What time to do the hcg injection. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. What is it - drug and analogues

- a hormone produced by the embryo after its attachment to the endometrium. It contributes to the normal progression of pregnancy and ensures its smooth flow. The main functions that the hormone performs are:

  • Stimulation of the functioning of the corpus luteum. As a result, a sufficient amount of progesterone is provided, which remains the main substance that supports the development of pregnancy.
  • Activation of the growth and formation of the placenta, due to which there is a contact between mother and child.
  • General control of metabolic processes in the body of a pregnant woman and fetus.

Given the above functions of hCG, it becomes obvious that it is one of the main regulators of normal gestation. That is why its synthetic analogue is used in medicine to increase the chance of getting pregnant and prevent a number of pathological conditions. An injection of human chorionic gonadotropin can help you conceive and carry a healthy baby. However, it all depends on the specific circumstances of each individual case.

The standard definition of pregnancy occurs by using a classic pharmacy test. When the urine of a woman who is pregnant gets on it, the treasured 2 strips appear on the tablet, which confirm the fact of the development of a new life in the womb.

The chemical reaction is based on the interaction with the hormone in the urine. An alternative may be a blood test for the presence of a bioactive substance there. In the absence of pregnancy, it is very little or not at all in the body, however, if conception has occurred, the hormone will begin to sharply increase its concentration in the blood. For research, venous blood is used, in which hCG itself is searched. The first positive results usually appear at 7-10 days in the blood and 10-14 days in the urine.

Does the hCG injection affect the chance of getting pregnant?

Given the functions of the hormone, as well as its fairly widespread use in medicine, women often ask: “Should I expect pregnancy after an hCG injection?”. To answer, you need to understand a little more about the features of its application.

A shot of the hormone really helped more than one woman get pregnant. However, there are only a limited number of situations where it is effective.

HCG injections are credited for:

  • Continued functioning of the corpus luteum. With its insufficiency, endometrial inferiority can be observed, the unwillingness of the uterus to accept the fetus. HCG changes this situation for the better.
  • To accelerate the process of formation of the placenta.
  • To stimulate ovulation. It is for this that hCG is most often used.
  • To prepare for in vitro fertilization.

Given the goals pursued by doctors, a number of indications for the use of hormone injections can be distinguished:

  • Insufficient functional activity of the corpus luteum.
  • Infertility due to anovulatory menstrual cycle.
  • Habitual miscarriage.
  • High risk of miscarriage.
  • As part of the process when applying a variety of assisted reproductive technologies.

In all these situations, the use of hCG injection will be justified. This is confirmed by the many years of experience of doctors and the reviews of those who were helped by such an injection to get pregnant.

How is HCG used?

If the fair sex has anovulatory infertility, then an injection of hCG can be one of the ways to solve the problem. It will also help those who, for one reason or another, have hormonal imbalance which leads to insufficient maturation of follicles in the ovaries.

Those women who could not get pregnant for a long time note the positive effect of gonadotropin. Often, even with the progression of anovulatory infertility, it was possible to successfully conceive a child.

If the hormone is used during pregnancy planning, then a single injection of hCG 10,000 is considered standard. This dose is prescribed for a reason. Before direct injection, an appropriate preparatory stage is carried out, which includes the use of hormones to stimulate the growth of follicles. Only after their development and the dominant follicle reaches a size of 20-25 mm, can an hCG injection be used. Basically, this is the 14-20th day of the cycle. The size of the follicle is controlled by ultrasound.

This procedure stimulates ovulation, the follicle ruptures, and the mature egg begins its journey towards the spermatozoa. HCG in this case "helps" natural conception occur. Ovulation usually occurs 12-36 hours after the injection. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to actively try to conceive a child during this period of time. In most cases, everything goes well.

Sometimes, to stimulate ovulation, it is enough to inject hCG 5000. However, you need to understand that only the attending physician should calculate the dose. He will be able to comprehensively assess the patient's condition, her hormonal balance and prescribe the appropriate amount of hCG.

The most popular drugs:

  • Gonal (and also Gonal F);
  • Chorionic gonadotropin;
  • Puregon;
  • Menogon.

After a successful conception, progesterone is additionally prescribed to maintain the pregnancy.

What will a blood test show after an hCG injection?

