The newborn has a rapid breathing. Clean air - the norm for the baby. Causes of respiratory disorders

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Breathing of a newborn during sleep - what is to closely follow the parents. In frequency and other indicators you can recognize a dangerous disease in time or even prevent its appearance and development. Consider how the child's breathing system is arranged up to a year, what is its normal frequency and how to notice possible deviations in time.

Respiratory infant system

The respiratory system of the child, which was only born, is different from the adult system. The baby has not yet developed the nasal stroke, narrow bronchi, voice gap and the lumen of the trachea, underdeveloped the throat. While the organs continue to form, the newly minted parents should carefully follow the kid.

When the child is still in the womb, his lungs are in sleeping condition. After the appearance of the baby, the kid inhales and exhales, then screams. The walls of the lungs are covered with surfactant, which is responsible for the absorption of oxygen and is produced in the intrauterine period. With a shortage of surfactant, the respiratory distress syndrome of newborns is possible.

Features of the upper respiratory tract infant:

  • advanced and unnecessary nose;
  • underdeveloped bottom nose;
  • thin mucosa;
  • undusted sinuses.

If inflammatory processes occur in the body, breathing makes it difficult because the nasal moves are cleaned. But in the first year of life, there can be no sornery in the first year due to other features - small almonds, poorly developed lymphatic glands and a narrow sip.

Lainan in the infant of the funk-shaped shape, the slim is thin, there is a lymphoid fabric. Because of this building, children are subject to different diseases, among which the hydrogen stenosis (narrowing of the larynx that prevents air flow into the respiratory tract).

In the newborn voice voice. This is due to shortened voice ligaments, a narrow voice gap. Fuchery in the period up to the year of the funk-shaped form, she has an uninformed passage. It is distinguished by the fitness of cartilage, which can be shifted without effort. The mucous gland is not enough, which also becomes the cause of the development of inflammation, hazardous processes, among which stenosis.

In the first 12 months of life in the baby, narrowed bronchi with unspere elastic cartilage. Right bronchu is in a vertical position and continues the trachea, and the left leaves from it at an angle. The mucous membrane is poor on the glands, but is well equipped with blood.

In children, the tissue is poorly developed in the lungs, which is distinguished by elasticity. In the lungs themselves a lot of blood vessels. After the birth of a child, Alveol in the lungs becomes more, and they continue to appear before he becomes eight years old.

Breathing rate

Not all parents know how to distinguish the rejection of respiration from the norm. The first, where to start - determine the frequency. It is an easy procedure, but it requires its conventions. The child must be healthy and relaxed, otherwise breathing may change due to illness or over-excitation.

Norm for different ages:

AgeRespiratory frequency
movements per minute
(blows per minute)
Newborn30 – 60 100 – 160
1 - 6 weeks30 – 60 100 – 160
6 months25 – 40 90 – 120
1 year20 – 40 90 – 120
3 years20 – 30 80 – 120
6 years12 – 25 70 – 110
10 years12 – 20 90 – 120

A small deviation is allowed that does not signal about health problems. But serious differences with the norm - the reason to turn to the doctor. He will find out the cause of failures and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Parents may notice that a newborn alternates regular breathing with irregular. Otherwise, it is called periodic or breathing Chene - Stokes. It looks like this: Surface and rare breaths / exhalations are gradually deepened and become more frequent. When the maximum is reached (on the fifth - seventh breath), they are again weakened and become rare, after which there is a pause. Further, the whole respiratory cycle is repeated in the same sequence. Such a phenomenon is considered normal for infant age. In case of growing, these failures usually disappear.

Respiratory organs that continuously exchange gases between the organism and the environment are one of the most important life-supporting systems in the human body. Continuous flow into the blood oxygen, as well as the constant isolation from blood carbon dioxide, is the main function of the respiratory system, without which the life of any living organism on Earth is unthinkable ...

The operation of the respiratory system can be divided into two main stages.

The first is to carry out air along the upper respiratory tract (nose, nasopharynk, larynx, trachery and bronchoms) to the easy, where gas exchange is carried out in the alveoli between air and blood: oxygen comes from the air to the blood, and carbon dioxide carbon dioxide from the blood.

The second is the actual gas exchange: in blood vessels bringing blood to light, circulates the venous blood, poor oxygen, but saturated with carbon dioxide, and the blood enriched with oxygen and freed from carbon dioxide from the lungs to the tissues and organs.

The respiratory system of newborns, like other organs and systems, has a number of age features. These features, on the one hand, provide the necessary operation of the respiratory system necessary for the newborn, and on the other, they determine the predisposition to complications characteristic only for this age.

