Varicose during pregnancy treatment. Prevention of excessive weight gain. When urgent appeal to the doctor

Varicose veins - one of the common phenomena, with which future mothers face in the most responsible period of their lives. According to statistics, approximately 20-30% of women face this disease during the first pregnancy, and in the future risks increase significantly: 40-60% of those who give rise to the second time, and up to 80% for the third pregnancy. Varicose is not just a cosmetic defect, but also a serious violation that can lead to unpleasant consequences, so it should begin to fight him immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms.

Varicose can occur at a woman at any time, but pregnancy creates the most favorable conditions for the development of the disease. During the period of tooling the child, the body mass and the amount of blood circulating in the foot vessels increases, changes in the hormonal background occur. In addition, the uterus begins to put pressure on the vessels and veins, because of which the blood flow in the lower extremities is worse.

If such phenomena are accompanied by sedentary work, wearing uncomfortable shoes, improper nutrition or genetic pathologies, the varicose veins begins to progress quickly.

Attention: A tendency to varicking can be recognized even before pregnancy - it says a bluish mesh from the vessels, which is on the legs of some women. In this case, a woman is worth paying special attention to the health of the lower limbs, since during the nesting the baby, it can develop varicose veins.

Signs of varicose

Varicosis develops due to defects of the valves and thinning their walls, as a result of which there is a circulation of blood flow (most often in the legs, less often - in the villages of small pelvis and vagina). The first signs of the disease include:

  • fast fatigue of the lower extremities, developing subsequently into strong discomfort and even pain;
  • convulsions and swelling that usually manifest themselves in the late afternoon;
  • the appearance of "nets", "stars" and "worm", that is, well-visible veins;
  • vienna acquire lilac or bluish color and begin to hardly drink over the skin surface;
  • the appearance of skin and trophic ulcers.

Important: In the launched stage of the disease, a serious complication may occur, which requires immediate medical care - a gap of a node, accompanied by strong bleeding.

What is dangerous varicose veins?

Varicose veins of the lower extremities are often combined with veins of the vagina veins, which badly affects the course of pregnancy and recovery after childbirth. The consequence of the disease often becomes hemorrhoids, the cracks of the vagina and the rectum that can be bleeded. Despite the fact that bleeding in this case is insignificant, it negatively affects the development and health of the child. Accordingly, varicose veins in pregnant women cannot ignore - if you begin treatment at an early stage, the disease will not have unwanted consequences for the future mother and baby.

Treatment of varicosis in pregnant women

Sometimes symptoms of varicosis in future mothers pass on their own after childbirth - it happens when the woman was conceived before the conception of the vein in good condition. But in most cases, the problem begins to be aggravated by delivering to the future mother serious discomfort. For the treatment of varicose veins and combating unpleasant symptoms, creams and gels are most often used, which should be selected taking into account the "interesting" position of the patient.

Creams and gels against varicose veins for pregnant women

A drugPictureActive substancesTherapeutic effectMode of application
"Venosal Plus" Extracts of healing plants (calendula, ginkgo two-sighted, gamamemis, donnik), d-panthenolVienna tones, takes off swelling and inflammationApplied twice a day, well rubs into the skin
"VORRAM" Extracts from horse chestnut, donel, calendula, raspberry leaves, birch, laminaria extractVascotonic and protective effect, anti-inflammatory and painful effectApplied to the skin 2-4 times a day, rubs away with light movements
"Mom Comfort" Horse chestnut extract, vegetable oilsRemoves swelling, tones the skin, protects against stretch marks and the appearance of vascular starsRubbed into the skin several times a day. Suitable not only for legs, but also for chest skin. Effective exclusively for prevention of varicose
"Grandmother Agafia Recipes" Extracts from horse chestnut, Melissa, Toll, plantain, Cedar oilRemoves the bloody veins, strengthens the vascular walls, improves blood circulation, has a relaxing effect.Applied to the skin several times a day. Ineffective with progressive varicose
"VOLOLIF" Decpaantenol, Troxerutin, Phenylethyl alcoholIt has an painful effect, fights with edema, improves blood supply, effective with progressive varicose varicoseApplied 2-3 times a day, treatment course 14-21 days
"Lioton" Heparin sodiumRemoves swelling, has an anticoagulant action, improves blood microcirculation, dissolves hematomaApplied with a thin layer 1-3 times a day, carefully rubs
"Troksevazin" TrokSerutinReduces pain and swelling, improves the condition in venous insufficiency, improves blood flowIt is applied with a thin layer in the morning and in the evening, rubs into the skin with light movements. Not applied in the first trimester of pregnancy

Attention: Despite the fact that the above preparations do not penetrate through the placental barrier and have an exceptionally local action, it is necessary to consult with the doctor before use.

Video - How to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk recipes against varicose veins are considered safer than pharmacological preparations, but when they are used, care should also be taken and follow the body's response.

  1. Hop shyshi. The most common means against varicose veins. It is necessary to take a tablespoon of shishchek, ferment with a glass of boiling water, put for 20 minutes on a water bath, filter and squeeze. Use for cooking compresses: Apply a natural fabric to the flap, wrap the affected places, hold 20 minutes, and the limbs must lie on a small elevation. Make 2 procedures per day.

    Hop bumps - this is the most common means against varicose

  2. Horse chestnut. Extracts from this plant are part of almost all drugs intended for the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other diseases of the vessels, since the plant has anti-inflammatory, anti-essay and toning effect. The decoction is prepared in the same way as in the previous case, and the compress can be left overnight.
  3. Chamomile. Pharmacy chamomile is another common tool that removes inflammation, swelling and cools the skin. Take a glass bottle, fill it tightly with flowers to almost the edges and pour in any vegetable oil so that it covers flowers. Insist a month, periodically firmly shake the container. Profiltrate, well, squeeze, wash the oil 1-2 times a day.

  4. Calendula. A tablespoon of flowers to fervent a glass of boiling water, to hold the hour under the lid, profile. Melt 200 g of Lanolin (can be purchased at the pharmacy) and mix well with 50 g of the calendula. The resulting ointment is to apply 1-2 times a day, you can apply for compresses for the night.
  5. Herbal fees. Another good remedy against varicose veins - foot baths with calendula, chamomile, horse chestnut, birch leaves, hop cones, birch leaves. Take 200 g of herbs, crushing, fervent 2 liters of boiling water, warm up 10 minutes in a water bath, after which leave another hour in a good closed dishes. It should be filtered, pour into a suitable container (the temperature should be no higher than 38 degrees), lower your legs, keep 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, make a light massage and lie with raised legs for at least 40 minutes. It should be noted that such a procedure is contraindicated in acute thrombophlebitis.

How completely and forever get rid of varicose veins!

Varicose causes serious complications and consequences. There is a way that helps forever get rid of varicose ... Read more

Varicosis - what causes, prevention of the disease. We treat people's folk remedies at home, reviews of doctors and patients. The article wrote possible methods for the treatment of varicose veins with the operation and folk remedies at home. , Proper nutrition and diet, exercises and methods of preventing the disease.


Varicose veins are expanding, the valves are not able to distill blood, which is why there is a gradual violation of all blood flow in the human body. What is dangerous disease and women? Initially, small venous nets appear, which themselves already say that the varicose disease begins to develop. After that veins begin to swell, it becomes more and change your color, which becomes more noticeable to stand out on the lower limbs and bring a lot of inconvenience.

The essence of the extension of the veins on the legs - the veins begin to swell, it becomes more, nodes appear, they are also called a web or a grid. Because of these inconvenience, blood cannot normally move on the veins in the body, gradually stirres and presses the walls of the vessels. Problems begin ...

