Types of eyebrows: professional advice from stylists and makeup artists on how to choose the right one. General rules for correcting the shape of the eyebrows. Video: what are the shapes of eyebrows

What girl doesn't dream of perfect makeup? Beautiful thick eyebrows are one of its most important components. They accentuate the eyes and make the look more expressive and deep. What is the ideal eyebrow shape? How to choose the right eyebrow shape for different face types? We share the secrets in our article.

Fashionable eyebrow shape

The desire to always be in trend makes you follow fashion not only in wardrobe, but also in makeup. Eyebrows were no exception. The fashionable shape of the eyebrows is, first of all, natural, natural contours, complemented by healthy density and natural shine.

The fashion trend of the last few years is wide, thick eyebrows, with hairs neatly combed for growth. They undoubtedly add femininity and sensuality to the face.

To emphasize the natural density, you can use special tint eyeshadow or a cosmetic pencil. A special styling gel or wax will help to beautifully style and fix the hairs.

  • Daily brushing in different directions with a special comb.
  • Masks made from olive, burdock or castor oil, which make each hair thicker and strengthen the bulbs. It is recommended to make such masks every other day or at least once a week.

Removing makeup before bed is a must. Pencils, eye shadows and other cosmetics, although considered harmless, do not benefit the hairs.

If the hair density is insufficient, this is not a reason to abandon the fashion trend. Today, there are many different ways to solve this problem.

The main idea of ​​the fashionable shape of the eyebrows is straight, soft lines with minimal bend. Brightly drawn, "dense" eyebrows are a thing of the past. The contours should be smoky and delicate. This does not mean at all that you need to get rid of the tweezers. To prevent the brows from becoming sloppy, you still need to adjust their shape.

What forms of eyebrows are there?

The fashion for the shape of the eyebrows is constantly changing and it is extremely important not only to follow the trends, but to select the shape that will harmoniously combine with the rest of the facial features.

For eyebrows, the following basic forms are distinguished:

You can change the natural shape of your eyebrows with the help of correction, coloring or permanent make-up.

It should be borne in mind that if arched lines are made from naturally straight lines, then they will look unnatural.

How to choose the shape of your eyebrows according to your face type?

In order to choose the right shape for eyebrows, first we will determine what types of faces exist and what is characteristic of them:

A makeup artist will help you to choose the right shape of eyebrows according to the type of face, however, knowing the basic rules, you can deal with this at home.

The correct eyebrow shape for an oval face

It is not for nothing that such an oval of the face is called ideal. What shape of eyebrows suits an oval face? Anyone! There can be only one limitation for an oval face: too wide, straight eyebrows. They can visually shorten the face and make the features rough and harsh.

The following options will look good:

Shape correction begins with determining the correct length. This will require a long pencil. We apply one end of it to the wing of the nose, and the other to the inner corner of the eye. The intersection of the pencil with the eyebrow will indicate where it should start.

To determine the end of the tail of the eyebrow, apply a pencil from the nostril to the outer corner of the eye.

Eyebrow shape for round face

A lot of reasoning can be found on the topic of which eyebrow shape suits a round face. The main task is to visually stretch the round face and bring it closer to the oval, so not too wide eyebrows of such shapes are suitable:

Eyebrow shape for a square face

The hard lines of the square face should certainly be diluted with soft, arched lines.

The bend angle should be sharp, raised high. Ideally, if the kink is located closer to the outer corner of the eye or above its middle.

The lines shouldn't be short. It is allowed that the ponytail is slightly longer than recommended for other face types.

The width should be medium and wider. Too thin arcs are not allowed. Wide, straight lines can visually widen the face and make it look somewhat rectangular and rough. Therefore, it is better to refuse them too.

Eyebrow shape for a triangular face

The main task in the case of a triangular face is to make the upper part visually narrower, so it is better to refuse long lines.

S-shaped eyebrows will look perfect. To create them, you will need the appropriate initial data - a natural sufficient bend in the middle, a good density of hairs.

The second option for a triangular face is not too long with a natural curve. The optimal width is one centimeter. Towards the tail, the thickness should gradually decrease.

Eyebrow shape for face in the shape of a heart

The correct eyebrows for a heart-shaped face should visually balance the width of the forehead and chin. Ascending lines will help to cope with this task.

Owners of a heart-shaped face should not add excessive thickness to their eyebrows, as this will visually make the forehead heavier and highlight the flaws.

Eyebrow shapes for an elongated and trapezoidal face

In addition to the main ones, they also distinguish an elongated and trapezoidal face shape. The eyes play a special role in the correction of the oval. In this case, the shape of the eyebrows should be chosen strictly according to the type of face.

A trapezoidal face is characterized by chubby cheeks, massive wide chin and jaw. The main task in this case is to balance the upper and lower parts of the face:

  • Eyebrows with this type of face should be well colored, have sufficient density and a clear shape. It is best to give preference to wide and long lines.
  • The kink depends on your facial features: for soft ones, a noticeable bend is suitable, and for clearer ones, a light, barely noticeable bend. Thus, massive eyebrows will visually make the upper part of the face wider.

To maintain the healthy appearance and shape of your eyebrows, you should treat them carefully and carefully. The correction should be trusted by professionals. Dyeing does not need to be done more often than once every three weeks. In this case, it is important to choose only high-quality dyes.

