Child floor calculating table by age mother. Online calendars for calculating ovulation and child sex. Methods of modern medicine

Waiting and the appearance of a child to light is always a joyful event in the life of parents. Any woman waiting for the baby, probably wanted to know in advance, the child of what sex she is born. But is it possible to know in advance the floor of the future kid?

To date, to determine the floor of the future baby with a high degree of probability possible by ultrasound (ultrasound), which is the most famous and applied scientific method. The more accurate result of the ultrasound is possible during pregnancy more than 23 weeks. And only in rare cases learn the sex of the child on the 15th - 16 week of pregnancy.

There is another scientific and substantiated method by which you can define the sex of the child - the biopsy of the chorion. This procedure makes it possible to learn half a child with a one hundred percent probability. This procedure is made during pregnancy in 6-10 weeks and only for medical reasons, since it can serve as a threat to the life of the child. The essence of the chorion biopsy is to remove the cells of the future placenta from the uterus using a special needle. This procedure is not recommended for women who simply want to learn the sex of the child.

I would also like to note another, very interesting theory, developed by our compatriots, the theory of change in the regime of sexual life. According to the studies conducted, it was found that the ratio of floors depends on the active sexual life of men. In the process of an experiment conducted with the participation of animals, the specialists noticed that, with the reduction of or increasing animals of a particular sex, the males react to an imbalance with an increase or decrease in sexual activity. Such a regularity is inherent in people. Consequently, if you want to have a female child, you need to have less sex, and in the case of a boy - you need to forget about work and other problems and hard to start working on continuing the genus.

You can learn the child with statistics. This method of determining the sex of the child is based on many factors, among which the age of women, the number of birth, social status, etc. This method can also be used when planning a child's floor. The age of a woman is not the last meaning if she decided to become a mother, because, the older she becomes, the less likely that she will give birth to a boy. With the number of available clans the same: every subsequent reduce the likelihood of the boy's conception.

There is another technique for determining the floor of the future child, amniocentesis - the procedure for identifying (presence or absence) of genetic deviations, at which a small sample of arrogant water is taken.

Another modern technique that allows you to determine the floor of the future baby is a hormonal study. Here everything is simple, the sex of the child is determined by the level of the hormone contained in the blood of the mother. This method can be applied already in the first weeks of pregnancy.

The opinion is also common that there is a certain dependence of the conception of a child of a particular sex from the even and odd age of a woman. To conceive a girl for a woman is possible at an even age in the even months of the year (February, April, June, etc.) and in an odd age in the emphasens (January, March, May, etc.). For conception of the boy, on the contrary: even age of a woman in odd months, an odd age - in the even months of the year.

It is possible to determine the sex of the child in 12-14 weeks of pregnancy using the fetal heartbeat: in the heartbeat of the fetus over 140 shots per minute - a girl, if less than 140 shots - a boy.

I can not get around and the well-known methodology for planning the floor of the future child based on the so-called French diet. This diet should be observed in the last period of the menstrual cycle before conception, since scientists have established a certain relationship between parental nutrition in the period before conception and the desired floor of the future child. It is believed that the effectiveness of this technique is about 80%. Diet for boys involves a diet rich in potassium and sodium ions and limited by calcium and magnesium ions (for example, it is necessary to use all the varieties of meat, fish and seafood, cereal and bread, legumes, potatoes, any fruit, sausage, smoked products, any drinks and more Salt.). For girls - the abundance of products containing calcium and magnesium ions, and the restriction of those that contain potassium and sodium (for example, use greens, spices, in a limited number of meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, except potatoes (limited quantity), Do not saline nuts, sugar, honey, eliminate all sorts of smoked foods, salt, yeast).

In addition to the above, another method of determining the floor of the future child is popular, according to the date of ovulation based on the difference in spermatozoa. It is no secret that the spermatozoa carriers y chromosome (male) is moving and more agile with spermatozoa carriers x chromosome (female), they are the first in fertilization to the egg cell and therefore the sex of the child turns out to be male. However, if ovulation at the time of fertilization has not yet occurred, then the spermatozoa carriers y chromosomes die very quickly (active during the day). But spermatozoa carriers x chromosomes are active for another 2 - 3 days. Therefore, in this case, you should wait for the girl.

