Women: the mistakes of our species. Typical mistakes in clothes. Never dress like that

Each of us has a personal idea of ​​our own style of clothing that helps us show our personal qualities. But sometimes in pursuit of individuality and uniqueness of the image, we can break the fine line of a spectacular stylish image and create a comical, ridiculous and simply not appropriate in society look.

In what houses - in that and on the street. In a cozy and calm home environment, we like to dress up in comfortable spacious things that do not hinder movement and are pleasant to the body. And the grossest mistake is walking in home clothes or a tracksuit on the city streets.

And some fashionistas, putting on a tracksuit, imagine that their figure is similar to the sports girls from advertising, but shapeless knitted pants can present the figure in a bad light. It is especially meticulous to choose sweatpants with a sagging cuff.

All yours ... in your pocket. Do not skimp on a handbag, clutch, backpack and wallet to carry the things you need when you go out - money, keys, phone, lipstick, diary, mirror and other items. It is not necessary to distribute all the above-described things in numerous pockets, otherwise they will not bulge out beautifully, and you will get the impression of a clown who has elements for focus hidden in his pockets.

Not your color. Professional consultants for the individual selection of the image claim that clothes need to be chosen not only by cut and style, but also by color, and that certain tones can instantly transform, slim and rejuvenate, while others, on the contrary, make them look fat, make older, emphasize the pallor of the skin, etc. .d. Also, avoid too bright a color image, remember that you can combine no more than four shades harmonious with each other at the same time.

Brand promotion. Modern counters are full of tops, T-shirts and T-shirts with promising slogans: Dior, Armani, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Gucci and other luxury brand houses. In fact, you do not demonstrate your style with such clothes, but are a kind of advertisement, and absolutely free. And people around and in everything have the impression of "cheapness" from such products.

There is a ring for each finger. It is the prerogative of the gypsy barons and their wives to put on all the available jewelry on themselves, who thus demonstrate their solidity, security, authority and, in some cases, power. For daily outings, one engagement or favorite ring made of precious metal is enough, and for social events you can put on one ring on each hand, if these are not rings.

Crumpled things. Any neat, but not ironed thing creates the impression of a sloppy and irresponsible person. Even the most expensive branded dress with "wrinkles" will look tasteless and cheap. Be especially careful with wrinkled clothing - satin, linen, cotton, silk and others.

For growth. When buying new trousers or jeans, make sure you do not need the service of a restorer to cut the legs to the optimal length for you. But do not roll them up for anything, the only exceptions are the design idea, in all other cases, contact the tailor.

Dirty shoes. Keep your shoes clean and tidy, especially classic shoes. Carry a special tissue or sponge with you to wipe down your shoes before entering or meeting.

Not your size. In almost every boutique and store, we see clothes hanging on a soulless mannequin that looks thin on them. And we think that if we buy clothes one or two sizes larger, they will also hang freely and, therefore, make us slim. But as a result, it turns out that you bought baggy shapeless loose clothing that does not emphasize, but rather disguises your figure, and those around you get the impression that under these folds of clothing there is a huge mass of fat folds.

Excessive patterning. Floral blazer, polka dot skirt and leopard print top are of course beautiful, but only separately. Never combine more than one, maximum two patterns in one look.

Mini bikini. Whatever your ideal and perfect figure, do not break the rules of etiquette and do not choose too short dresses, skirts and shorts. The following manipulations will help to determine the optimal short length - sit down, bend over, slightly raise your leg, as if you want to sit on the seat in the car and if the hem does not bare your buttocks and covers them with a margin, then this is the optimal length.

Short socks with trousers. Short models of socks are designed for a sporty style and are in no way appropriate in a classic business one. The optimal length of the socks is to the middle of the lower leg, so that when bent, when the leg rises and the bare part of the leg is not visible. Also, be careful with bright colors, it is best to choose black socks without any inscriptions, stripes and patterns, and for gala evenings, you can experiment with snow-white models.

Hollywood examples of how not to dress

Sarah Jessica Parker- loves to wear clothes in a casual style that are more suitable for a home environment. The star especially loves to wear cozy ugg boots, wide T-shirts, knitted sweaters and shapeless jeans that hide beautiful slender legs.

Jennifer Lopez. The Hollywood star's mouth-watering, feminine rounded shapes look awful in knitted house pants and a loose T-shirt.

Trousers-breeches with a slightly sagging cuffs are clearly not cut for Jennifer's figure.

Rihanna. The singer loves to show off her sexy slender body with some extravagant bold outfits, but sometimes they create a completely ridiculous and "anti-sexual" impression.

