Ways to harmonize family relationships. Tips for harmonizing family relationships

The family is a place in which a person can open up to the maximum.

A person is born in a particular family not by chance, it is this family, these conditions that are necessary for him for self-realization.

The family is a living system, it develops, changes, reacts to the state of each of its members. And the components of the well-being of this system are many:

Family member health

If one person is sick, then this is a test for the whole family, regardless of who is sick, an adult or a child.

To solve health problems of both adults and young family members will help work on the Gotcha Method... And to understand why these problems have arisen and not to create them again will help consultations and seminars.

Relationship between spouses

Normally, spouses will be easy with each other if there is a unity of three aspects: physical compatibility, spiritual closeness (like being with each other, interesting, pleasant) and spiritual kinship (when people are similar in relation to life, agree on fundamental issues). When people start living together, they usually have a consent. But over time, it is lost, a negative is accumulated, which then does not allow people to hear and understand each other.

Working according to the Method allows you to remove this negative. After that, people can see each other not through the prism of old grievances, but, as it were, anew, they can rebuild their relationships. If the spouses ended up together irregularly, for example, as a result of magic, love spells, then they live together, they do not feel joy, but they cannot part, “something does not let go.” After practicing the Method, these fetters are removed, and people can easily disperse or stay together, but begin to build relationships in a new way.



But if someone from the team refuses to fulfill his task or takes on the task of another person, problems will begin, and such a ship will not sail far.

So in family life: if one of the spouses begins to solve a problem other than his own, the relationship deteriorates. One of the partners may even decide to leave the family just because he is unable to fulfill his task in the family.

Active strong-willed women in families often have such a picture: the wife does everything herself, decides everything herself, the husband does nothing, lies on the couch. At the same time, she constantly "nags" him because he is a bum and does not need anything. But she took on his task - "to steer the ship" - and he had no choice but to step aside and not interfere. She does not see this, cannot look at herself from the outside. In such a relationship, it will be difficult for both the spouses and their children.

In order to rectify the situation, it is necessary to put the woman in order (bring her thin bodies back to normal, remove those distortions that have appeared as a result of her illiterate behavior). Much further depends on her. She will need to learn to behave in a new way.

How can we help: About what the behavior of a woman and a man should be, what qualities they need to strengthen and develop in themselves in order to be two halves of one whole and help, and not interfere with each other on the path of life - you can hear about this at the seminars of the Center " Isorel. " At seminars and open lectures at the Isorrel Center, you will also learn: how to competently build relationships between a man and a woman, how to create a harmonious family, what principles to follow when raising children, how to establish trusting, friendly relations with them.

Family relationships should be not only harmonious, but also mutual. You cannot invest all of yourself without getting anything in return. If you feel that you are doing everything completely alone, then maybe it's time to figure out what you are doing wrong, and whether you are living with that person. In this article, we will give you 10 tips on how to make your family life harmonious.

1. Choose a person close to you in spirit and character, then it will be easier for you to endure the vicissitudes of fate. Suppose you are a strong person, and your partner is a follower who constantly hides from adversity, whines and does not want to decide anything. But he commands a lot and demands from you, and you, out of habit, harness yourself into an unnecessary cart of more problems. Place dots over and. If it's not difficult for you, take on some of the problems, but require your partner to take part in family or work moments too. You should not do everything yourself all the time, you will not only overstrain, but also become disappointed in your partner. Anyone who is used to doing everything on his own no longer listens to the advice of others, and moves away spiritually. This is how the inner connection is lost. Discuss any problem in the family council, identify the problem and solutions, and then who will deal with it and why.
2. Never hush up any difficult situations that have happened, always discuss them, ask if you need help or advice. The longer you are silent about the problem, the more difficult it is to solve it later. The partner sees that you are hiding something, and begins to invent, God knows what, this leads to misunderstanding and quarrels, which means to alienation.

