I'm not beautiful! How to transform from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan? What to do if you are ugly

One of the most relevant questions in self-awareness is the question "what to do if I am ugly." Of course, in most cases, beauty seems to us as something very distant, not because it is impossible to look at us because of the ugliness, but because our self-esteem is sharply lowered. For some reason, people forget that simple truth, which says that until you love yourself, others will treat you like an ordinary-looking ugly girl. Therefore, try to look at yourself from the outside, maybe the question "what to do if I am ugly" will lose its relevance.

However, if you have firmly managed to convince yourself of your nondescriptness, then you need to urgently take action. You should not waste extra energy on inventing different problems for yourself. It is better to find something better for yourself - sports, hobbies, any hobby group. If this does not help, and besides you, the environment thinks so about your appearance, then it is worth taking action.

"What if I'm ugly?" This question worries many schoolgirls, students and even adult women. As for schoolgirls, this opinion is too often imposed on them by the surrounding adolescents, who are sometimes too cruel and do not know how to appreciate beauty. In this case, adults should point out to girls their merits and talk about how sometimes children's flaws turn into huge pluses in another, "adult" world. It is necessary to tell the stories of friends who, for example, surprised everyone at the graduating party 10 years after graduation by the fact that they had an excellent figure, and the rest recovered well. And tell how, as a child, this woman was teased fat.

In their student years, girls usually get rid of most of the complexes. Arriving at the university, you find yourself in a completely new world, where you are surrounded by other people. And they don't need to know how you were teased at school, for example, with a "mop" or a "fat woman." Well, if here you were mistaken for ugly and ugly, then it's time to put things in order in appearance, and first of all, in the head. You need to look at your shortcomings as merits.

Remember that no matter what appearance you have, if the person is not beautiful from the outside, but from the inside, no means will help here.

Every girl should have a mystery ... And in some cases, the mystery lies in the little feminine tricks that make them look amazing!

WuzzUp presents to your attention 9 simple tricks that will make a beauty out of every girl. Moreover, there is even no need to visit expensive spa and beauty salons, because everything can be done at home! 🙂

1. Home remedy for blackheads


This is an egg white mask that not only tightens pores, removing blackheads, but also prevents them from appearing in the future. Apply a thin layer of egg white to problem areas, and cover with a thin napkin on top. When it dries, tear off the napkin abruptly. Rinse with cold water and apply a nourishing cream.

2. Natural treatment for irritated skin


For these purposes, you will need to purchase Indian or so-called bentonite clay. Like all clay masks, it is done like this: dilute the clay with water until it becomes a paste and apply it on your face. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash off with warm water.

3. From brittle nails


Take some coconut oil and use your fingers to warm it up and rub it into your nails. Coconut oil improves blood circulation and nourishes nails. For quicker results, repeat this procedure two to three times a day.

4. Dry shampoo with your own hands


All you need is gauze and a large, wide brush. Place several layers of cheesecloth over the teeth of the comb. Now, when you brush your hair, dirt and sebum will remain on the gauze.

5. How to make nails strong and long


Oil will help you again, this time olive oil. Mix 3 teaspoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Before going to bed, apply this mixture to your nails and let it dry, and wash your hands in the morning. Repeat the procedure daily until the result is pleasing to you.

6. Cure for sweat


Since baking soda is a natural alkali, it neutralizes acidity and eliminates unpleasant odors. Apply baking soda to a slightly damp problem area and shake off excess. As a result, you are guaranteed clean, fresh clothes and no embarrassment.

7. The best remedy for age spots


Lemon juice is a natural clarifier. If you suffer from excessive skin pigmentation or freckles, apply natural lemon juice to your face, gently massaging it. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

8.From yellow nails


Unfortunately, not only smokers have yellow nails, but this does not mean that they cannot be made white. Apply whitening toothpaste to yellow nails and let sit for 10 minutes. Then brush them and wash them with water. 2-3 procedures a week will be enough to notice the result!