Christina Aguilera. Excess pounds can appear on absolutely everyone, including Hollywood celebrities. Christina, obviously, gained weight, but either does not want to admit it and pulls on her usual favorite things in the wardrobe, or she did not have time to update the clothes to their current size.

Kim Kardashian. The paparazzi have repeatedly captured Kim in sports leggings and T-shirts. Maybe the girl was going to workout and thus saved time for changing clothes in the locker room?

Every woman's desire look stylish and fashionable quite understandable. But, unfortunately, some ladies, wanting to match modern trends, look just ridiculous. Take a look at the selection from "Good to know!": This happens all the time, isn't it?

Mistakes in clothes

  1. Sport suit
    The name speaks for itself. Such clothes are intended for sports activities, but not for walking around the city.

    Unsuitable underwear

  2. Sagging shoulder straps, skewed waistband and peeking thongs will disfigure anyone ...

    Makeup and manicure

  3. Bright evening makeup and painted nail designs are more appropriate for special occasions. A lady who gets to the market in this form (you can often see this) looks just ridiculous.

    Old heels

  4. Broken heels can ruin the appearance of even the most beautiful and expensive shoes. Return your shoes for repair on time.

  5. Logos
    If you are not a model advertising a certain brand, it is better not to get carried away with clothes full of logos.

    Abundance of prints

  6. Do you want to commit a crime against style? Combine several items with an animal print in one look. Zebra dress and leopard tights ... Smells like a safari!

  7. Multicolor
    The rule to combine no more than three colors in one ensemble still works. Bright colors are great, but in moderation.

    Sole labels

  8. This little blunder will negate all efforts to look perfect.

    Incorrect size

  9. Who are we kidding? Let's face it and buy jeans for the size, and in the case of the girl in the photo - all two sizes larger ...

  10. Tights
    A popular mistake of many women is to wear transparent thin tights during the cold season. Dense matte and look more appropriate, and elementary warmer in them!

  11. Decorations
    There are those who like to put on all the best at once! What can I say ... Don't do that.

  12. Fur
    If your hair reaches your shoulders, then fur clothes should not merge with them - this is an axiom. Applies to both blondes and brunettes. Firstly, the effect is created that you are dressed in your own hair, and secondly, the color of the curls may look less good than the fur of a fur coat.

  13. Jeans
    If you like to wear jeans with a denim shirt, keep in mind that these items of clothing should be different in color. Otherwise, you risk looking like an American worker of the last century.

Everyone decides for himself how to dress and what rules to follow. The main thing is to periodically look at yourself from the outside. What do you consider unacceptable in clothes? Share in the comments!

Likes to photograph the beauty of nature, is fond of handmade. Son Vanya taught his mother how to cope with any everyday tasks playfully: Marina knows how to remove the most stubborn stains and clean the house in a matter of minutes. He is interested in the most acute, diverse life issues, never stays aloof from what worries loved ones! Marina's favorite book is "Gone with the Wind" by M. Mitchell.

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The designer of the fashionable Russian brand VIKTORIA IRBAIEVA, told us about the main fashion mistakes of Russian women - do not repeat them!

designer and founder of the fashion brand VIKTORIA IRBAIEVA

Of course, these mistakes are separately peculiar not only to our compatriots, but also to women of fashion from other countries. However, most often it is Russian women who perform them “wholesale”.

Mistake 1. Not being interested in fashion at all


Some people think that it is stupid and ridiculous to take fashion seriously: “do not drink water from your face” and “they greet you by your clothes, see them off in your mind,” they say. And fashion, pfff, is vanity, marketing and in general "only for thin and tall"!

But have you tried to ask yourself why such collections are shown by designers in the new season? Why do colors and silhouettes change in this way from season to season? It can be an interesting excursion into history, geography, art and politics with economics! Also, fashion is, in my opinion, the most interesting way to present yourself to the world.

Mistake 2. Not being interested in yourself, being interested in fashion

Even more pernicious, in my opinion, is the ability of some women to pay a lot of attention to fashion, clothes, novelties, but at the same time do not have their own style. This is not only about what paints you, but also about what kind of character you have. Dressing in all the novelties of the season at once, such women change 100%, but only outwardly.

Having met such a friend in a year, you may not even recognize her - who knows which of the trends she will choose in the new season and what she will be wearing, how she will be combed and what kind of eyebrows she will have?