The technique of determining the floor of the future child is considered no less common, taking into account the blood group of the mother and father:

The "blood update" method is also widespread in the definition of the floor of the future kid. The blood of a woman is updated about once every three years, a man - every four proud. To determine the floor of the future child, the main thing is to know exactly, who from her parents at the time of conception was more "young blood". To calculate, it is necessary to divide the age of a future mother by 3, and Pope on 4. For example: dad 29 years old, mom 23 years old. 29 We divide on 4, we get 7 and the residue 1, 23 divide by 3, we get 7 and the remainder 2. As a result, 2 more than 1, therefore, the floor of the future child is female. In case of equal residues for dividing or one residue equal to zero, twins may appear. I can not approve the plausibility and accuracy of this method, but in practice I was found both positive and negative options.

To determine the floor of the future baby women always dreamed, so at times, when there was no ultrasound, no other, now known methods, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers tried to determine the sex of the future child in the so-called "people's methods".

The most famous and widely used method (not rarely even these days) is the definition of a child in the form of a belly. The round shape of the belly spoke about the birth of the girl, and the sharp - will be a boy. Of course, this technique has no scientific justification, as doctors in one voice deny the presence of a dependence between the abdominal shape and the floor of the future infant.

Often, the sex of the child was predicted by appetite and well-being of the future mother: if a woman suffers from toxicosis, hence the girl will be born, and her state of health and appetite is normal - you should wait for the boy. This method also does not withstand no criticism.

The appearance of a woman also served as a faithful sign, which was determined by the floor of the child. If a woman during pregnancy "faded", it was believed that the girl would be born, and the opposite is a boy. Regarding the birth of a girl and not particularly blooming appearance of a woman during pregnancy there is some interconnection that has a scientific justification: Scientific "Foundation": For proper formation of female fruit, women's hormones are needed, which affects the appearance of mom.

It is worth mentioning the formula according to which it is supposed to find out the floor of the future child: 49 - x + 1 + y + 3, where X is the age of the father, and Y is a month of conception. In case of receipt when calculating an even number - wait for a boy, an odd - girl.

And finally, in the old days, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers determined the sex of the child on the basis of the mutual feelings of the spouses. That is, if a woman loves a man stronger, then there will be a girl, and the opposite is a boy.

It is not so important which method you choose to determine the sex of the child, today they are abused. The most important thing is the appearance of a child to the light, which should be desired and beloved, regardless of whether your expectations coincided or not.

As if the future parents did not want to know in advance (until the 16th week), the sex of the future child would be accuracy of no more than 50%.

What time can you determine the sex of the child?

The earliest time is 8-10 weeks Using the Horion Village Analysis you can find out the floor of the future child. How does this happen?

The gynecologist through the entrance to the uterus, or with the help of a special needle, which he introduces through the abdominal wall, takes a piece of fabric from which the placenta develops. Explores her. Only it can determine the floor and identify genetic problems and chromosomal disorders. This is an important analysis, because thanks to him, you can get information about the development of the child at the earliest stage.

But he has a flaw - there is a danger of miscarriage. Therefore, such an analysis is appointed rarely, only for medical reasons.

After the 16th week Often you can already determine the gender of the baby. First of all, an ultrasound comes to mind - modern technologies make it possible to mostly conduct a study and find out who will soon appear.

Two-dimensional ultrasonic apparatus. ABOUTthe festival of the future child works on the principle of reflection of the ultrasonic wave from the fetus tissues. The device captures the reflected signal and displays the "picture" on the screen. The doctor sees the organs through which ultrasound passes.

Advanced technologies are already presented in three-dimensional ultrasound. While the ultrasound intensity remained the same, the possibility of more detailed diagnosis appeared. The study made it possible to reflect various pathologies associated with the development of the fetus (the sound, person).

