Cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy treatment. Traditional medicine recipes. Treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Osteochondrosis is a very common and unpleasant disease, which is characterized by acute pain in the spine and a number of other symptoms. Unfortunately, this ailment also does not spare pregnant women, on the contrary - during the period of bearing a child, it most often becomes aggravated, causing a lot of trouble for the expectant mother.

Why osteochondrosis occurs during pregnancy

Osteochondrosis is a pathology of the spine, which is characterized by atrophy of the intervertebral discs, pinched nerve endings and abnormal enlargement of the vertebrae.

Important! There is nothing surprising in the fact that this insidious ailment is exacerbated precisely during pregnancy, because bearing a child is accompanied by an additional load on the spine, a shift in the center of gravity.

However, in addition to this most obvious reason, there are others that can indirectly cause this disease during pregnancy:

  • genetic predisposition to the development of the disease;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in a woman's body;
  • hypodynamia in combination with a rapid increase in body weight;
  • spinal injury;
  • features of work activity that are conducive to the development of the disease;
  • the presence of this pathology in the period before pregnancy.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Important! Signs of this ailment during pregnancy are not much different from the "standard" symptoms, however, they can be aggravated by the emotional instability of a woman during this period and other "delights" of bearing a child.

There are three main forms of osteochondrosis:

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • lumbar.

Important! The first two types of pathology occur during the period of expectation of the child much less often than the lumbar form. This is easy to explain, since a large load during this period falls on the lumbosacral region of the spine.

It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • constant dull aching back pain;
  • periodic cramps of the lower extremities;
  • pain and spasms of the calf muscles;
  • acute pain in the lumbar region, which often radiates to the groin with sudden movements.

Does osteochondrosis affect pregnancy? This question worries many expectant mothers. Although lumbar osteochondrosis does not significantly affect the development of the embryo in most cases, however, it can indirectly cause changes in the shape of the pelvis, which negatively affects the course of labor and may become an indication for operative delivery.

Cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of numbness and discomfort in the neck and shoulders.

Increases in blood pressure, which are characteristic of this form of osteochondrosis, are especially dangerous for pregnant women.

Chest osteochondrosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the chest area, between the shoulder blades;
  • Difficulty raising hands.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine during pregnancy: treatment

Quite rarely, cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed during pregnancy.

Important! The symptoms and treatment of this disease are monitored and adjusted as needed by the doctor. But the therapy of the disease in this case is very limited, because taking medications during pregnancy is a risky thing, the decision about how much this risk is justified should be made exclusively by the doctor.

Cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy is often treated, which consists in applying warm compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs (dandelion root, burdock, parsley) to the neck area. This method is often no less effective than the use of other pharmacies, however, it can only be used in the fight against the cervical form of the disease, in all other cases it can lead to complications.

Traditional medicine recipes

Dandelion rub is great for warming and soothing pain. To prepare it, place the flowers of this plant in a dark glass dish and pour 500 g of alcohol. It should be insisted for 10-14 days in a place protected from the sun.

Compress from broth of parsley. Chop parsley and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for 30-40 minutes. Then strain and use the resulting broth for a compress.

Chest osteochondrosis during pregnancy: treatment

Thoracic osteochondrosis during pregnancy is also not common. How to treat this disease without harming either the child or the expectant mother is a difficult question even for experienced specialists. Methods that exclude the use of medications are used: wearing a corrective corset.

Here are some effective exercises if an exacerbation of osteochondrosis during pregnancy took you by surprise:

  1. Starting position - sitting, bend forward and arch your back as much as possible, then lean back and arch your spine in the other direction. Exercise should be done slowly, repeat 2-3 times.
  2. The starting position is standing, hands are connected behind the head, gently bend back, repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Lumbar osteochondrosis during pregnancy: treatment

The most common form of ailment during pregnancy. Patients are tormented by aching pains in the lumbar region, which become unpleasant companions throughout the nine months of bearing a child. But if in the first months they rarely make themselves felt, then as the birth approaches, they become more and more strong. Getting rid of them is a real challenge.