Many women are interested in when it is possible to conduct an ovulation test after an hCG injection, and whether it is worth doing it at all. Basically, doctors recommend monitoring the release of the egg from the follicle using ultrasound. However, if there is a desire to apply the appropriate tests, then they should be carried out virtually daily after the injection itself to control ovulation.

The dynamics of the increase in hCG in the blood after the alleged act of conception will help to establish its success. It is justified to do a pregnancy test after an hCG injection in 1-2 weeks. Approximately this is the time it takes for a fertilized egg to start synthesizing its own hCG. If you diagnose earlier, you can get a false positive result, which is due to the preliminary administration of the drug in the form of an injection. In any case, you should consult with your doctor for appropriate recommendations.

Selected Reviews

Examples include the testimonials of visitors to a well-known clinic who were injected with hCG (the survey was conducted anonymously, names have been changed):

  • Anna: “At first I was stimulated with Klostilbegit. In the 1st cycle, the follicle reached 18 mm, but did not rupture. On the second attempt, it was 19 mm, and then they gave an injection of hCG. We have been waiting for pregnancy for more than a year, and after hCG it came! We are now six months old."
  • Victoria: “We couldn’t have a baby for a long time. Already tried everything. They studied these sizes of follicles, tried different methods, stimulated me as much as possible, and hCG was pricked, but without effect. Although the follicles were ripening, they still did not come out. In general, gonadotropin did not help us, and none of the previously used ones. I spat on the recommendations of doctors and decided to adjust the weight. And that really helped me."
  • Sofia: “We conceived from the first injection of hCG. Analyzes were taken 10 days after the injection. They immediately showed 2 stripes. Sadly, we did not succeed in saving the pregnancy. Now we want to try again."

As you can see, the hCG injection is not a panacea. Yes, it significantly increases the chance of conception, but much depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each woman and the specific situation.


  1. Women's consultation. Management, Editor: Radzinsky V.E. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  2. Emergency care in obstetrics and gynecology: a brief guide. Serov V.N. 2008 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  3. Atlas of ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology. Dubile P., Benson K.B. 2009 Publisher: MEDpress-inform.

Carrying a pregnancy without human chorionic gonadotropin is impossible. In our article, we will analyze the role of this hormone in the onset of pregnancy and the principle of its action.

Purpose of hCG injections

If the natural interaction of hormones in the female body is violated, the process of follicle growth or the release of an egg may be disrupted or even absent. In such cases, after a complete examination and establishing the cause of the problem that has occurred, an ovulation stimulation scheme is selected, in which an injection of hCG 10,000 plays a significant role in starting this process.

HCG is the pregnancy hormone. In its natural state, the placenta begins its production from the moment of its formation and continues until childbirth.

He is also able to help the release of the egg from the ovary and support the work of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone until the placenta is formed, which then continues this process throughout the pregnancy.

When is HCG prescribed?

An injection of hCG 10,000 is prescribed when ovulation does not occur (to start it). Previously, the entire first phase, according to the scheme selected by the doctor, estrogen substitutes stimulate the growth of the follicle to the desired size. It is controlled by ultrasound. This study first occurs a couple of days after the hormone course and continues at the same interval until the doctor records that the liquid bubble has reached 20-25 mm in diameter. At this point, the drug is injected. The injection is given 2-3 days after the last dose of the stimulant.

Ovulation after an injection of hCG 10,000 occurs after 24-36 hours. With a planned pregnancy, this period of time, plus one more day, is the most favorable for conception. Therefore, sexual intercourse is necessary on the day of the injection and the next two days.

The moment of cell release can be determined using urine tests. They start from the day obtained by subtracting the number 17 from the length of the regular menstrual cycle. If the cyclicity is broken, then 17 is subtracted from its smallest duration.

It is not recommended to use tests after an injection of hCG 10000, since it will not be possible to obtain an accurate result. In this case, to confirm the fact of cell release, it is better to conduct an ultrasound scan.

Types of hCG

Get this drug from the urine of women bearing children. It is sold in ampoules with a solution in doses of 500, 1000, 1500, 5000 and 10000 units. Names can be different:

  • chorionic gonadotropin;
  • rotten;
  • horagon;
  • ecostimulin.

