Winter Tales about the Hedgehog and the Bear - S. Kozlov. About the Hedgehog and the Bear. Pts like \u003d Hedgehog and Teddy Bear. Winter's tale

Sergey Kozlov

Oh, what a soft, warm thaw it was! .. Snowflakes whirled, and the forest smelled of spring. The hedgehog was sitting on the porch of his house, sniffing the air and smiling.
“It cannot be,” he thought, “that only yesterday trees were cracking in the forest and an angry Santa Claus creaked under the windows with his big felt boots, but today he is not at all! Where is he?"
And the Hedgehog began to figure out where Santa Claus could hide.
“If he climbed on a pine tree,” the Hedgehog reasoned, “then somewhere under the pine tree there are his big felt boots. After all, even the Bear cannot climb a pine tree in felt boots!
If he crawled under the ice, - the Hedgehog continued to reflect, - then somewhere on the river there must be a hole, and steam must come out of it. Because Santa Claus sits in felt boots at the bottom and breathes. And if he completely left the forest, I will definitely see his traces! "
And the Hedgehog put on his skis and ran between the trees. But there were no felt boots under any tree, on the river he did not see a single hole and nowhere did he find any traces.
- Santa Claus! - shouted the Hedgehog. - Call back! ..
But it was quiet. Only snowflakes whirled around, and somewhere far away, a Woodpecker was pounding.
The hedgehog stopped, closed his eyes and imagined a beautiful Woodpecker with red feathers and a long nose. The woodpecker was sitting on the top of a pine tree and from time to time threw back his head, squinted and, as if angry, banged his nose: "Fat!" Pine bark splashed and, softly rustling, crumbled into the snow ...
“Probably the Woodpecker knows where Santa Claus is,” thought the Hedgehog. "He sits high and can see everything."
And he ran to the Woodpecker.
- Woodpecker! - the Hedgehog cried from afar. - Have you seen Santa Claus?
- Knock Knock! said the Woodpecker. - He left!
- And where are his tracks?
The woodpecker hung his nose to the Hedgehog, screwed up his eyes, looked at him and said:
- And he left without a trace!
- How? - the Hedgehog was surprised.
- It's very simple! A cloud swam and sank low and low. Santa Claus threw boots on him first, then climbed in and swam away ...
- Where? - asked the Hedgehog.
- To the Kudykina mountain. Knock knock! Said the Woodpecker.
And the Hedgehog, calmed down, went home and on the way imagined the snow-covered Kudykina mountain, on which Santa Claus probably now walks and creaks with his big felt boots.

Clean birds

Sergey Kozlov
(from the cycle of fairy tales about the Hedgehog and the Bear)

Most of all, the Hedgehog loved these first truly spring days! Already not a single island of snow was left in the forest, thunder rumbled in the sky at night, and, although there was no lightning in sight, it was a real pouring rain until morning.
“The forest is washing itself! - thought the Hedgehog. - Fir trees, hemp and forest edges are washed. And now the birds are flying from the south, and the rain washes their feathers too! "
And in the morning he went out on the porch and waited for clean, washed birds.
- We haven't arrived yet! - Squirrel said.
- Kar-rr! They are tr-r-ore on the way! - lisp the Crow.
And the Hedgehog sniffed the air and said:
- It still smells like clean birds!
And the Woodpecker then began to clean his feathers at the very top of the pine.
“I have to be clean too! he thought. "Otherwise they will fly in and say: why are you so dusty, Woodpecker?"
The hare was sitting under a bush and was washing his ears.
- Take a pine cone! - shouted the Hedgehog. - Spruce cone washes better!
- And what would you advise to clean my horns? - Asked, going out to the edge in front of the Hedgehog's house, Elk.
- Sand, - said the Hedgehog. - There is nothing better than cleaning the horns with sand. And Elk went to the river bank, lay down near the water and asked the Fox, who was catching fleas in the rapids, to clean his horns.
- And that is inconvenient, - Elk muttered, - birds will fly, and I have dirty horns ...
- Now! - said the Fox.
He was cunning and knew how to clean himself. He sat up to his neck in the icy water and held in his raised paw a bunch of last year's grass. The fleas froze in the water and were now crawling down their paws to this bundle. And when they all crawled down. The fox threw last year's grass into the water, and it was carried away by the current.
- That's all? - said the Fox, getting out on the shore. - Where are your horns? The elk bowed its horns, and the Fox began to polish them with sand.
- To shine? - he asked.
- No, - said the Hedgehog. - Shiny horns are ugly. They must be ... hazy
- That is, so as not to shine? - specified the Fox.
- So as not to shine, - said the Hedgehog.
And Elk even snorted - he felt so good and pleasant.
And the Woodpecker had already completely cleaned out the feathers and was now clean and young.
The hare washed his ears and washed his tail.
And the Hedgehog had long since wiped each needle with a cloth and was so clean that even the cleanest bird could not tell him that it was cleaner than him!

