Cheerful autumn holiday in the senior group scenario. Methodical development (senior group) on the topic: Scenario of the Autumn holiday in the senior group


- create conditions for active preparation for the holiday, creative manifestations of teachers, parents and children;

- to clarify and consolidate knowledge about autumn changes in nature;

- to promote individual manifestations of children in various activities.

Equipment: costumes of the heroes of the holiday, a basket, autumn leaves, leaflets with tasks, folk musical instruments, models of vegetables; 2 hoops, buckets, sultan for "rain"; sweets for treats.

The hall is decorated like an autumn forest.

Leading. Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered in our music hall to say goodbye to the beautiful Autumn. Even though there is already snow on the street, but October is an autumn month, and Autumn is not going to leave us so early. Soon I should look into our kindergarten.

Autumn! The grove is golden!

Gold, blue.

And a flock of cranes flies over the grove,

High under the clouds the geese respond,

With a distant lake, with fields

Forever goodbye.

A. Alien

Look, the cranes are flying by. They fly to a warm country and wave their white wings to us.

Girls perform the dance "Crane Wedge" (from the program of T. Suvorova "Dance Rhythm for Children").

So the cranes have flown away, but there is still no Autumn. Well, we will wait for Autumn and continue the holiday. Guys, read the verses that talk about the beauty of autumn leaves. The poem is called "Autumn", and the poet E. Golovin wrote it.

1st child

Autumn, frost in the morning,

In the groves yellow leaf fall.

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

2nd child

In the puddles, the ice is transparent blue,

There is white frost on the leaves.

Leading. Let's sing a song about the leaves. We try to sing loud and long. Autumn will hear our song and come.

Children perform the song "Autumn" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by A. Shibitskaya).

Autumn enters with a basket containing three autumn leaves with tasks written on them.


Hello my friends!

I came to you for the holiday.

Leading. Autumn, come and be our guest. The guys have prepared autumn poems for you.

1st child

Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow.

The leaves on the birch burn with gold.

Do not hear the cheerful songs of the nightingale.

Birds have flown to distant lands.

A. Erikeev

2nd child

Yellow coins fall from a branch.

Underfoot a whole treasure -

This golden autumn gives leaves, not counting.

Golden gives leaves to you, and to us, and to everyone.

I. Pivovarova

3rd child

Autumn looked into the garden - the birds flew away.

Outside the window, yellow blizzards rustle in the morning.

Underfoot the first ice crumbles and breaks.

A sparrow in the garden will sigh, but it is shy to sing.

V. Stepanov

4th child

Golden leaves fall, fly.

Golden leaves cover the garden.

There are many golden leaves on the paths.

We will make a good bouquet of them.

We'll put the bouquet in the middle of the table,

Golden autumn has come to visit us.

E. Blaginina

Autumn. A good harvest of vegetables was collected by people in the gardens. A lot of carrots, cabbage, onions, and, of course, the turnip grew strong.

Game "Turnip"

Children stand in a circle, in the center is a “turnip” child. A “mouse” runs around the circle and tries to catch a “turnip” at the end of the text:

turnip, turnip,

Grow strong.

Neither small nor great

To the mouse tail, yes!

Children help the “turnip” by closing the circle in front of the “mouse”, lowering their hands, and the “turnip” is inside the circle.

Leading. Not only people, but also animals are preparing for winter. Let's listen to how a bear, hedgehog, mouse, squirrel are preparing.

Children-heroes put caps on their heads and go to the center of the hall.


I'm digging a den for the winter,

I will sleep in it in the winter.

Loves bear clumsy

Sleep in the winter, suck on a bear paw.


I also sleep in winter

I can't stand the cold.

I collect leaves in autumn

Then I pile them up in a pile.

Hedgehog warm in winter

Under golden foliage.


Autumn, autumn, listen to me

And eat delicious nuts.

I dried them all summer

And then she folded it in a hollow.

There are still mushrooms

All stocks and do not count.


And the mice did not yawn,

Grains were dragged into minks.

If there is food in winter,

We will not freeze as a family.


Well, I commend you all.

You worked hard, I see.

Guys, it's time for me to leave, because Autumn has a lot to do. I give you a basket in which there are leaflets with tasks. If you complete all the tasks, you will find a delicious treat at the bottom of the basket.

Autumn is leaving.

Leading. Well, let's get the first sheet and read what Autumn wrote there. You guys don't get bored, start the pair dance.

The dance is performed in pairs (at the choice of the teacher).

I take out another piece of paper, what is written, I look. Autumn wrote that she mixed up maple and oak leaves. He asks you guys to sort out the leaves. Indeed, there are a lot of them in the basket. To make it easier to disassemble, I will lay out the leaves from the basket on the floor. (Scatters leaves.)

