Oriental massage - oriental techniques. Oriental facial massage Oriental massage techniques

Since ancient times, healers of different nations have known that a competent impact on special points on the human body can improve and restore the functioning of any organ, be it the intestines, heart, stomach or lungs. The largest number of these important points is located on the feet, palms and in the auricles.

However, during a traditional massage session, very little time is given to the processing of these parts of the body, and the auricles are completely ignored. What can not be said about oriental techniques, which are simply impossible to imagine bet point impact.

Oriental rejuvenation

The awakening of internal processes, which occurs as a result of exposure to special points, has a beneficial effect on the health of the body and contributes to its rejuvenation.

Ancient techniques that have existed since ancient times and are currently used, such as oriental massage, combine various types of exposure and perform the following functions:

  • lymphatic drainage - stimulate the circulation of lymph and blood in the body, which helps to release tissues from excess fluid and relieve swelling;
  • osteopathic - an active effect on the body helps to strengthen the muscles and tone them;
  • plastic - restores the contours of the face, body and the correct position of cartilage and bones.

An important role in the quality performance of oriental massage and in the fullness of the positive effect is played by the aromatic oils used during the procedure. So, avocado oil does an excellent job with sagging skin, wrinkles, promotes the production of elastin and collagen. "Cleopatra Oil" or coconut oil soothes the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Sesame oil is a godsend for flabby and saggy skin, it has a rejuvenating effect and perfectly moisturizes the skin. Apricot kernel oil will help restore skin cells, fill it with freshness and youth, and nourish it with moisture.

In addition to the use of various compositions of useful aromatic oils, oriental music is used as an additional massage tool.

Basic tricks

Like any type of acupressure, oriental oil massage is performed using certain techniques, the main ones include:

  • stroking - they are flat, circular, spiral, performed with an open palm. All movements "Tuy", as strokes are called, should be light, soft, but intense, precisely affecting meridian points, toning and bringing the whole body to a state of harmony;
  • rubbing - designed to move, displace and stretch the tissues of the body in order to produce their maximum warm-up and prepare for kneading. Excellent results are obtained by such techniques as crossing with the palm, fists or phalanges of the fingers, hatching and sawing;
  • kneading is the main technique, when it is performed, tissues are captured, pulled, compressed and rolled out. The more intense the kneading, the faster the lymph and blood will circulate.

Oriental massage techniques provide for the movements of the master's hands, both along the lymph and vice versa, that is, not only from the periphery to the center, but also from the center to the periphery. It is noteworthy that different schools of oriental acupressure use different methods of performing vibrations.

Thus, the juo school calls for performing vibrations by tapping fingers, the shui school recommends doing this with fists, and according to the methodology of the pai school, vibrations must be performed with an open palm. Learning the secrets and techniques of oriental massage is a very painstaking and rather lengthy process, because the health and life of patients depends on the correct implementation of it.

Main differences

Oriental massage techniques differ in the presence of twisting and rotating movements of the joints, which make them close to manual therapy and allow restoring the mobility of joints and bones.

In the case of manipulations in especially painful places, an oriental massage elixir is used, which is applied with point movements and rubbed vigorously with pressure. In this case, pressure can be applied both with one finger and with the supporting part of the palm and knuckles.

In addition, very often in the course of training in oriental massage techniques, in addition to traditional manipulations and techniques performed by hands, methods of performing foot massage are studied.

Such acupressure requires special professionalism of the master, because. if it is not performed correctly, there is a high probability of spinal injuries. Quite specific is the technique of oriental facial massage with the help of legs.


Matveeva Svetlana Sergeevna

The idea of ​​the driving force of the universe is inherent in ancient Eastern philosophy. In ancient Chinese culture, this is CHI - life energy; in ancient Indian philosophy, this is PRANA - the original life-giving breath, the fundamental universal energy, which, according to ancient Eastern ideas, exists both in the macrocosm and in the microcosm - man; the natural force of life brings man into life. QI (according to ancient Chinese terminology) exists as external QI (in nature) and as internal QI (in man).

Internal QI circulates in the body along permanent meridians. At the same time, it is believed that the nourishing QI circulates in the main 12 meridians; the primary (ancestral) CHI circulates in wonderful meridians; protective QI - in the tendon-muscle meridians and in the anterior and posterior median meridians, as well as in the jang and fu organs (the zhang organs are yin, characterized by density, the fu organs are hollow, they are yang organs).

