Secrets of the beauty of Queen Cleopatra. Recipes for the rejuvenation of Egyptian women. Cleopatra's charm secrets

Cleopatra often pampered her body with baths. For their preparation, she used exclusively fresh donkey milk, honey and almond oil. A modern woman can afford a bath according to this recipe. Of course, exotic milk is quite difficult to find, so it can be replaced with cow's milk. Add 1-1.5 liters of milk, ½ cup of natural honey and 2 tbsp to warm water. almond oil. To make the body of the queen shine with beauty, the slaves rubbed it with a special scrub made of salt and milk cream.

Cleopatra paid special attention to hair. She used raw chicken eggs to wash her hair. They intensively nourished them and retained a luxurious healthy look. Beat eggs until smooth and rub into hair and scalp. After 15-18 minutes, wash off the product with a stream of running water.

A honey face mask according to the recipe of the queen of Egypt can be easily made in. Mix cow's milk and bee honey in equal proportions. Apply a thin layer of the healing mixture on the face and hold for half an hour. Wash off with cool water afterwards.

The next secret of Cleopatra's charm and unsurpassed beauty is a unique clay mask. Take white cosmetic clay, sour cream, honey and lemon juice in equal proportions. Mix the components thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Keep the mask on for at least 20 minutes. This time is enough for the skin to become incredibly soft, supple and smooth.

After the mask, the queen applied a cream made from crushed aloe leaves, rose water and pork fat to her face. You can make this tool in modern ones. Melt the fat in a water bath and add the rest of the ingredients. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra was famous for her incredible beauty and eternal youth. Until now, archaeologists are trying to find the secrets of her charms, recorded in the form of recipes. One of these recipes concerns a relaxation procedure with a bath filled with milk and honey. Let's see how you can use this method of rejuvenation and rejuvenation at home.

Following the scientists, many women are trying to understand where is the truth and where is the lie in the myths about this mysterious woman. Cleopatra, as a symbol of female beauty, has been the idol of charmers for many centuries. And her image does not fade over the years.

Cleopatra lived in the 1st century BC. In those days, many synthetic products were not even heard of. So, maybe ancient culture discovered the secrets of inner beauty? Unlikely. Most likely, the most famous beauties used the advice of older women who managed to discover some recipes for preserving youth through trial and error.

One of the most popular myths about Cleopatra is the legend of her goat's milk baths with honey. By the way, this combination of ingredients is also used in the modern beauty industry. Lactic acids soften the skin, and honey restores it and makes it younger and stronger.

Honey is rich in vitamins and minerals, contains glucose and fructose. They are considered ideal nutrients for the skin. The bee product contains anti-inflammatory agents that heal wounds, scars, acne and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body.

Cleopatra's method seems unsuitable for modern conditions of existence. But if there are enthusiasts who want to use the magic recipe of the Queen of the Nile, then they need to do the following. In a large bowl, put 1/4 cup of honey, add the same amount of milk or milk powder, add 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil. After mixing the ingredients well, you need to place the resulting product in water. It takes 15-20 minutes to take such a bath so that all substances are absorbed into the skin. After the procedure, it is important to rinse the skin well. This recipe will give you soft, beautiful skin that will retain its brilliance for a while due to the fact that it has absorbed many useful substances.

However, if you do not have the desire to make a bath product yourself, explore the range of cosmetic stores. The modern beauty industry provides a choice of skin care products that already contain the magical combination of milk and honey.

Cleopatra, like every Eastern woman, knew many erotic tricks on how to conquer a man, but they were not the main magnet ...

The great temptress knew the trick: the goal is easier to achieve if she is “deceived”.

Now they say a lot that the Egyptian queen was not at all attractive and that she achieved her goals with the help of numerous cunning tricks.

Whatever she really is, her ability to entangle men with strong networks of love is undeniable.

The main techniques used by Cleopatra, as one of the main Egyptian relics, have survived to this day.

So, here are the 5 main secrets of Cleopatra, which can be useful to any modern woman.

1. Spectacular appearance.

Had Cleopatra lived in our day, she would no doubt have achieved no less heights than in ancient Egypt.

She was a true master of self-promotion, wielding those techniques that were “invented” only many centuries later.

For example, Cleopatra was well aware of how important the first impression is.

Weak, helpless, pursued by enemies, she unexpectedly appeared at the feet of Caesar, emerging from a bale with a colorful cloth.

On the one hand, it was a forced measure.

Cleopatra was really pursued, and she could only get to a potential defender in a cunning way.

On the other hand, Cleopatra skillfully turned the situation in her favor and managed to immediately “hook” the one whose location she needed.

2. Voluptuousness

Cleopatra knew a lot about love games.

In her arsenal there were many tricks that she did not hesitate to use.

Cleopatra was an inexhaustible source of pleasure for her lovers.

But these skills were used wisely.

She calculated at what moment she should completely surrender to passions, and at what moment she should be intrigued.

In addition, Cleopatra had a wonderful sense of humor and easily reincarnated from a skillful hot lover into a cheerful accomplice in all sorts of tricks.

