Wedding contests for adults. Interesting and cool wedding contests. Wedding Competition Karaoke with thematic songs

Guest entertainment is a key to success for an unforgettable wedding. Do not allow guests to miss, pick up the funniest contests and drinking games - the task is not a lung. Portal offers you the most original wedding entertainment for guests. Funny contests and packaging wedding games can be carried out both with Tamada, and without - at home.

Funny games and cool contests

Are you tired of standard contests with a hat and chairs, you wish something new? Especially for you, picked up very funny contests and games. Choose the most cheerful contest for your guests.

Sharik's defeats

  • Participants: Several married couples.
  • Props: Balloons with drawn facial features, razor, shaving foam.

Men give balls with painted face, abundantly covered with shaving foam. The task of women is gently shaping a non-existent beard. The winner becomes the couple that the ball will last as much longer than everyone else.

Let's bring the Egg

  • Participants: Several pairs.
  • Props: Cup or deep bowl welded by screwing egg.

Tamada offers each selected pair "demolish the Egg". A cup or a deep bowl is put on the floor, the couple becomes back to each other. Between the blades of Tamada puts a welded egg. Param must put an egg in a bowl, leaving it at the same time. Who will cope faster, he will be the winner.

Dancing with foaming

  • Participants: Couples or small teams.
  • Props: Sheets called dance style.

Participants distribute sheets with the name of dance style, for example, Waltz, Lambad, Lezginka, Tango, Gypsy and others. When dancers are ready for a performance, absolutely different music is included. The task of the team or pair is to dance the selected style under "uncomfortable" music. Agree, it's funny to watch the guests dancing tango under Lambad.


  • Participants: Guests.
  • Props: Cover from match box.

The lid from the match box is put on the nose to the contestant. It is necessary to remove it, using only the facial facial. Spectators are preparing for a funny spectacle, and the leading time flows. Wins the fastest participant. And the same boxes can perform in the role of a gift.

Who nuts?

  • Participants: Girls (women).
  • Props: chairs and walnuts.

Contestants become back to the chairs and are preparing to sit on them. At this point, various walnuts are put on the chairs. Merry music is included, participants must guess what the number of nuts on the stool. Naturally, it is impossible to use the hands, and the ridica looks very funny. The winner must call the exact number of nuts.

Baby snack

  • Participants: Newlyweds and several couples.
  • Props: Baby bottles with gas and nipples.

Women in the role of mothers should drink their husbands through the nipple. "Child" should not be obliged. Wins the fastest pair.

Mute spoiled phone

  • Participants: 5 people.
  • Props: phrase written on a sheet of paper.

Four selected participants need to be removed by the door, leaving the fifth in the hall. The presenter gives the text remaining participant. Text can be absolutely anyone, for example: "There was a father of three sons, a smart senior was a kids, well, and the middle is so-so, the younger is not in yourself." A participant who read the phrase must transfer it to the next contestant and so until the turn does not reach the last person. The latter it is necessary to voice the words that were shown using the pantomime.

Who is in the light of all Mile?

  • Participants: Guests.
  • Props: Little mirrors.

Players are awarded small mirrors. The task of guests is looking into the mirror on its reflection, make yourself ten compliments. The winner choose viewers.

Dance sitting

  • Participants: Guests.
  • Props: chairs.

In the center of the hall, there are chairs for which participants are sitting. Outflow music and contestants are started to dance. It is prohibited from the spot. The task is complicated. The host manages the process, says which part of the body you need to dance at the moment. For example, guests are first dancing only with their hands, then shoulders, and finally with lips or eyebrows. Spectator voting is determined by the best dancer.

As you can see, ridiculous contests are universal for any company, you can spend them without the participation of Tamada in a restaurant or at home.

Funny questions for contests and packaging games

An excellent idea for drinking wedding games will be contests with questions. They will help guests to get acquainted closer, and future relatives - get to know each other better. Standard contests and funny quiz with questions at the wedding presenter usually prepares for newlyweds and guests. It is important to remember that such competitions must be alternating with rolling games, so that the triumph did not stall behind the wedding table. The most interesting options with ridiculous issues for the competition, according to the site of, are presented below.