A beautiful and well-chosen eyebrow shape is an essential attribute of a modern woman. By changing just one detail on your face, you can completely change your image. Just one bend - and you are already a temperamental business woman. Take it away - and your image will radically change.

What are eyebrows in shape?

Cosmetologists conventionally divide eyebrows into three parts:

  • The head is a thickened part at the bridge of the nose;
  • The body is in the middle;
  • The tail is the outer part of it.

To find out what type your eyebrows are, try to combine the head and tail with a straight line and determine where it is directed. The line can run parallel to the floor, face the sky, or fall. An arc moving away from a straight line will tell you about the shape of the eyebrow. It can belong to one of the following types:

  • Horizontal / straight eyebrows... The beginning of this type of eyebrow and its end are on the same straight line. Such eyebrows visually expand the face, which is elongated or narrow in the upper part. It is also a sure-fire remedy to smooth a sharp chin;
  • Rising eyebrow shape can visually lengthen the face. Nevertheless, raising the eyebrow line too high, there is a risk of achieving theatricality, unnatural surprise, and sometimes even hysteria in the look, which can alienate others.
  • Falling eyebrows, in which the inner edges are high, and the outer ones are lowered to the temporal region, make the expression on the face sad and dreary, and age their owner. How to properly shape this type of eyebrow? This will take a long time. As new hairs appear, you need to gradually pluck out the top part of the eyebrow, located closer to the nose, and only the edge of the eyebrow below.
  • Smooth / Oval / Arched knowing it is considered the ideal and most correct shape of eyebrows due to the fact that the proportions of a face of any shape with them usually do not undergo any significant changes. Arched eyebrows not only open the eyelid, but can also rejuvenate your appearance to some extent.
  • Rounded eyebrows are familiar to the inhabitants of the Far East. This shape is perfect for women with rather rough features, visually softening the hard outlines and right angles of a square chin. On a face with an oval shape, the rounded shape of the eyebrows looks very natural.
  • Broken. To make the face look younger and give it a playful expression is possible with a break in the eyebrow line. This is an incredibly beautiful eyebrow shape, according to most modern women, who most often prefer it for eyebrow corrective measures. To the greatest extent, it is combined with a round face. Broken eyebrows help to disguise certain imbalances in the face, give expressiveness to the look, and with a strong break, the gaze becomes harder.
  • Eyebrows "house" you should choose with caution and only in the case when a professional is taken for the formation of the arc, since they give the face a surprised, and sometimes stupid, look. This triangular shape is suitable for women who have a slightly overestimated eyebrow center by nature.

The eyebrow, which is wider at the base, slightly raised in the middle and smoothly tapering closer to the edge, is considered the classic, the most delightful and as close to the ideal as possible. The main thing to understand when choosing a shape: take into account all the proportions of the face.

How to choose the right eyebrow shape?

When shaping your eyebrows, you should not focus on the covers of glossy magazines, but approach this issue from a scientific point of view. Scientists love to calculate all kinds of proportions. So, in terms of the face, there is a certain method for calculating the eyebrows. To do this, I propose to arm yourself with a cosmetic pencil. The circuit is actually very simple.

As you know, everything has its beginning and end, and eyebrows are no exception. So, to determine where your eyebrow should originate, attach the above pencil with one tip to the wing of the nose, and the other to the inner corner of the eye, at the intersection with the brow arch, set a reference point. Each eyebrow should have a middle, a place of the highest rise.

To calculate it, attach a pencil from the wing of the nose so that it "passes" through the pupil, put another point at the intersection with the same arc. Then we will determine the end point - for this, take the outer corner of the eye as a reference point for attachment. Place a third reference point at the intersection. It remains only to connect the outlined outlines with the help of a cosmetic pencil.

How do you know the boundaries of the eyebrow?

A peculiar technique of creating a flawless eyebrow is widely known. When defining the inner edge of it, use a pen against the edge of the nose so that it points towards the inner corner of the eye.

Mark the point where this line intersects with the browbone. You will determine the peak of the eyebrow if one edge of the handle is applied to the edge of the nose, and the other is held up past the pupil. To find out where the outer edge of the arch should be, place a pen to the outer corner of the eye from the wing of the nose and mark the third point. By tying all the points together with one line, you will see your perfect eyebrow line.

Makeup artists of the international level consider the form, called "gull wing", to be fashionable today. The eyebrows, in their opinion, should imitate the wings of a bird: they rise from the nose to the temple with a slight fracture. This form is universal, as it suits almost everyone, without exception.

Eyebrow shape by face type

First of all, the appropriate shape of the eyebrows is determined according to the type of person's face. According to the simplest classification, the following face types are distinguished:

  • Round;
  • Oval;
  • Square;
  • A-triangular;
  • V-triangular;
  • Diamond-shaped

What eyebrows to choose for a round face

A well-chosen eyebrow shape for a round face can hide one significant flaw inherent in this type of person. It consists in the fact that rounded faces are distinguished by a rather significant width. The length and width of this type of face are virtually equal.

Therefore, girls and women, endowed by nature with round faces, have no choice but to come up with many ways, at least a little, but to draw out the outline of the face. According to them, this visually brings them closer to the achievement of the standard recognized by all - the oval contour.

And the solution to their problem lies on the surface. It is enough to choose a suitable eyebrow shape for a round face. First of all, let's say what shape of eyebrows is contraindicated for a rounded face. They categorically should not repeat the contours of the face, that is, be rounded. Round eyebrows will only emphasize its spherical shape.

