List of effective tablets from nail fungus on legs. Is it possible to get rid of the fungus without pills

You can try to cope with the fungus on the nails of the feet of the folk remedies. However, such treatment can be effectively only when the first symptoms appear (see pictures), i.e. In the initial stages of the defeat of the nail plate, and that is not always.

Remember, if someone tells you that you can get rid of nail fungus quickly, it is not true! Giving fungus is a long and tedious process.

So, what folk remedies can cure the nail fungus:


A alcohol solution of iodine - the most popular means of treatment of feet nail fungus at home. Explain why. This strong antiseptic has proven fungicidal properties.

In addition, iodine is able to force proteins to coat, destroy them.

This property and helps iodine fight fungal diseases, because It is reliably known - the fungus has a protein structure.

Available to wide masses due to the cheapness of iodine is used not only to restore nails, but also for damaged sections of the stop, interpal zones. But before starting treatment of nail fungus with such medicine as iodine, remember that:

  • Yod kills the majority species fungi, but not all.
  • The iodine can provoke an allergy occurrence, so a day before the beginning of the alleged course of treatment, a drop of a yoda of an elbow is dripped. Contraindication to treatment will be the occurrence of itching or redness. In this case, try another people's way to treat fungus.
  • Iodine procedures contribute to the staining of the nail in yellow.
  • Burns, dermatitis, and even problems with thyroid gland are possible.
  • The drug is suitable only for nails affected by fungal infection in the initial stage, when the fungus is amazed less than 1/3 of the nail.

Now you know how to treat the nail fungus with iodine, and most time to choose a suitable recipe.

Option number 1. 5% alcohol solution should be applied twice a day on one drop on the affected nail fungus. Do it comfortably with a cotton waller. On healthy nails, iodine is also applied, but in a smaller dosage: one drop in two days.

Option number 2. In the pelvis with hot water, add iodine and the wooden feet in it 10 minutes. Then infected nail pieces are cut off, and 3% hydrogen peroxide is applied on the skin. Completes the procedure for imposing bandages with antibacterial ointment.

Option number 3. The course is 6 weeks. The first two weeks of the nails twice a day are treated with fuccinic, the following two - iodine mortar, and the last two - 9% vinegar.

Option number 4. In a separate container (a medical bubble is suitable) Pour 1 tsp. iodine, nitropungina, acetic essence, juice of garlic. The resulting mixture must be lubricated to the damaged nail, pre-breaking it and cutting into a loose part. The medicine is applied for the night, before applying it is necessarily shaken.

Option number 5. Course - 1 month. Every evening you need to make a 30-minute salt bath (for 1 liter of hot water 2 tbsp. Sea salt and 1 tbsp. Soda). After half an hour, without removing the legs of the water, the affected areas of the skin and the nails are polished with a pailer or cut off with scissors. Then the legs should be washed with soap, put on the hands of the glove and handle the entire surface of the foot, nail rollers, sections between your fingers. On the nails that are amazed by fungus, iodine is applied three times, waiting for the drying of each layer.

Iodine treatment usually lasts about 2 months.

What kind of recipe you do not adopt, remember: to handle healthy and affected by the fungus nails and the same tools can not! Otherwise, fungi move on a healthy nail plate.

As always we remind you that traditional medicine can only be a supplement to the traditional. Be sure to consult your doctor!

Tea mushroom

From the tea mushroom, immersed by 7-8 days in the sugar solution, it turns out a healing sour-sweet drink. He possesses many therapeutic properties, among them and the ability to kill pathogenic bacteria and delay their growth.

That is why folk healers use tea mushroom for the treatment of fungal infections of nails.

You can use tea mushroom in two people: rubbing and overlaying the compress.

Rubbing. A small piece of tea mushroom is free from the films and grind to the state of the casher. It should be rubbed into nail plates affected by fungus, 2-3 times a day.

Compresses. From the tea mushroom to separate one layer, soak it in the water. On this preparation for the overlay of the compress are completed. In the evening, a piece of mushroom should be attached in the nail plate, to put the cellophane on top of it and wear 2-3 socks so as not to fall out bed linen. The pain arising in the first few procedures, for the sake of recovery it is necessary to endure.

In the morning the compress is removed, wash your feet in warm water, and then start removing dead nail pieces. The damaged surface is lubricated with a strong solution of manganese or green. Treatment of the nail fungus by tea mushroom continues 3-7 days, and another 1-2 days in preventive purposes.

And yes, according to official medicine, the effectiveness of this tool is dubious.

Copper Kuner

Copper vigorous fans of folk rehabilitation methods are used both for the treatment of infectious diseases and for the treatment of nail fungus on the legs. Often, the treatment of the nail fungus with copper vitrios combines with the reception of medicines.

There are two use of copper sulfate:

1. A solution of copper sulphate. Prepare it like this: in 1 l. boiled water dissolve 1 tsp. vitriol. This is a concentrated solution, so it is necessary to dilute it before applying - 1 tablespoon of a solution of 1.5 liters of water.

  • Water for the bath is heated (it should be warm)
  • Add the required amount of solution.
  • Lower the foot in the bath for 10-15 minutes.
  • Processing nail plates with a doctor prescribed.

2. Ointment. Copper cunery (1 tsp), we pump out in a frying pan until it change the color - it should become white or gray. Then hesitate also taken by 1 tsp. Yellow sulfur powder, tar (or goose fat). All components are mixed and heated. The resulting ointment is applied to sick nails.

Birch Delet and Degtyar Soap

Birch tar - the product obtained by dry distillation of Beresta. It is successfully used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Treatment of the nail fungus Berezov is also effectively, because it perfectly softens the damaged skin. Folk Lekari offer to lubricate the skin with a pure birch tar, as well as applied on the basis of tarbing mixes and ointments.

Natural birch delet is applied to pre-treated feet: they are sprinkled in a soap bath (15 minutes), after which they cut the nails affected by the fungus, and remove dead skin from the feet. The interfallated zones are wiped dry, and a cotton wand on the affected areas is applied, slightly rubbing into the skin, birch tar.

For 1.5 hours it is not necessary to move and go to something. Ointment should absorb the skin when accessing air. Then wear socks from natural materials on their feet. After 2-3 days, the leg washed in cold water with soap and repeat the procedure again. During treatment, you can handle birch tar and insoles.