3. The personification of the holiday

Cleopatra could not afford to be associated with her lover with something negative.

Therefore, seeing that her man was not in a good mood, she disappeared from sight.

Love caresses, rare wines, ideas for games and holidays acted as praise or consolation.

Thus, Cleopatra did not fall under the "hot hand" and was associated with joy, harmony and tranquility.

4. Willingness to take risks.

Courage is an essential feature of an attractive woman.

Cleopatra skillfully presented her courage "under different sauces."

For some, she was a brave ally.

For others, she is a proud impregnable queen, demanding an appropriate attitude towards herself.

This quality played a big role in the story of Antony.

Cleopatra resolutely rejected Antony's demand to appear at his court.

But later, as a skillful politician, she sent a return invitation and arranged such a spectacular meeting (see the first secret) that Antony could not help but fall in love with this determined woman who did not bow, but showed truly royal attention.

5. Love for the winners.

Cleopatra always aspired to be only close to the winners.

Indeed - what good was it from men who could not give her the necessary power and a worthy position?

Cleopatra always put her regal nature above all else.

Antony paid dearly for the loss. But Cleopatra was the strictest to herself. She also could not forgive her defeat.

And chose the only worthy way to leave the field of play.

Maybe she shouldn't have gone to such extremes, but a healthy calculation allowed her to be on top for a long time.

Cleopatra was the last of the pharaohs. The first of the ladies-politicians, diplomat, mathematician, polyglot. She had everything she wanted - love, power, wealth, prestige. Because she knew the trick: the goal is easier to achieve if it is “deceived”.

Concentrate internally on the desired result, and externally behave relaxed. Like, I'm not acting seriously, but playfully! This is the method of "paradoxical intention".

With the help of the game, Cleopatra achieved a lot.

1. Mind games

The throne went to Cleopatra at the age of 18. And she achieved it through a whole chain of complex moves, carefully thought out by her in advance.

If you want to achieve someone or something, you need to build possible events in your head all the time, calculate steps, come up with intrigues, pronounce dialogues.

Cleopatra's path to love, to the conception of the first son of Caesarion, is also the fruit of mental games.

2.Marriage games

In marriage, you need to be able not to be exposed to scandal and always have a sweet “carrot” ready to distract your loved one.

Cleopatra managed to marry Antony, although Antony was married to the beautiful and worthy Roman woman Octavia.

Antony, like any other man, often had mood swings: from beautiful to gloomy and dull. So, Cleopatra disappeared from his eyes at the moment when he was angry.

And then, at the right moment, she appeared with some kind of surprise that brought spiritual pleasure - delicious wine or the idea of ​​some grandiose holiday!

And Antony remained with Cleopatra until the end of his days!

3. Games with fate

Don't be afraid to tempt fate! The queen of Egypt considered it very useful: to take everything that the moment offers. Such tactics brought her incredible pleasure!

When Antony invited Cleopatra to the first meeting, which she so needed, she postponed it several times, risking that Antony would not want to see her at all.

And at that time she herself was preparing a grand surprise: at dusk, to the sounds of the most delicate music, a huge ship made of precious wood under scarlet sails sailed to Anthony, which exuded a fantastic fragrance.

When Antony came to his senses from the shock, a magnificent illumination was lit on the ship. And at that moment he realized which of the two was the main and great.

4. Games in inimitable

Cleopatra always invented events in her life herself and strove to be original in everything and not like anyone else.

Cleopatra lured Mark Antony to her in Alexandria at a time when the sea was closed to navigation - so he could not return to Rome.

Mark Antony spent twelve days with Cleopatra, and every day she invented for him the most exquisite pleasures. Fascinated, Antony gradually forgot his Octavia - such was Cleopatra's plan.

5. Games with death

The fear of death poisons our lives. In order not to be afraid of death, it is necessary to study it thoroughly and include it as an actor in the performance of life.

When it became clear that Antony and Cleopatra were doomed, but they still had time before the arrival of the cruel Octavian's army, the great queen founded the "Society of those striving for death together."

It consisted of 12 members and their purpose was to "tame death, cherish it like a pet, feed it with your thoughts every day."

Cleopatra held holidays in crypts, embalmed corpses, taking out the insides with her own hands. She studied the effects of poisons on the condemned.

Cleopatra thought out her own death to the details and chose the most exotic way - the bite of a viper, which was brought to her by a faithful servant. Octavian was never able to lead the proud queen in shame in chains through the streets of Alexandria.

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Secrets of Cleopatra's Charm

Probably one of the most interesting mysteries of Cleopatra is actually the “portrait” of the legendary queen. Legends and novels depict her as a dazzling beauty. But, according to contemporaries, she did not have any special beauty, however, more importantly, she was very smart, educated, refined, knew nine languages ​​and brilliantly mastered the art of seduction. “A delight to hear her voice,” they said of her. “Her speech is like a multi-stringed lyre, no matter what language she speaks.”

