Extracurricular sports and travel event "We are going to campaign." Event in the summer school camp with a presentation. Game tourist program How to choose a suitable view of tourism and where to go newcomer

Project event

"We're going to campaign"

Tourism is an excellent and effective means of upbringing a healthy and hardened person. Let him do not give such a development of musculature as other sports, but many people can envy the health of the tourist. He is not afraid to pens out his legs, he is not afraid to catch a cold, get into the rain. Tourism temper the way no other sport.

Tourism classes produce a number of very valuable qualities. The tourist knows how to go to go, dilute fire, cook porridge, correctly navigate and do not get lost in the forest, quickly replace clothes.

In tourist hits, students come to life and get a completely new sound. Many knowledge obtained in the lessons of geography, biology, mathematics, astronomy, landmarks, which sometimes absorb formally and remain burdened by the memory ballast, unsuitable for any use. But tourism is not only a means of physical and applied education. The role of tourism is great in moral and spiritual education, socialization and development of communicative qualities of schoolchildren.

Relevance It is that the theme of the health of schoolchildren has recently been widely discussed on the print pages by specialists of a different profile. Problems are indicated, specific recommendations on the exit from the current situation are offered. Although teachers have long been considered the nature of the eternal source of thoughts and good feelings of children, in school practice, educational and cognitive opportunities for communicating with nature are used extremely unsatisfactory. Tourist hiking can be recommended as an accessible means of forming environmental ethics. Tourist hiking can be recommended.


· Checking the child's knowledge of tourist skills, namely: the ability to put a tent, put the backpack correctly, to provide first aid.

· Physical education of children, the impulse of love for labor and the ability to work, the acquisition of children necessary in the hiking life of skills.

· To give the guys the opportunity to master all the wisdom of pedestrian tourism.

· Education in students' endurance, attentiveness, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, transshipment, mixtalks, purposefulness.

    promoting a new set of GTO and on its basis to ensure further massive development of tourism, involvement in tourist hiking, travel and competitions for the orientation of schoolchildren.


    Formation of interest in traveling, admission to romance of hiking life.

    Education of an active, creative person, seeking harmony with them, with other people and with nature.

    Formation of a child of confidence in their power, supporting tourism passionland.

    Strengthening health, developing motor abilities of children.

    Formation of the skills of proper behavior on the street, in the forest, education of the careful attitude towards nature, responsibility for its preservation.


    preparation of participants on autonomous survival in natural conditions;

    practical study of various orientation techniques;

    mastering the skills of water and food, the construction of dwellings, the manufacture of the simplest household items;

    development of resistance to psychological stress;

    mastering in the practice of various methods of self-treatment;

    formation of skills to ensure personal safety.

Position of the event

"We're going to campaign"

    Goals and objectives:

    • popularization of tourist competitions as means of improving and ensuring leisure students of young people;

      development of mass sports tourism;

      identify the best teams and athletes.

    Time and venue:

The event is held ___ September 20___ in the sports field Program:

The program includes:

1. Tourist bar of obstacles;

2. Orientation on the area of \u200b\u200bKP;

3. Tourist contests:

4. Creative contests;

    business card;

    competition for the best tourist song.

6. Sports games and relay:

  • tightening the rope.

5. Local history quiz;


General management of the school is carried out by the school administration. Direct holding of the competition entrusted to the main judge ________________


Students of grades 5-11 participate in the competition. Teams in the number of 6 people take part in travel competitions, competitions, local lore quiz

    Application of commands:

The preliminary application is submitted at the meeting of representatives of teams.

    Terms of reception of participants:

Participants are located in the field.

    Defining winners:

In the tourist competitions, the winner is determined by the smallest time of passing distance (for the allotted control time).

In the local lore quiz and the competitive program - to the largest number of points scored by the team.

In sports games, winners are determined in accordance with the results of the games.

The total setting among classes is carried out in terms of seats in certain types.

The winner in the overall standings is the class, who gained the smallest seats in all types of competitions.

In each form, the best result is determined among the commands.


Winners in separate species are awarded with diplomas and prizes. The winners in the overall competition are awarded with a diploma and a special prize.

