Parent meeting "Growing the inquisitive" (senior preschool age). Parent meeting "education of curiosity by means of nature" senior group

natalia sergievich
Non-traditional parent meeting "Raise the Curious"

Scenario parent meeting in the senior group

Raise Curious

Subject: Raise Curious

Conduct form: unconventional

Age group: older

Target: To reveal the significance of the cognitive interest of the child and the response of adults to him; teach to develop cognitive activity.

Tasks: shape u parents notions of meaning curiosity, knowledge in the development of the child, interest in the problem; develop communication skills parents with their child; develop interest in participating in cognitive games together with the child.

Members: parents, educators, children.

View: Round table

Methods and techniques: Verbal: conversation, artistic word, explanation. Practical

Equipment: profiles for parents, memos, CD - song recording "Little country"

Venue: group room

Time spending: Organizational part - 2 minutes

Main part - 30 minutes

Final part - 8 minutes

Implementation plan:

Introductory part meetings.

Reading a poem "Why?"

Solving pedagogical situations.

Working with a memo .

Summarizing meetings.

Making decisions.

Organizational part:

During collection parents softly sound the recording of the song; tables are arranged in a semicircle.

Good evening dear parents! We are glad to see you at our round table. Thank you for coming to this meeting. This means that we are all united by an interest in the topic. parent meeting« Raise Curious» , and she really deserves attention. We believe you will agree that a child's cognitive interest should be formed in the preschool years. After all, a child by nature is very inquisitive. He is interested in everything unknown and unknown. Every day he discovers something new, For example: an icicle turns into water in the hand, or, paper is torn, etc.

Child growing. Increased curiosity about the environment, unfamiliar. Often occur questions: What is this? For what? Why? No wonder children are called why.

Our meeting today is dedicated to the development curiosity in children.

Main part:

No wonder they are called why.

Listen to the poem "Why"

Reading a poem "Why"

The son came to his father with a question.

Dad! Dad! That's funny!

Why, tell me, please

Is it called grain?

Why is the neighbor an innovator?

What is an excavator?

Why is he walking?

How did you live without matches before?

Why is there smoke?

Leave me alone, leave me alone

With why chuckling.

Son returned shortly...

Have you been to the desert?

And sail to any sea

Can you think whales?

Why with bunny ears?

Dad, what's the edge?

After, once, leave me alone!

Again the son came to dad ...

Where is the moon during the day?

Dad, dad, when

Will we go to the theater with you?

And flashed in response flash:

I have my own business!

And, sighing, the son wandered

From my father's table.

Why? When? Where?

Each time the answer is the same.

Gradually, the son began to disturb the father less and less.

But one day in the evening

At the venerable father

From excitement, grief

The complexion has changed.

questioned son's parent:

Call to school? Why? What's happened?

What is the reason? I don't understand at all!

Others, look, kids

Only gladden the hearts.

Why are your grades

Pain for a father?

Why did you break the glass?

Scratched the door at school?

Why are there only worries

Are you causing me now?

Why are you worse than others?

I won't take it for granted?

From what? Why?

Indeed, why?

Leading: Dear parents I suggest you start our work.

How do you think, Are your kids curious?? (Sayings parents) .

Does your child ask questions? About what? How often?

Do you always answer questions and do you think it is always necessary to answer?

Is the child always satisfied with your answer?

To which adult does the child most often ask questions? Why? (Discussion questions).

Considering situations


Imagine such a situation. A mother and son are walking down the street. It suddenly began to rain. Son asks: "Mom, why did it rain?"- and hears answer: "You cry and the sky is crying".


1. Do you agree with the mother's answer? Try to put yourself in the place of a five-year-old child.

2. How do you want to answer children's "Why", (so that the interest contained in the question does not fade, but develops)

3. Is it always useful to give a full answer to a child's question right away?

4. What should be considered when answering children's questions?

5. Do you think it is necessary to leave something unsaid so that the child again and again would like to return to what he learned? (Discussion).

Situation 2. A father with a six-year-old son is looking at an illustrated book about the zoo. Boy asks question: "Why does the monkey like bananas?"

Discuss possible answers.

Situation 3. While walking, five-year-old Misha saw a beautiful cockchafer. Mom doesn't know anything about him. (How to answer son? (Discussion.)

Working with a memo "How to Answer Children's Questions"


Do you have memos on your desks? "How to Answer Children's Questions". Do you think these tips are worth considering? Or do you disagree with them?

Many of the tips, of course, have been tested by you in practice, and yet, which one do you consider the most important in education? child's curiosity, Why? (discussion)

Did you know that observation is effectively developed with the help of riddles?

You made a riddle:

Curly lambs

In white fur shirts

Floating smoothly across the sky

Tomorrow there, today here.

What are the strange sheep?

Not combed, in curls.

The child answered: "clouds".

Will you be satisfied with the answer?

What questions will you ask him? (answers parents)

Dear parents, we want to invite you, together with the children, to create baby books with riddles, it is important that there are drawings, applications, something that the child will do himself.

