Severe dryness of the hands. What oils are best for smearing your hands. Protecting: creams for dry hands

There are various hand creams for cracked and dry hands: nourishing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory. Virtually all cosmetic brands include therapeutic hand moisturizers. Preparations with effective and safe action are prepared independently according to old recipes.

Dry and cracked hands

Few people can now boast of perfect skin and the absence of problems with it. Previously, mainly women suffered from this scourge, now the problem has begun to affect both men and children, who have to use moisturizers to help with dry and cracked hands.

Not only diseases, but even unfavorable conditions in everyday life can cause irritation of the skin.

Causes of occurrence

Household chemicals are a common cause of this problem. A variety of synthetic powders for cleaning and washing makes the home more comfortable, but will have a very negative effect on the skin. With constant use of, for example, powders, a chemical reaction with water will occur, dehydration of the epidermis and destruction of its protective layer. At the initial stages, only slight tightness is noted, but with frequent contact with household chemicals, peeling appears, which will lead to the formation of cracks.

Chemicals are not only harmful to the skin, but for the whole organism as a whole:

It can be noted that there are many reasons for dryness. And a regular hand cream simply cannot relieve many of the symptoms. To start the correct treatment, it is important to consult a dermatologist.

The structure of a good cream

For more effect and more results lean towards the choice of products containing the following components:

Many stores and pharmacies have a huge selection of different hand creams for cracks and dryness. When choosing a product, you should not follow the usual principles of "the more expensive the better."

Good hygiene

Hand hygiene for many people is a routine wash. In their opinion, this is the simplest process of a daily lifestyle. It is much easier to rinse your hands and apply a moisturizer until it dries completely. However, not in all cases this will help to achieve the desired result. To preserve the beauty of the skin and its attractiveness, it is recommended to listen to the advice of dermatologists.

Rating of creams

Before purchasing a cream, you need to see its expiration date. It is important to initially use a probe to test the cream on your skin. With cosmetics, everything is not always easy, for most people a product belonging to an expensive brand may not work, but it is very likely that they will be able to buy a democratic cream in a regular pharmacy that will fully satisfy their needs. The price factor when choosing cosmetics is completely unimportant..

Many people who are faced with dry skin know that it can cause a lot of problems. Contraction, fine-pored structure, irritation, dull color, peeling and - these uncomfortable sensations can frustrate and make you think about finding ways to deal with them. In addition, dry skin is more prone to wrinkle formation and ages faster.

In this article, we will tell you about the causes of dry skin and how to treat it. Such knowledge will help get rid of the unpleasant sensations that it is capable of delivering, and prevent the formation of premature wrinkles.

Signs of dry skin

You can determine the dryness of the skin yourself: when you press with your fingers on its surface, traces do not disappear for a long time. There are also other signs:

  • tightness;
  • invisible pores;
  • frequent irritation (redness);
  • peeling;
  • lack of elasticity;
  • cracks.

With the drying of the upper layer of the skin, it loses its integrity and through the formed microcracks it can pass dirt, bacteria and chemicals. Subsequently, these foreign agents can cause irritation and itching.


Frequent sun exposure contributes to dry skin.

Inhibition of sebum production leads to dry skin, which is provoked by a number of reasons. In some cases, this ineffective work of the sebaceous glands is caused by a hereditary predisposition. Dermatologists note that dry skin in young people often indicates a genetic feature, and in people of a more mature age it appears due to other internal or external factors.

The main external causes of dry skin are as follows:

  • dry air;
  • climate;
  • hot and cold water;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • freezing;
  • improper skin care (aggressive cosmetics, frequent washing with soap, etc.).

The main internal causes of dry skin are:

  • (insufficient water intake, indigestion, high temperature, etc.);
  • hormonal disruptions (, hypothyroidism, menopause, etc.);
  • metabolic disease;
  • frequent stress;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • (especially A and E);
  • skin diseases (allergies, keratosis, fungal infections, etc.);
  • poor nutrition and grueling diets;
  • bad habits (smoking, excessive consumption of sweet tea and coffee, carbonated drinks);
  • aging.

Dry skin can be general or affect specific areas of the body. One or another localization of such zones may indicate the cause of their appearance, and different means can be used to eliminate and treat it.

Treatments for dry hands and fingers

Dry hands and fingers are more likely to be caused by external factors. Washing dishes without gloves with aggressive substances or in hot water, cold air, using antibacterial or deodorized soaps, working on the ground, working with building mixtures - these are not all factors that contribute to dry skin. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of cracks in the fingers. Such a symptom may indicate an insufficient intake of vitamins A, E and group B into the body.