Option number 1: Interaction of two families

The original beginning of the competition with questions can be a plate with a surprise. After the first shift, dishes on the reverse side of the clean plate attach questions for guests. It is important to arrange questions in such a way that a person from the opposite family answers. For example:

  • What color of the eyes of the sister's bride? Responded to someone from guests from the groom.
  • What is the name of a cat aunts groom? The question is for a relative from the bride.
  • What color is the tie on the father of the bride? The participant from the bridegroom is responsible.

Questions can be invented much more converger, it all depends on what the situation at the wedding. I unobtrusively strive to make interact both sides. In this case, to find out the answer to the first question, the participant can be approached to the sister of the bride and look into her eyes.

Option number 2: Fathers and children

Catching a series of memories. Why do not mix tickness with humor and remember the brightest moments about the childhood of the groom with the bride. Not only newlyweds are involved in this competition, and their parents, so comic questions should be asked evenly at the wedding, smoothly moving from the groom with the bride to the elder generation.

  • Question to the parents of the bride: "When did the daughter brought home the first two and what item?
  • A question to the bridegroom: "When did the father apply the belt for the first time in order to educate?"
  • Question Bride: "When Mom Maspel Spit last time?"
  • Question to parents of the groom: "When did the son take the first step?"

Do not come up with too difficult questions in order to avoid awkward situations.

Option number 3: Such an attractive life

Questions ask the bride with the bride, it is advisable to answer them at the same time.

  • Who will lay bed?
  • Who will prepare breakfast after the first marriage night?
  • Who will change diapers?

The range of questions can be wide enough.

Create a relaxed and fun atmosphere at your wedding, let yourself and guests have fun at the full coil! Even more funny competitions for the wedding you can find on our website.

Wedding is not only painstakingly selected outfits, accessories, menus and restaurant, and also a happy holiday of life for all those who are destined to visit it. And that the pastime at this celebration is interesting, it is important to take care of a good entertainment program for guests in advance. You must understand that fun at the wedding is the key to pleasant impressions and unforgettable memories of your holiday. Therefore, show a little enthusiasm, your fantasy to pick up a few dance competitions, fun games for your guests. Read all about it below.

A selection of cool wedding games for guests

Perhaps you are a real storehouse of endless ideas, know how to invent interesting games, contests, entertainment, relevant at the wedding? Excellent! However, not everyone is given so masterfully organize an entertainment program for invited guests. And the wishes and preferences remain all the same: to ensure that the holiday is insanely cheerful, enjoying, fascinating.

You can contact this question to professional Tamad, which all these problems will put on their shoulders. But what to do to those people who took to organize a wedding in a narrow family circle, independently, without attracting additional specialists? In this case, a selection of cool mobile games for the wedding evening, which is below, you must certainly help and entertain your entire wedding company inherently.

Guest game "Singing Hat"

A wonderful and very positive game for guests during a wedding feast. Something resembles a hat from the famous movie "Harry Potter": for example, the fact that it is supposedly called to read thoughts, the preferences of the subject. Requisites, which is necessary for this contest:

  • big bright hat with high cylinder,
  • pre-prepared cutting with the use of famous songs with funny expressions (perhaps even ambiguous) men and women.

In order not to get confused with the contestants, write down alternately men's voices in the women with female. Start the game with a newlywed pair, and finish the rest of the guests, do not go past grandparents, parents. Everyone puts on a hat in turn, and the melodies change. In fact, such a competition always comes out interesting, causes a lot of laughter, fun, and sometimes even guess the character of personalities that you try this singing hat.

Wedding game "Mummy"

This competition implies the creation of a "real" mummy. Tools that will be needed to implement this game - toilet paper in the number of two rolls. For participation, the groom with the bride is invited, each of which they subsequently gaining to the team of participants among those present. Approximate number of a person who chooses the captain: five to six.

Teams are chosen according to a person who will be turned into a mummy by turning toilet paper. From a certain point, each participant starts the process of wrapping, and in the signal is inferior to the following and so until the roll end. That team will win, which was not only the fastest, but also qualitatively fulfilled its task.

Game "clothespins"

Follow in advance for this contest with white linen clothespins and eyebounds. An equal number of girls and guys is invited to participate, witnesses should also not be forgotten. Men tying their eyes, and girls cling to clothes cling to the announced number of clothespins. The essence of this game is that you need to quickly find and remove the clothespins with knit eyes. This competition for speed, so the winner will be the fastest.