HCG price

The cost is different everywhere. It depends on the brand, dosage and volume of packaging (number of ampoules). The price of an injection of hCG 10,000 is an average of 1000-1500 rubles.

It should be remembered that the purchase of this drug is possible strictly by prescription. Only he decides what dose of the drug and at what time will bring the desired effect.

So, an injection of hCG performs the following functions:

  • maintaining the growth of the corpus luteum until the placenta produces progesterone;
  • assistance in the formation of the placenta itself;
  • ovulation stimulation and corpus luteum support.

How much is an hCG injection

Many are interested in the question of how much an injection of hCG 10,000 comes out. It is difficult to give an answer to it. Each female body reacts differently to medications, the withdrawal period is different for everyone. Only a blood test for this hormone can confirm its current level.

At the onset of pregnancy, how much an injection of hCG 10,000 is excreted is generally difficult to say, since the developing placenta itself begins to produce it. The conducted analytics in this case shows an ever-increasing value. So, where the action of the injection ended, and the work of natural gonadotropin began, is almost impossible to determine.

Other uses of HCG

HCG is used not only in the absence of ovulation, but also in other cases:

  • to maintain the function of the corpus luteum;
  • with a habitual miscarriage;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • in violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • to prepare for IVF.

If this injection is prescribed, you need to know in what cases it cannot be used. Treatment is contraindicated:

  • with cancer of the female genital organs;
  • individual intolerance;
  • with some diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • early menopause;
  • tendency to blood clots;
  • with obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • during breastfeeding.

When will the pregnancy

The medicine fulfilled its role, the egg was released from the ovary and moved into the fallopian tube to meet with the sperm. In anticipation of fertilization, the drug continues its action, supporting the corpus luteum, helping it produce progesterone, which is necessary for the completion of conception and the preparation of the uterus for the adoption of the ovum.

Pregnancy after an injection of hCG 10,000 occurs approximately 7 days after ovulation. This period of time is necessary for the embryo to descend into the uterus and attach to the endometrium. The placenta is immediately formed, which itself begins to produce chorionic gonadotropin, because its content increases.

Although a woman really wants to confirm this happy moment as soon as possible, it is not worth doing a pregnancy test after an injection of hCG 10,000 ahead of time. A high content of the drug can distort the result.

And even the fact that pregnancy occurs a week after ovulation will not show the full picture if you test on the 10th day after the injection of hCG 10,000. Due to its high content in the blood, you can get a false positive result.

It is also too early to start testing on the 12th day after the injection of hCG 10,000. You need to wait 1-2 weeks. But if you can't wait to confirm a fait accompli, you can take a blood test. With a frequency of every two days, growth dynamics is observed. If the indicators steadily increase, this will be confirmation of the successful development of the embryo.

In any case, when prescribing an injection of hCG 10,000, when doing pregnancy tests, the doctor decides who develops the regimen and treatment individually, adjusting to the characteristics of the female body and the data of all examinations.

When a woman has problems conceiving, treatment raises many questions and often frightens with terminology. What is an hCG injection, in what cases it is used, how effective it is, what contraindications it has - let's figure it out together.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - this term refers to the hormone that is produced in the body after fertilization of the egg and is responsible for the preservation and development of the fetus during pregnancy. It is the determination of the level of this hormone that underlies the pregnancy test.

HCG injection - instructions

  • The hormonal drug hCG is synthesized from the urine of pregnant women or genetically modified microbes with recombinant DNA. Pharmacological action is based on the stimulation of the ovulatory cycle, spermatogenesis and the production of sex hormones in the ovaries.
  • HCG-based preparations are effective in corpus luteum deficiency, ovarian dysfunction, infertility caused by the absence of ovulation, the threat of miscarriage, and the risk of premature birth. These hormonal preparations can also be prescribed for assisted reproductive techniques (in vitro fertilization)
  • Chorionic gonadotropin is available as a solution for intramuscular injection or a lyophilizate (a component for preparing a solution). In the case of stimulation of ovulation, injections are made into the abdomen using a syringe with a short (insulin) needle. This method is more effective and painless.
  • The dosage of the drug, as well as recommendations for its use, are prescribed by the attending physician based on multiple studies. The exact dose of the drug should be calculated strictly individually, based on the level of hormones, the size of the follicles, the thickness of the endometrial layer of the uterus and other tests.
  • Menogon, Pregnil, Humegon, Profazi, Novarel, Ovidrel, etc. are used as injection drugs. Their action is aimed at restoring the function of ovulation and stimulating hormonal activity caused by an increase in the level of hCG in the blood
HCG injection in the abdomen