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The veins in man tender and fragile, over time they can lose their strength and there are many reasons and factors. They need to help in time, otherwise there will be problems. On the Internet there are many photos of damaged veins, see what a result may be, and draw conclusions.

He inflamed or burst, burning begins, hurts vein under his knee or behind his feet - be attentive and make the right solution in time.

It can develop not only on the legs (lower limbs), but also on other parts of the body. Problems with veins may arise in their hands, develop on the veins of a small pelvis, esophagus, in the genitals (in groin, on the testicles of men), uterus (female organs, in pregnant women), in children of adolescents. Most risks lies with women, but can exist in men.

The doctor also diagnoses varicose veins of the lower limbs, and unpleasant diseases associated with the venous system of man.

Causes of varicose

In each disease, there are causes of occurrence, the same and in veins have their own reasons for veins of veins on feet in women and men. It is initially difficult to say and think, you fall under the list or not. Development can pass unnoticed to humans.

What are the main reasons for the occurrence of illness, which must be paid attention to:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle. If you move little throughout the day, it may be bad to appear on your veins. The blood circulation on the veins begins to deteriorate, thereby gradually stagnant (stand still) and form a cob. Especially in our time, many people are sitting in offices behind computers. It is called hypodynamia - long-finding standing or sitting.
  2. The opposite cause from the first - long stay on the legs during the whole working day. If you have a standing job on which most of the time you spend standing - the risk of disease increases. A long stay standing gives a large pressure on his feet, blood cannot flow into the lower limbs in normal mode and will certainly be stamped in one place. As a result, the appearance of venous nodules.
  3. Ask your relatives who are sick of them with such a disease. It may be grandmother, grandfather, mom or dad. There is a risk of development through a genetic level, a hereditary disease. Often you can meet the doctor just such an option. Flabog will definitely ask about this option. Is he inherited - yes.
  4. The period of pregnancy is a failure in hormones in women. A very difficult period in which there is a great risk of development. In this paragraph, you can note puberty and climax. May develop, vagina, vaginal (in an intimate place, groove).
  5. Nerves - the reason for many problems. Varicosis falls under such an item. Serious sharp stress and problems with the nervous system.
  6. Alcohol damages, the walls of the vessels gradually begin to lose their former tone and elasticity. Consequences can be sad.
  7. Overweight to which can lead - it can also be caused and only to complicate the problem. Extra kilograms have a serious pressure on a small pelvis and lower limbs. What is your legs to restrain such pressure, they are not easy and the blood begins to strange.
  8. Elastic clothing, long time to enter the heels in the pressure of veins, without giving the blood of a normal vessel movement. Special attention to girls and teenagers who love to wear tight jeans so much.
  9. Age - the body makes it with him, thereby losing its former qualities. The walls of the vessels are no longer such elastic, the person moves little, lies in one place.
  10. Injury and damage to veins.
  11. Thrombosis - the appearance of thrombus, the presence of cardiovascular problems.
  12. Hemorrhoids can also be the cause. You need to use pills from hemorrhoids or candles.
  13. Heavy physical work. Men, which, for example, work with loaders or are severely passionate about the gym and professional sports are hung under this cause. Also under this item falls the army.
  14. Excessive visit to the sauna and bath give their loads

Symptoms of varicose

Symptoms of feet varicose men and women are easy to notice, but at the same time it is easy to confuse with ordinary fatigue. The most important feature is expanded subcutaneous veins on the legs. The disease can develop at younger age, do not forget about this fact. Pregnant women often come to risk in any period of pregnancy, before or after.

At the very beginning, ordinary, no different symptoms, which can be absolutely every healthy person, appear:

  1. Fatigue and gravity in the legs are the first symptom when varicose varicose develops. After the arrival home you just want to go on a bed because of the pain in the legs.
  2. One or more veins can in the literal sense of the word to open, become more and noticeable, compared with others.
  3. The feeling of burning, so I want to touch them and scratch. It is uncomfortable and inconvenient, even in a lying position.
  4. A familiar situation, when at night you wake up due to seizures. Wake up because of pain in the legs, the cramps reduced the leg and need some time to come to the previous state.
  5. Back on healthy veins there may be pain and swelling.

It is with Varicose veins on the legs that you can notice edema on the soft tissues of the foot, ankle and legs. Every person has its own symptoms, they differ fundamentally from each other and manifest themselves in different ways. It is impossible to specifically conclude on individual symptoms. The main thing and general that unites people - the severity and pain in the legs.

The disease also has its own stages of the development of veins. Each stage refers to itself its development period and the form of the disease. Also considered symptoms, complications and other factors.

As practice and research of doctors shows, women age from 30 years are more susceptible to the risk of the disease. Be sure to pay attention to it.

Depending at what place the disease begins to progress, it has its own species. Do not confuse with stages. If on the legs - one species, the rectum is another look:

  • expansion of the veins of the rectum in the back pass, in other words hemorrhoids;
  • varicocele - progresses in men on eggs and seed coffees. Very often you can meet with men and adolescents absolutely different ages, 18, 20, 25, 27, 30 years;
  • it does not cause any difficulties to Parks-Weber-Rubashov Syndrome. There are many pathological revenues;
  • champion common - varicose veins of the lower extremities. It is in this place that the development is most often;
  • may occur during pregnancy and after childbirth.

1 stage or in other words initial stage. In the first stage, you will not notice any symptoms that you can notice with your eyes, nothing will be visible on the skin. Everything passes unnoticed for you when you do not even suspect.

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How I beat the problem with the figure and got rid of the varicose on my legs! My method is proven and accurate. My story on my blog here!

The very first signs can be like ordinary people, fatigue and gravity in the legs. Each time in the evening, when you come from work, a sense of discomfort appears, which will increase every time. Small swelling on legs can also appear. Worried about such sensations for a full year, after which they are moving to the second stage of development. Treatment in the early stages is possible.
2 The varicose stage develops with those the most symptoms, but already in a stronger form. All the same, only already stronger, more and worse. Gravity in the legs are more and more, it becomes not pleasant and legs begin to disturb. At night, convulsions can also appear, up to 5 times per night.

Very unpleasant feeling, the leg is directly closed, from which a person immediately wakes up. After 1-2 minutes, the leg ops. We also begin to appear visual symptoms in the form of vascular meshes on the skin. This is usually the shin, stop and thigh.

ATTENTION! If at the moment it is not to start treatment and prevention, further complications may appear that go to the third stage. It is recommended to visit the doctor to buy ointment, gel or apply other recipes from traditional medicine.

3 Stage becomes much more dangerous than the previous two. All symptoms, unpleasant feelings and visual changes progress and become more at times. The affected veins on the legs are highlighted significantly and become convex, enlarged, change their color and get out of the skin.

An increase in the affected area on the body becomes characteristic of this period, such affected veins becomes more. It is added to all in the additives and eczema. The skin gradually loses its elasticity, quality and elasticity. It even changes its color and loses its useful quality for the body.

Over time, trophic ulcers appear, heal which is very, very not just. Because of the skin area open, which can go any infection, go blood. There is also a big risk of thrombophlebitis.

In addition, it is not necessary to think that you need to deal only with a separate area of \u200b\u200bskin, for example, lower limbs, ulcers and thrombophlebitis can also serve as the development of the disease in other places and not only in their part.

4 Stage of Varicoza is the hardest and dangerous. and increases and gains momentum. The skin and tissue is damaged, the temperature may also appear. Because of this, the entire human body and other organs also begin to suffer. Trophic ulcers progress significantly and increase.

In addition to all this, patients can complain about constant pains in the legs standing and sitting, breaking in the body and tingling. Deals often goes next to thrombophlebitis, one complements another. After that, ulcers develop in running stages.