Now let's get back to looking for a suitable configuration. Which eyebrows are suitable for a round face? They should be kinked, significantly raised and have a short, downward tip. Only under these conditions, the eyebrows are able to switch attention from horizontal to vertical, thereby visually stretching and narrowing the contour of the face.

Eyebrow shape for oval face

Eyebrows for an oval face are best made arched or horizontal. You can give them a slight soft break. It is believed that an oval face, gently rounded and narrowed in the cheekbones, is the standard of beauty. The classic "eyebrows" are considered ideal for this type of oval face. With a slightly elongated oval of the face, the same shape of the eyebrows will visually give it roundness. An arch eyebrow will also be very appropriate in this case.

How to style eyebrows for a square face

It is well known that well-formed, beautiful eyebrows are able not only to decorate their "owner" and make her face more expressive and "thoroughbred", but also to hide her true age by subtracting a couple of years. The shape of the eyebrows directly affects the expression on our faces.

This "trick" is well known to professional actors and make-up artists who use it to create various looks. In this case, the curvature of the eyebrows is formed depending on the type of face. For example, the shape of the eyebrows for a square face is selected in order to soften its somewhat heavy and rough lines, and allows you to make the features more graceful and feminine.

How to make the shape of the eyebrows a house (with a break)

Modern eyebrows with a break have become a truly trendy eyebrow shape! And it is not surprising, because they suit almost all girls. Broken brows are the perfect framing for the eyes. A break in the eyebrow can be selected based on your type of appearance or style of clothing - from a soft, barely noticeable corner to radical "house" eyebrows. When choosing the shape, rely on how your natural eyebrows look. In most cases, just a slight tweezer adjustment is sufficient to give the brows the desired shape and graceful break.

But the extreme version of this form - "house eyebrows" - is not for everyone. Eyebrows will not suit you if you have:

  • The face is triangular, the chin is pointed;
  • Pronounced cheekbones;
  • Massive lower jaw.

House eyebrows look harmoniously on round, oval faces, with soft, not sharp features. Such eyebrows are suitable for girls with small eyes, as they visually “open” the gaze. The eyebrows of the house should be moderately thick, as the "strings" make the face constantly surprised.

Correct brow thickness

Nowadays, eyebrows in the form of a thin thread are considered a sign of a lack of taste in their owners and lagging behind fashion trends. The correct shape of the eyebrows is now beautifully curved arches of natural density, preserving their natural shape as much as possible. But this does not mean at all that by focusing on thick eyebrows of natural width, you can forget about the need to care for them forever. Wide eyebrows should always be carefully combed and styled using special gels, and sometimes trimmed so as not to associate people with Brezhnev. And if the eyebrows grow together on the bridge of the nose, thereby giving the look gloom, the removal of excess hairs will be very helpful.

If you want to follow fashion, know that massive eyebrows can disfigure a sweet and delicate face. Thick eyebrows for ladies with small eyes will also look ridiculous. And, on the contrary, narrow eyebrows are completely unsuitable for people with rough facial features. "Sable" lines look rather unnatural in people with a low forehead, thin lines of lips and face.

Recommendations for the correct shape of the eyebrows

These tips will be helpful in most cases. It should be remembered that there are always exceptions and blindly following fashion trends is not always useful.

  • Maintain a constant width and thickness of the eyebrows from the beginning to their peak;
  • If you need to make your face visually wider, give preference to straight, thin eyebrows;
  • Small eyes will visually increase if the distance between the eyebrows is widened;
  • If you want to visually make the face narrower, round off the shape of the eyebrows, but do not make the bend too catchy, so that the expression on the face does not become proud or amazed;
  • A large face shape and thicker eyebrows are successfully combined, as well as thin lips with thin eyebrows;
  • Make sure that the hairs of the eyebrows look to one side;
  • Shorten the length of the eyebrows from the side of the bridge of the nose with a wide chin, and from the outside - with a wide frontal part;
  • It is necessary to remove hairs from the side of the eyes, not the frontal part. In this case, the eyebrows will not become excessively low, which could make the eyes smaller and disrupt the natural proportions of the face;
  • It is best if the eyebrows are located a couple of centimeters apart. The distance between them should be widened for people whose eyes are set very close. If the eyes are set far apart, try to bring their growth lines as close as possible, while not closing the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose;
  • Finish the creation of a flawless brow shape with beauty tricks: use specialty mascaras, brow powders and gels.

We hope that the editors of the protatuaz.ru website helped you choose the right shape for your eyebrows. We wish you good health and an irresistible look!

What brushes do you need for the perfect eyebrow makeup?

Often, how your eyebrows will look and how well they will enhance your facial features does not depend solely on the correct shape of the eyebrows. Makeup is another important factor. The minimum set of eyebrow makeup brushes includes a brush for combing eyebrows and eyelashes (it is the least versatile of the entire set, but you cannot replace it with any other one either), a brush for eyebrow shaping, and a brush for blending a pencil. Experts recommend choosing only high-quality brushes made from natural bristles.

Instruments d to shape the eyebrow

  • brush,
  • hair removal device (good quality tweezers).
  • eyebrow contour pencil in a suitable color,
  • antiseptic (to treat probable wounds),
  • eyebrow shaping gel.

Do not rush and pluck everything. Get down to business carefully and accurately, and do not be discouraged if an extra hair is removed and an empty space forms. The hairs will grow back very quickly, but for now you can shade them with a pencil.