Mistake 3. Dress, hiding flaws, and not emphasizing advantages

Since childhood, we are often and regularly told what is wrong with us: you talk too quietly, you comb your hair for too long, your neck is too long, your legs are not long enough ... And how rarely does someone tell us about such an elegant posture, beautiful collarbones and a chic waist ! It's like learning - you can spend years learning English without having a penchant for languages, and only achieve that you can fill out a questionnaire on your own at passport control, or you can playfully reach champion heights in what you really have a natural talent for or at least inclination and interest.

Legs that are not too long are unlikely to grow suddenly, but problems with the spine due to the constant wearing of mind-blowing heels are very easy to earn. But by emphasizing a thin waist, you will achieve the best visual effect without physical sacrifice and an inferiority complex.

Mistake 4. Be able to set goals in work affairs and not set goals when forming your wardrobe

Shopping after every paycheck and a clogged wardrobe are rarely a guarantee that we are happy with our wardrobe. Why? Because every time you go to the store to embody a new idea: buy a dress like the heroine of your favorite TV series and become a "stylish bitch", replace your favorite old jeans and at the same time manage to find exactly the same outdated model that will not match more fashionable things, to find at least something relevant in the new season of yellow, not taking into account your color type and the colors available in the closet, and so on ad infinitum ...

In fact, all you need to do is set a goal by shaping your wardrobe. For example, to look elegant and modern in any situation, which will automatically exclude tight-fitting and too open. Or wear only what paints me - colors and silhouettes. And then suddenly it will become very easy to combine everything with each other and always feel confident. Or dress only in black in the style of your favorite rock band :)

Mistake 5. Taking as an axiom someone's statements about clothing

I am always "pleased" with statements like "And never wear ... (insert as desired - shorts, black, shiny, hat)." Or that "in every woman's wardrobe there should be ... (also to choose from)." Why does someone who doesn't know me know what to wear or not to wear?

No, there are no universal solutions! Of all these statements, I really liked only one, from Paco Raban - "The color of your white shirt should not be whiter than your teeth."

Mistake 6. Saving on accessories

I regularly meet women on the streets in mink coats with terrible bags and trampled boots, or, in the theater, ladies in smart and obviously expensive dresses, but with an unkempt head and without an appropriate handbag, but with an ordinary "work" bag. The argument about “a fur coat is for warmth, not for beauty” or “what does the bag have to do with it, they don't go to the theater for that” seem dishonest to me. For warmth, you can buy a practical sheepskin coat 3-5 times cheaper than a fur coat and more durable in a sock, and then you can not wear an elegant dress to the theater, but go straight in a dressing gown and slippers - you are not going to show yourself.

Fashion is not the whims of seasonal collections, fashion is about the integrity of an image that conveys a certain idea. So it is with accessories: they complete your look and say more about you than a fur coat. I do not urge you to spend a fortune on bags, I urge you to take care of yourself in detail. If you are already making an effort to dress up or insulate yourself in chic fur, add a couple of finishing and polishing details: a bag, jewelry, beautiful shoes.

Mistake 7. Choosing a practical color

Did you notice that most people wear black coats, gray suits and black shoes? What would it be like a condition for survival? Or is there nothing else you can buy? Or do all the other colors discredit you in the eyes of friends and colleagues? I spent the whole winter in a hot pink coat with lurex. And I never saw condemnation in the eyes of others, but, on the contrary, received an endless number of compliments even from people on the street (including the editor-in-chief of a glossy magazine! :).

At the same time, this pink coat is wonderfully combined with blue jeans and boots, and with black sneakers and leggings, and with boots the color of egg yolk paired with purple tights ... It also accompanied me to a business meeting at the bank (the result is positive), and parent meeting to school. We do not live in the most colorful natural region. Allow yourself a little color that is enjoyable and does not interfere with practicality!

Mistake 8. Do not take into account clothes for the house

How do you choose clothes for your home? Most prefer leggings and T-shirts that have completely lost their decent look. Some are old jeans and, again, old T-shirts. A complete disaster - a bathrobe, with which you have already celebrated more than one anniversary of your life together.

The question is not even that your household is not to blame for anything and did not deserve the daily contemplation of a dubious home wardrobe (this even applies to the situation when you live alone or with a cat).

When you start your morning by putting on your flowing negligee and silk slippers to wash your face and sip your morning coffee, the chances of a successful day are skyrocketing. As well as the opportunity to have a good rest after work directly depends on what you choose for the evening at home - a long dress made of cool viscose gives a feeling of lightness and bliss, unlike pajamas at 7 pm, which by the time of going to bed will already be smeared with pieces of dinner and full of flavors of chips and fluff from a shedding cat.