Treatment of nail fungus is tar and by ointment. For its preparation, you should take any fat basis (children's cream, for example, or interior fat), and add to it to add. At the beginning of treatment, its concentration should not exceed 5%. Subsequently, you can use up to 15-20% tar.

Some prefer to use a sulfur-tar ointment. In its composition, 3 parts of the tar, 2 parts of the sulfur powder and 10 parts of the fat base. These components are heated and mixed to a homogeneous state. Such ointment impose on the nail, and the plaster is put on top.

It is most convenient to use the bolt. It consists of glycerin and tar taken in 50 ml, and 70 ml. alcohol. The ingredients are mixed in the dark dishes and lubricate the affected nails several times a day.

About 10% of birch tar is contained in the tar soap. Yes, it smells unpleasantly, but the skin is well disinfected and is quickly restored. Here are just a few options for using the Degtyar soap.

Option 1. Baths for legs. Degtyar soap rubbed on the grater, measure 2 tbsp. This is the amount to bring until complete dissolution in 2 liters of hot water, and then omit into the leg solution for 15-20 minutes.

Option 2. 1 tbsp. Underlet soap is slightly bred by water, add 2 tsp. Food soda and are actively mixed. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the affected nail. Do it once a day with a tight brush for teeth.

Option 3. Nails are thoroughly embedded with tar soap, and on top of the foam sprinkled with food salt. Fingers and feet are wrapped by a bandage from aesthetic considerations. In the morning the bandage is removed, and the legs are washed with warm water. It is believed that in a week the fungus must retreat.

Sea and cook salt

The salty salt disinfects the pathogenic microflora, and the marine contributes to the softening of the nail and acts like an antiseptic.

The speech here is not about treatment, but only about auxiliary therapy.

  • Salt and soda need to dissolve in cold water. The ingredients are taken on a spoon. Session - 10 minutes, after which the legs are washed with warm water.
  • Baths from salt and vinegar make every day. The solution is made of 100 grams. Salts (marine or cook), 4 liters of water and 4. Art. vinegar.
  • Effective method is considered to be applied to the affected nail plate salts mixed with crushed mint.
  • A cotton swab, moistened in a solution of concentrated sea salt (on a glass of water spoon salt) applied for a couple of minutes to the nail. At the end of the procedure, the leg is washed by soda water. The course of treatment is 10 days, while the burning and itching is considered a normal phenomenon.
  • Baths with sea salt and essential oils also make for 10 days. For them, it will be necessary to fill the pelvis with hot water at the rate of 1 liters. Water 1.5 tbsp. Salts, mix until the salt of the salt crystals and add 1 liters at the rate. Water or 1 tsp. Essential oil, or 1 tsp. Lemon, or 0.25 ml. iodine. Course - once a day 10 days in a row, then break 2-3 days.
  • Launched nail fungus treat garlic water. For her preparation in the glass of water dissolve a spoonful of salt and crushed clove of garlic. After complete cooling, the solution is filled with, and add more 4 tbsp. Salt. Garlic water lesions are treated twice a day.
  • Salt package is poured into a bowl, dip the leg into the water and rub the salt. Then the dry salt is collected wet, the residues shake with a brush.

Vinegar: Apple, Wine and Acetic Essence

Use vinegar at a concentration of 9%, no more

The fungus dies in an acidic environment. That is why vinegar is very popular with those who want to get rid of fungal infections of nails. Treatment of the nail genuine with acetic acid can help even in particularly launched cases. But you need to prepare for a long course of treatment and for possible burns.

The easiest way to use vinegar is to moisten them nails, wear dense socks from natural material and go to bed. You can mix in equal proportions of iodine and 9% vinegar, and lubricate with the resulting nail plate and feet mortar.

Like any strong acid, the vinegar kills the fungus. And as well as any acid, he can cause burns. Before proceeding with such treatment, ask yourself, why can't buy a pharmacy tool instead of vinegar?

Bath for foot

Components: water pelvis, 250 ml. vinegar (table or apple). The principle of treatment and duration: water is heated, vinegar is poured, lowered their legs and soak before bed for 10-15 minutes. The feet wipe, not rinse, and apply antifungal agents discharged by the doctor. Make such baths every 2 days.

Sticks with vinegar

Components: vinegar 9%. The principle of treatment and duration: a cotton swab to moisten in vinegar, squeeze it and attach to the nail, affected by fungus. Tampon should not be outside the nail. Secure cotton tampon leucoplasty, wear sock. Course treatment - 7 days, session 1 time per day, then break for 2-3 days.

Components: 2 tbsp. Essences, 3 chicken squirrels (alternative - 1 tbsp. Glycerin), 2 tbsp. Vodka. The principle of treatment and duration: the solution is wetted with a gauze or cotton swab, which is then applied to the affected nail plate for 15 minutes. Course treatment - 6-12 months, procedure every day.

Components: vegetable oil, apple vinegar in equal proportions. The principle of treatment and duration: a solution is wetted with a gauze tampon, which is fixed for convenience to the plaster. Apply until the new nail works until it works.


Components: 2 tbsp. Spoons 70-% vinegar, 1 tbsp. Dimethyltictolate, 1 tbsp. Glycerin, 1 tbsp. olive oil. The principle of treatment and duration: after thorough mixing of the components, the ointment is ready for use. It should be applied once a day on the nail plate with massage movements (you can use a cotton swab). Next on the feet is put on the cellophane package, socks. In the morning, the feet wash with the household soap in warm water.


Celest - Plant poisonousBut if you use it in reasonable quantities, you can quickly cope with the nail fungus on the legs even in the running cases. Phytotherapists for combating fungus advise to use both Cupiolete juice and therapeutic baths, and ointments, and tincture. Here are some options for their preparation.

Cleptele juice

Freshly-insulated cleanry is passed through a meat grinder, and juice pressed from the resulting pulp (they make it through 3-4 layers of gauze). It should exit about 200 ml. juice. It is connected with 200 ml. 70% of alcohol and insist 24 hours. The cooked juice is used to lubricate the affected nails, but the processing is carried out only after a 10-minute steaming of legs and their complete drying. Do 3-4 processing per day. Treatment, as always, is carried out before the grief of a healthy nail.

Foot baths

In the footbath add to the infusion of Cephela. It is preparing it like this: in liter, boiling water brewed 15-20 minutes 100 grams. dried cleanliness. After polling the infusion is ready to use. In the bath, infusion and water poured in proportions 1: 1. Foot steam need 15-25 minutes.