  • wearing a support bandage, such a device partially relieves the load from the spine;
  • the use, as an exception, of some relatively safe medications to reduce the symptoms of osteochondrosis.

Permitted ointments during pregnancy for osteochondrosis do not contain toxic substances in their composition, for the most part they alleviate the symptoms of the disease at the local level, without penetrating into the systemic circulation, which means that they cannot harm the unborn child.

Important! Unfortunately, these are not the most effective drugs, there are few of them, and they are prescribed occasionally, and then with big reservations - they cannot be used for a long period on large areas of the skin.

The most popular ointments are:

  • based on diclofenac sodium, however, the use of these drugs is permissible only in the first months of pregnancy;
  • finalgon;
  • capsicam.

Adverse Treatment During Pregnancy

For the most part, these are the most effective modern means, however, their safety for the mother and the unborn child has not been proven:

  • physiotherapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • the use of systemic drugs: injections, tablets, droppers.

We are treated without doctors

This is not a call for self-medication, it's just that every pregnant woman is able to take a number of measures herself to improve her condition:

  • wear a bandage and shoes with an instep support, this is especially true in recent months;
  • Find a comfortable mattress and pillow. This will help to improve the quality of night rest and the condition of the spine;
  • take a warm shower regularly, it will help relieve pain and discomfort;
  • light massage is allowed along the spine;
  • do spinal exercises.

Prevention of osteochondrosis during pregnancy

It is no secret that any disease is easier and easier to prevent than to cure, this is especially important in relation to pregnant women. Therefore, modern doctors recommend practicing even at the stage of pregnancy planning. If you have such a diagnosis, you need to do everything necessary to avoid its aggravation during gestation, therefore, it is better to treat osteochondrosis in advance.

During pregnancy, it is better to take the following measures:

  • at least moderate physical activity is required;
  • very important to observe;
  • you need to eat well and take vitamins that are recommended for pregnant women;
  • it is necessary to provide optimal conditions for sleep and rest. - an important factor in the success of treatment;
  • you need to avoid standing in an upright position for a long time, lifting weights.

In order not to ask yourself the question: how to treat and what to do with osteochondrosis during pregnancy, you need to take up its prevention in a timely manner even at the stage of planning conception. However, if the illness took you by surprise, you should not hesitate to seek medical help, self-medication during pregnancy is unacceptable!

Pregnancy is sometimes considered by many to be a renewal of the female body. In fact, this is a period of colossal load, hormonal storms, during which any diseases can arise or existing ones worsen. The rapid increase in weight leads to increased stress on the spine. Osteochondrosis may appear. How can you treat it during pregnancy, if most drugs are potentially dangerous to the fetus?

Why does osteochondrosis develop?

The intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers. Cartilage contains mucopolysaccharides, which readily bind water. The larger it is, the more elastic the disk. Disorders of metabolism, hormonal levels, constant increased load on the spine leads to depletion of reserves, loss of elasticity. As a result, vessels and nerve roots are compressed. The power of the drive is further disrupted.

At the initial stages of the disease, depreciation disorders compensate for the ligaments and muscles of the back. From constant stress, muscle spasm develops, which further compresses the nerves and leads to the appearance of symptoms of osteochondrosis during pregnancy.

Find out what it is, what it can lead to.

How can it be, are there ways to stop the progression of pathology.

If before pregnancy there were initial changes in the intervertebral discs, then the probability of the condition progression as the fetus grows is high. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • hypodynamia;
  • displacement of the center of gravity, change in posture;
  • weight gain;
  • hormonal changes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • flat feet.

