Recording of the intense breathing of the wiyash. Breathing according to the method of A. Sviyash "Forgiveness of oneself". What will happen

These are not the strongest stresses that appear during betrayal or breakup. But sometimes you get into huge debts or lose a large amount of money.
Although this rarely happens. Basically, with a lack of funds, a painful state of impotence and internal protest appears. Especially when there is no way to repay a debt, buy something, help a neighbor, give a gift, etc. Thoughts go in circles: When will this end? There is no money again. Why does someone have a lot of them, but not me? I can't change anything. How lack of money got me!
As a result, ideas accumulate in the subconscious: “I have no money. I can't change the situation. I have not been given it. Money bypasses me. Nothing dedends on me". The subconscious mind is guided by such beliefs when deciding on the amount of income. You yourself have replayed these thoughts in your head thousands of times. In addition, they were not in a calm and relaxed state, but were irritated, tense or depressed.
An altered energy state creates emotional blocks. Even if they are very small, there can be a lot of them. The clamps build up and create a huge "blood clot" that blocks attempts to increase income.

Tops and roots

Beliefs can be compared to points, and emotional blocks can be compared to roots. The latter are interested in survival and help to “fight” with money, maintaining a state of despair when you repeat: “I have no money. I can't change the money situation. I haven't been given it." This is how emotional blocks stimulate financial problems.
Other blocks are in harmony with beliefs: “I can’t do anything. I won't succeed. I'm afraid to make a mistake. I must be good to everyone. I'm worth nothing."
Change meets resistance from the negative beliefs of the subconscious and emotional blocks. Therefore, when trying to replace negative beliefs with positive ones, a rollback to the previous positions occurs.
You change the tops, but leave the roots intact. And over time, they germinate, displacing the new. The technology of internal changes must take into account these features.

We remove the roots

To get it right replace beliefs about money and ways of their coming into life, it is necessary to erase the emotional blocks accumulated in previous years. You can do this with the help of holotropic breathing: you will need 10-15 sessions of active breathing under the guidance of a trainer. You can also independently work with individual blocks in your body. For this, the technique of forgiveness is used.

Writing the Forgiveness Formula

When you tell yourself that you forgive, you give a command to the subconscious: “This person is no longer an enemy. I forgive and release him. Let it stay the way it is, and I won't fight to make it better."
Now you do not need warheads in the form of emotional blocks directed against him, and the subconscious can give the command "Remove the block!", including against money.
Further, nothing will prevent you from “uploading” the necessary beliefs about your capabilities. It would seem that everything is very simple.

We are protected from random commands

The difficulty is that the subconscious is well protected from changes criticality, cynicism and persuasion. You say, “I forgive money for not loving me and I let them exist as they wish. I ask them for forgiveness for the offense and confidence that they do not love me and get only dishonestly. From now on, I approve and accept any behavior of finance.
In this case, nothing will happen. You never know what nonsense you sometimes say? Is everything worth taking seriously? You have been internally struggling with money for decades, and now you want to cross it out at once?
It doesn't happen! Especially if you're speaking the words in a calm, low-energy state. But if there is extreme excitement, ecstasy, such a command can be accepted for execution.
But where to get ecstasy? Something needs to be done to defeat the body's internal resistance to new commands.

The Expanded Forgiveness Formula

A large emotional block almost always consists of many small elements - experiences. You can try to take energy not from the entire block, but partially.
To do this, you need to forgive certain events in your life. The result will be a detailed forgiveness formula (RFA), consisting of five blocks.
1. I beg your pardon for money for the bad thoughts that arose in my head about them.
2. I forgive money for the trouble they gave me.
3. Taking energy from all the memories about situations where I experienced financial worries.
4. I completely free the memory from times when he was nervous and suffered due to lack of funds.
5. I make a decision calmly and detachedly relate to all problems with money.
These are the titles of sections, in each of which you need to write 10-20 phrases. Each such phrase should begin with the highlighted words and end with a description of the situation.

RFP example

The participant of the seminar "Easy Money" made the following detailed formulas.
« I apologize to money because:
✓ Considered them dirty.
✓ Despised them.
✓ I thought they were spoiling people.
✓ Missed out on earning opportunities.
✓ Didn't appreciate the number of them I have.
✓ Sometimes I was afraid to spend them.
✓ They annoyed me because there are not as many of them as I would like.
✓ I fomented conflicts in the family because of them.
✓ I accused them of not loving me.

Then comes the second block of the expanded formula.
I forgive money per:
✓ Their selectivity.
✓ The fact that they cause fear of being left without everything.
✓ The fact that they are always in short supply.
✓ That I am dependent on them.
✓ That other people have more money than me.
✓ That they are fickle in my life.
✓ That they depreciate due to inflation.
✓ The fact that because of them I was often scolded in childhood.
✓ The fact that they cause quarrels with her husband.
✓ That they don't always come to me in the desired quantity.

Next is the third block of the expanded formula.
I take all the energy from the memories:
✓ As a child, without permission, I took money that was lying on the shelves at a party. I was strongly reprimanded for this.
✓ I fought with my mom and dad about finances.

✓ I quarreled with my husband.
✓ We were traveling from friends, and I was in a disgusting mood: our family did not have as much money as they did, we lived differently.
✓ Clients borrowed and didn't repay on time, and I was furious about it.
✓ I was worried when there was very little revenue.
✓ There was no money to buy things I liked, I got annoyed and cried because of this.
✓ Parents fought among themselves because of money.

Now comes the fourth block of the expanded formula.
I erase negative memories from memory:
✓ I bought gifts for everyone on the first income, but they scolded me.
✓ Quarreled over money with mom and dad.
✓ An acquaintance stole money from me.
✓ We were flooded by neighbors. We won the case, but we never received the money.
✓ Quarreled over finances with her husband.
✓ Took money from her father's salary without permission.
✓ I was furious because clients borrowed and did not bring money on time.
✓ There was no money to buy things I liked, I got annoyed and cried because of this.
✓ Scandalous with her husband due to lack of vacation.
✓ Spared the money to buy what I liked.
✓ Jealous of a friend because her parents are rich.
✓ Mom and dad fought over money.