Most women, as soon as they learn about the fact that pregnancy has come, they want to find out faster, who will be born - a boy or a girl. You can take patience and wait for the time to make a planned ultrasound of 20 weeks, then you can learn more likely to be born. But at 100% even ultrasound will not be able to give an accurate answer. How to learn the sex of the child in the early stages?

In the first trimester, future mothers are already wanting to know the sex of the child in order to prepare everything in advance, starting from the stroller and crib, and ending with children's things. Of course, you can go to the store and with great pleasure to buy a lot of children of neutral color. But when attention is attracted to the tiny bodies and the sliders of a gentle-blue shade or a nice dress with lace, then you want to find out how quickly you can find out who will be born. Determine the sex of the child in an early period possible by different methods.

Folk Signals Definition of Child Floor in Early

From year to year, over the centuries, people watched the state of a woman in position. According to the external signs, behavior and well-being, a certain opinion was evolving regarding the gender of the baby. These skills were passed from generation to generation, and we can try to determine who would be born from a woman even before you can do an ultrasound.

Girl or boy?

If you believe our ancestors, then according to their observation, this conclusion can be made: if parents are over 30 years old, then girls are more often born. Also affects this indicator and frequency of proximity. If a man before conception did not lead an active sex life, then a girl will be born, and if there was no abstinence - a boy. This theory of ancestors is supported by scientists, because "men's" spermatozoa die quickly in sperm, and the "female" on the contrary, survive. Therefore, if a man has no sex for a long time and conception occurred at this time, then the greater chance that the girl will be born.

What is the probability that the girl is born

It is possible to determine the floor of the crumbs by the appearance of pregnant. If a woman retained grace, and her body is not beginning to break up from the first week of pregnancy - a girl will be born. But along with gracefulness, the woman may appear external signs: the face will begin to swell, the lips will increase, dark spots will appear on the skin. According to these features, it can be said that the girl will be born, because she "takes away" the beauty of the mother.

You can learn the floor of the child in an early term and as a state of women's health. If it often torments toxicosis in the morning, the mood is constantly changing (hysterics, whims, tears without reason), then you can assume that my daughter will be born.

If a woman constantly wants to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, sweet and dairy, then you can buy pink things.

And yet, it is possible to find out the gender of the baby in the stitching. If the first movement, the woman felt in the left side of the belly, then there would be a daughter. This is how others will be prompted, the accurate methods for determining the floor of the crumbs.

What is the probability that a boy will be born

  • since ancient times it was obvious that young women would have a male firstborn;
  • if, before conception, sex from spouses was regular (in 2-3 days);
  • the woman during pregnancy bloomed, it became more beautiful;
  • there were hair on legs and stomach;
  • a pregnant woman is constantly freezing;
  • no toxicosis, pregnancy is easily transferred;
  • a woman eats a lot, she pulls her on salty, sharp, oily food, she wants there is a lot of meat and bananas;
  • the first movement is in the right side of the abdomen;
  • the heartbeat's heartbeat will be less than the girl - up to 140 shots per minute;
  • if the term between 1 and 2 pregnancies are small and the first girl was born, the son will be born.

Future parents should be remembered that the expectation and appearance of the baby is a big joy and what sex the child is born - it is not so important, the main thing is that the baby is healthy. Well, this last sign will make future fathers think: men want the son more born, and when the daughter is born - they give her all their love. This is due to the fact that an adult daughter becomes like her mother in youth. So if you found out that your wife wears a daughter, do not worry ahead of time, because the child is great happiness.

The method of determining the sex of the child on the early blood should be determined. It is known that women's blood is updated every 3 years, and men's - 4. If a woman has a negative blood type, the blood is updated every 4 years. Whose blood will be younger at the time of conception, it is worth expecting a child of this sex. For example, if a woman has a blood renewed first, daughter will be born, if a man is a son. In women with a negative Rh, the factor is more difficult - here you need to look at the date of birth or take advantage of other methods.