How does it manifest

The spine determines the type of osteochondrosis. In pregnant women, the lumbar is most often affected. The clinical symptoms of the pathology are as follows:

  1. during pregnancy, it is manifested by pain in the neck, shoulders, a feeling of numbness in the fingers. Depending on the degree, headaches, dizziness, flashing of flies before the eyes, noise in the head may disturb. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine during pregnancy can be combined with damage to other areas, it is more difficult to tolerate.
  2. During pregnancy, it can manifest itself in the form of pain in the back, chest, intercostal spaces. It can disguise itself as pain in the lungs, heart. The pathology of this area develops less often than in the rest, usually in women with trauma or degenerative changes in the spine.
  3. If it was earlier, then with a high probability of exacerbation during pregnancy cannot be avoided. The growing uterus and fetus, in addition to affecting the spinal column, squeeze the nerve roots in the lumbosacral region, cause aching pains, lumbago in the back of the thigh and groin, and a feeling of tension. Some people are worried about numbness of the skin, cramps in the muscles of the legs, in the foot.

If any of the listed symptoms appear, you must inform the supervising doctor. Incorrect self-diagnosis can lead to disastrous consequences.

Attention! Noise in the head, dizziness, headache can be signs of high blood pressure, which leads to a serious complication - preeclampsia. Pain in the lungs and heart can be a consequence of the pathology of these organs.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in pregnant women is carried out by a neurologist. It is he who will correctly prescribe the diagnosis, determine the severity and help you choose the necessary therapeutic methods.

How can you treat

Most of the drugs are prohibited for women in the position. In the first trimester their appointment leads to miscarriages, the formation of deformities incompatible with life, and improper organ laying. In the second and third trimesters, the fetus is already formed, the placenta performs a protective function, but drugs penetrate it, disrupt the growth of the child, can lead to changes in the placenta, and affect the state of the child's nervous system.

Only a doctor knows which medications are safe for the mother and fetus, and which can be prescribed in a pinch with great care.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in pregnant women is allowed with drugs for local use. In the first and second trimesters, it is a gel or ointment with Diclofenac. For the third trimester, it is contraindicated.

Ointment for osteochondrosis during pregnancy Kapsikam, Finalgon, Nise are not used due to the lack of clinical studies on the effect on the fetus. Using them on your own can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Find out why it is dangerous, how it is treated.

How it manifests itself, what diagnosis does this concept correspond to.

What does the concept “I” include, what diseases do they correspond to?

In the normal course of pregnancy and cervical, lumbar osteochondrosis with severe symptoms that disrupt the rhythm of life, it is allowed to use Diclofenac in a short course up to the twenty-seventh week of gestation in injections or tablets.

Other therapies include the following:

  • wearing an elastic bandage;
  • massage of the problem area;
  • rest regimen.

What is categorically contraindicated

What is forbidden to treat osteochondrosis in pregnant women:

  1. After the twenty-seventh week of gestation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs lead to premature closure of the ductus arteriosus - an important anastamosis for fetal blood flow. Normally, it closes at the time of the birth of the child. Also, drugs in this group can cause late protracted labor.
  2. Aspirin provokes the development of kernicterus in the newborn and mother.
  3. Corticoid hormones - the formation of the cleft palate in a child.
  4. Thiazide diuretics, which are used to reduce muscle edema, cause thrombocytopenia, directly toxic to the infant's bone marrow.
  5. Anticonvulsants prescribed to relieve muscle spasms depress the child's nervous system.

Before treating osteochondrosis during pregnancy with the help of chiropractors, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. Sometimes manipulation of muscles and joints provokes an increase in uterine tone and the risk of premature birth.

How not to get sick

The easiest preventive measure is to wear an elastic bandage. It is recommended to wear it after the twentieth week, but if the abdomen is large and exerts a tangible load on the back, and pain appears, then this can be started earlier. It is also worth taking care of performing gymnastics for pregnant women, resting in a comfortable position with raised legs. Proper nutrition will complement preventive measures and allow pregnancy to be carried out with minimal complications.

About back massage in pregnant women, see the video:

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the articular cartilage of the spine caused by metabolic disorders in the intervertebral discs.

With osteochondrosis, the articular cartilage begins to gradually lose its elasticity, and the amount of intervertebral fluid decreases. All this leads to the fact that the discs are worn out and deformed from constant contact with each other, the nerve endings are pinched, which leads to pain in the spine. The circulation of the problem areas also suffers - the blood vessels are simply squeezed by the intervertebral discs.

