Come on retirement by age. Pension in the regions of the Far North and areas equal to them. Workers engaged in underground production with harmful conditions in hot shops


If you are a man and you are not more than 46 years old (or a woman not older than 49 years old), find a job with particularly harmful working conditions. These may be underground work in the mine, work in the "hot" workshops (metallurgical or chemical production), on the production of building materials, in glass or faience shops and some other works (\u003d spisokposobie_2).

In case of employment, make sure that the employer correctly issued all the documents for this vacancy in the Pension Fund and you will receive benefits you have.

We work at this place without a break for at least 7 years (for men) or 3 years 8 months (for women). Please note that every year of work on such harmful production will reduce your retirement age for 1 year (for two years), but first it is necessary to work for at least half of the deadline (for men half of 5 years, for women 3 years 8 months).

If you are a woman, you have the opportunity to choose less harmful work in order to go on pension In 53 years. Pick up the most appropriate profession from the list of harmful works (\u003dspisokposobie_3) and work on it at least 5 years (a prerequisite condition for the appointment of a preferential pension). Consider, every 2 years at such an enterprise will reduce your retirement age for 1 year.

Do not forget that in addition to preferential experience, it is necessary to get an insured experience. When your age begins to approach the cherished 53 years, contact the Pension Fund to clarify the exit time to pension. Provide documents: passport, insurance pension testimony, diploma, military ID, marriage certificate and dissolution, labor book, certificate from the place of work and the most important thing is a preferential certificate. This reference should be given to you in that organization, where you earned your preferential experience, for it pension Previously, it will not be prescribed.

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Not always to achieve a retirement age means a mandatory retirement - a person can continue to work further. However, if your age has already reached the pension and you decided to retire, then you need to do several procedures.


To the application, attach the following list of documents:
1) Document certifying your personality, age, citizenship and place of residence (passport)

2) Documents containing labor experience

3) certificate of average monthly earnings during a certain period

4) Insurance certificate required pension insurance

In some cases, you will have to attach a few more documents:
5) Documents confirming the place of permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the country or abroad

6) about changing name, patronymic, surnames


It should be remembered that if a citizen who retired early, is arranged to work, pension payments are terminated.

In Russian legislation, a number of opportunities are provided, as early to exit deserved pension. In the Law of the Russian Federation "On employment of the population in the Russian Federation" is described in detail, who and on what grounds has the right of similar benefits.

You will need

  • - statement;
  • - passport;
  • - employment history;
  • - Documents confirming the right to retire early retirement.


Citizen has the right to go on pension Early, including pension On preferential terms, with a number of mandatory conditions. These include the recognition of a citizen unemployed, the lack of opportunity for the employment service to arrange this person to a new job, achieving the unemployed certain age (for women of 53 years, for men 58 years old), the presence of the necessary work experience, the dismissal of a person due to the liquidation of the enterprise, In connection with the reduction of state or number. As well as the unemployed itself must be agreed with his direction on early pension.

If all of the above conditions are observed, the citizen has the right to claim early pension. He must appear in the employment service and write a statement of the established sample. Based on this statement, he is required to issue a certificate of periods counted in the general work experience, and the proposal for its direction on pension Early (2 copies). With these documents, he must come to the pension body at the place of residence.

In a situation where the social protection authority refused to provide early pensions, the employment service is obliged to resume the work to assist in the employment of a citizen. If the employment service received an instance of a sentence note on the appointment of early pension, a citizen is removed from the records, and also cease to pay unemployment benefits.

Retirement is a process with which every citizen will meet early or later. This is a peculiar receipt of the status of a disabled person. More precisely, which has reached a certain age, capable of receiving assistance from the state in the form of pension payments. In Russia, the pension system constantly suffers some changes. Therefore, she needs to pay special attention. What about pensions and leaving the loung need to know citizens? How can you get the status of a pensioner in the country? All this will be told further.

Retirement Rules

The first thing that must be learned by citizens is that retirement is the legal right of everyone. Under certain circumstances, it is possible to obtain material assistance from the state monthly. We are talking about pension payments. Support for pensioners is the responsibility of the state. And everyone can count on it. At the moment, a citizen must be at the retirement (to receive payments):

  • have an employment experience (he changes from year to year);
  • achieve a specific age.

For women

It is after compliance with these criteria that can be expeded to support from the state. For men and women there are different age limitations. The fact is that the female half of the population faces such a process as retirement, in Russia from 55 years. Now in the government, they want to increase the retirement age up to 63. In any moment, starting from the specified period, women are able to make a pension. And, accordingly, to receive benefits put on the status of a pensioner in a particular settlement.

