Scenarios of holidays for children. Children's birthday scripts. Scenario of the child's birthday "Childhood Holiday". The script for the first birthday of the child. Celebrating the birthday of the child at home (children's scenarios) Scenario of the holiday in honor of the birth of the baby

Mom: Dear guests! Today we have gathered you all here to celebrate the first birthday of our daughter ___________. And so that you do not have to be bored, meet the host of our celebration ________ (name)!

The presenter can also be mom, dad or one of the relatives (with whom we agreed in advance).

The presenter enters

Presenter: Hello! My name is ____________ ! Our celebration today is dedicated to the first birthday of ________. Therefore, let it be like a fairy tale. Let's forget about all the daily affairs and worries and surround ourselves with a festive atmosphere!

Music sounds. To the music, the presenter puts caps on all guests.

Leading: Whose birthday is it today?

Everything: the name of the child - 2 times!

Whose, tell us, the jam cake?

the name of the child - 2 times!

Whom do we congratulate?

the name of the child - 2 times!

Who are we hugging?

the name of the child - 2 times!

And whom do we love very much?

the name of the child - 2 times!

Kiss and hug

the name of the child - 2 times!

Happy birthday baby name !!!


Everyone sat down at the table

Leading (reads a verse):
Children are happiness, children are joy
Children are a fresh breeze in life.
They cannot be earned, this is not a reward
God gives them by grace.
Children, oddly enough, is a test.
Children, like trees, do not grow by themselves.
They need affection, sincerity, understanding.
Children are our time, children are our work.
Children are not one sleepless night
Babies are diapers, colic and pimples.
Children are parenting disputes,
Mother's prayers, father's posts.
Children are dad often outside the house,
Children are mother at home all day.
Children are often a narrow circle of acquaintances,
Own plans fade into the shadows.
Children are like life has begun again:
First smiles, first steps
First successes, first failures.
Children are experience, children are us!
This little girl, date and time of birth, is 1 year old. Dear guests! Let's fill our glasses and drink to the birthday girl's health! HURRAH!

Leading: During this evening, each of you, dear guests, will be given the floor. And now I suggest you, no matter how strange it may seem, to collect a present for our birthday girl for her 18th birthday. Throughout the evening, we will put the most memorable things for mom and dad about the name of the child in this box. And, of course, the name of the child, preserved from the maternity hospital, will be the very first to add to our box the tags from the pens. This is a spine from the birth certificate, it contains the date and time of the baby's birth. And this is the first clothes of a newborn baby's name. Here is the first rattle.

Leading: Dear guests, let's fill our glasses.
How nice it is to have a generation in the family.
"Grandmothers" is a proud title!
The granddaughter is the most important event for them, with her joy and fun always enter the house. And the grandmother maintains peace, tenderness and understanding at home.
The floor is given to the grandmothers!

Leading: Now let's check how well you know the birthday girl. Here is a daisy with questions on its petals. Take turns tearing off and answering!

What weight was (baby's name) born?
- How tall?
- What color is her eyes?
- What is the name of the pediatrician?
- Favorite food?
- When did the first tooth erupt?
- When did the child crawl?
- When did you go?
- How many teeth does (child's name) now have?
- Favorite bathing toy?
- How tall is it now?
- What is the weight per year?
- What is your zodiac sign?
- What year of birth?
- What time was she born?
- What day of the week was you born?
- What variants of the name were considered?
- How many balls are in the room?
- In which city was (child's name) born?
- Name the profession of the Pope.
- What is the name and patronymic of the mother (name of the child).
- What is the apartment number (child's name).
- What is the name and patronymic of the grandmothers?
- What is the name and patronymic of the grandfathers?
- What is the name of the godfather?
- Favorite toy?
- What date was baptized?
- The number of the maternity hospital in which (name of the child) appeared?
- What music did (child's name) listen to while in mom's tummy?
- What (whom) does the child's name already know how to show?

This competition was great! Chamomile went around the table twice! Some of the guests, of course, did not know the answer to the question, but helped each other amicably.