"Share the ball"

For a given insanely, a cheerful and perky competition you will need balloons, inflated to a maximum, as well as a razor. In advance, apply different face marker on them. Among the guests are selected by several men, and the groom enters into their ranks. Each in hand is given on the ball and razor. Women are becoming next to each contestant with a towel in hand on pickup. The task of the game is to thoroughly shake the foam ball ball. A towel is necessary in order to wipe off the shaving foam in the case when the balloon burst.

"Broken phone"

To implement the next competition you will need four people among those present guests. Troy must be derived from the hall, and the first story is told: "A loving father had three adults sons. The oldest was the smart, the average - mediocre, well, the youngest is completely fading. " Using the pantomime, the first participant should show without words to the second everything that heard and so on the chain. After all this, the host invites the last participant and asks what he understood. The result of such a game will be the most unexpected and insanely funny.

"Pass Orange"

For this game, you invite 20 people to the center of the hall and divide them into two teams. Putting the first participant between the chin and the breast of the orange - in such a posture it is necessary to transfer it to the next contestant. So the orange must be carried through every person, while it is impossible to use hands, maximum - you can help yourself shoulder. If citrus fruit falls, the game starts first. Wins and gets the prize, the team that unmistakably managed to convey the orange to the very end.

"Shares with questions"

The leading game must prepare 20 notes in advance on which any questions about newlyweds will be written. Next, you need to inflate the same number of balloons to then put the notes inside. At the wedding, Tamada sells for the symbolic price sitting at the table to guests one of these balls. The guest must blow the ball and tell everyone the answer to the question. Use interesting questions that will have a comic subtext.


Among those present, Tamada chooses a volunteer who explains the rules of the game: it is necessary with the help of a pantomime, without words to show the kangaroo to the rest of the guests, and they must guess it. While the participant is preparing in another room, Tamada tells guests that they will now depict a kangaroo, but they should not serve what they know. As a result, a volunteer at the end of the competition will show a very evil and angry animal. In fact, it is a very fun and fun entertainment program.

"Go under the thread"

The presenter chooses four or five pairs. Puts chairs for each pair with strained thread. Competitors are given on a ball for two so that they climb between their bodies this subject. The task of the game before the contestants is the following: you must carefully go under the thread so as not to lose the ball. At the same time, the thread will gradually change its position, dropping down. Win those participants who managed to fulfill all the conditions. Another game is insanely popular among holidaymakers in nature. It helps to have fun and unload after a dense dinner.

Video: Funny wedding game for the guests "Fairy Tale"

In addition to laconic contests, guests must be interested in various games that have a small scenario with their history, possibly with disguise, personal participation. For example, a perky game called "Fairy Tale". You have a good opportunity to see the victim on the video attached below, how to properly organize this contest is not a wedding that you need to do and what the result comes out.

So that the wedding does not turn into a solid feast, it is worth diluting it interesting contests for guests. Before planning competitions, you should define the audience: age, hobbies and everything in such a kind. Also try to take part in the competition. And do not forget to prepare small prizes.

Thanks to this entertainment, the wedding will be remembered not only by the celebration and banquet, but also incendiary music, contests, jokes. Noisythe feast remains in memory for a long time.

The first can be held a "clean, truth" contest. Bride and groom become leaning back to each other and one of the spouses, for example, the bride,will be given 10 questions about it. You can answer the questions only silentlynod or wind winding. And another spouse, answers questions out loud.And the correctness of the answers of the second spouse is estimated. After newlywedschange places.


Choose 2 teams from four men and four women. The challenge is that from three tapes in three hands weave the braid. The fourth team member holds the ends of the ribbons. Which team is faster and gently falling by Spit, that and won. The most interesting thing is that men win in this competition, although it seems to be a female task. Try, it will be fun!

"Find out the spouse"

Tie a bridegroom, in front of him to put three or four girls and his the bride who pull the hands forward. By hand, he needs to knowhis narrowed. The same building is given to the bride.