M. Rubin (1974) presents the concept of CHI, PRANA as follows: “In any functioning organ, metabolic processes occur and energy is produced, the chemical and electrical manifestations of which are known to us. Ancient Oriental physicians revealed that part of this energy is directed from each organ to the skin, where it circulates along strictly defined paths. The meridian has an external and internal path that connects the skin with the internal organ, from which the internal energy comes.

Ancient Oriental medicine proceeded from the fact that the body is integral and the center of the organic whole is the "main organs", which are connected with other parts of the body and with the skin. This communication system is manifested in the exchange of "energy" between the internal organs and the skin, tongue, eyes, ears, nose, those external organs. Therefore, when a disease process occurred, the internal organs were considered as the “cause of the disease”, and the skin and superficially located organs were considered as the arena of external symptoms, which is the functional basis for the formation of the “vital” point.

Oriental massage includes methods of reflex action of ancient oriental medicine, which was primarily based on the concept of yin-yang, wu-xing, the theory of meridians and the rules for balancing energy in the meridians.

Traditional oriental massage is a method of treatment by influencing the biologically active points of the body with finger pressure, a needle with a spherical tip or a steel ball, etc. The traditional method is acupressure with a finger combined with an effect on the main and musculotendinous meridians (linear massage). Such an ancient method of treatment is mentioned in the ancient medical treatise Huangdinei-ching and other ancient Eastern books, along with a description of zhen-jiu therapy and herbal treatment. Currently, acupressure is widely used by physicians in Eastern and Western countries to treat patients with hypersensitivity to the introduction of acupuncture needles, as well as for pediatric patients (for children under one year old, only a massaging effect on active points is used at all).

The use of traditional oriental massage greatly expands the possibilities of therapeutic effects, because massage is not only a drug-free therapy, but is also carried out without damaging tissues with a needle. According to modern ideas, traditional oriental massage is one of the types of reflexology. With the right pressure on the point, as well as with the introduction of an acupuncture needle, the intended sensations and a series of sequential effects on the body arise.

The reflex effect of massage on the entire nervous system plays an important role in regulating the functions of the body as a whole and individual organs. With the help of massage, you can both sedate and tone up the functions of the nervous system. Since the primary site of irritation by massage is the peripheral endings of the autonomic nerves, the result of its action depends on the functional state of the autonomic nervous system. Back in 1931, Wilder stated that the higher the state of excitation of the sympathetic or parasympathetic parts of the nervous system (ceteris paribus), the weaker they react to tonic and the stronger to sedative stimuli.

In the basics of acupressure from ancient Eastern positions, acupuncture and moxibustion are identical to the theoretical foundations: the doctrine of meridians, vital energy, yin-yang harmony, the concept of the five primary elements, the main syndromes of painful conditions, the therapeutic significance of meridians and "life" points. According to ancient Eastern ideas, in addition to the 14 main meridians, there are 12 more muscle-tendon meridians. These meridians unite muscles and tendons, each of them is connected with the main meridian, the trajectory of which it repeats to some extent.

As with any type of traditional reflexology, massage can be tonic, sedative or harmonizing, which is achieved by massage techniques. All the main techniques of traditional oriental massage, according to the views of ancient oriental medicine, are divided into yin-techniques and yang-techniques. Four yin techniques are aimed at treating the syndrome of emptiness, strengthening and restoring function (toning), and four yang practices are aimed at treating the syndrome of fullness (excess), reducing and normalizing pathologically increased function (sedation). Depending on the strength of the duration, some techniques can have either a sedative or a tonic effect.

There are also neutral massage techniques that strengthen the body's defenses, harmonize the yang and yin of the body and the flow of energy. For a neutral massage, both some yin-techniques and some yang-techniques with medium strength and depth of pressure and an average duration of exposure can be used.

Allocate a different effect when the points are irritated with a needle or massage to a large extent. It is not recommended to use the points indicated in acupuncture recipes for massage, as many of them are not suitable for massage. Unlike acupuncture, about 100 meridian and non-meridian points have the greatest practical value for massage. It should be borne in mind that some points are interchangeable (according to indications). The type of irritation of the biologically active point and the dosage of the effect depend on the general condition of the patient, his age and disease.

