Rustic wedding style - disassembly of errors. How to organize a wedding in the style of Rustic. Wedding flower arrangement

Warm, gentle and homely cozy rustic wedding will not leave any couple of lovers indifferent. Rustic (Rustic) Translated from French (Rustique) means "rustic". But it should not scare or jump on the thoughts that your wedding will be boring or not stylish. On the contrary, the ceremony will be exquisite and at the same time simple, which significantly exalts this style in comparison with others. Easy in every detail. Speaking about the style of Rustic, associations with nature, naturalness, naturalness come to mind.

Registration of the wedding Rustic.

Colors of the wedding in the style of Rustic.

The basis of the color range of rustic wedding is such colors as: white, cream, brown, green, gray, blue.

At the same time, accents can become different shades of wildflowers: Vasilek, chamomile, clover, or Melissa.

An ideal place for holding a wedding in the style of Rustic can serve as a field with the coppers of the hay, Polyana in the forest or in the forest boron under the thick branches of the trees. Also an excellent option will be a country restaurant, a hotel or cottage - places in which there are features of the interior solution, like natural stone, brick, wood.

Features of the design of a rustic banquet.

As mentioned earlier, the Rustic style involves the comfort and home furnishings. To achieve this effect should be used by some tips. Tables can be replaced by wooden barrels or large hemp trees.

Plan of seating for guests I advise you to spread the window on a wooden frame or old doors.

Tables are easily covered with natural fabrics (or even boards), vases for flowers can be replaced with small wooden boxes.

To create a warm atmosphere, decorate the trees of trees with garlands, flags. We use all kinds of jars and bottles (with flowers or candles). The suspension decor deserves special attention on the rustic wedding!

If the sweet table is made with your own hands, it's generally a fairy tale! Babushkino cookies, pies, cupcakes and milk - just, tasty and thematically!

Do not forget about the guests. A good gift for them can be jars with jam, jam or honey.

Materials and flowers.

Natural materials will help create the necessary atmosphere, therefore it is advisable to use berries, branches, hemps and cuts of trees, cotton, as well as burlap and lace.

Making a wedding in the style of Rustic, it is worth abandoning new and too bright materials and fabrics, more suitable in this case will be old banks, chests, books, paintings, photos that have been preserved from our grandparents. And dry and dry!

Gypsophila - the main guest on the rustic wedding!

As for such an important element as a bouquet of the bride, it is important to take into account the following features. A bouquet should be slightly careless, disheveled, as if you just collected these flowers on the field. Preference should be given to georgins, cornflowers, daisies, bells, Melissa, for a larger accent on naturalness, you can braid a bouquet of flax or a twine.

Invitations to the wedding of Rustic.

Invitation to the wedding Rustic is best to arrange on paper textured form, for example, choose a designer cardboard. For bold couples, it is possible to realize your most interesting ideas and arrange invitations on the crust or a log house, which will certainly look very original.

Arch on a rustic wedding.

The accents of nature did not bypass the arch, which can be issued using flowers, trees, foliage and needles, fabrics. The decor will well complement the garlands, which can be made independently from glass cans, as well as old doors, carts, barrels and other, long-mounted items. A hay, covered with cloth (for example, burlap), will perfectly replace conventional chairs - during registration, guests must be sitting on something! But the basis will be a tree and flower decoration.

How to dress for a wedding in the style of Rustik?

The outfit of the bride should be simple, straight, creating a lightweight, air image. It should be noted that the dress may not be traditionally wedding, here will be a short dress or a summer sundress from natural fabrics at all.

As for the hairstyle, it is worth staying here on the loose hair that will develop the wind, or braided large braid.

The image of the bridegroom is different from what we used to see. Top will be suspended, shirt, hat, especially straw, moccasins, butterfly. Boutonniere can be made from burlap, dry or fresh wildflowers ...

Now consider all this on the example of a concrete wedding rustic!

Summer is the most successful time to hold a wedding in the style of Rustic in nature. I share with you an example - a beautiful and very warm photo session of the wedding ceremony outside the city.

The groom with the bride (Lindsay and Stephen) long and very carefully planned this celebration. To begin with, they decided on the place. It was decided to hold a ceremony in the suburbs, where Lindsay often had in summer in orphanage. Wonderful landscapes have become the main decor of the wedding!