3. Always decide together about major purchases and cardinal changes in life, do not need to be notified after you have done this. You will not only run into a conflict, but your partner can also go for principle. For example, you bought a ticket and want to go on vacation, but your partner is so tired that he has no time for romance. Or you have been offered a dream job in another city or abroad, discuss it right away, whether your partner is ready to wait for you or go, leaving everything behind, with you.
4. Household chores do not disappear from family life, so decide right away who and what can offer to do around the house. If you do everything together or in turn, this is harmony, but you should not blame everything on one, because patience may end. You cannot help yourself, provide your partner with household appliances, money, so that he can solve problems without contacting you.
5. Discuss not only spending from the family budget, but also how you will relax, meet with friends, and how you feel about your partner's long trips. There are no trifles in a family, therefore, so that quarrels and scandals do not arise, it is also better to find out right away. Even if you are a dictator, reduce your habits, be softer, you are at home, not at work. Otherwise, the struggle of strong characters will turn into a constant war.

6. A very important point is your personal qualities, for example, do you know how to forgive. And also, how do you feel about the fact that your partner can get sick, leave you. If you are confident in him as in yourself, then this is a very reliable and harmonious relationship, so you can not worry, he will not leave you, and you too. Very often in the family, mutual assistance decides a lot, so look for a partner who is ready to share all the hardships and hardships with you, otherwise your marriage will not last long. Anyone who runs away after a lack of money, illness of his half, is simply a traitor.
7. Of course, the foundation of any family is children. It is the children who make the family complete and harmonious. If your partner does not want children, then this should alert you. In addition, always discuss how many children you want and when you plan them. You should not confront the fact when it is too late to change something. If a man is not ready for a child, then he will not love him. Both spouses should take care of the children, if they want the children to respect both mom and dad later.
8. Do not forget that any relationship is based on sex, after all, without him, the family will not receive the most important thing, love. It is sex that is the connecting thread that helps renew relationships, raise them to a higher level, and tie the bonds of marriage more tightly. Denial of sex can create a lot of problems that can lead to discord and alienation of partners. If you are always desirable for your partner, and he is for you, then no one will separate you. Love carried through the years is the strongest and most faithful.

9. Study your soul mate, try to match her, grow to her level. There is no need to laugh at any quirks or desires, since you love him or her the way she is, then this is your person. The more nagging and ridicule, the less trust and love. Do not sore at home, you will get the opposite effect. If the requirements are too high, you too may not get what you expected. Your partner is the same person as you with your own merits and demerits, learn to forgive and accept with them.
10. A lot depends on a person's upbringing, so try to grow spiritually together, don't stop in the way. You can learn something new, help each other. You should not constantly mock a person that he is not able to do something, take and teach him, otherwise he will simply go to someone who does not have so high requirements. There is no need to drive a partner beyond his strength, maybe he does not want this. You need a vegetable garden, it is more pleasant for him to live in the city, you should not break the personality, who knows, maybe this is where his vocation is. A lot depends on good manners and tact, a tactful person will give you that feeling of harmony that you dreamed of.

By listening to your partner and meeting his desires, you will get a strong family, a relationship based on trust and love. This is the harmony of family relations, which can be preserved for life.

If you want your legs not to hurt from thorns, cover the whole earth with a flower carpet. Abu-l-Faraj

By caring for your parents, you are caring for your old age
Speak words of love and gratitude to your parents more often. Be aware that, perhaps, your parents themselves once, as you think, “did not give” you their love, attention and care. But believe me, if this is so, it was not out of malice that they did it. Let go of the urge to blame them for it. Their actions were aimed at your benefit, and they did it very sincerely and as they could at that time. Moreover, they were completely convinced that they were right.

Thank your parents for giving you what they could give
It is important to understand that the parents gave and are giving to the child the best that they possess themselves, that which they have achieved themselves. They could and are doing what they really could or can. Be grateful to your parents for this. Believe and acknowledge that your parents gave you everything they had and did everything for you in the best possible way within the limits of their knowledge and capabilities at that time. By "putting in order" your feelings and suppressed emotions towards your parents, you at the same time harmonize emotional relationships with your children.

Find out how parents and children differ in how they make decisions
When inviting the child to make a certain independent decision, parents pay more attention to the long-term consequences of this decision. The child, by virtue of his abilities and the existing insignificant experience, is inclined to see only the immediate results. That is why it is so important for a parent to teach a child to see and take into account all (and not just momentary and immediate) consequences of the decisions made. It is important to achieve such a result so that, as they say, “the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe”, that is, so that both the immediate advantage (non-conflict behavior of the child) and the long-term benefit (foreseeing the situation and calculating it many steps forward) are obvious. Know that responsibility can be learned only when a person realizes and clearly understands that he will be responsible for the consequences of his decisions on his own.