To eliminate and treat dry skin of the hands and fingers, a number of measures should be taken:

  • use cotton or rubber gloves when working with aggressive substances;
  • wear warm mittens or gloves during the cold season;
  • use sunscreen;
  • gently wipe the skin of your hands after washing with a soft towel;
  • use soft and high-quality detergents for washing hands;
  • normalize nutrition;
  • pay attention to a sufficient intake of vitamins A, E and group B.

Treatment of dry skin of the hands can be carried out with the help of pharmacy wound-healing creams and various folk recipes.

  1. Potato mask - boil potatoes in their uniforms, peel and knead into gruel. Add a tablespoon of warm milk to it. Apply a warm mask to the skin of the hands for 20 minutes for several days in a row, 2-3 times a day.
  2. Compress of honey and glycerin - take 1 teaspoon of honey, glycerin, water and flour. Mix the ingredients until smooth and brush the mixture on your hands. Wear cotton gloves for 20 minutes. Such compresses are best done several times a day for a week.
  3. Sour cream compress - mix a glass of fatty sour cream with egg yolk and lemon juice. Moisten gauze with the resulting mixture and apply it to your hands, fix it on top with cling film and put on gloves or wrap your hands in a warm towel. After 20 minutes, remove the rest of the compress with a cotton pad and put on clean cotton gloves. These compresses are best done before going to bed for several days.
  4. Olive oil and lemon juice mask - Mix a tablespoon of oil with 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of hand cream. Before going to bed, apply the mixture to the skin of the hands and wear cotton gloves. This mask can be applied once a week for prophylaxis or for several days to treat dry hands.
  5. Oil bath - pour olive, sunflower or linseed oil into a small bowl and heat in a water bath to a comfortable temperature (it should be very warm). Immerse your hands in oil for 20 minutes. After that, blot your hands with a napkin. Such procedures are recommended to be carried out 2 times a week.

The following folk recipes are used on the fingers:

  1. Ointment from resin and honey - in a metal bowl, mix 10 g of resin, 10 g of honey, 15 g of beeswax and 30 ml of vodka. Put on fire and, stirring constantly, wait until all ingredients are completely dissolved. Pour the ointment into a clean glass container and store in the refrigerator. For treatment, apply the agent to the crack and seal with a bactericidal adhesive plaster. Leave on for 7-8 hours.
  2. Plantain ointment - grind dry grass into powder, mix with 3 drops of oil and add petroleum jelly (in a ratio of 1: 9). Apply in the same way as ointment from resin and honey.
  3. Calendula ointment - grind half a glass of dried calendula flowers into powder and mix with one glass of melted interior lard. Place the mixture in a water bath and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, bring to a homogeneous consistency. Transfer to glass and refrigerate. Apply in the same way as ointment from resin and honey.

With dry hands and cracked fingers, a dermatologist may recommend vitamin and mineral complexes for you - it is not recommended to choose them yourself.

In some cases, dry and flaky hands can be caused. The skin is covered with spots of various sizes and colors (from pink to slightly bluish), and the patient may experience itching and burning. At the folds, it can crack and form white flaky islets. The correct treatment of such fungal lesions of the skin of the hands is prescribed only by a dermatologist after laboratory tests to determine the type of fungus. Only then will the doctor be able to prescribe antifungal drugs and determine the duration of their use.

Treatments for dry elbows

Dry skin on the elbows can be caused by many external and internal causes. Peeling in this area is provoked by mechanical stress (for example, when working in an office) or frequent bathing. It can also be caused by various diseases.

The most common conditions for elbow dryness are:

  • hypothyroidism - this disease slows down the metabolism and regeneration of the skin, the cells of the epidermis die off, do not have time to peel off and the skin becomes dry and rough;
  • - iron deficiency leads to a decrease in hemoglobin and a lack of oxygen in the tissues, metabolic disorders cause dry skin;
  • diabetes mellitus - a malfunction in the metabolism causes a malnutrition of all body tissues, the skin becomes dehydrated, becomes vulnerable and thin, areas of inflammation and itching appear;
  • autoimmune and dermatological diseases - atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, ichthyosis of the skin and other diseases, lead to peeling and roughness of the skin.

Treatment for dry skin on the elbows is aimed at eliminating the cause of this symptom. In addition to treating the underlying disease, it may be recommended to use creams with chamomile and alfalfa, Lipikar balm, Pitival and Atoderm creams, Radevit ointments, oils (cocoa, shea, mango, etc.) and folk recipes.