Finally, the fifth block of the expanded formula.
Henceforth I make a decision:
✓ Forgive money completely and accept it for what it is.
✓ Forgive yourself for your relationship with finances.
✓ Treat money well, no matter how much it is.
✓ Be satisfied with any amount of money.
✓ Increasing income day by day.
✓ Calmly perceive situations related to money.

At first glance, all this looks like nonsense: how can you forgive what you don’t know? Money is not people or organizations. However, it has been tested by thousands of people and it works.
It is on the forgiveness of money that men often weaken, and some women experience severe nausea. The body quickly gets rid of negative memories.
We suggest you write a personal RFP for money and life in general. If you have complaints about yourself, work them out. Without this, you can move to big money, but you should not expect quick and long-term results.
On the blog you will find video tutorials on forgiving yourself and money. Watch the archive free video 5.8.

What to do with RFP

Let's say you tensed up and wrote RFP for yourself and money. What should happen in this case?
Most of the time, nothing. Although some women have tears and a lot of discomfort in the body already in the process of writing formulas. This is especially noticeable if you rewrite the RFP with your own hand fifty times.
However, this is not the way for the modern busy person. In order for the internal filter to turn off, something more effective is needed. Then the commands to erase emotional blocks will go to the subconscious and will be accepted for execution.
The functions of the internal filter are performed by the mind, so you need to turn it off. But not completely, but partially - to exclude only the critical function.
Emotions easily turn off the mind by transferring the body into an overexcited state. At the same time, the energy of the body increases. But we cannot go by creating a strong emotion - this is how control over the situation is lost. Something more humane is needed.
This function is perfectly performed by enhanced breathing. For several minutes we breathe often and deeply with an open mouth and get an excess of oxygen: energy rises, the mind is slightly wedged.
We must remain conscious and give ourselves commands to forgive and erase emotional blocks. Breathe better while standing. This technique is called Effective Forgiveness. Do not confuse it with holotropic breathing, which is performed lying down and without any internal commands.

Effective Forgiveness

1. Write a few RPs - for money, yourself and life. You can add businesses, partners, and other people. If there are family problems, do RFP on the main opponents. Write in a way that is easy to read.
2. Without witnesses, turn on the music with a recording of intense breathing. It can be downloaded for free from the blog using the "Get here" button. Breathe intensely to the music for two or three minutes.
3. When you feel a slight dizziness, repeat the phrases from the RFP 15 times to yourself without interrupting intensive breathing. At the same time, listen to your body.
There may be different manifestations. All of them are divided into two groups:
✓ nothing happens in the body - then go to the next RFP phrase and repeat it to yourself about 15 times;
✓ An unpleasant sensation or pain appeared in some part of the body - not general relaxation, tingling or a slight trance, but pain sensations.

This is what happens when the subconscious, at your command, eliminates the emotional block. The compressed spring straightens and creates a microtrauma in the body. Pain arises in this place, and the body asks for help. The sensation may occur in the head, shoulder, chest, and any internal organ.
In this case, stop repeating the phrase from the RFP and begin to mentally exhale into the sore spot at the same intense pace. Exhale physically with your mouth, and mentally send air to the sore spot. The pain usually goes away after a few minutes.
Repeat the last phrase from the RFP to yourself a few more times and move on to the next one. In a 20-minute session of active breathing, you can go through 5-10 phrases. You do everything standing.
You end the session, and the next time you continue from the phrase where you left off. It may take several hours to work out one radiopharmaceutical in total.
Maybe you can "breathe" all the phrases in 20 minutes. During the day, do two or three breathing sessions, working with one or different radiopharmaceuticals.
For more information about this technique, see the blog, video 5.8 in the archive. There are reviews from hundreds of people. The technique is simple and safe, but due to possible strong bodily reactions, there are restrictions on its use.
You can learn more about the technique of compiling your RFP and performing effective forgiveness on the Self-Transformation Assistant website (


Some people it is strictly forbidden to use this technique. These include the following.
✓ Women at any stage of pregnancy.
✓ Persons registered with a psychiatrist for any mental illness and those taking anti-anxiety medications.
✓ People with high blood pressure, especially in a state of crisis.
✓ Those who have undergone complex operations in the last three months, including on the eyes.
✓ Patients in serious condition due to any disease.

In general, the reception is not recommended for people over the age of 45 who are prone to a strong emotional response. These are mostly women who can have strong bodily reactions. For them there is softer technique- repeated rewriting by hand of the expanded formula of forgiveness.
It may take one to two months of independent work to erase emotional blocks.

Revealing unnecessary vertices

You have cleaned the roots of negative attitudes. Now you can replace them with positive installations (PU). This is done in several stages. First you need to understand what exactly you want to change in yourself.

Revealing negative beliefs

Negative Beliefs (NBs) take you off the straight and fast path to big money and into the crooked paths of low-paying jobs. Describe what you don't like about yourself.
✓ Laziness.
✓ Lack of assembly.
✓ Inability to defend one's opinion.
✓ Inability to say “no”.
✓ Inability to earn big money.
✓ Unworthy of serious financial resources.

When writing, do not invent anything superfluous, but do not be shy. Then compare yourself to some ideal person. In your place, he would easily solve problems that you cannot do. What qualities are missing in your life? Write down what you are missing.
✓ I do not have leadership qualities.
✓ I don't understand how to start my own business.
✓ Too shy.
✓ Can't increase income.
As a result, you might end up with a list of 10-20 flaws that you would like to get rid of. Instead, you need to have a set of advantages.