Does this mean that the "famous and legendary" Cleopatra VII (before her there were six more rulers of the XXXI dynasty in Ancient Egypt, who bore this throne name) was not a beauty at all? In any case, a similar impression can be formed if you look at the "reliable" computer reconstruction of her appearance and the "genuine" lifetime images of the last sovereign ruler of Egypt, presented to the public not so long ago. They have already started talking about a new, also “genuine”, secret of Cleopatra, which allegedly consisted in the fact that with such, frankly, not a brilliant appearance, she somehow managed to make an irresistible impression on men. But let's not jump to conclusions.

Regarding the appearance of the queen, the opinions of modern authors are divided. Some of them claim that Cleopatra was beautiful, like the Trojan Helen, and also "smart, like Aspasia," and "passionate, like Sappho." However, there are opinions that the queen was not just ugly, but very ugly (some even mention a long hooked nose).

The most curious thing about this is that there is no reliable description of Cleopatra's appearance. Ancient authors only mention that she had extraordinary charm and attractiveness, intelligence, and the talent of a true diplomat. Therefore, the source of information for modern authors is, apparently, fiction or some images of the queen preserved on reliefs, coins and statues, which amaze with their diversity and lack of similarity with each other.

The words about the "reliability" and "authenticity" of the new facts are not in quotation marks by chance. The fact is that in fact they are neither "authentic" nor "authentic". That is, from the point of view of antiquarian and archaeological value, the found statues, of course, are genuine and really depict Cleopatra and were not made by the worst sculptors of ancient Alexandria. But the thing is that they cannot be considered historically reliable, conveying the real appearance of the queen.

Europeans are accustomed to such a genre as "ceremonial portrait". On it, an important and wealthy customer always looks somewhat embellished - with a proud posture, without a belly, if any, with an excellent complexion, etc.

But in ancient Egypt, since the time of the heretic pharaoh Akhenaten, things were different. Then an unusual trend arose in Egyptian sculpture, which is sometimes called "hyperrealism". The strange ruler demanded from his sculptors not only to depict himself - the "living god" - and ordinary mortals in their true form, but, moreover, to emphasize in every possible way the features of the "original" appearance, even if these features were very unattractive. In his sculptural incarnation, a person of mediocre appearance seemed just a freak, and it’s scary to think how he looked ugly by nature. The pharaoh went to eternity, his very name was cursed and forgotten, but the sculptural style took root, albeit in a somewhat softened form. Therefore, the ceremonial statues of the ancient Egyptians after Akhenaten look worse than the "original source". A kind of "ceremonial portrait in reverse."

The situation with computer reconstruction is even clearer. The peculiarity of the "electronic portrait" is that, like the Egyptian "sunny style", it always sticks out the features of a human appearance, especially the features, from the point of view of a computer, are non-standard. This is the "innate defect" of all electronic anthropological reconstructions. And if we take into account that the computer based its conclusions on the mentioned figurines, it becomes clear why the “electronic portrait” of Cleopatra VII looks even more unsympathetic than her sculptural images. However, some things are right. The Egyptian queen was indeed a plump woman of very small stature. But this is from our point of view, for her time she was a person of average, and maybe a little above average height and normal build.

We must not forget about acceleration. The average height of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt did not exceed 154 cm. To this we can only add that thinness (in modern language - harmony) is also a consequence of acceleration, and our ancient ancestors were not only short, but also more massive. But still, even taking into account the strange traditions of Egyptian sculpture and acceleration, there was nothing out of the ordinary in Cleopatra's appearance. Where does the amazing impression that she made on the men of her time come from?

It should be noted here that the rumors about this amazing experience are quite possibly exaggerated. Whether Caesar and Antony loved Cleopatra, we do not know with absolute certainty and will never know. But we can say: no matter how these two prominent statesmen and commanders of Ancient Rome treated the Egyptian, they needed an alliance with her, including a dynastic (marriage) alliance to implement their own political and military plans. It is more difficult to say about Antony, but, as far as one can judge from his biographies, he also aspired to this union. For in the life of this man, power and glory played a dominant role ...

However, all of the above does not at all exclude the fact that Cleopatra was desirable as a woman for most men of her era. And now any representative of the weaker sex knows what can be done from the most banal appearance with the help of well-chosen clothes, cosmetics, hairstyles and perfumes. Especially if you add personal charm and temperament to this. And two thousand years ago, the industry of "female charms" was a little worse than the current one (if it was worse at all), although not as technologically advanced. In any case, the secrets of many ancient dyes and incense have not been revealed so far and, perhaps, will never be unraveled. Recipes were literally crystallized over thousands of years, by the "collective mind" of the priestly caste and craft corporations.

Here, for example, is one of those "secrets". A mixture in the form of a weak solution of mercury and antimony in vegetable oil is very harmful to health, but being rubbed into the skin gives it, firstly, a characteristic "mercury" sheen, and secondly (more importantly), creates an elusive, but the “microatmosphere” felt by the body, causing a man to have an irresistible attraction to the opposite sex. And this is only one of dozens of such “cocktails” that were widespread among the “high society” of antiquity and the Middle Ages (and it is strongly not recommended to try it, since ignorance of the exact proportions easily leads to death for an unfortunate seductress).