Traditional medicine advises the following remedies for dry skin on the elbows:

  1. Scrub from coffee grounds and honey - add honey to the coffee grounds, apply to the elbows and massage in a circular motion to remove dead skin cells. Wash off with warm water and apply nourishing cream or oil.
  2. Compresses of sour cream and sunflower oil - mix the ingredients in equal proportions, apply the mixture to cheesecloth and attach to the elbows, wrap with a warm cloth and leave for 10–20 minutes.
  3. Milk baths - heat the milk and immerse the elbow in it for 20 minutes. Blot with a napkin and repeat the procedure on the other hand.

Treatments for dry skin

Masks made from natural ingredients will help to cope with dry skin at home.

Dry skin of the face can be explained by a hereditary predisposition, external factors, age-related changes or a violation of the sebaceous glands. A decrease in the level of sebum secretion can provoke various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the endocrine or nervous system and a lack of vitamins A, E and group B. For the treatment of these pathologies, a doctor's consultation is necessary, which will identify the cause and determine the course of treatment for the underlying ailment.

To prevent the development of this problem, it is necessary to minimize the aggressive effects of the environment and provide the skin with proper care. Washing and caring for such skin should be carried out only with the help of special products. You can also use a variety of homemade nutrients and moisturizers.

Traditional medicine suggests using such masks for dry skin:

  1. Plum, melon mask and jojoba oil - take all the ingredients in equal proportions. Grind the pulp of the plum and ripe melon with a fork until puree. Add oil and mix thoroughly. Apply to face and rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water.
  2. Mask of egg yolk, vegetable oil and chamomile - beat the egg yolk with a teaspoon of vegetable oil (almond, linseed, sunflower, olive, etc.), add a tablespoon of the pharmacy chamomile extract and beat again. Apply the mixture to your face and rinse off after 10-15 minutes with lukewarm water.
  3. Oatmeal and olive oil mask - boil the flakes in milk. Take 3-4 tablespoons of porridge, add the same amount of olive oil to it and beat. Apply to face in a thick layer. Wash off after 15 minutes with warm water and rinse your face with cool water.

Treatments for dry skin of the body

General dryness of the skin on the body can also be caused by external factors, but most often it is provoked by diseases of the internal organs. To treat it, it is necessary to identify the cause and eliminate it. In addition to getting rid of the effects of external factors (hot water, aggressive detergents, prolonged exposure to the sun, etc.) and treating the underlying disease, it is recommended to follow a normal drinking regime, eat a sufficient amount of dairy products, fish, vegetable oils, broccoli, nuts and seafood ...

To moisturize and nourish the skin after hygiene procedures, various cosmetics for dry skin with ceramides, fatty acids and lipids should be used. You can also use various folk recipes for baths, masks and peels:

  1. Peeling with honey, sea salt and olive oil - mix 4 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of fine sea salt, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the mixture and stir. Apply to cleansed skin and massage gently. After 5 minutes, take a warm shower.
  2. Bath from a decoction of flaxseed and chamomile - boil 5 teaspoons of flax seeds in a liter of water for about 15 minutes, prepare a decoction of chamomile (the recipe is indicated on the package). Mix both broths in a 1: 1 ratio and add to 1/2 bath. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.
  3. Bath of milk, almond oil and honey - warm up a liter of milk and add 200 honey to it, mix with a dessert spoon of almond oil. Pour the composition into the bath. The duration of the procedure is about 15–20 minutes.
  4. Honey and olive oil mask - mix honey and oil in a 1: 1 ratio, apply to cleansed skin and leave for 20 minutes. Take a warm shower.
  5. Mask of avocado, banana, cream and butter - chop the pulp of one avocado and banana with a fork until puree, add 100 g of butter, 1/2 cup of cream to the mixture and beat everything thoroughly. Add a few drops of rose oil and beat the mask again. Apply to cleansed body skin for 15 minutes. Take a warm shower using a washcloth.

Treatments for dry skin of feet and heels

May be caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes, insufficient vitamins A and E, endocrine system diseases, and fungal infections. In some cases, all these reasons can lead to the formation of cracks in the area of ​​the hardened skin, which cause a lot of discomfort and pain.

If such a problem was caused by uncomfortable shoes, then it is enough to get rid of them and choose shoes taking into account the size and shape of your feet. Treatment of dry skin of the feet and heels should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. This will require consultation with an endocrinologist or dermatologist. Lack of adequate treatment will lead to aggravation of the underlying disease and the development of complications.

For topical treatment of dry skin of the heels and feet, various agents can be used: emollients, exfoliators, antibacterial and wound healing agents. Their choice depends on the condition of the skin.