Osteochondrosis is a disease, although not fatal, but requiring careful medical supervision. Purposefully planning a child, a woman with spinal problems should definitely consult with a specialist doctor and undergo the necessary course of treatment. But not everyone succeeds in "spreading straws": pregnancy, like a litmus test, shows all the weaknesses of the body, and the disease can begin even in perfectly healthy young girls.

There are several reasons for the development of the disease during the period of bearing a baby, and it is almost impossible to influence them:

  1. 1.increase in body weight and, as a consequence, load on the spinal column;
  2. 2. changes in hormonal levels or metabolic disorders;
  3. 3. improper posture or flat feet;
  4. 4. reduction in physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.

What you need to know about osteochondrosis during pregnancy?

According to the localization of the disease, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar osteochondrosis are distinguished.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis can be: severe headaches, as well as pain in the shoulders or arms; sudden dizziness and color spots or "flies" flickering in the eyes.

Disease of the thoracic spine occurs extremely rarely and is manifested by pain in the hypochondrium when walking, chest, between the shoulder blades, painful breathing. Indirect signs can be brittle nails and peeling of the skin.

Lumbar osteochondrosis during pregnancy asserts itself with aching pain or sharp lumbago in the lower back - lumbago (pain can spread even lower: to the groin area and thighs), and spasms of the feet, violation, burning sensation or tingling of the lower extremities.

Have you experienced any of the above symptoms? You have a good reason to see a doctor. Which doctor should I contact? For the first visit, you can choose an ordinary therapist who, after examination and conversation, will refer you to more narrow specialists: an orthopedist, surgeon, neurologist, reflexologist, etc.

How to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Osteochondrosis is not only a real punishment for pregnant women, but also a real headache for the attending physician. The fact is that almost all drugs are prohibited for use while carrying a child, as well as the main reliable method for diagnosing a disease - magnetic resonance imaging, and physiotherapy procedures that can alleviate the patient's condition can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

The main way to diagnose osteochondrosis in pregnant women is clinical examination. An experienced physician can confirm the disease by focusing on changes in reflexes and physiological curves of the spine (asymmetry of the pelvic line, gluteal folds, etc.). Based on the collected anamnesis - information about the patient's lifestyle, the presence of diseases, allergic reactions, as well as the nature and localization of pain - treatment is prescribed.

  • Drug treatment

Medication treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy perhaps only a few drugs, such as Traumeel (injection or ointment), Paracetamol. They will relieve inflammation, swelling and soreness of the affected area of ​​the spine. In cases of extreme necessity, drugs are prescribed, which include sodium diclofenac. They are used in the first and second trimesters, and then only after preliminary consultations with a therapist, gynecologist and neurologist.

  • Physiotherapy

The next stage of treatment will be physical education. A set of specially designed exercises will help "unload" the spine, normalize blood circulation and metabolism. The main exercises are from the exercise therapy complex and do not require significant physical exertion. The duration of each performance should not exceed 30-40 seconds.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, exercises should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise the opposite effect can be achieved and only intensify the painful sensations.

  • Other funds

The use of bandages and corsets has proven itself most positively in exacerbating lumbar osteochondrosis. Sometimes experts also advise wearing orthopedic shoes - together with this, it helps to correctly distribute the load along the spine.

The involvement of a chiropractor in treatment is not always welcomed by traditional medicine. But for many, this method of treatment significantly alleviates the condition.

Folk remedies are usually used for cervical osteochondrosis. Warming compresses based on decoction of burdock, St. John's wort, parsley, dandelion root help relieve pain and improve blood microcirculation in the affected area. The compress is applied for 15-20 minutes, and for better warming up the neck is additionally wrapped in a towel. However, with lumbar or thoracic osteochondrosis, this method is dangerous - the biologically active substances of the decoction and high temperature can adversely affect the child in the womb.