Features of the respiratory system of the newborn

The mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract of a newborn is much more abundant than at an older age, they are supplied with blood, which creates prerequisites for edema development. In this regard, the newborn and children of the first months of life very often marked the difficulty of nasal respiration. This contributes to the fact that children of the first months of life have nasal moves anatomically narrow. Therefore, infants in the development of a viral or bacterial runny nose in the first place develops a sharply pronounced edema of the nasopharynx mucosa, after the abundant expansion of the mucus begins. These symptoms characteristic of rhinitis at any age, in newborns and children of the first months of life are pronounced most pronounced, which is also aggravated by the fact that the kids at this age still do not know how to breathe mouth. Therefore, when the inflammatory process appears in the nasopharynk, the dream and feeding process, because in order to ensure adequate air intake in the lungs during a cold, the child should scream.

  • It should be especially highlighted on the age characteristics of the larynx. The babies have overweight inclined to allergic reactions, the mucous membrane of the larynx is even more predisposed to the edema. Therefore, the "chubby" kids who are witty feeding (they often suffer from excess weight), there is often a sufficient complication of air-visual and especially viral diseases - laryngeal radiation. As a result of the edema, a significant part of the lumen of the larynx is closed, and it is difficult to breathe the baby. This condition requires emergency medical care.
  • Anatomically narrow are in newborns trachea and bronchi. Therefore, when the inflammatory process occurs in this part of the respiratory tube, the infants may quickly develop a respiratory failure due to the difficulty of air intake in the lung alveum.
  • Between the throat and the inner ear of the person there is a so-called auditory (Evstachiev) pipe, the main value of which is to support the pressure permanent pressure in the inner ear. The kids of the first months of the life of Eustachiev pipe is characterized by the fact that it has a fairly wide-lift in a pretty low length. This creates prerequisites for the faster propagation of the inflammatory process from the nose-and / or oh rotoglot. That is why Otitis more often happens in children of early age, preschoolers and schoolchildren, the likelihood of their occurrence is already less.
  • Another important and interesting feature of the structure of the respiration organs in infants is that they have no apparent sinuses of the nose (they begin to form only by 3 years), so in early age children never happen nor nor frontititis.
  • Light newborn are not well developed. A child is born with lightweight, the alveoli of which is almost completely filled with amniotic fluid (by oily water). This sterile liquid and during the first two hours of life gradually stands out from the respiratory tract, due to which the airiness of the pulmonary fabric increases. This contributes to the fact that during the first hours of life, a newborn baby is usually shouting for a long time, making deep breaths. But, nevertheless, the development of pulmonary fabric continues throughout the entire period of early childhood.

First breathe

The life of a child as an independent organism begins at that moment when he makes his first breath. It happens immediately after birth and the intersection of umbilical cord joining it with the mother's organism. Prior to that, throughout the entire period of the intrauterine development, the gas exchange between the fetal organism and the environment was carried out through the uterine-placental blood circulation: the fetus received arterial blood enriched with oxygen, and gave his mother's blood saturated with carbon dioxide. But as soon as this connection is interrupted, the complex mechanism is launched, aimed at stimulating the respiratory center of a newborn, located in the brain.

The powerful stimulation of the respiratory center contributes to the fact that over the past watches of the generic act, the fruit is experiencing moderate oxygen fasting, increasing gradually, as a result of which carbon dioxide concentration is growing. It is this factor that is one of the most important stimuli, encouraging a newborn baby to take a deep breath and scream loud immediately after birth.

Proper care is important!

Breathing in newborns and children of the first months of life is carried out mainly due to the reduction of the diaphragm - the muscles separating the chest cavity from the abdominal, unlike adults and older children and the intercostal muscles and muscles of the abdominal press in the process of breathing. Therefore, infants have a breathing function suffers from problems associated with the function of the digestive tract: in constipation, increased gas formation, intestinal colic is an intestine overflow and an increase in its volume, which in turn causes a violation of the contractile function of the diaphragm and, accordingly, breathing difficulties. Therefore, it is so important to follow regular emptying of the intestine of the baby, prevent increased gas formation. It is also very important not to swaddle a child too tight: it limits the mobility of the chest and the diaphragm.

To kid not sick

Speaking about the peculiarities of the respiratory system of newborns and children of the first months of life, it should be especially highlighted on issues of preventing diseases of these bodies. The diseases of the respiratory system occupy a leading position among all early illness. What do parents need to be taken to make their kids as little as possible with colds and viral rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis?

First of all, it is necessary to maintain a healthy microclimate indoor. This implies the optimum temperature (23-24 ° C) and sufficient humidity. This is especially true in the winter when, due to heating in the room, conditions are created, negatively affecting human respiratory organs of any age. Especially vulnerable infant respiration bodies respond to these negative factors in the first place. Increased temperature and especially dry air in a heated room disrupt the barrier function of the nasopharynx mucosa. Rasting, mucous stops effectively resist the penetration of viruses and microbes. Therefore, you need to control the air temperature in the room where the child is located, and if necessary, install humidifiers in it.