The game "Who will sort the leaves faster"

Two boys are picking maple leaves. Two girls collect oak leaves. After the game, the host puts the basket under the Christmas tree.

Fox enters the hall with a similar basket.


How many people are in the hall,

And did you recognize me?

Leading. We always welcome guests.

Fox. I am not just a guest, I am Lisa - the most beautiful, the most dexterous, the most musical. I do not love anyone, I only praise myself.

Leading. Oh, how you love yourself, Lisonka! Our guys are also dexterous, and smart, and beautiful, and musical. Look how deftly and cheerfully they play musical instruments.

Kids are playing.

Fox. Yes, what interesting musical instruments. But what is this one called? And this one?

The fox shows a musical instrument, and the children talk about it.

And really smart children, but I did not know the names of these musical instruments. But I can run better and faster than anyone, look. (Running.)

Leading. See how the children will quickly harvest and run faster than you.

Game "Harvest"

Two teams of players stand at one end of the hall. The first player has a bucket in his hands. At the other end of the hall there is a hoop in which dummies of vegetables lie. The first player runs with the bucket to the hoop, puts one vegetable in the bucket and returns to the team, passing the bucket to the next player. The team that completes the task faster and collects all the vegetables wins.

Fox. Oh, how you upset me. I thought that I was the very best in the world, but here the children are so cute, dexterous and fast. I have to punish you and I'll come up with some trick now.

The fox looks around and sees Autumn's basket under the Christmas tree.

Ah, under the Christmas tree is a basket of Autumn, so I’ll submenu it. I'll leave you mine, and I'll take Autumn's basket for myself. What kind of leaf is here, I don't need it. (Throws the leaf out of the basket. Turns to the children.) But you are silent and do not say anything to anyone, otherwise I will bite you!

Oops, something is rattling. This is probably the Hedgehog again, who promised to prick me with his needles, spoil my fur coat. Gotta run away. (Runs away.)

Hedgehog. I am a forest prickly hedgehog, there is no head, no legs.

Oh, it looks like it's starting to rain.

Children perform the song "Colorful Rain" (music by I. Koshmina, lyrics by Yu Ilyina).

What is that leaf on the floor? It has something written on it.

Leading. Hedgehog, let me read what Autumn wrote to us. In the letter, she asks us to play with the rain and show our dexterity.

Game "Rain"

Children stand in a circle, in the center is a “rain” child. Movements of the "rain" in the text:

The rain was jumping along the path: like this, like this.

He soaked our feet: like this, like this.

The rain is pouring down on the fields, and the whole earth is wet.

The rain began to play with us, to water our children.

The children scatter, the "rain" runs after them and touches them with sultans.

Leading. Here we have completed all the tasks. Now at the bottom of the basket are tasty treats, so Autumn said.

Hedgehog. There is nothing there, an empty basket.

Leading. Let me see. Guys, the basket is not the same. I realized that it was the sly Fox who changed the basket. Here is a wretched fox, a deceiver.

Fox enters.

Fox. Who is scolding me? Yes, I got mad at you. I have always been the best, beautiful, fast and dexterous, and now the children have come just as good. Out of anger at you, I changed the basket, and I won’t give away what is delicious there, here!

Hedgehog. Again you are capricious, because you know that you are doing bad things. I'll teach you a lesson now and pierce you with needles.

Fox. Try it, catch up.

The hedgehog runs after the Fox.

Okay, I won't do it again, forgive the fox and take your basket. Have you forgiven me?

Children. Yes.

Fox. Then hug me, and I will treat you.

Children hug Lisa and sit on chairs. She treats the guys with sweets from the basket.

Leading. So our autumn holiday is over. We wish you all good weather, beautiful nature, true friends and generous guests.

Autumn Festival

in the senior group "Sunshine".


Kolbasova Marina Yurievna

Kuznetsova Yulia Yurievna

year 2013.

The kids are ready for the holidays. Suddenly, a spider descends on the door, a maple leaf in its paws.

Ved-th : - Guys, look, in my opinion, adventures, miracles are already beginning for you and me. Spider, let us go to the party. We are in a hurry to visit the fall.(spider bounces)

Ved-th: -What? Do you want to miss us? Weird. What do you want? So that we read what is written on the leaflet? Good!

(we read, the spider disappears).

Ved: (reads) “Dear guys, I can’t come to your holiday. The evil spirit has bewitched me. If you are friendly and courageous, resourceful and cheerful, then go to a fairy tale. And the colored leaves will show you the way. I'm waiting for you. Autumn.

(children with a teacher go to the gym.)


1 child Gossamer webs fly

With spiders in the middle

And high from the earth Arina B.

Cranes fly by

Everything flies, it must be

Our summer is flying by.

2 children A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,

A maple leaf circles over the earth Denis K.

Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise

And again put on a golden outfit.

3 children You bring with you a sad violin

So that the sad motive over the fields sounded Slava K.