Spring fairy tale

Sergey Kozlov
(from the cycle of fairy tales about the Hedgehog and the Bear)

Never before has this happened to the Hedgehog. Never before had he wanted to sing and have fun for no reason. But now, when the month of May came, he sang and had fun all day long, and if anyone asked him why he was singing and having fun. The hedgehog just smiled and began to sing even louder.
“This is because spring has come,” said the Bear Cub. - That's why the Hedgehog is having fun!
And the Hedgehog took a violin from the closet, called two birds with one stone and told them:
“Go get your drums from last year and come back to me!
And when the hares came with drums over their shoulders. The hedgehog told them to go behind, and he went first, playing the violin.
- Where is he going? - asked the First Hare.
“I don’t know,” answered the Second.
- Should we beat the drums? - he asked the Hedgehog.
- No, not yet, - said the Hedgehog. - Can't you see: I play the violin! ..
And so they went through the whole forest.
At the edge of a tall pine tree, the Hedgehog stopped, lifted his muzzle and, without taking his eyes off the Belka's hollow, began to play the most gentle melody that he knew. It was called: "Sad Komarik".
“Pee-pee-pee-and! ..” - the violin sang. And the Hedgehog even closed his eyes - he felt so good and sad.
- Why are we staying here? - asked the First Hare.
- Don't you understand? - the Hedgehog was surprised. - Red Sun lives here!
- And we beat the drums?
- Wait - the Hedgehog grumbled. - I'll tell you when…
And again he closed his eyes and played "Sad Komarik".
The squirrel sat in the hollow and knew that it was the Hedgehog standing under the pine tree, playing "Sad Mosquito" and calling her Red Sun ... But she wanted to listen to the violin for a longer time, and therefore she did not look out of the hollow.
And the Hedgehog played all day until the evening, and when he got tired, he nodded his head to the hares - and they drummed quietly so that Squirrel knew that the Hedgehog was still standing below and waiting for her to look out.

How the hedgehog went to meet the dawn

Sergey Kozlov
(from the cycle of fairy tales about the Hedgehog and the Bear)