The creation of this magical holiday was not without the help of the team from the wedding agency. Together with Lindsay and Stephen, all the details of this celebration were thought out. They decided not to be limited to one day of the celebration and organized a whole Weekend. They removed several houses for guests to stay and thought out several fun events: a barbecue on the beach on the eve of the wedding, for girls and shooting training for young people. Our heroes really wanted to arrange a holiday not only for two, but also for family and close friends. And they did it perfectly!

Many elements of the wedding decor were made by designers manually especially for this ceremony. For example, the arch, under which wedding passed, was made from ordinary logs and decorated with alive flowers.

And what original type of transport they chose! It is worth taking these ideas to a note. Of course, if you also prefer the nature of the city bustle. Wedding in the style of Rustic - for you.

Weddings on a certain topic are increasingly displacing the traditional type of celebration. If you want something original, but without excess pathos, pay attention to the style of Rustic. It is characterized by the atmosphere of home comfort and heat, rustic furnishings, natural shades, naturalness and simplicity. If all this is your soul, then the wedding in the style of Rustic, the photo-selection of which is presented in the article, this is exactly what you need.

Color palette and decor

To properly arrange a similar celebration, you should know that the color scheme should be within the limits of natural shades. Preference: beige, white, pink, gray, blue, green, etc. well combined in the contrast sand and corn, the color of juicy greenery and cream. As accents, you can use such shades: terracotta, Marsala, mustard, etc.

Registration of the wedding in the style of Rustic involves the use of simple materials. This allows several using the minimum of finance. But for this simplicity it is impossible to lose the solemnity of the holiday, and therefore remember the main ideas of the decor:

  • Use many colors at the wedding. It can be various field or similar artificial flowers: chamomiles, cornflowers, bells, lavender, poppies, buttercups and others. As a basis, you can also take gerberas, chrysanthemums, some roses. Forming bouquets to arrange decor, tables, as well as a bride bouquet in the style of Rustic, you can create a view of a slightly negligent composition, as if she just collected, tapping all the twine or strip of flax.
  • Play with paper jewelry. You can make funny festive garlands, decorate flowers or reorganize tables. The paper is a budget version of the decor at the wedding, but it can be completely cheap (but not angry), it can be used again. Use old books and records from diaries. This gives some kind of old, which also corresponds to the topic of Rustic.
  • In continuation of the "old" themes do not forget the items that carry a simple time imprint. On grandmother's attics, cute little things that will be appropriate at the wedding have probably dust. You can artificially be things (chairs, tables, even glasses of young), using the Shebbi Shik technique. By the way, you can learn more information about on our website.
  • As for the fabric for the design of the place of the wedding ceremony in the style of Rustic and the zone, where the photo session will be held, give preference to burlap, canvas, flax and lace materials. The same tissues drape the table of newlyweds, and also decorated the decoration of the hall.
  • The photo zone can also be decorated with hay, dry meadow herbs that exacer the incredible fragrance. It will look original with this filling as a background even for the design of the ceremony in nature.

Important! Rustic wedding design does not tolerate brilliant, overflowing materials. Such a tinsel against the background of natural elements of the decor will look ridiculous and funny. Successful design options in rustic style you can look in the photo:

Time and venue

A feature of the event in the Spirit of Rustic is universality, because it is possible to arrange it at any time of the year. Where to spend the wedding if she is in the summer? It is best to make it somewhere in nature in a tent, in the forest in a rustic house, you can at sea or even in the country (for a budget type). Must be necessarily some kind of canopy to protect against rain in case of weather. If the celebration falls on a cold time (early spring, autumn or winter) and is held in the restaurant, it is enough to add to the registration of the hall of the style of the country style to match the subject.

As for the place of the marriage ceremony, it is best to spend it in the fresh air. It can be an exit registration in the forest glade, in the park, by the sea, etc. The arch at the wedding is decorated with natural materials (flowers, branches, tissues). But instead of her style Rustic allows you to make a simple background from the garland, or install old doors at all, as a symbol of entry into a new life. You can also choose a suitable spreader tree, decorate it and use it as an arch. Such eco examples are suitable for those who want something unusual.

Invitation and gifts to guests

Rustic wedding decoration is also invitations and bonbonnies, skillfully decorated under this topic. Invitations are made from textured design paper or cardboard. For decoration, use lace, dry flowers, sticks, natural shades buttons. But even more original will look for the bark or log cabin for these purposes.