By the way, consider and alternative methods for determining the sex of the child, which other ancestors used:

  1. You need to take a thin silk thread, tie the needle or wedding ring on one side. For the opposite end, keep the thread and hold the ring above the belly vertically. If the ring (or needle) "draws" a circle, then expect a girl if just swinging a boy.
  2. Mistihahs to tell a woman who will be born to her, did this: they took the urine of pregnant and watered barley and wheat planted in the ground. If the first raised wheat, there will be a daughter, barley - son.
  3. On the empty table put the key and offered a pregnant woman to take it. If she took for a ring - there will be a girl, the long part is a boy.

Medical indications

It happens when the gynecologist insists that the woman passes the procedure of the biopsy of Chorion. This analysis with 100% accuracy will determine the sex of the child in the 7th week of pregnancy. Only one desire of a pregnant woman to make such a survey will not be enough. The procedure is assigned only by a doctor and in exceptional cases, for example, when there were genetic diseases in the families of spouses. Of these considerations, the birth of a child of a certain gender (hemophilia) may be impossible. Therefore, in order to eliminate the threat of abortion and intrauterine pathologies of the fetus, this survey is prescribed, which is carried out by piercing the thick needle of the skin on the abdomen and the fence of the fluid.

How to determine the sex of the child in early pregnancy

The official, affordable and popular method of determining the floor of the crumbs on an early term is an ultrasound. The only drawback is impossible to consider the sexual differences of the fetus. The result is false, since the doctor can take the enlarged sex lips for the girl for the scrotum or vice versa. So all the same as a future mommy will have to wait a bit to get a more accurate answer for a period of 12 weeks. And then he can not always be reliable. It happens that the child hides from the ultrasonic sensor and accepts such a position that the genitals cannot be searched. The exact details of the future mother can learn at the later period - 23-25 \u200b\u200bweeks of pregnancy, and 100% guarantees do not give any doctor.

When the result of the ultrasound may be incorrect:

  • if the doctor accepted the fetal fingers or umbilical cord for a member;
  • the fruit squeezes the legs and it is impossible to consider sexual differences.

By the way, the correct method of determining the floor of the child, which though does not give 100% of the result, but most often turns out to be correct, experimental gynecologists determine the floor by his heartbeat. If 140 shots are recorded per minute - a girl will be born, a smaller number is a boy. It is also worth noting that during the ultrasound, the doctor draws attention to the development of the fetus organs and makes certain conclusions: so, the boys are a little ahead of the development of girls. But this is also not 100% confidence that the boy or girl will be born.

Definition of the child's floor at an early blood test

With an accuracy of 99%, you can find out the sex of the child on an early period, if you pass the blood test for DNA. Woman, since the 6th week of pregnancy, can find out who will be born - a girl or a boy.

Make a child's sex test in an early term in a specialized laboratory. The cost of such a gender analysis is quite high, but if future parents simply need to know the sex of the child (genetic deviations), then the money will not be a hindrance.

The study can be carried out, starting from the 6th week of pregnancy (8th week of obstetric period).

What is the accuracy of the result:

  • for a period of 6-8 weeks of pregnancy - 95%;
  • 9-10 weeks - 97%;
  • from 12 weeks - 99%.

The advantages of blood testing techniques are accessibility, since the result can be done on an early period; Safety - interference in the body of a pregnant woman will not need, you just need to take blood from the vein; Accuracy is a genetic analysis that is performed in the laboratory conditions, as well as efficiency - it is possible to obtain the result the next day.

You can pass the blood for analysis and find out the floor of the child already in the first month of pregnancy, because the baby's cells begin to appear in the blood of a pregnant woman. They are still very small, but they are present and only highly sensitive test and fence the large number of venous blood (this is not reflected on the well-being and health of mother and fetus), helps determine the child with an accuracy of 99%.

If the woman does not enter the boy, the Y-chromosome markers are detected in her blood. X-chromosomes are always present in the feminine body. If the result is negative and in the blood of the mother, Y chromosomes are detected, then it is worth expecting a daughter's appearance.