On spring evenings, everyone in the forest is dancing: the Hare - with the Squirrel, the Woodpecker - with the Tit, the Bear Cub - with the Donkey, and even the old Wolf walks around the old stump and no, no, he will sit down to the music ...
“Quack! Quack! " - shout ducks from the river.
"Kwa! Kwa! " - echo them frogs.
"Phew! .." - Owl sighs. He does not like light spring evenings so much ...
“Everyone is having fun,” thinks the Hedgehog, walking along the path between two Christmas trees. - Everyone dances and sings. And then they get tired and go to sleep. And I won't go to bed! I will walk until morning, and when the night ends, I will go up the hill and meet the dawn ... "
And the moon is already shining in the sky, and the stars are setting around it in a circle, and the Hare falls asleep, the Squirrel hides in the hollow, the Bear goes to his home, the Donkey runs past the Hedgehog, the Wolf yawns with all his wolf's jaws, and so it falls asleep with an open mouth, and the Hedgehog still walks along the path from tree to tree, between two pines, and waits for dawn.
"I'll go up the hill!" he says to himself. And on the way he comes up with what it could be - a spring dawn.
“Green,” thinks the Hedgehog. - Everything in spring is green! "
A fresh breeze is blowing on the hill, and the Hedgehog is cold. But he still walks up and down the very top and waits for dawn.
- Come on! - the Hedgehog mutters. - Where are you? I'm already cold! ..
And still there is no dawn.
“Where is he staying? - the hedgehog thinks. - He probably overslept!
And he himself lies down on the ground, curls up into a ball and also decides to sleep a little, and then immediately wake up when dawn comes.
And falls asleep ...
And the dawn comes blue-blue, in white patches of fog. He blows on the Hedgehog, and the Hedgehog moves the needles.
- Asleep ... - whispers the dawn.
And he starts to smile. And the wider he smiles, the brighter it becomes around.
And when the Hedgehog opens his eyes, he sees the sun. It floats head over heels in the fog and nods its head to him.

An extraordinary spring

Sergey Kozlov
(from the cycle of fairy tales about the Hedgehog and the Bear)

It was the most extraordinary spring of all that the Hedgehog remembered.
Trees blossomed, the grass turned green, and thousands of rain-washed birds sang in the forest. Everything was in bloom.
At first, blue snowdrops bloomed. And while they bloomed. The hedgehog felt as if the sea was around his house, and that if he left the porch, he would immediately drown. And so he sat on the porch for a whole week, drinking tea and singing songs.
Then the dandelions bloomed. They swayed on their thin legs and were so yellow that, waking up one morning and running out onto the porch, the Hedgehog thought that he was in yellow-pre-yellow Africa.
"Can not be! - Hedgehog thought then. "After all, if it were Africa, I would definitely see the Lion!"
And then he dashed into the house and slammed the door, because a real Lion was sitting right opposite the porch. He had a green mane and a thin green tail.
- What is this? - Hedgehog muttered, looking at the Lion through the keyhole.
And then I guessed that it was an old stump that released green shoots and bloomed overnight.
- Everything is flowering! - going out onto the porch, the Hedgehog sang.
And he took his old stool and put it in a vat of water.
And when I woke up the next morning, I saw that his old stool was blooming with sticky birch leaves

What are you doing here? - asked the Bear.
- I'm waiting for you to recover, - answered the Hedgehog.
- How long?
- All winter. As I found out that you ate too much snow, I immediately dragged all my supplies to you ...
- And all winter you sat next to me on a stool?
- Yes, I gave you spruce broth to drink and applied dried grass to your stomach ...
“I don’t remember,” said the Bear.
- Still would! - the Hedgehog sighed. “You said all winter that you were a snowflake. I was so afraid that you would melt by the spring ...

Here you are! - said the Bear, once waking up and seeing the Hedgehog on his porch.
- I.
- Where have you been?
- I was gone for a very long time, - said the Hedgehog.
- When you disappear, you need to warn your friends in advance.

After a long separation, they sat down on the porch and, as usual, spoke.
- It's so good that you were found, - said the Bear.
- I came.
- Can you imagine if you weren't there at all?
- So I came.
- Where have you been?
- And I was not, - said the Hedgehog

And when you were not there, were you anywhere?
- Yeah.
- Where?
- There, - said the Hedgehog and waved his paw.
- Long away?
The hedgehog cringed and closed his eyes

Let's not fly anywhere, Hedgehog. Let's sit forever on our porch, and in the winter - in the house, and in the spring - again on the porch, and in the summer - too.
- And at our porch wings will grow slowly. And one day you and I will wake up together high above the ground.
"Who's there running down there so dark?" - you ask.
- And next - another one?
- Yes, it's you and me, - I say. “These are our shadows,” you add.

