The most beautiful romantic evening. A romantic evening for your beloved. An original romantic dinner for a football fan

In the daily hustle and bustle, feelings between lovers often begin to fade away. Until recently, you were the most loving and happiest couple, kissing on every corner, and now your relationship has become more like a habit.

Previously, you walked as a couple, went to restaurants, movies, and now your trips are limited to the local supermarket. Any couple dreams of returning their old feelings to life. Currently, it is mainly men who arrange romantic evenings for their halves. But many girls would also like to know how to create an evening for their man, which he will not forget for a very long time.

A well-organized romantic evening is a great way to restore the old strength of fading passion.

I think we need to start by looking at the difference in understanding between men and women about romantic dining. For girls, the opportunity to show off in their solemn attire is of great importance, and men, on the contrary, are not always happy when they are forced to wear strict tailcoats and tuxedos. They give more preference to cozy home clothes. The girl dreams of cooking and trying more exotic dishes with intriguing names for dinner, and for a guy it is enough to eat well and tasty. You like to dance to light pleasant music, while the majority of the male population just want to relax after dinner, to escape from everyday worries while watching TV with a bottle of beer.

It is important that your efforts meet his expectations.

Girls, saying "romantic evening", mean by these words pleasant conversations over a glass of wine, champagne or other light drink, slow dancing and light flirting. For a guy, this concept means more hope for a stormy night than heart-to-heart conversations and exotic food.

Here are some tips on how to arrange a romantic dinner for your boyfriend, not yourself.

First, you should not wear a dress that goes straight to your heels. You can put on beautiful underwear that will hint to the guy about the stormy continuation of the evening. Your relaxed look will help the guy feel more confident and not look ridiculous in home clothes, instead of a classic tuxedo.

Nice underwear on you will allow him to relax faster than an expensive evening dress.

Secondly, the food on the table should be satisfying and tasty, and most importantly - familiar to your loved one. Even if your boyfriend's choices are heavy foods like hamburgers, fries, fried chicken, or Olivier salad. By the way, meat should definitely be on the menu, unless, of course, you and your boyfriend are vegetarians.

Remember, there should not be an excess of food on the table. Over-satiation can make your man overly relaxed and he will just fall asleep on the couch. And that's not exactly what you want it to be, is it?

Choose the food he likes. Leave the sophistication for another occasion.

Thirdly, you need to choose the right alcoholic beverages, but always with acceptable quantities. Red wine is more suitable for meat dishes, and fish products are more combined with white. You should give up beer so as not to spoil the romantic evening.

Fourthly, if you and your young man do not yet live together, and you do not have a free apartment for your dinner, then you can rent a room or apartment.

If you follow the advice described above, then your man will forgive you even candles, flowers and romantic music, but you shouldn't count on dancing too much. After dinner, you can go on to watching romantic movies together.

The final part of the evening takes you from the dining area to the bedroom. There you can take with you not only passion, but also small snacks and drinks, suddenly come in handy. For "dessert" girls are encouraged to dance an erotic dance for their man. Your beloved will remember seductive movements in a dim light for a long time. For such a case, oriental dances are more suitable. In it you will demonstrate all your flexibility, plasticity and ability to transform.

Remember that the outside environment is more of a concern for you. The essence of the event is important to him.

It is better to schedule a romantic evening on days after which none of you will need to get up for work or school. For this, Friday and Saturday are most often suitable. The next morning, after a wonderful dinner, you can soak up a little in bed, without rushing anywhere and without jumping up. And let, opening his eyes, he will find in which you write a gentle declaration of love. And it doesn't matter if at this moment you will be sweetly dozing beside or already conjuring over breakfast. Your concern will certainly cause a surge of positive emotions in him. In general, go for it, dear ladies!

Men are incorrigible romantics who constantly need tenderness from their women! Women really need to periodically arrange something incredibly sensual for their heroes, and then the spark in the relationship will not fade away!

For example, on Valentine's Day, every woman has a chance to create a romantic dinner for her beloved that can ignite the searing flame of passion!

All the details of this event must be thought out in advance so that you can escape from the everyday hustle and bustle, work and other troubles. Yes, and the strong half of humanity on Valentine's Day should not forget about their chosen ones, who are expecting pleasant surprises and gifts.

