Find out the pension according to SNILS online PFR. Snils pension calculation

Pension payments are made up of many indicators: from, official, "white", wages, inflation, the availability of titles and much more.

It is rather problematic to take into account all the terms when calculating on your own, however, modern technologies have firmly fixed the Internet in our homes and phones.

Now you can find out the necessary information about pension savings without leaving your home, without standing in queues and filling out a pile of applications and forms. Agree - it's much faster and more convenient, but future and current pensioners often have a problem how to find out the size on the Internet?

Today, there are two main Internet resources on which you can independently calculate the amount of pension payments - these are the official websites of the State Services and the Pension Fund of Russia.

  1. Go to the main page of the State Services website.
  2. Log in to your personal account. If it is not there, it does not matter, it will not be difficult to register on it, for this you need a SNILS number and an email address or a cell phone number. Do not forget that it will be possible to use all the services offered after confirming your identity at the Service Center. This will open access to the personal accounts of other related organizations and institutions, for example, the Tax Service or the Fund.
  3. Find the link of the section "Catalogue of services", click on it.
  4. Find the category “Pension, allowances and benefits” in the services offered, go to it.
  5. Select the sub-item "Notice of the status of the personal account in the PFR".
  6. Click on the "Get Service" button on the right.

After pressing the button, a little time will pass and you will be provided with a statement of the history of pension contributions.

The extract is provided in the format of a 3-4 page pdf-document, there will be no problems with opening it - modern Internet browsers will do this without difficulty on any computer.

The extract contains information about deductions from all employers, which is convenient when there are several jobs at the same time. In it you can find out the personal pension coefficient (at the bottom of 1 page) and its growth by periods. It consists of the form of pension provision, length of service and annual insurance premiums - everything is as transparent and understandable as possible.

However, the information provided by the State Services Portal will not show the amount of the pension directly. In the extract, you can find out the amount of insurance and funded contributions, see the methodology for calculating the pension coefficient.

Find out the size of the pension through the website of the Pension Fund of Russia

  • indicate gender and age. This information will help to more accurately calculate pension points - this is a relatively new element of calculating pensions, depending on the amount of contributions. Persons older than 1967 year of birth have no choice - either replenishment of the insurance part, or increase in the funded part. Those who are younger can combine, which gives respectively 10 and 6.25 annually accrued pension points;
  • military service adds 1.8 points (for each year of service) and is added to the total length of service;
  • when forming pension payments for women, the number of children and the duration of maternity leave are taken into account. At the same time, up to one and a half years for each child is added to the length of service, and the amount of pension points also increases (for the first child - 1.8, for the second - 3.6, for the third and fourth - 5.4 each);
  • the point about the time of applying for the provision of pension payments is interesting - the later the application is, the more bonus interest you will receive;
  • indicate your expected experience;
  • indicate the official salary without deducting income tax.
  • Click on the "Calculate" button.

The figures obtained are conditional, exploratory in nature. Payments are indexed annually depending on the percentage of inflation. Therefore, the further the pension is, the more often and more the figure will change. The pension calculator does not take into account any benefits (neither disability, nor age, nor territorial).

At the same time, the calculator will help you predict the growth of pension payments for each year of additional service or recalculation of wages.

Summing up, it should be said that now it has become an easy task to independently calculate a pension or find out the state of a pension account. The whole process fits in a matter of minutes thanks to the availability of official electronic Internet services. Information is provided in a convenient and understandable way.

The main assistant for saving personal time and nerves will be an account (personal account) on the website of the State Services. Spend a little time confirming it at the Service Center and this will simplify your communication with the state apparatus.

Everyone should get online access to their pension. How to do this, see the following video:

Oct 20, 2017 Benefit Help

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SNILS check for pension savings can be made via the Internet or by contacting the Pension Fund directly. To do this, you will need a SNILS number and an identity document. How check SNILS correctly and quickly, we will tell below.

How to find out pension contributions according to SNILS?

Contributions to the Pension Fund are made by the employer. Until 2013, all citizens received a document with a report on pension savings, so the question of verification of SNILS on the subject of pension savings, no one arose. From 2013, such letters will only be sent to those who have written a relevant application.

How to check SNILS by number?

Check SNILS by number You can visit any branch of the Pension Fund by submitting an appropriate request and presenting, in addition to SNILS, your passport.

How to check SNILS via the Internet (check SNILS online)?

To check pension savings according to SNILS via the Internet, just go to the website of public services and select the service "Pension Savings".