Couples get face with each other, the balloon will be covered between them. The position of the ball can be changed. For example, in the first round, the ball will be in the chest area of \u200b\u200beach, who has a ball fell first, he drops out. In the second round, the ball between the foreheads. In the third - dance back to each other with a pinned ball. Wins one who has never dropped a ball.


For this contest, you should write text about the preparation for wedding, the life of a young family or any other topic. In the text followsleave a place for adjectives. Guests call 10 adjectives, andnewlyweds them are recorded on a leaf. After that, they are given the "chronicle" where they fit in order adjectives, and then read the text. It turns out very fun.


We need linen clothespins and eye dressings. Men tying their eyes, and clothespins trailers on the clothes of girls. Their number is said to men, after which they should find as soon as possible and remove all clothespins from their partners.


Need props: outfits of different nationalities. Guests are changed in selected outfit. Under the music you need to dance national dance (depends on the costume that was selected). Do not forget to take pictures in the dresses!

"Guess who are you?"

On a small piece of paper, the name of the famous person is written, after which the leaflets are glued to the forehead. He can ask about the star questions,

on which only "yes" and "no" answer can be given. According to the answers of guests the participant must guess the star. Then the participant changes.


Take 5 ingredients to compose cocktails. Ingredients can be anyone (from kvass to brandy). Cocktails are bought in any

sequences, the composition is better to record on a piece of paper. Participants try cocktails and guess the components. Who guess the most ingredients, he won.

"Musical competition"

Guests are divided into groups, it is desirable to divide so that the participants in the same group are sitting next to. The number of groups and their participants varies from the number of guests - approximately 5 people per group. Each group comes up with an original name. After that, the teams must come up with what song they sleep and, in fact, sing it. Who can best cope with the task, he will win.

"Find clothes"

Choose those who want to participate in the competition from the girls. They are made to bring any detail of the male wardrobe. Girls should bring her lead as soon as possible. That that found the desired detail of the latter is dropped out. And so continues until the winner is revealed. The main thing is not to overdo it and make small clothes.


Before the newlyweds, they put a doll on the pellery, they hug each other for the waist, so that each hand can be free. The task to block the child with free hands.


Participants get up in a circle. Music turns on, guests transmit each other bag. When the host turns off the music, the participant who has turned out to be a bag, without looking, gets the first thing that came out of clothing or accessory. He must put on him "surprise" and carry a certain time. For example - half an hour or before the end of the banquet. After the music, it is renewed and the participants again transmit each other box. It can be folded into it a variety of clothing items: from children's capes and nipples to huge pants and 60 size bras.


For this contest, you can not even get up because of the table. The presenter makes the first participant in the word and speaks him to the ear. The participant must also say a neighbor also on the first association's first association. And so on the chain until the participants reach the first. The funny thing is that from any innocent word can be reached completely to another less innocent J.

"Make a word"

It is necessary to prepare letters in advance. They cause guests by the number of letters that they are later distributed. The presenter makes the word, and the participants should guess what had meant, and draw up this word. In some cases, letters can be superfluous, then the participant with this letter goes down to the sides.


It is advisable to hold a contest when guests have already drank alcohol slightly. Domino is taken, from it to the participants need to build a house: two domino vertically, two horizontally. The one who has collapsed, drinks a penalty. It is better not to flirt into this game, and then guests will fall asleep until the end of the banquet.

"What in a glass"

Guests wishing to participate in the competition, glasses with poured liquid and straws are distributed. The presenter says to guests that in all glasses water and only in one vodka. It is necessary to drink fluid so that no one can guess what is in a glass. And after the audience, it is necessary to guess who had vodka. The secret is that vodka was in all glasses.

Contests in nature

Wedding in nature is a sea of \u200b\u200bopportunities. Competitions that would be impossible to spend in the banquet hall is easily in nature. And if there are children at the wedding, they can organize a small platform so that they do not bounce. The main thing is to guess the weather.

"Jumping through the fire"

Old Russian fun is jumping through the fire. You pick up more branches, logs, divor the fire and jump. Just make sure that the flame is not big, and the skirts of girls are not too long.

"Jumping through a log"

If you are jumping through the fire, you consider it unsafe, try a different variety. Jumping through the log is the most pleasant and non-hazardous fun. For this fun, a sleeping candidate is taken for a log, which is most likely to be removed near the table with alcoholic beverages, and fun jumping through it. It is fundamentally remembering one thing: the jumps should be a strictly-throat number, otherwise the "log" will never grow again.