How to prepare a romantic dinner for your husband

It is worth noting one important point: first of all, complete privacy should be achieved. On February 14, children should be sent to their grandmothers, animals - to neighbors, colleagues and friends - to stay away.

We also emphasize your creative energy on the fact that it is possible to please a man (woman) only if, when planning an evening for two, we take into account his (her) tastes and preferences. They should dominate the menu of the proposed dinner, and in music, and in the environment in general, and in dress, and in other elements.

For example, if your lover is a football fan, be sure to prepare a surprise related to this exciting sport. Lay out a warm green blanket that resembles a lawn in front of the TV, scatter souvenir soccer balls on it, put chips (preferably prepared on your own) in a spacious glass dish.

You can also make pizza. When it comes to low-alcohol drinks, the best option is ice cold beer. Put on the jersey of the club you are “rooting for” yourself.

If you are not interested in such an original option, we suggest further considering a more classic version so that a romantic dinner for a loved one at home will be remembered for a long time.

Dinner for two romantics

First of all, you need to take care of the perfect order and do a thorough cleaning. You just need to make it in advance so that on a festive evening you look great and radiate energy. Women, do not forget that a charming smile is our main weapon!

To create an intimate and mysterious atmosphere, you should buy thick candles of different heights - after all, they are considered the main symbol of romance. You also need to stock up on incense (lavender or ylang-ylang, although bergamot is also fine), as well as rose petals. And the reigning twilight will do its job!

It is advisable to pay due attention (the best option is a red or snow-white canvas) and cutlery.

In the case when a man arranges a romantic dinner for his beloved home, he also needs to take care of fresh flowers and arrange them wherever possible. A table lamp should be placed behind tightly curtained windows. Such unusual lighting will become an unusual imitation of a summer sunset, and this will add its own zest to the reigning romantic atmosphere.

Musical accompaniment of dinner

A relaxed atmosphere on Valentine's Day is created by soft instrumental music that does not drown out the speech of coquettishly cooing doves. It should not contain sad motives and consist of measured and calm melodies.

It can be sounds of nature or a saxophone, for example. If you have the opportunity to make a selection of your favorite songs that bring back pleasant memories of some moments of your relationship, do not be too lazy to prepare it.

You can also record two playlists: one for dinner and one for continuation. Take advantage of the energizing and exciting music of the "Enigma" project and the result of the evening will exceed all your expectations! By the way, it is also possible to watch a movie about love together.

Romantic dinner menu

So the turn has come to the main component of Valentine's Day - drawing up a romantic dinner menu, which should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Festive food is rightfully considered the centerpiece of the surprise. Dishes cooked with love will surely delight your chosen one.

That is why you should opt for original salads, which must include aphrodisiac products.

Refreshing Shrimp Cocktail Salad


  • Avocado - 150 g + -
  • - 50 g + -
  • - 150 g + -
  • - a quarter of the fruit + -
  • - for refueling + -
  • Lettuce leaves - for decoration + -
  • as your loved one likes + -
  • Red caviar - optional, for decoration + -


  1. Cut avocado, cherry and shrimp into neat pieces.
  2. We combine the listed components, mix evenly, pre-seasoning with a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice. Let's not forget about salt.
  3. Serve in glasses with green lettuce, garnished with red caviar.

Turkey fillet baked in the sleeve


  • One pomegranate juice+ -
  • Turkey fillet - 300 g + -
  • - in moderation + -
  • Red wine - 100 ml + -
  • Spices - (thyme, cardamom, cloves) - to taste + -


You can ignite the flame of love by preparing the following culinary masterpiece.

  1. Put the meat in a large bowl, salt it evenly, add spices, and then fill it with pomegranate juice and red wine.
  2. After the turkey has stood in the marinade for at least 2 hours, we send it to the baking sleeve, pour the existing liquid here and put it in the oven. Cook at 180 ° C for 50 minutes.
  3. When serving, put the fillet on a flat portioned plate (always white), then pour the resulting sauce on top.

For dessert, you can serve slices of fruit on skewers or chocolate ice cream. If the other half does not like chocolate, then whipped cream with strawberries or other fragrant berries will help out. Do not forget about the main attributes of a romantic dinner. Yes, you are not mistaken, we are talking about strong drinks - champagne or wine.

How to make a romantic dinner memorable

The whole evening should be accompanied by games and erotic flirting. The ideal version of the game is "French kiss". To do this, you need to write parts of the body on pieces of paper and pull them out in turn, and then kiss each other in those places that are caught (tummy, lips, cheeks, eyes).