Based on the traditional and modern aspects of oriental medicine Gav Luvsana, oriental massage allows you to solve a huge range of health problems in diseases of the widest profile without resorting to medication, but using extremely wide, and often hidden internal reserves of the body. Performing an impact on biologically active points and along the trajectory of the meridians, along which, according to Eastern philosophy, the vital energy of qi flows, the Eastern massage technique helps to activate metabolic processes in human organs and tissues, which gives an excellent effect, confirmed by official medicine and specialized studies: after the procedure normalization of EEG (electroencephalography) parameters is noted, synchronization of the background alpha rhythm occurs.

This is due to the impact on the cerebral cortex and the reticular formation (controls the reflex activity of the spinal cord), due to which the tone of the autonomic nervous system is normalized, while the dynamics of its main indicators (thermoregulation of the skin, sweating, the state of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, etc.) depends on the initial state and has a health-improving orientation.

Thus, oriental massage is not only a relaxing and general health procedure, but also gives a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Unlike classical techniques, oriental massage gives a more expanded sphere of influence at the reflex level. Individually selected methods of influencing biologically active points: acupressure, warming up (staging mini-mox. rubbing hot oils), etc., affect the trophism (cell nutrition processes) of tissues, help eliminate pain, improve capillary blood flow, exchange between blood, lymph and tissues , there is a neurohumoral reaction of the body, normalization of the functions of the pituitary gland, cortical substance, adrenal glands and sympathoadrenal system. All these reactions lead to an increase in the body's defenses. In addition, the inner harmony of a person is restored.

It should be noted that the technique of oriental massage becomes especially relevant when classical massage techniques are impossible to use (in the presence of postoperative metal plates of knitting needles, gypsum, in case of damage to the skin, extensive hematomas, etc.), as well as for surgical and orthopedic patients in post-traumatic period, which makes it possible to accelerate the process of healing and recovery, to begin an active implementation of the rehabilitation program before the plaster is removed, the needles and metal plates are removed.

Oriental massage contributes to a more active fusion of bones, the return of tissue elasticity (fascia, ligaments, tendons, muscle fibers) and is 8-15 times more effective than the usual recovery process. High rates are observed even when working with contractures of many years ago. Also, modern medicine has proven high efficiency and acceleration of rehabilitation and treatment of patients when combining procedures and techniques of oriental massage with kinesio taping, therapeutic exercises and psycho-emotional exercises in combination.

A systematic approach is very important, in which the corrective effect on the vital activity of the patient's body is carried out as a whole, and does not stop at local problems, which gives the fastest possible achievement of harmonization of all processes in the physical, psycho-emotional and energy state of a person.

- rehabilitologist, specialist in oriental massage, certified specialist of the international association for kinesio taping, Gomel, Belarus.

The practice of oriental massage is a complex of philosophy, meditative techniques and the classical impact on the body with the help of hands and feet. The main principle of the method is an individual approach to each client. Oriental massage is aimed at working out both the physical body and the system of subtle bodies. He has his own indications and contraindications, which you must familiarize yourself with before the session.

In the process of massaging, a balance is restored between the energy plane and the physical body, emotional state, mind and inner self. This leads to a general improvement in health and mood, increased tone and activation of all systems and organs. As a result of regular sessions:

  • Reduced susceptibility to stress;
  • Reducing the consequences of stressful situations;
  • Exemption from processed products, slags and toxins;
  • Increased elasticity and elasticity of muscles;
  • Increased joint mobility;
  • Strengthening the muscular corset;
  • Reducing the volume of the body;
  • Improving the condition of the skin;
  • Getting rid of migraines, dizziness and headaches;
  • Getting rid of sleep disorders;
  • Strengthening immunity.

Each type of oriental massage also has its own benefits: Thai massage is aimed at relaxing and increasing joint mobility, Indian oil massage is aimed at improving skin condition, relieving stress, and Shiatsu is aimed at improving the functioning of internal organs.

The main difference between oriental massage and European massage is the use of natural essential oil or a mixture of oils, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

Active components penetrate into the blood, lymph and tissues, which leads to:

  • Improvement of the circulatory and respiratory organs;
  • Improving the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Restoration of the normal activity of the kidneys, liver, intestines and endocrine glands.

Coconut, olive, rapeseed oil, jojoba, almond and grape seed oil and shea butter are often used as a base, and orange, rosemary, lavender, tangerine, black cumin, ginger, cinnamon, patchouli, etc. oils are used as additives.