Remember that a lack of love is the cause of many of a person's earthly problems.
If you ask people, fallen and vicious, to tell about their childhood and adolescence, then you will be convinced that most of them did not receive true maternal or paternal love in childhood.

Non-acceptance of one of the principles (male or female) in oneself is explained by an internal conflict with one of your parents
So, for example, if it is difficult for you to accept the feminine principle in yourself - know that in childhood you had an internal conflict with your mother. If you reject your masculinity, you still have problems with your father. When a person realizes which principle (male or female) he accepts more and which less, it will be easier for him to complete the process of accepting his parents.

Realize that our parents could not teach us what they did not know themselves
Our parents tried to educate us as best they could, they treated us the way they were taught in childhood. If our parents could not love themselves, then, of course, they could not teach us this.

Try to understand that our parents did what they could for us.
Realize the fact that our parents raised us the way they raised them in their day. Objectively, they could not give us what they themselves did not have. They loved us the way they loved them, they simply could not do it in another way. Understand this and try to accept what we have. As soon as we understand, accept and forgive our parents, we will finally begin to connect with ourselves, which is so necessary for the holistic and harmonious development of the personality.

Exercise to reunite with your parents
Take photos of your parents (mother and father), preferably separately and around the same time. If it is impossible to find photos for various reasons, introduce your parents. Let their image appear before you. Try to see and feel your blood relation to your parents. During your internal dialogue with them, try understand them better, ask them for forgiveness, forgive and, as it were, cordially accept them again with gratitude into your life. They only wished you well and did what they thought was best for you. Our parents passed on their genes to us; in fact, we are completely composed of our parents. "I" is in many ways they. When we look at them, we are looking at ourselves. If you find it difficult to accept them, then it turns out that you do not accept yourself in the first place. Having learned to understand and fully accept your parents, you will finally understand the most important thing - you will understand yourself. Numerous examples confirm that when you manage to "work out" your relationship with your parents, fully and in every possible way accept and thank them, you begin to meet in transport, on the street, etc. people who are very similar to your parents. They demonstrate similar manners and habitual actions, they literally wear the appearance of your parents internally and externally. Some even find their mother and their father in the guise of the opposite sex. All this happens due to the release of a psychoenergetic (or other kind) block in you.

Understand that the law of "return" ("bestowal", "reflection", etc.) is true in everything and for everyone
So, if you judge your parents for something, wait a little and notice that your children will treat you the same way.

Comprehend the amazing analogy, its essence is that "childhood" and "old age" are like "early morning" and "sunset of the day", because they are very similar
Childhood and old age, child and adult, how are they similar?
The similarities between a child and an adult are manifested in the following:
1) a child is “poor in spirit” by his innate qualities, while an adult, striving for unattainable perfection, is aware of his mental poverty;
2) a child cries, getting lost in space, an adult cries, because he is cramped in the narrow life-earthly framework;
3) the child knows only one hunger: the lack of only bodily food, for an adult, the most important thing is to satisfy spiritual hunger
and thirst;
4) in childhood, we easily forgive, forgetting offenses; in adulthood, we better understand human weaknesses and, covering everything with our love, we forgive them consciously.
People in mature and old age have many childhood qualities: diligence, mercy, warmth, peacefulness. An adult, on the other hand, can master these qualities of a child's soul from the fullness of the received grace.

Know that drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking are manifestations of a lack of love in the family.
Understand that drug addiction, alcoholism, and tobacco smoking are most often the result of a lack of love and heartfelt attention on the part of parents. Through alcohol and drugs, adolescents try to compensate for this deficiency with new promising sensations, a state of euphoria and false, short-term pleasure. Know, dear parents, that the drug addiction your child has got into is too expensive a price to pay for the pedagogical mistakes of the parents.

