Widget Love Counter Days. Love Widget for Android

Widget D-Day Love - application for couples in love, which allows you to track important joint dates.

The most important thing is to introduce the correct start date of the relationship, because the countdown will begin. After it remains only to specify the names of lovers so that they are displayed on the main widget. There is a function of adding a photo of a guy and a girl, as well as the background image that will become the cover. In addition, several types of design are available. The application has a simple interface that mainly consists of function buttons. And the setting will take quite a bit of time, because it is not difficult to figure out.

The application is a variety of settings: In addition to adding a widget with relationship information, it is possible to display this information in the status bar. A convenient feature is and alerts about important dates, such as a month, year and others, including the user can add their own. Thanks to this option, the user will always be aware that the significant date is approaching. This is especially true of male people who constantly forget something important about relationships.

Widget D-Day Love is an excellent opportunity to follow the time during which your relationship lasts. With the help of a small application, the dates of important events and days are available to the user, and reminders allow you to not forget to congratulate the soul mate. After all, attention to detail is the key to good relations - 4.6 points.


Probably everyone forgot the anniversary of the collaboration of two lovers. Imagine, they shook at work or just feel bad, forgot to congratulate your soul mate with a wonderful date. The upholstery will be for a week, if not more. Download the application from our site and always know how much time has passed since the beginning of your relationship.

The application is a widget that needs to be installed on the desktop. After starting the application, specify the names: (your and your second half) and set the date starting your relationship. Next, set the widget on the desktop. The application widget looks quite pretty, but in my opinion too cumbersome, occupies almost a third of the desktop. The widget presents the following information: your names and how much time you are together. Dars the whole picture incorrect display of the date. For example, "1 year 2 months 12 days," I do not understand what it was worth the developers to make a normal display of "endings" in words. Under your names in the widget, love quotes are displayed. I sometimes look at this widget, you definitely not forget to congratulate your soul mate with a significant date and make a pleasant surprise. The application does not have any settings.


Personally, I do not recommend installing on my mobile device. The incorrect display of endings simply displays. The application deserves a two-point four-point scale and then with stretch. Thanks for attention.

Widget Love - Counter days for Android, popular and very useful application for smartphones in category - Lifestyle / Calendar / Reminders. Mobile meter will show how much time left to an important event for you. Especially such a widget enjoy lovers to celebrate anniversary and prepare for such events in advance.

A good widget will help you not to skip an important date, as it shows how much time you with your second half together. Beautiful widget with good decor on the main crane of the smartphone. To start using the application simply enter your names and date of commencement of relationships, the date of the wedding, the meeting date and from now on the widget will count how long you are together. In addition, the application will notify you in advance about the approach of March 8, February 14 - the day of all lovers and other holidays.

Features Widget love on Android:

  • convenient day reference widget to date;
  • beautiful design;
  • holidays notification: February 14, February 23, March 8 and others;
  • fully customizable widget;
  • shows how much time you are together.

The application is accounting for days / months and years from the date of your dating or wedding and warns about the upcoming anniversary. Life is loaded and most people run into matters, work and household trifles, that even important dates can fly out of the head - therefore, an automatic warning about an important date is a very useful thing.

Download Widget Love - Counter Days for Android Free, without registration and SMS, you can from our site, for a direct link below.

Widget Love - Very necessary widget for lovers who consider days and even minutes spent with their love. With this application for android smartphones, the owners will be able to stay abreast of the time spent together with their half.

If you are constantly or periodically forget the day of a fateful meeting, your dating day, your first kiss, or another equally important date in your relationship. then the love widget is designed specifically for people like you. Who wants to remember such touching moments, but due to the large load and the large flow of information, as well as the owners of the "maidy memory", the dates simply fly out of your head. To start using a widget, you need to download it to your device, and then it is enough to enter names, and for example, the day of the first meeting, and the smartphone will display the time spent together. And also remind you of the upcoming holidays of love. So long before the important date you will see what it will take place and need to prepare, for example buy a gift or book a table.

Features Widget Love on Android:

  • shows the number of days spent together;
  • decorate your smartphone with love symbol - heart (red color);
  • reminds important dates (for example: your wedding day, first kiss, acquaintance).

Download Widget Love for Free Android By reference below without sending SMS and without registration on the link below.