A complex signature speaks of a person. Length matters. Changing the signature over time

To find out a person, it is not necessary to eat salt with him. You just need to ask him to sign. The autograph of each person is peculiar and unique. But in the signatures of different people you can find general signs. According to psychologists, the company's branded stroke can tell about a person much more than it is considered.

But a psychologist in Ufa, unfortunately, no. Even in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there was only a specialist who can determine only the floor and age in the signature.

Therefore, we decided to appeal to the experience of the famous American psychologist James Raskin, whose studies were published on this topic in one of the American publications.

It turned out that the conclusions of the American psychologist are quite relevant. Characteristics of well-known politicians, artists and other VIPs, composed on the basis of its research, hit the point. In this you can see for yourself.

The famous surgeon has a rich imagination

The original autograph Muldashev someone resembles a sprawered fist, others are confident that it is a self-portrait. Doctor himself agrees that "some similarity with the original is observed."

So there are people who tend to embellish reality. But first of all, the signature-drawing says that its owner is a creative man with a rich imagination. And already in this Ernst Rifgatovich will give odds to anyone. Judge for yourself: Do you know many practitioners who are not only writing books, but also travel, finding all over the world traces of alien civilizations? Now Muldashev is in the next expedition: explores the pyramids in, and from there plans to rush to the stone idols of Easter Island.

At the same time, the signature of the traveler's surgeon is very compact, and this is characteristic of people whose mind is engaged in specific activities. The circle in which the autograph Muldashev was concluded, means that it is secretly hidden, independent and looked at some problems and ideas. And the repetitive elements in the signature of the famous surgeon indicate constancy.

Unusual signature Muldashev is a testimony that her owner is a big original. He has a huge creative potential and a constant desire to make a variety of life.

President of Bashkiria is careful and cautious

Murtaza Rakhimov - the owner of a very short signature, which indicates the ability to quickly grab the essence of events. Murtazu Gubaidulovich is clearly annoying slow people - it should be remembered by those who work in his team.

The big difference between the title and small letters speaks of the great demanding of the president to others. And also that monotonous work he is simply contraindicated.

Judging by the length of the "tail" at the end of the signature, Murtaz Rakhimov intolerant to the decions and comments to their address. He, what is called, will not dance for someone else's Dudka, which has not yet demonstrated. In addition, a very long "tail" testifies to caution and diligence.

Pavel Kachaev Insudacy Do not take

Smooth signature of the Ufa Mayor Pavel Kachkayev speaks of restraint, self-control, the proud of its owner. Please note how two letters are connected: "P" (name) and "K" (surname) - through a common part. The author of such signatures is trying to optimize their activities, make several cases at the same time.

The traditional tilt of the letters to the right testifies to the balance of the nature of Pavel Rurikovich, and the beauty, the completeness of the signature - about the developed intelligence.

But, despite the strengths of its nature, the Ufa mayor is often unhappy with himself. This is spoken by the crossed signature - this is a sign of self-critical nature. It would be worse if Kachkaev conducted a line above the signature. Does your mayor do this? So he is very vain.
Well, finally, the smooth amplitude of the signature of Pavel Kachkayev indicates performance, a tendency to stability in personal relationships.

Yuri Shevchuk does not compromise

The famous rocker has an angular signature, such usually happens at sharp, intolerable, even irritable people. Owners of such autographs on compromises do not go.

The angular letters speak of the desire for independence, the presence of critical mind, stubbornness, ambition, tendency to self-esteem and leadership. All of the listed, more or less inherent in Shevchuk. Remember His "Jihad", which he declared "fangers" and hated pop, about the disassembly, fought in this regard, Pop King Philip Kirkorov.

Even the Ufa relatives of Shevchuk, father and sister Natalia, in one voice, claim that "Yurka is very stubborn."

Letters in the signature of the DDT leader "jump", which means Shevchuk man emotional, and often unrestrained. The long "tail" of the signature is a sign that Shevchuk on the root stops attempting to interfere in his case.

What does Putin's signature mean?

A long signature characterizes him as a person who can delve into the essence of the case, but at the same time several picky and fastest.

GDP writes squeezed, and this is characteristic of people thinking globally and systemically. But the detractive stroke speaks of egoism, which is carefully masked.

If I wrote some part, a person returns back to any line and adds something, then in life it is often dissatisfied with the made, constantly strive to improve the achieved. Vladimir Vladimirovich appreciates reliability. This is told symmetric elements.

check yourself

How to determine the autograph
James Raskin highlights more than forty signs to analyze the signature. For convenience, we allocated the main to make it easier to find out "who is who".

1. Sign of signature:
a) sweeping - global systemic thinking;
b) Compact - concrete thinking.

2. Signature length:
a) the long - the ability to deeply delve into the essence of the problems; Purity, excessive probability and bore;
b) Short - the ability to quickly grab the essence of events. Inability to monotonous work.

3. Signature type:
a) rounded - softness, kindness, equilibrium;
b) angular - intolerance, irritability, sharpness, independence, ambition, stubbornness.

4. Distance between letters:
a) significant - generosity, transit;
b) "dense" signature - economy, stale (especially if the letters are small).
5. Presence in signatures of various elements:
a) a circle - looping on issues and ideas;
b) loops - caution, stubbornness;
c) drawings - creative thinking;
d) combining elements - the desire to optimize their activities.

6. Sign of signature:
a) to the left - coordinating, pronounced individualism;
b) to the right - balance of character, the ability to understand;
c) direct slope - restraint, straightness, mind;
d) a diversified tilt - secrecy, insincerity;
e) "lying" letters - the presence of serious psychological problems.

7. Direction of the final stroke:
a) up - optimism;
b) down - a tendency to pessimism;
c) directly balanced character;

8. Length "Tail" signatures
The longer the "tail", especially the person Intramit to someone else's opinion. It is also a sign of diligence and caution. Than "tail" in short, the man is more careless.

9. Stressing the signature:
a) from the bottom - pride, the syntitude, dependence on the opinions of others;
b) from above - pride, vanity;
c) crossed signature - self-criticism, discontent with himself, doubt.

10. Signs of symmetry:
a) symmetric - reliability;
b) Asymmetric - an unstable character, mood swings.
c) hoppy - emotionality, impassableness

11. Complexity and simplicity:
a) simple - a person lives according to the principle of "no problems";
b) "loaded" - often inclined to "make an elephant flies";
c) Original - great creative potential.

12. Obligation
The more understandable signature, the more the person is open.

13. Press:
a) excessive - aggressiveness;
b) weak - secrecy;
c) strong - confidence.

A. Farmage

What can tell a signature

Hand writing is associated with the whole being of a person,
with the terms of his life, work, with his nervous system,
Therefore, our manner of writing bears on itself the same undoubted print
Individuality, like everyone else, with which we have to touch.


In our computer century, people write a handle less and less, but signatures in documents, statements and other places are still set. However, you should not neglect knowledge about how to determine the character in the signature.

Signature is a particularly clearly developed conditional and reflex movement, which remains unchanged even with some organic lesions of the brain, as a result of which the entire handwriting suffers. Signature is a kind of reflection of a bunch of all that is in a person, its natural seal expressing all the nature.

As a rule, a person has several signature options - the main, or "parade", which is used for particularly important documents (for example, for business contracts or regulations), and secondary.

The most interest for graphological analysis represents the main version of the signature.

How to determine the character of a person in signature

So, let's start with measurements. Pay attention to the total length of the human signature and compare it with the length written by its handwriting of its own surname.

If the signature length is significantly (one-third and more) exceeds the length of the surname written in the same conditions, then we can say that this personality has an overwhelmed self-esteem and level of ambition. In addition, in this case, we can talk about the presence of such quality as a hidden disregard in relation to other people, especially those who occupy a lower social and financial situation.

The signature, which is shorter than the surname, indicates insufficient self-esteem, to underestimate its skills and achievements. In addition, a short signature may indicate a weakened physical condition, excessively modesty, reaching sometimes before fearfulness.

However, all the above relatively short signature does not apply to people who have a capital letter, symbolizing the first letter of the family or initials, has a disproportionately increased vertical size. If the height of the capital letter is 2.5 or more than the height of an ordinary lowercase letter, then we are talking about the presence of such qualities as overestimated ambition, organizational abilities, sometimes despotism, unwillingness to delve into the subtleties of problems. People whose signature consists of one or two high letters, without a long stroke, as a rule, learned to give guidelines, but do not know and do not want to know how and what price this indication can be performed (Fig. 1).

Picture 1.

Consider a signature option that has a normal length and consists of such elements:

    1) initials - one or more letters denoting the first letter of the name, name, patronymic;

    2) letters, elements, signs that are the letters of real last name or simply displaying them;

    3) finite bar or stroke;

    4) Additional elements.

Measure the height of capital letters and compare it with the height of the lowercase letters in the signature.

If the height of the capital letters is twice and more exceeds the height of the lowercase letters (Fig. 5.2), the owner of the signature is an ambitious, confident person, to some extent it can be severe in the dispute, because he considers his opinion the only right. He must have a well-developed communicative inclinations, the ability to organize work and be responsible for its implementation.