Here you need to order an extended Pension Fund account statement. Within a few minutes, your request will be fulfilled and you will receive a corresponding statement, which you can print or view later in your Personal Account.

If you are a client of a non-state Pension Fund, you can request information about the status of your pension account on their official website.

How to check SNILS number online?

On the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation there is a corresponding explanation that SNILS cannot be checked via the Internet. This information is classified as confidential, and only the Pension Fund can give it to you in person.

But today there are online resources that allow you to check the SNILS number online. For example, following the link, you can find out who owns it by the SNILS number. To do this, you just need to enter a number in the line.

Checking pension savings by SNILS number is easy. You have two legal ways: when contacting the Pension Fund and by making a request on the public services portal. Both of these options are free and you can quickly get complete information about the status of your retirement account.

Until 2013, all persons insured in the compulsory pension insurance system (OPS) were sent notifications from the PFR about the amount of contributions deducted by the employer for the payment of a future pension. All finances were accumulated in the Pension Fund.

After the reform, mailing was canceled, and the citizen had the opportunity to independently choose which fund to direct contributions to: state or non-state. Now every person asks the question: where and how to find out pension savings according to SNILS?

Why does a person need information about his savings

Each insured person has the right to change the fund into which money is transferred from the employer organization to ensure a pension. To do this, you need to write a notice to the FIU and sign an agreement with the NPF.

Attention: You can apply for a transfer from one fund to another through the web portal of public services, at the MFC, the PFR branch or by registered mail.

Information on transfers to the FIU by the employer must be controlled. It is the amount of accumulated funds that will affect the receipt of income at the end of employment. Periodic checking of the status of the personal account will help to avoid inaccuracies or reflection of inaccurate information, and will also save you from problems in the future.

There are five sources from which you can safely find out data about the accumulated funds and the fund that manages them:

  • on the website of the Pension Fund;
  • in person at the PFR office;
  • through "Gosuslugi";
  • by mail;
  • in the NPF.

The latter option is suitable only for insured persons who have concluded an agreement with a non-state fund.

Visiting a branch is not always convenient and possible for a citizen, so there are special sites on the network where you can track deductions:


Since it is much easier and faster to find out your pension savings via the Internet, this method is the highest priority.

"Public Services"

To receive services on the web portal, you must first go through the registration process. To do this, you must specify in the registration form:

  • surname;
  • mobile number;
  • e-mail.

Then enter the code from the SMS message that will be sent to the specified phone in the box. Next, fill in your personal information and submit it for verification. Then confirm the entry in any convenient way. Available options are posted in your account.

Reference: To confirm the identity of the state services, you must specify the number of the insurance certificate.

At the end of registration and confirmation of data, you need to go to the personal account and go to the section of services for citizens. Among the presented list, find the "Notice of the status of the personal account in the Pension Fund."

To generate an extract from the drug, click "get the service", after which the requested information will be displayed on the page. Information is provided free of charge, in real time.

The notification can be downloaded to a PC or redirected to an email. The file is saved in PDF format. According to the statement, it is possible to both find out the amount of pension savings and see the SNILS number, as well as find out in which fund the funds are located.

Since 2015, an online account of a citizen has been operating on the all-Russian website of the PFR, which can only be entered by people who have a verified account for public services. To work in the system, you need to go to, select the "personal account" section and log in. This opens a page containing sections:

  • individual personal account;
  • management of pension savings;
  • pensions;
  • social payments;
  • maternal capital;
  • citizens living abroad.

Each section contains services available to the user. In order to find out pension savings on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you should select the subsection “get information about the formed rights”.

After that, a table opens, which reflects the number of points and insurance experience. Below is the link "Information on pension savings". When you click on it, a page with an extract opens, similar in content to the information on the public services website. In addition, the page contains other useful services:

  • materials on the procedure for the formation of a pension;
  • information about experience and earnings;
  • data on the state of the ILS;
  • pension calculator.

Important to know: You cannot indicate your SNILS on unverified sites. These may turn out to be scammers who, having received a certificate number, will be able to steal a citizen's savings.


Almost all non-governmental non-profit organizations provide their clients with information on the amount of accumulated funds online. If a person transfers part of the contributions for a future pension to a non-state pension fund, he can find out the data on contributions on his website. To do this, he must register a personal account. The personal account will display all information about transfers from the employer, as well as about the profitability received from the investment actions of the agent.

Tip: When concluding an agreement with an NPF, it is necessary to regularly monitor profits, and in case of its absence, change the organization.

