding

Reduce the number of day applying. Do not tell the baby "no". It is better to distract it with any ways. For example, interesting books, active games or fabulous stories. At the same time, it is necessary to dress so that the baby is hard to get to the chest, for example, knitted body or simple T-shirts. For about time forget about bathrobes, shirts and sweaters with cutouts. In addition, it is not necessary to change clothes near the child.

Enter the rule to allow milk to suck only in a certain place and a certain position, for example, lying on the bed. Then in some situations (in the car), the child will simply explain why he does not get the chest. By the way, this rule will not be unnecessed already when the baby has already celebrated the first birthday.

Exclude breastfeeding in front of day sleep and after awakening. Let the baby lays sleep anyone from relatives or just come up with a new ritual of laying. For example, turn on the audio clock or read the book. At the same time, the first time is better to take a child in hand.

And immediately after awakening, distract the kid with games and interesting tasks. And in no way lie in bed together. Use the same reception before bedtime. Let the kid dad stacked at night.

Initially, it is worth cutting, and even then exclude night feeding at all. This is one of the most important stages. Here the main thing is not to fuss and do not hurry. First reduce the time of the night feeding and do not let the baby fall asleep with the breast. And if the child wakes up and dares to his chest, it is better to offer him to drink. At the same time, you can tell the story that the "Tite" is tired, sleeps and cannot come to the baby. And in the morning, when it was time to wake up, moms should not be near. Wake up before the child and distract it.

As a result, at one point you will realize that the baby has not taken his chest for several days. It turns out that feeding is completed.

Please note that the time that is spent on the rides of the child from the breast is different. Someone can have enough weeks, and someone will take a couple of months. One way or another, after 2.5 years, this process flows less painfully.
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Breastfeeding is an important and necessary stage in the development and formation of a child. Breast milk contains the necessary elements for the growth of a newborn, it protects the baby from diseases, forms and strengthens the immunity.

Completion of breastfeeding can turn into a painful process, if not to take into account the physiological features of a nursing woman and infants. It is impossible to overtake feeding sharply, it leads to a stress for the child and mom. Wait for the start of lactation involution. Then we to wean a child from the chest is much easier.

Stages of breastfeeding

  • The formation of lactation begins even during pregnancy and lasts the first months after the birth of the kid;
  • Mature lactation is a calm and favorable period of feeding, when the baby gets all the necessary nutrients from breast milk. It lasts until the baby is 1,5-2 years old;
  • Involution is the final stage of lactation, when the amount and value of milk decreases. This is the most favorable period for the start of the babies from the chest.

When stop breastfeeding

To minimize stress, you need to choose the right time to stop lactation. Some mothers are too early refused to breastfeeding. Moreover, it makes it sharply and with the use of drugs.

Do not take pharmacy funds without a consultation with your doctor!

Today, the World Health Organization recommends nursing mothers to maintain lactation up to two years. However, if the baby and mother, the process of breastfeeding does not cause inconvenience, then you can give breast milk to a three-year-old age.

To wean a child from breastfeeding, wait for the beginning of the involution. At this time, instead of milk, the body produces a small amount of colostrum, and the chest decreases in size.

As we found out the involution begins at 2-3 years. At this age, the child disappears a sucking reflex. Therefore, wean the baby from the chest during this period is much easier.

After three years, the child begins self-deit. If this period is waiting, the process of stopping breastfeeding will be safe and painlessly. However, such a long breastfeeding can deliver mom discomfort.

Ten ways to overcome the child from the chest

  1. If you decide to wean the baby from the chest, you can leave home (4-7 days) for a while and leave a child with dad or grandmother;
  2. Eat less fluid. This will reduce the amount of milk produced. Breastfeeding will be made more difficult to infant;
  3. Reduce feeding duration;
  4. Gradually reduce the amount of applying. Skip feeding, switch the child to another interesting occupation (play together, tell the fairy tale, etc.);
  5. Increase exercise, make an active sport. This will lead an excess liquid from the body. In addition, exercises and sports will allow faster to come into shape and lose weight after delivery;
  6. Refuse to push the milk, as stirring stimulates lactation;
  7. To stop nightfeitting, gradually replace breast milk on the water or an artificial mixture, tightly feed the child before bedtime with a mixture or porridge;
  8. Refuse to eat products that improve lactation and stimulate milk production;
  9. Close your chest so that the child does not see the power source, at night do not go to bed along with the baby;
  10. Teach the baby to fall asleep without chest. Spread the lullaby or tell the fairy tale, shake on your hands. Some time lulling a child can dad or grandmother.

Menu for stopping lactation

An important role for a nursing mother is played by the correctly selected menu. The diet is able to enlarge and reduce lactation. If you want to reduce the production of milk, then the left are the products and drinks, which are not recommended to be used, and on the right - the beverages necessary during the oscillation process.

Lacks lactation also seasonings and spices. However, acute food is harmful to health. In addition, it causes thirst. And abundant drink again causes a tide of milk, even if it is almost gone!

For the random period, you can arrange unloading days. Limit meat and vegetables. Drink special herbal infusions and decoctions. Do physical exercises.

When it is impossible to stop breast feeding

The famous television pediatrician Komarovsky allocated a few moments when the oscillation can bring only harm to the baby.

  • Baby long capricious. Hysterics and whims when excavation is normal. You should wait a bit, and the baby will calm down after 15-20 minutes. In addition, the child can be distracted by playing or history. However, if the baby climbs clocks, he is not yet ready for broadcast;
  • During the epidemic of influenza viruses. It is known that breast milk is the best kid defender from diseases. It forms and strengthens the immunity of the newborn. Therefore, the cessation of feeding in such a period does a child with great risk to get sick;
  • Hot summer is also not recommended to stop feeding, since this time is favorable for the spread of intestinal infection. Only breast milk will be able to effectively protect the baby;
  • The stress situation is a change in the situation and moving, the yield of mothers to work and a long excommunication from the baby, entering the kindergarten. At the time of the change of the usual situation, the emotional state of the baby is unstable, and weaning from the chest can only aggravate the situation;
  • During the disease, infants. Breast milk will help to recover and restore strength. After the disease, you should wait at least a month before weaning a child; If the teeth are cut. Meaning only add discomfort and worsen emotional state.

Each child is individual, so there is no accurate timing to stop breastfeeding. Listen to the baby and to yourself. If the baby calmly falls asleep without his chest, does not ask for milk often, he is psychologically ready. Do not be discouraged if it did not work out to wean a child immediately. Wait two or three weeks and try again.