We compose PU

You need to understand what you want to have instead of disadvantages. For each negative belief, make up a positive one according to certain rules. In it, you clearly declare what quality or ability you have.
Without modesty, justifications and apologies, state what you want to have in yourself. The rules for compiling PU are as follows.
✓ Opposite in meaning to a negative attitude.
✓ You must immediately indicate what you want to be guided by instead of the current NU.
✓ Short energetic phrase.
✓ The action is happening now.
✓ Use only positive language, without any negatives.
✓ Find words and images that please you.
✓ When building a phrase, always proceed from the fact that you are changing, and not the world around you or other people.

When compiling a PU, you describe what and how will always happen in your life. You don't give specific numbers or dates. No need to say: “I easily earn 500,000 rubles a month” - this applies to goals.
PU is your attitude, which will later lead to achievements. Goals will change, but the mood will remain forever. Here is an example of compiling a PU of an insecure man.
More details about the rules for compiling PU are described in the book. Alexandra Sviyash “Start life anew. Four steps to a new reality".
What needs to be done after compiling the PU? Download them into the subconscious so that they displace the beliefs that interfere with living there.

Loading PU

Even a list of correctly compiled PUs is good wishes on the topic: “Oh, I would like to become ...” Nothing will happen without further effort, because the mind reliably protects us from stupid fantasies.
At the time of loading the PU into itself, it is necessary to turn off the critical function of consciousness. You already know how to do this: turn on the music for intense breathing and breathe for two to three minutes until you reach a light trance. Do this while standing with your mouth open. Then take a list of PUs and mentally repeat each statement 15 to 20 times.
At the same time, imagine yourself as the owner of the desired quality. If it doesn't work, no big deal.
Pay close attention to what is happening in your body. If there are no pain reactions, work through all the PUs - repeat them to yourself. If a pain sensation appears, it means that you have removed the emotional block and the body asks for help. Concentrate on the place of pain and mentally exhale the air into this place.
After a while, the pain will go away and you can move on to the next goal. The safety rules are the same: exercises can only be performed by mentally and physically healthy people. The technique is called "Effective self-programming".

How much to breathe

The question usually arises: how many times do you need to “breathe” the PU for it to work? The answer is simple: until it is established in the subconscious.
Imagine a clearing that has good plants and weeds. These are your strengths and weaknesses. You decide to weed the weeds and plant good new plants in their place. To do this, remove emotional blocks, for example, with the help of effective forgiveness, and “plant” positive beliefs.
If you sow something new and forget about it, is there a chance to get a harvest? I think no. You yourself understand this very well. After the first loading, it is necessary to take care of the sprouts for another two to three months. It is enough to do this once a week, in your free time on a day off. Turn on the music, breathe deeply for a couple of minutes, and then take a list of PU and repeat five times under intense breathing.

What will happen

After two or three sessions of working with PU, you will notice that you have changed. If you've worked on building your self-esteem, you'll start to feel more confident. You may want to hit back at the old offenders.
Do not give in to such impulses! You will not prove anything to anyone, you will only earn an emotional block - and all efforts will go to waste.
Another danger is that the pressure of others may escalate. When you change, they become unconsciously afraid of you. Because it is not clear what is happening and how you will behave further.
Uncertainty is an uncomfortable state. People increase the level of aggression, if only you become the same and predictable. They don't care if you felt good before, they will fight for their peace of mind. This reaction is called "March to the stall!".
You can not return, but continue to work on yourself. It is necessary to make strong-willed efforts and not react to active attacks from outside.
It is important not to prove anything to othersit's completely useless. They are not controlled by reason, but by one emotion - fear of an unknown future. Since they do not understand this, mentally send them love.
Mumble to yourself a two-phrase forgiveness formula: “With love and gratitude, I forgive you and accept you as you are. I apologize for the thoughts and emotions towards you. So you will explain to the subconscious that all these people are not enemies. You don't have to get excited to give them a slap. You calmly and detachedly, with curiosity, observe how they are tormented by internal fears.
After two or three weeks, those around you will get used to your new behavior and calm down. It is necessary to survive this period without worries and conflicts. Otherwise, you will have to return to compiling the RFP on the opponent and effective forgiveness. You don't want to be in Groundhog Day, do you?

How to get out of the endless and meaningless struggle

In the previous chapter, we learned how to remove negative beliefs from the subconscious mind. But what if some of them don't seem negative? You are sure that everything should happen this way and not otherwise. After all, a belief can be good and outwardly not correlate with the negative.

We have idealizations

For some inexplicable reason, you think that all people should be honest, fulfill their obligations and think about others first, and then about themselves.
Or a wonderful masculine belief: a wife should know her place and recognize the primacy of her husband. In your family, dad dominated, but are you worse?
Another example: "I should weigh 10 kilograms less."
For such moments, a person is ready to fight to the death with others and with himself. It seems that there are no negative beliefs, but a normal life does not work out - only conflicts and experiences.
This usually lasts for years or even decades. You do not notice the senselessness of such a struggle. What can I say: it should be your way and nothing else!
It is important to know your overvalued ideas, which take a huge amount of time and effort. They give rise to many emotional blocks, illnesses, disappointments, depressions and other problems. In our methodology, they are called idealizations.
When such an idea is violated, a passionate desire arises to explain or impose it on a person who is not guided by it. But since idealization is important only for you, those around you ignore your appeals. Their behavior causes a strong protest and a desire to impose their innocence. Naturally, people automatically go into a protective excited state and send you to hell with your instructions.
But you do not calm down and continue to stand your ground, despite the complete lack of results. All this drags on for years and decades. Interesting life? The main thing is that it's not boring.
You can also define idealization as a strong exaggeration, giving excessive importance to some of your ideas. As a result, she begins to direct your behavior.
Unlike most NU or PU, which are stored in the subconscious and waiting in the wings, idealization is an active idea. Such a person is like a hunterhe is always unconsciously looking for someone to explain how to live and act.
A person with the idea of ​​not using swear words is constantly focused on finding people who behave differently. And whoever seeks always finds.
Or you have an idealization of relationships in the form of the need to strictly follow the rules of the road. When you are driving, you are always looking for those who break the rules, and you get annoyed when you see violators, boors and other disgusting drivers around.
If you are endowed with an exaggeration of driving abilities, you constantly overtake everyone, honk, flash your headlights. You are annoyed at how many sheep are on the road, which do not allow a normal horseman to pass.
Apart from your desire for idealization, they will never let you live in peace. You will find all the time that someone does not share your beliefs. There will be an uncontrollable desire to go and beat the one who is behaving incorrectly.
Usually a person has several idealizations, and he hunts different game all the time. It is clearly not up to a quiet life and not up to money.