To eliminate very dry skin of heels and feet, traditional medicine offers the following recipes:

  1. Green apple mask - grate one apple on a fine grater, put the puree on cheesecloth and apply it to the foot. Put on your socks. Leave the compress overnight. In the morning, wash off the mask and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
  2. Potato and flaxseed mask - grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, add the same amount of flaxseed, add a little water and boil the mixture until thickened. Allow to cool slightly and apply to feet. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, remove flaky skin and lubricate the feet with iodine.
  3. Castor oil masks - moisten the gauze with oil and apply to the foot or heel. Wear warm socks and leave overnight. In the morning, blot the skin with a napkin.

To treat cracked heels, you can use the folk recipes that were described above for treating cracked fingers. The use of such funds also gives good results.

Poor ecology and heredity, a number of diseases, the use of aggressive detergents and cleaning agents, lack of care and lack of care and attention to the state of one's health lead to the appearance of very dry skin of hands with cracks. This condition causes severe discomfort, interferes with living and working, and cracks and wounds on the hands become open gates for infection. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to properly care for your hands so that their skin does not become rough and dry and rough.

The main causes of dry and cracked hands

When excessive dryness of hands appears, a person involuntarily begins to look for what to do with this unpleasant problem, since such a condition causes a lot of problems, from "clues" on tights to painful cracks on the tips of the fingers, which literally limit their ability to work, making it difficult even to write. sewing, printing and any other operations.

There are many reasons why the skin of the hands is dry and cracked. These include the following:

  • Lack of care or use of the wrong drugs. If the skin on your hands is not getting the nourishment and moisture it needs, it will dry out and crack.
  • Negative habits - frequent washing with too hot or cold water without subsequent lubrication with cream, going outside with wet hands, insufficiently thorough drying of the skin of hands after washing, not using gloves outside in cold and windy weather.
  • The use of overly aggressive, caustic detergents for washing, cleaning and washing dishes without protective gloves.
  • Some diseases.
  • Lack of vitamins.

Important! In the vast majority of cases, the cause of problems with dry skin of hands is our reluctance to use gloves during various household or agricultural work. Washing dishes and floors, transplanting plants with special gloves will relieve dryness and the appearance of much more unpleasant and dangerous consequences: allergies, inflammatory diseases and infections that get into wounds and scratches on the skin.

What diseases can provoke dryness, itching and cracking

If not only dry and crack, but also itch hands, become covered with dry or weeping rashes, spots of red and other colors, cracks, this may indicate the presence of various diseases.

Cracks, itching and dry spots on the skin of the hands can appear as a manifestation of a number of internal diseases or as a symptom of certain skin conditions. Internal causes include the following:

  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Avitaminosis, especially a lack of vitamin A and E.
  • Diabetes.
  • Dysfunction of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
  • Hormonal problems, including menopause, menopause.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Some forms of scleroderma.
  • Consequences of a strong inflammatory process in the body, high temperature.

Skin conditions that cause dryness and flaking include the following:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Keratosis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Eczema.
  • Fungal diseases, including various forms of lichen.
  • Psoriasis.

In addition, the following actions and conditions can lead to the development of dryness with other unpleasant consequences:

  • Lack of moisture in the body in case of a disease with a high temperature, being in a hot room, dry climate or the place where heating devices, air conditioners work.
  • Severe or repetitive stress.
  • "Hungry" diets or unhealthy diet with a sharp restriction of the intake of animal and vegetable fats.
  • Smoking.
  • Excessive alcohol addiction.
  • Sugar abuse causes increased glycation and dry skin.
  • Frequent use of tea and coffee in large quantities (dehydrates the body).
  • Taking certain medications, especially antibiotics.
  • Senile age.

Important! Sometimes, to get rid of the problem of dryness, it is enough to "figure out" its cause and cure it. Dryness will go away on its own as a symptom of a disease or condition.

Recipes for ointments, creams and hand masks for dryness

When dry skin on the fingers is very worried, you can use the numerous folk recipes available for cooking at home.