Theoretical lesson "Going to the campaign"

Koshevana Oksana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher MOU "School No. 97 of Donetsk", Donetsk People's Republic
Purpose: The purpose of tourist activity as a means of improving health, a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of offenses is to create conditions for attracting as much children as possible to tourism classes. This development is designed for younger students, can be used by teachers of primary classes, counselor, educators of school and country camps.

Purpose:creating conditions for the development of interest in tourism.
expand knowledge about tourism; learn to navigate the terrain; introduce the basic safety regulations; deepen knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.
develop memory, attention, observation, cognitive interest; ability to analyze and draw conclusions; Dialogical speech, the ability to negotiate.
educate love and careful attitude towards everything alive; desire to help others; Promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Equipment: Presentation POWER POINT, Ball.
Structure occupation
I. Organizational moment. Emotional setting
Our mood is excellent
And smiles are the usual business.
We wish each other good,
The conversation began to start us.
II. Introduction to the topic
1. Work on Crossword.
Guys to find out what we will talk about today, I suggest you to solve the crossword.
Fill in the names of the names of items. Vertical you can read the topic of our classes.

II. Work on the topic
1. Story with interview elements.

Today we will talk about tourism.
- What does the word "tourism" mean? (Children's responses).
Let us turn to the dictionary.
- sport - group trips having a physical hardening of the body.
- Type of travel committed for rest and self-education.
And who does not like to travel? The thirst for the knowledge of the new, laid, probably in each of us.
People travel from a long time.
More ancient tribes to find the best accommodation seats were forced to make long transitions and travels.

You can travel differently. How? (Children's responses).

In order for the journey to go well, you need to make a route in advance, i.e. the intended follow-up path.
Select synonyms for the word "journey".
(Path, road, expedition, hike, excursion, cruise, etc.)
To always be healthy,
We need to go to walk,
In nature rest.
Fresh air breathe.
- Guys, why do people go hiking? (Children's responses).
(Hard the organism; develop strength, endurance; get acquainted with the nature of the native land, attractions; admire the beauty of nature; raise yourself mood).
2. Work on the mystery.
Guess the riddle. What are the people who go hiking.
Hears herself on himself,
And gets tired - it will take it.

The one who wants to be a real tourist should know a lot and be able to: how to focus on the terrain how to install a tent, divorce fire; understand plants and mushrooms; Know the habits of animals and birds; environmental safety rules; First aid.
We hike for science
Today let's go.
We take away.
3. Work in groups "What we take with you in the campaign."
Travel can be long, and may take several hours. Going hike, tourists should know what you need to take with you.
We are going to hike
Guess - who goes?
No, do not uncle with backpacks
And do not aim with bowlers,
And not an older brother with a mustache ...
Not! We go to the hike!
I. Roslova
Imagine that we go hiking to the nearest forest, without a night. Make a list of what you need to take.
(The guys make up lists of necessary things for the campaign).
(Discussion of answers)
If you go to go,
Do not forget to take a backpack,
Without him in any hike
It is impossible to do without.

And you still need a compass,
Mug, spoon, knife, ax,
So that you, cut the branches,

Dilute could fire.

You can take with your gear.
To catch fish,
And more boilers more
To cook in it in it.

You still need a tent
To be where to sleep,
And hammock to run
And in the shine to build.

And, of course, products,
Days about six days
You need to take my mom with my mother,
Cook you eat.

Need a bag-carrying,
It sits a favorite dog.
And of course dad,
So that he is all this.

And so that happiness was full
I will give another advice:
Put certainly
In your backpack a bag of candies.
I. Butrimova
4. The game "Edible - Inedible".
In the campaign it is important to eat well.
We definitely take products with you, but suddenly there will be an unexpected.
You call your friends who are ready to come to the rescue. Friends may be not only people, but also plants! They feed us and dress up, help learn and treat.
What do you think you can use in food, if you stay without food?
The educator throws the ball to children, calling the names of edible and inedible berries and mushrooms.
(Strawberry, Podbirovik, Amanita, Rosehip, Raspberry, Boostyl, Blueberry, Pale Mustache, Chanterelle, Librarian, Wolf Lyko, Oil, White Mushroom, False, Blueberry, Woroniye, Ryzhik, Syrozhka, Satanic Mushroom, Lily of Mayski, Gruse)
Remember dangerous berries and mushrooms.