How to choose the right eyebrow sizes

The most important thing to understand in order to choose a shape is to take into account all possible proportions of the face. There is a peculiar calculation method - in fact, a pretty simple scheme. To define the inner border, hold the pencil against the wing of the nose, so that it looks towards the inner corner of the eye. Mark the point of intersection with the browbone.

Determine the place of the highest rise in this way: place the pencil to the wing of the nose, so that it passes through the point of the pupil upwards. At the intersection at the top, put a second point. Next, we define the outer corner - we apply a pencil from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. We put the third point. To obtain a diagram, simply connect all three points continuously.

How to prepare for eyebrow plucking

Only a small part of women get to beauty salons for this, the rest cope on their own. At first, the procedure can be painful, in order to reduce these sensations, steam your face. The steam bath expands the pores so hairs are pulled out much more easily. It is best to numb the area with ice cubes. Dermatologists urge you to be very careful with sudden changes in temperature.

Since there is a high likelihood of spider veins. But the alternative application of moisturizer is also not always justified - although pulling the hairs out will not be as painful, the hairs become slippery, and you can make mistakes when choosing them. The easiest way is to grind the correction site so that it loses sensitivity. There are special pain-relieving sprays and cosmetic wipes for hair removal. The correction is carried out at least once a month.

Fashion eyebrows

Rounded lines that emphasize the eyes are also popular. The classic width is preserved, but always thinned out density, no frills. The color varies from black to light brown, the main thing is maximum naturalness. To get rid of protruding hairs, use a fixative gel to shape and fix it in perfect shape. If you even once correct your eyebrows according to the type of face, it will be almost impossible to refuse from this in the future.

Video: how to choose the shape of the eyebrows

Wide, thin, curved, short, like a house ... Eyebrows are different, but they always affect the expression of the face and its perception by others. The native form is given by nature, as well as density, width, length. But it is not ideal for everyone, so it is not necessary to agree with this and put up with it. Everything is very easy to change and correct. Eyebrows to the shape of the face can and should be selected, but it is very important to do it correctly.


What are the eyebrows

In the 70s of the last century, thin "strings" were at the peak of popularity. They flaunted on their faces for several decades. In those days, the shape of the eyebrows was not chosen. The hairs were plucked as much as possible from all sides, there was literally one row. They drew on it with a pencil, achieving contrast.

Then natural eyebrows came into fashion. Bright black crayons and paints have been diluted with many other shades. Naturalness is still in vogue, girls choose wide and natural eyebrows. If you wish, you can always make them brighter, circle them, make a theatrical effect, or, as they call it now, "instagram" eyebrows.

What are the forms:

  1. Straight. They are straight lines with little or no bend.
  2. House. A distinctive feature is a sharp break line, reminiscent of an angle, that is, the roof of a house.
  3. Arcs. The eyebrow can have different thickness, length, but it is always smooth and repeats the shape of a regular arc without sharp breaks and protruding corners.
  4. With a break. This shape of eyebrows is very common, the eyebrow goes up smoothly, then bends and falls down. This is a kind of shifted "house".
  5. Ascending. Straight eyebrows that start at the bridge of the nose and point upward. There are no kinks and bends, or they are not very pronounced.

It is not always possible to reshape the eyebrow. If initially there was a "house", then it will not work to make it straight. It is also difficult to make clear curves on smooth arcs. If the eyebrows themselves are narrow and sparse, then the task is further complicated. In any case, you initially need to evaluate the initial data.

Video: Eyebrow Shapes

Right size

Often, the shape of the eyebrows is selected according to the type of face, but for some reason they forget about the size. It is very important not to pinch the length, but you also don’t need to put it behind the temple or paint the bridge of the nose. There are generally accepted rules by stylists that allow you to individually solve this problem. You will need any two pencils, one must be cosmetic, with which you can draw on the skin.

Length determination method:

  1. Attach a simple pencil to the wing of the nose perpendicular to the floor. It should go up through the inner corner of the eye. Use a cosmetic pencil to mark the starting point of the eyebrow.
  2. Move the pencil to the side so that it passes through the pupil, while looking straight. Mark a point on the eyebrow. This will be the area of ​​maximum bend or height.
  3. Move the top tip of the pencil again so that it extends from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eyes. Put the end point on the eyebrow. The length has been determined.
  4. Based on these measurements, an approximate eyebrow shape is drawn.

Important! This method is not suitable for all girls. If the eyebrows are straight, then there is no need to mark the second point, it is enough just to determine the beginning and end, that is, the length. Owners of the "house" will also not be able to move the bend to the side.

Face types and shape

Regardless of the chosen thickness and intensity of coloring, you need to match your eyebrows to your face type. You can experiment on your own, change the length, width, paint in different shades, until you get the perfect option. But it can take years. It is still better to adhere to generally accepted recommendations.

Since the shape of the face is most often taken as a basis, you need to learn how to determine it. To do this, remove all hair with bangs back, pin, look. If you have any difficulties, you can take a picture of yourself, outline an oval with an ordinary pencil in the picture or on a program on a computer.

Oval face

The oval is considered the ideal face shape, which is suitable for absolutely all types of eyebrows. Here you can safely act in the style of stylists: determine the beginning, the maximum height, the end. Next, adjust the width, add or remove density if necessary, paint.