  1. For example, the simplest mixture, in addition to a pronounced emollient, also has a wound-healing and analgesic property, perfectly helps. To obtain it, it is enough to mix equal parts ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and glycerin.
  2. An excellent cream for dry, chapped and cracked skin is obtained if you melt a piece of natural wax in a water bath, add a little "raw" olive oil, melted pork lard or interior fat, a couple of drops of an oil solution of vitamins A and E, and a water tincture calendula and chamomile, celandine and other useful herbs. The mixture is ground in a porcelain mortar until emulsification and a homogeneous mass is obtained, transferred to a jar and used at least twice a day, or every time after washing hands. With very chapped hands, you can first make a bath with sea salt for healing and disinfection, cleaning the wounds from pus, and then apply a thick layer of homemade ointment on your hands under gloves at night.
  3. Simple masks are an excellent home remedy. One of the most affordable is regular mashed potatoes. When cooking, set aside a couple of tablespoons for yourself, heat the puree in the microwave to a pleasant temperature, spread it on your hands, cover with plastic bags and put on warm gloves and mittens. It's good to put your hands on a heating pad or put them in a special thermal hair hat, and if you have electric mittens, it will be just fine. This mask quickly heals even old "chicks".
  4. Another simple homemade mask not only heals and softens, but also whitens and rejuvenates the skin of the hands. For her, boil the apple in milk, turn it into puree, add a spoonful of good natural vegetable oil and apply the mixture to your hands for at least half an hour. Regular use of the mask will make the skin very smooth and snow-white.

A good hand cream for dry skin should not only nourish, but also moisturize and, if necessary, heal the defects on the skin.

Treatment with drugs from the pharmacy

Basically, pharmacy products are prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of specific diseases that provoke dryness, cracks and peeling. For fungal diseases, lichen and eczema, the ointments "Nizoral", "Clotrimazole" and many others are prescribed, salicylic-zinc paste, tar and sulfur ointment, and other specific agents are used.

If dry skin of the hands with cracks on the fingertips is very annoying, a pharmacy oil solution of vitamins A and E added to hand cream can help.

You can supplement your usual care for dry skin of your hands with the Rescuer and Panthenol ointment, Bepanten works well, as well as the usual baby cream, which is applied in a thick layer at night under cotton gloves.

Hand care in the salon

A good beauty salon will offer many ways to eliminate dryness: applying special serums and creams, masks and oil applications, compresses and much more. But the most pleasant and effective remedy remains paraffin baths for dry skin of hands. This is a great way to quickly return not only softness to your hands, but also to make their skin elastic, denser and smoother, get rid of cracks and peeling.

If you are worried about dry palms of your hands, the salon will offer oil baths using special thermal gloves. Under the influence of heat, the pores open, blood circulation is activated, and oils, enriched with vitamins and microelements, penetrate deeply into the skin, restoring its lipid balance.

Important! Some forms of paraffin therapy can be done at home, using special preparations that are sold in stores for beauticians.

Which vitamin deficiency can increase dry skin of the hands

If dry skin of the hands appears, what vitamins are missing? This question is especially often asked in the autumn-winter time, when seasonal vitamin deficiency is especially common. Basically, two vitamins - A and E - are responsible for why dry skin on the hands cracks, but there are also cases when dryness is provoked by a total lack of vitamins.

In such a situation, vitamin preparations are usually used for oral administration, and agents enriched with vitamins A and E, as an external agent.

Important! Both a deficiency and an excess of vitamins can be harmful, especially hypervitaminosis A, so it is highly desirable to get doctor's advice on the choice of drugs and its dosage.

In order to avoid painful and unpleasant consequences, you need to follow simple guidelines:

  • Use soft gels or overfatted toilet soaps to wash your hands.
  • Dry hands thoroughly after contact with water.
  • Never go outside with wet hands.
  • Use gloves for all household and garden work.
  • Outside in cold weather, wear warm gloves or mittens.
  • Use hand cream regularly for very dry skin.
  • Drink enough water and watch your diet.

At the first symptoms of hand skin problems, seek the help of a beautician, and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Very many people are familiar with such a problem as dry skin of the hands. What to do in this case? Peeling, wrinkling and parchment-like skin condition is not only a discomforting phenomenon, but also a signal that you should immediately start taking care of your hands. First of all, it is worth identifying the reasons for this unaesthetic and discomforting manifestation. Dry skin of the hands, cracks and other unpleasant symptoms appear for a reason. Let's see what circumstances provoke this unpleasant picture?

Dry hands: causes

Avitaminosis, insufficient care, dry air and other stress factors negatively affect the condition of our skin. As for the hands, as a rule, all these negative influences are primarily reflected on them.

Hand washing with very hot water and aggressive sulfate products has a negative effect. Dry skin can bother you after using the wrong shower gel or liquid soap.

It is advisable to treat hands with moisturizing and nourishing cream every time after contact with water. As for the choice of cream, it does not have to be expensive: there are very affordable products that perfectly cope with their function. You can only understand whether a cream is right for you or not by trying it.

