Patterns for cutting out for children 4 5 years old. We teach a child to cut with scissors, and how this affects development. How to teach a child paper cutting

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Our youngest daughter Sofiyka is learning to cut with scissors. She is now 2 years and 2 months old. Earlier, I have already told on the example of our experience with Anyuta. Today I will show games that will interest the child in cutting with scissors and strengthen the hand.

Before teaching your child how to cut with scissors, read my first article at the link above and make sure your child is holding the scissors correctly.

How to hold scissors correctly

  • The child's hand should be positioned so that the thumb is at the top.
  • Index and middle finger at the bottom - inside the second scissor ring. Choose such scissors that two fingers fit in this ring. This will make cutting easier for the child.
  • It is desirable that the little finger and ring finger are tucked in.

When the child learns to open, close the scissors and make the first cuts, you can start playing games with scissors.

Cut with scissors: "Release the Beast" pattern

Before the game, you need to download the template, print it on an A4 sheet and cut it into 8 blocks.

We show the card to the child and tell that the animal is locked in a mink / house. The task of the baby is to help the animal get out (cut the path along the dotted line). The template is aimed at kids taking their first steps in cutting with scissors. Therefore, the blocks are small in size so that it is enough for the child to make 1-2 cuts.

Bonus: pattern with animals can be used for memory game. To do this, cut out circles, we get 8 round cards. We flip and play. For strength, it is better to stick them on cardboard and strengthen with adhesive tape.

There are two versions of the templates in the archive - color and black and white.

Cut with scissors: pattern "Barbershop"

Now let's play hairdresser, shall we? All kids love doing their hair! To create a game, you will need a face template, colored paper, scissors and glue.

I prepared 2 templates, Anyuta multiplied them and drew a face with different emotions on each. I made hair and a beard out of colored paper.

Here's what she got:

Below is the result of the work of a young hairdresser. First she cut her hair, then she began to cut her ears. At first, I helped - supported the heads and directed them. But when it came to ears, neck and other things, Sofiyka cut it on her own.

Download templates for learning to cut with scissors(the game "Release the Beast" and "Make Hair") can be signed in the form that you see below.

The ability to cut with scissors requires a surprising amount of skill, for both a young child and a preschooler. To cut correctly with scissors, there must be simultaneous coordination of the left and right hands, which make completely different movements. And this is not as easy as it seems to us adults.



Learning to cut with scissors.

The ability to cut with scissors requires a surprising amount of skill, for both a young child and a preschooler. To cut correctly with scissors, there must be simultaneous coordination of the left and right hands, which make completely different movements. And this is not as easy as it seems to us adults. Take, for example, cutting in a straight line in the center of a paper sheet. The child must hold the scissors with three fingers of one hand, while constantly opening and closing them. While with the other hand he holds the paper and moves it after the scissors. And at this time, you still need to stay on the cut line. From this it is obvious and clear - cutting with scissors requires great precision and bilateral coordination. At this time, the fine motor skills of the baby are intensively developing, and with it the brain. That's why it's so important to teach your child how to cut with scissors, as well as other skills that require two-way coordination - buttoning up a coat, opening an envelope, unscrewing the top of a milk carton, etc. Cutting with scissors also strengthens the baby's hand, preparing it for writing. The same group of muscles is involved that is necessary for the correct holding of the pencil. You can start teaching a child to cut with scissors at the age of 2.5 - 3 years, but everything is individual, and depends on his characteristics and skills.

Safety precautions:

Even if you gave your child children's scissors, immediately teach him how he should behave with real ones. Explain why you can’t wave them, how not to cut yourself.

Scissors should not be chewed or poked in the face of oneself or another. Ideally, they should be kept away from the face.

Scissors are not toys. They should only be used for their intended purpose.

For older children, if you need to cut fabric, paper scissors may not be suitable or just uncomfortable. You may need to use a different model.

If the scissors are broken, it is better to replace them, as a faulty tool can harm someone.

Don't force your child to learn how to use a new tool if he's not in the mood.

Start training in the cold season. In the summer, the baby wants to do something completely different: beautiful weather, many playgrounds, communication and games with other children will surely take their free time. In the fall, you will often have to stay at home because of the rains and the onset of cold, and at the age of two, few people send their children to kindergarten. A lot of time will be freed up, you can try to interest the child in a new type of activity.