If the oval is elongated, then the face looks a little rough. In this case, the shape must be corrected by smoothing the bend as much as possible. It should be smooth and soft. The "arc" shape will do. Sometimes this type of face has a weighted chin. To visually make the oval proportional, you need to lengthen the tips of the eyebrows.

Round face

This type of face is characterized by soft and smooth lines, round cheeks. Very often, the owners try to mask them by contouring. But it is much more convenient to change the eyebrows once and for all. In no case should you select arcs. They will add roundness and width to the face. It is better to give preference to forms with curves, more expressive and clear. Girls with this type of face are ideally suited for "houses", "with a break". Ascending lines will help to lengthen the oval, but not in all cases it will be possible to make them.

On a note: One of the most common mistakes in correction is raising the eyebrow. This technique does not always give the desired open look, more often a surprised expression on the face. Therefore, you need to pluck the hairs from the bottom very carefully.

Triangular face and heart shape

The main task is to make the face more proportional, that is, to narrow the upper part. It is best to shorten the length of the eyebrow a little for this. She shouldn't go behind the temple. Holders of a triangular face type can choose round, curved and any other shapes at their discretion.

However, if the facial features are rough, then they need to be smoothed out with soft and smooth lines. With a shortened triangle, straight shapes without bends should be avoided. They will visually separate the face, make it smaller.

Square and rectangular face shapes

The main task is to make the face softer and more feminine, to smooth out strict lines. To do this, choose soft and smooth lines without sharp bends. Owners of this type of face should not paint with bright pencils, shadows, mascara to shape the eyebrows. It is better to give preference to shades to match the native hair color or a little lighter.

With a square face, clear cross lines should be avoided. Arcs fit perfectly. If initially the eyebrows are very graphic and clear, then the crease lines need to be smoothed out by removing the protruding corners. Usually they are carefully plucked out with tweezers.

Diamond-shaped face

This type of face is distinguished by a narrowed forehead and chin, while the cheekbones are greatly expanded. The main task is to narrow the central part, to make the lines smooth and soft. Classic shapes with soft curves and arcs are ideal. It is worth giving up clear and graphic lines, contrasting shades.

The second important point is the length of the eyebrow. With this type of face, you cannot shorten it, this will visually narrow the forehead, emphasize and even increase the width of the cheekbones. It is better to add, finish drawing, you can slightly divert the tip to the temple, if the chosen shape allows it.

Little tricks

Eyebrows are a small detail on the face, but they can help mask flaws and highlight your strengths. You need to skillfully use this. Do not shave off your eyebrows completely or make them very light. This technique is used only by make-up artists in the cinema, who need to portray a childish and naive facial expression. In ordinary life, this is not always appropriate.

Little tricks:

  1. If the shape of the face is narrow, the eyebrows should not be dyed with a dark pencil or covered with thick mascara. You need to make them light and thin, matching the hair color.
  2. With close-set eyes, you need to move your eyebrows a little further, that is, increase the bridge of the nose. And vice versa. If the eyes are set far away, you need to increase the length inward, that is, draw a few millimeters of the eyebrow closer to the nose.
  3. If your eyebrows are sparse, you don't need to fill them in with shadows. It is better to shade with a pencil to match, creating the effect of additional hairs. You can also mask bald spots.
  4. Fixing agents will help to keep any shape. Usually these are special gels and mascaras. Their use is especially important in the presence of long, thick hairs.

It is not always possible to independently choose the shape for the type of face or to make the correct correction. If after several attempts nothing works, it is better to contact a stylist. A professional will help you decide on the form. Often the first correction is intended for this, it will solve the problem for many years, eliminate the need to carry out further experiments.

Video: How to find the perfect eyebrow shape

As we know, the world is made up of little things. Also, an ideal image is made up of details, even from those that at times may seem subtle. Such details, which play an important role in the formation of the features of the appearance, include eyebrows, namely, their shape, size, length and other characteristics, on which not only the harmony of the image depends, but also the character of a person.

Features of the eyebrows and the character of a woman

Eyebrows are not just horizontal lines of hair on our face designed to protect our eyes from sweat and dust. The appearance of a person and, to some extent, his character depends on their shape, with their help you can give expressiveness to the eyes, emphasize the depth of their color.

By changing the natural eyebrows, you can change the perception of your appearance completely. In what way would you like to appear before people: innocent, flirtatious or strict? Let's find out about the types of eyebrows and their influence on the character of a woman.

No eyebrows

Let's plunge into history a little. In the 15th century, in the aristocratic circles of the Netherlands, France and Italy, there was a fashion for a pale complexion, a high clean forehead and a slender long neck.

Many sacrifices were made to match the ideal image and appear beautiful women of that time. To do this, they not only removed the eyebrows, but also shaved part of the hair above the forehead and on the back of the head. Now such manipulations to remove hair above the eyes symbolize the lack of character in the girl.

Eyebrows of different widths

Natural eyebrows without any special changes do not carry any hidden information. But the thin line of arcs symbolizes super femininity. Let's take a look at the effect of eyebrow width on a girl's personality.


A woman with such arches cannot imagine her life without a man, she wants gifts, care, flowers and even worship. But the thin and round shape emphasizes such features of its owner as the desire to be a leader, strong-willed character, the thirst for power, the desire to become famous and dedication.

They are able to balance a long and thin face, to give the image harmony. But with such a framing of the eyes, you should be extremely careful, because they are able to add a few extra years to age, so it is more reasonable to wear them for young ladies, but not for women of age.