Final part:

Our roundtable discussion has come to an end. I would like to know your opinion. Please fill out today's satisfaction survey meetings.

meetings you are interested in?

2. What's in progress meeting did not suit you?

5. Your wishes.

Conclusion (decision options).

1. Support the child in the desire to learn new things, paying due attention to his questions and interests.

2. Organize joint educational games in the family and actively participate in the child's games.

3. Organize family excursions in the interests of children (theatres, exhibitions, walks, etc.).

4. Maintain ongoing collaboration parents, children and teachers.


Reminder for parents to develop curiosity.

Teach your child to play chess or checkers.

Hold various competitions in the family.

Organize joint trips to theaters, museums, exhibitions.

Take regular walks in nature.

Make crafts from natural materials with your children.

Encourage children to experiment.

Read natural history books to children.

Love your child!

Reminder for parents"How to Answer Children's Questions"

Treat children's questions with respect, do not dismiss them.

Listen carefully to the child's question, try to understand what interested the child.

Give short and easy-to-understand answers.

The answer should enrich the child with new knowledge, encourage further reflection.

Encourage your child to think independently.

In response to the child's question, try to involve him in observing the life around him.

When answering a child's question, act on his feelings. Cultivate in him sensitivity, tact to the people around him.

If the answer to the question is beyond the understanding of the child, do not be afraid to say: “While you are still small. You go to school, you learn to read, you learn a lot of new things and you can answer your own question.”

Questionnaire for parents

"Cognitive Interests"

Does your child ask questions? How often? What content?

What is your child most interested in?

Does he tell adults and peers about his interests?

To which family member does the child most often ask questions?

Is the range of interests of the child wide or narrow? Are his interests fixed or changing?

What is being done in the family to develop the interests of the child?

What questions of the child baffle you?

Is the child always satisfied with the way you answer his questions?

Questionnaire for parents

"Satisfaction parent meeting»

1. What are the questions in this meetings you are interested in?

2. What's in progress meeting did not suit you?

3. What would you like to hear more about?

4. What did you think was the most successful?

5. Your wishes.

Parent meeting

"Developing children's knowledge."

Target: To reveal the significance of the cognitive interest of the child and the response of adults to him;involve parents in the discussion of the problem of education of curiosity; to determine the factors influencing the development of the curiosity of preschoolers; teach to develop cognitive activity in children.
Conduct form: To
round table.

Plan of the event:

Disclosure of the value for children of cognitive interest.

Reading by parents of a poem by roles "Why".

Summing up the meeting. Making decisions.

Preparatory stage

Conduct a survey of parents (see attachment).

Prepare an invitation to the meeting for each family (make together with the children in the form of individual postcards).

Issue with the children memos "How to answer children's questions" (See the appendix).

Interview children, record answers on video (see questions in the application).

Proceedings of the meeting

Organizational stage

While the parents are gathering on the TV screen showing photos from the life of the group; tables are arranged in a semicircle.

Introductory part of the meeting

Good evening dear parents! I am glad to see you in our group. Thank you for coming.

This means that we are united by an interest in the topic of the parent meeting, and it really deserves attention. I think you will agree that a child's cognitive interest should be formed in the preschool years.

The child is inquisitive by nature. He is interested in everything new, unknown. He has discoveries every day: then for the first time he learns that an icicle turns into water in his hand; that the paper is torn, wrinkled, rustling; that a stone thrown into water sinks, but a tree floats on the surface.

They accidentally cut napkins when they want to know if they can be cut, or take apart toys to find out what's inside and why they move. By this they often give us, adults, anxiety. The child is growing. His curiosity to the surrounding, unfamiliar increases. Questions often arise: what is it? For what? What is it made of? No wonder they are called why.

I wonder if the words "curiosity" and "curiosity" are the same in meaning? How do you think? (discussion)

In the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, this is what it says about this:

Inquisitive - prone to acquiring new knowledge, inquisitive ...

Curiosity is a petty interest in all sorts, not even essential details (idle curiosity).

In the questionnaires, you answered questions about your children. (summing up the results of the questionnaires and conclusion)

Solving pedagogical situations.

Parents themselves read pedagogical situations.

A mother and son are walking down the street. It suddenly began to rain. The son asks: “Mom, why did it rain?” - and hears the answer: "You are crying, and the sky is crying."

1. Do you agree with the mother's answer?

2. How do you think you could have answered?

3. Is it always useful to give a full answer to a child's question right away?

4. What should be considered when answering children's questions?

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky advised us, adults, to leave something unsaid, so that the child would again and again want to return to what he had learned. What do you think? (Discussion).

A father with a six-year-old daughter is looking at an illustrated book about the zoo. The girl has a question: “Why does the lion have such a yellow skin?”

Discuss possible answers.

While walking in the forest, five-year-old Sasha saw a beautiful butterfly. Mom doesn't know what it's called.