Personal appeal

Citizens can find out where their funds are placed, without the help of online services, directly in the Pension Fund. You can make a request in one of two ways:

  • apply to the FIU personally;
  • send an application by mail.

The deadline for providing information depends on the chosen method of applying.


You can find out the savings in the pension fund according to SNILS at any branch, not necessarily at the place of permanent residence. To apply, you need to have only two documents with you:

  • passport;

Foreign citizens working on the territory of the Russian Federation may present another document proving their identity instead of a passport. An employee of the fund will prepare an extract on the day of application.

Post office

Another way to find out pension savings by SNILS number is a certificate notice. To receive a certificate, you must send an application to the FIU by mail. Copies of documents must be attached to it:

  • passport;

All documents must be notarized. The FIU will prepare a certificate and send it to the applicant by registered mail within 10 days from the date of receipt of the application.

Safety regulations

Each person must be insured in the OPS system. SNILS is a card with a number that is assigned to a citizen at the time of the first application to the FIU and belongs to him throughout his life.

With the help of an insurance certificate, it is possible to find out data on the length of service, contributions deducted to ensure a future pension, and the fund to which savings are transferred. The card number does not change even in case of loss or change of personal information about the owner.

SNILS is no less important document than a passport. The number of the insurance certificate should be hidden in order to avoid fraudulent actions with the accumulated funds for a future pension. One of the options for such an act may be the transfer of funds from a personal account to a non-state non-profit organization, without notifying the insured person. If a person becomes aware of such actions, he needs to write a statement to the police about the NPF, which illegally took possession of the savings.

Reference: A person is required to show an insurance certificate only in state organizations and when applying for a job. In other institutions, the requirement to present SNILS is not legitimate.

Previously, a fairly simple formula was used to calculate the amount of the pension - each future pensioner could use it to independently calculate.

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But relatively recently, certain reforms have been carried out in the current legislation on this matter. In this connection, independent calculation has become difficult, but you can still find out the amount of the pension - via the Internet.

What does it depend on

In order to approximately know the amount of your future pension, you need to remember what exactly affects its size.

To get acquainted with the information on this matter is quite simple:

  • through the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • by contacting the PFR office directly, its employees are obliged to provide the most detailed information on this matter to the citizen who applied.

First of all, the size of the pension (regardless of its component - funded / insurance) is affected precisely by the amount of wages.

Since it is it that is the basis for calculating the corresponding contributions in favor of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which accumulates such deductions for their subsequent investment and further payment to the pensioner. To date, the tariff has been set at a rate of 22% of wages.

That is why the higher the salary, the more significant the amount of the pension at the time of reaching retirement age will be. And accordingly, the less it is, the less the pension.

Accordingly, when calculating black wages, from which contributions are not paid, payments will simply not be made.

Those interested in a sufficiently large salary will need to get a sufficiently well-paid job. Otherwise, the amount of pension savings will be minimal.

The second important factor, which no less significantly affects the amount of deductions of the corresponding type, is the choice of a non-state pension fund. At the moment, the state has divided the pension into insurance and funded.

The accumulative part must be placed in a special non-state pension fund. This institution works on the principle of a bank - funds in the form of a pension are a contribution.

The NPF effectively manages such funds. As a result, he receives a certain income. In the future, it will be a pension payment.

The size of this type of pension directly depends on the success of the investment, the correct choice of the investment portfolio. This point is covered in sufficient detail in the current legislation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

When choosing a NPF, it is necessary to focus on the following parameters:

It is the second characteristic that directly affects the size of pension accruals. And usually the most profitable non-state pension funds are the least reliable.

Since usually an extensive investment portfolio with high returns implies some risks. But ordinary citizens have nothing to fear - the entire funded part of the pension is insured without fail. Even if the NPF goes bankrupt, no one will be left without a pension. Its value will only decrease.

How to do it

Today, in order to find out the amount of your pension, there is no need to leave your own home. All you need is a personal computer with Internet access.