For men

For men in Russia there are other rules for the release of a well-deserved rest. The fact is that they will have to work longer than women. To make a retirement, it is necessary to reach at least 60 years. It is planned to increase the retirement age of men in Russia to 65 years. But so far there are no changes regarding retirement age. The law on its increase has already been adopted. Only here in practice, he has no place yet. Under certain circumstances and men, women are entitled to early receiving a pension. When is such a right to population?

Armor pension

Retirement, as already mentioned, can be appointed earlier than the specified age limitations. Only for this will have to ensure compliance with one way or another. At the moment, about 30 categories of the population have the right to early receive material support from the state. For example, the most common cases in the country are:

  1. Armor retirement for harmfulness. If citizens are employed in harmful production, they are with a certain work experience (each activity has its limitations) have the right to deserved rest.
  2. Lead years. As a rule, military and "state employees" are entitled to the early appointment of pension. It is usually required to have one or another work experience in the selected field of activity.
  3. Largeness. Mother of a large family, if in it from 5 children, in the presence of insurance experience of 15 years and can more retire in 50 years. A woman has the right to convey the right of early rest to his husband. Then he retirement is published in 55 years.

The procedure for prescribing pension payments

How to make a pensioner status and receive a pension? For this, a citizen must come to the Pension Fund of Russia and submit a statement of the established sample. Apply to it:

  • identification;
  • marriage / divorce certificate;
  • certificates of the birth of all children;
  • certificates from the place of work;
  • labor book;
  • documents certifying labor experience (for example, an extract for the maintenance of the IP);
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • account details for pension accrual.

About benefits

Retirement allows you to get certain benefits. They are usually regulated at the regional level. But most often the pensioner has the right to:

  • 50% discount when paying for an apartment and utility bills;
  • exemption from transport tax;
  • reducing property taxes;
  • the possibility of free travel by public transport;
  • booking tickets for travel in advance.

Discussions about increasing retirement age do not subside. Representatives of different social groups argue and cannot come to a common opinion. Now the retirement age in Russia for men is 60 years old, for women 55. Some citizens have the right to reduce this temporary border and on early retirement. List of professions, posts, specialties whose representatives can take advantage of benefits, approves the government of the country.

Basic concepts

Let's start with what is a preferential pension. This is an early exit to a well-deserved rest, which is appointed earlier than the achievement of the generally accepted retirement age:

The concept of "preferential pension", "preferential experience" adopted in everyday life. Correctly speak - an early labor pension, an early retirement.

The following concept is a common work experience

This is the total duration of activity (labor, socially useful). It is established on the basis of documentation, which is issued in the prescribed manner by enterprises.

Another definition - special experience

This is a period of labor in special conditions, which is the basis for accessing the early honored rest.

What it is

Based on the calculations of economists, each seventh pension in Russia is appointed earlier than the generally accepted age. Armor pension - the phenomenon is quite common.

It has a number of common and specific parameters. So, summarizing characteristics are:

  • the frequency of payments that are made from the pension fund budget;
  • their legal basis.

Specific features include:

  • availability of special and insurance work experience;
  • its duration;
  • lifelong character of pension;
  • payments in addition to wages or instead of it.

The main reason for the appointment of early pension is work in special conditions.

Who is laid

  1. Performance of employment duties for a certain period.
  2. Special social status.

The first point will be considered in detail further, as for the second, then the category includes:

  • mother who raised 5 or more children is provided for retirement at 50 years;
  • citizens who have a group of disability disability;
  • persons who are guardians of disabled since childhood;
  • people who have become disabled due to military injury.

As well as citizens who worked at least 20 years in remote areas or worked in the last north of 15 years. If there is such an experience, they have the right to a well-deserved rest:

In addition to the marked positions, the right to early retirement has citizens of pre-age age, which were dismissed in connection with the termination of the activities of the IP or liquidation of the enterprise.

List of preferential professions for early pensions

Based on the current article 27 of Law No. 173-ФЗ, the preferential pension is appointed to citizens whose labor activity correspond to several conditions:

  1. The presence of funds that are required for the accumulative part of the pension.
  2. There are Russian citizenship.
  3. The face constantly lives in the country.
  4. Citizen is insured in the state pension system.

In compliance with these conditions, as well as the achievement of a certain age, the presence of insurance experience and experience in special conditions of labor is appointed an early pension.

Representatives of 24 profession groups have the right to go to a well-deserved rest before. It is worth considering the lists adopted by the Government in detail.