Advice! If you accidentally made a hairline thinner than necessary, or you just need to quickly change the shape and thickness of the arches, you can purchase false eyebrows. They will help you to look the way you want, while the false hair looks very natural. With these eyebrows, you do not have to use cosmetics or wait until your own hairs grow, but their price is about 600-1 thousand UAH, so not every girl can afford them.


Very rare, imperceptible arcs do not adorn girls at all. But the eyebrows, slightly different in width from the usual lines above the eyes, allow many women to look attractive, enchant with their naturalness. Such brows have temperamental and strong personalities with femininity and special sensuality.

Advice! Don't run your eyebrows, especially if yours are thick and dark. Use the necessary tools for grooming and sharpening the lines, because running hairs sticking out in different directions can make you look like the famous Leonid Brezhnev. Agree, for a girl this is not the best resemblance.


Such arcs are now fashionable, they draw attention to their owner with naturalness and naturalness. In addition, they show the wisdom, strength and determination of their owner. It is not for nothing that in Russia girls with "sable" eyebrows were the standard of beauty, because the thicker they were, the smarter a person was.

Despite everything, wide lines are not suitable for everyone. It is worth noting that hairs growing too low can create a mask of severity and gloom on the face of even the most cheerful owner. They are perfect for girls who love simplicity. Despite the fact that attention is focused on naturalness, such eyebrows need care and at least minimal correction.

But in general, practically untouched lines with minimal shape correction evoke such associations - primitiveness, natural and natural manifestations of the essence of women, including sexuality. Such "wild" eyebrows look appropriate only on young ladies.

Rounded (arched)

A woman with arched brows can be a discreet, circumspect artist or businesswoman. Such lines are considered very beautiful, so many perceive the owners of a semicircular shape as licentious and vain persons.

In fact, such girls are resourceful, resourceful, confident and geniuses in financial matters: they can make money selling real estate, on the stock exchange, in general, on anything. Such persons never miss the opportunity to get the juiciest piece. In relationships with people, they are very insightful and can understand the ulterior motives in the behavior of others.

With arched eyelids, you need to avoid extremes and stick to the golden mean: they should not be too thin or too thick, too dark or very light.

This form symbolizes the presence of talent for business management. Girls with arched lines above their eyes often marry for convenience, while the partner fulfills almost all the wishes of the spouse, because she knows how to charm a man.

Such women are hypnotizing, because they combine deceit with feigned naivety. They know what they want and how to get it in the easiest way. At the same time, they are very successful in making money.


These brows are similar to the English letter S and can visually soften the sharp features of the face. Curved lines visually extend the oval of the face, making it more proportional.

It's impossible to hide from sight that many Hollywood stars favor curved arcs, and for good reason. They suit almost any type of face, with the exception of the elongated shape. Curved lines allow for an open gaze and expressive eyes.

With a break (house)

The sidelines of the house received such a playful name because of their external resemblance to the roof of a house. Women who prefer kinked brows are energetic, they combine risk, adventurism and creativity.

Broken lines are inherent in the business lady and the female leader who have a lot of vitality and energy. Wedge-shaped arcs are an indicator of adventurism in a woman, the inclinations of a creator and a genius in matters of a financial nature, a symbol of the fact that their owners will live a long and successful life.

Such lines are considered pirate and girls with house eyebrows often go ahead for the sake of what they want, in any relationship and situation they always dominate. Their life is eventful and not devoid of adventure, they are accompanied by success in most cases.

In a relaxed version, they are truly beautiful, moreover, they make the face original and interesting. A feature of this form is that it is undesirable to frown with it, because the wedge-shaped lines, shifted closer to the bridge of the nose, look quite frightening.


Long eyebrow lines are not like the others, because they do not fit the generally accepted standards. Not every girl decides to create such a detail of the image. Long lines, like the life of its owner, are mysterious and attractive.

The owner of long arcs is a strong nature, not devoid of sensuality, she knows her own worth. The peculiarity of this detail of the appearance is that the girl with long arches over the eyelids can make a more adult, and the appearance of a mature woman is a little younger.

Advice! Do not bend the outer edge of the eyebrow down too much, otherwise the face will acquire an eternally sad expression.


Short arcs make the face naive, open and trusting, look great on young ladies. But on an adult woman, such a detail of appearance will look very strange, because naivety is an integral part of youth, not maturity.

Quite often there are naturally short eyebrows and the older a woman is, the more lengths need to be artificially added to them. To do this, you can draw the edges with a pencil every day, decide on a tattoo, or use a very interesting service of beauty salons that appeared not so long ago. And the best option is the latter, because the extended eyebrows look as natural as possible.

These eyebrows give their wearer a youthful look. If a woman is young at heart and considers it a virtue, it is not at all necessary to change anything, you can leave their natural length.

People with short arches are very passionate and often passionate lovers, and the strengths of such women are independence and ambition. Due to the short arcs, some may consider such individuals hot-tempered and fickle. In fact, the challenge of youth contained in the hairs of short length attracts to itself, but they are not suitable for everyone, as they show immaturity of personality and character.

Note! Short arcs should be of moderate thickness, because too narrow they seem clownish. But excessively wide arcs indicate that the nature of the owner is direct and sharp.


Low, straight, dark and wide enough lines above the eyes are considered masculine. In women with such a frame for the eyelids, traits appear in character that are more suitable for a representative of the stronger sex - cruelty, imperiousness, straightforwardness. Girls with straight horizontal lines love guns and cars (men's toys).