Understand the interesting thing about loving animals, we very often treat them like children.
Indeed, when we pet a cat or dog, we say to them the same words that we usually say to children. It is no coincidence, apparently, the so-called "old maidens" or "hardened bachelors" have animals and love them as much as children. The primordial purity of the soul of animals, protected by instincts and natural attitudes from sin, remains with them for life, reminding us of the child's spiritual purity, which we probably yearn for all adult life, having gained solidity and material well-being. Thus, communication with animals can be called a kind of memories of childhood and the "next world".

Remember the role of vicarious learning, that is, learning by imitation

Since the learning process follows the example of his parents, a person sometimes needs to redouble efforts so as not to adopt from them a destructive pathogenic worldview and the destructive patterns of behavior that follow from it.

Try to live “near”, but “not together” with your adult children
Be aware that many parents force themselves to live with their children for the sake of allegedly "not destroying the happiness of the children."

Know that every child, as an adult, fulfills certain parenting programs.
The most intensively parental programs are worked out by the child until the period of his puberty (12-14 years), and, starting from this age, his own programs, laid down by the Universe, are included.

  • The main thing is to be aware of the fact that all adults were children, but few people remember this.
  • Accept with gratitude that being both a child and a parent is a great happiness.
  • Remember that the most important goal of childbearing is self-awareness through your own children.
  • Know that the Motherland is what our distant and close parents created in their time. Begin to love and truly appreciate what our parents gave us.
  • Remember that the most lasting union between spouses is a union in spirit.
  • Know that if there is no agreement between the spouses, their children will definitely get sick.
  • Remember that the “leader” (parent) should help the “follower” (child) in a deeper understanding of himself to activate his own powers.
  • Be aware that if a person is sick a lot in childhood, this means that he wants to attract attention to himself with the help of an illness and a formed illness.
  • Learn to let in positive memories of your parents.
  • Know that what you hear from your parents stays with us for a long time.
  • Remember that the smaller the child, the more effective the work with them.
  • Learn well that the completeness of a child's understanding largely depends on the age of his soul.
  • Remember that no matter how wonderful the relationship each person has with his parents, it is in the family that everyone chooses problems for themselves, with which they go through life.
  • If you try to explain something to the child, then only to the extent that he is able to comprehend and understand what has been said.
  • Give the child the opportunity (conditionally after 14-16 years old) to have the right to dispose of his life in full.
  • Think well of your loved ones, while letting go of the urge to exalt yourself.
  • Remember that only truth and consistency can help shape a child's personality.
  • Teach your child to carefully choose the people he will imitate, since their fate will be in many ways similar to the fate of your child.
  • Forgive both your parents and children for their human weaknesses - they have every right to have them.
  • Become more aware of the fact that you cannot have children if the parents have not created a space of love in the family.
  • Remember that truly loving parents trust their child, they are willing to guide him, but not to live his own life for him.
  • Tell your child everything you ever wanted to hear from your parents.
  • Be aware that very often responsibility is transformed into superiority and domination. This happens most often in the relationship between parents and children.
  • Remember that the parent-child relationship most reliably reflects the inner problems of the parent himself.
  • Know that your children's common sense will develop much earlier if you let them make their own decisions.
  • Realize that if the close people around you (parents, children, relatives) do not understand you, this does not mean that they do not love you.
  • Dear parents, be like children - constantly be curious and never stop being amazed.
  • Know that the Universe (God) does not reward, but lends us children, loved ones and people close to us, and does this only for a certain time.
  • Remember that sometimes the role of a wise parent is reduced only to just being close to your child, who is looking for the right solution on his own.
based on the book Vyacheslav Pankratov, Lyudmila Shcherbinina Smile for happiness! Peter 2008
also more on the book links:

Understanding, respect, attention - these are the basic values ​​of every family. When they disappear: you to me - I to you, when everything is in common, when you listen to each other, when you value every moment given only to you, then all doubts disappear - the point of the pair exists. This is the guarantee of harmony. Of course, there are still many other factors that affect relationships and mutual understanding, which should not be forgotten, it is impossible to calculate everything. But on a common basis, you can always come to an agreement. When choosing a life partner, remember - we are not choosing a carefree life. But, nevertheless, we want to wake up every morning from a kiss or at least the aroma of fresh coffee, hug in a dream, look into the eyes and kiss our noses. And it doesn't matter to him how you look, wearing makeup or not. One whole is when there are no complexes ... no shame ... no conventions ... no prohibitions ...