In general, the following doses of the drug are used:

  • in case of violation of the ovulatory process, 5000-10000 ME is prescribed once
  • at the risk of miscarriage, as well as the threat of termination of pregnancy - no later than the 8th week of gestation, the first time is 10,000 ME, then 2 times a week until the 14th week inclusive - 5,000 ME each
  • In the process of artificial insemination after stimulation of the development of follicles, 10,000 ME are prescribed once

The hCG injection has a number of contraindications that you need to pay attention to:

  • malignant tumor formation of the ovaries
  • early onset of menopause
  • lactation period
  • thrombophlebitis or predisposition to this disease
  • established obstruction of the fallopian tubes
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the adrenal glands
  • individual sensitivity to components (allergy)

If the order of procedures is violated or an overdose of the drug, side effects may occur in the form of acne, polycystosis, ascites, thromboembolism due to ovarian hyperstimulation.

Doctor's consultation for diagnosing the state of the body of a woman

HCG injection: why do they do it and when?

HCG injections are used as a drug for the prevention and treatment of female infertility, as well as the preservation of the fetus during pregnancy. Injections are made:

  • to stimulate the egg and reduce the risk of cyst formation, which occurs when the follicle does not break, but shrinks in size
  • to preserve the vital activity of the corpus luteum in early pregnancy
  • to maintain the functions of the formation and development of the placenta
  • at the risk of miscarriage - especially if such pathologies have already been repeatedly
  • in case of artificial insemination for the effect of "superovulation"

HCG injection for ovulation

Most often, an hCG injection is used in the absence of ovulation, i.e. violation of the function of maturation of the egg, capable of fertilization. This condition can be due to various reasons:

  • polycystic ovaries
  • tumor formations
  • increased physical activity and fatigue
  • stressful conditions
  • taking certain medications

In the course of diagnosing a violation of ovulatory function, a woman needs to be tested for hormone levels, regularly record basal temperature, and undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

  • Such examinations should determine the need for inducing ovulation by injecting hCG. In some cases, normalizing the levels of thyroid hormones, testosterone and prolactin can naturally restore the ovulation cycle.
  • To confirm the absence of ovulation, constant ultrasound monitoring of the development and growth of follicles is prescribed. The first study is carried out on the 8-10th day from the date of the last menstruation, then it is repeated with an interval of 2-3 days before the next

Testing for hormones before hormone therapy

In the process of research, it can be established:

  • Complete absence of ovulatory function due to malfunction of the ovaries - follicles do not mature
  • The main follicle matures, but does not develop to the required size
  • The follicle develops normally, but there is no opening of the follicular sac and release of the egg

If during the course of observations it is revealed that the follicle does not burst, an hCG injection can be prescribed to resume ovulation. An additional ultrasound is scheduled 24-36 hours after the injection to confirm successful stimulation.

Continuous ultrasound monitoring to track changes during stimulation with hCG injections

How long does it take to ovulate after an hCG injection?

  • When a problem is identified, infertility treatment should be carried out under constant supervision. The first injection is prescribed on the 2nd day of the cycle for 10 days
  • The entire process of maturation of follicles and their growth is controlled by ultrasound. When the size of the follicles is 20-25 mm, their opening is stimulated, for this an injection of hCG is administered in the required dosage
  • The increase in the level of the hormone occurs during the first days after the injection. Therefore, positive ovulation tests during the first 3 days cannot reliably indicate its onset.
  • Usually, after an injection of hCG, ovulation occurs between 24 and 36 hours. In some cases, ovulation may not occur or may occur much later. The onset of ovulation can be determined using ultrasound
  • Once ovulation is confirmed, shots of the hormones utrogestan and progesterone are usually given to support ovarian function.