How to prepare for the test of the test and what else needs to know

Immediately you need to be ready for the fact that the result may be erroneous and do not cherish the hope that the child will be born of this particular floor. Laboons can also be mistaken, and a female body is a solid riddle. Indeed, the level of chromosomes can affect different factors, ranging from the incorrect period of pregnancy, the individual characteristics of the body, multiple pregnancy, the age of a woman, the number of pregnancies, etc.

Blood can not hand over an empty stomach, to any convenient time for a woman. Special preparation will not be required.

On the reliability of the result. If 98% "Boy", then, most likely it will be, the result can be considered reliable. If the "girl", then you will recommend to pass a repeated analysis after 2 weeks. To 100% to be sure that the result is reliable, it is necessary to make 2 analysis with a break in 2 weeks (minimum - 10 days).

It is possible to determine the sex of the child and with multiple pregnancy, but if it turns out that the floor of one of the children is "Boy", it is impossible to learn half the other kids. It can be like girls and boys.

How to find out the gender of the baby in the urine

Starting from the 6th week, a woman can learn the gender in the urine. Our great-grandmothers were determined who would be born to them as follows: they took the fresh milk and mixed it in equal proportions with urine (when the pregnancy had already arrived, a period of up to 10 weeks). Then put a container with a mixture on fire and waited for it when it boils. Next - looked at the reaction. If the milk began to be desired, the girl will be born, and if the fluid remains unchanged - the heir is expected to appear. Such a test did not always justify expectations.

Currently, modern women have the opportunity to go through a few surveys and pass the blood test and urine to learn the gender. One of these tests is the definition of sex on maternal urine. No need to go to the laboratory to pass venous blood. It is enough to collect urine and make a test independently without leaving home.

"Testpol" is a modern method of detection of sex a child, its principle is similar to test strips to determine pregnancy. Starting from the 7th week of pregnancy, a woman can start testing.

How to do a test:

  • collect the morning urine into clean capacity;
  • open the cup with a reagent and pour the desired amount of urine (a syringe is included in the kit);
  • quickly mix the contents of the circular movements;
  • now put the tank on the table;
  • after 5 minutes you will see the result.

You will be asked to compare the resulting color with the attached table. If you wear a boy, the urine will come into reaction with reactivities and turn into a rich dark color if the daughter is born - the urine color will acquire a yellow or orange color.

Definition of sex child on tables

Future parents worries only one thing - who will be born: Son or daughter. Waiting for a long 9 months most spouses do not want. In order not to suffer in guesses, you can find out the sex of the child in Chinese or Japanese technique.

Chinese table

Scientists still can not give an unambiguous answer when this table was drawn up. It was found in ancient Chinese burials. According to experts, the basis of this table, Chinese scientists took the lunar calendar, according to another theory - it was drawn up on the basis of research of pregnant women.

To use the table easily: the age of the mother is indicated in the left column (from 18 years to 45), and from above - the month in which the conception occurred. Further, everything is simple, we find our age and the month of conception, connect the lines - we get the floor of the child. The letter "D" - means a girl, "M" - boy.

All Chinese men use only this table. The Beijing Scientific Institute argues that this technique indicates the sex of the child with an accuracy of 98%. By the way, it is possible to learn not only the floor of the crumbs, if the woman is already pregnant, but also when planning conception. You need to choose your age in the column, and then subtract 9 months - you will receive the date of conception. And now it remains to see the Count "Paul Child" and proceed to action. Wait or can act - so spouses will be able to conceive a child of a certain floor.

Japanese table

The method of determining the floor of the future child in the coming pregnancy consists of 2 stages. First you need to get the digit - specify the date of birth of the mother and the date of the father's birth. For example, we got the number "4". I go down below and continue to determine the floor of the crumbs through the second table. We find our digit and point the month of conception. In our case, this is "August" - with a high probability share (the number of crosses is maximum - 10 pcs) Boy will be born.

You do not need to count only on this test, since the table can also be wrong. The Japanese technique is more suitable for the planning of the gender of the baby, because you can immediately see the month of conception with a high probability of birth of a child of the right gender.