First, show your child how to cut out squares and stripes from paper. You can draw cut lines. It is better to move on to cutting something round or oval by about the age of three, when the child has already mastered straight lines.

Do not throw away the scraps of paper, they can be used for further crafts.

Turn learning into a game. The child must enjoy learning to use scissors, otherwise he will quickly lose interest. Alternatively, you can try to make applications or paper garlands.

When the child is already confident enough to use scissors, show him what can be cut out and figures of very interesting shapes.

With older children (6-8 years old), practice not only on paper, but also on fabric. Most likely, it will still be needed at labor lessons at school, and in some kindergartens even earlier. The child needs to learn to feel both the scissors and the material itself.

Alternate different types of activities, otherwise the child will quickly get tired. For example, after a butterfly or a bird is cut out of paper, take pencils, felt-tip pens or paints and color it.

Do not abandon this activity and periodically return to it. Leave your child's crafts made with scissors in a visible place. So the kid will remember that he made this product with their help, perhaps he himself will express a desire to repeat the creative process.

Thus, we teach children to cut with scissors. Templates for children are very helpful at first, as the child gets used to holding the scissors correctly and using them carefully, observing safety precautions.

Working with scissors is one of the most rewarding activities for preschool children. Cutting perfectly develops fine motor skills, improves coordination of finger movements, thinking. If you want your child to write beautifully at school, teach him how to use scissors.

Why is it difficult for children to learn how to cut with scissors?

Often, cutting is not easy for young children, because of this, they can become very upset and completely lose interest in tasks that require working with scissors. We have compiled a list for you of the main reasons why a child fails to cut.

    Tight scissors. This is one of the main difficulties that a child can face. If it is difficult for the baby to close and open the rings on the scissors, cutting will be difficult for him. At the initial stage of learning to use scissors, it is worth reducing the load on the fingers. For kids 2-3 years old, scissors with fixing the open state are perfect. What distinguishes them from ordinary scissors with a spring mechanism is that they open themselves, and the child only needs to close them. Children over 4 years old can already open the scissors themselves, but remember that their mechanism should not be too tight.

    Insufficient smoothness of movements. It is worth starting work with scissors with cutting in straight lines. After your baby has mastered this, move on to tasks with bends. Then the kid will learn to cut smooth lines and circles.

    Inability to stop. It is often difficult for young children to make clear cuts, they turn out to be longer than necessary. To learn how to make cuts of the required length, you can practice by completing tasks where the points where you need to stop are highlighted.

It is important for children not only to enjoy the process, but also to see the result of their labors. In order for the baby to love carving, choose for him such tasks that he can handle on his own or with minimal help.

  • Cut the strip of paper in half.

  • Free cutting. Give your child a magazine, an old newspaper, and scissors. Believe me, your baby will love to cut them into pieces.
  • Cut along the line. There are many tasks on the Internet - templates for cutting. Start with simple exercises, only when the child has mastered them, move on to more complex ones (first we cut along a straight line, then along a curve and along a curved line).

  • We cut the dough for modeling. You can roll out the dough for modeling with your child, and then invite the baby to cut it into pieces. Please note that only elastic dough is suitable for this; plasticine will stick to the scissors.

  • We cut out shapes, images, drawings, coloring pages. When the child has already learned to cut along lines of varying complexity, ask him to cut out some picture. For this, the drawings of the baby himself are perfect.

Materials for cutting can be prepared independently. These can be blanks made of colored paper and not very thick cardboard, newspapers, magazines. Keep materials for cutting at hand, then the child will definitely be interested in them. Show your child an example, let him see how you cut. And then together come up with what you can make from the cut out parts. Your child will be able to develop their creative abilities and learn how to confidently use scissors at creative workshops at the Constellation Children's Center.

Do not impose your help if you see that the child is having difficulty. If he needs your help, he will definitely ask you about it. Praise your child more often and rejoice in his success.