How long after the hCG injection to do the test

  • An ovulation test is recommended 3 days after the procedure. The increase in hormone levels after ovulation occurs gradually and doubles every 3 days
  • An active increase is noted in the first trimester of gestation, since the woman's body, under the influence of the administered drug, begins to actively produce hormones that promote conception - estrogen and progesterone
  • Recommendations on the number and desired time of sexual intercourse during the stimulation period are made by the attending physician, taking into account the examination and the results of the man's spermogram. After the main injection, you can start trying the very next day with a necessary break before and some time after the formation of the corpus luteum - the actual onset of ovulation

Testing after an hCG injection is recommended no earlier than 72 hours later

HCG injections during pregnancy

Hormonal injections for pregnant women are prescribed in case of diagnosing a sharp drop in the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. Before prescribing hormone therapy, an additional examination for hormone levels is carried out.

If the deviation from the norm is significant and up to 20% down, hCG injections are prescribed without fail.

A decrease in the level of the hormone can signal the development of the following pathologies of pregnancy:

  • suspected ectopic pregnancy
  • frozen pregnancy
  • dysfunction of the placenta
  • threat of interruption

Prescribing an hCG injection to pregnant women to maintain the functions of the placenta and preserve the fetus

The presence of a high level of the hormone hCG in the absence of pregnancy may be an indicator of the development of a cancerous tumor. It has not yet been established whether the production of the hormone is a consequence or cause of cancer, but since 2011, unlicensed homeopathic and food products, the content of hCG, which were advertised as ancillary drugs for the treatment of infertility, have been banned from sale.

Ovulation after hCG injection occurs in different time, depending on the established diagnosis and the medication itself. The injection is divided into several types, namely hCG: 1500, 3000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 10000. This article tells how long it takes after an injection of hCG for ovulation to occur.

Different Types of Ovulation Stimulation Schemes

First of all, the doctor conducts an examination of the couple. After establishing the diagnosis, the physician determines the treatment regimen, which provides for the duration of the course of treatment, the complex of drugs, the dosage and the type of the drug itself.

Usually an injection of hCG (Chorionic Gonadotropin) is prescribed if a woman has such correspondences:

  • age up to 35 years;
  • FSH levels are within normal limits;
  • good spermogram of the husband;
  • lack of ineffective long-term infertility treatment under the IVF program;
  • normal patency of the pipes.

As problems are identified, the doctor selects a drug with a certain level of hCG content. Among these funds may be: Horagon, Pregnil, Profazi, Ovitrel.

Numerous options are offered among the schemes:

  • a single injection of Chorionic Gonadotropin 5000 or 10000. Usually, after 24-36 hours, the corpus luteum reaches the desired size;
  • to stimulate the corpus luteum, a drug of 1500 or 5000 is prescribed. It is possible that the waiting time may be delayed.

There are also hCG regimens for boys before puberty and men.

How long to wait before ovulation after an injection?

Usually, the maturation of the egg occurs 36 hours after the injection. But the fact that a girl is able to get pregnant naturally after treatment is not a fact. It is possible that for fertilization she will need help, or rather, such procedures as IVF and IUI.

In addition to the above, the stimulant drug implies a number of drug additions after treatment. HCG injections change the hormonal background of a woman. To achieve stabilization at the end of the Chorionic Gonadotropin injection, the doctor prescribes medications: Utrozhestan or Duphaston, or Iprozhin.

Can there be no ovulation at all after treatment?

For some women, the injection does not really help even after long-term treatment. In such situations, the doctor determines a different course for the girl according to the examination.

As already mentioned, egg maturation occurs 36 hours after vaccination. And do not despair if the result is a little delayed. It is possible that the effect will manifest itself in a few days or weeks.

How long does it take to have sex in order for the egg to be fertilized?

If everything is in order with the husband's sperm, then daily sex is recommended for 3 days after the injection. For problems with sperm, sex is productive on the day of the injection and every other day.

As a rule, doctors advise experimenting with conception every other day.

When can you do the test?

Tests are usually carried out 3 days after vaccination. In most cases, ovulation occurs during this period.

No matter what the test or ultrasound shows, do not despair. Previously, women waited for years for a pregnancy that never happened. Today, medicine is growing every day. And, it seems, has already reached its peak. And at times she, truly, creates a diva. 1 - 2 unsuccessful attempts - this is not a reason for frustration. Pregnancy does not always happen when you most expect it. The main thing is to believe - and this faith will certainly justify itself.