9. We whiten teeth without harm


Dilute the baking soda to a mushy condition and brush your teeth. Alternatively, you can mix it with toothpaste. The only thing is that such a procedure should not be carried out too often, so as not to injure the enamel. 1-2 times a week will be more than enough.

“If a girl is ugly at the age of 18, this is her misfortune,
but if a woman is ugly at 30, it is her fault. "

Coco Chanel

"I'm not beautiful! What to do?" - sadly says the girl to herself. What should she do with her life? And then go with the flow or pull yourself together and make candy out of what is? Yes Yes exactly! I will not burden you with useless arguments about inner beauty and the ephemeral nature of outer beauty, which disappears without a trace over time, which our mothers and grandmothers like to talk about. Unfortunately, we live in a material world where people first of all see your outer shell, and not a pure and tender soul.

Girls, remember, beauty is a relative and purely subjective concept, every girl has a chance to become herself, regardless of the initial external data, in a sense to blind herself.

I am ugly - is this a disadvantage or an advantage?

The standard of beauty is a kind of template that makes us the same. Therefore, everything that goes beyond the usual attracts special attention. If a girl is ugly, then she will certainly attract views, because she is unique in her own way.

Just what kind of views will they be? And this is up to you to decide. Enough to say to yourself, "What am I ugly, what to do?"

If you think about it, you can find many examples of people who do not have classical beauty, but who are very popular with the opposite sex.

Barbra Streisand

Barbra Streisand is a classic example of how a woman with a non-standard appearance can conquer cinema. And this is primarily due to the fact that she is a personality, bright and full-fledged, stylish and luxurious.

Although an unusual nose, definitely in her youth ruffled her a lot of nerves.

Uma Thurman

Another woman, whose appearance is far from the classical ideal, nevertheless, is very popular among men. What attracts Uma Thurman?

Special plasticity, artistry and its own unique flavor.

Nicole Kidman

It is hard to imagine, but this red-haired beauty, as a child, was an ugly duckling.

Living in Australia, she simply hated her red hair, blue eyes, pale skin with freckles - because at the school where she studied, the children were mostly dark-skinned and dark-haired, and little Nicole stood out too brightly against their background. Surely she, too, in despair asked "what am I ugly, what to do?"

Angelina Jolie

It would seem, how can one mention the generally recognized standard of beauty in such a list? Don't worry, and for me personally, Angelina is a role model. But let's see one of the first films with Jolie - "Hackers".

It is difficult to recognize a future style icon in this girl: just an ordinary girl, a shirt-guy. No grace and charm of today's Angelina. This suggests that these are all acquired qualities and manners, but in no way a gift from nature.

What if i'm ugly?

So how to become beautiful? What do you need to do to transform from a gray duckling into a beautiful swan? To begin with, I want to warn you that there is no such magic pill, having drunk which, in the morning you will wake up a happy beauty. For the benefit of your beauty, you need to work hard.

And to start with a plan. So, let's not get hung up on lamentations from the cycle "I'm ugly, what should I do?"

In every, even the most ugly people, there is something attractive. Do not panic, "I am ugly, what to do!" Someone will have expressive eyes, someone has luxurious hair or a stunning velvet tone of voice, someone can boast slender chiseled legs or perfectly smooth skin of a delicate shade. Someone has a beautiful nail shape ... yes, that can also be an advantage, the main thing is to learn how to use it correctly!

Now let's think about how we can emphasize these advantages: with beautiful clothes, makeup, special gestures that are worth learning. Even the beautiful shape of the priests can become your highlight - you just need to be able to emphasize it correctly.

Think about what you can fix

We figured out the advantages, now let's pay attention to the disadvantages. Is everything as bad as it seems at first glance? I'm ugly, period? Or are we trying to cheat a little?