But we, autumn, meet you with a smile

And we invite everyone to our festive hall.

4.reb. And where is Autumn, we don’t understand,

Why isn't she with us? Sveta Sh.

Probably with the rain together

Everything brings beauty.

5 children She wanted to gild

Birches, lindens, maples. Stas K.

To not miss anything

Color in green.

Leading: Trees are all autumn day

Such beautiful!

Let's sing a song

About golden leaves.

Song "Leaves"

Ved-th: -Well, guys, let's go rescue Autumn from trouble? Then go.

(We walk around the room and sit down.)

Baba Yaga runs.

Baba Yaga: -Come, killer whales! I've been waiting for you! (laughs wickedly)

Ved-th: -Yes, you do not scare us!.

Baba Yaga: -My profession is to scare and ask everyone! From such a job and run wild for a short time. At least make me laugh. Look, it could be better.

Ved-th: -If you want, we will cheer you up, only first you help us.

Baba Yaga: - Me? To you? I never helped anyone. What if you deceive me? First fulfill my condition, amuse me, old woman, amuse Yagusya.

Ved-th: - Do you agree, guys? Just do it, Baba Yaga, everything is with us.

Dance "Kukaracha"

Baba Yaga: - Wow, pine trees! I liked your dance. Wow, you amused me to glory, only something else is missing for complete happiness!

Leading: Baba Yaga, and our guys know beautiful poems and can read them to you, do you want?

6 children Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow.

The leaves on the birch burn with gold. Tanya G.

Do not hear the cheerful songs of the nightingale,

Birds have flown to distant lands.

7 children The sun is shining bright Andrey L.

The wind is chasing the clouds

Cloud, cloud float away

Don't block the sun.

8 children It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard as in the sun Arina T.

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

9 children swirled leaves

Motley round dance Lyuba I.

Glittered in the puddles

First, thin ice.

10 children The rain was jumping

So fast, so fast. Vanya K.

Long-legged raindrops

Cap da cap, like da cap.

Ved-th: -We fulfilled your condition. Now can we count on your help?

Baba Yaga.- You can, as long as I'm kind.

Ved-th: - We are looking for Autumn with the guys to invite her to the holiday. Are you hiding it with you?

Baba Yaga: - Me? Not! I have enough worries without her. Let me know where she might be. Painfully I liked you, irises. Leshy has it, he does not like Autumn. Therefore, he turned it into a stump and keeps this stump in his thicket. And I don't know anything more.

Vedic: -Well, guys, let's go to Leshy?

Baba Yaga: -Aren't you afraid of him, the damned one?

Children: -No!

Baba Yaga: Well, brave men! Well, go ahead, if so. Don't forget Yagusenka!

Ved-th: - Thank you, B / Yaga for your help. And now it's time for us. (Children go to the music hall and go to the chairs, sit down.)

The sound of birds singing.

Guys, look, we are in the forest. How beautiful it is! But it seems to me that everything is so mysterious here. This makes me wary.

Goblin: - Who broke the silence of my forest. Who disturbed me, the owner of the forest?

Children greet.

Ved: -This is us, preschool children from kindergarten. And they came to you with a request.

Goblin: - That's what I knew, just like that no one comes to me. Everyone wants something from me. And then they are still offended that Leshy is evil, but gloomy. Spread, why complained?

Vedic: We have come for Autumn. Her holiday has come, and you keep her at your place. Don't you feel sorry for such beauty?

Goblin: -That's why I hide it, that she is painfully beautiful, everyone loves her, admires her, invites her to her place. And I? Who remembers me? Do not amuse me, nor does he want to solve my riddles.

Ved-th: - The guys and I will have fun, and we will guess your riddles. Really guys? Now listen to Leshy, our guys have prepared poems for you!


11 children Maple leaves turned yellow

The gardens are empty, Natasha B.

Puddles spilled in the beams,

The birds are in flocks!

12 children

We fly away this Wednesday Zhenya Z.

We're flying far south

We don't want to freeze here!

13reb What a starling, fly!

Be careful on the way! Dima D.

Keep up with friends

Don't forget your native land!

I will be glad if again in the summer,

Will you be my neighbor!

Leading: It's raining outside the window,

Wet tracks.

We can't go for a walk

We'll get our feet wet.

Leading: Now the guys will sing

Your favorite song.

Song "Rain".

Ved: And the guys and I love to solve riddles, right guys?

Goblin: Guess, I'll give you Autumn, no, Autumn will remain with me.

1. Fly, circle

Lie down on us

Don't get up off the ground

And then they disappear. (leaves)

2. There is a cake on one leg

Whoever passes by, everyone bows. (mushroom)

3.Sam scarlet, sugar, green caftan, velvet. (Watermelon)

4. I look like the sun, and I love the sun

I turn my head behind the sun. (Sunflower.)