Mistake 9. Believing in the Universal Basic Wardrobe

This is the most common, in my opinion, clothing myth. At some point, I even attended a lecture by Evelina Khromchenko on this topic. Did not help. I don't understand why I have to look for a classic camel coat until I turn blue, if neither color nor style suits me by definition? The same goes for a black dress and a white shirt with a neutral-colored turtleneck ... And the point is that the Universal Basic wardrobe can only exist with the Universal soldiers.

We are all too different to be equally comfortable and confident in the same type of things. And the purpose of the existence of such a wardrobe is precisely to allow us to look appropriate and feel comfortable in any situation. Build your own basic wardrobe - a few things that will help you out in most typical life situations.

Mistake 10. Don't trust stylists

There are two variants of this problem: “I cannot choose the right clothes myself, but I don’t trust a stranger either” and “Spend time and money on a stylist, but still dress”. We understand that it is better not to have a haircut in front of the mirror - it is better to go to the salon to see a master, the same applies to all other areas of life. You can cook dinner at home from the heart and delicious, or you can try the same thing in a restaurant. So why would a professional stylist do a worse job on your style and wardrobe than yourself?

He studied this, practiced it, you have feedback, this is a chance to learn something new and very useful about yourself and learn to manage your things and money in a new way (more efficiently!). Believe me, trusting a plumber called from the housing office is much more risky than a stylist with an excellent portfolio and diplomas found on the recommendations.

Text: Victoria Irbaieva

Have you decided to throw out your old jeans? This may not be the only wardrobe item worth getting rid of. Review the contents of your closet - it is likely that it is full of unforgivable mistakes. Here are the main ones.

Too much black

White and black are considered universal colors. They are suitable for almost any occasion. However, black becomes a dangerous choice with age. The trend is that over the years, women's skin becomes paler. Black clothes begin to create an unnecessary contrast with her, thereby emphasizing fine wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. Of course, this does not mean that mature ladies should abandon monochrome fabrics. It is simply advisable to dilute the black color with brighter accessories or pastel shades of clothing.

You hide your figure

Even if you are not 20 years old, this is not a reason to hide the curves of your body under shapeless jackets and heavy skirts. This mistake makes the figure more bulky and deprives it of femininity. If you are accustomed to formal suits, then it is better to give preference to a fitted jacket, and choose a straight skirt, not baggy. By the way, no one canceled the trousers either. This simple trick will help give the figure some smoothness.

The skirt is getting longer

Just because your age is increasing, the length of the skirt should not move in proportion to it. You don't have to try to hide your feet from others. After all, no one said that mature women need to wrap themselves up in a burqa. Yes, a mini-skirt will probably become an overkill, but only because it does not correspond to a respectable status. But the classic model, the hem of which is at the knee level, will be an excellent choice. You can also give preference to the modern midi, reaching mid-calf.

Tight bra

Perhaps it is not news to anyone that underwear must be selected with special care. This is especially important for women, as the health of the breasts can depend on the bra. In addition, the bra has a significant effect on the image, although it is hidden under the clothes.

So, too tight a bra creates unnecessary bulges on the body, making the woman more bulky. Many women experience hormonal changes with age, as a result of which the size of their bust can increase. Therefore, try to buy underwear 1-2 times a year.

Jeans stretch too much

When denim clothing appeared in stores, women appreciated it. Stretch, tight-fitting jeans have become a successful element of style and comfort. However, mature ladies should insure themselves against a terrible mistake and exclude stretch trousers from their wardrobe. It is best to choose jeans that are made from fabrics that are no more than 2% elastic. Otherwise, your legs will look like they're trapped in a trap from which they can't get out.

Rough glasses

The thick black frame looks laconic and understated, but it can also highlight the minor imperfections of the face. It is with such coarse glasses that your wrinkles and bags under the eyes will become more noticeable. Why unnecessary simplicity? Choose a frame with a subtle frame and glittering stones. This will make the face softer and more feminine. Another option is to opt for neon-rimmed glasses. They will reflect light, and also mask imperfections in the skin in some way.

Jersey clothing

Stylists are convinced that jersey fabric is not the best choice for the wardrobe of mature women. The fact is that it does not emphasize the curves of the body favorably enough. It is better to choose a more profitable alternative to this fabric. For example, knitted jersey provides maximum comfort during wear and at the same time perfectly defines the figure.

You hide your neck

For some unknown reason, women think that age is an excuse to hide under clothes, leaving almost one face for everyone to see. But a much better choice would be a deep neckline. Open your neck to others, and you can emphasize the collarbone with a neat necklace. Knee-highs and turtleneck sweaters are great for the cold season, but they spoil the style of a grown woman. So, feel free to wear blouses with a neckline.