But at the same time, such a person is worried about the problems of their surroundings or subordinates only in cases where it depends on them financially or he needs performers of his ideas. Personality with such a signature option is usually active, energetic and selfish nature that do not want to put up with the usuality, often egocentricists. On egoism and distrust of others can talk to the stroke, returning from below to the beginning of the signature.

Figure 2.

Too small capital letters, approximately one height with line, or even less, indicate an understated self-esteem, often insecurity, some spiritual weaknesses.

Normally, the capital letters of the signature should be more lower than one-third.

The second part of the signature may be the capital letters of the surname, some of these letters or some repeating elements substituting them (Fig. 3).

Figure 3.

If there are many such repeating elements, they have a sufficient amplitude, equal to the height of the lowercase letters, and are written with an average or strong pressure, the author of the signature has good mental and physical energy, as a rule, physically and mentally hardly strain, can work long and productively in the atmosphere of increased nervous voltage. Such people have a good logical thinking, are active, possess the ability to see the future in all its diversity.

If this repeating element consists of several small zigzags (Fig. 5.4) and written with a weak pressure (it would be better for this item at all), then it is necessary to pay attention to the reduced level of human sustainability to stressful situations, a weak stock of physical forces and possibly , nervous depletion.

He speaks a lot about a person in his signature such an element as a stroke.

The Grand Russian Graphist D.M. Zuev-Insarov still at the beginning of the XX century. He wrote that the signature, which did not have a stroke, as a rule, belongs to a cultural person who has a good taste. French graphologist A. Rinnar in the 20s of the 20th century. I paid attention to the fact that from the forty members of the French Academy of Sciences in thirty-nine, a very simple signature, some completely without a stroke. Such a simple signature was near L. Tolstoy, V.Solovieva, N. Bekhtereva and many other scientists and writers.

The signature, which ends with a stroke, dropping at an angle of about 90 degrees (Fig. 5.3), can belong to a person who knows how to take tough, sometimes unpopular solutions. If this is the signature of the head, then it can be argued that it is rarely interested in which price is achieved.

On the other hand, the personality, the signatures of which end with this stroke, are energetic, active, decisive and bold.

Uzbek Graphist Aike Nadzhov (Obek Kadyrovich Nazhimov) In his book, "How to find out a person on his signature, or practical grapheology" writes that vertical strokes at the end of the signature indicate the inability to independently bring the case to the end, the need to control and support from the part.

Figure 4.

The stroke, falling wavy (Fig. 5), may indicate a person's diplomaticity, the ability to find reasonable compromises, striving to smooth conflicts. At the same time, if such strokes have a pronounced horizontal amplitude, then we can talk about the tendency to please, wheeze in front of the head and more socially significant people. You probably know people who "live near the leadership" to run behind vodka and cut the sausage. Look at their signatures, it is likely that some of them ends with such falling wavy lines. However, such people are often active, movable, possess a cheerful temper. They are sometimes superficially suitable for issues.

Figure 5.

Straight straight, clear, horizontal (Fig. 6) belongs to people who do not like to let outsiders in their inner world without need. They are rather hidden than open. At the same time, they do not impress the impressions of closed, noncommunicable personalities.

Figure 6.

Owners of such a finite stroke, especially if it is not strictly horizontally, but sent a few up, almost always brought the work started to the end. If the direct horizontal stroke in the end closes down and left, this is evidence of stubbornness in achieving the goals, especially personally significant, as well as quite pronounced egoism. The stroke in the form of horizontal zigzags can belong to an energetic and active person.

It is quite rarely found by a stroke, which has a form of a semicircle, wrapped up and left (Fig.7). We can say that such a person is a thought. It is not associated with a tendency to deception, this is a desire to get into children's fairy tales ...

Figure 7.

Analysis of its general direction is played in the interpretation of the signature.

So, the upward signature (centrifugal), in which the beginning is visually lower on the sheet, rather than its ending (Fig. 8), is evidence of qualities such as optimism, vital activity, energy, ambition, good mood.

Figure 8.

But if the signature is too directed upward, while the angle of inclination exceeds 40 degrees from the horizontal axis, then we can talk about superficial attitude to important problems, inorganizations, self-confidence, an elevated level of egoism.

The signature directed down (falling) objectively indicates the depressiveness of the nature, the weakness of its nervous and mental energy, the inability is sometimes to defend its point of view, pessimistic and dissatisfaction.

If such a signature is also made with a weak pressure, we can talk about weakened immunite or some somatic disease, usually associated with a violation of the liver function and the gastrointestinal tract. When writing with a multi-way or uneven pressure, we can talk about the problems of the cardiovascular system.

A strictly horizontal signature characterizes balanced, permanent personality in its affection. Such people are detained, consistent, with good composure.

Many are added to their signature finite additional strokes or elements that are not related to lines with the signature itself.

For example, a signature ending with a point is the indicator of the tendency of a person to self-analysis (Fig. 5.8). He appreciates his actions from the point of view of the rules and standards established by him and (or) society. Accordingly, makes amendments and adjustments to their behavior. As a rule, such people do not repeat the same error twice.

We mentioned by Week Nadzh believes that the point at the end of the signature is a positive sign. Its presence indicates discipline, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

However, if after a point there are still some signs, such as a dash and another point (Fig. 9), this indicates increditation, suspicion, excessive caution.

Figure 9.

The increase in the number of such signs in the signature indicates an abnormal development of the individual, the strengthening of the listed negative qualities that take painful character. In addition, people who, after the signature, put several points, dash and other signs, often appear obsessive ideas and states.

Stressing the signature from below (Fig. 8), as D.M. Zuev-Insarov wrote, is found in the signatures of English Lords and is an indicator of self-esteem.

In the case when there are two such damn, three or more, we can talk about painful ambition, sometimes a vulnerable, negative development of personality, strong offensiveness.

In some cases, the signature covers the trait from above (Fig. 10). What character in the signature is evaporated in this case? This option may indicate a man's desire to gain peace of mind, some internal equilibrium. In most cases, this applies to personal life.

Figure 10.

In addition, the individuals who are so painted, proud, strive for great achievements, have a good taste. Sometimes they are vain. If such people become supervisors, they need to be afraid to flatter, for those who flatter can easily enter confidence with unkind intentions.

In the case when a person crosses his signature (Fig. 11), we can talk about his insecurity, permanent doubts, sometimes tendency to neurosis.

Figure 11.

There are also very wisdom signatures (Fig. 12). They decorate with all sorts of curls, arcs, titles that harmoniously fit into the signature, visually make it more beautiful, but at the same time are superfluous. The more such decorations, the greater the person's demonstrative, and sometimes hysterical qualities, apparent and showing behavior. Such people are usually selfish, they require an increased, no reasonable attention. For them, external forms are important. As a rule, they never delve into the problem, but they know much superficially. The owners of such signatures also well developed communicative abilities. At the same time, all of their nature is aimed at receiving recognition of others. In addition, the more additional elements in the signature, the most extent the author has imagination, artistic taste, resourcefulness and dodging, loves self-esteem to the detriment, is easily distracted, subject to suggestion and is inconsistent.

Figure 12.

Analyzing the signature, it is necessary to pay attention to the writing of the initial letters.

If the initial letter of signature corresponds to the initial letter of the family, then we can talk about simplicity, perhaps about the modesty of a person, about the conformity of its requests to real possibilities.

If the initial letter is intricate, represents the combination of initials (including favorite persons), is a closure, secrecy. Such people are incredulous, selective in friendship.

Mikhail Storozhev argues that Vitivaya, too decorated signature speaks of crazy and hotness; Simple - about prudsence and courage; Zigzag - about energetic; Weather-shaped - about agility in affairs and closets; Similar to corkscrew - about observation and tricks.

Signature Character: Typology

One of the modern grafologists - Victor Garanin leads a kind of typology of the characteristics.

Egoist altruist. Signature is clear, and you can read the components of its letters. The author is capable of self-sacrifice and subconsciously seeks to be understood surrounding. Conversely: An inequate signature characterizes the egoist, who does not bother the opinion of others.

Scroll-Transzhir. The degree of generosity can be determined by distance between the letters. If it is significant, then you are the wipe. If the letters in the signature "put" on each other, then it indicates economy, and even to the misfortune. You can also find out what period a person is more generous: immediately after receiving money or later. It depends on what section of the signature distance between letters is greater - at the beginning or at the end.

Theoretical practitioner. Mentally divide the signature in half. The first half shows a tendency to mental activity, the second to practical (physical). If two or three capital letters are in the beginning of the signature, in the absence of large formations in the second part, it is safe to say that a person prefers mental labor. If, on the contrary, it is a clean practitioner.

Freedom-loving-dependent. On the length of the tails (strokes) at the end of the signature, one can judge how a person responds to the attempts of interference in his case. The longer the stroke, the wrongpime by the orders and comments in his address. Short tails are characteristic of the signature of obedient, easily affecting people.

Kind angry. Good, calm people in the signature letters are more rounded than that of hot-tempered and irritable. The angular letters speak of the desire for independence, aggression, leadership, ambition.

Idealist pragmatik. Small letters characterize human rational, landed and petty. Large letters - a dreamy, naive, trusting.

Tactic strategist. Owners of squeezed signature - strategists, they think globally, combinatorially, systemically, without going into details. This is often large managers and public figures. Signature Compact, small usually have tactics whose mind is busy specific activities, i.e. "Working horses".