Treatment of varicose veins by folk remedies at home

In addition to medication, there is a huge number of different recipes and ointles from traditional medicine, with the help of which you can conduct treatment and prevention of varicose veins by folk remedies at home.

Recipes can be asked to grandmothers, find in the newspaper, ask the doctor. All of them in their own help and facilitate the symptoms.

ATTENTION! You need to know and understand, each person has its own individual organism and its approach is required. One tool may not come up and do not affect how another will play its role at that time and will help cure varicose veins.

Treatment with folk remedies must be applied, there is no difficulty and costs. Moreover, all procedures can be carried out at home. Choose a suitable method for yourself and try to apply it.

Olga, 36 Moscow. I personally use folk remedies as adding to the main treatment. Even the doctor advises several recipes, especially apple vinegar and all sorts of ointments and gels.

Natalia, 44 Ekaterinburg. I personally helps, I advise everyone to try. Just cook it needs with your own hands, try and everything will work out. Excellent remedy against problems with veins.

Oleg, 39 Kiev. I love to go to the gym, of course because of this vein frightened, becomes much more noticeable than before. I have a cream and compress in the arsenal. In the evenings, I do it better than just do nothing.

Apple vinegar

One of the most popular ways is the apple vinegar against varicose veins and arthritis, which is best prepared at home. You can also buy it in the store, but it is better not to do this because of all sorts of additives that spoil the quality of the product.

Reviews about it are very positive, all it is only praised as it acts and helps. You can open any forum and make sure yourself. There are no contraindications, does not harm.

On the Internet there is a video on this topic, how to make it right, how to use, recipe than useful how to drink and how to use. Apply even wrapping with apple vinegar and show how to rub.

Cooking recipe is very simple. Collect or buy the freshest apples themselves. Do not buy ready-made vinegar in the store. If apples are natural without additives, the result of cooking will also be at a high level.

Rinse them thoroughly and cut 1-2 kilograms of fresh apples. We place apples in the usual pan. At 1 kilogram of apples add 50 grams of sugar. If the apples are sour, you can add 100 grams of sugar. After adding sugar, pour a saucepan with hot water under the level of apples.

We put the mixture in a dark place, you need to stir several times a day. Two weeks check what happened. We mix the finished mixture, flicker through the gauze and overflow the finished product into the jar. You need to pour not fully the whole bank, leave a little place to ferment. In this form you need to keep about 2-3 weeks.

Time will give yourself to know, about 2 weeks apple vinegar will be ready. Pour again through gauze to another bank and close it.

Ready vinegar can be drunk and applied on affected parts of the body. You can also rub into your feet and apply the baths.

Natalia Sergeevna, St. Petersburg. The most popular method that is advised to apply many doctors. The most important thing to collect and do everything on your own. No need to buy a finished product in the store, sense and use will not be anything.

Sergey, Chelyabinsk. I personally helps, an excellent thing and method of prevention. No wonder there are so many positive feedback about it. I did not find any negative review about him. It acts much better than many expensive tablets and drugs. Cheap way to treat patients of veins.

Horse chestnut

The horse's cap with varicose veins is considered the most popular tool for the prevention of the disease. It contains therapeutic properties necessary for use with affected veins. Each forum on the Internet contains only positive feedback about the horse chestnut.

The chestnut tincture on alcohol or chestnut tincture is considered useful, strengthens the walls of the vessels and has many useful substances in themselves that help prevent varicose veins.

How to prepare and insist such horse chestnut, the recipe for cooking will not force for a long time. The use of alcohol and vodka are used. Also of them can be made compress externally.

We collect the fruits of chestnut, the best chestnuts can be collected in front of the fall, when the fruits are already large and matured. But the leaves and flowers are best collecting at the beginning of the spring, when they only dismissed. This colors contain a huge amount of useful substances.

At the heart of chestnut and alcohol, can be replaced with vodka. We collect chestnuts along with the skin and thoroughly grind them, so that it turned out 50-70 grams. Fill with vodka with a 2: 1 ratio. Per 100 grams of chestnuts account for 200 grams of vodka. After 3 weeks, the finished product can be taken inside 10-15 drops a couple of times a day.

In the first stages, when the flowers of Chestnuts recently bloomed, they must be collected. Try to collect as many such flowers as possible. Sometimes the collection process itself may be difficult. Rinse them, remove the extra garbage and fill 50-100 grams of vodka depending on the volume. Close in the bank and let it brew 3-4 weeks. After that, you can take inward 50-70 drops.

Similar recipe from the previous section, you need to collect chestnut flowers. Without any additives, try to squeeze as much juice as possible. For such a recipe, many chestnuts will be required. This juice can be drunk every day and smear damaged skin areas. This technique will be useful for blood as a whole.

As promised in the centers of phlebology themselves, phlebologists themselves, with the help of a laser you can remove varicose veins in 40 minutes. For this, it is necessary to pass one procedure - endovenous intravascular laser coagulation (EVLK). With it, you can get completely healthy veins. Doctors call such a way one of the most guaranteed treatment methods in medicine.

Attention! Before coming to a doctor and carry out the procedure, ask you to familiarize yourself with the certificate of quality, which technologies will be used which action process and of course guarantees.

The effectiveness of this method shows excellent results and is not inferior to the results of surgical phlebectomy. In the process of working risks will be minimal. There should be no complications, injuries and side effects. The legs will acquire the original appearance that was present initially. There will be no convex veins, scars and scars will not remain.
As the practice of doctors shows, after applying laser coagulation, the varicosemost is no longer returned. By time, the operation laser is not more than one hour. After graduation, the patient can safely go home. The treatment with a laser with this method includes such steps:

  1. The doctor will propose to apply local anesthesia. Do not refuse and listen to recommendations.
  2. In the coagulation process will be used disposable fiber.
  3. Thanks to ultrasound, the process of action is controlled. A subtle light guide is taken and gradually introduced into a sick varicose vein. Moves through microscopic punctures on bone education, which is located at the bottom of the leg.
  4. The temperature begins to become more, thanks to such temporal temperature differences, varicose veins will be closed.
  5. After the procedure, the doctor will suggest a medical compression knitwear for some time. Such a knitwear is found in the form of pantyms, stockings, socks, gheth.

Attention! Thanks to one-time filaments, maximum safety for the human body will be made. There will be no trace after surgery, the risk of infection and infection is reduced to zero. Thanks to the experience and professional qualities of doctors, such a procedure is considered safe and effective. Removal of affected veins will be painless.

Remember, if the varicose veins began to develop, it is not necessary to pull and wait until the disease passes itself. , Flabogus will help with diagnostics and select the right method of treatment. Treatment of veins on the legs with a laser is in great demand. How much is what cost is the price of such a procedure within 40-50 thousand rubles.

Patient reviews are positive, complaints do not come, there are no contraindications. Phlebology centers can be found in almost every city. In Moscow, Ufa, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Cheboksary, Gomel. Also in Yoshkar Ola, Vitebsk, Minsk, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk. On the territory of Ukraine in Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev.


Before you take advantage of the procedure and find out what sclerotherapy works, you need to know an important factor. What will be the result and how treatment will be undergoing - largely depends on the attending physician.

If the patient has the initial stage of development of veins varicose veins, a vascular mesh appeared and the first signs are visible, sclerotherapy can help. In other words, the term is called sclerosation. In the process of operation, a special device is introduced into the vein, called sclerosis.

It is he who plays a major role. In the process of working with sclerosant, damaged veins begin to glue.

The procedure itself is painless and does not require effort. The patient feels normally and complaints usually does not come. If you apply and not to launch a disease in time, there should be no problems. Sclerotherapy is very popular, reviews of doctors and users are positive.