My grandfather and I love to play and be naughty,
And a typewriter is not averse to a ride!
Our grandfather pampers and pampers the girl,
So she grows a little capricious ...
The floor is given to the grandfathers!

Leading: Agree how young and beautiful our grandparents are! Let's see what they are capable of ?! I will ask you, dear guests, to support our grandparents.
Grandparents perform together to the music “Let them run awkwardly ...” Naturally, the guests help them.

Leading: And now, dear guests, I propose to conduct you a fortune-telling ceremony and determine what awaits our birthday girl in the future.

Objects are laid out on the table in front of the child. The subject that the child chooses and determines his fate.

Garlic - health
Chocolate is a sweet life
Keys - Wealth
Tangle - long life
Money is wealth
Pen - a life devoted to science
Ring - big love

The very people who held (child's name) to the cross,
Contribute to its development and growth.
Godfather __________ (name) and godmother ________ (name),
According to the ancient custom, we entrust you with the honorable duty to cut the first curl of the goddaughter!
The godparents cut the first curl. We put the hairs in an envelope and put them in a commemorative box. In the same box we put the shirt in which the child was baptized.
Presenter: Now let's fill the glasses and accept congratulations from the godparents.
Presenter: Aunt _____ is like a fairy
Both beautiful and smart, she will never leave (child's name) without attention!
Let's fill the glasses and accept congratulations from ____________ (aunt's name).
And this is Uncle________
For our family, he became a real friend!
We fill the glasses, the floor is given to _________.
Presenter: Now I invite you to laugh a little. This game is called "Telegram". Each of those present will name any adjective, I will insert it into the text of the congratulatory telegram and read out what happened.
_______________ child's name!
Congratulations on your first ____________ birthday!
During this year, with __________________ and _________________ baby, you turned into ___________________ and ______________ a girl! We wish you to remain the very ___________________________ daughter for your _________________ mom and your _____________________ dad. Let them continue to ____________________ love you and _____________________ bring you up. And your __________________ godmother (______) and your _____________________ godfather (_________) may love you like your own daughter. Let your birthday be the most _________________ holiday of the year for you. Grow up, child's name, ___________ and ____________________! __________________ Kiss and hugs.
Your ____________________ guests.
Presenter: And now I propose to warm up our men a little and take part in a competition called "Weight".
Each of the men in turn picks up the birthday girl and tries to guess her real weight. The one who is closest to the correct answer receives a gift.

From endless fields to deep sea
You will not find someone like her.
This is mom's grandmother_________
She came to congratulate (child's name).

Leading: Everyone knows that thanks to her maternal instinct, a mother is able to recognize her baby from thousands of similar babies. And now it's time to check how the instinct is developed in other guests.
Contest "Maternal Instinct".
Guests are offered a selection of photographs, which are mixed with photographs of the birthday girl and other children. Guests must select those photographs in which the birthday girl is depicted.

Although mom's girlfriend, and rarely comes,
We hope to fix it,
It just probably happens to her,
We will listen to her wishes.
We are waiting for a rhyme from you.

Well, we have come to the most important part,
There are wishes from dad and mom
For this little girl
For a daughter, the name of the child
Congratulations from mom and dad

Leading: Dear guests! Now, while preparations are underway for the sweet table, I want you to take the next proposal seriously. Each of you will be given a piece of paper, a pen, and an envelope. I suggest you write something for the birthday girl. It may be a wish, it may be the way you see her in 18 years, or something else. Envelopes must be sealed, signed "from whom", the date of filling. We will put these letters in our box and give the birthday girl only on her 18th birthday. I, on behalf of my parents, promise that not a single envelope will be opened prematurely.


Dear guests, please go to the table.
Music sounds. Dad brings the birthday girl and the cake in his arms.

Here comes the birthday cake!
This little girl is one year old today!
Happy Birthday, the name of the child, may you always be lucky!
Grow up healthy, diligent, obedient, intelligent and gentle.
And may every new day open the door to a fairy tale for you!
Let's blow out the candle on the cake!