Five-year-old Vova became interested in how berries are obtained from strawberry flowers.

Work with the memo "How to answer children's questions."

You have on your tables memos "How to answer children's questions." These memos were designed by our children and really wanted you to get to know them.

Do you think these tips are worth considering?

Or do you disagree with them?

Curiosity develops very effectively with the help of riddles that teach you to perceive the world in a multifaceted and figurative way. The main feature of the riddle is that it is a logical task, to guess it means to find a solution to the problem, to perform a mental operation.

Be sure, after the child offers his answer, even if it is wrong, ask him why he thinks so, what helped him find the answer? As a rule, children willingly memorize riddles in order to guess them themselves. It's great if children learn to invent riddles themselves, and you have to help them with this.

Observation is developed very effectively with the help of riddles.

You have guessed a riddle.

Parent reads:

Fluffy cotton

Float somewhere.

The cotton is lower.

The closer the rain is.

The child answered: "cloud".

Will you be satisfied with the answer?

What questions will you ask him?

Dear parents, I hope you will support the proposal to come up with 3-4 riddles together with the children at home, arrange them on a piece of paper and bring them to the group. And here, in a group, the children and I will create an album of your riddles, wake them up and reason about the riddles.

Parents reading the roles of the poem "Why"

The son came to his father with a question.

Dad! Dad! That's funny!

Why, tell me, please

Is it called grain?

Why is the neighbor an innovator?

What is an excavator?

Why is he walking?

How did you live without matches before?

Why is there smoke?

Leave me alone, leave me alone

With why chuckling.

Son returned shortly...

Have you been to the desert?

And sail into any sea

Can you think whales?

Why with bunny ears?

Dad, what's the edge?

After, once, leave me alone!

Again the son came to dad ...

Where is the moon during the day?

Dad, dad, when

Will we go to the theater with you?

And in response, a flash flashed:

I have my own business!

And, sighing, the son wandered

From my father's table.

Why? When? Where?

Each time the answer is the same.

Gradually, the son began to disturb the father less and less.

But one day in the evening

At the venerable father

From excitement, grief

The complexion has changed.

The parent of the son asked:

Call to school? Why? What's happened?

What is the reason? I don't understand at all!

Others, look, kids

Only gladden the hearts.

Why are your grades

Pain for a father?

Why did you break the glass?

Scratched the door at school?

Why are there only worries

Are you causing me now?

Why are you worse than others?

I won't take it for granted?

From what? Why?


Indeed, why?Discussion of the situation.

We all do not want this situation to develop in our families, to happen to our children.

Conducting a cognitive experiment on the example of a wooden cube.

I offer you a cognitive experiment. Before you is a wooden cube, pass it in order among yourself, whoever takes it in hand must say what is new about this cube.

This experiment showed how much can be found in a seemingly ordinary and familiar wooden cube. I hope this experiment will help you develop curiosity in your child.

The guys and I are turning to you with the idea that each parent should take part in the process of cognitive development of the children of our group.

Summing up the meeting.

Mini questionnaire for parents

1. How often does your child ask cognitive questions?

A) often

B) not very

B) rarely

2. Do you always try to answer children's questions truthfully?

A) always.

B) not always

B) rarely

3. Does your child like to watch educational TV shows?

A) yes

B) sometimes

B) doesn't look at all

4. How does your child feel about books?

a) loves books

B) sometimes picks up

B) not interested

5. How often do you read to your child?

A) often

B) rarely

6. Does your child like to experiment with snow, water, sand, etc.?

A) yes

B) happens

B) didn't notice

Memo for parents "How to answer children's questions."

  • Treat children's questions with respect, do not dismiss them.
  • Listen carefully to the child's question, try to understand what interested the child.
  • Give short and easy-to-understand answers.
  • The answer should enrich the child with new knowledge, encourage further reflection.
  • Encourage your child to think independently.
  • In response to the child's question, try to involve him in observing the life around him.
  • When answering a child's question, act on his feelings. Cultivate in him sensitivity, tact to the people around him.
  • If the answer to the question is beyond the understanding of the child, do not be afraid to say to him: “While you are still small. You go to school, you learn to read, you learn a lot and you can answer your own question.”

Questions for children.

Do you love riddles?

Who makes them for you at home?

What do you like to do the most?


Do adults take part in your games?

If you were adults, how would you help your children with activities and games?

Parent meeting

"Growing the Curious"


  • give parents knowledge about the essence of children's issues, their types;
  • to form the need to competently answer children's questions, without suppressing children's initiative and curiosity.
  • teach parents to develop cognitive activity of children.

Equipment: colored scarves, multimedia presentation, books, envelopes, magnetic board, puzzles with conclusions, task cards, memos for parents.

Proceedings of the meeting

- Good evening dear parents! We are glad to see you at our round table. Thank you for coming to this meeting.

This means that we are all united by an interest in the topic of the parent meeting, and it really deserves attention.