In any case, whether Cleopatra was an irresistible beauty or not, August 2, 30 BC. e. in her person, independent Egypt irretrievably perished, although its culture survived for almost six centuries. The ruins of Cleopatra's palace have long gone to the bottom of the sea with changes in relief. The queen's tomb has never been found. Together with the coastal part of Alexandria, she slowly sank to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, which Cleopatra loved so much. Somewhere there, under its emerald waves, she still rests, the legendary queen, the heiress of the great pharaohs of antiquity and simply the faithful daughter of the Egyptian land, who with all her heart fought for the future of the country on the banks of the Nile ...

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Death of Cleopatra The next day, Cleopatra was informed that she must prepare to leave for Rome. From that moment on, the personal doctor of Queen Olympus diligently suggested to her how, using her already poor health, to bring the end closer. Octavian did not interfere with Cleopatra's communication with the doctor,

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra went down in history as the most beautiful of the famous women, who conquered many influential politicians and rulers of her time, including Mark Antony and Julius Caesar.

Modern historians argue that the beauty of the queen did not shine at all: deep-set eyes, an aquiline nose-beak, a protruding chin and a stocky figure were far from the ideals of beauty of ancient Egypt.

There are no ugly women, there are women who do not appreciate what nature has given them.

Queen Cleopatra loved her body very much. Her hair was incredibly shiny, and her smooth and elastic skin exuded delicate scents that drove men crazy. Cleopatra achieved this effect thanks to milk and honey baths, various masks, rubbing balms into the skin and hair, fragrant cosmetics and other natural remedies of that time.

"Internal Wash".

According to legend, the queen performed an “internal washing” twice a month. To do this, she mixed in equal proportions lemon juice, water and olive oil. This mixture should be drunk on an empty stomach, in small sips. Then you need to do 15-20 exercises with the abdominal press - the stomach is drawn in to the spine, lingers for a few seconds in this position, and only then the muscles relax. This is nothing more than a cleansing of the liver and intestines. A very useful and common procedure to this day.

Cleopatra bath
Cleopatra's most important beauty recipe is, of course, the famous milk bath.

To make a Cleopatra milk bath, dissolve a small cup of honey in a liter of hot (but not boiled) milk and pour the mixture into the bath. The temperature of the bath should be like body temperature, that is, 36-37 degrees, take a bath for 10-15 minutes. Modern followers of Cleopatra's beauty sometimes suggest replacing fresh milk with powdered milk, at the rate of 1-2 kg. to the bath. The effect is also good, the skin is very delicate.

But that's not all. The effect of Cleopatra's bath was enhanced by the scrub - 300 gr. ground sea salt was mixed with half a cup of heavy cream and rubbed on the body of the queen. Rubbed before the bath or after - opinions differ, I think that it is better to use a scrub before the bath, it will cleanse the skin, and milk with honey will bring the skin a greater effect for the beauty of the skin.

But after the bath, I advise a recipe that is not Cleopatra's beauty recipe, but we will find it on one of the forums and I really liked it. So, taking a milk-honey bath, put an old nylon stocking or thick gauze with a few handfuls of oatmeal in it, and at the end rub yourself with this composition, wait five minutes and rinse off in the shower. Cleopatra, I think, would love this beauty recipe, it cleanses the skin, nourishes it, makes it smooth and silky.

I would like to add that if, of course, we cannot afford a whole bath of milk, then a hand bath is always enough, one liter is enough, but the skin of our hands will be excellent. A teaspoon of honey is enough.

Mix 40 ml of aloe juice with 40 ml of distilled water, 20 ml of rose water or rose petal infusion and 1 teaspoon of honey. Put the mixture in a water bath and gradually add 100 g of melted pork fat. Transfer the finished cream into jars, seal tightly and store in the refrigerator. Apply a thin layer once a day.

Cleopatra's hair.
The yolks of fresh eggs foam perfectly, forming a natural nourishing shampoo. It was with them that Cleopatra washed her hair. And she washed the yolks from her hair not with ordinary water, but with a decoction of nettles, hop cones and burdock roots.

Cleopatra masks.

Cleopatra is credited with several masks, for example, from the same honey and milk. Combine warm milk and honey in equal doses, apply the composition on your face for half an hour and then rinse with warm water. The mask is good because it suits almost any type of skin. In addition to this Cleopatra beauty recipe, there is often talk of a clay mask that cleanses and whitens the skin. Its composition is clay, honey, sour cream and lemon juice in equal parts. Apply it for 20 minutes, rinse first with warm, then cold water.

Classic clay mask(water + clay) is relevant at all times. Its main task is to cleanse the skin not only from external impurities and dead cells, but also from toxins. Clay contains all the minerals and trace elements necessary for the skin, thanks to which the masks from it act immediately “on all fronts” - they nourish, moisturize, tone, and tighten. In addition, there are no bacteria in it, so it has won the well-deserved fame of an antiseptic.

