Green variety. Drug and tasty. Olive color is just a holiday for eyes

Included in the top of the most common colors. In addition, there are countless of its shades. It is very difficult to list all the names of the shades of green. After all, if there are only two hundred fifty-six in the RGB computer color palette, then the human eye is able to distinguish them a few thousand, and some animals see tens of thousands of tones. Therefore, it is worth mentioning only the most common shades.

His Majesty Green Color

To admire the whole palette of green, just stroll along the lawn or in the park with a sunny summer or spring day. Then it will be possible to see all it, because thanks to chlorophyll, contained in the leaves, most plants have such an amazing tint.

In the old girl, the green color was considered a symbol of life. It is noteworthy that in Christianity (Orthodoxy) he was a symbol of many saints and blissful. Therefore, often icons were drawn in the green gamma. And in Islam, generally green is the sacred color of the religion itself, it is colorfully chased in the Quran.

In printing, it is necessary to get a full green color, you need to either mix one hundred percent of blue and as much yellow (for CMYK), or set the value of green - two hundred fifty five (for RGB). And the color itself has coordinates # 00FF00.

The most common shades of green

The names of all shades of green color are very difficult to count, because they are numbered about a few thousand. However, it is possible to focus on the most common of them, which, in turn, have a lot of their own colors.

So, the most common names of the shades of green color is a salad, turquoise, aquamarine, emerald, olive and pistachio.


Salad color (coordinates # 99FF99), or, how to speak, yellow-green, sign all. His "folk" nickname occurred from the name of an annual herbaceous plant called "Latuke Salad".

Salad color refers to light shades of green, just slightly differing from the classic tone of greenery. In English, this color is called - light green.

In turn, the salad tone has its own shades of green. Palette, the names of these shades have several tens of names, and even more nameless shades. Lime ordinary, french, green and electric; Pear Chartrene (ordinary and yellow), neon-green and green meadows - just a small list of the most famous colors of salad.

Interestingly, psychologists experimentally proved that only a salad color and its shades have a property to have a positive effect on the development of psyche of preschoolers. Perhaps for this reason, the illustrations of children's books and computer games are so fed by light green flowers.

Aquamarine and Turquoise

Unlike salad tone, Aquamarine (coordinates # 7FFFD4) and turquoise (coordinates # 30D5C8) are not directly green: these are transitional colors. They also have the most diverse names, especially if you consider that some of the colors refers to the blue palette, and the part is to green.

So, there are light, dark, pale, bright and medium-turquoise colors. It is impossible not to mention the color of the electrician and turquoise pearls.

It is worth noting that they often consider one of the shades of turquoise.

An interesting fact: both shades - both turquoise, and Aquamarine - are named after minerals of natural origin.


If a salad color is most positively perceived by preschoolers, then the emerald (coordinates # 50c878) is one of the most pleasant adults for perception. And although it also applies to a blue-green gamma, he stands a mansion unlike turquoise and aquamarine. Although the same as these names of the shades of green, he originated from the name of the mineral - Emerald.

Unlike the above color, the emerald color does not have such a huge variety of names of its tones. As with turquoise, its shades range from light, bright and similar to dark emerald. There are also separate colors, such as jade, dark spring-green and shade of the Red Sea.

Olive and pistaching

Such titles of green shades like olive (coordinates # 808000) and pistachio (coordinates # bef574) are noteworthy that they both originated from the name of the plants. However, in contrast to salad, they are darker.

Olive tone is called correctly its standard is the color of olive tree fruits. As a rule, to get this shade, yellow and black tones are added to the green. Sometimes the olive palette can be very close to beige tones.

The olive tones include not only dark and bright varieties, but also the colors called olive wreath, the olive feast and the whisper of the forest, the paradise freshness, the noise of herbs (although the last tone can be attributed in the same way to pistachio color).

Pistachio color is quite very similar to olive, but much lighter and is often considered to be a tint. Its tones are very close to beige and light brown.

There are different colors of green shades. The name, unfortunately, is far from everyone. In most cases, for convenience, each color and its shade has a specific digital value, knowing which, the tone is easy to find in the directory or play on a computer in one of the programs for working with graphics. However, to do this, it is necessary to initially know the main shades of green, since all others are simply their varieties.

Correspond to our real or ideal Ya. The character that we have, or the one we would like to have. If we want to make a definite impression, we also unconsciously choose the shade you need.

White- symbol of purity and perfection. In the Christian tradition, the color of holiness, virtue, divinity. People who choose the white color, usually neat, decent and sincere. Or they want to seem such (do not forget, yes?).

Greychoose people who are afraid too loudly declare themselves. Either want to be inconspicuous to get something ("Gray Cardinal"). Gray - color neutrality. This is the perfect background for any other color, for any manipulation or game. It gives the power to someone who is weak and vulnerable.