Hideo-chatter. If the letters are large at the beginning of signature, and then decline or turn into a wavy line - it means that its author is secretive, diplomatic. Those who do not know how to keep secrets, on the contrary, the signature begins with small letters, and by the end of the signature they increase.

I think that for the reader, information on the signature as quintessence of the handwriting, which Hayk Nadzh leads.

  • The long signature characterizes the unauthorized, meticulous and even fastest type. Short - impatient and superficial.
  • If the first half of the autograph is more saturated than the second, the author of the signature is inclined to mental labor, he is a theorist, not a practitioner. And on the contrary. In general, the complex, loaded autograph - a sign that a person complicates everything, makes an elephant from fly.
  • The larger the letter starting signature (in comparison with other), the capricious and vain the author.
  • Small signature - a sign of rationality, egoism and misfortune. Large - inherent in a person impractical, gullible, naive, but at the same time independent. In addition, the more compact autograph, the more specifically the author thinks. Dreasurers are signed by dreamers and strategists.
  • Radiance points to the softness of nature, equilibrium. Angular, sharp elements - for irritability, quick temper, intolerance, stubbornness and desire to assert.
  • The letters connected to each other are characteristic of a consistent, logical, but conservative type. Rales in the signature indicate unpredictability and loyalty to the whole.
  • A simple person and signature is simple. And the curls and vignettes are "symptoms" of the creative warehouse of nature, artistic taste, but sometimes boastfulness, selflessness, the desires seem better than it is. Overweight signatures are characteristic of schizophrenics.
  • The more the letters are separated from each other (it does not matter, they are connected or not), the generous man.
  • Bold lines, blots - evidence of confidence, strength, characteristic of extroverts. And on the contrary, the thinner of the line, the sophisticated, is uncertain, the closed person.
  • The longer the stroke at the end of the signature, the person independent and intolerant to the councils. The stroke in the form of a zigzag or wave is a sign of a cheerful, active nature, and straight and rippled struts - evidence of energetic, courage and even stiffness. Without a stroke, educated, cultural, but several infantile people are signed.
  • Elements similar to vertical lines, at the beginning of the signature mean the poverty of fantasy and intelligence. The vertical in the middle of the autograph - slowness when moving to the implementation of the idea. At the end - difficulties at the completion of cases.
  • "Growing" signatures are inherent in people emotional up to unmanagen. Smooth - restrained.
  • Hidden, wayward and independent types are subscribed, "looping", the drawing of ovals and circles.
  • Point in the signature is a sign of discipline. If a person puts her after the first initial, he is from those who sees seven times and only then cuts off. If the point is placed at the end of the autograph, the person is executive and responsible, he brings the work started to the end.
  • If the signatures meet the same, symmetric elements (for example, it ends the same way, it starts), its author is a harmonious person who knows how to compromise and not tired of monotonous labor. However, he is very subject to obsessive ideas and thoughts, he is full of all habits, including bad, music melodies are constantly cling to it, etc.
  • Latin listers in the signature use eccentrics originals, as well as "Westerners" and adolescents, seening MTV.
  • If a person, writing some part of the signature, returns back and adds something else, he and in life prone to return to the past, dig in it, analyze, try to fix something. It is dissatisfied made and once again riveted to achieve the limit of perfection.
  • If a person connects two or three initials to one, he is controlled in the same way - makes two or three times.
  • The presence of initials and name, and the surname points to business suit, responsibility, thoughtfulness. If only the "family" initial, a person is modest, he has no overestimated requests, he does not protrude his "I".
  • Figures in the signature - a rare element, outstanding a rarely concise, careful, incredulous type, prone to neuropsychiatric agers.
  • Finally, the parable in the languages \u200b\u200b- the signature of illegible! It is precisely that she is essentially egoists and brave people who do not care how their actions surrounding themselves.

Thus, analyzing the signature of a person, you can get a fairly wide range of information about it and you can influence this personality in the interests of a joint case, for example, do not take on the work of that whose psychological qualities do not correspond to the standards defined in the team.

However, it should be noted that it is possible to determine the character in the signature, but this analysis gives a negligible user of the identity information compared to the one that can be obtained by conducting a study of the handwriting as a whole.

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Signature Everyone comes up with himself, no one is limited to any rules and laws.

But still, in graphic improvisations, their author is subject to certain patterns reflecting the properties of his nature, which allows you to make a pretty accurate portrait.

Pay attention to the end of the signature: up, straight or down.

If a upThis suggests that optimism is dominated in the character of a person, he is full of energy and seeks to achieve the goal. If such a person is in life and there are disappointments, depression, then he successfully overcomes them and is reborn with new forces, desires, ideas. Often - this type of personality with a creative bias.

If the end of the signature is directed straight - this indicates a balance of manifestations optimism and pessimism. An important role is played by the influence of the environment.

If the end of the signature is directed down- In this case, a person is more susceptible to pessimism, which rather significantly suppresses its creative activity. In such people or there is no faith, or it is very weak, and there can be a decrease in will, weak resistance to alcohol, the susceptibility of diseases of cardiovascular, nervous systems, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

2. Signature length

If signature long "This characterizes a person as a thorough, not loving a rush, hurry, which is able to deeply delve into the essence of the case, persistent, rather stubborn, ampful, but at the same time a somewhat picky, fastened. Such a person should pay attention to the function of the nervous system and kidneys.

If signature short, this is a sign of a hurry of a person, desire to quickly grab the essence, a superficial attitude to the case, since there is not enough patience for a deeper and detailed analysis; Such a person is less capable of monotonous, long-term work requiring constant attention and he does not really like slow people.

As for health, the nervous and cardiovascular system may be labile.

Note. In the latter case, it should be found - whether a person also has a different signature, as often bank employees, doctors, cashiers, as well as people of those professions in which they often have to sign, often have two signatures; One as if official, and the other - for staging on various documents, is usually shorter - in order to save space and time. Consequently, certain professions also affect the signature, more often contributing to its shortening.

3. The beginning and end of the signature

Before analyzing the signature on this criterion, it should mentally divide the signature in half.

The first half of the signature is associated with the beginning of any activity - mental or physical and it can be judged about how a person begins to deal. At the same time, the first half of the signature characterizes the intellectual or mental human sphere, while the second half of the signature shows the attitude towards practical (physical) activity and indicates how a person ends the case.

Who is a person - a theorist or practitioner - can be determined based on the loading of the first and second half of the signature.

If at the beginning of the signature two, and then three capital letters, In the absence of large formations in the second half, it can be confidently assumed that a person preferences mental labor. Such signatures usually have managers of various ranks.
W. the measured load of the first part ( minimum of capital letters, their low amplitude) talks about a tendency to activities of an applied nature. Often people in the signature of which there are indicated characteristics, by profession are employees and public figures.

On the contrary, if there is major formations in the second part of the signatureIt can be argued that practical activity is attractive for such a person.

4. The value of letters (uppercase and lower case)

If a capital letter in signatures amplitude differs significantlyfrom lowercase, then man, im has such a signature, capricient, he has an increased demanding to others.

If she is amplitude slightly different From lowercase letters, then the owner of the signature is modest, without any complaints about people.

Small letters They characterize the human rational, economical and concrete, talk about the ability to concentrate the mind, but very small letters show that their owner is inclined to egoism and misfortune.

Large letters (like children) characterize a dreamy, to some extent naive, impractical, trusting, often overlooking a good man. But major letters can mean the desire for independence, freedom of activity. People with such a characteristic should pay attention to the spleen and the liver.

5. Roundness and sharpness of letters

Good, soft, calm people write rounded letters,

and hot-tempered, sharp, intolerable, irritable angular. The angular letters speak of the desire for independence, about the critical mind, stubbornness, aggressiveness, a tendency to self-affirmation, rigor, ambition.

On this basis, it is possible to determine how relations with such a person may be. IN depending on the beginning or at the end of the signature, more rounded forms, one can say in which case a person behaves softer. At the beginning of the formation of relationships or later.

For example, the signature in the figure on the right indicates that the owner of this signature is more common to be correct at the beginning of relations.

6. Connection and torn letters

If a all letters in signatures interconnectedYou can talk about the consistent, logical character of this person, his mental activity, as well as about some conservatism in his views, a rather complicated perception of the whole new.

Thinking is more flexible and adaptive if in the signature is detected moderate amount of gaps between letters, which also indicates The ability to harmonize the desired and valid.

An excessive amount of gaps testifies to figuratively concrete thinking, unpredictability of actions, dreaminess, the desire to draw attention to themselves, impress the surrounding.

7. Confidence in writing letters

About the confidence of a person in themselves can be judged on confidence and hardnesswith which he subscribes.

The person is insecure also easy to solve his signature.

8. Various decorations in the signature

If a person is boasting and trying to embellish his advantages, it is easily detected in his signature, as it is also embellished: Different appear curls, ribbons and friend ie similar education. And than them are more, the more in a man's apparent, insincere.

At a simple person and signature simple, modest.

But various decorations can be quite often found in people with a rich imagination - artists, artists, musicians.

Persons with a logical warehouse of the mind - mathematicians, physicists signature often happens as if " great"That is, the letters that they use in their signature, as if confused some parts. It also talks about the concreteness of thinking. If such letters also have little connected with each other, it indicates illogy, judacy, short-sightedness of thinking.