Today we will hold a parent meeting in the form of a game "One Hundred to One". Parents have already divided into two teams: Chamomile and Berry. In the course of joint activities, we will post the main conclusions on the board. On the tables are envelopes with assignments. A certain amount of time is allotted for tasks. When the time has elapsed, you will hear a beep (beep sound).

Our discussion is about the development of curiosity in children.

All parents want their child to grow up smart and inquisitive. The child is naturally inquisitive. He is interested in everything new, unknown. He has discoveries every day: for the first time he learns that an icicle, held in his hand, turns into water, that paper is torn, wrinkled, rustling, that a stone thrown into water sinks, and a tree floats on the surface.

The desire to know often fails children: sometimes they accidentally cut napkins, because they want to know if it can be cut, they gut factory toys in order to find out what is inside and why they move. By this they often give us, adults, anxiety. The child is growing. His curiosity to the surrounding, unfamiliar increases. Questions often arise: what is it? For what? what is it made of? No wonder they are called why. Curiosity and curiosity! What do you think, dear parents, are the words curiosity and curiosity the same in meaning?(Answers from parents)

Curiosity - petty interest in all, even insignificant details. Ask out of idle curiosity. Idle curiosity.

Curiosity- the desire to acquire new knowledge. Lively interest in everything that can enrich life experience, give new impressions.

So let's start our game. Dear parents, take envelope No. 1, there are several questions written on the card, which are often asked by children.

Task for the teams: choose the three most popular questions. You have 30 seconds to complete the task.

1. Where do babies come from?

2. Where does thunder come from?

3. Why do clouds move?

4. Why does the night come?

5. Why winter?

6. Why can't you eat snow?

7. Why study?

So, the time is over, the teams answer one by one. What is the first most popular question chosen by the teams:? And now attention to the screen.

What is the second question you chose?

What is the third question chosen by the teams?

Fine! We identified these questions as a result of a survey of parents, observations of children. If you do not have matches with our questions, then the children will ask you more. Do you think it is necessary to answer all the questions of the child? What will we conclude?It is necessary to treat any questions of children with respect, not to dismiss them, to give them short and accessible answers.(The conclusion is posted on the board)

But how to answer children's "why" so that the interest contained in the question does not fade away, but develops? Take envelope number 2.

Imagine this situation: A mother and five-year-old daughter are walking down the street. It suddenly began to rain. The daughter asks: "Mom, why is it raining?" Let's look at the screen and find out what mom said.Mom's answer appears on the slide: "You are crying and the sky is crying."Do you agree with this answer?(No). Question to both teams: How would you answer the child? 30 seconds are given for discussion.(Answers from parents)

Well done dear parents! Your answers correspond to the age of this girl. And the answer: "You are crying and the sky is crying" can be given to a child of three years.

I bring to your attention the following situation. Take

envelope number 3.

While walking in the meadow, six-year-old Katya saw a beautiful butterfly with orange wings: "Mom, what is the name of this butterfly?" Mom did not know what to answer, but suggested that her daughter carefully consider and remember the appearance of the butterfly. Question to the teams: "Why did the mother offer this to the child?". 30 seconds are given for discussion. (Team responses) Dear parents, to answer your questions, you can refer to the book. By doing this, you bring up the respect for knowledge in a preschooler. The child begins to understand that knowledge is acquired in different ways, among which the most interesting and exciting is reading a book.

And you and I make the following conclusion: when answering a child’s question, try to involve him in observing the life around him, re-read the book, consider illustrative material with you.

The most important thing in a book is the content. It is good to have different books in the child's library: stories, literary tales, folk tales, poems, folklore, epics. Take envelope number 4. Determine the sequence of acquaintance of children with the genres of works. You have 30 seconds to complete the tasks.

Look at the screen and check for yourself. Fun comes first. Already up to a year old, the child hears nursery rhymes "A horned goat is coming", "Pallets, patties", etc.That is why the first works for a child are folklore.

According to research, young children prefer poetry. It is proved that the success of children's perception of a rhymed text is 22% higher than the same variant of a prose one.

The next genre we introduce children to is folk tales. Fairy tales are read at any age.

After that, literary fairy tales are introduced into the circle of children's reading.

And already starting from the age of 5, short stories are read to children. But you can’t enter only those texts that provide exemplary, instructive examples for the child, and even more so, you don’t need to encourage him to follow them, otherwise the crumbs will have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bliterature not as art, but as behavioral recipes.

The most difficult genre to perceive are epics. Therefore, they are used for reading to children of the preparatory group.So, I would like to conclude: in the child's library there should be books of different genres, from folklore to children's scientific literature (encyclopedias).

The curiosity of children is very effectively developed with the help of riddles.. They teach non-standard thinking: to look for similarities between the most distant, outwardly dissimilar things.

The castle is like a small dog because it won't let you into the house. The bulb resembles a grandfather dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Be sure, after the child offers his answer (even if it is wrong), ask him why he thinks so, what helped him find the answer? As a rule, children willingly memorize riddles in order to guess them themselves. It's great if children learn to invent riddles themselves, and you have to help them with this. I suggest you learn to come up with riddles according to the schemes. Take envelope number 5 . Come up with a riddle and ask it to the team opposite.