Diseases causing dry skin

Unfortunately, some medical conditions can cause dry skin on your hands. In this case, creams and masks will be ineffective. If you have very dry skin on your hands, you should consult your doctor. Here are some possible reasons:

Dry skin myths

1. A good cream is enough to cope with this problem.

In fact, the solution of any skin problems should be approached comprehensively. To completely get rid of dry skin and, as a result, prevent its aging, you should definitely pay attention to your diet, as well as apply various procedures to deeply moisturize problem areas.

2. Moisturizing and nourishing hand creams are only needed for dry skin.

It is not true. In fact, any skin needs hydration. And the better the care is chosen, the more comfortable the sensations will be, the longer your hands will look young.

3. Dryness is caused only by a lack of water in the skin.

Actually this is not true. In addition to moisture, the skin needs sufficient fat secretion.

4. Dryness is a genetic predisposition.

Not at all necessary. This unpleasant phenomenon may well be caused by regular improper or insufficient care and a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Where to begin?

First of all, to relieve discomfort, you should use hand cream as soon as possible. After each contact with water and before each going outside, this manipulation should be performed. If the situation is severely neglected, and you have very dry skin on your hands, then remember: the fatter and more nutritious the cream is, the better.

Dryness must be dealt with from the inside out. If excessive discomfort has become especially troubling in the winter-spring period, most likely the reason is vitamin deficiency. Taking a complex of vitamins will help improve the situation. In addition to a balanced multivitamin complex, you can supplement your diet with liquid solutions of "youth" vitamins. These are retinol acetate, tocopherol acetate (vitamins A and E) and vitamin D. Creams are perfectly enriched with oil solutions of these vitamins.

Please note that when combining the intake of several vitamins, you should consult your doctor so as not to earn an excess of them in the body.

Natural masks for dry skin of hands

At home, dry hands can be treated with some products. For example, vegetable sunflower oil helps a lot. It should be slightly warmed up to a comfortable temperature. Then the hands should be soaked in oil for about 20 minutes, after which the remaining oil from the skin should be wiped off with a napkin.

Baths with olive oil will significantly improve the condition of the skin. To do this, pour a tablespoon of oil into a small amount of warm boiled water and hold your hands in this composition for half an hour.

Mashed potato compresses and broth trays perfectly soften the skin.

If you prefer natural remedies when taking care of yourself, you will definitely love the oatmeal mask for dry skin. Oatmeal is one of the few foods that contain hyaluronic acid. Any oil is added to the porridge, after which this mixture is applied to the hands.

The addition of oily vitamins, honey and other additives will enhance the effect and healing effect of the product on the skin. Applying homemade mayonnaise made from any vegetable oil and eggs also helps a lot.

Natural animal fats such as bear or badger are very rich in vitamins. After all, these animals go into hibernation, and their body stores a balanced and powerful complex of all microelements necessary for life.

If you have very dry skin on your hands, it makes sense to increase the duration of any procedure to one hour.

Paraffin therapy - deep skin hydration

Many people know how much discomfort dry hands can cause. What to do in this case, you ask? The procedure, which is loved by many, perfectly copes with dryness - paraffin therapy. Contrary to the opinion that this is a purely salon procedure, it is quite possible to carry it out at home on your own. To do this, you will definitely need a special cosmetic paraffin, a couple of plastic bags, two towels and an unnecessary container or other container. The rest of the devices, such as a special bath and mittens, of course, make the procedure easier and more pleasant, but you can easily do without them.

So, in an unnecessary container in a water bath, the entire pack of paraffin is melted. While the piece in our container turns into a homogeneous liquid mass, thoroughly polish the skin of your hands with a scrub for several minutes. In this way, you get rid of dead skin cells and allow nutrients to work more strongly during the procedure.

When the mass is completely melted, grease your hands with your favorite cream, then dip them in paraffin. Of course, before immersing your hands entirely, try to see if the composition is at a comfortable temperature to avoid scalding. Hold your hands in paraffin for 10 seconds, then take them out, let the resulting film "grab" for a few seconds, then lower them into the composition again. Such dives can be done up to 7 times. Before the last time, pinch your fingers together tightly, as a result you should get a very dense layer of paraffin. Then you need to put bags on your hands and wrap them in towels for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the skin receives the deepest hydration and nutrition. Blood circulation and metabolic processes are accelerated, the applied cream is intensively absorbed. The released sweat in such "greenhouse" conditions is absorbed back, while all toxins and toxins remain on the paraffin. In addition to the fact that dry skin of your hands will cease to bother you, this procedure allows you to perfectly care for the cuticles, strengthen nails and accelerate their growth.

At the end, the paraffin films are removed from the hands and discarded, and the remaining composition remains in the container until the next time.