No side effects and contraindications. You can safely apply this method at the initial stages of the development of the disease.

As support and control, the doctor can use echosclerotherapy. With its help, the process passes under ultrasound control. If the phlebologist notices small damaged veins and wants to remove them, you can use the procedure with the name of microsclerotherapy. With it, small damaged veins are removed.

Retacular varicose veins is treated with foaming sclerotherapy. In this case, the damaged veins use a foam form. For complete work on Vienna, the sclerosation of veins with a laser is used. The laser will not hurt Vienna and does not injure her.

- The worst thing that may be in treating with the operation. If the situation is running and does not help, apply a standard operation to complete the removal of veins damaged from varicose veins.


In disruption of the normal relationship between elastic fibers and muscle cells, the venous wall begins to break, reflux (reverse current) of the blood occurs. With varicose disease, veins are expanded in the lower limb area. The risk group contains such categories of people:

  • office workers;
  • accountants;
  • car drivers;
  • programmers.

It is they who, because of the originality of professional activities, forced for a long time to be in a sitting position. He suffer from expansion of veins teachers, sellers, hairdressers, as they should stand on their feet during their work. Athletes who are engaged in lifting weights, throwing a kernel or jumps also subjected the veins of dangers.

Vascular walls weaken from hormonal changes. Typically, such harsh hormone levels are occurring in pregnant women, and in women who take contraceptive means. The wear of the tissue structures of the veins takes place in the elderly, due to age violations. Blood outflow from veins is also slowed down in people with overweight.

Signs of pathology and symptoms of varicose disease:

  • skin burning;
  • the appearance of itching;
  • the occurrence of eczema;
  • the formation of periodic attacks of convulsive muscle cuts;
  • swelling legs;
  • the appearance of extended veins on the legs;
  • sensation of gravity;
  • the emergence of fatigue feet (especially in the evening);
  • ankle pain.

So, as the whole thing arises because of a whole complex of somatic and hormonal disorders, all preventive measures should also be comprehensive. The walls of the vessels may suffer from a tobacco smoke containing caustic resins. To prevent it is important to quit smoking.

Blood stagnation prevent long walks. They can be carried out before bedtime. Initially, it is not necessary to move over long distances, only with the improvement of the state of the veins, you can make longer walks.

It is advisable every day to exercise a bike. Such dynamic gymnastics is very effectively fighting with legumes. Massage manipulations in the field of legs, ankles, the legs need to be completely eliminated, as the weak walls of the vessels can be injured.

It is necessary to take care that physical exertion can not be excessive. For the prevention of varicose disease, it is important to abandon the carrying of gravity (massive cargo, furniture).

In order for the disease not progressing, it is important to abandon a sequiguous lifestyle. Varicose can provoke walking in high heels. Therefore, shoes need to pick up a soft, comfortable, not squeezing. It is impossible to give my feet to get tired.

For varicose prevention, it is necessary to choose the optimal drinking mode. This is done individually, depending on the features of the work of the heart and kidney. On average, a person must consume about 2 liters of fluid per day. Too viscous blood is distinguished by the fact that it can be stood in vessels. The presence of viscous blood in combination with incompleteness increases the load on the vein.

It is useful to use bran, grain bread, dried fruits, nuts, raw vegetables. The use of these products stimulates the intestinal peristalsis, eliminates constipation. With overweight, it is necessary to reduce the reception of oily food and sweet baking. At first symptoms, it is necessary to undergo diagnosis, to obtain a consultation of the doctor, and comprehensively examine the veins.


- This is the treatment of diseases with leeches. In the consciousness of most people, such a type of treatment is associated with charlatanism. This is because medicine practically did not study leeches, previously used healers and folk nature. Currently, many people have begun to abandon chemical drugs, treated with folk remedies, such as honey, herbal infusions and leeches.

Meanwhile, few people know that the bites of medical leeches are useful for the human body. Contrary to popular belief, a person during the bite of leech does not feel pain at all.

Many years ago it was believed that the use of leeches is a good replacement of the usual bloodletting, in which Vienna was revealed and sick blood flowed. This method is not used in the modern world, as the ineffectiveness of blood consumption has been proven. So why bite leeches is considered useful? The fact is that the saliva of medical leeches contains a giraudine.

This is a special enzyme that has a lot of useful properties. Helps the body to fight inflammation, removes the ethnicity, acts as an anesthetic. It is because of him a person does not feel pain when bite.

The most interesting thing is that the substance is not available for all types of leeches. The most useful are the leeches medical. Hirudotherapy is not considered basic treatment now, but as an additional agent is quite recognized. The leeches are used to eliminate headaches, various neurosis, when sleeping, varicose veins, and so on.

They are contraindicated if a person has problems with blood intake, with anemias, malignant and benign tumors. Before using therapeutic leeches, the patient must be advised to consult a specialist.

It will be best to call a special physiotherapist doctor to the house so that he spent the procedure, but it is not for everyone to pocket. If a person decided to do everything himself, leeches will be able to order in a pharmacy in advance.

How to prepare before a session? It is easy, per day before the procedure you need to stop smoking, do not drink alcohol and acute food. Do not use perfume. The leeches have a strong sense of smell, they may not want to produce bite.

The leech is taken with the help of a tweezers and put on the right place. Before that, it is necessary to wipe the skin with a rut dipped in warm water.

Upon completion of the session, the leech is forcibly disconnected by no means, since the wounds can be bleed and root. It is necessary to touch the leech by the alcohol car, it will disappear. The remaining wounds can not be processed.


Based on statistical indicators, it can be said that the following drugs have the best therapeutic effect, which leads to an accelerated elimination of signs of varicose veins. Their reception should begin only after the recommendations of the doctor who will be supported by an individually selected dosage.

  • . The drug refers to the group of phlebotonics. Its components contribute to the increase in veins tone and strengthen the vascular walls. The drug contains rutosine and an eskulin. The active ingredient of the drug removes the swelling and reduces the permeability of small vessels;
  • vasked. The drug components of which there is caffeine. The use of contraindicated people suffering from hypertension. Vasdroral helps to reduce the aggregation, the permeability of the vessels and the increase in the tone of the veins;
  • ginko Fort. The drug has disaggregative and antihistamine properties, due to which patients can be prescribed with increased sensitivity to certain components of drugs;
  • detralex - a drug that helps to eliminate blood clots, normalizes the tone of the vessel wall and increases the outflow of lymph and free fluid;
  • . The drug, which in the composition contains Rutosin, which has an active impact on small vessels. During application, the wall strengthening of the vessels, the elimination of the inflammatory process, the decline in edema is noted. Rutin contributes to the elimination of convulsion and prevents the formation of trophic ulcers;
  • troksevazin. The drug, the main active substance of which is a trocserutin. Due to the action in a short period of time, the operation of the circulatory system is normalized. It helps to reduce the inflammatory reaction, reduces the fragility of small vessels, tones the walls of the vessels. Throcksevazine has a diuretic action, it is recommended to use patients with chronic venous insufficiency.

The list of drugs is provided in the form of informational information, but to eliminate the manifestations of venous expansion of venous veins, it is necessary to seek medical care. Thanks to complex therapy, one component of which will be drug treatment, you can achieve the desired results.

Venotonics are often used for the complex treatment of diseases of the venous system. Medication funds must have the following characteristics:

  • the composition should include safe components that will minimize the possibility of an allergic response to the drug;
  • have a minimum of side effects;
  • venotonic effect should be sufficiently prolonged;
  • do not have a negative action on the body in combination with other drugs.

Comfortable dosage form and favorable pricing policy is also an important characteristic of drugs that contribute to the normalization of the tone of the vascular bed.