The composition of the ointment, except 5 drops of the juice of Cephela, consist of 4 tbsp. Boiled cold water, 2 drops of soul juice and 2 drops of calendula tincture. The components are mixed and the resulting ointment is treated with nails affected by fungus, 3 processing per day.

Tincture from Chistheield

Cleaner from the nail fungus in the form of an alcohol tincture is used very carefully. To prepare the tincture, you will need vodka and grass cleanliness in a 2: 1 ratio. The remedy is 12 days, and then used for treatment. Starting with 5 drops, gradually increasing their number up to 20.

Cheese oil

It can be purchased at the pharmacy, or prepare independently. If you go on a more difficult path, then act according to the scheme. Dry cleanly, put it in a glass jar, fill with any oil (for example, sunflower, almond, peach). It should rise above the grass by 2-3 cm (remember the number). Hour a mixture should be breathing warm, and then a whole week in a cold and dark place. After 7 days, the so many oil is added. Now it is ready to use.

Legs to unpack, process peroxide, after which to treat nails (remove the affected plates, crop the edges) and apply local oil cleanliness. Course - until complete recovery.


We give a few recipes based on soda:

Soap-soda baths

They cannot completely replace medication therapy. The main advantage is the softening of horny layers that do not allow to penetrate the ointments and creams. Components for 7-10 liters of water:

  • 3 tbsp. soda
  • 3 tbsp. Soap, grated (economic or terretary)

The components are thoroughly mixed (until soap and soda dissolve), and then the feet hire for 15-20 minutes. The procedure for circumcision of nails, cleansing the affected areas, applying to dried nails and the feet of antifungal agents. Course - procedure at 3-4 days.

It is worth saying that the soda is used to douch with intimate fungus, because Well copes with mushrooms of the genus candidate on the mucous membrane. The use of it for the treatment of nails remains under a big question.

Soda pasta

The required amount of soda is diluted with water to the state of thick casher. Thoroughly mixed until the formation of a homogeneous mass. Soda paste is applied by a layer of the same thickness on the nail. A few drops of lemon juice are dripping over soda. The result will be a slight pinching and formation of characteristic bubbles. Five minutes later, the paste is removed, washing the legs with warm water with soap.

Treatment of nail fungus Soda must be combined with antifungal ointments.

Hydrogen peroxide as a folk method

This tool disinfects the affected nail and softens it. Such treatment allows other drugs to freely penetrate into the nail plate. If you do not use the peroxide during the processing of the foot or cutting off the nail, you can also apply even more infections.

Of all the listed methods, peroxide processing is almost the only adequate way that brings the result.

We list the most popular folk methods for using hydrogen peroxide.

Cotton pads

Help soften the nail before treatment with antifungal drugs. After unpacking, the nail-struck nail is imposed by cotton wool moistened in hydrogen peroxide. The procedure is repeated twice a day for 3-4 weeks.

Baths with peroxide

Make an aqueous solution with 3% hydrogen peroxide and lower his feet for 2 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the nail plates are lubricated with water and peroxide.

Explaining "Healers"


    I tried peroxide and iodine - zero full. The fungus as grew, so further grown. I decided to quit an airplane and went to the doctor. He passed the treatment with the Mikosan and now just nano on the nails, in order to re-infect them when I go somewhere where you can pick it up.

    My mother tried to treat the fungus with acetic essence. I do not know exactly what and how she did, but the burn was not weak. I have to comply with the recipe at exactly and comply with all the recommendations.

    Part of the recipes are simply stupid (for example, it is completely incomprehensible, why sole copper sulfate or drip lemon juice on soda - both measures with a tz. The conservation of the active substance is meaningless), and all those are based on the use of iodine mortar - are also extremely dangerous. Competent endocrinologists have long been explained that it is a fire leading to the development of autoimmune thyrhyditis. But Ait, unlike fungi, is 100% life.
    "Itching and the feeling of easy burning. This speaks about the healing action. " - do not make me laugh! It speaks of a chemical burn!
    People, do not joke with iodine! This is very serious!
    In 1 ml iodine tincture of iodine approximately 500 times more than the daily norm of an adult!

    Thank you for comments to the video, dissolved :) This professor is similar to a rare charlotan. Here from his site:

    - Conductricherapy (expensive and rather strange procedure, which official medicine does not recognize)

    - Correction of a biopole structure of a person (this is what at all ?? This writes a person who calls himself member of the Russian Academy of Sciences !!!)

    - ultraviolet blood irradiation, magnetotherapy, laxatives and applicators - a complete set for charcoattics.

    • Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Actual Member of the European and Russian Academies of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Informatization and Energy Information Sciences, Medical Sciences, Honored Inventor of Russia, Laureate of the State Prize, has numerous awards. Here is this "charlatan"!

      • Do not confuse R.A.N. and, for example, R.A.N. or other state academies.

        "The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences is a solid Lipa, this is a voluntary organization, where those who have not chosen in RAS or other real academies are coming," the words of V. L. Ginzburg, the Nobel Laureate and Academician RAS.

        Served in the Soviet army "Yugv" skin fungus (between the fingers) was
        Every second soldier has. I lasted a year, but then I also picked up.
        Because The disease showed signs of the epidemic, we read the order for the group of troops.
        "Everyone to run in the morning dew" I did not have to run, but they said that it helps well. I just "burned". I poured several times (5 - 6) the feet of the aircraft kerosene. I remembered it in two months two, nothing was - clean stop!

        From itching well helps the "dead" water, just wipe with swab moistened with water at least once a day and itch disappears almost immediately. From the fungus of nails, it also helps -reat one or twice a week. Water is easy to get at home (see "Live and Dead" Water).
        The second recipe: to process the nail rust neutralizer (sold in auto parts), it contains a weak orthophosphoric acid that kills the fungus. I thus got rid of the launched (left under the skin) the fungus of large fingers. Treatment to carry me a swing tampon (I used a cotton wand) one-going time a month deleting the old nail.