Looking for someone to educate

- breathing with a delay on inhalation or exhalation;

- Restriction of breathing.

All these methods are actively used in a variety of health-improving methods. Consider them in turn.

Intense breathing

If you start to breathe quickly and deeply, then involuntarily you will begin to pass through yourself a large amount of air and the energy substance contained in it.

On the physical plane, intense breathing leads to a supersaturation of the body with oxygen and there is a slight poisoning by the products of its processing in the lungs. This feature of intensive breathing is used in such techniques of working with people as "rebirthing" and "holotropic breathing".

Externally, the work on these techniques looks something like this. Under the supervision of the leaders, people lie down on the floor and, to specially selected music, begin to intensively breathe through their mouths, and so on for 2-4 hours in a row. As a result of self-poisoning with oxygen, an altered state of consciousness occurs, during which many people re-experience the stresses that once took place in their lives. Thus, these stresses are erased from the emotional body, so intensive breathing is a powerful psychotherapeutic technique. Which, moreover, well cleanses the "vessel of karma" from accumulated experiences.

But, as usual, not all people have altered states of consciousness during rebirthing. But even with full consciousness, you can feel how your body is filled with energy and literally strives to break away from the floor. Hands (sometimes legs) rise above the floor and you need to make a lot of effort to bring them back. That is, it seems that the very effect of weight loss, which is part of Qigong practices, unwittingly arises.

Intensive breathing is used not only in rebirthing, but in many other practices. For example, in the system of meditative practices of Rajneesh (36) there is a meditation "Chakra breathing". It consists in the fact that, to certain music, a person breathes for 2 minutes into each of the seven chakras, and so on for three cycles, in total 45 minutes. This meditation can be done by yourself as there is a tape recording with detailed instructions on how to do it. Regular performance of this meditation gives a good energy recharge to the body.

Breathing delays

Another type of breathing uses the effect of a deeper assimilation by the body of the portion of air that has entered the lungs during breath holding. The delay is usually done on inspiration - from there you take a slow deep breath and hold the exhalation for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. This cycle is then repeated anew.

To get rid of old negative experiences there is a Workshop "Effective Forgiveness". It combines the virtues of techniques that use the technique of direct instructions to your Subconscious and breathing practice. The basis of every lesson is Effective practice of forgiveness according to Alexander Sviyash. The practice is compiled and framed in a video file, which, if desired, you can purchase and practice forgiveness on your own at home.

"Side effect" from classes:

  • Increase energy and improve mood.
  • Powerful insights and new ideas.
  • Increasing creative energy and creativity.
  • Increasing self-esteem and self-love.
  • Unexpected sources of income and gifts from people and from Life.
  • Improved relationships with yourself and loved ones.
  • Finding your purpose and passion...


Natalia Vorobyova: “Ideas begin to come to mind both directly in the process of breathing, and then within a few days. And a sea of ​​\u200b\u200benergy has also appeared. Both strength and time are enough for everything that I didn’t even know how to do before. And when doubts arise, uncertainty in my power, I remember Masha, who declares to the world: “It happens to me!” and doubts go away, and energy is still added. This phrase has been giving me confidence for a week now. Everything that was said in the lesson resonated in my soul. as if about me. I want to say thank you to coach Masha for her work, support and advice. Thank you very much for not letting us forget why we were born. Now I know that I am on the right path - to myself. Julia Tkach Girls, once again I am convinced how little we know about ourselves! How important it is to understand not only our feelings, but also where they come from. I knew firsthand about the effectiveness of the breathing practices of forgiveness: a year and a half ago, thanks to this practice, was able to get out out of a painful relationship with my ex-man and ... enter into a new happy relationship. This time I went to the practice of forgiving my loved one and figure out where my unmotivated aggression comes from. And what was my surprise when, during yesterday's practice of "forgiving a man," I felt that my beloved had nothing to do with it, and the resentment against the former did not go away! Now I understand what I need to work on. The effectiveness of the breathing practices of forgiveness increases many times if you "breathe" in a group, especially in this case, we have the opportunity to do this with the support of our wonderful coach - Masha. Thanks to Sviyash for this technique, to Mashula for support and knowledge, and to the girls for a wonderful atmosphere of trust! I look forward to further "forgiveness" of myself, the inner girl and ... but you never know who? ... I am ready to forgive everyone!

Copied from the site ""

We all go through life and from time to time we have negative experiences. Someone betrayed us, someone abandoned us, someone deceived us. Yes, and we ourselves often experience negative emotions towards ourselves - I don’t weigh so much, I wasn’t good enough, I didn’t succeed.

There is a feeling of guilt, self-criticism, doubts. All these bad thought forms are deposited inside our body in the form of negative energy charges, which are just a dead weight.

And all this untapped potential, all these "energy cobblestones" we carry all our lives on ourselves. The most "fresh" of them affect our behavior - we sometimes cry, sometimes we react sharply, we continue to be offended by a person, even if we consciously do not want to.

A. Sviyash "Technique of Forgiveness"

Agree that all this greatly hinders. It prevents us from going through life with a firm step, realizing our plans, achieving our goals and fulfilling our desires. Sometimes this can be an insurmountable barrier on the way to your cherished dream.