The first extensive group - citizens who are engaged in production with harmful and heavy working conditions:

  • works underground (mines, mines, mining, tunnels);
  • work on the oil refining, the production of ammunition, electrical devices, etc.;
  • work in the "hot" shops (for example, glass wool, color and ferrous metallurgy);
  • work in nuclear power.

Citizens who worked in one of the listed categories have the right to retire before the generally accepted period:

The experience in one of the marked industries should be:

Another list provides for early retirement for citizens. In one of the categories noted below should be

This list includes:

  1. Work at one of the types of transport (sea, railway, aviation, urban).
  2. Labor in the food or light industry, the release of pharmaceutical preparations.
  3. Work on mining of minerals in the open way.
  4. Geological exploration.

Also preferential pension have the right to receive:

  • medical personnel;
  • pilots;
  • parachutists;
  • firefighters;
  • rescuers emergency rescue services;
  • artists of theater, ballet and circus;
  • woodwoman workers and logging.

Separately, it is worth noting the list of posts of pedagogical workers for a preferential pension. They also have the right to go to a well-deserved rest early.

This is indicated in Law No. 173-FZ dated December 17, 2001. The preferential pension claims:

  1. Director.
  2. Teachers.
  3. Teachers.
  4. Speech therapists.
  5. Defectologists.
  6. Music executives and psychologists.

The main rules - work should be associated with increased psychophysiological loads, with the educational process. These are the features of the preferential pension in education.

Another industry, where hundreds of thousands of people work - construction. Employees of this industry are also entitled to early pension.

The list includes, both managers and representatives of work specialties.

Group of working people in construction can be a preferential pension on legal basis:

  • machiners of styling asphalt concrete;
  • brigade bricklayers and Kamnetsa;
  • bitmakers and roofers;
  • projects and wizards of assembly and construction work.

Who has the right

Any citizen whose work is associated with special conditions is entitled to seek a preferential pension. To begin with, check the availability of its specialty in the lists that are noted above.

The optimal option is to carefully examine Articles 30 and 31 FZ "On Insurance Pensions". These legislation contain detailed information on all specialties.

It is worth noting that the benefits are only allowed in the case of fully conformity to all conditions (this is especially true).

Where to contact

If all data of the citizen is suitable for preferential pension, the direct road to the Pension Fund. It is this structure that takes a positive or negative solution.

Foundation specialists explore the career of a citizen.

If the document contains inaccuracies or errors in the records, then you will need to provide another documentation:

  • working Table;
  • account of the personnel department;
  • employee, etc.

Taking into account such difficulties, contact the PF of the Russian Federation is better in advance, optimally 1.5-2 years before retirement. Specialists of the institution will qualitatively and promptly consider submitted documents will give detailed advice.

The standard set of documentation includes:

  1. Passport.
  2. Employment history.
  3. SNILS.

Also can be requested:

  1. which will be confirmed by the harmfulness of production.
  2. about the presence of disability, etc.

Important! A citizen must file a package of documents in advance. In this case, the pension will be accrued from the moment of achieving a certain age.

If an individual provides documentation after the onset of retirement age, then the required payments will be accrued only from the moment of filing the relevant application.

Video: What documents are needed for registration of preferential pension

List of work giving the right to preferential output

These works include quite a lot of categories. All of them are marked in the relevant lists who approve the Government of the Russian Federation.

Such labor includes:

  • work in hot shops, with harmful or serious conditions;
  • underground work;
  • women's work as tractor drivers in the agricultural industry, etc.

You can see the full list in Articles 27 and 28 FZ No. 173 "On Labor Pensions in Russia".

Frequently asked Questions

The most common question of citizens is associated with the reasons for the reference to the appointment of a preferential pension.

There are several such grounds:

  1. The length of employment cannot be confirmed.
  2. Position, which is noted in the Labor Book, does not correspond to the name in legislation.
  3. The fact of work at a particular enterprise is impossible to establish.

If the employee does not agree with the decision of the PF, he is entitled to appeal it.

Does the right-to-exit workman typography (printing)?

Employees working on printing production can contact the Pension Fund, for the appointment of a preferential pension. Such right is provided for both men and women working in this industry.

Is the profession of infringeal infernal for a preferential pension?

Not. This specialty does not give the right to receive early pensions. A woman is spent on a well-deserved holiday in 55 years.

Who is appointed in the oil industry?

Drilling, mining of petroleum products, their processing is included in the list 2 Section No. 12. Therefore, the drillers who conduct work on exploration and development of deposits have the right to come out early retirement.

As well as drilling installation machines, operators that exercise oil production. Under certain requirements, benefits are provided for the governing line.