The clay comes in a variety of colors, and each one aims to solve a different skin problem. But in any case, the classic mask requires strict proportions: pour 2-3 tablespoons of clay with 3-4 tablespoons of non-carbonated mineral water and leave for 30 minutes. Until the water is completely absorbed, the mass should not be mixed, otherwise lumps will form. The finished mask should have the consistency of a thick paste. You need to pamper your skin with clay masks no more than once a week.

White clay.

Business card: archaeologists believe that it was the masks from it that helped Cleopatra keep her skin in perfect condition. The basis of white clay is the mineral kaolinite - it contributes to the production of lecithin, which is responsible for elasticity, regeneration and cleansing of tissues.
Fits: for skin "aged", dry and fading.

Variations on a theme

1. Mask of Cleopatra
Mix clay, sour cream, lemon juice and honey in equal proportions (one teaspoon each). Put the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse first with warm, then cold water. Such a mask not only makes the skin soft and supple, but also cleanses and whitens it.

2. Mask-tonic
In 1 tablespoon of clay, add 1 teaspoon of sour milk (kefir) and tomato juice. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water. Perfectly tones and smoothes small wrinkles.

BODY BATHS with white or blue clay perfectly care for the skin, relieve fatigue. Dissolve 400-500 grams of clay in a bath of water and soak in it for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse under the shower without cosmetics. And baths for hands and feet strengthen nails and soften keratinized skin.

Blue clay

Business card: silver owes its color, as well as wonderful anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. And it perfectly nourishes the skin with minerals and trace elements, tightens pores, softens and tones.
Fits: for normal and combination skin.

Variations on a theme

1. Mask "anti-aging"
Boil one potato in their skins, peel and mash, mix with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and add 2 tablespoons of clay. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes, then wash with warm water. The mask gives the skin elasticity and freshness.

2. Mask "2 in 1"

Beat half a teaspoon of salt with one egg white and add 10 grams of clay. Apply the mass on the face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and immediately apply a nourishing mask of 1 tomato pulp and 1 tablespoon of clay for 20 minutes. Wash it off with milk. After such a procedure, the skin will become snow-white and elastic.

ANTI-CELLULITE WRAPPINGS accelerate the removal of toxins and activate blood circulation. Blue or black (gray), rich in carbonaceous substances, clay does an excellent job with this task. Dilute it with water, apply to problem areas, wrap with polyethylene and a warm cloth. Wash off after 20-30 minutes. It is ideal to combine wraps with a sauna or bath. After 5-6 sessions, the skin will look much better.

green clay

Business card: the first violin in the "green scale" is played by iron oxide. By the way, the darker the shade of clay, the more effectively it copes with skin problems. Green clay deeply cleanses pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands, disinfects and dries the skin. Only rosacea is a contraindication to this kind of "cosmetics".
Fits: for oily and problematic skin.

Variations on a theme

1. Lifting mask
Boil half a glass of cream and, without cooling, pour cabbage leaves over them. When it becomes soft, make a gruel out of it, add the protein of 1 egg, half a teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of green clay. Mix everything properly and apply on the face for 10-15 minutes, then wash with warm water. The skin will look clean, fresh and toned.

2. Moisturizing mask
Grind 7-10 dry rose petals in a coffee grinder (if the leaves are not very dry, finely chop), mix with 2 tablespoons of clay, add 4-5 drops of ylang-ylang oil and 2-3 tablespoons of mineral sparkling water. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask will make the skin soft and velvety.

HAIR MASKS. It is believed that Cleopatra owed her chic thick hair to blue and green clay. The products of these shades strengthen the hair, give it shine and silkiness, and green clay also fights dandruff. Dilute a handful of clay with cold water (if desired, it can be replaced with a decoction of nettle or chamomile). For hair shine, you can supply the mask with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and egg yolk. Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp, then along the entire length of the hair. Put on a plastic cap on top. After 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water and a little shampoo. After the mask, be sure to apply a balm to your hair.

red clay

Business card: its "trick" is that it improves blood circulation, relieves redness of the skin, increases the elasticity of the vessels and capillaries adjacent to it. Clay owes its color to a combination of red iron oxide and copper oxide. The first element gives vitality to tissues, the second contributes to their elasticity.
Fits: for sensitive, irritated and reddened skin.

Variations on a theme

1. Mask soothing
Mix 2 tablespoons of red clay with the same amount of cream (or milk) and 2 teaspoons of aloe juice. Apply the resulting mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Your skin will become healthy and blooming. It is advisable to do this mask at night: it has a calming effect.

2. Lifting mask
Mix 2 teaspoons of sour cream with 0.5 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil (can be replaced with olive or pumpkin oil) and 2-3 drops of orange essential oil, add 1 tablespoon of pink clay. Mix everything, apply the resulting mass on the face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask perfectly tightens and softens the skin.