An active lifestyle, yoga or physical activity, proper nutrition will help keep muscles in good shape, avoid sudden weight gain and, as a result, will serve as a good prevention of spinal diseases.

remember, that osteochondrosis during pregnancy does not respond to treatment, however, it is possible to alleviate the condition and prevent the progression of the disease, but only with a doctor.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting period in every woman's life. But there are often cases when, in addition to joyful feelings, this period can also bring health problems. Frequent diseases that occur during pregnancy, doctors note problems with the spine - osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine. Even when planning a pregnancy, every woman is highly recommended to undergo a medical examination. If such a disease or a high degree of predisposition to it is detected, it is necessary to carry out therapy, as well as take preventive measures.

Before pregnancy, in order to strengthen the spine, back muscles and prevent the development of complications, you can undergo medical and physiotherapy courses of treatment, improve your health in specialized sanatoriums. It is a pity that in our country it is not customary to plan the birth of a child in advance, and many women find out about it after the fact, therefore, problems with the spine, in particular osteochondrosis, often arise.

The main causes of the onset of the disease

The reasons for the development of osteochondrosis during pregnancy are to highlight the sedentary lifestyle of a woman and overweight. Additional developmental factors can be metabolic problems, poor posture, unbalanced diet and heredity. During this period, weight increases rapidly, every month it becomes more and more difficult to move, while the spine is subjected to severe stress. And if previously you did not have problems with the spine, then in the third trimester there will be uncomfortable sensations in the lower back, and it is especially difficult when the spine is sick. And during pregnancy, medication therapy is unacceptable, since almost all medications harm the child. And it doesn't matter where the osteochondrosis is aggravated - in the cervical or lumbar spine.

During pregnancy, the female body needs control, its functions are rebuilt, and the usual preparation for the childbirth process begins. As the fetus grows, it begins to press on all the organs in the small pelvis, and then the pain in the lumbar region is quite natural.

Therefore, there is a high probability of confusing the beginning osteochondrosis with the natural process of carrying a child. Only a competent specialist can make correct conclusions.

The main symptoms

Symptoms of osteochondrosis during pregnancy are obvious. Basically, the disease is pain in the spine in the belt area. Often, osteochondrosis, manifested during pregnancy, remains in a woman after childbirth, aggravates and subsides. During pregnancy, the most difficult woman suffers from cervical osteochondrosis. Against the background of osteochondrosis of the neck, there is a violation of blood circulation in the brain, which is characterized by headaches, insomnia, tinnitus, dizziness. When cervical osteochondrosis appears, head tilts are painful, in some cases the hands become numb, pain occurs in the shoulders and forearms, and radiates to the shoulder blades. During pregnancy, the diagnosis is difficult to establish, since pregnant women cannot be x-rayed. And osteochondrosis, meanwhile, progresses, and goes into more complex stages.

Osteochondrosis in the lumbar spine during pregnancy should be taken very seriously, since its development can lead to problems in the urinary and reproductive system and even to miscarriage. Symptoms of osteochondrosis in the lower back in women during pregnancy include acute pain syndrome radiating to the hips and groin, as well as aching and pulling pains.

Treatment methods

A neurologist can diagnose this disease, as well as prescribe specific treatment that is possible during pregnancy. It is problematic to choose the correct treatment for osteochondrosis during pregnancy, since during this period almost all medications and usually used physiotherapeutic methods of treatment have serious contraindications, such as: laser therapy, manual therapy, acupuncture, and others.

The main task of treatment is the absence of harm to the unborn child. What treatments can you rely on during this exciting time in every woman's life?

Of the medications prescribed by the doctor, there may be medicinal preparations, the main component of which is diclofenac sodium. It is allowed to be taken in small doses in the first trimester of pregnancy. They use ointments that are allowed to be used during pregnancy, but their choice is not large.

Effective techniques

To help in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in a pregnant woman, therapeutic exercises, massages and compresses on the cervical region will come. Using your fingertips, massage the neck-collar zone, occipital, temples. It improves blood circulation, relieves pain, fatigue. For the manufacture of compresses, decoctions of burdock leaves, parsley are used. A warm compress is made and placed in the neck area and warmed up for 15 minutes. This type of treatment can be used in the first months of pregnancy.