Goblin: You guessed all the riddles, I praise you for that!

Ved-th: - Will you give us Autumn, as you promised?

Goblin: - It's a pity for me to part with such beauty,

Yes, you have to give. I am master of my word.

Vedic: Don't be sad, Goblin, so it's better to stay on our holiday. And you are not at all angry and gloomy, we even liked you very much. Really guys?

Goblin: -Thank you for the kind words, and thanks for the invitation too. Only I will not leave my forest, there will be no order. It is impossible in the forest without a master. And you go. Autumn has already been waiting for you, I disenchanted it. And I give you these autumn leaves for your courage and kindness.

Ved-y: - Thank you, Leshy. Goodbye!

Well, guys, let's dance with these beautiful, autumn leaves.

Leaf exercises.

(Autumn walks)

Autumn: - How glad I am for you guys! For your friendship and resourcefulness, for kindness and ingenuity, I give you the most beautiful holiday.

Ved: We are glad that you came to our holiday, dear Autumn. After all, we were preparing to meet you. And for you, beautiful Autumn, we will sing a song.

The song "Oh what an autumn"

(after the song the children sit down)


14 children Autumn swirled in the sky

Over the fields, arable land, Angelina B.

Brightly fabulous firebird

The sun brightened up.

I flew into the distant forest,

Illuminated the lake

And the water glistened in it

Mother of pearl pink.

And the bird dropped its feathers

Above the clearing light

Glittered on the trees

Leaves are self-colored.

15 children At the heavenly pier

Autumn met summer. Lesha Ch.

Autumn with suitcases

filled with fogs,

With a fine sieve for rain,

And with umbrellas for people.

And in the summer, and in the summer

There are no baskets, no bags -

All left in the meadows

On happy shores.

16reb At the heavenly pier

Autumn grumbled to the summer:

“Your song, summer, is sung. Olga S.

What do you say to that?"

Summer, standing at the pier,

Smiled, remained silent.

And the clouds sailed like ships

And they took summer away for the dense forest!

17 children

What are you visiting early,

Autumn, come to us?

The heart asks for more, Andrey B.

Light and warmth!

Autumn: Thank you, dear guys! I commend you, you are great.

Ved: Dear Autumn, every year you give us a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits. We are happy to collect it.

Song "Harvest"

Autumn: -And now it's time to dance, show yourself in the dance.

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the senior group"AUTUMN TALE"

(Children enter the hall in pairs, and stop in a semicircle.)


Hello dear guests!

Today in our hall we have gathered you, friends,

So that in our autumn holiday children's laughter would ring,

So that friendship does not end, so that the music sounds,

So that there would be enough songs and dances for everyone.

These are songs, these are dances,

This is sonorous children's laughter, games, dances, round dances,

Enough joy for everyone!

Child: 1 st. No. 1

Summer flew by quickly

Ran through the flowers.

Hidden behind the mountains

And misses us there.

Child: 2 st. No. 1

And along the former summer paths

Roaming red beauty.

It's Autumn - Goldilocks

It crept up on us like a fox.

Child:3 st. No. 1

Leaf fall cleared

Through bushes and maples.

Soon we will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

Child:4 st. No. 2

The guest gave autumn

Harvest of fruits.

drizzling rains,

A body of forest mushrooms.

Child:5 st. No. 2

So let's celebrate autumn!

Song, dance and play.

Meetings will be joyful

Together: Autumn is your holiday.

Child: 6 st. No. 2

Autumn is a glorious time

The kids love autumn.

We welcome autumn

We sing the song.

SONG "Autumn" (music by M. Krasev)

(after the song, the children sit on the chairs)

CHILD: st. No. 1

Lush sundress

covering the earth,

Walking to visit us

Autumn is golden!

Autumn festival in the forest

Light and fun!

Here are the decorations

Autumn is here!

CHILD: art. No. 2

Only the wind has blown

Did a lot of work right away.

Dispersed the clouds in the sky

Tore the leaves from the tree

Spin them high

Scattered them far away.

We'll pick up the leaves

Let's dance with them!

Children dance dance "Autumn knocked on our door"

They sat down on the chairs.


How beautiful autumn is

Let's remember her leaf fall.

Autumn bunches of mountain ash

Burning bright red fire

Where Autumn is golden? Here's the riddle, here's the secret

We sing songs here, but it's still not there.

Where are you Autumn? Respond! Where are you Autumn? Appear!

(Autumn enters the hall to the music, carries a basket in his hands.)


Hello my friends! Did you call me?

I Autumn is golden. Bow my friends.


Hello. Autumn,

We are very glad that now You are with us,

And you we Autumn,

We glorify with dances, songs, poems!


I'm always happy for the holidays

Come to kindergarten.

I love to have fun

Play with kids.