9. Misching when writing letters

Signature compact, compressedusually have "tactics", that is, those whose mind is engaged in specific activities.

On the contrary mischingthe signature more often has "strategists" - those who think globally, combinatorially, systemically. As a rule, these are major leaders, public figures.

10. Distance between letters

For this feature you can determine the degree of generosity of a person: if the distance between the letters significant - This is a generous person, and to extremely the manifestation of the sign - the transcription.
If forces letters in signatures put on each other, it indicates economy and even misfortune.
According to the interbouquency distance, you can even learn what period a person is more generous, as well as in what predominantly the sphere is manifested by its generosity - intellectual or material - it depends on what part of the signature distance between letters is more - at its beginning or at the end.

11. Pressure force when writing letters

About the physical strength of a person speak bold lines letters, blots (This is especially well noticeable when using ink handle), a large sale of paper, strong push with a letter of evidence that the owner of this signature refers to the extroverts.

Foundingin the form of a hair line of letters and even as if lifting line on ne.
outdoor sites are inherent in introverts, that is, people who are directed inwards. Such people if they are engaged in public activities, then it is very easy for them, but through the struggle with their inner.

If the pressure by pressure is smooth, moderate, then this indicates the equilibiousness, whistling actions, composure.

Uneven, impulsive pressure Specifies to the bustiness, emotionality, impressionability, inability to systematic work.

Thick, bold pressure It characterizes people with the development of sensual impositions, with a burden to material well-being.

The thickness of the push is changing, clearly noticeable transition from thin lines to boldThis indicates sexual inclinations, rich imagination, emotionality, lability of nervous and vascular systems, contradictions.

And finally very weak, unwanted pressure places It is found in persons who are unsure of themselves, fluctuating, prone to torment themselves, doubting, in people with an unbalanced psyche, neurasthenia.

12. Underlining, "Tails" in the signature, overclocking

Those who emphasizes His signature below- proud, are interested in the opinion of those who surround themselves, touchy.

People who have a signature that covered with line from above, vain, proud and strive for great achievements.

But along the length of the "tails" at the end of the signature, one can judge the degree of human response to the attempts of interference in his affairs. The longer the "tails", T.
intertly his "owner" to various orders, decrees and comments to their address. Such a tail also testifies to caution, diligence.

If man crosses Its signature, this indicates its discontent, self-critical, about doubting, fluctuating nature. Such people can be subject to neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, ulcerative disease, and it is also easier to succumb to various vices (smoking, alcohol, etc.).

13. Vertical lines in the signature

If the signatures meet form reminiscent vertical linesThis means a barrier, slowdown, brake mental or physical activity. At the same time, attention should be paid - in which part of the signature these verticals are located.

The presence of vertical formations at the beginning Signature indicates the poverty of fantasy, insufficient intellectual and creative activity.

If the "vertical" occurs approximately in the middle Signatures - this indicates a delay, slowness when moving from idea to its implementation, and if in the end Signatures - about the difficulty in the completion of cases (such a person is needed to control the outside and the corresponding incentives).

If there is in the signature clearly pronounced vertical Educations, a medical diagnosis should be aimed at identifying the problems of the urinary sphere.

14. Smooth and uneven signature

Irregularity hanging»Letters in the signature - evidence of emotionality, incontinence, and in the extreme degrees of the manifestation of signs - uncontrollability and impassional. Such people are often subject to awesome-vascular dystonia, neurosis, thyroid diseases.

If signature smooth, written as it were according to the rulerIn this case, we can talk about restraint, self-control, rationality. In this case, attention should be paid to the state of the nervous system, kidney and spleen.

15. Various loops in the signature

If a person is hidden and independent in nature, then he often his signature concludes in the circle. The smaller degree of severity of such qualities is characterized by the presence in the signature smaller loops.

People with such elements in the signature are trying to find such work on which they would be free, independent, did not obey anyone. This is precisely about such people they say: "A cat, which walks herself along bE "and" Himself on the mind. " Hellet. Also are the indicator of stubbornness, their own, caution, "looping" on any ideas, problems.

It should be considered: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the signature there are loops and in accordance with this to make final conclusions. Also, a signature, in which the letters go almost in a straight line in which the letters are moving.

16. Point in the signature

The point is a positive feature. Its presence in the signature indicates discipline and inclination to the completion of the intended.

If a the point is at the end of the signature, this indicates a man's desire to complete the work begun. The presence of a point is also one of the performance indicators.

<Стремление человека получить исчерпывающую информацию, прежде чем он приступит к осуществлению задуманного характеризуется point at the beginning of the signature.

17. "Loading" signature

The more complex, " loaded"Signature, the more clearly a person's ability to create problems itself, which is called" to make an elephant fly. " Often, such a signature is found in psychos.

On the contrary, the simpler Signature - the people live with smaller problems - he seeks to simplify his life.

18. Same elements in the signature

Identical, repeating elements
In the signature, characterize the inclination of the individual to a greater or lesser degree of obsession in thoughts and actions, difficult to eradicate habit. At the same time, this sign says about perseverance, the ability to make it easier to endure monotonous work.

As for health, it should be paid to the state of the nervous system: neurosis is possible, in particular, neurosis of obsessive states. There may also be a tendency to increase blood pressure.

19. Clarity

If signature clear and you can read the components of its letters., it can be safely argued that the owner of such a signature is not selfish, since it is subconsciously seeking to be understood. Often clear signatures are found from teachers, teaching
televisions From a medical point of view, people who have such a signature may be subject to such diseases such as psychos, diabetes, hypertensive disease.

If signature illegibleThis characterizes a person as selfish, little careful about whether others will understand or not, and not very neat.

Such people may suffer from diseases of the eyes, nerves, liver and gallbladder, as well as ulcerative stomach disease.

20. Foreign letters in signature

If a person uses in his signature foreign font (meaning instead of Cyrillic signature made on Latin, Arabic, hieroglyphs, etc.), then this may mean that either he is a fan of all foreign (this is more often characteristic of young people), or wishes to stand out, or he is characterized by independence in views And judgments.

21. Signs of signature

This means that, individuals, whose handwriting or signature close to the template - Low initiatives, their thoughts and judgments stereotypes. People having a similar signature should pay attention to the function of the liver, gallbladder and spleen.

Than brighter and convex The differences in the letter are manifested, the more creative personality in front of us, seeking to make a variety of life. With confidence you can talk about the romanticity of the owner of such a signature. Health should pay attention to the state of the psycho-emotional sphere.

22. Easy signature

The more simpler signatureThe easier the person lives and thinks. Often, simple frequency people instead of signature write abbreviated or even completely surname, they lack fantasy somehow change their signature, embellish it. Such people are less emotional.

Hence, than viteevate signature - the more difficult person's nature, but also more exposure to cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric diseases.

23. Speed \u200b\u200bspelling

In order to correctly draw conclusions on this basis, it is necessary to directly observe the moment of writing the signature. If a man signs quickly without thinkingThis may indicate a professional habit (for example, at cashiers); It is an indicator of increased excitability of a disadvantaged choleric temperament, the state of nervous and cardiovascular systems.

In the figure, such a signature is similar to a signature characterized by writing confidence (see Crystride 7).

24. Tilt letters in signature

Direct slope It characterizes a person a direct, restrained, consistent, having a self-control, and sometimes stubborn. This indicator is also evidence of the dominant influence of the mind.

Reconnected The signature speaks of a balance of the character of a person's character, about his ability to understand other people, to compromise. (In this case, of course, other factors should be taken into account.) Too inclined, almost underlying letters - the phenomenon of pathological.

If the signature is tilted left 125 ° against the direction of movement, this is due to the most often with the inconsistency of personal the natural inclinations and intelligence of a person with the living conditions, and also indicates the booming, stubbornness, demandingness, incredulusity, and sometimes - on secrecy and insincerity.

If the tilt of letters in the signature is different, then this is due to the contrast, capriciousness, the instability of feelings, the impactability, affectivity, incontinence, the scattering of aspirations. With such people should be careful in affairs and relationships.

25. The degree of harmonicity of the signature

Characterizes the degree of practicing personality, the development of intelligence and culture. Separate letters in such a signature can sometimes appear and ugly, they may be observed in their irrigidity, but they can form one harmonious whole.

26. Various types of signatures from the same person

It often happens that the same person has a signature then neat, then careless. This characterizes a person with a pronounced electoral attitude towards others. If someone is of interest for such a person, he will try to show it in the signature, try to show himself from the best side, and if not, then relate to casually and to his signature. In terms of health, you should pay attention to the state of cardiovascular, nervous systems, as well as on the thyroid gland, liver, gallbladder.

27. Changing the signature over time

Signature is one of the factors reflecting the inner world of a person, it is natural, so that with a change in the inner state, the growth of spiritual consciousness and other changes in human life changes and its signature. If a man degrades, then degrades and signature, if a person improved, then accordingly changes and signature.

The signature may also change and in connection with marriage of a woman, reflecting the real changes that occurred in its emotional, social, personal and other fields.

28. "Returns" in the signature

If an individual, writing some part of the signature, returns back some line, or something else adds, this suggests that the owner of a similar signature, having done a certain job, is inclined to return to its beginning, to analyze the achieved, it means that he appears a desire to bring something new, modify, supplement made, that is, there is a state of dissatisfaction, constant desire Improvement.