The mechanism of influence on the body

Oriental massage system is based on the technique of acupressure on biologically active zones and energy channels. Acupuncture points of the human body are associated with certain organs, systems, vessels and parts of the brain. Meridional massage is performed along the energy meridians, and the direction and intensity of movement depends on the indications and the client's condition.

Oriental massage techniques are performed not only from the periphery to the center, but also from the central lines to the sides, as well as along and against the flow of blood and lymph. Mechanical action leads to increased metabolic processes and improved skin respiration, relieves congestion and enhances metabolic processes at the intercellular level.

During the study, there is an active stimulation of the nerve endings that are located in the skin and subcutaneous layers. They send nerve impulses to the brain, causing a complex reaction. This reaction manifests itself in the form of an improvement in the functioning of internal organs, the production of hormones of pleasure and joy, and an increase in local body temperature.

Indications and contraindications

Massage is used to restore the functioning of internal organs, as a prophylactic against physical and mental illnesses. It is recommended for people with weak muscle activity, with a sedentary lifestyle and impaired metabolism. The massage system is also indicated for the following health problems:

  • Diseases and injuries of the spine and joints;
  • back pain;
  • During the recovery period after injuries, operations, diseases;
  • With reduced tone and chronic fatigue;
  • With pathologies of posture;
  • Impaired circulation;
  • headaches;
  • With muscle spasms, blocks, clamps;
  • With obesity, cellulite;
  • For skin diseases.

Oriental massage is contraindicated for:

  • Gynecological diseases;
  • skin damage;
  • Oncology;
  • Acute psychosis or epilepsy;
  • blood diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • Diseases of an infectious or fungal nature;
  • Elevated blood pressure;
  • age-related osteoporosis.

Massage techniques and techniques

The main direction of movements in oriental massage is along the channels responsible for the circulation of qi energy. Complements their pressure on special points on the skin, activating regeneration processes. During the session, classic European techniques are used: stroking, rubbing, kneading, stretching and twisting, patting. They are carried out with increased pressure of the masseur's entire weight.

The unique technique of the Eastern school is the twisting of the legs, arms and spine, as well as two types of vibratory movements. The first method includes light patting movements of the fingers or palm. To the second - a deep impact on the body with the help of fists, edges of the palm or palms connected together.

During the study of the inside of the legs, movements are performed from the foot up, and on the outside - from the hip joint down. Hands are worked out in the reverse order: the inner part - from top to bottom, the outer part - from the palms to the shoulders.

Arabic soapy massage

This type of massage is traditionally performed in special baths using thick soapy foam and therapeutic clay. It cleanses the pores of the skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improves skin respiration, leads to a decrease in body volume and improves blood circulation.

Arabic massage is unique in that it is performed using foam and clay. During the treatment, the active substances pass into the subcutaneous layers, breaking down cellulite cells, eliminating puffiness and toxins. Conduct a session in three stages. The first is preparatory: the skin is steamed in a steam room, then it is cleaned with natural scrubs and a fragrant foam is applied. The second stage is processing. During it, all the classic tricks are used, except for patting. The depth of impact should be as strong as possible. The third stage is rest. A mask of clay and essential oils is applied to the skin, after which the client is invited to take a warm shower and spend time in a hot tub.

Massage technique Hakim

Hakim is recommended for people with problems of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism and back pain, periarthritis and other diseases. It is also prescribed as a preventive measure for increased stress on the back, during competitions and after injuries. The technique is safe for children, and is recommended for kids with increased activity. Before the session, the skin is cleansed and lubricated with oil for massage. You can use any available, as well as oily skin cream or olive oil.

During the sessions, silk paper is used, which absorbs toxins and creates a relaxing background noise. Hakim massage is an alternation of pressure, stretching, twisting and patting techniques. All techniques are performed smoothly along the spine, and the strength and depth of the study is negotiated with the client. The study is carried out over the entire surface of the back from the coccyx to the neck - this allows you to get rid of microdislocations and imbalances in muscle tissue.

Rebozo massage technique

The Rebozo technique was adopted in Mexico, where it is widely used among pregnant women. Rebozo is a long scarf that is tied around the stomach and in which a child is carried like in a sling. Reboso massage is a gentle technique similar to osteopathy. It differs from other types in the absence of direct contact between the massage therapist and the client.

This type of massage is an exception, it is indicated for pregnant women and in the postpartum period.