Waiting for a child is the happiest and unforgettable time in the life of every woman. What could be more beautiful than the birth of the heir? So let him do not care about the floor of the new family member - enjoy every minute, and as soon as the time comes and you will go to the maternity hospital, the midwife will pay you and you will learn about the birth of a long-awaited son or daughter.

Learn the floor of the future child with the help of ultrasound perhaps not earlier than 20 weeks. But it does not wait to find out who will be born, early ...

There are a number of techniques, tables and folk admission to determine the future of the Children's sex.

1. In this table, the floor of the future child can be determined if you look at the intersection of the month of conception and the age of the future mommy.

Example: Pregnancy came in May. Age of a woman is 25 years old. Most likely a girl is born.

2. Determine who will be born a boy or a girl with the help of the technique that came to us from the ancient China.

table number 1 We find a figure at the intersection of the month of birth of a man and a woman.

table number 2 We choose a row under the number obtained from Table No. 1. In this row we find the month of conception of the baby. In the "Boy" scale, the girl is indicated by the likelihood of one or another floor. The more divisions, the greater the likelihood.

Example: The man was born in March, a woman in June. At the intersection in Table No. 1-cyfra 6. Month of conception April. Table number 2 in 6 minutes after contrast of the month of April, we see that the likelihood of the birth of a girl and a boy is equal. That is, 50% by 50%.

3. Tables for determining the sex of the child in the "age" of blood.

This technique is based on assumptions that the blood of women and men is regularly updated. In women, this happens 1 time in 4 years. In men, blood is updated 1 time in 3 years. Finding out the "age of blood" of parents, compared with each other. Adjasted the number of months from the last birthday of the parent to the month of conception. Paul Parent, whose blood will be younger and passed to the baby.

In the first table We find the coefficients of the blood and mother's blood renewal, opposite age.

In the second table It is necessary to find the figure at the intersection of the month of birth of the parent and the month of conception of the child.

Now for each parent we fold the obtained 2 digits (from 1 and 2 tables). Who has less the number ("Blood younger"), the child is likely to be born a child.

Example: Mom 29 years old, dad 30 years old. Mom was born in June, dad in March. According to the results of the first table, Mom \u003d 1, dad \u003d 0. According to the results of the second table, Mom \u003d 10, dad \u003d 1. According to the results of both tables mom (1 + 10 \u003d 11), dad (0 + 1 \u003d 1). "Dad's blood is younger," a boy will be born.

4. Folk signs to determine the floor of the future child.

You also can .

In most cases, the future mammies are not fundamental to the gender, but sometimes parents want a boy or a girl. Is it possible to choose the floor in advance?

5. Ovulation. Calculate who will be born a boy or a girl.

If there are already two sons in the family, then a woman, having decided to give birth to another child, most often hopes for the appearance of a sweetheart. And if the young parents have a firstborn girl, then Pope, of course, dream of the birth of the heir. Is it possible to manage the process of conception to know in advance who will be born: a boy or a girl, and how to do it?

Boy or girl: Is it possible to manage conception?

The process of conception of a boy or girl is a great sacrament, but scientists already know a lot about how a new life appears, and even something about the possibilities of managing the birth of a child know.

For the birth of a new human life, you need to meet an egg and spermatozoa. Eggs ripen in the ovaries, and each month one of the eggs leaves the ovary and goes on the journey, the purpose of which is a meeting with sperm. The process of exit an egg from the ovary is called ovulation.

After ovulation, the eggs lives just a day, and if the conception has not happened, it dies after 24 hours. Sperm and more lively and can wait for an egg inside the woman's body up to five days. Thus, conception can occur if a woman had proximity to her husband, either on the day of ovulation, or a few days before her.

And what depends on who will be born: boy or girl? It depends on what spermatozoa is fertilized by an egg - if a spermatozoa of the Y-chromosome wins the race, a boy will be born, and if a girl will appear on the light.