I have a basket in my hands (shows)

In her autumn gifts.

Everything I'm rich with.

Brought for the kids.

I brought vegetables

From the garden bed

But to know them

Guess riddles.

1. They threw off golden feathers from Yegorushka,

Made Yegorushka cry without grief. (Onion.)

2. Alena dressed up in her green sarafan,

She curled the frills thickly, but her name is ... (Cabbage.)

3. How riddles grew in our garden,

Juicy and round, so big,

Green in summer, red in autumn. (Tomatoes.)

4. And in this garden - long riddles,

In this garden, Santa Claus hides a red nose in summer. (Carrot.)

5. Dried out in the hot sun

And breaks out of the pods. (Peas)

6. Green above, red below,

It has grown into the ground. (Beet)

7. I am long and green, I am tasty salty,

Delicious and raw. Who am I? (Cucumber.)

8. This vegetable is a general

Vegetables to all the commander,

If you cooked it

Don't forget to take off your uniform. (Potatoes.)

9. Pink cheeks, white nose,

I sit in the dark all day long.

And the shirt is green

She is all in the sun. (Radish)

Autumn: Well done guys, you solved all the riddles!

And do you like to play? I offer you the game "Fruits - vegetables"

(6 people per group)


Autumn, you are a beautiful season, cheerful, fertile and fruitful.

The children have prepared a gift for you.

Hey boys come out to sing ditties!

The boys sing ditties.- (Art. No. 2)



Oh and well done guys, you surprised me. You sang. danced. and poems were told to me. How glad I am that you came to the holiday.

Music sounds.

Baba Yaga enters the hall on a scooter with goslings, sings to the tune "Merry Geese".

(Autumn and Vedas. Standing in disbelief.)


Lived at Yagusi

Two cheerful geese,

One is cunning

Another greedy one

My geese, geese!

Goose paws scratch,

Feel the gifts

One is cunning

Another greedy one

My geese, geese!

Take away, geese,

A basket for Yagusi!

One is cunning

Another greedy one

My geese, geese!

(The goslings take the basket and run away.)

BABA YAGA: Oh, red-billed, well done!

HOST: What kind of guests are these?

AUTUMN: And they took our treat!

BABA YAGA: My carriage, my geese, my basket too!

HOST: How is yours? it Autumn brought for all the guys!

BABA YAGA: So what! I also have two baby caterpillars, hungry, they want to eat!


Baba Yaga, let's treat all the guys. And the geese will get it!

BABA YAGA: What more! If it comes to that, then they will take you! Come on, geese, wake up, turn around with an evil force, fly away with Autumn into the dense forest!

The geese take Autumn by the arms, flap their wings, and leave. Baba Yaga remained

Grandmother Yaga:

Ha ha ha, you don’t have a holiday! Otherwise, ish have fun, dance songs for Autumn. You don't have it now, No!

Now I'm your autumn queen (sit on the throne)


What to do? We need to help out Autumn, but we don’t even know where the geese hid her. (turns to grandma)

Why did you steal Autumn? Give it away now!

Baba Yaga:

Be quiet, be quiet! Yes, there are a lot of you here .... Do you think you can handle an old grandmother? Dudki! I am not afraid of anything and no one, especially such children!


I know what Baba Yaga is afraid of!

First, fearless glance:

Brave Yagusa is not needed.

Also, happy laughter:

Laughter is a hindrance for a villain.

From a kind, gentle word

Grandma is ready to cry

And there is neither desire nor joy

Arrange the old nasty things.

Is Grandma really pretty?

Baba Yaga:

Well, okay, touched the grandmother. So be it, I will return to you Autumn, but only if you win three challenges.

The first task for smart guys. It's called "Say a word."

(The girls went to get ready for the dance)

1. Autumn came to visit us

And she brought it with her.

What? Say random!

Well, of course.

(leaf fall)

2. The cold scares them so much

Fly to warm countries

Can't sing, have fun

Who gathered in flocks? (birds)

3. Here on the leg is a dome-mushroom,

It will protect you from the rain.

Pedestrian won't get wet

If you hide under


Leading: And we will take umbrellas, let's go dancing.

(dance with umbrellas st. No. 1)

Baba Yaga: Well done, you made me happy.

Let's continue my controversy.

4. Early morning in the yard

The ice has settled on the grass.

And the whole meadow became light blue.

Silver sparkles.


5 . Here is the old lady from the gatehouse

Dirt spreads on the path.

Wet bast shoes stick in the swamp -

Everyone calls the old lady. (slush)

6. It wets the field, forest and meadow,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this.


The soundtrack of rain and thunder sounds, the grandmother gets scared and says:

Grandmother Yaga:

Oh oh oh something the clouds are frowning, it seems the rain is starting!