Basket is taken and pieces 8-10 potatoes. First, let the participants try to throw potatoes into the basket with open eyes. When test throws are made, make eye to participants. They have to throw as much clubs as possible in the basket. Wins the most damage.


Competition is very mobile and allowed even adult people. Participants they are divided into teams of three people. The essence is that two reportedthird to the finish. A participant who is carried by depicting the wounded.Win the fastest.The distance is determined that you need to go through the "swamp". Two takespaper sheet: one sheet participant is putting in front of him, it gets up on the other,throws on the one that ahead takes the previous sheet and putsby itself. Who will quickly come to the finish line - winner.


An equal number of girls and guys participate in the competition. They put cover on the ground, the participants get around it, alternating (girl, guy ...). The presenter assigns a digit to each girl and every guy letter. A participant who starts the game sits on the bedspread and calls the number from the letter and numbers, for example, in 8. The girl under the figure 8 should run up to the participant and kiss him, and the guy under the letter in should prevent the girl to kiss the participant sitting on the bedspread, and kiss her himself. The one who managed to kiss another, sits on the bedspread and the competition continues.

"Step through bottles"

Competition for already padded guests. It is necessary to put a bottle into one row. Participants must step over or bypass the bottles so that none of them fell.

Competitions for children

If there are small guests at the wedding, do not forget to take care of them. Do not forget to organize a children's table for them.So that children do not miss, hide animators or organize likeplayground. Children can also come up with contests. If childrenmany, they can prepare a scene.Competitions for children better spend at the beginning of the banquet.


Newlyweds tie their eyes and spin. Children at this moment run away. The bottom line is to catch one child. If it turns out a girl - then the firstborn young people will have a daughter if the boy is, respectively, son

"Who did not have time - he was late"

Participants are built around the chairs, the number of which is one less than children. Music plays, children run or dance around chairs. When the music turns off, you need to feel fast on the chair. Who did not have time, drops out of the game. And so continues until one two participants and one chair remain. Pretty, familiar to the whole contest.


The rules of this game are known to many. For those who are not in the know: Children are divided into two teams, one team makes a complex word and speaks his chosen member from another team, the task of the chosen show to show his team without words.


Do not forget about all the well-known auctions. They are carried out somewhere in the middle of the banquet. You can put a lot to the "auction".

    Cutlery. Do not reach the extreme and do not leave any guest without a device, if someone suddenly did not participate in the auction or a little suggested.

    The auction for the floor of the firstborn. They take the sliders - blue and pink - and everyone throws some amount for the boy or for a girl. The amount determines the floor of the firstborn: if in pink bootes a big amount, then my daughter will be born and vice versa.

    Dance with the bride.

    A piece of wedding cake.

    Some redeem the stolen shill in the bride.

And much more. Payment can be both money and actions: dance, song or something else.


Those who wish come to the center of the hall and check their erudition and reaction. Some of the quizzes are guess the melody, guess the star and others.

The main thing is that no one remains aside. Successful celebration!

But if you lose faith in love, the world will lose its beauty. The songs will lose charm, flowers - aroma, life - joy. If you have experienced love, you know that this is the only genuine happiness. The most beautiful songs are those that flew in your presence beloved; The most pruburate flowers - those that he presents; And the only praise, which is worth listening, is praised from him. Simply put, life only then acquires a color when she touch her tender fingers of love.
Raja Alsani

Competitions for the wedding

The wedding is an unforgettable celebration, an exciting and important for the newlyweds, on which relatives, colleagues and friends are present. One of the main parts of the wedding event are interesting contests, funny games and funny wedding riddles, thanks to which everyone can have fun. Entertainment for guests must be interesting, active and as funny. therefore funny wedding contests Will become a highlight of this celebration, which is difficult to imagine without fun competitions and fun games.

Prefer to start a wedding with bright fun? We offer you funny contests for your wedding, which will charge guests with a good mood and fun, and will also be original and easy to perform.