Preparations of this group can be divided by the method of exposure and according to the method of application: external means - gels, ointments, injectable - ampoules and drugs for oral administration - tablets, capsules.

Suppositories are accepted to attribute to the means of internal use, however, the use method rather refers to the outer, since no influence does not affect the stomach and small intestine.

Drugs should be selected individually, since in a separate case, each drug shows different activity regarding the elimination of the symptoms of the disease. It should be noted that the selection of the drug is carried out taking into account the concomitant diseases and the probability of manifestation of one or another side effect.

Depending on the components included in the drugs of the pharmacological group, it is customary as follows:

  • preparations on a vegetable basis, which contain in their composition flavonoids and saponins;
  • drugs from Rutosid;
  • combined drugs, the content of antiagregants, anti-inflammatory components, analgesics, vegetable and synthetic components;
  • synthesized means;
  • polyvalent drugs that are designed to eliminate various disorders in the vascular wall of the veins.

Trade names of drugs described above:

  • flavonoids are vegetable tools that have biological activity. The main representatives of the Group are Detralex, Venarar and Diosming;
  • saponins are natural glycosides, the depot of which is in medicinal plants, for example, in a dimension, calendula, chestnut. Preparations have a pronounced anticoagulant action. These include Aest, Eskusan;
  • rutosydes are a separate pharmacological group, despite the fact that glycosides are also the main components. The main differences between the drugs is the high content of vitamin R. to the drugs of the group include rutin, throksevazin, etc. They have a focused action on smooth muscle vessel fibers;
  • the combined drugs include Troksivazin Neo, Wormanm and Vitrum Memori, and to synthetic ventotonics - cylinda, tribenoside, etc.

Modern drugs with lymphotropic effect can be attributed to polyvalent vetonics. The mechanism of influence on the body is implemented by the following paths:

  • improving the elimination of fluid from venous vessels by resetting into a lymphatic channel;
  • normalization of the tone of venous vessels;
  • activation of trophic mechanisms in small blood vessels.

Due to the use of the venous stagnation of the liquid is eliminated. These include Detralex, Troksevazin and Eskusan.


From the point of view of danger to human health and gravity of possible consequences, this ailment does not look particularly threatening. But such an impression is deceptive. Just his symptoms and manifestations are invisible, and most importantly, as a rule, painless. However, serious consequences for humans caused by infarction and strokes, in most cases directly connected with it. But let's go back somewhat later.

To imagine what harm carries the body of thrombophlebitis, we will shortly focus on the features of the device of the human circulatory system. This will better understand what kind of danger represents this disease when the surface and deep veins of the lower extremities are affected by its influence.

Through what mechanisms circulates blood in the body? Consider a large circle of blood circulation. Blood begins to move under the influence of the heart muscle, which, shrinking, pushes it under a large pressure in the aorta. With removal from the heart to the periphery, the pressure is gradually weakening.

Giving nutrients and oxygen in organs and tissues, blood turns from arterial to venous. Its further movement occurs through the following major three mechanisms: pressure differences, smooth muscles and special venous vessel valves. Violation of any of these mechanisms causes the risk of disease.

Factors leading to the occurrence of thrombophlebitis, several. It is damage to the walls of venous vessels, reducing the speed of blood flow, increasing the level of its coagulation, and others. However, causing causes may be different. And, unfortunately, attempts to influence them with the help of medicines invariably lead to a violation of the balance in the body.

For example, a side factor to strengthen the walls of vessels may be a decrease in their elasticity and, as a result, increasing fragility. Measures to enhance blood movement can lead to cardiac overloads, malfunction in the work of the cardiovascular system and pressure jumps. And the reception of drugs for blood liquefaction (in particular, on the basis of heparin or its analogs) leads to the risk of bleeding.

Moreover, the special danger of such bleeding is that they are difficult to stop. But the main problem in the treatment of thrombophlebitis is not only in the difficulty of selecting harmless drugs. The seriousness of this disease is aggravated by the fact that it is a consequence of another, deeper and formidable disease - varicose veins.

Her age is definitely not known. However, it is known that from the swollen vein on the legs and trophic ulcers, people have been suffering for a long time. Therefore, the effective means of treating this disease have not yet been found. Doctors continue to compete with each other, inventing all new and new techniques of struggle with the consequences of the disease.

Moreover, the surgery in this "competition" traditionally occupies a leading position. Almost painless ways of removing affected vessels without surgery are becoming increasingly popular.

It is very good, and is the unconditional merit of physicians. However, there is a more dangerous consequence of varicose disease. It sneaks unnoticed and gradually, but continues to merciless people, making them with disabilities, and carry their lives. This is the formation of blood clots on the walls of the vessels. That is, being in its place, such a thrombus, of course, does not harm in any way.

How to cure varicose veins! A striking discovery in the history of medicine.

A real example, as you can get rid of varicosses forever! Verified method in the history of the famous blogger on this site!

The problem may arise after it breaks off. After all, moving along the vascular bed, he may be anywhere. And if it clogs the vessel of the brain, then the stroke arises, and if the heart muscle is a myocardial infarction.

Varicose is called a disease in which the veins expands and the bleeding. Most of all changes are susceptible to the vessels of the lower extremities, pelvis and genital organs. One of the factors provoking the disease is pregnancy. Almost every third woman faces pathology while having to wear a child and after childbirth. In some of them, the disease is diagnosed for the first time, but most often pregnancy causes the progression of existing violations. With the birth of each subsequent kid, the risk of irreversible changes of vessels increases.

Why does varicose veins appear during pregnancy, how to treat it, are effective methods of prevention? You will know the answers to these and other questions below.

Causes of pathology

In addition to the general reasons (wearing high-heeled shoes, excessive physical exertion, genetic predisposition) in women who carry the baby appear additional risk factors associated with natural changes in the body during pregnancy:

Forms and types of varicose varies

Varicose veins can be simple or complicated. A simple form is characterized by the appearance of vascular meshes and sprockets on the lower limbs. Such a change in small vessels will independently pass after childbirth. A complicated varicose veins is much more dangerous for the health of the woman, which are formed in the velocity of veins.

The development of the disease takes place in several stages. At the first stage, the symptoms are practically absent, manifested by small cosmetic defects on the skin.

In the future, the following signs may appear:

  • closer to the evening there is a swelling of the legs;
  • it feels pain, gravity and burning in the lower limbs;
  • after a long walk, fatigue is fucked.

At first, symptoms disappear after a long stay or night sleep. At later stages, they are constantly present. If there is a rapid progression of the disease, urgent treatment may be needed, which must be carried out by the operational way.
Depending on the localization, varicose veins are divided into several species during pregnancy.

The following changes are most often diagnosed:

  1. In groin. The manifestations are noted in the crotch area and are characterized by a feeling of cutting, soreness when walking, swelling.
  2. In the uterus. The expansion of the vein is observed in women who have undergone numerous inflammatory processes in the genitals, abortions, menstrual cycle failures, as well as having a genetic predisposition.
  3. In the vagina. One of the frequent forms of pathology. The main symptoms are discomfort and soreness during urination, defecation, sexual intercourse.
  4. On foot. Manifests itself by changing the veins of the lower extremities. The vessels increase in thickness, protrude under the skin, nodes and seals appear. At the initial stage of the wall change the form when pressed, it is later feeling some soreness.

Diagnostic methods

In case of suspicion of varicose veins, a woman needs to be examined by phlebologist and gynecologist. In most cases, a sufficient visual inspection, since the disease has visible manifestations. If you need to clarify the diagnosis, the pregnant women are sent to an additional examination.