5. Surprises of forest glade or "hiking troubles".
In the campaign with someone can happen misfortune.
You can fall behind the group and get lost, hurt, get a bite insect or snake.
Game "Board Wordless".
There is no end of the line,
Where are three points.
Who will come up with the end,
That will be well done.
Breaking through the bushes,
Through you are a little.
And to the one who is ahead
Do not go too closely.
And otherwise Metko
I will hit the eye ... (branch).
Water from the river is not lying
Sailing microbes in it,
But much worse
Drink from dirty ... (puddles).

Look at the wellers:
Cheerful and brick
Fiber from all over
Material for construction.
Here one stumbled suddenly
Under heavy burden
And hurries to help a friend -
Here the people are good.
Without work, even kill,
It can not live ... (ant).

Everything buzzes she buzzes
Over the flower circles, circling.
Sat down, the juice from the flower took,
Honey is preparing us ... (Bee).

Flew past ear
Like a fly, but not fly.
This fly did not bund
She, guys, sting!
Kohl stupid - will be "ah"!
Who is it? Guess!
Fly with sting? Wonders!
They know everything - this ... (OSA).
Between the windows there is a gap,
A shaggy flew in the gap ... (bumblebee).

Rope on the ground crawling.
Here is a tongue, open mouth,
All bite everyone, I am ready
Because I am ... (snake).
If trouble occurred, you should be able to provide first aid to myself or a friend with small damage: wounds, burns, bruises, zanozha, bite.
Let's remember the rules for first aid.

6. Drawing up a memo "If you've got lost."
Hurried trap
Holds the path from afar.
Forest in the forest path,
Like a tilt of the tangle.
You inspected on a beautiful butterfly and behind the group. What to do?
(Children's responses).
- Do not panic, try to calm down.
- If there is a phone, call.
- Try to remember what species there were found on the way. (Power lines, streams, special trees, etc.)
- Try to the loud cry to attract attention.
- Do not run through the forest! Stay in one place!
- Be sure you will definitely find.
To get lost on the way
Keep up the band suddenly
Compass accurately useful.
Know where the north and where south.
A. Nevzorov
And if there is no compass? Each tourist should be able to navigate the terrain, you need to know the natural signs that will help you do.

7. The game "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends." Rules of behavior in nature.
Guys, if you agree with the content of lines, then answer "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends," if not, we say "it's not me, it's not me, it's not my friends."
Amanita Seeing, I
Moving friends by passing.

Fell a chick from the nest,
It is impossible to touch us.

Who collects a lingonberry
With the root of a bus snaps up?

Along the path who walks
On the beetles does not occur?

Branches we do not break
When the forest is walking.

We have seen a short
And he was taken home.

Anthill we will find
Let's watch and leave.

Tape recorder We took in the leaf
And drove the birds of the voice.

In the forest of dogs we take
Calre birds will be in it.

Lily of Narva in the forest,
For the holiday, mom will bring.

The edible mushrooms we are trained and confused,
And inedible, we collect in the basket.

You, man, loving nature
Although sometimes her regrets:
In entertainment hits
Do not tramples its fields.
M. Pleazkovsky
III. Outcome. Reflection
Guys, so it came to the end our journey.
Well, that's time
Home to go time.
A lot of impressions
Nature gave us.
N. Mashneva
Finish Proposal:
- Today I learned ...
- it was interesting…
- I realized that ...
- I wanted…

Class hour in grade 5-7.

Purpose: Putting school skills and knowledge about the difficulties that lie on the tourist trail.

Teach children carefully treat nature.

Educating love for nature, a sense of collectivism, responsibility for their actions.

On white light wander



Leading teacher: Dear guys!

Summer is the time of exciting hikes. Would you like to go hiking in your native land? In order for all of us to become everyday tourists, knowledgeable and loving nature, you need to go hiking. But first, let's play, arrange a funny competition to check whether you are ready for a campaign.

So, 2 groups will go on the road.

It is difficult for the forest paths, a lot of dangers are waiting for you, and one team will win in our game that this path will pass.


