Such different hairstyles. Eastern hairstyles for hair of different lengths

The chief assistant of Arab beauties is Henna. Henna is colorless and coloring. Colorless Henna - a great remedy for making hair is more dense and dense. It envelops every hair with a thin film that protects it from hot dry air and the scorching sun.

Make a hand mask. Mix the pack of low-fat curd, 1 egg and huhu (its quantity depends on the length of the hair). Mask apply on wet hair, close your hair with a package or cap and leave for 1 hour. Carefully rinse with warm water.

The same protection plus additional nutrition gives hair the use of sour milk. Of course, in stores do not sell the mare or camel milk, but you can replace it with the usual kefir.

Apply kefir on your hair, carefully massage the scalp and rush with warm water. After that, rinse the hair with apple vinegar, diluted with water in proportion 1: 1.

Promotes hair growth ginger mask. Fresh ginger root can be bought in any supermarket. Mix finely grated ginger with jojoba oil and apply on the hair. Close the hair with a warm towel. This mask can be left overnight. In the morning, the hair will be elastic and shiny.

Essential oils not only give hair glitter, they also feed their hair. Coconut, jojoba oil, Ambrella Oil (Indian gooseberry) give pomp and glitter dry and depleted hair. In addition, all vegetable oils are an excellent means of fixing staining with hair after staining of the henna and bass (traditional oriental dyes). But the chemical dyes are poorly combined with masks and wraps using aromatic oils. Paint will be twice as fast.
Apply aromatic oil on the hair along the entire length of 20-60 minutes.

You can use oils, mixing them with egg yolk or. You will get a wonderful shampoo, which will give hair amazing silkiness and shine. These mixes can be used and for hair, leaving them overnight.

In order for the hair to grow faster and thicker, in Eastern harem, beauties used the pushed almond kernels, mixed with milk. For the preparation of the composition take a quarter cup of sweet almond nuclei and warm milk. Melt almonds to the kashitz-shaped state and spread the milk to the thickness of sour cream. Almond-milk mass twice a week rubbing hair.

For some reason, it is considered that the Eastern secrets are very difficult to comprehend, and their laborious and considerable. But it is not. Eastern beauty recipes include ordinary products. And any exotic can be found on the market. Do not be afraid to experiment, and you will see how surprisingly efficiently and easily eastern secrets of beauty.

The seasons replace each other, and at the same time, each girl brings these or other changes to his image. Makeup, clothing style, favorite accessories alternate, repeated or forever disappear from the life of modern fashionistas. However, very serious representatives of the finest floor are suitable for choosing a new hairstyle. When weighing everything "for" and "against", women begin to experiment: grow or cut the hair, paint them into unthinkable colors.
To make the appearance of sexuality, attractiveness and mysteriousness, stylists recommend girls to look at different options for oriental hairstyles. Why exactly to them? Because the women of the East have always differed in magical attractiveness and attracted eyes not only worthy men, but also women who can appreciate someone else's beauty.

Now Western fashionista is happy to resort to the secrets and tricks of the eastern girlfriends. Russian and Ukrainian beauties are not lagging behind the women's population of the West. They create their own east hairstyles that further emphasize their perfect features. Next, we will tell you how to independently make such a refined laying.

Hairstyles in oriental style for medium, long and short hair (with photos and video)

A special magical charm of these hairstyles, which makes an incomprehensible mystery and a sweet highlight, diversify the same type of gray weekdays and will help to meet the one who will turn your life into one of the fairy tales "thousands and one night".

Look at the photos of beautiful oriental hairstyles: see how perfectly combined in them sophisticated decorative elements - crowns, tiara, suspension - with exquisitely laid curls? Amazing, is it not true? But such an effect is also created by the proper selection of the color gamut in make-up and the corresponding outfit.

By the way, every country of the East can open their own secret to the creation of amazing images. For example, hairstyles in Eastern style on medium hair are unpervalled with cute Chinese women: they are very careful combing their curls back, they collect them in a tight rut or an elegant classic tail. These miniature feminine creatures have almost never worn bangs. Moreover, China masterfully laid their hair into a raised tight braid or an elegant harness. Such techniques help them emphasize the dusty look, demonstrate a beautiful forehead, boast of chic shiny dark curls.

Only Japanese is known for another secret of eastern hairstyles on medium hair: it is styling, providing for the use of roller, which fixes the back of the rear. The roller, in turn, is supported by a cob, imperceptible studs, hairpins, or invisible. Such a tribute to the traditions of ancestors looks very unusual.

Attractive on long hair eastern hair looks hairstyle when the stylists do them, using Thai fashion techniques. Decorated with all sorts of flowers, bright studs, special wands for laying smooth hair attract views of others. Sometimes Hair-designers are also resorted to the fact that colored threads and silk ribbons come into Thai braids. Due to this, a bright, original image is created.
Hairstyles in oriental-style on long hair, most often differ in the way that the masters, creating them, carefully curl of girls in bulk curls. Such styling really look exquisitely and charmingly attractive.