No, I do not urge to rush under the surgeon's knife, for a start we will try to act with less drastic methods. For example, the concept of an "ugly figure" can manifest itself in excessive completeness - in this case, one cannot talk about one's own inferiority by nature. After all, they can dazzle you with an ideal figure. Girls, do not be lazy, start right today to change your life for the better, because you want to get only the best from life? To enjoy your beauty you need to earn it, but how sweet this victory will be! By the way, you can find useful articles on sports, nutrition, and especially on, in the appropriate section of our portal.

Facial imperfections can be tried to at least partially correct with the right hairstyle, hair color and cosmetics.

Do not get hung up on a familiar image, do not be afraid to experiment, this is the only way to become more beautiful. And, of course, the correct selection of clothes will help to cope with the shortcomings and emphasize the dignity of the figure.

Well-groomed and external gloss

Well-groomed is the magic key that will help your beauty to manifest itself. You may have a lot of flaws, but you can only justify those of them that cannot be fixed. Unkempt hair, lack of manicure and clumsy gait are not included.

You can learn more about how to become beautiful and well-groomed in the following article: "".

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Let me give you an example from my own life. When I was in school, we had two girls in our class: one with seemingly perfect appearance: slim, beautiful, with big brown eyes, fluffy eyelashes, perfectly regular facial features and long thick hair of a natural brown color. The second is my best friend, below average height, with light brown hair and facial features that are far from classic beauty. But she didn’t tell herself “what to do if I’m ugly?” Because she never considered herself like that!

Who do you think was the most popular? Oddly enough, it was the second girl. Natural charm, sociability, friendliness, dancing classes - she was the universal center of attention.

The second, possessing an ideal appearance, was a complete dummy, with which there was not even anything to talk about. For me, even now, it's a little strange that the guys from our class practically did not pay attention to her. But, nevertheless, it was so. Already now, analyzing the past, I begin to understand that she simply did not know how to present herself correctly.

Nobody loves me because I'm ugly

It's time to understand that this is nothing more than an excuse. You may not be loved because you are withdrawn or unkempt, uninteresting or boring. If a person doesn't like something in your character, it can be annoying, but this does not in any way apply to your appearance. You don't need to blame all your problems on her. Of course, you can sit down with folded hands, once again, sighing: “I am ugly, and therefore no one loves me,” just be aware that this is just a banal excuse.

In fact, you get used to a person's appearance very quickly, whatever it may be. Even if at the first meeting someone may seem ugly, after a few meetings you completely forget about it - character, pleasant communication, common hobbies and interests are much more important. Friends always love and accept you for who you are. As for men ... they need to be conquered by their charm, to be stylish and well-groomed, friendly and mysterious.

As a teenager, I read a letter from a man in one of the women's newspapers. I still remember it almost literally, its content shocked me so much. The man wrote about his problem: he fell head over heels in love with his friend's wife, just to the point of obsession, and asked for advice on what to do in this situation. But something else attracted me to this story.

He described his first meeting with his love something like this: “My friend introduced me to his wife. When I saw her, I thought, how did he manage to marry such a plain woman? Long nose, pale face, expressionless eyes, colorless hair ... ”And then, coming to visit a friend, our hero gradually fell in love with the girl, as she turned out to be the kindest, most interesting and bright person of all whom he met. Now he no longer sympathized with his friend, he envied him! And even yesterday's flaws seemed to him now cute and the most beautiful in the world.

Psychological moment

Another important point on the path to gaining beauty is self-confidence. Never again say to yourself "I am ugly" - do not humiliate yourself, do not give rise to unnecessary complexes. Better go to the mirror and say: "I am cute, I am beautiful, perfect, I am the most ...".

Do not let complexes come between you and a happy life: communicate, live, be happy, meet new people - each of them, at least a little, will change your life for the better.

But the most important thing is that you need to start changing not tomorrow or next week, but right now, at this moment. Do not postpone the beginning of a new life, and then today it will begin to delight you with pleasant surprises.

I tried to fully disclose the topic of female beauty in the article. If you have any questions - do not hesitate, write in the comments. We will be happy to help. And we advise you to subscribe to the portal updates in order to always be aware of the most interesting news.