In general, you can and should get rid of unpleasant memories. So that the power of thought does not interfere with us and so that, by the way, our negative thoughts do not return to our lives in the form of problems.

When a person cleanses his memories, his energy level rises, he really looks younger for several years, his wrinkles are smoothed out, his complexion improves. The "second youth" is coming.

Personally, about 15 years ago, to remove accumulated grievances and unnecessary memories, I used forgiveness technique Alexander Sviyash called "The Forgiveness Formula".

Its essence is as follows:

We remember some person or situation in relation to which we experienced feelings and feel exactly where the block has accumulated inside us.

Then we begin to give a command to our own for a long, long time so that it removes this block.

To do this, we say aloud the following 3 phrases:

“With love and gratitude, I accept (the name of the person or the name of the situation) as he is”

“I apologize to (name) for all my thoughts, emotions and actions towards him”

“With love and gratitude (name) forgives me”

The main condition in this technique of forgiveness is your sincerity and a sense of remorse. It is also effective to apply it to yourself if you are offended or.

When repeating these phrases, the blocks are erased and the energy channels and connections between people are powerfully cleared. At the same time, unpleasant sensations can occur in the body in the form of headaches, spasms, coughing, and the like. This is all a natural reaction of the body to cleansing.

The main disadvantage of this technique is its duration..

That is, these 3 phrases must be repeated for quite a long time. According to the recommendation of Sviyash himself, it takes 10 to 15 hours to remove an acute memory.

It is clear that not everyone has enough endurance and patience, many “break down” and therefore it is considered ineffective due to the fact that it must be repeated for a long time.

Effective Forgiveness Technique

Today, Alexander Sviyash offers a new technique based on the combination of two technologies - his own Forgiveness Technique, described above, and holotropic breathing (rebirthing).

And she's called Effective Forgiveness Technique (TEP).

The idea boils down to the following- with the help of breathing practice, raise the energy level in order to enter a light trance state and begin to give commands to your subconscious for forgiveness.

TEP- very powerful and the process itself is significantly reduced in time, which makes it super-efficient.

Friends, if you:

  • really interested in removing from their Soul heavy stone of unforgiven grievances,
  • want once and for all get rid of negative memories,

then welcome to official licensed program Alexandra Sviyash:


Farewell and live freely!

Artur Golovin


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100% +

4.4 Let's breathe from the heart

In this chapter, we will look at another very common way to increase your energy - this is the use of breathing practices.

Inhaling the air, we simultaneously download the life-giving energy of Qi (Prana), which is dispersed around us. The cleaner and fresher the air, the more Qi energy it contains. And it is almost completely absent in dirty air full of car exhaust gases or industrial emissions.

This energy is absorbed in our body in the lungs. This means that by changing the mode of breathing, you can change the intensity of assimilation of this very vital energy.

There are several options for changing breathing modes, but they can all be reduced to the following:

- intensive breathing;

- breathing with a delay on inhalation or exhalation;

- Restriction of breathing.

All these methods are actively used in a variety of health-improving methods. Consider them in turn.

Intense breathing

If you start to breathe quickly and deeply, then involuntarily you will begin to pass through yourself a large amount of air and the energy substance contained in it.

On the physical plane, intense breathing leads to a supersaturation of the body with oxygen and there is a slight poisoning by the products of its processing in the lungs. This feature of intensive breathing is used in such techniques of working with people as "rebirthing" and "holotropic breathing".

Externally, the work on these techniques looks something like this. Under the supervision of the leaders, people lie down on the floor and, to specially selected music, begin to intensively breathe through their mouths, and so on for 2-4 hours in a row. As a result of self-poisoning with oxygen, an altered state of consciousness occurs, during which many people re-experience the stresses that once took place in their lives. Thus, these stresses are erased from the emotional body, so intensive breathing is a powerful psychotherapeutic technique. Which, moreover, well cleanses the "vessel of karma" from accumulated experiences.

But, as usual, not all people have altered states of consciousness during rebirthing. But even with full consciousness, you can feel how your body is filled with energy and literally strives to break away from the floor. Hands (sometimes legs) rise above the floor and you need to make a lot of effort to bring them back. That is, it seems that the very effect of weight loss, which is part of Qigong practices, unwittingly arises.

Intensive breathing is used not only in rebirthing, but in many other practices. For example, in the system of meditative practices of Rajneesh (36) there is a meditation "Chakra breathing". It consists in the fact that, to certain music, a person breathes for 2 minutes into each of the seven chakras, and so on for three cycles, in total 45 minutes. This meditation can be done by yourself as there is a tape recording with detailed instructions on how to do it. Regular performance of this meditation gives a good energy recharge to the body.

Breathing delays

Another type of breathing uses the effect of a deeper assimilation by the body of the portion of air that has entered the lungs during breath holding. The delay is usually done on inspiration - from there you take a slow deep breath and hold the exhalation for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. This cycle is then repeated anew.

Breathing with inhalation delays, when the duration of inhalation, retention and exhalation are equal (triangle breathing), is the main practice of prana yoga (37). For beginner yogis, it is recommended to choose the duration of each component of 6-8 seconds, and practicing yogis can have a duration of inhalation, retention and exhalation for a minute or even more. In yoga, breathing is done in several stages. When inhaling, the air should first fill the abdominal cavity, then the middle part of the chest and then the upper part. When you exhale, the air comes out in reverse order.

Such breathing is a powerful technique that allows you to increase the energy potential of the body and thereby increase its protective potential. Its undoubted advantage is that it does not require a special room, instructor, music and other attributes. Breath holding can be done anywhere, even while lying in bed. But it is better to do this in the morning, because doing this exercise before bedtime can overexcite you and drive away sleep for a long time.

Limit delays

Another powerful technique is the Taoist practice of holding your breath for as long as you can. At some point, you lose control and the body itself takes a reflex breath.