It should be noted that the eastern girls are adversely suitable as it is impossible: they emphasize the beauty of youth, tenderness and innocence. In addition, young girls who practically do not use make-up, such stacking will also help strain natural naturalness.

Admire the skill of the stylist, which creates unsurpassed wedding images, looking at the video eastern hairstyles for long hair.

If you really want to make a hairstyle in an oriental style for short hair, you will be suitable for either hair extension, which is now quite common, or overheads sold out of any colors and lengths.

How to make a hairstyle in oriental style for girls at home

Not only adult representatives of the fine floor choose the laying data. Below you can see photos of oriental hairstyles for girls who make small angels as charming and attach to similarity with real princesses.

At home, the eastern hairstyle is not so difficult to do:

only you need to stock in advance with the necessary tools and practic a little.
To lay the hair in need, follow these steps:

First, pretty extinguish the hair from the top of their tips;

Then make on the back of the nobody to give the styling of the desired volume;

Do not forget to do the same on the side curls, and then near the forehead;

Now smooth and put strands on the temples;

The strands that you were glanced on the top of the paint, thread in the roller and be sure to screw with forceps or curls;

Remember that the hairstyle can be decorated with a hoop or rim, which, moreover, also fix the laying.

A certain chic created image will give and gentle flowers, beads in the form of pearls or brilliant rhinestones.

There are some more tips who will tell you how to make an oriental hairstyle for long and middle hair.

We begin with the fact that the long-haired beauties will be to the face such such as "beam". It is ideal for suitable women who prefer business-style clothes, and ladies who are frequent guests of parties, solemn techniques, dinner dinners. For such secular rounds, stylists advise to complement the hairstyle with decorative decorations - sparkling studs, bright ribbons, beads. By the way, for girls, this hairstyle in oriental style will also be a good option: it is very convenient to visit school classes and run in the courtyard with friends.

You can make a "beam", following this manual:

Before you start creating an image, be sure to wet your hair. But do not overdo the curls then did not look dirty;

Then carefully spread the hair;

Now, collect curls in a high tail on the top, securely fixing it with a rubber band;

The next one step is the division of the tail on three identical parts that you need to be pretty clear;

Now you need all the strands very tightly. This can be done by overlaying them on each other;

Having done it, the hair should be placed around a gum in the form of a harness and secure them with stiletts;

In addition to this method of creating an oriental image, we can offer you the following:

Put the silk ribbon of some gentle shade near yourself and prepare the curl, which in the near time you will definitely need;

Immediately screw the hair with a curl;

Then use the ribbon that will serve as a decorative bandage on the head;

Voila! Laying is ready.

Those types of stackings we told you about, you can carefully consider the photos of eastern hairstyles for long hair attached below.

Create an attractive oriental image will not be much difficulty and haunted hair of medium length. One of the appropriate hairstyles will be:

Pre-carefully cleaned curls need to straighten with the temples using the iron;

If you need to put the laying volume, it is worth allowing the strands that are on the back of the head, near the forehead and in the temples;

Taking advantage of the roller, you need to collect your hair on the top;

Strands that remain should be twisted using the curl;

Make a romantic and feminine will help beautiful pebbles, shiny hairpins and delicate flowers.

To better imagine how this laying looks like, we offer you to watch photos of eastern hairstyles on medium hair.

Beautiful wedding hairstyles in oriental style

At least one day in the life of any girl should be absolutely perfect - this is her wedding day. To implement it, you need to think through the slightest detail: choose beautiful, but comfortable shoes, find the most stunning dress, make makeup, which will emphasize all external advantages.
Wedding hairstyles in oriental style are now very popular among brides. This is due to the fact that such stacking is distinguished by special elegance and femininity. However, it is worth noting that they are best suited to representatives of beautiful sex with dark or even black hair.
Creating an eastern wedding hairstyle, Hair-designers pay special attention to her decorative decorations. Tiara, crowns, rims should emphasize the laying and unnoticed it.
Fashionable stylists offer you to make such a wedding hairstyle in oriental style:

First of all, you need to carefully comb your hair and fix them with a gel or any other cosmetics;

Then you need to assemble curls on the top of the tail in the tail, consulting it with a rubber band;

The hair on top is expected by a racial or brushed, and the strands of the temples necessarily wind up using a curl;

Those curls that turned out are reliably fixed at the base of the previously made tail;

The rest of the strands are neatly screwed on a hair curlers or a curl;

Of course, the wedding laying is always decorated with a variety of hairpins, flowers, crowns.