It is also prescribed for people with diseases of the back, joints, overweight and impaired coordination of movement. During the session, the client lies down on a scarf, the ends of which are in the hands of the massage therapist. For safety and convenience, sessions are held on the floor covered with soft mats. The masseur lifts the scarf and makes swaying movements from side to side. Separately, a part of the massage is performed for the arms and legs, back, head and neck, and abdomen.

Rebozo is a relaxing massage. Massaging removes muscle blocks, during the session negative emotions are also worked out and released, sensitivity and sexuality are revealed. Quiet music and meditation often accompany the sessions. The technique is based on vibrations and the free transfer of energy from the massage therapist to the client. This allows you to balance the subtle bodies of the patient, relax and calm, give confidence and set in a positive way.

How often to apply

On average, a Hakim session lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. If there are no contraindications, then the healing course of massage includes 10 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 3-4 days. A month later, the course is repeated.

Soap massage has fewer contraindications and restrictions, it can be performed 1-2 times a week to maintain the skin in good condition. Its duration can be up to 1.5 hours.

Rebozo massage during pregnancy is prescribed and conducted by a doctor. The number and duration of procedures depends on the patient's condition and indications. In other cases, sessions last from 20 to 70 minutes, and it is recommended to conduct them no more than 1-2 times a week. As a prevention of fatigue, stress relief and mental anxiety, massage can be done 1-2 times a month.

Oriental massage techniques are aimed at improving the physical and emotional state of a person.

Each of them works not only on the body, but also on energy meridians, improving overall well-being, restoring youth and strengthening immunity. During the sessions, the established contact between the client and the master is important, as well as the ability to relax and trust the massage therapist. Oriental practices are deep and mild in impact, so before visiting a session, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Basic course of study of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It does not require special knowledge and skills and is the basis for learning other popular oriental techniques.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

Acquire basic systematic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine;

What are energies, how do they affect the work of organs and their interaction;

Understand the points and meridians, what they are and why they are needed, how to work with them, methods for determining and influencing.

Diagnose the condition by complaints, appearance, behavior;

Make a diagnosis in the terminology of Chinese medicine;

Choose means and methods of healing and influencing the body with the help of oriental practices;

Get a base for mastering other oriental techniques or expand your knowledge in the field of massage.

Learn to help yourself and loved ones, to know your body and its energy capabilities.

Make a payment for the course with a discount of 25,000 rubles

Or make an advance payment for the course 50% 12 500 rubles. - the price is valid only if paid in advance, paying for the course on the spot implies the full cost: 28,000 rubles

Full name of the listener (* ):

Comprehensive understanding of Chinese medicine: a kind of map, "view from above" - ​​you will see it in its entirety, learn to navigate it and choose your own paths. Practical exercises in every lesson.

Concept, Causes of diseases, Diagnosis. Fundamental theory Meridians and collaterals, Acupuncture points. Acquaintance with the methods of healing in TCM: Phyto-and Aromatherapy, Dietology, massages: Guasha (therapeutic and cosmetic), Tuina, etc., Zhen-jiu therapy, Therapeutic gymnastics. Practice every day. Teaching materials are provided.

Course program:

No. p / p




Ak. hours

Introduction to the theory and history of the development of TCM

Features of the theory of TCM, its difference from other areas and medicine from different countries. Main stages of development.

Basic provisions of TCM

Yin-Yang Theory

Concept main content Application

Theory of the Five Elements.

Concept, main content, application, principles of interactions in the U-Sin system.

The concept of Qi, blood, essence, body fluids, Spirit.

Types of Qi in nature and the human body, Formation and function of blood, body fluids, Nature Essences. The concept of Spirit. The concept of pathological fluids.

Theory about visceral organs

Five dense Zang organs, five hollow Fu organs. Their interaction.

The concept of meridians and collaterals

The movement of Qi along the meridians, topography, the function of the main meridians and collaterals, control points.

The Eight Principles of TCM

The principles are superficial - internal, cold-heat, lack-excess, yin-yang syndromes.

Causes and mechanisms of diseases

exogenous factors, endogenous factors,

Major Syndromes in TCM

Syndromes of Qi, blood, Zhang-Fu organs


classroom hours

hours of self-study

this hour


What can be further studied after this course:

Gua sha massage, tuina, Chinese cupping, knowledge of acupuncture points and methods of influencing them - acupressure, zhen-jiu therapy, qigong, herbal medicine, aromatherapy.