Before assigning treatment, the patient is recommended to go ultrasonic scanning of vessels, dopplerometry and angiosication. The results obtained make it possible to determine the degree of defeat veins, as well as its danger for a woman and the fetus.

Methods of treatment varicose

Treatment of varicose after childbirth and during pregnancy has its own characteristics. What should be done when the first symptoms appear? With the slightest suspicion it is necessary to contact the doctor. The treatment itself passes under the constant observation of the vascular surgeon and the gynecologist.

Before starting the reception of drugs from varicose varicose during pregnancy, it is necessary to revise the lifestyle. In a daily diet, there must be products capable of providing the body with all the necessary vitamins and microorganisms. It is also necessary to monitor digestion, prevent constipation that provoke the deterioration of the state of vascular walls. Drinking mode is very important: about two liters of water should be used per day, while it is better to evenly distribute for a whole day.

During pregnancy, you need to make special exercises that contribute to the activation of blood flow in the field of small pelvis. Pregnant women very useful swimming and daily walks in the fresh air. Power and physical activity will be able to more effectively deal with the disease.

Another non-multi-way method that will accelerate the treatment of varicose feet is wearing a compression knitwear. Stockings and tights increase pressure on veins and prevent their further stretching.

In the traditional treatment of such a disease as varicosera pregnancy makes its own adjustments. Some drugs are not recommended to be applied at all, others - only during the second and third trimester or after the birth of the kid.

What drug drugs can be taken from varicose during pregnancy? In order to increase the tone of vascular walls, the following drugs can be appointed: Gylänenol, Detralex, Troksevazin. They are able to have an angioprotective effect, reduce swelling, reduce soreness. Treatment with these means allows you to get rid of cramps, improve tissue trophics and avoid such a dangerous complication as trophic ulcers. During and after pregnancy, special vitamin complexes helps to restore the vessels.

After 3-4 months, you can apply the gel of venoruta. It increases veins tone and prevents their further deformation. Such means are also suitable for outdoor use as Lioton, Escalent.

Any drugs must be applied only after consulting a specialist.

At high risk, hazardous complications have to be treated with varicose veins, the most radical method - through operational intervention. Surgical operation is the only exit and with pronounced thrombophlebitis.

Recommended operation is recommended during the first 5-6 months of pregnancy. The most secure method of intervention is selected. Scripping is usually used - removal of the affected vessel portion with a special micromide. Recovery after this surgical manipulation occurs quite quickly and without discomfort and severe pain.

How to go birth

The method of birth of a child depends on the state of pregnant. If a woman has a simple form of varicose veins, and there are no complications, childbirth can be naturally. During the birth of the kid, it is recommended to be in compression linen. It may first be necessary to pass the blood test to establish a coagulation indicator.

In the presence of dangerous complications, a woman will be asked to make a caesarean section.

Effective prevention

It is better to prevent the disease than to treat it.

To do this, you will need to adhere to several rules:

If the disease has shown itself during pregnancy and flows in a light form, there is a high probability that after a certain time after generics, the symptoms will disappear without any assistance. In cases where the manifestations of varicose veins remain and continue to be exacerbated, appropriate treatment will be required.

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Varicose - a disease at which the thinning of venous walls occurs and an increase in the lumen of the bloodstream with the subsequent formation of noded extensions.

Varicose veins during pregnancy develops in 20 - 30% of women. Pathological changes are most often occurring in the veins of the lower extremities. Externally, the disease is expressed in the appearance of vascular meshes and sprockets. In advanced cases, there is a swelling of the veins. Clinical manifestations without external symptoms develop approximately 80% of future mothers.


Symptoms of varicose veins depend on the current stage of the disease. Initially, pathology delivers minimal discomfort. As the condition deteriorates, the clinical picture is enhanced.

The initial signs of abnormal expansion of veins include:

  • the formation of a vascular pattern pointing to the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion is caviar, the area under the knees, the outer surface of the hip is not painful during palpation;
  • feeling of gravity in the legs;
  • rare cramps in the calf muscles at night.

In the absence of adequate therapy, the initial features are joined:

  • swelling;
  • changing the venous pattern - to protrude the walls of the vessels, the formation of "nodes";
  • deterioration of the state of the skin;
  • pain syndrome accompanied by a feeling of cutting in the affected veins;
  • formation.

Such a clinical picture allows you to confirm the diagnosis without appointing research. Additional diagnostic methods are justified at an early stage of varicose veins, to eliminate the development of diseases with similar symptoms.

Most often, varicose pathology is striking the veins of the lower extremities, but during pregnancy, the disturbance of blood outflow can be recorded in the organs of the small-dietary region and the germ lips.

This kind of varicose varicose is difficult to distinguish from standard gynecological pathologies. The condition is accompanied by the symptoms typical of them:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Abundant vaginal discharge.
  3. Discomfort during intimate relationships.
  4. Difficulties with the emptying of the bladder.

Put an accurate diagnosis can only doctor when conducting an inspection in a chair. In this case, it is clearly seen a change in the venous pattern of the vagina, the visible segment of the cervix.

It's important to know! Not the treated varicose veins of the municipal region can be the cause of infertility - a woman becomes pregnant.

External manifestations of varicose veins of the municipal region appear in rare cases. Vascular meshes and nodules can form in the field of buttocks, crotch, on the pubic and the inner surface of the hips.

reference! Give the woman with severe form will be by cesarean section.

That is why the disease for a long time flows in a hidden form and is accompanied by the development of serious complications. These are vaginal and uterine bleeding, inflammation of internal organs, thrombosis and others.

Varicosis of the germ lip - a non-discontinuished phenomenon during pregnancy. The risk of developing pathology with each subsequent gestation is only increasing. After childbirth, the state of the veins is rapidly normalized.

Signs are:

  1. The appearance of a characteristic venous pattern.
  2. Disclaiming, hanging inflamed veins of veins.
  3. Itching and dry skin and mucous membranes.
  4. An increase in the size of the germ lip and vulva caused by swelling.
  5. Painful feelings.

In varicosera of the groin area, uncomfortable sensations may occur:

  • when urination and act of defecation;
  • after sexual contact;
  • after prolonged seating;
  • during walking.

Complications of varicose

Signs of varicose veins appear in the second trimester, approximately 4 to 5 gestation months. Venetic pressure in the legs is enhanced, which leads to a slowdown in the speed of blood outflow. If a woman does not receive the necessary treatment, the disease becomes the reason for the difficult course of pregnancy, directly generic activities and the postpartum period.

Blood stagnation in small pelvis veins entails a poor cutting ability of the uterus, which can provoke strong bleeding, the development of arterial thrombosis.

Important! For a child, the pathological expansion of the veins of the lower limbs at his mother is not dangerous.

Varicose diagnosis

Flabogus is engaged in the diagnosis. It is this doctor that selects treatment and decides on the need to consult a vascular surgeon.

Required surveys

For the purpose of diagnosing the pathology of the veins, the following analyzes and instrumental tests are appointed:

  • Uzi-study of the vessels of the lower extremities. The technique allows you to identify the degree of damage to the bloodstream, give an assessment of the valve apparatus, etc.
  • General blood analysis. Diagnostic interest is the leukocyte formula, the number of leukocytes and platelets.
  • Coagulogram. The study helps to evaluate blood clotting indicators.

Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy

During this period has some features. When the first signs appear, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help.

Important! A specialist should be engaged in the selection of drugs, since drugs have their own contraindications in trimesters.

To increase the tone of the vessels can be assigned to the reception of the Detralex tablet, cylinder and throksevazine. They have an angioprotective effect, contribute to a decrease in swelling and reduce painful syndrome. In addition, therapy by these means eliminates night cramps and improves cellular nutrition of inflamed tissues.