Relationships and family

Harmony, it is in the privacy of two people. And it is not sex that makes you closer, but the fact that it is in making love between people that the thread that is very important in relationships is born. Real closeness, trust and the ability to feel each other. And if this is not there, there is no relationship. For harmony in the family, it is not sex that is important, but the ability to feel each other.

The family is a place in which a person can open up to the maximum.

A person is born in a particular family not by chance, it is this family, these conditions that are necessary for him for self-realization.

The family is a living system, it develops, changes, reacts to the state of each of its members. And the components of the well-being of this system are many:

Family member health

If one person is sick, then this is a test for the whole family, regardless of who is sick, an adult or a child. Moreover, the health of all family members depends largely on the "climate" of family relations. Any flowers begin to ache and wither in a bad, unfriendly environment, the same happens in the family. The illness of one of the loved ones suggests that it is important for the family to unite even more strongly, and to love each other.

Family and harmonization of relations between spouses

Normally, spouses will be easy with each other if there is a unity of three aspects: physical compatibility, spiritual closeness (like being with each other, interesting, pleasant) and spiritual kinship (when people are similar in relation to life, agree on fundamental issues). When people start living together, they usually have a consent. But over time, it is lost, a negative is accumulated, which then does not allow people to hear and understand each other.

Husband and wife must understand their responsibilities in the family. If we imagine that the family is a ship, the task of the husband is to navigate this ship, to decide where he will sail. A woman is an assistant, she monitors the state of the ship, creates conditions (basis) for the movement of the ship. Together they are a team, and the family ship sails forward confidently, it is not afraid of any difficulties. But if someone from the team refuses to fulfill his task or takes on the task of another person, problems will begin and such a ship will not sail far.

So in family life: if one of the spouses begins to solve a problem other than his own, the relationship deteriorates. One of the partners may even decide to leave the family just because he is unable to fulfill his task in the family.

Active strong-willed women in families often have such a picture: the wife does everything herself, decides everything herself, the husband does nothing, lies on the couch. At the same time, she constantly "nags" him because he is a bum and does not need anything. But she took on his task - "to steer the ship" - and he had no choice but to step aside and not interfere. She does not see this, cannot look at herself from the outside. In such a relationship, it will be difficult for both the spouses and their children.

In order to rectify the situation, it is necessary to put the woman in order (bring her thin bodies back to normal, remove those distortions that have appeared as a result of her illiterate behavior). Much further depends on her. She will need to learn to behave in a new way.

Family Relationship Ethics

In the family, as in any other system, relationships between people must be ethical. An ethical relationship is when you treat another person, seeing in him a PHENOMENON OF LIFE, and treat this LIFE with care.

One of the main principles of ethical communication is the observance of the free will of another person. Of course, members of the same family are the people closest to each other, but they are also individuals, with their own inner world and relationships outside the family. And when someone violates the freedom of another, then conflicts begin in the family and one important point is lost - trust.

What can be considered a violation of freedom and unethical behavior? Examples are familiar. For example, a teenage daughter keeps a personal diary, her mother accidentally finds it, and, of course, reads it. But in the diary there are intimate and very personal things that are not intended for mom's eyes. If the daughter finds out about this, how will she trust the mother?

But if the daughter sees that her mother is acting ethically - she does not read the daughter's diary or letters without permission, does not rummage through her pockets, does not check all the calls in her mobile phone, but treats her daughter as an adult, treats her with trust and respect, then the daughter herself will want tell mom something.

Or another example: a woman constantly monitors her child or husband, both verbally and mentally: "Where did you go? With whom? Why? When will she return? Where is she now?" etc. The child or husband feels it and tries to get away from it. Men go fishing, to the garage, to friends, children try to spend more time outside the house. With such total control, a woman creates difficulties in life for those about whom she "cares".