    I read your recommendations ... I was treated for long with all sorts of drugs and folk remedies, until this infection occupied all the nails on the legs. Somewhere I read the usual 6-9% vinegar. Every evening I did a bath for 20 minutes, 2-3 liters of the warm water of 1.5-2 glasses of vinegar and after them cropped Gnille as he could. In the morning, lubricated all the nails with a clean vinegar, with a cotton wand, periodically processed the shoes. Yes, from the legs and shoes smash with vinegar, but this is not mortally even for \\ others. Gradually began to grow new, healthy nails. After 1.5-2 months, everything was restored. Now only once in 3-4 days in the morning I smell with vinegar nails, well, once every 2-3 weeks I make a bath for prevention. By the way, the fungus on the skin from the plantar side of the stop was significantly doused the same. There are no hoptes and warts (or as they are called there). Do not waste crazy money on the pharmacy, nothing helps. There everything is broken or there is no actual beginning. Good luck

    I was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. This summer noticed that I had a rash under the mouse. He turned to the doctor. The doctor diagnosed that it is candidiasis of the skin. Perhaps due to metabolic disorders. Disposal binafine. After receiving the tablets within two weeks, the skin again became normal.

    I often go to the pool to support the form. At some point, noticed that the fingers were afraid on the left leg. At first I thought that from chlorinated water. Then the edge of the nail began to crumble. At the reception, the doctor said that I had onichomicosis, perhaps picked up the fungus in the shower. I was prescribed first exoderil, but there was no improvement. Suggested at first lamizil, but warned that dear. Asked the medicine cheaper. The doctor discharged Binafin tablets. By the way, 2.5 times cheaper. Taken binafine for almost 5 months. Long treatment, of course, but now your nails are in order, and I go to the pool again.

    All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it's dangerous! Only a doctor can be diagnosed.

Approximately the entire population of the globe suffers from such an unpleasant disease as the nail fungus. Often, the disease does not even manifest itself in acute form and, of course, does not cause its owner of special trouble and discomfort. In fact, a person can live long enough with this disease, without visiting the doctor's office and does not struggle with fungus. However, this is quite dangerous, since the disease can spread not only on all nail plates, but also go to the skin and hair.

Why the nail fungus arises and how he manifests itself

The nail fungus on the legs, the causes of which are already installed, is a consequence of the active life of some harmful microorganisms: mold and yeast fungi. They breed enough quickly. As a result, the nail plates begin to crack, compacted, crumbling. At the same time, their color changes greatly. Gradually, the transparent nails turn into yellow, brown, black, and in some cases even in green.

At the same time, many forget that the fungus does not pass by itself, and it needs to be treated. And if the therapy of this ailion is very late, then over time you can lose the nail.

The first appearance of this ailment suggests that skin scales should be conducted in the laboratory. Is it possible to heal at home mushroom on the nails of the legs? Treatment by folk remedies allows you to quickly eliminate the disease.

Vinegar against the disease

This method is very simple and effective. Treatment of the nail fungus of the legs with vinegar lasts about two weeks. The course consists of 7 procedures. After that, the therapy can be considered complete. For treatment it is necessary to prepare a solution. For this, 9% table vinegar should be mixed with clean water. It should be observed proportions. On 1 part of the vinegar you need 8 parts of water. It is worth remembering that men have nail plates and leather on the legs are smaller, so the solution can be done stronger. On one part of the vinegar, you can take only 2-4 parts of the water.

Before use, you need to break the skin and nails. To do this, pour hot water in the pelvis and dilute the cold. In the pelvis it is worth omitting for a while legs. At the same time, the water should not burn. After that, the sparkled legs should be omitted in the bath with an already prepared solution. Such a folk remedy needs to be treated with a fully foot and space between the fingers. Conduct the procedure better every other day. It should be remembered that the vinegar cannot be diluted with hot water, since the substance loses part of its properties.

This method of combating such a notch, as a nail fungus, will make rid of it completely. Early, if the disease was launched, then not one course of such therapy will be required. The main thing is to have patience.

Therapy fungus dimethylphthalate and eggs

How else can you overcome the nail fungus on the legs? Mazi, cooked from the primary means, will great help to cope with this problem. For the manufacture of the composition you need to take a spoonful of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate and a raw egg. All components must be mixed thoroughly. If desired, vegetable oil can be replaced by the usual 70% vinegar. Such a mixture should be applied to the affected sections of nails and skin. After that, the legs should be wrapped with a polyethylene film and wear socks or stockings. The mixture should be left overnight. Such a procedure must be repeated from 3 to 4 times. It is worth noting that damaged nails should be peeling, and new and healthy appear on their place. Since the composition is very quickly spoiled, it should be stored in a cold place.

How to overcome the nail fungus on the legs of iodine

Another effective means against the ailment is iodine. The course of therapy usually lasts no more than 20 days. Throughout the treatment, it is necessary twice a day, preferably in the evening and in the morning, to apply on Iodine damaged nails. But that's not all. Experts recommend to apply iodine and non-affected nail plates. During therapy, pain or also burning in processed places can be felt. Do not worry much about this. This is a sign that nail plates begin to recover. However, if the unpleasant sensations were simply unbearable, then a little break should be taken or reduce the number of procedures. In this situation, iodine is better to apply once a day.

In addition, at the time of therapy, it should be refused at least partially from smoking. After all, nicotine has a negative way to nails.

Birch down against fungus

How else can you overcome the fungus on the nails of the legs? Treatment by folk remedies can be based on the preparations from birch tar. This substance can be used as 10 or 30% ointment or as one of the components of therapeutic compositions. The finished remedy should be applied to the affected nail plates. It follows several times a day, for example in the evening and in the morning. The course is only two weeks.

It is worth noting that the birch tar, if desired, can be prepared at home - in the yard or on its summer cottage. To do this, take a bucket, in the bottom of which there are several holes. Such a container needs to be equipped with a special groove, thanks to which will be made stock tar. The bucket should put a large amount of birch. When burning bark bark will be pulled out. As a result of this, the groove through the hole will be dragged down. The bucket must be properly placed. Fasten the container with bark is needed about five centimeters above the chute. It is worth preparing for the fact that the extraction of natural birch tar is very painstaking and long process. However, as a result of all manipulations, the highest quality substance is obtained.

Rowan against nail fungus

Can I cure the fungus on the nails of the legs? Treatment by folk remedies can not only prevent the spread of the ailment, but also to get rid of it completely. Often to combat fungus doctors recommend using green leaves of rowan. To get the most efficient tool, you need to collect fresh raw materials and grind it. As a result, the green crawler should be. The finished composition can be used as compresses. Cashitz should be applied to all the affected places, and then rewind a dense bandage. Of course, such therapy lasts about a month. Apply compresses worth a few days.