After 3 months, the use of gels of venoruturt, as well as Lioton and Escalen, is allowed.

It is allowed to apply folk treatments, for example, to prepare balsams and herbal infusions for compressing. But it must be advised to consult with your doctor.

Prevention pregnancy pregnancy

The veins of the lower limbs during pregnancy is one of the most effective measures to prevent the development of the disease.


The daily diet should include products capable of providing a female organism necessary vitamins and microelements. Its foundation is:

  • complex carbohydrates: grain bread, cereal, fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • fish of low-fat or innocent grades;
  • meat clipping;
  • poultry meat (you need to remove the skin to reduce calorie);
  • nuts;
  • dairy products (best of all average fatness).

It is necessary to limit the consumption of butter: during the day you can eat a piece weighing no more than 10 grams.

Prevention of excessive weight gain

One of the reasons for the development of varicose disease is an accelerated weight gain. An unloading day is recommended as prevention of excessive increases.

There are several options:

  • kefir (1.5 l);
  • apple (1.5 kg);
  • buckwheat (250 g of cereals);
  • vegetable (1.5 kg).

The daily rate of the selected product is indicated in brackets - must be divided into 6 receptions. You need to eat often, every 2 hours. The emergence of a strong feeling of hunger is unacceptable.

During the day, it is allowed to drink clean water. Sugar and salt are completely excluded. Observing the recommendations, in one day you can lose up to 2 kg of weight.

Physical activity

Improve blood circulation processes in the lower extremities and prevent the development of varicose veins will help the physical activity and frequent change of the position of the legs.

During the day, uncomplicated exercises can be performed:

  • circular movements;
  • rimming on socks;
  • drops from a sock on the heel.

Positional therapy

Positional therapy also serves as excellent prevention of the development of varicose disease. Recommendations will be as follows:

  • it is impossible to throw leg to the leg;
  • when sitting on the chair, only the buttocks should be concerned - to rely on the back is undesirable;
  • it is necessary to sleep only on the left side, putting a pillow under the stomach - such a position contributes to a decrease in the pressure of the pressure on the vessels located behind the peritoneum, which improves blood outflow from the legs.

Important! In addition to sleep on the left side, it helps to avoid the development of the hypertonus of the uterus.

Avoid provoking factors

To factors provoking the development of varicose varicose:

  • Squeezing increased in the sizes of the ultimate ileum veins. This worsens the outflow of venous blood. In the last months of pregnancy, the pathological expansion of velves veins can cause.
  • Predisposition at the genetic level. Heredity is one of the main reasons for the development of pathology.
  • Change hormonal background. An increase in the level of progesterone occurring during the tooling of the child becomes the cause of a decrease in the tone of the venous wall and its stretching.
  • Strengthening pelvic blood flow. During gestation, the uterine blood flow is activated, which leads to an increase in pressure in the venous pelvis system. The result is a violation of blood outflow from the legs.

Unfortunately, a woman is not able to control the development of many provoking varicose veins, since they are due to physiology. But she can give itself daily physical activity, refusing a sequiguous lifestyle. After all, frequent finding in a horizontal position and the restriction of movements is hardly the most basic factor for the formation of varicose pathology. Stagnation of venous blood becomes the cause of the pathological expansion of the vessels.

It is necessary to strictly monitor weight, because extra kilograms are very negatively reflected in the veins.

Clothes and shoes

To reduce the load on the veins, you need to wear comfortable shoes. The shoes should have a small - no higher than 5 cm - a steady heel. Full failure and wearing, for example, "ballet", significantly increases the pressure on the heels, and vascular asterisks can be formed in the popliteal area.

Clothes should be sewn from "breathable" fabrics and not stance of movements. Any tightness in the abdomen area is categorically prohibited. Gynecologists recommend women to use a special prenatal bandage, sometimes even in early time.

Important moment - wearing compression stocking ( antagodine tights will cause squeezing of a pregnant uterus). Selecting therapeutic knitwear should observe a woman's phlebologist, because only a specialist can calculate the necessary degree of compression, taking into account the current clinical picture and the stage of the disease.

Baths and shower

A good therapeutic result gives the acceptance of a contrasting soul. The alternation of comfortable cool and warm water becomes affordable prevention of varicose development during pregnancy. The procedure helps to increase the tone of the vessels and warns the stagnation of venous blood. But too much the temperature contrast can provoke contraction of the uterus.

An alternative to the contrasting soul will be such a home product as contrasting baths with sea salt or herbal fees.


Free legs improves local blood flow and warns the expansion of the veins. Movements should be directed from the bottom up. To enhance the therapeutic effect, when identifying initial symptoms, anti-uniform ointments, creams and gels are allowed.

Operational treatment

Operational methods of treatment of pathology during the baby tooling are practiced in rare cases. The exception is the rapid progressive condition of either the complication of the already existing varicose varicose in the form of the formation of trophic ulcers or ascending thrombophlebitis.

Operational treatment is allowed only during the first 6 months of gestation. The sclerosis procedure can also be performed.


The forecast for life is favorable. Complete the course of the disease can:

  • predisposition at the genetic level;
  • repeated pregnancy;
  • multipleness;
  • complex labor;
  • the age of a woman (the risk increases after 35 years);
  • obesity;
  • the presence of superficial thrombophlebitis.

The offensive of gestation Against the background of the available varicose veins can increase the risk of formation of thrombus and the development of thrombophlebitis of deep veins.

Modern medicine has achieved significant success in the treatment of varicose veins. There are many different preparations and methods of prevention, safe for a woman and her child, in particular, special gymnastics.

When pregnancy is a very common phenomenon, especially those who have already come across this disease earlier or has blood relatives with a similar risk. External manifestations of pathology during the toaling of the baby are no different from other cases. On the example of the lower limbs: the disease looks like a sector with a noticeable pattern of capillaries on the skin, the so-called vascular asterisks, or as convex purple or bluish worms. The latter is the manifestation of the expansion of the thicker main veins that begin to go closer to the endothelium. The conception of a child is, of course, a miracle, but it entails many changes in the body of a woman, because the physical opportunities and state of health have different.

Varicose veins is a disease that can spread to different parts of the body: legs, hands, skin of the body and face, and also affect internal organs, including the vagina, direct intestine, etc.

Women in position no less often face hemorrhoids, and this is a manifestation of a varicose industry. Trophic ulcers, bleeding and is an incomplete list of dangerous complications of the disease.

Why varicose disease is manifested during pregnancy

As the embryo grow in the mother's body increases the number of circulating blood, closer to childbirth doubles. The gradual increase in body weight, the increased pressure on veins weaken the walls of the vessels. In addition to this, hormonal restructuring leads to muscle relaxation, which negatively affects the tone of the veins. Against this background, the uterus is increasingly tight with each month of the uterus, which provokes the relief of the hollow veins of the lower extremities. Pregnant women on the third trimester face that any body position made by them becomes uncomfortable after 15-20 minutes, something counts and ears. As a result of the manifestation of stagnation of blood, they are expressed in the form of resolving veins and varicose veins.

In the initial period of the disease there is a minor deformation of the vessels. In the evening, the caviar becomes solid, as if they were pouring, and in their feet, fatigue and severity are felt. A little later, there are night cramps, although they do not always wake up from them. As the state deteriorates, the legs begin not only to swell, but also to root after lunch, and itching is shown on the skin, intensifying at night.

At the next stage of the disease there is a serious deformation of the veins. Under the skin there are tubercles or whole areas of convex fancy curved veins. It is not always accompanied by painful sensations, but it is impossible to ignore the disease at this stage, especially since the position. After all, you see only external manifestations. And what happens to the veins on the internal organs? Started, but late bleeding can end fatly for mother and her baby.