The hCG hormone plays an important role in the human body. It is responsible for the reproductive function of the female and male genital organs, and also supports the development of the fetus in the womb. The lack of this hormone affects the ability of women to conceive, so gynecologists in such cases prescribe an injection of hCG.

Preparations, which include human chorionic gonadotropin, are used to treat men and women. The active substance can be obtained in several ways. Most manufacturers extract it from the urine of pregnant women, but some synthesize a specific protein using recombinant DNA.

There are many drugs containing hCG or its synthetic analogues, for example, Humegon, Pregnil, Ovitrelle. Doctors sometimes prescribe additional drugs for the treatment of infertility: Diferelin, Luveris, Duphaston, etc.

Release form and composition of chorionic gonadotropin

Chorionic gonadotropin is produced in the form of a special powder, from which a solution for intramuscular injections is made. The powder is obtained by lyophilization - vacuum drying of biological material. This allows you to significantly extend its shelf life. The drug is packaged in sealed glass ampoules or vials. They are placed in plastic or cardboard cells of 5 or 10 pieces. The package should also contain ampoules with a solvent - a solution of sodium chloride at a concentration of 0.9%. They need to dilute the powder until completely dissolved. In addition to the main component, the composition of the drug also includes mannitol, which prevents clumping of the dry matter and promotes its uniform dissolution. It is a neutral component.

More often in pharmacies you can find chorionic gonadotropin 1500 IU, but there are other dosage options:

  • 1000,
  • 3000,
  • 5000,
  • 10000.

The concentration of the drug is selected individually based on the diagnosis and prescription of the attending physician. The composition of the drug from different manufacturers may vary slightly, all this is indicated in the package leaflet, the price may also differ. Store the drug in a cool place without direct sunlight.

Gonadotropin shot

Intramuscular injections of the drug are prescribed for various deviations in the reproductive system. Throughout the entire period of therapy, the patient is under observation and passes control tests.

Purpose and indications for hCG injections

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of infertility in women and men, as well as to maintain the natural level of the hormone in the body during pregnancy. Depending on the purpose, the injection scheme varies, as well as the duration of the course.

There are a number of indications for which the administration of gonadotropin is prescribed:

  • Stimulation of ovulation. In the event that a woman has problems with the development of eggs, injections of the drug help this process to proceed more actively. True, the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy increases.
  • Reducing the risk of cyst growth. The hormone prevents the follicle from shrinking and forming a benign tumor inside the ovaries. Normally, the follicle bursts, and the cyst does not develop.
  • Maintenance of the corpus luteum at the initial stage of pregnancy. Due to hormonal imbalance, it can flake off and provoke a miscarriage.
  • Conducting artificial insemination and preparing the reproductive system of a woman for the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity. In the process of such ovulation, not one follicle is obtained, but several at once.
  • Exclusion of the risk of miscarriage at an early stage, if there was already a negative experience earlier.
  • Presence of hydatidiform mole during previous pregnancies.

Such injections help not only to conceive a child, but also to endure it. With a correctly calculated dosage, it is possible to treat infertility in women with hormonal imbalance.

Stimulation of ovulation

An injection of hCG when stimulating ovulation is used if it cannot pass naturally. The causes of the problem are different, but the most common are tumor formations, medication that suppresses reproductive function, and polycystic ovaries. Injections are prescribed only on the basis of deciphering the data obtained from the results of tests for the level of hormones in the body.

Ultrasound of the pelvic area, as well as a table of measurements of the patient's basal temperature, plays an equally important role. The drug stimulates the onset of the ovulation period, regardless of what happens next with a mature egg. She will either be fertilized naturally, or will be withdrawn for the IVF cryoprotocol.

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Hormone treatment begins from the first day of menstruation, and if the cycle is knocked down, then from the first expected day of menstruation. It is worth considering the fact that oral contraceptives should be canceled no later than 5-7 days before the start of therapy. During the stimulation of ovulation, you can not drink alcohol, drugs, it is not recommended to smoke. This can negatively affect the reproductive processes in the body. It is worth limiting physical activity, as well as protecting a woman from stress and worries. It is recommended to avoid sex during this period. Sexual intercourse will be effective only 5 days after ovulation.