Competition newlyweds or kiss your handle

The bride goes to the center of the hall, leading blinds her eyes. The bottom line is that it should define her beloved, but not to the touch, but in a kiss. She stands, waiting, does not see anything, it comes out the groom in the singular and several times fits and kisses her hand, but trying to do it in different ways. After that, the participant is invited to guess what its chosen one was.

This wedding competition is very interesting for guests, as they will have fun over her answer.

How to draw young people

For this, the presenter is a lead asks newlyweds to approach the free wall, turn to her face and pursue her hands at the level of the belt. The essence of the competition - when answering the question "Yes", then each of the newlyweds makes one hand "step" up. Lead or Tamada must prepare such questions that will require only "Yes" answers, for example, a question may be the next - will you live in peace and harmony? And when the spouses are already standing on tiptoe, they are presented by the last question: are you happy today? Trying to give a positive answer, the young of the last forces stretch up with their hands.
Do you want to answer "yes"? - Surprised Tamada.
Yes! - spouses exclaim.
Then why are you climbing the wall? - Here the newlyweds understand that they were played and, they join the total fun.

Competition - Lucky Nose

The lid from the matchbox is put on the nose to the player as close as possible. The essence of the wedding competition is to remove the cover without hands, only the movements of the face.

These attempts will make fun on the wedding video that you will look at the anniversary of the wedding.

Creative Competition - Oil Painting

We invite 3-5 guests who are willing to show their talent in art. They are provided with a sheet of paper and markers. Guests must draw pictures on the theme "Newlyweds and Family". Here, guests can show all their fantasy and give will their ideas. Then the paintings in turn are exposed to the wedding auction with the minimum mandatory starting price. Bidding and whose picture will be more expensive, gets a valuable prize from the young.

Competition - Alconauts

For this contest, men are invited to whom the glass bottles of beer are 0.5 liters, openers and small glasses. The essence of the competition is how quickly drinking a bottle of beer pouring it into a glass. Who will cope faster than the rest - he wins.

Such a cool competition for the wedding will allow to relax guests at the beginning of the wedding party, when many of the friends and relatives are still shy, and feel awkward.

Active Competition - Football

Choose two equal teams of 4 people. Each participant of the competition tie a thread to the belt, and at the end of this thread one apple. Before each participant on the floor put blank matchboxes. The task of the participants of the competition move the boxes towards the opponent's gate, the one who first kicks the goal with his apple without the help of hands.

Intelligent movements that participants will make all those present at the wedding celebration.

Competition - Love Kiss

Two men are invited to participate. After that, Tamada asks for all women to update lipsticks. The essence of this event is for a certain amount of time to tear all the female guests and collect as much kisses as possible. The results of the competition are determined by counting traces from kisses on cheeks. Win the owner of a larger number of kisses.

Short contest for groom and mother-in-law

Bridegroom and mother-in-law tie their eyes and bred in different directions. The essence of the competition - they have to find each other in a voice, for example, the mother-in-law is "Zyatk" and hears in response "Force", and eventually meet, and guests must interfere with the same thing, or imitating them to confuse . If the time for the title and the mother did not manage to find each other, then they will have to dance, so that it is better to affect.

Such a wedding contests help to liberate and move a little after the feast, which is especially important for a wedding without a toasta.

Competition - Piggy Bank Wishes

Behind the wedding table, guests are transmitted in a circle of the piggy bank and say "with newlyweds friends, it will be in a piggy bank (for example, the letter l) ..." - after which they call five wishes for this letter. It is impossible to repeat. For example, you can wish love, lollipops, lyselchka, caress, and so on. With each epithet in the piggy bank, symbolic money is lowered (empty piggy banks should not be given). Upon completion of the competition, the piggy bank is awarded to the newlyweds.

Active Competition - Gladiators

On the waist of men bind ropes with match boxes. The length of the thread should allow the box to hang out on the floor. Participants are trying to press the foot to the floor of the opponent. Who quickly cope with the task, comes into confrontation with another opponent.

You can hold contests for a wedding without Tamada - quite more or less active guests. The simplest of them will be able to spend any evidence. Therefore, if you are looking for cool and funny competitions for the wedding Without Tamada, you can safely add a wedding celebration into the script.