Will Vodka help?

Tools based on this alcohol is an effective treatment of feet nail fungus. It is very simple to use it. To prepare the drug, take about ¾ glass of alcoholic, ½ teaspoon of manganese and a teaspoon of lemon juice. All components need to be placed in a glass container and mix thoroughly. It is best to use a glass. Its remaining volume can be filled with clean water. The finished composition is worth placing in a cold place and leave there five days there. After the specified time, the drug will be ready for use. The resulting tincture should be applied to the affected areas of the nail plates. Conduct the procedure several times a day daily. It is best to do it in the evening and in the morning. The course of this therapy lasts until complete recovery.

Tea mushroom in the fight against the ailment

Very often, the fungus on the nails of the fingertips arises in people after 35 years. Also at this age, the plates can be compacted and become loose. Such nails are very difficult to cut. Often, the reason for this phenomenon lies in the fungus. Tea mushroom will help to cope with this problem. To treat, it is enough to cut off a small piece from the tea mushroom, and then attach it to a damaged place. Better to feed him for a whole night. As a result, the plate will become soft. If this did not happen, the procedure should be repeated. As a result of therapy, the nails will become strong and healthy. It is worth noting that the fungus is very afraid of acids.

Clean and food soda will come to the rescue

This method allows you to get rid of not only from the fungus on the nails, but also from the feet fungus. The method is quite effective. To begin with, it is worth making a soda solution. It is enough to dilute in a liter of pure water a tablespoon of sodium bugger. For some time, the legs should be lowered into the finished solution and unpack. Soda can be put in warm water. This substance does not lose its properties. After this procedure, the feet and nails must be lubricated with oil cleanliness. This substance can be purchased almost every pharmacy. Particular attention should be paid to the areas located between the fingers.

Get rid of Calanechoe

This plant is available in almost every home. However, many do not even know about its useful qualities. But calangean allows you to overcome a nail fungus of thumbs. For therapy, the illness is worth cutting off the fresh leaf of the plant, and then glue the damaged plate. Count the calangean on the finger with the help of a conventional adapter. Change such compress is every day. It is worth noting that the result will not make long wait. The hole will gradually begin to repay, and then the new and healthy nail will grow.

Tea tree oil and preparation "Pinosol"

Specialists in folk medicine argue that the tea tree oil will help to overcome the disease. After all, this substance has antibacterial properties. It should be applied to the affected nail plates throughout the day. At the same time, the course of therapy is at least two months. If the fungus is running, then the treatment may take up to six months.

Also, many recommend applying all known drops for the nose "Pinosol". This means also helps against the nail fungus. The composition of this drug is natural. The drug contains eucalyptus oil, peppermint and pine, as well as thymol. All listed substances have not only anti-inflammatory, but also an antiseptic effect.

Can I use apple vinegar

If desired, ordinary vinegar can be replaced with apple. However, the composition of the drug is also changing. In order to overcome the nail fungus, you need to dilute in the liter of apple vinegar just a few granging bags. The finished remedy should be poured into the bath and dilute with three liters of pure water. In this solution, hold the legs of 10 minutes, and then carefully woot them. Take such baths it is necessary for 7 days daily. It is best to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

Healing baths

What else can you make the baths to overcome the fungus on the nails of the legs? Treatment with folk remedies can take a long time. However, the effect of them will be much better than from medicines. To combat fungus, you can use the following launch solution. For its preparation, three pieces of oak bark should be taken, two parts of the field of chewing, calendula flowers, blackberry and herb fruits. All components must be mixed and crushed. Three spoons of the resulting raw materials are worth pouring a glass of water, and then boil on medium fire for about 15 minutes. The damage can be poured into the bath. Foot foot in such a means you need 20 minutes.


If you have the first signs of the nail fungus on the legs, then hurry to a doctor. After all, the launched disease is very difficult to heal. It is also not necessary to deal with self-treatment, as the means of alternative medicine, as well as medicines, have side effects and contraindications. The use of a folk drug is worth specifying the doctor.

The nail fungus is not a life threatening disease. Nevertheless, this ailment delivers a lot of trouble to a person. Infection occurs when direct contact with an infected surface.

At the same time, it is possible to be a carrier for a very long time, and with the slightest damage to the skin and reduce immunity to suddenly squeezed onchomicosis.

Methods Treating nail fungus at home

The main cause of the nail fungus is the weakening of local immunity and damage to the skin. Symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways - from changing the structure of the nail and before the suppuration depending on the severity of the illness.

It is better to start therapy in the initial stages, then the process will not be so long, and the symptomatics is not so pronounced.

Running onychomicosis is treated hard and long - up to a year, a combination of various drugs. The treatment method often depends on the form of the disease and manifestation of symptoms. Sometimes surgery may also be required to remove the deformed plate.

Cerencing the nail fungus at home can be several ways:

  • Pharmaceutical means;
  • Folk recipes;
  • Combining approaches (combination of 2 options).

You can cope with mycosis, only combining approaches and knowing the principles of treatment. First, official medicine offers a lot of drug options with various reception and dosage schemes.

Pills working on the pulse-therapy method are accepted inside, that is, the maximum dosage for the rapid destruction of the fungus. There is a long pause between courses.

Also, a pharmacy may offer ointment, creams, oils and even special varnishes and films against mikotics. They are basically held by fungicides, but the effectiveness of the same drug may vary.

To successfully cure the nail fungus, it should be primarily identified to determine its appearance, the severity of pathology and skin type. All this is taken into account when selecting drugs for the treatment of Mikosa. If the nail is struck by only 50%, then a common ointment can also cope with the disease.

But in addition to pharmacy funds, traditional medicine should be applied at home. It is most often more secure than to take systemic drugs, as well as available in the price range for the majority. Healing ointments can be done on the basis of butter themselves.

Important! Recipes of traditional medicine at home should be used as pharmacy drugs dosed so as not to violate local immunity and do not worsen the symptoms.

Nail fungus - Treatment and folk remedies

To cure fungus at home can be a variety of folk remedies.

The main components of all recipes for the treatment of onchomicosis:

  • soda;
  • salt;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • garlic;
  • washing powder;
  • vinegar;
  • glycery;
  • alcohol;
  • herbs.

Any remedy for the list presented or their combination will give excellent results, although for some time you have to wait until healthy nail works.