  • Exercise 1. Sit on a chair, straight and tilt your head back, while keeping your back straight. It is necessary to reach with the left ear to the left shoulder. Then right to right. The exercise should be done slowly while keeping the muscles relaxed. Repeat in both directions 5 times.
  • Exercise 2. Sit on a chair, look forward, slightly lift your chin. Smoothly turn your head to the right until it stops, then to the left. In this case, the muscles should remain relaxed, repeat 5 times in each direction.

With osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, massages and compresses cannot be used for treatment: there is a risk of developing undesirable consequences, tone may increase and a miscarriage may occur. For the treatment of osteochondrosis in the lumbar spine, of all the methods, therapeutic exercises are most often used.

Continuous exercise can improve blood circulation in the lumbar region and reduce pain. Also, an effective way to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is the use of orthopedic means. Bandages and shoes are used. Many are skeptical about bandages, but in fact, their use is simply necessary, especially for spinal problems. Judge for yourself - during pregnancy, a woman quickly gains weight, respectively, the load on the lumbar region increases, while hormonal changes contribute to the softening of bones, tendons and ligaments. The use of bandages and corsets will significantly reduce the load on the spine and prevent the development of possible pathologies.


A well-chosen set of gymnastic exercises is the most effective method for treating osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine during pregnancy. The exercises are based on the principles of yoga, are simple and do not require serious physical effort. Exercise improves metabolism and blood circulation, relieves stress from the spine. All exercises must be performed slowly and smoothly.

  1. "Kitty". To perform this exercise, you need to take a position on all fours. Flexion and arching of the back alternately. In this case, you can turn your neck.
  2. "Twisting". This exercise is performed while standing. The back should be straight, the head should be straight, the chin should be parallel to the floor. Legs are shoulder-width apart. It is necessary to turn the body to the sides, while the hands must be pulled in the direction of the turn. You need to perform such movements calmly.
  3. We rotate the shoulders. This exercise is performed while sitting or standing, hands are lowered along the body. Raise the shoulders as high as possible, while trying to bring the shoulder blades together, and begin rotational movements back, then forward. We are not in a hurry so as not to harm the spine.

Therefore, when planning the birth of a child, women with back problems should visit an orthopedist after being examined by doctors.

The female body is well adapted for bearing and bearing children - nature itself took care of this.

However, pregnancy is always stressful for a woman. From the moment of conception and the beginning of fetal growth, colossal changes occur in the body at the hormonal and physiological level.

The metabolism is rebuilt, the placental circulation appears. The internal organs are displaced with the gradual growth of the uterus, which contains the amniotic fluid and the developing fetus. All this leads to certain inconveniences, as well as exacerbation of latent and chronic diseases.

Why osteochondrosis occurs during pregnancy

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative process in which the nerve roots of the intervertebral discs are damaged.

The disease often runs latently, developing under the influence of various negative factors:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • heavy physical exertion;
  • excess weight;
  • injuries and infections;
  • lack of minerals;
  • changes in the hormonal background.

Most often, the disease begins at a young age of 20-35 years. As a rule, two or three negative factors are superimposed. First of all, this is a sedentary lifestyle - working in an office at a computer, public transport instead of walking, an elevator instead of stairs.

Physical inactivity combined with excess weight leads to an increase in the load on the spinal column. The first symptoms are discomfort, pain, feeling of numbness or running creeps on the skin of the hands or feet.

Why back pain occurs during pregnancy is a question that interests many expectant mothers. But the statement of the question is incorrect. Carrying a child is not the cause of osteochondrosis, it only provokes an exacerbation of an already existing disease.

In other words, problems with the spine in a woman already occurred before conception, but they proceeded latently or were left unattended.

Many people take back pain lightly, they say, pulled somewhere, caught a cold, got up unsuccessfully. But you should not be frivolous about the back: diseases of the spine in a neglected state are a decrease in the quality of life, limitation of mobility, a forced change in lifestyle to a less active one.