This technique also has a healing value, since the body, deprived of air, begins to convulsively and quickly suppress foci of inflammation, where its energy resources are wasted. But such a breath holding is an extreme overload of the body, so it is strongly not recommended to repeat this practice often, especially in the presence of various kinds of cardiovascular diseases.

Restriction of breathing

A completely different opinion regarding healing breathing was expressed by the Russian doctor K.P. Buteyko. He suggested that the cause of most of our diseases is an excess of oxygen and a lack of carbon dioxide in the blood. And with a lack of carbon dioxide, a metabolic disorder occurs with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, in order to get rid of the disease, you need to breathe as rarely and finely as possible.

He developed a special method of restricting breathing, which is called the method of Volitional Elimination of Deep Breathing VLHD (38,14).

VLHD is a method of sequential relaxation of the respiratory muscles (diaphragm) until a feeling of lack of air appears, and then a constant maintenance of this state throughout the workout.

The method is mastered under the supervision of instructors in special stages, while control pauses (holds) in the breath are constantly carried out, allowing you to assess whether you have learned it correctly.

Interestingly, one of the mandatory elements of using the method is a detailed study of its theoretical justification.

I must say that if you have no contraindications, the method can really give wonderful results. According to the method of K. P. Buteyko, any diseases associated with the respiratory organs (asthma, etc.), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and many others are easily cured. The actual treatment procedure consists in the fact that the patient, under the supervision of an instructor, reduces the depth of his breathing for several hours a day. Sometimes treatment gives a strong exacerbation of the disease, which is recommended to be removed with medication. But after an exacerbation, a sharp improvement in well-being usually occurs.

It must be said that the ideas of K. Buteyko's method fundamentally diverge from many other generally recognized healing methods based on deep breathing and the use of oxygen-saturated air (mountains, coniferous forest). What is the internal mechanism of action of this method?

K. P. Buteyko, as an obvious materialist, put forward a biochemical version of the method. But there are likely many other factors at play as well. The same requirement of deep assimilation of the theory of method suggests the explicit use of autosuggestion. After all, it would seem, take it and breathe shallowly, what does the theory have to do with it? No, without mastering the theory, recovery goes badly.

We know that for a quick recovery it is necessary to activate the protective (immune) system of the body. Most likely, this is what happens when breathing is restricted. When the body sees that the amount of air and the energy coming with it are decreasing and there is no chance to return to the previous state, then it turns on the internal mechanisms of survival. Including getting rid of unnecessary consumers of vitality, which are the foci of the disease. It seems that the body itself suppresses the disease so as not to expend an already limited amount of vitality on it. This mechanism is very similar to the processes that occur in a person during prolonged starvation, when the energy supply from the outside stops along with food.

We use assistive devices

It is clear that not every person can voluntarily use the method of K. Buteyko. Only a very strong-willed person can forbid himself to inhale air for several hours. Or someone who is exhausted by the disease and is ready to do anything for the sake of recovery.

Therefore, Vladimir Frolov came up with a special device that allows you to limit the flow of oxygen into the blood by more humane methods (39). He developed a special device (Frolov's simulator), consisting of two plastic chambers inserted one into the other, and a tube extending from them, which you take into your mouth and breathe through it. A little water is poured into the simulator, and it is ready to work.

Inhalation and exhalation is carried out through the simulator, which, with the help of special valves, creates difficulty for breathing, therefore, when inhaling, the pressure in the lungs decreases, and when exhaling, it increases. In addition, when we inhale, we draw in part of the carbon dioxide from the previous exhalation, that is, in every possible way we reduce the oxygen content in the inhaled air.

When working with the device, a special type of breathing is used, which is called "endogenous". It consists of the shortest inhalation and the longest exhalation. But this is how the initial stage of mastering the simulator looks like, and then breathing becomes even more complicated. The exhalation is even more stretched and turns into a series of micro-breaths lasting 1-2 seconds. and microexhalations lasting 5-6 sec. each.

V.Frolov himself is able, after inhaling, to exhale this portion of air with microexhalations for 30 minutes. Since a person really cannot exhale for 30 minutes after one breath, then, V. Frolov concludes, he himself produces air in his lungs! A bold hypothesis, but most likely fantastic. We have already said that yogis can hold their breath for several hours, and at the same time, apparently, they receive energy from the environment through the chakras. Most likely, V. Frolov has some similar processes, which he is trying to find his own explanation for.

Be that as it may, V. Frolov's simulator cures dozens of the most complex diseases. He himself got rid of rectal cancer with the help of endogenous respiration and helped many people to recover. The simulator is sold in pharmacies, so it is not difficult for you to check its effect on yourself.

Everything from the head

Of course, we have not considered all types of breathing techniques offered by different schools. There is also Strelnikova's breath, sobbing breath and much more. But you yourself can already evaluate what principle this technique is based on - more intensive breathing, more intensive assimilation of what you inhaled, or restriction of breathing. And choose for yourself what suits you best, because they all give the same result - you recover if you are engaged in them purposefully and enthusiastically.

But interestingly, as with nutrition, different schools may give completely opposite recommendations for recovery (breathe, don't breathe). And those and others help, if only they were convincing for you. Here, once again, the idea is confirmed that the body can recover from both excess and lack of air, if only we give it the appropriate command convincingly enough. Self-confident. Well, for now, let's move on to the next results.


1. Together with the air, we receive ethereal energy from the environment. By changing the mode of breathing, you can increase the intensity of receiving this energy.

2. The traditional way is to increase the duration and depth of breathing - this is the practice of yoga and other Eastern schools.

3. You can speed up the breathing process to the maximum - then the process of self-poisoning of the body with oxygen will occur. This practice very well helps to cleanse the emotional body of previously accumulated stresses and recharge the etheric body.