29. Abnormal signs in the signature

Illegitable anomalous»The signature is often found in persons suffering from obsession of states and ideas, with impaired mental equilibrium or in a state of severe concern. The relief and the number of abnormalities in the signature varies depending on the mood.

When a person is calm, then the signature looks normal, but barely occurs a painful state, as an abnormality appear in the signature, which are characterized by the presence of excessive inappropriate strokes, additional drawings in it, the pixels standing, and the like.

30. The waviness of the signature

Wavy lines in the signature characterize a flexible person, diplomatic, capable of making compromises, it is easy to adapt to various living conditions. More often - these are Sanguiniki, less often - phlegmatics. Such people are less likely to complain about diseases.

31. Geometric sustainability

Equality line lines,
The uniformity of the intervals between the letters, the homogeneity of the pressure and the amplitudes of the inscriptions - signs of geometric cutting of the signature.

A similar signature characterizes the degree of volitional development of a person, his mental decorated, performance, respecting the actions, the stability of the feelings, the definiteness and invariance of relations both to individual phenomena and to everything in the surrounding life. The opposite characteristics of the signature will indicate the opposite.

32. The extended start in the signature

If the signature has an extended start, depending on the degree of manifestation of this feature, it is possible to judge the degree of degree, self-confidence, as well as the despotism of its owner. A person with such a signature should pay attention to the function of the liver, nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.

33. Amplitude of signature elements

If the amplitude of the signature obviously decreases from its beginning to the endThis means that performance, energy, interest and other qualities of a person are also reduced from the beginning to the end of the activity. Such persons may have a tendency to irritability, fatigue. They should pay attention to the liver condition, thyroid eleza and nervous system.

If the amplitude is increasingthen this suggests that a person is gradually developing activity from the beginning to the end of the activity.

If a smooth signature amplitude "This characterizes a person who has a working capacity in a stable level from the beginning and before the end of the activity, attention is sustainable, interest in what is happening, both in labor activity and in personal life, permanent.

If the beginning of the signature largeand then gradually decreases or turns into a wavy lineThis is talking about some man's secretiveness, but also about his refinement, diplomacy.

For those who do not know how to store secrets, the signature begins with small letters that increase to its end.

34. Combinatorics in the signature

If written in his signature as it were connects two nearby letters Through the general element, combines them, then the person is trying to optimize its activities. That is, he has a tendency at the same time to lead several cases at once or wait until any cases accumulate, in order not to spend time on them separately, but to solve them all together. Types having similar elements in the signature have a rational, practical mind. On temperament, they are more often a sanguineis, less often with phlegmatic.

35. Signs of symmetry in the signature

Symmetric elements in the signature, for example, two horizontal or vertical strokes (\u003d, //) are an indicator of a sustainable character of a person, harmony, balance of human qualities, the ability to make compromises. People who have the above elements in the signature love reliability in everything, seek to progress in their activities. In terms of health, such people should pay attention to the condition of the urinary apparatus, respiratory and nervous systems, as well as the function of the spleen.

36. Digital adding at the end of the signature

The presence of such an element as a digital addition indicates a changeable, incredulous nature characterized by critical intelligence and caution. It may also indicate a tendency to neuropsychiatric diseases.

Over the past years, the graphology was used to assess the hidden abilities of athletes and military intelligence officers, "says the famous psychologist, the author of bestseller" Mystery Hand writing "Ilya Schegolev.

And now specialists in the handwriting are also in demand in business. They participate in the selection of personnel, analyzing autobiography or statements, for example on vacation, written from hand. This secret procedure helps to check staff loyalty and identify "dangerous" to organize people. Or adverse trends in the behavior of employees.

Finally, graphologists are able to assess the characters of people with whom business relations have to be built, and there are almost no reliable information, with the exception of their personal signature. Graphology allows you to make a psychological portrait of a person by how he writes individual letters, words, suggestions.


In the signature of any person there are letters, the style of writing which is closely connected with the critical moments in the biography, - explains Schegolev. - Practice made it possible to identify a number of letters in our alphabet, the most informative in this regard.

These are primarily: "O", "A", "B", "B", "R", "T", "Ya", "Sh", "C", "I", "and" . On surprising information, hidden in writing some of these letters, we can give an assessment of the nature and features of the behavior of the organization's staff. Only one example.

Letter "R"

It contains two elements: an inclined bar or process, which is adjacent to the hook or oval. Writing options "P" a lot, it does not surprise. After all, the shape of the letter reflects the paths selected by a person for the knowledge of the world.

If the process of the letter "P" is noticeably more than the height of the lowercase letters for its length, then the person chooses his way in life, on which his fighting qualities, perseverance and determination are most fully found. This is the path of a fighter who can defend their views. Excessive length outflow indicates a person whose way in life is different. This type of people is characterized by demonstration, intake determination, but in the affairs of their fighting qualities do not manifest itself.

Sometimes instead of one process, the letter "P" arises two processes forming a sharp angle. The double process is characteristic of people instantly responding to changing the situation. The reaction is sharp, time to think about the consequences does not remain.

In the handwriting of many famous people, along with the letters "P", having one process, often you can see the letters with a double process. So wrote V. Lenin, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov.

Saw before the registry office

In the West, the grapheology has already been introduced into the rigid channel of pragmatism.

In France, a graphological analysis of the biography is used very often, when taking a job, the head of the personnel department of one large Russian company Valery Kuravlev says.

In Israel, all civil servants are subject to graultical examination. In Holland and England, the conclusion of a grief has not been obligatory when receiving full-time employees to work.

In Germany, it became customary to turn to the graphologist before marriage. Especially often the help of experts are resorted by those who meet the marriage correspondence. In the countries of Southeast Asia, the pioneering of the groom and the bride on a long tradition is included in the marriage ceremony. We also use it. How much was dismissed because of some kind of snot in the signature - you can not imagine!


What gives the character of a person:

Tilt handwriting;

Push letters;

The magnitude, height and width of the letters, their roundness;


Distance between words and lines;

Fields - distance to the edge of the sheet.

Napoleon's signatures were modified during life.

With age handwriting changes

Over time, due to the circumstances, a person may have a character, attitude to life, and this is also manifested in handwriting, "says Vitas Salgeunas Deputy Director of the Leadership Department of Lithuania.

The changes in the character of a person in Napoleon's signatures were especially clearly shown - as if the strokes belong to different people. He did the first signature in 1793, being an artillery captain. She, according to specialists, speaks of ambition and self-adequacy, but nothing graphically stands out.

The second signature is Imperial, 1804, with a spectacular stroke. Third (1805) - after a victory for Austerlice. Experts believe that its centrifugal inscription testifies to adamant perseverance, ambition, inclinations to build extensive plans, on confidence in their implementation. The fourth signature is after the battle near Moscow. The tremendous grew "n" indicates exorbitant ambition, egocentricity, power, vanity, self-addiction.

The fifth signature Napoleon drawn after the flight from Moscow. It is crumpled, shapeless. Experts are apparent to the depths of the state, the tension of the thought, seeking release. Sixth signature - after the battle at Leipzig in 1813. The lenses of the lines, push strokes, the descending strokes - the result of another defeat.

The last signature made on the island of Saint Helena, according to specialists, belongs to a suddenly sharply together man. It gives out the descending down sharply down the stroke and the lack of graphics in Nazhima.

What gives the "barn" chief?

(consults the Criminal Graphist Tatyana Borisov)


Letter - geometry of the soul. (Plato).


Try yourself in graphology

As a sample, it is impossible to use student abstracts, letters, medical recipes, statements. Better, if a person won't know, why do you ask him to write a few phrases on a sheet of unenteined paper. And be sure to sign!

Each characteristic feature and feature of the letter is estimated by a certain number of points, then these glasses are summed up. If the answer seems to you unexpected or unpleasant, do not confuse. After all, this is a game.

Autographs of famous people

Using the test you can practice in the graphology on these signatures

Size letters

Very small - 3 points

Small - 7.

Average - 17.

Large - 20.

Tilt letters

Slope left - 2 points

Light tilt to the left - 5

Tilt right - 14

Sharp slope to the right - 6

Direct Writing - 10

Form of letters

Rounded - 9 points

Square - 10.

Sharp - 19.

Direction Handwriting

Stits crawl up - 16 points

The lines slide down - 1

Line lines - 12


(squeeziness and push strength)

Easy - 8 points

Average - 15.

Very strong - 21

The character of writing words

The tendency to connect the letters in the word - 11 points

A tendency to separation of letters from each other - 18

Mixed style - both - 15

Total assessment

The handwriting is diligent, the letters are removed carefully - 13 points

Handwriting is uneven, some words are clear, others are read with difficulty - 9

The letters are written in some way, handwriting negligent, illegible - 4


38 - 51 points: Such a handwriting is observed in people with weak health, those who are far for 80.

52 - 63 points: So people write fierce, timid, passive, phlegmatic.

64 - 75 points: This handwriting belongs to people indecisive, soft, meek, with sophisticated manners. They are a little naive, but are not deprived of self-esteem.

76 - 87 points: Such a handwriting in people who differ straightforward and frankness. They are sociable and impressionable, as a rule, good family mans.