Pink- color softness, tenderness, kindness and sentimentality, color of dreams and dreams. If you like pink means, do not tolerate cruelty and violence in any of its manifestation. A person choosing this color for himself prefers to live in a lightweight, comfortable world invented by him. Pink dults aggression and nervousness, so it is good for people who are very annoyed and who are hard to take themselves in their hands.

At the same time, too much pink around can lead to complete abundance from the world. Be careful with people who love pink, they are very wounded.

Blue - cooling and soothing color. Blue (despite stereotypes) - femininity color, motherhood. Symbolizes the world, calm, carelessness. It has rest and relaxation.

Yellow - The brightest color. The symbol of lightness, lively, brightness and joyful perception of life. It is chosen by people contact, curious, optimistic, accustomed to attract the attention of others. If a person completely rejects yellow, it means that it is in the state of emptiness, insulation or extreme irritation.

Orange - Color of warmth, bliss, joy, energy, freedom and strength. Symbolizes development, focus on success. Another orange is the color of enlightenment, there is no wonder of Buddhist monks. He shows the hidden possibilities of a person, helps to get rid of fears and depression, relieves tension in all conflicts.

Purple personifies all non-standard. This is the color of our fantasy, magic, magic. The one who loves him does not only wish to be the faded, but he himself craves to possess the wizard force. Rejection purple speaks of a desire to establish as clearly as possible relations with people.

All of the above, of course, you need to perceive with a certain proposition. And do not forget that we live in the world of shades, halftone and fancy mixed paints.

Green color

The first associations with it are the sweetest, bright, warm. This tone calms, pleases the eye. In the house, where everything is decorated in the green gamut, it is nice to spend time, rest after heavy labor everyday life.

Fortunately, designers say about the new wave of life of this color in decoration and decoration of the shelter for family happiness. Nature, freshness, growth, inspiration - this is exactly what comes to mind when we contemplate the beautiful color of greenery. And there are quite a lot of them, ranging from bright and lush tones and ending with pastel, serene shades.

Even wider the possibilities of combinations of this fashion color with others. Black, white, beige will be the base, and the beauty of greenery will emphasize the beauty of greens. It allows not only to highlight the desired elements, but also to separate them from the background, giving the highlight to the new design.

The paints of spring foliage can be wonderfully refreshing the calm pastel color palette of the room. Each nuance of green requires special consideration, both separately and in combination with other shades.

Olive color is just a holiday for eyes

Light olive flavor is able to attract attention, not a period of his presence in the interior. Especially advantageously, it looks in combination with smooth white objects and juicy, striking the details of the room.

Golden-green paints are also interesting in the color palette of rooms, creating luxurious spots in the overall picture. The color of olives, which is as close as possible to yellow, is perfectly harmonized with red, orange.

Emerald color is deep, luxurious, majestic

He is very relevant this year. In the infertility pastel interior, the addition of emerald details transforms space, gives it the magnificence in the eyes of the guests.

The color of the emerald is well combined with a tree. A kind of imprint, the game of shadows, lighting - it brings unusual into the image.

Mint color

There is nothing more pleasant and easier than the combination of a mint shade with white. Now he is at the peak of popularity, since his soft shade is suitable for almost any design.

In general, the choice of color solutions is just huge, the palette is wide. Choose to your taste and in the ability to die.

Each person has a favorite color, each shade corresponds to a certain character. In such a science, like psychology, each of them has its own characteristics.

Any color has character. His power feels at an intuitive level, so they seek to surround themselves with comfortable paints, with whom they associate themselves or with whom they would like to compare.

Now let's stay on green. It turns out as a result of mixing two other colors, it looks like this: blue + yellow \u003d green. Color psychology is also two. On the one hand, this is a huge amount of energy, on the other - absolute calm. However, much depends on what proportions are mixed with yellow and blue and which one prevails.

But how can such opposites be combined and do not harm their owner? This phenomenon exists an explanation in psychology: blue, as creating anti-anti-water, gradually slows down, with time two colors neutralize each other's actions, and absolute calm occurs, the symbol of which will be green.

If you present yourself this shade, first of all trees, grass, bushes arise in front of you. So subconsciously green is associated with all with increasing, development, nature and harmony. For example, a bright green grass pleases the eye, as it seems like a vital force, something that exys energy.

What is the value of green in psychology?

Harmony, calm, balance, life and development are all the generally accepted characteristics of this shade. In addition, green in psychology means safety. Remember, it is he who allows you to start moving.

If your favorite color is green, psychology attributes such a kind of kindness, openness, willingness to help. People who have this tint - favorite, as a rule, reliable friends, responsible workers and just generous people.


Interpretation of color to some extent depends on its shade. Dark green color in psychology means the desire of a person to stability, reliability and confidence in everything that surrounds it. He himself is trying to meet his own standards.