Ideally, before the start of treatment at home, it should be removed the affected nail plate so that nutrients and faster delivered to the lesion zone in the desired volume. This will speed up the healing process. From above, you can apply ointment from both a pharmacy and your own preparation.

Not everyone is aware of, but treatment of the nail fungus, it is not only the application of a folk agent on the skin surface, but also the processing of other surfaces is the daily change of socks, washing bed, as well as shoe cleaning.

It will also be necessary to wipe off with special solutions all the surfaces with which the contaminated area has contacted, that is, floors, furniture, dishes.

Treatment of nail fungus on the legs at home - recipes

Folk Medicine offers a number of recipes for which you can quickly get rid of onychomicosis. Here are just some of them:

  • Peroxide in combination with soda

At first, on the principle of washing powder, we break the legs, but instead of 100 g of powder add only 1 tsp. soda per liter. After a sparking, a piece of wool is applied abundantly moistened with peroxide and wind up this place with cellophane for long-term exposure.

The whole procedure along with a sparkling feet takes about an hour. It is better to put these compresses twice a day, but you can and once, if only it was regularly. Also during the day in the nail cavity should be buried a couple of drops of peroxide.

  • Garlic

Treatment with garlic at home is sufficiently simple and efficient. It is possible to cut garlic slice to the layers, to dip in the salt and put on the place of the defeat, and you can make a garlic salt kashitz and also together with a bandage to wear a day.

This compress can be done at night. You can also do with a bow. If such a cashem is mixed with butter, then a great ointment will be.

  • Nasharyar

For a long time in folk treatment, the fungus was prescribed this alcohol. One cup of ordinary water accounts for 1st. ammonia. Next, the cotton fabric is pushed into the solution and is superimposed as a compression for the night.

  • Salted Soda iodine

Universal folk remedy that is easy to do at home. It helps and sore throat with acroice, and for accelerated wound healing and from the nail fungus. On liter of water there is a teaspoon of soda, a tablespoon of salt and a pair of yeod drops.

  • Soda in treating fungus can be used separately

Add a small amount of water to the soda to get a cleaner, and apply for 20 minutes to the area. Next, wash off the mixture, carefully dried with a towel and sprinkle with a powder / powder.

  • Boric acid

Boric acid as a folk remedy helps in the treatment of the nail fungus is not worse.

Parish your feet, then sprinkle the dry areas of lesion by this powder and leave so night under the sock. 9 procedures are enough.

  • Mix iodine, glycerin, vinegar

Mix iodine, glycerin, vinegar and boiled water 1: 2. This mixture rubbed the steady areas of defeat overnight. Repeat the treatment of fungus at home according to this scheme 10 times.

  • Alcohol

Alcohol to impregnate cotton swab and put on the nail to put on the night under the cellophan. Treatment for 2 weeks.

  • Grass

Excellent assistance in the treatment of onychomicosis - herbs. You can soar legs in the brave charm, sage, cleanliness, mint, chamomile. After turning, mix the same mixture and fall asleep into the sock. So sleep night.

  • Herbs based

The manufacture of masses on the basis of herbs and oil will require patience and accuracy. Mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle and sage are mixed in the same proportions and from this mixture to 100g cream oil add a canteen spoon.

Oil with herbs melts on a water bath and the future ointment languishes as for 30 minutes. When the last time passes, the resulting mixture to strain through the triple layer of gauze. Ointment to apply twice a day on the affected area.

  • Washing powder

Many Internet users offer washing powder to treat the fungus on the nails. This is explained by the alkaline ability of the component. In such conditions, the infection does not survive. 100 g of powder dissolve in hot water (by 3-5 liters).

Pour the legs with this composition every day until the very disappearance of symptoms, after another three days to carry out procedures. Many people write that in 10 days could overcome onichomicosis. This is the easiest folk remedy.

Important! Socks should be changed daily, like their contents. This will prevent the reproduction of the fungus and will accelerate the treatment.

How to quickly cure the nail fungus on the legs - an effective method

The effectiveness of the method of treatment of nail fungus at home is due to a pedantical approach to hygiene, as well as combination of different methods of therapy.

Applying pharmacy, you can also use traditional medicine and vice versa. This will help you quickly cure the nail fungus on the legs. If you feel that after using folk remedies, the skin dries, then it should be applied to the surface of the skin with olive or sea buckthorn oil. The latter can paint the skin and fabric in orange.

When the disease is already defeated, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of folk remedies at home, for example, to steer legs weekly in one of the above solutions.

This will help prevent re-infection. Also regularly handle shoes and other surfaces with antifungal drugs or other methods.

Important! If the tool does not fit, it is necessary to stop and try another method. Any allergic symptom is a warning that the method is chosen incorrectly.

How to treat nail fungus on hands

The nail fungus on the hands at home is treated on the same principle, as well as on the legs. The only difference is that instead of socks, gloves are used. Not every tool can be held for a long time on the field of lesion.

  • Proper treatment of fungus is regular hygiene - washing the hands and those surfaces they concern. Then you do not have to face such an infection in the future.
  • Remember that the nail fungus is very infectious, but the danger of infection is present only in cases where immunity decreases. Therefore, during treatment, vitamins and useful trace elements should also be consumed in large quantities.
  • Immunomodulatory drugs will not prevent, which will help strengthen immunity. Do not use the folk remedy at the same time, and pharmacy so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. At first, apply the pharmaceutics, and then an hour after a mixture cooked from one recipe. This will allow you to quickly cure nail fungus on your hands.

Remember that folk remedies help from the fungus of nails on their hands, but also official medicine should not be held aside. Modern drugs allow for several techniques to finally destroy the mycats, and folk remedies will enshrine the effect for a long period of time.

Fungal nail diseases make themselves felt in different ways: in some cases the nail plate begins to thicken, and then crumble, in the others it becomes fine, like paper. In the risk group, those who wears uncomfortable shoes are most often found, has problems with vessels on their feet or falls into the ranks of the owners of reduced immunity. From this disease, which, moreover, becomes a tangible cosmetic defect, some people suffer over the years, and still seek the answer to the question: "Is it possible to cure a nail fungus?"

The version of official medicine sounds like this: it is possible, but it is very difficult. Professional dermatologists usually, except for ointments and gels for outdoor use, write a lot of tablets and pills, far from harmless to liver. It is known to quite a few cases when such a treatment has not given any decent results, but the patients of the dermatologist appeared a reason to appeal to the therapist, and even to the surgeon.