Pharmacy treatment

In advanced cases, dry skin on the hands cracks, bleeding wounds appear. In this case, it is necessary to take special care of hand hygiene, disinfect these areas with chlorhexidine or miramistin, and smear the wounds with healing ointment. It can be panthenol-containing drugs, "Solcoseryl" or any other non-hormonal agent.

Additional care

Dry skin on your fingers and palms can be caused by not wearing protective gloves when doing household chores. Make it a rule: they need to be worn not only when using explicit aggressive chemicals (for example, when washing the toilet, oven, bath). For any daily household work that involves contact with cleaning agents and detergents, it is advisable to wear such gloves.

Always dry your hands and do not let them dry on their own. Remember to apply sunscreen to this dry and aging area before going out in the sun.

Be sure to exfoliate your hands with a scrub 2-3 times a week. You shouldn't do this more often, but mild exfoliation never hurts the skin. After this manipulation, always apply a nourishing cream.

What to do if you are allergic to hand cream?

Unfortunately, this happens quite often. If you are allergic to hand creams every time, try a nourishing, protective baby cream. Such products for babies are quite inexpensive, while they do an excellent job with their function and practically do not cause allergic reactions.

A little trick

In addition to paraffin therapy, less energy-intensive procedures can be done at home. Simply wrap your hands with your favorite cream in plastic bags for 20 minutes to one hour.

And remember, the more hydrated your hands are, the younger, fresher and healthier they will look. Taking care of yourself, paying attention to every little detail, right down to the tips of your nails, you will look significantly younger than your age.

The skin of the hands is so thin that it is easily damaged by external physical stimuli. These may include:

  • low temperature;
  • contact with household chemicals;
  • general vitamin deficiency;
  • lack of basic care;
  • violation of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • frequent swimming in the sea;
  • sharp changes in ambient temperature.

It should be noted that dry skin of the hands can be the cause of some infectious diseases, allergic reactions of the body (high content of histamine in the blood). The main reason for the defect is that there is a much thinner layer of skin on the hands than, for example, on the face. Accordingly, it stores a smaller amount of moisture necessary for turgor (the process of division and subsequent regeneration). If it is also eliminated by some external influence, then the process of restoration of the epithelium practically stops. All this is precisely accompanied by dryness.

In some women, the lack of moisture in the skin is a genetic predisposition of the body. Fighting this cosmetic method is almost useless. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist who will select the optimal set of care products for the patient.

If a woman often diets in order to get rid of a few extra pounds, dry skin of her hands often occurs, the reasons here are known. A negative factor is some drugs, dietary supplements, the action of which is based on the breakdown of fat cells. This process is necessarily accompanied by an increased metabolism and diuretic effect. To correct the situation will help the use of a sufficient amount of water, fermented milk products with a low fat coefficient. But from strong teas, coffee, fresh juices should be temporarily abandoned.

Dry hands can be due to a lack of nutrients that enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract. Here only a nutritionist will help, who will select the correct diet, taking into account all the physiological characteristics of the patient.

2 Preventive measures

As statistics show, up to 60% of women over the age of 30 years face off with hands. Accordingly, the most effective treatment is prevention. And first of all, you should pay attention to the daily diet, lifestyle. The defect is guaranteed not to appear if you eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day, drink at least 2 liters of water a day (preferably filtered, with a minimum amount of salts), follow the full and regular rest.

Since dryness can be caused by hormonal imbalance, there is a risk of developing thyroid disease. In addition, the use of drugs that in one way or another affect the hormonal genome can also cause a feeling of dry skin on the hands. But in such cases, as a rule, changing the drug (or contraceptive) immediately solves the problem.

The following simple rules can also be attributed to prevention subjects:

  • constantly dry your hands after washing;
  • give preference to laundry soap over scented ones;
  • make sea buckthorn oil compresses for the skin at least 2 times a week;
  • when using creams, take two days off weekly;
  • do not use aggressive chemical reagents for cleansing the skin of your hands - acetone, gasoline, petroleum-based solvents;
  • in winter go outside only in mittens or gloves, preferably made from natural fabrics;
  • in the summer months, avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin of the hands;
  • at home, use special humidifiers for the air - such devices are sold in almost every home appliance store.

3 When to see a doctor

If the hands are often covered with cracks, accompanied by itching, unhealthy pigmentation, then this is a clear sign of more serious health problems. In such cases, you should immediately seek help from a dermatologist. It is possible that excessive dryness is caused by an infection, allergen, or weakened immune system.

The appearance of spots on the skin is often an accompanying symptom in the dysfunction of some internal organs. For example, yellowness is a clear presence of liver problems and general intoxication of the body. At the same time, dryness is a consequence of the disease, therefore, only surgical treatment will help get rid of it.