Sperm with men's chromosome moves faster, but they are less alive. But spermatozoa with women's x-chromosome is able to live in the uterine tube, waiting for the appearance of an egg to five days. What follows from this? Given the survivability of spermatozoa with female chromosomes, chances to conceive a girl becomes much more, if the sexual act took place 2-4 days before ovulation. But if the proximity took place directly on the day of ovulation, then the chances of conceiving a boy are significantly increasing, as spermatozoa with Y-chromosome is greater and they are faster. The case remains for small - calculate the day of ovulation.

How to calculate the day of ovulation

Ovulation is usually as a rule, on the middle of the cycle, but, depending on the whole number of circumstances, it does not always happen. It is impossible to feel the moment of ovulation, as it passes asymptomatic. And yet it is possible to calculate this moment fairly accurately with the help of three methods:

  • daily within 3-4 months and make a schedule;
  • use the dough for ovulation purchased in the pharmacy (the inkjet test is considered the most accurate;
  • make ultrasound.

If you need to determine the moment of ovulation as accurately as possible, start a cycle schedule for several months, and in the selected month, when approaching the alleged ovulation, use the test, or go through the ultrasound.

Of course, even if you calculate the day of ovulation as accurately as possible, the desired result of the conception is not guaranteed, too much additional factors can affect who will still be conceived: a boy or a girl. But with this method, the chances of the desired result are significantly rising. In the same way to get a child of that sex you want a boy or a girl, so far only in case the pregnancy occurs as a result of Eco.

6. Divination. Boy or girl will be born.

Not always on ultrasound seen half a child. It happens, a boy or girl will be born from her, a woman does not know almost to the birth. If the baby does not give doctors to see his gender, and find out who grows in the tummy, well, I really want to take advantage of folk signs and fortune tells.

Boy or girl will be born: Signs and fortune telling

Not all fortune tells who were popular with our ancestors will fit modern women, because not every future mother is ready to go out to guess alone in a bath or huzno. Here are the most simple folk ways to determine the floor of the future kid:

  • To find out, a boy or girl will be born, you need to ask the future mother to raise and stretch your hands forward. If she does it so that the palms will be drawn up - a daughter will appear on the light, and if the palms are turned down - the son will be born.
  • For this divination, you will need a large key with a long "beard". The key is put on the table and ask the future mother to take it and suck someone from those present. If a pregnant woman takes the key to the top, then you should wait for the birth of a boy, and if for the "beard" - a daughter will be born.
  • Find out, boy or girl will be born, you can use fortune-telling with a ring. Future mom must be asked to accept the position of "midsecled" and rack the ring hanging on the thick thread. If the ring will start swaying like a pendulum - it's worth waiting for the son, and if the circles will begin to describe above the stomach - there will be a daughter.
  • If the woman already has children, then you need to see how the hair is growing from the baby from the previous pregnancy: if the so-called "pigtail" grows not in the middle of the neck, and on the side, then the next child will be born.

There are 5 ways to plan the sex of the child.

1 . Diet. This is the most common way. To conceive a boy, it is recommended to eat foods rich in potassium and sodium, and for the appearance of a girl - calcium and magnesium. Therefore, in the first case, eat fish, meat, mushrooms and potatoes, legumes, chicken protein, apricots and peaches, prunes, rice and manual porridges. In the second case, give preference to eggs, eggplants and beets, carrots and cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers, honey, peanuts and hazelnuts.

Observe the diet you need from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until the intended conception. And both women and men. After conception, you can and everything you want. This method did not receive a strict scientific justification, and the success of its use is about 30%.

2 . Calculation for the term of ovulation. It is believed that if sexual act happened in less than a day before ovulation (the best hours 10 to it), then the boy is likely to be born. If the intercourse occurred much earlier or a few days after ovulation, then the probability of the girl. This is explained by the fact that the Y-chromosomes can achieve an egg cell only in a short period of time before ovulation. Otherwise, they die, and only X-chromosomes remain. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not always possible to calculate the exact timing of ovulation. The best way to identify the ovulation time is to draw up a graphic temperature graphic for several months or the purchase of a special ovulation test in the pharmacy.