Remember that hairstyles in oriental style are suitable for all occasions and always attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Arab peoples Even in deep antiquity, the color and density of the hair and the design of the hairstyles are especially valued. Therefore, women resorted to artificial means to give hair big beauty. Women hairstyles were ultraAnd their execution required a lot of time (up to 12-14 hours). In front of the hair triggered briefly, from the sides, depending on the thickness of the hair, curved in 2 curls, or removed into the braids. The rest of the hair was blocked into many pigs (the number of them was odd from 11 to 25). All pigtails descended on the back and in each quarter of the entire lengths were woven in 3 black silk lace. To each lace at the lower end, either a gold tube or a ring, in which was on the decoration of gold coins, pearls or corals was beaten. This treatment is called safa. Hairstyles of Arab women, like clothes, were designed for the excitement of sensualityWhat was explained by the position of slave in the harem.

The biggest women's hairstyles Refer to the end of the XVIII century. Hairdressers became real artists and sought to surpass in their art all the villas visited. In 1775, the volume and height adversely achieved such sizes, which 3-4 times exceeded the size of the head. To build such a hairstyle and give her strength, under natural hair put special pads on a wire or whale mustache. The hair was combed from his forehead to the top and back, forming a smooth round mass, and several oblique or vertical curls curled on the back of the head. At the same time, some of them descended on the back.

Such a hairstyle served as the basis for a variety of decorations.. The simplest decoration was considered decoration with ribbons, pearl threads, flowers. Fashion decoration by ostrich and peacock feathers introduced the Queen of Maria-Antoinetta. As the volume increases, it is hairstyle complicated. Women's hats appeared in the form of a basket filled with flowers or fruits, a hat in the form of a helmet with a sultan of feathers, a bush of laurel and oak branches. The queen itself was invented by a hat, which had a mountain and valley from colored enamel, streams of silver, gardens and groves with arbors.

Dreadlocks (African pigtails) - This is not an invention of some fashionable designer, it is absolutely natural state of curly African hair, after they did not cut them for a long time and did not comb. The history of the emergence of dreadliths is rooted in an ancient African culture. The right to dreadliths had to be deserved. They did them out of their hair and it was impossible to remove them, only agreed completely - with the help of wax from the hair were lying long strands. Now it is not necessary to resort to such victims - dreadlocks are formed from artificial fibers and woven into their hair. As you grow, it is possible to make a correction - intertwine dreads closer to your roots. Dreadlocks can be different - long, short, fluffy, thin.

In some cultures, dreadlocks were and are an indispensable attribute of a real man.And its age is measured by their length. The elders the length of the Dreada comes sometimes up to 3-4 m. In America and to Europe, this hairstyle came together with the broad immigration of people from Central and South Africa for decades. African pigtails were very popular in the 1960s - during the silence of Hippie culture. "Children of flowers" liked this untidy look, confused hairstyle. The essential influence of the Music culture of Rggie, the most prominent representative of which was Bob Marli, a native of Jamaica, where wearing dreadlocks is almost mandatory. By 1990, African culture had already had a great influence on all types and styles of music and art as a whole. Dreadlocks turned out to be fashionable and stylish hairstyle, and did them already in fashionable salons across America and Europe. Today, African Koschui is not only adherents of certain styles or directions in music: students, police, teachers, actors, singers and even senators make themselves a hairstyle from confused hair.

Dreadlock - laying strands on a special wax. Unlike dreadliths does not destroy the structure of the hair and is reversible.

Healthy and shiny hair are an indispensable condition for the beauty of oriental women, since it is precisely that the hair attaches the finish. So why do the peri east possess such luxurious hair? Traditionally, in Arab countries and in India, women and girls used dairy products, oils and water with vegetable extracts for them, it is these folk recipes and compositions that are the main secret of the extraordinary density, health and gloss of their hair.

Oriental shampoos

For centuries, Arab beauty instead of the habitual shampoos and soaps for washing hair use fermented milk products that create a fatty film that protects against the harmful effects of the scorching sun and the drying wind. Today, this goals can be used by the usual kefir. It is necessary to abundantly pour them on their head, massage a little, then rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water. In order for hair glittering, it is possible to rinse them with a solution of lemon or acetic acid (1 tablespoon of acid for 2 liters of water).

Shampoo for oily hair. Mix in ceramic dishes 1 yolk, 2 tablespoons of water, half of a teaspoon of camphor oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the hair, evenly distribute, you can massage a little. Rock by gentle water. If the hair is very long, then you need to double the volume of the ingredients.

Shampoo for dry hair. Mix yolk and a half teaspoon of vegetable oil (olive, coconut, almond). Such a nutritional mixture will help restore hair and give a stunning shine. Wash off cool water.