Do not try to get the intended answer from the child, encourage unconventional answers. It is more important that, thinking about the answer, the child learns to observe the world around him, to highlight the essential features of objects, he develops curiosity, the need to ask questions. Listen to the riddle: a girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street. What is this? (Carrot). This is a template answer for children, although turnips, radishes, beets, and radishes can be a clue. Take envelope #6 and read the riddle. On the screen you see template answers to them. I suggest 30 sec. Find as many answers to these riddles as you can:

Let's listen to the answers to the riddle "They wear rubber shoes, feed them with oil and gasoline."(car, tractor, bus, truck, motorcycle)

And now the answers to the riddle "In winter and summer in one color."(Spruce, pine, thuja, cedar, fir)

We have one more conclusion: Use riddles in the development of curiosity, they enrich the child with new knowledge, encourage further reflection, observation.

We are all well aware that the age of informatics has come. Computers have firmly entered our lives and the lives of our children. Children from an early age are drawn to this mysterious subject. A child from the cradle watches how his mother works at a computer, and his father emotionally presses the keys with shouts: "Hurrah! Ours won!"

The interest of the kid grows with age, he does not want to be an outside observer of the work of adults at the computer, he wants to touch the shrine himself. What do you think, dear parents, is the computer a means of developing curiosity? There are different opinions in our society about this.

Let's see, is the computer good or evil?

Take envelope number 7. One team proves that a preschool child needs a computer, and the other proves the opposite point of view. Time for discussion 1 min.

So, we begin to express the arguments of the opponents in turn ...

Yes, indeed, the computer is an excellent tool for the development of curiosity. The kid acquires new knowledge in such areas as reading, mathematics, biology, foreign languages, etc. Scientists have long proven that the computer does not cause much harm to vision, it is much more dangerous to watch TV. Of course, you need to limit the time of communication with an electronic friend - 15-20 minutes a day is enough for a child.

So, the last conclusion of our discussion: it is necessary to comply with the requirements and rules when organizing a child’s gaming activity on a computer so as not to harm his health.

So, dear parents! Both teams did a good job today.You are probably wondering why we do not give marks and do not calculate points, although we have divided into teams. Because the competitive spirit stimulates interest, excitement and activates thought processes.

As a result of our game, we jointly compiled a memo for parents "How to develop curiosity in a child." This is the decision of our parent meeting.

If your child asks you questions, it means that you have become for him a rather significant and authoritative person who owns the information he needs and is well versed in what he is interested in. Questions from a child to you, an adult, are a manifestation of respect and trust in experience and your competence. And although sometimes you want to hide from them, hiding behind a fresh newspaper or an urgent conversation, to be alone with your thoughts, to solve accumulated problems, you must respond to the exploratory passion of the baby, which sometimes does not give "poor" adults a moment's rest!

Sample meeting resolution:

  1. Create conditions for the development of children's curiosity.
  2. To study and use methods that increase the cognitive activity of preschoolers.
  3. Adhere to the recommendations of the memo "How to answer children's questions."
  4. To replenish the subject-developing environment of the group with games of a developing nature.

Reminder for parents.

Reminder for parents.

How to answer children's questions.

  1. Treat children's questions with respect, do not dismiss them.
  2. Listen carefully to the child's question, try to understand what interested the child in the subject, the phenomenon that he asks about.
  3. Give answers that are multiple and understandable to a preschooler, avoid complex words, book turns of speech.
  4. The answer should enrich the child with new knowledge, encourage further reflection, observation.
  5. Encourage the child's independent mental activity by answering his questions with the counter "What do you think?".
  6. In response to the child's question, try to involve him in observing the life around him, re-read the book, consider illustrative material with you.
  7. When answering a child's question, influence his feelings. Cultivate in him sensitivity, tact to the people around him.
  8. If the answer to the question is not available to the understanding of the child, do not be afraid to say to him: “While you are still small. You go to school, you learn to read, you learn a lot and you can answer your own question.”

Ekaterina Mikhnitskaya
Parent meeting "Development of curiosity"

Everyone parents want so that their child grows up smart and inquisitive. The child by nature is already inquisitive. He is interested in everything new, unknown. Every one of his discoveries day: then for the first time he learns that an icicle, held in his hand, turns into water, that paper is torn, wrinkled, rustling, that a stone thrown into water sinks, and a tree floats on the surface.

The desire to know often fails children: sometimes they accidentally cut napkins, because they want to know if it can be cut, they gut factory toys in order to find out what is inside and why they move. By this they often give us, adults, anxiety. The child is growing. Grows it up curiosity about the environment, unfamiliar. Often occur questions: What is this? For what? what is it made of? No wonder they are called why.