Host: Here is the first surprise. Imagine that you are in front of you the swamp, overcome which you can only jump from the bump on the hammer one. (On the way, "Kochki" -Krufs from cardboard). And on the other side of the swamps are covered with foliage and flowers, the spring, the letter is written on each leaf. Tourist, overcoming the swamp, should take one piece, clearing the spring. Moreover, the next player should not start moving until he will take its own sheet of the previous player. When the spring will be cleared, make a word from letters written on leaves. This is the word-name of your team. So, started!

(Commands perform the task).

Guys! Let's learn the names of your teams. ("Backpack", "Compass").

In contests for each correct response, the team will receive cards with the corresponding number "KM". ("1 km.", "2 km", etc.). In the end, summarize. The "past" team is more "km", and will be the winner.

Now the first defined the name of your group team ... ..one gets

The next test "needs to be collected in the campaign."

And what would you take with you? Now we will find out

"The desired things in the hike".

A) Teams in turn guess the riddles and get for the correct answer card 1 "km".

1. In the campaign we need to

He is very friendly with fires,

You can cook in it,

Tea fragrant boost. (Kickle)

Dwarfs live.

Such kindness

Distribute all the lights. (matches)

3. I'm small, yes delete,

It is worth looking at me,

And immediately find out the way. (compass)

4. The belt is hanging on me,

There are pockets on the back.

Kohl going to go with me,

I will hover behind my back. (backpack)

5. I'm staring hot

I'm cold stored,

I and oven, and refrigerator

I will replace in the campaign. (thermos)

6. Call easy and fast:

Soft, lush and fragrant.

He and black, he and white

And it happens the grown. (bread)

7.Nellity horse

Brought us sweet cereals.

A horse is waiting for a gate

Open the wider mouth. (the spoon)

8.This eye-special eye,

Quickly look at you,

And will be on the light

Your most accurate portrait. (camera)

B). Rebuses.

(Guess the rebuses that take a hike, but among them one thing that do not take hike) (piano)

Hiking is very important tasty and diverse. Culinary skills of individual travelers are often converted into the hobby, pleasant and for comrades on the campaign.

Forest kitchen.

(For the correct answers, participants receive cards 2 "km")

Questions team "Ryubzak".

1. Name, from which plants in the campaign you can cook strong, fragrant tea. (Ivan-Tea, Oshinitsa, St. John's wort)

2. How do the way usually use tourists to prepare baked potatoes with a ruddy crispy crust?

(1 method: washed and dried tubers are buried in hot ash.

2 Method: Clean dry sand is pure into a large tin can or bucket, buried potatoes into it and look with it with hot coals, in about an hour potatoes is ready.)

Questions team "Compass".

1. Name plants that can be in the forest or in the meadow, without culinary processing?

(sorrel, bitter radish, field hand)

2. How can bake fish using wooden or metal rods?

(To put fish on the rods and place the bonfire above the burning coals)

Host: More In the camps for cooking, you can use mushrooms.


(From each team comes out the fungi connoisseurs and the illustrations are determined by edible and inedible mushrooms)

1A-chanterelle 2A-borave 3A-amansor 4A-raw

1B-Opel 2B - 3B Source Side 4B - Boost

(While the experts define mushrooms, with fans or with teams, we cut ecological tasks).

Environmental tasks.

(For the correct answer, they receive 2 "km").

1. The mushroom picker one Borovik, and ruptured around the whole moss and litter, looking for small mushrooms. What harm he put in nature?

(This mushroom joined the mushroom, whose age can be 3 years)

2. The point and Misha took baskets and went to the forest for mushrooms. Having come to the forest, they diverged into different directions. Kostya scored a full basket of strong Borovikov and went to the agreed place. Going to the clearing, Kostya saw his friend from whom the basket was in his hands, full of ammorov.

Why did you screamed acearov? "Kostya asked.

I scored them so that others were not poisoned, having made Misha.

Did Misha come correctly?

(No, Misha deprived the food of forest inhabitants and himself will not have collected mushrooms.)

"Live water."

(correct answer-1 "km")

1. All bypass this place:

Here the earth as if the dough;

Here is a sediment, bumps, mosses.

No water support. (swamp)

2. The height is big breaking down,

Grozno he roars.

And about the stones broken,

Penoa gets up. (waterfall)

3. The fire does not burn, not sinking in water. (ice)

4.The vehicle will be born, the night lives, dies in the morning. (dew)

5. She's down her head,

Not in summer it grows, and in winter. (icicle)

6. What summer holiday is connected to water, water games, bathing?

(Ivan Day Kupala, July 7)

BUT ). Quiz about birds.