Be sure to make a compliment to guests. This is a small gift in the form of a bag or boxes with sweets, but it can be as a jar with jam or honey. In addition, handmade soap will be appropriate, beautiful rustic souvenirs, etc., who will leave warm memories of the wedding in the Rustic topic.

Images of bridegroom, brides and guests

The style of Rustic is good, that it is not worth thinking over the images of the newlywed too long. The bride's dress should emphasize the light and gentle image, in it the girl should be like a field breeze. A direct fitted dress made of flowing fabric, with an open back and lace decor, will fit as a style. You can choose the model to the knee in combination, for example, with openwork summer boots. Winter or autumn wedding assumes having more warm things: knitted cape or fur coats, as well as boots. Supplement the image in the style of rustic vintage accessories, and the hairstyle can be decorated with a wreath of live wildflowers. The bride makeup should be gentle as natural as possible. Examples of the image in the selected stylist, we have prepared a photo on the data:

The suit of the groom should not be classic. For rustic, the casual direction is suitable, free and easy image. Combine sand and heavenly colors, pick up the original suspenders and a vest. Even a straw hat and boots may be present in the image. But the image at the wedding is alive, cheerful and unusual. Boutonniere makes a bride in the spirit of a bouquet (dry flowers, a bunch of flax or burlap).

In the style of Rustik, despite its simplicity, there is a certain dress code for invited to the wedding. But it's hard to wise about how to dress the guests are not worth it. Bridesmaid girlfriends often wear similar dresses (at least by tone) or quite the same. Clothing of guests should be made of natural fabrics, pastel colors. Friend friends under the style of the future husband also should not be in strict suits. Prefer vests, shirts in a cage, moccasins, hats.

Nuances script and wedding cake

Since the wedding in the style of Rustic is more European type, then the ransom is not accepted here, although it is not excluded. The morning of the bride and groom begins, of course, separately. They are going, prepared, in parallel, the photo session of these fees is held. And after the bridegroom comes for a girl. One machine for two luckies to the place of registration of marriage or they can get separately, as they do at weddings in Europe. For music, young people exchange rings and agree to marriage. After that, a photo session is in nature and in other places, depending on the wishes of the newlyweds. Then everyone goes to the banquet, where the presenter has already prepared entertainment and contests based on Rustic style (something connected with the village, nature). As for music, it can be country, jazz, folk, and better so that there are live compositions.

The custom scenario ends with a wedding cake in the style of Rustic or. There should be no particular confectionery sizes, pompous decorations, etc. It is enough to be biscuit cakes with gentle milk cream, with the addition of fresh fruits, nuts and honey, sugar powder. The cake must be simple, but from natural ingredients in gentle pastel colors. Accents can be mint twigs, melissa, strawberry berries, raspberries, blueberries, etc.

Photo ideas

The style of Rustik is already several wedding seasons located on top of popularity, 2017 has not been an exception. We offer for greater inspiration to get acquainted with the selection of photos of the wedding in this topic:

Owners of modern apartments and private houses require designers to harmoniously overwhelm comfort, comfort and style. For this, innovative engineering systems are used, original materials and the best ideas learned from books or internet. For lovers of simplicity, those who pay little attention to pedantic details, the style of Rustik is suitable in the interior - rough, brutal and very natural. It is inherent in imperfect in shape and form natural materials in combination with elegant dishes, decor.

Protection against moisture and noise on the first floors of high residential buildings in the cities of ancient Rome - the main reason why the walls and floor began to cover a dense, rough stone, and fix massive wooden beams on the ceilings. Then his key details were transferred to France, Italy and the Russian Empire, where they fell not because of simplicity, but because it became fashionable. There is a version that the rustic type of room design came from America, but this is just a myth, since in the US initially rustic style was called "Country".

Rustic style in the interior of the apartment

At first glance, the room with rustic design reminds the cave of a primitive man, a lone wolf lair or an abandoned house in the mountains. But, if you look at, you can see comfortable living conditions and a pleasant pastime. Due to the fact that to create such an interior, there is a lot of stone and wood, it is most often used in country houses, but if desired, the rustic corner can also be created in the urban apartment. For this, you can use not too massive wooden beams on the ceiling, but replace them with artificially aged array of wood. To the walls and the floor lay a stone tile, a plastic balcony frame (if available) can be dismantled and instead to create a secluded corner with a wooden bench.