Here we are talking, talking, the days are flying, and
we all talk.
- We speak, - the Hedgehog agreed.
- Months pass, clouds fly, trees are bare,
and we are all talking.
- Let's talk.
- And then everything will completely pass, and we are together
we'll just stay.
- If!
- And what will become of us?
- We can fly too.
- How are the birds?
- Yeah.
- And where to?
- To the south, - said the Hedgehog.

I really love cloudy autumn days, - Said the Hedgehog. - The sun shines dimly, and so foggy - foggy ...
- Calm down, - said the Bear.
- Yeah. As if everything had stopped and stood.
- Where? - asked Bear.
- Not at all. Stands and does not move.
- Who?
- Well, don't you understand? Nobody.
- Nobody stands and does not move?
- Yeah. Nobody moves.

... And today the Hedgehog said to the Bear Cub:
- How good it is that we have each other!
The bear nodded.
- Just imagine: I'm not there, you are sitting alone and there is no one to talk to.
- And where are you?
- I am not here, I am out.
- It doesn't happen, - said the Bear.
- I think so too, - said the Hedgehog. - But suddenly - I'm not at all. You are alone. Well, what are you going to do? ..
- Turn everything upside down, and you will be found!
- No me, nowhere !!!
"Then, then ... Then I'll run out into the field," said Bear. - And I will shout: "Yo-e-e-zhi-i-i-k!", And you will hear and shout: "Bear-o-o-ok! ..". Here.
- No, - said the Hedgehog. - I'm not in the least bit. Do you understand?
- Why are you sticking to me? - Bear cub got angry. - If you are not, then I am not. Got it? ...

I must, do you hear? I will, - said the Bear. Hedgehog
- I will definitely come to you, no matter what happens. I will be near you
is always.
The Hedgehog looked at the Bear with quiet eyes and was silent.
- Well, what are you silent?
- I believe, - said the Hedgehog.

I am running, the forest is standing. I set off his stillness.

From the fog, as from a window, the Owl looked out, hooted: “Uh-huh! U-gu-gu-gu-gu-gu! .. ”and disappeared into the fog. "Crazy," thought the Hedgehog, picked up a dry stick and, feeling the fog with it, moved forward.

Do you know what I would like the most? - Thinking, said Bear, Hedgehog. - Most of all I would like to see a bump on each of your needles.
- And what would grow then?
- And then you would become a real tree and live for a whole hundred years.
- It's good ... How would you talk to me?
- I would climb to the very top and whisper to the crown.

Have you ever listened to silence, Hedgehog?
- I listened.
- So what?
- Nothing. Quiet.
- And I love it when something moves in silence.
- Give an example, - asked the Hedgehog.
- Well, for example, thunder, - said the Bear.

It happens - you heat the stove, you look at the fire and think: what a great winter it is!
And suddenly you wake up at night from an incomprehensible noise. The wind, you think, a blizzard is raging, but no, the sound is not like that, but some distant, very familiar sound. What is this? And you fall asleep again. And in the morning you run out onto the porch - the forest is foggy and not an island of snow is visible anywhere. Where has she gone, winter? Then you run off the porch and see: a puddle.
A real puddle in the middle of winter. And steam comes from all the trees. What is this? And it rained at night. Big, heavy rain. And washed away the snow. And drove away the frost. And it became warm in the forest, as it happens only in early autumn. "
This is how Teddy Bear thought on a quiet warm morning in the middle of winter.