All of the listed "shampoos" can be used and as feeding masks, leaving them on the hair for 20-30 minutes, having preheated the head with a terry towel.

Magic mustard

Mix 1 tablespoon of mustard (powder) with 3 tablespoons of kefir, add 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of almond oil. The resulting composition is applied to the hair along the entire length. Leave the composition for 30-40 minutes, shook the head by a terry towel. Wash the mask with warm water.

Mix 1 tablespoon of mustard (powder) to dilute in 2 liters of warm water. This solution should rinse the hair to eliminate greens. In addition, after mustard rinsing, the hair will not be quickly polluted.

Hair growth agent

In order for the hair to grow faster and thicker, in eastern harem, beauties used the crushed cores of sweet almonds, mixed with milk. To prepare the composition you will need a quarter cup of sweet almond nuclei and warm milk. Mount almonds to a porridge state and throw milk to the state of sour cream. Almond-milk mass twice a week rubbing hair.

Promotes hair growth and ginger mask: Mix 1 tablespoon of finely rubbed ginger (can use powder) and 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil or sesame oil. It is advisable to leave the mask on the hair overnight, shook the head by a terry towel.

Dried fruits

Dry figures of figs greatly strengthen hair. Grind 2-3 dry fetus figs. In a separate enameled dishes, pour 1 cup of milk, put figs into milk, mix everything thoroughly and put on the fire, closing the lid. When the mixture boils, reduce the fire to a minimum and bring the composition to a weak boiling before the formation of a homogeneous mass. Cool the mixture. Part of it in the roots, the remainder distribute over the entire length. Leave the composition for 20-30 minutes by lining the head with a terry towel. Wash the mask with warm water. Wash your head one of the "eastern" shampoos.

Masks from raisins well help from hair loss. To do this, take the handful of light raisins, put in the enameled dishes and fill 0.5 liters of boiling water. Close tightly with a lid and cook for 10-15 minutes on a weak heat, after which let's break 2 hours. Then straighten the decoction into separate dishes. Raisins flip to the state of the Cashitz, add 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon salt. Mix everything thoroughly. If the mixture is very thick, add a bit of ragum and stir. Apply on your hair and keep about an hour. Wash water and wash your head.


Coconut oil strengthens, nourishes her hair, gives hair glitter. It gives puff and shine dry and depleted hair. In addition, it, like all vegetable oils, is an excellent means of fixing staining and giving shiny hair after staining of henna and bass (traditional oriental dyes). Apply coconut oil on your hair along the entire length for 20-60 minutes. Wash your head "Eastern Shampoo."

Ambly oil (Indian gooseberry) - a magical agent for girls who want to significantly improve the quality of hair, luxury and accelerate their growth. Apply oil on your hair along the entire length for 20-60 minutes. Wash your head "Eastern Shampoo."

The Arab Roast Sun gives life to wonderful herbs, flowers and fruits, saturating them with energy and miraculous juices - and they become real storage facilities of youth and beauty. For many centuries, the beauties of the East have already known for many centuries and are very careful about the ancient cosmetic traditions. Only natural oils rubbed into the skin; Through the hair gives luxury, shine and new shades; Honey and milk are always present in the eastern rituals of care. Perhaps we will never know all secrets of cooking cosmetic drugs Cleopatra, but we can take advantage of the same sources!

Eastern girls always fascinated and attracted views not only men, but also women. They have a special magic charm who is tatting a secret and a highlight. Quite often, Ukrainian and Russian girls want to add diversity to their images and make it due to the hairstyle in oriental style.

Variety of hairstyles in eastern countries

Every country of the East is characterized by its unique styles, both in clothes and hairstyles. For example, an oriental style hairstyles in China is characterized by the fact that girls and women are very rarely carrying bangs. Most often, they are combing neatly hair back, in the tail or lugu. You can also lay the hair in the harness or tight high braid.

Japanese women use a special roller for laying. Fastened with spills, invisible and hairpins.

Thai, first of all, are associated with smooth hair, decorated with flowers, colored studs, special chopsticks for hairstyles. Quite often they also wove in these pigtails ribbons and colored threads. Such a hairstyle looks very original and bright. In our countries, there are most often such hairstyles during summer holidays. Oriental hairstyles for long hair do the most convenient.

Wedding eastern hairstyles are especially popular among brides, because they have their own highlight and romanticism.

How to make a beautiful hairstyle in oriental style?

How to make oriental hairstyle at home? Very simple! Start with the fact that thoroughly disclaim your hair along the entire length. On the back of the head is made for larger volume. After BV, and on the side strands, as well as near the forehead. At the temples, the strands should be smoothed and put. Surfaces are combed in a roller, which is located across the entire width of the back. Hair remaining on top of crest. From above, you can fix the hoop, rim or delicate flowers, beads or sparkling stones. Hairstyle is ready!