It is important not to post the child's face during walks. Excessive shutting contributes to the fact that the mucous respiratory tract of the kid is developing in "greenhouse" conditions. Therefore, the random receipt of cold air in the respiratory paths can cause the development of a cold.

As mentioned above, the nasal moves of a newborn baby anatomically narrow, so when holding a toilet, it is necessary to regularly release them from crusts. It is necessary to do this with extreme caution with a cotton flag, and not cotton sticks, because the mucousness of the newborn is extremely gentle, vulnerable and much more abundantly, to which adults, bloodshed - damage to it is fragmented by abundant bleeding and the development of the inflammatory process.

With the already occurring cold, it is necessary to regularly release the nasal cavity from the mucus with a pear (release air from a pear, to enter the baby into the nose and wait until the pear walls are disappeared) or a special device, and if necessary, to use the doctors to get rid Baby from pronounced edema of nasopharynx mucosa and provide adequate air intake inhalation.

In periods of increased incidence of influenza and ARVI, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of these diseases in all family members, limit the visits of foreign people. All adults should be vaccinated from influenza. A good measure of the prevention of virus respiratory diseases is the lubrication of the baby's nose with antiviral ointments (for example, ointment viriferon, flu). These ointments, besides their main antiviral action, create a protective film on the nasal mucosa, which provides an additional protective barrier on the path of penetration of viruses.

The main measures of the prevention of colds and viral diseases of the respiratory organs are breastfeeding and rational regime of the newborn. Breastfeeding provides continuous admission to the body of a newborn immunoglobulin of the mother, protecting the kid from most diseases. From the first week of the child's life, you need to pay attention to hardening procedures: carry air baths, hygienic massage and gymnastics. All these procedures contribute to the better development of respiratory muscles, optimize blood circulation (including in the chest), strengthen the protective forces of the body.

Long walks with a child in the fresh air, regular (twice a day) through ventilation of the children's room (at the time when there is no kid).

Try to organize a bathing procedure so that the child loves it: this is a wonderful hardening procedure, among other things, a positively affecting all the development of the child, including the development of its respiratory system.

Needless to say that smoking any member of the family negatively affects the immantal concentration-born. In the dryness of the gift-tavern concentration of the flow smoke causes a violation of the motor function of the biased epithelium of the mucous shell of the respiratory tract, which entails the development of a tendency to protracted and recuridants, tracheitis and bronchitis. Children of smokers are much more likely to suffer from allergic diseases of the respiratory tract, they often have asthma bronchitis, subsequently developing in such a severe disease as bronchial asthma.

Human health is laid during the period of intrauterine development. And the first month of life largely predetermines how it is implemented by the substance, laid by intrauterine. Therefore, we must make every effort so that our children are painful as possible: the lack of colds and viral diseases in the first year of the child's life is a good foundation for a strong body.

How to breathe crumbs?

Even when complying with all precautions, free swaddling, ensuring the normal activity of the intestine of the newborn baby's breath of the first months of life remains superficial.

Surface breathing insufficiently provides oxygen of the baby's shelter, this deficit is compensated by increasing the frequency of respiratory movements. If adult normal respiratory frequency is 18-19 respiratory movements per minute, in young children - 25-30, then in newborns - 40-60.

The newborn child breathes often, but this frequency may not be enough - with such loads, like feeding and overheating, the frequency of respiratory movements may increase. If there is no difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, then the increase in respiration at similar loads is the norm. It is important to monitor the character of breathing: if its participation is accompanied by respiratory noise, the inclusion in the respiratory act of an auxiliary musculature, inflating the wings of the nose and moan, then this is an obvious pathology that needs to immediately report a doctor.

Kids have many different diseases that lead to the emergence of rapid breathing. Dyspnea in a child can be dangerous and requires mandatory control.

What it is?

During his life, participating breathing is experiencing every person. It may arise as a result of various physiological causes, as well as with different diseases.

A shortness of breath in a child is a condition that is accompanied by an increase in breathing frequency above the age norm. The degree of severity depends on many source factors and is established individually.

Evaluate external breathing with a special criterion - frequency of respiratory movements per minute. It is determined simply enough. In order to find out the frequency of respiratory movements for a minute, it is enough to count how many breaths make a child in 60 seconds. This will be considered the desired value.

The frequency of respiratory movements - the value is not constant and depends on age.There are special tables in which the normal values \u200b\u200bof this indicator are indicated in the midstakes. Newborn babes breathe more often than older kids. This is due to the small dimensions of the lungs and the relatively low capacity of the lung tissue.

The kids of the first year of life breathe with a frequency of about 35-35 breaths per minute. By the age of three years, the child breathes somewhat less often - 25-30 times in 60 seconds. Preschool kids can breathe with a frequency of about 20-25 times per minute. In adolescents, breathing becomes almost adults, and the normal frequency of respiratory movements per minute is 18-20.