We sincerely wish you to be not only beautiful, but also madly loved. After all, this, you see, is much more important!

“Beauty will save the world! Where in this world do I belong? Who will save me? What if I'm ugly ?! Send to the reservation so that I do not poison this "wonderful world" with my presence? .. "Screams of despair:" What if I am ugly ?! " - can often be found on social networks. Whereas in the photos attached to them there are cute, charming girls, most often teenagers. And yet another victim of low self-esteem looks at such pictures and thinks: "They haven't seen me yet ..."

Natural selection

To please others is a normal desire for a sane person, especially for a woman. No wonder women are called that: the beautiful half of humanity. It is believed that beauty automatically ensures the disposition of people, arouses interest in a person, a pleasant impression, attention and respect. In this case, the conclusion suggests itself that a beautiful woman has no end to applicants for a hand and heart, she is always happy and has an interesting time. Not that ugly. Unsurprisingly, so many girls are agitated by the question, "What if I'm ugly?"

And in fact…

A myriad of sophisticated beauties, highly educated clever women, beautiful hostesses could have long ago created the most numerous women's parties under the title: "What's wrong with me?", "What if I'm fat?" or "I have the worst hundred imperfections!" They are lonely, unhappy, and look with envy at the ugly men whom their husbands carry in their arms.

Did you know…

That twenty seconds of viewing a fashion magazine can lower a woman's self-esteem by 75%? Note, any woman, even the most beautiful, in your opinion. Have you ever seen an unpainted model? Do you know how she looks in pictures taken with an ordinary soap dish, without special lighting, professional make-up, hairstyle and clothes chosen according to her taste, and not by a stylist? Have you presented? Horrified? Smiled? And you also say: "What if I am ugly?" Honor and praise to the famous ugly women for coping with this complex!

Get your brain in order

It turns out that it's not about beauty. Or, more precisely, not in what you mean by the word "beauty". Disgrace - in thoughts! Every person is a creation of God. Do you think that he is not professional enough and makes mistakes?

And yet - what if I am ugly, strange, not right?

Find yourself a worthy role model. An artist, singer, model, TV presenter, etc., which is more or less similar to you, your phenotype. Agree, among them, beautiful, happy and successful, there are small, and plump, and disproportionate ... But they have charm, charm, a sparkle look that can be easily adopted. And the manner of dressing, presenting oneself to the environment is shamelessly copying and making your own exclusive changes. One has only to take this into service, as you will notice admiring glances when they will look after you for a long time, trying to understand what is so attractive, elusively mysterious in this woman, why do you so want to solve her riddle? ..

And from year to year, millions of beautiful girls flicker on television screens, adorn the pages of fashionable glossy magazines and stroll on the catwalks. And those whose appearance does not impress the imagination and does not cause a storm of delight look at them with envy.

Yes, not all of us are endowed with legs from the ears, blue, like the sky, eyes and naturally long and shiny hair. Nature can be unfair. She endows some with an appearance that no man can resist. Others are content with more modest gifts. But is everything so hopeless? Is it possible to become the most beautiful on your own at home?

It seems to all of us that you can turn into a beauty only in a fairy tale (or in the office of a plastic surgeon). But this statement is erroneous, moreover, it harms self-esteem and undermines self-confidence. Becoming beautiful with mediocre natural qualities is a completely doable task. It is only important to "pull" the beauty out of yourself methodically and never deviate from your goal.

5 distinctive moments of a beautiful girl

First, let's figure out how the beauties differ from all the others. What are the main features of their appearance, behavior and can you also become the most beautiful girl in the world? Can you become a beauty yourself? And how!

1. Beauties have proportional facial features.

They have big eyes, full lips, smooth and clear skin, and no enlarged pores or blackheads. Eye color is a subjective concept. It is a mistake to believe that the most beautiful eyes are blue or green. Absolutely all shades of our iris are beautiful in their own way, so the question of the most beautiful eye color disappears by itself.