The Hedgehog and the Bear were bitter this autumn. They watched every leaf, every bird. But, when all the leaves flew around, they suddenly became happy and light.
- Why is this? - the Bear cub was surprised.
“I don’t know,” said the Hedgehog.
And it happened because parting is better than waiting for parting, and living in what has happened is better than expecting. One old Crow in the forest knew this. I knew, but I didn't tell anyone.
- Well? - said the Hedgehog when the last bird flew away. - Let's hug?
- Let's hug, - said the Bear.
They embraced and stood for some time in silence in the middle of the forest. And the forest - big, foggy, - frowning, looked at them from under the spruce eyebrows.
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- Do not forget this autumn, Bear.
- What are you! - said the Bear.
- I felt very good.
- And me.
- It is a pity that we didn’t come up with anything to make it happy and light in winter.
- Don't be sad, - said the Bear. - We will have many more autumns.
They stood there for a little longer, hugging each other, and then went together to drink tea at the Hedgehog.

Lyrics added: Anonymous

Let's not fly anywhere, Hedgehog. Let's sit forever on our porch, and in the winter - in the house, and in the spring - again on the porch, and in the summer - too.
- And at our porch wings will grow slowly. And one day you and I will wake up together high above the ground.
“Who is there running down there so dark? - you ask. - And next - another one?
- Yes, it's you and me, - I say. “These are our shadows,” you add.

And already winter

S.G. Kozlov

It was cold and loud in the forest. And it is so bright and far away that if it were not for the mountain, the Hedgehog from his house could see the house of the Bear.
- Hey! - the Hedgehog shouted, going out on the porch in a clear cold morning.
- Hey! - Bear cub shouted from his porch.

They did not see each other, but when they woke up, they simultaneously thought: "And there, behind the mountain, he probably woke up and went out onto the porch."

The hedgehog listened. It was quiet.

The bear cub even turned his ear towards the Hedgehog's house.
- Still far away, - Bear cub muttered. And he ran to the Hedgehog.
- I shouted to you! - Bear cub shouted from afar.
- And I, - said the Hedgehog.
- So what?
- Can not hear. The mountain is in the way, - said the Bear. “The mountain won't let our voices go.
- Let's move.
- Ha ha ha! - said the Bear. - Say too!
- Who are we going to have breakfast at? - asked the Hedgehog.
- Come with me.
- What do you have for breakfast?
- Tea, honey, for you - a mushroom.
- What kind of mushroom?
- Butter can, - said the Bear.
- Pickled?
- What are you! I just found it yesterday.
- So he's frozen!
- So what? What is bad - a strong frozen mushroom?
- I eat strong frozen mushrooms even in winter.
- Where can you get a freshly frozen mushroom in winter?
- You will know a lot, you will soon grow old.
- So, say!
- On the mountain, - said the Hedgehog. - Snow is not enough. They freeze and are fresh frozen until spring.
- And what are you doing with them?
- Do not you know?
- No.
- Eat, - said the Hedgehog.

The bear laughed.
“Okay, let's go to me,” he said. - I'll give you white dried one.
- And what else?
- Honey.
- What else?
- Well, your favorite jam, raspberry jam.
- Let's go, - said the Hedgehog.

And they walked to the house of the Bear, rustling with frozen grass, grumbling with fallen leaves and thin ice on the puddles.
- Light and spacious, - said the Bear. - Wonderful! There is no snow, and it is already winter.

How the Donkey sewed a fur coat

S.G. Kozlov

When winter came around The donkey decided to sew a fur coat for himself.

It will be a wonderful fur coat, he thought, warm and fluffy. It should be light, but always with four pockets: in the pockets I will warm my hooves. The collar should be as wide as a shawl: I will tuck my ears behind it. When I have my fur coat, I will enter the forest and no one will recognize me.

"Who is this," the Crow will shout, "so shaggy?" - "This is Red deer!" - Squirrel will say. "This is PTI-PTI-AURANG!" - the Owl will say. "This is my friend Donkey!" - the Little Bear will shout, and laugh, and all will tumble in the snow, and will also become dissimilar; and I will call him UUR-RU-ONG, and everyone will not believe, except for us ...