The reasons

Different factors lead to the appearance of shortness of breath. They can be physiological and pathological. To estimate the severity of the state, the number of respiratory movements per minute is pre-calculated. The degree of severity of shortness of breath can be different and depends on the set of initial reasons.

To the appearance of rapid respiration lead:

  • Quick run or walking. Active physical activity contributes to the fact that the frequency of respiratory movements increases in a minute. This is due to the growing need for the body in saturation of internal organs with oxygen. At physical exertion, oxygen consumption increases, which manifests itself in the child appearance of shortness of breath.

  • The consequences of infections.At high body temperature, the frequency of respiratory movements increases several times. Most often fever occurs in infectious diseases. Bacterial and viral diseases cause symptoms of intoxication in a child who can manifest themselves with rapid breathing.
  • Diseases of the lungs and the bronchopulmonary system. Pathological changes arising from such diseases lead to the fact that severe oxygen hypoxia develops. In order for the fabric to fall more oxygen, more rapid breathing is required.
  • Respiratory failure. It may develop both with sharp, suddenly emerged states and with long-flowing chronic diseases. Respiratory failure is usually accompanied by a resistant increase in respiratory movements per minute.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Congenital and acquired vices and heart pathology often lead to the fact that the body requires an increased amount of oxygen. To ensure this, the respiratory frequency increases. Quite often, with diseases of the heart and vessels, combined cardiovascular and respiratory failure is formed.

  • Obesity. Baby having overweight, also experience and breathing difficulties. Even the most familiar physical activity can lead to the emergence of their breathing. Pronounced degrees of obesity are always accompanied by a shortness of breath. To normalize respiration, it is necessary to achieve weight loss to normal values.
  • Tumors. For the growth of neoplasms, a significant amount of oxygen is required. This is manifested by the appearance of a child with a raven breath. At the first stages of tumor growth, respiration remains normal. The difficult course of the disease and the rapid development of the tumor leads to the fact that the child begins to experience significant difficulties with breathing.
  • Thrombembolism of pulmonary arteries. Rare pathology. It may develop with different pathological conditions. This situation requires emergency hospitalization of the baby to the hospital. Without treatment, the forecast is extremely unfavorable.

  • Anemia of various origin. The decrease in hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood leads to the fact that oxygen saturation drops significantly. Dyspnea in this situation is predominantly compensatory. To eliminate a pronounced oxygen deficiency, the frequency of respiratory movements increases.
  • Traumatic damage. The injuries of the respiratory organs as a result of the fall are often found in children. Usually such acutely arising states are accompanied by the occurrence of rapid respiration. Fractures of ribs, according to statistics, are the most common traumatic pathology in children. Strong pain syndrome also contributes to more rapid breathing.

  • Neurotic states.Diseases of the nervous system lead to increased breathing. Respiratory failure in such pathologies is never formed. A pronounced stress or a strong psycho-emotional experience of some situation also leads to the fact that shortness of breath appears. Even the usual excitement often contributes to the pronounced student of breathing, especially in emotionally susceptible kids.


The degree of severity of shortness of breath can be different. In many ways, this is determined by the reason that contributed to its appearance.

To establish the severity of shortness of breath, doctors use a special classification. It is used to establish the severity of shortness of breath in children.

By severity of the flow, the increase in respiration can be:

  • Easy degree.In this case, shortness of breath appears during fast and active walking, running or performing active physical movements. Alone in this case, the shortness of breath is completely absent.
  • Middle severity.The appearance of shortness of shortness in this case may occur when performing daily household actions. This leads to the fact that the behavior of the child changes. From the side of the baby becomes more slow, it plays less with peers in active games, avoids physical exertion.
  • Heavy flow. Even minor physical actions, including those performed during daily routine procedures, contribute to the appearance of shortness of breath. Also, pronounced breathing occurs at rest. Usually, severe dyspnea is accompanied by other adverse symptoms. Treatment of pronounced respiratory impairment is carried out under hospital.

According to the mechanism of occurrence, shortness of breath may be:

  • Inspiratory. In this case, the child is difficult to do inhale. Usually, this clinical version of shortness of shortness of breath is found in the pathologies of the respiratory system, leaking with a narrowing of the lumen of bronchial paths. Inflammatory processes arising in bronchops or pulmonary fabric also contribute to the appearance of difficulty inhalation.
  • Expiratory.In this situation, the child is difficult to exhale. In most cases, this clinical state occurs in the presence of pathological changes in bronchi small caliber. Some diseases of the cardiovascular system also lead to the appearance of this clinical type of shortness of breath.
  • Mixed. It is characterized by both difficult breath and exhale. It is found at various pathological conditions. Quite often registered in the kids who have suffered severe infectious diseases.