To make your face perfect, deep cleanse daily with toner or cosmetic milk. Pamper yourself with steam baths once a week (they relieve redness and perfectly cleanse the pores of the face). Don't forget about masks. An ordinary cucumber mask eliminates circles under the eyes, relieves fatigue and improves skin tone. Wipe your face regularly with a cotton pad dipped in chamomile decoction. Chamomile soothes the skin, gives it a glow and blooming appearance. It is also helpful to do a gentle facial exfoliation once a week. To do this, it is enough to gently massage your face with coffee grounds.

Irregular facial features are easily corrected with makeup. Thousands of tutorial videos will help you create the perfect makeup. Be sure to learn the contouring technique - it's extremely popular with celebrities who also suffer from an oversized nose, prominent cheekbones, and narrow-set eyes.

2. The beauties have a toned figure.

Not thin, but fit. Body positivism rules the fashion world. Famous beauties are not afraid to show off their lush hips and size 5 breasts to the whole world. Even a plump tummy no longer seems like a disaster. The main thing is that the body is fit.

This is achieved with the most basic exercises in the gym. There is no way to work out in the gym - do the most common exercises at home. Only physical activity should be regular, and exercises should be performed correctly, otherwise you should not hope for a positive result.

First, do the simplest set: 10 squats, 10 push-ups and, for example, the scissors exercise (when you rhythmically cross your legs). This will work your abs, legs, and chest muscles. Do not do a lot of exercises at once, so you will quickly get bored and you will give up training. Add exercises gradually, without strain or soreness.

3. Beautiful girls are stylishly dressed, even when they go to the store for bread.

We often try on beautiful things only when we go to important events. And we show up for work or a walk in ordinary sweaters, boring skirts and shoes with knocked-down heels. And beautiful girls attract everyone's attention with stylish suits that favorably emphasize the figure, impeccably clean shoes, high-quality coats with interesting trimmings.

So what's the problem? It is a mistake to think that only the rich can dress stylishly. The style has no price, it either exists or it does not exist at all. Don't you have enough imagination to create a breathtaking look? Look for trendy combinations from bloggers or magazine pages. Do not chase after trendy things, create a basic wardrobe in which all things are easily combined with each other.

4. Beauties have perfect hairstyles and well-groomed nails.

A hairstyle cannot be beautiful if the hair is dull, with split ends, with an incomprehensible color.

Apply an oil-based hair mask every week. Rub sea buckthorn oil, rose oil, or the most common sunflower oil into your scalp. Leave the mask for 20-30 minutes, then wash off with shampoo. Such a procedure will restore shine to the hair and give it an expensive well-groomed look. Also, visit your hairdresser regularly to avoid overgrown roots and split ends. Use dyes without ammonia - they do not dry out the hair so much and do not destroy the cuticle from the inside.

Pay special attention to your nails. You don't have to do an expensive manicure. You just need to regularly trim your cuticles and shape your nails at home. The varnish must be of high quality so that it does not flake off at the most inopportune moment. To keep your nails healthy, wipe them with lemon peel regularly.

Also rest your hands with essential oil baths. Fill a deep bowl with hot water and add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil. Dip your hands into the water, sit like this until the water cools completely. After the procedure, lubricate your hands with a greasy cream.

5. Beauties are beautiful not only outside, but also inside.

They do not sit for hours with manicurists and hairdressers. They are busy with self-development, because outer beauty is worth nothing without inner fulfillment. A pretty girl will never allow herself to swear or eat buns at night. She will not steal other people's guys in order to assert herself.

The beauty has good manners, she will not laugh rudely in the company or look down on everyone. Perhaps the last point is the most difficult. Not every girl can just get rid of the manly manners just like that. It can take years to change your usual behavior. But the result is worth it.

Becoming the most beautiful is not so difficult. Every purposeful girl who is determined to change her life for the better will cope with this task.