Therefore, at the first signs of osteochondrosis, it is important to contact a specialized specialist - a therapist, surgeon or orthopedic traumatologist.

During pregnancy, the problem worsens in the form of back pain and other discomfort in the body.

Doctors explain it this way:

  1. Pregnant women usually experience significant weight gain due to hormonal changes.
  2. The growing uterus leads to a shift in the center of gravity.
  3. The developing fetus takes up many nutrients from the mother, including calcium and phosphorus - building materials for the musculoskeletal system.

As a result, the spinal column is subjected to colossal loads and the disease, which had previously been mild, becomes more severe.

How dangerous is this condition

Osteochondrosis in the mother is not dangerous for the unborn child, but it creates serious problems for the woman. A particular risk is the lesion of the lumbosacral region.

If we turn to the physiology of childbirth, we can recall that the nerve centers located in the lower parts of the spine are associated with labor activity. They control the opening of the cervix and the contraction of its muscles.

During childbirth, the situation with advanced osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine can go according to two scenarios: either due to damage to the nerve roots, labor will be weak, or in the process of contractions and attempts, the nerve root will be pinched, fraught with paralysis of the lower body.

Don't panic! Osteochondrosis for a woman is not considered a contraindication to pregnancy and childbirth. But it is imperative to see a doctor. The specialist should assess the severity of the disease and, if necessary, prescribe a cesarean section.

In most cases, a specialist prescribes a course of therapeutic exercises and breathing exercises for the patient to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominal muscles. In this case, natural childbirth will go well.

But even a mild form of osteochondrosis while carrying a child can cause many inconveniences to the expectant mother.

The fact is that most drugs for the treatment of back diseases are contraindicated for pregnant women. It is forbidden to use both non-hormonal and steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, and novocaine blockade for pregnant women. Therefore, with the appearance of pain associated with osteochondrosis, you will have to use more gentle methods of treatment.

What are the types of the disease

There are several types of osteochondrosis:

  • cervical - affects the vertebrae of the upper spine;
  • thoracic - localized in the thoracic region;
  • lumbosacral - a degenerative process occurs in the lumbar region.

Depending on the location, the disease makes itself felt in different ways. Cervical osteochondrosis manifests itself in the form of pain in the neck and shoulders, limited mobility and numbness of the hands.

Since the cervical region is important for the blood supply to the brain, its damage leads to headaches, decreased visual acuity, dizziness, increased fatigue, and decreased blood pressure.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is characterized by pain between the shoulder blades, discomfort in the ribs, numbness, goose bumps and tingling in the hands. The defeat of the lumbosacral region manifests itself in the form of lower back pain, goose bumps and numbness in one or both legs. The skin on the lower extremities becomes less sensitive, and hair on the legs may grow more slowly.

Basic diagnostic methods

The doctor diagnoses osteochondrosis on the basis of a survey, examination and hardware examination methods.

These methods give the most complete picture of the condition of the spine:

  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • computed tomography (CT);

Radiography is not used due to the risk to the fetus. In the first trimester, when the baby's vital organs are being laid, it is advisable to do an ultrasound scan instead of an MRI, although tomography is considered a safe diagnostic method for pregnant women. In the second and third trimester, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography can be performed, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

How to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy

A pregnant woman should not self-medicate or take any medications, including herbal ointments. Treatment of any disease, even a common cold, should begin with a doctor's consultation.

The fact is that many medicines, even herbs, which are effective and harmless to humans in their normal state, during pregnancy can harm the unborn child or mother.

Drug treatment

Osteochondrosis in the first trimester is practically not treated with medications. Standard schemes are allowed using external agents - gels and ointments based on diclofenac. Strong pain relievers based on nimesulide (Nise, Nimesil) and other analgesics are contraindicated, because medicine has not fully studied their effect on the fetus.

If the symptoms of osteochondrosis in a pregnant woman are tolerable, do not violate the usual way of life and lifestyle, it is advisable not to use drugs, but to give preference to physiological methods of treatment.