Features of its integration with Western medicine (the concept of "conditionally healthy person").

The history of TCM, its place in modern medicine, the main books of TCM.

Theoretical models used in TCM:

Yin Yang. The presence of opposites, interconnections, mutual additions and restrictions, as well as mutual transformation between Yin and Yang:

Yin Root and Yang Root.

Using the theory of Yin - Yang to explain the pathogenesis of the development of diseases, diagnosis and treatment.

U-Sin. Features of the relationship between organs according to the U-Sin concept:

The Mother-Son Rule.

Using the Wu Xing concept for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Zang Fu concept. The doctrine of "dense" and "hollow" organs:

Five "dense" and six "hollow" organs, functions of each organ, features of physiology.

The presence of relationships between five "dense" and six "hollow" organs in normal and pathological conditions.

The concept of the energy of Chi (Qi), blood, fluids, "Shen":

Types of Chi (Qi) in the human body, occurrence and ways of movement of Chi (Qi), functions of Chi (Qi).

Formation and functions of blood, ways of its movement.

Formation of normal body fluids, their functions.

Education and functions "Shen".

The relationship between Chi (Qi), blood, body fluids, their interdependence

Teaching about Jing-Lo, meridians and acupuncture points of the body:

12 ordinary and 8 "wonderful" meridians of the body, their functions.

The names of the points most commonly used in acupuncture.

Meredians Ren-May and Du-May.

Three manual Yin meridians:

hand meridian Tai-yin of the lungs;

hand meridian Shao-yin of the heart;

hand meridian Jue-yin of the pericardium.

Three hand yang meridians:

manual meridian Yang-ming of the large intestine;

hand meridian Tai-yang of the small intestine;

hand meridian Shao-yang of three heaters.

Three foot Yang meridians:

the foot meridian Yang-ming of the stomach;

foot meridian Tai-yang of the bladder;

foot meridian Shao-yang of three heaters.

Three foot Yin meridians:

foot meridian Tai-yin of the spleen;

foot meridian Shao-yin of the kidneys;

the foot meridian Jue-yin of the liver.

Causes of diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Six external "misfortunes" (wind, cold, heat, dryness, dampness, fire), features of defeat by plagues, external problems caused by stress.

The concept of "an excess of seven feelings": joy (si), anger (nu), sadness (eu), dreary thoughts (sy), sorrow (bei), timidity (kun), fear (jin), as a result of which a disease occurs.

Improper nutrition, various overwork, as a result of which a disease occurs.

The concept of pathological fluids "Dan-Yin" (Tang-Yin), blood stagnation. Features of the occurrence of diseases associated with pathological fluids.

Other causes: external blows, injuries, surgeries, insect bites, etc.

Pathogenesis of the development of diseases and disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine:

The state of the body's defenses (fullness-emptiness) and the degree of activity of external "misfortunes".

Imbalance (dysfunction) of Yin and Yang of the body.

Violation of the relationship between Chi (Qi) and blood.

Violation of the normal formation and movement of fluids.

The formation of internal wind, cold, dampness, dryness, heat.

The pathogenesis of diseases of the meridians.

Pathogenesis of diseases of dense and hollow organs.

Diagnosis of diseases and ailments according to the patient's complaints, the choice of methods for restoring the patient's health in Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Features of diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine.

Rules for making a diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine:

eight diagnostic principles;

four diagnostic methods.

Practical exercises to collect information about the patient's condition and make an initial diagnosis.

Rules for choosing methods, prescribing a course of health restoration in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Contraindications and restrictions when choosing treatment methods in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The practice of diagnosing diseases.

Introduction to the methods of restoring health and hygiene used in Traditional Chinese Medicine:


Phyto and aromatherapy.

Traditional massages and effects on acupuncture points:

Therapeutic Guasha massage (including the use of moxa, cans, other effects on acupuncture points).

Tui-na massage.

Cosmetic Guasha and acupressure.

Head, hand and foot massages.

Dynamic and modeling facial massages.

Rules for conducting various massages.

Rules for the location of the patient during various massages.

Zhen-jiu (acupuncture and warming) therapy.

Chinese medical gymnastics.

Rules for the organization of the premises.

Practical exercises on the application of each method.