When is testing done after an hCG injection?

After a woman has been given an injection of gonadotropin to stimulate ovulation, at least 3 days must pass before the release of the egg from the follicle. Sometimes it takes a little over 24 hours. At the same time, increased production of progesterone begins.

Depending on the length of the cycle, ovulation tests after the hCG injection begin to be done:

  • 17 days before the onset of menstruation, if the length of the cycle is known and constant.
  • 15 days before the start of menstruation, if the length of the cycle is not constant. To calculate the day, take the shortest cycle in the last 6 months.

Every day after diagnosing the growth of the follicle using ultrasound. This option is appropriate if there are long delays and breaks in cycles.

There is a huge variety of tests that differ not only in cost, but also in sensitivity. It is better to choose which test to use with your doctor.

Contraindications for HCG injection

Like any hormonal drug, chorionic gonadotropin injections have some contraindications. They are more associated with tumor neoplasms, as well as some individual characteristics of the organism.

Injections are contraindicated in the presence of any inflammatory processes associated with the reproductive system. This applies to both women and men. You can not inject the drug if there is a pituitary tumor, as well as malignant neoplasms in the ovaries.

Women with early menopause are also not recommended to use gonadotropin for medicinal purposes. The same applies to mothers who breastfeed their children, since the hormone enters the milk through the blood. Because of this, deviations in the development of the genital organs of the child may appear. If there is suspicion or an established diagnosis of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the doctor does not prescribe hCG injections. Do not use the drug for thrombophlebitis and chronic inflammatory processes in the adrenal glands.

Instructions for use

Regardless of the diagnosis, gonadotropin is prescribed intramuscularly. When planning pregnancy before using the drug, it is recommended to undergo a complete examination. When stimulating the ovulation process, one-time injections are used with a dosage of 5000 to 10000 IU. If there is a need to maintain the corpus luteum, then the drug is administered on the 3rd, 6th and 9th day after the onset of ovulation, the dosage is 1500-5000 IU.

Stimulation of superovulation for egg collection for IVF is also carried out using gonadotropin injections. For this, 10,000 IU are administered once. After 34-36 hours, the eggs are removed for their further fertilization. This is done in the case when a woman cannot become pregnant on her own. If there is a possibility of spontaneous abortion, and symptoms appear no later than 8 weeks, the woman is injected with 10,000 IU on the first day and then 2 times a week for 5000 IU. Therapy continues up to 14 weeks. If a woman’s previous pregnancy was interrupted due to a lack of the hCG hormone in the body, then when diagnosing a subsequent one, the same dosage is prescribed as a prevention of miscarriage as in case of a threatened miscarriage.

When diagnosing delayed sexual development, boys are prescribed from 3000 to 5000 IU once every 7 days. The duration of the course is at least 3 months, after which, if necessary, repetition is possible. Men are injected with 500-2000 IU 2 times a week. The duration of therapy is 1.5–2 months. If idiopathic normohormonal oligospermia occurs, then it is treated with a weekly injection of 5000 IU of gonadotropin in combination with menotropin (menopausal gonadotropin). The course lasts 12 weeks. If the disease has developed due to androgen deficiency, 2500 units of the hormone are injected every 5 days for 3 months.

Gonadotropin preparations may cause some side effects. Most often they occur with an overdose. Women may show signs of ovarian hyperstimulation and a significant increase in their size. At this time, the chest and lower abdomen may also hurt. In case of allergic reactions, redness may appear at the injection site, as well as a feeling of itching and pain. The general condition and well-being of the patient can deteriorate significantly. The drug is excreted by the kidneys, so attempts to check for pregnancy using test strips do not give the correct result. An increased concentration in non-pregnant women can be observed for another 36-45 hours after the last injection.

Chorionic gonadotropin for men

Chorionic gonadotropin is used to treat diseases of the reproductive system in men. In addition, the drug is used by athletes. If the functionality of the testicles in boys is assessed in the diagnosis of cryptorchidism or anarchism, an injection of 5000 IU is practiced once. For the treatment of cryptorchidism, gonadotropin is used at a dosage of 500–1000 units if the patient is less than 6 years old. The drug is injected 2 times a week for 1.5 months. For children over 6 years of age and adults, this dosage increases to 1500 IU.