Beautiful apartment design in the style of Rustic

Modern Interior Design in Rustic Style

Rustic style in the interior of the room

It is important that the rustic simplicity captures even the smallest detail. For example, on the windows instead of blinds (even the wooden does not correspond to the rustic) to attach a grungy wooden eaves and with it - dense curtains of a dark color without the slightest ornament or pattern. If we talk about rustic kitchens in an urban apartment, they can also be made at the same time authentic and functional. To do this, it is enough to use metal instead of plastic (in household appliances).

Rustic-style interior

Unusual style of rustic in interior design

Rustic and Country: What is the difference?

The main associate and the neighbor of this type of registration is the village country, more precisely, Rustic is his European prototype. It is distinguished by the clarity of the lines, the decoration of parts and decor. Rustic is the negligence, the idleness and the simplest simplicity, the purpose of which is comfort, and not the desire to surprise and attract attention. Country is a more refined rustic subspeant, which looks slightly elegant and gently (when using colorful textiles and other "female" elements).

Beautiful apartment design in the style of Rustic

Modern Interior Design in Rustic Style

Rustic style in the interior of the room

What is the interior of "Rustic"? Distinctive signs of style

To extremely accurately understand what is the style of Rustic in the interior, it is necessary to study all the elements inherent in it.

  • The color palette is natural, unlikely and not bright colors. Pastel shades of brown, beige, sandy, marsh colors in tandem with pale red and pale yellow details are best suitable.
  • Materials - the basis of the interior is a stone and a natural tree. Stones are used for decoration: quartz, sandstone. Stone details are minimal processing, like wooden. When decorating, a natural aged brown tree is used (shades - from light oak to a wenge).
  • Metal elements are not a key designer trick, but their application is necessarily in the decor: candlesticks, shelves, kitchen utensils.

In modern premises, you also need to adhere to some rules so that Rustic is functional, natural and as cozy as possible.

Small nuances for premises

In order for the design of the residential premises in the style of Rustik not to turn into a parody of him, you need to take into account some points. The first is the maximum of natural materials. That is, plastic windows, doors from MDF and linoleum with wooden texture on the floor should not even be mentioned in conversations. Window frames should be made of wood array, the same doors, walls and ceilings must mutually complement each other.

Rustic-style interior

Unusual style of rustic in interior design

The second rule is no ultra-modern home appliances. Plasma TV, electric furnace with a liquid crystal display and air conditioner let them remain for other styles. And the third, which encompassing the rule - in the design of the premises should not be present furniture headsets of a fusion shape, shiny surfaces and a variety of bright colors.

Beautiful apartment design in the style of Rustic

Modern Interior Design in Rustic Style

Rustic style in the interior of the room

Rustic style in the interior: modern interpretation

Combine antique dilapidated or renovated parts and modern things - common practice in the work of professional designers and amateurs. The brutal rustic rustic style was slightly referred to in the United States, after which he was awarded him with the name "Rustic Modern", a characteristic feature of which is eclecticity. He also found its application in Europe, especially in Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark). For this species, the combinations of massive made-up wooden beams on the ceiling, coarse masonry on walls and semi with household appliances and natural textiles of pastel shades.

Rustic-style interior

Unusual style of rustic in interior design

What can I combine the style of Rustic?

Most designers whose favorite theme in work is the brutal rustology, with a special emphasis, only those things with which it does not combine are presented. But, for those who decided to transform their home to this way, it will be much more interesting to learn information about successful combinations.

Beautiful apartment design in the style of Rustic

Modern Interior Design in Rustic Style

Rustic style in the interior of the room

  • Dark color furniture in tandem with light textiles (pillows, covers, bedspreads and curtains).
  • The introduction of modern household appliances in ancient forms (for example, a TV for a picture, a refrigerator and an oven under a wooden cabinet).
  • The central detail of the room is a fireplace, more similar to an old oven for heating at home and cooking.

Also for decoration and additions, you can use decorative crafts from wooden branches: hangers, chandeliers, shelves for smallest things. The floor will decorate a non-soldered tight palace or a carpet without an ornament and pattern.