The venue of traditional medicine looks more optimistic: it is possible to cure the nail fungus, while any side effects are practically excluded, and for treatment in some cases it takes quite a bit of time. All folk remedies for healing from the nasty fungus are based on the use of natural natural components, which themselves are absolutely harmless.

Compliance with hygiene - the key to success in the treatment of fungal diseases

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of varieties of the fungus of nails, the reasons for its occurrence, in general, are similar to another. Since first of all, as a rule, the fungus arises on the legs, and only then turns into arms, the success of its treatment is directly related to the hygiene of the foot. Actually, the fungus and starts first in the cracks on the skin of the foot, and then his "sphere of influence" is gradually transferred to the nails.

It can be provoked by the development of poor-quality shoes, which is not made of leather, but from cheap synthetic materials. If you constantly sweat your legs, then this is another prerequisite for feet fungus and nails. It is impossible to allow foot for a long time in a wet environment, since it is the most beneficial to develop a cunning disease. This applies not only to the sweating of the legs, but also staying in wet shoes.

When a sick person begins a course of treatment from fungus on the nails, he should pay special attention to its shoes and linen objects - in particular, stockings and socks. Shoes are needed every day to disinfect by wiping it from the inside by vinegar. Room slippers in which you went before, it is better to throw away and replace new. Also come with stockings and socks. The priority is given to cotton products, which can be washed in a typewriter at high temperatures, and after washing, it is necessary to stroke the iron.

It is very important to remember that besides extraordinary survivability in the environment, the nail fungus quickly develops immunity to substances belonging to the main antifungal drugs. That is, if the fungus has not been worth it, or repeated infection occurred, for example, through the old shoes, the treatment of the past preparation will not be so efficient. It is necessary to select a drug with a fundamentally different mechanism of action, for example, innovative serum of Mikosan based on the Filter of the RJ enzyme, which has high antifungal activity and does not form addictive to fungus. This serum destroys the fungus in the deep layers of the nail, thereby reducing the risk of relapses.

How to cure nail fungus by folk remedies?

1. Apple vinegar and vegetable oil. Both ingredients are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. This mixture is abundantly needed to lubricate patients with nail plates, necessarily capturing and nail rollers. It is possible to directly attach to the affected nails pieces of wool moistened in the oil and acetic mixture, and to climb them with a scotch tape or a leukoplasty for 3-4 hours. You will feel some burning (thus makes itself felt the action of vinegar), but nothing terrible with nails and skin around them will not happen. The procedure must be repeated every day, and in a month the fungus can be fully cured.

2. Propolis. In any pharmacy, you can purchase a tincture of propolis with a concentration of 20%. It needs to abundantly wasting nails 1-2 times a day. After some time, sick nails should go away by freeing the place for new and healthy.

3. Degtyar soap. At night, the nails are rudely embedded with tar soap and sprinkle with salt. Fingers are bought up to morning. There are reviews that testify that in this way you can cure the nails affected by the fungus almost a week.

4. Garlic and butter. It is possible to treat fungal diseases with support for the beneficial properties of garlic. Which is not in vain called a natural antibiotic. The coils of the same garlic head are crushed in the garbber and mixed with two tablespoons of a softened cream oil. You can skip garlic cloves and through a meat grinder with a shallow grid. The mixture is applied to sick nails and withstand within 1.5-2 hours. Repeat one or twice a day. Course treatment - 1.5-2 months.

5. Fish fat. Of course, it is not calculated on the outside, but on the internal use. It is not possible to cure fish fat from the fungus nails in itself, but as a means of strengthening immunity is simply great. Therefore, it is often advised to include in comprehensive treatment.

Where does the fungus come from?

To understand how to cure fungus, you must first understand its reason. Most often, the unsuccessful treatment lies in the fact that patients do not bring therapy to the end, and all the same adverse factors continue to operate on the body, due to which the fungus appeared.

But back to traditional Mikosam. These are fungi, striking the most commonly nail plate, throwing it on the skin. Or vice versa. From the fungus of the skin to the nail fungus - one step. That is why the so-called feet fungus often happens, in this case the legs of the legs are amazed, and the nails of the legs are affected. More often the fungus is localized on the lower limbs, and there are several obvious reasons. They are connected with the way of hitting the fungus into the human body - with beaches, tiles in the pool, shower. And our feet more often than other parts of the body are in flavored - sweat in poor ventilated shoes.

The fungus is born gradually, retavating a millimeter for a millimeter healthy skin sections. At the first stages of the development of mycoses, people very often prefer not to notice the changes, consider them temporary, wait for the "itself". Over time, the problem is already difficult not to notice:

  • nail - deformed, is stratified, yellowing or white, even in a healthy state should be smooth, pink, brilliant;
  • the skin is peeling and cracking, it is zudith, burns, red spots are formed or all sorts of growths.

Distribution fungus on the skin usually begins with interpal folds - here the skin bursts, begins to ulcerate, itch.

Not only the persons attending pools that do not observe hygiene on the beaches or performing pedicure / manicure in low-quality salons, but also those in whose family are the cases of micaose, but also those in whose family. Doctors recommend keep care in three circumstancesso as not to be asked later how to cure fungus:

  • on vacation - avoid contact with any sand and not walking on the coast is difficult, but you can choose places designed for bathing, not wild beaches; In addition, after each visit to open reservoirs, in the shortest possible time, take a bath or shower, and your feet can be rusted with running water immediately at the end of rest on the beach;
  • in public areas with water - use individual rubber slippers, and for funny security confidence, handle the feet with disinfecting agents;
  • in his family - even if you use a shared bathroom, and in the family there are several people, then from one of them the fungus can easily flush on the rest; It is still important to use individual accommodation for hygiene, to regularly clean the bath itself or shower cabin, and preferably after using it sick by mycosis.

Basic symptoms fungus

Mycoses are such a category of diseases whose symptoms can be viewed at different angles. Some managed to ignore it for months, others feel in the first days and weeks. The first are sent to the pharmacy at obviously pronounced symptoms, already at the late stage of the disease. The second attend doctors immediately. True coming just the last. Because the nail and skin of the foot ignore in no case cannot be ignored. The disease does not go by itself, even though it may seem that it does not affect serious harm.