Well, our celebration is coming to an end. How many wonderful wishes have sounded here today from you for our birthday girl. May each of them come true. I thank everyone for their active participation in the competitions.
Now I invite everyone to get dressed and go outside to launch fireworks into the sky!

All important life events in Russian culture are associated with numerous rules and beliefs. The same was true for the birth of a baby.

Today, most of the previously adopted traditions are no longer observed, and each family usually celebrates the birth of a baby as it is convenient for it.

A little about traditions

After giving birth, in the first 40 days, a young mother with a newborn tried to appear in public as little as possible. It was believed that these days are unsafe for her and crumbs, and therefore you need to take care of yourself as much as possible. After this time, the child could already be shown to others. It is noteworthy that many families observe this tradition even today, and therefore the celebration of birth is postponed for a period after the first month of life.

To celebrate the birth of the baby, they baked pies. They were sent to relatives, close people and friends. Moreover, if we were talking about a high-ranking family, carefully monitoring the circle of communication, then the size of the pie directly depended on the nobility of the person to whom it was intended.

Those invited to the celebration gave gifts to the newborn, and during the feast they sang a prayer for many years. At the end of the holiday, in prosperous families of aristocrats, on behalf of the baby, the parents gave the guests small reciprocal gifts, thereby thanks to them for their congratulations, attention, and good wishes.

How am I celebrating birth now?

At the moment, each family is free to decide for themselves how to celebrate the birth of a child. Depending on the financial well-being of the family, the state of health of the mother and child, you can arrange both a magnificent celebration and small gatherings with the closest relatives. Someone considers it obligatory to set the table for guests literally a week after discharge from the hospital, and someone, as we have already noted, does it much later.

In the first days of the baby's stay at home, you can invite parents, brothers and sisters, future godparents. The most dear people will be able to get to know the baby, and in something, perhaps, help the young mother. You can organize a feast for more distant relatives and friends at the end of the first or at the beginning of the second month after birth. You can also select the nearest name day. In the old days, Angel's Day was considered much more important than Birthday, since it was related not to the physical, but to the spiritual birth of a person.

You can make cute invitations in pink or blue. It would be logical to arrange the table itself and the decoration of the house in the appropriate children's theme. As return gifts, you can make small souvenirs (for example, postcards, calendars, magnets) or bake and arrange sweets in beautiful boxes.

When preparing dishes for the festive table, you need to take into account the needs of the mother, because many products are not recommended for her now, since they can negatively affect the baby she feeds.

You can find more ideas on how to celebrate this holiday in the articles in the section.

The appearance of a newborn is one of the main events in life, no less important and joyful than, for example, a wedding! Therefore, the celebration of this event should be as bright as possible. Since ancient times, the official introduction of a new family member to relatives and friends was called the bride's bride. The bridegroom of a newborn, as a rule, was magnificent, cheerful and accompanied by various traditions.

How to organize a show of a newborn?

When to organize a bridegroom?

Our ancestors carefully protected the baby from prying eyes for 40 days after his birth - it was believed that it was during this time that there was a high probability of targeting the evil eye or damage to the newborn.

And although now superstitions do not have such a big influence on the minds of people, for reasons of elementary hygiene and safety of the baby, a bride's bride should not be arranged until at least a month has passed after his birth. The fact is that crowds of people do not affect young children in the best way emotionally, and the risk of contracting adult "sores" in a newly born child is very high.

In this regard, it is advisable to appoint a bride for a newborn, if not on the 40th birthday, then at least not earlier than a month after his birth.

Whom to call to the bridegroom of the newborn?

Of course, there will be many who want to see the baby. But this does not mean at all that you are obliged to invite all relatives, friends, colleagues and neighbors to your house. Remember that all the worries about what to feed the guests, where to place them and how to cheer them up will fall on your shoulders. How do you think you will feel at the end of the newborn examination? And, as you know, the main reason for a child's evening tantrums is a tired mother. And the baby is unlikely to be pleased with the noise in the house, the voices and exclamations of people who are absolutely unfamiliar to him, brazenly encroaching on his personal space!