(correct answer-1 "km")

1. What birds remove chicks in winter? (Klezti)

2. What birds spend the night, burning into the snow? (Tetherieva, Ryabchiki)

3. What is the bird for winter whites? (White Partridge)

4. What is the biggest bird in the world? (African Ostrich)

B). Puzzles.

1. Mast of migratory bird birds,

Brushes a lot of worms.

Back and forth in a lot of scroll.

And the bird is called ....... (rook).

2. On the six-palace,

In the palace-singer.

And his name is ............ .. (Skzorets)

3.The brothers on the stuff,

Looking for food on the way

On the run, on the move whether they did not get off (cranes) on the go.

4. It is gray in appearance

But stump is famous



On the swamp two frogs,

Two green girlfriends

In the morning it was too early,

Towel rubbed,

Handles clapped,

Right, left to the left

And back returned.

Here's health in what a secret

All friends physical attire!

Quiz about animals "Why and why?"

(for the correct answer "1" km ").

1. What then does "Wolf's feet feed?"

(The wolf catchies prey, and does not fit it in the ambush).

2. Do Elephants swim?

(Yes, plunging into the water, put a trunk over the water)

3. Where is the crayfish?

(In the coastal badges in the sand)

4. Does there be a cancer moving back?

(only when swimming, but moving forward)

And, of course, in the campaign it is impossible to do without medicinal herbs, let's see if you know them.

(for the correct answer 2 "km")

1. Thin stem from the track,

At the end of his earrings,

On Earth is leafy

Little raffins (plantain).

(Heals the rings, cuts; applied from gastric diseases, with cough).

2. Circle sisters

Yellow eyes-white cilia (chamomile).

(I put the throat with an angina, drink like soothing tea)

3. Rose called rose

How medicine is accepted (rosehip).

(Syrup is rich in vitamin C)

4.s the plant is not tricious

It hurts hurt like fire (nettle)

(The brawl wash his head, it is useful in a fresh form. Stops blood)

You can predict the weather in the campaign on various features. Do you know how to do it?

"What will be the weather?"

Task for the "Backpack" team.

(for the correct answer - 1 "km")

1. Mushevy closes the moves in the anthill (to the rain).

2. Available dew in the morning (day will be good weather).

3. Wholes bathe in dust (it will be hot).

Task for the Compass command.

1. Lusts fly low above the ground (to the rain).

2. It rains, and on the puddles of bubbles (the rain will go long)

3. The waters closed during the day (to bad weather, rain).

Host: Well done! I think that bad weather will not find you surprise.

Tourism and weather-concepts are inseparable. Nature is beautiful, she herself makes the life of those who love her who can look at her with good eyes, more beautiful, brighter, richer. It is important not only to become the defense of wildlife. It is important to convince his comrades in this, it is important to be able to say "it is impossible" when it is necessary.

"Rules of behavior in nature."

Host: After the phrases they said, you must say the corresponding word "impossible" or "need".

Destroy the monuments of nature and culture ......... .. only.

Equip and clean the resting places ............... you need.

Breaking plants, tear flowers ....... Do not.

Contamise the natural environment ... .. only.

Protect and feed animals and birds ......... .Thow.

Disturb the animals, break the anthills, bird nests ...... .. only.

Digging the plants .......... Only.

Wrap the plants, admire the beauty of flowers in nature, walk along paths .........................................................................

Well done! All your claims can be issued in this form.

(The poster demonstrates "it depends on each of us").

Guys! Tests you endured. And now I will check how many "team" overcame.

(Points are counted).

We love the forest at any time of the year,

We hear the river slow speech.

All this is called nature.

Let us always take care of her!

Sunflower solar color

Such a happily to live everyone.

Nature is called all this,

Let's be friends with nature!

Fly, links, snowflakes from the sky,

Clubs at the dawn of fog smoke ....

All this is called nature,

Let's give her hearts!

(The winning team is awarded diplomas "the experienced tourist".

And the second team, also successfully passed the path, diplomas "novice tourist".

Now you are real tourists!

Happy ways to you!

Environmental game "We go to the campaign."

(For students of grades 5-7).