Rustic-style interior

Unusual style of rustic in interior design

Advantages of style

The list of positive sides of the style of Rustic in the interior is more than impressive. The only drawback of rustic design is its high cost. But if we consider that at the same time mainly natural materials are used, the service life of which is several dozen, hundreds of years, then all unpleasant thoughts on the financial topic are forgotten. If you correctly combine key and complementary parts, harmoniously pick up the decor and reduce modern parts to a minimum, then Rustic in the interior will be exactly the way it originated in the urban conditions of ancient Rome.

Video: Finish at home in Rustinsky style

Rustic style in the interior, whose photo you can see in this article, arose as if in opposition to existing modern styles and became an alternative to classic styles.

The abundance of chrome details, glass and concrete, super-modern equipment, bright colors, according to psychologists, do not contribute to the removal of stress. In the modern rhythm of life, people are increasingly want to relax to the soul and restore lost their forces in special, close to nature, interior.

Rustic style is still quite recently familiar with only specialists in the field of design. But over time, the number of his admirers began to grow rapidly. In Europe and the United States, interest in him arose a little earlier. The name of the style comes from the Latin word Rusticus, which means "rustic". The word Rustic in English is used in describing the very simple and coarse objects of rural life.

Rustic Interior: Main features

This style is close to nature, with all its advantages and disadvantages. Registration of the interior in the style of Rustic is a combination of grace and the brutality of nature. Such a mixture of coarse textures and modern elements was highlighted in a separate style, which was widespread in Scandinavia, Europe and the USA.

Only natural materials are used in this style, but they should not be embellished: the tree should have cracks, swirls, jankins. It is not opened with varnish, do not sand, because the untreated surfaces are the true style of Rustic.

At the same time, a table made of such a tree often decorates elegant glassware from light glass and a vase with flowers. With the help of such parts, the rudeness of the materials used and finishes is mitigated, they add sophistication and comfort to the interior.

The interior in the style of Rustic allows a combination of stone and tree. So, wood beams of light rocks add a lightness of ease. To the selection of stone, it is necessary to approach very carefully: it should not look expensive and additionally processed.

Furniture can be both completely simple and decorated with carvings, and on wooden shelves it will be relevant ornamental wooden or clay dishes.


Of all the above, it becomes clear that the main element of this style is a tree. It should be a lot. These are floors, furniture, and beams, and even decor and dishes. Color it can be any. It varies from bright to dark shades of brown, and in this case special attention is paid to the composition of the material.

The interior in the style of Rustic does not cost any other material - stone. Most often it is a stone sandstone, quartz, processed minimal. Fans of this style prefer to buy not easy. All fabrics must be natural - the interior of Rustic does not allow the use of synthetics.

The metal in this interior does not have a dominant value, but it must certainly be present in the form of cutlery, kitchen utensils.

Color spectrum

As a rule, these are natural inadequate colors: all shades of brown, sandy, beige, gray, muted yellow and muffled red, swamp. Bright colors can only be used as a few accents.


In addition to stone and wood, white paint is used for sometimes. It is applied carelessly, with roughness and trails of the brush. In some cases, especially when the interior in the style of Rustic is created in the city apartment, light wallpaper without ornaments are allowed.


In the style of Rustik, it can only be one - Balo. And in this case it does not matter whether these are truly building beams that perform their function or imitation. The beam contrasts with the color of the walls.


As a rule, the board is used - rough and natural on or processed, including glossy, tinted. It will be appropriate to use wicker carpet, for example, jute, sesal, ceramic tiles, which imitates the texture or color of the tree, rusty surfaces, old stone.


The interior in the style of Rustic cannot be completed without a fireplace. In this case, we are not talking about the fireplace from the medieval castle, but about the real homeie, which warmed the villagers. They used to not just heated the house. At the same time it was a stove on which food was preparing.


Rustic style is suitable for creating an interior in a country house. But this does not mean that it cannot be used in an urban apartment. Most often in this case, the interiors are furnished with contemporary products with a rather concise design. The color of the furniture, as a rule, repeats the tonality of masonry or old wood.

Modern Rustic style admits a combination of incompatible. What does this mean? For example, a platmified wall can stand on chrome-plated legs, and next to it - transparent plastic chairs. If in the room the entire furniture is a new model, then at least one rustic element is introduced. It will become a spectacular accent. For example, in the kitchen, in which there is a white headset with glossy facades, you can install a rude and heavy dining table, which seemed to move here from the farmer's house.

Is it possible to count the style of Rustic budget?