  • 2-3 years. It is better to give such kids scissors with an open state lock so that the hand does not get too tired. Start teaching your child to cut with the simplest tasks (for example, ask them to cut a thin strip into pieces). Also on sale are workbooks 2+ for learning to cut. Never leave a small child working with scissors unattended!
  • 3-4 years. At this age, children continue to master simple cutting techniques. You can try to give the child to cut out geometric shapes (square, triangle, rhombus), and also actively use patterns for cutting along lines. Cutting tasks for ages 3+ can be found both in special workbooks (for example, by KUMON) and in most manuals for children, because it is from this age that most parents begin to teach their child to use scissors.
  • Over 4 years old. It is known that starting from the middle group (that is, at 4-5 years old), children in kindergarten are given scissors. There they learn how to cut out shapes from colored paper and make appliqués. You can do the same at home with your child. At this age, children usually wake up with a great interest in various crafts. By hosting an exhibition of your child's work at home, you will perfectly support his motivation.

The modern market is full of various educational aids for children. We would like to provide you with an overview of the tools that can be your assistants in teaching your child to carve.

  • "Let's Cut" (2+), Kumon Publishing. The ruler is represented by four A5 notebooks with bright illustrations. The cutting tasks are simple, they are suitable for the initial stage of learning to cut.
  • “Getting ready for school. Learning to cut” (4+), Kumon publishing house. This is an A4 notebook. The tasks in it are more complex (basically, cut the picture along the contour). After the child completes the tasks, the cut out objects can be folded into a three-dimensional application.
  • "My first application" (2+), Gakken publishing house. This is a collection of tasks, in most of which you need to cut out a cartoon character.
  • “Jewelry for all holidays”, Clever publishing house. These books contain a lot of blanks that you can cut out and decorate your home with.
  • "Smart cutter" (2+), "School of the Seven Dwarfs" series. The notebook contains simple, colorful appliqué templates that your child will love.


In this article, we have listed the main points to consider in order to teach a child to use scissors. Responsibly approach the choice of scissors, the child should not get tired when working with them. Choose bright and interesting cutting materials for your baby (these can be both home-made templates and branded manuals). Start showing your child how to cut using the simplest tasks as examples and gradually increase their complexity. Start cutting only when the child himself wants it. If the baby is not interested in this activity, put it aside and offer it after a while.


Young children often show an early interest in scissors. But many mothers are afraid to start teaching their child how to use it, as they are concerned about the safety of such activities. Experts believe that it is possible to start teaching a child to cut from the age of two. In this case, of course, it is necessary to tell the child in advance about the safety rules when working with scissors, and also not to leave the baby unattended. In the Montessori groups of the Constellation Children's Center, cutting materials are available to the child, so if you become interested in them, your child will be able to hone his skill under the strict supervision of teachers. Systematic training with a gradual complication of tasks will allow your child to learn how to cut well and be ready for school.

Paper cutting shapes and shapes help young children develop fine motor skills in a playful way!

How to teach a child to cut paper?

  1. First of all, your baby's hands should be ready for instilling the skill of cutting. The best exercise for a baby is squeezing water out of a simple sponge, it trains the right muscles.
  2. Then show your child how fun it is to tear apart old newspapers and pieces of paper - this will teach him to hold the paper in his hands without dropping it.
  3. Now you can learn paper cutting using special materials for children! Start by cutting out straight and wavy lines, then teach your child to cut out the shapes before offering pictures to cut out.

Important! Remember to take breaks if your child is tired or bored. Be sure to encourage the child verbally, praise him and try to interfere less in the cutting process itself.

Paper cutting safety

Before teaching, show your child how to hold scissors properly and talk to them about safe use of scissors. The child must clearly understand that:

  • You need to cut in the direction from the body and fingers.
  • You can not play and indulge when scissors are in your hands.

At what age do you start learning to carve?

All children develop differently. The age limits below should be used as a guide, taking into account the interests, temperament and attention span of individual children.

2 years: children at this age will enjoy tearing paper into small pieces and cutting something out, only repeating after adults;

3 years: at this age, with a child, you can try to cut out any shapes, sitting next to him and continuously watching the process;

4 years: the child is able to cut out simple lines and shapes by himself with a little help from an adult;

5 years and older: the child himself should easily cut out the pictures and even stick them on paper, making applications.