Massage training intensively in mini-groups

Our courses are focused on quality education, courses run from 16 to 60 academic hours. The course consists of a theoretical part - the 1st lesson, then all the lessons are practical and the theory goes along with the study of practice. 90% of the time it is practice, the massage techniques are worked out on top of each other, which allows you to better feel the technique of techniques. In a group, as a rule, 6-8 people - this is only 3-4 couples! We do not recruit more than 10 people (5 couples). Why? The teacher must be constantly in contact with the students and monitor the accuracy of the technique, when there are 15-20 people in a group, this is very difficult to do and the quality of training begins to "limp". Massage courses in mini-groups are high-quality training and fast practice! We also have thematic seminars for everyone, from 4 ak. hours, to expand the horizons in massage as well as to improve professional skills.

A. Essence of Brotherhood

Who were the Rosicrucians of the East (or the Brotherhood of the East, or the Asiatic Brethren)?

How do they relate (if any) to the Rosicrucians of the 17th century, or to the modern Rosicrucian Orders?

We will quote the introduction from the famous Prayer Book of the Rose Cross (their guide to Theurgy, published by the late Robert Ambelain, who, according to an article by Marcel Roggemans, was the leader of this Order):

Excerpts from the introduction to the edition of Robert Ambelain's Prayer Book of the Rose+Croix

“The reader who desires to study the history of the Rosicrucian movement (the true Rosicrucian movement dating back to the 17th-18th centuries, and not the modern American "reconstruction" 1 , will be interested in Paul Sedir's book The History and Doctrine of the Rose Cross. We will also name another book, written by Wittmann, The History of the Rose+Cross, Serge Huten's little book The History of the Rose+Cross, and our study The Knights Templar of the Rose+Cross.Thus the non-Initiated reader will be well informed on the subject.

Their program can be succinctly described as follows:

- Healing the sick.

- Anonymous assistance to individuals, societies and even countries (in cases where there are legal grounds for this).

- political actions that have the goal of establishing a World State, at first European, and then covering the whole World.

- religious actions aimed at the restoration of pure Christianity, which will be closer to its source, and will abandon the totality of generally accepted mental images.

- Reintegration of Man and Nature into their original state.

This program was entrusted to less mystical (i.e. less secret) organizations closer to the profane world. Among these movements we will mention Martinism and Freemasonry. However strange our statement may seem, the fact is that these two branches of Freemasonry, traditional and spiritualistic, are combined to achieve a common program of the Rose + Cross, on a political and social level. Martinism, on the other hand, aims at a specific task, more Occult and Esoteric.

To carry out her vast project, which has been going on for several centuries, the Rose†Cross used all the traditional Occult knowledge:

- Alchemy and Spagyria
- Magic
- Theurgy
- Astrology

Knowledge, both natural and beyond the bounds of matter. Their Doctrine combines Christian Gnosis and Jewish Kabbalah. In fact, they are Christian Kabbalists.

Their legendary founder, Christian Rosencreutz, who is said to have lived in 13th-century Germany, still does not seem to want serious historical research into his person. In fact, this name is a Hieronymus, a sacred name.

in Hebrew rose (rosah) means "secrets" Rosen means "prince", while Koroz is the "messenger". So this name refers to Keraziel, the "Messenger of God", the Proclaiming Angel in Jewish Angelology.

The name "Rosenkreutz" appears only in German; in fact, this is the name of the mystery - the transformation of the Hebrew "rosah koroz", meaning "Herald of Secrets" or "Secret Herald". Which perfectly characterizes the ministry or function of the Rose+Cross.

But what is this secret?

This name means God Himself in the Esoteric sacred books: in the Sifra Tzeniuta, the Talmud and the Holy Scriptures, and especially in the Book of the Prophet Daniel (2:9), which says that "God Himself is His Mystery." So, Rosah Koroz is the "Messenger of God", and the guide of the Angel Keraziel.

Consider also the word "Rosen" in the meaning of "Prince", which will give us a very similar meaning: "Prince - Herald", Rosen Koroz.

With regard to the "Prince of the Royal Secret" in Freemasonry (the Rite of Heredom and the Scottish Rite), here we see clear evidence regarding the connection of Freemasonry with the original Rosicrucian design and its political relazation (...).

In the journal "Dedication and Science" ("Initiation et Science")(1963, #57) Gerard Chaim writes about the Order of the Asiatic Brethren, or the Knights of Saint John the Evangelist. This Order was transformed in 1750, and then again in 1780. Apparently, he was in the city of Thessaloniki (Greece). And this Order is none other than the Eastern Rosicrucian Brotherhood.