Prepare an assortment of fruits, berries, nuts and various chocolate, cut them into pieces. To blindfold your partner, give him a taste of the "sweets" so that he can guess them. To complicate the exciting entertainment, you should put food on yourself, and the chosen one will now determine what and what to eat. You need to understand that this evening any games are welcome and even erotic games are not prohibited.

You can also diversify them with a light mesmerizing striptease, belly dancing and similar entertainments. These are some interesting ideas , no doubt, they will kindle the fire of love in any couple: both with the history of years lived together, and in an alliance that was recently formed.

So, the doorbell rings ... He's on the doorstep ... You look your best: in a sexy transparent dress with a deep neckline and bare back, with beautiful evening make-up, new hairstyle and a light scent of delicate perfume.

Having met your beloved, send him immediately to the bath in a fragrant bath, then pamper with a massage using eucalyptus oil, then lead him to the table.

Do not hesitate to completely liberate yourself on this night and then you will know what bliss is! Know that a romantic dinner for a loved one at home is better than even the most fashionable restaurant!

Do you want to be romantic, but think that it costs a lot of money? We offer you 33 ways to be romantic without spending a lot of money. To please a loved one, you only need your desire.

Of course, there are various costly ways to spend time with your loved one - to drive around the city in a limousine, go to a French restaurant, visit a romantic resort. These are good ways to spend time together, too, but few people get to do it regularly, so you can use the following ideas to embellish your life together more often.

Before getting down to the list, let's take a look at some notes on how to use it:

2. Communicate. Communicate regularly, discuss your goals and dreams, your plans for the future, do not forget to pay compliments.

3. Inspiration. This list contains many obvious things - you can come up with twice as many good ideas on your own. However, the list does not pretend to be originality - it strives to be a source of inspiration.

4. Forget Valentine's Day. People think they should be romantics on special days. You don't have to wait for special days to bring joy to yourself and those around you.

Okay, enough talk. Let's take a look at ways to be romantic:

1. Write a poem

2. Have a romantic dinner at home

3. Get a massage

4. Have a picnic at sunset

5. Collect flowers / yellow leaves on your way home

6. Record a CD with love songs

7. Read poetry together

8. Write love notes or sms

9. Send a love letter by email

10. Take a moonlit walk in the park

11. Watch a romantic movie together

12. Take a joint bath

13. Walk around the places where you met in the early days of your acquaintance

14. Make a beautiful dessert

15. Make an album with memorable photos, provide them with signatures and drawings

16. Kiss in the rain

17. Spend the evening by candlelight

18. Have a slow dance to romantic music

19. Kiss long and slow

20. Have an evening of dreaming together

21. Create together a list of everything that you like or would like to do and sometimes do something from the list

22. Go to a movie or an exhibition

23. Look good for your partner.

24. Feed each other grapes / strawberries

25. Play together a romantic scene from a movie

26. Imagine going on a first date - buy flowers, dress well, look after your partner, do everything as if it was the first time

27. Paint each other with scented paints

28. Throughout the day, remind with different words and actions that you love him / her.

29. Have a rooftop dinner

30. Confess your love in different ways and in different words.

31. Play blindfold, feathers

32. Confess your love in public

33. Order any song on the radio

The relationship of two lovers is always full of romance. And where, if not during a romantic evening, is it best to express your feelings, confess your love, and even, perhaps, make a marriage proposal!

Today I will share with you some tips on how to make a romantic evening unique and unforgettable. First of all, they are intended for men who are thinking about how to arrange a romantic evening for a girl.

Do you need a reason?

Imagine that you really want to surprise and please your chosen one or chosen one and even know how to do it, but you cannot think of a reason. It often happens that way!

In fact, lovers do not have to wait for any date or reason - a romantic evening is already a holiday in itself!

Romantic friday

First, decide what you would like to arrange: a romantic evening or a late night dinner? Or maybe lunch or breakfast time is just what you need?

Traditionally, lovers choose dinner, because the evening atmosphere is conducive to relaxation, regularity and romance.

Think how good Friday or Saturday evenings are - there is no need to rush anywhere tomorrow and you can then sleep peacefully!

Suite, roof and grandma's attic

Where can you arrange a romantic evening and how to make it unforgettable?