In order for the feast of the marriage not to turn into a solid feast, it is very important to think over cool competitions for the wedding. Usually this task is assigned to the toasta. But some couples decide to save on the lead. Then they will help the ideas that this article will tell.

Competitions for sedentary guests at the wedding

In order for the celebration to be in a relaxed atmosphere, you need to come up with unobtrusive wedding contests for guests that can be held at the table. Of course, the whole holiday will not fill them, but they will completely rise in the beginning or end of the evening.

  1. Contests are very popular, which is based on the KVN "warm-up". For them, you need to prepare several phrases-questions that guests must continue. For example: "The wedding of the prosecutor's daughter, the witness stole a bride's shoe" - Answer: "And received 5 years of strict regime with confiscation." Or: how to make his wife shout in bed? " - "Climb on the bed in the sneakers." It is also worth come up with funny questions regarding invited to the wedding. Only they should not be vulgar and offensive.
  2. Very simple, not requiring contests, are associated with congratulations. During the feast, when the guests relax a little, Tamada or responsible lead will offer each invited one in turn to congratulate newlyweds on the Wedding Day. Congratulations should go alphabetically.
  3. Competition "Talking Cap" is very simple and funny. But it will require a certain preparation. First, hat, cap, hat, etc. Secondly, written in advance funny phrases read by different voices. At a certain point, Tamada will bring to the head of the groom / witnesant / Moms of the bride hat and proclaim: "And now we will read your thoughts!". At this time, "Voice" is poisoned from the speakers, accompanied by fun music. Great mood guaranteed.

It is necessary to choose such competitions for the wedding, accompanying a feast that do not require a lot of details and do not force guests to do something around.

Wedding entertainment for advanced guests

Technologies are progressing with seven-mile steps, and competitions at the wedding are now held not only with balls, but also with gadgets. Almost every guest will have a smartphone. You can also use radio-controlled machines, projector, etc.

  • If the Tamada Arsenal has radio controls, it is worth conducting the next competition. Attach the Gypsy needle to each typewriter, and on the floor to scat out balloons. Guests in turn - otherwise it will be impossible to determine the winner - the balls are trying to burst, remotely driving the machine. To arrange a "session of the simultaneous game", you can divide the participants with chairs. So it will be clear who burst out.
  • For the next competition, a projector and a laptop with a computer game "Racing" will be required. The rules are very simple - to overtake your opponent. Depending on the number of joysticks, the game can participate from two to five people.
  • Tamada writes in advance on the landscape sheet number of the mobile one of the guests - necessarily bright paint and large. Then asks for all those present to get the phone. For a few seconds, it shows a piece of leaflets and gives the command to call. Who is the first to get through, he won.
  • The most interesting and touching wedding contests will require the presence of a projector. Professional Tamada probably has this device. Let him prepare fragments from films about weddings. Guests must guess the movie name.
  • The next contest is creative. For him, you will need mobile phones and cameras with a function of the video. Tamada dials two or three teams - depending on the guests present at the wedding. Each group is given a task to remove the video history of the love of newlyweds, without directly participation. Doing it is not in the banquet hall, but in another room. In order for the competition to succeed, you need to negotiate with guests in advance, as well as give them exemplary scenarios. Then these masterpieces will be shown through the projector.

Contests for a witness and witness at the wedding

Huge responsibility at the wedding is assigned to witnesses. Their responsibilities include not only to be at the pickup of young, but also support the aura of the holiday and fun. Here are some wedding contests to help witnesses.

  1. The friend goes for some time from the hall to hide cash bills. The main thing is to choose unexpected places - sock, belt buckle, a folds of a tie, etc. Then under erotic music a friend, dancing, begins to "gut" - look for money. How much will find out, so much will go into the bridal pocket.
  2. The witness lies on the chairs shifted to each other. Tamada folds small candy without wrapper on it. One necessarily puts on the lips. Then the witness with tied eyes is looking for and eats sweets. Cannot spoer candy. Tamada actively commented on the action, directing a friend. The competition ends with a contest of witnesses.
  3. A record with newlyweds is displayed on the projector. The sound is disabled. The task of witnesses as funny can sound "film".
  4. Tamada tells a fairy tale adapted under newlyweds. Witnesses to the markers on Watmans are trying immediately to draw a story from his words. It turns out very fun.