On the contrary, the pale green color will be characterized as a pacification and calm. It is believed that this particular shade contributes to improving vision.


Blue-green color, or turquoise, is the coldest of the shades of green. Therefore, it is advisable to apply in the premises, where it is necessary to create an atmosphere of the coolness. For example, in hot countries or in production, in hot shops.

It also has a refreshing effect. This uses manufacturers of toothpaste, chewing gum, refreshing candy. Some people prefer turquoise tint clothes, thereby emphasizing their coldness and elevation over worldly passions.


Yellow-green, or salad, color means overcoming all obstacles and exemption from a captivity of conservatism. It is a symbol of a throat of fresh air, freedom and destruction of boundaries. Due to the excess of yellow, the color is energetic and dynamic.

It is symbolic of it can be represented as blooming kidneys in the trees that finally came to life and "" hatched ", showing themselves to the outside world.


Brown-green, or olive, color means pleasure feelings. In this case, it is mixed not yellow with blue, but yellow with black. Black gives color some passivity and inertness. Such a shade shows contact with its own body and sensuality. People who prefer brown-green, want to spend the maximum amount of time in a state that positively affects feelings and promotes rest.


The symbol of this color recognized the first wheat sprouts. To speak as a whole, the symbol of softness, adequacy, and sometimes and the hypochondria is green. Psychology of color revealed a positive effect on over-excited people. It has a sedative effect and contributes to building confidence relations.

In practice, psychologists recommend paint the green walls of the rooms where a person prone to neurosis and frequent anxiety is most of its time. This is a fairly common technique, as the green soothes the mind of a person, and as a result, well-being improved.

Positive influence on people

Such people who love green, psychology gives the following qualities of character:

  • obligation;
  • preferably;
  • dedication;
  • frankness;
  • nobility If not in everything, then in the main areas of life and most people.

People who prefer green to other colors are distinguished by special prudence, common sense and objectivity. They calculate the steps in advance, soberly assessing their capabilities in achieving the goals. Such an approach is always in favor of them, and they not only achieve the implementation of the tasks, but also conquer the authority of others.

These people act honestly and openly, because of what they enjoy the respect of others. And their willingness to come to the rescue provides them with the necessary support in the future. These are common features of those who like green.

Color psychology means growth, so such people are striving for continuous development. And this applies not only to career growth, but also to personal development. Green connoisseurs are predominantly decent and responsive people. They can often be found in charitable, public organizations, of which understand the bosses, caring parents.

Negative influence

Like everything in this world, green has not only positive characteristics, but has negative properties. What is the negative impact that can be green?

Color psychology notes that sometimes his soothing influence becomes excessive. And a person who stays in his "" green world "," becomes very closed, which does not benefit him at all.

Due to this effect, the green color is used in the treatment of people suffering from claustrophobia. They are placed in a closed room, the walls of which are painted in such a shade. Internal panic disappears in patients, and they calm down under the beneficial effects of pale green.

However, it is necessary to be extremely careful using this color to people suffering from depression or nervous exhaustion. In such cases, green may result in complete loss of forces.

The effects of green on people depends on whether blue prevails in it, or still yellow in the percentage ratio. In the case when more blue, the shade becomes colder, and therefore it strains his eyes more and causes overall voltage and alertness in humans.

At the same time, yellow gives an easy atmosphere of ease.

What can say color in clothes

Preference in the selection occurs at an intuitive level. When the task is to make an impression on someone, we also subconsciously choose the most suitable, as it seems to us, for this shade.

Green in clothing Psychology treats as an indicator of hardness, stiffness, definitions and constancy. It improves self-esteem and self-confidence and its abilities. Those people who prefer green clothes want to like, they strive for public recognition, need attention. Such people do not like competition and are afraid to be under the influence of a stronger person. They are constantly looking for ways to assert.

Green in the life of a woman

The wise men in the East adhered to the opinions that the green color corresponds to the highest vibrations, and therefore it has a beneficial effect on human mental health.

Green in the psychology of a woman means that it is afraid one to solve everyday tasks, without feeling the strength and confidence to do it. At the same time, she does not want to get under whose influence and lose his own will.

She is looking for protection from the one who could solve her problems. In a positive sense, it will be a balanced, calm person, with ambitions and open to people. In a negative key, a woman will become very closed, focused solely on themselves and their needs, to some degree melancholic.

If a woman prefers to wear green outfits, she seeks to attract attention to him, establish a trusting relationship, most likely, she has long thought out the scenario of his actions.

Most people perceive women in green as calm and passive personalities.

Differences in color preferences between men and women

The color of everything that surrounds us is strongly affected by our psychological state, it is sometimes difficult to notice patterns, but it is present.

This is used by marketers to increase the attractiveness of the product in the eyes of the male and female.