RED CLAY BATH strengthens the circulatory system. It is enough to dilute 450 g in the bath and lie down in it for 20-25 minutes.

yellow clay

Business card: rich in potassium and iron, thanks to which it removes toxins better than others and saturates the skin with oxygen.
Fits: for dull, wrinkled skin.

Variations on a theme

1. Mask-tonic
Mix 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and the same amount of lemon juice with 0.5 teaspoon of 9% vinegar and carefully pour 2 tablespoons of yellow clay. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 10 minutes, then wash with warm water. The result should please you: honey nourishes and tones, lemon refreshes, and vinegar improves blood circulation.

2. Softening mask
Finely chop or mash 5-7 mint leaves, add 2 tablespoons of milk and egg yolk, slowly add 1.5 tablespoons of clay, mix everything. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. In addition to softening, the mask nourishes, moisturizes and tightens the contours of the face.

Aromas of Cleopatra.
Why do you think Cleopatra chose milk and honey as the basis of her beauty recipes? The smell is another component of her feminine attractiveness. The smell of honey in deep esoteric beliefs is personified with the smell of nature, it is “sweet” from nature, and a child, youth, youth smells of milk. Therefore, milk and honey, if you look at the philosophy of faith, mean a combination of natural sweetness and youth, literally "a young tasty woman." It is no coincidence that both Caesar and Mark Antony could not resist such charms of such a deeply subconscious natural beauty of Cleopatra.

In addition to these smells, Cleopatra loved incense and myrrh - mysterious and attractive, they simultaneously calmed her strong, but often unrestrained and quick to punish men. Perhaps it was next to such beauty of Cleopatra that the powerful men of this world felt good and rested in comfort and bliss. Isn't it worth learning?

Cleopatra's Makeup: Egyptian Eye Beauty

Now it is difficult to say whether Cleopatra was a beauty. But the fact that she possessed charm and magnetism is beyond doubt. And we can also say with confidence that the beauty of Cleopatra is the result of her daily work, in which makeup occupied an important place.

Everyone knows her magnificent almond-shaped, expressive, amazingly beautiful eyes. As an eyeliner, Cleopatra used galena (lead sulfide), which had truly magical properties: it disinfected, drove away midges and protected from sun exposure.

The rules of Egyptian makeup also include the obligatory powdering of the face and the application of juicy lipstick on the lips.

Conquering men, attracting their eyes and catching the envious glances of women - isn't this the dream of any representative of the weaker sex?
Use the tips and be beautiful like Cleopatra! See you soon my lady butterflies!

Be the woman you're afraid to lose

A lot is known about the secrets of Cleopatra, but few people know her most important secret. Who is Cleopatra and what secrets did she possess and how can her secrets of attractiveness, beauty and sexuality be useful to us? When the power of the queen of Egypt is revealed in a woman, wherever she appears, she is immediately visible. Because it always carries a state of dignity, confidence and strength. You always want to be with such a woman. And how the secrets of Cleopatra will help us get a nice bonus - this is the state when we can be the most desirable for our beloved. This is an amazing state of inner strength that fills you from the inside, and in this state, not a single failure, illness, or anything can happen in your life, because you radiate success, you radiate the state of the queen herself. But this is just a small part of what happens in our lives when we gain the power of Cleopatra. Today we will take the first step and get in touch with this energy, and we will also learn what factors influence our insecurity.
There are 3 steps that help us find happiness. For many people, this is a motivation for life, and at the same time for those people who strive for excellence, these steps are an integral part of life. This is health, beauty and youth; be desirable, sexy and attractive; power, confidence and success.

Perfect health is essential for a woman's happiness. Also, a happy woman should be next to the man who idolizes her. This woman has everything. She can bring whatever she wants into life. Surely, in your life it was the same when you wanted something very strongly and it could happen to you. But this does not always happen. Too many factors go into even that.

When you have a goal, when you have specific techniques to help you achieve that goal, then you can reach the goal very quickly. And as Cleopatra achieved her throne with lightning speed and became the queen of Egypt, you can also quickly get everything you want.

Health, healthy relationships, career success - these are all nice bonuses that we get when we take care of our feminine energy. And you yourself can remember many such examples in your life when you may have returned from another trip and everything worked out for you. Many fans, compliments, nice gifts have been in your life. And if you respect yourself, keep practicing, don't give up. Everything that Cleopatra did, it always happens in your life.

You can talk a lot about her, but the image that can be seen in the film Cleopatra with Elizabeth Taylor will be more colorful and brighter. She is beautiful, effective, independent and loved.

Cleopatra was the last queen of Egypt. She was the most desirable, most attractive woman. To get her approval gesture or look, many men were willing to sacrifice their lives. And, of course, the fact that the most influential and powerful men of that era dreamed of Cleopatra cannot be ignored. Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Octavian - they dreamed of at least touching her hand. Cleopatra had a tremendous power of attraction. And in every woman of this power. But there are some enemies that do not allow us to use this power. If you see them in yourself, you can get rid of them by working on yourself. but if you say, this is definitely not in me, we risk living with this all our lives. The choice is always yours.