So that the bride's bridegroom does not greatly exhaust you or the child, invite only the closest people to the celebration - about 15-20 people, no more.

Before you start sending out invitations or calling potential guests, be sure to make a list of everyone you would like to invite. It is better if these are the grandparents of the newborn, aunts and uncles, as well as other closest relatives. Agree, if you put your colleagues at work, your school friends and older people at the same table, the guests are unlikely to feel relaxed. In the end, when the baby grows up a little, no one forbids you to take your friends, colleagues and other close people to the house "in portions". But it is the bridegroom of the newborn that still provides for a rather narrow circle of guests.

Where to organize a show of a newborn?

The bride's bridegroom can be held in different places - it all depends on the creativity and material wealth of the parents. If you have a good amount of money and you have more than enough imagination - you can rent a small banquet hall so that there are no prying eyes, and bring a cradle with a baby there. In this case, you save yourself the trouble of cooking and decorating your apartment.

If you want to have a bride in the fresh air and comfortably, you can choose a summer cottage as a place for the celebration (of course, if you have one and if it does not represent a dilapidated house where it is scary to bring a child).

As a last resort, you can always invite guests to your home - however, in this case, you should attend to cleaning the house, decorating the rooms and, of course, preparing treats for the guests. And remember - the child should not be in the same room with the guests - place him in a separate room, away from noise and bacteria, which, one way or another, will bring on them. In addition, if the child is in a separate room, it will be much easier for you to leave in order to feed him or carry out any hygienic manipulations.

Carrying out the bride's bridegroom, take the baby out once to all those present so that they look at him. You should not allow guests to constantly go into the nursery and look into the baby's crib in order to avoid disturbing the microclimate needed by the newborn.

In exceptional cases - for example, if you have a one-room apartment - protect your baby from harmful bacteria by covering the crib, changing table and other baby things with a cloth. The kitchen, where the guests will gather for a feast in honor of the newborn baby, should be thoroughly ventilated, the trash should be taken out and also wet cleaned using disinfectants (preferably without chlorine).

When carrying out a show of a newborn in a one-room apartment, the main place of stay of guests should be the kitchen. You can also bring the baby here to show everyone present, and then take him back to the room.
As for home decoration, it is undesirable to use balloons for this purpose. The fact is that no one is safe from accidentally bursting at least one of them - and a loud noise can very much scare a baby. The best home decoration for a newborn viewing will be paper garlands, themed posters or satin ribbons.

How to prepare for the bride's bridegroom?

Schedule the bride's bride at a time convenient for everyone (first of all, convenient for you and the baby). Before the arrival of guests, the child must be fed, hygienic procedures, changed - for example, put on an elegant suit and a diaper under it. So that the bride's bridegroom does not end with a crumbs disease - drip a solution of mineral sea salts into his nose or anoint an antiseptic ointment under the nose, which the pediatrician will prescribe for you.

The bride's bridegroom may have a topic that should be thought out in advance. For example, a topic related to the gender of a newborn: for a boy - blue tones, for a girl - pink. You can choose a topic related to ecology: in connection with the birth of a child, parents now need to take particular care of the ecology and the world in which their grandchildren will live. You can decorate an apartment on an ecological theme by choosing green tones, cutting out leaves from paper and hanging paper butterflies or birds on garlands of leaves. If you are especially fond of a cartoon, you can show a newborn in the atmosphere of this cartoon. There are a lot of options - and it's up to you to choose.

Surely, guests invited to the bride's bridegroom will want to know what to present to a new member of your family. If you need something right now, but you don’t have the money or time to buy, it’s time to remember this and ask your loved ones as a gift. In addition, you can think over a list of things that will be useful to the baby in the future and will never be superfluous. This can be a stroller, toys, diapers, envelopes, children's furniture, etc. But if you do not trust the taste of those who are invited to the bride's bridegroom, and prefer to choose things for the child yourself, it is not forbidden to invite everyone to bring envelopes with money as a gift. This will make it easier for you and your guests.