(music from the show "Hundred to One") Today we will spend parent meeting in the form of a game"Hundred to One". Our discussion is about development of curiosity in children. Parents already divided into two commands: Knowledge and Skill. In the course of joint activities, we will post the main conclusions on the board.

Curiosity and inquisitiveness! What do you think dear parents whether the words have the same meaning curiosity and curiosity? (Answers parents)

Curiosity- petty interest in all, even insignificant details. Ask from empty curiosity. Idle curiosity.

Curiosity- the desire to acquire new knowledge. Lively interest in everything that can enrich life experience, give new impressions.

So let's start our game. Each team receives a card with several questions that are often asked by children. (Cards with 6-7 questions are handed out).

I will ask you to choose the three most popular questions. You have 30 seconds to complete the task.

1. Where do babies come from?

2. Where does thunder come from?

3. Why do clouds move?

4. Why does the night come?

5. Why winter?

6. Why can't you eat snow? ___7. Why do you need to study?

So time is up. What is the first most popular question you have chosen? (Teams answer one by one. The first question appears on the screen).

What is the second question you chose? (Teams answer one by one. The second question appears on the screen)

What is the third question chosen by the teams? (Each team reads out their question. The third question appears on the screen). How many matches does each team have? Fine! These questions were identified through a survey. parents, observations of children. Do you think it is necessary to answer all the questions of the child? What will we conclude?

It is necessary to treat any questions of children with respect, not to dismiss them, to give them short and accessible answers. (The output is posted on the board)

And how, in your opinion, to answer the children's "why", so that the interest contained in the question does not fade away, but developed? Imagine such situation:

A mother and five-year-old daughter are walking down the street. It suddenly began to rain. Daughter asks: "Mom, why is it raining?" Let's look at the screen and find out what mom said. The answer is on the slide. mothers: "You cry and the sky cries." Do you agree with this answer? (No). Question to both teams Q: How would you respond to a child? 30 seconds are given for discussion. (Answers parents)

Well done dear parents! Your answers correspond to the age of this girl. A answer: "You cry and the sky is crying" can be given to a child of three years.

I offer you the following situation: While walking in the meadow, six-year-old Katya saw a beautiful butterfly with orange wings: “Mom, what is the name of this butterfly?” Mom did not know what to answer, but suggested that her daughter carefully consider and remember the appearance of the butterfly. Question teams: “Why did the mother offer this to the child?”. 30 seconds are given for discussion. (Team responses)

Dear parents to answer questions that arise, you can refer to the book. By doing this, you bring up the respect for knowledge in a preschooler. The child begins to understand that knowledge is acquired in different ways, among which the most interesting and exciting is reading a book.

And we make the following conclusion (on the board): when answering a child’s question, try to involve him in observing the life around him, re-read the book, consider illustrative material with you.

The shelves in bookstores are overflowing with literature for children, and it is rather difficult to navigate in this abundance. Therefore, many parents forced to decide how to choose a book for a child, so that it is both beautiful and useful, and the baby likes it. Dear parents What books are best for kids? (Books of different formats and different thicknesses are given).

Please select one book that you would like to purchase for a 4-5 year old child. Time for the task 30 sec. (Answers parents) - Why did you choose this particular book?

We can make the following conclusion (on the board): According to the format of the book, it is better to choose small ones so that the child himself can cope with turning the pages and is able to carry the book from place to place.

teacher: Let's stand in a circle and warm up a little. Stretched high, to the farthest star. Now let's hug our globe.

The most important thing in a book is the content. In the child's library it is good to have different books: stories, literary tales, folk tales, poetry, folklore, epics. You are offered cards in which you need to determine the sequence of acquaintance with the genres of works. You have 30 seconds to complete the tasks. (Given cards). Look at the screen and check for yourself. Fun comes first. Already up to a year, the child hears nursery rhymes "A horned goat is coming", "Patty-Patty" etc. That is why the first works for a child are folklore. According to research, young children prefer poetry. It is proved that the success of children's perception of a rhymed text is 22% higher than the same variant of a prose one. The next genre we introduce children to is folk tales. Fairy tales are read in any age. After that, literary fairy tales are introduced into the circle of children's reading. And already starting from the age of 4, short stories are read to children. But you can’t enter only those texts that provide exemplary, instructive examples for the child, and even more so, you don’t need to encourage him to follow them, otherwise the crumbs will have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bliterature not as art, but as behavioral recipes. The most difficult genre to perceive are epics. Therefore, they are used for reading to children of the preparatory group.

So, I want to do conclusion: in the child's library there should be books of different genres, from folklore to children's scientific literature (encyclopedias, (on the board)

Very effective curiosity develops children with riddles. They teach non-standard thinking: look for similarities between

the most distant, outwardly dissimilar things.

The castle is like a small dog because it won't let you into the house. The bulb resembles a grandfather dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Be sure, after the child offers his answer (even if it’s wrong, ask him why he thinks so, what helped him find the answer? As a rule, children willingly memorize riddles in order to make them themselves. It’s great if children learn to invent riddles themselves , and you must help them with this.I suggest you learn to come up with riddles according to the schemes.Come up with a riddle and guess it to the team opposite.