The first enemy is the inferiority of one's self, low self-esteem. Our self-esteem is laid down in our childhood. It is up to the age of 7 that girls should be treated like princesses. It was during these years that she laid the foundation, the feeling in the future of herself as a woman and her feminine nature. If a girl at this time feels like a Goddess, then she will carry this feeling through her whole life. Girls/women who were told few words of love in childhood, about how beautiful she is, how exceptional she is, can be seen immediately with the naked eye. They lack femininity and self-love. They don't want to be liked. And a woman who wants to be liked is immediately visible. She is beautiful, like an image descended to us from the paintings of Venetian artists. For a woman, the natural state is pleasant.
But, unfortunately, we were not brought up as kings and queens, and no matter how self-confident a woman is, this internal clamp can still occur from time to time. And this is not even self-confidence, this is a lack of confidence in one's feminine strength. Everyone has heard this phrase: strength loves the strong. And if we make lofty plans, we have big dreams, then the power will come to you. But thoughts alone are not enough. And Cleopatra knew about it. and if you remember her life, then you will surely remember the moment that when her own brother wanted to overthrow her from the throne and take away her power, he knew and feared her strength and he wished for her death. However, Cleopatra did not measure up to this. And confidently, boldly, she found support and achieved her goal. She dreamed of becoming the queen of Egypt. And she became her. Because she used one special key. She believed that she could become queen. She lived 100% with this thought, this goal. She had a high purpose. She wanted to help her people.

Our second enemy is a passive life position. Let's go back to the Cleopatra example. It is very difficult to imagine her lazily lounging on the throne and dreaming that she will someday become a princess. She was looking for support, she was looking for all possible options, how to become a queen. And the obstacles that she met on her way only made her stronger. There is a spark inside each of us, but if there is no power of thorns in the form of difficult situations, then this spark will not turn into a blazing fire. The fire of your individuality. Therefore, if you want to reveal your individuality, your sexuality, forget about a passive lifestyle. This is not for us.

And our third enemy, which is often encountered in our lives, is the wrong way of life. You will say: "Well, how is it. I lead a healthy lifestyle. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I have a proper diet, and all the scary women in these pictures, showing an unhealthy lifestyle, do not look like me." This is the lowest level of wrong way of life. And I'm sure it doesn't apply to you. But the wrong way of life is also our negative emotions. It can be to some extent laziness, nervousness. Even the fact when we are exposed to some external influences, we go into depression, stress is also a wrong way of life. And all this takes energy from us. So if you want to know what you will look like at 50 or 60, keep in front of you images of a woman who delights you, inspires you to follow their example.

This may all seem very funny, but even if we have 1% of low self-esteem, a passive lifestyle or a wrong lifestyle, then it already begins to block our individuality, our strength, our beauty and attractiveness. And this is the first step towards an insecure woman, when a woman stops dealing with her sexual energy. Her life becomes gray boring and uninteresting.

And now, for contrast, remember the image of the bright Cleopatra. And take note of what you want to be and what you don't. Think about your motivations, about what motivates you, and through this you will approach a state of confidence.

Now let's move on to the more practical part. Let's look at the steps that will help us to attract confidence and strength into our lives.

The first step is our women's health. When a woman is healthy, well-groomed, she is beautiful. Everyone knows that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. This is what we are taught from childhood. And Cleopatra perfectly mastered this key, because if we remember the description of Cleopatra's appearance, we will understand that she was not attracted by her external data. She attracted by the state of happiness, beauty, self-sufficiency that she radiated. And such energy can live only in a healthy body.

  1. Complex of asanas "Blossoming lotus". The lotus position is one of the relaxing asanas in yoga. In yoga, the lotus symbolizes our ability to spiritual transformation.
  2. The study of aromamase. Learn the most desirable smells, aphrodisiacs. Ylang-ylang, mango, edelweiss... perfume oils with this fragrance will make you fall in love with yourself again. Oil Indian perfumes are more resistant than conventional perfumes. Plus, they do not affect the state of our aura, but only enhance it. Buy incense, special oils for lamps, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a fairyland: Egypt, the East, or maybe it will be the world of sunken Atlantis.
  3. Take advantage of the energy of the sun. There is nothing better than doing yoga, meditation or jogging outdoors. And it is even better to do it in sunny weather in the morning. This saturates your body with oxygen, vitamin D and gives you a charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day.
  4. Attend bioenergetic strip plastic classes that will teach you a seductive look, gait and graceful gestures. This will allow you to feel your body. Get out of the head into the body, switch from world problems or affairs at work. Makes you ask yourself "what do I really want?". It will help you to feel how sexy you are, how much beauty and feminine power you have.