We know and feel our loved ones very well, we, without even realizing it, easily pick up "keys" for them and often try to manipulate them. We assign them, saying “my husband”, “my child” (and after all, a person can call “his” only what he has developed or realized), we consider ourselves entitled to make decisions for them (“I know what is best for you "- a familiar phrase for many). But all this is not ethical behavior, as it violates the freedom of our loved ones and creates problems in their lives.

On the one hand, it is difficult to get away from these problems. We do many things unconsciously, we do it because our mothers and grandmothers did it, we saw it and became saturated with it. But on the other hand, it's easy. To do this, you just need to learn to hear and see what we ourselves are doing, as if from the outside. And having knowledge of how to act and how not, just get away from illiterate behavior, from schemes. Your behavior will change, your attitude towards loved ones - and you will see how they have changed and how much more light there has become in your family!


Children under 10-12 years old are highly dependent on their parents psychologically and emotionally. At the same time, they absorb everything that they see and feel in the family - the manner of speaking and acting, intonation.

You all probably know that if you tell your child every day that you need to put your things neatly, but at the same time you constantly throw them around, then the child will not hear your words, but see your actions, and will do the same. The child's attitude to himself, to others, to the World in general is also formed in the family.

The word education contains the word "nutrition". The parents, of course, feed and clothe the children. But the main thing that parents can give is nutrition with spiritual values ​​and love. If you do not like something in your children - look at yourself, because they, looking at you, have absorbed it. Children, like a mirror, show you how you usually behave: what you say, how you act. If you change, they will change too.

Anna Basis

Holidays are left behind: a merry feast, honeymoon trip, viewing gifts from friends and relatives. You plunge into the hustle and bustle of living together, and a new stage begins: building a relationship between husband and wife. Each of us wants to create long-term relationships, but not everyone succeeds in embodying the idea of ​​a strong social unit. What is harmony in the family: how to establish and maintain this fragile atmosphere?

The history of the concept of "harmony in the family"?

The concepts of "harmony" and "psycho-type compatibility" came from several decades ago. In the 16th and 17th centuries, marriage and love were incompatible terms. It was believed that marrying a loved one was recklessness. Medieval ideals were replaced by bourgeois ideals, when a woman began to demand attention and care for herself. The man had new responsibilities, including raising children. The woman got the opportunity to study, work, express an opinion.

In the 19th century, marriage moved from a patriarchal relationship to a partnership, when spouses pull one strap for two. Here it has already become inappropriate to demand from a woman complete obedience and humility. Women began to actively show their authority and position. As Engels said, the family has become a social unit. Along with the sexual revolution in the 20th century, there is an opinion that the life of spouses should be harmonious, based on equality and mutual understanding between the two.

What kind of family relationships are there?

Family relationships proceed according to a scenario where each has its own role. Depending on who the husband and wife will be in the relationship, family life follows one of four scenarios.

Patriarchal with a bias of despotism;
Matriarchal, where the wife is a clear leader;
Healthy matriarchy;
Healthy patriarchy.

The first scenario assumes that the pope is an indisputable authority, which no one has the right to object to. Mom silently fulfills her duties and languishes in the role of a hunted mouse. and a shadow mother moving along the wall. What harmony we can talk about here! It is simply impossible to establish and achieve mutual understanding.

The second scenario offers a mirror image of the main characters: a wife-leader and a hunted man. The wife holds the reins of government in her hands, and the man completely shifted his responsibilities onto women's shoulders. Is it possible to maintain harmony in such a family and is there happiness? The wife has all the rights, but at the same time must be responsible for everything, including for the husband, who is not able to lend his shoulder at a difficult moment. Such a marriage has existed for as long as a man can endure.

The third scenario fully allows for the creation of a harmonious family. The wife earns more than her husband, solves problems, but asks for advice from her husband and listens to him. The spouse found a second "mother" on whom you can take on some of the problems and who will endure whims. in such a family it is possible. Problems arise when children grow up. They adopt the parental model of behavior and transfer it into their lives.

The fourth option is the most common and most correct one. The man is the breadwinner, the head who makes responsible decisions. A sorceress woman creates and maintains harmony in the family. At the same time, she is the neck that guides her spouse correctly, giving the right advice.

How to establish harmony?