How does it manifest?

Dyspnea is accompanied by the appearance of symptoms associated with a lack of oxygen in the organism. In addition to the difficult breath and exhalation, the child can feel concluded and soreness in the chest. Related symptoms shorts Directly depend on the initial disease, which led to the emergence of a child's breathing.

Pulmonological diseases are accompanied by wheezing, cough with moocroty or without, symptoms of intoxication, as well as an increase in body temperature. During the attack of shortness of breath, the kid can be frightened, alarmed. The face of the child usually blues greatly, while skin covers become pale. Hands and feet on the touch are cold.

Features of newborn and infants

Determine the shortness of breath in the newly born child can be independently. To do this, it is necessary to calculate how many breaths make a baby in one minute. If the value exceeds 60 breatises per minute, then you can talk about the presence of shortness of breath. In a breast child, a normal respiratory rate is below - 30-35.

The main sign of shortness of breath is the increase in respiratory movements in 60 seconds.

Doctors distinguish several reasons that lead to the appearance of shortness of breath in newborn babies. The increase in respiration may be as a result of congenital pathologies, leading to various impairments in the work of the immune system.

Dyspnea in a newborn baby often develops even as a result of conventional runny nose.It contributes to a pronounced shortage of breathing, which is accompanied by the appearance of oxygen deficiency. To eliminate it, the baby begins to breathe somewhat more often. For the normalization of breathing in this case, mandatory treatment is required.

When signs of shortness of breath in newborn and infants - Be sure to urgently consult with your doctor. Often, rapid breathing is the first sign of dangerous diseases of the lungs and the cardiovascular system. Choosing is the most unfavorable and even critical situation. This is the extreme degree of manifestation of shortness of breath.

In some cases, additional consultations of the cardiologist, pulmonic, immunologist and other specialists may be needed. They are needed to establish the right diagnosis and identifying the cause, which led to the appearance of shortness of breath at the kid.

About how to treat a runny nose in a child, will tell Dr. Komarovsky in the next video.

Breathing of newborns is of great importance as an indicator of health. The system of providing oxygen is a vital function. Especially in children in the first days of life. Toddler respiratory tract structure: They are still short, therefore deep breaths are still impracticable. A narrow nasophack aggravates the process, so it is extremely important to ensure the most comfortable sleep conditions. We will not know why the newborn is often breathing in a dream when this is the norm, and what features indicate deviations.

The newborn child develops very quickly. Systems and human bodies grow in accelerated mode. Therefore, the pulse, breathing and pressure is always higher than in an adult. In particular, the child's pulse is up to 140 beats per minute. Breathing kid is still superficial, frequent, uneven. But this should not scare parents if there are no additional signs of diseases.

By age, 6-7 years of life support system comes to normal, immunity increases, and all diseases are not so hard.

Founded Baby Respiratory Movements: Normal or Pathology

The frequency of breathing-exhalations in the first day is very high, up to 60 movements. This is called transient hyperventilation and helps the baby adapt to life outside the womb.

It's important to know! Fast movements are needed to remove harmful carbon dioxide. After a short time (a few hours), frequency is up to 40 breaths. This is the norm that does not require patches. Also is not considered a deviation of intermittentness: frequent, rare, weak or pauses up to 10 seconds breathing.

Racing and drops are associated with the insufficient development of respiratory nerves, so the parents should not be worried.

Different types of breathing

In order for mom and dad to be worried about the frequency of movements of the oxygen supply system in a child, you should know about certain types of breathing. There are three of them in total. We will analyze in detail each of them:

  1. Chest. With such movements, the top department actively works. In this case, the infants may suffer from poor ventilation of the lower lungs.
  2. Abdominal. It is evidenced by the movements of the abdominal wall, the diaphragm. And with long breathing of this type, the upper lung departments suffer.
  3. Mixed. The most optimal type, in which the belly (diaphragm) and the chest is rhythmically rising.

Standard frequency and deviation parameters

If the Karapouz does not laid the nose, all systems work normally, it must inhale 2-3 times, and then do one long breath. All of them are superficial, but this is the norm. With the increase in the past weeks, the respiratory system is restored and becomes rhythmic, deep.

It is possible to determine the number of movements by lifting / lowering the baby baby at rest:

  • up to 21 days of life performs 40-60 breaths / exhalations;
  • in 22-90 days of life - already 40-45 movements per minute;
  • from 3 to 6 months, their number is reduced to 35-40.

It's important to know! By the year of the system of providing the body with oxygen, and the number of respiratory movements should not exceed 36 units per minute.

Frequent breathing: Causes

The fact that the baby is inhaling often is normal. But if a newborn baby breathes hard in a dream, while accompanied by the process of strange sounds and movements - maybe it develops a disease. If the baby twitches, breathing is extremely difficult, with wheezing and additional symptoms, this is the reason for the immediate appeal to the doctor. You should call an urgent.