Do not try to get the intended answer from the child, encourage unconventional answers. It is more important that, thinking about the answer, the child learns to observe the world around him, to highlight the essential features of objects, he curiosity develops, the need to ask questions. Listen riddle: a girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street. What is this? (Carrot). This is a template answer for children, although turnips, radishes, beets, and radishes can be a clue.

There are riddles on the cards. On the screen you see template answers to them. I suggest 30 sec. pick up as many clues as you can riddles:

1st team . (car, tractor, bus, truck, motorcycle)

2nd team "Winter and summer in one color". (Spruce, pine, thuja, cedar, fir) Let's listen to riddles “They put on rubber shoes, feed them with oil and gasoline”. And now the clues to the riddle "Winter and summer in one color".

We have one more conclusion.: Use riddles in curiosity development, they enrich the child with new knowledge, encourage further reflection, observation.

We are all well aware that the age of informatics has come. Computers

firmly entered our lives and the lives of our children. Children from early

age are drawn to this mysterious subject. baby from diaper

watches how mom works at the computer, and dad emotionally presses

on the keys with shouts: "Hooray! Ours won!"

The interest of the baby grows with age, he does not want to be third-party

an observer of the work of adults at the computer, he wants to

touch the shrine. What do you think dear parents, Does it

computer tool curiosity development? In our society

there are different opinions about this.

Let's see, is the computer good or evil?

So, the task of the teams: team "Smart" proves that the computer

need a child of preschool age, and the team "Znaechek" proves

the opposite point of view. Time for discussion 1 min.

So, we begin to express the arguments of the opponents in turn. (When

commands "Znaechek" the arguments run out, the teacher makes a conclusion) The computer serves as an excellent tool for curiosity development. The kid acquires new knowledge in such areas as reading, mathematics, biology, foreign languages, etc. Scientists have long proven that the computer does not cause much harm to vision, it is much more dangerous to watch TV. Of course, you need to limit the time of communication with an electronic friend - 15-20 minutes a day is enough for a child.

So, the last conclusion of our discussions: it is necessary to follow the requirements and rules when organizing a child's gaming activity on a computer so as not to harm his health.

So dear parents! Both teams did a good job today. You are probably wondering why we do not give marks and do not calculate points, although we have divided into teams. Because the competitive spirit stimulates interest, excitement and activates thought processes.

As a result of our game, we jointly compiled a memo for parents"How develop curiosity in a child» . This is our solution parent meeting.

If your child asks you questions, it means that you have become for him a rather significant and authoritative person who owns the information he needs and is well versed in what he is interested in. Questions from a child to you, an adult, are a manifestation of respect and trust in experience and your competence. And although sometimes you want to hide from them, hiding behind a fresh newspaper or an urgent conversation, to be alone with your thoughts, to solve accumulated problems, you must respond to the exploratory passion of the baby, which sometimes does not give "poor" adults a moment's rest!

Dear Colleagues! I hope this reminder helps yours too. parents.

Parent meeting in the senior group on the topic:

"The development of curiosity in children of senior preschool age".

Meeting agenda:

    Introductory part. Congratulations to parents on the start of the school year.

    Speech by the educator "The development of curiosity in children of senior preschool age."

    Speech by a speech therapist. Contest-Quiz "Erudite".

1 part.
Educator: Congratulations on the start of the school year.

2 part.
Dear parents! We are always glad to see you at our round table. Thank you for coming to this meeting. This means that we are all united by an interest in the topic of the parent meeting, and it really deserves attention, because children are very inquisitive.

But first, let's relax a little after a hard day's work. Let the music of the famous song "Smile" liberate you, make you smile.

Turn to the neighbor on the right - smile at him; turn to the neighbor on the left - smile at him, because the smile that you gave to each other is an important condition for our meeting.

Agree that the child's cognitive interest should be formed in the preschool years.

The child is inquisitive by nature. He is interested in everything new, unknown. He has discoveries every day: for the first time he learns that an icicle, held in his hand, turns into water, that paper is torn, wrinkled, rustling, that a stone thrown into water sinks, and a tree floats on the surface.

The desire to know often fails children: sometimes they accidentally cut napkins, because they want to know if it can be cut, they gut factory toys in order to find out what is inside and why they move. By this they often give us, adults, anxiety. The child is growing. His curiosity to the surrounding, unfamiliar increases. Questions often arise: what is it? For what? what is it made of? No wonder they are called why.

Our discussion is about the development of curiosity in children. I wonder what is the meaning of the word curiosity?

We decided to look into Dahl's dictionary: what does Dahl write?

Curiosity is the focus of the child on the knowledge of surrounding objects, phenomena, on mastering activities. The source for the emergence and formation of curiosity is the perceived phenomena of life.