4. You can restrict breathing in different ways, and this also leads to a sharp self-healing of the body.

5. Most likely, when breathing is limited, we launch the organism's instinctive program for survival, the ion seeks to get rid of diseases as additional consumers of vitality. The methods proceed from the fact that during normal breathing we introduce an excess amount of oxygen into ourselves, which creates excessive oxidative processes in the body. They believe that our body can perfectly exist with much less oxygen.

Stress, the body gets rid of diseases as places of additional energy consumption

Methodology Buteyko Strelnikova

Frolov's simulator

Meditative breathing

In addition to the three approaches discussed, focused on some kind of manipulation with breathing patterns, there is another approach in which it does not matter how you breathe. This is the so-called "meditative breathing", during which we imagine how the air enters and exits our body through some point on its surface. For example, through the "third eye", through the palm of any hand, through the feet, stomach, liver, etc.

Naturally, in reality, air enters and exits through the nose or mouth. But if you concentrate your inner gaze at a certain point of the body, then you will get the complete impression that the air enters and exits through this place. In this case, the energy supply of the organ through which we "breathe" occurs (30).

You can diversify the types of this breath. For example, inhale air through the stomach, and exhale in the usual way, through the nose or mouth - this way you can create a feeling of coolness at the place of inhalation. This type of "cooling" breath is best used to relieve pain and any inflammatory process.

Another way is to inhale in the normal way and exhale through some point of the body, used to create a feeling of warmth in a specific area of ​​the body. This breathing is best used to nourish and activate the work of a weakened organ.

Since when we inhale or exhale through a specific point of the body, we send a powerful charge of etheric energy there, the healing processes in this area are accelerated. Many diseases can be treated in this way, you just need to devote 30-40 minutes a day to this simple breathing practice. It is very convenient in that it can be done absolutely anywhere - even while riding a bus or subway, at a meeting, right while doing simple work, etc.

Rejuvenate through the bones

Based on this technique, Mantek Chia built a body rejuvenation system, which he called "Neigong" (31). This system uses the so-called "bone breathing", in which the Qi energy enters the body through the protruding bones of the skeleton, that is, through the fingers and toes, through the knees, skull and some vertebrae. After inhaling energy through these parts of the body, it will be necessary to perform rather complex exercises for controlling energies with the help of mental images. The drawn energy will need to be spiraled around the bones of the skeleton and directed along a complex trajectory to the head. In addition to bone breathing, this system includes sexual and erotic massage of the genital organs and self-massage of the body with the help of striking with rattan sticks.

In general, recharging the body with the help of meditative breathing through a diseased organ (or any other organ, including the eyes) is an ancient and very effective technique for recharging our etheric body.

This is where we end the review of breathing practices and move on to the results.


1. Changing the breathing pattern is one of the ways to heal the energy body.

2. There are several ways to change breathing - to make it more intense, to increase the degree of assimilation of air after inhalation, to reduce the depth of breathing.

3. Any of these areas of breath change is presented in the form of systems or author's schools. And they all give a good healing effect.

4. The effect of healing occurs, most likely, not due to an increase or decrease in oxygen entering the lungs, but due to the launch of an internal program for recovery during some breathing procedures.

4.5 Chase away the uninvited guests

According to some Christian ideas, any illness can be considered as a certain "demon" in the human body - in our terminology, this is an energy entity. The priests who take up the treatment are engaged in "casting out" the demons of the disease from the body. Within this belief system, there are demons of alcoholism, drug addiction, and other illnesses.

Some healers work only within this disease model and are concerned only with the exorcism of these entities (40). Others consider them only as one of the possible factors leading to the disease.

It must be said that this system of views has some practical evidence.

Firstly, these are numerous photographs of various kinds of translucent amoeba-like creatures. Such photographs are usually obtained by accident and are often mistaken for print or film defects. In fact, if you take a series of pictures, you can see how this amoeba-like creature moves in space - it is already difficult to explain the cycle of photographs by printing marriage.

Secondly, bioenergetic treatment techniques are often based on the fact that the biotherapist pulls something out of the body of a sick person with his hands and immediately burns it in a candle flame. Since this usually helps, even if we doubt his abilities, it seems that he really draws something.

Thirdly, these are cases of the actual expulsion of something from the body, after which the person recovers sharply. Usually, the process of expulsion is accompanied by rather unpleasant phenomena - convulsions, spasms, vomiting, etc.

We know of a case where, using a technique very similar to reiki (by laying on hands and reciting prayers), "something" came out of a young man after convulsions and unconsciousness. At that very moment, a strong smell of alcohol spread in the room, although everyone was sober and no one poured vodka. After the session, this young man gave up alcohol completely (quite voluntarily). It is very likely that in the course of the healing effect, this very “demon of alcoholism” was expelled from him (this happened in a Muslim country, where the idea of ​​the presence of demons is quite critical).

The DEIR system also recognizes the presence of energy "settlers" and provides methods of dealing with them with the help of mental images (17). Therefore, in principle, it is difficult to close one's eyes and say that this is not and cannot be.

Maybe they don't exist?

On the other hand, if we consider oriental health and healing systems (yoga, qigong, Ayurveda, reiki, etc.), then there are no independent ethereal entities there (in any case, we have never come across any mention of them). There are energies that flow in the human body and with which you need to work (prana, Qi, Yin and Yang, etc.). If there are few energies or they are not the ones that are needed (instead of the energy of "earth" there is a lot of energy of "fire", etc.), then the organ becomes ill. It is worth straightening the energy flows, as the body recovers. This is the basic logic of the healing of Eastern schools, and demons have no place in it.

Therefore, a natural question arises - do these very entities exist in reality, or are these the consequences of the excessive imagination of individual, excessively impressionable our compatriots?