You should also seek the help of a dermatologist if you have deep bleeding cracks. This symptom tells us that the production of nutrients is disturbed in the upper layers of the epidermis, in particular, lipid and corneocyte groups. They, in turn, represent something like a natural keratinous barrier that prevents moisture evaporation. In its advanced form, these factors lead to the development of eczema, atopic dermatitis, hypothyroidism, seborrhea (dandruff and flaking).

4 Therapeutic therapy at home

In most cases, even very dry hand skin can be treated at home. If you have already excluded all the factors of external influence, but this did not help, then various nourishing masks and compresses will help. You can find a huge number of their recipes on the Internet, but there are only a few effective ones among them. Here are some examples:

  1. Oil baths. Vegetable or olive oil is added to warm water. We keep our hands in it for about 15-20 minutes, wipe it dry, and then grease it with a nourishing cream.
  2. Fermented milk baths. They are similar to butter, but instead of warm water, yogurt or fresh kefir is used (heated in a water bath).
  3. Raspberry and chamomile compress. For it, take 50 grams of dried berries, 1/2 cup of chamomile flowers, pour 2 liters of boiled water and infuse for 2-3 hours. Next, we moisten gauze in this composition and apply on hands to the skin for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at night.
  4. At home, a bath of a decoction based on dry leaves and burdock roots helps a lot. There is no specific proportion of ingredients for its preparation, however, the color of the resulting composition should be light yellow, not darker.
  5. A good treatment is the use of masks based on olive oil (1 tablespoon) and a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. After holding it for 20-30 minutes, the remnants of the composition are removed with a dry napkin, then a moisturizing cream is applied (you do not need to wash your hands).

Dryness often occurs after active physical labor. In this case, there is also a feeling of skin tightness. The use of masks and compresses is optional here. It's just that the epithelium needs to be given time to regenerate. You can help him with this with an ordinary moisturizer or baby cream with glycerin.

5 Symptom with menopause

In women aged 40-50 years, hormonal changes are activated in the body, which is why almost always there is an increased dryness of the skin of the hands - what to do in such cases? It is recommended to treat the problem in a comprehensive manner, while restoring the nutrient medium for subsequent regeneration. Doctors recommend including in the diet food products containing large quantities of vitamins of groups A and E. In rare cases, the so-called hormone replacement therapy is prescribed, which consists in taking drugs that replace the production of certain substances in the body, for which reproductive hormones. To get an effective result, first of all, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

6 Possible complications

If you do not pay due attention to the elimination of dry skin for a long time, then in the future complications in the form of phlegmon, folliculitis, eczema will surely arise. All of them are associated with atrophy of the protective function of the epithelium, its increased vulnerability to aggressive external influences, infections. At home, nothing can be done about this. You can only use a cabbage compress to remove pain, itching. Further - seek qualified help from a doctor who will prescribe the correct drug treatment. The restoration of protective functions can take a long time, since it implies the natural saturation of the skin with micronutrients. Trying to treat is not an option, since the first step is to analyze and identify the causes that led to the development of the disease.

It should be noted that dry skin is not always associated with a lack of moisture in the epithelium. It is possible that the body simply does not receive enough micronutrients that are needed for the biotransformation of water. A few words should be given to vitamins and minerals that prevent a lack of moisture in the skin of the hands. These include amino acids, "good" cholesterol, collagen. To restore their natural balance, red vegetables (fresh), fermented milk products, citrus fruits (oranges and lemons), sea buckthorn juice, nuts, black bread, fresh fish, brown rice should be included in the diet.

Almost every pregnant woman has dry hands and face - a mandatory symptom. This is due to the fact that during this period the body uses an increased amount of fluid to transfer nutrients to the fetus. You should not use traditional creams and masks that are sold in cosmetology centers. Their composition includes trace elements that can penetrate the placenta, respectively, harm the unborn child. For example, the use of creams containing hydrocortisone is strictly prohibited. In addition, some of these components in pregnant women can aggravate skin problems.

What tips can you follow during pregnancy? First, use only natural-based nourishing masks. Secondly, take a bath no more than 1 time per week, moreover, with the addition of vegetable or olive oil (only 2-3 tbsp. L., No more). If a girl uses scrubs to remove keratinized and dead skin particles, then preference should be given to those in which fine-grained active ingredients are used. And during washing, soap (including laundry soap) should be excluded. It can be replaced with a special foam for dry skin, which is sold in any cosmetic store. Humidifiers, which contain oily components, also help prevent flaking (or you can simply add essential oils to the liquid without a harsh aroma).