A number of studies have been conducted, which showed that green enters the top three most attractive colors for women, along with blue and purple. But brown, gray and orange recognized the unattractive quarter of the surveyed representatives of the beautiful sex.

Therefore, on women's sites, these color compositions are involved mostly.

Interestingly, green enters the top three leaders and among men. In addition to him, the heavy floor is not indifferent to blue and black. But purple, orange and brown are not pleasant for them.

Green color is great for creating backgrounds (in magazines, sites, posters). This is especially true when the idea of \u200b\u200bnature and naturalness is promoted. Often green is used on posters dedicated to construction or any environmental activity. Thanks to him, a person has a feeling of lightness and purity.

And the green color subconsciously causes a craving for action. Often it can be noted that the words "" "", "" Order "," "Pay" "often allocate bright green.

In conclusion, it can be said that the green color, the value in the psychology of which is calm, acts in some cases of psyche disorders as an antidepressant. He is preferred by calm people who are not alien to decency and nobility. They exude confidence and enjoy the most respect.

On the other hand, such individuals can become very secretive and closed, selfish and apatic.

Green is well suited for decoration bedrooms, as the color acts soothing on the nervous system. Classical greens - when it is equally mixed with blue and yellow - it is a reference, it is believed that when a person peers into her, the mind and body rests, there is a complete pacification. This color is used in meditative rooms or in those engaged in spiritual practitioners.

Green color Symbolizes spirituality, its personification, the color of the cardiac chakra anahata. Associated with youth, with life opportunities, with birth and hope.

Green - color of grass and leaves. Many peoples have a green color symbolized youth, hope and fun, although sometimes immaturity, insufficient perfection. Green color is extremely material and applied soothing, but can produce and depressing impression. Probably not accidentally called "green", and the man himself from anger "Green". In Iranians, the green color is associated both with rapid growth and freshness, and with misfortune, sadness, sorrow, so the "green leg" say about the ill-fated person, and the cemetery is "green house". In Germany, in the past, they used when you fortunate the map, each suit that had their own color and the corresponding symbolic meaning, and the green suit meant sorrow, grief, annoyance, red - love, wedding, wedding, etc.

In the Green Energy Center tantric doctrine Finds, above all, the acquisition of power over his "I", the feeling of internal strength and control over speech and feelings. Bringing into a balance of male and female energy. Overcoming obstacles and difficulties.

This is especially emphasized islamwhere green is the holy color of the Magomet Banner.

AND in Kabbalah Green color personifies victory.

Green color acts soothing on the middle brain, which controls and coordinates various motor functions of the body. Since the middle brain is associated with anahata and Vishudha, green color soothes both of these organs of the energy body at the same time, creating prerequisites for uniform and consistent cosmic energy intake with inhaled air.

Green means State of health and "elastic tensions". Psychologically, this is expressed in active will, perseverance and constancy. A man choosing green wants to make his own views and beliefs triumphant, wants to feel that all his behavior is justified by the fact that he is a carrier of the main and immutable principles. As a result, such a person builds himself a pedestal and begins to moralize and teach others. He needs to be recognized, and the position-employed position remained unshakable, despite resistance and opposition around.

When exposed to the human nervous system, there is intermediate properties between warm and cold colors. Green color normalizes blood and intraocular pressure. Increases visual sharpness. Narrows the magnitude of the blind spot of the retina.

Leads to normalization of breathing and pulse, increases the duration of exhalation (compared to warm colors).

Green used for treatment Some mental disorders, hysteries, nervous overwork. No wonder, by the way, tables for card games or for playing billiards and table tennis in most cases have green.

Green color manages character, emotions, feelings. It strongly affects the heart and blood pressure. Brings a sense of update, freshness, purposefulness. It can be used in the treatment of ulcers, headaches, colds, for neutralization of malignant cells. Soothes and restores the nervous system.

When choosing interiors The rooms of your apartment are better oriented on those colors that are harmonized with human biological needs. This, first of all, concerns wallpaper and curtains. For the room or a corner of the room, where someone from family members have often and for a long time to work - to write, read, count, mentally focus, is best to stop on green tones, avoiding blue and blue. Otherwise, who works at the table will constantly clone to sleep.

Green is a mesmer, but a durable lift of mental performance. Favored concentration of attention. After addiction to the green number, correctly solved problems increases by 10% with a reduction in the number of errors by 20%. There is a slight slowdown in the "Account Account" reaction, as a certain underestimation of time occurs.

Green color is most shown to persons who periodically suffer from non-polgs and migraines caused by elevated blood pressure. For, like no other, green contributes to the normal filling of blood vessels.

Green lifts life tone and creates a real feeling of rest with nervous irritability, hysteria or insomnia. Reduces the effect of pecification, softens the sea disease and prevents vomiting. It has a weak hypnotizing and painful effect.