Such a woman doesn't really need a man. This is an independent person who can stand up for herself and does an excellent job with all male affairs. But do not forget that straight ascending eyebrows (their outer edge is higher than the inner one) can make the face gloomy, aggressive and unhappy.

Persons with a horizontal line above their eyes are courageous and impulsive, love outdoor entertainment, achieve good success in their careers and sports. In a woman, straight eyebrows can symbolize a hidden love of risk in work and challenges, so such personalities can become excellent leaders who are unlikely to be inferior to men.

Often, girls with horizontal eyebrows are perceived by others as competent, intelligent and balanced people. But the female needs of the owners of straight eyebrows are also often overlooked, and there are such needs, despite the fact that these girls are difficult to classify as “domestic”.


This arrangement of hairs above the eyes indicates the naivety and lack of independence of its owner. In addition to these qualities, girls with drooping eyebrows often show their talent in literature, music and cinema. In their character there is boundless caring and kindness, and these are wonderful qualities that allow such people to be wonderful parents, good partners and reliable friends.

Such eyebrows are often called "suffering", because their owners immediately acquire a constantly yearning look, as if a girl endlessly asks for help. The hairs arranged in this way look good and a little seductive on young ladies, but with age they can look extremely unfortunate.

Lowering the outer edge of the brow below the inner edge, the girl automatically turns into a tender, vulnerable, defenseless creature. This can attract the attention of the opposite sex, because masculine nature pushes them to protect the weak. Only you cannot overdo it with the level of the slope of the arcs, otherwise the face will acquire an overly suffering expression.


Arcs, flying out like arrows in the direction of the temples, show that their owner has a persistent and impetuous character. These brows have a lower inner edge than the outer edge. A girl with sideburns "floundering" knows perfectly well what she wants, but also has an idea of ​​how to achieve it.

You need to be more careful with such persons, since their confidence in their righteousness can develop not only into banal stubbornness, but sometimes into excessive aggressiveness. Girls with lines above their eyes in this way look unfriendly when they frown at the menacing expression on their faces.

Fused female eyebrows - strong character

A mono eyebrow is not in vogue these days, but hairs on the bridge of the nose in women grow together due to the excess of male hormones in the body. This difference from the rest noticeably affects the character, therefore, women with accrete hairs in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose are persistent, courageous, their nature is endowed with firmness.

The owners of mono eyebrows constantly have a desire to command and dominate. As a result, this can complicate relationships with people and create difficulties in personal life.

Different shape of eyebrows - extraordinary character

People with different shapes of the eyebrows are distinguished by inconsistency, both in tastes and in actions, they have a tendency to make rash decisions. They sometimes combine stubbornness and creativity, boredom and activity.

Often, such a non-standard appearance of women hides the genius of the mind of its owner, the ability to generate wonderful ideas and extraordinary thinking. Therefore, if you see a girl with even a small amount of hairs on the bridge of her nose, do not rush to draw hasty conclusions - perhaps the Nobel Prize awaits them.

A little about men's eyebrows

Competently designed eyebrows allow a man to achieve a presentable and stylish look. A person's face consists of individual details, and well-groomed and beautiful hairs above the eyes are able to emphasize the dignity of their owner, without suppressing other features of the appearance.

Often men do not correct their curves, but there are times when it is necessary. And the impetus for changes can be their appearance, which spoils the overall picture: lack of shape, too wide arches or thick hair on the bridge of the nose, turning the eyebrows into one continuous line. Men can adjust their appearance with their own hands and give their eyebrows a more attractive look, and for this it is enough to use tweezers.

Few are lucky with the natural shape of the eyebrows, and this applies to both men and women. Moderately wide, even and symmetrical arches are considered classic eyebrows for the stronger sex. They never go out of style and allow men to look stylish and trendy.

Those men, whom nature has not rewarded with eyebrows of symmetrical shape and normal density, will have to correct them (of course, if they want to look attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex). Of course, fashion does not stand still and now you can see colored beards and eyebrows on the covers of magazines, but you must agree that this option is more suitable for a photo in a magazine than for everyday life.

Unlike women, men can change their eyebrows in a few ways. These include waxing, flossing and hair removal with tweezers. Using a cosmetic pencil or tattooing is not suitable for men, even with sparse hairs, and permanent eyebrows will look very feminine.

Personality of a man and eyebrows

As you already understood, eyebrows carry hidden information about the character of their owner. It is much easier to determine the peculiarities of the inner world of a man than a woman, since the representatives of the stronger sex pluck their eyebrows extremely rarely and in most cases their shape is natural.

It is not only the shape of the eyebrows that helps to determine the character of a person, but also other features (width, length, etc.).