It would be nice to sew a fur coat not from fur, but from nothing. That she was a draw: neither a beaver, nor a sable, nor a squirrel - just a fur coat. And then I will bask in no one's fur coat, and no one will go naked. And the Wolf will say: "Whoever has nobody's fur coat is nobody's" And no one will say that I am a Donkey: I will be NOBODY IN ANYONE'S COAT. Then the Fox will come to me and say: "Listen, NOBODY IN ANY'S COAT, and who are you?" - "Nobody" - "Whose coat are you in?" - "In a draw." “Then you are NOBODY IN ANY'S COAT,” the Fox will say. And I will laugh, because I will know that I am a Donkey.

And when spring comes, I'll go North. And when spring comes to the North, I will go to the North Pole - there is never spring ...

We need to sew a cloud coat. And take stars instead of buttons. And where it is dark between the clouds, there will be pockets. And when I put my hooves there, I will fly, and in warm weather I will walk on the ground.

It would be nice to sew such a fur coat right now, right now. Climb a pine tree and put hooves in your pockets. And fly ... And then, maybe, go on the ground ... Right on this pine tree.

And the Donkey climbed on an old pine tree, and climbed to the very top, and put his hooves in his pockets, and flew ...

And immediately he became - NOBODY IN ANY'S FUR COAT.

It's snowing

S.G. Kozlov

Well, - said the Hedgehog. - So we waited. It started snowing.
The whole forest was covered in snow, and the snow kept falling and falling, and it seemed that it would never end. It was so beautiful that the Hedgehog and the Teddy Bear turned their heads in all directions and could not get enough of it.

They stood at the edge in the middle of a fairy-tale forest, like two small trees half-covered with snow.
“I am a tree, the Hedgehog thought of himself. - and Teddy bear - who? "

Particularly beautiful in this white forest were the half-flowered fiery aspens and golden maples. It was simply unthinkable to see them among the black tree trunks.
- So they will stand until spring, - said the Hedgehog.
- Fly around.
- How can they fly around? Winter!
- Will turn black, - said the Bear.

The hedgehog didn't want to argue. He only wanted to look, and look, and, stretching out his paw, to hear the snowflakes softly set on it.
- Snowflake-snowflake, where did you come from? the Hedgehog asked the snowflake, which easily fell on his paw.
- Where from? - asked the Bear.

But the snowflake melted.
“You’re not going to get any sense out of them,” said Bear. - It is clear from where - from the sky.

And the snow kept falling and falling; here he had already fenced off the forest from the Hedgehog and the Bear cub, and the Hedgehog and the Bear cub were all standing in this thick snow, and they did not want to go anywhere.
“Don't get lost,” said the Bear. - You see me?
- Yeah.
- Not "aha", but answer: I see! Daydreaming, look for you later. - And the Bear took the Hedgehog by the paw. - Answer for you, - Bear grumbled. - Nobody falls into the wolf's pits, you alone ...
- Wait, - said the Hedgehog.

The snow began to thin, the sky brightened a little, and this made beauty so impossible that the Bear said:
- Maybe we'll run, huh?
- It's a pity to trample, - said the Hedgehog.
- Let's flood, eh?

And they, laughing and shouting, raced in a race across the huge clearing, leaving little footprints.

And the snow kept flying and flying. And when the Hedgehog and the Bear cub, having run over, left for the Bear cub's house, very soon there was not a single trace left in the clearing.


S.G. Kozlov

Poured snow. The sun rose. The forest was shining.
And then suddenly it rained so hard that it washed away all the snow, and it was as if there was no frost, no sun, no winter.
Then the wind blew on the forest, on the mountain.
He swayed the tall pines, as if they were not pines swinging between the clouds, but thin twigs.
Hedgehog and Teddy bear did not remember such a wind.
In the bright sky, clouds flew like smoke, and the wind kept blowing and blowing, and in half an hour dried up the entire forest.