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, harmony is harmony and consistency with something. If we talk about harmony within family life, then it means mutual understanding and respect, consistency of spouses and children. Many people understand that establishing harmony is the primary task, but only a few do it. Young spouses bring discord in a benevolent atmosphere, guided by the attitudes and stereotypes of behavior that are laid down by the parental family.

Since the inception of a marriage, they have been putting pressure on the shoulders of young people, hindering the development of harmonious relationships. They bring suffering until the husband and wife decide to live according to a new scenario. Another obstacle is internal complexes that prevent partners from meeting each other halfway. The vicious, vicious circle of mutual reproaches can last for years and tens of years.

Mature individuals can stop the flow of resentments and reproaches. After all, the actions of both spouses are capable of establishing and maintaining harmony in the family. Mutual solution: “I want to live next to a person for the joy of myself and him” is able to restore broken relationships and create a harmonious atmosphere.

Accepting these rules, one should confide in each other, allow the partner to express their positive and negative opinions, and conduct a dialogue. Maintaining harmony begins with ourselves, so each partner needs to strive for harmony and tranquility in their souls.

Harmony and love in marriage

The main feeling in the family is love. In love, it is easy to take care of your spouse, children. It's easy to be faithful and stand up for a relationship. Feeling love, a person is able to share the suffering of his other half and have compassion for him. Mutual love allows you to protect a relationship so that nothing gets in the way. Love consists in the fact that the wife and husband feel the value of each other, they see the potential for development. Over the years, passion turns into a deeper feeling, in which harmony is maintained.

In love, it is easy to value your companion, respect, accept him with flaws and give him freedom. An obstacle on the way to harmony is mistrust, misunderstanding, manipulation of feelings and substitution of concepts. Hence follows: jealousy, fear of loneliness and loss. A happy family is based on love and respect for values, the provision of personal space and freedom. If a person lives in harmony with himself, it is easy for him to bring peace into his life.

How to maintain harmony in family relationships?

Family life is difficult to keep from conflicts and misunderstandings. But if you set a goal, go for it. Start with respect for your husband, wife, children. Respect the desires, needs of others. Children, seeing the relationship between parents, will understand how important it is to maintain peace and mutual understanding.

Learn to talk, share happy and sad experiences. Listen to other family members without annoyance. Learn to listen without prejudice or judgment. Take your time to show anger or anger. Maintain fragile peace and harmony so that the built order does not break. After all, conflicts, misunderstandings, hidden grievances destroy a person from the inside, destroy his relationship and lead to mutual irritation.

Maybe it will become easier if you discuss the accumulated problems with loved ones in a calm atmosphere? After speaking the problems, you get rid of oppressive feelings and find a solution. If there is a misunderstanding or tension between family members, express how you feel.

The accusations should not consist of just recriminations. Explain why you think this way and not the other way. Open communication and discussion is a step forward. Learn to understand your opponent, and then demand understanding for yourself. After all, our vision of the world is not always similar to the vision and perception of another. Strive to discuss conflicts, not prove the case. After all, your victory in an argument can destroy a relationship. Find compromises and don't compromise the harmony you create.

Everyone has the right to be himself, respect that. Praise and support each other. Don't hide your sincere feelings. After all, it is important to realize that there is a place where you will be listened to and understood. Keep it and appreciate the actions of loved ones.

Spend more time with your husband (wife), children. Memories of a joint vacation, Sunday, a bright holiday strengthen the marriage and become a guide among family life. Communication makes it possible to assess the role of loved ones in life, to understand their importance.

Learn to maintain your individuality as part of the family. Be a person to stand up for marriage at the right time. Maintain family harmony and family bonds will be strengthened.

There is no single solution to family problems for every task. Each couple should look for their own way out of the situation, based on their own feelings. Remember that you should fight not with external indicators of the conflict, but with its true causes. Look for the source of misunderstanding in yourself and discuss problems immediately.

Psychologists say that love and patience are the foundation for a happy married life. Listen to your loved one, and boldly compromise. Everyone has conflicts, but this is not a reason for divorce. On the way to a happy life and a long marriage, only misunderstanding and selfishness can become a hindrance. If you love each other and want to be together, you will strive to correct behavior and accommodate.

February 19, 2014 4:14 pm