Physical activity during gestation should be moderate. Ideally, this is a group or individual exercise therapy in a family planning center under the guidance of a specialist. Exercises at home are performed with the permission of a doctor.

Neck exercises

To warm up your neck muscles and improve the blood supply to the intervertebral discs, use standard warm-up exercises known from school physical education lessons. These are turns of the neck to the left / right, up / down, rotation of the head. Perform them slowly and smoothly, without making any sudden movements. It is advisable to grasp a stable support with your hands so as not to fall in case of dizziness.

Exercises for the thoracic region

Simple exercises will allow you to warm up the stagnant muscles of the thoracic region and relieve pain syndrome:

  1. Circular movements of the shoulders in the forward and backward direction.
  2. Reduction and dilution of the arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest.
  3. Rotation of straight arms around the axis of the shoulder girdle.

You need to do these exercises carefully, without haste, 3-4 sets for 10 repetitions.

Lower back exercises

A woman needs to be extremely careful with her lower back, because excessive load on the muscles of this section often increases the pain syndrome.

The main group of exercises is aimed at relieving the load on the back muscles of the lumbar spine:

  • walking on all fours;
  • tilting the body forward and keeping the body in this position (suitable in the early stages);
  • lifting the pelvis with an emphasis on the feet in the supine position.

Walking on all fours is a very simple but effective exercise to relieve stress from your lumbar spine. This technique is suitable not only for pregnant women, but also for ordinary people, both women and men.

If you feel pain in your knees while performing, you can use special knee pads or homemade pads made of soft material.

This video shows exercises for lower back pain during pregnancy

Universal exercises

If the state of health and well-being allows, swimming in the pool is considered the best way to maintain good physical shape and alleviate the symptoms of osteochondrosis in a pregnant woman. This is perhaps the only type of activity that allows you to evenly strengthen all muscle groups without loading the spine.

Adverse Treatment During Pregnancy

All pregnant women are contraindicated in potent anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, thiazide diuretics, corticosteroid drugs. Most of them have a negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus, leading to various defects and pathologies.

Many of the traditional remedies used to treat back diseases in normal practice are not used during pregnancy due to insufficient knowledge of their effect on the fetus.

Massage and manual therapy also require caution. Usually, doctors prescribe a light massage in the area of ​​pain. In this case, it is extremely important that the massage is done by a qualified chiropractor with a good knowledge of physiology. The fact is that exposure to certain points on the body of a pregnant woman can increase the tone of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage.

Safe and acceptable methods of treating diseases of the spine in women during pregnancy are as follows:

  • physiotherapy exercises under the guidance of a specialist;
  • wearing elastic bandages that reduce the load on the muscles and spine;
  • gentle massage in the area of ​​pain;
  • wearing orthopedic shoes (after consultation with a therapist);
  • the predominant rest regime.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, when the weight of the fetus is approaching its maximum, it is necessary to reduce physical activity. Women are encouraged to rest more by taking a comfortable position on their back or on their side using soft pillows.

How to properly plan a pregnancy with osteochondrosis

The practice of mindful parenting is common in Europe and America, when a woman undergoes a complete medical examination before conception.

In our country, most women become mothers spontaneously and often turn out to be physically unprepared for pregnancy and childbirth. Overweight, chronic diseases, hormonal disruptions and other health problems can cause many problems.

The doctor should examine and refer the patient to an MRI or ultrasound of all parts of the spine. If a problem is identified - osteochondrosis, protrusion of the intervertebral disc or hernia - appropriate measures must be taken.

Depending on the nature of the problem, a woman is prescribed physical therapy, taking chondroprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs, weight correction, correction of posture disorders and flat feet at an orthopedist. When the problem is resolved, start planning your pregnancy.


Do not underestimate back problems in women: diseases of the spine can be an aggravating factor and even an obstacle to physiological childbirth.

Osteochondrosis is not considered a contraindication for pregnancy and childbirth, but in a neglected state it can cause a woman many problems. Therefore, it is in her best interest to heal her back before conception.