To implement all the necessary operations, it will be enough just to go to the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for getting acquainted with the amount of this type of pension is as follows:

  • open the browser and go to the website of the Pension Fund;
  • to enter your personal account, you will need to enter your login and password - they are identical with similar data from the State Services portal;
  • if you already have a username and password, you will need to enter them, and then indicate the SNILS number (or mobile phone number, email) in the appropriate field;
  • after the implementation of all the data indicated above, it will be necessary to open the section "personal account of the insured person" - then select "get information about the formed pension rights";

  • after selecting this menu item, a transition will be automatically made to a page that will display the total number of pension points, as well as the length of service;

  • we open the menu section called "information about the experience and earnings" - it contains the most detailed information about all periods of employment;

  • it is necessary to receive an extract on the current state of the pension fund in a text version - you can save the received document to a personal computer and, subsequently, print it out;

  • then you need to click on "calculate the future insurance pension" - in this section you can find out exactly how many insurance points are accrued in a certain period;

Further, it will be enough just to fill in the field with the amount of wages until the deduction of personal income tax. Thus, it will be possible to find out exactly how many points for a particular billing period were accrued.

In this case, you can use the calculation simple or more detailed. The more information provided, the more accurate the calculation will be.

How to find out the amount of the funded part of the pension on the Internet

The easiest and fastest way to get acquainted with the size of the funded part of the pension is to interact with your account through the State Services portal.

To implement this procedure, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • log in on the State Services website (if there is no login and password, it will be necessary to log in without fail);
  • enter passport data, as well as information about SNILS;
  • go to your personal account - open the tab "pension savings";
  • click on the button "get information about the status of the personal account";
  • the window that opens will display full information about the personal account of a particular citizen who applied for information.


The easiest and most accurate way to find out the size of your future pension is to contact the regional branch of the PFR directly.

If, for some reason, this is inconvenient or there is no opportunity to do this yet, you should use a special calculator on the PFR website.

To carry out this procedure, you will need to enter the following basic data:

  • gender, year of birth and length of service;
  • the amount of the official salary;
  • previously chosen method of implementing pension provision;
  • during what time the applicant carried out military service;
  • amount of children;
  • duration of stay on parental leave;
  • duration of care for a disabled relative;
  • whether there are plans to work in agriculture;

After entering all the data indicated above, you will need to click on the "Calculate" button. The more accurate the above data is, the more accurately the amount of the future pension will be displayed.

What to look out for

You can find out pension savings without much difficulty, for this you need to study a few nuances, which we will consider in our material. For example, it is worth knowing in which fund the savings “work”, and we will also touch on the topic of pension inheritance.

Ways to check pension savings

The amount of savings can be found using options such as:

  • Personal appeal to the Pension Fund (hereinafter referred to as PFR) - until 2013, people were sent a "letter of happiness" with reporting data on the amount of insurance and funded contributions for the previous year. And now letters from the fund come only after submitting a written application to the FIU. To fill out the form, you need to have a passport, an insurance number of an individual insurance account (hereinafter referred to as SNILS) with you.
  • Internet - online - checking deductions by SNILS number by registering on the website, includes the following steps:
    • Formation of a simplified entry - specify your full name, mobile phone, email and click the "Register" button. Then confirmation of the data is required by the sent SMS - message or email. After clicking the "Continue" button, enter your password twice. Now you can use the limited access to the services of the site. However, they are not enough to receive a report on pension savings.
    • Fixing personal information - specify the data on the passport, SNILS number and click the "Save" button;
    • Automatic check - occurs within a few minutes. After the procedure is completed, a notification with the results is sent to the phone or mail. After that, you get a standard account for public services.
    • Identity confirmation - for full registration, you must apply with a passport to the Russian Post, Rostelecom or another public services service center. Identity verification is also carried out using an electronic signature or a card.

After completing the registration on the public services portal, do the following:

    • Find the PFR tab;
    • Click on the service "Pension Savings";
    • Click the Get Information button.

The data will appear in a few seconds on the monitor screen.

  • Checking a pension through Sberbank - you can find out the amount of pension funds at the bank after providing the employee with a passport, SNILS. After registration, you can view the amount of the pension in the "Personal Account" on the Sberbank website.

NPF clients will not be able to get information on the state services website on the state of their pension account. Data for the client of non-state funds can be found on the official websites or in the representative offices of NPFs!

In which fund are pension savings?

Sometimes citizens forget the name of the NPF organization, so below we highlight 4 ways to determine the fund:

Pension savings in NPFs: Agrofond, Future, Rosgosstrakh, VTB 24, Welfare, Sberbank

Most citizens of the country keep pension contributions in different NPFs, but sometimes it is difficult to find out the amount of savings in a particular fund. Therefore, we present to your attention a few examples of how to find out pension savings in the best funds in the country.

The only way for everyone to obtain information on the amount of pension savings is to contact the FIU!

How to find out the amount of savings in the pension fund Agrofond?