3. Frequency of sexual acts. The basis of this method is the fact that the X-chromosomes are more mobile than Y, but at the first time life is less. It follows that with frequent germ contacts, the likelihood of the boy is high, and with rare - girls. The efficiency of the method is 70-80%.

4 . Selection of postures with sexual intercourse. There is an opinion that for conception a boy is a good posture "Man from behind" or "Woman from above", and for the appearance of a girl - "Male from above". This method is based on to give more chances of y or x sperm. As you know, for conception a boy, it is necessary that the Y-spermatozoa is united with an egg, and to conceive a girl X-spermatozoa.

5 . Even - odd years of women. Unconventional Dr. Elena Shavrina revealed the child's child's dependence on the age of the future mother. In the even years, women are more likely to conceive a girl in February, April, June and August, October, December; In odd years, respectively, in January, March and May, July, September and November. The appearance of the boy comes around.

These are the main methods of child planning. Well search for, you can find others. But it is worth remembering only one way can provide you with a guaranteed birth of a child of the right sex. - This is an artificial fertilization procedure when the embryo of the right floor, a boy or a girl is left in the uterus.

Waiting for the child is always considered a happy event, new sensations and emotions appear in the life of a woman. The news of the soon replenishment causes a lot of different feelings, one of the main experiences in many parents is associated with the floor of the future child. Nature is so laid down that it is impossible to immediately find out this information. For this reason, there are many techniques, technologies, tables and will accept designed to calculate the sex of the child. After all, one of the first questions you ask familiar and friends of a pregnant woman: "And who are you waiting for - a boy or a girl?".

Online Child Floor Calculator

Today there is a popular way to determine - this is an ultrasound. But this method shows reliable data only from the second trimester and only on high-quality equipment. The old apparatus sometimes reflects unreliable information, besides, you need to take into account the experience of the doctor.

You can use folk signs, such as the use of a ring over the belly. Sometimes a woman expects only for her feelings, knowing that she will have a daughter or son. But signs, and your own intuition is not always reliable. To rely on them in the definition of the floor, the babies can not.

What does our site offer? We can kid, using a universal calculator calculating a child. What is it so unique? With the help of it, you can calculate the sex of the child and identify the likelihood of the birth of a boy or a girl.

The calculator gathered several popular techniques, the calculation of the floor occurs on the basis of technologies, the most well-known and already proven among women.

January February March April May June july August September October November December

O (i) Rh- O (i) Rh + A (II) Rh- A (II) RH + B (III) RH-B (III) RH + AB (IV) Rh- AB (IV) Rh +

How to work with a calculator for calculating the sex of the child

For an accurate forecast, you need to enter a month in which the conception occurred, enter the dates of the father and mother. And, which is important, a group of parents is introduced into the graphs of the online calculator.

After that, the result of the forecast is displayed on the screen. If all the techniques have shown the same information, the probability of the birth of a boy or a girl is 100%. If the results of the techniques differ, the percentage probability of the floor is reported. For example, 75% - a boy or 50% will be born - a small princess may appear in the family.

IMPORTANT: On our site you can check the information about the future field for each specific methodology individually.

Calculator efficiency

The calculation of the floor with the help of a calculator trust people who have coincided with calculations, and it turned out one hundred percent hit. Part of women turned out a vague result, but it is worth considering a small statistical error in calculations.

Trust or not the method, each decides itself. It is impossible to exclude the influence of the genetic factor on the formation of the floor. So, deviations in the health and set of genetic information of one of the parents can affect the floor of a small little man. There are families in which only boys are born or, on the contrary, the couple appear on the light of the girls. Surely everyone familiar with everyone.

It is clear to the desire of parents faster to learn the gender of the baby, sometimes women are interested in this issue on the first ultrasound in 12 weeks. But sometimes you should not hurry with the discovery, in some cases it is better to focus on pregnancy to give birth to a healthy baby. Treat the future child with love, soon an important event will happen in his and parental life - a birth. The calculator of our site predicts the result, refer to the calculations as to the game and entertainment during pregnancy.