The Hedgehog and the Bear were sitting at their homes.
The hare hid in a winter hole under the summer house.
The squirrel hid in the farthest corner of the hollow.
And the Hamster filled up the door with a chest, a stool, a cabinet, because the door creaked, swayed and was about, as it seemed to him, to fly off its hinges and fly away to no one knows where.

The forest groaned, groaned, shuddered; thin aspens rang; strong spruce cones knocked on the ground; and the wind kept blowing, unabated, and towards evening blew out a long, narrow, dark hole in the forest and blew into it, like a pipe, on a wide bass note.
“Uh! Uh! Uh! " - howled the forest.

Slowly everyone got used to this howl, and everyone at home began to select a melody.

Ooh! - the Bear cub sang.
- Ooh! - behind the mountain, in his house, pulled the Hedgehog.
- Ooh, ooh! - squeaked Hamster.
- Whoa, whoa! - shouted the third.

And Belka took wooden spoons and began to beat in the basin with wooden spoons.
- Boo Boo Boo! Boo Boo Boo! - Belka muttered.

Having slept through the day, the Owl woke up at night.
“What kind of owl flew into the forest? he grumbled. - Look how he hoots! "

But as soon as he stuck out his beak, the wind pushed him back.
- Wow! Wow! I am an owl! I am also an Owl! - Owl hooted into the crack.

But the wind did not let him out of the house.
And clouds flew, pines hummed, cones fell.
Soon it got completely dark.

And to the thin young moon, sliding between the clouds, the forest, probably, seemed like a huge gray wolf lying under the mountain and howling at the moon.

Hedgehog and Teddy Bear. Winter's tale

Tales of S. Kozlov

In the morning it was snowing - the Bear was sitting at the edge of the forest onhemp, lifting his head, and counted and licked the fallen onsnowflake nose.

The snowflakes were falling sweet, fluffy and before droppingstand completely, stood up on tiptoe. Oh how it was vevillage!

Seventh, - whispered the Bear and, admiringto his heart's content, licked his nose.

But the snowflakes were enchanted: they did not melt and continuedwhether to stay the same fluffy in the Teddy Bear's stomach.

Ah, hello, dear! - said six snowflakesto her friend when she found herself next to them. - In the woodsjust as calm? Is the bear still sitting on a tree stump? Oh, what a funny Bear.

Teddy bear heard thatsomeone in his belly oncespeaks, but not imagepaid attention.

And the snow kept falling and falling. Snowflakes fell more and more oftenThey squatted on the bear's nose and said, smiling:

Hello Teddy Bear!

Very nice, - said the Bear. - You are sixtysit eighth.

And licked his lips.

By evening, he had eaten three hundred snowflakes, and he felt so cold,that he barely reached the den and immediately fell asleep. And he dreamed that he was a fluffy, soft snowflake ... and that he sankon the nose of some Bear and said: “Hello, Medvejonok! ", and in response I heard:" Very nice, you - three hundred and twotenth ... "Pam-pa-ra-pam! - the music started playing. And Little Bearwhirled in a sweet, magic dance, and three hundred snowflakeswhirled with him. They flashed in front, behind, failku and when he got tired they picked him up, and he spun,lived, circled ...

Teddy bear was ill all winter. His nose was dry andeager, and snowflakes danced in his stomach. And only in the spring, whendrops rang throughout the forest and birds flew in, he openedeyes and saw the Hedgehog on the stool. The hedgehog smiled and movedneedles.

What are you doing here? - asked the Bear.

I'm waiting for you to recover, - answered the Hedgehog.


All winter. I, as I learned that you ate too much snow, immediatelydragged all my supplies to you ...

And all winter you sat next to me on a stool?

Yes, I gave you spruce broth to drink and applied to your stomachdried herb ...

I don't remember, - said the Bear.

Still would! - the Hedgehog sighed. - You said all winter thatyou are a snowflake. I was so afraid that you would melt by spring ...

New Year's winter fairy tale

Kozlov's Tales

Drawings by A. Gardian

Hedgehog and Teddy Bear Winter's Tale