Why should children be raised to be inquisitive? (Answers from parents)

This is necessary in order to form a cognitive interest, which manifests itself in the desire to learn new things and is directed to a certain side of life, certain phenomena or an object.

In kindergarten, the development of cognitive interest is carried out in games, in communication, in direct educational activities.

Do small experiments with objects indoors and outdoors, such as mixing paints to get a different color, melting ice and snow, growing green onions and beans, etc.;

Explore various phenomena in nature such as the blooming of leaves, flowers, the beauty of raindrops on leaves or trees in frost; on the beauty of autumn leaves; arrival or departure of birds

And more often take the children on excursions, observe and discuss.

The feeling of curiosity in children is regarded as a desire to acquire new knowledge, a manifestation of a keen interest in everything that can enrich life experience, give new impressions.

In many ways, dear parents, it depends on you whether the cognitive interest will grow stronger and develop, or go unnoticed.

3 part.

Exchange of experience in raising a child in the Mokretsov family (presentation).

4 part.

Speech therapist: Children ask us a thousand different questions, but what about you?
Do you always know the answers to them? This is what we are going to check now!
Today we have an unusual meeting, and the contest-quiz "Erudite"
And your first task is to come up with a name for your team, write it on a sign and choose a captain

We start our quiz, for each correct answer the teams get a chip.

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

1. The game "Who is smarter!"

1) How to preserve the beauty of the earth? (Plant trees, don't litter, don't pick flowers, don't destroy bird nests)

2) What is the Red Book? (The book contains endangered species of animals and plants)

3) What is the name of a man-made bird house? (birdhouse)

4) List the types of precipitation? (Rain, hail, dew, fog)

5) Why do mice gnaw everything? (Their teeth grow all the time, they must be constantly grinded down)

6) Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't speak)

7) Why do we hear thunder after seeing lightning? (Sound travels slower than light)

8) Why does a dog stick out his tongue when he is hot? (to cool off)

9) Why does a squirrel need such a magnificent tail? (To steer when jumping from branch to branch)

10) What does a grasshopper eat? (Leaves, plants, caterpillars)

There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny,

And we can't live without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good forever triumph over evil.

2. The game "Who is faster!" (3 questions for each team)

1) Who was the first to call Chukovsky on a fabulous phone? (Elephant)

2) Was it put on instead of a hat by an absent-minded person from Basseinaya Street? (frying pan)

3) Dirty granny from Chukovsky's poem? (Fedora)

4) What was the bear wearing Masha and pies? (In a box)

5) How do fairy tales usually begin? (Lived once)

6) Who were the animals afraid of in the Ukrainian fairy tale "Mitten"? (Doggy)

7) In whose guise for a long time lived a fairytale princess? (In frog)

8) Did this fairy-tale hero like to ride on the stove? (Emelya)

9) What did Cinderella's carriage turn into at midnight? (into a pumpkin)

10) What is the name of the Christmas tree? (Christmas tree)

11) Flowers woven into a ring? (Wreath)

12) King of beasts? (A lion)

13) A horse in a vest? (Zebra)

14) A marsupial jumper? (Kangaroo)

15) The most stubborn animal? (Donkey)

They don’t just walk around the city, along the street:

When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble.

Always be careful and remember in advance:

The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.

3. Game-warm-up "Question-answer" (3 questions for each team)

1) What is the overhead light at the traffic light? (Red)

2) Where should pedestrians walk? (On the sidewalk)

3) At what age can you ride a bike on the road? (from 14 years old)

4) What is this road sign? (Caution children)

5) What is the name of the device of the traffic police inspector for measuring the speed of passing cars? (Radar)

6) What "animal" is depicted on the road? (Zebra)

7) Where do the roads cross? (Crossroad)

8) If the traffic lights are not working, who regulates traffic at the intersection? (traffic police inspector, policeman)

9) What is the lower light at the traffic light? (Green)

10) What animal is depicted on the road sign "Cattle Drive"? (Cow)

11) The sounding subject of a traffic police officer? (Whistle)

12) What does this sign mean? (Dangerous bend)

13) What does the traffic controller control the traffic? (with rod)

14) Where is public transport waiting? (Stop)

15) What insect is the same color as a traffic light and lives in the grass? (Grasshopper)

4. The game "Hunting for sounds"

Purpose: to acquaint parents with a children's game aimed at developing attention, to form the ability to make a sound analysis of a word.

Participants are given leaflets, on which in 1 minute it is necessary to write down as many names of surrounding objects as possible, starting with the sound given by the leader. The parents then compare their notes.
At the end of the game, explain to parents that children can be offered such a game: without writing down, name the words. At the same time, tasks can vary: “Name the words that have a sound in the middle ...”, “Name the words ending in the sound ...”, etc. You can hunt for different words “sweet”, “fluffy” and many others.

Learn to understand children. And they will be more understanding in response. Sympathize with them. And then they will be attentive to you. The results of the competition are being summed up.

5 part.

Choice of parent committee. Miscellaneous.