Provoking factors

Not all representatives of beautiful gender before or during pregnancy, manifestations are noted. It is good, but still it is important to know which factors provoke this disease:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • overweight to or too fast masses during pregnancy;
  • long stay in the sun;
  • repeated and multiple pregnancies;
  • gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis;
  • increased development of estrogen;
  • the use of previously hormonal contraceptives;
  • work associated with long seats or standing;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Finding at least one of the factors mentioned, the future mother should closely engage in preventive measures to prevent the development or aggravation of varicose veins.

The disease is divided into several stages:

  1. Viennes are located at the bottom and in diameter do not exceed 7 mm. On the skin there are vascular stars.
  2. The vessels bend and already reach 8 mm. Patients complain on swelling and pain during exercise, which disappear after rest.
  3. The veins that have reached 13 mm are composed in conglomerates of nodes, patients note constant pain, the swelling of the stop and the legs. Eczema and trophic ulcers that are prone to bleeding can appear on the skin.


Tool for cleaning vessels and pressure reduction, which doctors recommend

Prevention Varicoza in pregnant women

The future mother will primarily take care of his child's health, so it is important to know what is dangerous. Complicated varicoser during pregnancy is able to cause placenta deficiency, miscarriage or premature birth. Failure for a long time leads to the pathology of fetal development.

The diagnosis of uterine varicose veins can be delivered after the first ultrasound doppler research. However, it is not necessary to panic, the disease can be kept under control. Naturally, the existing predisposition factors have to provide a gynecologist. The attending physician must direct you for additional consultation to the phlebologist, you can have all the pregnancy in varicose veins.

The visual absence or initial expansion of the veins during pregnancy requires simple preventive measures:

Compression pantyhose
  1. To reduce the load on the feet, give preference to a comfortable soft shoe on a low wedge and without a heel.
  2. Do not wear stockings, golf and socks with tight rubber bands. More convenient for wearing in this period preventive 70 den.
  3. Useful for the health of the vessels and the whole organism is a contrast shower and swimming.
  4. To reduce venous pressure on the lower limbs, they are advised to sleep on the left side, laying under the stomach and the knee of low pillows.
  5. Try to find the golden middleweight in the distribution of your motor activity so that the time of staying in the standing position, sitting and lying roughly coincided and alternated.
  6. Take the habit to sit on the edge of the table, so that the hollow veins of the legs can be changed as little.
  7. Do not sit, throwing my leg to the leg, is a direct path of aggravation of varicose varicoses in pregnant women.
  8. To prevent constipation, follow your power and fluid use mode. Every day, they advise drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of liquids: clean or mineral water, green tea, fruit juice, etc. In addition, it is important for the normalization of the chair, the use of bran, oatmeal, as well as vegetables and fruits containing a large amount of fiber : cabbage, carrots, apples, etc.

Varicose exercise complex

What if the varicose veins during pregnancy progresses? Start train vessels. Here are some simple and accessible exercises:

Varicose exercises for pregnant women
  1. Sit on the chair, bend your legs in your knees, hands along the body. On the breath stand, sit on the exhale.
  2. Stand, legs on the width of the shoulders. Tilting the body of the lobby, start alternately bending the legs in the knees, without taking the feet of the floor.
  3. Source position - standing, hands are omitted, legs on the width of the foot. On the breath, raise your hands, lower the exhale, then retain your left foot forward and cut to her right. Repeat the same with the right foot.
  4. Source position - sitting on a chair. Make circular movements in the footsteps, without taking the heels from the floor.
  5. Stand right, then climb on the socks, wait 10 seconds and go down to the heels.
  6. Complete the apartment several meters on tiptoe. Alternatively move on the heels, on the outer and inner sides of the stop.
  7. Sit on a chair, knees together, feet on the floor. Put the feet on your heels, and then drop again to the floor.
  8. Sitting on a chair, make an inverse exercise: Raise the feet on the socks, taking the heels from the floor.
  9. Source position - standing. On the breath lift your hands and stand on the socks. Together with the exhale, lower your hands and press the feet to the floor, a little bending legs in the knees.
  10. Standing or lying on the back (as more convenient), pull one's foot forward and rotate the stop first, and then the shin and the whole limb.
  11. For a common toning effect and raising mood at least 1 time a day, tighten the music for you.

Repeat the exercise complex for 5-15 times every day.

Varicosis in pregnant women is not a sentence, you need to treat the disease as one of the characteristics of the body during this period. Watch the manifestations of the disease, advise with a phlebologist and fulfill its recommendations. If pathology begins to be aggravated, the doctor will recommend additional measures to combat varicose veins.

Treatment of the disease

How to treat varicose veins during pregnancy? Women who have long been acquainted with this problem, it is clear that the baby tooling negatively affects the state of the vessels. Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy is possible, but when choosing medications, the doctor must take your position. Along with the reception of medicines, it is necessary:

  1. Constantly monitor the weight set to prevent uneven jumps. Buy good home scales, they will come in handy not only to you, it is convenient for them to keep track of how quickly your baby is gaining weight.
  2. Avoid wearing weights: Do not raise older children, do not wear heavy bags with products, etc.
  3. From the second trimester of pregnancy wearing a special prenatal bandage. It helps to distribute the load and slightly weakens the pressure on the organs of the small pelvis.
  4. Swim in a warm bath, but in no case is not hot.
  5. If possible, every 3 hours for the day go to bed and keep legs raised on the pillows. If it is convenient for you, try to lift the foot end of the bed by 10-15 cm.
  6. Together with the phlebologist, pick up special medicinal compression golf and tights with a density of 100, 140 or 280 den. This lingerie creates different pressure on the lower limbs. The maximum tightening is observed from the stop to the middle of the caviar. Next, it decreases and already over the knees becomes 40%. Due to the pressure on Vienna, compression linen contributes to a normal stream of blood, preventing its stagnation. It is important to wear in the morning, before getting out of bed, and shoot right before bedtime. Only in this case such underwear will be truly effective. It is possible that in the first time it will be unusual, but you should calm down that nothing compared to a decrease in the risk of education. By the way, used to use elastic bandages, but they are clearly visible even under dense tights. Although the choice is yours. If the condition of the varicose veins during pregnancy was aggravated, you can agree with your doctor as during childbirth you will not shoot elastic bandages.

To cure a disease on 2-3 stages without drugs. To facilitate the condition and slow down the development of pathology, the doctor may appoint a course of comprehensive therapy using:

  1. Tableted phlebotonics (Detralex, Gincor-Forte, Eskusan, Phlebodia 600).
  2. Local car-based gels (Troksevazin, Troksegel, Trokserutin) and heparin (heparin ointment, Lioton-1000, Hepatrombin, Trombress, Viatromb, Valolaf).
  3. Deangregants (Kuraltil).
  4. Special compression golf and tights.

After childbirth, the state of the veins may worsen. Many nursing women face not only with varicose vegetables, but also with hemorrhoids, which is a sign of the same disease, only on the veins of the rectum. The period after the birth of the baby and breastfeeding is also accompanied by a hormonal perestroika in the body. For this reason, it is not necessary to immediately agree to surgical treatment. Wait a few months and under the control of your doctor, continue conservative therapy with medicines. If after 6-8 months the health condition is not normalized, then it is worth thinking about the operation.

Varicose veins and pregnancy with qualified doctors are fully compatible. Naturally, some drugs cannot be taken for future mothers, but also with drugs accessible to them you can improve your well-being.

But if the sick varicose veins felt a strong pain, she has weakness, elevated body temperature, the heartbeat has frequent or shortness of breath appeared, then you need to immediately cause ambulance.