The next step - it affects our relationship. The beauty of a woman lies not only in a beautiful figure and grooming. The beauty of a woman is that attraction that is created around us when we are filled with energy. And of course, in such a filled state, we become very attractive to other people, men and even women. Men want to start or continue a relationship with us. And women, they are very smart and wise, and want to learn this power of charm from you. Thus, the beauty of a woman is determined by her level of fullness of sexual energy. And you can wake her up either at home yourself. There are really a lot of technicians. The main thing is to find yours. They will help you gain confidence in yourself and your attractiveness, develop the desired state. It won't fall on our heads. It won't knock on our doors or come by email. You need to invest your energy in order to acquire happiness, beauty and success. Our contribution is our pleasant bonus, which we receive in the form of our beauty, youth, charm.

  1. Be a passionate person. Exude passion.
  2. The ability to touch yourself study of one's own body. Learn which touches you like and which you don't. The body of a woman is a vessel filled with energy. And it is very favorable for her both to do self-massage, choosing pleasant aroma oils, and to attend sessions of massage therapists. So the energy in her body will not linger, create energy blocks, stagnation, but flow freely and smoothly. Can be practiced female taoist self-massage . Learn to enjoy yourself and your body.
  3. Sexuality. Be sexy, radiate sexuality. But here I would like to remind you that sexuality is something that cannot be hidden, and not something that many people diligently show. Buy beautiful underwear, stockings - all this gives us a sense of femininity, a sense of self. And it all starts with self-awareness. Sexuality lies in mannerisms, looks, gestures, voice, movements, gait ... Develop in yourself hypostasis of the Mistress and the result will not keep you waiting.
  4. Meditations. Set aside at least 15 minutes a day for meditation. Even my philosophy teacher at the institute said: "A person who meditates is already a step above those who do not." There is relaxation, clarity of mind. An unfavorable time for meditation is morning. In the evening before going to bed, meditation will help you relax and bring peace.

The third step is self-confidence. One of her biggest secrets. This is the foundation, the basic self-confidence. We can develop it with the help of special techniques and installations.

  1. Affirmations to increase self-esteem. Internal installation "I am worthy".
  2. Cleopatra was a queen. Behavior like a queen. How do you know that the queen has entered the room? Luxury woman? Pay attention to how such women broadcast this state. It's posture, first of all. Lessons with books on their heads, I think everyone remembers. Manners ... Gait ... she is confident, of medium speed. Sight. This is the real one hypostasis of the Queen .
  3. Energy protection technique. It is very good to use the following practice. Imagine that you are ... no, not in a glass ball, so it will be difficult to remove it later, but in an energy dome where all the negative energy does not enter. This dome transmits sound and light, but absolutely does not transmit energy, that is, you see and hear everything, but you do not feel anything. It is also desirable to imagine that the surface of the dome from the outside is mirrored, and all the energy that comes across the dome is sent back to the owner.
    Or you can repeat to yourself: "You can take as much love energy from me as you want, but only the energy of love and no more!"
    When we build energy protection, then no negative in your direction can affect you.
  4. committed action. This will help instill confidence in yourself. Because the actions, the events that you do every day, every day, give strength perfectly. Take a word from yourself, for example, run for 20 minutes every day or do some exercise at a certain time. Or learn a new recipe every week. Or go to work by new roads ... Anything. Give free rein to your imagination.


Turn on slow music, you can with the motives of Arabic compositions. Take a deep breath, smooth exhalation See the image of Cleopatra in front of you. Strong look. Powerful jewelry, reflecting her inner strength. She looks at you and she seems to challenge you. You take another breath. Smooth exhalation. Cover your eyes. And now you begin to remember all the situations in your life that broke your self-confidence. All situations when you were afraid about your desires, when you doubted the correctness of your actions and when you remember, an image of yourself begins to emerge before you. Slouched shoulders, downcast eyes. Feelings of uncertainty, doubt and fear come from you. You understand that it's not you. All this is not you. All these thoughts, doubts, fears. All this is not you. All these doubts, thoughts, fears, all this is not yours. A protest breaks out inside of you. You want to be free from these states. From this fear, insecurity, resentment, shyness. You take a deep breath. Smooth slow exhalation. And in a place with it, you strain your whole body. You clench your fists. You want to get rid of this fear and insecurity once and for all. Hold your breath as you exhale. And you feel how fear begins to come out of every cell of your body, fear of being alone, fear of losing a man, fear of losing your youth and beauty. See how it all leaves your life forever. Take a deep breath. Focus on your free breathing. You destroy all fears and doubts. This cleansing breath has set you free. Power comes to you as you breathe in. Straighten your back. Raise your chest up a little. And take the position of a strong, self-confident woman. I salute you, queen of Egypt. You are the queen of the world. Confident, strong, wise, beloved, attractive, self-sufficient. Remember this state and live in it every day of your life. Take a deep breath and in the state of the queen, open your eyes.

Now a little magic has happened. And you can feel a surge of strength and energy. Bring this state to life. Achieve all your goals.

In order to be more imbued with the state of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, I recommend watching films Cleopatra(1963) and Cleopatra(1999).

One of my favorite musicals Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt /Cleopatre, la derniere reine d "Egypte(2009)

And for reading, I think you will be interested in reading the bookStacy Schiff - Cleopatra(2012).

By Tamara Ra