  • You might think about having dinner in a nice restaurant.
    Only it is better to go there for exploration in advance in order to avoid embarrassment with the menu, the pricing policy of the institution and the musical accompaniment.
  • I also propose to consider the option of a date in the country, where nature itself will be your ally.
  • A hotel suite can also add a fresh twist to the evening.
    After all, everything is familiar at home: from furnishings to smells!
  • Extremists, perhaps, will gladly meet on the roof of a city high-rise building or in the attic of a grandmother's village house.
  • And nature lovers will remember the forest glade with a self-assembled tablecloth for a long time.

But if you are an adherent of the traditional romantic evening for two at home, then there are options for romantic privacy:

  • Living room
  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom
  • Bath

The main thing here is that the place of a romantic meeting is cozy and conducive to love and tenderness.

When looking for a date, you need to think over the setting, lighting, musical accompaniment and, in fact, the dinner itself, down to the smallest details.

What helps create a romantic mood?

Light, color and flowers

Let the lighting be calm and slightly dim. After all, the soft twilight always creates the right mood.

Only don't say candles are trite! A lot of candles - this is, for sure, bad taste.

But there is one more way to play with light and shadows - choose red and blue bulbs. I'm sure it will turn out well!

Choose dishes and tablecloths in a calm monochromatic color.

Avoid bright, flashy colors even if you really like them. You will find a worthy use and reason for them later.

Of course, every young man or man in love will think about flowers.

Only do not give a huge bouquet this evening - it will be out of harmony with the tenderness of the environment... Better to choose a small but original composition.

Such flowers will surely delight and be remembered!

You can include a fresh bouquet in the decoration of the table.


Music is almost the main element of a romantic date.

Light, quiet compositions will not distract from a pleasant conversation, but will create the right atmosphere for the evening.

I advise you to prepare two different playlists:

  • Some melodies will accompany your couple during the meal. And such music should be exclusively background music.
  • Others will bring the couple closer together in a dance. Here you can rely on your taste.

But when choosing, be sure to take into account the tastes and preferences of a loved one. Imagine how excited a girl would react when she heard the familiar melodies!

If you didn't have enough time to prepare your personal playlist, take advantage of the possibilities of the Internet: it is not difficult to find a station that broadcasts romantic music online.

Romantic table


Think carefully about your table decor.

If a romantic party is themed, then the tablecloth and dishes should also be appropriate for the moment.

But do not forget the rule: during the meal nothing on the table should prevent you from seeing each other and communicate freely.

Treat or feed?

My next advice applies, rather, to the beautiful half. Many people love and know how to cook deliciously. And this is good!

But when preparing for a romantic dinner, try to keep the golden mean: calculate your strengths and capabilities so that you don't look tired and exhausted by the evening.

Now let's go directly to the dishes.

Remember that food for a romantic meeting should be:

  • easy,
  • lean,
  • and contain less flour.

Because after an overly nourishing meal, you no longer want intimate conversations, much less dancing. You will most likely be drawn to the couch to the TV and just sleep.

Our task is different - only to treat, and not to feed a guest or a guest to the end. Well, if you are arranging an evening for your wife or husband to refresh your relationship, then it would be all the more unreasonable to reduce everything to a banal meal.

Menu ideas for a romantic evening

  • Prepare simple but original salads with squid, shrimp, meat, herbs.
    Let them be in edible tartlets - convenient, beautiful and tasty.
  • Meat and more meat!
    A man is a man to enjoy stuffed chicken or fried pork like a child. But, do not forget that we only have a light evening snack.

So let there be meat! Only in the form of julienne, gravies or thin slices for sandwiches with herbs.

Although you can get out of the situation in another way: I suggest baking a good piece of pork or beef in the oven, and then do whatever you want with it: pieces, rolls with the same convenient skewers, etc.

The most comfortable food for a romantic table - canapes on skewers or mini-sandwiches... Decorate them in the form of hearts or boats - here's the romance for you.

There are a great variety of canapes: with meat, cheese, herbs, vegetables, fruits, etc.

For a light romantic menu, buffet meals are suitable. We are offering to you .

  • Sweet table for sweet relationships - fruits, chocolate, sweets and champagne.
  • A light dessert - jelly with fruit and strawberries with whipped cream - ideal for a romantic evening.
  • If you plan for the meeting to last as long as possible, then aphrodisiacs will help with this: coconut, dates, avocado, vanilla, bananas, strawberries, shrimps, etc.