88 - 98 points: A honesty and respectfulness that has achieved such a sum of glasses has been characterized by honesty and integrity, has a strong, stable psyche, brave, full of initiative and decisiveness, cut.

99 - 109 points: these are individualists, hot-tempered and possessing sharp and fast mind. Usually independent of judgments and deeds, at the same time offended and difficult to communicate, as cutting and jams. Among them are gifted people inclined to creative work.

110 - 121 points: Such a handwriting has people without a sense of responsibility, undisciplined, coarse, arrogant.

36 characteristics of your signature

The signature every one comes up with himself, no one is limited to any rules and laws. But still, in graphic improvisations, their author is subject to certain patterns reflecting the properties of his nature, which allows you to make a pretty accurate portrait.

Pay attention to the end of the signature: up, straight or down. If a upThis suggests that optimism is dominated in the character of a person, he is full of energy and seeks to achieve the goal. If such a person is in life and there are disappointments, depression, then he successfully overcomes them and is reborn with new forces, desires, ideas. Often - this type of personality with a creative bias.

If the end of the signature is directed straight - this indicates a balance of manifestations optimism and pessimism. An important role is played by the influence of the environment.

If the end of the signature is directed down- In this case, a person is more susceptible to pessimism, which rather significantly suppresses its creative activity. In such people or there is no faith, or it is very weak, and there can be a decrease in will, weak resistance to alcohol, the susceptibility of diseases of cardiovascular, nervous systems, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

2. Signature length

If signature long "This characterizes a person as a thorough, not loving a rush, hurry, which is able to deeply delve into the essence of the case, persistent, rather stubborn, ampful, but at the same time a somewhat picky, fastened. Such a person should pay attention to the function of the nervous system and kidneys.

If signature short, this is a sign of a hurry of a person, desire to quickly grab the essence, a superficial attitude to the case, since there is not enough patience for a deeper and detailed analysis; Such a person is less capable of monotonous, long-term work requiring constant attention and he does not really like slow people.
As for health, the nervous and cardiovascular system may be labile.

Note. In the latter case, it should be found - whether a person also has a different signature, as often bank employees, doctors, cashiers, as well as people of those professions in which they often have to sign, often have two signatures; One as if official, and the other - for staging on various documents, is usually shorter - in order to save space and time. Consequently, certain professions also affect the signature, more often contributing to its shortening.

3. The beginning and end of the signature

Before analyzing the signature on this criterion, it should mentally divide the signature in half.
The first half of the signature is associated with the beginning of any activity - mental or physical and it can be judged about how a person begins to deal. At the same time, the first half of the signature characterizes the intellectual or mental human sphere, while the second half of the signature shows the attitude towards practical (physical) activity and indicates how a person ends the case.
Who is a person - a theorist or practitioner - can be determined based on the loading of the first and second half of the signature.
If at the beginning of the signature two, and then three capital letters, In the absence of large formations in the second half, it can be confidently assumed that a person preferences mental labor. Such signatures usually have managers of various ranks.

W. the measured load of the first part ( minimum of capital letters, their low amplitude) talks about a tendency to activities of an applied nature. Often people in the signature of which there are indicated characteristics, by profession are employees and public figures.

On the contrary, if there is major formations in the second part of the signatureIt can be argued that practical activity is attractive for such a person.

4. The value of letters (uppercase and lower case)

If a capital letter in signatures amplitude differs significantly from lowercase, then man, im has such a signature, capricient, he has an increased demanding to others.

If she is amplitude slightly different From lowercase letters, then the owner of the signature is modest, without any complaints about people.

Small letters They characterize the human rational, economical and concrete, talk about the ability to concentrate the mind, but very small letters show that their owner is inclined to egoism and misfortune.

Large letters (like children) characterize a dreamy, to some extent naive, impractical, trusting, often overlooking a good man. But major letters can mean the desire for independence, freedom of activity. People with such a characteristic should pay attention to the spleen and the liver.

5. Roundness and sharpness of letters

Good, soft, calm people write rounded letters,

and hot-tempered, sharp, intolerable, irritable angular. The angular letters speak of the desire for independence, about the critical mind, stubbornness, aggressiveness, a tendency to self-affirmation, rigor, ambition.

On this basis, it is possible to determine how relations with such a person may be. IN depending on the beginning or at the end of the signature, more rounded forms, one can say in which case a person behaves softer. At the beginning of the formation of relationships or later.

For example, the signature in the figure on the right indicates that the owner of this signature is more common to be correct at the beginning of relations.

6. Connection and torn letters

If a all letters in signatures interconnectedYou can talk about the consistent, logical character of this person, his mental activity, as well as about some conservatism in his views, a rather complicated perception of the whole new.

Thinking is more flexible and adaptive if in the signature is detected moderate amount of gaps between letters, which also indicates The ability to harmonize the desired and valid.

An excessive amount of gaps testifies to figuratively concrete thinking, unpredictability of actions, dreaminess, the desire to draw attention to themselves, impress the surrounding.

7. Confidence in writing letters

About the confidence of a person in themselves can be judged on confidence and hardnesswith which he subscribes.
The person is insecure also easy to solve his signature.

8. Various decorations in the signature

If a person is boasting and trying to embellish his advantages, it is easily detected in his signature, as it is also embellished: Different appear curls, ribbons and friend ie similar education. And than them are more, the more in a man's apparent, insincere.

At a simple person and signature simple, modest.
But various decorations can be quite often found in people with a rich imagination - artists, artists, musicians.

Persons with a logical warehouse of the mind - mathematicians, physicists signature often happens as if " great"That is, the letters that they use in their signature, as if confused some parts. It also talks about the concreteness of thinking. If such letters also have little connected with each other, it indicates illogy, judacy, short-sightedness of thinking.

9. Misching when writing letters

Signature compact, compressed Usually have "tactics", that is, those whose mind is engaged in specific activities.

On the contrary misching The signature more often has "strategists" - those who think globally, combinatorially, systemically. As a rule, these are major leaders, public figures.

10. Distance between letters

For this feature you can determine the degree of generosity of a person: if the distance between the letters significant - This is a generous person, and to extremely the manifestation of the sign - the transcription.

If forces letters in signatures put on each other, it indicates economy and even misfortune.

According to the interbouquency distance, you can even learn what period a person is more generous, as well as in what predominantly the sphere is manifested by its generosity - intellectual or material - it depends on what part of the signature distance between letters is more - at its beginning or at the end.

11. Pressure force when writing letters

About the physical strength of a person speak bold lines letters, blots (This is especially well noticeable when using ink handle), a large sale of paper, strong push with a letter of evidence that the owner of this signature refers to the extroverts.

Foundingin the form of a hair line of letters and even as if lifting line on ne.
outdoor sites are inherent in introverts, that is, people who are directed inwards. Such people if they are engaged in public activities, then it is very easy for them, but through the struggle with their inner.
If the pressure by pressure is smooth, moderate, then this indicates the equilibiousness, whistling actions, composure.

Uneven, impulsive pressure Specifies to the bustiness, emotionality, impressionability, inability to systematic work.

Thick, bold pressure It characterizes people with the development of sensual impositions, with a burden to material well-being.

The thickness of the push is changing, clearly noticeable transition from thin lines to boldThis indicates sexual inclinations, rich imagination, emotionality, lability of nervous and vascular systems, contradictions.

And finally very weak, unwanted pressure places It is found in persons who are unsure of themselves, fluctuating, prone to torment themselves, doubting, in people with an unbalanced psyche, neurasthenia.

12. Underlining, "Tails" in the signature, overclocking

Those who emphasizes His signature below- proud, are interested in the opinion of those who surround themselves, touchy.

People who have a signature that covered with line from above, vain, proud and strive for great achievements.

But along the length of the "tails" at the end of the signature, one can judge the degree of human response to the attempts of interference in his affairs. The longer the "tails", T.
intertly his "owner" to various orders, decrees and comments to their address. Such a tail also testifies to caution, diligence.

If man crosses Its signature, this indicates its discontent, self-critical, about doubting, fluctuating nature. Such people can be subject to neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, ulcerative disease, and it is also easier to succumb to various vices (smoking, alcohol, etc.).

13. Vertical lines in the signature

If the signatures meet form reminiscent vertical linesThis means a barrier, slowdown, brake mental or physical activity. At the same time, attention should be paid - in which part of the signature these verticals are located.

The presence of vertical formations at the beginning Signature indicates the poverty of fantasy, insufficient intellectual and creative activity.

If the "vertical" occurs approximately in the middle Signatures - this indicates a delay, slowness when moving from idea to its implementation, and if in the end Signatures - about the difficulty in the completion of cases (such a person is needed to control the outside and the corresponding incentives).

If there is in the signature clearly pronounced vertical Educations, a medical diagnosis should be aimed at identifying the problems of the urinary sphere.

14. Smooth and uneven signature

Irregularity hanging»Letters in the signature - evidence of emotionality, incontinence, and in the extreme degrees of the manifestation of signs - uncontrollability and impassional. Such people are often subject to awesome-vascular dystonia, neurosis, thyroid diseases.

If signature smooth, written as it were according to the rulerIn this case, we can talk about restraint, self-control, rationality. In this case, attention should be paid to the state of the nervous system, kidney and spleen.