Where are the roots

Where the roots of the idea of ​​the presence of energy entities come from is understandable. They clearly stem from the pagan faith that was common in Russia before the advent of Christianity. People prayed to numerous gods, and a lot of “evil spirits” lived in the world around them - various kinds of brownies, goblin, kikimors, watermen, werewolves, witches, etc. (41). Moreover, these inhabitants were not just characters in fairy tales - they were really present in people's lives. They frightened animals, hid small things, made a mess in the house, made different sounds and confirmed their existence in all sorts of other ways. Since these ethereal entities were oriented towards the rural way of life, with the development of civilization and urbanization, they most likely either evolved or changed their form of existence (for example, to the so-called “poltergeist”).

In general, there is hardly any doubt that these creatures took place. But then the version about the possible influence of these entities on people is confirmed.

All is one

Why are the descriptions of disease processes in Russian and Eastern approaches so different?

It seems to us that these are different ways of describing the same phenomenon. After all, any turbulence or stagnation of the energy flow, which clairvoyants perceive as a dark spot in the aura, if desired, can be recognized as a separate energy individual solving its own task (usually this is the task of surviving at the expense of our resources). And when this whirl dissolves or moves to another place, then we can say that the ethereal being has left or moved to another place.

In general, this idea also has the right to exist, so we need to see what can be used to expel these very energy entities from us. Here, apparently, one can rely on religious and folk experience.

What can be done with ethereal entities that can somehow affect your health? You need to make sure they stay away from you.

Use incense

Traditionally, fumigation with incense and bell ringing are used for this. When incense evaporates or when incense is burned (incense sticks or aromatic oil evaporation), the air is saturated with many microscopic particles that make it difficult for ethereal entities to move - they find themselves in a viscous environment where it is difficult for them to move. Therefore, you can safely use the aromatization of the room or even the fumigation of the patient to fight these creatures.

We expel unnecessary settlers

This idea has some basis. For example, back in the middle of the last (20th) century, the French biologist Gaston Nances, examining blood, discovered the smallest subcellular organisms, which he called "somatoids". Observing their vital activity under a very powerful microscope, he discovered that under changing environmental conditions, somatoids can take on sixteen different morphological forms, ranging from bacilli to spores and from spores to fungi! (31). That is, the same microorganism can be a bacillus, a microbe, a bacterium, and a fungus! It seems that the field being gives its material body a different form depending on the change of external circumstances! It chooses in which of the forms it is easiest for it to exist in our body at the moment, and takes this form. A person only dreams of learning how to change his body depending on the circumstances, but it turns out that we already have such inhabitants inside ourselves. Other scientists had similar observations, but so far their results have not received recognition. (Perhaps these are the very representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations who have found a place for themselves to exist inside us? Man is a rather comfortable environment for existence - he feeds himself, reproduces himself, etc. We are looking for them in space, but do they live inside us? ).

Modern science considers each type of microorganisms separately and builds its own system of dealing with them on this basis. This is the approach of materialists who do not allow the existence of field life forms and change in the form of the material body. And life, as we see from its various manifestations, is a very complex thing and you can find anything you want in it. Including changing the shape of microorganisms that adapt to the environment.

Today, it is customary to get rid of microorganisms mainly by medical methods, using potent drugs. Meanwhile, earlier people defended themselves very well from this scourge, using plants, in particular, garlic and onions.

It is very good to eat garlic periodically, because in the stomach it kills all harmful microorganisms (the stomach itself usually survives). Or infuse water with garlic and drink it in the morning (21). In general, if you actively use garlic, then you can create an unbearable environment for ethereal entities.

Naturally, you need to be more careful with this, because in urban conditions, along with ethereal entities, you can expel from yourself and your relatives, including your closest ones. Or being expelled from work or even from home yourself - not all people can endure a strong garlic spirit. Therefore, be prudent in the use of garlic - this is a good way in the countryside when you work in clean air. And if you work in an office, it can be more difficult, so it's better to use more pleasant smells.

Breathe from the heart

Actually, any perfume that creates a strong smell also probably has a frightening effect on ethereal entities - any smell makes it difficult for them to move. It may be that perfume or scented eau de toilette may not be as effective in cleaning a room as garlic, but it is better to use them so as not to have conflicts with people around you.

Energy practices

How can you get rid of him if he still clung to you? Previously, we have already indicated ways to cleanse from negative influences.

One of them is a powerful energy shake-up, during which you experience strong emotions (preferably positive ones) (2,4,6).

Another way is to use thought forms, for example, with the help of the following exercise.

Exercise "Shield".

This is one of the tricks, and you can think of many others. The main thing is that you need to do them with pleasure and not exaggerate their significance - this is just one of the tools on the way to your health.

Healers and Bioenergy Therapists

It should be noted that most healers work with our energy body. They align our aura, introducing additional portions of energy there and aligning the aura. Or sicknesses are expelled from there by wax casting or something like that. It must be said that these procedures really help, especially if the root of the disease lies in the etheric body. If the cause of the disease lies higher, then such an energy cleansing will only have an effect for a while.

Religious procedures

Another way is to turn to a religious egregor for help, that is, ask the Higher powers to cleanse you of all misfortune. Naturally, such an appeal will work if you are a believer and your “karma vessel” is not overflowing with negative emotions, otherwise no bright inhabitants of the Subtle World will pay attention to you.

Be reasonable and cynical

Probably, there are some other ways to oust or get rid of these inhabitants of the ethereal plane, but we will not develop this topic so as not to induce another mental damage to our readers. Many people are overly mysterious and afraid of everything, now they can start to be afraid of the energy "settlers". And we have repeatedly said that fear is a powerful way to “order” what you are afraid of, especially if this fear is related specifically to you, and not to other people.

In the meantime, we close this topic and move on to the results.


1. Within the framework of our belief system in the Subtle World, there are various energy entities that can have a negative impact on our health.

2. Most likely, energy entities actually take place and sometimes (but not always!) Have a negative impact on our health.

3. Known evil eye and damage can be seen as energy clots charged with negative information.

4. You can get rid of possible energy "settlers" in different ways - by creating a powerful energy boost in the body, with the help of special exercises or by turning to healers or religious procedures.