In his own way wonderful every edge,

And if you want you to see a miracle,

On white light wander




The game

"We go to

Hike ".

Diploma. Diploma.

Awarded to the experienced tourist is handed a novice tourist

…………………………………………, …………………………………………………..,

for victory in the environmental for participation in the ecological game

the game "We go to the campaign." "We go to the campaign."

MOU "Katardenskaya Sosh" 2010. MOU "Katardenskaya Sosh" 2010.

Purpose:Create a good mood, lift muscle tone, unification of the team. Teach the guys to see the causes of good luck and failures in the execution of any stage, instill skills for analyzing joint activities.


  • Secure sports knowledge, skills and skills gained in class for the year.
  • Develop the dexterity, speed of the reaction.
  • Possibilities of love and interest in nature, sports, tourism.
  • Rail a feeling of collectivism, respect for each other.

Time spending: April 2011

Participants:two teams of the 1st year of study participate in the relay.

  • Team of students .... Class "Youth";
  • Team of students .... Fantasy Class.

The task of the organizer was to check the skills, knowledge and skills obtained in tourism classes. Possibilities of love and interest in nature, sports, tourism.

Game points were placed in the gym. At each station, depending on the quality of the task received on it, the participants receive 1 score. The event consists of two parts:

  1. Sports relay "Workout" / preparation for the campaign.
  2. Tourist strip "We go to the campaign."

The event begins with a solemn construction.

Preliminary work:Each team is preparing a business card: team name, motto.


  • Gymnastic benches - 2 pcs;
  • Hoops - 2 pcs;
  • Baskets - 2 pcs;
  • Balls are large rubber - 2 pcs;
  • Plastic balls - by the number of participants;
  • rope for knitting nodes - by number of participants;
  • d / and "fires", "Collect the backpack", sports crossword;
  • sticks - 2 pcs;
  • kegley - 6 pcs;
  • envelopes with letters - 2 pcs.;
  • rubber mats - 4 pcs;
  • mats - 2 pcs;
  • bedrooms - 2 pcs;
  • secondwomen - 2 pcs

Event flow

Lead - Chief Judge:

- Hello participants of the competition! Today you have to show all your knowledge and skills of what you could learn over the year and conclude, without which you can not live in one big family.

Our event consists of two parts:

  • sports relay "Workout" / preparation for the campaign.
  • tourist strip "We go to the campaign."

Your results will evaluate the jury: ... Counting will be on the ballroom.

My helpers ... will help me.

Main judge:

- Commands Please take our places in one column.

- Captains alternately submit their team / team ... /.

Laws of the game:

  • Three whistle - kicking;
  • After completing the task with the whole team to raise hands up;
  • Maintain participants with a good word.
  • Transmission of the relay - touch of the hand;
  • Perform clearly and carefully.
  • The team wins, the first ending the baton.

We begin to fulfill the first stage "Sports relay."

The relay with the most favorite object ....

I'll start, and you finish,
Reply friendly choir:

Cheerful game - Football,
Already scored the first ... GOAL.

Here I broke a lot of someone
And without the ball flewed ... In the gate.

Petya Ball Necklaces -
And pleased the boy ... Head-on.

Laugh fun boy
On the forehead is growing big ... Cone.

But the guy is a bump nick
He runs again for ... Ball.

I. Sports Relay "Workout" / Camping / preparation.

  1. Transfer the ball over the head.
    The first player transmits the ball to the second and so on as soon as the last player gets the ball, he runs and gets up before the first player, the game continues until the first player gets up in his place.
  2. "Accurate shooter"
    The first participants coming to a certain place where the balls lie and throw in the basket. Each participant throws one ball. How many hits, so many points.
  3. "Hockey with a ball".
    Each participant leads the ball with a stick, drives the bow, without knocking them down, brings to the end of the hall and returns back to run, taking a stick and a ball into his hands, to transfer the next player.
  4. "Through the needle ushko."
    The first participant runs to the hoop, it makes him through himself, leaves on the line, runs to the rack, rushes it, again fits the hoop and transmits the blow to the hand touching.
  5. Guessing sports crossword.
    Who reigns faster and correctly.
  6. "Centipede".
    The first participants run to the rack, ride a rack and return to the team, the second participants cling to the first and they are running together, without falling and not unfolding hands, then third participants cling to the second and so on.