15. Various loops in the signature

If a person is hidden and independent in nature, then he often his signature concludes in the circle. The smaller degree of severity of such qualities is characterized by the presence in the signature smaller loops.
People with such elements in the signature are trying to find such work on which they would be free, independent, did not obey anyone. This is precisely about such people they say: "A cat, which walks herself along bE "and" Himself on the mind. " Hellet. Also are the indicator of stubbornness, their own, caution, "looping" on any ideas, problems.

It should be considered: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the signature there are loops and in accordance with this to make final conclusions. Also, a signature, in which the letters go almost in a straight line in which the letters are moving.

16. Point in the signature

The point is a positive feature. Its presence in the signature indicates discipline and inclination to the completion of the intended.

If a the point is at the end of the signature, this indicates a man's desire to complete the work begun. The presence of a point is also one of the performance indicators.

The desire of a person to get comprehensive information before it proceeds to the implementation of the conceived characterizes point at the beginning of the signature.

17. "Loading" signature

The more complex, " loaded"Signature, the more clearly a person's ability to create problems itself, which is called" to make an elephant fly. " Often, such a signature is found in psychos.

On the contrary, the simpler Signature - the people live with smaller problems - he seeks to simplify his life.

18. Same elements in the signature

Identical, repeating elements
In the signature, characterize the inclination of the individual to a greater or lesser degree of obsession in thoughts and actions, difficult to eradicate habit. At the same time, this sign says about perseverance, the ability to make it easier to endure monotonous work.

As for health, it should be paid to the state of the nervous system: neurosis is possible, in particular, neurosis of obsessive states. There may also be a tendency to increase blood pressure.

19. Clarity

If signature clear and you can read the components of its letters., it can be safely argued that the owner of such a signature is not selfish, since it is subconsciously seeking to be understood. Often clear signatures are found from teachers, teaching
televisions From a medical point of view, people who have such a signature may be subject to such diseases such as psychos, diabetes, hypertensive disease.

If signature illegibleThis characterizes a person as selfish, little careful about whether others will understand or not, and not very neat.
Such people may suffer from diseases of the eyes, nerves, liver and gallbladder, as well as ulcerative stomach disease.

20. Foreign letters in signature

If a person uses in his signature foreign font (meaning instead of Cyrillic signature made on Latin, Arabic, hieroglyphs, etc.), then this may mean that either he is a fan of all foreign (this is more often characteristic of young people), or wishes to stand out, or he is characterized by independence in views And judgments.

21. Signs of signature

This means that, individuals, whose handwriting or signature close to the template - Low initiatives, their thoughts and judgments stereotypes. People having a similar signature should pay attention to the function of the liver, gallbladder and spleen.

Than brighter and convex The differences in the letter are manifested, the more creative personality in front of us, seeking to make a variety of life. With confidence you can talk about the romanticity of the owner of such a signature. Health should pay attention to the state of the psycho-emotional sphere.

22. Easy signature

The more simpler signatureThe easier the person lives and thinks. Often, simple frequency people instead of signature write abbreviated or even completely surname, they lack fantasy somehow change their signature, embellish it. Such people are less emotional.

Hence, than viteevate signature - the more difficult person's nature, but also more exposure to cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric diseases.

23. Speed \u200b\u200bspelling

In order to correctly draw conclusions on this basis, it is necessary to directly observe the moment of writing the signature. If a man signs quickly without thinkingThis may indicate a professional habit (for example, at cashiers); It is an indicator of increased excitability of a disadvantaged choleric temperament, the state of nervous and cardiovascular systems.
In the figure, such a signature is similar to a signature characterized by writing confidence (see Crystride 7).

24. Tilt letters in signature

Direct slope It characterizes a person a direct, restrained, consistent, having a self-control, and sometimes stubborn. This indicator is also evidence of the dominant influence of the mind.

Reconnected The signature speaks of a balance of the character of a person's character, about his ability to understand other people, to compromise. (In this case, of course, other factors should be taken into account.) Too inclined, almost underlying letters - the phenomenon of pathological.

If the signature is tilted left 125 ° against the direction of movement, this is due to the most often with the inconsistency of personal the natural inclinations and intelligence of a person with the living conditions, and also indicates the booming, stubbornness, demandingness, incredulusity, and sometimes - on secrecy and insincerity.

If the tilt of letters in the signature is different, then this is due to the contrast, capriciousness, the instability of feelings, the impactability, affectivity, incontinence, the scattering of aspirations. With such people should be careful in affairs and relationships.

25. The degree of harmonicity of the signature

Characterizes the degree of practicing personality, the development of intelligence and culture. Separate letters in such a signature can sometimes appear and ugly, they may be observed in their irrigidity, but they can form one harmonious whole.

26. Various types of signatures from the same person

It often happens that the same person has a signature then neat, then careless. This characterizes a person with a pronounced electoral attitude towards others. If someone is of interest for such a person, he will try to show it in the signature, try to show himself from the best side, and if not, then relate to casually and to his signature. In terms of health, you should pay attention to the state of cardiovascular, nervous systems, as well as on the thyroid gland, liver, gallbladder.

28. "Returns" in the signature

If an individual, writing some part of the signature, returns back some line, or something else adds, this suggests that the owner of a similar signature, having done a certain job, is inclined to return to its beginning, to analyze the achieved, it means that he appears a desire to bring something new, modify, supplement made, that is, there is a state of dissatisfaction, constant desire Improvement.

29. Abnormal signs in the signature

Illegitable anomalous»The signature is often found in persons suffering from obsession of states and ideas, with impaired mental equilibrium or in a state of severe concern. The relief and the number of abnormalities in the signature varies depending on the mood.

The uniformity of the intervals between the letters, the homogeneity of the pressure and the amplitudes of the inscriptions - signs of geometric cutting of the signature.

A similar signature characterizes the degree of volitional development of a person, his mental decorated, performance, respecting the actions, the stability of the feelings, the definiteness and invariance of relations both to individual phenomena and to everything in the surrounding life. The opposite characteristics of the signature will indicate the opposite.

32. The extended start in the signature

If the signature has an extended start, depending on the degree of manifestation of this feature, it is possible to judge the degree of degree, self-confidence, as well as the despotism of its owner. A person with such a signature should pay attention to the function of the liver, nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.

33. Amplitude of signature elements

If the amplitude of the signature obviously decreases from its beginning to the endThis means that performance, energy, interest and other qualities of a person are also reduced from the beginning to the end of the activity. Such persons may have a tendency to irritability, fatigue. They should pay attention to the liver condition, thyroid eleza and nervous system.

If the amplitude is increasingthen this suggests that a person is gradually developing activity from the beginning to the end of the activity.

If a smooth signature amplitude "This characterizes a person who has a working capacity in a stable level from the beginning and before the end of the activity, attention is sustainable, interest in what is happening, both in labor activity and in personal life, permanent.

If the beginning of the signature largeand then gradually decreases or turns into a wavy lineThis is talking about some man's secretiveness, but also about his refinement, diplomacy.

For those who do not know how to store secrets, the signature begins with small letters that increase to its end.

34. Combinatorics in the signature

If written in his signature as it were connects two nearby letters Through the general element, combines them, then the person is trying to optimize its activities. That is, he has a tendency at the same time to lead several cases at once or wait until any cases accumulate, in order not to spend time on them separately, but to solve them all together. Types having similar elements in the signature have a rational, practical mind. On temperament, they are more often a sanguineis, less often with phlegmatic.

35. Signs of symmetry in the signature

Symmetric elements in the signature, for example, two horizontal or vertical strokes (\u003d, //) are an indicator of a sustainable character of a person, harmony, balance of human qualities, the ability to make compromises. People who have the above elements in the signature love reliability in everything, seek to progress in their activities. In terms of health, such people should pay attention to the condition of the urinary apparatus, respiratory and nervous systems, as well as the function of the spleen.

36. Digital adding at the end of the signature

The presence of such an element as a digital addition indicates a changeable, incredulous nature characterized by critical intelligence and caution. It may also indicate a tendency to neuropsychiatric diseases.

Human handwriting is a product of his activities, and since it is a psychophysiological act, the individual psycho-physiological features of the person are reflected in its elements.
The greatest interest to employees of personnel units and structures in the analysis of the handwriting, as a rule, provides information on the nature of man, the strengths and weaknesses of its nature, abilities and inclinations.
The decision of this problem is the graphology - science of human handwriting and its interconnection with personal characteristics.
The use of practical aspects of graphology and psychographology will undoubtedly enable persons engaged in the selection of personnel, expand their knowledge regarding the ways to study the personality.

Possession of pen, like a sword,
originates in the power of the body and spirit
Ancient Chinese wisdom

The opportunity to study the human handwriting, say, in contrast to the use of test techniques recognized by psychological science. Firstly, the possibility of deception from the studied, whereas in conventional tests it is still a slightly "improved opinion about yourself." Secondly, the study of the handwriting can be carried out without being informed of the diagnosed one. After all, such a person can be a candidate for work in your company, head, subordinate, competitor or business partner and even a potential life satellite.

Analysis of signature

In our computer century, people write a handle less and less, but signatures in documents, statements, etc. they are still put.

Signature is a particularly clearly developed conditional and reflex movement, which remains unchanged even with some organic lesions of the brain, as a result of which the entire handwriting suffers. This is a kind of reflection of a bunch of all that is in man, his natural seal.