It's all autumn is everything.... I better hide for now (hides under umbrella)

Girls dance dance "Cloud". St. gr. No. 2

Baba Yaga:

okay. You have passed the first test. But you definitely won't pass the second test.

Can you tell poetry? It would be interesting to listen. (sit on the throne)


Guys, let's tell our guest poems.

(all children come out and become a semicircle)

(insert 4-5 verses about Autumn) groups No. 1 and No. 2 - agree.

6. Art. No. 1

Oh what spoons

Look, look.

Let's play spoons

And we will dance.

(Boys play with spoons.)


Well, tell granny, are we all your assignments, have you gained weight?

Baba Yaga:

good good. Grandma was convinced. You know how to sing, you know how to dance, you read poetry ... but how beautiful it is. It's taken to the soul. My darling cheered up.

Well, okay, so be it, I give it to you Autumn. - Hey, red-bills, return Autumn.

(Music sounds geese return autumn with a basket.)


Here is your autumn beauty!

you have irritated Granny Yagulechka, I’ll fix it so be it. Well, it's time to go home, goslings, red-billed guys.

Oh, and where is my carriage! Goodbye. (B.Ya. leaves on a scooter)


Dear Autumn, how glad we are. that we are together again.


How to thank you - I don’t know, I will do so many miracles

I'll go, I'll gild the whole forest, I'll give red beads to mountain ash

To birches - yellow scarves, a carpet on the ground

I'll insulate Yezhov's mink, and the wind, how happy he will be

When the leaves fall!

All gifts to you, friends!

I brought it today!

I don't leave you

I'll be friends with you until winter!

Guys let me play

And help pick mushrooms

1 Game "Collect Mushrooms Blindfolded" two children each.

They sat down on the chairs.

2 game

"Koloshi" run in spikes through an obstacle.

(6 people per group.)


Without a beautiful dance

The holiday is not bright

Accept, Autumn,

Our dance as a gift

DANCE "Autumn, dear, rustling" st. gr. No. 2


Autumn, we thank you for the rich harvest, for the bright colors, for such a wonderful time of the year.


Thank you guys, you made me happy.

Well, I say goodbye to you

I'm returning to the autumn forest!


Autumn treats children and leaves to the music.


The autumn holiday looked into every house,

Because autumn is walking outside the window.

I looked at the autumn holiday in kindergarten,

To please both adults and children!

The holiday is over and it's time to say goodbye

But it won't be long before we part.

We will be glad to see you and we will meet again at the holiday with us.


To the music, the children leave the hall.

Characters: Hedgehog, Bunny, Fox, Cat, Dog, Duck, Squirrel.

The hall is decorated in autumn. There are birch trees and Christmas trees in different corners. Children enter the hall to cheerful music.

Leading: Guys, look how beautiful. Where did we get to?

The children look around the room.

We came with you to the autumn forest. It's autumn outside now. There were few green leaves left on the trees, more and more red and yellow. When you walk through the forest, autumn dry leaves rustle under your feet. What is under the flower? Let's come and see.

Children approach a birch tree, under which autumn leaves cut out of cardboard lie.

Leading: Guys, these are magic leaves. Handing out papers to children. See how colorful they are.


The leaves are crumbling

yellow and red,

Autumn begins

The time is wonderful.

And now we guys

Let's take the leaves in our hands

with leaves

Let's start a round dance.

Dance with autumn leaves.


We took the leaves in our hands

We started dancing with them! (They run around the hall in a flock with leaves in their hands.)

All the leaves of the guys

They want to fly through the forest. (They stop and wave leaves.)

We will lift all the leaves

And we will dance together with them. (Children raise their hands up and spin around.)

Sit down, sit down

Keep up with the guys.

We will not show the leaves,

Where we hide them - we will not tell.

All the leaves of the guys

They sleep quietly behind their backs. (Children hide the leaves behind their backs and swing from leg to leg.)

Suddenly a breeze came

Wants to pick up a leaf.

We will not give leaves,

Suitable for us. (Children hide the leaves behind their backs and perform the “spring”.)

A leaf fell from the tree

The wind turned the leaf. (Children show everyone their leaves and circle with them to the right.)

He danced in the air

And then he fell off easily. (Children squat down and put the leaves on the floor.)

We see our leaf is tired

We want him to sleep

You lie down and don't get up

Bye-bye, bye-bye. (Children put the leaves on the floor.)

We will stand on our feet

And let's take it in our hands.

We will bring leaves

And return to the basket. (Children take the leaves and put them in a basket).

The host notices that one of the leaves flew underherringbone.

Leading: Guys, where is the leaf calling us? Let's go see. (Everyone approaches the Christmas tree. The host shrugs.) There is no one. (The host is facing the children, but sideways to the Christmas tree. A Hedgehog is peeking out from under the Christmas tree. The Host pretends not to see the Hedgehog. After the children point at him, the Host turns to face the Christmas tree, and the Hedgehog hides behind the Christmas tree. The Host is surprised that he does not see the Hedgehog, looks at the children. Finally, the Host finds him.)