It seems the word jury ...

II. Tourist strip "We go to the campaign."

Leading: Wonderful! I see you real sports friends, and now we are going to go around, where obstacles and obstacles are waiting for us. For your trip, the tourist takes .... / Mysteries a mystery: How boring, brothers, on someone else's back to ride, would give me a couple of legs, so that I could run ... Backpack/.

Without the right things in a campaign, do not do, find among all the most necessary and fold them in a backpack, for each right card - score.

1. D / and "Gather Backpack".

Purpose: From the suggested things to select those that are suitable for the campaign. Each participant comes to the place where the cards are located and select one, put it in the box / backpack /, back - run.

Gathered a backpack and recovered. And there are so many obstacles and obstacles that you need to overcome.

2. "Crossing".

Purpose: Cross one shore to another.

Teams participate in full formation, are built into the column one by one. At a distance of 8 m are gymnastic benches. At the signal, the participant must be sideways, with an appropriate step to another shore, if the participant drops, then it performs the task again, returns back.

3. "Kokes".

Purpose:crush around the bumps without coming to the ground .

Each team is given two rugs, rearrangement mats alternately reach the line, and back - run. Wins the command that quickly and without errors will perform the task.

All overcames overcame it time to breed a fire and cook food.

4. D / and "Gather Bone" - puzzles.

Who will harm the fire faster.

They filed, put order, it's time and relax ...

5. "Fub".

Purpose:quickly remove shoes and lie down in sleeping bag.

Proper performance is when the participant completely climbs into the sleeping bag, it will fall, then get out of it, will place it, goes out and give the relay to the next participant.

6. "Tie a strong knot"/ At the discretion of the teacher, which learn over the year.

Purpose:upon issued sample tie a node.

Each member of the team gives 1 sample node. For each not knotted knot - fine. The team wins that faster to cope with the task.

7. "Storm of height."

Purpose:it is necessary to captain the team to climb the height / Swedish wall, where the envelope with letters is located.

By the signal "Take a height!" Captains perform a task as soon as the captain returned to the team, the whole team collects a word from the letters. /cm. application /.

Wins a team that completed the task faster than rivals.

That ended the game.
It's time to disperse
On the scoreboard take all -
Let's summarize the game.

Announced the result ...

So in conclusion, tell me, without which it is impossible to live ... without friendship!

And the moment will be forgiven
And will be brief our speech
We tell you: Goodbye,
Before new interesting meetings!



"We go to the campaign."

Form of holding: travel game.

Objectives: Discuss the problem of the formation of the ecological culture of the child; Contribute to enhancing the role of a family in education in children of love for nature, the formation of environmentally friendly interaction rules.


In harmony with nature and with him

In the world to live kids,

Rail in children, take care,

Keep the ecology of the soul! (N. Luluconina.)

The man became a man when he heard the whisper of the leaves, the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of the spring stream, the ringing of silver bells, the singing of birds in the bottomless summer sky, howling the blizzards, a tender splash of the water and solemn silence of the night - heard and, holding his breath, listens to hundreds and thousands of years Wonderful music of life.

The division of participants in the event team. "Backpack", "Compass". In contests for each correct response, the team will receive cards with the corresponding number "KM". At the end of the game, summarize: who will pass more "km", the group and will be the winner.

Please, please, your point of view on the following issues:

1 Team:

Do you like nature? How is it shown?

2 Team:

What do you think, why some love nature, protect animals, and others do not?

1 Team:

Do you often visit nature? How are such walks?

2 Team:

Did you have a good act in relation to nature? What?

1 Team:

Have you had to plant trees, harvest food for wintering birds, feed them?

2 Team:

What is most of all, in your opinion, helps to upbringing compassion, good attitude to everything alive?

Summer is the time of exciting hikes. Would you like to go hiking in your native land? I invite you to go to the forest. Before you the plan of our ecological trail. Traveling through it, we will talk not only about the beauty of nature, its inhabitants, but let's talk about both careful attitude towards Earth.

Our planet Earth is very generous and rich,

Mountains, forests and fields - our home, guys!

And, of course, anxiously, that, sometimes, we are godless

Do not store what we have, do not spare, do not regret.

Not for any responsibility, as if the smallest

We live on this planet and rule left.