As a rule, people have several signature options - basic, or paradewhich is used for particularly important documents (for example, for contracts or contracts), and secondary. The most interest for graphological analysis represents the main version of the signature. Let's start with measurements. Pay attention to the total length of the human signature and compare it with the length written by its handwriting of its own surname. If a Signing length Significantly (one-third and more) exceeds the length of the surname written under the same conditions, then we can say that this personality has an overestimate self-assessment and level of ambitious. With a long signature, compared with the last name, it can be about the presence of such quality as the hidden neglect of other people, especially those who occupy a lower social situation.

On the other hand, a short signature testifies to insufficient self-esteem, to underestimate its skills and achievements. In addition, it may indicate a weakened physical condition, excessively modesty that is sometimes gaining to fearfulness. However, such a parcel for a short signature does not relate to people who have a capital letter, symbolizing the first letter of the family or initials, has an exaggerated vertical size. If the height of the capital letter is 2.5 or more than the height of an ordinary lowercase letter, then we are talking about the presence of such qualities as overestimated ambition, organizational abilities, sometimes despotism, unwillingness to delve into the subtleties of problems. People, the signature of which consists of one or two high letters, without a long stroke, as a rule, learned to give guidelines, but do not know and do not want to know what price this indication can be performed ( fig. one).

Fig. one

Consider the signature option when it has a normal length and consists of such parts:

  • initials - one or more letters denoting the first letter of the name, name, patronymic;
  • letters, elements, signs that are the letters of a real last name or simply reflecting them;
  • finite stroke or stroke;
  • additional elements.

Measure the height of capital letters and compare it with the height of the lowercase letters in the signature. If the height of capital letters is two or more times higher than the height of the lowercase letters ( fig. 2.), then the owner of the signature is an ambitious, confident man, he can be heavy in dispute, because he considers his opinion the only right. He must be characterized by communicability, the ability to organize work and be responsible for its implementation. But at the same time, such a person worries about his surroundings or subordinates only in cases where they depend on them financially or he needs performers of his ideas. Personality with such a version of the signature, as a rule, active, energetic and selfish nature, which are poorly laid with commonplace.

Fig. 2.

Too small capital letters, approximately one height with linear or even less, indicate a low self-esteem, often insecurity, some spiritual weaknesses.

Normally, the capital letters of the signature should be more lower than one-third.

The second part of the signature can be the capital letters of the surname, some of these letters or some repetitive elements that replace them ( fig. 3.).

Fig. 3.

If these repeating elements are much, they have a sufficient amplitude, equal to the height of the lowercase letters, and written with an average or strong pressure, the author of the signature has good mental and physical energy, as a rule, physically and mentally hardly strain, can work long and productively work in an elevated atmosphere. nervous voltage. Such people have a well-developed logical thinking, they are active, possess the ability to see the future in all its diversity.

If this repeating element consists of several small zigzags ( fig. four) and written with a weak pressure, then (it would be better if it was not possible at all) it is necessary to pay attention to the reduced level of human sustainability to stressful situations, a weak stock of physical forces and possibly nervous depletion.

Fig. four

He speaks a lot about a person in his signature such an element as a stroke. The Grand Russian Graphist D. Zuev-Insarov was still at the beginning of the twentieth century that a signature that did not have a stroke, as a rule, belongs to a cultural person with a good taste. The French Graphist A. Varnar in the 20s of the twentieth century paid attention to the fact that from 40 members of the French Academy of Sciences 39 subscribed to a very simple signature, some are completely without stroke. A similar simplicity of signature is observed at L. Tolstoy, V. Solovyov, N. Bekhtereva and other scientists and writers.

Signature that ends with a stroke, dropping down by about 90 ° ( fig. 3.) may belong to a person who can take tough, sometimes unpopular solutions. If this is the signature of the head, then it can be argued that it is very rarely interested in which price the result will be achieved. It is more interested in the result itself, and not the process and strength spent by subordinates.

On the other hand, the personality, the signatures of which end with this stroke, are energetic, active, decisive and bold.

Uzbek Graphist Aike Nadzhov (Obek Kadyrovich Nazhvov) in his book "How to find out the character of a person on his signature, or practical grapheology" writes that vertical strokes at the end of the signature indicate the inability to independently bring the case to the end, the need to control and support from .

Falling wavy stroke ( fig. five) It may indicate a person's diplomaticity, the ability to find reasonable compromises, the desire to "smooth out" conflicts. If such strokes have a pronounced horizontal amplitude, this indicates the tendency to please, warm to the head and more socially significant people. You probably know people who "live near the leadership" to run behind vodka and cut the sausage. Consider their signatures - it is likely that some of them ends with such falling wavy lines.

Fig. five

Direct, clear, horizontal stroke ( fig. 6.) Belongs to people who do not like to open their inner world without need. They are rather hidden than open. However, externally do not impress the impressions of closed, noncommunicable personalities.

Fig. 6.

Owners of such a finite stroke, especially if it is not strictly horizontally, but sent a few up, almost always brought the work started to the end. If the direct horizontal stroke in the end closes down and left, this is evidence of stubbornness in achieving the goals, especially personally significant, as well as quite pronounced egoism.

The stroke in the form of horizontal zigzags can belong to an energetic and active person.

It rarely found a turncher, which has a form of a semicircle, wrapped up and left ( fig. 7.). In this option we can talk about human fanter. This is not connected with the ability and a tendency to deception, but rather something from the desire to get into children's fairy tales ...

Fig. 7.

Analysis of its general direction is played in the interpretation of the signature. So, rising up the signature (centrifugal), which is the beginning below than its ending ( fig. eight), indicates such qualities as optimism, energy, ambition, good mood.

Fig. eight

But if the signature is too directed upwards, while the angle of inclination exceeds 40 ° from the horizontal axis, we can talk about superficially to important problems, exhaustion, self-confidence, an elevated level of egoism.

The signature directed down (falling), objectively indicates the depressiveness of nature, the weakness of nervous and mental energy, the inability is sometimes to defend its point of view, pessimisticity and dissatisfaction. If such a signature is combined with a weak pressure, this indicates a weakened immunite or some somatic disease, as a rule associated with a violation of the liver function and the gastrointestinal tract. When writing a variety of or uneven pressure, we can talk about the problems of the cardiovascular system.

A strictly horizontal signature characterizes balanced, permanent personality in its affection. Such people are restrained, consistent and have a good composure.

Many are added to their signature finite additional strokes or elements that are not related to lines with the signature itself. For example, an ending point is an indicator of a person's tendency to self-analysis. He estimates his actions from the point of view of compliance with the rules and standards established by him and society. Accordingly, makes amendments and adjustments to your behavior. As a rule, such people do not repeat the same error twice. In addition, Aik Nadzh believes that the point at the end of the signature is a positive sign. Its presence indicates a discipline, the ability to bring the work started to the end. However, if after a point there are still any signs, such as a dash and another point ( fig. nine), It speaks of increditation, suspicion, excessive caution. The increase in such signs in the signature indicates an abnormal development of the individual, the strengthening of the listed negative qualities that take painful character. In addition, people whose signatures have several points, dash and other signs after the signature itself, prone to the emergence of obsessive ideas and states.

Fig. nine

Underscore from below ( fig. eight), as D. Zuev-Insarov wrote, is found in the signatures of English Lords and is an indicator of a pronounced feeling of self-esteem. If two such features are two, three or more, we can talk about painful ambition, sometimes a vulnerable, negative development of personality, strong offensiveness.

Sometimes the signature covers the trait from above ( fig. 10). This option may indicate a man's desire to gain peace of mind, some internal equilibrium. In most cases, this applies to personal life.

Fig. 10

Everything else, the personality, which so paint, proud, strive for great achievements, have a good taste. Sometimes they are vain. So people when they become superiors, you need to be afraid of a bowel, because the lets can easily enter them in confidence with unkind intentions.

If a person crosses his signature ( fig. eleven), We can talk about his insecurity, permanent doubts, sometimes tendency to neurosis.

Fig. eleven

There are very wisdom and decorated signatures ( fig. 12). They are decorated with various curls, arcs, titles that harmoniously fit into the signature, visually make it more beautiful, but at the same time, as if unnecessary. The more such decorations, the greater the person's demonstration, hysterical, apparent and showing behavior. Such people are usually selfish, they require an increased, no reasonable attention. For them are the importance of external forms. As a rule, they never delve into the problems, their knowledge is superficial. In addition, such people have well-developed communicative abilities. At the same time, all of their nature is aimed at receiving recognition of others.

Fig. 12

Owners of such signatures are inherent in self-examination to the detriment of the cause, easy distraction, suggestibility and impermanence.

To avoid errors when conducting an analysis, it is necessary to pay attention not to one sign of the handwriting, but for all of their complex.

Analyzing the signature of a person, you can get a fairly wide range of information about it and appropriately influenced it in the interests of a joint case, it will be possible to avoid the employee to work, whose personal qualities do not meet certain norms of the company. You can also predict a person's response to certain proposals.

However, it should be noted that the analysis of the signature gives only a small personal information about the identity compared to the one that can be obtained by analyzing the handwriting as a whole.

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edited by the magazine "Handbook of Kadrovika"