Elements of youth style

Even if your 16-year-old daughter looks really cute in a new neon dress, that doesn't mean it's worth buying one for yourself. There is certainly nothing wrong with following current fashion trends. But it should be understood that fashion for teenagers and for adult ladies is slightly different. A mature young lady cannot afford to flaunt in a cute multi-colored dress. She should look sophisticated and solid at the same time. Therefore, in the wardrobe of an adult woman, classics should prevail, and only this style!

Shapewear - Holidays Only

Corrective underwear will help you smooth out bumps and unevenness in your body. The opinion that it is harmful is an absolute delusion. If you choose the right corrective underwear so that it does not put too much pressure on the body, then you can wear it daily without fear for your health. Do you think this is not fair? Well, you will not get a new figure, but only slightly smooth out its bulges. Basically, it's the same as using foundation to mask imperfections in your skin.

Thick heels

Heavy heels or platform shoes create unnecessary weight in the lower body. You don't have to go with stiletto heels, but you should definitely find more sophisticated shoes.


Skillfully selected accessories can successfully accentuate the image and make it more complete. A brooch, belt or pin is perfect as an addition. Remember only the main rule: do not wear a short scarf around your neck. This will make you look like a flight attendant. Better to tie a scarf with a bow around the handle of your purse.

Modern fashion has long departed from the generally recognized laws of beauty. Today, there is only one rule: the ability to emphasize your individuality, develop your style, move away from stereotypes that have hung labels about how a woman should look for years.

Of course, you should not immediately rush into the pool with your head and put on everything at once, dye your hair green and pierce your nose, but you can safely refuse some of the rules that until recently were mandatory in drawing up images. In our review, there are 7 misconceptions when choosing clothes that spoil the image.

White plump

White color in clothes does not always make you look fat
Actually this is not true. First, it all depends on the form of clothing. Clear lines, good cut will emphasize the charm of the figure from the advantageous side. And secondly, the fabric is of great importance. A white blouse made of flaccid jersey will never make your figure slim, but will only highlight the flaws. But the dense fabric of the same white blouse is able to hide unwanted folds.

Black slims

Black doesn't always make you slim
The statement that black is slimming is not entirely true, because this color is not always able to hide figure flaws. It must be remembered that black is not suitable for everyone, and for girls with significant advantages it is completely contraindicated. In order to make the waist more slender, you need to choose styles of dresses, for example, with black accents. Only then will it help you look slimmer.

The horizontal strip makes you look fat

Narrow horizontal stripe stretches the silhouette
Every day, fashion insiders tell us that horizontal stripes are fattening. But in reality, this is not entirely true. It is not the strip itself that fills, but its width. The narrow strip visually stretches and slims. But, when choosing such clothes, you should be extremely careful, because it is important to choose the right style. It is best to wear a jacket over a striped top or dress with the same print. Thus, you can create additional lines that will create the vertical we need.

Pink is only suitable for little girls

All women can wear clothes in different shades of pink
We are often told that pink clothes should not be worn after 15 years. But! Pink to pink strife! Of course, the color of an enraged Barbie and bright fuchsia on an adult lady will look a little strange, but remember that there are a huge number of shades of pink. Here you can experiment with them. Such a bright color should be combined with other colors - white, purple, blue, beige - depending on individual preferences. But women after 50 should refuse pink. But you can easily replace it with coral.

Oversized clothes make you look fat

Oversized clothes add fragility to tall girls
Of course, girls of short stature or owners of weighty forms should not put on voluminous things completely. So you can't draw a figure for yourself. But for thin people, oversized clothing is ideal, because with its help you can make the image fragile. Yes, and one more important rule: do not wear two oversized items at the same time! You need to remember the rule: if the top is voluminous, then the bottom is not. And vice versa.

Wide belt "draws the waist"

A wide belt is contraindicated for overweight women
A wide belt should be worn in order to draw attention to a narrow waist. For obese girls, it is simply contraindicated, as it will pay unnecessary attention to the tummy. In addition, if you tighten it too tightly, then the waist can "come out of the banks", and this is already an unforgivable mistake. Corpulent women should choose dresses with thick fabrics and an offset waistline.

No more than three colors included

Today you can and should combine more than three colors in a set
Oh, this rule has long lost its relevance. It was invented for those who adhere to the dress code and do not want to stand out from the crowd. For creative individuals and those who have a sense of style, it is not suitable. When composing an image with four or more colors, it should be remembered that it is best to choose things in which one color will prevail. The rest of the shades should only complement the outfit and not be conspicuous.
By the way, when shopping for clothes, it is very important to make the right choice. After all, one detail can completely ruin the whole image.