Choose light drinks: champagne, delicate liqueur or weak wine, low alcohol cocktails.

Strong drinks are also strong, which can spoil the charm of a romantic meeting.

Be sure to check your partner's food and drink preferences in advance.

Some additional tips for a man who decided to have a romantic evening:

  • If you don't know how to cook, order light snacks at the restaurant.
  • A bouquet is perhaps the most obligatory attribute of the evening.
  • Do you want to surprise? Flower petals on the table and in the room will touch a woman's soul.

But you don't have to buy armfuls of roses or tulips for this. Many flower shops sell petals from withering roses. It is worth it quite inexpensively, and the effect will be sure!

And once again about flowers.

What is the best way to invite a girl out on a romantic date? You can just call ...

But I advise you to do this: buy a small but very original bouquet or a basket bouquet, and then send flowers with a messenger to your beloved.

Don't forget to attach an invitation note!

I heard that some young people, inviting them to a romantic evening, meet their chosen one at the entrance, then they blindfold and only in the apartment surprise them with an unusual entourage.

Option? I think yes. Only not everyone is able to appreciate such extreme!

So experiment very carefully.

If the couple is already several years old

Even if you've been together long enough, romantic evenings shouldn't be a thing of the past.

After all, it is they who will give here a spark of love and romance, which absolutely everyone needs.

You can remember some memorable day of your relationship and organize a small themed holiday for yourself: the day of acquaintance, the day of the first kiss ...

Mutual joy is at the forefront!

Each couple will choose for themselves the most appropriate version of the idea of ​​a romantic evening.

During the day, a light dinner and watching a fascinating movie will be enough, others will enjoy a bath for two with relaxing music.

There will be those who will come up with something new: remember about grandma's attic and roof?

It doesn't matter where and what you come up with for a romantic evening. The main thing is that the evening turns out to be festive, and you have the most pleasant sensations from it.

And here's an hour of romantic music for your entire dinner.

Of course, in order to organize a romantic evening, you don't have to wait for a special occasion. It is enough for your desire to arrange an unforgettable surprise for your soul mate. To do this, do the following:

  • Decide in advance on the date and time. Make sure that there are no important sporting events on the day you have chosen or that your beloved has not signed up for a massage / manicure / haircut.
  • Better if it is Friday, then the next day you will not need to get up early and run on business.
  • Also, it will not be superfluous to ask your grandparents if they can pick up the children for a day so that a romantic evening for two is just for you two.
  • If grandparents have their own plans or live in a different city, choose to have your little one supervised so you can completely relax.

Romantic room decoration

If you can't find compositions for a romantic evening on your own, look for such collections on the Internet, there will surely be what you need.

Romantic dinner

A romantic evening is impossible to imagine without. If you are in no doubt about your culinary skills, prepare your own dinner dishes. Just remember, for a romantic evening, a couple of salads, one hot dish, etc. Choose lighter drinks for a romantic evening: champagne, light wine or low alcohol cocktails.

If tea is the limit of your skill in the kitchen, order food at a restaurant, but before serving, be sure to arrange the food into dishes and plates. Do not serve everything in plastic bowls? Look for more on the link.

Romantic dinner options:

  • fondue. First, it's delicious. And in combination with a glass of good wine, it is also festive.
  • food with seafood. Shrimps and oysters are still those aphrodisiacs!
  • ... They will go for dessert and as a light salad for the main course.
  • order chinese food or heart shaped pizza.
  • arrange delivery of delicious sushi rolls.

End of a romantic evening

You don't have to rush to bed to end a romantic evening on a pleasant note. Of course, such a scenario is not excluded, because an intimate atmosphere and tender confessions can kindle attraction to each other to such an extent that it will be unbearable to wait for dessert. But if romance suits your soul mate's taste, take a moment.

  • Dance together, for example, under.
  • Look, snuggled up in each other's arms.
  • Take a bubble bath together.
  • Get an aroma massage.
  • Talk about your deepest desires and fantasies.

And only then you can smoothly translate a romantic evening into a passionate night.

Well, if all the details of a romantic evening are thought out to the smallest detail, send your soul mate an invitation in the form of a postcard. After all, the anticipation of the event is no less important than the event itself. And start preparing for this evening of love.