Causes of difficulty breathing can be any: cold, nose, an extraneous object or mucus in the nasopharynk, an allergic reaction and much more.

Dangerous pathology and their consequences

Apnea (breathing delay) The baby is often a natural process. However, there are pathologies that require immediate intervention of a specialist:

Attention! An integer need to call in such cases:

  • moans, whistling, severe wheezing;
  • cough and runny nose, accompanied by wheeled in chest;
  • bulk in throat, nose not passing for a long time.

And, of course, it is not worth pulling to the specialists if the child simply does not breathe longer than 20 seconds. Such a stop can end with death.

When you should not panic

Having understood with signs of serious pathologies, you should know that it is not always an apnea and other factors are caused by diseases. In what cases to parents better calm down and to help themselves to breathe normally? Consider all the options of the child's frequent breathing without a threat to health and life:

If the beds of the crumbs are interrupted by stopping the breath for a few seconds, you can take the baby on your arms, to beat and carefully pat on the back, ass - everything will pass.

Breathing problems for premature babies

Children who were born earlier than 37 weeks of wear, are called premature. These crumbs due to the inferiority of all life support systems arise various problems. The earlier there will be a toddler's birthday, the more careful should be mom.

Causes of respiratory disorders:

  1. Underdevelopment of the lungs. Violations of the organs threaten the incomplete disclosure of the tissues, and the baby applies much more effort to breathe. For such children, it is necessary to constantly maintain a system of artificial ventilation.
  2. Apnea. Here the main factor is not enough formed respiratory cerebral center. But if an adult has such limitations compensated for deep breaths, then the child is still physically able to breathe deeply, therefore there is no compensation. This is the main reason explaining why there is a long apnea, also requiring emergency surveillance.

As crumbs are growing, all problems are solved naturally, the baby begins to breathe calmly, evenly.

Conditions helping the child to breathe normally in a dream

To provide newborn normal breathing and healthy dream, Dr. Komarovsky advises not to forget about the standard training rules:

Sleep calendar is also important for normal breathing. Sometimes the child begins to hoarse if he lies on his stomach for a long time. He can break into the spout in the folds of the blanket or a soft pillow and suffocate, because it does not know how to lift and turn the head.

Tip! It is necessary to turn the baby on the back, put on the side, the harsh sound will disappear, the danger of the suffocation will not appear. To fix the desired position, you can put a twisted roller from the diaper.


Knowing what are the signs of disease, and when you should not worry, any parent must also understand what to do if the child does not breathe. If apnea dragged, the crumb need to wake very carefully. It is necessary to do it extremely gently so that the child is not frightened. If, after a second, the baby did not begin to inhale, immediately need to call an intersection!

A normal healthy baby must sleep well, waking up only for feeding. The causes of wheezing and delayed breathing in a dream without pathologies a little, everything else leads to significant deviations in the growth and development of the child, and can also threaten his life.

Breathing is the most important process in the human body of any age along with a reduction in the heart muscle. Breathing removes carbon dioxide from the body and saturates oxygen cells. Without it, the existence of a single living being on the planet is impossible. Maximum person can carry out 5 minutes without access oxygen. The world record fixed after a long period of preparing a person to existence in an airless space, namely under water, - 18 minutes.

The breath of the newborn baby is more likely than in adults, due to the fact that the respiratory system itself is not yet fully formed

The process itself is divided into two stages. When inhaling through the respiratory tract to light people, air is enjoyed, which is divided into oxygen and carbon dioxide, passing through the circulatory system. With exhalation, carbon dioxide is derived from the body. Oxygen is distributed to all fabrics and organs by arteries, and carbon dioxide is excreted through venous blood back into the lungs. So wisely and functionally ordered the nature itself. The breath of any newborn, like an adult, is an important rhythmic process, the failures in which can talk about malfunctions in the body and entertain serious consequences.

Breathing of newborns

The breathing of babies is of great importance and as an indicator of the baby's health, and as the main life-supporting process of a newborn child having its age characteristics, in particular, a very narrow respiratory pass. The child's respiratory tract is short, so deep full breathing and exhale are not implemented. The nasopharynk is narrow, and the smallest foreign object that fell there can cause sneezing and cough, and the accumulation of mucus and dust - snoring, snoot and suffocation. For crumbs, even light runny nose is dangerous due to hyperemia of the mucous membrane and narrowing of the lumen.

Young parents should try to make every effort so that the baby does not catch a viral disease and not catching up, because rhinitis, and bronchitis in infancy is very dangerous, it is necessary to treat them for a long time and hard, because the karapuzam should not be taken to take most of the drugs. Support, make the baby, dose the frequency of guests and the duration of walks.