  • personal visit to the branch with a passport - all addresses can be found on the company's website;
  • sending a written application to:
    • Moscow, 1st Kozhevnichesky lane, house 8.
    • The form can be any, the main thing is to indicate passport data, SNILS, return address, number and date of the current document on cooperation with the NPF. Don't forget to date and sign at the end. Scanned application can be sent by mail [email protected], [email protected];
  • Internet - the amount of savings can be clarified after the registration procedure in the "Personal Account" on the website of the NPF "Agrofond". For registration, it is necessary to prepare: scanned copies of the pages of the passport, where the series, number, date of birth, gender, full name are indicated; personal photo; SNILS;

When registering a personal account, it is necessary to fill out an application for opening an account and put a mark on the consent to the processing of personal information. Within 10 days you will receive a message with a temporary password to the source indicated in the application (e-mail, mobile phone number). Login is the SNILS number. After the first visit to the account, it is recommended to change the password to a more complex one.

How to find out your savings in the Future Pension Fund?

How to find out your pension savings in NPF Rosgosstrakh?

How to find out your pension savings in VTB 24?

How to find out your savings in NPF "Welfare"?

For questions, call the number 8-800-775-15-20 or on the site issue the service "Write a letter to the fund".

How to check pension savings in Sberbank?

  • Personal appeal - you will need a passport, SNILS, an agreement with NPF Sberbank;
  • A more convenient way to check pension savings is to check the pension in the "Personal Account" - registration is carried out at the link, where you must specify the passport number, SNILS, phone number. Sberbank has no right to transfer your personal data to third parties, except for heirs, state bodies.

Access to the office is provided upon: signing an agreement on compulsory pension insurance; availability of a pension account under the unified insurance rules; consent to the processing of client data (marked during registration).

For questions, call the number 8 800 555 00 41 or go to the official website

These are the ways you can find out data on savings in popular non-state funds in Russia.

How to find out the pension savings of a deceased relative

To find out the amount of savings for assignees, you need to go through several steps, namely:

Step 1. Making an application to the PFR department to obtain data on the amount of savings of the deceased insured. This step is mandatory even when the FIU is notified of the death of a particular person, since the fund must know the grounds for paying part of the pension to the heirs.

List of required papers:

  • Passport;
  • Marriage certificate, birth certificate (documentation confirming the fact of kinship);
  • death document;
  • SNILS of the deceased;
  • Method of payment - indicated in the application;
  • List of close relatives of the deceased known to the applicant for quick identification of the circle of heirs.

Employees of the state fund have the right to demand an additional list of documents.

An application with a list of documentation can be sent by mail, having previously certified copies by a notary.

The application is submitted only within 6 months after the death of the insured! Otherwise, further proceedings will be in court!

Step 2 Study of documents in the FIU. Consideration period - 5 - 10 days. Paper decisions are as follows:

  • return of documents for corrections - we correct errors and submit documents again. Payment of money is carried out according to the method prescribed in the application;
  • return of securities if there are funds in the NPF - the list of securities is duplicated in a specific Pension Fund of the insured. Payment is made 6 months after the death of the client, but no later than the last business day of the month in which the term ended;
  • sends a package of documents to the authority where the deceased was registered - a new branch of the fund re-checks the papers, and then makes a payment to the applicant;
  • accepts an application - the amount of money is paid no later than the 20th day of the next month after the decision on payment is made.

A little about the heirs

Retirement savings are entitled to receive:

  • the heir indicated in the application;
  • relatives (unless a specific person is indicated) - children, parents, spouses. And in their absence - brothers, sisters, grandchildren, grandparents.

The application can be submitted by relatives of the first and second line, because if the successor of the first stage does not do this, the right to receive automatically passes to brothers, grandmothers, sisters, grandchildren. That is, those who apply on time receive the payment.

If, after the expiration of the term, a new heir applied to the FIU with a court decision, the Pension Fund pays the pension savings of the deceased to this citizen from its own reserve! Refunds are made at the expense of the heirs, who were previously given the savings of the deceased through the court or voluntarily!

You can inherit the funded part in three ways:

  1. the deceased officially worked until his death;
  2. the deceased was born after 1967;
  3. the deceased did not receive a labor pension.

The amount of pension payments to the heir is taxed!

We offer you to watch a short video in which the PFR specialist will tell you how to find out your pension savings in your personal account.

Pension savings are assigned annually, but it is realistic to find out the amount of deductions thanks to the personal efforts of the insured person, so our material revealed the features of obtaining information from state and non-state funds on pension savings.