Do not forget to have your camera or camcorder ready before you start seeing your newborn. You can also diversify the bride's bridegroom with a book for wishes, made in the style of scrapbooking. Do not hesitate, your grown-up child will be very interested in watching notes and photos in which he is still very small, as well as leafing through a book with wishes!

What to cook for a newborn's bride?

Of course, the bride's bridegroom envisages some kind of feast - whether it is a table bursting with food or just tea with sweets. A young mother, who has a month-old baby in her arms, has very little time - and the guests who come to you understand this. Therefore, you should not prepare a lot of dishes, and then greet guests, lying on your feet at the very beginning of the viewing of a newborn. If possible, order food at a restaurant or cook a couple of simple but tasty dishes. We assure you that the guests will be satisfied.

The bridegroom of a newborn is, after all, a children's holiday. Therefore, you can organize a sweet table for guests. Buy sweets from the store or order a themed cake for guests from the bakery. It will not take long, and those who come to the bride's bride will be very pleased!

The bride's bride can and should be held the way you want it: so that there is something to remember, and, at the same time, so that the holiday does not turn out to be noisy and does not exhaust you and the baby. If for some reason it was not possible to hold the bride's bridegroom, organize a holiday in honor of the appearance of the first tooth, the first step, etc. After all, the birth of a child is an event that simply cannot be ignored!

Guests gather at the table. Music sounds.

Gathering all our relatives again,
We invited you to "Kasha",
Indeed, in our family there is an increase
A month has already grown up.
We begin our holiday,
We notify the whole world
That there are no happier parents!

(referring to the parents of the newborn),

And your daughter is more beautiful!
May she be loved by everyone
And fate will give her happiness as a reward.
May only joy always deliver
And quickly grows big!

The applause of the guests is heard.

So that parental delight
Divide us all
I ask the guests to pour more glasses.

Guests are filling their glasses.

Treasure this moment
We declare with affection:
The crumb is more wonderful every day!
Let's drink it all together!

The guests are drinking. Musical break for 2-3 minutes.

Well friends, we carry on
We refill the glasses!

Guests are filling their glasses.

Let's drink everything without a joke
For the parents of the baby!

The guests are drinking.

By the beauty of a spring flower
Will bloom for you for sure
The long-awaited baby daughter
Even though she is Thumbelina for now.
So that guests can see your baby,
Let's open the petals a little.

The presenter, opening the petals of a living or artificial flower, pulls out a small girl from the middle of the baby doll.

She still has a miniature:
From the top of the head to the very feet.
Each of the toy items
I could serve her for a long time.

Dear guests! Try to find miniature items for our Thumbelina on the festive table, which are easy to recognize by the attached notes. Through their content, we learn the purpose of each item.

The guests, finding miniature objects on the table, read the text of the note and pass everything to the presenter.

Walnut shell
Needs a newborn for ...

Everything. Success!

Let the velvety pollen
Serve as a powder for ... (faces).
And these petals
Let them decorate ... (marigold).
In a dish where the water is clear
Let her reflect ... (the beauty).
From this little spark
Let it be light ... (soul).
On a holiday for Thumbelina
This sheet will be instead of ... (boats).

The presenter moves the baby doll from the flower to the “boat”, which he lowers into a dish of water decorated with floating candles.

Let it move straight through life
This little lady!
And we will not let her down.
We drink for this lady!

The guests are drinking. Musical pause.

Friends! It is likely that a few days ago, the newborn was only an inch tall. But today we would like to know its real dimensions. Perhaps this flower can help us.

The presenter shows the guests the flower from which the baby doll was taken. This flower should really fit the size of the newborn.

What part of the body of our baby do you think is the size of the core of the flower (or the bud of the flower)? (Head)
What is the stem equal to? (Body length.) What does the length of the leaves compare to? (With handles.)

Here is our Thumbelina
Not a button at all
And the likeness of a flower
Which has not bloomed yet.
To give him the strength of growth,
To the words of the heart
You need to sound.

I ask all those present to pay attention to the cards in the shape of a heart. Your task, dear guests, is to fill them with heartfelt wishes to our baby and read them out.

Music sounds. The guests fill out the postcards and read them in turn.