Frequent walks, fresh air has a beneficial effect on the health of the kid and his breath

Baby breathing specificity

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The body of the kid develops literally by the hour. All organs and systems work in reinforced mode, therefore the rate of the baby pulse, and blood pressure is much higher than that of an adult. So, the pulse reaches 140 beats per minute. The body of a small person is physiologically tuned to the rapid breathing to compensate for the impossibility of deep full breathing-exhale due to the imperfection of the respiratory system, narrow passes, weak muscles and small ribs.

Kids breathing superficial, often they breathe intermittently and unevenly, which can scare parents. Even breathing failure is possible. By 7 years, the respiratory system of the child is completely formed, the baby will grow, ceases to hurt much. Breathing becomes such as in adults, and rhinitis, bronchitis and pneumonia are transferred easier.

Sports and yoga classes, frequent walks and ventilation premises will help your child up to 7 years old easier to transfer the imperfection of its respiratory system.

Temp, frequency and types of breathing

If the kid often breathes, but there are no wheezing and noise, then this breathing is a normal process. If any deviations are observed, then a child should be a doctor

In the event that your Karapus is not laid nose, and its body functions normally, the baby makes two or three short lungs inhale, then one deep, exhalations remain equally superficial. Such is the specifics of the respiration of any newborn. The child is often breathing quickly. A minute to ensure the body with oxygen, the kid makes about 40-60 breathing-exhale. The 9-month karapuz should breathe more rhythmically, deeply and evenly. Noise, wheezing, the inflating of the wings of the nose should be concerned about the parents and make the child's Pediatrician.

The number of respiratory movements is usually considered the movements of the chest kid, which is alone. Breath rates are listed:

  • until the third week of life - 40-60 breaths, exhale;
  • from the third week of life up to three months - 40-45 breaths, exhale per minute;
  • from 4 months to six months - 35-40;
  • from half a year to 1 year - 30-36 breath-exhalations per minute.

In order for the data to look more clearly, we indicate that the rate of breathing frequency of an adult - up to 20 breaths per minute, and in sleeping state, the indicator is reduced by another 5 units. Standards help pediatricians to determine the state of health. In the event that the frequency of respiratory movements, abbreviated by the CDD, deviates from the generally accepted positions, we can talk about the disease of the respiratory or other system in the body of a newborn. Do not miss the beginning of the disease, the parents themselves may also, periodically counting the ChDD at home, as Dr. Komarovsky believes.

Each mommy can independently check the frequency and type of breathing

In the process of vital activity, the baby can breathe in three different ways, which is physiologically provided by nature, namely:

  • Breast type. It is predetermined by the characteristic breast movements and insufficiently ventilate the lower lung departments.
  • Abdominal type. With it, the diaphragm and the abdominal wall moves, and the upper parts of the lungs are not ventilated sufficiently.
  • Mixed type. The most complete type of breathing, and the upper, and lower respiratory tract departments are ventilated.

Deviations from the norm

The parameters of physiological development do not always correspond to the generally accepted standards due to the unhealthy of a person. The causes of deviations from the respiratory rate that are not pathology:

  • the kid can breathe too quickly during the period of physical activity, games, in an excited state of a positive or negative nature, in the moments of crying;
  • in a dream, newborns can snatch, hoarse and even melodiously obstruct, if this phenomenon is infrequent, then it is due to the underdevelopment of the respiratory system and does not require the intervention of doctors.

Baby frequency The baby may vary depending on its condition, for example, during crying

Why do children have a breath delay?

Prior to the onset of the sixth month of life, the baby can have a breath delay (apnea), and this is not a pathology. In a dream, a breathing delay accounts for up to 10 percent of total time. Uneven breathing can have the following reasons:

  • ORVI. With a cold and viral diseases, the respiratory frequency becomes greater, there may be delays, wheezing, approval.
  • Oxygen deficiency. It is manifested not only by the delay of breathing, but also the sinusiness of the skin, turbidity consciousness. The baby has enough air. In this case, the doctors intervention needs.
  • Increased body temperature. The rhythm and shortness of breath often testify to raise the temperature, it may be against the background not only ARVI, but also when teething.
  • False croup. The most serious illness causing the suffocation requires an immediate ambulance call.

If we are talking about children up to 7 years and especially Sadikovsky age, then the cause of apnea may be adenoids, due to the large size of which the child delays their breath. Adenoitis is a common disease that happens in children attending children's preschool institutions that are changing in cold premises and very often carrying ARVI. It characterizes difficult breathing, especially at night, because the increasing adenoids interfere with the baby to breathe to the nose fully.

The child's breath difficult to increase the increasing adenoids. In this case, the breathing will come to normal only when treating this ailment

Adenoid is treated with antiseptic sprays and a drop in the nose, homeopathy is quite popular, long stay in home warm conditions. Effective drugs from the increase in lymph nodes. Treatment requires a long and continuous, if the failure can be recommended, the removal of adenoids can be recommended.