Study current legislation is necessary. In this case, employees and employees will know not only their duties, but also the rights to use the pricing benefits.

Nuances and features related to the design and preparation of preferential (early) pension set.

All information is owned by specialists of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If any questions occur, it is necessary to contact this structure.

It is worth noting that every citizen has the right to receive information about his personal account. Enough to write a statement that will be considered for 10 days.

After this period, the PF experts will calculate the amount of the pension and will make an adopted decision. Now there is the possibility of submitting an application using email.

Navigation by article

Now women who are in public service, that is, serving in the apparatus of state, municipal and regional authorities, occupying political positions, can go to a well-deserved rest in 63..

Starting retirement for women in 2018

Calculation of old age pensions in 2018 (example)

Insurance in old age from recently, which is provided in paragraph 1 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 400:

JV Art \u003d IPK × SEC,

  • JV Art - the size of the inherries in old age;
  • IPK - the sum of all pension points;
  • SEC - the cost of one pension coefficient (score);

Also to the insurance pension is established fixed payment (FV) in solid size. The cost of the score and fixed payment is indexed annually. So in 2018, SEC is 81.49 rubles, and FV - 4982.9 rubles.

Citizer Kulikova Antonine Vladimirovna in 2018 marks 55 years. Its work experience is 20 years old, and the number of individual pension coefficients is 110 points. In addition, a woman has three children with whom she stayed on leave to care for each year and a half, that is, it also has in addition to 110 points:

  • (1.8 + 3,6 + 5.4) × 1.5 \u003d 16.2 points.

All three conditions for the appointment of pensions at Antonina Vladimirovna are observed, it means that it has the right to apply for the purpose of paying in 2018.

Since the cost of the pension point in 2018 is 81.49 rubles, and a fixed payment - 4982.9 rubles, the pension of citizen Kulikova A.V. In 2018 will be:

  • (110 + 16.2) × 81,49 + 4982.9 \u003d 15266.94 rubles.

In addition, if Antonina Vladimirovna appeals for the appointment not now, and in a few years, then its payment will be increased by premium coefficients.

Documents to the Pension Fund for Pension Registration

To establish an old-age insurance provision, it is necessary to contact the territorial bodies Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Submit the necessary documents in person in the FIU or by mail.

In addition to the application for the appointment of this payment, a woman needs to provide originals or certified copies of the following documents:

  1. passport or residence permit (if a woman does not have Russian citizenship);
  2. SNILS (certificate of compulsory pension insurance);
  3. documents confirming the duration of the insurance experience, labor period and other periods in the life of a woman (the birth of children, etc.). As a rule, this certified copy labor book or its original, as well as to confirm the incombustric periods, documents confirming the presence of children in citizen (birth certificate);
  4. certificate of the average monthly wage for 60 months in a row until 01/01/2002 or information on average monthly earnings in the period from 2000 to 2001;
  5. other documents.

In the case of granting an incomplete package of documents, they will still be accepted together with the application. But it is desirable for three months to convey the necessary documents to the FIU, then the day of appeal will be considered day of acceptance of the application.

Otherwise, if the documents are provided later than the specified period, the day of appeal will be considered a day when all missing documents were provided.

Possibility and payment of pension

After the adoption of documents, the Pension Fund of Russia considers them within 10 business daysfrom the date of acceptance of the application, or from the day the missing documents. If all the documents provided correspond to reality, the insurance provision is established from the date of appeal to it, but not earlier than the citizen has the right to him.

This type of payment is indefinite and paid until the end of life citizen. Payment is carried out monthly. The recipient of the pension can be both the pensioner himself and his trustee.

Currently, you can choose which method will the delivery of the pension. To do this, it is necessary to choose a delivery method, submitting an appropriate application to the territorial body of the FIU. This can be done both in writing, directly in the Pension Fund, and in electronic form through the personal account on the official website of the FIU.

Pensioner have the right to choose More convenient way of delivery of money:

  • through Russian Post;
  • through the organization that deals with the delivery of pensions (the full list is available in the territorial authority of the Pension Fund);
  • through the bank (at the expense or bank card).

When choosing a mail of Russia or delivery organization, the pensioner is also entitled to choose the method of producing - to the house or at the box office.


As of 2018, women can retire in the Russian Federation in 55 years. This is commonly established for women in our country. But in some cases, early provision is provided for certain categories of citizens. Also for women who do not have the necessary work experience provided upon age 60 years.

Due to the fact that the age of retirement in our country is significantly lower than in other countries, the Ministry of Finance offers enhance retirement age And in the Russian Federation. However, in 2018, this measure will not affect Russian citizens.