No you can not. This pleasure is quite expensive. At first glance, it is very simple and as much as possible to nature the style of Rustic in the interior. With your own hands, it is quite difficult to create it, although it is possible. Treat properly, a stone or tree will not be able to any specialist.

It is especially necessary to note deliberately rough and simple furniture, which is impossible to buy in stores. She will have to be made to order or do it yourself. In the first case, it is necessary to understand that this is not mass production, but a unique handmade. Consequently, the cost of such products will be great.

Now consider the other facilities of the house: ordinary cranes, lamps, bath, refrigerator, washing, and even the kettle - it is very easy to buy in the store, but it's very difficult to choose the rustic style, so such things are evaluated as antiques and are more expensive than modern analogs.

Rustic style interior will not require the owners of the acquisition of expensive carpets or natural animal skins, but all finishing natural materials today are in high demand and are valued very high.

We introduced you to one of the most ambiguous interior styles, which causes both a frank rejection and admiration. If he interest you, try creating such a corner in a country house. If the experiment is impressed, proceed to the further reconstruction of the room.

Wedding in style "Rustic" Literally - rustic, simple, country style. The main distinguishing feature of the wedding in style Rustic - Feeling with light natural carelessness. In the "Rustic Wedding" you will not see classic lush flower compositions, sets of tissues or balls. Rustic - a combination of natural elements with classics in wedding decoration.

The basis of stylistics

    Natural materials

    Burlap, flax, wool, cotton, lace

    Glass jars, watering cans, Iron buckets, Wooden barrels, Trucks

    Wildflowers, tree, moss, haystacks

    Cowboy boots, suspenders

    Wedding outdoors in the hangar

    Sweet tea and homemade food


Fueling with natural materials and make invitations on the crust or tree firing. If such an option is too bold for you, the invitations will not less stylishly look at the design cardboard having a wood texture or on paper Woodstock.

Use also burlap, twine, lace and different twigs. All this will help you create an ideal invitation in the style of Rustic.

Also, for the stylistry, Rustic can come up and, for example: invitations on fabrics, in the form of a calendar, photo-postcard, site ... are still very popular now.

Books wishes

Books of wishes are similar to the rest of the wedding elements in the style of Rustic, must be decorated accordingly. There are a lot of simple, but spectacular ways how to do it.

  • Classic wishes book. The cover of such a book can be wooden, and maybe we are covered with burlap and often tested with a beautiful weaving. Simply, but tastefully - the key to success in this case.
  • Picture in the frame. In this picture, a tree can be depicted, the leaves of which will decorate the wishes of the invited.
  • Tree bark. The elongated and curved bark of the tree will serve as an original way of applying memorable wishes from guests.
  • Wood sleep. Such an object with applied inscriptions from loved ones and friends looks very effectively, despite its natural simplicity.
  • Frame of wishes. Wooden wishes, filled with wishes with wishes, as it is impossible to fit into the specified style of the celebration.
  • Wooden hearts. Guests write on wooden hearts of wishes and fold them in a specially cooked wooden chest.

The image of the bride

The image of the bride should be lightweight, air, romantic using lace.

Makeup pastel shades - not catchy. Hairstyle is simple: loose or polar hair, curls, simple weaving are possible. The hairstyle of the bride can decorate a wreath. The bride's bouquet should consist of field colors tied by flax or berth.

More details about how the bride can look in the article


For the bride and his friends, the style of Casual: Vest, shirt, suspenders, butterfly tie, hat. In accordance with S. style, Boutonniere make from wildflowers or dried flowers.

Buy Butterfly B.


In Europe, very often rustic weddings are held in a wooden barn. But in Russia find such a place is very difficult.

Ideally, it is better to choose a place in the fresh air: in, in a big gazebo or on a veranda ... you can rent a country house. Or also come restaurants decorated in this topic. In the interior there must be a lot of wood and everything is made of natural materials. There should be nothing to be called exquisite, glamorous, chic. There must be a feeling of lightness, simplicity and soulfulness.

Book for recommendations

The book of wings at weddings is now very popular. Usually the bride buy classic albums. But there are other options.

Here are the messengers suitable for the subject of Rustic:

  • wooden Cover Books
  • books made of burlap
  • spice of a tree
  • wooden frame with hearts for wishes
  • wooden shop, bench, armchair
  • wooden oars
  • wine barrel
  • wooden painting
  • wine plugs
  • jenga
  • wooden puzzles