Does your baby stopped breathing suddenly? Parents should know what to do in this case. If you find a breathable sleeping child, then wake it up carefully, while ensuring fresh air to the room. If after 15 seconds, breathing is not restored, then call an ambulance, and make the cardiovascular resuscitation themselves.

What are fucking?

Ideally, the breath of the newborn is carried out without difficulty and wheezing. The appearance of noise testifies to malfunctions in the body. Whees are embarrassed through the narrowed respiratory tract, they can occur with infections, bronchospasm, edema or foreign bodies. The symptom of a false cereal is a rude wheezing when inhaling, Stridor (we recommend reading :).

When is medical care required?

If you hear wheezing, then analyze the overall condition of the baby. Call an urgent if you noticed one of the listed symptoms: the face of the skin around the lips; The child is slow and drone, Consciousness is blurred; The kid can not speak.

Wars in the kid can mean the common disease. At the same time, Mamuchka must be called to the pediatrician house

Note that there are cases when Karapuz accidentally inhales the foreign body. Watch that there is no small items, decorations, toys, beads and rhinestones next to the baby.

We minimize the situation when the child's breaths are noticeable, possible causes and your actions (we recommend reading :).

Breastfish in the smooth place periodically arise wheezing, especially during the sleep (we recommend reading :). It develops normally, the planned inspection of the pediatrician does not show any pathologies.Physiological imperfection of the respiratory tract of the baby. There are no pathologies.Treat calmly to this phenomenon, the situation will change to the one-year-old age of your child. Contact your doctor with too loud and frequent wheels, unusual for your ear, the sounds published by the baby when breathing-exhale. The main thing is to ensure comfortable conditions for the development of the child's body, moisturize the air, maintain the temperature in the children's room within 21 degrees Celsius, 2 times a day, ventilate the children (see also :).
Wars on the background of ARVI or cold. At the Karapusa cough and runny nose.Viral disease.Contact your pediatrician and ENT doctor. Abundant drinking and comfortable conditions for the baby before the arrival of the doctor.
The child periodically arises cough or a runny nose, which does not pass from the means against ARVI, lasts more than 2 days (see also :). Relatives are diagnosed with allergies or asthma.Allergic cough or asthma.Analyze what can cause allergies. First of all, make sure that there are no allergens in the mother's diet, if the baby is on the GW. During feeding, unwanted substances can be transmitted. The role of the flowering period of ambrosia and other allergic plants, dust in the room, child's clothes are playing. Contact an allergist, hand over allergens.

When do you need to call an ambulance?

There are situations when you urgently urgently need to call a doctor or ambulance. We denote in what cases wheezing are harbing children of the kid. It may be the beginning of a serious illness, a critical condition or a foreign body hit in the respiratory tract, which causes suffocations and swelling.

It is possible to facilitate the difficult breath of the child with bronchitis with the help of a syrup that will register the attending physician
Wars on the background of frequent painful cough, which continues more than a day.Bronchiolitis - infection of bronchiole of the lungs, the smallest branches of the bronchi. More often manifests in kids.This serious illness requires emergency medical care. Perhaps hospitalization.
The kid of Sadikovsky age speaks into the nose, snoring and scrolls during sleep, smoothes, susceptible to frequent colds. The kid quickly gets tired and breathes his mouth.Adenoiditis.Contact an ENT doctor. Keep the child warm, limit the hiking, more often make wet cleaning, moisturize the room.
Wars and strong cough against the background of elevated temperature.Bronchitis. Pneumonia.As soon as possible, consult a doctor. If a child is no more breast age, and you have an experience of treating Hervi, you can give a child to a child who comes up with a cough syrup and an anti-allergic agent to facilitate the state. Bronchitis and, moreover, pneumonia may require hospitalization.
Wars on the background of a dry cough, high temperature, hoarseness of voice, strange crying.False croup.Call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, moisturize the room, ensure the influx of fresh air.
Sharply arising strong wheezing, especially after the baby remained for some time, and there were minor items, from toys before buttons. Baby strongly crumpled.The respiratory tract fell a foreign body.Call an ambulance, only a medical worker will help clean the respiratory tract from the foreign body.

Why are wheezing more often in kids?

Most often, wheezing are diagnosed in children under 3 years. This is due to the insufficient formation of the respiratory tract. They are narrow and easier to score mucus, dust, susceptible to edema. It's harder to be treated with kids, because they cannot be used by many drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry, so ORVI and the cold proceed more difficult and longer. Why is breathing sometimes heavy and noisy? It's all about dry and dusty air, according to Dr. Komarovsky. It is necessary to moisten the air and hand over children to avoid problems with breathing, cold, early adenoiditis and complications.