Leading: Hello Hedgehog!

Hedgehog: Hello guys.

Leading: Hedgehog, it turns out that you really like to play.

Hedgehog: Yes, I just love to play different games.

Leading: Then you should definitely make friends with the guys, because they also like to play. Our guys know a song about a hedgehog.

Hedgehog: I love songs very much. Sing to me please.

Children sing a song about a hedgehog (“The rubber hedgehog walked and whistled with a hole in his right side ...”)

Hedgehog: What a good song, thank you. As a sign of our friendship, I allow you to pet me.

Leading: Hedgehog, how can we stroke you? You're all prickly and prick the guys.

Hedgehog: And I removed all the thorns.

Children stroke the Hedgehog on the head and back.

Leading: Hedgehog, have you noticed that it has become cold outside, the leaves are falling from the trees and will soon be left completely without leaves?

Hedgehog: Yes, it's autumn. Have you noticed that the leaves have changed color? After all, they were green, but they became yellow, brown, red, orange. And for some reason it often rains.

1st child:

Yes, hedgehog, it's raining

No one is taking us outside.

2nd child:

But we want to go for a walk

It's fun to jump in the puddles.

1st child:

Oh, who's behind the window?

After all, it's a Capitol!

Children sing a song from the cartoon "Kapitoshka".

Leading: And after the rain, mushrooms immediately grow.

1st child:

Autumn in the woods

Mushrooms have grown

Glorious mushrooms,

Delicious oils.

2nd child:

The cat ran past

And I saw mushrooms.


Meow! beautiful mushrooms,

I'll take them to my daughter.

1st child:

What are you pussy

After all, a mushroom is not a sausage!


Kittens don't eat mushrooms.

2nd child:

Here comes the dog

And I saw mushrooms.


Woof! How many mushrooms are here

I'll take it to my puppies.

1st child:

No, doggy, wait

Better find a bone

Don't feed this to puppies.

Children: Puppies don't eat mushrooms.

2nd child:

The duck passed by

Almost stepped on a mushroom.


Well, there are a lot of mushrooms here,

I feed my ducks.

1st child:

Well, you're funny, duck!

I hope this is a joke?

Because the guys say...

Children: Ducklings do not eat mushrooms.

2nd child:

Hedgehog with a squirrel came running

And we saw mushrooms.

Let's ask our guys

Do hedgehogs eat mushrooms?

Children: Yes.

1st child: Do squirrels eat mushrooms?

Children: Yes.


I dry mushrooms

And I will put them in the hollow.

I need to pick mushrooms

Don't go hungry in winter!


I'll prick a mushroom on a thorn,

Because I really love mushrooms.

I'll take my mushrooms

To small hedgehogs in the bushes.

Hedgehog: Guys, I feel good with you! You can sing and dance, but it's time for me to go about my business. I store mushrooms, nuts, various roots for the winter. Winter is coming soon.

Leading: Hedgehog, and we will help you pick mushrooms for the winter!

The game "Collect mushrooms for the hedgehog"

Toy mushrooms are laid out on the floor, the players are blindfolded. Whoever blindly collects more mushrooms wins.


Well thank you guys!

Leading(picks up a piece of paper): Guys, I wonder where the piece of paper will lead us next? (Throws a leaf in the opposite direction to another Christmas tree.) Who lives here?

Everyone sees a trembling Bunny.

Leading: Hello Bunny. Why are you so trembling?

Bunny: Are you hunters?

Leading: No, we are not hunters. We came to admire the autumn forest, and a leaf brought us to you. What happened to you?

Bunny: I feel so lonely in the autumn forest.

Leading: Okay, Bunny, we'll have fun. Our guys know the game, now they will play with you.

Bunny: How well you played with me.

Leading: Bunny, we will not give you offense (looks at the clock). Oh, guys, it's time for us to join the group, toys miss us without us. Bunny, we had a good time with you. We promise that we will visit you again.

Bunny: A large carrot has grown in my garden, I want to give it to you. It is not simple, but magical.

Leading: And why magical, seemingly ordinary?

Bunny: And you open!

The host opens a carrot, and there ... gifts for children. To cheerful music, children leave the hall for a group and take a magic carrot with them.

Antonida Tapkhaeva
Scenario of the autumn holiday in the senior group

Characters: leading, Autumn, Rain - adults

Holiday progress:

Hall festively decorated. The song sounds « Autumn dear rustles» .

Leading: Dear guests, dear children! We wholeheartedly congratulate you on autumn holiday, With harvest festival!

Along forest paths

Walks - wanders Autumn.

How many fresh cones

The greens pines!