Dr. Encausse (Papus) received their succession from a member of the Supreme Council of the Martinist Order, who, in turn, received it in Cairo (Egypt) before 1914. Within the Martinism of that period, no one but Papus had such continuity, not even Téder (Papus' successor).

We affirm that the Asian continent has absolutely nothing to do with this Order of Esoteric Chivalry.

Actually, the ASIE letters reveal the property; they constitute an abbreviation or seal. In fact, the Candidate, upon entry into the Order, received the ordination of the Horseman (Eques) of St. John the Evangelist (A Sancti Ioannis Evangelista) (the initial letters here are: EASIE).

B. Origin

AT Le Sanctuaire de Memphis("The Sanctuary of Memphis", published in 1849) Jacques-Etienne Marconi de Nagre regarding the origin of this Order states the following.

(This is clearly a Masonic tradition regarding the origin view of the Rosicrucians of the East...).

Excerpts from The Sanctuary of Memphis by Jacques-Étienne Marconi de Negre

“... The Eastern Brotherhood, whose founder was an Egyptian sage named Hormuz, was converted to Christianity by Saint Mark. Hormuz purified the Egyptian doctrine with the teachings of the Christian religion.

Meanwhile the Essenes and other Jews established the School of Solomonic Science; This School was merged with the School of Hormuz.

Until 1118, the disciples of Hormuz were the sole custodians of the ancient Wisdom of Egypt (purified by Christianity), as well as Templar Science. They were known as the Knights of Palestine or the Rosicrucian Eastern Brethren, whom the (Masonic) Rite of Memphis refers to as their immediate founders.

In 1150, eighty-one of them arrived in Sweden, and led by Harimon, they appeared before the archbishop of Uppsala, to whom they bequeathed the legacy of Masonic knowledge. It was these Masons, of whom there were eighty-one men, who established Freemasonry in Europe.

After the death of Jacques de Molay, the Scottish Templars, who had become apostates under the influence of King Robert the Bruce, united under the banner of a new Order, which was established by this prince. Admission to this Order was based on the tradition of the Order of the Temple. This is the origin of the Scottish Masonic Rite, as well as other Masonic Rites.

The Scottish Templars were excommunicated by Larmenius in 1324.

This date agrees with the date given by Brother Shero regarding the separation of the Masons of Edinburgh from the Masons of Memphis: 1322, that is, two years earlier.

The Masons of Memphis relied faithfully on ancient traditions; others instituted a new Rite, called the Ered de Kilwinning, or Scottish Rite.

Thus, from the end of the fourteenth century, two Rites began to exist: the Rite of Memphis, or the Eastern Rite, and the Scottish Rite. Both continued to attract followers throughout Europe.

However, this is not the only tradition regarding the origin of the Order.

Mark Stavish in his book "Kabbalah and the Hermetic Tradition" writes:

“Asserting the existence of a connection between the ancient Order of the “Rosicrucian character”, dating back to 1613, whose members were Heinrich Khunrath, Alexander Seton, Sendivogius and Boehme, the Society of Unknown Philosophers also refers itself to "Les Freres d" Orient"("Eastern Brothers"), created in Constantinople in 1090. The teachings of this society were transmitted from teacher to student, and the main unifying form of this transmission was to receive an exclusive "Initiation", which gave them the right to be called "Higher Unknowns", or "Superieurs Inconnus" , or S.I., as it is written.

C. Doctrine

According to Robert Ambelain, the Doctrine of the Eastern Brethren can be summarized in six points:

Paragraphs taken from the introduction to Robert Ambelain's Rose Cross Prayer Book

1. Creation

God is Eternal, Boundless and Absolute, he does not need anything; being Perfect, He is also Gracious, Wise and Omnipotent.

2. Preexistence of Souls

3. Temptation and Original Sin

4. Man's atonement for his sin

5. Redemption of your sin by Nature

6. Apocatastasis 2, or Final Reintegration


1. - Be that as it may, nevertheless, these Orders are good Occult schools, and their members are sufficiently prepared to enter the traditional Orders. - approx. Robert Ambelain.

2. Apokatastasis (ancient Greek ἀποκατάστασις - restoration) is a theological concept used in the meaning of "restoration" and in the meaning of "restoration of everything", when the doctrine of universal salvation is identified with it. This term is identical to the concept of Reintegration (French réintégration, Latin integratio - restoration).