Toast: For the heartfelt wishes of our guests!

The guests are supporting a toast. Musical pause.

All flowers originate
From seeds or roots ...
So the time has come
Raise a toast to us as soon as possible!

Guests are filling their glasses.

For grandparents
And all our great-greats
Long ago to raise my glasses
It's time!

The guests are supporting a toast.

From early childhood, many people know
What flowers always surround them.
We will not hide for a long time today:
Call our girl Alina.
This name is like a picture
Will decorate the crumb
And then our Alinka
It will only flourish.
Many years will pass from now on
And someday later
About the famous Alina
They will talk around.
Perhaps Alina will grow up
And there will be a prima ballerina.
Or maybe he will become a doctor ...
Who would like to know about that!

Leading(addressing parents).

Therefore, in order not to guess,
You need to get the ticket.

Parents are offered cards with the names of various professions. For example: a flight attendant, a fashion model, a banker, the president's wife, etc. They pull out one of them with their eyes closed and read the profession.

The crumb will eat a lot of porridge,
So that all your dreams come true.
So don't sit for a long time
Cook delicious porridge.
Well, we will help you,
If we drink 100 grams.

Toast sounds.

I see dad is already glad
Take the grip right there in your hands,
Pick up a cast iron for them,
Daughter to make porridge for future use.
We approve of this business,
We'll test Daddy quickly.
Dexterity needs to be shown
Pick up the little pig.

The newborn dad is given a grip, a cast iron. He completes the task.

Mom, so that your contribution
Weighty to make,
Water for us for porridge
Should bring.

Mom is doing the job.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 11 minutes


The first "bride" of a newborn is not only an exciting event, but also a lot of questions. Moreover, both for the parents of the crumbs and for his first guests. The main thing in this matter is that the first visit does not become too burdensome for the mother and baby.

So what a young mother needs to remember, and How should guests prepare for their first meeting with a baby?

When to arrange a bridegroom and who to invite?

Each family has its own traditions that accompany the baby's bridegroom. In the old days, this event was celebrated magnificently, loudly and cheerfully, but in modern life, parents and guests still adhere to certain rules, taking into account the possible risks.

  • When? The main issue occupied by young mothers. The ancestors protected the baby from prying eyes, fearing the evil eye - 40 days after the appearance of a new family member, access to the baby was categorically closed. Modern parents, most of them, do not believe in omens, and the date of the show is appointed based on the state of health of the baby. Of course, it is not worth introducing the baby to relatives within 1 month - the child has not yet adapted to life outside the mother, and any infection brought from the outside can cripple his health. But after at least a month you can start preparing for the bride.
  • Who is the name? There are always a lot of people who want to - everyone can't wait to cuddle the baby, snap a frame for memory, tug on the cheeks and heels. But it is better not to introduce the baby to strangers - acquaintances, comrades, colleagues will wait. But close relatives, of course, can not be denied. Crumbs grandparents are ideal.
  • How many people? Take into account the emotional state of the baby - he is still too small for large companies to gather around him. A crowd of unfamiliar people, noise in the house - this will not be good for the child. 3-5 guests are enough.