And a leaf from a birch Golden bee

Curls and flies

Above the thorny tree!

invites Autumn

All in their possession,

Where surprises await us

Jokes, laughter, fun.

The guests are the first to rush

They want to please us.

Children read poetry

1st child: Has come autumn,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Don't hear merry

Nightingale song.

The birds have flown away

To distant lands.

2nd child: The sun is tired,

You are warming up!

Yellow and scarlet

Sheets are spinning.

In the rustle and in the rustle

Our autumn garden.

Heaps on the paths

The motley ones lie down.

3rd child: circled over me

Rain of mischievous leaves.

How good is he!

Where else can you find such

Without end and without beginning?

I began to dance under him,

We danced like friends

Rain of leaves and me.

Song « Autumn is golden» -III senior group

Appears to the music Autumn with a bouquet of leaves.

Autumn: I - Autumn is golden

Bow to you my friends

I have been dreaming of meeting you for a long time.

Believe me, I do not like to sit idle

And I feed the winter and spring.

I flow like a golden river into the bins,

Fragrant loaf I enter the house.

Clusters of ripe viburnum - my earrings.

And gray rains are my nightingales

Fairy tales wander through the forest autumn day

Would you be fine without me?

Children: No

Song "Hello Autumn» - I senior group

Leading (refers to Autumn) :

Gather autumn fruit harvest,

Lots of joy for people

After all the hard work.

And we meet you

Rich harvest.

Music sounds, children run out in costumes of vegetables and fruits.

Vegetables (in chorus): Hello guests!

Guys and adults!

1. I am a carrot, a red tail.

Come visit more often.

To make your eyes sparkle

To make cheeks flush

Eat carrots, drink my juice

You will only be healthier!

2. I am a red tomato,

I love kids for a long time.

I am a chest of vitamins

Come on, take a bite!

3. I am both fresh and salty.

All pimply, green.

Don't forget me buddy

Save your health for the future.

4. And I am a juicy cabbage,

Proud of vitamins.

In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads

I'll be nice, of course.

And how delicious

Shchi my cabbage soup!

5. I am not a small bird.

I am a useful strawberry.

Who will make friends with me -

Don't get cold in winter!

6. I am strong, crispy,

A real miracle.

Yellow and red -

The skin is satin.

ruddy apple

All children wish!

7. I am an overseas guest, banana,

I swam across the ocean.

The sun asked me

Transfer your power to you.

Children stage a song"Harvest"-II senior group

Leading: - Now let's see if you can quickly harvest.

The game Sort vegetables, fruits and mushrooms. Children are divided into three teams. Each team receives a basket. The task is to arrange vegetables, fruits and mushrooms in different baskets. Which team is faster?

Well, boys and girls.

Do not fill only cones,

Collect everything you need

One, two, three - run!

Autumn: Good playing

Do you know how to dance?

Come on, hands on the side

Let's dance for us!

"Pair dance"-III senior group

Autumn: Darkened beyond window:

The rain is running towards us.

The rain is running out.

Rain: I'm a cold rain, I'm an invigorating rain,

A shiny cape develops on me.

I just came down from a huge cloud

And right there on holiday came to the guys.


Well done, rain that came to visit us, we know a song about you and now we will sing it.

Song "Rain"-II senior group

Rain: What a good song. And how well you sang it, well done. Let's play with me.

The game “Who will take the chair faster”, the chairs are arranged around an umbrella that holds Autumn.

Relay game "Jump over the puddles"

Rain: I have to go guys,

I have a lot more to do.


Leading: Today holiday in the yard, has come autumn.

We are about autumn Now let's tell.

Children I senior group read poetry

1st child: Summer flew by quickly,

The wind rustled.

Autumn looks out the window to us,

Frequent rain knocks.

Doors opened by the wind

The fan unfolded the leaves,

Gathered birds on the road

She brought us guests.

2nd child: We cannot live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

Magic, autumn and fairy forest

He invites us to visit.

The wind will spin to the song of the rain,

Throw leaves at our feet.

So beautiful it's time:

Miracle came to us again Autumn.

3rd child: Leaves filled with sun.

The leaves are soaked in the sun.

Poured, weighed down,

Run and fly

Rustled through the bushes

They jumped over the branches.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain!

"Dance with autumn leaves» - I senior group

The game "Collect a leaf". (3 large leaves are cut into several parts, they must be collected)

Autumn: Glad for your fun.

Business time, games hour.

But, much to my regret,

It's time for me to leave you.

I'm leaving but I'll be back

After all, I will be useful to my friends!

I will reward the harvest

I will treat everyone generously!

Autumn gives gifts to children, leaves the hall to the music.

Leading: It's over autumn holiday,

I think he lifted everyone's spirits!

I want to sing, always smile ...

Children, do you agree with me?

Children: Yes!

To cheerful music, everyone leaves the hall.

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