Let's find out what men's eyebrows can tell you about:

  • "Classic" eyebrows, namely, with moderate length, width and density, do not carry any hidden information;
  • low arcs symbolize the practicality, ambition and determination of their owner;
  • high hairline they say that a man is purposeful, knows how to achieve his goal, but at the same time he is secretive;
  • wide arcs are among intellectuals and dreamers;

  • eyebrows that do not differ in thickness (thin), belong to men with a principled character;
  • bristly lines testify to the obstinacy, uncompromising character of a person who is unable to concede in anything, and if they are, in addition, very thick, then the man is also cruel;
  • if the lines to the temples widen rather than narrow, then, most likely, a person will strive for success all his life;
  • well visible mole in the hairs of the eyebrow- success will be accompanied in life, imperceptible - to problems with money, more precisely, with their accumulation;
  • wide and round arcs, down at the edges, they can say only good things about a man: generosity, cheerfulness, optimism, a great sense of humor and realism are combined with the peculiarity of his eyebrows;
  • long and straight lines usually decorate the face of intelligent and well-read men who love to entertain people, mostly women, and such rare eyebrows indicate the ability to maintain a conversation on any topic, from caring for a hamster to the country's economy;

Eyebrow arches are a very noticeable part of the appearance, and this is not surprising, because with their one shape they can significantly change the overall appearance. Now naturalness is in vogue, and the shape of the eyebrows must be selected according to this principle.

In addition, they try to select the contours of the eyebrows depending on the type of face in order to maximize the strengths of the appearance and hide the weak ones, if any, as well as emphasize the eyes. So, for example, for people with large facial features, appropriate eyebrows are also suitable.

To create the desired shape, you need the following tools:

  • special brush;
  • tweezers;
  • antiseptic;
  • gel (will help shape);
  • contour pencil to match.

A cosmetic pencil of a suitable color can help out if the wrong hair was accidentally plucked and a void remains. But it is better to perform shape correction without unnecessary haste, the hairs, of course, grow back rather quickly, but still not instantly. Plucking is easiest on a steamed face, but in such a situation you need to act carefully, since a sharp change in temperature can have a bad effect on the skin.

Another option is to apply a moisturizer. This will reduce pain, but the hairs will become slippery as well. And if you go to a specialized store, you can find sprays and wipes that reduce the discomfort during plucking. The optimal frequency of correction is once every 1.5-2 weeks.

Determination of the shape of the eyebrows

The shape is chosen in accordance with the proportions of the face. There is also a special scheme for calculating the extreme points. Three marks are put in place of the eyebrow:

  1. The first is found by drawing a vertical line from the wing of the nose to the inner corner of the eye. The point (the inner edge of the eyebrow) will be at its intersection with the line.
  2. To determine the second straight line, again applied from the wing of the nose, but in such a way that it intersects with the center of the pupil. The second point is placed at the level of the eyebrow. This is the top mark where the "refraction" of the eyebrow will be.
  3. To find the third point, you need to place a pencil from the same point (nose wing) towards the outer edge of the eye. The third point will be where the pencil meets the eyebrow.

When you put these marks together, you get a natural shape and size of the eyebrow that matches your facial features.

To begin with, you should know that there are several types of faces:

  • oval;
  • triangular;
  • round;
  • square;
  • "Heart" (this form is much less common, but it also happens).

It is believed that the classic shape of the eyebrows suits all face types. It is a straight line that is slightly curved towards the end. But if you want something more interesting, then the form will have to be selected.

  • curved eyebrows are suitable for chubby girls (but here it is important not to overdo it);
  • straight thinned eyebrows visually expand the face and are suitable for those who are too thin;
  • eyes set too close can visually correct the increased distance between the brow ridges;
  • far-located eyes will correct the opposite placement, but with the condition that the eyebrows should in no case intersect on the bridge of the nose;
  • slightly rounded superciliary arches visually narrow the face, but if you overdo it with a bend, then there is a risk of getting an arrogant or surprised look.

Sometimes girls with a round face, and owners of other types, consider the shape of the face to be a flaw and try to fight it. In fact, it is enough just to correctly determine the curvature of the eyebrows and choose makeup.

Consider these tips:

  1. For a round face, rounded eyebrows are definitely not suitable, but the classic version with a slight break will visually stretch it a little. But it is worth remembering that too high or low position of the eyebrows in relation to the eyes will make the expression on the face extremely strange.
  2. If the face is round and wide, then triangular eyebrows will look good on it (just slightly raise the highest point). In this case, a short version with a uniform bend is perfect.
  3. Graceful long eyebrows with a noticeable bend (similar to a surprised face) are suitable for a square face. With this shape, it is desirable to shift the focus to the eyes, using arrows, bright shadows.
  4. For faces of a heart-shaped shape (wide at the top, tapering to the chin, but with rounded shapes), eyebrows with a rounded top point will go, but the brow ridges should not be made too thick or thin.

For those who find it too difficult to choose their own eyebrow shape, there are stencil sets on sale that will help beginners in this difficult task.

Eyebrows and fashion

Inexperienced individuals may believe that fashion does not apply to eyebrows, their size and shape, but this is not at all the case. If you set a goal and track the shape of the eyebrows of at least the same celebrities over the past 20-30 years, you will notice that the criteria for the beauty of the browbones change quite often.

Slightly curved graceful lines with smooth corners are in fashion now. No less popular are rounded lines that can emphasize the eyes favorably. The width is preserved, but the density must be adjusted so that the eyebrows look thinned. The fashion does not limit the choice of color, the main thing is that it looks natural. Any variation will do, from light brown to black. A special gel fixer will help smooth out protruding hairs. He will securely fix the desired shape, which will last all day.

When following fashion, remember the main rule - the preferred option should be in harmony with your facial features, make your image attractive and complete. If fashion-dictated forms absolutely do not suit you, it is better to discard this idea.

A beautifully chosen shape of eyebrows will not leave anyone indifferent among those around. One has only to see the result once and there will be a desire to regularly carry out correction so that the shape does not change.