Rarely, but still cases occur when the micaosis from the skin and nails is incubated deep into the body. The condition for the victims of Mikosa is much more popular, when their skin and nails lose whatever attractiveness, and the fungus begins to deliver permanent physical, and not just aesthetic discomfort.

The manifestations of the nail fungus on the legs depend on the type of infection, as well as on the degree and depth of the damage to the fungus. So, what are the symptoms of the disease you need to pay attention?

  • as for the skin
    • cracks in inter-felling folds (as a rule, between 1-2-m and 4-5th fingers),
    • skin seals, its boobs,
    • redness,
    • a feeling of burning
    • unpleasant odor from stop, however, as from nails;
  • as for nails
    • color change - yellowish, milky white, sometimes even gray or greenish, but the sections of the nail bed stop being natural pink (and the nail himself loses transparency),
    • thickening or nail thinning,
    • the fragility and fragility of nails, their stratification.

Typically, the first signs of fungus are itching and discomfort in the feet, in inter-fellow folds. If this stage is ignored, the infection with the skin of the foot will spread to the nail, and hence it will be harder to heal. When the nails of the feet are significantly affected by fungal, the risk of distribution of infection and hands are not excluded. And, of course, the minimum, but still there is a risk of internal localization fungus.

How to cure fungus: only one right decision

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide variety of antifungal agents, but a large selection of a little is better than small. The most common problem of patients with mycosis is that a slightly looking, the fungus reminds itself with time. Or does not want to pass at all. The question arises - how to cure fungus Once and forever, and not regularly experiment with the means of alternately, but still medicines. The secret of success is simple - it is necessary to get to the profile consultation to the dermatologist and in the treatment to follow all its recommendations. Often, a series of laboratory tests is often for successful treatment, long-term medical experience and the patient's inexorable desire to get rid of this discomfort.

What will the doctor help?

Although the disease seems to be superficial, even though you do not always pay attention, at least the risk to spread the fungus inside the body is minimal, but it is better not to neglect the dermatologist. And that is, a number of reasons:

  • mycoses are not a reason for self-treatment, at least the prevailing number of antifungal agents and are released without a recipe; An independent choice of funds may be a long search for a suitable, because the disease is caused by different microbes, the mechanism of its development is also different;
  • mycoses are a very lively category of microorganisms, and so to cure the fungus finally, no slightest disputes and its traces should not be on the skin, nor on the nails; The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor;
  • fungal diseases are infection; And if ORVI or infections are more consistent with the participation of doctors, then why the nail and skin fungus should be different;
  • nail fungus reduces the quality of human life - when a lot of attempts have done to get rid of the fungus and unsuccessfully when he became a reason for constriction and various complexes, we rush to the doctor; It is better to draw on the contrary, and it is from the consultation of a doctor to start fighting fungus;
  • mikoz nail is a contagious disease that, with an unsuccessful outcome, is easily transmitted from a person to a person, but is rooted for a long time; Therefore, its treatment should be as efficient and rapid as possible, which is impossible without the help of a professional;
  • fungal microorganisms may cause the development of various allergic reactions and more complex diseases (the flow of diabetes, bronchial asthma is complicated, etc.), other infections can be penetrated into the human body;
  • against the background of the immunodeficiency of the fungus can penetrate the blood of a person and affect the internal organs, which is even dangerous evenly outcome.

What tests go through?

It is hardly a major difference between professional treatment of fungus and its elimination independently is the implementation of profile diagnostics. The doctor is faced with the task of determining the species of fungus, the circumstances of the development of infection to assign the most effective means.

At first glance, the use of external means may seem enough, but a professional approach to treatment often includes the oral administration of medicines, and the strengthening of immunity, and, of course, minimizing the negative impacts on the skin and nails, which patients themselves are often forgotten. Who, how neither the doctor tells them to them, where did the disease come from and how to prevent his recurrence.

Dermatomics are caused by trichophyton and microSporum genus fungi. Of these, Trichophyton Rubrum, Trichophyton Interdigitale, Trichophyton Tonsurans, as well as epidermophyton floccosum and microSporum Canis most often provoke onichomykosis (nail disease). Just on the definition of a specific variety and aimed laboratory diagnostics. To carry out such a borrowed sample of the skin or nail and goes into the laboratory. Microskopic, micrical (culture), allergic, serological, biological and histological research methods can be used to diagnose myxes. During the microscopic diagnosis, the scuffle of the skin or nails is treated with alkali placed on the slider in a drop of glycerin, cover with coating glass and microscopy, which makes it possible to explore the structure of the fungus, the arrangement of the dispute, but the final conclusion about the type of fungus. The final conclusion about the species affiliation of the fungus can only be made after culture research.

What medications to choose?

The list of medicines for the treatment of mycoses The doctor assigns on the basis of the obtained diagnostic results. Often prescription drugs are discharged, which do not need to buy in a pharmacy, how much to order to the manufacture, the so-called prescription is risen. It is appropriate to the addition of pharmaceutical preparations by the means of traditional medicine, but again only in agreement with the doctor. Otherwise, the folk remedy can only "heal" infection, eliminate symptoms, but leave on the surface of the pathogen itself.

From antifungal means, the doctor will most likely make a choice in accordance with the resulting diagnostic results. Three large categories of medicines are available to him:

  • for the treatment of deep (systemic) mycoses (cocidioidomycosis, parakecocidomyomycosis, histopommosis, cryptococcosis, blastomycosis):
    • antibiotics (amphotericin in, micaider);
    • imidazole derivatives (miconazole, ketoconazole);
    • triazole derivatives (itraconazole, fluconazole);
  • for the treatment of epidermochythics and triprophides (dermatomykosis):
    • antibiotics (griseofullvin);
    • derivatives of N-methylnaftaline (terbinafin);
    • nitrophenol derivatives (chloronitrophenol);
    • joda preparations (iodine alcohol solution, potassium iodide);
  • for the treatment of candidiasis:
    • antibiotics (nastatin, leviversity, amphotericin B);
    • imidazole derivatives (miconazole, clotrimazole);
    • bischetric ammonium salts (chloride decillary).

Like local (sprays, ointments, gels, creams) and systemic (tablets) drugs from fungus pursue several goals:

  • remove inflammation
  • eliminate the microorganism itself,
  • normalize the blood circulation of the affected areas.

None of the above preparations are not recommended for self-medication. If you have discovered this problem, consult a professional physician and discuss with it the prospect of using these medicines in your particular case.