It is desirable that the boyfriend and the friend have acting abilities and a sense of humor and were liberated. Then the celebration will be held in a casual atmosphere.

Wedding contests with drinks

Very often, the contests at the wedding are connected with drinks. It should not be alcohol. The following contests can be adapted for a non-alcoholic wedding.

  • For the first contest, Tamada will need a disposable cups, a marker and any drink - wine, juice or mineral water. Drinking should not be transparent. At the bottom of the glass, the marker need to write various letters or syllables (it will confuse guests anymore), which make up some wielding phrase. For example, "Council of Yes Love", "With Milic Paradise and in the Chalash", "Husband and wife is one Satan", etc. Then pour into the glasses of drink. Participants are divided into two groups. On the team they should drink and make a phrase. Who won faster, he won.
  • It is necessary to take 5 ingredients to compile a cocktail. For example, wine, compote, beer, kvass, brandy. Make 4-5 different "cocktails" - one for each participant of the competition. So that everything is honest, to write recipes in advance on pieces of paper, which give the assistant, for example, a friend. Now participants must guess as much as possible components of the cocktail. Who guess the most - he won.
  • If Tamada has radio-controlled machines, you can conduct such a competition. On the one hand, put women with drinks - vodka or mineral water. On the other - men with machine. The task of representatives of the strong sex to "get there" to girls who quickly pour a drink in a glass and put a car, and then carefully, not straight or a drop, go back. Who will drink first - he won.
  • Spice those who want to participate in 2 groups of 5 people. For the first team, it is necessary to carry out 5 glasses in the 4 of which water, and in one - vodka. Participants slowly drink through the tube, observed opponents behind them. The task of whom you got vodka, do not give yourself a fair. If it is revealed, the team loses.

Wedding Dance Contests

Dance competitions for the wedding remain very popular. You can use guests of any age.

  1. Warm dance on chairs. Establish 5 chairs so that the participants sitting on them do not interfere with each other. In the signal, turn on the music and let the guests sit down, without tearing off the "fifth point" from the stool. After the end of the melody drops out the most sluggish "dancer". The remaining four must complete without the participation of the legs. When the participants remain three, the rules prohibit use to dance hands. Two of the most initiative people will have to depict the dance only by the facial expressions and squeeze the head. Who will work out funnier, the winner.
  2. Dancing must be divided into 5-6 pairs. To the ankles of women to tie the balloons. When music starts, men in dance must burst the balls of opponents. The couple wins, who managed to save his ball as much or hold out longer the rest.
  3. Everyone knows the famous dance of witnesses on the newspaper. The task can be complicated by the fact that the friend and the friend (or another pair) will have to keep the lips long candy (the "Major" cookie) and at the same time there is it.
  4. Several pairs are dancing at the same time, holding the foreheads of the cubes. The damaged props are dropped out. After each fall, Tamada complicates the task of dancing by adding new cubes. Those who keep the largest number of requisites will win.

Wedding contests for active guests

When guests are warmly warm up, it is worth offering them merry contests with a minimum number of requisites. Remember, by the middle of the holiday, the present people get acquainted with each other and frank.

  • The presenter invites several girls - four-five will be quite enough. Then gives them a task to bring any of the male wardrobe: sock, belt, tie. A woman who will cope with the latter is dropped out. Then the tasks are complicated. For example, bring a guest with gray-green eyes. And so far there will be no one winner.
  • For the next competition, the representatives of the fine sex are also required. The presenter puts the chairs - by the number of participants, and on top of several walnuts. Standing back and not looking at the seats, the girls in the sign of the Tamada sit down and try to determine how many nuts under them. Nuance: chairs should be with a soft seat to complicate the task to participants.
  • Men now participate. They must collect as much as possible kisses from women in the hall. To provide evidence of your victory, they should choose ladies with painted lips.
  • From the invited to choose three people. Large empty floor space Fill in chairs and kegs, entangling them for reliable threads so that the labyrinth is like. Participants must remember all obstacles in a minute. Then they tie their eyes and allow the "trail of memory". Competition is designed not to win, but for entertainment guests.

Also to maintain mood you can spend a wedding lottery. This will not only cheer invited, but will allow them to carry a part of the holiday with them.