We are not a visit to the planet, and the Earth - our house,

It will be light in it and purely if we save:

And transparent lakes and fir forest,

And colored fields patterns, and river space.

Let's take care of the planet,

There is no other such in the world.

Dispel over it and clouds and smoke.

Withdrawn it will not give it to anyone.

We will be Birds, insects, animals,

From this we will become only kindest!

Decorate the whole earth with flowers, gardens ...

Such a planet needs us with you!

In his own way wonderful every edge,

And if you want you to see a miracle,

On the white light, the light is wandering. (M.Marik)

Here is the first surprise. Imagine that in front of you is the swamp, overcome which is possible, only jumping from the "bumps" to the "bodie" one, . A tourist, overcoming the swamp, should take one piece of leaf, clearing the spring, and return to the place. When you collect all the leaves, make a word from letters written on leaves. So, started! The commands perform the task.

Competition. "The right things in the hike".

Next test. You need to get hiker. And what would you take with you? Now we will find out.

Teams in turn guess the riddles and get a card for the correct answer - "1 km".

1. I'm small, yes delete,

It is worth looking at me,

And immediately find out the way. (Compass.)

2. He is in the campaign to all we need

He is very friendly with fires,

You can cook in it,

Tea fragrant boost. (Kickle.)

3. in a wooden house

Dwarfs live.

Such kindness -

Distribute all the lights. (Matches.)

4. Two belts hang on me,

There are pockets on the back.

Kohl going to go with me,

I will hover behind my back. (Backpack.)

Competition "Forest Out".

Guys, we stopped on the forest edge. This is the most beautiful place where many different colors grow. Try to find out what a flower is said.

Teams in turn guess the riddles.

1. White fluffy ball

I dare in the pure field.

Blew a light breeze -

And there was a skeleton. (Dandelion.)

2. Girls - small,

And the heart is golden

Fluffy cilia

Shiny white

In the wind are swinging

Everyone smiles. (Chamomile.)

3. then purple, then blue,

He met with you on the edge.

By ringing name it is endowed

But we never heard the ringing. (Bell.)

4. Which flower is small, we know with you -

Not white, not scarlet, but pale blue.

The forest stream can be seen a little bit

His name remember and after do not forget. (Forget-me-not.)

Competition. "Doctor Aibolit's Medical People".

Riddles on medicinal plants. Guess their names, for which these plants take on medicinal purposes (the cost of the answer is 2 km).

1. You are not a trunk of a plant - it hurts, like fire. (Nettle. The brawl wash his head, and also she stops blood.)

2. Singful stem from the track,

At the end of his earrings.

On the ground are leaflets -

Little raffins.

(Plantain. He treats rings, cuts.)

3. White basket, golden dona. (Chamomile. Used for rinsing the throat with an angina.)

4. Name herbaceous plants or shrubs that can be cured of colds. (Lingonberry and cranberry - at high temperature, sore throat; black currant and chamomile - with throat disease; cloudberry - a means of cough, etc.)

Competition "Forest cuisine"

Questions team "Compass".

1. Name the plants that can be used immediately without culinary processing in the forest or in the meadow. (Sorrel.)

2. How to bake in the campaign, if there are no dishes? (Play fish on wooden or metal rods and place over the burning coal of the fire.)

Well done! And now questions team "Ryubzak".

1. Name, from which plants in the campaign in the campaign you can cook strong, fragrant tea? (Ivan tea; Leaves Lamberry.)

2. What methods usually use tourists in order to prepare baked potatoes with a ruddy crispy crust? (Washing and dried tubers bury in the burning ash.)

Competition "Forest Compass".

This contest for real tourists who are not afraid to get lost in the forest and always know how to find the way home. You need to explain how to determine in the forest, where the north, and where is the south

1. "Coniferous trees." (On the north side of trees branches less than on southern.)

2. "Forest berries". (Longer than most greenish, it does not happen that the side of the berry that turns to the north.)

3. "PNI". (On the stumps of the rings trees are more framed south.)

4. "Stones". (Moss grows on the stones from the northern side.)

Summarizing. Earth is our big house in which we all live. And the owner in this house is a man. And this owner must be kind and caring. Each team sustained all the tests. Now, consider how many "km" overcame your team.