  • Dinner or short visit?
    Of course, for the first acquaintance with a crumb, a short visit of guests is quite enough. But if there is a desire to "celebrate", you can arrange a gala dinner for relatives (or close friends). The main conditions: the baby should not be taken into the kitchen or the common room "for the company" - it is enough to introduce him to his grandparents and take away unnecessary noise and bacteria into the room. And it will be more convenient for you to periodically visit the baby for feeding and various procedures. It is not recommended to arrange a bride show in a cafe or restaurant - such a noisy and nervous action will not benefit the child, and the mother will have to disrupt his sleep and nutrition regime.
  • Security measures. Remember the risks - protect your baby from bacteria as much as possible. Cover the bed with a canopy, put all the things for personal hygiene in the closet, thoroughly ventilate the room before and after visiting. Don't forget about disinfection and wet cleaning. It also makes sense to anoint the crumbs under the nose with a special ointment so that the infection does not "stick" (ask your pediatrician). It is definitely not worth now letting relatives squeeze and kiss the baby: no matter how adorable his heels are, only dad and mom can kiss them now.
  • Do you need decorations? It all depends on how much time and effort mom has. You should not overuse jewelry: even "harmless" balloons can cause allergies (especially since their quality, as a rule, is not too high) or severe fright (if one of the guests accidentally bursts the balloon). But garlands, ribbons and decorated posters are very suitable and add mood. A special “book of wishes”, in which each guest can leave warm words to the baby and mother, will not hurt either.
  • At what time? Invite guests based on the sleeping pattern and feeding the crumbs. It will be embarrassing if the guests trample in the kitchen for an hour and a half, waiting for you to feed the child. The ideal time is after feeding. The baby can be taken out to the guests, shown, and then taken to the room and put to bed.
  • About gifts. and a newborn? If your wallet is hopelessly thin, you do not trust the taste of the guests or you need something specific for the baby "right now", then inform the guests in advance (of course, if you are asked what to give, it is incorrect to demand gifts).
  • What to cook for the table? The young mother simply does not have time to prepare for the grand feast. And it’s superfluous for now. Enough light snacks and 2-3 simple dishes, or even just tea with a cake. Guests are well aware that mom is too tired to cook for half a day, and then wash the dishes for the whole evening. And, of course, no alcohol!

Didn't you manage to hold the bride? Were the guests too busy or was mom too tired? Dont be upset! Arrange a bride show in honor of the 1st tooth. And the baby will already be older, and the reason is no less solid.

10 best gift ideas for a first visit to a newborn

They don't go to the bridegroom empty-handed. If a young mother was ashamed to hint which gift would be more desirable, she will have to choose it myself.

And we will help you.

Also useful: high-quality bottle horns, a night light in the nursery, a huge massage ball (fitball), a car seat, a high chair, clothes, bathing sets, etc.

From it can be noted:

  • Cosmetic products (creams, powders, etc.). Mom knows better what the baby needs, and from what there will be no allergies.
  • Various souvenirs (they are now simply useless).
  • Baby clothes (toys) of dubious quality from the "Chinese" market around the corner.
  • Mini cars , scooters and bicycles, huge plush "dust collectors" will also wait - not the time.
  • Flowers. Choose only those that will not cause allergies in your baby. Better yet, replace the bouquet with useful things.
  • Pacifiers. Not every mother will use them - many parents are categorically against the appearance of such a bad habit in a baby.
  • Baby food. The choice of food is a strictly individual matter. It is bought on the recommendation of a pediatrician, and not on the basis of the price and beauty of the packaging.
  • Stroller ... If you don't know for sure which model your mom wants, don't risk it.
  • Baby furniture. Again, you need to be sure that there is room for this furniture, that it is really needed, and that it will fit the overall design of the room.

And the main thing. Buy a gift with love for your baby, not just for show. Then its size and cost will not matter.

We go to visit a newborn - rules for guests and signs

Has the gift been bought and there are only a few days left before the show? So it's time to remember the rules for guests ...

Bride of a newborn - signs and superstitions

Today, few people remember omens, superstitious people are a rarity. From the old times, only a few "reached" us (and those - not as a guide to action):

  • It is allowed to show the baby only after the 40th day from the moment of birth. And only after baptism. Then, as the ancestors believed, the baby will be ready to meet the world - protected from the evil eye, disease and damage.
  • You cannot photograph a sleeping baby. The explanations for the ban are very vague.
  • It is forbidden to kiss a baby on the heels and cheeks. Otherwise, he will be late with the first steps and words.
  • The best gift for a baby - a spoon made of gold or silver (so that the baby becomes rich).

If a young mother constantly endures the bride or tries to restrict you in something (you can't with children, you can't for a long time, you can't with a runny nose, etc.), do not be offended ! Be understanding.

If you really can't wait to see the baby - arrange to cross over for a walk. You will have time to talk to your mother and to look at the baby.

What do you think of visiting a newborn for the first time? Your opinion is very important for us!